
Kitty McElhaney

ASTRA Committee – Annual Report

May, 2018– Augusta, Georgia

Since the 2018 Post Conference Board Meeting in Lake Mary, Florida, I’ve performed the following activities: Shared all ASTRA documents with the Club President and ASTRA contact for that Club Current clubs sponsor ASTRA:

o Gainesville, FL o Lake City, FL o Ocala, FL (2 ASTRA Clubs) o Spartanburg, SC (2 ASTRA clubs)

Written an article for the Fall DSB Shared the new ASTRA International Award documents with Governor for review by District

Foundation Assisted in coordinating the ASTRA International Award documents with the District Foundation Participated in conference call regarding the ASTRA International Award and coordinating the award

with the Foundation efforts Prepared articles for the Winter DSB on ASTRA Scholarships Sent encouraging reminders to Clubs who sponsor ASTRA about scholarships Communicated with appropriate ASTRA Clubs about graduation cords available from International Communicated with Clubs regarding end of year Activity Report due to International by May 31 Communicated with Spartanburg Club regarding the Scholarship winner

Respectfully submitted, Kitty McElhaney Altrusa International of Lake City, Florida, Inc.

BRR Committee Report --Linda Robison I had one inquiry concerning bylaws for a local club but no other inquiries. The proposed bylaw and policy changes to be voted on at Convention in Reno in July will be provided to all by the International office soon. Our International rep at conference will more than likely advise us of these proposals. I look forward to seeing all of you in Augusta.

Scott Tice

Communications Committee Co-Chair - Annual Report

2019 District Conference – Augusta, GA

Since the 2018 District Three Conference in Lake Mary, FL, I’ve performed the following activities:

▪ Responded to requests from Governor Christy

▪ Received and commented on Club Newsletters from throughout District Three

▪ Provided assistance to District Three clubs when requested

▪ Prepared Conference Program Book

Respectfully submitted,

Scott Tice

Altrusa International of Ocala, FL, Inc.

Yolander Hunter

DSB Editor / Communications Committee - Annual Report

2019 District Conference – Augusta, Georgia

Since the 2018 District Three Conference in Lake Mary Florida. I’ve performed the following activities:

▪ Edited photos taken at the Lake Mary conference for the use in the post conference DSB newsletter

▪ Completed/distributed the Summer DSB Newsletter

▪ Completed/distributed the Fall District Three Newsletter

▪ Completed/distributed the Winter District Three Newsletter

▪ Completed /distributed District Three call to Conference Newsletter

▪ Sent in all my credentials/reservations for attending the conference in Augusta Georgia

▪ Agreed to be the official conference photographer for the Augusta Conference

▪ Attended all pre-conference prep meetings for Augusta

Respectfully submitted,

Yolander B. Hunter

Altrusa International of Charlotte, NC, Inc.

Susy Meier

Finance Chair - Annual Report

2019 District Conference – Augusta, Georgia

Since the 2018 District Three Conference in Lake Mary, Florida, I’ve performed the following activities:

▪ Audited the District Three Treasurer’s books and financial reports for the 2018-2019 fiscal year.

▪ Audited the District Three Conference Treasurer’s (also the District Treasurer) 2018 Conference books.

▪ Followed the District Three Financial Reports.

I would like to say it has been a pleasure to work with District Treasurer Shannon Schell over the biennium. She has

made auditing both the District and Conference books a pleasure.

Respectfully submitted,

Susy Meier

Altrusa International of Atlanta, GA Inc.

Kitty McElhaney

Governor -Elect / Foundation Liaison –Annual Report

May 2019– Augusta, Georgia

Since the 2018 Post Conference Foundation Board Meeting in Lake Mary, Florida, I’ve performed the following


Read the Post Conference Foundation Board meeting minutes

Participated in the mid-year District Three Foundation Board meeting

Prepared documents for Foundation Nominations

Participated in the mid-year District Three Foundation Board meeting

Prepared Nominating Committee article for the Fall 2018 DSB

Recruited members for the Nominating Committee

Recruited candidates for the Foundation Trustee and Treasurer positions

Initiated discussion regarding coordination between Foundation ASTRA Award submission and International ASTRA Award submission, resulting with a revised ASTRA award application that includes International criteria

Prepared article for Winter 2019 DSB announcing the candidates for the District Three Foundation

Participated in a conference call related to planning for fundraising at conference and awards

Assisted with scheduling and planning Foundation events for Conference

Assisted in securing meeting space for pre and post conference Foundation Board meeting Prepared the script for the election at Conference

Respectfully submitted,

Kitty McElhaney

Altrusa International of Lake City, Florida, Inc.

Nancy Mott

International Foundation Liaison Annual Report

2019 District Conference – Augusta, Georgia

During the past year I have performed the following as the International Foundation Liaison for District Three:

• Gave a report on the International Foundation at the 2018 District Conference in Lake Mary, FL.

• Held a Fund Raiser during the opening breakfast at the District Conference in Lake Mary, FL and raised

a total of $2,596.00 for the International Foundation - $1,071 for Club 21, Grants $200, Disaster Relief

$80, Where Needed $745, and Lamplighter $500.

• Contributed articles for Summer and Winter DSB.

• Handled various e-mails from District Three clubs in regard to questions related to the International


• Participated in District Three Conference Planning Team conference calls in preparation of the 2019

District Conference.

• Participated in International Foundation Conference Calls along with other Liaisons across the country

in September 2018 and March 2019.

• Prepared information for an International Foundation presentation and fund raiser for International

Foundation programs and for the new Luci Lights project and special medallions fund raiser to take

place at the 2019 District Conference in Augusta, GA. and at the International Convention in Reno,


Respectfully submitted,

Nancy Mott

Altrusa International of Salisbury, NC, Inc.

District Three Membership

Committee Chair

April 9, 2019

Annual Committee Report

A total of One Hundred five Thank you letters were sent to sponsors of new Altrusans

April – September 2018 and from October – March 2019. Articles were completed for

District Service Bulletin for spring, fall, and winter.

We are continuing our focus on recruiting and retaining members and Governor Christy

and I will be having a workshop at our conference in Augusta on Membership Recruiting

and Retention. The best practice for membership revitalization, retention, and growth is

to develop goals, objectives, strategies and action plans in a 3-5 Year Long

Range/Strategic Plan. This will help to ensure that the entire membership is moving in

the same direction in reaching membership goals. The plan should then be monitored,

evaluated, and updated on a regular basis. This process takes time and work, but will

worth the effort. From Governor Christy, “Clarity+ Flexibility + Inclusion = Trust and

Growth for Altrusa.

Plans are being finalized for Friday Fun Night and the Derby Hat (Fascinator)

competition. We will be judging on who represents their State in its most outrageous

and glorious way and what club has the most Team Spirit!

Some of the initiatives that the International Membership Chair, Beverly Leudke started

is having Altrusa clubs make a two minute videos telling their “Altrusa Story” of

individual club members telling why they became Altrusans or why they are Altrusans.

Another initiative of Altrusa International is to increase the diversity of our clubs,

encouraging every club to take pictures of their clubs in action and demonstrate the

diversity that we as Altrusans are attracting.

In Altrusa Service,


Roberta Klusmeier

Altrusa District Three

Membership Committee Chair

Jane Gray

New Club Building Committee - Annual Report

2019 District Conference – Augusta, Georgia

Since Conference 2018, I have: 1. Participated in numerous telephone calls with Governor Christy and others in establishing our District Three Virtual Club. 2. Co-wrote an article for the DSB about the formation of a new Club in Southwest Florida. 3. Responded to requests for updates about our new and virtual clubs from International Membership Development - New Club Building Chair, Norma Teuton. 4. As my role in Conference Planning, I collected various items for the Conference bags and sent them to Atlanta, where the Atlanta and North Georgia Club members assembled the bags. Big thank you to them and Carol Thomas of the Orlando-Winter Park Club, who was again able to get the bags at little cost. I also participated in regular pre-Conference telephone calls to report on my activities. 5. Read club newsletters when sent to me and responded to items reflecting the good things these clubs are doing in their communities. 6. Responded to ACT notices sent by Governor Christy. 7. Registered for and will attend Conference 2019 in Augusta! Respectfully submitted, Jane P. Gray District Three New Club Building Chair

Respectfully submitted,

Yolander B. Hunter

Altrusa International of Charlotte, NC, Inc.

Tammy Hall

Program Coordinator – Annual Report

2019 District Conference – Augusta, Georgia

The role of the Program Coordinator is to work with the Governor and act as an advisor to the Conference Committee

in planning the conference and conference program. Since the 2018 District Three Conference in Lake Mary,

Florida, I’ve performed the following activities:

▪ Communications and assistance with closing of 2018 conference matters and finances

▪ Recruited and confirmed 2020 Conference Co-Chairs Yolander Hunter and Delores Hall

▪ Participated in conference calls and emails with 2019 Conference Committee

▪ Coordinated with Conference Direct to review RFP’s for 2020 conference site in the state of North Carolina

▪ Negotiated Contract for 2020 Conference Site at Crowne Plaza Charlotte Executive Park, Charlotte, NC

▪ Prepared Draft 2019 Conference Budget and 2019 Conference Registration Form

▪ Attended District Three mid-year board meeting November 2-3, 2018 at the 2019 conference hotel, Marriott

August, GA

▪ Assisted Conference Co-Chairs with planning and negotiating meal selections

▪ Assisted District leadership team and conference chairs to finalize various matters for preparation of 2019

conference events, materials and communications.

Respectfully submitted,

Tammy Hall Altrusa International of Lake City, Florida, Inc.

Service Program Development Committee Chair

2018-2019 Annual Report

For the 2018-19 District Three service year, I have performed the following activities:

▪ Submitted articles to the District Service Bulletin as requested

▪ Submitted reports as required

▪ Communicated with the District Three conference team in preparation for the conference in Augusta, GA

▪ Encouraged district clubs to submit service projects to the DSB and to the website.

▪ Communicated with Emergency Management personnel in Jackson County, Florida in preparation for the

2019 District Service Project

▪ Kept Governor Christy Bryant updated on activities

▪ Encouraged District clubs to participate in the District service project

▪ Reached out to the community to participate in District service project—ad in newspaper, information sent to

local radio station, and posted on our Facebook page.

▪ Submitted service project information for the District Three conference book

▪ Submitted Service Program Development Committee Annual Report

Respectfully submitted,

Mary Powell

Altrusa International of Starke, FL, Inc.

Kim Pace

District Webmaster – Annual Report

April 2019

Since the 2018 District Three Conference in Lake Mary, Florida I have performed the following activities:

▪ Routine maintenance and updating of current District Three Website, including adding of district publications

like the District Service Bulletins and Governor Christy’s newsletters.

▪ Added Web information to the website for the District Three Conference, including registration materials, and

also added information for the District Awards process.

▪ Added new comprehensive page on the District site which provides an index of forms, documents, and

applications all in one place.

▪ Worked with new district webmaster Susy Meier to begin transition of district webmaster duties and provide

appropriate information and access.

▪ Continue to update and refine the new District Three Website and provide assistance and guidance as a

resource to all district club webmasters and club leadership regarding questions about their websites.

Respectfully submitted,

Kim M. Kitagawa Pace

Altrusa International of Gainesville, FL, Inc.

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