Page 1: Kudos (explanation) pdf

A means to gauge and encourage insightful thought, class participation, a positive working

environment, supportive attitudes and the “yet to be seen”.

How it works…

The amount of “kudos stamps” you collect will directly correlate with a

“positive reinforcement” that your class chooses (See “Value sheet”).

If you lose your log, you will have to start over. If you don’t have your

Kudos stamp when I’m offering an opportunity to receive a stamp… it’s your loss and/or you can

start over with a blank one. YOU MAY NOT COMBINE previously-lost KUDOS SHEETS with New

sheets!!!!!!! No exceptions.

If you don’t have your Kudos sheet with you on the day that I’m giving them out—you don’t get any.

Immediately print your name on the top of your “log” upon receiving it, preventing anyone the

opportunity to steal your stamps.

You earn “Kudos stamps” by contributing to a class discussion

with insightful or thought-provoking ON TOPIC comments. You

can also earn Kudos stamps by volunteering willingly,

supporting or encouraging others’ participation and by taking

initiative without being prompted. Obnoxious or out-of-turn

speaking/behavior will NOT be rewarded with Kudos stamps, regardless of

how “insightful” it may be.

Finally, please note that the teacher (only!) assumes the role of determining Kudos

stamp-worthy participation and comments.

You can submit your Kudos Stamps for “positive reinforcement” at the end of a 9-week quarter.

Enjoy! And good luck.

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