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Stockholm, June 2013


The results

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Age: 20 – 40 ( 2 over 50) Unemployed, freelancers, temporary precarious jobs) 2 unemployed immigrants

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1. Participants were all satisfied with the training, they enjoyed all

the process:!“It was beyond my expectations”!

“All steps were necessary”!!

2. Difficulty in the technical session, even though somebody

enjoyed it!!

3. Someone said that to be concise was an effort!

Quality of the training

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The most common words about the workshop

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GENERAL AGREEMENT ON: “Storytelling is a learning and a self reflective tool useful to validate my


“It was very useful to present my competences, especially the ones that I really feel inside me”

“it was useful to communicate concisely and effectively”

Usefulness of a digital curricula story

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PARTICIPANTS agreed with the sentence:

“The digital curricula story will help me to find a better job


They saw a potential and were sure of the effectiveness in

enhancing their CV

One of the PARTICIPANT said:

“Hope is the last to die”!


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Usefulness General agreement on:!

!“I can see a use for a digital

curricular story”!!

Therefore by all means


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5 yes 5 no

6 they do not know


1 is going to use it only if the company asks for it

1 said only if it is going to

be a good product

Are you ready to use the digital curricular story?

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They will use it to present themselves in

an innovative way

One said that it is really useful and he wants to promote it

You can immediately understand the

abilities and richness of information and the informal competences

Participantsʼ voice

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What is the recruiter going to think about?

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Social skills / Creative Skills/Team working/ Participatory skills

Digital Skills Self reflective skills

Improving competences

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The words that best describe the digital curricular story

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Strengths - Internal the organisationCompetences of the facilitators well balanced in terms of organisation, facilitation.Shared activities between the facilitators of the storytelling activitiesParticipants felt to belong to a group, despite their different personalities Shared vision between facilitators of the activitiesWell structured method High involvement of participants since they felt at the centre of the process and had the chance to test their creativity

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Weaknesses - internal the organisation Management of the technical session: More time, more time to give advices on the use of photos, copyright More time to explain the aim of a digital curricular story Different level of expertise of participants (time consuming for the facilitator)

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Opportunities - internal the organisation Including the self entrepreneurs as potential target group to tell their own company Strengthening the deep motivations as well as the increasing the ability of self-expression

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Threats - external the organisation difficulty in finding participants; possible initial resistance to tell and share personal stories; need to develop further the theme of “how you are going to use” the product created - likely to restraint in an individual sphere (yet always useful) face the possibility that there is not a real interest of companies about this tool

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Good method to improve competences

Importance of the storytelling approach for self evaluation and validation

Be clear on what is the aim of a digital curricular

story: itʼs a good tool to present yourself

Need more familiarity with the method to master it and so to use it to find a job

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HOW can we strengthen the method? !

!May we ask Human

Resources department?!!

Someone else?!

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Let’s watch some stories…

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… together!!!

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Our stories

Alessandra Bakary


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Thank you!!

Laura and Antonia!

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