
Lambda Architecture 2.0 for Data-Driven Business

Team Trieu Nguyen - Truc Le -

Data-driven + Lambda Architecture = growing business2 - Fast Data Labs

Key questions for us today ?1. What if the business is not driven by data?

2. What and why is Lambda Architecture?3. What problems did it solve for us?

Workshop with case study: Improving “Flappy bird” with A/B Testing Tool and Lambda Architecture 2.0

Red bird Blue birdWhich bird could let you down soon ?OK, let’s play the Game ! Design it better with data


Data-driven game design for Flappy Bird !

What if the business is not driven by data?


What if the business is not driven by data?

How ?Data-Driven Business

1970s 1990s 2000s 2010s

Data Management Technology and Trends●● Apache Storm● Apache Kafka● Apache Spark● RFX● ...

● Hadoop Ecosystem● NoSQL Ecosystem● ...

● Oracle● MySQL● PostgreSQL● ...

Why is Lambda Architecture 2.0 ?It helps to organize your data infrastructure into understandable structure and react quickly to context changes

“Vision Without Execution Is Just Hallucination”

Ok, cool ideas, but how we build it ? Our


We are here

Our goals

1. Understand the big picture2. See the reality3. Do actions to make it happenOk! Let’s make “Flappy bird” into “Happy bird” !

What is Lambda Architecture 2.0 ?It’s just the architecture for data-driven business

for reacting to fast data

for data mining and machine learning on Big Data

for observable data

for SQL querying (SQL is true lambda language !?)

Case study:Improving “Flappy bird” with A/B Testing Tool and Lambda Architecture 2.0

● Short introduction about A/B testing● Setup full open source technology stack● Run example code with Java and Python

Our goal: Applying data-driven in Game Design


Make correct decision

How? One of basic principle is “Test our theory”

From observable solutions, test them all to find the best one ! More at

1. Working with A/B testing tool (using Abba framework)2. Let’s play Flappy Bird 2.0 !3. Collecting data → store data as stream (Kafka)4. Stream processing → real-time view processing (RFX)5. Batch processing → sampling AB Test (Spark) 6. Query processing → finding facts from experiment

(SQL over Phoenix / HBase)7. Collecting feedback data → Game Design Report


For simple demo, we use Abba, a simple A/B testing self-hosted framework

Why is reactive view in Lambda Architecture 2.0 ?UX is the key for successful product development, so we must react to bad UX quickly (with data)

Technology stack ( 5D model )1) Data collector (I/O networking)

● Netty for event log collector and HTTP server (lambda2)2) Data persistence (aka: data storage)

● Kafka for distributed message storage (Apache Kafka)● HBase for scalable big table

3) Data processing● RFX with fast data processing (RFX framework)● Python for data sampling in A/B test experiments● Rx(Java/JS) for reacting to data experiment (reactivex)

4) Data analysis● measures of uncertainty(Python Dempster-Shafer theory)

5) Data ad-hoc reporting● SQL over Phoenix / HBase ( )

My email: [email protected] me @tantrieuf31

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