Page 1: Kentucky gazette (Lexington, Ky. : 1809). (Lexington, KY · Jay 15, 1836 ZJLOQ,f Ju "3RF" JABEZ BEACH. T his Coach Repository, has r.owjon




s Jlf.ll

.fam MURRAY, a COw" " " e given

mESFEGTFULLY inform the citizens...,,B& Lexington'anditsvicirity, that tl.ey haven

commenced the above business i on '0?(ffl oroppositeKt-noc- h oiarx-- s "',':; - -where the will take a pleasure in wailing on those

who uiay wish

Gunst Gun, Door and other Lockslirnmre.d. & WJlitesmithing, , .

T .11 itj' branches, done on the'shortest:,... -- .I..... ... il,...... noatpet manner.iiuinc -"- -- , -- u.-l,.c

They will also.H AN UfcLLiO, inTaverns, Seminaries and Private Houses, in the

mosfcsubstahtial manner and a reasonable price. -- Door Plates, or door Knobs, plated, in the neat

est manner;.5Lex novlt 1836 7 1 --6mw


PPLEMENTTOTGLOBE.PspeVtus of the Congressional GUM

"x and Appendix.,

TTlRbM we have made it is as-f- fl

.mi iheoatronase of the country

out annual publication of the pto- -

ceedm, n species made &".,

Mtherefore propose iopru.u.c. i..v ,

. . i .. imnmvp a nil nened it.Tta S to week, ,a suscinct and. r .., ,..rfin5s of bolh branches

CabrVeflcondenced report of the are

each speaker, usiug hesubstance of the temarksofprecise words upon the main points louched-- the

and nays on all important questions, andyeas

the volume, aftei the injournment, w inx 7;l&r.,rre. a ereat deal waV done to- -

U'lwingan accurate parliame,UoryhSoi one w wc &.- -.

?epesentalive .mntBlio. in the'wo.ld ; an assem-blyTnt-

delations of which thg destinies ns

Ztffls.i,uuo,,s,,f thiscountry dend for heir

malnlenancrifnd, therefore, n some degreeworld. Our original plan

f.ihrihaii this epitome of the de- -

k.. nh the nroceCTlinss; but at the. last ses- -

.r;V. .,u.,i on ffiendix. to contain all the ful

fyPpottecTspelches, as, prepared by thespeakf rs

extended thef, M,rEno. Thiswor- k-in a single volume of 342 royal quarto

D.aeps, to. two volumes, inamng, wgsu.c., ..-- .

4Tt. i ....- - rI hpeft. w e have lurntsucu .u H

sunsc'ribersatthe pltce of one Hollar tor eachfurnished through thebedoth or either to

raail'-Mthe- fall from the press, heeis, d atinrharokh R OlllV with newsuduei p.wi'! O J t . ,U...cent ann a nan s....from a cent to a

the cheapest work everrhts we hold to bewhether the labor and expense of getting .

up' he considered, or the value of .1 to the prese.iThe leading men or all. br fut.iie generations.

parties'every state in the Union concentrate in

iRe speeches uf'each session ofCongress, the mind,

th-- inrmaiimi and the feelings of every portion

of tommy. The political history of the coun-t-

for the time being, is not only spoken TTi.d

written nut In Confess, at eaclyessu.n, but heof a party, areevery party, or foment

de'velopedd the rutu.e.ldtiTcy ns .he govern- -

...irfifci ,,n Thus, mdooendently of the

interest whi6h every man irfust feci in the rea bu- -

shiess iransacteil in congiess.n u ..-- ..

.llrstaiid y thing of the political career of .he

'R6ver,im'etC;houd be provided with lie embodiedall on

views of parties,wfrch the alten.ioti of Co...engagesevery subject ,

gress, and which is teffdeieJ w rhetn in this s.


'.Congressional Glob- e- Ikcopy d.iring theSession, 1 00

Do do 3'l copies.dunng lhaSession - "10 00

, Appendix Same price , .' The ConzresMonal Globe will bc'sent to those

"papers that copy tfils Prospectus, is our attentionshall ba directed to it by a mark with 4fpen. Our

exchange large that wje, would noi qoserve

it, probably, unless this be done; -

Paymeht'may he made by mail, poslase'paid,at oat risk. The notes of any specie-payin- g bahk

will be received.. Those who subscribe, should send their subscrip-

tions jn lime to reach here by theUOth of Decem-'be- r

next, aufurthest, to ensurea'complete copy.

1K7" Joaitentfon will be paid to any order,uhlass lha money accompany it , or unless some re-

sponsible. person, known to us to be so, shall agree

tq payit berore the session expires.BLAIR & RIVES.

Washington City, Oct. 4, 1836.



GredtBargains at "Wholesale and Retail

. JOSEPH H. HERVEYOpposite lie Court House MainSt.LexingtonJCy

ASjust received andjs now opening'a very."extensive assortment of Merchandize fori

Fall aiiif Winter Sales Araonr his Stock ofDry! Goods are

Cldths, Qassimers and Sattinells, of all colors'nnq'iialities; Mohair and Pilot Cloth; Flushing

and Petf'isham ; a splendid assortment Rose,Jl'acklnaw and Whitney Blankets; English,French and German Plain, Damask and Gro tieNap Alerinoes, (an elegant assortment;) a lajgecm. It n si.rln Prints: 4-- 4 French Chintz. '

Plain and rich figured Satins: black auAfan'cylcolored G.o de Swiss, Dro de Grain and otherItalian silks; needle worked "Capes' and Collars;plain and embroidered Aleuno, Ihibet and otherShawls; Ladies' and Misses' Gum Elastic

Gloves and Hosiery, (a fine'assortment;)Fur Capes, Men and Boys' Fur and SeilCaps;Ingrain, Stair and Passage Carpeting; Gilt andMahogany Frama Glasses; Brass Andirons,

, Shovel flhd 'Pongs; a large assortment Shoes andBoots; Ladies' and Gentlemen's Saturated Over.Shoes, do Water Proof Gaiter Boots, do FurTiiaiined Kid'Shoes, do Gaiter Prunell and SealBoots, du sup. Lasting and Kid Slippers, &c. &c.

. IIARD.WkRE AND CUTTLERY,"Afarge'slock; Glass, Queensware and China,&c ic.All of which were selected with greatcare by Jiiinlelf in Jhe'iEastern Cities', and will hesold ellhj'r at Wholesale or Retail, atra usuallysmall advance. He all who desire tu pur-

chase GOOD and CHEAP bargains tbgivehim'a' call, ,cunfident "that no one will be dissatisfiedwith .their, purchases Come and try.



T. N. BENEDICT, Maincross street,Lexington, Ky. at home

when not absent."DOCT. LEWIS'S STIMULATING T

remarkable, for relieving pain, &c.jforsale by H. T. N. BENEDICT.


HOMEFOa THE AFFLICTED.Maincrnss street, Lexington. :

.56-wt- H. T. N. BENEDICT.WHITE MUSTARD SEED for sale.Sep 20 60-- tf H. T. N. B.


Blank warrantsJ-O- SALE AT THIS OFFICE.

FOR. SALE.m&B (jfRlHAT beautiful country residence

Slia ilk upon the Tate's cteek road, about a

1nile from the limits of .Lexington, recently occu- -P"

h,r A n: Morton. "1 he place contains a'ju". J . - - . it ri.:lr.... .TTn.iBivlih six- -Acres, lias an ""!'n.rpssarv a spting ofrielignt- -

.., ., art a lWrin!' Facijry with twelveLooms, to whichjs attached an excellent Grist

id"- - ,r:7.... , .. . ...... .:nr -

IThe title injIispTjttt-le.-.

14tLer.11 creul" ""I " ine ptircnaftci. ..i.f.j

..vt n.r i V p. nr. 1711 .,,i,ei.i 'tJVljEjrtl.aii cy n.ix.u, i.u.i-."- (311A.K.L, l u; iiuim i,Jay 15, 1836 ZJL

OQ ,f Ju"3RF"

JABEZ BEACH.T his Coach Repository, has r.owjon hand

a COACH equal to any intncoiaie, aimrn,.., sin mACHRES. CHAK1U1- llibs,BAROUCHES and BUGGIES, all of the first

aiialitWmanufactured at New-Ar- New-Jcse-

n.hirh will be sold on tlte lowest terms,

Any person.wishing a Carriage of arfy descrip-.- :

SvKivina an order, have the same fori iwardedjfrom 'Tie manufactuiers at New Ans,,l'Jofrcommission. H?-t-

fLexmaton . Sent. 15, 1836-


Subscribers respectfully inform theirTHE public generally, that they

hae nurrhased the- well known establishment, Mr. Win. Uockhill, and

now preoared to furnish- - all articles in their

line, on th shortest noure. i uc r ii

MAKING Business will be continued in all usuranches, and a good assqitnjeijtnf,the latest

Ploughs kept cohstatU(--t- hand. Old

Ploughs repaired wun nearness anu .ueaim.W ' WM. Pi BROWNING,


IRO'yXWG-&-. HEAD LEY.N. B. .NVvishto employ a firateRjggk

Stocker, or Wagon Maker, to whom constanraln-plnymentwi- ll

be given. Also ior 3. Apprenti-ces in the Smilhshop, oP respeJable parentage,and who can come well recomml!rad. B &5.I1.

Lex Sep 7. 53-- tf , , -


which rendersit .expeuient lor me locnnsu-mat- e

an intended partnership with lngerson--

McClelland for the construction of the'stone work

the CilnX on Kentuckyfl?er: The businesssuture will be conducted intheir nahies, and

they will be responsible for all contracts and busi-

ness connected with this work from the comnmye-men- l

to the close of their operations. 'Their characters as contiaciors, a.nd iheir busi-

ness habits will , no doubt, sufficiently recommendthem to the company and the public

JAMES CO OIi.'April 23, IS-- f Dayton Dri Herald.


DTP HE undersigned, recently from Cincinnati,AA having increased their slockJif Furniture,

have the pleasure of offeiinga large assortment,and will endeavor to keep such a supply as will enable their customers to furnish themselves' oivasshort notice and as favoranljjETcrins as elsewhere.Thev.liave now on hand and will continue to manufacttire the following :

TrTWinwi'lliiiriiCTrw SIJJE I5UA ItLtS, various...I. .naiiprnc. wiih Marble Tods

Dressing Bureaus do do" Table do do

Centre " do do "I

Pier ' do doEnclosed Bson Stands do,MalmgBnyDiuin;, Breakfast,

Extension, Hall and fairieuoard J ables ;

SOFAS, Spring Seat;' '

Mahogany Chairs;Boston Rocking Chairs, do; Easy do;Bed Steps; Patent Beadsteads, on an improver!!

plan, tried and apptoved; with all other Attides fn their line. . ..

prepaied to attend to'Funeralcalls. ,4fe

An arrangement has-be- en made for a sup))ly ofEastern made PIANO rOIl 1 ES,

for sale.()7"Just received, as a sauiple, one ofSvlft's

Iron-front- Llastfc' JuffjliionmammerPIANOS Also, a for sale or


VIain st. 2d door above the Library,Lexineton, Nov. 24,1(336 74-- tf

--m' 7i P.33VE,Veterinary Sop.OEox, (of Cincinnati,)T" ATE from England, having again been soli-SL- jl

cited to attend Lexington, purposes rlpingsothe 21st ns this month, (NnvemberJHe tv'ill re-

main there for two weeks and bega3ffi.infor'm thegentlemeniof Lexington and its vicirniy, lhat hewill be at their sjerarje to operate upon any of thefollowing cases, SrRt he trusts his skill and attention will merit lheir.annrob Hbii t&f

Fistulas, PolUEyil, all cftTnplaintsof the Eye,such as Opthamfa; Cataratt1!, &c. Sand

Thrushes, Narrow-heel- s' andCracks, CoTjJl'acterJ. r. r. . . rr - .

heel, Uuros, spavins, Bioe-uone- Miorpjgh-pi- n

s. Shook.ShouIders. Chestfounder. &c.all kinds of Chnlicnand Iiiflauimalmii , and anyold standing cases. ; F

W. Reeve will be sound at the'Phoenis Hotelfdiiring.liisstay in Lexiuilon.

November b, l3B.ffl-lf- iiObserver and IntellfeencerTn!

Pu"BlSalo.ILLbe sold, at Public Auction, on Wednesdav. the 14lh.. onDecember next. all.

the late residence or WILLIAM J1UKTUM,Esa. in the cilr of Lexmeton, the Personal solate of sa'idfMorton, except the slaves,) consist-

ing "of

House and Kitchen Furniture; FahnlyStores; Fine Garricce and Horses:some Brood Mares of good Blood;,

The piopertylo be sold is Extensive and Vatuable. and worthy the attention of purchasersTwelveimonths credit will be given on all sumsover Twenty Dollars, and good security inquired jjunner tnai sum, vasn iiiiiaiiu. i nc ..incommence althe hour of 10 o'clock', and continuefrom day to day until completed.

,11. ULAI ,f M. T. SCOTT,


J. E. DAVIS,9s Executors.

Nov 26, 1836 75-- ts

FIFTY DOLLARS REWARD!(2JTOLEN from the Suble ns the Subscriber,rJ six and a half miles from Lexington at SouthElkhorn, on Ihe Versailles road, onjhe night ofthe 17lh of September, A BAY HOUSE, lbhands high, 7 years old, the rJear eye out, shod allaround, paces and trots finely, and also workswell; bolh hind feet white, light main and tail.The above Reward will be given for the'thief andhorse is taken out of the Slate, or twenty for thehorse alnne, or Ten Dollars for the horse is taken

the Stale and delivered to me, or secured so

that I get the horse again, and all reasonablecharges paid. JOHN MORGAN.

Fayette co. Oct. "20, 1836. wtf


InsuranceChartered by the Legislature of Kentucky in

Marcn. lasi.C i'P ITAL 1- -

"JLsgaBaD.eBQBap aeoii ar-s- l

mCOMP'AN,Y will in'ure Buildings,

THIS Merchandize, &c. gainst Loror"Damageby Fire, in.ZWn-o- r Country. Steam,

Ltj-- i ..! Cl.TIn.a nnrt thf Is AKGUES atl"'",iveei aim x iai urt., - -

the Damages of inlanrt or river n.uwi., -

ftt7""This- - Company will also INSURE

LIVES, for one or more year, or tor . .. . -nl- - Cl.,c ..niilnvrd 111 Fat- -

wnersn iNesro Hirii, n.o--- " ...r.,v. .. ;..,! '. tn iip r advan- -

torics, or on rarms, " ""tage to call,"

The follMrlg are the oftjeers chosen by the

stockholders .?THOMAS SMII'll, Preiident.

JOHN tf. HVNT 1 "


JVM. SJVALLHR, . I Dlrec,0rs.JACOBmSHTON, fc-f


A. O. NEWTON, Ser'ry.

Thomas P. Hart, Surveyor.

Lex Sept 23, 183G-5- S-tf


And Morse Power.TJIJE undersigned having purchsed the right n,

1111 . e'e 4 ..WZ'tn rnnsirucl and selHETj


..., n. ,t Grain, and for aoolvins Joce I'oxcer,

areprepared to have th,em constructed on the sbor-- .

test nonce. The . fMlowine certificates, rrtY

practical farmers, il is presumed, will oe a sum

cient recommendation to these Machines.


Sept 14, 183G59-- tf

t r.,.ifu. ihat Mr S. S. Allen's Threshing Ma- -

.i,'jn anuiin ODeralion al this place, and thatitperformed remarkable well, superior to anr other

Machine of the kind that I have e.ver tried. Fiomih Hiitr ment 1 wimessen-v.n- ii, i nave ..u

j..v,. ihi .vlih iwn horses, and well auenueiii jwouldget out several-hundre- dusiiciboi &ran

the course of a' day. Signed,. i.vII. CLAYAshland, Aug. 31st, 1836.

I concur in the abo-- e opinion of Mr. Clay,havine seen Mr Allen's Threshing Machine inoperation. I consider it a valuable improvementon those heretofdK" in use in this country, bigned


I certi.v, that I have examined The, Threshing. - - f n O , C . IU..1. .l it..........ilr .1

Kuacmne oi iir oaiui. o. vuch a, n.... i- -

deciedJJ' the best Machine of the knyj.l navg

ever seen, and I hive no doubt, is it was drivenby two horses, and well attended, it wouin iniesuout several hundred bushelsWa day. bigned,


Lexington.Ky . Sept. 7, 1836. ;'

North Elkholn Spel. 9lh, 183G.

I Save seen in operation, on the farpi of myneiehbor Col. Hamilton Atchison, the Threrhing

. . . . .r. i l-- M I I. i r.l ...Machine oi ivir oann. c. incii,aii,i icci uccdeclare, that rfonsider it a valuable improvepient,and rivuch preferable to other Machines I have

sesoj not only in regard to tire speed and facilityinrellinz out grain, the simplicity of itsconstruc- -

(jon and keeping in order, but especially its'suger-!d- r

manner in detaching the grain from the straw,land the slraiehl an 1 sine condition in which the

... ....- - t r. e -- .1 .!:.!Uawisieu ioi me cumug uox,iu iciucr iigutuitufal purposes. Signed,


., J. JT. FRAZEK,HiIANKFUL for oast savors, ivinild respect

I H iTllI,, ;rnrni h; Irtonrlc anri rncTnniPrs. that" ,U'JL 'lllt 1113 !, UIIU WU..V....V.-- J

he has taken the. well known stancrformetlycupied by'E. W. Craiq, as a Dry Goods stand,and recently by JUetsrs." F.lley ii Ciiinn, wherehe hasjust received, and is ncjw opening,


Fall & Winter dsof the lateati'styles and fashions, selected withcare by himself from the best stocks in thecities of New York- Tlieyconsist in part of the following articles :

Rich figured SATINS, and SILK of the latest style;

French, English and German 1IER1NOES ;

Dajnask ami i;iain no.rrench" Bombazines;

do do Ciiellas;Calicoes, Ginghams, and MUSLINS;Plaid, Striped & Damask do TFigured ar.d Plain Swiss do

do do Jackonct do -

Mull do do doBishop Lawns 'doFurniture Prints and Muslins;HOSIERY of every description;Gloves do doFine Otter, Seal and Hair CAPS;Ladies' BOOTS and SHOES;Gentlemen's do jS doFlannels, Jeans, Kinseys; '

'B.KOGANS, frqm small boysto No. 14; Jl,"Furniture, Plaid and Striped ; MUMBIELASot every description


flNOS,Of all Colouis Styles, and Qualitietj

Allis which will be sold low for CASH. M" - J. T, FRAZER.

P. S.' Merchants from the' jneigrimiringvjllowns are respecttujly invitgrt,tfT.cail ana

stock", as?lie feels assured .that hecan sell on a iiuie uciicr leruis man umy imvcheretofore bought on. J. 1. I.

N. B. J. T. F. has' also a laree quantityyf superior CIIAMPAIGNE WINE, and thebest EAS which, he offer? to customers atj

low rates,Lexington, Oct. 10, 1836. 64-- lf


Water street, opposite the Rail-Roa- d Office, the same lately occupied by Willian Vilgusdeceased.

Nov. 69-tf , .. C. HUN7.

- .. STRAYED,FROM Lexington, two'or threeweeks since, a

COW. wish a white streak onher back, and some while on her legs and belly;with a heifer ralf, marked similar toie CQWfThe calf had a leather collar on its necK with abuckle. Whoever will deliver the saidtcow anilcalf to the owner, in Lexington, or give such hi?formation as to enable him to nbtain her, shall belibeially rewarded. JABEZ BEACH.

Lex. Nov. 7, 1836 TO-- is


meoasaavofs, ropecilultv iHn


... '

... -,$J UU Ilia unm i w o )t: ofa. , -- -


Jfl. spectable lamines win. "SIK .;,,'" Is.

rents who haveijchiltlien tney wuuiu i. "... .leartLagood and prohlaoie irane-- oue w.,

is fafend. ami the dTIWic that he h.SUkWBA.,,,,, Sii w, illto partr.effliipJ

asgood.ifnotbc.ter Van f?'- - 'Uit,l. north cornfVril Main and maln-cr- ,

ed, would no wen to app.y "'y'V' I

g, - m .uiuuln,,11 11 itraut l.T I Olllll 11V.,r" "" 'Ssepiao-- u '""!.- -

.X te : Lin

M'OTICJE. WAPPLIC ATIDNn ill be .marie tn (he. North

iSL4Srn of Kentucky, at Lexmgtun-- , triVre- -

new Afertificate ofnel.a.e in sajri ITk infteof Hie suH&nbcr which ;iabcenTTik'l or inn)

r.;7 JOSEPH FICKLIN.June 30lh 1836.


3., & P. FABBB,MacHmisMachifie Curd MauufacM

"jh l BR'HTf STREET,PITTSBURGH,.extended their ManufartnrV-- , arc

11 now prepn'ieh In execute all orders, at tne

.i.ttr. ., fnr IF.uillen Machinei v. v z:and Single Carding Machires JTool

Pickers, Condensers, with any number of Tubes,Sheoiiug, Brushing, and Napping Mh!preBroad and Narrow, ltnller Jiirks ol amfjinmnerof Spindles, Card Cleaneis, Comb Piafe, Card

Plyers, SlfflfiUes, P.css I'appr, Press Screws,

Shear Blijfles, RevoNing and Vibrating, &.Maiiufactnring Machine Cards of evfyd5;1

criplion, they are able to sell l?ooWKui!Tng MWchines at reduced prices. W

. They aUo hav- - Jifachinery, and are prepared

to grind SHear Blades.

Pittsburgh, Oct. 5, 1830. I imes

Choice Wines. Liquor, &c.'Mr

njJiHE Subscrihr has the pleasure of informingJL his friendcusto.mers, anMRa public gen- -

rallv, Lhal hehasnow on haiitSjffipsnrimejuofCllOlaE WINKS & Ul lit."- - Limi uuo ui

j.? :...: 'I'Ua.a ,B Ihft1every .lesciipii.iii. it. " r ...w... -Eastern cities, Irom whence tno suascriuer jins

T . i i ..I.....I ..Ail..... il.a rtrnnipct rar&.,just reiumeu, ami sci.lic. ...v. &.,.-- .His asfJjHneill consists, in pari, ol m


WlflJSS.Madeira, andTcnoriffe

Ami the very hest pialltf of


The subscriber alsoTias on hand somejallentPORTER' bv lhe dozen, and a quantity o(S)l()e,- -

rior CHEESE, all of which, with-othe- r articles;

in his line, he will rispose-o- l on reasonable leims,gt his stand on Mill street, next above Crutch-fiel- d

lc TiWord's.JOHN iMcKENZIElf

Lexington, June ITiffi-.'1- ' '


IRISH WHISKEY.,t Puncheon jenuiue Bushnills Malt JJiJffskey.

1 do do Innishowen, do doIinported "Tiom Ireland by the subscribers, andfor sale eheap.

MONTMOLLIN 8s CORNWALL.Lex Nov 9, 183G-7p-- 2nT '

DOLLAP.S REWARD. Lost inh lhe town of Frankfnit, on the morning of the 4i h inst., between V eisigejt tavernandjhehead of the inclined plafie, asealed

THRffE THOUSAND DOII.A RS, M1J550 noses of the Bank of Kent.'cky,probably all payable at the mother Bauk-a- t Louis-

ville. The envelope was sealed, and the notesdoubled in the .middle, and as ell as recollerted,endorsed on the envejnpeuient as sollows: "5301MJ

to nav a note in the Lexington Branch Bank ,

irawn by Smith & Keats, or George Keats, to thelorder of John Drand, s(." '

The abovej'esvarfl will be paid to any personwho will deliver Sid package to Col. Peter Dudley, in Frankfort, to Mes'srs. Smith & Keals, iii

Louisvillejipr to myself-- in LeVmgton.

Banks and others may help to the discovery bytakin'ejiotice of whom they recetkinoles of theaboveWescription. V

D.Iiexineton, Ky. Feb. 10, 183R. marlF-ll-- lf

" - J'-


street, nearly opposite B.ennanjs Hotel,

WHERE can be had all nilid, oCSafldleryJlountiug, JJridle Jilts and

Stirrup Irons, dome.flic'and iinported low forcash. "'

Also Hush Wilson's Purifying. VegetableMedicine. Oct. 13 w3Si?S-- 62

mmmgB&mmRECEIVED", one tuTiidred Hams olJUST put unjexpiessly fnrjsfflly use also

a sew kegs of leas lard, which wilf le sold low for

cah. . - KOBEIT GiJAY.. Xex. August 15, 1836.--4- J.

B. W. &rH. B. TODDare .sow nncEivrxo' their


ME RCHA !.,A ND respectfully solicit a call from p'urchas- -

X &. ers, particularly ineir uiu iriuus anu cusutomejrs.On haridgt very large stock finest Freftch

and hmelish Mcrmnes; iUUSirtewTfrr. ,P7 I.,." r ..S'LXkj'Jlitl"llSn OllllW JJUHTIVl&l IV 1CW

splendid embroidered TJb'tt; ?Cloak patterns; asine'jjjfcclra iitcii em-

broidered 4 4 5 4 0--

and 7--4 Camels hair Shawls.Lex Nov 15, J63C-72-- 2ni

ElMf Dickerson. &r. rs. Thomas E. Hick--

j man,K.c.RKE CI RCl'l-T- , September Term, 1636

Elisha Dickerson. &C. CoinulainintsaeainslThomas E. llicknTaii, Ac. Defeudanisiii Chance- -

rv.Tho defendants aeFlWills and Constance

his wise and WnlierG . Mnberlv, untiiaviii" en- -

tered (heir appearance heiein, aere'ably to lawanil thnlesof this cnurt, and it appearing to the

rt.irf 'lint thev are not inhahttaiita ns this Cnm.iiniiwealih: On the motion of the Comnlainints

by their Counsel, it is ordered, unless the said defendants, Janies Wills and Constance, his wise

and Waller G., shall enter Ihe rand lile thejLanswei or plea heiein, on

nrhefore the lirst day of the next March Term ofjthis court, the bill of Ihe complainants ;will De

taken for confessed auainst them and the matterstherein decreed as true: And il is furtTier'oTder-ed- ,

lhat a copy of this order be inserted in someduly authorised, newspaper printed in this State,lor two mourns successiuiiy.A copyatl. SAM. M. TAA'GOR, c c

(Smith P!lq.fNov 0, 1836 73-9- w 'jpy h


LARGE and commodious' DWELLINGA HOUSE, situated on Main slreet; wellcalculated fora boarding house. Enquire of

JUI1W M. I1BWBTT.Oct. 1st, 1800. 6?-- tf.







. . f ,, b c0,iuc,ed a he --Id

strett,r'te ame ns

N. &H... SHAW,' . . 1Wii.r nneir bdlh.of.them. may always be Ion V,- - " .

..ait .mlhnse llrat sive them a call.Thev have on llaiid, and will eonumie tn keep,

an excpllenls.ortinent,af all knlds of HAan - Il will sell on as aceoljTIm! idatirg tends as any

homeftihrilf.. NAT. SHAW.

r- -l

Lex. towC,,1836.- - 3fi-t- l. " "N. C. Those igiviii iins,e!tled arrnilnts, will

pleise call and settle ihi i wTjh either St'

Fall &'Wi23ter els,

WSTOULD repct!ull mini m thfir rustom--

ers anil ilie public, that tlieyiare i,uv ijceivint? and npeiimg a splendltl stock ol lintish,French, Innia , and American 'GOODS, suitabllor the season.yTheir sirtrk of CLOTHS, Cnimeres, and

Satinetts; and Flannel; Fiench, Gfrjman and KngllsjJleriiioes, aud Cnrpeiing, aig-vei-

extensive. . ' '

Ajfiif which they wilhftell at tlflnr uunl lowOr- - i v...,fflfn. i i ) vifi-fi.iS- ,.,

--zsr f 3IMP b j-- i HT xt rTxAHkfVjnk ?!4


Walter Scott, picsident and PrufSssoi of IIebj:fijv

Liteiature,Iir Knight, Prnfessorof Moral Is Int. f'hdosS. G. Mulllus. ' Ailcieiif LafiguagesC. It. PreTTmiinski, ' Modem jPt.Dr S. HalfTr. ' 2- Chnni sirtfMF&x

i51i&wseski. It Ji- - jJiawiriggSHRafntrt);fliaHt-Johnso- ' MathsS:T3rvTOEng,

J. Crenshaw, PrinCiral or the l'repaialury De- -

nartment. a.. w. i.r Thjs.InstitutiQnMJiplIy uncMffecled wiihThe

BaiitiscCollegc aHaTpplace, antWvill heconduct- -us all eXfffineous influences

1 ha Course of IiKtrucinnBiy'l'l oe as lull and:iornuh,asin any of thewfStern Colleges.

A laigeand spacious house has been piocuredfor the purpose, and everyETfeution will be paidto the comfort, as well as the morals and the pro-re-

ns the otipils. t?jLair'A Chemical apparatus has been prncuUy3bTud

a Philosopfftcal auniraiiTa will be receiver! or theiriiddle ol the Session.

Expenses. Tuition for the Winter Session willbe S.'i payable in advance, Boafding andLodging S"2, a week

IJ,iA well conducted PreparatoTjfDepartment willflfieallached Oithis Institulinn, Ttialilcil the Tui

tion, will be from $5 to $7 ol), pejEuIiler,

THE S C'fflb OJ. F0RTTTTT- -. ?. T.T (1 T W 7! 7, 'S ffLW V MMri HDiahY WrtinHriHMa.wpq

fperetofoie connected with the Georgetown College, will herealter be connected with the UaconCollege.

Nav 15, 1836 ?3-- 8t

SAiTJ- - OZjmTAM.BARBER AND-HAI- DRESjSER,ETBETUUNS his sincere thanks to his ensiitl tomets, and tie public general', furpast savor.', and hopes by his moderate charges, and strict attention to husinesr, to meritand restive a cctnuiitiance ' lueir tavors.His FaNcy Store fiSsTflt at the old well knownstand, on Main street, just below Mr. JohnBrcnnaiUs Hotel, and nearly opposite the Lex- -

ington-SIrlbrarj- ;, where -- he will be happy tosee and wtiit on his isiters, in his uStial style.He feels satisfied that he is prepared to execute, his bus ne.s with neatness and despatch,is he hns roun hasiis that he can depentTup- -

on as Shavers and tlair Cutlers He also wishes to call attention lohUsrorlmeut of

FA.1CY ARTfCLES,Consisting in part, as follows': Redding amisine Combs, Hair and J ooth Brushes; UilsHpej!ly description; Bear's Oil and Word'svegetaoie tiairwn: tor me restoration oi tnehairi all kinds of Drops, of the best quality.for the use of the Ladies; the best quality ofGentlemen s Shaving Soap ; Ladius Pincushions; Ivory amUGommnn Snutt Boxes; a lineand large assortment ol Gentlemen's StocksShirt Cdlars and Bosoms; the finest kind .ofBuckskiH Gloves; Common do.; the bestquality of Cologne .and Florida Waler; Razors and Razir Sfraps; Suspenders of allkinds Chess Men and Dominos; CurlingTpngs; Clothes and Hat Brushes; the bestquality of 1 ravelling Itnzor Qases, with Ka

zois m them, lop Pieces, Wigs, CurlsandBraids, all us different colors, to susers; Wax and Alabaster Dq(.Is; Gravats; anda large assortment of 1 0 S, inc. &c.

J" His BATH HOUSE is in good repair forWinter Bathing. . w

LexyOrJL 17, 186 63-3- m

To thosefGen lemen of Kentucky whm''-I-

, drive Sleqfe to tne South.icv

MOHAVE now in complete repair atNRWfrom captain Garrett jMt'sin Mor-

gan countv,nn Piles, old TurnpikeJ-'CJois'if'- d

Mountain m a direct line Tor Athensshnrteniiig the distance from 15 to 20 mileiL eith- -

r iruiu uiu ivingMuii ujiirsy wive routes, auumiicn the best way. . 1 Irmn Captainfllall's to Major Alley's 12 miles from Alley'sto Brnwn'sBn tne main Cumberland sfyee road, 8n.ilnc fmm Rrnivn's tn Tepnesee ifTO"o. WhiteRock Landing, 5. miles from I'eiitifssee river toMajor Sharp's, on the Alheiis road, 8 miles.

I am provided with the best of watered crassLots for Horse, or Mulee.pmvcrs and HognrfbtR,

Grain, Hay and rodder: and am wellti, to arrominudate Drovus aniTravelleis.niavesstaoiisneua newtlercSgQiJ i enuesse. river,where I own both batiks, ants am vvell proivided'wtth bgatsJiiid canoes, and LotSarfm the rive r,and'CnnfjohtEnod tprms. Droers havin? tiredlamuKf-n- r who may have any drowftfAat myfe,rfJYSirln formed lhat I will take thenTTif lar"eand sat, at five dollars .a hunnred. or Jurnish saltand vessels to salt up, as the owner may chpose.

A reference. map will convinceany gentlemanfifjp the advantage in .distance inthi s new route : and I solicit mv did amiMiiiianr .ns theVeutucky Droveis, who knew nie at So. W.'TPoint, to try, my ne.v road and feiry. No eentle.-nia-

will be dissatisfied , for nothingin mj line shall be wanting to accommodate iliose.woo give mcacaii.

JOHN BKOW.N.BcLVinWj Roane Co. Tenn.fug, 24, 1836.

1 i

JOH2T GTKATrOHD GOIHS,STSHO has been so long known in FrankW? sort, as a Barber, takes

the citizens of Lex'ngton, and th3 nu-

merous company wjio vftit the city, that hehas t'aken the stand on Main street, I itely oecupied by GAW. Tucker, nearly oppositeMr Brennau's Ilotel, where every attentionshall be paid to those who may please to callon him, eithFr to smootjie theirchlns, throw.their locks in the most fish'tOnallff style, orto render to them the heajfji nfpd comfort ofwarm or cold Ba'hs, foe which the premisesare so eminently calculated.

He will be always sound nn his "riosr, andevery exertion used to give c ntire satisficlionto those who may patronize hm.

Lexingtjn, Oct 7, 1816.-6- 3-1


Wk $vlr. OPENING, in the nextMC rnrnxr ns the I'ubl'lC

Lfyfuaii, hack oflie Cour.thouse, an cntiraly IJEW

" .: MEDICINES,,:rTTt?Ai?r-A- t siiRfiiPA f .IN""" ';;a

Pcfumcry, PaHtiU, Dye-i,tujjh,- eye,, .UIONG WHICH AltU

roFotrt .Isnierihe, btrvctininp, uipn.rpliiHPC'lilrVtf of Lime, Hjdrosub- -

llii.uii vv.tiuuiei, vx-c-. .BriFamilies and Phvicians of the city and

will ho supplied with genuine medirifies,and Country Jiercliants who retail Drugs can befurnished on reasonable terms. .

assistance having been ccJl'red,PRESCRIPTIONS will be put up with thegrcalescare and with the purest Jlfediciues'.

ROBERT PETER- -T iexiugion, July 15jM36 3S-G- m

jtp :


JgrpilRgSubsffibeJrespecr-- 'pjg7r--- - JL fj,, rnfoririS his o tf....i..i;;y'"siomers,ai)(l the publicgcn-'!rr3- lf

IJJ;i :'ralIyAtlbat hp has nrmovedr:j this GRBINET SHOP tii

4- - z z -- J IJwellino llnip tn.thA fs nrf

j' IT tjfirmerlyccupied. J. J.11 - TilM-lrSherKf-tui on Wain Strec:,

immediau lynnposite the AiasanlC- Hill,' whereall articles'trfnis linjuCbi(siiyis.Can behad onshort notice ami good terms. He invi(esal) wishing tn puichiise to call upon turn.

rANNGY'S' PA TENT BEDSTEADS-mad-to order o'n shoit notice.' JOSEPH M1LWARD.

Lexingto'nJpDer. 5 2-- tf '"


uu,uuu ummoti no, just received and willJfl at the' Jiqrkel price, or dejivcred in Lex

Ctorfal the nstia orcustomarv carriacp.Persons wanting to puicllase, will please apply

l(JOSEPH D. SWIFT, in Lexington, andlueir oruer win oe promptly lined, Jfc,

JNO. B. McILVAlNE.Maysvillc, May 23, 183 i(Lcx. Inu

r: --t.-t(KT D'UIV KALE. T)

XpHE wejl known three Story BRICKHOUSF nn fnil1 drool :

foimerly by MoinSoUand Bradley, and'at presentby Messrs. Isles and" Wright as a Diy Good Store.This extensive property, 30 feel front, runningback to Water street opposite Ihe R?il Road

e, contains a brick Stable, Carriagehouse and other buildings; forming altogether a.mostvahjable possession for stores and family

For terms apply at my residence on thepremises., rjjUUy; jj. GATEWOOD.

ington, Ma'y13, '36 22-- tf

SOIJ UAL!J. A "half league of land.'inColpny, '1'exas , very eligibly situa

led on Dick's 0fDickson's Creek, a navigablestream, emptying into Gal'vastnn Bay, at whose-mout- h

she town of Powhatan is Iaid out, ing

a sine harbor. The above tract was se-lected for the proprietor bpersons familiar with-ever-

leagun the polony it consists r.f a mix-ture of prairie and timbered land, and is the finestlhat can be, f8r the cultivation ns Cotton orSugar,all conditions hawing been fulfilled, 'and expenses,paid. It is recommended to person's disposed toeniigwtato Texas,4as saTing much 'trouble,

delay. Ii.quire at this office,' Lex Aug 27, 1835 35-- tf

Kew Goods. -

rMHE suhrcribers are receiving GOODS fori PAil, & WINTER SALES.1 heir assoiiment is extensive and nell assorted ;

and they aredisposed to give unusually goadbargains. They respectlully invite their cusvlomersand the public to cull and examine, asthev will sell low-fo- r cash, or exchange s,

Linscy or Oocks.SAjML. ROBINSON &CO:

LexiiiEton. Oct. 1!). 1836 fiJJm


TURF REGISTER.SSUBLISHED weekly at ffiMBroadway, .V.Bl York, at g5 per annutrtPavable in ad- -vance W. T. POUTER, Editor.

J. W; TRUMBULL,Agent fur Lexington, Fayete Co.

Sept. 15, 1836 55-l- f.-

TO SIRS.AtS a house servant till March, a likely Negro.

L Boy about 12 years old. Apply to. S. C. TROTTER..

Nov. 10, 1836 70-- tf '

New Fall & Winterf!8L'Xi HE'hiirJSitertfd have now opened a Targe and'

Sfty. ot

Fall and Winter Goods,vhlcWTlfby will offer at as low prices as thev can

bejhad for in the Western Countrv for Cash orcountry produce, such as is usually taken in exclyiiigefnr Goi'ds. Asour stock is large and com-plete, we deem il unnecessary to enumerate arti-cles. We invite oir friends and customers to calland examine for theinselvet.

OREAR BERKLEY.Lexington, Nov. 7 69-- tf

se. Tunc n -iti t- -

'OULD reiurnjhis thanks lor the liberal ca--r trunage he hSreceiven. and having taken

into partnership Mr. W . b. Bkrkley,uesswilliu (uuire be conducted by them mintlv."i'lderthe firm of

ORE A R & BERKLEY,And they hope hy s'net atlenlion to business to.give entire satisfaction.

(7- - I hose persons indebted to tne personally.are earnestly requested to settle the same by pay.nieiil or note, as it is very iinporianl to close thaold cmvjjfin. jgmlOS. C. OREAR

ijexmgion, iiov. t. oy-- f.




particularly adapted tQ,family'use. Among which



. 15v ' GUM QPIUM,'12 Aoz. SIVAIM'S , CELEBRA T--

.vt RD PANACFA, for the cure ofA,Scrofula, -

5 bbls. Cold Expressed CASTOROIL. superior, warranted

5 "ALCOHOL, &c, and manyolher articles loo tedious to enumerate.

Sold i.h'ilesalc and retail at the Drug & Chem-ical Store, of i--

. "'

SAMI..C. TROTTER, Chca'pside,ncarihe Nnlh'n Bk. Lexington, Ky.

Jul) 21, 13 39 tf




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