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Laser + Light and So Much More at Anima Clinica

   Why are we at Anima Clinica looking at a CUTERA Treatment Platform? The answer is simple - our philosophies are very similar. Both CUTERA and Anima Clinica Skin Clinic strive to be at the forefront of medical aesthetics with treatments and devices exquisitely engineered to deliver the highest level of performance, safety and efficacy. CUTERA devices address a wide range of medical-grade aesthetic applications (see below), with results that are driven by science and patient satisfaction.    1. What is Laser Genesis™ Skin Revitalisation Therapy?

   The Laser Genesis procedure utilizes laser technology to safely, discretely and effectively treat scars and excessive redness. Laser Genesis is a comfortable, non-ablative, non-invasive form of skin therapy. The treatment is scientifically proven to help restore your skin's youthful glow and appearance by smoothing out uneven textures caused by ageing,


100  Russell  St  Bathurst    |    6332  4225       Pg  2  

sun damage or scars. You will see a creamier, healthy complexion as large pores are reduced in size and minor imperfections are diminished. How does Laser Genesis work? Genesis works by gently heating the upper dermis (second layer of the skin) well below your skin's surface layer (epidermis). Genesis stimulates collagen growth (neocollagenesis). Additional heat is generated in superficial dilated capillaries to reduce their redness. Importantly Genesis stimulates the skin’s healing and collagen production underneath the skin’s outer layer without damaging the surface layer, this results in a smoother texture and refined tone. Genesis is an innovative new laser technology that is considered non-invasive (because it spares the epidermis) and can safely and discreetly treat signs of skin ageing. Genesis treatments are also considered ideal for younger patients looking to control their ageing process and also for mature skin patients wanting to treat signs of ageing. It is an ideal treatment for those who cannot afford the down time usually associated with more superficially damaging lasers like fractionated lasers. What areas can be treated? Laser Genesis patients report excellent yet subtle results. Genesis dramatically improves skin texture, reduces pore size and is proven to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles by stimulating new collagen growth. What does the procedure feel like? Patients often describe the treatment as relaxing and therapeutic (I personally fell asleep while Kellie was performing my first treatment). You will experience a gentle warming of your skin’s surface during the procedure as the laser hand piece is moved back and forth at about 1-2cm above your skin. You can expect to immediately return to normal activities: I had slight redness for about half an hour following the treatment which is perfectly normal. Some people have reported some swelling and bruising when more aggressive treatment settings have been used, wet all reactions resolves naturally. A treatment normally takes about 40 minutes; your skin will be cleansed – no topical anaesthetic cream is required. How many treatments will I need? The treatment results are described as subtle. On average, CUTERA recommends that most people will require four to six treatments in order to achieve the results they are looking for. Please remember that every patient’s skin condition and needs vary so the number of treatments will vary. Sunscreen must be worn and results are enhanced with combination or cross-treatments like fractionated laser, Collagen Induction Therapy, medical-grade skin peels and quality cosmeceuticals (all of which we currently offer). What happens after the treatment? Although most patients report few if any side-effects, the most common is a slight redness that disappears within a few hours of the treatment. The treated skin must be kept hydrated and protected with a quality SPF of at least 30+.    


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2. What is the Limelight Facial?

   The Limelight Facial is a new, non-invasive approach to skin rejuvenation. It delivers a light treatment that can be customised for different skin tones and surface imperfections associated with ageing and photodamage. It’s the heating of the pigmented brown or red cells with a targeted pulse of light that causes the therapeutic effect. The result is an exceptionally effective skin rejuvenation treatment with minimal discomfort. Does the treatment hurt? When the pulse of light is delivered, patients will experience a mild pinching or stinging sensation. Gel is applied to cool the skin prior to treatments, Anaesthesia or topical pain medication is typically not required. Recovery is rapid and patients may return to normal activity straight after treatment. What conditions can be treated? The Limelight Facial is ideal for any part of your face, neck, and décolleté that has skin redness, telangiectasia (tiny veins) or brown spots. Light or low contrast brown spots that have previously proved difficult to resolve respond very well to this treatment. How many treatments should I have? CUTERA recommend one to three treatments are usually sufficient to see results with treatment time dependent on the area of the body being treated. Typically, three treatments are performed at monthly intervals for optimal results. Most treatments take less than an hour and additional “spot” treatments may be recommended especially for excessively sun-damaged skin. What should I expect? Using an IPL hand piece, areas of the skin are briefly heated causing the pigmented brown or red cells to have a therapeutic effect (selective photothermolysis). When the pulse of light is delivered, patients will experience a mild pinching or stinging sensation. Gel is recommended to cool the skin before and during the treatments. Ultimate B2 Serum or a hyaluronic face mask will be applied immediately following the treatment to cool and soothe the skin. Treatment time depends upon the area being treated however most treatments take less than one hour.


100  Russell  St  Bathurst    |    6332  4225       Pg  4  

When will I see results? Within one to three weeks, the darkened spots will flake off and fade. Skin redness associated with telangiectasia will decrease almost immediately and the mottled appearance of the skin's complexion will improve over the following weeks. What causes sun and age-spots? Sunlight, the elements and the natural ageing process all contribute to the development of dark spots and freckles. Your face, hands and chest are the first parts of the body to show signs of ageing because they receive so much sun exposure especially here in Australia. Age-spots and freckles are forms of pigmented lesions. They are caused by excess production of melanin in the skin by cells called melanocytes. Will the spots and redness reappear over time? New brown spots, tiny veins and diffuse redness may appear with new sun damage; however, they too can be treated. Remember to always apply broad-spectrum 30+ sunscreen to minimise further sun damage and the appearance of new spots and redness. Rosacea and melasma are mostly chronic conditions that cannot be truly “cured” with any laser or light source, however their appearance can be improved with continual treatment and good skin practices. Through our personalised skin consultations, we offer a full treatment journey which will include combination treatments and topical treatments to fade and treat melasma and rosacea. 3. What is a Titan Facial?

   THE TITAN by CUTERA for skin tightening and the treatment of loose skin on the face, arms, neck, stomach and body areas. Titan, as the name implies, “tightens” the skin using a safe non-surgical method to dramatically improve and restore your skins healthy and youthful appearance. The Titan procedure commonly referred to as the "Non-Surgical Face Lift", is a safe and effective way to cause immediate collagen contraction, resulting in tighter, younger looking skin on the face, neck, stomach and body. It is also very effective for rejuvenation on the hands and knees. Unlike other skin firming technology, Titan is


100  Russell  St  Bathurst    |    6332  4225       Pg  5  

virtually painless and requires no downtime. Most patients are candidates for the Titan procedure regardless of skin type or age. Through the use of pulsed infrared light, Titan heats below the skins dermis (far below the skin’s surface). The effect of this heat causes the collagen below your skin to immediately and permanently contract resulting in a lift to the skins surface. A benefit of Titan is that it also promotes new collagen growth resulting in even further tightening of the skin over time. What should I expect? The procedure is completed in a short period of time, usually within one hour and with minimal to no discomfort to the area being treated. Facial, neck and stomach regions are the most popular areas for Titan treatment, however the procedure works equally well with other areas of the body. When will I see results? The effects of Titan Laser may be seen as early as a couple weeks however it may take a few months and sometimes several treatments to achieve the desired results. Individual results will vary dependent on age and treatment area. The Titan, skin tightening procedure has been through vigorous clinical trials and has been approved in Australia for the treatment of wrinkles and to combat the effects of sagging and aging skin.


Every person ages at a different rate and in different ways. Some develop redness, lines or sunspots. You may have one, two or all of these conditions. CUTERA's 3D Revitalize Therapy takes a three-tiered approach to revitalising your appearance that’s why Anima Clinica is reviewing these treatments for our special patients who deserve only the very best.

LimeLight is a light-based procedure which addresses problems right at the

skin's surface - redness, mottled complexions, freckles and sun damage.

Laser Genesis has been proven to stimulate new collagen for improvement

of fine lines and wrinkles.


100  Russell  St  Bathurst    |    6332  4225       Pg  6  

Titan uses infrared light to heat tissue in the deep dermis.



by Nadia Zanco Clinical Nurse Consultant | Phychotherapist

BHSc (Nr), RN: 1019763, CMHN: 0466, Mem. CAN, Mem. ACMHN., Dip Adult Psychotherapy ANZAP

Provider no. 4540531Y

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