  • T W I ^TOL l n o . m . • .

    ■ A U S f R l

    C lf i G i lt

    I nioiP ISPECi I

    tlo“ — ~ I t

    o m 0 5 K BVITD BBD E M -p L o T e s o r W a l l a c e - JJ" HACjHIBBOK BHOW AHK K I U E D A i l D , , I N m S D <

    W B E A B - E N D O O U J a i O N 4

    ■ m i B A m r T B A m ■ ^______;• • . ■ M t

    ( B r t in i t * a 'p m iV " ' ' ' > flA BT, I t t l , J B » J 8 2 ^ A e i * « t r

    48 p e o o a w m k ilW u r l 7 te d iT L j« h n i u U B 7 eqalfim ett i n l a oH '' T i t t o iC c h lf in O e& tni n l f n i d . | a u M i s t o » a»«aiib6d;.W «U ice dPcoi t n J o At lYinlujflt jaO. H ere m a 100 T O fl t o j u j t ^ m ta r u r - ioita2r>

    T h lR j b o d lu ) u m b e w 'to o s l i t U Qtry hire te tt takn te tii» no rgoe i t E u n m o a d , , ^

    K n b n k s o a t l a t l » w rvekafa u d D ta j r of. ttt» bodlea w e n cluund bejroad recogaltloa. Otlier

    - > d t « i « beltorod to II* tn th * ' drtri* .H o i p i w i r t J t i y tu a . B a a n i s 4 - M -■'‘'

    filled w tth th e tDjurad. S iM ton a sd ’ s a n a t a w beJa^ brooffht her* tn m a iek io .

    The wTMk M cnrrcd « t daylight. Ae- curdlnjj to tiU nad m aa (2io £ l r m trafa Ktoppod a t IvtnboD bceaiiM o l ft bnt O T boz. FUgmon were eent back to tei

    flaret. JiU r B * D a/«etin f iig s ilf

    • Tbo eqnlpmDDt tra in w m said to b« ̂rannlug a t a ipoed o f 60 mlla8.-Whe*,h- ] f f It craahed Into tbo elrc iu tra in b ^ , to n tbe itgna]i wera le t h u o o t bMB ‘ delem lned. r

    Tho oDgine at the aqulpo'ent train (ore f u > a y through fon r Pullman eoaehc*, -iSurlirg wrockago lo re r s l bnn- dred feet. Pm ctlcally every car in mm the clrem tra l it- th o ro wero 84—wa» prj, 4w»Ued and fpIJotored. PraeUcaHy war ttBiyono aboard tha clrcui tra in I i bO' Km llwed to bavo been killed ar lojared. a t

    Bceae* B te g u Deacrlptloa , ' Jun The few who wore unhurt worked

    /raBtijaJlj- Ja {ho w re ek a ^ . H ta y ot the v ie tio s wore burned to' death, D »hri«kbg pltlfnJly fo r halp.

    Wrecking cranes th a t ttrr{ved »ooa « t« r the exaah could no t bo used fo r «PP « a e timo bceauio o f tho Intonw hc>t.

    •' (Oontinnod on Pago E igh t) . •

    M M O N A R C H Y IN - O E S P E R A T E S T B A I T S i

    ------------ gov.

    ^ B IR lA -H U B a X B T 18 OH VEEOE J n i

    Op O O ttA p ff l—OOUUTBT P^y

    0 0 W AT OP 8 U 8 8 IA ‘ J J

    .— naw

    „ By J . W. T , MASON - ,;,!l (United Prea# W ar E x ix rt)

    m YOBK, J o . . 2 8 .- W M , A u - M lr ' " ’' ■ H l l t a m l t„ d

    d l r . l . >» « « ' i «S " ' " » ' “ » P ™ ' ^

    LU. ' ?•*' « « “

    « » ,n 1.

    j - £ - r s 5 S i F ™ ' ^ ' -

    I w 2 « e « « r l ly iffM * the^ t r l a n “ '^ M H onalltloi •fJrat, aad^ W a -n u o g n ry U rfow tho w a a k « t of

    9 jfrcat natfoaa (n th e confllet.

    ' r o L ? ' 1,'“ " ” ' ,“ “ • ! « 1* S ; 0

    - — .J

    IF IT’S HI

    ^ T f a

    J A ^V IP E L L EI S F O R T U N E

    J U S T A H E A D ?


    In the city o f Twin Pall»—anybody I can look a t It—there la a copy of ao edition of the Bible p rb ted in London hy Eobort Darker In the year 1806. -

    In Oakland, California, a few no n th i ago, a copy of an edition ol Iho Bible printed in London in 1712 told fa r 122,000. Thero i i no qneitloa u to tbe authontieity o f tho u le . Mri.U . F. Hayole o f Baeraoento got the

    The Twin Falla book l i of the edition 4inowo ft< the "D ritehe i B ible."I t i l io a tplendid etate of proserva- UoB, printed in old Engllah type of a Ii quaint aod enrloua atyle,. aad b la a woodcDt frontlipleco whleh carriei w llh i t an air o f an tiquity inpoulb la to mistake.

    p . C.'W ation i t tbe owner of tbe Bible, and. the qdeition wfaieb be U now engaged In tum iog over in hla mind is th la - lf a 1712 B ible U . worth * 2 2 ^ ' what is the pataible value of one which antedates it by b e tte r ,th a n 100 yiaraT

    F IlliO F s i AND P i; PRQBUGED ill:l i i w r :

    ____ . dl


    ■■ ar

    W ASniNOTON, J « n . 2 1 - U m l- mum pricca fo r f i r logs and fir lumbre produced in th e Pacific Northw#^t ware announcod by tha wnr indostrlrs board today. Thoy are effective for 1 three months period,, which began June 15. Maximum prices were ,alao y ' tlxcd fo r southern or yellow pine lum- ^

    i-" ' ■ ' Douglas f ir prices, applying to lum- ” * bor mandfactnred Ln tbe Pacific north- rrest, raproseot nn average Inereua of '’’i spproxlmately •2.75 ft thouuad board «“ feet, It waa officially announced. TcI; low pine prices are increased appro^l- Biately M-80 a thonsand. ,

    Pzleea A pply to All Tho tiew prices apply to govornmeut,

    sllied and civilian pnrchases alike, I t ■ was officially Since mlH .prices on yellow, pine havo averaged hiffher to tho civilian Uade than to the .. government, the now schedule will no t • result in hlRher prices to the public, althougli tbe government will have to pay mere, i t w as declared. Douglas f ir prices will advance only slightly, If any, to the commereial trade under tho ; new rates.

    Increaied cost o f labor and suppltei ̂tiiBlS the new schedule neccwory, too war indusUles board sUted. Prices follow InvastfgaUon by the federal irado.commisslon. P>

    wot a Hxod Pigmo «;The price., It was. explained, -?re

    m axlonn prices, no t fixed prices, and lumbar n a y ba sold below the govern- ,

    r (Continued on Pngo EiRht)


    DUBUQUE, ' J r a . f 'jJo ..pS K o . . . , r . l t e d i«chW.l.op .1 the Duboque dioceso Roman thureh died hero early today after an Illness o f eevoral weeks. I t had not been known, th a t he was 111 nntll last Bnnday wheV prayers fo r h im , wore U. u ked a t a ll tnassas. -

    i;000 PEO M IDAHO ‘ bOIBB, Idaho. .Ju re 2 2 ^ A c f

    Jot one thoosaad man from Idaho on w ar recalTod today by A d ju t^ t on Oeneral Moody. The aew «■g cat wlU e a tra la fo r tti la ln * 8t eafflpj m y 22.

    lERE IT’S NEWS.!-]

    l l s ~i w n i T i m w i B o ; a i m

    W mID TOU■liisii : i i i i i i‘ i PROeM i

    HOOSE I________ - ’‘.{ I ’ '

    N E W F 0 B T i ; i C A n ( M H

    B I L L O A B B I E S B I O O M

    S I N Q L E A F P S O P E i ^

    T I O N I N M I L I T A B y i p

    T O E Y - T E E K O H W i ^ ^

    F A B E B E L I E V E D 0 V I B ; I it.

    — ' ■ , 'j

    O r p « « ) \y!x I WASHIKQTOK, June S2 .-T he iju i* ho:

    est' field artillery program In ffliUt«i7| sei ' history is provided in tbe new fortlfl* Ni

    cations bill reported lo the hoote' to-diy .

    The new artiU ory. program, Beprs- senUtlve Borland, chairman i f thorfor- tlflcations committeo, explained, iadl* , cates clearly tha t this eoantry’s oU i- i tary experts believe days of t m e h , warfarv are practically ended and t l i t t j a war of movement is in p ro ip eo t ' ' ’ . ,

    Of the to ta l 15,435,OM,244 appifoprii- 1 tlons and antborlsatlons in tho bUI, »5,00J,4C5,»45 U tw. m ounU ln,, fi«ld ] and i^ o .c a n n o a :’! ^ a m m o ^ t lo ) ^ ^ , i

    ■ K r i i k g Ocmeis I T ^ ^ ■ Tbe oztent to which coast, Panama ^

    canal .and other defenses were subordinated to the all-important work ef n supplying Oencral Pershing with artil- | 1 lery is shown by tho fac t th a t the to- | | tal 'fa r those Items carried In the bill

    j Is two billion dollars leas than war department estlmatea. ,

    ■ The backbone of the. new artillery program Is 7S millimeter guns and lS-’> millimeter guns and howUters. The

    . government is prepared to aid oxtaDs-■ ively plants threnghout the country to' put these three t;^ c s of guns and the '

    ammunltlan for them into quantity pro- . doctlon by tho f i r s t 'o f next year • or sijoner. •

    ' Btor’ Abroad la H eaatlm aOntil th a t tlmo General Pershing ,

    will continue to buy guns and anmnnl- . tion In France. A fter tho first of tho year American armies will bo Independ- bnt of French production, althaBgh tho ^ French have more than eopplled tha needs of our men abroad. .

    Kext to field artiUory, production of big guns from 10 to 15 Inches staAds out In tha bill. F o rty nilllion Is pro- vliled for tho b ig gnn p la n t a t NevUle island, near Pltteburg.

    To Bedaeo Fottlfleatloni"T h e b ig gna progrw ala'fram ed

    w ltb the expectktlaa th a t * » win bavo to cro*> th e Bhlno and rtdnce Oennaa fortlflcatton* to cfloipier." y ,, Borland a a l l p li

    Anothw M0,000.000 l l ptOTlded ' j i fo r oae thooaaad- by-product coke

    o n n s to produce toluol aad othnr - U g h oxplodvea. Tbeao o m a wfll

    bo aold a fte r tb o w w for 128.000 each for na* In m aU ag dye product*. Thla fea taro o f tbe bffl w u framed w ith ■ t le i r to freelag ] th is coontry froai_ d^eadeace oa tu t G « rm aB d y « ; - ^

    - ir**a Mot* SeaKbllglit. n e For searchllgbto aad anti-aircraft ̂

    euns mounted on motor trailers th.i « comnllteo appropriated,. *2,000,000 old fnnds unspent beeause a ll. searchllghta *«’ are going to F rance and none wore available for coast defenw. - . The an^l-alrcraft guns will be •tie

    4.7 type, wblch havo ^onger ranges oaJ wider explosive radius than ones now in use. —

    T he'rtquest for, 16 aerial coastal stn- tlans ta guard against submarine - and a ir a tu ck s was cn t in two. Each sU- tion will cost 11,000,000. In

    Tha wholo gun program Is made up stn In eontamplallon of f if ty per cent i t ; wastage. .■ 1^,


    I-ONDON, Juno 22.—" A few prison- Thi ers wera U kan and- canuallies Inflicted Ili{ on the enemy in raid nnd patrol ea- ity counters In tho Vlllora-Brotonneux aad the Straxeele sectors,” Field M arshal-Haig a e reported todny. . ,

    l-IF IT’S NEWS IT ’

    jl’h rS D A T , JUNB 22, 1016.

    YDEFEjG Q N T INS T R f e E T M D B S L

    m M A ! ^ . P E A C E


    I WOBSB - ^ B I S A M TBBBAT-I IK T f iO O iA ^ 'n O K

    [ \ ' :g r o r a B . J oa* k ^ - ^ irth a f dam-

    [' oa itnA loat - occuxTod la Vlenoa ; > ;a f* n d v ,,|ee « rd lw , to ^ v ^ r« ; .} n tr s A bw*"' t^dsy.; ' Bug* crowds fq[od th* principal itTMta,’ d ta an d la g '.f^vtoratlaa of

    I tit» -*rM d rstten i fncr#i#*d wage*, t t«daced h m of labor aad eosdoi- I te a o f » s « u ta l peace. Tbe police r • te terreaed .'

    . A u n r prodaaiAtloa' th rea te st ̂ ’ ' M Tcn meiuarea In ’repreesloa of

    tbo dlKB'UlB*.M l ^ N , Ju n e 22.-F.vl4ence la tfi- P

    cumulating o f ,th e rpal seriousness of - the industrial and political.aituatlon in Aoitria. ..DlspUebes from Batch, Swiss

    [ and Scandinavian sources bear a strlk- ’ ing sbsUarity.I VienM newspapers are'publlthlng da- i tails o f etrike developments which tn I Itaelf Is most significant, said the lat- i eat Swiss dispatch.

    T his Indicates the gDveinment is not trying to ' suppress ■ the news, while hRetoforo there was the tightest can-' serahlj) on all such .information. ’The N ieuw >rel« Preaae cayai.,.

    S e i ia u a tM i t Biota - ‘^Serloos tlo t i b a ra o ee u ired la th* a t i » ^ of ^ e n w n a i u ha re

    - b * r a - ■ to p p * d ,-fa c t^ - wlndovs aaaahM a ad biketlM plnndm d.Tb* poUe* a a d m lU tarr w a n c aU ^ out a ad took itz lc t mearaie*. They — lamed a w a ra ln t bolding parm ta m i

    . rvponslbU for t b r iwtlon of the lt. 1 1 half-fed diUdten. . ,. ‘ | |

    ' 'T b * ' guVeiiiman t will .b* c o a « . __ pellad to d tb t r Inexiai* t b i bi««d ' U

    . ra tloa o r t l i k fBTtbv «xdtlag t t * l l- w otk inf .pwiittfc^- n ' i a k r i m c a r '

    moaa a revolotlon.'’ , |

    D R V S l i l N I

    IK I P > M :------------ 1


    —— theWABHINQTON, June '• 22 .-D ry

    forces won another victory in the bouse today when a resolution calling on the president for Information as lo w hethfr o ju tho foal administration had restricted rj coal to brewers wa# taken from the bouse agricultural committee and pass-ed by a vote of 204 to 7 .’ This reso- c rn lutlon, introduced by Bepresentatlve %•ltUl more ngBV >a n bound to ix t r t tb a lr tttm oeW :;|

    i r m - f o r tb* purpoU o f a*carlag Oi

    tad ara bsriad. I j iatlon In tb* rear of tbe Ua* la mag**.” irti

    Battl* BtlU B«glag 21 W i r n THE IT A U A N ABM IE8 IN '

    H E, FIELD, J n n i 22 (n lght)— Th'oitt le for control of the d l-im portant ..I;[ontello orest-is stUl u n d e r 'w a y as iL'>Is dispatch U toed. . ' . ' ' ’ j l i , n e . l^ ll^ M 'W k a iira i tg . , byve. Ulade some ^ n s , iind have taken more ))|{ lan a thousand prisoners., but how ox- ̂ ’’vinsivo .their operations there . have ;̂:lleon cannot be detenalsad a t t l ^ ^mei i>|[;]ie ;U to it reports received a t.'bead- jiTiiarters showed that. I ta l ian s , bad 'Ulached the outskirts of Nervosa, oa' | | l |le southeastern edge of Uontello, and n lere fighting toward the river. CTI Enemy priw aen declare, th a t the . H |l

    Allan attack In' this sector frustra ted K|I Austrian attack, which waa planufd 1)1

    be launched Just an hour a fte r the . I|(olian began. ' . jjt

    * -- Blrs took ' a Qermaa out* .. I I,st a t Bt. Maur, capturing a a o a b e r - jU |' p risonen .” M


  • r A o B r w o



    F O U N D W A n

    K d e v e l o p m e S t s i n S I B E -

    i B I A B E G A S D E D A S S E R I

    O U S M E S A O E T O D f S n -

    T D I I O N \

    By JOSEPH SHAPLEN '•J ■ (U nited I’rcM S taff Correapoodeot)

    STOCKHOLM, June 22.—Dflvalop- ' idodU in SlU riB aro intensely serious ; fo r th« IklaboTikl. I t la impotsiblo I lo Rlonii from repoVta now aTallaWo j whflhiT tlie movement there is toon-

    te r rovolutionnry, l u t i l Ia m oit likely y th a t . th o Social roralut{ooarle< ot tho ! riRht nro ilomlnatlnR It.

    M. Schuslaniiky, proaident of the bl- j bcrlnn sovleta, recently WTOto lo Pre- j m ler Lonloe, ina ieatta/; tlia t all (rroupa ■ ia BIbcrla, inelodlnft p a rt of Ifae-Qot'' s W ik l , wore likely to combino to fijjh t

    (lem ian penetration. l ie declared tb s t posalMo inroads in Siberia would no- ceuK ate a bro(n>(lon of tho Breat-LI(o* Tjjik peace pact. Concludlnjr, he laJd;

    •'S ib e ria will be forced to aecept thia viewpoibi, in defense of Its In* tfireats, and will en ter an apecm en t w ith tho Americans, which -would lead to expected , conaeqnenecs: namely, loaas and Iroclo trea tie s .”

    i ThU le tte r never haa -been made r - . ' p u W e .; "L en in e ond bia M o«ow crowd aro

    I': like ly to resort to a final desperate move to save tbemselToa, calling in

    j tbe dernuin* ojroinst tho -donocratlc aod pro-alliei faction. They .wmitd terra thia a p a rt of the necessary polley of compromise wMlo awoitiof; a world revolution.”

    Thoa tho dissolution o f Boisiieviktiim ia procmUnK rapidly.


    I By L . C. M AETINI (U nited P r e n 's ta f f Oorrespondent)

    WASHINGTON, Juno 22.— Conjfrei#I II aboat to demand a s e w « ttto m e n t of I pollejr from the odm inistretioa w ith rv- I gftrd to Busila. . .I ^ Backed by a gro^og sentim ent fo r

    ' 0 Siberion offensive (o savo Bossfa j even o sidnst h e r . will friim Oennoo

    penetration, m em ben favoring Amerl- g ' c u -J a p a s t io co-operation In

    will la t/o d o fe a senate xesrioUon aim- ,^ iB g to . force from the pretlden t tome * defin ite pTplasatlon of th is govern*

    ' tn e a tV it&ad.Tho .aol# purpose of th ia , measnro

    would bo to so l from tbe iCresfdent nn* f v e n to tie§« q n e ttio u :

    I f V&lted S U te i keeping Japan I ont of Blberliiti W hat Jo Praace, UnffJftfld aod Itfll;? .

    th ink of Japanese in te rren tion t lia s thia Koyernmont any good Tea* ̂

    ton fo r fu rther ' ‘w atchful waiting*’ on the Russian qQeiUont

    K o O ri tfd m lBMndod 'T here-is no general criticism of the

    , governm ent'i p resent policy, bu t there is a g rea t desire fo r Inforraatlon. Con- gresi would bo sa tisfied to gat thla Inform ation privately, If publicity a t thla tlmo would ,be InadvlBaWe.

    n e n rty approval probably will bo g irctt to tbe B licbcpfk am eodaeo t to the arm y bill, removing the alien enemy te n t from Jugo-BIav aabjeets of A ustria in tbl» country by allowiBg them to enlist In 'th e American army.

    Y ■ b e o m t a r ik T wNEEDED ABEOAD

    OniOAOO, June 2 2 . ^ •Tbo T . M.C. A. D uat have 3,000 aeeretarles thla

    ■ anam er •to send to E urope," cold Gene ral Secretary John B. U o tl, pausicg in a tr ip to the Pacific coast w llb George W. P e rk lu t to confer wllb bntlness n a n o f varioua c ities, aaked Chicogo to supply 500 men for foreign service.- « I t '# not a bomb proof i a b ," aal.1. L . Deeti, Aurora, Ore. ' a Depriest, CarBtheraTlllo, Mo.J . J . Dougheny, Toledo, 0 .H. W. pahncita lk . Bnpid City, Mich. , T. PcUer, North K aokana, W ii S. Prank, Chicaga ^0 . B. Gedwla, B ryant, HI. eL . B. Barvoy, Kosbvilte, Mo. j T . Marekie, a ic a g o . fa PlckewalJ, W Uolngton, tV . j E . W. Shea, Lynn, Mass.A. D. eimona, (ThlcagO. r C. Snyder, Napa, Cai. „B. C. White, South H adley, Maw.

    • D . Zeccola, Now York. £ The aeverely wounded include: • ' Captain M. W. Clark, A tlanta, Go.

    •Corporals £ A. Moaes, Clio, Ky.; B.i t Beynolds, Ontario, Ore. J . L. JcW os:^-Chicago. . . . , , ,]

    PriTktei! •>. .a B. Annla, Bngby, N . D. XiJ . a Preet, Hmotot, Pa .R. Hosford, Menomlsoe, Wi*.. d W . Kapp, OurwensTlIle, P*.

    __________' TWIN FALK

    s . D. Leo, Calhoun, Miss, a M. M athis, Cincinnati, 0 . - 0 . M cduskey, Bessemer, Mich.M. J . M ay, Avis, Pa.A. Blpberger, Bellevue, Ky.J . M. Boss, Hammond, Wls.B. Btettflo, Wflstby,Q. W. Btanten, Moosic, Fa.J . B. W alker, Doer Lodfce, Mont. W. 0 . Williams, Bulto, Mont. - 0 . Q. W olff, Bello Pourche, 8. D.N. Yusblk, Cleveland, 0 ,

    ^ Woundod (Degree Undetermined) I Corporal H . H. Johnston Indianapi f lis ; Priva te 0 . W. Barrows, Mllea Cltj ^ Mont,A Ml Bring In A ctios Includef l ■ Lieutenant J . A. White, Jr., DuncaiI Okla.M Privates:

    J l G. W. Braham, Springfield, HL H B .,0 . Oermak, Chicago. ' ' l i - John Bade, Youngstown, 0 .H P. P. Rooney, 1124 U kcvlew Bouli H vard, Seattle , Wash, n PriM net., 'M U eu tenan t M. V. Casgraln, Dotrol M Mlcb;

    H UABQ7B OABUALTDSSH W ASHINGTON, .June 22.—Marin |H casualties reported today numbere H 31, divldeil aa follows:M Killed in action, 4; died of wound ® received in action, IB; wounded sever*

    ilic ly. 10. nrfer ' The lis t follow*.-

    gOlwl In Actioa___ F irs t L ieutenant G W. Smith, Deca

    tur, m ■— eecoBd L lantenant H . P . Waterhonw

    Oakland, Cai.Drummer 0. W. Price, A llaatlc C ltj

    N. J . - .P riv a te L N . Boone, Btokesdale, N . C

    Died ' o f W oouls B ectlred ia Action Corporals a 0 . Chrlstensofi, San^j

    'o^»l A na, Cai. . ------------- rB. Perry , J r . , Bethoado, Md. F r iv s te j;0 . W. Anderson, P r y lo r , Minn.

    l“ o J . a EUhlaon, Oakdale, HI. ther 0 . a Bomosdaeffer, Bt. Louis.

    A. I l Dunfee, Boston, Mass.3; 8 . H alblanb, St. Louis.

    _A. Leltner, Holstein, Wla.H . C. M yen , McLean, DLC. E . Kelson, Sail Lake, Ulab.Jr. L. S t. Clair, Eggk’ilos, Va.

    J ,],. G. B. Sellera, Moscow, T eias.,on E- B- Small, Toledo, 0 . : •

    ’ C. A. Towson, Washington, D. C.B. A. Trow, Trinity , Texaa.

    y '.’ Bererely Wounded In Action , V a. Sergeants U . Gill, Perry,. Mo.. . . Q. B. B ean, Pattison, Miss." ’ P rivates:

    use, ^ ErJandsoe, Micb.TO W. B. PlanagOB, Conception Joae-

    ' 4lon, P . Qfllger, Price Hill, Qlneinnatl,

    Ohio.A. B . Johnson, Heborn, Ind.H . Moon, Elwood City, P a . .J . N. HT Fhlegar, BuMell, Eaa.J . M. W orrell, Colorado, Texas.

    S A Y S A E E O P i A H E S . ^T O 'O E O S S A T l A N T I O

    W ^SHIKOTON, Jono 2],—Ameri. can aeroplanes, equipped w ith Bolls-

    ah. engines and piloted by aviators of tba iH ied Batloas, wUI e re u the A tlan tic w ithin three months, Mojor Ger- oral W. Branker, of the Boyal Air Pordo, declared.

    The fligh t, General B n n k e r ( ta t^ l, probably would bo made from New

    ; f

  • S A T ^ J W x»,X; f-f., g g x o .

    ■ d1 W W " 'dll womi m

    F i m ORDER■ LoaAL BOAED 19 ADWS-



    Definition of non-produtUvo 'occu* patioM or omploynient* whieh, u well u laicncss, under ftmondmonta to 180 leleetWo w rv lto refpiU tioin,-nifty bo • (rrouSds fo r the Inmodlato loduetton la to 'tbo m illta r; tBrrles of regis trauta coRDKed in thorn without adoqoato ox- ruio a fte r Ju ly 1, h u boon recolvod by the Ioc«2 board in orders trom tho pro-

    ...T o a t marelitl gflBorftl'a dopartm ent, w U ch provide:

    K oa P w dneen U rte d Tho ftmploynent o r engaffemoat of

    any able-bodJed rcj^Jln in t o f m illta rr ago in any. of- tha following oecnpa- , tloDi or cn p lo y a tn ta I t D ot'aoffielentty | effective, In the present emergency; to ‘ justify the poilponement of his call into the m ilitary aerriee, notwithatand- 1b^ ho n a y have a 'tale o rJer num ber . end notwithstanding he may bavo been placed In class 2, 8 o r 4, on th e ground .

    ■ of 4ep - gaged In nan-productive,occopntlons o r . .o p b jr in n U : , “

    c \ (a) Ponons engaged In tho aorring „ o f food and drlok or either, In public „ places, In c ln d b g . hotois and s o c ia l ^ elob ij V

    (b) Passengar-elerstor operators " aa3 a ttendants; u d do{i’rn!.eD, fo o ta ro ,

    rarrlage oponera and other a ttendan ts j , ia clubi,’ hotels, atoros, apartm ent bosJM, office bolldings and ba tb , honiea; '. (c) 'Persons, intlodlng ushers aad

    oth^r a ttendants, eagoged and occupi(4 in and in cbnnectlon w ith games, aporta aod amosenisats, ezeep tlog 'ae tua l p rr- fn rnors in le ^ tia ia te cencerta, operas l or theatrical perfonnancos.

    (d) Bales elarlcs and o ther clerks . employed In stores aad o ther mercna-

    tlte citabllshoenta.Ter Sxeato ■ bui

    The following grounds ahall be ac- nu

    j [ N o t e d H a r p i s t

    J ^

    ' ^ J my ' Tiro yuuug ladies o r onusual versatl

    CbQBtauqua nudlenecs tn tbe persons of ^ BmlUi.-Separately both h a re been appe g o \n i companies on the Lyceum and 01 U appearaaec.toKcth^r ta an nsaurance o; i, m e a t UIrs Morrison, reader, is cottsl< J 'p to * npoD JJie and does so a e

    ,8>io poMMsps ftlso a n -cx«p tlon* tly si J ‘Uls# Smith,-formerly harpis t w ith both

    Metropolitan Opera Co. o f New Zork, t: tasirumeac.- 6ho Ic cooslderod br moctc

    . " f tb i COMtll,________■' ■

    ular vacation#) from regtilar emplov. j ment, not to exccBd ono week, unlets t

    I auch temporary ahsencea are 'habitual ; and frequent, shall not be considered ‘ as idleness.

    (d) Where there are eompeUlng i domeitlc clrcumaUaeea th a t wonld not

    ' penult of change of emptoTment b^ the ; ̂ ilcgiJtraat withont disproportionate

    h'ardihip to bis dependents or where 1 a change from a non-p‘rodnctiTO to « productive empldyment; or occopatlon wbul dneceuUate the removal of the J rcKixlraat .withoat disproportlonata and tueh removal woijld, in tbe jadg- ment of the board, caoao uausnal haril- •hip to tho reg is tran t or his family; or wheo auch change of employmoat w ouiy neceaaltate the rem oral o f the moat of women under circumntaocvii ' tlcemed by tho boarda unsuitable for Bucb emptoymoQt of womeo, boards sn t a u th o rize to consider any or aQ of auch circiimBtantes aa reasonable ox- cuae for non-prodnctive om ployaeat.

    E lU Fortnae T ellen - I f a registrant la Idle, be of e ^ r s c is

    nfit occupied or employed a t aQ, and hia atatus o f id lsnou fnrnlshea gronni for the withdrawal of his deferred c la i *

    •,,* ^ . . im m e rI p r o g r a m i s b u i l t f o r c a t i o n

    ! r s t o s p e a k o n v i t a J w a r p n

    : r i o t e t n r o u g h o u t t h e w e e k .

    :.NK.W IRT ,

    i by the Qoyemment, Spring of . on actual conditions in the war .uqoa audiences 'the last word aerican section of the line.


    2ct from Hoover’s d c p a ^ e n t conBcrving food and practical

    •ked out by the Food Adminla- ist day at Chautauqua. No ad-

    E v e n t s


    i honored with the opening, and ho San Francisco Exposition, fifth day. These concerts will ce of yoor season ticket


    J with voices of unu8ual_'any the Band a t night These' of a prominent Chicago gnmd

    1 render a program long to be re-

    u t s[OEET FLAN

    X) more than $8

    t a t C h a u t a u q u a

    sa tm ty and ablUty aro comlag to c n to rtila ! I o f llU dred Morrlsoo and AUco O e n e ^ ito ppearlag sacccsafully a t th e bead o< tIiUr'I O hautaaqoa. platform fo r y e a n , n j t t r ‘e o f a program of ra re m erit and e&ioy- ’osldercd one of tbe W i child Impeitpa- - ')me n n u r iu b le v o i t Jn c h a n c te r lM tlo a 't sw eet aad well trained sopnujo voice. ’oth tho Chicago Orand O p e n O o . tn d .p e ■c, tiaa absolute m astery of th a t w o D d ^ l >octcst ctUfotr 000 o f grodtM t b c ip lf ts f

    ......... .............. ...............................J

    V. slficatioa or late ordor a u m b erj.a n ^ *IS the regulatloQs applicable to gombleri *’k1 or a ll desoriptiona and employei'.^ nf fid race tracks and bucket ahops, an d ' to ‘

    fortune te llen , elairvoysats, palm ^tn, ^Ig and the Uke,.who, for tbe puipoae^of |)t theao regulations, ahall be coasldece• ̂ A truck • load of doughboys .wan cl ^ Houncing over-tho road near a woods,° from which a railroad emerged. In tho tl ‘1 vicinity. >uf Verdun. Suddenly thero o ^ rarae a doop-toned b la st of a locomotive A

    from (he. woods, followed by tho pac(- oi 8 - .................... ..........

    !) S tate Crown' worn by .Queen* Victoria, Q g King Edward V H and the present king X a t the tiine o f tbe lr several laacgura- r tioaa. Tbere was alao the blasiogry t bodiamoaded crown which Field iU r - 2 nhol-Lord French bore Into the Hoose J of Lords aad out again Tuesday. ‘ g All in all, there was enough there f to tempt—but th a t 'a a dangerous line > t of thoughtI --- --------.a FOOD O m O Z A L S UBBTt - - _______'> BAN FBANCISCO, Cai., June 23.—° State h'ood Admiulatrators from Idaho,• Oregon, Washington, Ai^soaa, Nevada

    and Utah, together w ith their assist-t nata, and food adm inistrators of varl- J ous Callforala countiea, are In eonfe^ i » a » with Balph R ,4 fe77i t t to dJseosi ) Important food questions and pollelea . The meotlags wW bo held throughoat 1 today aad tomorrow.'', ■ I t waa expected th a t a definite pol

    icy of haadling many food problema ' of tlifM sta tes would be decided upon. ̂ The its te admlniatrntora who arrived

    • today Included the following: * Charles I H ebW d, Waahlngfon; R. F . BIcknell, ̂ Idaho; T. A. B. Cordan, Iowa; Q. A

    > Lemmon, N evada; W. B. Ayer, Oregon.' Others included John K . U ardy, L . U.' Bally and U ra. W. a Schramm, all of •

    U tah; Ilerbert F . Tremp of Boise and ’ Oeorge H. Snialley, Arieona. -

    5 FOE E X d ilA K a E -Jo b p t ln l l . , lor , money. Ottr w ork is like your aioaey—I f t . b « t Twla l U l , H m . . ........... ■

    P a t r ilot v a l u e o f C h a u t a p q u a i n t h i s

    I t h i s m u s i c a l p r o g r a m s o u n d

    i d b r i g h t e n w a r - w o r r i e d m i n e


    ‘ Eoudng patriotic attraction for Chautauqua. Four veterans of tho time tunes and camp-fire songs. L A, Pattee, 24th Eeglment-MIcliigan

    DE. 0. J. BUSHT

    Special accredited lecturer -presen home . Dr. Bushnell will bo In ‘cO Bureau of Information in Washin message every person should lieor

    2 6 - B i g E v e i


    Short plays of great European d ra Players under tho personal directio Crandall. Group of plays will indue a drama f i t strong patriotic appeal.

    " A N E V M N G I N I

    Illustrated travelogue, “ Eambliag by Mildred Lcso Clomeus, cousin of motion pictures of M t Kilauea, H Accompanied by Eoyal Hawaiian ( charming Siw aiian melodies.

    ) ■ ' ■ — r w r June 20,!

    2 4 , 2


    W a rT a iN o l Stud- m do d e d ' ( i f l n

    r A O B tE B O l ,5brhptlye Is ul S igh t to B oysC J , TAYLOB !;aff Correspondent}'

    log chug th a t of a train . going over tho Bookies.

    “ ^ u n d s like a a American locomotive, aurcr than thunder,” ahouted one of the doughboys. 'T o u couJd tell th a t noiajj a mile away. L e t 's stop an tll i t comea out of the woods.”

    •Who Oarea for Shells? , j' “ W e'ro liable to ge t shelled h e re ," *

    ssid tbo tr r c k driver, “ b n t I f you fel- i| lows aro game I am* I ’d take a chance ̂oa abelb any day to soe a Baldwin locomotive go by w ith a good old American puff and chug and w histle."

    Tho group laalstod on stopping, and tho locomotive, hauling a boat of tiny |j Frearb fre igh t cars, came pu ffiag our || ef the woods. The doughboys broke l' out into eheera, a n d ' more doughboys |, running the engine replied w ith a full- || steam resoaadlag whistle th a t echoed clear Into ( k m ta f , j'

    " I eaa die happy aow !” said oae of ‘ the doDghboya, aa the truck moved ■ | on toward the front, a fte r the haak r Amerieaa locomotive had beea watehed if oa( o f a/ghf.

    ■ II.


    IIs a child b o n i 'In Belglnm. an \i

    enemy allea althoagh both parents j a re.eltU ens of Germany and have I registered a s loeh Ja eoopliasee ' w ith -government r^u lre m ea ta t

    '■ 'T iJs is tt qoes(/oa (hat fs pus- tllag F rahk E.. W heeler, a n ls ta u t

    ' In the offiee of th e e lty clerk, who la helping C h f tf 'o f Police William taylor in the ,reg lstraU on of German alien f e i ^ e s . I t arose when j a I4-year4ld girl, born tinder these conditions, inquired of Mr. Wheal- 'f e r if ahe would b« n q o lred to n g - ' later. -U r. Wheeler h a s .re fe rre d the question to tbe United S tates f l a an b a L I

    s ix Oerman. women had regtst«^ I ed in Twin Falls as enemy a l le u M up to Saturday mondng. Tha H regiatratlon is to eontlaae up to P ' ai(4 laeludiog W ednesday next, tbnso subject to the reqoiremeiit l[ who are realdeats o f the e ity n g - UI' latering a t the e lty clerk 'a offlee Ij and.'those residing ontiide the e lty |] bntjpatrona of the Twin FaUa poet- |'; o/fiftf, n g h tu in g a t , t i e p o i ^ ^ flee. ImprUoameat In the f ^ n l u | prison a t Leaveaworth, RaasaH, or A; ia a deteation camp^ un til t l ^ e l o ^ I9| o f the w ar is the penalty fo r fall- u nre to n g ls te r on the p a rt o f thoae required to da eo. W

    . Thrive by th rift—buy W. 8. B.'

    f l j s m il i s w a r y e a r a n d H I

    d s a s t r o n g p a t - ■ 111

    I!IDDLEBB I ;o r t h e o p m l o g n i g h t o f I'^l

    1 0 Civil' W ar bring old- L|iLeadership of del. John Elii

    inVolunteeii Hh

    INBLL P;.|

    anting war. problems a t ^ ifjcOQBtant touch with the ^ington and will bring a B|j|J . ^

    > n t s - 2 6 I I

    ALLIES" J l

    nmatists by the Luzerne !|]ion of Luzerne Westcott j | |ude " In the W ar Zone," Itt

    1. . IlHAŴ " I

    Dg Throogh Paradisf^" I >f Jklark Twain . Shov?irigHawaii's activie volcano. . II Quintet in a concert'pf. I

    2I,22,2S,25, 26, - Iilldron .......... ........ $1.00 ■ J

    udents ....... .„_....'.j$1.50 I

    Julta _____.:._,.„..$2.50 ■ I

  • fA Q irO X M

    THE TWIN FALLSSDAILY NEWS ;‘; p“PnUlabed by T irta r«Ua R w Pub.

    llihlDg Oo, In c , a t Twlar « tu pno 01

    ________________________ ; opljoa» month

    At* InOopendcnt aftBrnoon DC>i»pnporisiuod evory day o ieopt A lton

    Banilay _ E«

    TODAY’S NEW S TODAY .--------------------------------- — ----------------- lipro In . A . r e a d ....... ..................... .j»ubll*69r

    ■ JOTTN C. H A RV Ey______ Nows EOltor ]. n, .H. U . SIM S_______ ________ Manager .loHii

    TclBphono 32 Tim __________________ __________________ till# I

    BUB80REPTION EATBB “j” ”” , U ti l Oarrle: of ]ai

    #5.00 ............... Odp ^ t o r ------------»fl.00 ju jj .. t2.50 ...............0 m o n lh i------------- W.OO i . . . i

    •1 J !5 ________3 m onth# -------------« .8 0 J# . 5 0 _ ..... - . . - I m o n U .------------- • .01)

    ■ A(lTcrtl«!n(f ItalflB jipoa »ppllcaHoa.

    E nU red /a i eeeond-elau m attor AprU 6, lOie, a l Ibfl poito fnee at.TwiD Falli, tdnho, und ir tho A ct of M arth 8,1870.

    ’ ̂ fo r i

    S " '’"

    TH B H U N YABN FACTOBY “ 5!tl . IvlcR are a Btandardleeil prodact of thla <

    tJid Po(«)am (ranfr, ami ths AWet irJlJ M arti go i)ow In /fjviu;* credenjc to any new*, regardlfta o f how aceoplablo it m»y be, th a t m ight by any atreteh o f , tho Jmaglnation.havfl it* orlKin’in Barlln.

    I t h u boon Mid on tho beat of ao- I>B O thority , cowoborotod by travclera fiom Oermany, th a t a common practice of tb e Pofadao gang’ fa to w ad on t ttortet ^ of fnmlnp, alrlkea, and other fo ra a of iDtema] diaaenaion, nil o f a pnrely fie- titioua e h m e te r , merely to get it iottf . the preas of the enomy. T hai done of Fil they kre able to ahov tho denn&n peo* table pie th a t the newapapere of the onemy coontrica are •wholly unscropnlou*. To completely tindennine the confidence of qq^ f, their own pe6pie in the iDleRtlty of from the allied countriea h u been^one of from the object* of th e Potadam Bang from the very beginninR. ' ,

    W hether the *erlonaneaa of tke Aoa- trian a ltnatlon i» real, nr greatly e i- Jng u aggerated to f i t into aomft Potadam niorni

    ‘ acheme, remalna to be aoen. The ,Hmo - ha* paated, .however, when the people

    o f th e .a l l i e d conntriee are 6p t lo be the pi fooled by n c h doTlcea. knowi

    Tho reports o f xie tlog in Vienna will ^ have the e ffec t o f eneonrsging tb s Al- k A lies to proiecnte. t i e war w ith even Jcnnl .n ,o .M .r t* l» l r » . i l.« i »l«»r. m .y n « r i” have resolved to w in thla irjir wllh aworda aad not w ith words. T h e /h a v o • aeen ao many evidences o f Qerman dp- cided p ltclty th a t t i e y w i» n o t be cootent to a il n l a peace table wilh t i e Hnna un til tho 'Potadam gang Is done for.

    T hat A ualrla may prove a tremen- oiami doua liab ility to the Oerman w ar ma- Dog chine ia, hnwever, E elattves lo Betate d f 'Jo h n Al- -

    len. Deceased .

    Trial before a jury la diatrlel court ro in tho cnoo of Olon C. Fritcher, ad- n ia trato r of tbo eatate of Jo in .^1- I, doccatcd, against Mr. and Mrs. . bu K elley, which h u been In prdg> la alnce Monday nearod Its eloso I* morplog wiion the arguments of tornoya wa* begua In this case ^ rn lM Ity o f a deed fo e ighty acres - land In tbe vicinity of Bohl given

    ly 18, 'jO ie, by Allen to the Kelleys nttackcd by the administiiitor on

    D grounda th a t Allen waa at- the time inlally Incompetent and th a t undue U fjaence w u brooght to bear upon ^ ij by Ih t Bfelioya. The value of the id ia estimated a t approximately ' 6,000. One d d la r and other valuable oaldprntlons were gi«en io payment ' r I t according lo the conveyance, bsequent to tbe execution of tbe deed . len w aa Committed to the atate In- "* DO asylum w here 'he died. " aA ttorneys fo r t t e admlnlatrator In la caan aro E . M. Wolfe and J . F. irtio Dt TwJn F*lli(, A rthur. W . Oa. mi of Biihl, ^ n d Turner O liver Jt okaso. The Kelleya are repreaenlfJ p E . A. W alter* and 0bad I/. Hodgln

    T w in Falls.

    a o p s d b a d ' at~B BEAEFAST TABLE

    ral F. X>uk of FUer Diet Suddeoly 10 State Banltaiioin, Where He

    Wu Eecelved BecentlyJ rv a l F . L ark, » n of T horau L ark F iler, dropped dead a t tha b re n k fu l )le 8 a t* d a y morning a l th e .a U to slum a l Dlaekfoot, lo which Inatitu- n be w u eommitted June 18, ec- •dlng to word from tho auporintend- t received bore. Mr. Lark auffernd im & m ental breakdown resulting im overwork on his farm a l Payette, wording to •'atatements o f witneaaea . tho hearing bore aa to hia eanity. U

    la a tated th a t he bad frequently irked .eontinuoua)y,ffwn early morn- { un til 12 and 1 o ’clock tho next irning. I t w u believed th a t a brief 3rae o f tri^ tm ent a t the sanitarium luld reialoro him to, health. Mr. L ark wi ro an •excollcnt reputation among Co 3 people of Flier, where he w u well tb ow a. —

    B SX A X j o i n s U A BIN B OOBPfl KANSAS CITY, Jnne 27.r-WlHiam nninga B n a n b u enlisted In the irinosi ' ' Em No, tb is Mr. Bryan ia not the famous ̂shroakan. While working oa b it farm a r W axabaxie, T ez u , he aoddenly deled lo take an Intensive .course of iklning oa a E n n fighter. A few 1' ura la te r he was on hla way to tbo na\ e ru iting sta tion here. - Now B ryae, B. onouneed pbyaicaiiy pe rfec t, by tho C. am lnlng physician, ia a t the Devil ont )g rec ru it camp, Paris Island, Sooth wci iroHna. the


    AMSTERDAM, June 22.—M. Maliii f , one of t io Boigarlan leader* who ipoaod th a t couotry 'a’ entrance into y . c w ar, h u been appointed premier. S o fia djipa tch announced today.


    Tho regular • acral-anmial atockhoM. i ' meeting of t i e Ida io Department a re , L td., will be held a t the offleo ^

    the company on Monday evening, ily 1, a t a p. m . 4llgnod) D. D. ALVORD, 7̂ “ino 21, 1918. Secretary.

    ■ Optlmlstlo Thouflht. .Rcjolci* iniiay, for tomorrow i w ay bo aa ica .

    CUulfl^ Ads are cieip-effeetlvr



    L et every stitch you kn it rem ind you of the financ ia l fabnc that money- savers are iwjow'np— | those '\c h o toith equal Hpatience bank their a savings regularly. Bpare ffl m om ents a t kn iiling and M J -spare dimes banked pro- a duce tn t im t what can- ^n o t be done all at once. W I t takes more than one | [ - row of kn itting to' m ake 19 th e tcoolen garment, and

    - m ore tfian one deposit to |hu ild 0 5 tw c o s* fund. |



    ' T W lK P A U ilD a ]

    S o m e w h e r e i n t l

    I ' , ' ' fi’M G o in ^• {oo»«!' m il W .^




    ' mim ent never was ncvdcil, bu t Coloai'l Dl action, and be wns ttiimkcd bx tlie goTcr

    Colonel DIckcrsoQ comcs of flgb tins at w as u vctrm n c f the Civil w nr. H e la n Colonel DJckewon Is M m elt a v n lc raa of t^b^o i m r of ^ In rg c niolc-hrwillnK ninch


    T T ndp D e lu y WeQ F le a s e d - ^ tb BO' B0l t» - Y 0a n g People WUI E ^ r s

    Special Tralslfig

    Entlgn II. W. Delany of tbo TJ. a navy, with medical oxamincr Dr. S. V.B . Hooker, au is te d by Chief ToemanC. II. Allgood, h. L Curtis, D. H . Btev- en la aad D^R'. Qroota, spent J h e j>a:l w eek , in Burioy enliatlng rocm lta for the navy, eays the Burley Bolletln. Tbey were Buccessfol in t i e i r . efforta, securing eighteen young men and one young la d y hcse, u follows: Wm. R. Libby, F . D. Robinson, Elm er 'Thomtr,V. H . Orr, B. W. Coleman, W a . Yea- m an, J , E . Rogers, A- D. H oppe, Irwin E . Pepper, C ly d e -fra tt , Joha yi. Moline, M artin , E . Jenson, Glenn H ardy,R. H . W alker, Irw in W ebb, Wallace Welib, August Colin, W illiam McRae Don&l.l nnn Mias A lta E . Bebree.

    These yonng people will be aoat to d ifferen t pa rts o f the country for spec ia l tra in ing and to determine jua t Trbat work in the navy they are beic f itlc .l for.

    FOB E X C H A N O B -Jeb ' prinUng for money. O nr work la like vonY money— t i e b e a t Tw in F i ’ie News.

    C A R L R 0 D I 6 E R

    Thla Ii.Cari Rotflder. alia* Karl MirMjer^ the tlleaed paymatter of Hm aeman «plM in Amerioa, who hat bmn e«ptur«] by «p«fitivt^er Uit ftfcl-

    ^ vmrAnmA. Tht pertnlt It tha 9>Te ht had en hit paiepcrta. It la.M id R e d lo v k ■ oMm t i f l h a 0 « ^

    ...............V r --------------^


    ^rfte u . & A ~ . ■ ^ ^

    — chi

    l U E O R G A N I Z E R


    Col. IU P. Dlckeroon of Springtfcld. - U a , orpinlzor of tbo N otional Loynlty

    lengne, o lrttily b»8 cslnbllnhetl -tlio onanixaUon In a number of s ta te s , bnt says he will not res t contcnt u n til j ovtry American, rcgnnlleas of sex or ogc, is enrolled In Its mcmberHhip. j

    A year ago, when th e United 8tntc8 calered t i e w ar. Colonel Dick- j j j or(.on organlted a cnvolry b r ip d o fo r jj Inatant Bcrvice. H e opened recruiting j j , stiitloos a ll over tbo .coun try nnd co- rolled 82,000 men, moHt o f them be- yond tbo d raft age nnd tlic nm jority of them Telemns of th e Spnnlsh-Amcri- can w ar. Colonel D lckenw n’s bri* pu le wiiH orRanlm l som ew hat on tho lines of Colonel RoosoTcifs dlvlalon. do: hot tho government wonld n n l ac- . cept I t _

    In MIC, when the w n r w ltb M d le o “ seemed Inevitable, Colonel D ickerson f f rnhed a regiment o f m ore than 3,000 in in In leas than ten days. Thla rcgl-

    I Dlckersoo’fl reglroent w as re^dy for )Tcmmcnt for h is patrioUsin. g stock, n i s fatber, Jerom e D ickerson, la mnrried and h as a son In tho arm y.1 of tbo Spanisb-Aincrlc&n w ar. B e Is [ ich In Mlnson'ri.

    Are’ Are You iT h e n C o m e lo T w in \

    R B

    Combing your sp(

    Buy all the ThriftJiily4thata


    All Goe Red I

    H E L P 1

    H A V E

    D O N ’ T

    ' ■ j "B l

    A ' ■ .


    / H a u t e


    aJ Z Concort. 2:30; A ft« n o o n L actt Evening Lectnre, 8:46. .

    • d iM taa q u * OrouDda corser o f F i f t i i poslte Prcabytcdaa chtnxh.

    0ATUEDAY “

    MorolnK-S^rle* ^ « tu re , Buperiu- g tcnilcnt; Junior ChauUuqua.

    Aft«raoon-Enlerlainm o»»- ' Ej»on-Bmlth Company! ^W orld'* Orealeat N eed,' M. 0 . R ee^

    C om pw ji *

    scBUNDAV Bt

    M o rn i.s -U -u il « t «" ^

    J ”" ’"s jm p tan ic t e -ry a - t o a o „ , a . o ,h „ , u b i. )Sdl.«. . . . I y i.lO r ..IT i l l ll yonr opportunitj to bour IM co

    Voip»t Sorvltra . All Io.

    Cootcrt, Z o M « 8j.»p to« te Q ilu M i U M uro E i t t j o ^ d ln*y ,.C apL J . M .'d o Beftufort, Bel-

    I clan ArtiUery Officer and Nobleman. l E u aeen Boctet .Beivlto Active Servico In the T re « h e ^ Auth- ^

    lor “ Behind the Qorman V e il." E 'MONDAY al

    "M nslc D ay “ ^M otalog-B ctles L ecture, Buperinteu- dl

    dent; Junior Chautauqua. noA flcm ooa-Popu la r Concert, T b a v nc

    I W e H a v e S o m e RiF A R M LI R R IG A T E D L A N D S CO

    You Patrio a Good A0Fa lls J u l y F o u r th l o the 1

    : 0 C R O S D A '

    ir patriotism andagi pending the day here

    ft Stamps you can ai any booth, concessior luŝ as good as cash.

    es to the C Cro^ Chai

    T H E R E D C

    : A G O O D 1

    M I S S T H I S

    B u y W a r S a v in g s S ta m p s

    2 2 , 1 9 J8

    AUQUA, JU N E 20 26 ̂ 'lA S Y rABSIUQTOH. Junior' Bopcr-

    ':00; Morning H onr Lecture, io:oo- s tu r^ 3:00; ETanlng Ooneeiii 8;oo;

    b a m a o aad Sw oad s tn e t aacth, op. ^

    iu 's Exposition Band. Tho Band that opened snd closed Oio Ban Biposition.

    E vcnlng-< lraad Concert, Thavlo', Exposition B and; O peratic SoleclJoai Grand Opera A rtists. Aecompanied by • ThflvJu'* B»po*ltJos Bacd.

    TOT8DAY ̂ ■

    Morniog—no'allh Lecture, Edna*En.' xcjjja hone, "D an g er Blgoal* on ti*Road to H ea lth” ; Junior Cbantauqui

    A fto rooon-P re lude,. Treble ClefClnb; Cartoon-Lecturo-EntertainmentIfed Woedmau. '

    ’Evening—Concert, T reble Qetf Qui- Ooyflrnment-occredltcd Leeture, "W l(4 O ur Atmiet in E orope,’* L!acola L. • W irL Member Bod Croaa official Oi,. servatlon P a rty sent under mftitary «• cort to tho trenches in the spring ef

    W ED N SaD ATMorning—Food Dem onatratlon; Joa-

    ior Cbaulanqoa.Aftemoon—Prelude, E oyal Hawaliss

    Q ulntlt; Inspirational Lecture. ■'Orapaa o f OoW ," H . V. Adanj*.

    Evening—M other Oooae Festival, br Ao "K id d ie s " ;’ Entortafnmeni, " ai. Evening in H aw a ii" ; (a) Concert, Roy- ai Hawaiian Q ulnU t; (b) U lustraW Lccturo, "Ram bliD g T iroogh P arj. d lae," Mildred Loo Clemens, ahowiog now molfon pfctnre* o f H aw aii's ever, nctlvc volcano, Mt. Kllauea. [ '

    l e a l B a r g a in s Ln

    LANDS,O. FlnlNat'IButKBultdfns

    — j

    )tic? I nerican? I

    P a trio tic R a lly a n d I

    l Y - I

    jo o d t im e b y I

    in d sp e n d th e m I

    in or show. I

    !̂ ounty Ipter Im s IT I N E I

    $ D A Y


  • i f f o N C A M P r LOOMS FOR HON

    , I B E S f i i l E R EOABL r a iT Z IS OHAEGEDj



    •Taken In ctMfod/ by 8 b e r l/f Frank! j t. Kundall hor« PrMnjr foTenoon just u he Aad Bcaietl htm ielf betiind tbul »bfcl of. hifi iiutomobllB prqjaratorj- (0 doparturo ,fo r Utah, Carl I v i l t , 82,$ OcTman, i i a prlioner In tbe eonnly jnil, charged w ith failure to /cgl» t«r u an enem j alien io n 'c o n p la is t'fi led

    ■ by Sheriff Kon'aall ' bkfore United Statcfi CorDRiisRloDer C. 0. Sl^rgint. If

    . fonviftod of thi* offense, F rit* will bo interned in a inllltarjr detention eatnp for tho ilaration of (ho war. ^

    Oompaalons to B« In re ttU it« d _ W ith rr i lB in tho car whon ho wm

    errentf and 2 i The najj j , opfj, {q 'icr th l” 'J t - t l . l . r o j an d o m . . . J

    t . « , . . 'i n l r l , , „ o 10 bo m««o 'J ' . ' ' nn or before August 1. ' " "

    — I proximJ E R S E Y C A T T L E C L U B

    ■ W I L L J J E E T A T B U H L

    Oeorge amith, Prom lent B alt LakeBreeder to Speak ‘•’''"'K

    '"Viiaiion* oTT being issued to 0 '"Mling nf H o Tw in Palla County Jer- V.V Caltle club to bo held a t 1 o'c lock Halnrday afternoon, Juno 20, a t Buhl.J U Direiing I , called fo promote the nlc«M» of a ll intercatod in Jeraey cat-

    •'c. f ilte r grade o^.pnnjWod, as woU * M “Jvancing. th e progress of tbe brood **

    hi., coupjy. Qeorgo Smith c t the « "ith nrothera Jersey Cattle company ^y tho

    f Soil I^k c , will attend-aod address ̂wcBiln. Buhl;

    ri ,. - ■ G arretiJoa t you wnnt I lf Advortiae I t in Williai


    Hannon Franklin .Paige G .H .C . Tracks


    ^ edc

    Do jour eyes botlior you! r You will be able to do m moro • work if properly m

    ' fitted with glaflscs . Sm ^W. ErPE IEB E n


    t w i n f a l l s •



    B ; LOWELL MELLETT. ],•' (Doited Prtoa S taff Conespondont) w W ITH THE AMERICAN ARMIES .jd

    N PRANCE, June 22 (4:20 p; m .)*- 'reaeh foreei oa tbe h i t ol tbo Amerl- j m s holding a certain Marne sector HO' nderwcDt a nevero bombardment to- Mr ay. Tho .American poaltlons wero not for juched. , DaiThe effort to clean out the remolnlng Me

    onnan machine, gun vnests on tho Wb orthern edge of Bolleao wood was te- nm [we.l yeaterday evening. ing

    . + + + + + J

    ' LOOAL BEIEFS Jjv .

    Farm Experts Vtalt Here—C. J . Loth, A ato aeed commliiiioner, and George fori orriaon, assiatant county ogent lead* and

    of. Boise, were horo 'P rlday on n roM ait to the farm bureau offices. A

    ------------ lineH onor.B aadm aa Going to Wax—Jcr- T

    L. Biggins, who leaves th is evening (le^ r Vonconvor barracks, W ashington, Gin

    rq>ort fo r duty us an automobile and srhanic to the commanding otficor •

    the m ilitary aeronatiea eorpa, waa I* Riicat of honor a t a bnnquot given idny -evening ly members of tbo rln Palls band. Mr. Biggins ban bciin ' member of tbe band for «>ij}ht yctira ̂il. Ho rcaigned bis posilion as fore- '̂®1' n for the Western Auto company to J'I'ir ler the n ill ta ry service.

    . --------- • Hfloiktt«nds Snpeiliitaadents’ Oonven- Fosi n—Mias B rittom art Wolfe, county Thoi lerintendrnt o f Inalructlon, J e f t Satiny morning for Lc^JIston, where she ^ I n ttrnd tho annnnl convention of ' county Hupcrintendonls of tho ita te , aftei session there for one week. Aid

    — ■ Jealidarlnofl' G et > Two M ore— P rank >o«rl ■pp, son of J . M. Stepp, Twin Falls, trib i s a a opplluint accepted for enlist- Bt ia tho a arlo o eorpi by t^o loti) *|»*f niltlng station who le ft Friday oven-

    for Salt Lake. Ccrll Rny Patton, •i* o f .lamea A. Patton,' Twin Foils,

    a npre|itccl for pnlialment In the rino corps and left Tliiiraday evening Rf Sa lt Lake. Lonii

    --------- Robi>leclassify Some Seristran ts—Rec- ),(rM nondatlons fo r rcasaignment from gait e r classlfleatio&i to class one in c. A. caao of-aboot f if ty rcgiaUnnts un- tpUn; tho sflcctivo scrvirc regulations Mrs.'

    ■0 bi'cn msde to tho local board by 8hnn legal advisory board ns â ruault nHI,

    ils int)iiiric» begun Wednesday. Ap- Ro(*e ximately 150 registrants have been .fpmo ed to appear boforo tho legal ,ad- b. A. >17 board, of which number about Rnpo

    bad responded up until Saturday Taylt •ning. The bearings aro 'lo continue p . b, jiighout Saturday. Wisei

    --------- E . Elore Eogislrsc t Panners—Tbo qurn-

    of claims for la ter inductioa into m ilitary service on the grounds ol

    ng engBgcd io farming filed by iatrnnts out of tho liat nf 1(30 calic.l g|, fill the quota of 12(1 KV.Jcave T tv b ga it Is county on June 28 for Camp I/ew- jq„,_ wos increased to-tw enly-nlno F rl- pp; ■ when claims of this sort w ^ri filed La^o tho following alx roglslrants: Ciar- 0 F . Dess, F iler; Juryen Sikki'H , j j . i f il; Leroy Lincoln D roghley,, Buhl; g_ n. ret Raa, Amalenlam; Kelley Boyer liams. F iler; HaroW Herbert H art- I, B uh l " n . n

    ■— Richl^ ________ ____ — I Pran(

    ■ "1 C. Pi

    BTOR CO. iLIT TWIN fAllS f y " ,


    [8 Clievfolet CarsIccessorles '

    • Ad— -------- of Tl

    _____ T W lN FA L L SD j

    ¥ s i i T y L i s T ^ h i m m H e b e .



    i n s SERIOUS iN Jx m y a t f r o n t >•_______ Il

    Corporal Boy Roynolds, son of Mr. c and M n. B. Reytiolila, 3^2 Pourth f l '- m enuo west, a.member o t t b o American T expeditionary forces 'in Pm ncc, was di aevorcly wounded in nelion Mny 21*. o] according to a telegram from tho wftrlsr dcpartraent reee ived 'by his parents. Ii Corporal Reynolds was formerty an cn- c( gineer iu the employe of Ihe Union I’a'_ w clflc railway company, running ou t o f ' Sa lt Lake, whero tho fam ily resldfd w n n tir Septomber laat, when th ey ' t t - ao moved to Twin Falls. I l f unlisted la stip l September ia S alt Lake, and w eut ]>< abroad with tbe Forty-first in fan try Ri regiment, landing in England Decom- Ci ber 23. In a .letter recently rocbb'cd L by. his parents. Corporal Reytiolds. said to th a t ho had been out oncc-nenr the W ‘“ b ig nolae," .nnd tha t ho mighUaoon I.d return to (he front. A le tte r reeoivod n< from him shoftly before the receip t R( of the telegram announced th a t be w w Bn woll and' happy. ■' II,

    ------------- -.' .J ' Ml

    The Enlre Nous d a b was dolightfnl- ly enlertainrd this week by Mrs. V. , ' W. Bronaugh. E igh t guests .enjoypjl delightful refreshments. ,j

    • • • ‘0̂ * Mrs. L. T. Jfoork was hasteas fo the

    HooVor Luncheon club W ednesday.Mrs. A. W. Husted captured the prise for high scoro, a book of th r if t stamps. D ainty refreshments wero served to the ' Meadomcs Huated, Bchrooder, E rneat W hite, Sawyer, I^opold, McCracken, ond Bronaugh, the lost two nomed bo- ing gvcats of the elub'

    J • • • , A S- Mias Fetn Emes very delight«fill)t entertained a t d in n e r'F riday ,even ing a t her home on F ifth avenue' east in honor of Mias M attie Cents, who le ft Wedneaday for Washington, D. C.r lo fill a government position.

    A crystal basket of yellow roses a , formed the centerpiecc, nnd the favors and place-cards bore the anmo dain ty p,o„ rose drain s .

    After, dinner (he guests enjoyed i* line party a t tho Orpheum theatre.

    Thnae invited wore (hfl Mlasos Mnt- ,]f„i tle^fCoatcs, Edna Beauchamp, Ruth u ; Glasgow, Marion Potter, Ireno Isser, and Mrs. Willard McMaster. .^ d

    MIsa Irene Cpatollo entertained de-' lightfully Thuraday. evening nt n danc- Ing parly In honor of Thomas Crocker .i . of Illinois. Refreshments wore served to Irene Hall, E arol and Ruby Heart- riold. Truth Milner, Bernice Finkc, , Martha WhUe, Ornce Foss, Paith Dc- y itt , Roy Lcedom, Txighton Reynolds, jjj; loorgo Channel, lieroy H arbort, Lloyd {„_ j Possi’ joo Putnam, A rllo -Sm ith and Phomas Crncker. ,

    Mrs. C. E McClain was .hosleas to ho Country W oman's club Thursdayiternoon. Following iH csson In P lrs t g p MUd under the'direeUon of Mrs. R. T. i Afealer,'tho club’a quota of Rod Cross O Vowing for the coming month wt|s dla- H Rribnlbd. E ight members wero presen:. H R

    [> -i - W » ^|! AT T E B BOTBLB Z H

    ROnERSO N-Edw ard Coleman, St. f l l .oiiia; David Robbina, S alt Lako; L. 0 . O h :obi>rts; W. B. Knowlton; Mrs. W. R . ' I S rpMlilan, Rogjreon; IT. H. Hammil, I f l a lt Lake; W alter Casoy, Balt Lako; I . A. Donahue; S. 8 . Champlain, Poca- I illn; J . B. Hall, Pocatello; Mr. and S Irs.' Fonwick Kowoll, Miss Lillian | V hank, Rev. J . A. Bum s, C. J . Bush- R ell, Chautauqua; Robert W. Ix itt, I ogersoh;,W . R ./W llk in v n , Boise; g ?aSo Tayinr, Pocatello; Mr. and Mrs. S ll , A. Dodd, Rogorson; J . R. Rlcbey, ̂ 8 nport; Walker Davis, Rnpert; Chas. 811 aylor, SL Joo; J . 8, Roberts, Boise;. B. P ra tt, Rochester, Minn.; Wolt«’r * 'iseman, V. S. A., 111.; Mr. and Mra. ’. E . Dentler, Merle Dentlcr, Bert v 'righ t nnd wife, Eden; David Robbins, , I l i t U k o ; J . R. Forayth, Longmont; •. J :,_£klgby, Newton; I.' W. R obb ina ,.,! l i t Lake; Arthur C. Evans, Filer;. B. ' H

    8lmw, Twin Falls; W. P . Schlffmaii, H l i t Lake; Floyd P . Brown; F . F . Bel- *■ B m. ' IraP E R R IN E -0 , C. Peterson, Balt ; S ako; R. L. Sare, Denver; A. E . Wilea. I g lit ta k e ; L 0. K elsey,-Portland; ^ IH . Ilelmer, cily ; 0. C. Brown, .Teromn; I h

    n . Smith, Jr., Pocntello; Joseph Du- 1 0 in, rocstcllo; Rov. 8. W .,Creasy, Ft. ' m all, Idaho; H enry-Proiign ond wife; w . R, McRae, D ulntb,/M inn.; J. H. G ichlns, Burley; E. F . English, S-'’n ., H ranclsco; Ooo. M. Smith, Hollister; F . j .lH , Pierce, J. B. Thrall, .Terome, J I

    QPEN NEW HOTEL A T PA U L ’’ I |The formal opening of.- tbe Hot'-l • ' i l l mil n t Paul, Idaho, took place Friday v III ,-ening, dancing and cards furnishing | \f omuicment for a large crowd ir( M .Icndance during the evening. Tho ' f l ntel Paul, crected a t an spproximato |f i| .at o f 150,000, is oae of the finest N )atelenes in the state. I t Is under ' UB ,0 macagement of Mr. and Mrs. F. - M . Grimm. - | 3

    A dsertlse I t :n tfie C luslfled columns g U ' The News. Somebody iriU w t a ^ t H

    D A aY K g W S


    t rcrsoflal jilodgM o f Local People to, .Bocure Coarse are Made Good by I

    T icket Sales iY ------------ ' ,

    Tht' welcomi- nnngnncement wnsi made FrMay by nnr o f tin- giium nlorsi

    T of the Twin I'MHh rhnutauqnn rniir«P that the sale jif tlrke ls n t thn t lime I wn« siiffii-ient'in nmounl lo fu lfil t(Ce'

    r. guaranlce made to the Ellisnn-Wh»te;.- m.maeenjent tn aeeure the r'oiirse b e K | n The ail,, of Ihe ticicets has been pu.hpdl s diirin;: fpvi-ral d-i,vs previniis lo the '. oi'Ciibf: of tho enurjip bv- volunteer .r.snlranirii, aonie of them tak ing poai* '.iliona In .hnntbs on the prinelpli' street I- corners (n tho performance of this i-_jrnrk.r Pollowing is a lial of Ibe piliiens li whose personal pledge for the anle of

    aoasnn tiekelt made the Twin Falla tjphputaunua'course possible: C. ft^Hia-

    bee, Samitel I ln rt, 0 , J . .Tohnson, K. V. Rerg, J . H. Von T/isjel, Dr. George H.

    - Caldwell, Dr. Oliver, H nrstnd, Ilerliert 1 U m bing, Jnhn D. Bolton. D. T. Ather- 1 ton, J . a Btewart, Dr. C. A. Emes. Mrs. L f W. P. Mlkesell, R. C. Cole, H. .T. KInra- — 1 bury, a E. Potter, W. H. W eaver, Dr. A I nobert A. ' Parroll, Mrs. Oertmrte j . t Reeder, Miss Jessie W nrrliigton, J . C. T f Bnnger,-TIr-0.-Brown, 0 . E. Catlson,) ,

    H, K. Dinkelneker, Xfr*. John E. W hile, I , Mrs. A. .T. Houghtaling, S tella Hlb- ^ bard. T. W. Potter, p . a Bell, Dr. W. J H. Dwight, Mrs. P . H. W Inaler, M. S. frit Hoover, W. S. S larr, M argaret Cham- 1 bers, John C. Beauchamp, E , H. Gates, Ing .Urs. W. P. Edwards, Mrs. Xfilllcent hoir nates, P . J . L. Robinson, Mrs. C. I I X Biabce, Mrs.,R. W. Steele, Mrs. B. A’. Mr. Baker, R, P^ Hall. P . A. Rowan. 0 . E. spoi Kelty, Bev. 0 . T. Anderson, Mrs. A. E . w a ' Henderson, R. P. Logaa^ C. L.' Ild certainly do il ^ .here, nnd with iho environment, nerve H ould do a whole lot.

    RESPONSIBLE MEN ARE MAK- H ng big money Introducing tbe now In- 'entlon being demonitrated a t IIU Co ilaln avenujLJiortb. CiJl and inveati- Mo, ;ate.— . . leiQi

    I A Rev(Expt

    r : IS mmOag n o n todaj tdtphoDt MrWet .tbtn it btfon la dM Uftocy of

    II p b o o t b w ilM M .

    It CMtt mor* to iiMtetl a tel( It cofta EBor* lo tdM o a t« t Itoortitaorttoaow ateleiIt coiU m o r e to Mpair a talc

    I It'coiti BOW to •oonMtS pVme with aaothir.I F o U t f i o M n o f t i c c p p t r c o

    I im d c o t t i m o r o j I r o n c o i t t n

    I K w r y h « m o l h b o r andS tm p lo j^ d t a t b * ta a in tc m^ opcratkn of tb* pkat coiti in I q fac tf o l i B t b m iB crcaS te le p h o u t n t m h k -n n r n tI ih an M ■ n m r y i n f t y ear I . ' U r e .BOl l i i p t pMM w t t tlx

    I t i i r i i m i l -

    I T h e M o u n t a i n S t ;

    I THE CR0SD1.1 _ I n c o r p o i


    ; Funeral D:arid Mori

    O iir» iR o n e o f t h e m o s t inoi]

    • i i n d c r tn k i i i j ; c s ra b liH lim cn ti

    S’p c f i a l i i f tc j i t io n iiUK het'ii

    m id c o n ifo r t .s o f iii ir

    DIEEOTOES AND iC. J . Crosby Oapt. P. W? McR

    S I

    t ' PEESOHALS ? ® + + + + + + +

    Miss Blanche W arner ia visiting friends in Iloybuni.

    Thomas Crocker o f Illinois is spending some time a t the T. J . Costello home.

    Miss Pauline Thomas, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. 0. D. Thomas, who hai spent tho w inter In school, a t 8 t T?r- L'la's Academy a t Boise, returned home I’cslerday.

    'Al Alexander of Burley was io town rhuraday and Friday. “f s '

    Mias Euln Ripley is acting as cosh- er o t the AmerJcflB T hjotro Jd the ab- once of Miss Mildred Toys, who is pending tho week on a camping tri|*

    Mrs. H arriet C. Keogh, oae of (ho “‘ ”8 icat'known trained nurses o f this city, ofl -Baturday morning fo r Chicago, i-hero she will tako advanced training ourse, specialiting ns nn onaosthell- i»l.

    ------------ f - acctii

    C O L R . P . D ICKERSON-^ugu


    ' Ditch

    and (



    A . Mr.visile



    Col. R. P. Dickerson of Sprlnofletd, L. l ‘a io.. oroanlzsr of th* N ational Loyalty laguo. Wai

    'enue anc lense Pro:day to p r t W e 1 » T e in tro d u c e ; i t e v e r h a t M o n o n jiM , W e havi o f th e te le - p e n se s to th e lo w r t t

    l a fe ly 4>e to u c h ed v* te lep h o n e . th e q u a l i ty o f th e s<

    .K l e p h o n . , w il liM a n d in g 'o n f b c i

    eU phono . J ” l> « n B ra d u an y ,, , h » i re a c h c d a figur

    te lephone . ^ 1,334 ,062.02 . . O u r j :

    e t one te le - fo y r te e n m on th ’i

    o f im p ro v e d c o n d ltio r c o s t im o r * } sh o w s a la rg e r deficit

    t m o re . D recedinR m o n th ,

    i d m a tc r U T h t M y r tm td y Ii

    m o n ls t h a t w ill r . : “ r e v e n u ts . I I U • p tre a se d ' c o s t i d )« r e v e o tie a b o r* t i tm ained u n - - - im q u c s tia n a b ly is ne BT r e fe a t iea to th e pub lic cont:

    (b « s te a d H r ’ s c rv ic e by p resc rv in i t e g r i ty o f th ? Compn

    S ta te s T e l e p h o n e a n d T e l

    T c n '

    V C 0 M P 4 N yoraleil,


    ( i i le n i iim l lie -s t-c in iip p o d

    3(k i l l th e S tlltl '.

    I'll tiiv i'i i t o lh ( ‘ c d iiv c n -

    iir ('liapt*].

    1 SOLE OWNEEScRoberts A. B. O stiandor


    I r. aad M u . Oeorte L . W ebb areOucit* o f Honor a t A ffa ir a t _____

    R. B. Baadal Hoaio - _

    (Special to The Newa)ARTESIAN CITy.—Mrs. R. B.

    andal, sister of Mrs. George U Webb,!o Carrie 0 . Strong, 0 bride of tho onth,’ was tho hostess o t a dinnir id shower a t her hotne here Tuesday 'ening for the young couple. A fine tread was served and friends, anfurlough antil igust IS.Showers o f rain fell nearly overy day )' paat week but did not ralae Drv e c k .su f f ic lo o t .(o ’give the Strong * Icb water users nny irrlja tion . ' ! EI. B. Pettijoho an^ fam ily were - blng a t tbe Maglo dam Satardav II Sunday. They, made a nice eatcb. ' 0 largeat one weighed close to t»ro | inds. . , 'lick Bmith was itv this locality thisok purchasing horses fo r uso in tho • | ny.t. B. Randall has a well d rill work- ; oa his ranch here. He is down fif- fee t and will try- fo r an artesian

    w. ‘ .^(r. and Mrs. S i l ^ r wore Twin FalLs llors Tuesday. / , . .rohn Olmslead and E ara .Qorshiiy j tvfl lo Ibe couoty seat Taeiilay.

    UASSIAOB U O B ^B B |L m o rr la^ license was isfued hefo Iday to Henry J . Prough and Bo«ie • C1‘auisun, both of Twla FoUf. |

    7aot Ads get big re tn iu a t Uttle eoM. I

    Diem Iiced th e i5 0 » t r ig id . 1

    iV e 'h e ld d o w n t x - |I t p o in t tb a t ^ u l d j.w ith o u t im p a ir in g j

    se n rice . B a t n o t - I

    eVt e t f o r t i t d e fic it

    ’ p ilin g up u n ti l i t

    u re a m o tin t in g ' to W '


  • I' ll PA Q B S IX .

    ' d D i I ! ^ ^ r i E


    I I

    )i....___ _ 8YN0P8I9.

    t CHAPTER I 1-T«IU of lila eaU ilm ut f' lb* BOXU inileg sa w . ti» tnialog

    u d tu j Ukftifw 10 tr ru M tor •, U « tfutir.

    I> CBJiTTSR lU-V«KtiU» OtiiU la wb) „ bo brouibt down two aJrp lur u tf . b li O u l fl» tn m ba ero«u« tsto BdtlBiit.C H iP T S n X -W b«n woll oe h it n

    (b roust Ootf/um hfl l i t>«rr7eB(]«■ tho ground so close th a t I woaldn* n touch th e w ire, and ^ a d e oH l o ^ dlf * feron t direction. Erldetilly 'lh ftbarbo t 7 w ire fence had been th n w n a ro a n d a i

    ammunlllOQ depot o r som otblng o f tbi ^ U sd , sod I t was no t a Held a t a l l ths > I h sd tried to get Into. ' - - js I D^ured th a t o th tf s e n M ^ w «^

    ~ . v w m f &probably. In ..the. uc lg l)b o ;b o ^ .<

    f ' T" p n x ^ c d very glagerly. ' ‘ - . 1 ' A fter I bad got about a mllo'

    I from this spot I camo to an hi . Belgian boasQ and I kaockcd 4

    door and appllod for food la my C O woy, pointing to m y^m ou th ' to

    cate I was hungry and to m y can m outh to Imply .th a t .1 w aa deal

    ' dumb. Tbo Belglon womaa who la tbo bouse brought mo a plei

    -T, hroad And two cold po ta toes at»l "■"■■■tl s a t tbcrc eotlng them sho oy«

    very keenly. ; . k I X bavro 't tho Bllgbtest doubt A ‘ I Bho reaIlzc(M was a fu g ltlre . Sho a I BO oocr tbo bonier th a t I t w as l^f fo r th a t rcasoD, I npproclatcd U j folly the extent of tho rlak aho ra t J I no doubt tbo Ocrmans w ere consti I I watching tlio cooduct o f thoso f l b o f I glans who llr«id n e a r Cho Use. 9 ^ My theory th a t she rea lised U S s 3 l J H>aj no t q BeW on o t a ll, b u t j

    •by somo English fugltlvo, w as Drmed a moment la ter, when,

    I . made niody to go, she touched m L the a h n and Indicated th a t I W«

    wait*? mumeoC. S b o w m t to a b u and brought out two pieces o t £

    d o re r Belgian laco which B lio 'ln s ls lt^ 'i * my taking away, although a t th s t

    J r ! Ucular moment I had a s m uch usi Delglan ftico (is an e lephan t fc

    ° f . Bftfety raior, bu t I waa touched 1 “ b e r Ibooghtfulnees and pressed

    le tr ie d to sliow my graUtude, Sho w “ no t occept tho money !• offered hi

    " I carried tbe lace through my sequent erp trlcnccs, foellog th a

    ® would be a Oae eo n realr for V mnA “ Other, although a s a m a tte r d ta U ia i^ I had knoH-o that it was going to . V lay u y fioal escape fo r evoa a all

    J l , ® moment, us It did, I am q u ite - i she woufd ra tber I bad no t seen i t

    u ^ d On ooe pleco of lace w as th o Fl dod to jsi, ironj “Charlto" and o a_ tbe 01 n l ^ C the word “Esperago." A t ’ib e . tin

    IS only took these w ords to m esa “G har nn ^ I nnd "Bxperlcnee" sn d s l l I hoped '

    lere a t th a t L would got a s much of thS: tbeagb ' u | fras gotclag o f tb s other betoi o u a te r flnniijr got thiBugh] I learned

    Queatly th a t w Est tho w orda rci stood for were ■'Chnrlty'' a ad ,^Hoi

    r t w l y and then I w as sure th a t roy kind 1 glan friend had Indeed rea llw d plight and th a t he r though tfu l, s

    d e n s e ,e o lr was (atc&ded lo encourage me the tria ls she m ust havo koow n wbefore n o . ..................... . . . .

    itance^ . i didn't let tho old Belgian li UDcalt know, because I did no t w an t to als ISsooft h e r unnecessarily, baC th a t olgbi En col* niept In her backyard, leaving ea flnAlfr In tbe morning bclore I t becam e ll{

    U tc r In tho day 1 applied a t >t dl^* o lh rr bouse for fopd. I t w as occup iutloiL Uy n Inthcr and m other and te a cl ) € • » . Uren. 1 bosltatcd to ^ k Jh _ em fo r f(

    r l g t t w ithout offering 40 pay fo r It, a s J se rre allzed w hat a task It m ost have b« bojr. fo r them to support them selves wl

    to m e cue ba rlag to feed a hungry m aa. i tso o t conllogly I gave tbo m an o m ark a l e l ^ then Indicated th a t t w an ted son a sli« Ihlug to eat. They, w ere Ju st nbout vao lt tbenuclres. appanntly. a n d tb

    ja U ly le t m e partake of th e ir m eal, wbl m t to consisted of a bugo bow l o t som e kli broad M°P which I waa unable lo Ide ollege nnd wblch thoy scrvod tn ordloa ffonld bnxlua. I don’t kaow th a t ((i< ' t b ^ n» deaf and d u n ^ 'b n t If tbeylM (WU UsTHlnie:t^dldD‘i seem to make thei

    a ^ moro Mmfortabte.I IlDgmd Bit tbo(tunso for about ai

    ; ttkfl boor a(^ar,,the meal and . during tha tlmo a young man camo to call 00 th eldost daughter, a young woman 0

    .puhsp i ilghtcen. Tho caller eyed m bcm, suspldouolr. altboogb I mus Dund *»in wo toa£ Hiore were threo •a»o

    ] . geibor, two fairly largo and on< p ip Bomowhat smaller, about fonrteon fee hu i long and-sir deep. In this smoUe:

    Ida't '̂̂ 0 doubledeckeibeds, which wero apparently latandci

    rb«l ';*Pi'l>0Prtitb« J l^ lt i faailly, s l th o ^ j j g >̂ow tho Wrole-'Welre of tb«D.«m]itb a ^ ”

    Ui*t aa l a a mystery to a e ^

    -' ( I b ba -O m tlaaed )

    ^ A dvert^e f t l a tf ts C U sbU I^ edm m

    f m s v A S L j m f A

    ^ .a n d 1 w * — w *

    Illo 'aw ay ^

    r j Omy usual I to ladl- ■

    cars and J L J I drho U rod ■ • ■pleco of ^"SuS a Jood a s I eyed m e .

    ubt th a t . - - - . . r -ibo lived'a s m ore ^ - 5 ^cd moro I raa , fo rla s ta a t^ reH » 6 5080 Bel-

    d U u t 1a t prob- ■'r a a 'c o h ' 9 ^ ^ ^in, a s I . ' ^i U o on ^

    Waa toI bo reaa & '*»t fancy ’ed ap o a "

    1 T h e Csed her0 would w1 h er.' I ^ n y sub-t h a t l t /o r r iyf fa c t I f D u r i n g t h e b e a t o fr to ^ p h c e s . E v e o t i e cau t alagle .te su re t h e w a te r^ c o o l

    . c a r to a n i i n u a u a l d e g r t 9 o the r o n th o f r o n t «wil

    With tho line ot theed w u F r a n k l i n d r tv c i^ n n d h i s•h»: one c o o l b r e e z e c r e a t e d b y r «fo re -I

    G ^se - I t IS o n e o f t h e j i m;rca u y — n o t t h e l e a s t o f t li e s c 'H op^"ad Bel* W i t h t h e F r a n k l i n ,^ ■ le n c e t h a t t h e i r H tiito inei

    The Franklin rid™ I a Ijjy tirM to securt-H juaxinji

    :“S ” ' The Goodins Motor ; > a riy P m n k l in B US I t c a n cnP il

    at* J u s t n o w Ht* h a v e a«upied a f t e r , a cbii-

    i S G o o cI with- ^i i d G O O D I N G 1soine- ou t to1 tbey » — —■ ■ II ■ —w bftb , > , . . .» kind

    Idea*Hoaryt Cfterla os M l B p a M C r aot did

    p iB O T c i n r E c n o p o m i iB r , bId see e o tls t—Suadaj’ service a t 11 a. a boy Bobjocl of lesson sornion for J a se i

    “ la tha U alrerae, Jocludlag Mi X evolved ,by Atomic F o rc o t” Suoili ^ school ppens a t 10 o ’clock and reeoiv ^ pupIlB up to IwoDly years i>i Sf

    K A Wednesday evenlog taeetlog Is be Q k . a t 0:30, a t wblct) tastim onles a sd tal t a ^ on Obrlslian Belence boallng aro give W k a free. n>A«i B

    W. paid prior to the t i n t Monday of M'> H lui>0 as' provided by law, hoaco tbii bfll« H I. oa will not be pormittod to actept »«* ■

    without peoAlty a tto r JUKi: 30, Ui^ ■ rith- .VeiTieffpectfQ lly, ■

    B . C^GQINB, Tax Collector. ■

    Make W. "B. B. .mean somotblng H ■tfth., y o B . ” . ■

    f f lR Y O U R S E lf 1 1

    IS H A K W HO XS US- ■7Z0B o r -TBB tTSST HiK S OP XW IN FA L L S . ■n m x o BB BBMIKD- HiLU B -B B &NOWS. ■


    IN ABB C O B D IA L llr 9U S B A pE A C m O A L ’ ■I P A O IL in B S . ' ~ ■SB IN OOMM^fiOlAL


  • ' ' 'sATtJlffiAY, _ J™ .:2 2 ; 1918.

    . doZ N ^ OF ^ VAN LOI r * "

    L A r r I W A V S L ^ —

    ( JTUOV YOU o o $ h r rro IHOW IN- —

    ' T C U l£ ( T 6 :a ^ ^ ^ / '

    ' • m

    C l a s s i f i e d


    ------------ , i/t rc|

    e e d p E O S f i OEGANfeA-. Oh«' HONS OF COUNTY PEE- ;J„„, PAEE TO TAKE PAET ‘ ONS

    'OkS \ / B f t i b c f a " •

    A d s Q e tbe Rupert girl* tha t aro a ttending I " ammer *chool a t Albion, 4Tho young baby of M r,.an d Mm. |

    f. T. Pierce took quite seriously ill u t Baturday and waa taken to R win Falls hospital tbe same day. llti ' reported la tte r a t ('rrseof.Mrs. 0. Benfraw, mother of Vrr,

    barlea'-Qoff, departed fo r her home t Butte, M ontana,' Saturday. Bhe )eut two months hero v isiting h*ir iughter and husband. »

    Orladao Lind of the n«to firm of “ ’v Ind and Ross, le ft for-Moacow, Tda- ), Friday, to take (uWaotago of the ' ro month’s meehanii-al train ing course ~ 'tcred by the government t o . about JO hundred Idaho boys. Ho v ill la to r p illst in tbe military service.Mr. and Mr*. Real NoiUon brought elr 13-yeanold son homo Taeaday om tbo L. D. a hospital a t Balt Lake, bo young man hnd a severe a ttac k of Dsllitia la i t March whicb resnlted InI infection of tho knee. H o wa* there no week*, bu t is still nnablo to walk,Mrs. Ida S . BuIUt u , co.oot^ auper* tendent, loft Satnrday for I^w iston , !

    attend tho annnal convention of ; unty inperintendents, to 1)e J.held ere all next 'week. Tho convention 'II be held a t Albion, Tdaho, nozt '

    Mrs. 0. W. Sima and three d a n g b ten ' 't for Boise Tuesday, accompaniod by rv. 81ms’ sister, Miss Almn P arker, I 10 haa been working in Ihe Bell tele-000 office the past three month*, ey will spend the Fourth of Jo ly (re, and return to Rupert shortly ter.Mrs. C. L. Lewis of Bhoshone waa 8 gnest o f > « brother, W. J . B latk , sister, Mrs. W. W. B a m e r of Paul fl a ffister-in-law, Mra. L N. Lew is of ^ pert two weeks. She le ft fo r her no Tuesday evening.Mrs. Prank Rassott le ft fo r h e r homo “ T

    Dillon, M ontani, Tuesday, a f te r * •nding a few days with her slater, n. FVank ZoU and brother, L. W at- r. 8 be and hcr'tualiani] will rcto rn to port ty # summer by anto. tfr. n ^ M n . William Uvmon, J r ., " J , n tonA iSnccr nnd rbildren and Mis* . )ner s/udor le ft for n tw o wceka ' nping tr ip in the mountains abovo ___ }1 Qn^-er H ot Springs Tuejdliy. The Ulemen met their wives n t Ketehum I’ing gone by auto. The ladles le ft 5 ,̂,^the evening train. ____

    r. D. Stevenson left for Three Forka, pc n tant, Tufaday, where he will spend and ),.l[reeks visiting with his parent*. P. 0.iira. J . W. Blevenson nnd d a n g h te r ,------by, nro spending the T»eek end w ith FC itivea a t Ogden, Ulnh. M*2lf rs . & B. Taylor and children, who Thin! twenty-three tnilcf. southwest of ------Itn, Idaho, wero the guests o f Mr*. PC B. Meserolo tbe la tter pa rt of the 3k. They I r f f n ja t night fo r Blaek- t , fo r a S h * lf fv ls it with friends. pQ JeoVge Cowell is iipcn ____

    returning homo' Iftst evening. WJ 11m Mary Boaa of Minidoka spent depoi torday with her little friend, Miss inlo I’hibbs. , . ,U y Thomas and,wife went to O.ood-

    ' " " " " ' “ Then:: ■ ' ___ .Mr.l

    Mr Mlnu sister cuts, who

    . _ Jiomo ■ i>«vl

    •Ur. 1 n

  • FAOB B IQ H t

    R U S S IA N P R O B L E M - ^ M U S T j r S E T T l E D

    p b b s i d b h t w i l s o k o o n v in o e d


    , NOT Y BT a iP B

    By nODBKT J . DEKDKIT % (Uolt«d P re u B U fi CorrotpoDdut)

    •• .W ASHINGTON, J u n r « 2 ,-T h o com- ; ^ i t ig fall will eco (ho United Btatoa anJ ' thoio^llos (loUrminlnf; finally upon

    thcli courae o f «etioa in BauSa. PretidoDt Wilson ii detormined to

    ; UTO l iu u la from Gorman ilomiDatlon, B o t 1)0 la et|QalIy committed to boM np any M llon on tll tho alllod powon ]>are dotensjood upon a policy of aid i*hieh wilt stick. Ho w U l'not bo hurried into aondinij ABerlcnn tro o p i'o r gold Into tho country, nor wilt bo sanction Japancaa intervontion—until a

    I carefal program baa bcon completely mappod oul and Ihe moment i» right fo r complete lueeeae.

    Prcaldont Wilaon thoroughly under- ilanda tbe magnitude of tbo B uulan problem and botiovoa Jipon iU lettle- m ent u tnueli on a m ilitary triumph on

    I , the w ertem fron t depoade en Ameil* e tn and allied r le to ry i s the war.

    ; Tlmo H o t T e t H e »' B ot tho preatdent believe# tbe finalI defin ite formDUUon a t a BatsUa ! ley m n it aw ait tbe end of the present I we»t fro n t d rive, probably In October ; or November.; U eantlm e a atatem ent.nflfictLng tbsj s d m lo if tn tio s ’a riew a on Buaalin

    will b e g lT «aou t, though poaalbty not by the preilden t blmaelf. -

    Tbe preaident la ezhanatlng every . M una of Inform ation available to lay

    tho foundation of thla na tion 's course tow ard Ruaila. '

    o n u n r a T B A iir t e l b s o o p b d

    (Continued from Pago Ono)

    Among the dead are tbe wtre acn tw o n u n eUldren of Joseph Oott, ot Cincinnati, a elreoa’ etown.-

    ___ W «td ie* .O h lld«a Dto- * " —O oltjra i bad ^ la jn re i but

    to re h y itw lH n f^ 'a l tho w » ek i« e , t : u t plimeia do im U a v lf e aa4-Ut-^a « o im K t i , OOUbeea ijo t th e j lU -

    w m t a a e d to de iu i, • t i l * j

    I " ' b o ll t o n helpltM a t th e debrU.f tn . oon k U K onjlil U a ehll- ' d itn from OiDdnnatl to sp«od a 1 I few dayi v lth ber bnibuuL ‘I U u ia fe r BaU orftl S O M ^

    Among the elieua performers believ* ( j ed to have-l}een on the train , and who,1 I t is feared, a re among tbe dead or In- \

    jured, nro H arry I a Pearl, tbo famoua <' clown, and Bbtla Bowlaed, tamcut y

    barebaek rider. • (O ther s tara o f tb e sawdust r ing who

    w ere anpposed to bo on the tra in are t tbo Booney and Cottrell families, bare- i back rJdor^ U ao Adam s aod Sdw ard Decore, clowns, and, the M eyer fam ily, ) anim al Italnera. j

    Chari,ea U organ , m anager o f the c i r t cns, was on th e train and l i reported ( to have b, g ro u n d ," tbe Ita lian w ar office an noanced. ,

    W ost of Candela and w est of Bat s Dona dl Pieve, on tbo lower river, rc ^ peated a ttac k s by tbe enemy fa iled tc , make any progress. .' A n itr ta a W ar Beporta

    •The A ustrian w ar office .said: * 'T he atruggle on the C ano plateau

    and .on tbe Moptello increased ,to spiv elal violence.”

    V ienna claimed a toU l o f nearly 16,- 000 prlaon()rB In the drive.

    •The Oerman w ar office reported tbe repulse o f “ vloleot roconnoitering thm sta-aiong tbo whole f ro n t.”

    “ Local Frencb a ttacks southw est of Noyon and by Americana northw est of Chateaa-Thierry broke dona," Berlin declared. " T b o Prench and Americans su ffe red heavy losses and aomo prisoners remained In our handa.”

    * n z p m o B S OP

    (ContioBod from Page One)

    m e n t's figures aod uaual. trad e discounts allowed.

    " B e ^ I a t lo n s bave no t boon made fo r transactions other than ta les by m aoufaetnrers a t schedeled prices,” tbe o fficia l sU tem ent said.

    "W holesa le dealers, retailers and others are entitled to buy oe the basis o f these prices a t the mills. No regulation o f rates or profits has been made w ltb regard to sales e ither hy wholesalers or reta ile rs to coosumer*. The w ar Indoatrles board believes tb a t sales by a ll deialerq should be made a t reaaonable price* b a se d -o n -a e trictly reu o n ab le p ro fit above fixed schedule rates. The board is confident th n t the trade will conform to the sp irit o f tbe oziating regulations and tbs board will not proceed to fn rther regulation or restric tion of d e a b rs ’ pricea n n til tbel> cooduet o f ’b n iin e u indicatea th a t such action is neeeasary.'

    D o n 't you w a n J tf Advertise I t in the CTassified Column and get r id o f lu

    i T w a m L L

    ICE The FarmW. p . Alworth—P/ejJdent—la cha

    JABB P rank D eK lolt-V Ice-PresIdent-C tee.

    I B. P . M oPherion-flecretary—P estT. B. U ooriH rr»>® ” ^-H . JL B c b l i a n i^ I n charge of S t

    yia.-i- U. A- T io o e ts - lB ehargo of Crop t r of Luke Sonner—In charge o f Canal

    0. E . McClain—In charge of Boadi riaon- • A lbert P n t r i c r - I n ehargo of U b t

    a trict * ____________ •mongitbor- PABMBEfl* 800IE 1

    I. Idaho State Farm Bureau—W . P w ill! 2. Twin Falls County Farm Buroa*

    . JecroU ry,,..- - S u i 3. Twin Palla County M ataal Tlra

    niftn 4. Buhl Pioneer-OoWTBsiijig Aaso<

    v 3 ' ■iahcd 5. Twin Falls County N ational Pai

    '0 in ._______ _________________________

    fullty PABM BUBBA0 WAOJ

    T ' * ‘ S i.B l. n .B - l l l o io • m o.ll. » i l“ day, care of Uam extra.

    Short time—i3.00 a day and bosboard yourself.

    E xpert lrrlgator*-»75,00 a mont Married lAca—480.00 a mouth wll

    ------- possibly cow furnished.p artTeu- w _________ —

    L » t» r .O II l» A l BoU

    U e n Io o tam to ko o l moio,.UIoj. the Buhl fanner the Commercial/ CIu

    off- Itlll K tlM lr o o o io d « l*l>Ot oU ll OBl lo tom otU oo " i n

    B * '- Tho pl*n II u fo U o n ! ■b u ilt pbone your requirement to Buhl Tfi

    offleo will bo open between 1:00 an rring 5;00 o ’eloeh A ay farm er Is open t »««• tbo servlee free.. M r. Combt wUl h ecta. te iiT o ij on the job and w U n t a t l s8.000 yott help a t tbe Parm Boroau Scale.

    In case help cannot be secured a the the rogneit will be aeat over t

    Irive Twin Falls Oonnty Parm Bureau; wb m all bjivQ ao arrangim ent with, th e IT. I

    •d - Department of la b o r to soppfy a ll call ‘ th e fo , irtjp.u tr i- , w baU Storage

    The lumber company aad grain bl; aitoncle-i are all following up the go*

    ■ work s ta rted by the County A gent 1; a of regard to ^rheat storage. The cirenla aids, le tte r prcpared and given publicity b

    the tho Farm Burean Is a strong ,argn I re- ment fo r preparedness on the p a rt o a is the farmers.1.000 W ith sacks Impossible to seeure, th and elevators nnable to store the g rain nni non- ears sure to be short, tbe problem seem

    «d to be serious. Tbe publicity s t a ^ i f a s by tbe County Parm Bureau has sol. trch a good many bias o f differen t klndi t b s t so th a t almoBt every oae U prepared.. ‘!fto- uotaa

    W. .P. Alworth spoke a t Goodinj JPrlday p. m. and a t Jerom e Saturdaj evening, on tbe L abor Beale and wai recftived wltb ontbusiasnjl Tho Nortl Stdo farm ers are appreciating the beof

    ““ “J f its of a fixed scale fo r farm hands Reports of high wages on the otbei aide o f the river aro false.

    Farm ers a t Grandview aro socurinj hay hands trom Boise a t ♦3.00 per daj

    . and board. Thoy also report consider able damage from tbe aphis.' Miss Charlotte Lowla is spending tbi

    week in the eouaty on food demonitra — tloo work. '•ops, A. B. Pike from the W estern Offlc( ined of tho U. 6. Dairy Division Balt Lak« an- and P . B . Cammaek, S ta te Dairyman , aro invu tigatin gtho silo aituatiot

    San this week.rc- The County A gent addressed the

    I to Farm era’ Society of Equity a t Hau' aen, M onday'evening on w heat etorjige

    U r. Alworth and tho County Agent w ill.»peak a t 'R ich f ie ld June 22, ea

    eau W hoat Storage and L&bor. apo- Bomember tho Threshormen'a School

    a t F iler J u n o '26, E lm berly the tw g^ 15,- ty-sevonth, and Buhl tbo twonty-eigblB,

    fo r g rain growers and threthormen. (be Grain raisers eaa savo grain by learc: ing Ing prop1 soliciting a a d ^ u j n nneasineaa among ' those seeking employment A fter July

    ind 1* required to show an em-III] pleyo'ent card, according, to govern-

    ment regulations.' Tbo Boreau sent th ir ty boya out to th in boots a t $8.00 per acre,

    ir*. Por Sale

    1. a SIOFUI, phoBo »2C T , T « ia , Palls, has ten grade Duroe Jersey brood / sow* fo r sals.

    A. I CalUler, phone 670-B-4, Twin Palla, bas a S-jear-old buckskin c o lt

    •?," T o m .,‘ J . A. Hensley, P leasant View, has

    ° sixty pounds of w hite clover seed for h sale. %

    ‘ ■ P rank De E o ltt o f n i e r b u all klndg of washing machines fo r sale. Givo your orders to the Parm Bureau.

    1“ W. B . p o sg , Kimberly, haa forty-oa#


    U i S D A J L V S J S W a I

    A Bureau We- 0PP 10E B 5 A2n> BX E O U iiV il OOHUC charge of O rnnisatlon . Mrs. J . £ . Wh: t —C ommercl^ Commit- . W orL

    Miss B rittom ar >ests. Clubs.

    P . A. 8 m u t» - I ( S tock Intereata. Balph B . 8 s^ p s . ■ vP5tlgatlons.oaf and Irrigation. Miss Qertrudooada. Donald UcLeaiA bor. A lfred W ieher-


    7. P . Alworth, Preaident 0. Twin Palla I rea u -B T P. McPherson,

    ?Ir« Usuran^o Company g_ T w i?> 5 [a ^ l asoelatioa—B F. Sharp, o rs’ Assc

    0. Tw in Falls-F a rm Loan ABsoclation Childs, I


    w itb 'b o a rd .JD b o u rsa

    board; HOO a day a n d - . . ' - - . ; ; - ; - ^ ; - ^ ^ ^ ^

    A um at ^4 alontb. Dwight Llncolo. w ith bouac, garden and Ja n u an ', 101

    Falls. .

    .voung sows w ith twenty-blght pigs.

    M- to . H ay W antod -Club ' ■

    ifflee following le tte r has beea recol'

    reau,Mr. Donald McLean,

    ■ ’ County Agricultural Agent,■ Tw in Falls, Idaho.' D ear Mr: McLean: in to11 be *en oretab bay fo^ Portland m arket during tbe months o ^ August aad SeptemberT I Just receive e r to Ifitter ot inquiry fro;

    (hat point, and th ink ing th a t you mlgh poaalbly havo a rerplus from th a t al

    ' II, readv baled, totae o f your farmei would like to f ill th is order.

    " P a rt la n d , Oregon*, 0-8.18.

    bln " S ta te o f Mabo, t : . - * - - good M arkets, D op t, ‘ , 'I t In HeUe, Idaho. ,g n iir Gentlemen:y by K indly quote us, basis No. 1, Orego irgn* S tate fnapecilon as to w eights ao ■t of grades, la le d a lfa lfa hoy to the exten

    o f 10 to IS ears strong along durin. , the August and September,

    nnd Very tru ly yours,«om- J , H. KLOSTBBMAN « CO.i ^ d By K lostennarsold

    (Signed) HABVBY ALLBED,od. -

    S ta te D irector Parm M arkets Depi

    .diBlrday M any growera and feeders of. Idahi was a lfa lfa are asking a forecast o f ero]

    forth and prices th a t should prevail. Be » s« - caoce o f the lateaM s o t (h ? 'so u o n u d s . onr rapcrts are no t aIMn from 'ad jaeen )ther sta te s th a t produce bay en tering In t

    compeilMon w ith Idaho ’s a lfa lfa. Po: iring th a t reason e a r fo re e u t wHl b e de day layod nn til about Ju ly 15. TTatil tba

    ider- tim e I would advise the fanners nol to contract tbe lr hay n;iless they an

    ; the sa tisfied with

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