Page 1: Knightdale Baptist Church October 2014 newsletter

INSIDE This Issue

A Special Kind of Sunday

As the Fall chill enters the air, we know that before long the colors go on display and we’re surrounded by the beauty of a new season. The glorious sight of our changing surroundings reminds us that this time of year brings a number of festivities. Surely, calendars begin to fill with family gatherings, parties, and activities, kicked off by a very special kind of Sunday, one that ushers in a season of festivity. Each year, we have the opportunity to worship with a slightly larger crowd. Smiles broaden just a bit more, merging with lingering handshakes and hugs. Along with that seasonal chill, the air also fills with the sounds of fellowship and the smell of food. Our hearts are warmed by the arrival of another year’s Homecoming. It’s a special kind of Sunday that affords us the opportunity to see where we’ve come from and where we’re going. We remember those special relationships formed through the shared experience of living, working, and basking in the presence of our Lord Jesus. We reminisce of years passed, the good times spent in good company, and ponder what’s to be, knowing that God still has good things in store for us. This year, I hope you’ve already made plans to join us for our annual Homecoming celebration Sunday. Rev. Jeff Roberts will make a much anticipated return to the pulpit to proclaim the message. We look forward to great fellowship, great food, and great company shared around the table following our worship together. It’s sure to be a wonderful time to celebrate and worship

together, honoring God for all He continues to do here at Knightdale Baptist Church and in the lives of believers. It’s a special kind of Sunday, and we hope to see you there.

— Trent Sessoms

a monthly newsletter of a monthly newsletter of a monthly newsletter of a monthly newsletter of Knightdale Baptist ChurchKnightdale Baptist ChurchKnightdale Baptist ChurchKnightdale Baptist Church

P1 A Special Kind of Sunday

P2 October Anniversaries

and Birthdays

P2 Baptist Knights

P2 Children’s Time

Schedule for October

P2 Crop Hunger Walk

P3 October Calendar

P4 Children’s Worship

Schedules for October

P4 Love Connection

P4 Ushers for October

P4 List of Deacons

P4 Blood Drive

P5 Backpack Buddies

P5 Advent Devotional

P5 Upward

P5 Read and Feed

P6 From the Front Porch

P6 Wednesday Night

Fellowship Meal

P6 Children’s Fall Festival

P6 Faith Expressions

P6 Quarterly Business


P7 Operation Christmas


P7 Harvest Offering

P7 Yam Jam

P7 Feed My Neighbor

P8 Homecoming

P8 Staff

2 0 1 4

V o l u m e 1 1 , I s s u e 10

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Shirley Paul Oct 6 Bobbie Earnhardt Oct 9 Alease Flowers Oct 24 Winnie Howell Oct 7 Mary Hudson Oct 15 Billy Maynard Oct 27 Ronnie Smith Oct 7 Sue Wilder Oct 15 Taylor Lucas Oct 31 Judy Biggerstaff Oct 8 Jackie Watkins Oct 23

Greg and Monique Mackey October 20th

Happy 35th Anniversary!

Bill and Justine Scanlon October 24th

Happy 16th Anniversary!

Percy and Bugg Pair October 5th

Happy 58th Anniversary!

Steve and Dana Coleman October 7th

Happy 14th Anniversary!

Bob and Judy Jones October 11th

Happy 45th Anniversary!

James and Terri Lucas October 14th

Happy 14th Anniversary!

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October Birthdays

October Anniversaries

Baptist Knights for October and


Baptist Knights are KBC volunteers that ensure the facilities are locked and secure each day. If you need the facilities unlocked for any reason please be sure to contact the church office so that they may help make those arrangements for you. Thank you.

Sept 28 - Oct 4 Tim Poirier

Oct 5 - Oct 11 Jim Farrington

Oct 12 - Oct 18 Stephen Tew

Oct 19 - Oct 25 Brandon West

Oct 26 - Nov 1 David Hinton

Nov 2 - Nov 8 Jesse Ward

Nov 9 - Nov 15 Rick Talley

Nov 16 - Nov 22 James Lucas

Nov 23 - Nov 29 Sam Maise

Nov 30 - Dec 6 Bill Scanlon

Children’s Time Ministry Leader’s


Oct 5th - James Lucas

Oct 12th - Jim Farrington

Oct 19th - Joe Johnston

Oct 26th - Bill Scanlon

Nov 2nd - James


Nov 9th - Jim


circle, costume contest, MLK youth choir, educational activities, etc. The walk is Sunday, October 26th with registration at 2:00 pm and the walk begins at

Ending hunger one step at a time! Coordinate a church group, your family and/or friends to walk together. Fun for the whole family! Registration and activities include: face painting, drum

3:00 pm. 5k or 1 mile short option. Begin at Marbles Kids Museum, 201 E. Hargett St. Raleigh. For more information:

Crop Hunger Walk

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Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday


9:15 AM Koffee Before Church

9:45 AM Bible Study

11:00 AM Morning Worship

6:00 PM Snack n YAK


7:30 PM




9:00 AM

Fall Senior Adult


10:00 AM


5:30 PM

Read & Feed

6:30 PM YAK 360


6:30 PM Adult Bible Study

6:30 PM Mission Friends

6:30 PM GA's & RA's

7:15 PM Children's Choir Practice

7:30 PM Worship Choir


7:00 PM


Committee Mtg.








Homecoming Sunday

9:15 AM Koffee Before Church

9:45 AM Bible Study

11:00 AM Morning Worship

11:30 AM Faith Expressions

12:15 PM Homecoming Luncheon

5:00 PM FLC Reserved

6:00 PM Snack n YAK


7:00 PM



7:00 PM




10:00 AM


5:30 PM

Read & Feed

6:30 PM

YAK 360


6:30 PM Adult Bible Study

6:30 PM Mission Friends

6:30 PM GA's & RA's

7:15 PM Children's Choir Practice

7:30 PM Worship Choir Practice




8:00 AM -




8:30 AM


7:30 PM

FLC Reserved


9:15 AM Koffee Before Church

9:45 AM Bible Study

11:00 AM Morning Worship

11:30 AM Faith Expressions

6:00 PM FLC Reserved

6:00 PM Snack n YAK


Columbus Day

6:30 PM

Two Green

Thumbs Garden


7:00 PM




10:00 AM BALL Club

5:30 PM

Read & Feed

6:30 PM YAK 360

7:00 PM


Minister’s Mtg.


5:30 PM Wednesday Night

Fellowship Meal

6:45 PM Quarterly Business


6:30 PM Mission Friends

6:30 PM GA's & RA's

7:15 PM Children's Choir Practice

7:30 PM Worship Choir


10:45 AM


Circle Mtg.

6:30 PM

Read & Feed



3:00 PM





10:00 AM

FH Reserved

11:00 AM -

1:00 PM




9:15 AM Koffee Before Church

9:45 AM Bible Study

11:00 AM Morning Worship

11:30 AM Faith Expressions

6:00 PM FLC Reserved

6:00 PM Snack n YAK


7:00 PM



7:00 PM




10:00 AM


5:30 PM

Read & Feed

6:30 PM YAK 360

7:00 PM


Committee Mtg.


6:30 PM Adult Bible Study

6:30 PM Mission Friends

6:30 PM GA's & RA's

7:15 PM Children's Choir Practice

7:30 PM Worship Choir

23 24


Fall Festival


9:15 AM Koffee Before Church

9:45 AM Bible Study

11:00 AM Morning Worship

11:30 AM Faith Expressions

6:00 PM FLC Reserved

6:00 PM Snack n YAK


7:00 PM




10:00 AM


5:30 PM

Read & Feed

6:30 PM YAK 360


6:30 PM Adult Bible Study

6:30 PM Mission Friends

6:30 PM GA's & RA's

7:15 PM Children's Choir Practice

7:30 PM Worship Choir


7:00 - 9:00 PM







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Love Connection for


(Please send a card, place a call or visit the following during the month of October):

Alice Wiggins P.O. Box 221

Knightdale, NC 27545

Tim Wokasch Britthaven of Smithfield 515 Barbour Rd. P.O. Box 2390

Smithfield, NC 27577-2390

Children’s Worship Schedule for the

Month of October Coordinator: DeAnne Talley (919-217-8076)

Oct 5 Lead Teachers Assistants

Crib Babies: Cheryl Jackson Rachel Jackson

Toddlers: Volunteers Needed

2’s & 3’s: Mike and Angie Wallis

Children’s Church: James Lucas

Assistants: Kristin and Tim Poirier

Oct 12

Crib Babies: Christie Hatch

Toddlers: Terry Johnson Jeremy Tention

2’s & 3’s: Volunteers Needed

Children’s Church: James Lucas

Assistants: Volunteers Needed

Oct 19

Crib Babies: Monique Mackey

Toddlers: Bill Scanlon

2’s & 3’s: Volunteers Needed

Children’s Church: James Lucas

Assistants: Courtney Glover,

Valerie and Mark Beasley

Oct 26

Crib Babies: Bobbie Earnhardt, Peggy Altice

Toddlers: Volunteers Needed

2’s & 3’s: Volunteers Needed

Children’s Church: James Lucas

Assistants: Brian and Holly Martin

Ushers for October

Mark Beasley, Nelson Crider,

Billy Murray, Mac McCoy

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List of Deacons


Christie Hatch David Hinton (Chair) Monique Mackey Bill Scanlon Stephen Tew


Sam Maise Carolyn Martinson Jeff Maynard


Robin Farrington Terry Johnson “Pete” Harrell

Please note: If for some reason you are not available to help on the day that you volunteered to work, we ask that you please don’t forget to find a replacement for yourself so there is adequate coverage during the worship service. Also, if you have a change in the schedule for the children’s nursery or children’s church, please contact the monthly coordinator so that the change can be made prior to the printing of the worship bulletin. However, any permanent changes in the schedule should continue to be handled by the lead coordinator.

Thank you for all your help.

Blood Drive

Mark your Calendar - Our Fall Blood Drive will be Sunday, November 9th from 12:30 - 5:00 pm in the Family Life Center.

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weekend meals during the school year. We need lots of kid-friendly non-perishable food items to maintain this ministry. A list of items can be found in the vestibule of the Sanctuary. Food collection bins are located

The “Backpack Buddies” program is an ongoing ministry KBC has with Knightdale

Elementary School. It provides children from food-insecure homes with

in the Education Building and the vestibule of the Sanctuary. The children and their respective families greatly appreciate the weekend meals we provide. Thank you for being a part of this ongoing KBC ministry.

Backpack Buddies

It’s Upward registration time! Please spread the word to all boys and girls from Pre-K to 6th grade. Online registration is available now. Check the church website for the

registration link. Evaluation dates are October 11th, 18th and 30th. The first game will be Saturday, December 6th. Volunteers are always


needed! See Korey Hatch for more details: [email protected]

16th to Cathy Maynard: [email protected]. Feel free to write as many as you wish. They can be a thought about Christmas or a memory. You can include

It’s that time of year again. Start praying about writing an advent devotion to share this Christmas season. They need to be turned in no later than November

a prayer and a scripture, or Cathy will find one for you. Kids, you can write one too! You can even draw a picture to go with it.

Advent Devotional

succeed in adult life. We meet once a week for an hour in the evening (5:30-6:30 pm), which began Tuesday, September 30th. We feed the children a hot meal then work with them on their reading and reading comprehension skills. All materials and training are provided! So please join us Thursday,

Read and Feed Training is Thursday, October 16th at 6:30 pm in the KBC Fellowship Hall. Read and Feed is a non-profit organization that combines a child friendly atmosphere, books, food, and tutors to motivate children to become confident in their academic skills so they have every opportunity to

October 16th at 6:30 pm at Knightdale Baptist Church for a Volunteer Orientation/Training session. Sign up at or contact Kati Mullan at KatiMullan@readandfeed. org, 919-538-3840.

Read and Feed

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Sunday Evening, December 14 - “God Is With Us”*

6:30 pm featuring the KBC Handbell Choir

and Worship Choir with special guests

Ryan Mixter, Michael Roach and Brian Russell

Mark Your Calendars… Sunday, November 30 -

“Hanging of the Green” Service 11:00 am

Wednesday, December 24 -

Candlelight Christmas Eve Service 5:00 pm

*The choir musical is not difficult and we could use more voices to present this special musical offer-ing. A CD will be provided for all participants! Rehearsals are Wednesdays at 7:30 pm.

-Hal Roach

From the Front Porch

Wednesday Night Fellowship Meal

Tuesday, October 14th. Call the church office to make reservations at 919-266-2471.

Cost for the meal is: adults (10-up) $5.00 children (4-9) $2.00 and children 3 and under

This month the Wednesday Night Fellowship Meal will be Wednesday, October 15th from 5:30 - 6:30 PM with the Quarterly Business Conference to follow at 6:45 PM. Reservations/cancellations must be made by noon on

eat free (Max charge per family - $20.00). Menu: Lasagna, Salad Bar, Bread, Homemade Desserts and Beverages. (Cheese Pizza always available)

Children’s Fall Festival Saturday, October 25th Location to be Announced

Please contact Lois McCoy for more information.

Faith Expressions will begin practice in October. Those children that would like to participate will practice during Children’s Worship on Sunday mornings from 11:30 am - 12:15 pm.

Faith Expressions Quarterly Business


Wednesday, October 15th

beginning at 6:45 pm in the Family Life Center -immediately following our Wednesday Night Fellowship Meal.

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Mission and Worship Opportunities

OCC October Collections

KBC is collecting items for the Samaritan’s Purse shoebox ministry every month. For the month of October we are collecting hard candy/gum: Peppermints, lollipops, butterscotch, jolly ranchers, cinnamon discs, lemon heads, gum, etc. The

collection boxes are at the bottom of the stairs in the Education Building and in the hallway at the back of the Sanctuary. Thank you for your contributions!

Homecoming is Sunday, October 5th. Rev. Jeff Roberts will be our guest speaker and is very excited to be with us on our special day. Please invite your family, friends, former members and

neighbors to celebrate with us. The Harvest Funds collected this year will be for the Capital Maintenance Fund.

Homecoming Harvest Offering

October 11th 8:30 - 11:30 am

The location will be announced one week before you go. Please see Robin Farrington for more information.

This event is open to everyone! Come glean a field!

Feed My Neighbor Serving Up Dignity One Meal At A Time

November 22nd, 2014 Save the date and

Stay tuned for more information!

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Knightdale Baptist Church 15 Main Street

Knightdale, NC 27545

Phone: 919-266-2471 · Fax: 919-266-0984

Office Hours (Monday - Friday) 8:00 am until 5:00 pm

Address Service Requested

The Mission of Knightdale Baptist Church, as a loving, unified body, is to worship God and share Christ through

various Christian ministries, teaching, service, prayer and fellowship.


Rev. Trent Sessoms

Senior Pastor

Rev. Hal Roach

Minister of Worship

Rev. Joe Johnston

Youth Pastor

Mrs. Patty Jones

Administrative Assistant

Mrs. Christi Boggs

Preschool Director

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HOMECOMING October 5th

Our day to celebrate Homecoming will be here soon, so please reserve October 5th so you can be a part of this special event. Rev. Jeff Roberts will be our guest speaker and is very excited to be with us on our special day. We will have our wonderful Homecoming meal in the comfort of the Family Life Center, so be sure to invite your family, friends and former members to celebrate with us. Also remember to prepare adequate food for those you invite. Let’s all be in prayer and preparation to celebrate Homecoming 2014 on October 5th.

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