
Know About Various


Basketball is one of the most popular

games across the globe.

Like others, it is surface dependent.

There are different types of basketball court surfaces and

its types influence the standard of the game.


The surface is quite common in professional

and collegiate leagues.

It is smooth and provides equal bounce everywhere.

It is made of rigid maple, a type of dense wood,

which can withstand break.

The grains of the wood are packed so tightly that

dirt and grime find no place to hide.

Such floor needs very little maintenance

and the durability is too high.

Hardwood floor is suitable for indoor court.

The outdoors have to face the rain and sunshine,

which hardwood cannot bear.


Surface made of asphalt is well known for its strength and

capability to take on adverse weather conditions.

So, it is a widely accepted outdoor court option.

Most basketball players start their career from

this surface, be it at public parks, on streets or

on driveways.

The drawbacks of the asphalt floor are it gradually

breaks down and is susceptible to cracks.

Injuries are more common on this type of surfaces.


It is also another kind of outdoor floor for basketball court.

Concrete is more durable than asphalt.

It also needs less maintenance and can resist crack.

Installation is not at all a hard job. With a little effort,

the surface can flawlessly be designed.


You can find multi-purpose plastic floorings for basketball court.

Such surface offers quality traction with a consistent bounce.

When it comes to the safety of players, the surface results

in a negligible skin abrasions during falls.

Due to modular designs of the surface, you can pick

colorful panels according to your wish.

The looks of such surfaces do not need any words for recognition.

Apart from these surfaces, some companies bring

in more advanced flooring options.

As a result, the level of the game is going high day by day.

And also, it eradicates surface borne injury

issues of the players.

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