
Korean Immigration
to New Zealand By Tommy stutton


my information report is about Korean immigrants migrating to new zealand I will report on things like, why koreans came to new zealand,what there culture is like,when it was popular to come to new zealand,and some of the daily challenges that they face.

Q1 When did koreans start coming to nz

Koreans started coming to New Zealand in the 1990s because more people heard about it

Why did Koreans come to New Zealand?

Most koreans started coming because of poverty,a corrupt government,a better life,and some times for family.

The korean culture continues of many different traditions and events that came into their culture generations ago. These very special aspects are what made korea what it is today. korea was first inhabited by many different tribes and most were related to the Mongolians.

What is the Korean culture like

Push factors from korea


No jobs

Over crowded city's

Bad government

Family might already be in NZ

Lots of tax

Pull factors for Korea



A good job

Cheap prices

Korean lifestyle


In conclusion I found out that korean immigrantscame to new zealand in the 1990s and that koreans were treated racily in the past.

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