
The Next Generation of CRMBusiness has changed and the nature of selling has also changed. To compete in today's business world, you need more than

just sales talent. You need sales technology that helps your team excel - not hold them back.

Landslide CRM is the powerful, next generation suite of sales process-focused tools specifi cally designed for smarter sales

management. Designed for salespeople by salespeople, Landslide CRM combines sales process consistency and real-time sales

performance technology into a powerful, yet easy to use solution that will dramatically increase your sales volume, value and


Smarter Sales Management Landslide CRM helps you build a world-class sales organization by making everyone smarter and more eff ective. Unlike

traditional CRM/SFA solutions that are primarily record-keeping tools, Landslide CRM lets you implement a systematic and

repeatable approach to sales production and revenue generation. Landslide helps you to:

• Follow a defi ned, consistent and proven sales process that works for your business

• Identify and evolve best practices for improved selling eff ectiveness

• Embed updated selling resources into day to day selling activities

• Communicate value propositions consistently & correctly

• Produce predictable results

• Generate accurate and realistic sales forecasts

• Improve overall sales performance and eff ectiveness

Build a World-Class Sales OrganizationLandslide CRM helps you get the most out of your sales eff orts by

helping you build a world-class sales organization that

consistently delivers higher volume sales, higher value sales

and increased sales velocity!

© 2010 Landsl ide Technologies | www.landsl | 1 .866.450.8522




Landslide CRM uses your best-practice sales

process, powerful sales peformance tools and

personal assistants to dramatically improve your

overall sales volume, velocity and value.

The Sales Producing CRMLandslide CRM is built from the ground up to help salespeople and sales managers systematically work

smarter and more eff ectively to generate a signifi cantly higher rate of sales successes. Rather than only

tracking data similar to traditional CRM/SFA solutions, Landslide CRM helps you to develop an eff ective,

process-centric sales fl ow that is predictable, consistent, and repeatable, delivering measurable increases in

overall sales performance.

Increase Your Sales Volume, Velocity, and ValueLandslide CRM takes each sales opportunity through the fl ow of your proven, best sales practice-driven

process to deliver maximum results. Your salespeople are able to manage a higher volume of deals by

following a consistent sales roadmap. The result is increased sales velocity - the speed by which deals move

through your sales process - and dramatic improvement to the value of each deal.

Landslide CRM eff ectively combines Sales Process Software, Sales Performance Tools and our exclusive

Personal Sales Assistance to deliver greater predictability and repeatability to the selling function. Every

member of the team has full access to a complete, best practices sales toolbox with the necessary tools

to help them increase their sales eff ectiveness and productivity. The typical variance in the sales team

performance is also reduced.

Maximize Valuable 'Windshield Time'Landslide CRM helps your sales team to maximize valuable travel time by removing the mundane and time-

consuming data entry work with our exclusive, live and dedicated VIP Sales Assistants. Accurately enter sales

data, look up information and more, improving data accuracy and saving valuable time. With less busy work,

your entire team can be more productive and ready to close more deals!.

© 2010 Landsl ide Technologies | www.landsl | 1 .866.450.8522

1.866.450.8522 |







Powerful reports for eff ective

pipeline management

By selling phase

By activities

By cycle duration

Custom reports

And more...

Easy access to relevant

collateral & job aids

Product brochures




And more...

Follow a custom sales process

Defi ne goals and activities

in each selling step

Know what has been done

and what to do next with

each opportunity and the

cycle duration etc.

Sales Focused For Eff ective ResultsLandslide CRM keeps your focus on customer acquisition, not

data entry. If it sounds almost too easy, you’re starting to get the


100% customized sales process - Easily defi ne and

develop your proven, eff ective selling process based on your

organization's best practices or a specifi c industry model.

Unprecedented pipeline visibility – Get an objective,

realistic look at your sales pipeline to make forecasting more

eff ective and accurate. Easily anticipate trends and support

salespeople to help keep their opportunities moving forward

Eff ective sales cycle execution - Landslide CRM

understands which selling phase each prospect is at and

uses your best practices to help salespeople successfully

complete each phase to maintain pipeline momentum

Easy access to relevant sales tools – Landslide CRM

provides relevant collateral, presentations, documents and

more by giving reps the right tools at the right time

Easy adoption and enthusiastic use – Easy to understand

dashboards, powerful reporting and forecasting tools make

Landslide CRM a valued resource for your entire sales team

Mobile CRM – Anywhere, anytime access to account, lead,

opportunity info and more using any mobile device or


Landslide CRM helps you to easily understand your

opportunities and keep your sales pipeline fl owing.

© 2010 Landsl ide Technologies | www.landsl | 1 .866.450.8522

1.866.450.8522 |


s Pro





Powerful for Your Business. Simple for Your People. And Results for Your Bottom Line.Landslide CRM's powerful, next generation suite of sales process-focused tools are specifi cally designed for to make smarter sales management easy.

Featuring a unique collection of integrated Web 2.0 technologies, Landslide CRM gives you the power to dramatically improve your sales productivity and

eff ectiveness, while making it easy to use for your entire sales team. You'll see predictable and more consistent sales results - every time.

Personal Sales AssistantMaximize 'windshield time', speed up data entry and retrieval and

be more productive using our exclusive VIP Sales Assistants

Mobile CRMPut your offi ce in the palm of your hand. Get complete access

to your key information using your smartphone or mobile


Opportunity ManagementOrganize and manage your opportunities to consistently close

more deals

Contact & Account ManagementGet real-time, up-to-date secure access to all of your account &

contact information from anywhere, anytime

Activity & Task ManagementManage daily workfl ow and stay on top of key responsibilities

and tasks to improve your productivity

CRM DashboardPowerful, dynamic reports of your sales activity and

eff ectiveness that give you actionable insight into your sales


Lead ManagementReduce data entry time, speed up qualifi cation and improve

conversion to maximize close rate

CRM ReportingEasily create custom reports that give you actionable insight to

manage your sales pipeline and your business

Sales Forecasting & ReportingDevelop accurate, real-time and objective forecasts and reports

to better understand opportunities and manage resources

Email MarketingCreate, manage and track eff ective email marketing campaigns

that generate new sales opportunities

Prospect Communication Portal Securely share documents, presentations and collaborate and

more online with your prospects & clients

Resource LibraryManage and share commonly used collateral, documents and

presentations in a secure and easily accessible location

Web Conferencing Meet, collaborate and share with live meetings powered by

GoToMeeting® web conferencing technology

CRM Plugins & APIsEasily integrate more functionality and features into Landslide

CRM by adding our powerful APIs and plugins

© 2010 Landsl ide Technologies | www.landsl | 1 .866.450.8522

1.866.450.8522 |






Personal Sales Support Whenever You Need It

Landslide CRM gives you exclusive VIP Services to save you time and get you the

information you need, when you need it. All you have to do is ask. It's that simple.

Our dedicated, live VIP Sales Assistants help your sales people off -load data entry,

including notes, contact updates and more from anywhere and letting them stay

focused on selling.

Your personal, live VIP Assistant is available via phone, fax, email and even chat,

ready to work with your sales team daily. We'll accurately enter sales data, look up

information and more, eff ectively improving your data accuracy and saving your

sales team valuable time. And, VIP Assistants are included in your Platinum License

for no charge. And we all know that less busy work means more productivity and

more deals!

Maximize Your Valuable "Windshield Time" Landslide CRM's VIP Assistants save your sales team valuable time on the road

and allow them to stay focused on what they do best — selling and closing deals.

Your VIP Assistant is always ready to help you:

Enter sales data, notes, customer and account updates

Add new contact names and account notes, look up information

Download documents, presentations and more

Get on-the-go support when you need it

Improve data entry accuracy

© 2010 Landsl ide Technologies | www.landsl | 1 .866.450.8522

1.866.450.8522 |



s Ass



Dedicated, live VIP Sales Support

available to off -load data entry chores

and provide live support via phone,

email, fax and live chat

Landslide Mobile CRM gives you

complete access using your mobile

device or smartphone

Customizable, process-focused sales

management that clearly defi nes goals,

activities and tools through each phase

of the sales cycle

Automatically present relevant

sales tools and job aids needed to

eff ectively complete selling activities

Powerful, real-time sales forecasting

and reporting dashboards & tools

give sales managers and salespeople

an objective & realistic look at the sales


Buyer Management Portal gives you a

custom, private online space for online

document sharing, communication

and collaboration with prospects and


Plus the rest of our standard features:

Opportunity management

Activity management

Account management

Lead Management

Contact management

Task management

Document Library

Business Reports

Outlook Integration

Email Marketing

No charge for server space

Live web conferencing

SalesView™ executive &

company profi le info

© 2010 Landsl ide Technologies | www.landsl | 1 .866.450.8522

1.866.450.8522 |






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