

C g185.M.6 9,19291XI,0.Co 935,


May 14th, 1929,



Seizures in the United .States,

For£8-r-a.ed by the Netherlands Gc^er- c

Note by the Secretary-General.

The Secretary—General has the honour to communicate the attached document for the information of the Sbates Members of the League, the Parties to the Opium Conventions^of^1912 and 1925j and to the members of the Advisory Committee on Traffic in Opium and other Dangerous Drags,

0 U E S T I 0 N N A I P 5,

1—1 Date :seized.

2. Place of seizure

rzo Osten.sible owner cf d:rigs,

4o Name s of persons or f.irms implicated*.

’ o Name of ship or destination of train

6C Coming frolic

7. Date of leaving first port.

8. Destination and date ■of arrival.

9, Ports of call,

10, Owners or nation.ality of ship.


I—1 Name and do scripition of drug*

12. Quant,ity.

15, Origin cf manufacture \ marKS. labels.

14. there! shipped oi• for'/,■arded from.

15, Remarks,

- 1 -

NovemberJ anu ar

T p. -<JV Dec enarv 7th anc o / 4 >,

Lj S. u il y' 14th 192 3,

m d 1928 and

li/30 at corner cl 12/21 at Marion & Scntt

'oval & Tampa Lv.;. 12/14 at Allied Bldg1/24 on Constance Stt

near Marion d v 0 cor, Constance

one o.isrion ts ,

january All in

7 thT



>alvatore Italiano, alias Redalas Tony lOxim a clxici. ' Dc

'-Oi;y Leto,


V *

6 .


8 .

90 -


11„ 23 ounces of morphine,,

1 2, 23 ounces cf morphine in tin cans.

12. UnknovvTi,


i'orlcc d iu.r "identification by ”A,P»B« Sent to Chemist in Charge,

—T O fT

:o V liU. -L . U e Uc

1 1 v s " £L - L J V_, _ V

- 2 -

1. December 19th, 1928.

2* Room 1616, Emerson Hotel, Baltimore, Md.

5. Jacob Dock, alias B. Swartz, registered at above hotel.

4. None as yet.

5. Not known.






11. Gum opium.

12. 25 packages, paper wrapped, approximately one poundin each.

13. Paper wrapped packages, red paper, but without narking.This paper wrapping so saturated with the opium that it is not possible to send a sample wrapper. The25 packages made into two parcels.

14. Brought from New York.


- 3 -

T T in o Q T f V ip y > r7.'l .-■> 4 ' T C| QJ _ 0 i / v L / C . L U c i t J J . o 1/ j i - «? w r o

Fart of baggags detained at State Pier Kc„ 1. Aliène Avenus, Providence, R.I.Ex 33 Patria from Palermo, Italy, larch 31st, 1627„

Dr. Melchiorre Vo m i n i , <.0-V Monroe Street New York, K,Yt. passenger en SS Pa*; via, arrived liar on b^st, 192v-r'1-y%/-'1- ri ~Pp 1 "iTV’i 1 1 "h A 1 VJ. j . «*- o . — — «...i. V v o ..u j a

4 . Dr. Melchiorre Termini, An Italian,

Tj'-71 f: fi TT1 AX _L I , - * L V - 1 ' •*• U . V -L -±- ^

Marseilles. Monaco, Naples, Palermo, Madeira, Ponta Deleada,

7, March llth, 1527»

S. Providence, 3J, March 31st, 1927.

9. Marseilles, Monaco. Naples, Palermo, Madeira,Ponta Delgada, Ponta Doj.gaaa was the last roru of ecu— a

10, Compagnie française de lavigation a Vapeur0

U. 60 grains of heroin: 11 cmpoules morphine, 24 ampmilesmorphine; 7 ampoules heroin; 12 ampoules panxopon,2 apoevles momnine; 1 arro ou le aoomorphine,11 ampoule 3 c o c a m v o

12, See question No=,ll~

13 TT-,,--™ _ >T labels. brands, stamps containedV I . , j . » - ‘ V • -*-*-»■ " — v ' , -, • ' \ _ . . . _ _ > IT: Q

rfic?.J-L c c rd b o a ra c&X'Xoïi 00.1*^10c. xîx , y 0 -L

14. The passenger admitted having purchased it in italj.

15. Stsps are tsing taken xo have these drugs forfeited totho United States, as scon as fone_ vUJo io cupie«.u they will be ready for such disposition as tn* Joa*a

may decide »

-t* —»

1 0 January 1st,I?29 and February 1st, 1929=

2. 513, North Dargan Street, Florence, S.G,

3 . E,J, Roark, alias, and Jeanette Horn, alias.

4. —

6 »



11. Suspected morphine hydrochloride

1220 one ounce cens containing approximately one ounce^ each of morphine; tv/o p a p e r boxes a n d ^ . o t i n ^ ^ ,

m o ? S S e f one ? i f ? S 1 o S t e ? n U o ^ a l f ^ n c e ^

c ontain! apfroxi^teiy 10 grains

^nornhine - TO1I4 •* 24 ounces and 15 grains.

13. Unknown r,


IE Ea-V-ed for Identification by officers mentioned and sent to L s Chemist in 0harEe , Charlotte, U.C. ,or

analysis as evidence.

- 5 ~

1. January 5th, 1929,

2. 103, North 4th Street» Portland, Oregon»

3. Lee Q/vin, Lee Sing 3ues Leo Sing Ban and Yee Sue Dip»

4. Lee Q,uin, Lee S5ng 3ue>Lee Sing Dan and Yee Sue Dip, Chinese,

5. Not knovm.

6. Net knovm.

7» Not knovm.

8, Not knovm,

9„ Not knovm.

100 Not known,

11. Smoking opium.

12» 4 tin cans (circular) each 7^” x £•” and each cont.cp-rcXr 580 gr„ smoking opium,

1 glass jar (circular) llfM x 3” cont. approx. 100 gr.smoking opium»

13. Origin not knovm, no United States stamps on tins or .1^®Small circular tins stamped with word INDIEN on top of cover and the numbers 36 — 27 also stamped into covei top; no marks or lettering on glass jar»

14. Not kn^vm.

15. S e ze from defendants on January 5th. 1929; no longerr.i.'-r.cod as ; regular seizure Form 117 submittedwitn reporte

Facsimiles of labels are in the archives of the S e c r e t a r i a t .

- G -

1 . January 5th and 9th, 1929.

2. 5£9-ir Church Street, Nashville, Tennessee.

3 . - Edd Batts, (White ) Peddler, Age 58.

4. None.

5. None.

6. No$ knovm.

7. Not known,

8. Not knovm.

9. Not known.

10. Not known.

11. Approximately 874 grains of morphine hydrochloride,untaxpaid, contained in two oblong tin boxes, contents of which are in cube form. Marked "Korphinum Hydrochloricum 1 ounce poison”.

IS. Approximately 874 grains in two oblong tin boxes (3x2ixl^)«

13. The containers do not bear tax stamps of the U.S.

14. Not knovm.

January 10th, 19° 9.

f Dst Office, Boston -Q .S S *

Loretn di Bona, 26 uary.Street, Gloucester, Mas:


5. United States Mail.

6. Italy.


8. Arrived at Boston, Mass., January 10th, 1929.



11. 5 bottles ’’Iridal".

12. 5 bottles "IRIDAL” each bottle containing 10 cc (liquid)Morn hi ne 0.15 grams per 100 parts = 0.015 grains.


14. Italy.

15. The drug product arrived at this pert through theregistered mail.

Facsimiles of labels are in the archives of the Secretariat.

January 16th 1929.

Union Station, Washington, D.C.




Train on whioh baggage arrived, manifestly from New York.

10 oans Morphine hydrochloride in cubes;1 package gum opium.

10 oans eaoh oontaining approximately one ounce m o r p h i n e

hydrochloride; and 1 paokage gum opium, approximately one pound.

Common brown (paper) suitoase, lock bears stamp T,Exoelsior, Stamford, Conn.", oase seems rather new. Inner pasteboard "fruit jarn oarton contained the narcotics. The morphine was in unmarked tin containers, tops held on by adhesive tape. The tins were covered by strips of greyish paper, and over all strips of red paper (no marks thereon). Samples, covers herewith.

Baggage check would indicate from New York, but prior to that unknown.

- 9 -

1. February 7th 1929.

2. 5324 Calumet Avenue, Chicago, 111.

3. Robert Cooper, alias rTBookety Red" (coloured)

4. - - -

5. -----

6 . --------

7. -----

8 . - - -

9. ----

10 . -------

11. Cocaine hydrochloride ; smoking opium; yen shee.

12. 1 cardboard box containing 1 ounce of cocaine hydrochloride 1 white porcelain ointment jar containing 1420 grains of

smoking opium;1 red tin box containing 290 grains yen shee..

15. The box containing cocaine was covered with £lassinetransparent paper, labelled "COCAJlfUM HYDRO CHLC- RI CUL and sealed with a strip of paper marked poison.

1 4 . -----

lb. Held as evidence.

- 10 -

I. February 9th 1929.

2= Locked in trunk of Chinese boatswain1s room, on boardBr. SoS. ’’Suveric'1.

3. Not known.

4. Hone.

5. British S„S, ’’Suveric11, Seattle.

6. Vancouver, B.C.

7. February 5th 1929,

8. Seattle, February 7th 1929.

S. Vancouver, B.C.

10. British.

II. Smoking Opium.

12. One round tin containing approximately 3 taels.

13. None.

14. Not known.

15. Not required for purpose of evidence.

- "H -

1 . Fcbma".-;/ 12 th 15 59,

7 15 . l i t h. l - s n u o S outil, K a s i iv i l le , ïe n n .

ï ho rea r. H., Frrn.?h, Srugtfist, 71-3, lit h Ave. South,i\ u- S i l V .'-1 -lO , -L } t i l .

Thorjas IL Trench, Pxu^lst and prepris! or Frcncn Pharmacy, 713," n t h ê/73 . South, ti&shville, ïe-nn.

O •


1-1 vr,^-:-î« FvdroehJ.orr'.do in cubes, contained in_ounce tlab^ l i e -1 lieiphxnum« -Hydroo h lorxcujn. oi.


ounce, rcison.

■ . -ztVrj n ■$ Tenu "H/vur o ohlor—12. Fou-, one ounce containers, narl.ea iu.rph^nnn a,y

1 canoe, Poiaon.

4. v™ nT)C>d -n eiaz.ed p ap e r , and"i 2 ^mi7i rT1in c'T^ce cop. ’a •*•*■ n j v-ra -jtiu. • &±0 . i ou- - J-Lt v j— , ^ ounce■ _-o.lSOQ-rabM'kad, Ko rplaxuuxi ny a rc v^.o^ x w , ° -

1 A,


- 12 -

February 12th 1929.

Grand Central Avenue, near Evan’s Used Car Company, Tempa, Fla.

C. L. Harrell.

Morphine Hydrochloride.

1 shoe box oontaining 9 one ounce tin oans wrapped in red paper of morphine hydrochloride.


Marked for identification by Narcotic officers,J. J. Biggins, J. Do Dixon, G-. J. Coyle and A. P. Roger». Sent to the Chemist at Charlotte, N.C., for analysis.

- 13 -

lt February 17th, 24th and 27th 1929.

2 3918 Easton Avenue, St. Louis, Missouri.

3 . Dave and Ethel Segel, St. Louis, ij-oscuri.




8 .


10 .

11. MorpMorphine Hydrochloride and Cocaine H y d r o c h l o r i d e .

in a ’"’lue color bag12. (a) Approx. 200 grs. sus. nar. ' ^ in a small

of a transparent material, a strlp ofsquare shaped txn can, eea^ed^ of colorless

adhesive tap3, ' ° bearing a top label of redtransparent nuuer^--, m i n t e d "lîorphinuiacolor paper upon labels of smallHydroc-hJ.oricum 1 oono- , hr 13 3<?ve desigû, andred and black color pap - ar0und bottom edge,also strip of % d c o l o r ^ further

bearing word, p m l o r -caper bag w h i c h _bearscontained in a S^eQn _ & puller, St. Louis, Lo. printed words "Sbix Baer & Fai_^ ^ & small_square

(b) Approx. 175 g"s* s?-s! -ô.tual1 y contained in a ^lutin can, narcotic bei n g ^ ^ ia enclosed m thxbag of transparent ma f adhesive tape.oan; can sealed wiuh a st.ip sniall blue Dag of

(c) Approx. 175 grs. sus. na_. - contained in a small -*-'ra.nsT)arent material, wnich -s cf adhesive tape,square tin can, s®aled. ^ ^ aspected narcotic wrapped

(D_l) Approximately 40 grains j- - _ n which is1 1 in a sm a l l pieee of » e » r a “ „ t,e g ro c e ry i tem s ,

p e n c i l l e d a l i s t of what a ^ p e a r ^ 5. a sm all

t»-8> S ï f S e - l S e ; w S ô a I s obtained in a s , a . l

leather case ; a r . q - o e o t e d narcotic in a(D-3) .hlohis certaine! in a s

leather case.

13. U n s t a m p e d a n d U n t a i c p a i d .

14• 4-•-i -final disposition of the case-15, It rugs are being held un„i J-

1. February 19th 1929.

2. Dutch S.S. "Sitoebondo, - K. ï. Smith, Master.

3. Unknown.

4. Fine imposed upon K. T. Smith, Ivlaster, under Section 584of the Tariff Act, and Section 8 of the Narcotic Drug Act of May 25th 1922.

5. Dutch steamship "Sitoebondo”.

6. Macassar, Panarockan, Probolingo, Sourabaya, Samarang,Batavia, Belanan, 'Telok-Betong, via Sabang, Kama ran, Jedda, Suez, Port Said, and G-ibraltar.

7. Macassar, December 21st 1928.

8 . Boston, Mass., February 19th 1929.

9. Gibraltar, February 5th 1929.

10. Dutch Steam ship

11. 1 tin Opium prepared for smoking (Yen shee).

12. One tin box containing 1-1/3 ounces opium prepared forsmoking (Yon shee).

13. The container bears no label or marks.

14 . ----

15. The seizod opium was found during a search of the^Dutchsteamship "Sitoebondo" concealed in the coal bunxers.

- 15 -

1. February 21st 1929.

2. On streets, Hew Orleans, La.

3« Alesandria lopez and Santos Valdez.

4. Unknown.

5. Unknown.

6. Unknown.

7. Unknown.

8. Unknown.

9. Unknown.

10. Unknown.

11. 5 tin oans each containing, one ounce of morphinehydrochloride in cubes.5 ounces morphine hydrochloride.

12. 5 tin oans each 4n x 3” x 2" and each containing oneounce of morphine hydrochloride.

13. Unlaboiled and untaxpaid,

14. Unknown.

15. Marked for identification with the initials r£D , Ji’-33"HOT", "HFK", and ,TJTH".

- 16 -

1. February 27th IS29.

2. Sai Woo Hotel, 1153 Grant Avenue, San Francisco, Calif., Room 4.

3. Unknown.

4. Unknown.

5. Unknown.

6. Unknown.

7. Unknown.

8 . Unknown.

9. Unknown.

10. Unknown.

11. Morphine Hydroohloride in oubes,Yen Shee in a package.

12. 28 tin cans plain 4 x x 2 each containing 1 okmorphine hydrochloride.1 package yen shee.

13. Morphine hydrochloride in plain tin cans wrapped withred wax paper around which a yellow string is passed lengthwise and crosswise. Piece of adhesive tape passed around cover and tin. Contents contained in yellow waxed paper. Yen shee in plain paper, no marks. Ko U.S. or other stamps appear thereon.

14. According to information above narcotics arrived atSan Francisco overland from some eastern point.

15. Evidence pending investigation.

Maroh. 6th 1929.

Bigolow-Hertford Carpet Co., Thompsonville, Connecticut.


Bigelow-Hartford Co., purchased wool from brokers Thomas Kenworthy Co., Phila., Pa. After opening a bale, GD"cloyees of Bigelov/—Hartford Co. at Thompsonville, Conn., discovered this shipment of opium.

5, Shipped on steamer Cordur DTAlene, from Constantinople(in parcel of carpet wool).

6. Constantinople.


3. Arrived Hew York 7/1/29.

9. New York first port of call; Philadelphia second port

of call.

10. Amerioan Export Line Steamship Co. (American).

11. No chemical analysis made; superficial examination leavesno doubt as to the material being opium.

2. Ko.l. 15» slats (7" x 4" i ? ) of Kaw 3aledZwith°redwrapped i^hite^uck^ack, ^ gs,

Greek^r T u r k i s h lettering and English words

''EITRA E K R A n.

HO.8. 58 pkgs., 8 os. eaoh totalling 29 lbs W ' » J " . * 1*'

sane*markings as Lo.l.

excapt no Greek or Turkish lettering.

13. Same markings as described in 12*

-4. Constantinople

15 i l l of the above s e i z u r e under 12 t e l d ^ i a ” ^ t °one (p)

Ï Ï £ ° £ î cne"( 1 p a c k a g e ^ w h ich jere J ^ a r d e d j e ^ ^

£ ^ , 6i . r t à e ^ K d e r a l . a r c o t i s s Control Beard,

Faoaloiies of labels are in the archives of the „eoretaria

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