Page 1: Labelling Solution for the Pharmaceutical Industry

Labelling Solution

For the Pharmaceutical Industry

Page 2: Labelling Solution for the Pharmaceutical Industry

Implementing a labelling solution for the pharmaceutical industry can

become a logistical nightmare.

Between complex regulatory guidelines and diversified markets and

medications, it is a necessity to ensure safe drug administration for

healthcare providers and consumers.

Labelling is one of the most crucial factors that determines the safety and

integrity of a pharma product. The main purpose of a label is to make

identification of the product clear and unambiguous. There are many

regulations to adhere to but the most basic yet important information is

what is printed on the label, which includes:

Manufacturing date

Expiry date

Number of doses



There are many factors to consider when implementing a pharmaceutical

labelling solution.

When a pharmaceutical company contacts ADC about a possible labelling

solution, we begin by conducting an onsite survey. This is a general walk

through of the company, where we access and critique the current practises,

and discuss what the company is hoping to achieve.

There are three main areas that we focus throughout the walkthrough is

Labels & Ribbons, Hardware, and Software.

It is a long established fact that

a reader will be distracted by the readable content of a page when looking

at its layout. The point of using Lorem Ipsum is that it has a more-or-less

normal distribution of letters, as opposed to using 'Content here, content

here', making it look like readable English. Many desktop publishing

packages and web page editors now use Lorem Ipsum as their default model

text, and a search for 'lorem ipsum' will uncover many web sites still in their

infancy. Various versions have evolved over the years, sometimes by

accident, sometimes on purpose (injected humour and the like).

Labels & Ribbons

ADC Barcode manufactures and supplies a wide range

of specialised pharmaceutical labels. These include but

are not limited to; tamper evident labels, hologram

labels, temperature indicator labels, temperature

resistant labels, anti-counterfeit labels, and peel and

reveal labels, Braille labels, and track and trace labels.

We also manufacture and supply a wide variety of

chemical, liquid and temperature resistant ink ribbon.

Once we have determined the application and quantity

of the labels and ribbons needs we can ensure a fast

turnaround time.

Page 3: Labelling Solution for the Pharmaceutical Industry


For hardware, we will assess what kind of printer is necessary based on the

number of labels printed per day and the quality of print needed.

It may also be a case that an applicator is needed or verification equipment.


We create software solutions that are fully customisable to the customers’

needs. Once we understand the requirements of the company, we are able

to put together a bespoke solution.


Our Service Engineers are highly skilled and trained, and

ensure that installations are as seamless and as fast as

possible to limit the amount of production downtime.

We provide in-depth onsite training once the

installation is complete, to get all staff to grips with the

new software, which provides ease of integration.

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