Page 1: Kinetics of the Catalytic Dehydration of 2-Propanol in an ... · Kinetics of the Catalytic Dehydration of 2-Propanol in an Aqueous ... The reaction kinetics over silicalite was

University of Alberta

Kinetics of the Catalytic Dehydration of 2-Propanol in an Aqueous Medium

A thesis submitted to the Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research in partial fuifillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science

Chemical Engineering

Department of Chemical and Materials Engineering

Edmonton, Alberta

Fa11 2000

Page 2: Kinetics of the Catalytic Dehydration of 2-Propanol in an ... · Kinetics of the Catalytic Dehydration of 2-Propanol in an Aqueous ... The reaction kinetics over silicalite was

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Page 3: Kinetics of the Catalytic Dehydration of 2-Propanol in an ... · Kinetics of the Catalytic Dehydration of 2-Propanol in an Aqueous ... The reaction kinetics over silicalite was


The liquid-phase catalytic dehydration of 2-propanol was investigated in a batch

slurry reactor. Alumina, zeolite 13X, SAPO-5 and silicalite are al1 active in the liquid

phase dehydration of 2-propanol at 463 K with silicalite being the most active catalyst.

Propylene was found to be the major reaction product, with diisopropyl ether and acetone

formed in trace amounts. The reaction kinetics over silicalite was determined at a

temperature range of 434 - 463 K and at a concentration range of 4 - 10 mol % 2-

propanol in water. A single site Langmuir-Hinshelwood-Hougen-Watson type

rnechanism was found to describe the kinetic data well. The rate equation was determined

to be

r = ~ K , c , / ( L + K,C, + K,c,)

The activation energy over silicalite was deterrnined to be 226.8 kJ/mol while the heat of

adsorption model parameters for 2-propanol and water were -45.5 and -9.6 kJ/mol,

respective1 y.

A simplified first order rate model was also found to descnbe the kinetic data well

at low 2-propanol concentrations. An activation energy of 195.8 kJ/mol was detennined

over silicalite. For the purpose of designing an appropriate separation process for

wastewater purification it is recomrnended that the simple first order model be used, due

to its simplicity and accuracy at low 2-propanol concentrations.

Page 4: Kinetics of the Catalytic Dehydration of 2-Propanol in an ... · Kinetics of the Catalytic Dehydration of 2-Propanol in an Aqueous ... The reaction kinetics over silicalite was


The completion of this thesis would not have been possible without the gracious

assistance of several fine individuals in this department. 1 would like to thank my

supervisor Dr. Ku1 Chuang for his patience and encouragement throughout this work and

for suggesting this very interesting project.

I would also like to thank Dr. Qinglin Zhang for his many invaluable suggestions,

for his assistance in helping me wnte this thesis and for sharing his knowledge with me

through many enlightening discussions.

1 would like to thank Andrée Koenig for her assistance in the analyticai aspects of

this project. The outstanding work done by Walter Boddez and Richard Cooper of the

instrument shop and Bob Scott and James McKinnon of the machine shop on the

experimental apparatus is greatly appreciated.

1 am extremely grateful for the generous financial assistance provided by the

University of AIberta and the Natural Science and Engineering Research Council.

1 would like to thank my fellow graduate students for providing a stimulating and

enjoyable atmosphere during my stay here in Edmonton.

1 will always be in debt to my parents, Roch and Lise Rivard for their love and

support in whatever 1 chose to embark upon. They are without a doubt, the finest

individuals 1 have ever met.

Page 5: Kinetics of the Catalytic Dehydration of 2-Propanol in an ... · Kinetics of the Catalytic Dehydration of 2-Propanol in an Aqueous ... The reaction kinetics over silicalite was

Table of Contents

1 Introduction

1. L 2-Propanol Dehydration

1.2 Mechanism of 2-Propanol Dehydration over Soiid Acid Catalysts

1 -2.3 Zeolites - H Z M - 5 Substitutional Series

1.2.4 Silicoalurninophosphates

1-2.5 Ion Exchange Resins

1 -3 Problem Definition

1.4 Nomenclature

1 -5 Literature Cited

2 Experirnental

2.1 Experirnental Apparatus

2.2 Analysis Techniques and Experimental Procedure

3 Kinetic Modeling

3.1 Determination of the Rate of Formation of Propylene

3.2 Determination of the Rate Equation

3 -2.1 Single-Site Mode Adsorption with the Water Term

Excluded (SSM- 1)

3.2.2 Single-Site Mode Adsorption with the Water Term

Included (SSM-2)

Page 6: Kinetics of the Catalytic Dehydration of 2-Propanol in an ... · Kinetics of the Catalytic Dehydration of 2-Propanol in an Aqueous ... The reaction kinetics over silicalite was

3.2.3 Dual-Si te Mode Adsorption with the Water Term

Excluded (DSM- 1)

3.2.4 Dual-site Mode Adsorption with the Water Term

IncIuded (DSM-2)

3.3 Nomenclature

3 -4 Literature Cited

4 Experimental Results and Discussion

4.1 Determination of the Vapor-Liquid Equilibria for

2-PropanoWater System

4.2 Cataiys t Screening

4.2.1 Preliminary Screening

4.2.2 Validation of Irreversible Reaction

4.3 Mass Transfer Limitations

4.4 Kinetic Study

4.5 Catalyst Loading

4.6 First Order Mode1

4.7 Nomenclature

4.8 Literature Cited

5 Conclusions and Recornmendations

5.1 Conclusions

5.2 Recommendations for Future Work

5.2.1 Simulation of Wastewater Purification Process

5.2.2 Hydration of Propylene over Solid Acid Catalysts

Page 7: Kinetics of the Catalytic Dehydration of 2-Propanol in an ... · Kinetics of the Catalytic Dehydration of 2-Propanol in an Aqueous ... The reaction kinetics over silicalite was

5.2.3 Effect of Silica/AIurnina Ratio on the Rate of

Propylene Formation

5.2-4 Effect of Metal Ion Concentration in Wastewater

on the Rate of Propylene Formation

5 -3 Literature Cited


A l Maple V Worksheet for the Determination of the Amount

of Propylene Produced

A2 Raw Data for the Kinetic Runs

Page 8: Kinetics of the Catalytic Dehydration of 2-Propanol in an ... · Kinetics of the Catalytic Dehydration of 2-Propanol in an Aqueous ... The reaction kinetics over silicalite was

List of Tables

Critical Constants of Reactants, Products and Inerts

COSTALD Correlation Parameters

BET Surface Area for the Screened Catalysts

Enthalpy and Gibbs Free Energy of Formation and the Temperature

Dependency of the Heat Capacity for Reactant and Products

Parameters and Predictions of the Developed LHHW Kinetic Models

Catalyst Screening Raw Data: Alumina

Catalyst Screening Raw Data: Zeolite 13X

Catalyst Screening Raw Data: Silicalite S- 1 15 Si02 ExT.

Catalyst Screening Raw Data: SAPO-5

Extemal Mass Transfer Raw Data: Stirrer Speed = 883 rpm

Externai Mass Transfer Raw Data: S tirrer Speed = 1004 rpm

Externai Mass Transfer Raw Data: Stirrer Speed = 1 1 82 rpm

Interna1 Mass Transfer Raw Data: 100- 170 Mesh Particle Size

Internai Mass Transfer Raw Data: 20-30 Mesh Particle Size

A2- 10 Temperature Dependence Raw Data: 463 K

A2.11 Temperature Dependence Raw Data: 453 K

A2.12 Temperature Dependence Raw Data: 444 K

A213 Temperature Dependence Raw Data: 434 K

A2.14 Concentration Dependence Raw Data: 8 mol % lnitial

2-PropanoVWater Concentration in the Feed at 463 K

A2. 15 Concentration Dependence Raw Data: 6 mol % initial

2-PropanoWVater Concentration in the Feed at 463 K

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A2.16 Concentration Dependence Raw Data: 4 mol % initial

2-Propanol/Water Concentration in the Feed at 463 K

A2- 1 7 Catal ys t Reusability Raw Data: Used Catdyst at 463 K

A Z 18 Catdyst Loading Raw Data: 0.762 wt 70

A2-19 Catdyst Loading Raw Data: 1.106 wt %

Page 10: Kinetics of the Catalytic Dehydration of 2-Propanol in an ... · Kinetics of the Catalytic Dehydration of 2-Propanol in an Aqueous ... The reaction kinetics over silicalite was

List of Figures

E2 Mechanism for 2-Propanol Dehydration (S 1 = Lewis Basic

Site, S2 = Lewis Acid Site): Fikis, D. V.,W. J. Murphy and

R. A. Ross, Cun. J. Chem. 56,2530-2537 (1978)

El Mechanism for 2-Propanol Dehydration (S = Bronsted Acid

Site, 0: de Miguel, S. R., A.C. Martinet, A. A. Castro, and

O. A. Scelza, J. Chem. Tech. Biotechnol. 65, 13 1-136 (1996)

Experimental Setup

Minirnization of Function fi for the Detemination of the

van Laar Binary Parameters: ( ) 433 K, ( . ) 443 K, ( A ) 453 K,

( + ) 463 K, ( - ) van Laar mode1 fit

Minimization of Function f2 for the Deterrnination of the

van Laar Binary Parameters: ( ) 433 K, ( . ) 443 K, ( A ) 453 K,

( + ) 463 K, ( - ) van Laar model fit

Minirnization of Function f j for the Deterrnination of the

van Laar Binary Pararneters: ( ) 433 K, ( . ) 443 K, ( A ) 453 K.

( + ) 463 K, ( - ) van b a r model fit

The Equilibriurn Pressure versus Liquid Composition : PRSV Equation

of State with the van Laar Excess Gibbs Free Energy Model:

(+)433 K, (@)443 K, ( A ) 4 5 3 K, ( 1 ) 4 6 3 K,

(-) van Laar mode1 fit 55

Temperature Dependence of the B i n w Pararneters for the van Laar

excess Gibbs Free Energy Model (1 = 2-Propanol, 2 = Water):

( A C12, ( ) C21 56

X-Ray Diffraction Pattern for the Screened Catalysts:

1 = S-115 AI2o3 ExT., 3 = S-115 Si02 ExT., 3 = SAPO-5,

4 = Zeolite 13X, 5 = Ahmina

Catalyst screening - Reaction Temperature = 463 K, Stirrer Speed

= 1004 rpm, 30-40 Mesh Particle Size (Except Powder SAPOJ),

1.5 wt % Catalyst Loading, 10 mol % 2-Propanol N a t e r Feed

Page 11: Kinetics of the Catalytic Dehydration of 2-Propanol in an ... · Kinetics of the Catalytic Dehydration of 2-Propanol in an Aqueous ... The reaction kinetics over silicalite was

Chemicd Equilibrium Constant for the Liquid-Phase

Dehydration of 2-Propanol to Propylene at Various

Reaction Temperatures

influence of Reactor Temperature and Initial 2-Propanol

Concentration on the Equilibrium Conversion of 2-Propanol

to Propylene in a Batch Slurry Reactor

Effect of Stirrer Speed on the Observed Rate of Propylene

Formation over Silicalite S- 1 15 N203 : 10 mol % 2-Propanol /

water feed, 100- 170 mesh particle s i x , 463 K

Reac tion Temperature

Effect of Particle Size on the Observed Rate of Propylene

Formation over Silicalite S-115 &O3 : 10 mol % 2-Propanol /

water feed, 1080 rpm Stirrer Speed, 463 K Reaction Temperature

Comparison of Experirnental Rate Data with the Fitted SSM-2

Model at a Temperature Range of 434 - 463 K: ( + ) 434 K,

( A ) 444 K, ( ) 453 K, ( 1 ) 463 K, (-1 SSM-2 Model Fit

Temperature Dependence of the Kinetic Parameters k,

Determined from the Fitted SSM-2 LHHW Mode1

Temperature Dependence of the Adsorpti on/Desorp tion

Equilibrium Constants Determined from the Fitted

SSM-2 LHHW Model: ( + ) 2-Propanol, ( 1 ) Water

Comparison of SSM-2 Model Prediction with the Rate of

Propylene Produced under Different Initial ZPropanol Mole

Fraction: ( A ) 4 mol % 2-Propanol Feed, ( 0 6 mol %

2-Propanol Feed, ( 1 ) 8 moi % 2-Propanol Feed,

( ) 10 mol % 2-Propanol Feed, (-) SSM-2 Model

Comparison of X-Ray Diffraction Pattern of Fresh

Silicalite (S- 1 15 Ai203 ExT.) with Reacted Silicalite:

1 = Fresh, 2 = Reacted

Page 12: Kinetics of the Catalytic Dehydration of 2-Propanol in an ... · Kinetics of the Catalytic Dehydration of 2-Propanol in an Aqueous ... The reaction kinetics over silicalite was

4.17 Silicaiite S- 1 15 A i 2 0 3 ExT. Catalyst Reusability: Initial 2-Propanol

Concentration of 10 mol %, 30-40 Mesh Particle Size, 1080 rpm

Stirrer Speed, Reaction Temperature of 463 K: Used Catalyst

Reacted for 2.5 Hours

4.18 Effect of Silicalite S-115 A l 2 0 3 ExT. Loading on the Rate of

Propylene Formation: 10 mol % 2-Propanol Feed at a Reaction

Temperature of 463 K: ( ) 1.556 wt %, (A) 1.106 wt %,

( 1 ) 0.762 wt 96, (-) SSM-2 Model Fit

4.19 Effect of Silicalite S-115 A l 2 0 3 ExT. Loading on the Kinetic

Parameters: 10 mol % 2-Propanol Feed at a Reaction

Temperature of 463 K

4.20 Concentration Dependence of 2-Propanol on the Rate of Propylene

Formation at 463 K:( A ) 4 mol % 2-Propanol Feed, ( 0 6 mol %

2-Propanol Feed, ( 11) 8 mol % 2-Propanol Feed, ( ) 10 mol %

2-Propanol Feed, (-) 1" Order Model Fit

4.2 1 Cornparison of Experimental Rate Data with the Fitted lsL Order

Model at a Temperature Range of 434 - 463 K: ( + ) 434 K, ( A )

444 K, ( ) 453 K, ( 1 ) 463 K, (-) 1" Order Model Fit

4.22 Temperature Dependence of the Kinetic Parameters k, Determined

from the Fitted 1" Order Mode1

5.1 Effect of Metal Ions Present in Tap Water on the Rate of

Propylene Formation and Catalyst Deactivation: LO mol %

2-Propanol Feed, Reaction Temperature of 463 K (Used Catalyst

from Tap Water Reaction used in Kinetic Run with Deionized

Water in the Feed)

Page 13: Kinetics of the Catalytic Dehydration of 2-Propanol in an ... · Kinetics of the Catalytic Dehydration of 2-Propanol in an Aqueous ... The reaction kinetics over silicalite was

Chapter 1


The increased industrial usage of water in recent years has led to an increase in

the volume of wastewater effluent [Terzis, 19941. Wastewater from various industries,

such as pharmaceutical, cosmetic, textile, and rubber contain aliphatic organic solvents

which are ofien flarnrnable, malodorous and potentially toxic to aquatic organisms

[Henry et al., 19961. 2-Propanol is a cornmon organic solvent and its removal from

wastewater is an important environmental issue.

Wastewater containing 2-propanol c m be purified in many manners. Distillation,

aerobic biological treatment WcKinney and Jeris, 1955 ; Hatfield, 1957; Ludzack and

Ettinger, 19601 and anaerobic biological treatment [Hovious et al., 1973; Chou et al.,

1978; Terzis, 1994; Henry et al., 19961 are known methods in punfying wastewater

containing 2-propanol. These methods are not without their flaws. Distillation is very

energy intensive and the 2-propanoYwater separation may be complicated if the 2-

propanol concentration of the wastewater approaches the azeotropic value. Biological

treatment of wastewater may require further disinfection via chlorination to ki11 harmfu1

bacteria. Although 2-propanol has not been found in the literature to be toxic to the

microorganisms in biological treatment processes [Ludzack and Ettinger, 1960; Chou et

al., 19781, it can be expected that a high concentration of 2-propanol in wastewater would

be potentially harmful to the organisms.

It is known that 2-propanol c m dehydrate in the presence of an acid catalyst to

form propyIene and water. tn the literature, vapor-phase catalytic dehydration reactions

are often carried out in plug-flow reactor systems with little or no water in the feed. The

Page 14: Kinetics of the Catalytic Dehydration of 2-Propanol in an ... · Kinetics of the Catalytic Dehydration of 2-Propanol in an Aqueous ... The reaction kinetics over silicalite was

use of a vapor-phase reactor to convert 2-propanol to propylene is expensive because of

the large amount of energy required to vaporize the aqueous 2-propanoVwater feed. For

this reason, the reaction must be conducted in the liquid-phase. The liquid-phase

dehydration of 2-propanol has potential application for wastewater purification where 2-

propanol is present as an impurity.

Catalytic distillation is a potential separation process for wastewaters containing

2-propanol as an impurity. Making use of a solid acid catalyst, 2-propanol would

dehydrate in the liquid-phase to form propylene and water. This process is potentially

attractive because the propylene/water separation is much easier than the 2-

propanol/water separation. To design such a process, the liquid-phase 2-propanol

dehydration kinetics must first be deterrnined. The development of the kinetic mode1 is

the focus of this thesis.

1.1 - 2-Propanol Dehydration

It is well h o w n that alcohols c m dehydrate in the presence of solid acid catalysts

to form olefmic products [Pines and Manassen, 19661. In the case of 2-propanol, the

olefm produced is propylene

C3H80(1) * CJH6 (g) K ~ 2 9 8 = 0.094 (1.1.1)

AHoezg8 = 52.6 kJ mole-'

Depending on the relative strength of the solid acid, the dehydration product c m also

include ether, in the case of 2-propanol dehydration the product is diisopropyl ether

Page 15: Kinetics of the Catalytic Dehydration of 2-Propanol in an ... · Kinetics of the Catalytic Dehydration of 2-Propanol in an Aqueous ... The reaction kinetics over silicalite was

If the basic sites are sufficiently strong, alcohol dehydrogenation can also occur. For the

case of 2-propanol, the dehydrogenation product is acetone

C,H,O (1) - H, (g) + ~3H60(1) K L198 =4.15 x IO-' (1.1.3)

Moe 298 = 69.9 kJ mole-'

The vapor-phase dehydration of 2-propanol is widely used as a reaction to

quditatively characterize the acidity of solid cataiysts and to study the mechanism of the

catalytic dehydration of alcohols over solid acids [Jain and Pillai, 1968; Jacobs et al.,

1977; Gervasini and Auroux, 199 1 ; Gervasini et al., 19971. Gervasini and Auroux (199 1)

concluded that the 'humber, the nature and the strength of the acid sites affect the

catalytic activity".

The vapor-phase dehydration of 2-propanol over a y-alumina catalyst has been

proposed for propylene production LRkuhara et al., 19911, although it is not a common

practice to do so.

Several solid acid catalysts have been reported to be active in the vapor phase

dehydration of 2-propanol. It is known that some metal oxide catalysts, such as alurnina,

possess acidic properties, which are usefül in dehydration reactions. Gamma alurnina (y-

A1203) is a solid acid known to be active in the vapor-phase dehydration of 2-propanol.

The acid-base properties of alurnina and ion-exchanged alurnina have been well studied

in the literature [Pines and Haag, 1960; Jain and Pillai, 1967; de Mougues et al., 1967;

Knozinger and Ratnasamy, 1978; Knozinger and Stübner, 1978; Luy and Parera, 1986;

Berteau et al., 1987; Auroux and Gervasini, 1990; Gervasini and Auroux, 199 1 ; Mostafa

et al., 1991; de Canio et al., 1992; Saad et al., 1993; Gervasini et al., 1995; Shi and Davis,

1995; de Miguel et al., 1996; Gervasini et al., 1997; El-Hakam and El-Sharkawy, 19981.

Page 16: Kinetics of the Catalytic Dehydration of 2-Propanol in an ... · Kinetics of the Catalytic Dehydration of 2-Propanol in an Aqueous ... The reaction kinetics over silicalite was

There has been recent interest in the activity of alurnina in reactions requiring strong

acids. Solid acid catdysts, such as alumina, are known to be active in the chemical

abatement of some chemical pollutants. A process has been proposed to use y-alumina in

ceramic filters for flue gas cleaning [Saracco and Montanaro, 1995; Saracco and

Specchia, 1995a,b]. The use of ceramic as a porous filter allows for a high temperature

to be used, as conventional polymer-based filter bags cannot withstand temperatures

exceeding 200 OC. Once the filters are activated with a suitable catalyst (y-A1203), the

flue gas can be cleaned with a combined action of mechanical particulate removal and

catalytic abatement of some chemical pollutants, such as nitrogen oxides and volatile

organic compounds [Saracco and Montanaro, 1 9951.

Mixed oxides are often prepared to produce a material with properties superior to

a linear combination of the constituents pCoussef et al., 19921. Various mixed oxides

have been found in the literature to be active in the vapor-phase 2-propanol dehydration.

Some of these include myted oxides of SnOz with P205 and V205 [Ai, 1975a,b], silica

(Sioz) with Mg0 and SnOz [Youssef et al., 1992; Sdas et al., 19971, and Mo03 with

SnOa, Fe203, P205, and Ti02 [Ai and Suzuki, 1973; Tanabe et al., 1986; Bond et al.,

19941. A special series of mixed oxides containing alumina and silica (silica-aluminates)

are known to be very active in the dehydration of 2-propanol woussef et al., 1990; L6pez

et al., 19921. Their acidity and catalytic activity are related to the AVSi ratio.

Recently, zeolites have been given attention because of their hi& activity in

reactions involving stmng acids. The vapor-phase dehydration of 2-propanol over

various zeolite molecular sieves is discussed in the literature [Jacobs et al., 1977; Yue and

Olaofe, 1 984ab; Bezoukhanova and Kalvachev, 19941. Other solid acids such as

Page 17: Kinetics of the Catalytic Dehydration of 2-Propanol in an ... · Kinetics of the Catalytic Dehydration of 2-Propanol in an Aqueous ... The reaction kinetics over silicalite was

duminophosphates w s h r a et al., 1998; El-Sharkawy et al., 19991 and ion exchange

resins [Gottifiedi et al., 19681 are also known to be active in the vapor-phase dehydration

of 2-propanol.

1.2 - Mechanism of 2-Propanol Dehydration over Solid Acid Catalysts

1.2.1 -Alumina

The mechanism of alcohol dehydration over a solid acid catalyst was fmt studied

using active alumina m e s and Manassen, 1966; Jain and Pillai, 19671. Alumina is

known to be active in reactions requiring strong acids, such as hydrocarbon cracking and

alcohol dehydration. Amphoteric oxides, such as alumina, have a balanced strength of

acid and basic sites [Gervasini et al., 19971. There has been considerable debate upon the

nature of these acid and basic sites. The general consensus is that the active sites on

alumina consists of electron pair donors (Lewis bases) and electron pair acceptors (Lewis

acids). Using FT-IR spectroscopy of adsorbed pyridine, Berteau and CO-workers (199 1)

found no Brmsted-acid sites on alumina and modified aluminas. Knozinger and Kaerlein

(197 1) previously concluded that alumina surfaces do not develop Br~nsted acidity at

temperatures up to 300 OC which are strong enough to protonate pyridine.

The formation of Lewis acidity on the dehydrated surface of alumina was

postulated by a mode1 suggested by Hindin and Weller (1956).

OH OH Heat + 0- I I 1

O- Al -O-Al -O O- Al -O-Al -O I I \ I I \ -Hfl I I \ I I \

The resulting structure contains coordinately unsaturated aluminum atoms.

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An E2 type mechanism has been proposed for 2-propanol dehydration over

aiumina to form propylene [Krylov, 1965 ab; Fikis et al., 1978; de Miguel et ai., 1996;

Gervasini et al., 19961. The acid site induces the abstraction of the hydroxyl group and

the basic site induces the abstraction of the P-hydrogen. Figure 1.1 illustrates the E2

dehydration mechanism for olefm formation, where Si and Sz represent the basic and

acidic sites respectively.

1.2.2 - Silica-Alumina

Silica-alurnina is a mixed metai oxide catalyst commonly used in alcohol

dehydration reactions. On pure aiurnina, the Lewis-acid site consists of an aluminum

atom which is incompletely coordinated (electron pair acceptor). Unlike pure alurninas,

both Brsnsted and Lewis acids occur on silica-aluminas because of the isomorphous

substitution of tetravalent silicon by trivalent aluminium in the silica lattice [Berteau et

al., 199 11. The aluminurn atom, which is normally hexacoordinated, is forced to adopt a

tetracoordinated structure. The alurninum atom in the silica-alumina Iattice behaves as a

Lewis acid in the absence of water and as a Brsnsted acid in the presence of water. It is

generally accepted that silica-aluminas contain both Brsnsted and Lewis acid sites

[Basila et al., 1964; Pripiat et al., 1965; Luy and Parera, 19861. Breinsted acidity is

believed to be responsible for the catalytic activity of silica-alumina [Thomas, 19491,

hence it has been proposed that Zpropanol dehydrates via an Ei type mechanism [Luy

and Parera, 19861. Unlike the E2 mechanism, which requires both acid and basic sites,

the El mechanism only requires acids and involves a carbenium intermediate. This

carbenium cation is later transfonned to an olefm by proton abstraction. This mechanism

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Step 'l - -. /-C --- -.... -b.

Hf C " O -H


s1 s2

Step 3

Figure 1.1 - E2 Mechanism for ZPropanol Dehydration (Si = Lewis Basic Site, Sr =

Lewis Acid Site): Fikis, D. V., W. J. Murphy and R. A. Ross, Can. J. Chem. 56,2530-

2537 (1 978)

Page 20: Kinetics of the Catalytic Dehydration of 2-Propanol in an ... · Kinetics of the Catalytic Dehydration of 2-Propanol in an Aqueous ... The reaction kinetics over silicalite was

is illustrated in Figure 1.2. A more detailed explanation of El and E2 mechanisms can be

found in the literature [Lowry and Richardson, 1 98 11.

1.2.3 - Zeolites - HZSM-5 Substitutional Series

Zeolites are a class of hydrated aluminum silicates consisting of a 3D network of

-Al-O-Si- atoms in the fonn of linked tetrahedra [Tanabe, 19701. They differ fiom silica-

alurninas in terms of their crystal structure and acidity. There is evidence to suggest that

zeolites, notably H-ZSM-5, act as Bransted acids [Anderson et al., 1980; Bolis et al.,

19801. Gorte and CO-workers confirmed the Brmsted acidity of ZSM-5 zeolites by the

characterization of 2-propanol adsorption by temperature prograrnmed desorption (TPD),

thermogravimettric analysis (TGA) and transmission infiared spectroscopy [Grady and

Gorte, 1985; Aronson et ai., 1986; 19871.

The structural alurninum atoms responsible for the Brmsted acidity of H-ZSM-5

zeolites are very dilute, due to the zeolitefs highly siliceous nature- This dilution causes

the active sites to be similar in nature [Grady and Gorte, 19851 as illustrated in the linear

increase in hexane cracking with aluminum content [Olson et al., 19801. Despite the

dilute concentration of acid sites on £3-ZSM-5 zeolites, the sites thernselves are strong

and are active in reactions requiring strong acids, such as catalytic cracking. Tt has been

proposed that alcohols dehydrate to propylene over zeolites via an Ei mechanism [Jacobs

et al., 19771. 2-Propanol can aIso dehydrate over zeolites to form diisopropyl ether,

although both acid and basic sites are involved in the mechanism.

1.2.4 - Silicoaluminophosphates

Silicon and alurninum in the zeolite framework can be isomorphously substituted

by elements such as gallium, cerium, beryllium, boron, iron, phosphorus, and magnesium

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CH3- CH- CH3 I Step 1

CH3- CH- CH3

1 Step 2

Step 3 CH3- CH- CH3 -

1 Step 4

Figure 1.2 - El Mechanism for 2-Propanol Dehydration (S = Brmsted Acid Site, H+): de

Miguel, S. R., A. C. Martinez, A. A. Castro, and 0. A. Scelza, J. Chem. Tech.

Biotechnol. 65, 13 1- 136 (1 996)

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[Chu and Chang, 19851. Much attention has been drawn to the introduction of

pentavalent phosphorus in the zeolite lattice PezouWianova and Kalvachev, L9941.

Aluminophosphates (AIPO) and silicoaluminophosphates (SAPO) have been synthesized

in this manner [Wilson et al., 1982; Lok et al., 19841. These molecular sieves have been

classified by x-ray and neutron diffraction planigen et al., 19881.

Silicoalurninophosphates are produced by a replacement of the pentavalent

phosphorus by tetravalent silicon [Bezoukhanova and Kalvachev, 19941. Based on the IR

spectra of cyclohexanol on SAPO-5, SAPO-11 and SAPO-3 1, it has been concIuded that

Bransted acid sites and hydrogen-accepting sites (probably basic in character) exist in

SAPO molecular sieves which is similar to what was found for H-ZSM-5 zeolites

pezoukhanova et al., 19911. The acidity and activity of SAPO molecular sieves are

related to the (Al + P)/Si ratio. Unlike H-ZSM-5 molecular sieves, a simple relation

between activity and the (Al + P)/S i ratio is not known.

1.2.5 - Ion Exchange Resins

Macroporous cation exchange resins, such as Arnberlyst 1 5 have recently found

use in the synthesis of MTBE [Subramaniam and Bhatia, 1987; Izqulerdo et al., 1992;

Nicolaides et al., 19931. These resins are a polyrneric three-dimensional cross-linked

structure obtained by the sulphonation of a copolyrner made of polystyrene and divinyl

benzene. The reaction mecbanism for aicohoI dehydration is strongly dependent on the

concentration of water as was deterrnined fiom the vapor-phase dehydration of methanol,

tertiary butyl alcohol and Zpropanol [Gates and Rodriguez, 1973; Thomton and Gates,

19741. There is a transition fiom catalysis by bound -S03H groups to hydrated protons

Page 23: Kinetics of the Catalytic Dehydration of 2-Propanol in an ... · Kinetics of the Catalytic Dehydration of 2-Propanol in an Aqueous ... The reaction kinetics over silicalite was

in the polyrner matrix upon addition of water. The catalytic activity is proportional to the

proton concentration.

The main problem with the use of polymer ion exchange resins is that they are

very sensitive to temperature and lose their activity at temperatures exceeding 393 K.

Current work is being performed to develop catalysts that are more thermally stable

peasly and Jokovac, 1984; Helfferich and Hwang, 1 9881.

1.3 - Problem D e f ~ t i o n

To design a process for a 2-propanohvater separation, kinetic data for 2-propanol

dehydration in an aqueous media are essential. Although the vapor-phase dehydration of

2-propanol has been well studied, there exists no information in the Iiterature on the

liquid-phase dehydration of 2-propanol. Furthemore, the influence of a high

concentration of water on the rate of 2-propanol dehydration is not well understood.

In this study, the performance of several well-known acid catdysts including

alumina, zeolite 13X, SAPO-5 and silicalite (similar to H-ZSM-5 in structure) were

evaluated with an initial 2-propanol concentration of IO mol % at 463 K in a batch s l w

reactor. The kinetic study was carried out at temperatures ranging from 434 to 463 K and

initial 2-propanol concentrations of 4 - 10 mol %. The kinetic equation was derived

based on a Langmuir-Hinshelwood-Hougen-Watson (LHHW) type reaction mechanism.

The LHHW method of generating rate modeIs is based on Langmuir adsorption and is

often used in developing rate models for heterogeneous catalytic reactions. LHHW

models have been used in developing rate equations for the catalytic vapor-phase 2-

propanol dehydration [Jacobs et al., 1977; Yue and Olaofe, 1984a; Harnzaoui and Batis,


Page 24: Kinetics of the Catalytic Dehydration of 2-Propanol in an ... · Kinetics of the Catalytic Dehydration of 2-Propanol in an Aqueous ... The reaction kinetics over silicalite was

1.4 - Nomenclature

A H 0 f = heat of formation, kJ mole-'

K = chernical equilibrium constant


298 = at298 K

L = liquid

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Chapter 2


2.1 - Experirnental Apparatus

Al1 experimental runs were conducted in a batch slurry reactor system (Figure

2.1). The reactor was a hi& pressure Parr reactor (Model 4841, Parr Instniments ïnc.

USA) made of SS-3 16 stainless steel. The vesse1 had a volume of 320 rnL and was

equipped with an impeller. A thennocouple (J-type) was used to rneasure the reactor

temperature and provide feedback to the heater/controller. The heating device/controller

was used to maintain a constant reactor temperature within t 1 K. The liquid sarnpling

line consisted of a 1/8-inch 0.d. stainless steel tube connected to a stainless steel sampling

valve. A pressure transducer (Foxboro electronic transmitter, Model 84 1 GM-D)

measured the reactor pressure at an accuracy of + 6.89 kPa.

2.2 - Analysis Techniques and Experimental Procedure

The liquid samples were analyzed using a Hewlett Packard 5890 Series II Gas

Chromatograph with a TCD detector. A 0.914 m long colurnn with Poropak R packing

(mesh 50-80) was used to separate 2-propanol, water, diisopropyl ether, and acetone.

Despite the formation of propylene as a dehydration product, propylene was not analyzed

in the liquid-phase by gas chromatography due to its low solubility in 2-propanol. The

column temperature was kept constant at 423 K.

During the kinetic m s , a h o w n amount of 2-propanol (analytical grade, BDH),

deionized water and dried catdyst were fed to the reactor. The 2-propanoVwater mixture

corresponds to a 2-propanol concentration between 4 - 10 mol %. This concentration

range was chosen to represent the concentrations one might expect to fmd in a typical

Page 35: Kinetics of the Catalytic Dehydration of 2-Propanol in an ... · Kinetics of the Catalytic Dehydration of 2-Propanol in an Aqueous ... The reaction kinetics over silicalite was


Figure 2.1 - Experirnental Seîup

Page 36: Kinetics of the Catalytic Dehydration of 2-Propanol in an ... · Kinetics of the Catalytic Dehydration of 2-Propanol in an Aqueous ... The reaction kinetics over silicalite was

wastewater stream, where 2-propanol will be present in low concentrations. Typically,

150 mL of the 2-propanoVwater mixture was added to the reactor so that approximately

one half of the vessel was initially fiiled with the liquid. The liquid expands at high

temperatures, hence room must be allocated in the vessel for this expansion.

The reactor was then purged with helium to remove air that rnight be present

initially in die reactor. Despite the fact that the catalytic reaction only occurs in the liquid

phase, we wish to minimize any possible reactions of the olefm product with air at high-

temperatures. For this reason, helium was used to provide an inert atmosphere.

The idet and outlet of the reactor were then closed. The amount of helium

initially present in the reactor prior to heating can be determined based on the initial

reactor temperature, pressure and vapor volume. The amount (moles) of helium initially

present in the reactor is necessary in performing the material balance on the reactor in

determining the reaction rate (see Chapter 3).

The reactor contents were then heated to the desired reaction temperature,

between 434 and 463 K. It will be later shown (Chapter 4, section 4.2) that there is a

negligible arnount of reaction product produced during the heating tirne. This

temperature range was chosen for three reasons. First, 434 K appears to be the minimum

temperature at which there is a noticeable amount of propylene produced in a reasonable

time penod (1.5 hours). Second, because accurate pressure measurements are essential in

the detemination of the reaction rate (Chapter 3), we are limited to reactor pressures less

than 4238 kPa, the range of accuracy of the pressure transducer. For this reason, a

maximum temperature of 463 K was chosen so that this maximum pressure was not

exceeded. Finally, the liquid-phase catalytic reaction may not be industrially feasible at

Page 37: Kinetics of the Catalytic Dehydration of 2-Propanol in an ... · Kinetics of the Catalytic Dehydration of 2-Propanol in an Aqueous ... The reaction kinetics over silicalite was

temperatures exceeding 463 K due to the high pressure required to liquee most of the


The reactor contents were stirred at 1080 rpm for 1.5 to 2.5 hours. The stirrer

speed was chosen to minimize the influence of extemai mass tramfer, which will be later

discussed (Chapter 4, section 4.3). During the catalyst screening tests, a small sample of

liquid (- 1 mL) was taken every half-hour and analyzed b y gas chromatography.

Page 38: Kinetics of the Catalytic Dehydration of 2-Propanol in an ... · Kinetics of the Catalytic Dehydration of 2-Propanol in an Aqueous ... The reaction kinetics over silicalite was

Chapter 3

Kinetic Modeling

3.1 - Determination of the Rate of Formation of Propylene

The rate of propylene formation per gram of catalyst in a batch slurry reactor can

be written in the following manner:

where a is the cumulative arnount of propylene produced, mc is the mass of catalyst, CA

is the liquid-phase 2-propanol concentration and Cw is the liquid-phase water


The batch slurry reactor consists of a liquid phase, where Zpropanol reacts over

the suspended solid catalyst to form dehydration products and a vapor phase, where the

reactants, products and inerts will be present. Since the dehydration occurs only in the

liquid phase, 2-propanol, water and product propylene can be assumed to be at their

vapor-liquid equilibrium at any given reaction tirne, t.

If the vapor and liquid phases are in equilibrium, the liquid and vapor phase

fugacity of component, i , are equal:

Theoretically, the above equation c m be solved by the use of an equation of state.

However, the use of a single equation of state to calculate the vapor-liquid equilibria is

reserved for highly ideal systems containing nonpolar compounds. For non-ideal systems

such as alcohoVwater systems, a "dual method" is often used to compute the phase

equilibria. An equation of state is used to mode1 the vapor phase where non-idealities are

Page 39: Kinetics of the Catalytic Dehydration of 2-Propanol in an ... · Kinetics of the Catalytic Dehydration of 2-Propanol in an Aqueous ... The reaction kinetics over silicalite was

not severe and an excess Gibbs fiee energy mode1 along with vapor-pressure data is used

to compute the liquid phase fùgacity. The liquid and vapor phase fiigacities in equation

3.1.2 can be rewritten in terms of total pressure, P, and the fugacity coefficient, 4 as



Equation 3.1.3 - 3.1.5 can be substituted into equation 3.1.2 to yield the following

relationship for the vapor-liquid equilibrium for a component i:

As the total pressure approaches zero, the vapor-phase fugacity coefficient 4;

approaches 1 and the value of P GoL approaches the saturation vapor pressure pfAT. At

low pressures, equation 3.1.6 simplifies to:

P y, = P:*~ xi (3.1.7)

A modified Peng-Robinson equation of state (PRSV), developed by Stryjek and

Vera (1986) is able to reproduce vapor pressures of nonpolar, polar or associating

compounds by calculating the product P $PL. The authors report a reproducibility of

vapor pressures down to 1.5 kPa, which is comparable to what can be calculated fkom

Antoine equations. For this reason, the PRSV equation of state was used in calculating

the liquid-phase fugacity coefficient for a pure cornponent $ P L . In general, most cubic

Page 40: Kinetics of the Catalytic Dehydration of 2-Propanol in an ... · Kinetics of the Catalytic Dehydration of 2-Propanol in an Aqueous ... The reaction kinetics over silicalite was

equations of state are considered to be able to reasonably descnbe the vapor-phase. For

this reason the PRSV equation of state was used to calculate the vapor-phase fugacity

coefficient for a component in a gas mixture 4;.

The Peng-Robinson equation of state [Peng and Robinson, 19761 is of the form:

RT p=-- a v - b v 2 + 2 b v - b 2


a = ( 0 . 4 5 7 2 3 5 ~ ~ ~ : 1 ~ , ) a


b = 0.077796R Tc 1 Pc

The form proposed by Soave (1972) was used in determining a.

In the PRSV equation of state, the mode1 parameter K is considered to be a function of the

accentric factor w and temperature:


K~ = 0.378893 + 1.48971530 - 0.1713 1848w2 + 0.0196554~1~ (3.1.13)

Table 3.1 gives the values of Tc, Pc, o and K I for water, 2-propanol, propyIene and


For computational convenience, equation 3.1.8 can be rewritten in tems of the

compressibility factor Z [Kyle, 19921 :

Page 41: Kinetics of the Catalytic Dehydration of 2-Propanol in an ... · Kinetics of the Catalytic Dehydration of 2-Propanol in an Aqueous ... The reaction kinetics over silicalite was

z3 +(B-1)z2 + ( A - ~ B ~ - ~ B ) z + ( B ~ + B ' -AB)=O


A = P~ / (RT)~


B = Pb/RT (3.1-16)

For a gas-mixture, the followïng conventional mking rules were used [Stryjek

and Vera, 19861:



The b i n q interaction parameter kij is set to zero because the non-idealities associated

with polar compounds and their mixtures are not as pronounced in the vapor-phase as in

the liquid-phase. When the temperature and pressure are fixed, equation 3.1.8 can be

solved for the molar volume u. Below the critical temperature, equation 3.1.8 has three

real roots. The smallest and largest roots correspond to the liquid and vapor saturated

molar volumes, respectively. When using a cubic equation of state to represent the P-u

isotherm for T < Tc, the region between UL and u~ is unstable. A cubic equation of state

is too simple to be able to accurately represent the P-u isotherm for the liquid-vapor

region and for this reason the calculated value of u between u~ and uc has no physical

significance. When using equation 3.1.14 to solve for the compressibility factor, Z, the

Page 42: Kinetics of the Catalytic Dehydration of 2-Propanol in an ... · Kinetics of the Catalytic Dehydration of 2-Propanol in an Aqueous ... The reaction kinetics over silicalite was

smallest and largest roots correspond to the Iiquid and vapor phase respectively. These

roots are used in calculating the fugacity coefficient 4.

For a pressure-explicit equation of state, the fugacity coefficient for a component

in a gas mixture is written mathematically as wyle, 19921 :

r Y

When evaiuated with the PRSV equation of state, this equation yields:


The liquid-phase fügacity coefficient for a pure component is written

mathematically for a pressure-explicit equation of state as [KyIe, 19921

which, when combined with the PRSV equation of state, yields

As mentioned previously, an equation of state is not sufficient to describe the

vapor-liquid equilibria for systerns containhg a mixture of polar compounds. The

activity coefficient, y i , which is dependent on the liquid-phase composition and

ternperature must be determined experimentally. The compositional dependency of the

activity coefficient is ofien rnodeled by making use of an excess Gibbs fiee energy


Page 43: Kinetics of the Catalytic Dehydration of 2-Propanol in an ... · Kinetics of the Catalytic Dehydration of 2-Propanol in an Aqueous ... The reaction kinetics over silicalite was

There are several excess Gibbs £iee energy models with varying degrees of

sophistication. Of the more notable models, the van Laar, Margules woh l , 19461,

Wilson Wilson, 19631, NRTL penon and Prausnitz, 19681 and the UNIQUAC [Abrams

and Prausnitz, 19751 models are often used in modeling the activity coefficients of buiary

and/or multicomponent mixtures. These models are semi-empirical and require

experimental data to fit the mode1 parameters. Unfortunately, vapor-Iiquid-equilibria

data for 2-propanoI/water mixtures at elevated temperatures are not readily available,

hence experiments were perfonned to determine these ernpirical constants.

The van Laar model was used due to its simplicity and accuracy in modeling 2-

propano Vwater vapor-liquid equilibria pergmann and Eckert, 199 11. The van Laar

excess Gibbs fkee energy model is written as:

The binary interaction parameters Cl' and CZi (1 = 2-propanol, 2 = water) were

determined at different temperatures by fitting pressure-liquid composition diagrams.

The following b c t i o n was minirnized over the range of 2-propanol concentration at a

constant temperature using non-linear least squares regression:

The temperature dependency of the van Laar binary parameters can be

thermodynarnically derived by taking the lirnits of equation 3.1.24 as component xi

approaches zero:

( W i ) X i = o =Ci (3.1.26)

Page 44: Kinetics of the Catalytic Dehydration of 2-Propanol in an ... · Kinetics of the Catalytic Dehydration of 2-Propanol in an Aqueous ... The reaction kinetics over silicalite was

The activity coefficient of component, i , approaches a definite lirnit as Xi becomes

smdler and smaller. This limit is often called the limiting activity coefficient at infinite

dilution. The governing thermodynamic relationship for the limiting activity coefficient

at infinite dilution is:

Over a small temperature range, the excess enthalpy at infinite dilution is considered to

be relatively constant. A plot of CG versus 1/T should yield a straight line. Despite the

validity of equation 3.1.27, it is not a common practice to determine the excess enthalpy

or the lirniting activity coefficient at infinite dilution with the above method, i.e. fitting

pressure-composition data with an excess Gibbs fiee energy model. An accurate

determination of these limiting pararneters is outside the scope of this thesis and is

detailed elsewhere [Bergmann and Eckert, 199 1 ; Slocurn and Dodge, 1964; Trampe and

Eckert, 1990; 199 11. With the binary pararneters of the van Laar equation known, the

vapor-liquid equilibrium can be completely described.

The amount of diisopropyl ether and acetone formed during the dehydration

reaction was assumed to be negligible compared to the arnount of propylene produced

and will be present in the wastewater in small amounts. The solubility of propylene at

elevated temperatures is small enough to be negligible. From the previous statements,

the following equation can be d e n to descnbe the liquid-phase composition:

X, =LX, (3.1.28)

The cumulative moles of propylene (a) formed at reaction time t can thus be

obtained fiom the reaction stoichiometry and the overall material balance:

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From the component b a h c e of helium and propylene and fkom equation 3.1 -29,

the vapor phase mole fractions of heiiurn and propylene are:

The relationship between the liquid-composition (2-propanol and water} with

their vapor counterparts is illustrated in equations 3.1 .6,3.1.2 1, 3.1.23 and 3.1 -24. The

reaction temperature T and the reactor pressure P are easily measured and are known to

high accuracy at any time t. To be able to completely describe the reactor contents, we

need to know, in addition, x ~ , y ~ , yw, L, a, and zG. The following outlines the set of

non-linear equations, which must be solved for each data point.

Compressibility Factor Z

Equation 3.1.10 must be solved for the largest root, which yields zG. PRSV

parameters A and B are functions of the vapor-composition as well, making the equation

highly non-linear.

Water Component Balance

Either the component balance for 2-propanol or the component balance for water

needs to be included to describe the system. From the overall material balance and the

reaction stoichiometry, the component balance for water is:

L(I-x,)+(M,, + a - ~ ) ~ , =MW, + a (3.1.32)

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Vapor-Liquid Equilibrium for 2-Propanol and Water

Making use of the PRSV equation of state and the experirnentally determined van

Laar parameters, the relationship between the liquid-phase components and their vapor-

phase counterparts are written as:

Y A ~ I =x,YA+A

Y W O G =(1-x,)Y,OO,L

Vapor-Phase Component Balance

From equations 3.1.30, 3.1.3 1 and the overall vapor-phase balance, the following

equation c m be obtained:

Equation of State for a Closed System

The final equation is derived fiom the physical limits imposed by the batch

reactor itself. A relationship between the reactor pressure, the vapor volume (hence the

liquid volume) and the moles of vapor in the vesse1 can be evaluated using the following

equation of state:

The saturated liquid densities p~ and pw can be calculated ushg the COSTALD

correlation pankinson and Thomson, 19791. The COSTALD correlation is surnmarized



Page 47: Kinetics of the Catalytic Dehydration of 2-Propanol in an ... · Kinetics of the Catalytic Dehydration of 2-Propanol in an Aqueous ... The reaction kinetics over silicalite was

v;' = l+a(l-~~)~~~+b(~-~~)~"+~(l-~~)+d(l-~,)~"


vi6' = e+feTR + g - ~ R 2 + h - ~ , ~ T, -1.00001

Characteristic volumes VO and accenûic factors fkom the Soave equation of state a,,

are given in Table 3.1. The empirical parameters for equations 3.1.38 and 3.1.39 (a - h)

are given in Table 3 -2. The above set of non-linear equations can be solved numencall y

using a commercial package (Maple V). The Maple V worksheet used to solve these

equations is found in Appendix A 1.

From the above analysis, the rate of reaction can thus be described using only

pressure and temperature data As many data points can be taken as required without

influencing the reactor condition. The only requirement of using such a method is to

have adequate vapor-liquid equilibrium W E ) data at our disposal. Since VLE data for

2-propanoVwater at elevated temperatures greater than 413 K are not readily available,

experiments were performed to acquire the required information.

3.2 - Determination of the Rate Equation

The Langmuir-Hinshelwood-Hougen-Watson (LHHW) method of generating rate

models based on Langmuir adsorption is ofien used in developing rate models for

heterogeneous catalytic reactions. This mode1 assumes that the adsorbed species are

attached to the catalyst surface at definite sites and each active site can only

accornmodate one adsorbed species. The energy of al1 the adsorbed species is the same

and is independent of the presence or absence of adsorbed species on adjacent sites.

Page 48: Kinetics of the Catalytic Dehydration of 2-Propanol in an ... · Kinetics of the Catalytic Dehydration of 2-Propanol in an Aqueous ... The reaction kinetics over silicalite was

Several LHHW models were developed for catalytic dehydration of 2-propanol in

the liquid phase. The adsorption/desorption of 2-propanol and/or water was assumed to

either occur via a single-site mode, where acid sites are involved or a dual-site mode,

where both acid and basic sites are involved. As well, the rate of propylene formation

was considered to be either uihibited or unaffected by the presence of water. For al1

models derived, the reaction was considered to be irreversible. The validity of this

assumption will be M e r discussed in Chapter 4. In al1 models, A, W, P, and S

represent 2-propanol, water, propylene and the active surface site respectively. The

LHHW rate models are derived below.

3.2.1 - SingleSite Mode Adsorption with the Water Term Excluded (SSM-1)

The SSM-1 model involves the chemisorption of 2-propanol on an active site

and a surface reaction to form 2-propanol and adsorbed water. In this model, fast

desorption of water was assumed, hence water will occupy no active sites during the

reaction. Only the fonvard reaction to form propylene and water will be considered.

This model is represented by the following mechanism:

A + S + + A - S (Step 1, chernisorption of 2-propanol)

A-S t, W - S +P(g) (Step 2, surface reaction)

W - S t , W + S (Step 3, desorption of water)

It can be seen that propylene is not an adsorbed entity, which is consistent with

other mechanisms previously developed for 2-propanol dehydration in the vapor phase

over solid acid catalysts [Youssef et al., 19921. Let the surface reaction, Step 2, be the

rate-detemining step, the overall rate of propylene formation c m be expressed in terms

of the fiaction of sites occupied by adsorbed 2-propanol 8, :

Page 49: Kinetics of the Catalytic Dehydration of 2-Propanol in an ... · Kinetics of the Catalytic Dehydration of 2-Propanol in an Aqueous ... The reaction kinetics over silicalite was

The rate of adsorption of 2-propanol is given by the Langmuir model as:

where the fiaction of active sites which are vacant, O,, can be expressed as:

In the LHHW method of developing kinetic equations, one step is considered to

be rate-determining, al1 other steps are considered to be at equilibrium. In this model, the

rate of 2-propanol adsorption is considered to be at equilibriurn. Setting equation 3.2.2

equal to zero yields:

8, =K,CAev,

where the equilibriurn adsorption constant for 2-propanol KA is defined as:

From equation 3.2.3, the fraction of active sites occupied by 2-propanol c m be

written as:

Substituting equation 3.2.6 into equation 3.2.1 yields the SSM- 1 kùietic model:

3.2.2 - Single-Site Mode Adsorption with the Water Term Inciuded (SSM-2)

The catdytic dehydration mechanism is sirnilar to what was proposed for the

SSM-1 model previously derived. The only exception is that the desorption of water is

Page 50: Kinetics of the Catalytic Dehydration of 2-Propanol in an ... · Kinetics of the Catalytic Dehydration of 2-Propanol in an Aqueous ... The reaction kinetics over silicalite was

not instantaneous, hence adsorbed water occupies active sites which are necessary for 2-

propanol dehydration which inhibits the reaction. The adsorption/desorption of both 2-

propanol and water are considered to be at equilibrium. The fiaction of active sites

occupied by water can be written as:

0, = K,C,8, (3.2.8)

The fraction of active sites occupied by 2-propanol is the sarne as in equation 3.2.4. The

fiaction of vacant active sites is written as:

8, =1-0, -€Iw (3.2.9)

Makuig use of equations 3.2.4, 3.2.8 and 3.2.9, the fraction of vacant active sites can be

written as:

Substituthg equation 3.2.10 into 3.2.4 and 3.2.1 yields the SSM-2 model:

3.2.3 - Dual-Site Mode Adsorption with the Water Term Excluded (DSM-1)

It has been proposed in the literature that the catalytic dehydration over a solid

acid cataiyst, notably metal oxides, require both acidic and basic sites [Youssef et al.,

19921. 2-Propanol dissociatively adsorbs on an acidic site and a neighboring basic site.

Figure 1.1 illustrates this proposed mechanism for olefin formation.

The previous two models assumed that 2-propanol adsorbs only on one type of

surface site, i.e. acid site. The following duai-site models attempts to incorporate the

above mechanism where both acid and basic sites are involved.

Page 51: Kinetics of the Catalytic Dehydration of 2-Propanol in an ... · Kinetics of the Catalytic Dehydration of 2-Propanol in an Aqueous ... The reaction kinetics over silicalite was

The so-called "dual-site" model, developed by Hougen and Watson (1 947), is

surnmarked by the following steps:

A + S @ A - S (Step l ,chemisorption of 2-propanol)

A - S t S t , W - S t P - S (Step 2, surface reaction)

P-S-P + S (Step 3, desorption of propylene)

W . S t , W + S (Step 4, desorption of water)

In the DSM-1 model, adsorbed 2-propanol reacts with an adjacent vacant site to

produced adsorbed water and propylene. Although the above steps do not strictly adhere

to the E2 mechanism proposed in the literature, it has found use in the literature to model

2-propanol dehydration in the vapor phase [Yue and Oloafe, 19841. In the proposed

"dual site" mechanism, two adsorption sites are required for propylene formation

aithough the sites themselves do not differ fiom one another. This assurnption is quite

different fiom the Et mechanism where acid and basic sites differ substantiaily fiom one


Since propylene is assumed to be a vapor-phase product, fast desorption of

propylene will be assumed for the denved dual site models. In the DSM- 1 model, fast

desorption is assumed for water, hence water will not occupy any active sites during the

reaction. The rate of propylene formation is written in the following manner:

(- rA) = rs = kSeAeV (3.2.12)

The rate of adsorption of 2-propanol on the acid catalyst surface is written in the

sarne manner as in equation 3.2.2. The fiaction of sites that contai.. adsorbed 2-propanol

and the fiaction of vacant sites are derived in the same manner as in the SSM-1 model

and are written as:

Page 52: Kinetics of the Catalytic Dehydration of 2-Propanol in an ... · Kinetics of the Catalytic Dehydration of 2-Propanol in an Aqueous ... The reaction kinetics over silicalite was

Making use of equations 3-2-12 - 3.2.14, the DSM-1 rate model was derived as:

3.2.4 - Dual-Site Mode Adsorption with the Water Term Included @SM-2)

In this model, 2-propanol dissociatively adsorbs on to an acid and basic site and

reacts to form propylene and water. The adsorption.desorption of water on the active

sites inhibits the rate of propylene formation by occupyhg active sites necessary for

propylene formation. The model is derived in a similar manner as in the DSM-1 model,

except the fiaction of sites occupied by water 8, is included in the mechanism. Making

use of equations 3.2.4, 3.2.10 and 3.2.12, the DSM-2 model was derived as:

Models SSM- 1, SSM-2, DSM- 1 and DSM-2, expressed mathematically in

equations 3.2.7, 3.2.1 1,3.2.15 and 3.2.16 respectively, will be used in the model

screening procedure. Mathematically, the single-site and dual-site models differ by the

exponent in the denominator. For models SSM-2 and DSM-2, the rate of propylene

formation is inhibited by the adsorption/desorption of water on the active sites. The rate

constant for the surface reaction should follow an Arrhenius type temperature

dependency. The temperature dependence of the adsorptioddesorption equilibriurn

Page 53: Kinetics of the Catalytic Dehydration of 2-Propanol in an ... · Kinetics of the Catalytic Dehydration of 2-Propanol in an Aqueous ... The reaction kinetics over silicalite was

constant Ki can be expressed in terms of the van't Hoff equation. The temperature

dependence of the kinetic and adsorption parameters can be expressed mathernatically as:

K~ = KP exp (-29 The above parameters were determined by fitting the LHHW models with

experirnental rate data The rate equation is integrated numerically with the trapezoidal

rule and the mode1 parameters were determined fiom least-squares non-linear regression.

The error to be minimized is written as:

where f(t) are the models expressed in equations 3.2.7, 3.2.1 1, 3 -2.1 5, and 3 -2.16. For

each data point, the absolute value of the error function, E, is determined. The sumrnation

of these absoiute errors over the set of data points was rninimized using the Solver option

in Microsofi Excel2000. The solver method chosen for the minimization procedure was

the "Standard GRG Non-linear" method. The search direction method was chosen

through an estimation method, because using the pure f o m of Newton's method is fx too

expensive. A quasi-Newton (or BFGS) rnethod, which maintains an approximation to the

Hessian rnatrix, was used instead. The derivatives were determined using a fonvard

difference approximation. Estimations for the fonvard difference approximation method

were determined using the "tangenttf method, which uses linear extrapolation fiom the

line tangent to the reduced objective function. Fcr these models, the liquid phase

concentration Ci is expressed as:

Page 54: Kinetics of the Catalytic Dehydration of 2-Propanol in an ... · Kinetics of the Catalytic Dehydration of 2-Propanol in an Aqueous ... The reaction kinetics over silicalite was


3.3 - Nomenclature

a ,b

A, B

















= equation of state parameters for the PRSV equation of state

= dimensionless tems, A = Pa /(RT)'; B = Pb/RT

= parameten for the COSTALD correlation

= binary constant for the van Laar equation

= liquid phase concentration of component, mole L"

= activation energy, kJ mole-'

= figacity of component, P a

= heat of adsorption, kJ mole-'

= partial rnolar excess enthalpy of component i at infinite dilution, kJ mole-'

= binary interaction parameter for the PRSV equation of state

= rate constant for 2-propanol dehydration, moles g-l min-'

= adsorptioddesorption equilibrium constant, L mole-'

= pre-exponential factor for the rate constant, mole g-' min1

= adsorptioddesorption pre-exponential factor, L mole-'

= moles of liquid, mole

= mas, g

= moles of component prior to reaction, mole

= molecular weight of component, g / mole

= number of moles, mole

= pressure, kPa

Page 55: Kinetics of the Catalytic Dehydration of 2-Propanol in an ... · Kinetics of the Catalytic Dehydration of 2-Propanol in an Aqueous ... The reaction kinetics over silicalite was

= rate of formation, mole g-' min-'

= gas constant, 8 -3 145 1 J mole-' K"

= time, min

= temperature, K

= moles of vapor, mole

= corresponding States h c t i o n for normal fluids (COSTALD)

= deviation fùnction for COSTALD correlation

= saturated liquid volume, L mole-'

= characteristic volume, L mole-'

= liquid mole fraction

= vapor mole fiaction

= compressibility factor

Greek Letters

= cumulative amount of propylene produced at tirne t, mole

= fünction of reduced temperature and accentric factor (Soave)

= error in regression fit, mole; kPa

= fugacity coefficient

= activity coefficient

= function of reduced temperature and accentric factor (PRSV)

= fünction of accentric factor

= pure compound parameter

= fraction of active sites occupied by component i

Page 56: Kinetics of the Catalytic Dehydration of 2-Propanol in an ... · Kinetics of the Catalytic Dehydration of 2-Propanol in an Aqueous ... The reaction kinetics over silicalite was








i, j







ev = fiaction of vacant sites

P = saturated liquid density, g r d - '

C = summation

v = molar volume, rn3 mole-'

O = accentric factor

C ~ ~ R K = accentric factor fiom the Soave equa


= initial, t = O

= adsorption

= 2-propanol

= at critical conditions

= catdyst

= desorption

= experirnental

= heliurn

= component

= propylene

= reduced

= at catalyst surface

= at saturated conditions

= total

= water

.tion of sta

Page 57: Kinetics of the Catalytic Dehydration of 2-Propanol in an ... · Kinetics of the Catalytic Dehydration of 2-Propanol in an Aqueous ... The reaction kinetics over silicalite was


O = pure phase

00 = Uifinite dilution

G = gas phase

L = liquid phase

V = vapor phase

Page 58: Kinetics of the Catalytic Dehydration of 2-Propanol in an ... · Kinetics of the Catalytic Dehydration of 2-Propanol in an Aqueous ... The reaction kinetics over silicalite was

Table 3.1 - Critical Constants of Reactants, Products and Inerts

Com ponent

2-Propanol Water

Propyiene Helium

PC ~1 O I v ( k W (L mole-')

Table 3.2 - COSTALD Correlation Parameters

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3.4 - Literature Cited

Abrarns, D. S. and J. M. Prausnitz, "Statistical Thermodynamics of Liquid Mixtures : A

New Expression for the Excess Gibbs Energy of Partly or Completely Miscible

Systerns", AIChE J. 21, 1 16- 128 (1975)

Bergmann, D. L. and C. A. Eckert, "Measurement of Limiting Activity Coefficients for

Aqueous Systems by Differential Ebulliometry", Fluid Phase Equilibria 63, 14 1 - 1 50

(1 99 1)

Hankinson, R. W. and G. H. Thomson, "A New Correlation for Saturated Densities of

Liquids and Their Mixtures", MChE J. 25,653-663 (1979)

Hougen, O. A. and K. M. Watson, "Chernical Process Principles", Part 3, John Wiley and

Sons, New York (1947)

Kyle, B. G., "Chernical and Process Thermodynamics", 2"* Ed., Prentice Hall,

Englewood Cliffs (1992)

Peng, D. Y. and D. B. Robinson, "A New Two-constant Equation of State", Ind. Eng.

Chern. Fund. 15,59-64 (1976)

Renon, H. and J. M. Prausnitz, "Local Composition in Thermodynamic Excess Functions

for Liquid Mixtures", AlChE J. 14, 135- 144 (1 968)

Slocurn, E. W. and B. F. Dodge, "Activity Coeficients at infmite Dilution : 2-Propanol -

Water System", D E J. 10, 364-368 (1964)

Soave, G., "Equilibnum Constants fkom a Modified Redlich-Kwong Equation of State",

Chern. Eng. Sci. 27, 1 197-1203 (1972)

Stryjek, R. and J. H. Vera, "PRSV: An Improved Peng-Robinson Equation of State for

Pure Compounds and Mixtures", Can. J. Chern. Eng. 64,323-333 (1986)

Page 60: Kinetics of the Catalytic Dehydration of 2-Propanol in an ... · Kinetics of the Catalytic Dehydration of 2-Propanol in an Aqueous ... The reaction kinetics over silicalite was

Trampe, D. M. and C . A. Eckert, "CaIorimetric Measurement of Partial MoIar Excess

Enthalpies at 1nf:inite Dilution", J. Chem. Eng. Data 36, 1 12-1 18 (1 991)

Trampe, D. M. and C. A. Eckert, "Lirniting Activity Coefficients fiom an Improved

Differentid Boiling Point Technique", J. Chem. Eng. Data 35, 156-162 (1990)

Wilson, G. M., "Vapor-Liquid Equilibnum. XI. A New Expression for the Excess Free

Energy of Mixingf', J. Am. Chem. Soc. 86, 127-130 (1964)

Wohl, K., "Thermodynamic Evaluation of Binary and Temary Liquid Systems", Tram.

Al ChE 42,215-249 (1946)

Youssef, A. M., 1. B. Khalil and B. S. Girgis, "Decornposition of Isopropanol on

Magnesium Oxide/Silica in Relation to Texture, Acidity and Chemicai Composition",

Appl. Catal. A 81, 1- 13 (1992)

Yue, P. L. and 0. Oloafe, Xinetic Anaiysis of the Catalytic Dehydration of Alcohols

over Zeolites", Chem, Eng. Res. Des. 62, 8 1-9 1 (1 984)

Page 61: Kinetics of the Catalytic Dehydration of 2-Propanol in an ... · Kinetics of the Catalytic Dehydration of 2-Propanol in an Aqueous ... The reaction kinetics over silicalite was

Chapter 4

Experimental Results and Discussion

4.1 - Determination of the Vapor-Liquid Equilibria for 2-PropanoVWater System

Total pressure-liquid composition data were collected over a temperature range of

433 to 463 K with a 2-propanol concentration range of 2 - 10 mol % using a procedure

similar to that described in Chapter 2, but without added catalyst. Making use of

appropriate material balances, the binary parameters for the van Laar equation can be

determined fiom the total pressure at a particular temperature and the initial amounts of

2-propanol, water and helium added to the reactor. The following details the methods

used to accornplish this. The liquid phase will contain only water and 2-propanol, since

no reaction will occur when the catalyst is absent.

The liquid-phase Zpropanol mole fiaction can be written in tems of the vapor-phase

mole fraction y* and the total moles of liquid, L, at equilibrium by making use of the

total material balance for the system and the component balance for 2-propanol:

The vapor-phase water mole fiaction c m also be written in terms of the vapor-phase 2-

propanol mole fraction y* and the total moles of liquid, L, at equilibriurn by making use

of the helium component balance, the overall material balance and the vapor-phase

Page 62: Kinetics of the Catalytic Dehydration of 2-Propanol in an ... · Kinetics of the Catalytic Dehydration of 2-Propanol in an Aqueous ... The reaction kinetics over silicalite was

If the binary parameters of the van Laar equation Ciz and C2, are known (see equation

3.1.24), the equilibrium value of yA and L can be determined by making use of the vapor

liquid equilibrium of 2-propanoVwater and an appropriate equation of state for a closed

system. These two minirnization equations will be referred to as f i and f2

Vupar-Liquid Equiiibria for 2-Propanol

Equation of State for a Closed System

The determination of the fugacity coefficients, saturated liquid densities and the

compressibility factor are outlined in Chapter 3, section 3.1.

The binary constants for the van Laar equation have to be detemined

experimentally. An additional function must be developed and mùiimized for each data

point in addition to the functions derived above. Making use of the vapor-liquid

equilibna for water, the following minirnization function, fi, was developed:

Function f3 was minimized by non-linear least-squares regression by varying the binary

parameters of the van Laar equation. The minirnization procedure is outlined in Chapter

3, section 3 -2. The vapor-phase mole fiaction of 2-propanol and the equilibrium amount

Page 63: Kinetics of the Catalytic Dehydration of 2-Propanol in an ... · Kinetics of the Catalytic Dehydration of 2-Propanol in an Aqueous ... The reaction kinetics over silicalite was

of liquid in the vessel were calculated by minirnizing fùnctions f i and fi. The results of

these minimization procedures are shown in Figures 4.1 - 4.3. Figure 4.1 compares the

calculated value of yA with what is expected fiom the van Laar equation (fi). Figure 4.2

compares the experimental pressure value P with the pressure calculated using an

equation of state for a closed system (f2). The calculated value of the vapor-phase mole

fiaction of water, yw determined fiom material balances is cornpared to the mole-fraction

determined fiom the van Laar equation in Figure 4.3 (f3).

The ability of the van Laar mode1 to fit the experirnental pressure-liquid

composition data is illustrated in Figure 4.4. A very good fit is found for 2-propanol

concentrations greater than 6 mol % over the range of temperatures tested. The

temperature dependence of the binary parameters, as expressed mathematically in

Chapter 3, equation 3.1.23, is shown in Figure 4.5. It should be noted that these

parameters were determined under a relatively small range of 2-propanol concentrations.

Caution should be exercised in extrapolating these parameters to other concentration

ranges. An accurate description of the vapor-liquid equilibria for the entire range of

concentration O < XA < 1 is outside the scope of this thesis. The temperature dependence

of the van Laar binary constants are determined to be:

The contents of the reactor vessel can now be cornpletely described using only pressure-

temperature data.

Page 64: Kinetics of the Catalytic Dehydration of 2-Propanol in an ... · Kinetics of the Catalytic Dehydration of 2-Propanol in an Aqueous ... The reaction kinetics over silicalite was

0.00 0 .O2 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.10 0.1 2

Initial 2-Propanol Mole Fraction, x;

Figure 4.1 - Minirnization of Function fi for the Determination of the van Laar Binary

Parameters: ( O ) 433 K, ( . ) 443 K, ( A ) 453 K, ( ) 463 K, ( - ) van Laar mode1 fit

Page 65: Kinetics of the Catalytic Dehydration of 2-Propanol in an ... · Kinetics of the Catalytic Dehydration of 2-Propanol in an Aqueous ... The reaction kinetics over silicalite was

0.00 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 O 0.12

Initial 2-Propanol Mole Faction,

Figure 4.2 - Minirnization of Function ft for the Determination of the van Laar Binary

Parameters: (CI) 433 K, ( 1 ) 443 K, ( A ) 453 K, ( + ) 463 K, (-) van Laar mode1 fit

Page 66: Kinetics of the Catalytic Dehydration of 2-Propanol in an ... · Kinetics of the Catalytic Dehydration of 2-Propanol in an Aqueous ... The reaction kinetics over silicalite was

0.00 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.10 0.12

Initial 2-Propand Mole Fraction, x*O

Figure 4.3 - Minimization of Function f3 for the Determination of the van Laar Binary

Parameters: (0) 433 K, ( N ) 443 K, ( A ) 453 K, ( ) 463 K, (-) van Laar mode1 fit

Page 67: Kinetics of the Catalytic Dehydration of 2-Propanol in an ... · Kinetics of the Catalytic Dehydration of 2-Propanol in an Aqueous ... The reaction kinetics over silicalite was

0.00 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 0 0.12

Initial 2Propanol Mole Fraction. s0

Figure 4.4 - The Equilibrium Pressure versus Liquid Composition : PRSV Equation of

State with the van Laar Excess Gibbs Free Energy Model: (*) 433 K, ( a) 443 K, ( A )

453 K, ( I ) 463 K, ( - ) van Laar mode1 fit

Page 68: Kinetics of the Catalytic Dehydration of 2-Propanol in an ... · Kinetics of the Catalytic Dehydration of 2-Propanol in an Aqueous ... The reaction kinetics over silicalite was

Figure 4.5 - Temperature Dependence of the Buiary Parameters for the van Laar Excess

Gibbs Free Energy Mode1 (1 = 2-propanol, 2 = water): ( A ) Ctz, ( I ) Czr

Page 69: Kinetics of the Catalytic Dehydration of 2-Propanol in an ... · Kinetics of the Catalytic Dehydration of 2-Propanol in an Aqueous ... The reaction kinetics over silicalite was

4.2 - Catalyst Screening

4.2.1 - Preliminary Screening

Various metal oxide and molecular sieve solid acid catalysts with varying

acidities and hydrop ho bicities were screened for 2-propanol dehydration activity. These

include samples of active alumina, zeolite 13X (Aldrich; 20,3864-7), SAPO-5 (MHZN2-

34, Laval University, PQ, Canada), silicalite with a silica binder (S- 1 15 SiOl ExT., UOP,

LOT 15228-32), and silicalite with an alumina binder (S- 1 15 A1203 ExT., UOP, LOT

09296-29C). The BET surface areas for the screened catdysts and their x-ray diEaction

patterns are found in Table 4.1 and Figure 4.6 respectively. Alurnina and zeolite 13X

were selected for screening due to the fact that they are known to be active in the vapor-

phase dehydration of 2-propanol.

HZSM-5 catalysts are known to be active in the vapor-phase catdytic dehydration

of ethano1 in the presence of water phillips and Datta, 1997; Schulz and Bandemann,

1994; Le van Moa et al., 1990; Oudejans et al., 19821. The dehydration rnechanism of

ethanol and 2-propanol are considered to be very similar. For this reason, HZSM-5 type

zeolites were considered for screening. The silicalite catalysts were chosen because they

are very hydrophobie Flanigen et al., 19781, which is an attractive property for

wastewater applications and they are considered to be structurally sirnilar to =SM-5

catalysts [Olson et al., 1980; Rees, 19821.

Silicoaluminophosphates, such as SAPO-5, are known to be active in reactions

requinng strong acids [Hedge at al., 19881. The results of the catalyst screening are

shown in Figure 4.7. The 2-propanol conversion is defined as the mole percent of 2-

propanol that is converted to propylene.

Page 70: Kinetics of the Catalytic Dehydration of 2-Propanol in an ... · Kinetics of the Catalytic Dehydration of 2-Propanol in an Aqueous ... The reaction kinetics over silicalite was

Figure 4.6 - X-Ray Difiaction Pattern for the Screened Catalysts: 1 = S- 1 15 Al7O3

ExT., 2 = S-115 Si@ ExT., 3 = SAPO-5,4 = Zeolite 13X, 5 = Ahmina

Page 71: Kinetics of the Catalytic Dehydration of 2-Propanol in an ... · Kinetics of the Catalytic Dehydration of 2-Propanol in an Aqueous ... The reaction kinetics over silicalite was

O S-115 A1203 ExT. = S-115 Si02 ET. A SAP04 x Alumina - A1203 A Zeolite 13X

O 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Reacüon Time. min

Figure 4.7 - Cataiyst screening - Reaction Temperature = 463 K, Stirrer Speed = 1004

rpm, 400 - 595 p m Particle Size (Except Powder SAPO-5), 1.6 wt % Catalyst Loading,

10 moI % 2-PropanolMrater Feed

Page 72: Kinetics of the Catalytic Dehydration of 2-Propanol in an ... · Kinetics of the Catalytic Dehydration of 2-Propanol in an Aqueous ... The reaction kinetics over silicalite was

For al1 catalysts tested, propylene is the major reaction product. Only trace amounts of di

isopropyl ether and acetone were fomd. These results justie the assumption of a

negligible amount of other components in the liquid phase except water and 2-propanol.

Further analysis of the liquid samples indeed confirmed that negligible arnounts of

propylene are present in the liquid phase.

S-115 &O3 ExT was found to be the most active catalyst among the screened

samples, followed by S-115 SiOz ExT. In an aqueous media, the rate of propylene

formation may depend on the number and strength of acid sites and also on the

hydrophobicity of the catalyst. It has been found previously that silicalite is both more

hydrophobie and more acidic than SAPO-5 Pedge et al., 19881. This may explain the

higher activity of the silicalite catalysts compared to the SAPO-5 catalyst. It should be

noted that the acidity and hydrophobicity of zeolites, such as silicalite, are dependent on

the silicdalumina ratio [Olson et al., 19801. However, more tests are needed with respect

to catalyst acidity and hydrophobicity in order to make defmite conclusions with regards

to the influence of these parameters on the catalytic activity in the aqueous phase. For al1

kinetic runs, silicalite S-1 15 Alz03 ExT is the cataiyst used to determine the kinetic


4.2.2 - Validation of Irreversible Reaction

From the preliminary catalyst screening, the assumption that 2-propanol

dehydrates to propylene irreversibly can be validated by calculating the equilibrium

conversion in the batch slurry reactor and comparing this conversion with what was

found experirnentally. A theoretical equilibrium conversion which far exceeds the

Page 73: Kinetics of the Catalytic Dehydration of 2-Propanol in an ... · Kinetics of the Catalytic Dehydration of 2-Propanol in an Aqueous ... The reaction kinetics over silicalite was

conversion attained in the transient mode would indicate that the reaction is not

approaching its equilibrium conversion, hence a reverse reaction would not be


The equilibrium conversion calculations were performed by making use of the

reactor equations developed in Chapter 3, section 3.1. For the equilibriurn conversion

calculations the final reactor pressure is not known, hence an additional equation is

required to describe the equilibrium product composition. The previous assurnptions

made with regards to the liquid phase composition and the reaction products are assumed

to apply for these calculations as well. In terms of the component activities, the

equilibriurn constant is given as




Substituting equations 4.2.2 - 4.2.4 into 4.2.1 yields

Page 74: Kinetics of the Catalytic Dehydration of 2-Propanol in an ... · Kinetics of the Catalytic Dehydration of 2-Propanol in an Aqueous ... The reaction kinetics over silicalite was

To cdculate the equilibrium composition fiom the above equation, the

equilibrium constant must be detemrined at the required temperature. The temperature

dependence of K is h o w n thermodynamically to be wyle, 19921:

where the standard enthalp y change for the reaction AHo is written as:

where the heat capacity for the reactants and products have the following temperature


Empincal constants a, b, c, and d for gaseous propylene and liquid water and 2-propanol

are given in Table 4.2.

Making use of the temperature dependence of the standard enthalpy change of the

reaction and equation 4.2.6, the equilibrium constant can be expressed as

The standard enthalpy change AHo and the integration factor 1 were determined to be 67.3

kJ moled1 and 165.3 respectively. The equilibrium constants at a temperature range of

433 to 463 K are shown in Figure 4.8. The liquid-phase dehydration of 2-propanol to

form propylene is an endotherrnic reaction, therefore the equilibrium constant and the

equilibrium 2-propanol conversion increases with increasing temperature.

Page 75: Kinetics of the Catalytic Dehydration of 2-Propanol in an ... · Kinetics of the Catalytic Dehydration of 2-Propanol in an Aqueous ... The reaction kinetics over silicalite was

Figure 4.8 - Chernical Equilibrium Constant for the Liquid-Phase Dehydration of 2-

Propanol to Propylene at Vanous Reaction Temperatures

Page 76: Kinetics of the Catalytic Dehydration of 2-Propanol in an ... · Kinetics of the Catalytic Dehydration of 2-Propanol in an Aqueous ... The reaction kinetics over silicalite was

Chernical equilibrium is attained when equation 4.2.5 and the exponential of

equation 4.2.9 are equai. Making use of the equations deveIoped in Chapter 3, section

3.1 and this additional equation, the equilibrium conversion of liquid 2-propanol to

propylene was calculated at a temperature range of 433 to 463 K at 2-propanol

concentrations of 4 - 10 mol %. The results of these calculations are given in Figure 4.9.

As is expected fiom Figure 4.4, the equilibrium conversion increases with increasing

temperature. As well, the presence of water in the reactor feed is expected to inhibit the

equilibrium conversion tu propylene, as can be seen in equation 4.2.5.

It should be noted that these equilibrium conversions were calculated for the

experimental batch slurry reactor used to determine the rate data. They do not

necessarily reflect the highest conversion one would expect in an industrial setting. As

the reactor is operating in a batch mode, the reactor pressure is allowed to increase as

volatile propylene is being produced. As can be seen in equation 4.2.5, a high pressure

lowers the equilibrium conversion to propylene. If propylene were to be continuously

removed (for example, in a catalytic distillation column) very high conversions would be


When comparing Figure 4.7 to 4.9, it is very evident that, even with the relatively

active silicalite S-115 Al7O3 catalyst, the reaction is far fiom its equilibrium conversion,

even after 1.5 hours. At 463 K with an initial 2-propanol concentration of 10 mol %, the

conversion of 2-propanol over silicalite S-115 A1203 was 5.1 % after 90 minutes. The

equilibrium conversion at these conditions was calculated to be 35.3 %, aimost seven

times higher than the conversions attained during the kinetic nins. These results indicate

Page 77: Kinetics of the Catalytic Dehydration of 2-Propanol in an ... · Kinetics of the Catalytic Dehydration of 2-Propanol in an Aqueous ... The reaction kinetics over silicalite was

0.00 O .O2 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.10 0.1 2

Initial 2-Propand Concentration in the Aqueous Feed,

Figure 4.9 - Influence of Reactor Temperature and Initial 2-Propanol Concentration on

the Equilibnum Conversion of 2-Propanol to Propylene in a Batch Slurry Reactor

Page 78: Kinetics of the Catalytic Dehydration of 2-Propanol in an ... · Kinetics of the Catalytic Dehydration of 2-Propanol in an Aqueous ... The reaction kinetics over silicalite was

that the assumption of an irreversible reaction in the development of the kinetic mode1 in

Chapter 3 (section 3.2) appears to be reasonable.

4.3 - Mass Transfer Limitations

Heterogeneous catal ytic reactions can be said to occur through the fo llowing steps

Step 1 -

Step 2 -

Step 3 -

Step 4 -

Step 5 -

Step 6 -

Step 7 -

Transport of reactant material to the catalyst surface

Diffision of the reactant through the porous structure to the active

catalyst surface

Chemisorption of the reactant on to the active site(s)

Catalytic surface reaction to form reaction product(s)

Desorption of reactants from the active site(s)

Diffision of reaction products through the porous structure to the bulk


Transport of the reactant matenai tIirough boundary layer to the bulk


The extemai mass transfer is described in steps 1 and 7. Interna1 mass transfer

through the porous catdyst via molecular and pore difision is described in steps 2 and 6.

The surface reaction, which consists of the adsorptioddesorption of the

reactants/products and the surface reaction are detailed in steps 3-5. The observed rate of

reaction depends on d l of the above steps. True surface reaction rates can only be

directly determined fiom rate data if the experiments are performed under conditions

where the observed rate is not limited by diffusional processes, otherwise the mass

transfer processes must be modeled.

Page 79: Kinetics of the Catalytic Dehydration of 2-Propanol in an ... · Kinetics of the Catalytic Dehydration of 2-Propanol in an Aqueous ... The reaction kinetics over silicalite was

The region where the extemal mass transfer is no longer rate limiting was

determined by varying the stirrer speed. Tests with silicalite S-115 A1203 ExT. at 463 K

with a cataiyst loading of 1.57 weight %, an initial 2-propanol concentration of 10 mol %

and a cataiyst particle size of 90 - f 50 pn indicates that extemal m a s transfer is no

longer rate lirniting at stirrer speeds greater than 1080 rpm (Figure 4. f 0). It can be

expected that when an initial concentration less than 10 mol % is used, the kinetic

experiments will still be performed in a region where the extemal mass transfer is not rate


The transport of reactant molecules from the surface of the catalyst to the bulk

fluid through the boundary layer c m be expressed as [Levenspiel, 19721

where CAb and CAS are the liquid phase concentïations of 2-propanol in the bulk and at

the surface respectively. The liquid phase mass transfer coefficient k l can be expressed

using the following correlation for highly turbulent mixers [Geankoplis, 19931

where the Schmidt number, Nsc, is d e h e d as

The above correlation is valid when the agitation power is hcreased beyond that needed

for the suspension of solid particles and the turbulent forces become larger than the

gravitational forces. The ratio is the power input per unit volume. Power

consumption is related to the fluid viscosity of the continuous phase pc , the fluid density

Page 80: Kinetics of the Catalytic Dehydration of 2-Propanol in an ... · Kinetics of the Catalytic Dehydration of 2-Propanol in an Aqueous ... The reaction kinetics over silicalite was

+ 883 rpm T - x O

1004 rprn Y O x O x O

A 1080 rpm a O * O I

Reaction Time, min

Figure 4.10 - Effect of Stirrer Speed on the Observed Rate of Propylene Formation over

Silicalite S- 1 15 A1203 : 10 mol % 2-propanollwater feed, 90 - 150 pn particle size, 463

K Reaction Temperature

Page 81: Kinetics of the Catalytic Dehydration of 2-Propanol in an ... · Kinetics of the Catalytic Dehydration of 2-Propanol in an Aqueous ... The reaction kinetics over silicalite was

of the continuous phase p, , the impeller rotation speed N, and the impeller diameter Da.

The power consumption, P, can be related to the above physicai conditions through

experirnental curves for various impeller types [Geankoplis, 19931 using the foIIowing

dimensiodess parameters


From equations 4.3.3 - 4.3.5, it can be seen that the Schmidt number and the power

consumption will remain nearly constant for initial 2-propanol concentrations less than

10 mol % because of the weak concentration dependency of the bulk fluid properties. It

can then be concluded that the external mass transfer coefficient k; will remain nearly

constant at a constant impeller stirrer speed. For this reason, the stirrer speed which

minimizes the influence of extemal mass transfer on the observed rate of propylene

formation for a 10 mol % 2-propanol feed will also minimize the influence of extemal

mass transfer on initial 2-propanol concentrations slightly lower than 10 mol %.

The region where the intemal mass transfer is no longer rate limiting was

determined by varying the catalyst particle size and observing its influence on the

observed rate of propylene formation. Tests at 463 K at a catalyst loading of 1.57 weight

%, an initial 2-propanol concentration of 10 mol % and a stirrer speed of 1080 rpm

indicate that intemal mass transfer is not rate lirniting at particle size ranges of 595 - 850

Fm, 400 - 595 Fm and 90 - 150 pm (Figure 4.1 1).

Page 82: Kinetics of the Catalytic Dehydration of 2-Propanol in an ... · Kinetics of the Catalytic Dehydration of 2-Propanol in an Aqueous ... The reaction kinetics over silicalite was

zi- g 0.040 3 'P O O

O 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160

Reaction Tme, min

Figure 4.11 - Effect of Particle Sue on the Observed Rate of Propylene Formation over

Silicalite 5-1 15 A1203 : 10 mol % 2-propanoVwater feed, 1080 rpm Stirrer Speed, 463 K

Reaction Temp erature

Page 83: Kinetics of the Catalytic Dehydration of 2-Propanol in an ... · Kinetics of the Catalytic Dehydration of 2-Propanol in an Aqueous ... The reaction kinetics over silicalite was

4.4 - Kinetic Study

AU kinetic experirnents were conducted at a stirrer speed of 1080 rpm with 400 -

595 p m particle sizes. A 10 mol % 2-propanoVwater mixture was fed to the reactor dong

with 1.57 weight % silicalite S-115 M2O3 ExT. catalyst. Reaction rates were detemined

at 434,444,453, and 463 K. The experkental data were fitted with several Langmuir-

Hinshelwood-Hougen-Watson (LHHW) type rate equations derived in Chapter 3

(equations 3.2.7,3.2.11, 3.2.15, and 3.2-16). Mode1 parameters, such as activation

energies and the heats of adsorption, calculated fiom the above fitted models are given in

Table 4.3.

A good kinetic model should not only be able to fit the experimental data, but it

should be able to predict the reaction rates under different conditions. To this end,

additional kinetic runs were carried out at 463 K for 2-propanol feed concentrations of 4,

6, and 8 mol %. This concentration range was chosen because it is in a dilute region,

which would correspond to typical wastewater concentrations. A concentration of 2 mol

% 2-propanol was not performed because the van Laar equation did not fit this dilute

region well (Figure 4.4). The kinetic parameters established using the 10 mol % initial 2-

propanol concentration kinetic runs were in turn used to predict the rate of propylene

formation at other initial 2-propanol concentrations.

It can be seen in Table 4.3 that the SSM-2 model, which has single-site adsorption

of both 2-propanol and water in the rate model is best able to predict the rate of propylene

formation for 2-propanol concentrations ranging from 4 - 10 mol %. This is consistent

with the El type mechanism, involving only acid sites, which was proposed for 2-

propanol dehydration to propylene over zeolite catalysts (Chapter 1). Both models that

Page 84: Kinetics of the Catalytic Dehydration of 2-Propanol in an ... · Kinetics of the Catalytic Dehydration of 2-Propanol in an Aqueous ... The reaction kinetics over silicalite was

include the water adsorption/desorption parameter were better able to predict the rate of

propylene formation than the models that did not include this term in the equation. This

indicates that water does in fact inhibit the rate of propylene formation, despite the

relative high hydrophobicity of silicalite. This partly explains the poor dehydration

activity of some of the hydrophilic catalysts such as zeolite 13X and SAPO-5 found

during the catal yst screening (Figure 4.7).

Figure 4.12 illustrates the arnount of propylene produced with varying tirne at

several reaction temperatures with the fitted SSM-2 model. The model gives a good fit of

the experirnental data for temperatures between 434 and 463 K. The temperature

dependency of the rate constant, as seen in Chapter 3 (equation 3.2.17) is shown in Figure

4.13. As can be seen fiom Figures 4.12 and 4.13, the rate of propylene formation is

strongly dependent on temperature. This high activation energy indicates that the kinetic

data were obtained in a region where the diffusionai effects are not rate limiting. The

temperature variation of the adsorption constants for the SSM-2 rate model is shown in

Figure 4.14. The adsorption plots have positive dopes, which indicates that the heat of

adsorption is exothermic. It should be noted that these calculated heats of adsorptions are

mode1 parameters only and do not necessarily reflect any real physical phenornena. It has

been found in the literature that calculated heats of adsorption are strongly dependent on

the type of model used, i.e. single versus dual-site [Yue and Oloafe, 19841. The

calculated heats of adsorption for the SSM-2 model are much lower than one would

expect to fmd for chemisorption.

The ability of the SSM-2 model to predict the rates of propylene formation at

lower 2-propanol concentrations is demonstrated in Figure 4.15. It can be seen that the

Page 85: Kinetics of the Catalytic Dehydration of 2-Propanol in an ... · Kinetics of the Catalytic Dehydration of 2-Propanol in an Aqueous ... The reaction kinetics over silicalite was

O 20 40 60 80 1 O0 120 140 160 Time, min

Figure 4.12 - Cornparison of Experimental Rate Data with the Fitted SSM-2

Model at a Temperature Range of 434 - 463 K: ( ) 434 K, ( A ) 444 K, ( ) 453 K, (

R ) 463 K, (-) SSM-2 Model Fit

Page 86: Kinetics of the Catalytic Dehydration of 2-Propanol in an ... · Kinetics of the Catalytic Dehydration of 2-Propanol in an Aqueous ... The reaction kinetics over silicalite was

Figure 4.13 - Temperature Dependence of the Kinetic Parameters k, Determined fiom

the Fitted SSM-2 LHHW Mode1

Page 87: Kinetics of the Catalytic Dehydration of 2-Propanol in an ... · Kinetics of the Catalytic Dehydration of 2-Propanol in an Aqueous ... The reaction kinetics over silicalite was

Figure 4.14 - Temperature Dependence of the Adsorption/Desorption Equilibrium

Constants Determined h m the Fitted SSM-2 LHHW Model: ( ) 2-Propanol, ( I )


Page 88: Kinetics of the Catalytic Dehydration of 2-Propanol in an ... · Kinetics of the Catalytic Dehydration of 2-Propanol in an Aqueous ... The reaction kinetics over silicalite was

O 20 40 60 80 100 120 160

fime. min

Figure 4.15 - Comparison of SSM-2 Model Prediction with the Rate of Propylene

Produced under Different Initial 2-Propanol Mole Fraction: ( A ) 4 mol % 2-Propanol

Feed, ( A ) 6 mol % 2-Propanol Feed, ( ) 8 mol % 2-Propanol Feed, ( O ) 10 mol % 2-

Propanol Feed, (-) SSM-2 Model

Page 89: Kinetics of the Catalytic Dehydration of 2-Propanol in an ... · Kinetics of the Catalytic Dehydration of 2-Propanol in an Aqueous ... The reaction kinetics over silicalite was

SSM-2 mode1 is able to adequately predict the rates of propylene formation, but the fit is

not perfect. Upon inspection of Figure 4.15, one would assume that a reverse reaction is

occurring dwing the reaction. However, as was illustrated in section 4.2.2 of this

Chapter, a reversible reaction was not significant during the kinetic mns. Another

possible explanation for the apparent &op in propylene formation would be due ta

catalyst deactivation. Fresh and used samples of silicalite S- 1 15 A1203 ExT. were

exarnined using x-ray difiaction and BET. The used sample indicates a catalyst that was

used for a typical kinetic nui at a reaction temperature of 463 K for a duration of 2 hours.

An observable change in the catalyst structure before and after the kinetic run would

indicate that deactivation does occur during the run. The x-ray diffraction pattern for the

fiesh and 'used' catalyst is illustrated in Figure 4.16. From the x-ray difiaction pattern,

there does not appear to be any noticeable difference in the catalyst structure before and

d e r the dehydration run. The BET surface area for the £resh and used catalyst was

determined to be 320.9 and 342.0 m2 g-' respectively; this difference in surface area is not

significant. Based on the above measurements, the structure of the silicalite catalyst does

not appear to undergo any significant stnicturd change during the course of the kinetic

nui. Kinetic experirnents on silicalite were performed using a fkesh catalyst and a used

catalyst that was reacted at 463 K with an initial 2-propanol concentration of 10 mol %

for 2.5 hours. As can be seen in Figure 4.1 7, there does not appear to be any significant

deactivation of the catalyst &er the kinetic m. The apparent drop in propylene

formation illustrated in Figure 4.15 cannot be attnbuted to the reversible reaction or

catalytic deactivation. This indicates that a simple LHHW type rate equation is not

sufficient to completely describe the observed phenornena, especially at high water

Page 90: Kinetics of the Catalytic Dehydration of 2-Propanol in an ... · Kinetics of the Catalytic Dehydration of 2-Propanol in an Aqueous ... The reaction kinetics over silicalite was

Figure 4.16 - Cornparison of X-Ray Difiaction Pattern of Fresh Silicalite (S- 1 15 A120s

ExT.) with Reacted Silicalite: 1 = Fresh, 2 = Reacted

Page 91: Kinetics of the Catalytic Dehydration of 2-Propanol in an ... · Kinetics of the Catalytic Dehydration of 2-Propanol in an Aqueous ... The reaction kinetics over silicalite was

Cumulative Amount of Propylene Produced per Gram of Catalyst Fed, moles g''

Page 92: Kinetics of the Catalytic Dehydration of 2-Propanol in an ... · Kinetics of the Catalytic Dehydration of 2-Propanol in an Aqueous ... The reaction kinetics over silicalite was

concentrations. It is possible that a change in the reaction mechanism at very high water

concentration may occur. Despite the deviations, the SSM-2 model does provide a very

reasonable prediction of propylene formation. This kinetic model can be used in a

suitable simulation package to design an appropriate wastewater purification process at

an accuracy of k 8.8 %.

4.5 - Catalyst Loading

The effect of the catalyst loading on the rate of propylene formation was

determïned by performing kinetic runs at catalyst loadings of 0.762 wt %, 1.106 wt %

and 1 -556 wt %. The experirnents were perfomed at 463 K at an initial 2-propanol

concentration of 10 mol %. The results of these experiments and the fitted SSM-2 model

are given in Figure 4.1 8. The calculated kinetic parameters should not be affected b y the

catalyst loading, otherwise the assumption of a uniformly mixed vesse1 is invalid. As can

be seen in Figure 4.19, the calculated kinetic parameters appear to be independent of the

catal yst loading.

The established LHHW rate equation is:

Page 93: Kinetics of the Catalytic Dehydration of 2-Propanol in an ... · Kinetics of the Catalytic Dehydration of 2-Propanol in an Aqueous ... The reaction kinetics over silicalite was

O 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160

Reaction Time, min

Figure 4.18 - Effect of Silicaliîe S-115 AlrOs ExT. Loading on the Rate of Propylene

Formation: 10 mol % 2-Propanol Feed at a Reaction Temperature of 463 K: (0) 1.556

wt %, (A) 1.106 wt %, ( 1 ) 0.762 wt %, (-) SSM-2 Modef Fit

Page 94: Kinetics of the Catalytic Dehydration of 2-Propanol in an ... · Kinetics of the Catalytic Dehydration of 2-Propanol in an Aqueous ... The reaction kinetics over silicalite was

0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 .O 1 2 1.4 1.6 1.8

Initiai Catalyst Loading, weight %

Figure 4.19 - Effect of Silicalite S-115 Al2O3 ExT. Loading on the Kinetic Parameters:

10 mol % 2-Propanol Feed at a Reaction Temperature of 463 K

Page 95: Kinetics of the Catalytic Dehydration of 2-Propanol in an ... · Kinetics of the Catalytic Dehydration of 2-Propanol in an Aqueous ... The reaction kinetics over silicalite was

4.6 - First Order Mode1

The previous chapters outlined a method which can be used to fit experimental

rate data for the liquid-phase dehydration of 2-propanol. LHHW rate models were

derived and fitted with experimental data because of their wide acceptance in vapor phase

alcohol dehydration reactions. With this in mind, it should be noted that the experimental

data was fitted over a fairly narrow range of 2-propanol concentrations and that a six-

parameter model is perhaps too complex for such a small range. A simple

frrstconcentrations. Figure 4.20 illustrates the first order model fit at 463 K over a 2-

propanol concentration range of 4 - 10 mol %. The temperature dependence of the rate

of propylene formation at reaction temperatures ranging fiom 434 to 463 K is illustrated

in Figure 4.2 1. The Arrhenius temperature dependence of the rate constant (equation

3.2.17) is illustrated in Figure 4.22. As was previously concluded, the high activation

energy (195.8 W mole") indicates that the kinetic experiments were performed in a

region where the influence of interna1 and extemal mass transfer is not significant. The

first order rate model is expressed mathematically as:

k, =6.4884017 exp 23?8)

It is recommended that for the purposes of simulating a wastewater purification process,

where Zpropanol will be present in dilute concentrations, that the f ~ s t order mode1 be

used due to it's mathematical simplicity and accuracy. This model should not be used to

extrapolate rates of propylene formation beyond the experimental concentration range. If

Page 96: Kinetics of the Catalytic Dehydration of 2-Propanol in an ... · Kinetics of the Catalytic Dehydration of 2-Propanol in an Aqueous ... The reaction kinetics over silicalite was

O 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160

Tirne, min

Figure 4.20 - Concentration Dependence of 2-Propanol on the Rate of Propylene

Formation at 463 K:( A ) 4 mol % 2-Propanol Feed, ( A ) 6 mol % 2-Propanol Feed, ( I)

8 mol % 2-Propanol Feed, ( O ) 10 mol % 2-Propanol Feed, (-1 1" Order Mode1 Fit

Page 97: Kinetics of the Catalytic Dehydration of 2-Propanol in an ... · Kinetics of the Catalytic Dehydration of 2-Propanol in an Aqueous ... The reaction kinetics over silicalite was

60 80 100 120 140 160 O 20 40

Time. min

Figure 4.21 - Cornparison of Experimental Rate Data with the Fitted lSt Order Model at a

Temperature Range of 434 - 463 K: ( ) 434 K, ( A ) 444 K, ( ) 453 K, ( W ) 463 K,

(-) 1'' Order Model Fit

Page 98: Kinetics of the Catalytic Dehydration of 2-Propanol in an ... · Kinetics of the Catalytic Dehydration of 2-Propanol in an Aqueous ... The reaction kinetics over silicalite was

Figure 4.22 - Temperature Dependence of the Kinetic Parameters k, Determined eom the

Fitted 1'' Order Mode1

Page 99: Kinetics of the Catalytic Dehydration of 2-Propanol in an ... · Kinetics of the Catalytic Dehydration of 2-Propanol in an Aqueous ... The reaction kinetics over silicalite was

rate data is acquired over a large range of 2-propanol concentrations, it is recomrnended

that the L W models previously derived be used to fit the experimental data because of

their wide accep tance in vapor-phase dehydration kinetics.

4.7 - Nomenclature

= activity

= binary constant for the van Laar equation

= liquid phase concentration of component, mole L-'

= constant pressure heat capacity, J mole-' R'

= diameter, m

= difisivity, m' /s

= acitvation energy, kJ mole-'

= fugacity, kPa

= heat of adsorption, kl mole-'

= standard enthalpy change for the reaction, kJ mole-'

= adsorptioddesorption equilibrium constant, L mole-'

= chernical equilibrium constant

= rate constant for 2-propanol dehydration, mole g-l min-'

= liquid mass transfer coefficient, m/s

= moles of liquid, mole

= mass, g

= moles of component prior to reaction, mole

= molecular weight of component, g / mole

= moles of compound, mole

Page 100: Kinetics of the Catalytic Dehydration of 2-Propanol in an ... · Kinetics of the Catalytic Dehydration of 2-Propanol in an Aqueous ... The reaction kinetics over silicalite was

= irnpeller rotation speed, rev/s

= number of data points

= power consumption number

= Schmidt number

= pressure, kPa

= agitator power consumption, k.J

= gas constant, 8.3 145 1 J mole-' K1

= rate of formation, mole g-' min1

= extemal catalyst surface area, m2

= temperature, K

= tirne, min; sec

= moles of vapor, mole

= voIume, m3

= liquid mole fraction

= vapor mole fraction

= compressibility factor

Greek Letters

cumulative amount of propylene produced at time t, mole

fbgacity coefficient

activity coefficient

liquid-phase viscosity, kg/m s

saturated liquid density, g/cc; kg/m3


Page 101: Kinetics of the Catalytic Dehydration of 2-Propanol in an ... · Kinetics of the Catalytic Dehydration of 2-Propanol in an Aqueous ... The reaction kinetics over silicalite was

u = stoichiometric coefficient


= standard state, 298 K, 1 atm

= impelledagitator

= 2-propanol

= bulk phase

= catalyst

= continuous phase

= formation

= heliurn

= component

= propylene

= surface

= total

= water


O = pure phase

G = gas phase

L = liquid phase

SAT = saturated

V = vapor phase

Page 102: Kinetics of the Catalytic Dehydration of 2-Propanol in an ... · Kinetics of the Catalytic Dehydration of 2-Propanol in an Aqueous ... The reaction kinetics over silicalite was

Table 4.1 - BET Surface Area for the Screened Catalysts

Catalyst BET Surface

Table 4.2 - Enthalpy and Gibbs Free Energy of Formation and the Temperature

Dependence of the Heat Capacity for Reactant and Products

Zeolite 13X Alumina

239.52 323.21

Table 4.3 - Parameters and Predictions of the Developed LHHW Kïnetic Models

2-Propanol Water


1 Mode1 1 E A 1 i! 1 1 r' 1 AHA.w 1 f 1 model fit *

(Jlmol) -31 8200 -286000 20400

* % Mode1 Fit = -


(Jlmol K) -1 80500 -237400 62760

( k ~ m o ~ ' ) ( 209.1 0.994

(Jlmol K) 331.2

65.656 3.14754

( k ~ mol-') -26.9

(Jlmol K ~ ) -2.7507 0.1 2677

O -99 1

(Jlmol K ~ ) 0.01 0227 -0.00051

(Jlmol u4) -1 E-05

6.66E-07 0.237884 1 -0 -000 12

( k ~ moi-') -


- (W 18.2

Page 103: Kinetics of the Catalytic Dehydration of 2-Propanol in an ... · Kinetics of the Catalytic Dehydration of 2-Propanol in an Aqueous ... The reaction kinetics over silicalite was

4.8 - Literature Cited

Flanigen, E. M., J. M. Bennett, R. W. Grose, J. P. Cohen, R. L. Patton, R. M. Kirchner,

and J. V. Smith, "Silicalite, a New Hydrophobie Crystdline Silica Molecular Sieve",

Nature 271,512-516 (1978)

Geankoplis, C. J., "Transport Processes and Unit Operations", 3d. Ed., Prentice-Hall,

Englewood Cliffs (1 993)

Hedge, S. Gay P. Ratnasamy, L. M. Kustov, and V. B. Kazansky, "Acidity and Catalytic

Activity of SAPO-5 and AlPO-5 Molecular Sieves", Zeolites 8, 137-141 (1988)

Kyle, B. G., "Chernical and Process Thermodynamics", 2". Ed. Prentice Hall,

Englewood Cliffs (1992)

Le van Mao, R., T. M. Nguyen and J. Yao, "Conversion of Ethanol in Aqueous Solution

over ZSM-5 Zeolites. Influence of Reaction Parameters and Catalyst Acidic

Properties as Studied by Arnmonia TPD Technique", Appl. Catal. 61, 16 1 - 173 (1 990)

Levenspiel, O., "Chernical Reaction Engineering", 2nd. Ed., John Wiley and Sons, New

York (1972)

Olson, D. H., W. O. Haag and R. M. Lago, "Chernical and Physical Properties of the

ZSM-5 Substitutionai Series", J. Catal. 61, 390-396 (1980)

Oudejans, J. C., P. F. van den Oosterkamp and H. van Bekkum, ttConversion of Ethanol

over Zeolite H-ZSM-5 in the Presence of Water", Appl. Catal. 3, 109-1 15 (1982)

Phillips, C . B., and R* Datta, "Production of Ethylene Erom Hydrous Ethanol on H-ZSM-

5 Under Mild Conditions", h d . Eng. Chern. Res. 36,4466-4475 (1997)

Rees, L. V. C., "When is a Zeolite not a Zeolite?", Nahcre 296,491-492 (1982)

Schulz, J., and F. Bandermann, "Conversion of Ethanol over Zeolite H-ZSM-5 ", Chem.

Eng. Tech. 17, 179-186 (1994)

Yue, P. L. and 0. Olaofe, "Kinetic Analysis of the Catalytic Dehydration of Alcohols

over Zeolties", Chern, Erg. Res. Des. 62, 8 1-9 1 (1984)

Page 104: Kinetics of the Catalytic Dehydration of 2-Propanol in an ... · Kinetics of the Catalytic Dehydration of 2-Propanol in an Aqueous ... The reaction kinetics over silicalite was

Chapter 5

ConcIusions and Recommendations

5.1 - Conclusions

2-Propanol dehydrates over solid acid catalyst in an aqueous medium to form

propylene and trace amounts of diisopropyl ether and acetone. Alumina, zeolite 13X,

silicoaluminophosphate, silicalite with a silica binder (S-115 SiOl ExT.) and silicdite

with an alumina binder (S- 1 15 A i s 3 ExT.) were active for the catalytic dehydration of 2-

propanol at 463 K. Of these catalysts, silicalite with an alumina binder (S-115 A1203

ExT.) was the most active in the dehydration of 2-propanol in the aqueous medium. The

use of alumina as a binder greatly influences the 2-propanol dehydration activity of


The kinetics of the catalytic dehydration in an aqueous medium was determined

for 2-propanol concentrations between 4 - 10 mol % and temperatures ranging between

434 and 463 K in a batch slury reactor system. The influence of stirrer speed, catalyst

particle size, catalyst loading, reaction temperature, and 2-propanol concentration on the

rate of propylene formation was investigated. The influence of extemal mass transfer on

the rate of propylene formation was insignificant at stirrer speeds greater than 1000 rpm.

The influence of intemal mass transfer on the rate of propylene formation was

insignificant at particle diameters ranging fiom 90 - 850 p.

Severai Langmuir-Hinshelwood-Hougen-Watson mechanisms were

proposed and screened. The equilibrium conversion of 2-propanol to propylene is much

higher than what was attained during the kinetic runs, hence al1 LHHW models assumed

a negligible reversible reaction. The models which include the adsorptioddesorption of

Page 105: Kinetics of the Catalytic Dehydration of 2-Propanol in an ... · Kinetics of the Catalytic Dehydration of 2-Propanol in an Aqueous ... The reaction kinetics over silicalite was

water on the active sites were better able to predict the rate of propyIene formation than

models in which fast desorption of water was assumed. A single site LHHW type

mechanism was found to describe the kinetic data well. This model is consistent with the

El type mechanism involving only acid sites proposed in the literature for the 2-propanol

dehydration to propylene over zeolite catalysts.

The developed rate equatioii is:

r = k ~ , ~ , / ( l + KACA + K,c,)

The influence of reactor temperature on the rate of propylene formation is significant.

The activation energy was determined to be 226.8 kJ/mol while the heat of adsorption for

2-propanol and water was -45.5 and -9.6 kJ/mol, respectively. These heats of

adsorptions are model parameters only and do not necessarily reflect any real physical

phenornena. The high activation energy indicates that the kinetic data were obtained in a

region where the diffùsional effects were not rate limiting.

A sirnplified fmt order model was also found to fit the experimental data well.

The activation energy was determined to be 195.8 kj/mol. For the purpose of designing

an appropriate separation process for wastewater purification it is recommended that the

simple first order model be used, due to its simplicity and accuracy at low 2-propanol

concentrations. Due to the small range of 2-propanol concentrations studied in this

thesis, a six-parameter model may be too cornplex. Rate data over a wider range of 2-

propanol concentrations need to be determined in order to make the LHHW models more


Page 106: Kinetics of the Catalytic Dehydration of 2-Propanol in an ... · Kinetics of the Catalytic Dehydration of 2-Propanol in an Aqueous ... The reaction kinetics over silicalite was

5.2 - Recommendations for Future Work

5-2.1 - Simulation of Wastewater Purification Process

In order to determine whether a separation process, such as cataiytic distillation, is

more economical1y feasible than a conventional separation process, such as distillation, a

computation simulation must be performed using the developed kinetic model. A

commercial software package such as Aspen plus could be used for the simulation. The

influence of operating parameters on the number of stages would be performed for both

the catalytic distillztion and the conventional distillation process. The catalytic

distillation process may be more economical than conventional distillation.

5.2.2 - Hydration of Propylene over Solid Acid Catalysts

Recent work on the hydration of propylene over H-ZSM-5 catalysts have been

found in the literature [Sonnermans, 1993abl. Catalytic hydration of alkenes to give

alcohols and ethers is an established commercial technoIogy of significant commercial

interest [Waddams, 19781. However, like the dehydration of 2-propanol, propylene

hydration has only been studied in the vapor-phase. In studying the kinetics of the liquid-

phase catalytic hydration of propylene the reverse reaction (dehydration of 2-propanol)

must be known. The techniques developed in this thesis for the dehydration of 2-

propanol can be used for this end.

The reaction temperatures used to determine the dehydration kinetics in this thesis

ranged from 434-463 K. At these temperatures, the forward reaction is dominant. The

liquid-phase hydration of propylene is more thermodynamically favorable at a lower

reaction temperature, hence it would occur at more moderate reaction temperatures

Page 107: Kinetics of the Catalytic Dehydration of 2-Propanol in an ... · Kinetics of the Catalytic Dehydration of 2-Propanol in an Aqueous ... The reaction kinetics over silicalite was

ranging between 363 - 393 K. The dehydration of 2-propanol over silicalite requires

reaction temperatures higher than 434 K for any significant conversion. It is unlikely that

any significant conversion would occur at the low reaction temperatures required for

propylene hydration. It was recently determined that Arnberlyst 38, a commercial ion-

exchange resin, is active at reaction temperatures as low at 373 K. The 2-propanol

dehydration kinetics should be determined for Amberlyst 38 at reaction temperature

ranging fiorn 363 K to 423 K. The 2-propanol dehydration kinetics would be used with

the propylene hydration kinetics (deterrnined separately) for the complete reaction model.

5.2.3 - Effect of Silica/Alumina Ratio on the Rate of Propylene Formation

As was recently concluded by Olson and CO-workers (1980), the acidity and

hydrophilicity of H-ZSM-5 catalysts are dkectly proportionaI to the alumina content. As

was seen in section 4.2.2, the type of binder used in silicalite had a great effect on the rate

of propylene formation in the aqueous phase. The alumina present in the binder appeared

to influence the rate of propylene formation greatly.

The influence of the silica/dumina ratio of H-ZSM-5 type zeolites on the rate of

propylene formation should be determined. It is hypothesized that an ideal SUA1 ratio

could be determined because a high alumina content would contain a high amount of acid

sites necessary for 2-propanol dehydration, but would also be more hydrophilic which is

detrimental to propylene formation.

5.2.4 - Effect of Metai Ion Concentration in Wastewater on the Rate of

Propylene Formation

The experiments used to determine the reaction kinetics of silicalite were

performed using deionized water. It can be assumed that wastewater containing 2-

Page 108: Kinetics of the Catalytic Dehydration of 2-Propanol in an ... · Kinetics of the Catalytic Dehydration of 2-Propanol in an Aqueous ... The reaction kinetics over silicalite was

propanol may contain metal ions in a significant concentration which may be detrimental

to the life of the catalyst and the rate of propylene formation. It has been determined that

cation exchanged durnina is less active in 2-propanol dehydration than alumina which

has not been exchanged [Saad et al., 1993; Gervasini et al., 1995; 19971.

Kinetic experiments performed using tap water instead of deionized water

indicate that cations present in tap water has a detrimental effect on the rate of propylene

formation. Figure 5.1 illustrates that the resulting catalyst, which was reacted with a

mixture of 2-propanol and tap water at 463 K, is less active in propylene formation. It is

concluded that silicalite can undergo an ion exchange with the cations present in water

and that the resulting catalyst is more basic in nature.

A more scientific and systematic method in studying this phenornena should be

perfonned in fùture experiments. The influence of the loading of various ions present in

industrial wastewater on the rate of propylene formation and on the catalyst deactivation

should be studied.

Page 109: Kinetics of the Catalytic Dehydration of 2-Propanol in an ... · Kinetics of the Catalytic Dehydration of 2-Propanol in an Aqueous ... The reaction kinetics over silicalite was

E Freçh Catalyst - Tap' Water hnxture Lo (3 0.020

Fi O Fresh Catalyst - 'Pure' Water M i i r e

A Used Catalyst from Tap' Water Reaction - 'Pure' Water Mixture

O 20 40 60 80 1 O0 120

Reaction Time, min

Figure 5.1 - Effect of Metal Ions Present in Tap Water on the Rate of Propylene

Formation and Catalyst Deactivation: 10 mol % 2-Propanol Feed, Reaction Temperature

of 463 K (Used Catalyst fiom Tap Water Reaction used in Kinetic Run with Deionized

Water in the Feed)

Page 110: Kinetics of the Catalytic Dehydration of 2-Propanol in an ... · Kinetics of the Catalytic Dehydration of 2-Propanol in an Aqueous ... The reaction kinetics over silicalite was

5.3 - Literature Cited

Gervasini, A., G. Bellussi, J. Fenyvesi, and A. Auroux, ccMicrocalorimetric and Catalytic

Shidies of the Acidic Character of Modified Metal Oxide Surfaces. 1. Doping Ions on

Mumina, Magnesia, and Silica", J. Phys. Chem. 99, 51 17-5125 (1995)

Gervasini, A., J. Fenyvesi and A. Auroux, "Study of the Acidic Character of Modified

Metal Oxide Surfaces Using the Test of Isopropanol Dehydration", Cat. Leiters. 43,

219-228 (1997)

Olson, D. H., W. O. Haag and R. M. Lago, "Chemical and Physical Properties of the

ZSM-5 Substitutional Senes", J. CataZ. 61,390-396 (1 980)

Saad, A. B. M., V. A. Ivanov, J. C. Lavailey, P. Nortier, and F. Luck, "Comparitive

Shidy on the Effects of Sodium Irnpurity and Arnorphisation on the Lewis Acidity of

y-Alurnina", Appl. Catal. A. 94, 7 1-83 (1993)

Sonnemans, M. H. W., "Hydration and Etherification of Propene over H-ZSM-5. 2.

Deposition of Carbonaceous Compounds on the Catalysts", Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 32,

2512-2515 (1993a)

Sonnemans, M. W. H., "Hydration of Propene over Acidic Zeolites", Appl. Catd A. 94,

215-229 (1993b)

Waddams, A. L., "Chernicals fiom Petroleum : An htroductory Sunrey", 41h Ed., Murray,

London (1978)

Page 111: Kinetics of the Catalytic Dehydration of 2-Propanol in an ... · Kinetics of the Catalytic Dehydration of 2-Propanol in an Aqueous ... The reaction kinetics over silicalite was

Appendix A l

Maple V Worksheet for the Determination of the Amount of Propylene


Note : 'Pgauge' is the gauge pressure measured by the pressure transducer in psig 'T' is the reaction temperature in degrees Celsius 'massA7 and 'massWY are the gram of isopropanol and water added to the reactor, respectively 'Tnaught' is the reactor temperature pnor to heating in degrees Celsius 'Pnaught' is the gauge pressure pnor to heating (after helium purge) in psig Units of the calculated parameters are found at the end of Chapter 3

Determination of the Amount of Propylene Produced at T and P Physical Conditions - Initial and Final T and P, Initial Moles of Inert and Reactant > Pgauge:=45 1 : > P:=(Pgauge+l4.7+4)* lOl.32Yl4.7: > T:=lgO: > massA:=38.109: > massW:=lOO. 173: > Tnaught:=24: ,Pnaught:=- 1.5: > Ma:=massA/60.096: > Mw:=massW/18.015:

Mh:=(Pnaught+ l4.7+4)* 10 1325 "(3 19-massA/O.75-massW) 1 e- 6/(8.3 1451*(Tnaught+273.15)*14.7);

Mt := 6.202730655 > R:=8.3 145 1 :

Determination of the Liquid Phase Fugacity of Pure Components 2-Propanol (1) and Water (2)

Modified Peng-Robinson Equation of S tate (PRSV) > TC 1 :=508.4O:Pc 1 :=4764.25:omegal :=O.663 72:kappal1:=0.23264: > Tc2:=647.286:Pc2:=22089.75:omega2:=0.3438O:kappal2:=-0.06635: > Trl :=(T+273.lS)/Tc 1 :Tr2:=(T+273,15)/Tc2:

kappa1 :=(0.378893+1.4897153*omegal- 0.17 13 1848*(omega1)"2+0.0 196554*(omega1)^3)+kappall *(l+sqrt(Trl))*(0.7-Trl):

kappa2:=(0.378893+1 A897 153*omega2- 0.17 13 1848*(0mega2)"2+0.0 196554*(0mega2)~3)+kappal2*(l+sqrt(Tr2))*(0.7-Tr2): > a l 1 :=(0.457235*P2*Tc lA2/Pc l)*(l+kappal *(1 -sqrt(Trl)))"2: > a22:=(0.457235*RA2*Tc2A2/Pc2)*(l + k a p p a 2 -sqrt(TrS)))"S: > b 1 :=0.077796*R*Tc 1/Pc 1 : > b2:=0.077796*R*Tc2/Pc2: > AlL:=all *P/(R*(T+273.l S))^2: > A2L:=a22*P/(R*(T+273.15))A2:

Page 112: Kinetics of the Catalytic Dehydration of 2-Propanol in an ... · Kinetics of the Catalytic Dehydration of 2-Propanol in an Aqueous ... The reaction kinetics over silicalite was

> BlL:=bl*P/(R*(T+273.15)): > B2L:=b2*P/(R*(T+273.15)): > q:=ZlLA3+(BlL-l)*(ZIL)A2+(A1L-3*(B1L)f~2-2*B lL)*ZlL+((S lL)"3+(B 1 L)"2- AlL*B lL)=O: > w:=solve(q,Z 1 L): > e:=w[l]: > r:=Z2LA3+(B2L-1)*(Z2L)A2+(A2L-3*(B2L)A2-2*B2L)*Z2L+(@2L)A3+p2L)A2- A2L*B2L)=O: > t:=solve(r,Z2L): > y:=t[l]: > philL:=exp(e-1-h(e-B 1 L)-A lU(2*sqrt(2)*B 1 L)*ln((e+(l+sqrt(2))*B 1 L)/(e+(l- sqrt(2)) *B 1 L))) : > phiAL:=sirnplifj@hi 1 L): > phQL:=exp(y- 1 -h(y-B2L)-A2L/(2*sqrt(2)*B2L)*h((y+(l+sqfi(2))*B2L)/(y+(l- sqrt(2))*B2L))): > phiWL:=simpliQ@hi2L) : > fÛgAL:=phiAL*P;

hgWL := 1 195.74586 1 Detemination of the Saturated Liquid Molar Volume of Pure Components 2-

Propanol(1) and Water (2) COSTALD (1 979) Correlation

> Vo 1:=0.23 13:omegalSRK:=0.6637: > Vo2:=0.0435669:omega2SRK:=0.65445: > ax:=-1.528 16:bx:=1.43907:cx:=-0.8 1446:dx:=O.l90454:ex:==-0.296 123:fk=0.3869 14: > gx:=-O.O427258:hx:=-0,0480645: > Vro 1 :=l+ax*(1-TrI)"(1/3)-f-bx*(l -Trl)A(2/3)+cx*(1-Tri)+dx*(1 -Trl)"(M): > Vro2:= 1 +ax*( 1 -Tr2)"( 1 /3)+bx*(l -Tr2)"(2/3)+cx*( 1 -Tr2)+dx*( 1 -Tr2)"(4/3): > Vrdl :=(e~+fk*(Trl)+gx*fTrl)"2+hx*(Trl)~3)/(Tr 1- 1.0000 1): > Vrd2:=(ex+fk*(Tr2)+gx*(Tr2)"2+hx*(Tr2)"3)/(Tr2- 1 .O000 1): > Vsat 1 :=Vo 1 *Vro l *(l-omegal SRK*Vrd 1): > VsaQ:=Vo2*Vro2*( I -omega2SRK*Vrd2): > rhoA:= l/(Vsat 1 * 1 OOO/6O.O96);

rhoW := .8644972067 Temperature Dependent Binary Constants for the van Laar Excess Gibbs Free

Energy Equation > C2 1 :=2228.6/(T+273.15)+5.953: > C 12:=2299.l/(T+273.15)-3.624:

Page 113: Kinetics of the Catalytic Dehydration of 2-Propanol in an ... · Kinetics of the Catalytic Dehydration of 2-Propanol in an Aqueous ... The reaction kinetics over silicalite was

CriticaVReduced Variables and Other Constants for Volatile' Components Propylene (3) and Heliurn (4)

Used to Determine Gompressibility of a Gas Mixture with PRSV > Tc3:=365.57:Pc3 :4664.55:omega3:=0.14080: > Tc4:=5.3:Pc4:=2.26* 10 1.325:omega4:=0.365: > kappa3:=0.378893+1.4897153*omega3- 0.17 13 1848*(ornega3)"2+0.0 196554*(omega3)"3: > kappa4:=0.378893+1.4897153*ornega4- 0.17 13 1848*(0mega4)"2+0.0 196554*(omega4)"3 : > Tr3 :=(T+273.15)/Tc3 : > Tr4:=(T+273.15)/Tc4: > a33 :=(0.4S7235*RA2*Tc3"2/Pc3)*(l+kappa3 *( 1 -sqrt(Tr3)))"2: > a44:=(0.457235*RA2*Tc4A2LPc4)*(l +kappa4*( 1 -sqrt(Tr4)))"2: > b3 :=0.077796*R*Tc3/Pc3: > b4:=0.077796*R*Tc4/Pc4: > al2:=sqrt(all *a22): > a21 :=a12: > a1 3:=sqrt(a11 *a33): > a31:=a13: > a14:=sqrt(a11 *a44): > a41:=a14: > a23 :=sqrt(a22*a33): > a32:=a23: > a24:=sqrî(a22*a44): > a42:=a24: > a34:=sqrt(a33 *a44): > a43 :=a34:

D e h e Mole Fractions > xw:=l -xa: > V:=Mt+alpha-L: > yh:=Mh/V: > yp:=alpha/V:

Activity Coefficients - van Laar Gibbs Free Energy Equation > gamrnaa:=exp(C 12/(1+C 12*xa/(C2 1 * x w ) ) ~ ~ ) : > garnmaw:=exp(C2 1/(1 +C2 1 *xw/(C 12*xa))"2):

Modified Peng-Robinson Equation of State Parameters - Determination of the Compressibility Factor for a Gas Mixture, Z and Vapor Phase Fugacity


Page 114: Kinetics of the Catalytic Dehydration of 2-Propanol in an ... · Kinetics of the Catalytic Dehydration of 2-Propanol in an Aqueous ... The reaction kinetics over silicalite was

> phiAV:=exp(b I /b*(Z- 1)-ln(Z-B)- A/(2*sqrt(2)*B)*(2*(ya*al l+yw*al2+yp*a13+yh*a14)/a- b 1 /b)*ln((Z+( 1 +sqrt(2))*B)/(Z+(l -sqrt(Z))*B))): > phiWV:=exp(b2/b*(Z- 1)-ln@-B)- A/(2*sqrt(2)*B)*(2*(ya*zQ 1 +yw*a22+yp*a23+yh*a24)/a- b2h) * ln((Z+(l +sqrt(2))*B)/(Z+(1 -sqrt(2)) *B))) :

Set of Equations to be Solved to Determine xa, ya, yw, L, alpha and Z Z : Modified Peng-Robinson Equation of State for a Gas Mixture

> qq:=ZA3+(B-l)*ZA2+(A-3*BA2-2*B)*Z+@A3+BA2-A*B)=O: xa: Water Component Balance - Reaction Stoichiometry > ww :=L*xw+V* yw=Mw+alpha:

ya: Liquid 2-Propanol Fugacity = Vapor 2-Propanol Fugacity, VLE > ee:=ya*P*phiAV=xa*gammaa*fiigAL:

yw: Liquid Water Fugacity = Vapor Water Fugacity, VLE > rr:-yw*P*phiWV=xw*gammaw*fiigWL:

L : Summation of Vapor Phase Mole Fractions = 1 > tt:=ya+yw+yp+yh= 1 :

alpha: 'Force Balance', Le. PV=nZRT - assume negligible change of volume on mixing > yy:=P* 1 OOO*(3 19e-6- L*(xa*60.096/(rhoA* 1 e6)+xw* 18.0 1 S/(rhoW* 1 e6)))=V*R*Z*(T+273.15): > fsolve( (qq,ww,ee,rr,tt, yy} , {Z,xa, ya, yw,L,alpha} , (Z=0.5.. 1 ,xa=O.. 1, ya=O.. 1 ,yw=O.. 1 ,L=O. .9,alpha=l.. 1 1);

{alpha = ,05032457627, Z = .82675808 17, L = 6.108746232,

ya = .1950923325, xa = .09096092816, yw = ,4003 108739) > clear;

clear > reset;


Page 115: Kinetics of the Catalytic Dehydration of 2-Propanol in an ... · Kinetics of the Catalytic Dehydration of 2-Propanol in an Aqueous ... The reaction kinetics over silicalite was

T avg

Appendix A2 Raw Data for the Kinetic Runs

Table A 2 1 - CataIyst Screening Raw Data : Alumina 1 90°C Mal0 38.2749 cat 2.185g

463.15K MW,' 1 00.078g Mh10 0.0063 moles







XA xw a




Page 116: Kinetics of the Catalytic Dehydration of 2-Propanol in an ... · Kinetics of the Catalytic Dehydration of 2-Propanol in an Aqueous ... The reaction kinetics over silicalite was

T avg

Table A2.2 - Catalyst Screening Raw Data: Zeolite 13X 190.03~C Ma,' 38.49751 cat 2,1689 463.18K MW,' 99.71 Og Mh,O 0.006303rnoIes






(ps ig)

XA Xw a

(moles) Conv


Page 117: Kinetics of the Catalytic Dehydration of 2-Propanol in an ... · Kinetics of the Catalytic Dehydration of 2-Propanol in an Aqueous ... The reaction kinetics over silicalite was

T avg

Table A2.3 - Catalyst Screening Raw Data: Silicalite S-115 SiOî ExT. 190.1 6OC Mal0 38.0649 cat 2.1 849 463.31 K Mw,O 99.577g Mhlo 0.006823 moles


(min) O 5


(OC) 190

1 89.5


(psig ) 261


0.10025 260 10.10019


0.89975 0.89981


(moles) 0.00003


(%) 0.005

0.00040 0.063

Page 118: Kinetics of the Catalytic Dehydration of 2-Propanol in an ... · Kinetics of the Catalytic Dehydration of 2-Propanol in an Aqueous ... The reaction kinetics over silicalite was

Table A2.4 - Catalyst Screening Raw Data: SAPO-5 T avg 190.18'C Ma,' 38.48211 cat 2.1849

463.33 K MW,' 99.8039 Mh,' 0.006792moles

1 (moles) 1 (%)

Page 119: Kinetics of the Catalytic Dehydration of 2-Propanol in an ... · Kinetics of the Catalytic Dehydration of 2-Propanol in an Aqueous ... The reaction kinetics over silicalite was

Table A2.5 - External Mass Transfer Raw Data: Stirrer Speed = 883 rpm stirrer s peed 883rpm MwO 100.2359 cat, loading 1.57wt % Ma0 38.06g T avg 463.1 3K cat 2.1 71 g

a (moles)

0.001 98

time (min)


T (OC)


P (psig ) 269





Page 120: Kinetics of the Catalytic Dehydration of 2-Propanol in an ... · Kinetics of the Catalytic Dehydration of 2-Propanol in an Aqueous ... The reaction kinetics over silicalite was

Table A26 - Extemal Mass Transfer Raw Data: Stirrer Speed = 1004 rpm stirrer speed 1004rpm MwO 1 00.67g

cat. loading 1 .54wt % Ma0 38.329 T avg 463.17K cat 2.146g

(min) ("Cl I W g ) I 1 (moles) 1

Page 121: Kinetics of the Catalytic Dehydration of 2-Propanol in an ... · Kinetics of the Catalytic Dehydration of 2-Propanol in an Aqueous ... The reaction kinetics over silicalite was

Table A2.7 - Extemal Mass Transfer Raw Data: Stirrer Speed = 1 182 rpm stirrer speed 1182rpm MW* 100.284g

cat. loading 1.57wt % Ma0 37.929 T avg 463.15U cat 2.175g

1 time 1 T 1 P

(min) (OC> I (psi@ moles


0.0051 3

Page 122: Kinetics of the Catalytic Dehydration of 2-Propanol in an ... · Kinetics of the Catalytic Dehydration of 2-Propanol in an Aqueous ... The reaction kinetics over silicalite was

Table A28 - Interna1 Mass Transfer Raw Data: 90 - 150 prn Particle Diameters particle size 100-1 70 mesh stirrer speed 1 080 rpm MwO cat. loading 1.58wt % Ma0 T avg 463.21 K cat

(min) (OC) I (psig) I

Page 123: Kinetics of the Catalytic Dehydration of 2-Propanol in an ... · Kinetics of the Catalytic Dehydration of 2-Propanol in an Aqueous ... The reaction kinetics over silicalite was

Table A29 - Intemal Mass Transfer Raw Data: 595 - 850 p m Particle Diameters particle size 20-30 mes h

stirrer speed 1080rpm MwO 100.459g

cat. loading 1 S6wt % Ma0 38.2579 T avg 463.1 7K cat 2.1589


(min) O 5


(OC) 189 190


(psig) 268 277


0.90032 0.90051


0.09968 0.09949


(moles) O .O01 68 0.00265

Page 124: Kinetics of the Catalytic Dehydration of 2-Propanol in an ... · Kinetics of the Catalytic Dehydration of 2-Propanol in an Aqueous ... The reaction kinetics over silicalite was

Table A2.10 - Temperature Dependence Raw Data: 463 K

T avg 189.98OC Ma,' 38.1 099 463.13K MW,' 100.1 739

cat 2.151 g

M~,O 0.00806moles



(psig) 263 276 285


(min) O 5 10


(OC) 189 190




0.09978 0.09941 0.09912


(moles) 0.00048 0.00245 0.00404

- - --


0.90022 0.90059 0.90088


(moles) 6.125 6.124 6.123


(moles) 0.078 0.081 0.084

CA (moles/L)

3.358 3.342 3.331

c w

(moles/L) 30.300 30.275 30.276

Page 125: Kinetics of the Catalytic Dehydration of 2-Propanol in an ... · Kinetics of the Catalytic Dehydration of 2-Propanol in an Aqueous ... The reaction kinetics over silicalite was

$! 9 & q 9 = ? O r 0 m m m

z500 +t 9 9 m m m

b a r n b b b 9 9 9 0 0 0

CVm- NOJCV r 7 l-

& & c c 5


% x x 0 0 0 2 8 2 brCO (Dm00

E 8 8 0 0 0

m m * m r l - m o c n 0) Q) a 9 9 9 0 0 0

$ % $ CVNCV

Page 126: Kinetics of the Catalytic Dehydration of 2-Propanol in an ... · Kinetics of the Catalytic Dehydration of 2-Propanol in an Aqueous ... The reaction kinetics over silicalite was

Table A212 - Temperature Dependence Raw Data: 444 K T avg 170.95OC Mal0 37.9049

444.10K Mw10 100.708g cat 2.15g Mh10 0.00779 moles

(min) 1 ( O C ) 1 (psig) 1 1 (moies) 1 (moles) 1 (moles) 1 (rnoleslL) 1 (moies1L)

time P T XA Xw a V L CA c w

Page 127: Kinetics of the Catalytic Dehydration of 2-Propanol in an ... · Kinetics of the Catalytic Dehydration of 2-Propanol in an Aqueous ... The reaction kinetics over silicalite was

Table A2.13 - Temperature Dependence Raw Data: 434 K T avg 1 60.94OC Ma,' 37.8029

434.09K MW,' 99.963g cat 2.1689

Mh,O 0.00757moles

1 (min) I (OC) I (PW I (moles) (moles) (moles) (moIes/L) (moIes/L)

I 1 time 1 T 1 P 1 x A a xw L v CA cw

Page 128: Kinetics of the Catalytic Dehydration of 2-Propanol in an ... · Kinetics of the Catalytic Dehydration of 2-Propanol in an Aqueous ... The reaction kinetics over silicalite was

Table A214 - Concentration Dependence Raw Data: 8 mol % Initial 2-PropanollWater

Concentration in the Feed at 463 K

T avg 1 90.06°C xaO 463.21 K Ma,'


0.081 1 Mh,O 0.00722moles

31.786g cat 2.1569

107.93 g



(min) O

(moles) 0.077 0.080 0 .O8 1

Page 129: Kinetics of the Catalytic Dehydration of 2-Propanol in an ... · Kinetics of the Catalytic Dehydration of 2-Propanol in an Aqueous ... The reaction kinetics over silicalite was

Table A 2 15 - Concentration Dependence Raw Data: 6 mol % Initial 2-Propanol/Water

Concentration in the Feed at 463 K

T avg 189.97'C xaO 463.12K Ma,'


0.06 Mh,O 0.00707moles

25.069 cat 2.1699

1 17-79

(min) 1 (OC) 1 (psig) 1 1 (moles) 1 (moles) 1 (moles) ( (moies/L) 1 (moies/L)

Page 130: Kinetics of the Catalytic Dehydration of 2-Propanol in an ... · Kinetics of the Catalytic Dehydration of 2-Propanol in an Aqueous ... The reaction kinetics over silicalite was

Table A2.16 - Concentration Dependence Raw Data: 4 mol % Initial 2-PropanoVWater

Concentration in the Feed at 463 K

T avg 1 89.98OC xaO 0.039 Mh,O 0.00431 moles

463.13K MaIo 17-1 139 cat 2.178g

MwIO 126.38g


(min) O 5



190 190


(psig) 209 215


0.03803 0.03781


0.96797 0.96219


(moles) -0.00041 0.001 15


(moles) 7.240 7.240


(moles) 0.064 0.065

CA (moIes/L)

1.568 1 -561

Cw (moles/L)

39.675 39.71 6

Page 131: Kinetics of the Catalytic Dehydration of 2-Propanol in an ... · Kinetics of the Catalytic Dehydration of 2-Propanol in an Aqueous ... The reaction kinetics over silicalite was

Table A2.17 - Caîalyst Reusability Raw Data: Used Catalyst at 463 K

1 90°C xaO 0.1 026 Mh,O 0.009moles 463.2K Ma ,O 38.1 49g cat 1.825g

MW,' 1 00.07g

time T P

(min) (OC) (psig) XA Xw a L V CA cw

(moles) (moles) (moles) (moles1L) (moies1L) 0.10002 0.899980.00005 6.120 0.079 3.356 30.199 0.09967 0.90033 0.00202 6.1 19 0.082 3.348 30.242

Page 132: Kinetics of the Catalytic Dehydration of 2-Propanol in an ... · Kinetics of the Catalytic Dehydration of 2-Propanol in an Aqueous ... The reaction kinetics over silicalite was

Table A218 - Catalyst Loading Raw Data: 0.762 wt % 1 89.95OC Ma,' 38.1 289 cat 1.0539 463.10K MW,' 100.09g Mh,O 0.00807 moles


(min) O 5 10 15

T (OC) 189 189 190



(psig) 263 268 275 275


0.09990 0.09968 0.09958 0.09948


0.90010 0.90032 0.90042 0.90052


(moles) 0.00051 0.00174

L (moles) 6.121 6.121

V (moles) 0.078 0.079

0.00223 0.00285

0.081 1 3.346 0.081 1 3.339

6.120 6.120

30.254 30.231


CA (moles1L)

3.361 3.356

c w (moles/L)

30.285 30.312

Page 133: Kinetics of the Catalytic Dehydration of 2-Propanol in an ... · Kinetics of the Catalytic Dehydration of 2-Propanol in an Aqueous ... The reaction kinetics over silicalite was

Table A 2 19 - Catalyst Loading Raw Data: 1.1 O6 wt % T 190.06OC Ma,' 38.1 539 cat 1.7 069

463.22 K MW,' 100S8g Mh,O 0.00804moles

L (moles)







V (moies)

XA CA (moles/L)

xw G d

(moles/L) a


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