Page 1: KS4 CURRICULUM KNOWLEDGE AND SKILLS SUBJECT … · • the various ways in which talk and discussion can be used to articulate ... • organising cohesive whole texts, effectively





2016 – 2017

Page 2: KS4 CURRICULUM KNOWLEDGE AND SKILLS SUBJECT … · • the various ways in which talk and discussion can be used to articulate ... • organising cohesive whole texts, effectively

Dear Parent/Carers,

This guide has been written to offer you further information regarding your

child’s progress here in school. For each curriculum area, there are statements explaining the

knowledge and skills being developed during this academic year.

The assessment review also outlines the end of Key Stage target grade in each subject. English and

Maths will be graded 1-9 rather than A*-G. These are set to be aspirational and each individual target

will therefore always contain a degree of challenge.

Under the teacher assessment level (TA Level) each teacher has indicated the grade they feel your

child is currently working at. Each grade is split to indicate if a student is high (H), secure (S) or low

(L) within this level.

The Knowledge, Attitudes, Skills and Habits (KASH) review allows you to see the latest ‘snapshot’ of

your child’s progress in all four areas of KASH. Your child’s development in each area has been

judged by the subject teacher as either, emerging, establishing, secure, enhancing or excelling

dependent on the progress being made when compared with curriculum expectations.

Each member of staff will have conducted a learning conversation with your child. This conversation

will have included current strengths and areas for improvement within the subject. All conversations

are recorded in the student’s exercise books/files. Intervention strategies will already be in place for

those students who are causing concern and these will be reviewed as part of our continuing

monitoring process.

It is important that all our students make the progress of which they are capable and achieve their full

potential. I look forward to your continued support in helping us to meet these aims.

Yours faithfully

Linda Magrath Headteacher

The Laurus Trust, a limited company registered in England and Wales Company number 7907463. Registered office is Cheadle Hulme High School, Woods Lane, Cheadle Hulme, Cheadle, Cheshire SK8 7JY

Page 3: KS4 CURRICULUM KNOWLEDGE AND SKILLS SUBJECT … · • the various ways in which talk and discussion can be used to articulate ... • organising cohesive whole texts, effectively


Students will develop their KNOWLEDGE of:

• researching effectively – the ability to explore the work of a range of artists,

designers and craftspeople and draw inspiration from techniques, processes and conceptual ideas

• exploring and communicating ideas using the work of others to develop and extend thinking, and to help them make informed decisions with their own work. Having the ability to discuss and compare the work of others

• a range of processes, and how to use them within their work; making informed decisions about when to apply appropriate techniques within their work, and developing this

• how ideas, feelings and meanings can be conveyed and interpreted in images, artefacts and products

• how images, artefacts and products relate to social, historical, vocational and cultural contexts

• a variety of approaches, methods and intentions of contemporary and historical artists, craftspeople and designers from different cultures and their contribution to continuity and change in society

Students will develop their SKILLS in:

• recording experiences and ideas in appropriate forms when undertaking research and gathering, selecting and organising visual, tactile and/or sensory materials and other relevant information

• exploring relevant resources – analysing, discussing and evaluating images,

objects and products, making and recording independent judgements in visual and other forms

• generating and exploring potential lines of enquiry using appropriate new media practices and techniques

• applying knowledge and understanding in making images, artefacts and products; reviewing and modifying work and planning and developing ideas in the light of their own and others' evaluations

• organising, selecting and communicating ideas, solutions and responses, and presenting them in a range of appropriate visual, tactile and/or sensory forms including the use of new technologies

• working both as individuals and in collaboration with others in a range of situations

• discussing the work of relevant artists using correct Art vocabulary

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Students will develop their KNOWLEDGE of:

• the internal and external environment and its impact on businesses

• the competitive markets businesses compete in and the process of adding value

• the innovative role of the entrepreneur and the characteristics required to be successful

• the function of business finance, planning and analysis

• Business Studies key terms and language

Students will develop their SKILLS in:

• decision-making and problem-solving

• applying knowledge of business concepts and impact to different contexts

• analysing and evaluating evidence and make reasoned judgments

• using business language to develop structured responses • learning independently and researching the topics in the business

environment • evaluating their own progress towards skills and knowledge targets and

identify areas for development


Students will develop their KNOWLEDGE of:

• how data is input, processed and output and how it can be stored

• computing hardware including the CPU, Memory and Binary logic

• computing software including Operating Systems, Utility programs and the merits of custom written and open source software

• different forms of data representation for numbers, characters, images and sound

• different Database concepts such as DBMS and Relational Databases • computer communications through networks and the internet • programming concepts including algorithms, control flow in imperative

languages and testing

Students will develop their SKILLS in:

• planning and carrying out a practical investigation, creating efficient solutions to problems

• selecting suitable techniques to solve all aspects of a problem

• producing reports that effectively demonstrate an understanding of technical terminology/ concepts

• critically appraising evidence presented

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• programming techniques including basic programming constructs, loops, basic string manipulation and use of arrays

• using various software applications

• working collaboratively

• identifying potential risks when using ICT and then developing safe working practices to overcome these risks


Students will develop their KNOWLEDGE of:

• how to research ideas and use various sources to influence design decisions

• tools, machinery and manufacturing techniques to make informed decisions when making their own product

• how experimenting with materials, tools and techniques is important to design decisions

• the effectiveness of building a portfolio of ideas • how to respond to a brief or theme • the health and safety rules and considerations of work shop safety

• what enterprise means and how to ensure a product is profitable showing good understanding of consumer needs

• quality control and quality assurance

Students will develop their SKILLS in:

• using knowledge of tools, equipment and techniques to make manufacturing decisions and carry them out independently and accurately

• adapting their own ideas and responding to feedback • applying safe working practices and communicating understanding verbally

and in writing

• evaluating their own work against specifications

• literacy, numeracy and ICT • team working; presentation skills; independent working; working to deadlines;

efficient use of resources

• choosing and using materials and techniques independently and with precision

• budgeting and designing with a consumer in mind to make a product that could be sold and make a profit

• planning work in stages; recording costs, materials, machinery, time limits and quality control

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Students will develop their KNOWLEDGE of:

• creative expression: group work, leadership/directing, active listening, collaboration, reflection and refining ideas, audience awareness

• verbal contribution: verbal evaluation and analysis of textual themes, verbal discussion and analysis of live theatre

• theatrical style and genre: script work • written communication: understanding examination requirements and

structure, communicating content

Students will develop their SKILLS in:

• characterisation: movement (gesture, facial expression, body language, dynamics) voice (tone, pitch, pace, volume, articulation), development techniques (improvisation, devising from stimulus), relationships

• utilising conventions for a purpose: still image, marking the moment, split focus, physical theatre, mime, flash-forward/back, slow motion, thought-tracking, narration, forum theatre, symbolism, climax, contrast

• oracy and communication: presence, clarity, eye contact, presentation • written communication: grammar and punctuation, expressing creative ideas,

analysis and evaluation


Students will develop their KNOWLEDGE of:

• different software applications (word processing, spreadsheets and presentation) and the features of each application

• formulae and functions using spreadsheet software

• mail merge, both in the preparation and output of documents

• appropriate outputs to meet the needs of the target audience

• planning, evaluating and improving procedures involving the use of IT tools and systems in order to improve productivity and efficiency of work activities

• the context in which IT is to be used and/or the conditions that may affect the way IT is used

• the expectations and requirements that an IT outcome must meet • evaluating the strengths and weaknesses of the use of IT and identifying how

improvements may be made in the future

Students will develop their SKILLS in:

• using word processing, spreadsheet and presentation applications

• developing documents for specific purposes for the intended target audience

• entering, selecting, editing and/or formatting text in order to solve a problem

• managing worksheets by inserting, selecting, editing, sorting, copying, moving, deleting and/or formatting data in spreadsheets

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• creating different types of charts from spreadsheet data

• developing presentations, using a master slide, for a specific purpose

• working with tables e.g. entering and editing text, modifying the setup

• working with graphical objects e.g. inserting an image and formatting it appropriately

• preparing appropriate outputs using various software applications

• evaluating the use of IT to solve a specific problem


Students will develop their KNOWLEDGE of:

Reading - • a range of texts to help students articulate their ideas in a sophisticated way

• the way in which language, structure, form and context are used to enable a writer to express their ideas

• the significant impact that literature has on the world

Writing -

• the methods used to write with engagement and control • the ways in which specific audiences can be targeted through linguistic

devices. Speaking and Listening -

• the various ways in which talk and discussion can be used to articulate meaning

Students will develop their SKILLS in:

Reading - • articulating informed interpretations of meanings supported by textual


• analysing methods used to convey ideas, including language, structure and form

• comparing ideas, attitudes, methods and contexts in order to evaluate effectiveness

• relating different texts to their relevant social, historical and literary context • making links between texts

Writing - • selecting appropriate words and phrases from a rich and wide vocabulary

• demonstrating control of spelling, punctuation and grammar • utilising a variety of sentence structures with control • organising cohesive whole texts, effectively sequencing and structuring details

within texts

• producing texts that match the audience, purpose and register of different genres

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Speaking and Listening: • talking in purposeful and imaginative ways to explore ideas and feelings

• listening and respond to others, including in pairs and groups

• creating and sustain different roles and scenarios

• understanding the range and uses of spoken language


Students will develop their KNOWLEDGE of:

Reading - • a range of texts to help students articulate their ideas in a sophisticated way

• the way in which language, structure, form and context are used to enable a writer to express their ideas

Writing - • the methods used to write with engagement and control

Students will develop their SKILLS in:

Reading –

• articulating informed interpretations of meanings supported by textual reference

• analysing methods used to convey ideas, including language, structure, form and dramatic devices

• comparing ideas, attitudes, methods and contexts in order to evaluate effectiveness

• relating different texts to their relevant social, historical and literary context Writing -

• demonstrating control of spelling, punctuation and grammar when articulating ideas


Students will develop their KNOWLEDGE of:

• food provenance • major food commodities groups • how a commodity is grown, reared and processed • food preparation, cooking and presentation • nutritional values (sources, functions, deficiencies, excess, daily requirements) • dietary considerations for special groups • food science • food hygiene, health and safety (qa / qc) • sensory properties of food • use of specialist equipment

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• specialist language and culinary terms • food storage and packaging

Students will develop their SKILLS in:

• accurate food preparation with the emphasis on high level skills (20 in total) • selecting and planning practical tasks in detail • understanding the physical function of food commodities and applying the

knowledge • evaluating practical and scientific tasks in detail • conducting a food science experiment and writing a hypothesis • researching a topic independently


Students will develop their KNOWLEDGE of:

• physical and human geography, in particular focusing on urban futures, dynamic development, resource reliance, the uk in 21st century, distinctive landscapes, global hazards, sustaining ecosystems and changing climate.

• different places and case studies at a variety of scales, from local to global. students will be able to use these effectively in their answers.

• comparison of different places and events around the worlds. • cartographic skills such as atlas maps, os maps, choropleth maps and

thematic maps. • graphical skills such as bar charts, line graphs, pie charts, cross- sections and

rose diagrams. • numerical and statistical skills such as proportion, ratio, frequency, calculating

percentages, interpreting tables of data and justifying conclusions from statistical data.

• the formation of features and key processes in detail. • places and the concepts surrounding our interaction and influence on specific

environments. • being able to explain their own views about contemporary geographical


Students will develop their SKILLS in:

• writing structured and well developed answers, with case studies embedded throughout a logical discussion

• fieldwork techniques in order to anchor their studies within a real world context • making effective use of data to make predictions, describe relationships, draw

and justify conclusions • selecting and constructing maps, using appropriate scales and annotations to

present and analyse geographical information • linking ideas and knowledge to develop their answers further. • being be able to interpret and link photographs to their previous learning.

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Students will develop their KNOWLEDGE of:

• human growth and development across life stages

• factors that affect human growth and development and how they are interrelated

• different forms of communication and how they are used effectively in health and social care

• understanding alternative forms of communication such as Braille, British Sign Language and Makaton

• the difficulties some people experience in accessing health and social care, owing to barriers of communication

• how barriers to communication can be overcome

• the communication skills needed to interact with individuals who use health and social care services

• the care values that underpin current practice in health and social care

• ways of empowering individuals who use health and social care services

• the effects of balanced and unbalanced diets on the health and wellbeing of individuals

• the specific nutritional needs and preferences of individuals

Students will develop their SKILLS in:

• written communication • working as part of a group • researching • the ability to contribute verbally as part of class discussion • being able to follow instructions • ensuring that written answers are specific to ensure full coverage of the Health

and Social criteria


Students will develop their KNOWLEDGE of:

How secure was the USSR’s control over Eastern Europe, 1948–c.1989? • Why was there opposition to Soviet control in Hungary in 1956 and

Czechoslovakia in 1968, and how did the USSR react to this opposition? • How similar were events in Hungary in 1956 and in Czechoslovakia in 1968? • Why was the Berlin Wall built in 1961?

• How important was ‘Solidarity’?

• How far was Gorbachev responsible for the collapse of the Soviet Empire?

How effective has terrorism been since 1969? • What is terrorism? Why do people become terrorists? Why do

people/organisations resort to terrorism?

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• Why is terrorism generally condemned? Is terrorism ever justified? • What roles do religion, nationalism and ideology play in terrorism? • How different are terrorist groups in their membership, aims, motives and

methods? • How important are the leaders of terrorist groups? • How have governments reacted to terrorism? • How effective have terrorist groups been? What explains their success or


What is the significance of the Iraq War? • Why did the multi-national force invade Iraq in 2003? • Was the invasion legal? Why was there opposition in many countries to the

invasion? • How was the invasion completed so quickly? • What were the consequences of the invasion inside Iraq and internationally? • Was the invasion of Iraq a success?

Germany 1918–1945

• The Weimar Republic – the difficult first years

• The recovery of the Weimar Republic • The rise of the Nazis and the fall of the Weimar Republic • Nazi control of Germany • Living in Nazi Germany.

How was British society changed, 1890–1918?

• What were working and living conditions like for the poor in the 1890s? • How were social reformers reacting to the social problems of the 1890s? • Why did the Liberal government introduce reforms to help the young, old and

unemployed? • How effective were these reforms? • What was the social, political and legal position of women in the 1890s? • What were the arguments for and against female suffrage? • How effective were the activities of the suffragists and the suffragettes? • How did women contribute to the war effort? • How were civilians affected by the war? • How effective was government propaganda during the war? • Why were some women given the vote in 1918? • What was the attitude of the British people at the end of the war towards

Germany and the Paris Peace Conference?

Students will develop their SKILLS in:

• explaining and analysing historical events and periods studied using second-order historical concepts including continuity, change, cause, consequence, significance, similarity and difference.

• analysing, evaluating and using sources (contemporary to the period) to make substantiated judgements, in the context of historical events studied.

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• analysing, evaluating and making substantiated judgements about interpretations (including how and why interpretations may differ) in the context of historical events studied.

• developing as independent learners and as critical and reflective thinkers • developing the ability to ask relevant questions about the past, to investigate

issues critically and to make valid historical claims by using a range of sources in their historical context

• developing an awareness of why people, events and developments have been accorded historical significance and how and why different interpretations have been constructed about them

• organising and communicate their historical knowledge and understanding in different ways and reach substantiated conclusions.


Students will develop their KNOWLEDGE of:

• accurately recall facts, terminology and definitions

• using and interpreting notation correctly

• accurately carry out routine procedures or set tasks requiring multi-step solutions

• making deductions, inferences and draw conclusions from mathematical information

• constructing chains of reasoning to achieve a given result • translating problems in mathematical or non-mathematical contexts into a

process or a series of mathematical processes

• making and use connections between different parts of mathematics

Students will develop their SKILLS in:

• interpreting and communicate information accurately

• presenting arguments and proofs

• assessing the validity of an argument and critically evaluate a given way of presenting information

• interpreting results in the context of a given problem

• evaluating methods used and results obtained

• evaluating solutions to identify how they may have been affected by assumptions made


Students will develop their KNOWLEDGE of:

• media language and media specific terminology applicable to both general areas of media as well as the media industries studied as part of their course

• media organisations and the structures within the media industry

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• how audiences are defined and how various media texts target different audiences

• various genres in media and how they can be defined by generic conventions

Students will develop their SKILLS in:

• applying media language and media specific terminology into their writing of controlled assessments and exams

• responding to a variety of media texts in an analytical way

• various digital media packages in order to edit their own practical media productions

• researching into relevant media texts using different research methods and techniques

• using a range of digital equipment



Students will develop their KNOWLEDGE of:

• media language and media specific terminology applicable to both general areas of media as well as the media industries studied as part of their course

• media organisations and the structures within the media industry

• how audiences are defined and how various media texts target different audiences

• various genres in Media and how they can be defined by generic conventions

Students will develop their SKILLS in:

• applying media language and media specific terminology into their writing of controlled assessments and exams

• responding to a variety of media texts in an analytical way

• various digital media packages in order to edit their own media practical productions

• researching into relevant media texts using different research methods and techniques

• using a range of digital equipment


Students will develop their KNOWLEDGE of:

• using a wide range of regular and irregular verb forms • using verb forms in past, present and future tenses without prompting • using adjective agreement confidently in different contexts

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• using a wide range of topic specific vocabulary to express ideas in creative ways

• manipulating grammar to express more complex ideas

Students will develop their SKILLS in:

• redrafting their work to improve accuracy • holding longer conversations and reacting spontaneously to questioning • developing their ideas and points of view using a wide range of structures • translating texts using their understanding of both the target language and

English to convey meaning accurately • independently using a dictionary to deepen vocabulary and as reference

material • reading and understanding texts of varying length to understand both gist and

detail. • listening to and understanding speech of varying speed and length to

understand both gist and detail.


Students will develop their KNOWLEDGE of:

The Elements of Music

o Melody

o Harmony

o Tonality

o Structure

o Sonority (Timbre)

o Texture

o Tempo, metre and rhythm

o Dynamics and articulation

Musical Genres (Developing understanding of the musical features within a

variety of musical genres. Exploring the contexts, origins and traditions of

different musical styles)

o Western Classical Tradition 1650-1910

o Popular Music

o Traditional Music

o Western Classical Tradition since 1910

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Musical Vocabulary (Knowledge of musical terms, including Italian terms

and ability to apply them correctly to various musical tasks)

Musical Symbols (Such as notes on a stave, treble clef, stave, time

signatures, accidentals)

Notes of the Keyboard (Able to know the notes without support)

Treble Clef Notation (Have a good understanding of treble clef notation for

use in practical tasks)

Rhythmical Musical Symbols (Crotchets, Minims, quavers, equivalent rests


Students will develop their SKILLS in:

Performing Music

• singing with expression, clear diction, fluency and accuracy – both solo and in

a group • demonstrating high level of confidence in performance • maintaining an appropriate role within a group (leading, solo part or support) • showing awareness of the needs of others in group tasks • ability to coordinate your part with the other performer(s), considering timing • performing fluently and accurately on the keyboard and tuned percussion • performing longer parts from memory and/or from music notations • show an understanding of chords & melodies • perform on an instrument (or voice) with reasonable technical skill and

expression, using tempo, timbre, dynamics and phrasing

Composing Music

• improvising melodic/rhythmic material within extended structures • using tempo and dynamics creatively • sustaining and developing musical ideas • making significant contributions to a group • composing music for different genres which explore musical features and

devices • using rehearsal time effectively to refine material • use relevant notations to plan and revise material • explore contrasts by exploiting the musical elements • create coherent compositions, contributing developed ideas to individual and

group tasks • adapt, improvise, develop, extend and discard musical ideas within chosen

musical styles

Understanding Music

• identifying different genres of music and their features within listening tasks • analyse music in more detail, using key words and musical terms. • evaluating how venue, occasion and purpose affect the way music is created

performed and heard. • exploring the contexts, origins and traditions of different musical styles

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• describing and comparing musical features in listening tasks, using appropriate vocabulary.

• recognising a variety of different instrument sounds, knowing the instrument families (and the specific instruments)

• knowing the musical elements and be able to describe how they have been used in listening tasks

• have a good understanding of treble clef notation • considering successful/non-successful outcomes and improve their own and

others’ work

• using appropriate musical vocabulary when creating or evaluating work • write accurate descriptions, using technical vocabulary to give detailed

answers • evaluating and making critical judgements about the use of musical

conventions and other characteristics


Students will develop their KNOWLEDGE of:

• understanding that a wide range of factors affect participation in exercise and can recall, select and communicate those factors and their relationship between them

• the principles behind, and the benefits of regular, safe exercise and its impact on performance, fitness and health

• the advantages of following a healthy active lifestyle and can explain potential risks related to exercise

Students will develop their SKILLS in:

• demonstrating their ability to select and apply appropriate skills, techniques and ideas in a variety of activities

• being able to offer a wide range of solutions to challenges set and make effective decisions about their performance.

• analysing and evaluating their own performance, identifying strengths and weaknesses

• having an understanding of the impact of skills, tactics or composition and fitness on the quality and effectiveness of performance


Students will develop their KNOWLEDGE of:

• understanding that physical activity contributes to the healthy functioning of the body and mind as part of a healthy active lifestyle

• recalling and selecting components of fitness, methods of training and principles of training linking, being able to link to a variety of sports

• understanding the rules, regulations and scoring systems for selected scores

• knowing attributes associated with successful sports leadership

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• knowing how to plan and review a sports activity, implementing changes for future sessions

Students will develop their SKILLS in:

• investigating and applying fitness testing to determine fitness levels, showing awareness of normative values for their own age groups

• demonstrating practically skills, techniques and tactics in selected sports, applying them to produce effective outcomes

• being able to review sports performance, using ICT to develop feedback methods

• designing, implementing and reviewing a personal fitness training programme


Students will develop their KNOWLEDGE of:

• being able to explain how to plan a sport / activity session and what factors need to be considered when planning sessions

• understanding how communication is used to be an effective leader • knowing how to plan and review a sport/activity/dance session, implementing

changes for future sessions

Students will develop their SKILLS in:

• planning, leading and reviewing a sport/activity/dance session

• using verbal and non-verbal communication when leading others

• taking part in a review of a sport/activity/dance session


Students will develop their KNOWLEDGE of:

• vocal skills in performance

• movement skills in performance

• developing a character for performance

• performing in role

• understanding the Performing Arts industry

• understanding the process of putting on a show

Students will develop their SKILLS in:

• social behavior and social interaction skills

• confidence when approaching new tasks and performance work

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• articulating their own original ideas

• directing and encouraging others to problem solve using drama strategies

• offering positive and constructive verbal feedback

• imagination and creativity

• sensitivity enabling them to listen and focus attention on others


Students will develop their KNOWLEDGE of:

• researching effectively – the ability to explore the work of a range of artists

and photographers and draw inspiration from techniques, processes and conceptual ideas

• exploring and communicating ideas using the work of others to develop and extend thinking, and to help them make informed decisions with their own work

• having the ability to discuss and compare the work of others, a range of techniques such as lighting, aperture and shutter speeds and making informed decisions about when to apply appropriate techniques

• how ideas, feelings and meanings can be conveyed and interpreted though imagery

• how images, artefacts and products relate to social, historical, vocational and cultural contexts

• a variety of approaches, methods and intentions of contemporary and historical artists, craftspeople and designers from different cultures and their contribution to continuity and change in society

• the possibilities of working with Adobe Photoshop

Students will develop their SKILLS in:

• recording experiences and ideas in appropriate forms when undertaking research and gathering, selecting and organising visual, tactile and/or sensory materials and other relevant information

• exploring relevant resources – analysing, discussing and evaluating images,

objects and products, making and recording independent judgements in visual and other forms

• generating and exploring potential lines of enquiry using appropriate new media practices and techniques

• applying knowledge and understanding when reviewing and modifying work • planning and developing ideas in the light of their own and others' evaluations • organising, selecting and communicating ideas, solutions and responses, and

presenting them in a range of appropriate visual, tactile and/or sensory forms including the use of new technologies

• working both as individuals and in collaboration with others in a range of

situations • discussing the work of relevant artists and photographers, using correct Art


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Students will develop their KNOWLEDGE of:

• the application of an effective design process

• the importance of informed and accurate decision making

• target markets’ needs and wants and their impact on design decisions

• how to analyse existing products and how to identify design opportunities

• social, moral and ethical impacts and considerations

• how products have a cultural influence and what impact products have on people and societies

• environmental issues, considerations and impacts relating to Product Design

• risk assessment and Health and Safety considerations

• technical developments and innovation

• a wide range of specialist tools and equipment • a wide range of materials

• a range construction methods

• a wide range of decorative or finishing techniques

• industrial methods and manufacture

Students will develop their SKILLS in:

• project planning, research and preparation

• organising information, clearly and coherently using specialist technical vocabulary

• confident, aesthetic presentation of design work

• independent, safe working

• selecting and using appropriate materials

• selecting and using appropriate tools

• constructing of innovative, quality products

• applying quality decorative or finishing techniques to a product • effective analytical and evaluation methods


Students will develop their KNOWLEDGE of:

Biology • the development of complex organ systems leading to the development of

larger multicellular organisms including the way cells divide through mitosis and meiosis

• the genetic material in the form of DNA and how it codes for the production of proteins: by studying its structure and function

• the ways in which animals and plants are adapted to survive by the process of evolution through natural selection

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• vital biochemical processes such as respiration and photosynthesis essential for sustaining life

Chemistry • how different factors affect rates of reaction

• the importance atom economy and percentage yield

• how reactions release and absorb energy

• the process of producing pharmaceutical drugs

• the different forms of carbon and its uses

• the structure of the atom

• properties of elements and the Periodic Table

• three different types of chemical bonds

• the reactivity of Group 1 and Group 7 elements

• how metals behave

• the importance of water and how to make it safe to drink


• an understanding of the forces involved in motion including real life safety applications of various forms of transport

• the manipulation of formulas to deduce different aspects of mechanics

• what static electricity is and how it differs from electricity

• an understanding of sound and ultra sound

• an understanding of nuclear physics including half-life, fission and fusion

Students will develop their SKILLS in:

• hypothesising and testing theories and concepts

• assessing hazards and taking precautions to minimise the associated risks

• observation, enquiry and problem solving

• analysing methodology, evidence and conclusions

• communication, mathematics and the use of technology in scientific contexts


Students will develop their KNOWLEDGE of:

Biology –

• what to eat and how to exercise to stay healthy

• infectious diseases and how the immune system and medicines can deal with them

• how hormones play a role in growth and development and in helping the body to function properly

• a range of living organisms and how they are classified into groups

• feeding relationships and energy flow through food chains

• how organisms compete with each other for limited resources

• the development of complex organ systems leading to the development of larger multicellular organisms including the way cells divide through mitosis and meiosis

Page 21: KS4 CURRICULUM KNOWLEDGE AND SKILLS SUBJECT … · • the various ways in which talk and discussion can be used to articulate ... • organising cohesive whole texts, effectively

• the genetic material in the form of DNA and how it codes for the production of proteins, by studying its structure and function

• the ways in which animals and plants are adapted to survive by the process of evolution through natural selection

• vital biochemical processes such as respiration and photosynthesis essential for sustaining life

• the effects of human pollution such as addressing problems arising from global climate change, explaining in detail the impact on the environment

• develop an understanding of the effects of biology on society for example cloning pigs for human transplants, genetically engineering crops to help third world problems and producing biofuels for a sustainable resource

Chemistry –

• how crude oil is changed into useful products

• causes of air pollution and how they can be prevented

• the chemical reactions that occur when cooking

• food additives and some of the issues concerned with their use

• the theory of plate tectonics and how the Earth’s surface has changed over


• how raw materials are extracted and used

• how chemists choose conditions needed for industrial chemical processes such as making ammonia

• the benefits and risks of using fertilisers

• how different factors affect rates of reaction

• the importance atom economy and percentage yield

• the structure of the atom • properties of elements and the Periodic Table

• three different types of chemical bonds

• the reactivity of Group 1 and Group 7 elements

• how metals behave

• the importance of water and how to make it safe to drink

• quantitative analysis

• how to determine the formula of a compound

• how to measure concentration of acids and other solutions

• the importance of sulphuric acid and its properties

• precipitation reactions in laboratories • electrolysis and its uses

• how fuel cells work and the chemistry behind them

• the dangers of CFCs and how to reverse the damage done

• the chemistry of keeping yourself clean

Physics –

• the different ways that energy can be transferred by conduction, convection and radiation and how energy transfers can be minimised in homes to save energy

• how microwaves and infrared radiation can be used for cooking and, together with radio waves and light, communication

• energy produced in earthquakes is transferred by waves

• why UV radiation can be harmful • how electricity is generated

Page 22: KS4 CURRICULUM KNOWLEDGE AND SKILLS SUBJECT … · • the various ways in which talk and discussion can be used to articulate ... • organising cohesive whole texts, effectively

• advantages and disadvantages of different technologies, from large coal-fired power stations to small solar cells on calculators

• the science behind global warming and the impact of humans on the environment

• where the Earth fits into the Solar System and the Universe

• ideas of the origin of the Universe and how these have changed over time leading to predictions for the future of the Earth

• an understanding of the forces involved in motion including real life safety applications of various forms of transport

• the manipulation of formulas to deduce different aspects of mechanics

• what static electricity is and how it differs from electricity

• an understanding of sound and ultra sound

• an understanding of nuclear physics including half-life, fission and fusion

• different types of satellites and the forces involved in their motion

• extensive use of SUVAT equations

• how waves interfere with each other • electromagnetic induction and motors

• logic gates

• resistors, transformers and capacitors used to create DC and AC circuits

Students will develop their SKILLS in:

Biology - • hypothesising and testing theories and concepts

• assessing hazards and taking precautions to minimise the associated risks

• observation, enquiry and problem solving

• analysing methodology, evidence and conclusions

• communication, mathematics and the use of technology in scientific contexts

Chemistry –

• applying their knowledge and understanding of the nature of science and of the scientific process

• hypothesising and testing theories and concepts

• assessing risks and potentials risks and taking precautions to minimise the associated risks

• observation, practical, modelling, enquiry and problem solving • critical analysis of methodology, evidence and conclusions, using both

qualitative and quantitative approaches

• communication, mathematics and the use of technology in scientific contexts

Physics –

• hypothesising and testing theories and concepts

• assessing hazards and taking precautions to minimise the associated risks

• observation, enquiry and problem solving

• analysing methodology, evidence and conclusions

• communication, mathematics and the use of technology in scientific contexts

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Students will develop their KNOWLEDGE of:

• the application of an effective design process • the importance of informed and accurate decision making

• target markets’ needs and wants and their impact on design decisions

• how to analyse existing products and how to identify design opportunities

• social, moral and ethical impacts and considerations

• how products have a cultural influence and what impact products have on people and societies

• environmental issues, considerations and impacts relating to textile design

• risk assessment and Health and Safety considerations

• technical developments and innovation

• a wide range of specialist tools and equipment • a wide range of materials

• a range construction methods

• a wide range of decorative or finishing techniques

• industrial methods and manufacture

Students will develop their SKILLS in:

• project planning, research and preparation

• organising information, clearly and coherently using specialist technical vocabulary

• confident, aesthetic presentation of Design work

• independent, safe working

• selecting from and using appropriate materials

• selecting from and using appropriate tools • constructing innovative, quality products • applying quality decorative or finishing techniques to a product • effective analytical and evaluation methods

• being able to regularly review and consolidate psychological concepts, theories, research and key terms

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