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Larry’s Newsletter NO.98 HOLIDAY SPECIAL 2008

It was off to Tenerife for the Summer Holidays - Emma

& Elise for FIVE weeks', just a fortnight for the rest of us

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.. Fun By The Pool

As usual much time was spent by the pool, swimming ,playing.....

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.....and most of the time lazing in the sun!!

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M o r e P o o lF u n ! ! !

Okay - not the pool you were thinking of!!!

But just look at the concentration involved.

And all to no avail as I thrashed them both -

but they did try very hard!!

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Climb Every Mountain(Ok just this one)

Well we had to climb the ‘mountain’ again, if

only to see the lizards!! Elise wasn’t well, so she

stayed back at the apartment, the rest of us

undertook our ‘challenge’ with a mixture of

enthusiasm, gritted teeth and much sweat!!

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S u m m e r E v e n i n g s O u t a n d A b o u t

Most evenings we found somewhere to walk to,

or headed for Estacion de GuaGuas and a bus

ride to Los Cristianos. Meals out, dancing

fountains mini golf, funfair, firework display

and of course shopping filled the nights.

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