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MajesticFALL 2013



“O LORD, our LORD, how majestic is your name in all the earth.” Psalm 8:9

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“Glorious and majestic are His deeds, and His righteousness endures forever.” Psalm 111:3

JESUS ROCKS MY WORLDI don’t know about you but Jesus really rocks my world. The person and work of Christ is majestic and…. breathtaking!

When you read about how Jesus lived His life, the people He interacted with, it is that colorful cast of characters we read about in Scripture—sinners and harlots, the social lepers, the outcasts, the fringe, the despised, and the down and out. Our King spent some of His last moments washing other people’s feet. By worldly standards, Jesus was far from flashy. He wasn’t arguing about contemporary versus traditional, robes versus jeans, or liturgical versus lethargic. His life was lived by and in love. He didn’t spend His whole life just declaring but He demonstrated. Let’s face it. Jesus wasn’t very “churchy.” Those in His social circle are not ones that we envision in our church pews today. And He didn’t care so much for pious religious people and even called the Pharisees a brood of vipers (Matthew 23:33). He contextually lived out the gospel in word and deed and in many ways was majestic because of the bold yet humble way in which He lived.

Jesus left His throne, gold, glory, a mansion, riches, and perpetual blue skies to be born…. in a barn. His mother was not a duchess and His father was a simple, just man. He left glory to be crucified by self-righteous people. Think about that. Visualize it. Let that thought marinate and really sink in because

when you do there is a freedom that comes. This freedom in Christ is what allows us to engage in bold mission without fear.

OUR KING AND OUR CULTUREAs Christians, we often overthink things. We often try to create a formulaic pattern or systematic approach on how to be culturally acceptable yet be an appropriate Christian representation in outreach. In the corners of urban darkness, could it be more of a willingness to get our hands a little dirty? Jesus was often accused of eating with sinners. Today, do you think that Christians might say, “That behavior is not very Christian of you, Jesus?” If we are honest, I think we would.

Perhaps we enter the conversation of culture not in a formulaic way but in getting back to the basics and looking for ways to serve, share a meal, share the light of Christ, and love our neighbor. In our alumni feature this month, you will see how the church is making a difference just by handing out bottles of water. And you’ll see how this King purposes life’s great tragedies and sufferings for glory and how there is liturgy and lessons even in life’s frustrations.

HUMILITY, SUFFERING, AND LOVEIt’s been my experience that when you have suffered and when you have come face-to-face with your own sinfulness, you can

appreciate Christ’s sacrifice and His life all the more. If we can’t see ourselves as poor in spirit then are we not missing what the gospel says entirely? “Never trust a man that hasn’t had a heart-smashing, bone-crushing, head-on collision with his

own depravity” are words spoken by Nate Larkin. But how true is it that the greater our understanding of that reality, the more we are aware, the more we experience and feel the depths of our own depravity, the more appreciation we have for the person of Christ and the work He did on the cross.

Like my pastor says, we just bring the sin that makes salvation necessary. That reality wipes pride and self-righteousness away and should humble us. It’s not about how many degrees we have, our social status, net worth, or athletic achievements. It’s about Jesus, the greatest gift, whose name is majestic in all the earth. It’s about who we love because He loved us. †


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REVERSAL OF FORTUNE by Dr. David Sawnson


COME, LORD JESUS by Dr. Jonathan Linebaugh

FINDING GOD by Rev. Jonathan G. Smith












OCTOBER 14-18 DM926: Using the History of Exegesis course with Dr. Gerald Bray (Fort Lauderdale, FL)

DM905: Preaching Christ Prophetically course with Dr. Warren Gage (Bellingham, WA—Logos Bible Software Headquarters)


OCTOBER 21 Fall Two: Knox Online Classes start

NOVEMBER 15-24 Knox Seminary and Rio Vista Holy Land Study Tour to Israel (Dr. Warren Gage and Rev. Tom Hendrikse leading)

NOVEMBER 28-29 Thanksgiving Holiday (Seminary closed)

DECEMBER 2-6 Registration begins for 2014 Winter/Spring Terms

DECEMBER 3 Last Day of Fall Semester Residential Classes

DECEMBER 9-13 Fall Semester Examinations


Upcoming Eventsat Knox


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by Dr. Scott Manor ASSOCIATE DEAN OF


ON JULY 22, 2013 PEOPLE ALL OVER BRITAIN and the world celebrated the birth of Prince George Alexander Louis, the son of William and Kate, Duke and Duchess of Cambridge. To honor his birth, cities around the world were abuzz with street parties, gun salutes, and the ringing of church bells. Prince George has already been immortalized in song as well as government coins, T-shirts, and those gaudy commemorative plates with which the British are strangely fascinated. All of this, of course, is in anticipation of the day—long in the future —when he will bear the shortened title, “His Majesty.”

Amidst all of this pomp and circumstance consider the contrast of the humble circumstances into which our Lord Jesus Christ, was born. The story of this kingly birth demonstrates that true majesty is not defined in terms of titles, wealth, armies or kingdoms, but in humility.

DELIVERANCE THROUGH HIS HUMILIATIONHumility is probably not an adequate term to express the lowliness of Christ’s birth. His mother was a virgin; His birthplace was a barn; His crib was a feeding trough meant for livestock. His lineage was equally unimpressive by human standards. It is tempting to want to prune the rotten branches of His family tree that included philanderers, murderers, prostitutes, and liars.

Yet this is the royal lineage of our Lord and Savior, and through this rather unsavory cast of characters God upturned the wisdom and majesty of this world on its head. He has made foolish the wisdom of this world and chose what is foolish to shame the wise. God chose what is low and despised to bring low those that are not. Christ the King was born from a long line of sinners for sinners.

Prior to Jesus’ birth, Mary, the mother of Jesus, understood this seemingly paradoxical truth. In her

Unequaled in humility, unrivaled in suffering, King Jesus is also eternally glorious in His majesty.

song of praise, the Magnificat, she recalls the actions of her God and Savior, which stood in contrast to the worldly ideas of power and majesty. He scattered the proud, brought down the mighty from their thrones, exalted those of humble estate, and fed the hungry (Luke 1:46-55). And now through her humble estate God was going to provide the long anticipated Savior. Christ took on the flesh of man, and through this incarnation the true majesty of God’s plan of salvation came to fruition.

THE GLORY OF GOD’S DESIGNSuch is the distinction between God’s economy and that of mankind. Prince George will one day bear the title “His Majesty” and serve as the monarch of a nation. This is his right, privilege, and duty because of the noble lineage into which he was born. But consider the

contrast between the honor afforded to Prince George and the true majesty found in the humility of the King of Kings, Jesus Christ. This Divine Word voluntarily made Himself nothing, was born as a man, took the form of a slave, and humbled Himself to the point of suffering the lowliest form of death, crucifixion.

Why would the eternal God do such a thing? It was not only to take upon

Himself our sins and the resulting penalty of death, but also to grant us a share in His majesty. As the Church Father Cyril of Alexandria notes, “In short, He took what was ours to be His very own so that we might have all that was His.”

The Epistle of James exhorts the readers to “humble yourselves before the Lord, and He will exalt you” (James 4:10). In so doing we are following the example of our Lord and Savior, Who, because of His humility, God has highly exalted Him and at His name every knee shall bow and every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God the Father. †

“True majesty is not defined in terms of titles, wealth, armies or kingdoms, but in humility.”

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THE STORMS OF LIFEOne thing that I can assure all seminary students as they start or continue their journey is that they will have problems. They may be family, financial, academic, or physical, but all of them will have problems. If so, where should the student turn during these times of trial? They must turn to the Scriptures, and particularly stories of the trials of others.

This passage at the end of Mark 4, the story of a storm in the life of the disciples, is a valuable lesson for modern-day disciples who are engaging in ministry training. Too often in Christianity there is an underlying assumption that all problems go away when one puts faith in Christ. The Bible assures us that this is not true, but that we have a rock upon which we can depend when troubles come.

SLEEP WELL The third lesson that is learned from this passage is that “Storms in our lives are obviously educational.” Note that the disciples, some of whom were fisherman, turned to a carpenter during times of storm. They find Jesus asleep in the boat (much like Jonah) and call upon him to wake up. An interesting fact is that this is the only story in the Gospels that tells us about Jesus sleeping. Being fully human, Jesus certainly needed sleep like the rest of us, but only in this situation does the Holy Spirit bring it into the text. This may be to remind us that the Lord is not worried, He is in control. Since Jesus can sleep in the midst of a storm, we should be able to as well.

And so the disciples, and the readers of Mark, learn some valuable lessons from this story of the storm. We are reminded of God’s providence, of the reality of evil, and of our education through difficult times. I reminded the students of this during Knox’s convocation, and I remind the readers now, that we must go through our lives not denying the presence of evil, but knowing that our Lord controls it all. Sleep well in the midst of a storm. †

GOD IN THE STORMThe first lesson that the disciples needed to learn is that “Storms in our lives are certainly providential.” The reason that the disciples were in the boat and going across the Sea of Galilee was that they were doing what Jesus told them to do. Thus they were

in the middle of a storm not because they had disobeyed God but particularly because they had obeyed him. We must never think that the only reason that we have problems or storms in our life is because of disobedience. Sometimes it is obeying the

Lord that brings those problems to us.The second lesson that the storms teach

us is that “Storms in our lives are seemingly inescapable.” The description of the storm is that of a “great wind.” The waves were threatening to sink the boat in the middle of the sea. The boats used at this time were small wooden boats that were not meant to be out in this kind of weather. When trapped in a storm, those on board were in severe danger. Simply because we are Christians does not mean that we will not be brought to those times when we face real danger, just like the apostles before us.

“The reason that the disciples were in the boat...was that they were doing what Jesus told them to do.”

Storms andSeminary Education


[ Mark 4:35-41 ]

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Knox Theological Seminary was recently named one of the “Top 20 Theological Schools and Seminaries in the U.S.” by ShareFaith. Below is an excerpt from the ShareFaith website:

Knox has already built a reputation for its solid faculty [and] is a top choice, especially for those who are pursuing theological training from a Reformed perspective.

Learn more at

Knox Online is now offering a full suite of courses for the instruction of biblical languages. In addition to our robust biblical and theological instruction, students are now able to study Greek I-IV and Hebrew I-IV online.

Courses are offered in partnership with BibleMesh, a leading innovator in delivering online courses for biblical languages.

To learn more about what BibleMesh has to offer, visit


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HOLIDAYS DO NOT NORMALLY conjure up thoughts of holiness. We can enjoy rest at appointed times and, as citizens of this or another country, mark our national pastimes. We savor the chance to exchange gifts or to eat, drink, and be merry. Many of us treat opening-day games as a matter of liturgical celebration, but, if we are honest, these holidays are not exactly made to honor and shape the Christian life. Thanksgiving Day is a blissful exception.

As we celebrate this appointed time of the year, we are reminded of the deep and abiding call of our Lord to be thankful in all things. Aware that it is easy to skate past the substance of this feast day, I want to reflect briefly on three aspects of the call to thankfulness.

THANKSGIVING AND WORSHIPFirst, the value of thanksgiving lies in magnifying God and acknowledging our dependence on him. Thanksgiving puts God in His place and keeps us in ours. Thanksgiving is a marker of radical dependence and a sign of continued receptivity. More specifically, it not only defines us as recipients but it names the Holy Trinity as our provider. “Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights” (Jas. 1:17).

Thanksgiving marks the embrace of our place as a son or daughter and our delight that this one —the one who raised Jesus from the dead and the one who continues to astonish us with His beneficence—is our Father. Indeed, the

psalmist identifies thankfulness as the flip side of trust. “I trust in the steadfast love of God forever and ever. I will thank you forever, because you have done it” (Ps. 52:8-9).

THANKSGIVING AND PERSERVERENCESecond, we need to persevere in thanksgiving in the midst of our daily forgetfulness. In commenting on Psalm 52, John Calvin said: “There is no religious duty in which it does not become us to manifest a spirit of perseverance; but we need to be especially enjoined to it in the duty of thanksgiving.” We are prone to forget, “disposed as we are so speedily to

forget our mercies.” The psalmist and

the prophets of Israel call us instead to remembrance. We are summoned to thanks. For centuries

Christians and Jews have marked meal times as a regular time for such thanks, cognizant that without stage prompts we tend to forget to express gratitude. Often meals go too fast: not only is food consumed with unhealthy haste, but provisions are not marked as manna poured down from the heavens. We are summoned to repent and believe and, in this case, that takes the form of praying for daily bread and marking its arrival with heartfelt thanks.

CULTIVATING THANKSGIVINGThird, we should participate in practices which cultivate thanksgiving. If Calvin’s observations about the forgetfulness of

Transfigured for Thanksgiving

“God must change our hearts and minds so that we see and remember His goodness.”

THE FACULTY AND STAFF at Knox Theological Seminary would like to extend our prayers and condolences to the Reymond family for their loss. Dr. Robert Reymond was a founding professor at Knox Theological Seminary and served here faithfully as the Professor of Systematic Theology until 2008. Dr. Reymond has written a great number of books, notably Contending for the Faith: Lines in the Sand That Strengthen the Church, The God-Centered Preacher: Developing a Pulpit Ministry Approved by God, and A New Systematic Theology of The Christian Faith.

Dr. Sam Lamerson writes of his professor and colleague:

“I learned only a few days ago that my dear friend, professor, and mentor Dr. Robert Reymond had gone to be with the Lord. I have known Dr. Reymond since my first semester as a student here at Knox in which he took a young and foolish kid under his wing and tried to train him to be a good pastor/scholar. I will never forget the wonderful times sitting in his classes and listening to him expound the Scripture.

“Dr. Reymond was one of three founding faculty members who came to Fort Lauderdale to help Dr. Kennedy start Knox Seminary and served as the professor of systematic theology. He was incredibly kind to those few of us who wandered in the doors in that first year. I will never forget him, but more importantly I will never forget the vision of the Lord that he passed on to me.

“In speaking of Matthew 1:23 (For they shall call His name Immanuel, which means God is with us) Dr. Reymond said this: ‘I could understand “God is against us;” I could understand “God is angry with us;” but “God is with us?” That I will never be able to understand.’

“It is that great picture of Christ that was faithfully passed from the founders to the faculty, and which we now seek to impart to students in the classroom today.

“Thank you our Father, for that ‘great cloud of witnesses’ who have gone before us.”

Samuel LamersonProfessor of New Testament


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humans are right, then we should think long and hard about how to cultivate thankfulness. Marilynne Robinson’s words at the conclusion of her novel Gilead remind us that everyone views the world and its history, but only some will see its glory. “Wherever you turn your eyes the world can shine like transfiguration. You don’t have to bring a thing to it except a little willingness to see. Only, who could have the courage to see it?” It takes willingness to see and courage to actually take it in. We must be willing to see something more than ourselves and to view ourselves as creatures. We must have courage to go forward not as gods but as dependent beings who find their life and sustenance in the mercy and generosity of another. We must long to see the world shot through with God’s glory, so that our hearts will melt with thanksgiving.

THANKSGIVING AND GRACEUltimately God must bless us with thankfulness: as with those first disciples, transfiguration must occur. God must change our hearts and minds so that we see and remember His goodness. But God uses means and instruments, that is, God typically does not send a bolt of lightning in the midst of an empty field. God works through practices to change us by His grace and mercy. God calls us regularly to celebrate the Eucharist, that is, a thanksgiving meal of gratitude and praise. God summons us to pray daily and in so doing to mark our blessings that come from His hand. It is in the vein of these sorts of practices that we can also see how Thanksgiving Day presents a reminder that we are to gather our blessings and return the thanks to another. It is an annual prompt and reminder of this ongoing need for grace and, most importantly, of God’s generous provision for us in the gospel. †



Transfigured for Thanksgiving

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“How odd: bad things that in the right hands become good things.”



EVERY ONCE IN A WHILE I stumble upon things in life that do not work the way they first appear. For example, I stayed in a hotel once—a real high-quality place, where the hot and cold knobs on the sink were reversed. I spent my stay burning myself with what I assumed was cold water. Another oddity occurs in the realm of common poisons. A poison, by definition, is something that when introduced into or absorbed by a living organism causes injury or death. Typically, when we hear something is poisonous we recognize

the potential danger and we stay away from it.

However, consider the following: warfarin is a poison that has been used as a pesticide in the United States for several decades, mostly to kill rats and mice, but scientists discovered several years ago that when used in small doses, it is a marvelous drug for helping to prevent blood clots in humans. Today, it is the most widely prescribed anti-coagulant drug in the United States—a poison that could kill people, yet in the right hands, actually saves lives. There are numerous examples of other such poisons that can do the same thing: potentially

lethal, in the right hands they save people. It leaves me scratching my head wondering, “How in the world is this possible?”

BLESSINGS BY MEANS OF A CURSE?Nevertheless, as I examine other portions of my life, I find the same principle at work. I know deeply faithful people who have been fired from their jobs only to be hired into a new job they find much more fulfilling

and rewarding. They now consider their firing to be a great blessing. The same is true in some cancer patients. The disease changed their perspective on life in such

a profound way that they now view it as a blessing.

How odd: bad things that in the right hands become good things. Many of us know those feelings—the feelings we get when it seems that some sort of poison has infiltrated our lives, spinning us chaotically out of control. Our hearts cry out, “What in the world is going on here? Why is this happening?” They are moments filled with human anxiety in which we tend to forget the unique nature and character of God and the way He works in this world.

Thankfully, mercifully, our God is sovereign. Our God controls every moment of


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REVERSAL of FORTUNE our lives, and because of His gracious hand,

even those things that might appear to be lethal to us can be used by our sovereign God to bring life and hope and peace.

THE REVERSAL OF JOSEPHConsider Joseph and his brothers in Genesis 37-50. Because of deep jealousy, Joseph’s brothers kidnap him, threaten to kill him, throw him down a dry well while they decide, and eventually sell him into slavery. It’s a horrible scene that we can pass over too quickly.

This is abject evil. It’s poison. His brothers have murder in their hearts. They sell him into slavery. Who does that to his own family? This is human depravity at its worst. If there has ever been anyone who would have been thinking his world was spinning out of control and that evil was running rampant, it was Joseph. He certainly felt exactly the way you and I have at various points in our lives.

And yet, this amazing thing starts to happen. What we think is terrible turns out to be something overwhelmingly, miraculously good. Through a series of events, Joseph is put in charge of Egypt. As a famine looms, he manages Egypt’s grain in such a way that the people do not starve, but thrive. It was a potentially crushing circumstance that even brought people from other countries to Egypt for relief, including Joseph’s brothers, which eventually led to their reconciliation.

As the narrative concludes, Joseph made an enormously important statement in Genesis 50:20, “You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what

is now being done, the saving of many lives.” And there it is again: utter poison, complete evil and pain, used for health and healing. It is the evidence of the unique way in which God works in our lives—our sovereign God who can take even the most heinous of circumstances and still bring about His purpose and plan.

TAKING THE BAD WITH THE GOODSo as we consider our own life’s journey,

the circumstances we are now enduring or some of the pains and evils we have faced, it is important that we remember this truth. God is sovereign. Nothing is beyond His grasp even when it may appear as if

things are spinning perilously out of control. Perhaps the hardest thing when we

find ourselves in one of those places is the waiting. I would imagine Joseph had some pretty strong feelings as he lay at the bottom of that well. It was a very long time from then until the time he came to leadership in Egypt. What I see, however, is that Joseph never allowed any feelings of anger, fear or revenge to overtake his core belief that even in that moment, God was still in control. God was still at work; therefore, God would ultimately prevail with His plan and purpose.

Life is hard, no doubt. Ministry is hard too. We all hit points in which we wonder, “Why did God allow this?” It’s okay. Feel the feelings. Let yourself be human. But don’t ever forget the merciful, wonderful sovereignty of God that “works for the good of those that love him, who have been called according to His purpose” (Romans 8:28). †

“Let yourself be human. But don’t ever forget the merciful, wonderful sovereignty of God.”


Knox is introducing new flexible payment plans for our Knox Online and Doctor of Ministry students. These plans bundle all program costs (tuition, fees, and Logos Bible Software) into one convenient monthly payment plan.

Our goal is to see that you graduate with little or no debt, allowing you greater freedom to engage in bold mission for God’s kingdom.


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GIVE AN ETERNAL GIFT TODAY!At a time when many have compromised God’s Word, Knox Seminary remains firmly committed to keeping Christ at the center and the truths of Reformed theology: the Sovereignty of God, the inerrancy of His

Word, and the Great Commission.

Your gift today will help us teach these timeless truths to future ministers here in America and

around the world.

Spotlight onGiving

GIFTING PLANS FOR 2014:• Development of a fully-online Spanish

program• New Learning Centers in Atlanta and

Seattle (where less than 3% of the population is Christian)

• Technological infrastructure improvements to Knox Online, allowing us to expand and continue teaching thousands to reach millions

• Remodeling one floor in our four-story building to expand the library and increase classroom space

When you give a special year-end, tax-deductible charitable gift, it will be used to train the next generation of Christian leaders for the challenges ahead. It will help us teach thousands who will reach millions—and make an eternal difference for Christ and His kingdom.

YOU CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCEPlease plan to include Knox Theological

Seminary in your end-of-year giving plans. To discuss other ways to give, please contact the

Development Office at 954-771-0376 or 1-800-344-KNOX.

Be a part of the exciting growth at Knox and help us equip kingdom workers by all means possible. It can’t happen without you. Please give today!

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ON SEPTEMBER 3, 2013, I traveled to London with southern California-based film company De Vos Entertainment to begin work on a book trailer and four mini-documentaries based on my book, In Search of Deep Faith: A Pilgrimage into the Beauty, Goodness and Heart of Christianity (IVP) that was published in October. The goal of our ten-day filming trip was to shoot footage of the people and places, the great heroes of our faith, which my family studied and visited over the course of a year, which is the basis of my book.

I took the film crew to Oxford, London, Paris, Lyon, Le Chambon sur Lignon, Salzburg, and Flossenburg, covering over 2500 miles in trains, buses and a rented RV and spanning five different countries. The highlights were time at the Kilns in Oxford,

C.S Lewis’s home for three decades, filming the glittering Eiffel Tower at night, standing atop the majestic castle in Salzburg and walking through Flossenburg Concentration where Bonhoeffer spent the last twelve hours of his life.

Since my return on September 15, I have been busy helping to write the script and to shape the trailer and the documentaries. The book trailer is complete, as well as two documentaries on C.S Lewis and Dietrich Bonhoeffer. Two more mini-documentaries will be finished by the end of November, so stay tuned!

New Book Trailerand Video Documentaries Featuring Dr. Jim Belcher Coming Soon

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NESTLED IN THE QUAINT DOWNTOWN community of Stuart, Florida, is Treasure Coast Presbyterian Church. Two Knox alumni members are on the pastoral staff of this growing congregation. Lead Pastor David Richardson (MDiv, 2009) and Assistant Pastor Chris Perry (MDiv, 2009) not only went through classes and seminary together but now find themselves ministering together to a growing community of believers.

Having grown up as a pastor’s kid, David associated the pastorate with what he calls “uprootedness” as he and his family moved around a lot. Despite a great affection for his family, he decided early on that this was just not something he wanted for himself. As a young man in his twenties, he found himself jumping from college to college and job to job and what he describes now as “floundering around.” Ultimately he realized that the pattern of his pursuits away from ministry closely resembled the uprootedness that he didn’t want. He finally graduated from college after six years of doing undergraduate work and found himself interning in churches, teaching Sunday school and teaching at Christian academies, all the while feeling totally inadequate and wanting to learn more about God.

“ARE YOU GOING TO BE A PASTOR?”Feeling the gentle leading to seminary, he knew he liked teaching but was still unsure of pastoral ministry. One day at Knox, he recalls sitting in the library after finishing a course

in systematics and former Knox Professor Dr. Robert Reymond asked, “Are you going to be a pastor?” Puzzled and a little flustered David answered, “I don’t really know.” The story goes that Dr. Reymond declared, “You should be a pastor!” and just walked off. The words were stirring, and a little uncomfortable, but David

still wasn’t sure.Nearing graduation from

seminary in 2009, Dr. David Nicholas, former senior pastor of Spanish River Church and president of Knox, served as a pastoral mentor to David. He states, “Dr. Nicholas just poured into me and poured into my ministry.” Treasure

Coast Presbyterian Church was planted in 1997 by Spanish River Church in Boca Raton, Florida, which is known for being a church-planting church. In January of 2011, Dr. Nicholas made the connection for David with TCPC. Feeling called to South Florida, David felt a real tension about pursuing ministry in Stuart, which is about 75 miles north of Fort Lauderdale and has a totally different culture.

In early January of 2011, Dr. Nicholas told David, “You are called to preach” and he recalls that statement as one that really “warmed my soul and was when I really felt the Spirit’s probe.” Days after this declaration, Dr. Nicholas passed away and David was asked to preach at TCPC. His wife Christy said, “We are moving to Stuart!” In March 2011, he received the call to become their lead pastor and in May 2011, he was ordained as a pastor.

REACHING STUART FOR CHRISTChris Perry, former director of Children’s Ministries at CRPC, decided to join his friend Dave at TCPC where he serves as an assistant pastor. What brought them to Knox is now what brings them together in a shared vision for impacting Stuart with a Christ-centered, gospel-driven, and mission-focused vision.

Throughout the New Testament you see a robust community of faith living self-sacrificial lives for the sake of Jesus. That is the type of community TCPC is seeking to create in downtown Stuart. The small to mid-sized town of Stuart is the picture of demographic diversity. A sleepy coastal town, young families are attracted to the top schools along with retirees who are drawn to it for the low cost

of living, strong community feel and small-town coastal charm. Visitors get a sense of that when they walk the brick-lined sidewalks of downtown where there is always an organic market, arts and crafts fair, or fishing tournament going on.

The question for David and Chris was really how to reach this community for Christ and how TCPC could make an impact. When David arrived at TCPC

in 2011, the biggest problem he faced was visibility. Nobody downtown had ever heard of TCPC. With the church lacking a presence in the community, David set up meetings with the vice mayor and city manager. He began attending downtown business meetings and connecting with other organizations that serve the downtown area with the intent of creating awareness for the church in the city, for the sake of the Kingdom.

The Richardson Family

The Perry Family

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ACTS OF LOVE AND SERVICEThe next goal was to orient the church around mission and how to tangibly demonstrate their love for Jesus and His love for their city. David spent the first year training the leadership at TCPC and reorienting the congregation around outreach while subsequently preaching messages centered on mission. Members began to catch the vision and today the church demonstrates that vision by distributing thousands of bottles of water at local events like the July Fourth Star Spangled Stuart Fireworks event and city service days. This has been a great way for the church to just start conversations with residents.

The church has also participated in the City of Stuart Service Clean Up Day. TCPC organized and executed a complete exterior renovation for a non-profit organization called Building Bridges to Youth, an organization that provides underprivileged youth in the East Stuart Community with a safe place to study, be tutored, and have access to the Internet. TCPC members got their hands dirty alongside others in the community all working together to make their city a better place. The City of Commissioners in Stuart recognized the church’s efforts and awarded them a Certificate of Appreciation for their participation.

GET CONNECTED, LIVE CONNECTEDEverything TCPC does as a church is through the rubric of “Get Connected. Live Connected.” Above all, TCPC desires connectedness in their city and their church. “The culture is bent toward paralyzing and individualistic living but the gospel absolutely blows that

kind of living out of the water. As a church and a community, we have to fight hard against that mentality,” says David, “We must intentionally seek to create a culture of connectedness.”

TCPC has made great strides in connecting with the community but one of the primary ways they cultivate that connectedness in their church is through community groups. Their community groups gather regularly in homes throughout the area so the people can know and experience Christ Jesus together. In describing these meaningful gatherings, Pastor David says, “He promises us that when even two or three are gathered together in His name that He will be in our midst. We believe Jesus does exactly what He promises. So we gather, centered around His Word, to learn from one another, pray for one another, and encourage one another.”

God has been gracious to TCPC and has seen fit to establish the church as a meaningful presence in Downtown Stuart with intentional interaction and engagement with the City, for the city. †

How two Knox Alumni are reaching their community —and fulfilling their calling.

TCPC MISSION & VISION “Treasure Coast Presbyterian Church exists, by the grace of God and His glory, to ignite a deep love and affection for Jesus Christ and the gospel of His grace.

We want to be used by God to ignite the entire city of Stuart, and beyond, with a love for Jesus. In short, we want to see a revival. As a church, we want to be part of BIG things because we serve and worship a BIG God who is actively at work doing BIG things in our very midst.”

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ADVENT WEEK 1—KNOW THYSELF “Know Thyself.” This Socratic call is the fountainhead of the Western philosophic tradition. But it is a call without a compass. How, in other words, do we come to know ourselves? Socrates’ answer is contained in his other famous maxim: “The unexamined life is not worth living.” But again, how do you examine your life and, more urgently, what will you discover if you succeed in finding it?

The different answers to these questions represent a parting of the ways between Socrates and Scripture. The Socratic call to understand the self through the examination of life has the human—the “I”—as the active agent of self-discovery. Question, think, observe, examine: these are, in the Socratic way, verbs with human subjects. You are summoned to examine your life with the result that you will come to know you.

Scripture, however, tells a different story. “The heart is deceitful,” says Jeremiah, and we are fundamentally hidden from ourselves by the lies we tell. For this reason, who we are—our core condition as sons of Adam and daughters of Eve east of Eden—is something that needs to be “revealed from heaven” (Rom 1:18). As one theologian put it, “we need to be told who we are.” Like Socrates, Scripture emphasizes the necessity of honest self-knowledge, but unlike the Socratic call to “know thyself” Scripture insists that “I” cannot find “me.” Like Ebenezer Scrooge in Dickens’ A Christmas Carol, we need the ghosts of


Christmas past, present, and future to show us our true selves. And, again like Scrooge, we will not like what we see.

ADVENT WEEK 2—GO AWAY, JESUSGod’s way of showing us ourselves is speaking His law. Romans 3:10-18 paints a “realist” portrait of the human race: none are righteous, no one seeks God, all are worthless, they’re quick to kill, and the list

goes on. The severity of this situation, however, is exactly what the lies of the deceitful human heart keep us from seeing. This is why, again, “the wrath of God” must be

“revealed from heaven” (Rom 1:18). This is something we do not know—“we must be told who we are.” And God’s way of telling us is by speaking His holy and good law: “Through the law comes the knowledge of sin” (Rom 3:20). The result of an unholy person seeing their reflection in the mirror of God’s holiness is the realization of the Socratic quest: self-knowledge. But as Johann Georg Hamann writes, this revelatory experience is not to make it up to heaven; it is “a descent into the hell of self-knowledge.”

Hamann knew this from experience, but it’s also the experience witnessed to in Scripture. When Isaiah encountered the God whom the seraphim call “holy, holy, holy,” his response is “Woe is me! For I am lost; for I am a man of unclean lips” (Isa 6:2-5). In seeing the holiness of God Isaiah saw himself: unholy. The Apostle Peter has a similar experience when, in meeting Jesus,

he meets himself. Catching a glimpse of the power

and purity of Jesus in the fishing miracle recounted in Luke 5:1-7, Peter sees himself: “I am a sinful man” (Luke 5:8).

Peter says something else, however, and it’s something worth listening to as we approach Advent, that time of year when we remember that Jesus came and pray for him to come again. When Peter, by seeing Jesus, saw himself, his initial response is the antithesis of Advent: “Depart from me” (Luke 5:8). This is an honest first word. The natural reaction to the “descent into the hell of “self-knowledge” that happens as our sinfulness is revealed to us in the mirror of God’s holiness is not the Advent motto—“Come, Lord Jesus”—but its opposite: “Go away, Jesus.”

ADVENT WEEK 3—WHAT’S IN TWO NAMES?But Jesus just won’t go away, especially not from sinful people—from the hurting and the hurtful, from the victims and victimizers. Peter’s confession that he was “a sinful man” didn’t convince Jesus to heed his request to “depart.” On the contrary, the Jesus who said that He came as a doctor for the sick and to call the unrighteous (Luke 5:31-32) answered Peter’s frightened plea and honest confession with a word of compassion: “Do not be afraid” (Luke 5:10). Jesus’ presence, the simple fact that He was there in His power and purity, terrified Peter. But Jesus’ person, expressed here in His word of comfort, freed the frightened fisherman to become (an often failing) fisher of men (Luke 5:10).

This same dynamic is captured by Matthew in the two names given to the one he calls “the son of David, the son of Abraham” (Matt 1:1). The name Immanuel, which as Matthew explains, means “God with us” (Matt 1:23), is, on its own, a terrifying thought. It is the presence of the holy God

“Jesus just won’t go away, especially not from sinful people. ”

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COME, LORD JESUSthat left Isaiah undone, that made Peter command Jesus to depart, and forced the unclean spirit of Mark 1:21-28 to ask if “the holy One of God” was there to destroy him. The name Immanuel, in other words, raises a question: Should I be afraid? The answer to this question is the second name, Jesus (Matt 1:21). The God who is with us is present “to save His people from their sins.” The name Immanuel, because it says God is here among us, evokes fear. The name Jesus, because it says that the God who is with us is also for us, says “Do not be afraid.”

ADVENT WEEK 4—COME, LORD JESUSNow the Advent cry. The self-knowledge that is given to us in our confrontation with “the holy One of God” is a revelation that engenders a fearful response: “Go away, Jesus.” That God is with us, that Jesus is Immanuel, means that He sees our secrets and our shame. He knows what His presence compels us to confess: I am a sinful man. But the one who as Immanuel says “I see your sin” also says, as Jesus, “I came to save you from your sin.”

Our deceitful hearts cannot tell the truth. We’re too scared to even ask our deepest questions. What if God is really “with us” in our relationship with our child that just isn’t getting better; in the struggle to lose the weight that we just can’t win; in the secrets we’ve kept from our spouse for years? What if God is there, in our real lives? The name Immanuel says that He is. This is what caused Peter’s fear and forced him to say “go away, Jesus.” But Jesus didn’t go away, and He answered that fear by saying “Do not be afraid.” “He came into the world”—He is Immanuel—“but He did not come to condemn the world; He came to save the world”—He is Jesus (John 3:17).

Seeing our sin makes us say “Go away, Jesus.” Seeing that Immanuel is here to save us from our sins, seeing that the God who is with us is also forever for us, makes us say “Come, Lord Jesus.” †

“What if God is really ‘with us’ in our struggles?”

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by Rev. Jonathan G. SmithDEAN OF KNOX ONLINE


SUNDAY MORNING SCRAMBLEWhat kind of activities do you engage in on Sundays to reorient your mind around worshiping the Lord? How do you make the transition from the profane to the holy, from the secular to the sacred?

If you have been a parent, then consider the following scenario. We have all been there, rushing across the parking lot from the car and then dragging our children into the sanctuary of the church. As the deacon welcomes you into the sanctuary where you are to worship God, you immediately feel the warmth of blood flowing to your face as you become flush from the embarrassment of being seen outside fussing at your kids prior to entering the church. Hoping the deacon does not see the slight redness of your now rose-colored cheeks, you look around to find the first available pew and hurry the kids to their seat. Tired and bewildered, the events of the morning still replay in your mind as the guilt of fussing at your children to get dressed and move toward the car quietly settles into your mind. “Help me God,” you say to yourself.

Then the call to worship happens. “Please stand,” says the worship leader. You politely stand. And then out of the corner of your eye, you notice your toddler son has just decided to decorate one of the hymnals with the crayon you gave him, which in hindsight is another reminder of the deficiency of parenting wisdom being demonstrated that day.

So instead of preparing yourself to worship, you instinctively grab the crayon out of his hand, and as retribution for this gross infraction, he proceeds to scream and cry, drawing disapproving scowls from several people. Frustrated and bewildered, you

quietly pick him up and walk out, missing the first song. You came to worship God. Instead, it has become an exercise in futility, frustration and despair.

JESUS—OUR SHELTER FROM CHAOSIf you have ever been a parent or know someone who is a parent, you have probably observed the same phenomena. The formula is simple. Chaos breaks out before church resulting in a distracted heart and mind, leaving you feeling disappointed and

disconnected from God.Jesus amazes me. When

you think He goes left, He turns right. When debating with His enemies and it seems they have boxed him in, the

tables turn and they walk away defeated wondering how this

Rabbi from Nazareth out-foxed them again. The same is true with His disciples. When they asked him to teach them how to pray, He responded with a simple liturgy to follow. “Father, Holy is your name. Your kingdom come. Give us each day our daily bread, and forgive us our sins, for we ourselves forgive everyone who is indebted to us. And lead us not into temptation” (Luke 11:2b-4, ESV). Simple, elegant and to the point, Jesus strikes to the very heart of basic human needs: a focal point of worship, physical and spiritual nourishment, and shelter from chaos.

After teaching His disciples the liturgy, He teaches them about the nature of God’s heart. He is the Father, waiting and desiring to hear from His children. “Is there anyone among you who, if your child asks for a fish, will give you a snake instead of a fish?” (Luke 11:11 NRSV). When children are acting out or chaos in relationships

“After teaching His disciples the liturgy,

He teaches them about the nature of God’s heart. ”

seems to fill our lives, it is easy to project our own feelings of anger and frustration onto the Lord believing that is how He feels toward us. But the master of profound simple truth dismisses these ideas altogether. When we approach the throne of God in worship, we are allowed to come to him as a needy child who comes to a father asking for a simple meal.

Each Sunday we come to worship filled to the brim with life’s chaos and feeling spiritually depleted from a sin-saturated world. As a remedy He returns us to the basics and teaches us “When you pray say, ‘Father, Holy is your name.” The beauty of this liturgy is that it jars us from the complexities, to which we are so often attracted, and sharply focuses our attention on this most important spiritual principle. God loves us. Amen. †


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THE TEMPLE INSUFFICIENTSolomon’s temple was gloriously magnificent, but insufficient to hold the immensity of God. Solomon dedicated his temple with the knowledge that, for all its splendor, it was inadequate. He lamented, “Will God indeed dwell on the earth? Behold, the heaven and the heaven of the heavens cannot contain you. How much less this temple which I have built!” (1 Kings 8:27). But John tells us that one greater than Solomon has also built a temple that is cosmic in scope, universal in its dimensions and therefore adequate for God to dwell within it in holy fellowship with man (Rev 21:3).

Solomon’s temple was built with stones cut from the quarries of kings. But Jesus has built His temple out of stones that the builders rejected, out of broken and flawed stones, out of stones rejected by men but precious in the sight of God (1 Pet 2:4). These stones have been fashioned by a greater wisdom and fitted together by a greater understanding so that the splendor of His house far exceeds the beauty of the temple Solomon built.

Solomon’s temple was made out of stone and wood. But Jesus has built a temple made

of living stones, or believers like you and me, built as a spiritual house for a holy priesthood, one that offers spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ (1 Pet 2:5).

BOTH UNDEFILED AND PURIFYINGSolomon’s temple could be desecrated. Therefore, nothing unclean was permitted to enter lest the house of God be defiled. Jesus

has given us a better temple. Consider this. Christ

touched the leper and the leper was cleansed without defiling Jesus. When a woman with an unclean flow of blood

approached Jesus in a crowd and dared to touch Him, a power from His body healed her affliction and removed the uncleanness of her touch. Nothing was more defiling than death to the temple of old. But Jesus could even reach out and touch the dead. Rather than being defiled by the touch of death, the dead were made alive.

Jesus is the temple and what a temple is Jesus! Jesus is a better temple than Solomon’s temple. His touch completely cleanses of any defilement. His touch makes us fully adequate as a royal priesthood serving and worshipping a holy God! Solomon’s temple, for all its splendor, could not do this.

Greater than theTemple

And he (the seventh angel) carried me away in the Spirit to a great and high mountain, and he showed me the holy city, Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, having the glory of God…and I saw no temple in it, for the Lord God, the Almighty, is its temple.” (Rev 21:9-10, 22).

“Behold the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world!” (John 1:29).

Aaron offered a lamb that took away the sin of Israel for a season. But Jesus offered Himself as the Lamb of God who took away the sin of the world forever!

GREATER THAN THE TEMPLEHow much greater is the Lamb of God than all of the offerings placed on the altars of Israel! Jesus was the Lamb of God, His sacrifice, for us. We were hungry, and He gave Himself to be our Passover Lamb. We were thirsty, and He gave His blood to be our living fountain. We were strangers, and He gave us the warmth of His sacrifice. We were naked, and He gave us His coat as our covering. We were sick, and He bled for us a healing balm. We were in prison, and He gave Himself as the full price of our ransom. We were under the condemnation of sin so He gave Himself as a sacrifice for us. The Lord God has laid our iniquities upon Him, and by His sacrifice we have been made worthy.

But He alone is truly worthy. The Lamb of God lavished all His love upon us. He has done what all the sacrifices on Israel’s altars could not do.  He gave us His all, and with it, peace with God.  Forever.  Once and for all. †

“Jesus is the temple, and what a temple is Jesus!”

by Dr. Warren Gage PROFESSOR OF OLD


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Faculty NewsDR. MICHAEL ALLENBooks/Publications:Justification and the Gospel: Understanding the Contexts and Controversies (Baker Academic, 2013). “’It is No Longer I Who Live’: Christ’s Faith and Christian Faith” Journal of Reformed Theology Volume 7, Issue 1 (2013) 3-26.Speaking:November 20, 2013“Thomas Aquinas on Faith, Reason, and Following Christ: A Reply to Fritz Bauerschmidt”Baltimore, MDNovember 21, 2013“The Theo-Logic of Exaltation in the Epistle to the Hebrews”Baltimore, MDNovember 25, 2013“Witnesses on the Journey to Perfection”Baltimore, MD

DR. JIM BELCHERBooks:In Search of Deep Faith: A Pilgrimage into the Beauty, Goodness and Heart of ChristianityDue out in November 2013Traveling:October 30Gordon College ChapelTwitter:Follow Dr. Belcher on Twitter @JimBelcher

DR. GERALD BRAYAward: 2013 Christianity Today Book Award of Merit for God is Love: A Biblical and Systematic Theology.

DR. BRYAN CHAPELLBooks:Christ-Centered Sermons: Models of Redemptive Preaching (Baker Academic, 2013). Fallen: A Theology of Sin (Theology

in Community), co-contributed with Dr. Gerald Bray. DR. WARREN GAGESpeaking:November 15-24, 2013Yale UniversityTeaching Trip:Knox Seminary & Rio Vista Holy Land Study Tour to Israel. Students can receive course credit for the trip.

DR. SAM LAMERSONTeaching: Continuously in 2013Sunday School at Cross Community ChurchDeerfield Beach, FLBlog:

DR. JONATHAN LINEBAUGHBooks/Publications:God, Grace, and Righteousness in Wisdom of Solomon and Paul’s Letter to the Romans: Texts in Conversation (Novum Testamentum Supplements, Brill, 2013).

“The Christo-Centrism of Faith in Christ: Martin Luther’s Reading of Galatians 2:16, 19-20” New Testament Studies Volume 59 (2013): 535-544.

DR. SCOTT MANORPublications:“Proclus: The North African Montanist?” Studia Patristica LXV (2013): 139-146.

REV. TULLIAN TCHIVIDJIANBooks:One Way Love: Inexhaustible Grace for an Exhausted World

DR. BRUCE WALTKEBooks:The Dance between God and Humanity: Reading the Bible Today as the People of God (WM. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co.). The Psalms as Christian Lament: A Historical Commentary (WM. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co.).

OUR EXHAUSTED WORLD needs a fresh encounter with God’s inexhaustible grace—His one-way love. In his new book, professor Tchividjian shows that Christianity is good news for bad people coping with their failure to be good, and calls the church back to the heart of the Christian faith. “It is time for us to abandon our play-it-safe religion, and to get drunk on grace. Two hundred-proof, unflinching grace. It’s shocking and scary, unnatural and undomesticated... but it is also the only thing that can set us free and light the church—and the world—on fire.”

NOW STREAMING FOR FREE: full-length course lectures, special faculty messages, and much, much more! The newly launched KNOX MEDIA page puts dozens of great video resources at your fingertips. Looking for a deeper understanding of God’s Word? Know someone who might benefit from access to seminary-level education? Look no further than Knox Media! Visit to get started.



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KnoxNowThe Magazine of Knox Theological Seminary FALL 2013

Published by The Communications Office

EditorIvey Rose Smith, M.A.

Assistant EditorJoyce Grothmann

Designer/Assistant EditorMike Costanzo, M.A.

Contributing WritersDr. Scott ManorDr. Samuel LamersonDr. Michael AllenDr. David SawnsonIvey Rose SmithDr. Jonathan LinebaughRev. Jonathan G. SmithDr. Warren Gage

Contributing PhotographersHoward LewisKendell Stellfox

Contact the editor at:Editor, Knox NowKnox Theological Seminary5554 North Federal HighwayFort Lauderdale, FL 33308Phone: 954.771.0376Email: [email protected]

Website: 2013 Knox Theological Seminary. Content may be reprinted with the permission of the editor.

Mission StatementOur mission is to equip servant leaders for ministry that is Christ centered, gospel driven, and mission focused.

Our goal is to prepare leaders of the 21st century, emphasizing the application of Scripture to all aspects of life while providing them with excellent academic instruction combined with evangelism training, guidance for personal spiritual growth and hands-on ministry experience.

Justification and the Gospel: Understanding the Contexts and ControversiesWritten by Dr. Michael Allen

Christ-Centered Sermons: Models of Redemptive PreachingWritten by Dr. Bryan Chapell

The Dance Between God and Humanity: Reading the Bible Today as the People of GodWritten by Dr. Bruce Waltke

Why We Belong: Evangelical Unity

and Denominational Diversity

Contributions by Dr. Gerald Bray

and Dr. Bryan Chapell

The Psalms as Christian Lament: A Historical CommentaryCo-Written by Dr. Bruce Waltke

Featured Books

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