Page 1: LAXIUS FORCE III - Millennium · Official Website:  Introduction Congratulations for picking Laxius Force 3, the stunning finale of the Laxius Force

LAXIUS FORCE III (by Aldorlea Games)

Page 2: LAXIUS FORCE III - Millennium · Official Website:  Introduction Congratulations for picking Laxius Force 3, the stunning finale of the Laxius Force

Official Website:

Introduction Congratulations for picking Laxius Force 3, the stunning finale of the Laxius Force trilogy.

This game will provide hours of entertainment, exploration and fights, featuring up to 42 playable characters and about 150 quests.

This Guide will help you in your journey, providing hints, strategies, as well as detailed maps and a full walkthrough of the main quest.

Laxius Force is subdivided in 5 chapters, so naturally this guide will follow the chaptered progression of the game.

Page 3: LAXIUS FORCE III - Millennium · Official Website:  Introduction Congratulations for picking Laxius Force 3, the stunning finale of the Laxius Force

Characters XANDER

Powerful Mage from the Xander bloodline, Xander masters not a few but several spells able to do large damages. Additionally, his spells are able to cause status ailments.

Therefore it appears obvious that strategy and enemy knowledge both play an important role in playing with Xander.


Faithful companion of Xander, Adon is about the opposite, limited most of the times to just one hit, yet it can be a very powerful one. Adon does not have a great defense, and is a bit slow, but ask him to inflict substantial damage and he will do the job well.

Page 4: LAXIUS FORCE III - Millennium · Official Website:  Introduction Congratulations for picking Laxius Force 3, the stunning finale of the Laxius Force


Professional mercenary, Seiman has joined Xander to help him in his quest.

He is able to equip many gears and weapons, has a lot of useful spells, and the particularity to disarm booby-trapped chests if needed. You may be using him a lot!


Hero of Laxius Force 1 and 2, Random is a stunning swordsman who became the main rebel against the Order and their sickening ambitions.

Page 5: LAXIUS FORCE III - Millennium · Official Website:  Introduction Congratulations for picking Laxius Force 3, the stunning finale of the Laxius Force


Random’s girlfriend, she is a versatile Elf who can both heal her friends and cast large damaging spells.


A bit like Sarah, Wendala is a versatile fighter. Her spells range from the large damaging ones to the much useful Aura (healing all the party).

Page 6: LAXIUS FORCE III - Millennium · Official Website:  Introduction Congratulations for picking Laxius Force 3, the stunning finale of the Laxius Force


Luciana is Random’s long-time friend but also the Queen of Adretana, from marriage with Julian Xander, the King who has recently suffered a tragic death.

She is a stunning Half-Goddess capable of casting devastating spells.

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Ruler of the Order, the Grand Commendanter is the main antagonist of the saga. Definitely evil yet also very wicked, he has made the decision to take over the

world for personal interest.

Page 8: LAXIUS FORCE III - Millennium · Official Website:  Introduction Congratulations for picking Laxius Force 3, the stunning finale of the Laxius Force



This chapter starts with a party of two: Xander, a powerful wizard with many spells, and Adon, an undead creature able to deal big damages.

Pick Easy Mode if you are new to Laxius Force or not importing from Laxius Force 2.

Talk to the Wizard standing nearby (Amedeo).

Talk to him again once the conversation is over – he’ll offer to sell you some items. Use all your money to buy a few reviving potions and a lot of MP healing ones. Use the Revive Potions you start with to revive any dead character after (or during) a fight.

Then proceed through the swamp. Do not explore it entirely until you have found your two other companions (Seiman and Leanda). Some monsters are tough and you may need a full party to manage them.

Follow the yellow path (see the maps below). You need to pick Seiman FIRST, then Leanda (she is optional, but it’s much better to have her).

Page 9: LAXIUS FORCE III - Millennium · Official Website:  Introduction Congratulations for picking Laxius Force 3, the stunning finale of the Laxius Force
Page 10: LAXIUS FORCE III - Millennium · Official Website:  Introduction Congratulations for picking Laxius Force 3, the stunning finale of the Laxius Force

Hydras can be killed easily with Xander’s Oblivion Ground. You may want to have Adon defend. The Dragon Razor suffers a lot of damage if Adon attacks it. Thunder Demons usually go down with a few strikes but they have a big attack and can be quite dangerous, so make sure to have your HP high when fighting them. Similarly, Zeons are tough and may need several hits, although Adon’s claw is able to poison them.

Xander is able to heal a bit with Bene-Gazr, but you may prefer to use healing items instead.

In the graveyard, you will be ambushed by many skeletons. Have Xander use Oblivion Ground repeatedly, and make sure to have Adon defend. Avoid exploring and go pick Seiman. Do NOT talk to the boat-skeleton before having a party of four!

Once Seiman has joined, go pick Leanda. With her in the party click on rocks nearby the house – you’ll see she is not one to trust banks with money!

There! Your party is complete. Either go talk to the boat-skeleton or explore (at your own risk, some fights are harder than others). If you get killed, you do not lose the game. You are teleported to an earlier position, yet keeping all your items and acquired experience points. The only thing you lose is 10% of your gold, which is not important if you do not have a lot of gold to begin with.

Page 11: LAXIUS FORCE III - Millennium · Official Website:  Introduction Congratulations for picking Laxius Force 3, the stunning finale of the Laxius Force

If you explore, some hints to kill the Zaron Hydras and Lava Squids: they can be paralyzed by Xander’s Mind Holocaust spell, so try to have him cast this and everyone else defend. If you are not too unlucky, those monsters will go down quite fast. Also make sure to equip the Lava Ring on Xander as it raises his Mind Points a bit.

Page 12: LAXIUS FORCE III - Millennium · Official Website:  Introduction Congratulations for picking Laxius Force 3, the stunning finale of the Laxius Force

Once you’re done with the swamp, talk to the boat-skeleton.

Enter the fortress – you will have to fight against a big green creature, but it will fall down easily if you keep striking it. You may want to have Seiman cast his Defense Up All protection spell.

Inside the fortress, monsters shouldn’t give you too much trouble – just have Xander deal with the bats with any low cost spell as they can easily evade weapon hits. Priests and nuns you may be able to tackle with weapons only and the same goes for chickens and lizards. As for your mission, you’ll need to explore so to figure out how to progress.

Thankfully, we have all the maps!

Page 13: LAXIUS FORCE III - Millennium · Official Website:  Introduction Congratulations for picking Laxius Force 3, the stunning finale of the Laxius Force

When you are on this level, you need to:

1. Click on the fire pedestal

2. Turn the switch on (see map below)

Done? Don’t leave this stage just now; go pick the Lunar Key first! The ghosts on your way may need some spells to be gone as they’re resistant to most your weapons. The guy outside with the key will pose you no problem though!

Page 14: LAXIUS FORCE III - Millennium · Official Website:  Introduction Congratulations for picking Laxius Force 3, the stunning finale of the Laxius Force

Return to the first level and this time head to the right.

Page 15: LAXIUS FORCE III - Millennium · Official Website:  Introduction Congratulations for picking Laxius Force 3, the stunning finale of the Laxius Force

Follow the yellow path (see map above then below).

You will find an evil woman wearing a stolen red dress: kill her (before you do notice that there’s a single nun in the lower left corner of the room who’ll keep reviving after each fight as long as the lady in red is alive, so if you want to level up this is a very good place!). Return downstairs and this time head this way:

Page 16: LAXIUS FORCE III - Millennium · Official Website:  Introduction Congratulations for picking Laxius Force 3, the stunning finale of the Laxius Force
Page 17: LAXIUS FORCE III - Millennium · Official Website:  Introduction Congratulations for picking Laxius Force 3, the stunning finale of the Laxius Force

This will take you to the fight against the evil bishop. Xander and his party are much more powerful, so this fight should be easy. All the trees and chickens on your way should be easy too as the trees are generally standing alone.

Another place that is totally optional is the basement, yet you may want to visit it. There is also a chest Seiman can disarm. Biting chests and ghost are a bit harder to fight though and you may need some spells to tackle them (try to paralyze the chests). Just remember to do all the exploring before entering the crystal which will take you to the bishop as that is a one way only crystal!

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