Download - Keynote 2017


Keynote - 2017Your Key to Success

Let’s Play

Important Headlines

Google Says There Are Now

More Than 2 Billion Monthly

Active Android Devices

Google expands its

public cloud platform,

launches first India Cloud

Platform in MumbaiIndia saved $9 bn through

Aadhaar, says Nilekani

GST woes: CAIT calls for CBI inquiry against Infosys,

others for poor tax portal

Google Assistant for Android

now supports Spanish and

Italian From 0.1 million to 76.96 million:

Transactions through BHIM UPI

sees magical growth; Nandan

Nilekani says 'What a Story!'

Our focus is to make India

ready for 5G and IoT: Sanjay

Malik, Nokia India head

"Data is the new oil and India does not need to import it. We have it in

super abundance and we have to ensure every Indian has access to it.

Some more Headlines

India smartphone market

witnessed a 107% rise in

Dual-camera shipments

ending Q2: CMR

Drones policy: Draft norms stipulate identification number, radio

frequency tags; use may be restricted to daytime.

WhatsApp Pay: Soon,

Make Payments Through

Your WhatsApp Chats

Your handset can tell if you’re

standing up, or if you’ve just

lifted your phone off a desk

Some more Headlines

Android Oreo Sweetest one

Control Uday Control - What Notifications

More Control right at your fingertips

Adaptive Icons - Yeah

Less Taps More Fun

Smart you bet it is

Opening App is so Old School

Oreo Shake

Top 10 Mobile

Year of Two Cameras :) on both sides - really

Removing the Fat :)

Inspiring the next Display

Removing the chin or removing hair or both

Devil is in Details 18:9

AI In Camera

Samsung - Camera Sensor Capable of 1000 FPS

Look for Smaller F Number - Aperture

Wireless Charging in a Car yes in a Car

Weird but true

HDR - High Dynamic Range

DEMO and Side Effects

Indian m-wallet


expected to be

Rs 1,512 billion

by year 2022


T for Tech T for Tez

Battle of Beasts

Gmail knows everything yes everything

Gmail knows everything :)

Google Cloud - For Everything

Google Compute Engine goes a little

crazy with up to 96 CPU cores and

624 GB of memory

Google Compute Engine

Top 10 IoT

Thank God they still need Apps

Future of Mobility

Invest in Real Estate

Modular you bet it is

Shopping Automated

Are you wearing Levis Today

Are you all ears?

For all you Moms and Dads out there

Save it for the future

Talking with each other

Shopping List Automated

For those who still have some hair left

Remember this anyone

Are you agile

One each from backend and frontend

GDG Ahmedabad Team - Teamwork Works

Top 10 New Tech

AR is here to stay

An Evening in Paris

Who wants to eat Ice Cream

What’s Real what’s Virtual

Everything getting real with VR

Talking about Google

Clip it anywhere

Demo Time

New Way to Communicate

Adding New Commands Everyday

Nokia is still alive

SMS Connect

Foldable Displays


Sharing Economy - Spreading the Wings

Being Human with Drones

Imagine what drones can do to agriculture: Nasscom chief

Some more use of Drones

Raining Cats and Dogs

What’s your BHAG (Big Hairy Audacious Goal)

Selfie Nation!

It’s Sunder it is

Don’t Worry - She won’t

ChatBot for Samosa

ChatBot - Hilarious

Twitter Fail

Let’s talk about Money

Virtual Keyboard - For Real

AMP Live and Kicking

Grab and Go

“Technology is not our core area so we

will look to partner with technology

companies to enable retail 3.0.”

V2X - Vehicle to Everything with 5G we can

Interface Everywhere

Taking things to the next level

New Tech on the Horizon

Emoji - for what?

Blockchain● You (a "node") have a file of transactions on your computer (a "ledger").

● Two government accountants (let's call them "miners") have the same file

on theirs (so it’s "distributed"). As you make a transaction, your computer

sends an e-mail to each accountant to inform them.

● Each accountant rushes to be the first to check whether you can afford it

(and be paid their salary "Bitcoins").

● The first to check and validate hits “REPLY ALL”, attaching their logic for

verifying the transaction ("Proof of Work"). If the other accountant agrees,

everyone updates their file…

● This concept is enabled by "Blockchain" technology.



Are you ready for future

3D Printed

Useful Products

Identify if You Can

Top 10 expectations from AI/ML/IoT/Connected Vehicles/IoT

1. Auto reporting of bad quality roads

2. Auto suggestion for next service due

3. Auto suggestion if you set someone else's pic as yours

4. Plagiarism alert

5. Social Engineering Alert

6. Reliable Weather Alerts

7. Automatic Shopping

8. Unnecessary Weight gain/lost alert

9. Useless Hashtag alert

10. Fake development/progress/gdp/news alert

Predictions - 2017

1. 16 GB RAM 16 Core Processor

2. More sensor to measure your health vitals

3. Better Emergency Response

4. Foldable Displays

5. Display you can not only touch but feel too

6. Projection Capability

7. Video Tagging

8. 360 Camera Module on Mobile

Listen to Him

Rock stars - Web



Rock stars - Mobile















That’s all folks


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