Page 1: Knightdale Baptist Church August '15 newsletter




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Sounds Like Fun

Let all things be done for building up.

1 Corinthians 14:26 (ESV)

Games have an entirely different definition to anyone raised in a 90’s era youth group. Each week, our youth leader would have some new game for us to try, along with the old standby of Trainwreck, which everyone wanted to play. By the way, if you’ve never played Trainwreck, it consists of a circle of chairs one less than the number of participants. The person in the middle might say something like, “whoever is wearing jeans.” Anyone that statement applies to must thereby exit their seat and transition to another not directly next to them. Don’t misunderstand. This isn’t some casual stroll to another spot. What ensues is a chaotic mingling of teens running past one another to claim a spot as to not be the person in the middle. Bodies collide. Chairs knocked down. The name applies. This game, with others like chair hockey (what it sounds like, but played with a beach ball) and squid bowling (again, exactly what it sounds like) are just a sampling of the games we used to play when I was part of youth. Even when training to become a youth minister, we would be subjected to these same crazy games, finding gummy bears in a pan of flour with your mouth, food relay where you eat something from a bag, duct taping someone to a wall to see how long they stick, “Honey, if you love me, you’ll smile,” etc. Should you desire to know more, catch me some time because this newsletter certainly doesn’t allow that much space to provide all the details. The obvious question probably comes up as you read this, what does any of that have to do with ministry? The most basic, simple answer is … fellowship. When you gather a bunch of kids together, you have any variety of groups represented, talkative, quiet, outgoing, shy, athletic, not-so-athletic, brains, jocks, nerds, and “whatevers” that defy categorization. It can be a difficult job to get all those kids relating, until they’re cheering each other on during a game of Chubby Bunny, which is not recommended, by the way. The effects are amazing, though. People who don’t share the same interests or groups of friends, divided geographically, students at rival schools, come together supporting and encouraging each other. Something special happens. They begin to relate to one another. They form friendships. I still hear from those hometown youth group friends even now. I even read scripture at one of their weddings a few years back. Point being, even among the goofy games, the silly moments, church happens. People gain a sense of belonging, understanding they matter, they’re important, they’re loved. They understand that the divisions felt anywhere else aren’t applicable at church. In church, we’re bound by something much stronger than anything that could divide. When we experience and live out the love of Christ in our lives, we create a place where all are welcome. I still want to play strobe light volleyball.

— Trent Sessoms

a monthly newsletter of Knightdale Baptist Church

P1 Sounds Like Fun

P2 August Anniversaries and Birthdays

P2 Baptist Knights

P2 Children’s Time Schedule for August

P2 On-line Giving

P2 Love Connection

P2 Ushers for August

P2 Thank You

P3 August Calendar

P3 Birth Announcement

P4 Children’s Worship Schedules for August

P4 List of Deacons

P4 “Fill the Barrel” Sunday

P5 Wedding Shower

P5 Pastor’s Book Review

P5 Revelation Bible Study

P6 Operation Christmas Child

P6 Back-to-School Bash

P6 Fifth Sunday Sing

P7 Backpack Buddies

P7 Training Extravaganza

P8 Youth News

P8 Staff

V o l u m e 1 2 , I s s u e 8

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William Hailey August 1st

Becca Farrington August 2nd

Chloe Johnston August 3rd

Jerry Hall August 8th

Judy Smith August 10th

Beverly Hinton August 11th

Brandon West August 11th

Leonor Henao August 18th

Alyssa Mozingo August 19th

Barbara Polky August 19th

Janice Dean August 20th

John Massey August 20th

Frances Glover August 23rd

Jeremy Tention August 23rd

Christie Hatch August 24th

Rosetta May August 25th

Dwight Whitley August 25th

David Talley August 26th

Ben Poirier August 27th

Robert Talley August 28th

Korey and Christie Hatch

August 2nd

Happy 18th Anniversary!

Nelson and Joyce Crider

August 8th

Happy 62nd Anniversary!

Trent and Susan Sessoms

August 11th

Happy 8th Anniversary!

Herbert and Bea Riley

August 27th

Happy 60th Anniversary!

Love Connection for August

(Please send a card, place a call or visit the following during the month of August):

Charles Dean 307 Faison Dr.

Knightdale, NC 27545

Frances Wall P.O. Box 395

Knightdale, NC 27545

August Birthdays August


Ushers for August


Baptist Knights for August and


Baptist Knights are KBC volunteers that ensure the facilities are locked and secure each day. If you need the facilities unlocked for any reason please be sure to contact the church office so that they may help make those arrangements for you. Thank you.

July 26 - Aug 1 Brandon West

Aug 2 - Aug 8 Bill Scanlon

Aug 9 - Aug 15 Rick Talley

Aug 16 - Aug 22 Don Joyner

Aug 23 - Aug 29 James Lucas

Aug 30 - Sept 5 Sam Maise

Sept 6 - Sept 12 Bill Scanlon

Sept 13 - Sept 19 Jeff Maynard

Sept 20 - Sept 26 Tim Poirier

Sept 27 - Oct 3 Stephen Tew

Children’s Time Ministry Leader’s


Aug 2nd - Bill Scanlon Aug 9th - James Lucas Aug 16th - Jamie Rosehart Aug 23rd - Joe Johnston

Aug 30th - Lois McCoy Sept 6th - Bill Scanlon

Thank You The Harrell family wishes you to know that they appreciate all that the KBC family has done for them.

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Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

26 9:15 AM Koffee Before Church 9:45 AM Bible Study 11:00 AM Morning Worship 6:00 PM Snack n YAK

27 7:00 PM Church Council Meeting

28 10:00 AM BALL Club

29 6:30 PM Adult Bible Study 6:30 PM YAK 360 7:30 PM Worship Choir Practice




2 9:15 AM Koffee Before Church 9:45 AM Bible Study 11:00 AM Morning Worship 6:00 PM Snack n YAK

3 7:00 PM Deacon’s Meeting

4 10:00 AM BALL Club

5 6:30 PM Adult Bible Study New Revelation Bible Study begins 6:30 PM YAK 360 7:30 PM Worship Choir Practice

6 7:00 PM Properties Committee Meeting



9 9:15 AM Koffee Before Church 9:45 AM Bible Study 11:00 AM Morning Worship 6:00 PM Snack n YAK


11 10:00 AM BALL Club

12 6:30 PM Adult Bible Study 6:30 PM YAK 360 7:30 PM Worship Choir Practice




FLC Reserved all day Youth Trip to Wet ‘n Wild

16 9:15 AM Koffee Before Church 9:45 AM Bible Study 11:00 AM Morning Worship 2:00 PM Mackey Wedding Shower 6:00 PM Snack n YAK

17 7:00 PM Cemetery Meeting

18 10:00 AM BALL Club 7:00 PM Finance Meeting

19 6:30 PM Adult Bible Study 6:30 PM YAK 360 7:30 PM Worship Choir Practice

20 10:45 AM Weathers/Knight Circle


22 9:00 PM Training Ex-travaganza 4:00 PM Back-to-School Bash

23 “Fill the Barrel” Sunday 9:15 AM Koffee Before Church 9:45 AM Bible Study 11:00 AM Morning Worship 6:00 PM Snack n YAK


25 10:00 AM BALL Club

26 6:30 PM Adult Bible Study 6:30 PM YAK 360 7:30 PM Worship Choir Practice




30 9:15 AM Koffee Before Church 9:45 AM Bible Study 11:00 AM Morning Worship 2:00 PM Spivey Wedding Shower 6:00 PM Snack n YAK 6:00 PM Fifth Sunday Sing

31 1 10:00 AM BALL Club

2 6:30 PM Adult Bible Study 6:30 PM YAK 360 7:30 PM Worship Choir Practice

3 7:00 PM Properties Committee Meeting

4 5


Birth Announcement

Congratulations to Brandon and Rebecca West! Dillon Patrick was born at 12:17 AM on Thursday, July 16th. He weighed 9 lbs., 2 oz. and was 22 inches long.

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Children’s Worship Schedule for the Month of August

Coordinator: Terry Johnson (919-217-2765)

August 2 Lead Teachers and Assistants

Crib Babies: Cheryl Jackson, Rachel Jackson

Toddlers: Volunteers Needed

2’s & 3’s: Mike and Angie Wallis

Children’s Church: James Lucas

Assistants: Kristin and Tim Poirier

August 9

Crib Babies: Christie Hatch

Toddlers: Volunteers Needed

2’s & 3’s: Volunteers Needed

Children’s Church: James Lucas

Assistants: Volunteers Needed

August 16

Crib Babies: Monique Mackey

Toddlers: Bill Scanlon

2’s & 3’s: Volunteers Needed

Children’s Church: James Lucas

Assistants: Courtney Glover,

Valerie and Mark Beasley

August 23

Crib Babies: Bobbie Earnhardt

Toddlers: Volunteers Needed

2’s & 3’s: Volunteers Needed

Children’s Church: James Lucas

Assistants: Brian and Holly Martin

August 30

Crib Babies: Melissa Abshire, Susan Sauls

Toddlers: Claudia Glover, Courtney Glover

2’s & 3’s: Margaret Humphries, Cindy Russell

Children’s Church: James Lucas

Assistants: David and Beverly Hinton

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List of Deacons


Christie Hatch

David Hinton (Chair)

Monique Mackey Bill Scanlon

Stephen Tew


Sam Maise

Carolyn Martinson

Jeff Maynard

Marsha Spivey


Robin Farrington Terry Johnson

“Pete” Harrell

Please note: If for some reason you are not available to help on the day that you volunteered to work, we ask that you please don’t forget to find a replacement for yourself so there is adequate coverage during the worship service. Also, if you have a change in the schedule for the children’s nursery or children’s church, please contact the monthly coordinator so that the change can be made prior to the printing of the worship bulletin. However, any permanent changes in the schedule should continue to be handled by the lead coordinator.

Thank you for all your help

“Fill the Barrel”


August 23rd, 2015

Please bring non-perishable food items for the UMC Food Pantry (a grocery list can be

found in the vestibule of the Sanctuary).

These items are in high demand for our neighbors and

they need our HELP!

Mission Team

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Wedding Shower

There will be a floating wedding shower for Amber Mackey Sunday, August 16th from 2:00-3:30 PM in the Fellowship Hall. Amber is the daughter of Greg and Monique Mackey. Amber and her fiancé, Adam Fanning, are registered at Bed, Bath & Beyond and

Pastor’s Book Review Searching for Sunday: Loving, Leaving, and Finding the Church by

Rachel Held Evans

Have you ever been frustrated with church?

Rachel Held Evans has, for a number of reasons. Notably, she cites in-

creasing arguments over the “culture wars” and the tendency for pastors

to proclaim their personal politics from the pulpit in lieu of sound biblical

theology. For someone having spent her life growing up with a deep-set appreciation for church, to step away was heart wrenching. Nevertheless,

the time spent away provided Rachel time to reflect, search, and rediscover hope in an institution marred by

shortsightedness and increased focus on self-preservation over genuine, authentic ministry.

Using the sacraments as a guide, she navigates the complexities of growing cynicism towards a resurgence of

wonder and hope. In her own personal style of wit and grace, Rachel connects with readers who’ve found themselves grown weary of asking the same questions she herself wrestled with.

Over the years, as she’s emerged as one of the preeminent voices of the millennial Christian generation,

Rachel’s openness with her own personal struggles with faith have created resonance with her readers. She

gives a necessary voice to the growing concerns of young believers, but continues to inspire hope that the church, for all its flaws, continues as a vibrant place of ministry. Searching for Sunday is an insightful,

honest, witty, charming, and challenging journey from cynicism to optimism, from despair to hope.

Have you ever been frustrated with church?

If so, Rachel Held Evans will remind you why there’s more than enough reasons to keep coming back.

Revelation Bible Study It has sparked countless debates, spawned a variety of theological ide-ologies, and provided source material for a wealth of bad movies. It remains the most intriguing, mysterious, and confusing book in the Bible, and perhaps the most often requested to study. John’s prophet-ic vision gave hope to his original audience oppressed by the tyranni-cal rule of the empire and a depiction of future events that Christians

have sought to decipher in the centuries since its documentation. Beginning Wednesday, August 5th, we’ll dive into this fascinating text to better understand how, amid all the symbolism and fan-tastic imagery, it remains a continuing source of inspiration and a timeless message of hope. Join us each Wednesday at 6:30 PM in the Fellowship Hall.

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There will be a back-to-

school bash Saturday, August 22nd at 4:00 PM

on the KBC lawn. There

will be games, watermelon

and ice cream. Come out and join the fun!

Fifth Sunday


We will have a Fifth

Sunday Sing on Sunday, August 30th at 6:00 PM

followed by a dessert

fellowship. Anyone

interested in singing, please see either Dana

Coleman or Cathy Maynard.

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training extravaganza 2015

saturday, august 22 Trinity Baptist Church

4815 Six Forks Rd, Raleigh, NC

32 sessions and 3 learning labs focusing on Evangelism, Discipleship, Missions, Leadership and Administration

Leadership Labs: 8:15—8:45 am—Continental Breakfast 9:15—10:30 am—Session One 9:15 am—Noon—Morning Leadership Labs # 1 & 2 10:30—10:45 am—Break 10:45 am—Noon—Session Two Noon—12:30 pm—Lunch (for those registered) 12:30—2:00 pm—Afternoon Leadership Lab

Details for each learning opportunity are on the Bulletin Board in the Education Building.

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Knightdale Baptist Church 15 Main Street

Knightdale, NC 27545

Phone: 919-266-2471 · Fax: 919-266-0984

Office Hours (Monday - Friday) 8:00 AM until 5:00 PM

Address Service Requested

The Mission of Knightdale Baptist Church, as a loving, unified body, is to worship God and share Christ through various Christian ministries, teaching, service, prayer and fellowship.


Rev. Trent Sessoms Senior Pastor

Rev. Joe Johnston Youth Pastor

Mrs. Patty Jones Administrative Assistant

Mrs. Christi Boggs Preschool Director

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Youth News

Water Park The youth are headed to Wet ’n Wild, Emer-

ald Pointe in Greensboro. In the past we have visited amusement parks, but since we have had such warm weather we will cool off be-

fore the summer ends. Bring a friend and join us Saturday, August 15th. The cost for

each person will be $15 and you are welcome to bring a friend (their cost will be $15, also). Let Pastor Joe know if you or any friends are

coming by Sunday, August 2nd.


Our first attempt at a camping trip was a great success. We fished (successfully), played games, ate, and had a great time

together. Much thanks to the Harpers who allowed us to use their beautiful area

that was perfect for camping. This time we will venture further out and hope to include even more events, as well as peo-

ple. Come join us for what is sure to be a great time of bonding. The dates will be

Friday, September 11th through Sunday, September 13th. Look for details to be shared at youth.

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