Page 1: Land Uses, Other Natural Resources Uses and Food Security

October 1, 2003 1

Land Use, other Natural Resources Uses, and Food Security

Joachim von Braun, IFPRI


GeWiSoLa, Oct 1, 2003

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Some Big Pictures on

Agriculture and Food

Extent of Agriculture



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Extent of Global Agriculture (Source: IFPRI

reinterpretation of USGS EPC 1998.99)

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Spatial Distribution of Calorie

Consumption (Calories/km2) (Source: IFPRI calculation based on

FAOSTAT 2003; CESIN 2000)

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Value of Agricultural Crops, 1995-1997(Source: IFPRI calculation based on FAOSTAT 1999)

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Number of food-insecure people,

1970, 1999, and 2015 (trend)

Source: FAO (2000a, 2002); Bruinsma(2003).




1970 1999 2015








East & Southeast Asia

South Asia

Sub-Saharan Africa

Latin America

West Asia & North Africa

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What roles do land and natural resource

use play for food security?

What roles for land and resource related

policies and institutions in shaping food


What emerging food security risks related

to land and natural resource use?

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1. Conceptual issues

2. Key Developments in Global

Agriculture and Resource Use

3. Selected Risks in the World Food

Systems: Scenarios

4. Responses with Policy and Research

Overview of Lecture

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Conceptual Issue 1: Linkages

It does not make sense to focus on land use/

food security-links in isolation, because of

Resource linkages (e.g. land and water use;

land use and bio-diversity)

Factor (market) linkages (e.g. land and


Substitutions (e.g. land and technology)

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Conceptual issue 2:

Access and Availability

Land and other natural resource

availability, distribution, and uses do

impact on food security via …

Access to resources and thereby to food at

household levels (in developing countries)

Availability of food quantities globally (and

locally in developing countries)

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Conceptual Issue 3:

Is degradation always “bad”?

There is no necessary causal relationship between poverty and natural resource degradation (and visa versa):

Downward spiral? (poverty-degradation-poverty…?)


Substitution of assets for development? (depleting natural resources for investment in human capital, for instance)

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Conceptual Issue 4: Exit Strategies

High population growth with low returns to capital (“poverty trap”)

What to do?

Increase return to some capital (nature or/and other)

Reduce pop. growth (girls’ education, family planning)

Promote investments and savings (labor mobilization for soil and water conservation)

Incentives for institutional innovation

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Conceptual Issue 5:

Trade-off versus synergy?

Policies for sustainable development

Endogenous intensification

Environmental Kuznets curves

Technology – driven intensification

Integrated conservation and development

programs (Lee, Barrett. 2000)

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1. Conceptual issues

2. Key Developments in Global

Agriculture and Resource Use

3. Selected Risks in the World Food

Systems: Scenarios

4. Responses with Policy and Research

Overview of Lecture

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A. Land and Natural Resources Use

B. Production Systems and Structures

C. Technology

D. Trade and Markets

Key Developments in Global Agriculture and Resource Use

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A. Land and Natural Resources


• Land scarcity

• Declining soil fertility

• Escalating competition over water

• Lack of investment in genetic resource

conservation and sustainable utilization

Key Developments in Global

Agriculture and Resource Use

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Land Scarcity(source: WDI 2002)

rate of change

1979-81 1997-99

East Asia & Pacific 0.12 0.1 -17%

Latin America & Carib. 0.32 0.27 -16%

Middle East & N. Africa 0.29 0.2 -31%

South Asia 0.23 0.16 -30%

Sub-Saharan Africa 0.32 0.24 -25%

Arable land


per capitaRegions

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Severity of Soil Degradation within PAGE

Agricultural Extent (Source: GLASOD; Oldeman et al 1991-disputed)

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Taxonomy (Source: Lopez 1998)

Type 1: Low but growing pop. density, limited integration with rest of economy, fragile nat. resource base (Sub-Saharan Africa)

Type 2: High pop. density, few opportunities to integrate with overall economy, fragile nat. resource base (South Asia)

Type 3: Moderate to high pop. density, high integration with national and international economy, fragile nat. resource base (Central Am., parts of East Asia)

Type 4: Moderate to high pop density, high integration with national economy, stable natural resource base (most industrial countries)

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B. Production Systems and


• Growing land policy conflicts

• Non-productive and non-sustainable

smallholder systems

Key Developments in Global

Agriculture and Resource Use

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Approximated world farm size distribution, late 1990s

[Sources: von Braun, 2003, Estimates based on FAO World Agricultural Census (1990) and Supplement to FAO World Agricultural Census (various years, 1990–97), and various country statistics.]

Farm size (hectares) % of all farms # of farms (millions)

< 1 73.20 334.00

1–2 11.70 53.30

2–5 8.90 40.30

5–50 5.30 24.60

>50 0.90 4.00

Total 100.00 456.10

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Inequality of landownership (1980s) and

average annual agricultural growth rate for

selected countries, 1980–2000

[Sources: Lipton (2001); IFAD (2002); Deininger and Squire (1998);

WDI (2002); and Adams (2002)]

Land Ginis and Agricultural Growth Rate, selected countries








0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1

Gini Coeffecient of Land Inequality



e A


ual A



ral G


th R


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C. Technology• Unbalanced soil fertility management

• Irrigation limits

• Crop bio-technology ?

• Growing role of info. Technology ?

• Diminishing public investment in


Key Developments in Global Agriculture and Resource Use

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Application of Commercial (Inorganic)


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Area Equipped For Irrigation by

Growing Zone Period (Source: Doell and Siebert 1999; FAO/IASA 1999)

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1971-81 1981-86 1986-91 1991-96







(Source: P. Pardey and N. Beintema 2001.)

Public Agricultural Research Expenditures in Sub-Saharan Africa,

1976-96: not sufficient to address risks


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D. Trade and Markets

• WTO agriculture talks in disarray

• Trade barriers between and within


• Lack of infrastructure

• Growth of the retail industry

Key Developments in Global Agriculture and Resource Use

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1. Conceptual issues

2. Key Developments in Global

Agriculture and Resource Use

3. Selected Risks in the World Food

Systems: Scenarios

4. Responses with Policy and Research

Overview of Lecture

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Three World Food ScenariosWhat If …

A. What if growth in agricultural production slows down in India and China?

China’s net cereal imports double from 48 mmt in baseline to 89 mmt

India shifts from self-sufficiency in baseline scenario to net importer of 30 mmt

B. What if crop yields grow more slowly than in baseline?

Sharp increase in cereal prices: rice 46% and

maize 34% relative to baseline

C. What if water policies change, producing a water crisis? (Rosegrant et al, 2002)

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Annual cereal yield growth rate under different water scenarios













t p

er y


1982-1995 1995-2025 Business as Usual

1995-2025 Water Crisis 1995-2025 Sustainable Water Use

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International grain pricesunder different water scenarios






Rice Wheat Maize


$ p

er m


1995 2025 Business as Usual

2025 Water Crisis 2025 Sustainable Water Use

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1. Conceptual issues

2. Key Developments in Global

Agriculture and Resource Use

3. Selected Risks in the World Food

Systems: Scenarios

4. Responses with Policy and Research

Overview of Lecture

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What roles do land and natural resources

play for food security?

What roles for land and resource related

policies and institutions in shaping food


What emerging risks in land and natural

resource use?

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1. What roles do land and natural

resources play for food security?

Depends on time dimension, scale, context:

Long run


Developing country context

Local context

Nature of food security problem

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2. What roles for land and resource

related policies and institutions

in shaping food security?Essential - but different - at





Diversity of contexts (re: taxonomy)

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Specific Policies for Institutional

Innovation and Reform

Decentralization and user groups for resource


Land reforms for equity (business approach)

Agricultural R&D- increased public sector funding

and coordination.

Strengthening market institutions and coordination

Investing in infrastructure for mobility

Investing in human capital

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3. What emerging risks in land

and natural resource use?

Fast and/or Slow Onset Disasters for Agriculture

Adverse resource management and technology interactions

Governance, power, and natural resource exploitation

Water / Health / Food interactions

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Elements of research agenda

Further exploring the linkages between agricultural systems, food security and natural resource degradation

Strengthening empirical basis to analyze and compare poverty research between agro-ecological zones

Agro-technology: poverty and natural resource impacts

The drivers of dynamics of institutional and organizational innovation

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