
Dr. Dimitrios P. Kamsaris


“Management and Leadership" Prof. Dimitrios P. Kamsaris

Dr. Dimitrios P. Kamsaris


Elevator Speech You have

3 minutes to prepare and 3 minutes to conduct a presentation:

Present your self:

Personal data Education and training received

Working experience Training targets

What is Management?What is Leadership

Activity learning contract

Dr. Dimitrios P. Kamsaris


Learning outcomes:

By the end of this training the participants will be able to understand:

What Management is, Realize what type of manager you are, What coaching is, how an when to use it, Aspect of communication, Conflict management and its dimensions, Role of team and ways to built it, Time management and how to delegate Learn: Strategies, Techniques and Tools

Training targets

Dr. Dimitrios P. Kamsaris

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tell me – I will forget

show me – I may remember

let me get involved – I will understand

Dr. Dimitrios P. Kamsaris


Concept of Concept of Leadership behaviours Leadership behaviours

Dr. Dimitrios P. Kamsaris


What makes an What makes an effective manager? effective manager?

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How to manage different people in order to:

achieve the organisational goals?

utilize their outcome?

Knowledge needed to: Interpret and Prognoses The employee behavior at work

Manager dilemma Manager Manager dilemma dilemma

Dr. Dimitrios P. Kamsaris




Dr. Dimitrios P. Kamsaris


Result: the systems function well in relation to effective management

Systems operationsSystems operations Effective management

Effective management

Result Result

Management result

a correlation of:

Dr. Dimitrios P. Kamsaris 1010

What are the results of a behaviour? Feeling & reactions to the below behaviours: Smiles and looks happy  Gives without asking a return Thanks   Helps   Listens without judging Accepts responsibility Gives credit Receives bad behaviours with tolerance and


Result on: long-term relationships, trust, fame, cooperation.

Activity “Positive attitude”

Long term results

Dr. Dimitrios P. Kamsaris 1111

The employees accept the power when they:

Understand the orders

Feel orders are compatible with the organisational goals

The orders do not conflict their personal beliefs

Are able to execute the task in the way it was assigned to them

Chester Barnard

Dr. Dimitrios P. Kamsaris

12Dr. Dimitrios P. Kamsaris 12

Human factorHuman factor

Most problems does not concern practical issues but issues related



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The result through people and systems.

Sets goals and agreement Clarifies roles Plans tasks for execution Organizes resources Communicates priorities Sets timetable Follows a method of result evaluation Controls and Monitors if task is correctly done Delegate task Discipline Credit to employees


Dr. Dimitrios P. Kamsaris

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Priority: Relationship




Priority: Task

1 9

(1.9)(1.9) (9.9)(9.9)

(1.1)(1.1) (9.1)(9.1)

Team Team

Army Army

Club Club


Manager stance

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15Dr. Dimitrios P. Kamsaris 15

One way communication.

The manager says to the team: What How

Where When

Has to be done for the particular task

Manager behaviour:


Dr. Dimitrios P. Kamsaris


Two way communication Provides Socio – Emotional support Mutual trust, respect, dialogue,

listening, encouragementManager

behaviour: Relationship

Manager Member

Dr. Dimitrios P. Kamsaris



Asks for ideas and propositions

Encourages and ensures the member that he can do the job

Listens to the members’ problems and helps them to find a solution

If a member is one well he lets everyone know

Manager behaviour:

RelationshipThe manager:

Dr. Dimitrios P. Kamsaris


As the member’s readiness increases, the manager’s task behavior is decreasing and the relationship behavior increases.

Management SkillsTechnical: knowledge and proficiency in work (competencies in field, analytical ability, ability to use appropriate tools and techniques. Human: knowledge and ability to work with people. Assist to achieve a task. Conceptual: ability to work with ideas. To be comfortable at seeing the bigger picture and translate this understanding into words everyone understands.

Effective manager

Dr. Dimitrios P. Kamsaris


Giving many responsibilities, simultaneously in short period of time

Increase in the relationship behavior, without a simultaneous desired result.

Possible problems



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Dr. Dimitrios P. Kamsaris

Dr. Dimitrios P. Kamsaris


Exploring your Exploring your managerial stylemanagerial style

Dr. Dimitrios P. Kamsaris 35

Middle manager

Successful carrier

Effective manager


28% 44%

20% 11% 26%

19% 48% 11%

13% 19%


Effective manager

Traditional: Make decisions, plans, controls

Communication administrator: Manages information

Personnel: Encourages, conflic man., hires, trains

Public Relations: Builds social relations, external factors

Dr. Dimitrios P. Kamsaris 36




ane V

ision -


ision -




Required skills

General manager



37Dr. Dimitrios P. Kamsaris 37

Understand of myself

Selection of capable employees

Effective management

Conflict management

Team and people development

Human skills

Dr. Dimitrios P. Kamsaris





Dr. Dimitrios P. Kamsaris 3939

Provides directives and monitors closely

Words used:– Says – Supervises – Monitors – Directs – Manages

Manager: – Makes decisions

Subordinate: – Helpless, unwilling, unskilled

Style 1: high task

low relationship

Dr. Dimitrios P. Kamsaris 4040

The manager explains the decision and provides the chance for clarification

Words used:– Explain – Clarify – Persuades – Teaches – Trains

Manager: – Dialogue and explanation

Subordinate : – Weak, helpless, willing, ενθουσιώδης

Style 2 high task

high relationship

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The manager shares ideas and assists in the decision making process.

Words used:– Participates – Cooperates – Encourages – Supports

Decision making:– the supervisor and subordinate– Subordinate encouraged by supervisor

Subordinate : capable, sure, insecure

Style 3 low task

high relationship

Dr. Dimitrios P. Kamsaris 42

The manager gives away the decision and implementation responsibilities.

Words used:– Delegates – Gives away – Monitors – Gives room

Decision making:– subordinate

Subordinate :– capable, willing, secure

Στυλ4low task

low relationship

Dr. Dimitrios P. Kamsaris 4343

Place the animals below in line. Lion, dog, parrot, elephant.

Activity ”Self-perception through others”

  lion dog parrot elephant

I want others to see me as:


Other see me as:

In the future I want others to see me as:

I really want to be:

Dr. Dimitrios P. Kamsaris 44

Activity ”Self-perception through others”

lion dog parrot elephant

authorityfearless independent decisionpro-acts leader subjectivefocussed    

 protect reliable trusting capable loving  friend faithfulSupport

ActiveJoyful free spirit social openPopular attractive passion spontaneous        

 passive tolerant passivecooperate respectStrong controlled CalmSacredWise

Dr. Dimitrios P. Kamsaris 45

• Has time to listen to others

• Respects others and sees their human side, not only results

• Has an interest on others on a personal basis and helps other solve the problems

• Good role model

• Strengthens and encourages others to believe in themselves

• Does not pretend to be the ‘boss’.

• Shares info with others.

• Give credit for good results.

• Give info when results are not expected.

Directives for managers

Dr. Dimitrios P. Kamsaris 46

Once upon a time there was a frog race. The aim was to get on the top of a tower. A lot gathered to support them. That race started… . In reality, everyone

thought that it was an inevitable task. Everyone was shouting: “what a waste, they

will never make it to the top” The frogs begun having doubts of themselvesOne after the other admitted that they could

not make it. All but one! At the end and after a tremendous effort he made it.

Then the rest asked him how did he made it, when they realized the winner frog was deaf !!!

Conclusion: always pretend to be deaf when other tells you that you will not make it.

The frog

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Dr. Dimitrios P. Kamsaris

Dr. Dimitrios P. Kamsaris

4949Dr. Dimitrios P. Kamsaris

Managing Conflicts Managing Conflicts

Dr. Dimitrios P. Kamsaris


A situation at which two or more sides consider (correctly or not) that their goals are opposite and each side is trying to prevent the other from accomplishing their goals.

The perception of threat, or actual conflict, is necessary for the initiation of conflict prevention or management measures, and hence it is essential to address the concept of conflict before exploring how to prevent and manage such occurrences.




To be negative


Colliding interests

Different beliefs, values, expectations,


Different personalities

Scarce resources

Conflict reasons

Dr. Dimitrios P. Kamsaris

Dr. Dimitrios P. Kamsaris




Video: conflict


A result of:



Is originated from trouble makers.

Damages the organization

It is inevitable but sometimes, useful, when it is

required to be effective and creative.


Dr. Dimitrios P. Kamsaris

Dr. Dimitrios P. Kamsaris



isorients the attention


on productive situation


ad behaviors



Conflict resultsDisadvantages:

Dr. Dimitrios P. Kamsaris


Encourages the change

Activates the innovation

Give to a problem a new perspective

Reveals hidden issues

Promotes accumulated emotions expression

Increase the commitment and the interest

A chance for learning

Conflict resultsAdvantages:

Dr. Dimitrios P. Kamsaris


Anger Unwillingness to listen

No going back from the positions Blame the others Aggressiveness



Dr. Dimitrios P. Kamsaris

Dr. Dimitrios P. Kamsaris


Human reactions under pressure, stress, threat.


• increase voice volume

•Show with the pointer

•Blame others

•Look intensively

•Hit the table with the hand

Run Run

•Look elsewhere

•Go back

•Speak calmly

•Change subject

•Agree fast

resist or


Dr. Dimitrios P. Kamsaris


Conflict management

Conflict resolution

The limitation, easing and control of a conflict without necessarily solving it. Change from destructive to constructive, in the mode of interaction.

Solve of incompatibilities and mutual acceptance of each party’s existence, Aim: resolving or terminating conflicts or increase cooperation and deepen their relationship.

Dr. Dimitrios P. Kamsaris




Video: conflict

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Way communication works

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Dr. Dimitrios P. Kamsaris


Reflect on job you’ve been involved in.

These are the stakeholders:

Describe the job.

What were the most successful features?

What went wrong?

What was the outcome?


Dr. Dimitrios P. Kamsaris



Statistics show that 74% of projects are unsuccessful.

One of the factors that contribute to the corporate failure is poor or insufficient communication.

Dr. Dimitrios P. Kamsaris


Communication process


message, source,

encoding, channel, decoding, receiver, feedback,

noise, context and

shared meaning.

Interaction: Primary point of effective communication

Dr. Dimitrios P. Kamsaris


Communication types

Verbal Communication Oral: face-to-face or group meetings,

telephone. voice, body language, attitude and nuances.

Written: Memos, Letters, Minutes, Reports, Documentation, Publication

Non-verbal: dress code, voice tone, stance.

Anecdote: NASA neg., hands under table.

Body language can improve the level of understanding.

Dr. Dimitrios P. Kamsaris


Communication Issues

Downwards Communication (Man. to Staff) Directives through speeches and seminars Company internal newsletter Regular reports on performance Sharing details and Warns employees

Upwards Communication (Staff to Man.) Reports, Problems and difficulties, Suggestion boxes, open door policy, face-


Horizontal communication (Among depts.) co ordination and problem-solving.

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Dr. Dimitrios P. Kamsaris

Dr. Dimitrios P. Kamsaris


Process in which info is exchanged and understood with the intention of influencing behaviour.

Sender: person wishing to convey a message (idea or info), to others, by encoding the idea in symbols (words).

Receiver: person to whom the message is sent by decoding the symbols. During encoding and decoding errors arise.

Channel: message is conveyed through (note, memo, letter, report, telephone call or face-to-face meeting).

Noise: the distortion when translating symbols to meaning (experience, attitudes and knowledge affecting perception).

Feedback: two-way comm., the receiver to the sender in the form of a return message or reaction

Communication process

Dr. Dimitrios P. Kamsaris


Impersonal, static: bulletins & general reports (does not permit feedback)

Personal, static (richer): Memos, letters. Interactive channels: phone and e-mail. Physical presence (richest): face-to-face. Factors influencing the richness: ability to handle multiple signals simultaneously degree allows rapid two-way comm. ability to permit comm. on personal basis. Selecting a channel: Message unusual and non-routine: rich channel, as

misunderstandings of new events can so easily arise (under pressure)

Routine messages: statistics or minutes of meetings, can be conveyed through a less rich channel.

Channel Richness:

amount of infothat can be


Dr. Dimitrios P. Kamsaris


When a person communicates through actions and behaviour, messages of a nonverbal nature are transmitted.

Nonverbal: high proportion of messages sent and received. The understanding in a face-to-face discussion is achieved

through facial expressions, tone of voice, posture and gestures.

Research study:major factors in face-to-face: Verbal impact : 7 % Non- vocal impact: 38% Facial impact: 55 %

Effective Communication


Dr. Dimitrios P. Kamsaris





Dr. Dimitrios P. Kamsaris


Listening: managers must develop a skill for listening to stakeholders and their employees.

This skill enables one to receive and interpret, or decode, messages in terms of the facts and the feelings they convey.

It is then possible to provide effective feedback.

Effective Communication

Dr. Dimitrios P. Kamsaris


To what extent do you agree with this view?

“To convince others, first convince yourself.”

Link your response to a typical project you are familiar with, paying special attention to the issue of successful interaction.


Dr. Dimitrios P. Kamsaris


Humor: A joke relaxes a tense atmosphere. Examples: members can readily relate. Metaphors: good dully speeches Language: individuals feel as part of the interaction,

i.e. ‘Let us’ not ‘Let me’; ‘We are going to’ not ‘I am going to’; etc.

Dramatise issues or narrate short stories. Language: showing attention and cooperation i.e,.

“you are listening, judging by your contribution”. Make members achieving: “At this speed, we are

getting there”, or “The good ideas have taken us far”, Bad message: “This project is making our hair turn

grey”, or “We always tremble when we think about this monstrous project”, or “Colleagues, I think there is burnout on account of this project”

Ask referential questions while you are making the presentation.

Communication techniques

Dr. Dimitrios P. Kamsaris


How does citation of examples during presentation bring your message to life?

In what ways does good humour improve interactivity when the project manager is putting across ideas?

Suggest any two referential or open-ended questions that you can use to bring your message to life.

Why do you think such questions achieve the goal of enlivening your message?


Dr. Dimitrios P. Kamsaris


Importance of attitudeImportance of attitude

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Comment on:

– What it is said– How they feel– What are their personalities – What are their motives– What was the situation– What is the result

You have 1 minute per picture.

Hint: body language, gestures,…



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Dr. Dimitrios P. Kamsaris


Building Building High Performance High Performance

Teams Teams

Group: collection of people who come together because they share something in common.

Team: group of people who share a common name, mission, history, set of goals or objectives and expectations.

Teambuilding: process needed to create, maintain, and enrich the development of a group of people into a cohesive unit.

Dr. Dimitrios P. Kamsaris


Group ,Team, Teambuilding

Dr. Dimitrios P. Kamsaris




Video: “Mule”

Read statement. When agree + or disagree -. There are no right or wrong answers. Arrive at a consensus.

Teamwork strangle creativity and individuality. Members should attend meetings to set team goals and discuss team problems. Personal goals can be accomplished through teamwork. It is necessary to ignore the feelings of others in order to reach a team decision. In teamwork, conflict should be avoided. A silent member is not interested in working as a team. The person in the group with the highest status in the organization should always take

the leadership role. In teamwork, it is important and necessary to allow time for discussion and agreement

on operating procedures. Every member is contributing toward the group task. In teamwork, "majority rule" applies. Teamwork involves working toward a common goal. A good team member provides emotional support to all other members. Every team needs a leader/coordinator. Teamwork accomplishes a task more effectively and efficiently than individual

efforts. Every team member should contribute equally toward accomplishing the task. If a team fails to accomplish a task, it is the fault of the leader/coordinator. A primary concern of all team members should be to establish an atmosphere where

all feel free to express their opinions. Final power in teamwork always rests with the leader/ coordinator. There are often occasions when an individual who is part of the team should do what

he/she thinks is right, regardless of what the team has decided to do. All members must be committed to the team approach to accomplish the task.

Dr. Dimitrios P. Kamsaris




Dr. Dimitrios P. Kamsaris




Video: “Comedy Team


Approaches to programming Continuing professional development Administrative support New staff orientation, number within a team, turnover Understanding , commitment to a teamwork philosophy Personalities and attitudes of agents Climate of openness and communication Procedural guidelines for staff functioning Degree of familiarity with alternative approaches for

effectively working and programming together Perceptions of roles /responsibilities /functions among

team members Time available as a resource

Dr. Dimitrios P. Kamsaris


Variables Influencing Teamwork


Staff meetings (agenda and time to discuss) Job descriptions with annual review Know others' job descriptions and responsibilities Common criteria for personnel evaluation Openness and willingness to communicate Trust, Loyalty, Respect for privacy Politeness and Respect for others in spite of differences Respect regardless of sex, age, race Recognizing talents of the others Giving credit, Recognizing a job well done Pride in work of total staff Understand and support others' programs. Agreed upon priorities Coffee-making shared by all, Shared coffee breaks Circulation of pertinent information Willingness to talk over problems Adequate facilities and supplies Cooperation, Constructive criticism

Dr. Dimitrios P. Kamsaris


Factors That Promote Working


Members are committed to the value of working together. Team size: 2-5 ideal, 5-10 workable, 10-15 difficult. Members know org . objectives, roles & responsibilities. Members establish and clarify guidelines and procedures

for a working relationship. Members define and agree meaningful and measurable

objectives that meet both group and personal needs. Someone assumes leadership to coordinate effort. Members do well in many roles (initiating, informing,

summarizing, mediating, encouraging) and know when. Members know others‘ resources, skills and expertise. The group allows time for teamwork effort. Work orientation first, but allows social interaction, too. Members listen attentively, encourage participation and

sharing of ideas and expression of views. Confidence in others' abilities, support one another. Members use conflict productively.

Dr. Dimitrios P. Kamsaris


Attributes of Ideal

Teamwork Relationships

Team has a climate of trust and respect? Balance between task and member needs? Form alliances (rumors) affect productivity Group focus on mission not socializing? Do you assume a variety of roles?:

Initiating activity, seeking info., seeking opinion, giving info., giving opinion, elaborating, coordinating, summarizing.

Team Building Roles: Encouraging, standard setting, following and expressing group feelings.

Task and Team Building Roles: Evaluating, diagnosing, testing for consensus, mediating, and relieving tensionDr. Dimitrios P. Kamsaris


Maintaining the Team


Forming: orientation period. – unsure about what it is supposed to do – do not know each other

Storming: members find place. – Feel comfortable giving opinion– start of intragroup conflicts.

Norming: use experiences to solve problem– Procedures: goals, conflicts, decisions.

Performing: achieve harmony, define tasks, work out relationships, produce results. – work together, manage conflict.

Dissolving or reorientatingDr. Dimitrios P. Kamsaris


Tuckman's model

Stage 1: Getting acquainted. Belief: everyone should “get along” and be

in agreement Preserve unstable balance, people pretend No-one is happy does not perform well.

Includes: polite surface dialogue, info-sharing, develop stereotypes to categorize others, emotions and feelings are in tight control, disagreement is avoided. unspoken agreement not to disagree there is a shared uncertainty about the

specific task to be undertaken by the team.Dr. Dimitrios P. Kamsaris


Team Development

Stage 1

Stage 2: Destination Individual disagreements will arise Pretend everything is OK Try to convert others to their point of view “Camps” can evolve in this stage Teams do not perform well

Includes: Question of goals, reasons for effort, Members express divergent opinions, Poor listening develops, no understanding. Uncertain timetable develops Overestimates member contribution

Dr. Dimitrios P. Kamsaris


Team Development


Stage 3: costs/benefits of effort

Includes: Will effort have value for me? Team help me achieve individual goals? Individual contribution big & benefit small I do work and team receive recognition? Nonproductive members get rewards Others make comparable contributions? All share the workload? Team benefit from such an effort? Members with similar needs and

viewpoints form private alliances.Dr. Dimitrios P. Kamsaris


Team Development


Stage 4: Skills Needed

Includes: Resources of team members are explored. Skills members contribute to the effort. Hidden talents undiscovered Surface level, stereotypes and labels If talents overlap, many experts on subject,

additional skills are necessary, Decision: add, drop, develop the skills of

members. When members are added or subtracted,

the team development cycle begins again.

Dr. Dimitrios P. Kamsaris


Team Development


Stage 5: Best Route

Includes: Goal is agreed upon, members neg. means. Need for structure, power and leadership. Result: competition develops. Individual agendas are made public. Emotion and alliances influence judgments Close-minded about others' opinions/ideas. Lack of team spirit. Members feel uncomfortable with fight. Some are silent and others dominate.

Commitment vary. Individual priorities block work . Dr. Dimitrios P. Kamsaris


Team Development


Stage 6: Compromise and Work Together give up on positions, to team interests

Includes: Attitudes change - synergy. needs of team. Members share leadership responsibilities. Individuals disagree but ideas are heard. Members listen actively. Differences are dealt honestly and openly. Alliances built on ideas not personalities Logic for decision-making process. Conflict is viewed as a mutual problem. Trust , openness, creative ideas emerge,

and the team feels that progress is being made.

Dr. Dimitrios P. Kamsaris


Team Development


Stage 7: We Are ...

The team is able to: Focus on task, Be creative, innovative Decisions easily made Team is aligned with goals, High trust

Includes: Morale, loyalty, empathy, trust, acceptance Members agree to settle conflicts, Work together on the basis of criteria

identified by the group. Team is effective and efficient in meeting

deadlines and accomplishing its objectives. Productive results are most evident.Dr. Dimitrios P. Kamsaris


Team Development


The right core team can make or break a project. Consider the elements:

Size: Good: 3-12, best: 5-7, facilitator : 7- Composition: mix of different abilities:

– technical expertise and skills, administrative skills (e.g. problem-solving and decision-making skills), interpersonal and communication skills.

– understand the project

Dr. Dimitrios P. Kamsaris


Selecting the right team

Clearly stated goals, Role clarity Leadership is distributed and shared Define team norms, Workload sharing Team decision making -active participation Problem-solving, discussing team issues,

and assessing team effectiveness are encouraged by all team members.

Team leader interpersonal skills Performance monitoring and give feedback Team self-correction - adjustments. The social environment is open and

supportive with a focus on learning.

Dr. Dimitrios P. Kamsaris


Sustain team effectiveness

Work load, no appropriate goals,

bad behavior model,

inadequate member recognition,

leader do not control,

not enough resources,

changes membership,

members resist responsibility.

No support from stakeholders,

not enough time planning,

don’t resolve interpersonal conflict,

No compatible levels of problem-solving,

no clear leadership,

inability to make decisionDr. Dimitrios P. Kamsaris


Teams’ failurebarriers

Dr. Dimitrios P. Kamsaris 111111


Dr. Dimitrios P. Kamsaris

Dr. Dimitrios P. Kamsaris


Time Management & Time Management & Delegation skills Delegation skills

Measure of units Equal opportunity—same amount Feels like it passes at varying speeds

Time Management: Chance to decide how to spend a valuable

resource Get the most out of the least Organize and learn how to spend

Dr. Dimitrios P. Kamsaris



Plan for the unplanned. Follow schedule, adapting to

changes. Get the important things done. Are productive. Can run several activities. Have short and long term goals

in mind. Keep daily, weekly and monthly


Dr. Dimitrios P. Kamsaris


Effective Time Managers

Every night write on a card the 6 most important tasks for tomorrow.

Number in the order of importance.

Morning look at the most important and work on it until finished.

Tackle item 2 the same way. Don’t be worried if you only

complete 2 items. You’ve completed the most important tasks.

Every night write a new card for the next day.

Dr. Dimitrios P. Kamsaris


Time Management


Write a daily to-do list the night before. Write everything you want to accomplish.

Label each task A, B, or C. A: most important: assignments due or jobs

needing completion. B: important, may become A’s not urgent. C: not immediate, small, easy jobs Schedule time for all A. The B and C can

be done in the day.

Avoid C fever—C tasks are usually easier than A tasks. Use your list to keep you on track.

Dr. Dimitrios P. Kamsaris


Time Management

Method ABC daily to-do’s

Decide which task is most important and should be completed first. Yearly Planner

Place planner in an easy access position Write dates assignments are due Find duration required to complete task.

Allow plenty of time. Allow for extra workload. Set start dates for each task and write them. Draw lines back from the due dates to

‘start’ dates.

Dr. Dimitrios P. Kamsaris


Plan and Prioritize

P: Feeling anxious about workload that you freeze, put things off and don’t get done.

S: Set priorities, Get started. reduces anxiety.

P: Put off starting task because difficult.

S: Break up work into small achievable tasks.

P: Procrastination (time on irrelevant task)

S: If stressed of task, putting it off is worse.

P: Daydreaming. Check energy level and concentration.

S: break, exercise, open a window and walk.

P: can’t begin the result will not be perfect.

S: aim for reasonable results.

Dr. Dimitrios P. Kamsaris


Time Thieves

Dr. Dimitrios P. Kamsaris


Don’t put off small tasks. Completing them encourages to begin tackling larger tasks.

Difficult tasks in parts. Approach a large task as a series of manageable parts.

Check if it is needed

Check if it is appropriate

Check if it is efficient

Time control

Dr. Dimitrios P. Kamsaris


Draw your circle of activities diagram

Draw your priorities

Priority A: to be done Priority B: must be done Priority C: should be done

Activity:Circle of activities diagram

Dr. Dimitrios P. Kamsaris


Find the targets

Determine the means and the resources

Determine who should do what and when

Determine the action plan

Starting dates

Ending dates

Assess the results


Dr. Dimitrios P. Kamsaris


Our fault:– Lack of organization– Cannot refuse – Postpone – Lack of interest – Exhaustion – Not perfectionist

Environmental causes:– Visitors – Calls – Junk mail – Surfing – Useless meetings– Sudden problems – Waiting for someone– Conversations at work

Waste of time reasons

Dr. Dimitrios P. Kamsaris


Re-negotiate Re-gain the lost time

Limit the goals Use more staff Replacements Alternatives

Give incentives Commitment

When thing go bad

Dr. Dimitrios P. Kamsaris


Understand how you spend your time in correlation to the personal efficiency graph

Take advantage of the means of effectiveness increase

Set your priorities in short, medium and long term Prepare the perspective action plans Determine the control processes and corrective

actions List in hierarchical order the priorities weekly Daily, prepare a “must do” list Pay attaint ion to priority A Always wonder if you use your time correctly Read every document well ONCE Follow the advices Time should serve you not the opposite!

Piece of advise

Dr. Dimitrios P. Kamsaris





126Dr. Dimitrios P. Kamsaris

Thank you very much for your attention!

May 2, 2006 127

• What is leadership?• How does a leader exercise power?• What are leadership skills and traits?• Theories of leadership behavior• How to improve your leadership skills• Individual determinants of behavior• Need-based approaches to motivation• Process approaches to motivation• Behavioral approaches to motivation• Beyond motivation


May 2, 2006 128

“Not all leaders are managers, nor are all managers leaders”

• Managers– Persons whose influence on others is

limited to the appointed managerial authority of their positions

• Leaders– Persons with managerial and personal

power who can influence others to perform actions beyond those that could be dictated by those persons’ formal (position) authority alone

Managers vs. Leaders

May 2, 2006 LIS580- Spring 2006 129

• Legitimate Sources of Power– Position in the organization (formal

authority)– Reward– Coerce or punish– Expertise– Referent power (charisma)– Control over information or access

to resources (gatekeeper)• What does Kitchen say about power?

Power and Leadership



Managers grid


• Autocratic style of leadership– A leader who centralizes authority, dictates

work methods, makes unilateral decisions, and limits employee participation

• Democratic style of leadership– A leader who involves employees in

decision making, delegates authority, encourages participation in deciding work methods and goals, and uses feedback to coach employees

– A democratic-consultative leader seeks input and hears the concerns and issues of employees but makes the final decision him or herself

– A democratic-participative leader often allows employees to have a say in what’s decided

Prentice Hall, 2002

Leadership behavior and



Continuum of Leader Behavior


• Transactional Leadership Behaviors– Leadership actions that focus on

accomplishing the tasks at hand and on maintaining good working relationships by exchanging promises of rewards for performance.

• Transformational Leadership Behaviors– Leadership actions that involve

influencing major changes in the attitudes and assumptions of organization members and building commitment for the organization’s mission, objectives, and strategies.

G.Dessler, 2003

Transactional versus

Transformational Leadership Behaviors


Personal Humility• Demonstrates a compelling modesty, shunning public adulation, never

boastful.• Acts with quiet, calm determination; relies principally on inspired

standards, not inspiring charisma, to motivate.• Channels ambition into the company not the self; sets up successors

for even more greatness in the next generation.• Looks in the mirror, not out the window, to apportion responsibility

for poor results, never blaming other people, external factors, or bad luck.

Professional Will• Creates superb results, a clear catalyst in the transition from good to

great.• Demonstrates an unwavering resolve to do whatever must be done to

produce the best long-term results, no matter how difficult.• Sets the standard of building an enduring great company; will settle for

nothing less.• Looks out the window, not in the mirror, to apportion credit for the

success of the company—to other people, external factors, and good luck.

The Main Behaviors of

Level 5 Leaders


How the Style of Effective Leadership How the Style of Effective Leadership Varies with the SituationVaries with the Situation

Source: Adapted and reprinted by permission of the Harvard Business Review. “How the Style of Effective Leadership Varies with the Situation” from “Engineer the Job to Fit the Manager” by Fred E. Fiedler, September–October 1965. Copyright © 1965 by

the President and Fellows of Harvard College; all rights reserved.




Summary of the Situational Summary of the Situational Leadership ModelLeadership Model

Source: Jerald Greenberg, Managing Behaviour in Organizations: Science in Service (Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1996). Reprinted by permission.


Applying the Situational Leadership ModelApplying the Situational Leadership Model

Source: Adapted from Paul Hersey, Situational Selling

(Escondido, CA: Center for Leadership Studies, 1985), p. 19.

Reprinted with permission.


• Charismatic leadership theory– Followers make attributions of heroic or

extraordinary leadership abilities when they observe certain behaviors

– People working for charismatic leaders are motivated to exert extra work effort and, because they like and respect their leaders, express greater satisfaction

– Charisma leadership appears to be most appropriate when the followers’ task has a ideological component or when the environment involves a high degree of stress and uncertainty

Charismatic Leadership


• Skill 1: Think Like a Leader– Identify what is happening– Explain why it is happening– Decide what you are going to do about it.

• Skill 2: Use an Appropriate Leadership Style– Leaders usually fit their style to the situation. – Different leadership styles are appropriate to different

situations.• Skill 3: Pick the Right Leadership Situation

– Gravitate toward leadership situations that fit your favored leadership style.

• Skill 4: Build Your Power Base– Bolster your leadership potential by enhancing your

authority (increasing your power).

• Skill 5: Exercise Better Judgment– Decisiveness and good judgment (“cognitive ability”) are

important leadership traits.

• Skill 6: Improve Leadership Traits and Skills– Exhibit self-confidence.– Display honesty and integrity.– Increase your knowledge of the business.

How To Improve Your

Leadership Skills

Great Leaders Live with integrity, lead by example develop a winning strategy or “big idea” build a great management team inspire employees to greatness create a flexible, responsive organization use reinforcing management systems

Great Leaders passionate about what they do love to talk about it high energy clarity of thinking communicate to diverse audience work through people (empowering)

In Search of In Search of LeadershipLeadership(article by (article by Reingold)Reingold)

Leaders vs. ManagersLeaders vs. ManagersLEADERS:

innovateinnovate focus on people focus on people

inspire trustinspire trust have a long-range viewhave a long-range view ask what and whyask what and why have eyes on horizonhave eyes on horizon

originateoriginate challenge status quochallenge status quo do the right thingdo the right thing

MANAGERS:MANAGERS: administrateadministrate focus on systems and focus on systems and

structuresstructures rely on controlrely on control have a short-range viewhave a short-range view ask how and whenask how and when have eyes on bottom linehave eyes on bottom line initiateinitiate accept status quoaccept status quo do things rightdo things right

Leadership Style

Leaders must be flexible and

change their styles

according to the situation

and the people.Situational leadership

Coercive: Impact on climate: Negative– Modus operandi: Demands immediate compliance– The style: “Do what I tell you.”– Drive to achieve, initiate, self-control– Works best: In a crisis, to kick start, problem employ Authoritative: impact on climate: strongly positive– Modus operandi: Mobilizes people toward a vision– The style “Come with me.”– Self-confidence, empathy, change catalyst– works best: clear direction is needed Democratic: impact on climate: Positive– Forges consensus through participation– The style : “What do you think?”– Collaboration, team leadership, communication– works best: get input from valuable employees Affiliative: impact on climate: Positive– Creates harmony and builds emotional bonds– The style in a phrase: “People come first.”– Empathy, building relationships, communication– works best: motivate people during stressful circumstances Pacesetting: Negative– Sets high standard of performance– phrase: “Do as I do, now.”– drive to achieve, initiative– works best: To get quick results from a highly motivated and competent team Coaching: Positive– Develops people for the future.– “Try this.”– Developing others, empathy, self-awareness– works best: To help employee improve performance

The Lesson

Different strokes for different folks. .

Old Style vs. New Style

Heroic (Old)1. Managers are important people,

quite apart from others who develop products and deliver services.

2. The higher “up” these managers go, the more important they become. At the “top,” the chief executive is the corporation.

3. Down the hierarchy comes the strategy—clear, deliberate, and bold—emanating from the chief who takes the dramatic acts. Everyone else “implements.”

4. Implementation is the problem because while the chief embraces change, most others resist it. That is why outsiders must be favored over insiders.

5. To manage is to make decisions and allocate resources—including those human resources. Managing thus means analyzing, often calculating, based on facts in reports.

6. Rewards for increased performance go to the leadership. What matters is what’s measured

7. Leadership is thrust upon those who thrust their will on others.

Engaging (New)1. Managers are important to the extent

that they help other people who develop products and deliver services to be important.

2. An organization is an interacting network, not a vertical hierarchy. Effective leaders work throughout; they do not sit on top.

3. Out of the network emerge strategies, as engaged people solve little problems that grow into big initiatives.

4. Implementation is the problem because it cannot be separated from formulation. That is why committed insiders are necessary to resist ill-considered changes imposed from above and without.

5. To manage is to bring out the positive energy that exists naturally within people. Managing thus means engaging, based on judgment, rooted in context.

6. Rewards for making the organization a better place go to everyone. Human values matter, few of which can be measured.

7. Leadership is a sacred trust earned from the respect of others.

Henry Mintzberg. Managers Not MBAs. 2004. San Francisco: Berrett-Koehler Publishers.

The quality of a leader that makes many people want to follow. Charismatic leadership involves the use of power.

The ability to influence people to do things.

Five types of power

Coercive – based on punishment

Reward – Based on rewards

Legitimate –Based on a role

Expert – Based on needed knowledge

Referent – based on charisma

Charisma combines power with task orientation

Referent Power

Expert Power

Job or task involvement



Use of power by leaders

Socialized Charisma– Power for social good

Personalized charisma– Power for personal benefit

Office holder Charisma– Combines legitimate power with task

needs Personal charisma

– Use referent power to lead

Charismatic Leadership


Combines what the leader does (behavior) with what the leader is (characteristics)

Focus on the relationship between the leader and the followers.

Charismatic leaders high in – Dominance– Self confidence– Need for influence– Belief in own values

Charismatic Leadership Behaviors

Goal Articulation– A transcendent goal inspires a movement - I have a

dream Personal Image Building

– Behaviors that create impression of competence/success– Prove his competence to the followers

Leader role modeling of value system– Gandhi models self sacrificing behavior of non violence

Leader motive arousal behavior– Message inspires needs in the followers that are needed

to complete the task. (message of love=needs for affiliation=required for bringing together Hindu/Moslems/Christians)

Leader communication of high performance expectations of, and confidence in, followers

Follower Behaviors

Characteristics and behaviors of the charismatic leader encourage behaviors in the followers

Trust, loyalty, unquestioning acceptance, obedience to the leader

Emulation of leader’s value system Acceptance by followers of challenging

goals Enhanced self esteem and performance

expectations by the followers

The Result

Effective follower performance if the behavior is appropriate to the task being accomplished

Transactional Leadership

Classical management Focus on the leader and the follower Transaction

– Work for pay– Work for psychological benefits (status,

recognition or esteem) Requires appropriate role behavior Requires clear goals and appropriate

instructions Transactional leadership focuses on the


Transactional Leadership

Puts leaders and followers on opposite sides.

Ebb and flow of power and reward depending on follower performance.– High task performance=power and

rewards to the follower.– Low task performance=Leader exercises

legitimate and coercive power. Promotes “game-playing”

Transforms the environment and the people in it

Focuses on building an appropriate context and on enhancing the relationships of people within the system


The environment

Transformational Leadership

Transforming the culture

People can be trusted Everyone has a contribution to make Complex problems should be handled at

the lowest level Norms are flexable adapting to changing

environment Superiors are coaches, mentors, models

Transforming the leader’s


Identifying and articulating a vision‑Behavior on the part of the leader aimed at identifying new opportunities for his or her unit/division/company, and developing, articulating, and inspiring others with his or her vision of the future.

Providing an appropriate model‑Behavior on the part of the leader that sets an example for employees to follow that is consistent with the values the leader espouses.

Fostering the acceptance of group goals‑Behavior on the part of the leader aimed at promoting cooperation among employees and getting them to work together toward a common goal.

High performance expectations‑Behavior that demonstrates the leader's expectations for excellence, quality, and/or high performance on the part of followers.

Providing individualized support‑Behavior on the part of the leader that indicates that he/she respects followers and is concerned about their personal feelings and needs.

Intellectual stimulation‑Behavior on the part of the leader that challenges followers to re‑examine some of their assumptions about their work and rethink how it can be performed.

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