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LC Newsletter October 2015

Page 2: LC Newsletter Oct 2015

Hey lions!

A few weeks have passed since our LTS took place. How were they for you? Have you learned something already and challenged yourself?

I hope you are happy about your previous weeks in AIESEC and I can assure you that the EB will do their best to give you the best experience. However, remember one important thing: YOU are also responsible for your experience. Make every action count: stay proactive, show ideas and initiatives, and push yourself out of your comfort zone.

The upcoming months will definitely be marked by a lot of upcoming opportunities for you. Stay tuned!

Yours AIESECly,


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Our 1st LCM

For the newbies – LCM is the Local Committee Meeting. Our first LCM took place last Friday and I am very happy to have seen the majority of lions. We discussed a plenty of topics:

• EB Updates

• How will AIESEC Aarhus work during the upcoming months?

• ‘The shout of the lion’ initiative

• Upcoming opportunities

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Our 1st LCM

The last photo might look controversial It was an LC challenge for CITIUS’15

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EB Updates

You might be wondering what exactly the EB is doing, besides leading different departments.

The EB meets weekly – updates each other and makes a lot of strategic decisions. We want to be transparent with our members, thus, here are some latest updates:

• Every EB member had to make sure that individual meetings with his/her members took place: JD review, individual goal-setting, etc.

• The EB finished a quarterly report which is used by the MC of AIESEC Denmark to evaluate our performance and give proper guidance. The quarterly reports help the EB reflect on their performance and the LC’s growth.

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AIESEC Aarhus Way

In the last LCM, Vidmante presented the way AIESEC Aarhus is going to work during the upcoming months.

It is important to note that AIESEC Aarhus is the only LC in AIESEC Denmark that is going to work in such way.

WHAT WAY? We are going to be a project-based committee.

HOW? There are 2 current projects: Inception (OGX) and Suits (ICX). The Finance and the OD are to support these projects strategically: be it in terms of the financial or educational support.

The Inception project entails that OGX members will be working on EwA events, where the students will get offered various workshops and will get to know about AIESEC more, and will be more likely to go for an exchange abroad.

The Suits project means that ICX members will be making hard-core corporate sales with the mindset of being professional, goal-oriented and go-getters, like in the TV series ‘Suits’.

WHY? Our current reality is challenging (‘Welcome To The Jungle’), therefore, the focus is to perform in exchanges (OGX and ICX). Every member has a clear role and responsibilities, and is a very important part of making the exchanges happen.

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The shout of the lion

Have you ever heard of TED Talks?

We want to create a space in our LC for everyone who:

- Wants to improve his/her public speaking skills

- Has some great experience in particular topic/field and wants to share with the LC members

- Has a particular opinion about a particular topic/current world issues/etc and wants to share this with the LC members and create a discussion

- Has some experience in particular field and would like to deliver the training to the LC members

HOW? Contact Vidmante about your idea and you will have the preparation meeting.

WHEN? In every LCM, there will be space for the shout of the lion. Make sure to inform Vidmante a week before the LCM, so that you get enough support and your topic is included in the agenda.


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The Lion of The Month

AIESEC is a great platform to develop and be recognized. Therefore, the EB would like to introduce you to The Lion of the Month reward.

The award is given to a member of AIESEC Aarhus based on these criteria:



Strive for excellence

Contribution to the exchange

The EB will have a meeting before every LCM, where every leader will propose a particular member to be awarded.

The very first lion of the month will be announced in the LCM in November!

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Upcoming Opportunities!

As I told you in the beginning of this newsletter, there are many opportunities awaiting for you in AIESEC Aarhus.

One of them is right now.

The EB has just opened the application package for the Organizing Committee President (OCP) of ReLoad 2015!

WHY TO APPLY? You will get a chance to organize one of the most important AIESEC Denmark conferences, where the whole AIESEC Denmark will gather to Aarhus. ReLoad 2015 will also be marked by the future MCP (Member Committee President) of AIESEC Denmark elections! The opportunity to be the OCP means you will have a lot of leadership experience: you will get to select and manage your own team, and take the full responsibility for the success of this event!

HOW? The application package can be found on Podio. Note that there are several documents that you will need to fill out. Contact Vidmante if you have any questions or concerns.

DEADLINE: 16th October 2015 23:59.

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LC Social Space

As you saw, we have our LC social space on Facebook. Everyone has been invited.

We just had the first social hang-out and it was a lot of fun.

Note that this space is created for a reason: to bond with each other. It is true that we will be working together closely and this process can be enjoyed to the fullest when you know with whom you are working.

The EB is not the only ones who should initiate the social time, thus, feel free to share your own ideas and invite everyone to join. The EB will be more than happy to do so

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LC Social Space

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What’s next?

AIESEC Aarhus is opening a new page in its history.

It is your chance to take the ownership and do something great.

Do not wait for someone to open the opportunity – do it yourself!

Should you have any feedback or suggestions for the LC newsletter, contact Vidmante

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