Page 1: KIDS MAKE IT · Suzy Becker "Take the water out, wash it, and put it back." (Kathryn, age 8) Here’s what you’ll



by Suzy Becker

Putting imagination into action in your classroom, store, and world!

Page 2: KIDS MAKE IT · Suzy Becker "Take the water out, wash it, and put it back." (Kathryn, age 8) Here’s what you’ll


WorkshopIn 45 minutes, you can spark your kids’

imaginations, solve a world problem, and

still have time for a snack. I’ve led this

workshop hundreds of times, and

the kids never fail to inspire me.

It all started one day back

when I was teaching 2nd and 3rd

grades. A bunch of my kids were

upset about a photo they’d seen on the

front page of The Boston Globe—a duck whose

feathers had been doused in an oil slick. I put

aside my lesson plan, passed out some paper, and asked them

a question: “If you were in charge, what would you do to clean

up the oil slick?” Then I waited, wondering what would hap-

pen next . . . and they began to write and draw. Meghan wrote,

“Get a big sponge and tie it with ropes to a helicopter. Then

lower it down and soak up all the oil.” Kathryn wrote, “Put

suntan lotion on all the animals. Then take the water out and

wash it in a washing machine and put it back.”

Page 3: KIDS MAKE IT · Suzy Becker "Take the water out, wash it, and put it back." (Kathryn, age 8) Here’s what you’ll

They weren’t upset or daunted—sparks were flying. And

as I watched them working away, I started to think: I could put

any problem in front of a roomful of kids, and they would come

up with solutions.

Eighty classrooms and 20 elementary schools later, I had

the beginnings of the Kids MaKe it Better book.

Asking kids to solve the world’s problems exercises their

imaginations, curiosity, compassion, and, of course, their

problem-solving skills. It’s simple—just ask a question. And if

you want to take the next step—putting their ideas into action

(see The Make It Better Action Plan in the back of the book or

at—your kids will be 66 percent

more likely to volunteer when they grow up.

What could be more important? These are our world’s

future problem-solvers! And it sure beats making bookmarks

out of construction paper and stickers . . . Suzy Becker

"Take the water out, wash it, and put it back." (Kathryn, age 8)

Page 4: KIDS MAKE IT · Suzy Becker "Take the water out, wash it, and put it back." (Kathryn, age 8) Here’s what you’ll

Here’s what you’ll need:

�� Kids ages 6 to 10

�� Paper (half-lined, with room for pictures)*

�� Pencils

�� Something to color with (crayons, colored

pencils or markers)

�� Copies (color if possible, one per kid) of the

Kids Make It Better Certifi cate of Honor*

�� Snacks

*Downloadable at

Here’s what to do:

1. Start the conversation with your kids. Try something like:

“Has anyone ever asked you for your help solving a really

big problem? Why not? Kids have great ideas!”

2. Read the water pollution solution from Kids MaKe it Better:

“There is not enough clean water for all the living things on

our planet. How can we fi x that? Here’s what Jackie, age 9,

came up with: ‘Have scientists make fi sh that love to eat

tons of pollution!’” Explain that solutions begin in your

Page 5: KIDS MAKE IT · Suzy Becker "Take the water out, wash it, and put it back." (Kathryn, age 8) Here’s what you’ll

imagination, but the solution that Jackie imagined really

works. (See box, below.)

3. Read the solution for homelessness by Helena, age 7: “When

people go on trips, the homeless people in their neighbor-

hood should live in their houses.” Read about shyness or

nail-biting, or another problem your kids may have person-

ally experienced.

A silver carp can eat twice its body weight

(up to 60 pounds) of blue-green algae.

So China used tens of millions of silver and

grass carp to clean up Taihu Lake, its third-

largest freshwater lake and the source of

drinking water for 17 million people.

"Have scientists make fish that love to eat tons of pollution." (Jackie, age 9)

Page 6: KIDS MAKE IT · Suzy Becker "Take the water out, wash it, and put it back." (Kathryn, age 8) Here’s what you’ll

4. Pass out paper. Pick a problem from the book, and then ask

your kids to brainstorm and write down their solutions.

Encourage older kids to come up with more than one solu-

tion. Then have the kids illustrate their solutions.

5. Share solutions. Have kids take turns holding up their illus-

trations and reading or explaining their solutions.

6. Hand out certificates and celebrate with snacks.

Have an extra half-hour?

Solve another problem. Let the kids choose their own if they

like, then repeat Steps 4 and 5.

Page 7: KIDS MAKE IT · Suzy Becker "Take the water out, wash it, and put it back." (Kathryn, age 8) Here’s what you’ll

Turn your workshop into an event!

1. Invite local kid-activists to speak with your kids and/or

tackle a local problem.

2. Invite your local paper to cover the event, or send them

your kids’ solutions.

Turn your workshop into a service learning project!

Work as a group to complete The Make It Better Action Plan in

the back of the Kids MaKe it Better book (also downloadable


See a problem?Dream



Page 8: KIDS MAKE IT · Suzy Becker "Take the water out, wash it, and put it back." (Kathryn, age 8) Here’s what you’ll

“Yes kids can!That’s the wonderful message of

this necessary and adorable book.”—Carol Bellamy, former executive director UNICEF, former director of the Peace Corps

ISBN 978-0-7611-5845-5 • $8.95 U.S.

We would love to hear about (and see photos of) your Kids Make It Better workshop!

Contact Selina Meere at 212-614-7505 or [email protected] to share your experience, or for publicity information.

For more information, or to order additional Activity Guides, please contact:

L I B R A R I A N S A N D T E A C H E R SMichael Rockliff

212-614-7572 • [email protected]

B O O K S E L L E R SCraig Popelars

[email protected]

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