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Lt. Colonel Dave Grossman

“The Bulletproof Mind”

David Dodson

“The Art of Reading Smoke”

Check our website for continuing updates on featured topics and speakers





Schedule of






Class Schedule 5-11

2010 Photos 12













Directions and 22

2011 West Virginia 2011 West Virginia

Public Safety ExpoPublic Safety Expo

CharlestonCharleston, WV, WV CharlestonCharleston Civic CenterCivic Center

Contact Information:

Phone: 304-357-0117



Key Note SpeakerKey Note Speaker

Richard Picciotto Manhattan, NY

Richard Picciotto was an FDNY Battalion Commander in Manhattan on September 11, 2001. Following the terrorist attack, he rushed in-side the World Trade Center to res-cue those inside, but soon found himself trapped in the smoldering rubble of the North Tower after its collapse. Buried for more than four hours, he emerged almost un-scathed and was the highest-ranking firefighter to survive the collapse. In a presentation modeled after his best-selling book, Last Man Down, Picciotto offers a tribute to the lives that were lost that day. His recount is not one of death and destruction, but a celebration of life and its unpredictable nature. Pic-ciotto offers an eyewitness account of the defining historical event of our lives; his story is that of a man, a hero, and a tragic event that in-

spired a nation.

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Thank You

to the following agencies for providing staff to

serve as committee members for the

WV Public Safety Expo 2011

EXPO COMMITTEE Jennifer Sayre, Kanawha County Commission

Tammie Chandler, Kanawha County Commission

Colt Sandoro, Kanawha County Commission

Amy King, Kanawha County Commission

David Fontalbert, Kanawha County Commission

Dale Petry, Kanawha County Emergency Services

CW Sigman, Kanawha County Emergency Services

David Armstrong Kanawha County Planning

Doug Beasley, Kanawha County Sheriff

Doug Carte, Charleston Civic Center

Grant Gunnoe, Charleston Emergency Management

Herb Lattimore, Homeland Security and Emergency Management

John Pottorff, Metro 911

John Smoot, Kanawha County Ambulance

Kevin Clendenin, Clendenin Fire Department

Nick Keller, Yeager Airport

Terry Sayre, Yeager Airport

Bob Long, Yeager Airport

Paul Roach, Charleston Police Department

Anthony Payne, Charleston Police Department

Rodney Winter, Charleston Fire Department

Sonny Wagoner, Pinch Fire Department

William Peterson, Malden Fire Department

Tammy Norman, RESA

Jim Shedd, RESA

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2010 Parade2010 Parade

2011 Schedule of events2011 Schedule of events2011 Schedule of events


1300 - 1700 Statewide Fire Chief’s Meeting

Board Room

THURSDAY, MAY 19, 2011

0800 - 1700 Parlor A

Emergency Management Counsel

Lunch will be provided for all participants each day between the morning and after-

noon classes in addition to snacks and beverages on breaks in the

morning and afternoon.


All vendors are welcome to attend 1730-1930 Parade 1930-2100 Opening Ceremonies Dinner – Keynote Richard Picciotto

THURSDAY, MAY 19, 2011

0700 Exhibit Hall opens for set up 0800-1700 Training Classes 1200-2100 Exhibit Hall Open

FRIDAY, MAY 20, 2011

0800-1700 Training Classes 1200-1900 Exhibit Hall Open 1900 Exhibit Hall Close and Tear Down

SATURDAY, MAY 21, 2011

0800-1700 Training Classes

SUNDAY, MAY 22, 2011

0800-1700 Training Classes

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1730 – 1930 Parade

1930 – 2100 Richard Picciotto

Richard "Pitch" Picciotto, the highest-ranking firefighter to survive the World Trade Center collapse, and the last fireman to escape the devastation, was on a stairwell between the sixth and seventh floor of the North Tower when it col-lapsed on September 11, 2001. His is the harrowing true story of an FDNY battalion commander, American hero, a man who thought nothing of himself and gave nearly everything for others during one of our nation's darkest hours. Picciotto tells an outspoken account of that indelible day, shaking and inspiring audiences to the core. On the morning of September 11, 2001, Picciotto answered the call heard around the world. In minutes he was at Ground Zero of the worst terrorist attack on American soil. Acting boldly to save innocent lives as the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center began to burn—and then to buckle. Already a veteran of terrorist attacks, Picciotto was present fighting a similar battle after the World Trade Center Bombing in 1993. Again inside the North Tower, where he found himself years earlier, burdened by an eerie sense of familiarity, he focused his concentration on the rescue efforts at hand. But it was there in the smoky stairwells that he heard and felt the South Tower collapse. He then made the call for firemen and rescue workers to evacuate, while he stayed behind with a skeleton team of men to assist a group of disabled and infirm civilians in their struggle to evacuate the inferno. It was there in the rubble of the North Tower that Picciotto found himself buried for more than four hours after the building's collapse. Having discovered that members of his team and a 59-year-old grandmother were alive nearby, he and his men used their radios to send out Mayday calls until they made contact with a firefighter on the ground, and a search party was dispatched. When the light finally appeared about four stories above, he climbed upwards, reached the top, and saw the "unfathomable, mind-boggling destruction." Even then it was not until after he organized the rescue of the others that he walked across the rubble to safety. Picciotto's book, Last Man Down, is a tribute to the 343 firefighters and 2,400 civilians who lay dead in the rubble that surrounded him on that day. And moreover, it is a heartfelt remembrance of a day of infamy and profound humanity. The book was an immediate New York Times bestseller upon its release in May 2002. Chief Picciotto has served as a: New York City Police Officer; Fire Marshal; an Arson Investigator; a Lieutenant; became Chief in 1992. He is a 28-year veteran of the FDNY, and for the past nine years, he has presided over the department's Battalion 11, covering Manhattan's Upper West Side. He is the recipient of departmental awards and commendations for his bravery and meritorious service.

THURSDAY, MAY 19, 2011

0800 – 1200 Basement and Attic Fires – Lance Carney (4 hours) Repeat of Thursday and Friday

This class will enhance the awareness and abilities of beginning firefighters through chief officers while dealing with below-grade and attic-type fires. The class will discuss the clues presented to responders upon arrival, available tactics and strate-gies and their appropriated usages, and the inherent safety issues present at these incidents. Students will learn what condi-

tions to look for both inside and outside of the structure to ensure firefighter safety and effective control of the incident .

Room 202 Target audience: Firefighters

0800 – 1200 “EZ as 1-2-3” – Janet Taylor (4 Hours)

EZ IO Techniques and Procedures. Indications, advantages and complications are reviewed with the EZ IO bone drill. Tips And Tricks of the trade will be given as well as hands on review. Disclaimer: I am in no way affiliated with the EZ IO company. I will not be receiving any royalties from giving this lecture. If there were any other battery powered bone drill on the market, this lecture and its content would apply to it also. At this time of this presentation EZ IO is the brand name for the battery powered bone drill.

Room 203 Target audience: EMS

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0800 – 1200 “Tickle Me Taser ... 50,000 Watts of Fun” – Peter Lazzara (4 Hours) (LE Credit)

Ever touch a live wire or lick a 9 volt battery? Well times that by 50,000 and you can get a general idea about being tased. The taser presentation looks at the recent controversies in the utilization of the tasers to manage the unruly. We will look at What type of injury patterns EMS responders can expect and how to manage these injuries. SHOCKING.

Room 204 Target audience: EMS, First Responders, Firefighters, Law Enforcement, Telecommunications

0800 – 1200 “Counter Terrorism” – CTT Agency (4 hours) (LE Credit)

This course will deal with topics including: Islam 101; Arab culture and cultural differences/diversity; the Middle East; under-standing Arab and Muslim names; radical Islam and terrorism; Holy War and Jihad; why are we the target of the Jihadi War; being proactive in the war on terror; protecting America.

Room 205 Target audience: EMS, First Responders, Firefighters, Law Enforcement, Telecommunications

0800 – 1700 “Supervisory for Law Enforcement” – Deputy Chief Preston (8 hours) (LE Credit)

To introduce participants to the methods and techniques involved in the counseling function of Supervisors. At the end of this block of instruction, the participant will be able to achieve the following objectives in accordance with the information received during the instructional period:

1. Define ―Counseling.‖ 2. Establish a rapport with the subordinate by identification of his or her thoughts and feelings. 3. Develop through self-awareness, your values and beliefs. 4. Choose appropriate verbal and non-verbal responses during the counseling sessions. 5. Employ active listening techniques. 6. Provide Constructive Criticism. 7. Select the appropriate methods of counseling – directive vs. nondirective.

Room 206 Target audience: Law Enforcement

0800 – 1700 “Emergency Vehicle Operations Liability” – Sgt. B. K. Hennessey and Keith Gamble (8 hours) (LE Credit)

This course will cover aspects of liability in regards to agency and personal liability in the realm of operating an emergency vehicle. Topics to be covered include responding to emergency calls, pursuits, and other topics that create liability issues for departments.

Room 104 Target audience: Law Enforcement, EMS, First Responders, Firefighters

1300 – 1700 “Colors” – Peter Lazarra (4 hours) (LE Credit)

Gangs pose a real threat to today’s EMS provider’s safety and directly effects how we conduct business in the streets.―Colors‖ takes an up-close and personal look at these serious dangers and how to minimize the risks of providing street medicine.

Room 202 Target audience: EMS, Firefighters, First Responders

1300 – 1700 “Don't know nothing 'bout birthin' no babies! ” – Janet Taylor (4 hours)

Pregnancy Complications/ Obstetric emergencies (3-4 hours in length) We review a normal pregnancy state and go into the complications such as Pre-Eclampsia, Placenta Previa, Abruption Placenta, Ectopic pregnancy, HELLP Syndrome, and Gestational Diabetes. In the last half of this presentation we review basic delivery techniques including breech delivery, turtle sign with shoulder dystocia, and post-partum complications. *Disclaimer* Lots of pictures are involved in this presentation including frank pictures of the female perineum with crowning.

Room 203 Target audience: EMS, First Responders, Firefighters

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0800-1700 Domestic Violence – (What All Telecommunicators Should Know But Don’t) – Kim Eagle (LE Credit) This course is geared towards telecommunicators. This 8 hour course will be broken down into several different perspectives as well as instructors. It will be presented from a Crime’s Victim Specialist perspective on dealing with the ―aftermath‖ of a domestic or violent crime. Then from a Law Enforcement view of what they witness first hand from the 9-1-1 call and informa-tion given. The class will then wrap up with Domestic Violence Call Taking 101 from the start of a domestic or violent 9-1-1

call to Law Enforcements arrival.

Room _____ Target audience: Telecommunications, EMS, First Responders, Firefighters, Law Enforcement

FRIDAY, MAY 20, 2011

0800 – 1200 Basement and Attic Fires – Lance Carney (4 hours) Repeated on Thursday and Friday

This class will enhance the awareness and abilities of beginning firefighters through chief officers while dealing with below-grade and attic-type fires. The class will discuss the clues presented to responders upon arrival, available tactics and strate-gies and their appropriated usages, and the inherent safety issues present at these incidents. Students will learn what condi-

tions to look for both inside and outside of the structure to ensure firefighter safety and effective control of the incident .

Room 202 Target audience: Firefighters

0800 – 1200 “Tips for Tubing Tots” – Peter Lazzara (4 hours)

This lecture is a pediatric specific advanced airway lecture which addresses several issues and concerns of the pre-hospital provider when it comes to getting that tough tube. ―Tips‖ stresses the fundamentals of pediatric assessment. Topics include: knowing who is sick and who is not; airway anatomy; BLS airway adjuncts and skills; how kids compensate for illness and

injury as well as field tested and proven pediatric intubation tips to increase the pre-hospital providers’ success.

Room 203 Target audience: EMS, First Responders

0800 – 1700 “Bulletproof Mind” – Lt. Col. David Grossman (LE Credit)

The objective of the lecture is to provide a broad base of information to officers and supervisors seeking to understand offi-cers’ actions and behaviors prior to, during and after crisis incidents. This presentation will address several diverse topics which were brought together by Col. Grossman’s experiences as: a military and law enforcement trainer and psychologist; a trainer of health professionals; law enforcement personnel and first responders in the aftermath of the Jonesboro, Springfield

and Littleton school shootings; a consultant in the Paducah school shootings and other major murder cases.

Room WV Room 105 Target audience: Law Enforcement

0800 – 1700 “The Art of Reading Smoke” – Dave Dodson

This workshop will allow participants ample opportunity to practice the reading smoke principles through the use of actual fireground video and classroom interaction. It explores the modern smoke environment with an emphasis on tactical and behavioral solutions that can help the participant with first-due decision making and incident handling. The instructor will lead participants through case studies, updated technical data, best practices, and group exercises (using raw fireground

footage) that emphasize situational awareness and intelligent exterior/interior solutions.

Room WV Room 104 Target audience: Firefighters

0800 – 1700 “Tactical First Aid and Survival for Law Enforcement” (LE Credit) – Alisha Samples, John Dearnell, Dana Rowsey, Preston Hickman (8 hours)

This course is designed to teach lifesaving techniques in tactical situations. Students will be introduced to CPR, bleeding control, treatment of penetrating injuries, and other lifesaving skills. Real life scenarios will be incorporated in the delivery of this program.

Room 206 Target audience: Law Enforcement

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0800 – 1700 “Top Gun For Critical Care” – Bob Page and Janet Taylor (8 hours)

Are you ready for a challenge? We want the best of the best! Come and experience hands on simulation of some cases that will test your knowledge and critical thinking ability. This lab is done with a human patient simulator that allows all skills to be performed. The scenarios are difficult, and a bit of learning will occur with each one, including a debriefing after each cal l. This class is for Critical Care Medics and Nurses with critical care experience. Check your ego's at the door and hold on for the ride. This will be a rewarding education experience. Mentored by Bob Page and Janet Taylor, Critical Care Flight Nurse. En-rollment limited to the first 18 brave souls!

Room 103 Target audience: EMS 0800 – 1700 “Haz-Mat IQ” – Joe Gorman and Cris Aguirre (LE Credit)

HazMat IQ is a training system formulated from more than 50 years of Hazardous Materials (HazMat) response experience. Traditional HazMat response is founded in the principles of industrial hygiene, organic chemistry and inorganic chemistry. While these foundations are valuable in the right setting, HazMat IQ has revolutionized first responder training by turning the focus away from mastering textbooks and onto the critical knowledge needed to make a simple decision: Can I make entry to

effectuate a rescue?

In order to do this, a first responder needs to understand the environmental hazards and the required personal protection equipment. HazMat IQ training streamlines the size-up process and enables responders to maximize their response efficiency

and effectiveness.

Parlor A Target audience: EMS, First Responders, Firefighters, Law Enforcement, Telecommunications

1300 – 1700 “Oh What’s the Drama, It’s Only Trauma. The Basics of Trauma Assessment” – Peter Lazzara (4 hours) This presentation will cover the kinematics of trauma and the basic of a rapid trauma assessment. The class will help the stu-dent heighten their index of suspicion by surveying the scene and determining the mechanism of injury. The class will also look at new trends in the pre-hospital care of trauma patients.

Room 203 Target audience: EMS and First Responders

1800 - 2200 “Heavy Extrication” – Various Instructors (20 hours) (LE Credit)

This program is designed to allow responders to work together on advanced and complex extrication skills. 20-hours of hands-on training will require the attendees to work more independently of the instructors, and as teams often thinking "out of the box." Updates on new vehicle technology will educate students how to cope with new vehicle safety innovations to safely miti-gate a vehicle rescue. Advanced lifting techniques with airbags, agricultural & farm equipment rescue, advanced stabilization & cribbing, combined with advanced shoring & rigging will challenge responders on Saturday. Skill building advanced extrica-tion scenarios dealing with large trucks, buses, and heavy equipment in conjunction with skilled entrapment situations (over/under rides and substantial objects) will be covered on Sunday. Course exceeds NFPA 1670 Standards for Technical Res-cue/Extrication.

Continued on Saturday & Sunday Prerequisites: Advanced Vehicle Rescue or Operations Level Extrication

PPE: Needs to meet or exceed NFPA 1670 Standards Room 105 Target audience: EMS, First Responders, Firefighters

SATURDAY, MAY 21, 2011

0800 – 1200 Basement and Attic Fires – Lance Carney (4 hours) Repeat of Thursday and Friday

This class will enhance the awareness and abilities of beginning firefighters through chief officers while dealing with below-grade and attic-type fires. The class will discuss the clues presented to responders upon arrival, available tactics and strate-gies and their appropriated usages, and the inherent safety issues present at these incidents. Students will learn what condi-

tions to look for both inside and outside of the structure to ensure firefighter safety and effective control of the incident .

Room 202 Target audience: Firefighters

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0800 – 1700 “Tactical First Aid and Survival for Law Enforcement” (LE Credit) – Alisha Samples, John Dearnell, Dana Rowsey, Preston Hickman (8 hours) This course is designed to teach lifesaving techniques in tactical situations. Students will be introduced to CPR, bleeding control, treatment of penetrating injuries, and other lifesaving skills. Real life scenarios will be incorporated in the del ivery of this program .

Room 206 Target audience: Law Enforcement 0800 – 1700 “Land Navigation I” – Rob Speiden (8 hours)

This course is designed for any person that may find themselves working or playing outdoors. Map and compass skills are essential to anyone that may venture off road. This course will provide classroom introduction and practical field exercises to improve your understanding of, and ability to use, topographic maps in conjunction with a compass. The combination of these resources and the skills taught in this class will give you a confident boost in your navigational skill set. The following


Bring a compass and UTM coordinate plotter

if you have one, and we will have those available if you don’t.

Room 203 Target audience: EMS, First Responders, Firefighters, Law Enforcement

0800 – 1200 Preventing Fire Apparatus and Emergency Vehicle Accidents – Michael Dallessandro (4 hours)

Motor vehicle accidents responding and returning remain a leading cause of line of duty deaths and injuries for firefighters and emergency care providers. This workshop removes participants from the driver’s seat and looks at recent accidents and statis-tics from the 30,000 foot level. Information provided in this workshop will go past basic driver training and will not only peek into the minds of fire drivers but will also explore other aspects of a well rounded fire department driver training and safety program. Attendees will also receive pertinent, up to date data and real world apparatus operation tips and techniques that they can take back to their home departments. This class combines classroom instruction and behind the wheel practice in

one exciting day and is a perfect supplement for any department’s regular driver training regimen.

Room 204 Target audience: EMS, First Responders, Firefighters

0800 - 1500 ”Mass Casualty Incidents” – Deron Wilkes (6 hours) This course is required for WV EMS personnel wishing to recertify. Participants will be introduced to responding to a mass casualty incident.

Parlor A Target audience: EMS, First Responders, Firefighters

0800 – 1700 “The Art of Reading Smoke” – Dave Dodson (8 hours) Repeat of Fridays Class

This workshop will allow participants ample opportunity to practice the reading smoke principles through the use of actual fireground video and classroom interaction. It explores the modern smoke environment with an emphasis on tactical and behavioral solutions that can help the participant with first-due decision making and incident handling. The instructor will lead participants through case studies, updated technical data, best practices, and group exercises (using raw fireground

footage) that emphasize situational awareness and intelligent exterior/interior solutions.

Room 205 Target audience: Firefighters

0800 – 1700 “Heavy Extrication” – Various Instructors (LE Credit) (Continued from Friday) (Continued Sunday)Off Site Location Target audience: EMS, First Responders, Firefighters

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0800 – 1700 “Top Gun For Critical Care” – Bob Page and Janet Taylor (8 hours) Repeat of Fridays Class

Are you ready for a challenge? We want the best of the best! Come and experience hands on simulation of some cases that will test your knowledge and critical thinking ability. This lab is done with a human patient simulator that allows all skills to be performed. The scenarios are difficult, and a bit of learning will occur with each one, including a debriefing after each cal l. This class is for Critical Care Medics and Nurses with critical care experience. Check your ego's at the door and hold on for the ride. This will be a rewarding education experience. Mentored by Bob Page and Janet Taylor, Critical Care Flight Nurse. Enrollment limited to the first 18 brave souls!

Room 103 Target audience: EMS 1300 – 1700 Leading the Volunteers - Michael Dallessandro (4 hours)

Today’s volunteer fire service is facing many challenges and leaders of these organizations are going to have to wear many hats to keep these organizations heading in the right direction. This workshop will focus on key behavioral points of members that helped make our fire companies of yesteryear grow into the organizations they are today: while at the same time identify-ing new behavioral patters that are causing concerns for the future. Attendees will take home with them a positive message and teaching points about dedication to community service, proper behavior in the firehouse and in public, volunteer/combo relations, ethics, values, professional conduct, motivation and what it means to freely give of yourself to be a volunteer fire-fighter today.

Room 204 Target audience: EMS, First Responders, Firefighters SUNDAY, MAY 22, 2011

0800 – 1200 Haz-Mat Awareness – Brent Burger (4 hours) (LE Credit)

Hazardous materials are everywhere. This class will help the student recognize and identify key items to determine a plan of action. You will learn your limitation, how to protect yourself, and stay safe.

Room 202 Target audience: EMS, First Responders, Firefighters, Law Enforcement, Telecommunications

0800 – 1700 ”Human Tracking I” – Rob Speiden (8 hours) (LE Credit)

This course teaches the basic sciences of tracking skills as applied to detecting, interpreting, preserving and following sign of the passage of humans, be they lost, missing or evasive. These skills include recording tracks through sketching, measuring and photographing tracks. We will also look at aging and detecting sign that exists as invisible to the untrained eye but detect-able by training and practice. This class will consist of both indoor classroom presentations and outdoor exercises. Students should bring a tape measure, pencil and notebook for sketching – knee pads are optional.

Room 203 Target audience: EMS, First Responders, Firefighters, Law Enforcement

0800 – 1200 Preventing Accidents – Michael Dallessandro (4 hours) Repeat of Saturday

Motor vehicle accidents responding and returning remain a leading cause of line of duty deaths and injuries for firefighters and emergency care providers. This workshop removes participants from the driver’s seat and looks at recent accidents and statis-tics from the 30,000 foot level. Information provided in this workshop will go past basic driver training and will not only peek into the minds of fire drivers but will also explore other aspects of a well rounded fire department driver training and safety program. Attendees will also receive pertinent, up to date data and real world apparatus operation tips and techniques that they can take back to their home departments. This class combines classroom instruction and behind the wheel practice in one exciting day and is a perfect supplement for any department’s regular driver training regimen.

Room 204 Target audience: EMS, First Responders, Firefighters

0800 - 1700 “Meth Lab Awareness for First Responders” – Doug Beasley (8 hours) (LE Credit) Responding to emergency incidents in today’s world has become more and more dangerous and responders must be pre-pared for almost anything. Clandestine meth labs are becoming more and more prevalent in today’s society and the dangers involved in these labs make responder awareness essential. This course introduces personnel to the chemical and physical hazards present at clan labs and the manufacturing methods. It covers defensive response procedures that may be used by

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patrol officers, fire fighters, emergency medical responders, and other personnel who would support clan lab certified respond-ers.

Room 205 Target audience: EMS, First Responders, Firefighters, Law Enforcement

0800 – 1700 Sprinklers – Dave Duncan (8 hours)

This class will give the student a basic understanding of how fire sprinkler systems and standpipe systems are designed, in-stalled and operated. The firefighter will learn how to interact with the system while supplying water through the fire depart-ment connection. The students will tour a sprinkler system and learn what components are essential for fire department inter-action. A demonstration of the different types of sprinkler heads, their activation and their spray patterns will be given. The student will also have the opportunity to stop a flowing sprinkler head.

Room 206 Target audience: Firefighters 0800 - 1700 “Heavy Extrication” – Various Instructors (Continued from Friday & Saturday) (LE Credit)

Off site location Target audience: EMS, First Responders, Firefighters 1300 – 1700 Leading the Volunteers - Michael Dallessandro (4 hours)- Repeat of Saturday’s Course

Today’s volunteer fire service is facing many challenges and leaders of these organizations are going to have to wear many hats to keep these organizations heading in the right direction. This workshop will focus on key behavioral points of members that helped make our fire companies of yesteryear grow into the organizations they are today. While at the same time identi-fying new behavioral patters that are causing concerns for the future. Attendees will take home with them a positive message and teaching points about dedication to community service, proper behavior in the firehouse and in public, vol/combo rela-tions, ethics, values, professional conduct, motivation and what it means to freely give yourself to be a volunteer firefighter today.

Room 204 Target audience: EMS, First Responders, Firefighters

Lunch will be provided for all participants each day between the morning and afternoon classes

in addition to snacks and beverages on breaks both morning and afternoon.

Residential Fire Sprinklers; Fire Service History in the


Live Fire Demonstration Today’s firefighter needs to be aware of and understand the residential fire sprinkler requirements now found in all

of the nationally recognized residential building codes. Fire Team USA presenters Wayne Waggoner and John

Corso will present and discuss the history of the residential fire sprinkler requirement as well as some of the code

requirements for the installation of a residential system. Many of the points of opposition to the code requirement

will be discussed with counter arguments being presented. The residential fire sprinkler code requirement is in-

tended to provide for the safety of fire fighters as well as the occupants of newly constructed homes. The class-

room portion of the workshop will conclude with a live burn demonstration that will clearly demonstrate the life and

property saving value of residential fire sprinklers. Don’t miss this informative and entertaining presentation.

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Cris Aguirre

One of the founders of Haz Mat IQ

Doug Beasley, Sergeant, Kanawha County Sheriff,

Sergeant Doug Beasley joined the Kanawha County Sheriff’s Office in 1993. During his tenure at the Sheriff’s Office Sgt. Beasley has been assigned to Road Patrol, Road Patrol Shift Commander, ATF Liaison Officer, Area Commander and his current assignment is the Highway Safety/Grant Coordi-nator for the Department.

Sergeant Beasley graduated from the West Virginia State Police Academy in 1993. Sergeant Beasley is certified as an Expert in both Traffic Crash Reconstruction and Clandestine Laboratory In-vestigations. Sergeant Beasley has over 700 hours of training in Traffic Crash Reconstruction and In-vestigations, 176 hours of training in Drug and Clandestine Laboratory Investigation, and hundreds of other training hours in law enforcement related fields.

Sergeant Beasley received Instructor Development Training from the Kanawha County Sher-iff’s Office in March 2001 and is currently certified by the Law Enforcement Training Subcommittee to instruct courses in Traffic Crash Investigations, Crime Scene Mapping, and Clandestine Laboratory Investigations.

Sergeant Beasley has been a volunteer firefighter for over 20 years and is currently a Lieuten-ant with the Pinch Volunteer Fire Department. He is also a certified NFPA Fire Instructor and Fire Offi-cer.

Brent Burger, chief, Culloden volunteer fire department, Culloden, WV

Brent is Chief at Culloden Volunteer Fire Department with 29 years. Currently a supervising RESA 3 Instructor. Brent has also been employed by Kanawha County Ambulance Authority currently serving as Director of Human Resources.

Michael P. Dallessandro, Erie county, new York

Michael P. Dallessandro is a 25 year life member of the Grand Island Fire Company Inc., lo-cated in Erie County, New York. He is a respected speaker and trainer for fire service events as well as state and national conferences including FDIC, Firehouse Expo, the Virginia Fire Chief’s Association and the Fire District’s Association of the State of New York. He developed the 6 hour RESPONDS-MART safe apparatus driver program and the 6 hour Volunteer and Combination Fire Department Leadership and Professional Conduct Academy. He also contributes to various publications including Fire Engineering, Carolina Fire Rescue Journal, 1stResponder News and others. Mike works full time in Public School District management and consults regularly for Fire Departments and Municipalities on management and personnel matters, conducts fire department reviews/studies and assists depart-ments in developing long range plans. He can be contacted at [email protected]. View His website at:

John Dearnell, ems operations coordinator, Charleston fire dept., Charleston, WV

John is the EMS Operations Coordinator for the Charleston Fire Department. He has been a Paramedic with the City of Charleston for 18 years and has been involved in the Fire and EMS Service for 35 years. Currently an Instructor in: EMT;Fire Service; CPR; ACLS; PHTLS; and AMLS.

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Dave Dodson

Dave Dodson is the owner and Lead Instructor for Response Solutions. He has over 24 years as a Fire & Emergency Service Responder and has served as a Battalion Chief, Safety Officer, and Emergency Management Coordinator. Dave is a nationally-recognized author and lecturer on safe emergency operations and is the course developer for popular programs including: ―The Art of Reading Smoke,‖; ―The Art of First-Due,‖; and the ―Incident Safety Officer Academy.‖ Response Solutions pro-fessionals have taught and consulted with hundreds of fire departments, agencies, and corporations including: Las Vegas Fire & Rescue; Fort Worth Fire Department; Lake County MABAS Divisions; To-ronto Fire Services; the Fire Department Safety Officers Association; Hewlett-Packard; Wal-Mart Distri-bution; QWEST Communications; and the United States Air Force. The Company’s approach is lauded as practical, street-wise, and effective.

Dave Duncan, chief, west side volunteer fire department, st. Albans, WV

Dave has served in the fire service for 22 years and currently serves as the Fire Chief of the West Side Volunteer Fire Department in St. Albans, WV. He is a NICET Level III fire sprinkler layout technician and has worked been employed by Brewer & Company Fire Protection Contractors for 13 years.

Kimberly Eagle, Crime Victim's Specialist, Charleston Police Department

Kimberly Eagle has been the Crime victim’s Specialist at the Charleston Police Department since 1995. She works with victims of Violent crime with a specialty in victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, and child abuse. Kimberly serves as the chairperson of Kanawha County’s ―Violence against Women’s Task Force‖ since 1997 and serves on numerous other local, state and federal com-mittees to facilitate a more effective response to crime victims and educate people on victim’s rights.

Kimberly has been a presenter at over 100 workshops and trainings in over ten states on the response to victims of crime. She has trained law enforcement officers, prosecutors, lawyers, advo-cates and various other disciplines all over the United States on the response to violence against women. Kimberly has been very active in state legislation to strengthen the law to protect victim’s rights and provide stricter penalties for violators.

Kimberly is a Adjunct Professor at Marshall University’s Graduate School in the Counseling Department where she teaches ―Working with Victims‖ and ―An Ecological Approach to Domestic Vio-lence.‖ She also facilitates a support group for domestic violence victims at Kanawha Pastoral Counsel-ing Center in Charleston.

Kimberly considers it a privilege and honor to share her knowledge and experience with those entering the field of victim service.

Joe Gorman

Joe’s 25 years of emergency response began at the position of Firefighter, where his primary duties included fighting structural and wild land fires, providing emergency medical services, and work-ing in the fire prevention field. At this level entry position, Mr. Gorman expanded his Emergency Medi-cal Service and became a Virginia State qualified Cardiac Care Technician, commonly known as a paramedic.

In 1998, Joe was promoted to the rank of Technician where his responsibilities included, but were not limited to, safely driving and maintaining emergency response apparatus, working as a fill-in unit officer, responding to fire, emergency medical, and hazardous materials incidents. Joe completed his basic Hazardous Materials Technician Certification course for the state of Virginia at the Dupont Chemical facility in Martinsville, Virginia. He has extensively studied the field of Hazardous Materials/

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WMD response, and he is a nationally recognized subject matter expert in the field of Hazardous Mate-rials response. Joe has served as a Hazardous Materials Specialist on Virginia Task Force 1, a FEMA Urban Search and Rescue team. This internationally renowned team has responded on emergencies from earthquakes in Iran to the September 11, 2001 terrorist event at the Pentagon.

As a Master Instructor for the International Association of Fire Fighters (IAFF), Joe has trained responders in the field of Hazardous Materials and WMD, all nationally. He has worked with the IAFF on developing numerous courses. Joe currently serves on the National Fire Protection Association Committee (NFPA) on Emergency Response to Hazardous Materials/WMD Response. This committee consists of leaders in the field of hazardous materials from the response community, industry, and manufacturing and is tasked with making recommendations on how to best respond to emergencies involving Hazardous Materials or Weapons of Mass Destructions.

Lt. Col. Dave Grossman

Lt. Col. Dave Grossman is an internationally recognized scholar, author, soldier, and speaker who is one of the world's foremost experts in the field of human aggression and the roots of violence and violent crime.

Col. Grossman is a former West Point Psychology Professor, Professor of Military Science, and an Army Ranger who has combined his experiences to become the founder of a new field of scien-tific endeavor, which has been termed ―killology.‖ In this new field Col. Grossman has made revolution-ary new contributions to our understanding of killing in war, the psychological costs of war, the root causes of the current "virus" of violent crime that is raging around the world, and the process of healing the victims of violence, in war and peace.

Col. Grossman has been called upon to write the entry on ―Aggression and Violence‖ in the Oxford Companion to American Military History, three entries in the Academic Press Encyclopedia of Violence and numerous entries in scholarly journals, to include the Harvard Journal of Law and Public Policy.

He is the author of On Killing, which was nominated for a Pulitzer Prize; has been translated into Japanese, Korean, and German; is on the U.S. Marine Corps Commandant's required reading list; and is required reading at the FBI academy and numerous other academies and colleges. Col. Grossman co-authored Stop Teaching Our Kids to Kill: A Call to Action Against TV, Movie and Video Game Violence, which has been translated into Norwegian and German, and has received international acclaim. Col. Grossman's most recent book, On Combat, has also placed on the U.S. Marine Corps Commandant's Required Reading List and has been translated into Japanese and Korean.

He has presented papers before the national conventions of the American Medical Association, the American Psychiatric Association, the American Psychological Association, and the American Academy of Pediatrics.

In counseling or court cases in the aftermath of the Paducah, Springfield, Littleton, Virginia Tech, and Nickel Mines Amish school shootings.

He has been an expert witness and consultant in state and Federal courts, to include serving on the prosecution team in UNITED STATES vs. TIMOTHY MCVEIGH.

He has testified before U.S. Senate and Congressional committees and numerous state legislatures, and he and his research have been cited in a national address by the President of the United States.

Col. Grossman is an Airborne Ranger Infantry Officer, and a prior-service Sergeant and Paratrooper, with a total of over 23 years experience in leading U.S. soldiers worldwide. He retired from the Army in

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February 1998, and has devoted himself to teaching, writing, speaking, and research. Today he is the director of the Killology Research Group, and in the wake of the 9/11 terrorist attacks he is on the road almost 300 days a year, training elite military and law enforcement organizations worldwide about the reality of combat. He has presented to over 50 different colleges and universities worldwide, and has trained educators and law enforcement professional in the field of school safety at the state and regional level in 49 states and over a dozen foreign nations.

He helped train mental health professionals after the Jonesboro school shootings, and he was also in-volved in counseling or court cases in the aftermath of the Paducah, Springfield, Littleton, Virginia Tech, and Nickel Mines Amish school shootings.

Carl Gutierrez, Master Sergeant, Illinois State Police

Carl Gutierrez, a Master Sergeant with the Illinois State Police (ISP), 27 years, currently holds

the position of Statewide Supervisor for Counterterrorism and is the coordinator for all ISP personnel

assigned to the FBIs Joint Terrorism Task Force (JTTF) in Illinois. He also holds a unique position as

the FBI’s Agro Terrorism Representative for the Chicago Division where he works with both state offi-

cials and private sector agricultural producers to ensure food distribution safety.

Carl has previously held numerous law enforcement and investigative positions including as-

signments to the ISP’s Division of Internal Investigations, Executive Protection Detail, SWAT team and

one of the first five FBI task force officers chosen nationwide to be assigned to the International Terror-

ism Operations Section (ITOS) in Washington D.C. as an acting supervisor for one year. He has also

trained extensively with both the U.S. Secret Service and U.S. State Department’s Diplomatic Security

Service. Most recently, he was a senior coordinator for a national level Department of Energy exercise

involving a potential terrorist threat related to Special Nuclear Material. As an officer in the Illinois Army

National Guard, Carl held various positions including Company Commander, Training Officer, and Ex-

ecutive Officer for his unit.

Carl has received numerous awards from a variety of Police and Federal Law Enforcement

agencies. These have included the ―Outstanding Law Enforcement Team‖ award from the U.S. Depart-

ment of Justice for his support to Op Black Medallion, one of the most complex counterterrorism inves-

tigations ever undertaken by the FBI. He was also recognized by the U.S. Postal Service for his key

investigative role in the ―Bishop Bomber‖ domestic terrorism case which involved the use of the U.S.

mail system to transmit Improvised Explosive Devices targeting U.S. financial institutions. By utilizing

an innovative forensic method, Carl was able to positively identify the vehicle being used by subject

leading not only to the arrest of the offender but also the recovery (and successful disruption of) multi-

ple explosive devices being stored in a suburban storage locker. Carl currently works out of various FBI

and State Police offices in Illinois.

Keith Gamble, B. K. Hennessey

Hired by Morgantown Police department Feb 1995, worked as a Patrol Officer, Bicycle Officer, K-9 handler, SRT team member, and Detective. Promoted to Sergeant in Nov 2007 and assigned to the Patrol division as a Shift Supervisor. Certified instructor in RADAR/LIDAR, Traffic Stops, EVOC and is a certified Law Enforcement Physical Fitness Specialist by the Cooper Institute of Dallas, TX. Sgt. Hennessey earned a BS in Criminal Justice from Fairmont State University Dec 2009.

Sgt. Hennessey recently completed a fellowship at the West Virginia State Police Academy with the 144th Basic class.

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Peter Lazzara

Pete is a 27 year veteran in EMS and is a highly decorated Ambulance Commander with the Chicago Fire Department. Lazzara is currently the director of simulation training. As a former teacher at a large all boys’ Catholic High School, Pete brings years of classroom experience to his presentations. Pete served for six years as EMS coordinator at Children’s Memorial Hospital of Chicago where he gained outstanding experience in the field of pediatrics.

He also has several years of critical care transport experiences as a flight medic with Loyola University Medical Center’s LifeStar Aeromedical Program. He is the founder and President of EMSed, an educational company specializing in EMS educational concepts. Peter also serves as a board mem-ber for the DannyDid Foundation which is an organization raising awareness of Sudden Unexplained Death in Epilepsy (SUDEP) and strengthening the communication model regarding SUDEP between medical professionals and the families and loved ones of those afflicted by seizures. He has received several awards for his work in the area of EMS including the Illinois Department of Public Health’s Ron W. Lee, MD Memorial Award for ―Excellence in Pediatric Care‖, the Illinois Department of Child and Family Service’s ―Program Excellence Award‖ and West Suburban Hospital’s ―Paramedic of the Year‖. In May, 2010, Peter was awarded the Chicago Fire Department’s ―EMS Educator of Year‖ award. He is a nationally recognized speaker and annually presents at EMS conferences nationwide.

Paul Niedbalski, lieutenant, Charleston Fire Department

Bob Page

Bob Page is an internationally known speaker, instructor, author and paramedic. He has pre-sented seminars across the United States, Canada, Mexico and in Europe. He is recognized for his energetic, humorous and motivational style. Bob takes ordinarily dry and hard to teach topics and trans-forms them into a fun, learning experience. Bob's presentations are accompanied by exciting AV sup-port from PowerPoint and Keynote programs with graphics, animation, audio and video clips. He has been dubbed "The Master of Presentations" by many educators across the nation. Bob was recently recognized by his peers in Missouri as the "Most Creative Educator 2009"

Bob has been an instructor for over 3 decades teaching a variety of adult education courses from customer service to advanced medical care. He is a nationally registered paramedic and a critical care paramedic. He has been involved in EMS since 1978 when he became a CPR instructor. Bob is the Director of Emergency Care Education at St. John's Hospital in Springfield, Missouri. He is the lead instructor for the paramedic program and has taught at all levels of EMS and nursing. He has earned a faculty appointment at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County and also is a guest instructor at Southwest Baptist University's College of Nursing. Richard Picciotto, FDNY Battalion Commander, Manhattan, NY

Richard Picciotto was an FDNY Battalion Commander in Manhattan on September 11, 2001. Following the terrorist attack, he rushed inside the World Trade Center to rescue those inside, but soon found himself trapped in the smoldering rubble of the North Tower after its collapse. Buried for more than four hours, he emerged almost unscathed and was the highest-ranking firefighter to survive the collapse. In a presentation modeled after his best-selling book, Last Man Down, Picciotto offers a trib-ute to the lives that were lost that day. His recount is not one of death and destruction, but a celebration of life and its unpredictable nature. Picciotto offers an eyewitness account of the defining historical event of our lives; his story is that of a man, a hero, and a tragic event that inspired a nation. faculty appointment at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County and also is a guest instructor at Southwest Baptist University's College of Nursing.

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Richard Picciotto, FDNY Battalion Commander, Manhattan, NY

Richard Picciotto was an FDNY Battalion Commander in Manhattan on September 11, 2001. Following the terrorist attack, he rushed inside the World Trade Center to rescue those inside, but soon found himself trapped in the smoldering rubble of the North Tower after its collapse. Buried for more than four hours, he emerged almost unscathed and was the highest-ranking firefighter to survive the collapse. In a presentation modeled after his best-selling book, Last Man Down, Picciotto offers a trib-ute to the lives that were lost that day. His recount is not one of death and destruction, but a celebration of life and its unpredictable nature. Picciotto offers an eyewitness account of the defining historical event of our lives; his story is that of a man, a hero, and a tragic event that inspired a nation.

Deputy Chief Preston

John Smoot

Rob Speiden, Southwest Virginia Mountain Rescue Group

Rob Speiden is an active volunteer in the search and rescue community, and has been since 1993 when he joined the Southwest Virginia Mountain Rescue Group. Rob has contributed to over one hundred thirty search missions in the mid-Atlantic region. He is the author of Foundations for Aware-ness, Signcutting & Tracking, which the Virginia Department of Emergency Management uses as a textbook for its Field Team Signcutter (FTS) Course. As the VDEM FTS Course Coordinator and through his Natural Awareness Tracking School (, he currently instructs SAR volunteers, law enforcement officers and government agents in tracking and navigation skills that en-hance search efforts for missing persons.

Janet Taylor, St. John’s life Line, Springfield, Missouri

Janet Taylor works as a flight nurse for St. John’s Life Line out of Springfield, Missouri. She received her RN in 1998 and after working in many different departments, found her love in Emergency Nursing and EMS. She is certified in Emergency Nursing and recently acquired her NREMT-B. She has worked in many different departments in order to be comfortable in the different situations and calls related to EMS. Her passion is EMS, whether it is the people she works with, the culture or the pa-tients. She tries to make each subject interesting with hands on and visual aids and has no problem with looking silly in front the crowd in order to make a point or to make a concept easier to understand.

Deron Wilkes

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Name: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Address: ___________________________________________City/State/ZipCode: _________________________________________

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Company: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________

Address: ___________________________________________City/State/ZipCode: _________________________________________

Phone: _______________________ Cell Phone: _________________________ Email: _____________________________________

Main Contact Person: ___________________________________________________________________________________________

Will send electronic logo/advertising information to the email address or mail paper copies to the mailing address. To be

used in publications marketing the WV Expo 2011 Will need electric for booth

THURSDAY, MAY 19, 2011

Would like to sponsor Vendor Social Evening

FRIDAY, MAY 20, 2011

Would like to sponsor Vendor Social Evening

(Email if your organization requires our W-9 Form email a request and we will get the formation out to you)

WV PUBLIC SAFETY EXPO 2011 May 18 – 22

Charleston Civic Center P.O. Box 907

Charleston, WV 25329 Phone: 304-357-0100 Fax 304-357-0788



All vendors are welcome to attend 1730-1930 Parade 1930-2100 Opening Ceremonies Dinner – Keynote Richard Picciotto

THURSDAY, MAY 19, 2011

0700 Exhibit Hall opens for set up 1200-2100 Exhibit Hall Open

FRIDAY, MAY 20, 2011

1200-1900 Exhibit Hall Open 1900 Exhibit Hall Close and Tear Down


Booth Size: 10’ x 10’

Includes: 1 – 8’ Table and two chairs

Please indicate above if you will be requiring electric for

your booth.

Should you have any questions please contact

Expo Vendor Facilitator: Amy King 304-357-5840

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Holiday Inn Express Civic Center in the beautiful riverfront capitol of Charleston, West Virginia. Our man-

agement staff and company will exceed your expectations while providing an abundance of comfort, safety and amenities which reflect our Southern hospitality! Finding your way through the majestic mountains of West Virginia and past the winding new Kanawha and Elk Rivers to the junctures of I-64, I-77 and I-79, the

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Directions To Civic CenterDirections To Civic Center

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From the East

Take the Virginia Street exit (Exit 58B) on I-64 Stay to the right as you exit, this will put you on Virginia Street Merge to the far left lane immediately Turn Left on to Civic Center Drive Turn Right on Quarrier Street The Civic Center Parking Building entrance is on the immediate right From the West From I-64 or I-77 take the Washington Street and Civic Center Drive exit (Exit 58C) Continue straight on Pennsylvania Avenue Turn Left on to Virginia Street Merge to the far left lane immediately Turn Left on to Civic Center Drive Turn Right on Quarrier Street The Civic Center Parking Building entrance is on the immediate right

Charleston - Civic Center Holiday Inn Express

100 Civic Center Drive— Charleston, West Virginia 25301

Hotel Front Desk 1-304-345– 0600

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Caption describing picture or graphic.

P.O. Box 907

Charleston, WV 25329

West Virginia Public Safety Expo 2011

May 18May 18–– 22, 201122, 2011

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Heavy Extrication ClassHeavy Extrication Class

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