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Saved to Serve – Witnessing Manualby Kieth Noll

Christ Centered Approach to Witnessing_________________ 2

Assurance of Salvation is Crucial___________________________ 3

How to Present a Winning Testimony_____________________ 6

Outline of the Gospel Presentation_______________________ 10

Making Friends for Christ__________________________________ 12

How to Find Interests and Give a Bible Study___________ 14

Guidelines for Visiting Former Members _______________ 24

Importance of Prayer ______________________________________ 26

Now What? ___________________________________________________27

The work that should long ago have been in active operation to win souls to Christ has not been done…the time is near when large cities will be swept away, and all should be warned of these coming judgments. O that God’s people had a sense of the impending destruction of thousands of cities, now almost given to idolatry. I saw one standing on a high platform with arms extended. He turned and pointed in every direction, saying, “A world perishing in ignorance of God’s holy law, and Seventh-day Adventists are asleep.” EV. 32

Luke 10:2 Therefore said He unto them, The harvest truly is great, but the labourers are few: pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that He would send forth labourers

into His harvest.


Christ Centered Approach to Witnessing

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"Then I saw another angel flying in midair, and he had the eternal gospel to proclaim to those who live on the earth -- to every nation, tribe, language and people." (NIV) Revelation 14:6

"The very first and most important thing is to melt and subdue the soul by presenting our Lord Jesus Christ as the sin-pardoning Saviour. Never should... Bible instruction in any line be given, without pointing the hearers to the 'Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world.” 6T54

And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto me. John 12:32

For I determined not to know any thing among you, save Jesus Christ, and him crucified. I Corinthians 2:2

For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth. Romans 1:16

We need to let our imagination grasp the psychological difference in presenting Christ first, as compared to the doctrinal approach. The doctrinal approach tends to give us the feeling that we are going to straighten out others on their doctrine. We must tell them they are wrong about the day they keep, the food they eat, their understanding of death, etc. and if we could just straighten out their doctrines they would be Seventh-day Adventists. We have also conceived of our message as only a warning message. It does have a warning in it, no doubt, but it ought to first, foremost and above all proclaim the "Good News."

"Often doctrinal subjects are presented with no special effect; for men expect others to press upon them their doctrines; but when the matchless love of Christ is dwelt upon, His grace impresses the heart. There are many who are sincerely seeking for light, who know not what they must do to be saved. Oh, tell them of the love of God, of the sacrifice made on Calvary's cross to save the perishing" CM42

"The love of Jesus will melt and win hearts when mere reiteration of doctrines will accomplish nothing." DA826

In fact, no matter how right we may be, if we do not communicate the truth in love, we can actually drive people away from God.

"Whenever the power of intellect, of authority or of force is employed and love is not manifestly present, the affection and will of those whom we seek to reach assumes a defensive and repelling position and their strength of resistance is increased." 2T135


Assurance of Salvation Crucial

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We must have assurance of salvation ourselves if we are to be effective witnesses.

Righteousness is a gift from God

Romans 3:20-22 "No one will be declared righteous in his sight by observing the law; rather, through the law we become conscious of sin. 21 But now a righteousness from God, apart from law, has been made known...22 This righteousness from God comes through faith in Jesus Christ to all who believe."

Ephesians 2:8-9 "For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith, it is the gift of God. Not by works, so that no one can boast. "

"When we have an assurance which is bright and clear of our own salvation, we shall exhibit cheerfulness, and joyfulness, which becomes every follower of Jesus Christ. The softening, subduing influence of the love of God, brought into practical life, will make impressions upon minds that will be a savor of life unto life. But a harsh denunciatory life spirit, if manifested, will turn many souls away from the truth into the ranks of the enemy. Solemn thought! To deal patiently with the tempted, requires us to battle with self."

Letter 1a 1894

"Even if we are overcome by the enemy, we are not cast off, forsaken and rejected by God." SC64

"Christ will never abandon the soul for whom He has died. The soul may leave Him and be overwhelmed with temptation, but Christ can never turn from one for whom He has paid the ransom of His own life." MB118

"The character is revealed, not by occasional good deeds and occasional misdeeds, but by the tendency of the habitual words and acts." SC57

"The moment a sinner accepts Christ by faith, that moment he is pardoned. The righteousness of Christ is imputed to him, and he is no more to doubt God's forgiving grace." ST 19 May1898

I John 5:11-13 “And this is the record, that God hath given to us eternal life, and this life is in his Son. He that hath the Son hath life; and he that hath not the Son of God hath not life. These things have I written unto you that believe on the name of the Son of God; that ye may know that ye have eternal life, and that ye may believe on the name of the Son of God.

3II Timothy 1:12 “For the which cause I also suffer these things: nevertheless I am not ashamed: for I know whom I have believed, and am persuaded that he is able to keep that which I have committed unto him against that day.”

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People Want to Know How to be Saved

Doctrinal truth is important. The great warnings of prophecies are important, but the lost are more interested in how to be saved.

"There are many who want to know what they must do to be saved. They want a plain and clear explanation of the steps requisite in conversion... to especially make plain the way that sinners may come to Christ and be saved. They should point them to Christ, as did John, and with touching simplicity, their hearts aglow with the love of Christ, say, "Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sins of the world." RH 02-22-87

"There are more souls longing to understand how they may come to Christ than we imagine. Many listen to popular sermons from the pulpit and know no better than before they listened how to find Jesus and the peace and rest which their souls desire... The people are more ignorant in regard to the plan of salvation and need more instruction upon this all-important subject than upon any other." 4T394

Assurance in Witnessing

Our approach to witnessing is to first assure that we ourselves have assurance of acceptance with God, and then to provide a brief, simple, organized presentation of the Gospel.

The Gospel Presentation

Step one is to show that all have sinned. Romans 3:23 is a great verse to show that we have all sinned, “For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God.”

Step two shows the penalty for sin. Romans 6:23 clearly shows that the payment for sin is death, “For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord”

Step three shows that Jesus paid the debt for our sin. Romans 5:8 says, “But God commendeth His love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.” Jesus became the substitute for each of us and paid the penalty for our sin by shedding His blood on the cross.


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Isaiah 53:5 But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed.

Once a person realizes his standing in God’s sight, I move to step four—receiving Jesus as the only solution. John 1:12 says, “But as many as received Him, to them gave he the power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on His name.”

Romans 5:1 Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ.


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How to Present a Winning Testimony

"They overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony; they did not love their lives so much as to shrink from death." (NIV) Revelation 12:11

This verse mentions two things as a means of conquering power: 1) The blood of the Lamb and 2) The word of their testimony. We have no difficulty recognizing the power of the Blood, but I am not sure we truly understand the power of our testimony.

"Those who have put on Christ will relate their experience, tracing step by step the leadings of the Holy Spirit--their hungering and thirsting for the knowledge of God…the results of their searching of the Scriptures, their prayers...and the words of Christ to them, "Thy sins be forgiven thee." ...And as they make known the rich treasures of God's grace, more and still more of the grace of Christ will be imparted to them. They will have the heart of a little child in its simplicity and unreserved obedience. Their souls will pant after holiness, and more and more of the treasures of truth and grace will be revealed to them to be given to the world." COL 125

Testimony defined

A testimony is a statement of first hand experience, a witness given to personal knowledge."That if you confess with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you confess and are saved." Romans 10:9, 10.Paul is saying here that witnessing is more than simply relying on your lifestyle to tell others about God and Christ. He is saying we must confess with "our mouths."

"Now we can look forward to the salvation God has promised us. There is no longer any room for doubt and we can tell others that salvation is ours. For there is no question that he will do what he says." Hebrews 10:23 Living Bible

The Power of Testimony

The early Christians turned the world upside down because of the force of their personal testimony.

Next to the word of God, a soul winner's testimony is the most powerful tool he has.


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The woman of Samaria led a city to Christ and the Scripture relates that many believed on Him "because of her testimony”. John 4:39

Peter said the reason God has called us is to testify for Him. "That you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light." 1 Peter 2:9

This personal report of what Christ has done in the life becomes a powerful evangelistic tool.

The Testimony Provides Irresistible Power

"Our confession of His faithfulness is Heaven's chosen agency for revealing Christ to the world. We are to acknowledge His grace as made known through the holy men of old; but that which will be most effectual is the testimony of our own experience. We are witnesses for God as we reveal in ourselves the working of a power that is divine. Every individual has a life distinct from all others, and an experience differing essentially from theirs. God desires that our praise shall ascend to Him, marked by our own individuality. These precious acknowledgments to the praise of the glory of His grace, when supported by a Christ-like life, have an irresistible power, that works for the salvation of souls.” DA 347

"The gospel is to be presented, not as a lifeless theory, but as a living force to change the life. God desires that the receivers of His grace shall be witnesses to its power. Those whose course has been most offensive to Him He freely accepts; when they repent, He imparts to them His divine Spirit, places them in the highest positions of trust, and sends them forth into the camp of the disloyal to proclaim His boundless mercy." DA826

We have established the importance, and power of testimony. Now we want to focus on developing a two to three minute testimony for use at any time, but especially in a Gospel Presentation.

Three Parts of a Winning Testimony

A personal testimony is expressed in three distinct sections. The first part is a short review of the believer’s life before accepting Jesus as personal Saviour. The second part is an explanation of how the person met the Lord. The third is a declaration of the life experience after getting to know Jesus.

In Acts 22:2-21 Paul’s defends himself before the Jerusalem council in the form of a personal testimony. What are some of the points he makes in each section of his testimony?


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His life before he knew the Lord Jesus (vs. 3-5):

How he met the Lord (vs. 6-16):

His life experience after his conversion (vs. 17-21):

Even if you were raised in a Christian home and did not experience a dramatic conversion experience, you certainly had a special time when you made your personal commitment to Jesus Christ. Think back on your experience and write out some points that will help to form your own personal testimony.

A personal testimony should not be a long and detailed autobiography. Christians should be able to give their testimony in a short space of time.

Be Pleasant and Positive

1. Practice your personal witness for Christ until it becomes a part of you. 2. Give your personal testimony in a clear, concise and coherent manner. 3. Pray that your face will radiate Christian faith and let your smile speak the language of heaven.

Things to Avoid

1. Don't use denominational jargon, which fails to communicate properly. Avoid such phrases such as: "Since I came into the message;" "after I accepted the truth." Keep your witness Christ centered. It is better to uplift Christ as Savior with such phrases as: "Since I accepted Christ;" and "after I Accepted Jesus as my personal Savior."

2. Don't glamorize sin by telling in detail "how wicked you used to be."

3. Avoid being wordy. Keep your witness brief. Brevity gives others anopportunity to ask questions.

4. Don't speak critically of other churches; all comments should be sea-soned with love and tact.

5. Do not give a long list of sacrifices you had to make, the things youhad to give up, the hardships you faced in becoming a Christian. Instead, you should emphasize the positive. "Go and tell how great things the Lord has done for you."

What About Those Who Have Been Raised as Christians? Those who have lived devoted Christian lives since childhood will have to put more thought into the preparation of their testimony than one who had not been living a Christian life. Pick a point at which you had spiritual growth, and build your testimony around that point.


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And Now Write it Out, Practice it, and Use it.

We will probably never develop a good testimony to use in soul winning work until we make the effort of writing it out. Only in this way can we properly polish it, removing denominational clichés and trite expressions that Christians commonly use. The Word of God says "be ready always to give an answer to every man that asks you a reason for the hope that is within you." All effective soul winners will obey this command and polish and develop their own personal testimony.

"They overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony." Revelation 12:11

My Own Personal Testimony

My Life Before I Became a Christian:

How I Became a Christian:

My Life After I Became a Christian:


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Outline of the Gospel Presentation (repeated from p. 4)

When the opportunity arises to speak of Jesus through unplanned situations; it may be on a plane or at a bus stop, during a telephone call, we should be ready to speak about what the Lord has done for us, what reasons we have for our faith, and the hope that God offers not just to us but to others.

Once a conversation has turned toward a spiritual nature, one must share a clear and simple presentation of the Gospel with the individual.

Step one is to show that all have sinned. Romans 3:23 is a great verse to show that we have all sinned, “For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God.”

Step two shows the penalty for sin. Romans 6:23 clearly shows that the payment for sin is death, “For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord”

Step three shows that Jesus paid the debt for our sin. Romans 5:8 says, “But God commendeth His love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.” Jesus became the substitute for each of us and paid the penalty for our sin by shedding His blood on the cross.

Isaiah 53:5 But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed.

Once a person realizes his standing in God’s sight, I move to step four—receiving Jesus is the only solution. John 1:12 says, “But as many as received Him, to them gave he the power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on His name.”  A person must “receive” the Lord Jesus in order to be His child. Receiving Christ is a decision that each person must make for himself

Romans 5:1 “Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ.”

Jesus put it this way. "Behold I stand at the door and knock. If any man hear my voice and open the door, I will come in to him." This is a promise from God. When we open the door, we make our agreement with God, or covenant with God to accept the eternal life He offers, and to accept Christ as our Lord and Master.

Would you like to open the door and welcome him into your life now?


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Would you like to pray a prayer of acceptance with me? Then repeat after me.

Lord Jesus, (he repeats each phrase) I want you to come into my life right now...I am a sinner...I realize that I cannot save myself...I cannot be good enough to deserve heaven or eternal now I put my trust in you...I accept you as my personal Saviour...I believe you died for me...I receive you as Lord and Master over my life...Help me as I turn from my sins and follow you...I accept your gift of eternal life...I am not worthy of it...but I thank you for it...Amen.

In John 6:47 Jesus says, "Truly, I tell you, he who believes in Me has everlasting life." “Did you just believe in Jesus for salvation?” “Yes, I did.” Welcome to the family of God!


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Making Friends for Christ

Christ’s method alone will give true success in reaching the people. The Savior mingled with men as one who desired their good. He showed his sympathy for them, ministered to their needs and won their confidence. Then he bade them, “Follow me.”

Ministry of Healing p. 143

Witnessing begins with love, not lecture. People don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care. Kindness is the key to the heart.

Jesus said, “Let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in Heaven.” Matthew 5:16.

Do random acts of Kindness. Mow the lawn for your neighbor while they are away. Share produce out of your garden or some flowers. While paying a short visit compliment them on something – their garden, their children, etc.

On your second visit, use the FORT formula for witnessing: Let the Lord lead you to talk about the following:

Family- Look for opportunities to compliment them on their families, chil- dren, homes, or even hobbies or interests they may have.

Occupation- Get them to talk about their work and how they feel about it. Don't do all the talking; let them talk.

Religion- Move into Spiritual things as soon as possible.They know why you are there. Don't ask "What church do you go to?" You may embarrass them if they don't attend. Ask, "Which church were you brought up in? Do you still attend? Do you ever think about spiritual things? Be careful not to criticize their church or beliefs. – (Share only as you sense the Lord’s leading.)

TestimonyWe have already devoted an entire chapter to the importance of the personal testimony in witnessing. - (Share as you sense the Lord’s leading.)

“Your success will not depend so much upon your knowledge and accomplishments, as upon your ability to find your way to the heart. By being social and coming close to the people, you may turn the current of their thoughts more readily than by the most able discourse.” Gospel Workers 193


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“If we would humble ourselves before God, and be kind and courteous and tenderhearted and pitiful, there would be one hundred conversions to the truth where now there is only one.” T 9 189

Isaiah 60:1-2 Arise, shine; For your light has come! And the glory of the LORD is risen upon you. For behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, And deep darkness the people; But the LORD will arise over you, and His glory will be seen upon you.

“The last rays of merciful light, the last message of mercy to be given to the world, is a revelation of His character of love. The children God are to manifest His glory. In their own life and character they are to reveal what the grace of God has done for them.” Christ’s Object Lessons 415

Revelation 18:1 “And after these things I saw another angel come down from heaven, having great power; and the earth was lightened with his glory.”


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How to Find Interests and Give a Bible Study

“The very simplest modes of work should be devised and set in operation among the churches. If the members will unitedly accept such plans, and perseveringly carry them out, they will reap a rich reward; for their experience will grow brighter, their ability will increase, and through their efforts souls will be saved.” T 6 433

Mail out Bible study enrollment cards to a zip code. Contact Color Press and get a quote for your zip code. I use the “Lift Up Jesus” enrollment cards. People who respond to mail-outs are interested in taking the studies.

Making a first introductionNow when the people come to the door, hold up the Bible study reply card that they sent in. Then tell them your name and say, “We’ve come in ___________ to this card that you sent in about receiving a free ________ and Bible study guides. May we step in for just a moment?”

Making a Connection: Look for a common threadAs you enter the home, glance around the room to get an idea of the type of people you are visiting. Do you see anything that impresses you enough to give a sincere ______________? Do you see any pictures of the ________? Most people love talking about their children and family members.

Where’s the best place to study?After congratulating them for their interest in learning about the Bible, I recommend asking them, “Do you mind if we sit at the ____________?” In the dining room you are away from ____________________.

Present a new Bible to each new studentGive each person, their own Bible, notebook and study guides. Next, I take out the first lesson and give each one their lesson. Show them how to do their first study.

Complete the set yourself. First study each lesson carefully, filling in the answers in each blank. This will help you to become familiar with the material you will be studying with your student.

Watch for interesting illustrations that you can write into your lessons to share with your student. This will make your studies more meaningful to your student.

Underline any special thought you might wish to emphasize with your student.

Do one lesson with the student and leave another one for them to do on their own. Share with them how to use the gift Bible with the pagination system, and how to fill in their answers to the questions.


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After doing the first lesson together then leave them lesson number two. Be certain to make an appointment with the student for the next week. Ask, “What would be a convenient time for me to come by next week?” “Is this a good day and time?” Write down the time he says on the envelope or lesson. Exchange phone numbers in case something comes up where one of you will not be able to make the appointment.

Next week ask how he got along with the lessons this week. Did you learn anything new from the lessons?

Always begin with prayer!

Review and go over the lesson he did on his own. You can read the questions and he can give the answers that he wrote down.

Helpful suggestions for various situations during the Bible Study

Be a “learner” along with the student so he will feel relaxed with you. Tell him you are studying the Bible too. This will take a load off your shoulders because he won’t expect you to know everything.

Stay focused on the lesson you are studying

If your students have questions that are off topic, I usually reply by saying, “That’s a good _____________, and we will be ___________________ that in one of the lessons. “ Then, get back to the lesson you are studying.Don’t _______________ the student with additional materialDon’t get sidetracked with ________________________ subjects

Never argueStudents have a right to express their ______________ whether they’re right or wrong. If they express an _______________ that’s different from yours, or if they disagree about the interpretation of a particular verse, don’t _____________. Remember that a good fisherman will sometimes give a fish that starts to run some ____________ so as not to bend the hook or break the line.It’s OK to say “Yes I understand. I can see why you would believe that.” Then gently lead them to read what the _____________ says about the matter.

Keep the study to one hour

If you make the study too lengthy, the student may feel he just doesn’t have the time.


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If the student has a wrong answer

Don’t say, “That’s wrong.” Say in a very kind way, “We seem to have different thoughts on that question. Let’s read that text again to be sure what the Bible says.” Have the student read the text in his own Bible, then read the question. Usually the student will see the right answer immediately.

If the student asks a question you cannot answer

Don’t be embarrassed. Just say, “I’ve never thought of that in just that way. I’ll try to find the Bible answer and bring it to you next week.” Or, you might say, “I’m not certain where that text is, (or what the answer to that question is) but, if there is an answer, I’ll try to find it in my concordance or Bible dictionary and bring it to you when I come next week.”

There are some questions they will have that cannot be answered because the Bible does not give the answer. You will just have to frankly admit that as far as you know, the Bible does not give the answer.

Never try to answer a question if you don’t know the answer. You will find yourself in an embarrassing position and the student will lose confidence in you.

Don’t make statements that can be backed up only by the Spirit of Prophecy as the student will not recognize that authority.

Study the lessons in the order given

Don’t let the student get you sidetracked

Keep the student on the subject you are studying at that time. If he brings up the Sabbath or state of the dead just say, “That subject will be coming up before very long and I don’t want to spoil your study before we get to it. Avoid controversial topics before the student has sufficient background to understand or accept them.

Give your student an honest compliment

Always give your student an honest compliment at the end of your study. You might say, “You really did a great job on these lessons.”

Don’t be judgmental

Don’t give the impression that you are “holier than thou.” Let the student know that you are human too, that you make mistakes as well. Never condemn or act shocked at the behavior of the student or their children.


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Invite your ___________________ to the baptism study.The Bible study covering baptism should be near the end of the studies. You should have already mentioned you were bringing the pastor; therefore it shouldn’t be a surprise to see him.

The pastor should congratulate them on their decision to follow Christ. However, you do the study on baptism. For the moment, he is there to support and encourage, and any comments he makes should be about the lesson you are studying, and it should be brief. (This is very important).

After you cover the lesson on baptism, now its time to get them into the boat, as the fisherman would say. I usually say, “John, Betty, as you can see from the lesson study, after we give our lives to Christ, we are to be baptized and bury the old man with his old ways and begin our new life in Christ. I brought the pastor with me tonight to answer any questions you may have about baptism and to set a date for your baptism.”

Set a ___________________ date!

Sometimes one of the two has been baptized before. Or, maybe both were baptized when they were young. It doesn’t really matter. I always encourage both of them to be baptized again and make a new start. At this point, let the pastor take over and answer any questions, work out the details and then set a definite date to baptize them.

How to find interests

Visitors and regular guestsAlmost in every church there are regular guests that come to church that have never joined. Find out who they are and ask if they would like to study the Bible with you.

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Participate in the Bible reading guide plan and receive your own personal King James version hard cover Bible.

Become better acquainted with your Bible and your God. Clip the coupon and mail today!Yes I desire to participate in the Bible Reading Plan.Name___________________________Address ________________________City_________State_____ Zip______Mail to: New Dimensions of LivingP.O. Box 1844Poplar Bluff, MO 63901

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Community Religious Surveys

Community Religious Survey(Y=Yes, N=No, NO=No Opinion)

A. Concerning God and the Bible

1. ____In your opinion is there a God?

2. ____Is there life after death?

3. ____Is Christ coming again?

4. Who is Jesus, according to your understanding?

____Son of God



____Saviour of man

____Not sure

5. ____Do you feel you understand the Bible?

B. Concerning your religious involvement:

6. What church did your parents attend? ____________________________

7. Do you belong to the same church? ____________________________

8. How often do you attend?





9. _____Do you believe all churches should unite?18

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C. Concerning your opinion:

10. How does one become a Christian?

Thank you so much for participating in our survey. Here is an offer for a free Bible and study guides. These study guides answer the basic questions men and women are asking today and provide Bible answers. They are designed to bring added meaning to your life and give hope for the future. There is no charge for these guides. May I leave the first two with you?

Following up Interests Created By the Mass Media

1. Pray at home for your prospect.

2. Study the information you possess about the student: church affiliation, age, source of interest, and so on.

3. Prompt follow up is necessary to assist in the making of right decisions at the time of conviction.

4. Memorize the prospect’s name and use it at the time of the visit.

5. Identify yourself and the program you represent at the door. You should approach the prospect with interest, warmth, tact, and gentleness.

6. Aim to build a bridge of understanding between yourself and the prospect. Be friendly, & confident. Relax if you are tense.

7. The first visit may be short. Here is a sample approach:

“Hello. Is this where the Brown’s live? Are you Mr. Brown? We are field representatives from the It Is Written (Voice of Prophecy, etc.) program, Mr. Brown. We don’t plan to stay, but we did want to find out if you received the free offer you asked for?” (If they have received the book, ask) “Have you had an opportunity to read the book?” (If they have read it, ask) “Did you enjoy it, and did you learn anything new?”

Pastor John Bradshaw (Pastor Fred Kinsey, etc.) is interested in each (viewer/listener) and would like to visit each person who responds to the program, if that were possible. But because that is not possible, he has asked us to visit you in his place.”

(If they have finished a Bible course and show a good interest, ask) “Did


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you enjoy the course? Did you find the explanations to be in harmony with your understanding of the Bible?” (If the answer is favorable, say) “Let me show you another exciting Bible study plan.” (or if the interest is good, extend an invitation to visit the church and invite the prospect to be a dinner guest).

8. As a Christian, your sympathy, compassion, and genuine interest in another person’s well being will soon be apparent. Your concerns will guide you in what to say and how to act. You will not stay long, but your evident courtesy and consideration will prepare the way for your next visit.

9. “Have you heard about the special Bible study program that It Is Written (The Voice of Prophecy), etc.) is offering to all of its (viewers/listeners)?” If they say No, explain the Bible program to them and then ask, “Would you like to take advantage of this special offer? I will be happy to leave the first two lessons and a Bible with you. Next week, we will return at a time acceptable to you to see if you have any questions about the lessons.

10. Visits should be made regularly to deepen confidence that the Bible can help answer their daily problems and direct them to a new and fuller life. Only Christ-centered truth should be presented – and by visitors who have a genuine experience of conversion.

11. According to the degree of interest, invite your prospects to church, arrange for bible studies or enroll in an additional course.

12. A short, fervent prayer may be offered.

Telephone Survey of Mass-Media Names

“Hello______________________________________, I’m __________________________________. I am a field representative of ______________________________________. Pastor _____________________would like to meet each of you personally, but naturally that is impossible. There fore, he has asked us to make sure you have received all the books and other items you may have requested and also to conduct a brief survey and tell you about a free offer.”

1. Approximately how long have you been listening/watching _____________________?

2. Do you listen to/watch the program regularly? ______________


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3. How did you learn about the broadcast?____ By accident____ Someone told me about____ Other ___________________

4. Have the programs been especially helpful to you? _________

5. Does anyone else listen to/watch the program with you? __________

6. Did you receive the free materials you requested? __________

7. Did you enjoy reading the material? __________

8. Do you have a church home in the area? __________

9. Have you always been a member of that denomination? ___________

10. Are you able to attend worship service quite regularly? ___________

11. Has your religious faith helped you in day-to-day living? Has it brought inner strength and greater peace of mind? ___________

12. Have you seen the free Bible reading guides that _________________ recommends? ____________

13. You will be delighted to know that __________________ is offering a free Bible and companion Study guides at this time. When may we stop by to deliver yours?


Cultivating the Soil of Your Neighbors’ Hearts

1. Smile and speak kindly to your neighbors.

2. Make friendly visits and get acquainted.

3. Compliment their yard, flowers, house, etc.

4. Develop the habit of praising their good qualities.

5. Share vegetables or a loaf of bread.


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6. Take time to listen to their problems.

7. Periodically express interest in their welfare.

8. Go on an errand for them.

9. Offer to baby-sit.

10. Assist in a project.

11. Send a card when you are on vacation.

12. Visit when they are in the hospital.

13. Remember birthdays and anniversaries.

14. Invite them to a family outing or block party.

15. Invite them to church socials or special programs.

16. Offer Bible-study videos or any Bible study guides of your choice from the ABC or supporting ministries.

Usually, it is desirable to establish a solid friendship with new neighbors before approaching them on spiritual matters. Many times we come on too strong and too soon. The neighbors categorize us as religious zealots and activate their defensive mechanisms.

We need to spend more time mingling with non-Adventists with the purpose of winning them to Christ. What a wonderful thing it would be if every Adventist would set aside at least two hours a week for outreach activity and begin by using this time to get acquainted with their neighbors.“Visit your neighbors in a friendly way, and become acquainted with them.”– Welfare Ministry, p. 60.

“Go to your neighbors one by one, and come close to them till their hearts are warmed by your unselfish interest and love. Sympathize with them, pray for them, watch for opportunities to do them good.” – Christian Service, p. 116.


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The Interest File

Names in the interest file should include those you and your church have secured through participating in the various programs, such as: literature distribution, Bible studies, community service contacts, Breath-Free classes, cooking schools, marriage, parenting, financial seminars, Vacation Bible Schools, former SDA’s, etc.

Here is how you go about getting good names for visitation:

1. Enter your interest list into your computer or secure a file box and some 4 by 6 interest cards, which you use in your information file.

2. Start collecting every interest name that you can secure from every source.

3. Appoint an Interest Information Secretary to keep your interest file up-to-date.

4. When you begin your visitation program, you should first go through the file and categorize your interests as A, B, C, D. If you have only a few names in the file, you will want to visit all the names. However, if you have more names than you can possibly visit at first, you will want to visit the A interests, then the B interests, and so on.

How to rate interest names

“A” Interests:

1. People currently attending church or visiting church (husbands, wives or children of members who are favorable to our message).

2. People who are currently studying the Bible lessons and who are accepting the teachings as presented.

“B” Interests

1. All former SDA’s who still believe the message and have thought of coming back to church.

2. People who have attended evangelistic meetings and/or taken studies, who believe and plan someday to accept the message.

3. Children who are related to the church but have not made a decision to go all the way in baptism.


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4. Mates or relatives who believe the message but have not begun to attend church.5. Those who visit our church on Sabbath occasionally.

“C” Interests

1. Those who have shown some interest in the SDA message by asking for literature from our telecasts or radio programs – or who have studied a Bible course offered by TV or radio.

2. People who have attended Breathe-Free classes, Cooking Classes, Weight-Control Classes, Health Seminars, VBS.

“D” Interests

1. Community Service contacts.

2. Individuals contacted on religious surveys.

3. Individuals who have attended just a few evangelistic meetings, but have not shown enough interest to attend regularly.

These D interests should not be discarded, but they should not be visited until all other names have first been exhausted.

As your visitation program progresses, it will be necessary for you to change the grading of some of the interests. Some whom you though were prime A interests, you discover are D interests, and vice versa.

Guidelines for Visiting Former Members

1. Pray – before and during the visit - for your prospect. Claim for yourselves the infilling and wisdom of the Holy Spirit, and Christ’s love for the former member.

2. Certain things to remember not to do when visiting former SDA’s:a. Do not argue – you are a witness.b. Do not defend yourself, the church, or anyone else. You are not the defense

attorney. Defending will only ally you with the hurt that person has experienced.

c. Do not preach by telling the person they should look to Jesus and not to other people.

3.Study any information you have about that person. For example, why he/she was dropped from membership, his/her age, and present interest.


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The first visit:a. May be short.b. Use warmth, tact, and gentleness – no pressure. Be relaxed.c. Introduce yourself as from the S.D.A. Church.

“Good morning! Is this where the Smiths live? Are you Mr. Smith? We are from the Adventist Church. We don’t plan to stay long, but we do want to visit with you for just a little while. May we step in for a few minutes?”

4. If you are not acquainted, you may wish to use F O R T (Family, Occupation, Religion, Testimony).a. You might ask the following questions in conversation:

(1) Were you reared in the Seventh-day Adventist Church?(2) How old were you when you were baptized?(3) Did you make your decision to join the church through a series of

evangelistic meetings?(4) Were both of your parents Seventh-day Adventists?(5) Did you go to Adventist Schools?(6) How long has it been since you have attended church?(7) When you discontinued coming, did anyone from the church come to visit

you?(8) What do you consider the chief reason you are no longer attending church?

Express appreciation for honesty/don’t refute or argue. “This information will help me in helping others.” LISTEN. If he/she was treated badly, don’t take sides. After he/she is through unburdening his/her heart, you might say, brother (or sister), that’s too bad. I am sorry to hear that. I suppose that if I had been treated as you have told me you were, I would probably feel as badly as you do.” “On behalf of the S.D.A. church, we would like to apologize and ask your forgiveness.”

“May I ask you a personal question? Do you still believe the message the church teaches is still the message God has for the world?”

(9) Have you thought recently about coming back to the church?

Invite them back and do everything you can to help them. You must get them to read, study, pray and listen so the Holy Spirit can speak to their heart and create a new desire.

(10) If they expressed interest in returning:a. Arrange to bring them to your Sabbath school class or church.b. Leave Signs Digest or a sharing book


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Importance of prayer

Luke 10:2 Therefore said He unto them, The harvest truly is great, but the labourers are few: pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that He would send forth labourers

into His harvest.

"For this reason, since the day we heard about you, we have not stopped praying for you and asking God to fill you with the knowledge of His will through all spiritual wisdom and understanding. And we pray this in order that you may live a life worthy of the Lord and may please him in every way." Colossians 1:9-10

“Pray without ceasing.” I Thessalonians 5:17

“I am the vine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without me ye can do nothing.” John 15:5

“A revival of true godliness among us is the greatest and most urgent of all our needs. To seek this should be our first work. A revival need be expected only in answer to prayer.” - SM b.1 p.121

“At the sound of fervent prayer, Satan’s whole host trembles.” - T 1. p. 345, 346

“As activity increases and men become successful in doing any work for God, there is the danger of trusting to human plans and methods. There is a tendency to pray less, and to have less faith.” DA 362

“While we are to labor earnestly for the salvation of the lost, we must also take time for meditation, for prayer, and for the study of the word of God. Only the work accomplished with much prayer, and sanctified by the merit of Christ, will in the end prove to have been efficient for good.” – DA 362

The church is looking for better methods; God is looking for better men…What the church needs today is not more machinery, not new organizations or more novel methods, but men whom the Holy Ghost can use. Men of prayer, men mighty in prayer. The Holy Ghost does not flow through methods, but through men. He does not come on machinery, but on men. He does not anoint plans, but men—men of prayer. - E.M. Bounds

When we rely upon organization – we get all that organization can doWhen we rely upon education – we get all that education can doWhen we rely upon eloquence -we get all that eloquence can doWhen we rely upon prayer - we get what God can do! – Author unknown

Call unto me, and I will answer thee, and shew thee great and mighty things, which thou knowest not. -Jer. 33:3


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Now What?

And Jesus came and spake unto them, saying, “All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth. Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen.” – Matthew 28:18-20

“The work of God in this earth can never be finished until the men and women comprising our church membership rally to the work and unite with those ministers and church officers.” (Testimonies vol. 9 p. 117).

“The very life of the church depends upon her faithfulness in fulfilling the Lord’s commission. To neglect this work is to invite spiritual feebleness and decay. Where there is not active labor for others love wanes and faith grows dim.” (Desire of Ages p. 825).

“God has not given his ministers the work of setting churches right. No sooner is this work done, apparently, than it has to be done over again. Church members that are thus looked after and labored for become religious weaklings. If nine-tenths of the effort that has been put forth for those who know the truth had been put forth for those who have never heard the truth, how much greater would have been the advancement made!” Testimonies Vol. 7, p. 18.

“So long as church members make no effort to give others the help given them, great spiritual feebleness must result.” Testimonies Vol. 7, p. 19.

The Following is taken from the book, “Preparing For Your Harvest” by Dr. Jesse Wilson

“Now it came to pass that a group existed who called themselves fishermen. And lo, there were many fish in the waters all around them. In fact, the whole area was surrounded by streams and lakes filled with fish. And the fish were hungry.

Week after week, month after month, year after year, those who called themselves fishermen met in meetings and talked about their desire to fish, the abundance of fish, and how they might go about fishing. Year after year they carefully defined what fishing means, defended fishing as an occupation, and declared that fishing is always to be the primary task of fishermen. But there was one big problem…they didn’t fish.

They continually searched for new and better methods of fishing. They loved slogans such as, “Fishing is the task of every fisherman.” They sponsored


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special meetings called “Fishermen’s campaigns” and “Fishermen’s crusades” and “Fishermen’s seminars.”

They sponsored expensive nationwide and world wide fishing events and even called them “Nets.” They discussed and offered courses on the needs of fish, the nature of fish, the habitats of fish, and how to approach and feed fish. They did everything…except fish.”

Many had masters and doctorates in fishology. They attended fishing cemeteries (I mean seminaries) and spent years listening to professors who rarely fished but often criticized the methods of those who did. They received year after year of classical fishermen training and learned to speak languages that the fish no longer spoke. Some graduated with official fishing licenses.

Many were hired to fish full time and some were sent to distant waters teeming with fish. But, unfortunately, after spending countless hours tending to their aquariums, they rarely found time to fish.”

Imagine how hurt some of them were when one day someone suggested that those who never catch fish are really not fishermen, no matter what they call themselves. Yet it did sound correct. Is a person really a fisherman if year after year he never catches a single fish?”

Are we really following Christ if we are not fishing for souls?

Let us be about our Father’s business.


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