
Lazy Loading the Dojo Tree with PHP on the server side

We will discusses web applications that utilize the Dojo and the PHP to create visual representation of a hierarchically structured data

A lazy load approach is used to fetch on demand only a single node immediate subordinates data, providing responsive, tree like, dynamically updated visual representation of hierarchical list

Web Applications

If anything about current interaction design can be called glamorous, its creating Web applications. After all, when was the last time you heard someone rave about the interaction design of a product that wasnt on the Web? (Okay, besides the iPod.) All the cool, innovative new projects are online.Jesse James Garrett, Ajax: A New Approach to Web Applications

Web Applications

utilizing the web as a software interface


use the browser capabilities (HTML, CSS, JavaScript)

resemble rich user interface, interactivity, responsiveness, and flexibility of desktop-thick clients

Dojo Toolkit

The Dojo Toolkit is an open source JavaScript framework

It is created to ease the rapid development of web applications

The Dojo has a highly flexible widget system named Dijit

Dijit is designed to handle a variety of use cases in a modular manner

The Dojo Widgets

HTML template

CSS template

JavaScript file for logic

Widgets are created to address specific use case

Hierarchical Data/Information

Abundant in everyday life to the point that they are considered as trivial

Many data are naturally modeled by hierarchies, but often hierarchy itself is unobserved

Hierarchical models are used in various domains of science and technology

Visualizing Hierarchies

Show the data structure

Understand data

Summarize large amount of data

The Tree widget is created to handle such use cases

The User Can

Move from summary information to detailed data

Focus only on something of interest

Set the level of detail

Access only desired level in the hierarchy

Mentioning sample data sounds odd on this slideGraphs, Trees and Hierarchies

A graph is an abstract representation of collection of objects where pairs of objects are connected by links.

Vertices are mathematical abstractions representing objects in collection

Links connecting pairs of vertices are called edges

Commonly a graph is pictured as set of nodes or dots representing vertices joined by lines or curves showing edges

Directed and Undirected Graphs

No distinction can be made between the two nodes associated with each edge

Edges may be directed from one node to another

The vertices represent people in a social network

There is an edge between two people if they a friends

There is an edge when person likes someone else's photography


A tree is a connected graph with no cycles

A connected graph is one in which every pair of distinct vertices in the graph is connected

There is no way to start at some node and follow a sequence of edges that eventually return back to starting node

Trees (continue)

The tree is called rooted in the case when there is one vertex of the tree that is distinguished

Rooted trees are often treated as directed acyclic graphs with the edges pointing away from the root

Every node is the root of a subtree

A tree has one less edge then it has nodes


A hierarchy is an ordered set or an acyclic graph

A directed tree with two extra properties, subordination and inheritance

Hierarchies (continued)

Some known hierarchies provide semantic meaning for the data a priori

F-Spot Photo Manager: Organizing photos by time

Hierarchies (continued)

Hierarchies can also be automatically derived using complex algorithms that classify the data

The Dojo Tree Widget

Gives a way of representing the hierarchical nature of a structure in a graphical form

It is agnostic of data displayed and domain model

It amazingly easy and fast to put together an application and display hierarchical data

We hit a wall, when we need to go outside of the framework

Semantic Mark-Up

I think its important for a web developer to view HTML documents without any external formatting applied. That means without CSS, no JavaScript enhancement, and, if you want, no images as well; instead just the raw content. Look at it, read it through. Does it make any sense? Do you understand which parts are more important than others, which texts are headings, which parts are connected to each other?

If the answer is yes, the document is probably marked up in a nice understandable semantic fashion.

Robert Nyman, Explaining Semantic Mark-up

The Naked Tree

We will not be so strict and exclude JavaScript

It is legal to use DOM API to build documents, navigate their structure, and add, modify, or delete elements and content

We can review generated HTML code

Does it make any sense?

Yes and No

Structure of HTML code has semantic meaning

When naked, semantic meaning is lost in representation

The Dojo Tree widget renders as flat, ordered list

The Tree Widget Structure

HTML code is structured as ordered set of nested containers

Each container represents the tree node

The Tree Widget Structure (continued)

The Tree widget is literally using CSS to create Folders and documents visual representation of a tree on the top of a nested set structure

Modeling Data

Trees are traditionally drawn as boxes and arrows

This tend to lock your mental image of a tree into a graph structure

Trees can be represented as nested sets as well

Nested Sets

Replace the boxes with containers

Nest subordinate containers inside their parents

Containment represents subordination

The root will be the largest container

The leaf nodes will be the innermost, empty containers

Preorder Tree Traversal Algorithm

Preorder (or depth-first) tree traversal algorithm with a modification for numbering the nodes

Model a tree with (left, right) nested sets with number pairs

These number pairs will contain the pairs of their subordinates

A child node is within the bounds of its parent

Data Structure

Lazy Loading

Lazy Loading is noting but a buzz

We have to undo to make it work

Containers that represent nodes that user did not open yet are empty

The HTML code is lazy generated

The Tree widget will ask only for immediate subordinate

Lazy loading Is natural way to do it

Lazy Loading (continue)

A large amount of data that has to be loaded to draw the entire tree

The user will not open every single node but will drill down till desired information is found

A faster rendering of the Tree widget

A lower network traffic

More HTTP requests

A higher server load

The End

[email protected]

Sample data are obtained from Wikipedia entry on Ethno-linguistic classification of the indigenous peoples of North America

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