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  • 8/3/2019 kid's grimoire cafe


    This is a Book of Arte Magick,

    composed of theOld Wisdom,

    and kept in the hand of

    __________________________________.Let this book be a

    blessing to i t s owner ,a ta l isman, a charm

    of luck, and heal thand love and wealth.

    So Mote It Be!So Mote It Be!So Mote It Be!So Mote It Be!So Mote It Be!

  • 8/3/2019 kid's grimoire cafe


    Magickis the art of using spiritual skills to work your will. Called Witch-craft, Wizardry, Sorcery or Arte Magick, it is an ancient science,the Old Knowledge, known to the witches and wizards, the sorcer-ess and druids, the priestesses and wise ones of Pagan times.Through the ages Magick has endured, though rulers try to stampit out. It lives in those who value freedom, who seek the power oftheir own souls. Magick is a human skill, learned by practice, bystudy, by work and by play. Some might have more talent for theArte, but all can gain in magical skill and power by practice.

    The Four Pillars of the Witchs Gate:Will - the Magician must have strength of mind, to always seek toovercomeImagination - the Wizard must be able to bring to mind any image orfeeling that is neededFaith - the Witch must be confident of her power, ready to set asidedoubt when needed.

    Secrecy - Magick must never be revealed to those who have no part init.

    The Four Powers of the Magus:To Know - knowledge is power, and we must seek knowledge of themyths and stories, of the ways of herbs and stones and natural things,of spells and charms, of healing and blessing, and how to turn aside ill.To Dare - no Magick is made without the courage to act. The Magi-

    cian must be prepared to risk failure, to look into the unknown, todiscover strange things about themselves and about the world.To Will - every Wizard needs the strength to seek goals with determina-tion, to concentrate, to focus on one thing at a time. The Magician must

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    train the mind to serve the will, and not follow the blind habits of life.To Be Silent - Magick is a secret Arte, not because it is forbidden, butbecause it works with the hidden paths of the world. No deed of

    Magick - no spell, no charm, should be revealed to anyone who isnot working it.

    Magicians are seekers of secrets, who know how to apply powerin the right way. When the right kind of power is applied in theright way, then Magick happens, sometimes in ways that seemstrange to those who do not know, but often in ways that seemnatural and right.

    There is one piece of advice that the Wise teach above all - onerule that cannot fail to improve life. It is called the Witchs Rede:

    An It Harm None,Do What You Will

    Every human being contains within us the Spark of the Fire of theGods, and a deep Well of The Powers of Magick. Our own Will is our

    guide to life, so long as we seek to do no more harm than we must.

    Nine Magical VirtuesWisdom - to seek knowledge, and know its meaningVision - to see truth in the world and in the OtherworldPiety - to keep the Old Ways of the Wise Ones

    Strength - of body, mind and spirit

    Courage - to face fear and overcomeHonor - to serve the good, and keep ones word

    Diligence - to work hard and get a good rewardHospitality -to be kind to strangers, and share what you have

    Pleasure - to enjoy your life, and the world around you

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    All The World Is Magick...All The World Is Magick...All The World Is Magick...All The World Is Magick...All The World Is Magick...








    The Land-Spirits:The Land-Spirits:The Land-Spirits:The Land-Spirits:

    The Mighty Dead:The Mighty Dead:The Mighty Dead:The Mighty Dead:

    The Gods and Goddesses: The Gods and Goddesses: The Gods and Goddesses: The Gods and Goddesses:

    The Wise Ones say that the world is made of the Four Elelments:

    Fire: The power of creation, the light of the Gods. Human will, andthe passions of life.

    Water: The power of love and hate, the deeps of the heart. Humanemotion, and compassion.

    Air:The Power of the mind, that fills our lives, like wind fills theworld. Human intelligence, and knowledge.

    Earth:The Power of the flesh, instinct and the animal in us. Humanbody and material things.

    The Druids say that the world is divided into the Three Realms:

    Land: The realm in which we live, the green world that is thesource of life and of wealth. The realm of the Nature Spirits,

    Sea: The realm of the deep, outside the shores of human life. Therealm of the Isles of the Dead, where the Ancestors dwell.

    Sky:The realm above, which reaches into our own life, yet risesabove our reach. The realm of the Gods and Goddesses.

    There are many Spirits in the Worlds, and the Wise call them bythree names:

    The Land-Spirits: All those beings that share the world with us- the spirits of beasts and birds and trees and herbs, the very spirits ofthe stones and waters themselves. Also, the Faery Folk, the strangeones, the Beautiful Tribes.

    The Mighty Dead: Those human spirits that are not presentlyborn in flesh - our own family spirits, the spirits of great men andwomen who guide us still, and the Heroes that inspire us to be ourbest.

    The Gods and Goddesses: The Shining Ones - the Oldest andWisest, Strongest and Most Beautiful of all beings. Their powerblesses us, and fills us with wisdom, power and love.

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    Spring EquinoxFeast of EggsFertility and New Growth

    MabonFall Equinox

    Feast of the HarvestWork and Profit

    YuleWinter Solstice

    Feast of the Long NightRest and Feasting

    ImbolgFebruary 1st

    Feast of the Hearth GoddessBounty and Healing

    BealtaineMay 1st

    Feast of the Wild FolkLove and Fairy Magick

    LunasaAugust 1st

    Feast of the Hero GodStrength and Victory

    SamhainNovember 1st

    Feast of the DeadHospitality and Magick of

    the Underworld

    LithaSummer SolsticeFeast of the Sun

    Growth and Beauty

    The Sun and Moon are Magick...The Sun and Moon are Magick...The Sun and Moon are Magick...The Sun and Moon are Magick...The Sun and Moon are Magick...The Wheel of the Year - The Stations of the Sun

    The Cycles of the Moon

    Waxing Moon : Beginning projects for long term growth and gain

    Full Moon : Immediate goals, blessings, speaking with Spirits

    Waning Moon : Projects that need purification, removal of ill

    Dark Moon : Meditation, self-knowledge, trance magick

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    TTTTTHEHEHEHE SSSSHRINEHRINEHRINEHRINE OFOFOFOF MMMMAGICKAGICKAGICKAGICKHE SHRINE OF MAGICKMagick is a spiritual practice - in some ways it is like religion, because it

    teaches us to find the Divine Power in ourselves, and use it as the Godsdo, to work our will in the world. When you want to do a specific workof Magick, you will need a hidden place devoted to Magick - your Shrine.Some people will be able to make a Shrine permanently in their bed-rooms, or some corner of their house. Other people will have to set up the shrine each time they work Magick. Remember that, though youmay need an adults permission to use incense or a candle, you should try to work any Magickal spell alone, in as much secrecy as possible.Though Magick is a secret Arte, it is always permitted to share your

    Magick with those you really love.

    The Shrine of Magick needs only the presence of the 4 Elements:

    Fire: A small Candle, such as a tea-Light is enough to be the presenceof the Sacred Fire.

    Water: a small bowl or glass with clean, fresh water.Air: Incense is best for air, though even an open bit of perfume or hebsmight do.

    Earth: A small dish of salt, perhaps with a clear crystal.These four are placed on a simple altar - a table, a flat stone, even asmall box, with a piece of cloth to cover it, They are placed in the patternof the Elemental Cross. Set the altar facing the north is you can, and set the Elements in their proper direction. The Gods and Spirits who youwork with can be represented with small statues, or with pictures, placedin the center of the Elements. If there are other ingredients to the spell athand, they should be set before the images of the Gods and Spirits.

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    The Magician seeks balance in all things...When Fire & Water, Air & Earth

    meet in the center of the self,then you are made whole,and Magick flows in you.













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    The Gods And GoddessesThe work of Magick is the work of spirit. The Magician learns to

    make the power in her own soul strong, and she also learns to speakwith the other powers in the world - the Gods and Spirits. The Wisehave always known that we are not alone in the worlds. We share theworlds of spirit with many beings, some our close friends, some not so friendly. Of these Magical beings the mightiest are those we call theGods and Goddesses.

    There are many Gods and many Goddesses, known by manynames among the peoples of the world. The Gods are a family, broth-ers, sisters, mothers, fathers, called by many names among many people.The Pagan Greeks called the Gods the Olympians, named after theirhome on Mount Olympus. Among the Norse people, the Vikings, TheGods lived in Asgard, which means Gods Home. The Celtic Gods of theIrish and Scots are called the Tuatha De Danann - the Tribe of theGoddess Dan. The tales of the deeds of the Gods and Goddesses, andhow they have dealt with humankind, can be found in many places.Here are just a fewof Their names and titles:

    The Goddesses The Goddesses The Goddesses The Goddesses The GoddessesGaiaGaiaGaiaGaia






    Gaia - among the Pagan Greeks, Gaia is the Earth Mother, the verysoul of the world, who gives life to all..

    Danu - among the Celtic peoples, Danu is the Mother of Waters, theFirst Goddess, Mother of the Gods.

    Frigga - among the Viking peoples Frigga is the Queen of the Gods,the Lady of the Hearth and Home.

    Demeter- a Greek Goddess who rules the corn and grain, makingthe crops grow strong.

    Boann - an Irish Goddess, who makes the cattle grow strong, andrules fertility and wisdom.

    Nerthus - a Norse Goddess, the Mother of the Land.Athena - a Hellenic Goddess of wisdom and good rulership.Brigid - a Celtic Goddess, who rules healing, poetry and blacksmithing.

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    The GodsThe Gods The GodsThe Gods The GodsZeusZeusZeusZeus





    Zeus - the Hellenic King of the Gods, Lightning-Wielder, All-Father.

    Dagda - a king among the Irish Gods, called Great Father, the Lord of SecretWisdom.Odin - The All-Father of the Norse Gods, Lord of Magic, and of Warfare.Hades - Hellenic God of the Underworld, Ruler of the Land of the Dead.Lugh - the Celtic Warrior Hero, who is also said to have all skills.

    ThorThor- the Viking Thunder God, who defends mortals against the GiantsNeptuneNeptune - the Greek God of the Sea, who makes earthquakes.CernunnosCernunnos - the Celtic Antlered God, Lord of the Underworld, and the Green-


    Tyr- Norse God of Right Action and Fair Rulership, God of Justice.

    Dagda & Brigid

    Thors Hammer The Fire-Altarof the Gods

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    The Fire-Heart Spell The Fire-Heart Spell The Fire-Heart Spell The Fire-Heart Spell The Fire-Heart SpellThis spell is a basic charm that should be used to gather Mag-

    ickal power before beginning any other spell. It is best performed for the first time under the open sky, when Sun, Moon and at least one Starare all visible in the sky together.

    Like all real Magick, this spell depends on your imagination. Imagi-nation is the power that humans have to see the Otherworld, and toaffect the Otherworld in turn. What we see clearly, what we imaginewell, actually happens in the world of Magick. So the visions described in the spell should be practiced often, so that they can be used in timewith the simple spoken spell.

    Stand straight, but relaxed, your book in one hand, the other open.Take three deep breaths, and keep breathing deeply and evenly through-

    out. Say:...

    Hear me, shining Sun and Moon;And One Star high above

    You shine so bright, by day and nightWith Wisdom, Strength and Love.

    Raise a hand up to the sky, and imagine the light of the Three Lightsshining on you...

    I raise my hand up to the sky;To Sun and Moon and Star

    Your light I call, upon me fall,Bright shining from afar

    Place your hand on your forehead and imagine the Light filling your

    eyes and head...Gold and Silver, Starry blue;

    It shines behind my eyesThe Magick Light, that brings the Sight

    The Wisdom from the skies

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    Place your hand on your chest, and imaginethe Power filling your heart, your center, and

    your arms...

    Into my heart the Power shines;The Magic Fire so bright

    Fire from above, the Fire of LoveThat fills me full of Light

    Place your hand on your belly, underyour navel, and imagine the Fire filling

    your belly and legs...

    Now in my Belly shines the LightWarm and clear and deepThe Magick flows, my Magic grows

    The Strength that I do keep Breathe deep, and feel the Light getting brighter and brighter, until itis a solid circle of light, surrounding you on all sides...

    Now shine within me Magicks FireLet my heart be your shrine

    Strong will I be, and wise, and freeThe Fire-Heart now is mine

    Place your hand on your heart, and imagine the whole circle of lightshrinking into your heart. If you feel that there is more energy thanyou can use, you can allow the extra to flow down your legs and into the ground. Let the light in your heart be a core of power and energythat you can call on at any time, bring to full size when you need it, that

    will stay burning in your heart until you renew it again...

    So as above me, so belowAs outside, so within

    The Powers mine, the Light divineThe Magic now begins

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    Casting the Magic CircleCasting the Magic CircleCasting the Magic CircleCasting the Magic CircleCasting the Magic CircleWhen you want to do a specific work of Magick, it is best to cast the

    spell that is called the Magick Circle. The Magick Circle is cast to focusyour power, to keep the Energy you call and raise concentrated aroundyou, and to keep out any unwanted influences. It is said that a well-castCircle moves the Wizard away from the common world, takes her Be- tween the Worlds, toward the Otherworld. Sometimes Magick can bedone with only the Fire-Heart Spell as a beginning, but when you wantsomething stronger, or more focused, then use the Circle Casting.

    Begin by setting up your Shrine of Magick. The Fire and Incense should

    be lit, and the Water and Earth bowls full. Stand at the Shrine, on itssouth side, facing north. Work the Fire-Heart Spell, or, if you have done it recently, and yourheart is bright, just recite the final verse:

    So as above me, so belowAs outside, so within

    The Powers mine, the Light divineThe Magic now begins

    Bring the Light into your Hands, and let it shine down onto the Ele-ments on top of your Shrine. Say:

    Fire and Water, Air and EarthBlessed be you, in the Light of Magic

    Let my Circle and my SpiritBe balanced in this work.

    Take a little of the salt, and sprinkle it into the water. Lift the cup, and


    By Water and by Earth,Let all ill be turned away,

    And this place be made pure.

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    Sprinkle the water around the edge of your circle-area, and on your altar-

    top, and sprinkle yourself, saying the water and salt charm over as you do.

    Pick up the incense and say:

    By Fire and by AirLet all good be drawn in,

    And this Circle be blessed.Wave the incense around the edge of your Circle area, and over your

    altar and yourself, as you repeat the charm.

    With all the Elements replaced in their positions, place your hands onyour heart and breathe deep. Fill yourself with the Light, and let it flowinto your hands.Extend your stronger hand before you, and let the Fire burn in it. Turnthree times around to your right, with your finger extended, and see aline of Fire being drawn in the air around your Shrine. Then stand, facing north, and let the Fire shine out from your heart,

    making a sphere with its edge at the Circle you have drawn. Say:

    I conjure you, Oh Circle of Magick,to be a boundary between the world of Magick

    and the common world, to contain and strengthenthe power that I will raise within you.

    By Fire and Water, Air and Earth, and by my own Light,so mote it be!

    Turn to face the east, and raise the Incense. Say:

    Spirits in the East of the world, powers of Air.Bless this Circle with wit and clarity.

    Spirits of Air, welcome! Turn to face the south and raise the Fire. Say:

    Spirits in the South of the world, powers of FireBless this Circle with light and transformation.

    Spirits of Fire, welcome!

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    Turn to face the west, and raise the Water. Say:

    Spirits in the West of the world, powers of WaterBless this Circle with love and understanding

    Spirits of Water, welcome! Turn to face the north, and raise the Earth-bowl. Say:

    Spirits in the North of the world, powers of EarthBless this Circle with strength and growth

    Spirits of Earth, welcome! Stand at center, again, and say:

    Air Fire Water EarthBring the Circle now to birth!

    So Mote it be!

    Ending the Circle Ending the Circle Ending the Circle Ending the Circle Ending the Circle When you have completed the work, the Circle Spell must be for- mally ended. Breathe deep and brighten the Fire in your heart. Allow any extra

    energy to flow down through your feet into the Earth. Imagine theCircle of Fire, the Sphere of Light, and the presence of the Four Elements

    beings in the directions. Say:

    By the Four and by the Five, I end what was begun. Turn to the east and raise a hand in parting salute, say:

    Spirits of Air in the EastI thank you for your presence and power

    Spirits of Air, go in peace. Hail and farewell! Turn to the south:

    Spirits of Fire in the SouthI thank you for your presence and power

    Spirits of Fire, go in peace. Hail and farewell!

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    Turn to the west:

    Spirits of Water in the WestI thank you for your presence and power

    Spirits of Water, go in peace. Hail and farewell! Turn to the north:

    Spirits of Earth in the NorthI thank you for your presence and power

    Spirits of Earth, go in peace. Hail and farewell! Extend your hand and turn three times over your left shoulder. Asyou turn, imagine the Circle of Fire being erased, or gathered in. When

    you are done, draw the Sphere of Light again into your heart. Say:The Circle is open, but never broken.

    In Wisdom, Love and Power,So mote it be!

    Carefully put away your Shrine.

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    Offering To The SpiritsOffering To The SpiritsOffering To The SpiritsOffering To The SpiritsOffering To The Spirits When you wish to call out to the Divine beings, to the Gods and God-desses, or the Ancestors, or the Fairy Folk, you should come to yourShrine of Magick, and bring a small offering for the spirits. Flowers, fruit or drink might be appropriate. Gather your power with the Fire-heart Spell, then cast the Circle Spell. After the Circle is cast, recite this invocation and make your offering:

    I offer my offeringsIn the eye of the Mothers who bore me

    In the eye of the Fathers who quickened meIn the light of the fire and the sight of the PowersAccept me, I pray, as your kin and ally

    Mighty and beloved DeadWild Ones, Nobles of the LandEldest, Wisest, Shining Ones

    Accept from me offering

    That your power inspire and instruct meThat your power heal and sustain meThat your power preserve and defend me

    Each shade and lightEach day and nightEach hour in blessingThis I ask, and give you this due honor!

    After this, any more specific invocation or prayer may be made, withproper offerings, to whatever God or Spirit you seek.

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    The Spell of the Grail

    There are many ways to cast spells to gain what you want in the world. One of the most traditional ways of placing an enchantmentupon yourself, for luck, or wealth, or success, is to enchant a Cup, anddrink the contents. Many people have heard of the Holy Grail, that gaveeveryone what they needed, healed illness, and granted wisdom. Withthis spell we bring a bit of the power of the Grail into our own Magick.

    You must obtain a Cup, a Chalice, or even a Cauldron of a kind thatcan be kept clean enough to drink from. This will be your Grail of Mag-ick, that will bring you the Blessings you seek.

    When you wish to receive a Blessing, first you must decide exactly whatit is you wish to do. Formulate your intention clearly, never asking for too

    specific a goal, but leaving room for the Gods to grant youwhat you need. When you have found your goal, yourtarget, you should choose a Rune that has power thatwill be helpful for your goal. Write that Rune in the four directions on a small piece of paper that can be

    placed under your Grail.

    Prepare your Shrine as usual, with the four Elements,and any images of Gods proper to the work at hand. Place the rune-writing before the images, with the Grail upon it. In the Grail put what-ever drink you prefer - something that you love, or that makes youthink of your goal.

    Work the Fire-Heart Spell

    Cast the Circle

    Perform the Offering to the Spirits, and then add any specific invoca-tions to Gods or Spirits that would be proper to your goal.

    Breathe deep, and brighten your Heart with the Fire of Magick. With

    the Gods and Spirits in your mind, say:

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    Hear me, Mighty, Noble and Shining Ones. I have comeinto the Circle to make magic, to(here you must plainly state yourgoal, in simple, direct words, without fear or hesitancy).Let the Fire be in

    me, that I may work my will!

    Now begin to imagine a general picture of your goal, allowing details toappear and change as they do. Breathe deep, and brighten the Fire in yourheart, perhaps working the Fire-Heart again, while thinking of your goal.

    Begin to chant this charm, while you imagine the Magickal Fire grow-ing stronger and brighter in you. Repeat the charm nine times, each timefeeling the Light become twice as bright, twice as powerful, as before.

    As above me, so belowAs outside, so within

    The Powers mine, the Light divineThe Magick now begins!

    As you near the ninth repetition of the charm, you may find yourselfyelling the charm loudly, or whispering it intensely. You should imag- ine the goal once more, clearly. Then place your hands over the Grail

    and say the charm for the ninth time.

    Now you should imagine the Rune that you chose, shining over thesurface of the Grail. Pick up the Grail with your left hand, and use yourright forefinger to draw the Rune in the air over the Grail - see the Runeshine with the Fire. Take the Grail in both hands, and see the Fire enter- ing it completely feel the Fire that you have gathered flow out fromyour center- see the Grail shine and burn with the golden, silver, starrylight of Magick. Say:

    By Fire and Water, Air and EarthMy Magick brings the spell to birthBy light of Star and Moon and Sun

    As I do will, so be it done!Set the Grail back down on the Rune-writing.

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    Now let your mind relax - breathe deep, and hold a steady Light inyour Heart. Dont try to think of your goal, or even of the rune. With

    your eyes closed, pick up the Grail and drink the drink. Allow yourselfto enjoy the drink itself, not worrying about your goal.

    When you are done, imagine any left over energy flowing downthrough your legs into the earth. Say:

    To all beings who have helped me, I give my thanks(if specific Gods or Spirits were called, they should be thanked.)

    To the Gods, the Dead and the Spirits, I give my thanks.Remember my Magick, and may the Grail give me itsblessing. So Mote it be!

    Close the Circle. The Rune-paper should be burned, or torn up and putinto running water.

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    A Charm For Wisdom A Charm For Wisdom A Charm For Wisdom A Charm For Wisdom A Charm For WisdomPower with me lying downPower with me rising up

    Power with me in each ray of lightNor I one spark of joy withoutNor I one spark without

    Love with me in solitudeLove with me among companyLove with me among the GodsMy heart a flame of holy Light

    My heart a flame of LightWisdom with me sleepingWisdom with me wakingWisdom with me watching

    Each day and every nightEvery day and night

    Lugh with me protectingDagda with me directingMorrigan with me strengthening

    Forever and forever more, ever and forever more

    A Daily Charm A Daily Charm A Daily Charm A Daily Charm A Daily Charm

    for Power for Power for Power for Power for PowerBy deep Well and bright FireBy the World Trees root and branchI come before the GodsMay I be the Kin

    of the Mighty DeadMay I be the Ally

    of the Noble SpiritsMay I be the Blessed Child

    of the Shing GodsMagick be above meMagick be below meMagick on every hand around me

    And wisdom, love and powerIn my truest heart

    A Charm For Protection A Charm For Protection A Charm For Protection A Charm For Protection A Charm For ProtectionThe Dark King is turned back

    by the Golden Boy

    Evil turn back!The Mighty One burst the gatesof the Elder House

    Evil turn backThe Red Queen is mighty

    against the foe.Evil turn ever back!

    The Great Blessing The Great Blessing The Great Blessing The Great Blessing The Great Blessing

    I offer my thanks to the Mother of All.I offer my thanks

    to the Gods, Dead and Spirits.May the Three Sacred Kins

    Bring joy to all beings,and renew the ancient wisdom.

    To the Fire, Well and TreeI offer my thanks.

    May Wisdom, Love and PowerKindle in all beings

    and renew the ancient wisdom.

    To the Earth, Sea, and SkyI offer my thanks.May the ancient wisdom be renewed,

    and may all beingsknow peace, joy and happinessIn all the worlds.So be it

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    In Pagan times, the Wizards made offerings to the spir-its who dwelt in wood and

    water, to the BlessedGods and to theAncestors.

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    Morrigan, Irish Goddess of Defense and of Magick

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    The Runes of the Viking WizardsIn the Pagan North, the Wise worked Magick that they called

    Galdr - spell-singing. They made their spells using the symbolscalled Runes.

    The word Rune means whispered or secret, and the Runes wereused to write secret charms and spells, to heal and to protect, to turnaside enemies and to gain Magical wisdom. They were also usedin divination - the Magick that seeks to find out that which isunknown or hidden.

    To use the Runes for divination, first cut 24 small slips of paper (oruse wooden pieces if you want a more permanent set) and writeone of the runes on each of them. The pieces should all be the samesize, so that you cant tell them apart by touch.

    Turn all the rune-pieces face down, and scramble them well. Workthe Fire-heart Charm to gather your power, then make a smallprayer to Odin, the God of the Runes, like:

    In your name, Odin, I take up the RunesFrom a word to a word, let me be led to a word,

    From a deed to a better deed.Then draw three of the Runes from the pile, and set them beforeyou, ina row. each has a meaning:

    The skill of understanding the meaning of the Runes can only belearned with much practice. Sometimes the omens will be clear,other times they may be confusing. Watch, listen, rememberand learn as you practice.

    Past Present Future

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