Page 1: Kentucky gazette (Lexington, Ky. : 1809). (Lexington, KY · All Prizes. MARYLAND STATE LOTTERY. Ciass No. 23, ro 1833. T drawn at Baltimore,

NOVEMBER.jflagnificcnt Capitals

V Wt o En? o 'Wvsss ?v

the year advances so does the brrlliancy ofASour Schemes increasr, and we may with

truth say, SYLVSTER has never before offereduch a brilliant GALAXY OF PRIZES as he

now lays before hu friends for the monlh of No

itinber. This is no exaggeration or the Schemespeak sot themselves a rapid succession of the

following Capilals

3 PRIZES OP 30,000!!$50,000! 40,000! 30,000!,

25,000 SOIsIABS!!of $20,000! S15.0001 5 of $10,000!!

in all of whi(,h we uucir early application 10

supply. AdHreisS. J SYLVESTER,

J 30 Droadway, New York.

5r3O0 Priaca of 500 DOLLARS.0


For the benefit of the town f WellsWurg.T Be drawn at Alexandria, Va, Saturday , Nor.

5, 1816.

CAP TTA L S .80,000 dolls!--1 0,000 dolls 5,000 dolls-3,3- 17i

dolls 2 of 2,500 dolls 10 of1,500 dolls! 200 of 500 dolls.

Tichets Ten Dollars.A Cernficite of a Packoje of 25 Wko'a Tick-a- tt

will he ent for 130 dollars. Halves, Quar-ters and Cighths in proportion.


Ciass No. 23, ro 1833.T drawn at Baltimore, Saturday, IToTimker

12, 1836.


80,000 Dolls! 8,000 dolls 4,000 doll.2,200 dolls 2,000 dolls 10 pnzes of

1,000 dolls! 20 of 500 dolls! 20 of.250 dolls! 30 of 200 dolls! etc. &.c.

Tickets only J'O.Certificate of a Package of 25 whole tickets will

sc sent for $110. Packages of Shares in propor-tion,

Or- - In this Lottery all those tickets having nodrawn numbers on tiem will he each entitled toTnaKE Dollars, without discount. You can-n-

do belter than adventuie in this SCHEME.

Capital 25,000 dollars.Virginia Stsito Lottery, Cla,s No 7

Endowing the Leesburg Academy, an ff.r otherpurposes. To be drawn at Alexandria, Va.,Saturday, Nov. 19, 1836.

CAPITALS.25.000 dolls! 10.000 dolls! 4.000.dolls! 3,000 dolls! 2,000 dolls! 50 ofi1,1101) dolls! 04 ol 250 dolls! (Sic.

Tickets 5? 10 Shares in vrovortibn.Certificate of a package of 2 whole ticket!

Will cost only 120 Dollars ITalvpe n Dua.Jlers in propomon. Delay not to send your ordersto fortune's noma.

50,000 DOLLARS.OCr LOOK AT THIS! CQAlexandiM Lottery, Class B.

To be drawn at Alexandria, D. C, Thursday,November 24, 1836.

RICH. AND SPLENDID SCHEME.50,000 doll-s- i 20,000! 10,000 dolls!5,000 dolM 4,000 dolls! 3, 190 dolls!3,000 dolls! 2,500 dolls! 2,000 dolls!

50 Prizes of 1,000 dollars each!50 " 501) "50 " 300 "

61 Prizes of 200 DOLLARS!Tickets only glO.

A Certificate of a Package of 25 Whole Tickets in this Magnificent Schemt may be had for$140. Packages of Shares in proportion.

40,000 "DOLLARSVirginia State Lottery, Class No 8

For the benefit of the Mechanic Denevolent So-ciety of Norfolk to be drawn at Alexandria, Va.Saturday, November 26, 1836.

CAPITALS.840,000 ! $ 1 0,000 ! $5,000 ! $3,000 ;Sa,300! g2,000! $1,900! $1,800! 2 of$1,50013 of $1,300! 5 prizes of $l,2ror100 prizes of 5500! 100 of.54n0! 12fiof $100!&c. &c.

Ti-ke- ts 10 Dollars.A cerlifiVato of a package of 25 whol tickets

will be sent sir 140 dollars. Packages of halvesquarters and eighths in proportion

S. J. SYLVESTER,65 130 nroadway, N. Y.


HT. N. BENEDIC I Maincross street,Kv. n.AUan. i uAn..

when not absent.S STIMULATING LIN- -

AMLNT lemarkahle for relieving pain, &c.for sale by II. T. N. BENEDICT.


HOME FOR THE AFFLICTED.Maincross street, Lexington.5G7!r!T. " '' N- - BENEDICT.WHITE MUSTARD SEED for sale.

Sep 20 (0-- tf lu T N B.OO-T- O PRLNTERS.j)

Vaiuable Printing Establisiiiep,tFOR SALB.Inv for sale, on reasonable terms, my


The Materials are almost entirely new.It is one of the oldest Offices in the State, havirgsustained itself 17 yeats, and its patronage is stillincreasing. To an industrious young man justcommencing business, this establishment offeis aninducement rarely to be met with. Anj personwishing to purchase, will call and examine its',","- - J. J. POLK.

Sep. 3 55-t- f.

OYE OR TWO APPRENTICES,TBI learn the Art of Printing, will be takenJR. bovs between Ihe. rbm nr IA .j it u- -- b t oiiu iu WOUJQHe ujeferresf. Lexington, Martk 5flf I


DEPARTMENT.rjg'WIE Lectures in this Irslitutton will comit. mence . as usual, on the first Monday tn

November, and terminate on the first Monday o

March, T he courses are onAnatomy and Surgery, by Doctor Dudley;Institutes of Medicine, Clinical Practice .and

Medical Jurisuiudence. b Doctor Caldweil.Theory and Practice of Medicine, by Doctor

Cooke.Obsletricksand the diseases of women and chil

drenhy Doctor Richardson.Materia Medicaaud Medical Botany, by Doc

lor ShortChemistry and Pharmacy, by Doctor Yan-dkl- l.

Ounrm the entire term the Professir of Anatomy and Surgery lectures nine limes eacn week,and the other, Professors daily, sabbath excepted.

Thefeetothe entire course, with matiiculaiioiiand use of an extensive library, is SH0. 'Ihegraduation see is $20.

Itislhnueht proper .to stale, inasmuch as reDoris hare been currentiis the hiiih price of boardin Lexington and the difficult ol obtaining it,lhatmany student", during the last session, lounncomfortable board, including lodging, fuel, lights,servants' attendance, and in some instances washing, for $3,00 per week , and Uis confidently be-

lieved, notwithstanding ihejBncreased puce ofevery article of living, whicH-l-s felt here 111 com-

mon with all other parts of the country, that stu-

dents will be as cnmlniiabl) accommodated, andupon asieaonab!e tennstas at any other respec-tabl-

Medical School in the Union .

By order of the Faculty.C. W . SjIIOR T, M. l. Dean.

Lex. Ky July lliu, 183G 37 1 1st Nov.The Biiblishersof the following papers are re

quests! to insert the above to the amount of $5 ,

and send the papers containing it to the Dean, on

the receipt of Inch the money will he remitted,vis: Journal iArvertiser Louiswlle; Eagle,

Gazette, Cincinnati, State Journal,Cnlnmbus. Ohio; Whig and Batuer, Nashville,Ten; Republican, St Louis, Mo; Southern Ad-

vocate' Hunisvillr, Ala. Sine Intelligencer, 'IMississippi Journal Natchez, Register,

VicksBurgh, Miss, Bulletin, New Orleans, Register. Mobile, A'a ; Peusacola Gazette. Recor-

der, Milledgeville, Geo, Itrpubncau, savannah;Courier sc Mermiv, Charlesinn, S. C; Register,Raleigh, N. C; Observer, N. C,Whig Richmond, Virginia; Republican, Win-

chester, Vngiiua; Intelligencer and 1

niton citj .

FOR Sale.rJ. 1,1 HAT beautiful cnuntrr resilience

liSIS 4 upon the 'I ale's creed roarl, aboutmile from the limits of Lexington, recently occu-pied by A B Jlfoflni.. 'I he prace contains ahout50 Acres, hac an excellent iinck House with sixrooras, necessary nut nouses, tt spin g m neiigni- -

Jul water, inn a Bagging ractury with telveLontr.o, to which is attached an excellent GristJIM I.

The title mJuputtible. Iflberal credits will begrii to the purchaser. Apply to

COLEMAN $ WARD, Louisville,or tD CHARLTON HUNT, Lexington.

Jily 15,183b 33-- tf


MEDICINES,particular! adapted to family utt. Among which


ED PANACFA, for the cure ofScrofula

5bbls. Cold Expressed CASTOROIL, superior, oairanted

5 " ALCOHOL, &r., and manyother articles too tedious to enumerate.

Sold wholesale and retail at the Drug & Chem-

ical Store ofSAML. C. TROT TEK, Cheapside,

near the Nmh'n. Bk. Lexington, Ky.Julv 20, lb3f. 39-- lf

H13iKY DAYOULD most respectful!) inform hisVientfs

and acquaintances anil ihe public in general, that he ha opened aCOFFE HOUSE, un-

der the aboe name, on Jlill street, next door toJ. L jilcCracken's Grocery, and nearly oppositeJlr Giron's Confectionary His siock of superi-or WINES ani LIQ.UORS, and close attentionto business, induces him In believe that he will re-

ceive a portion of public patronage.His slock is compose.! of the following assortment:

Chimpdignc, (best brands-,- jUIU Ma lena,Golden Sherry,Palo do 4Muscat,Claret, (Meoc &, St Julian)Best quality Old Port,Srtutarenc, (white,)Malaga,Baicelonia,Lisbon, jOld Cognac Brand,")Hnllnnil fiin. I

St. Croix Rum, f LIQUOP.S.Old Peach Brandy, J

Also An assortment of

BEST FRENCH CORDIALSHe has also 6tled up his upper large wl com'

modious Room, at a great expense, for trie p 11 p kcof accommodating Society Jloetings anil sineParties. Lex. July 13, '3fi 30-- tf

JABEZ BHACH.T hie Coach l!epostorj, has row on handa COACH ennal to any 111 the Slate, and

fourve.y sine COACHEES CITARIOT TEES,BAROUCHES and BUGGIES, a'l of the firstquality, nnnuficiured at New Ark, New Jerseywhich will be 60I1I on the lowest terms.

Any person wishing a Cainage of any descrip-tion, can by givim; an order, have the sime forwarded from ihe manufacluiers at New-Ai- freeof commission.

Lexington, Sept. 15, 183G-- - 55--- tf

100 DOLt,AAo UPWARD.STOLEN since the 1st inst. Fouu Pi iuciis.3 two ofwhich were manufaclured b V. 4: S.

C. Georee, with their names hmnAeil nn .!.beam, l'he other two were inauufactn.eri hvRaymond & Hart of Cincinnati, wuh ihfti.names painted on each beam. The hand holdon me iimifiics oi ine Cincinnati ploughs not painicu iiui am, uic muuin Doarti very similar toRockhill's, and ground smooiu on ihe lace.

The above reward will be paid for the detec-tion of the thief and ploughs,

JOSEPH BRUEN.Lm. Sept 20 1P36


lMSMrMiiee CosiafliaBiyCharleredby the Legislature ofKtnlwky in

mi- - March last

H,CI Do!lars!

rTTniK rnMPANV will innie BuildingsML Furniture, Merchandize, &c. against Los

or Damage by Fire, in Town or Country Sieam,Keel and Flat Boats, and their Capgoes against

the Damagesof inland or river Navigation ; and

PROPEIt I Y of every description, against the

perils of the ea(t5-"T- his Company will also INSURE

LIVES, for one or more jears, or for life! '1 he

owners of Negro Men, Slaves emplovedin Fac-

tories, or on Firms, will find 11 to Iheir advan-

tage to rail."The following are ihe officers chosen by the

stockholders:THOMAS SMITH, President.


A. O NEWTON, Ser'ryThomas P. Hart, Surveyor.

Lex Sept 23, 1816 58-- tf

AjecI Horse Power,THE undersigned having purclued the right ofii S. S Allen, to construct and sell hisPATENT TIIRhSlIlNG MAI 1I1NE for getling out Grain, and for appljing Horse lower,are prepared 10 liave them constructed on the shor-le-

nnuce. 'Ihe follnaing certificates, frompractical farmers, it is presumed, will be a sulli-cie-

lecomniendalion to these Machines


Sept U, 1836 59-- tf

I certify, that Mr S. S Allen's Threshing Ma-

chine was put in operation at this place, and thatitperformed remarkablewell, superior 10 an' nlhesMachine or Ihe Knul mat I nave ever irieu r rnm

the experiment I witnested with it, I have no

doubt tint with two horjes, and well attended, itwould get out several hfftdied bushels of 6rain inthe course of k day. Signet ,

II. CLAY.Ashland, Aug. 31st, 183G.

I concur in the above opinion of Mr. Cla,having seen Mr Allen's 1 hreslung Machine inoperation. I consider it a valuable improvementon those heretofore in use 111 this countrj Signed,


I certify, that I have examined the ThreshingMachine of Mr Saml. S. Allen's, and think itdecidedly the best Machine of the kind I haveever seen, and I hive no doubt, is it was driverby two horses, and well attended, ltuould threshout several hundred bushels in a day. Sigur I,

LEONIDAS POLK.Lexington, Kj . Sept. 7, 1836.

North Elkhorn Spet. Sth, 1836I have seen in operation, nn the finn of my

neighbor Col. Hamilton Atchison, ihe 'I hrerhingMachine of Mr Saml. S Allen, ami feel free todeclare, that I consiHerila taluable improvement,and much preferable o other Machines I havecean, not only 111 regard to the speed and facilityin getting out gram, the simplicity of its construetinn and keeping in orier, but espei tally its super-ior manner in detaching life gram from the stiaw,ad the straight an I sine condition 111 which ihestraw is lest fni the cutting box, or rather agricul-tural purposes. Signed,


JUST 11ECEIVLD, one hundred Hams olput up expies-sl- for family use also

a sew kegs of leas lard, which will be sM low forcah I.UIJEKT GiiAY.

iex. August 15, 1836-4- 6.


THE MOMITOB.rgHE publisherol this paper, partaking of iheJi. general feeling of the rtemncracy of Ken-

tucky, as regards Ihe prosperis of success for theircandidates in the ensuing November elections;and believing that the accomplishment of thisnbjectdepends upon the zeal and exertions of llieir,friends, in 'pleading before the people sound po-

litical Iniellignnce, and counteracting ihe balefuleffnils of Iheir foes; is induced lo suggest to his'political friends and patrons, tha propriety of ex-- ttending me ciiculation of the Maysville Monitor,


as an auxiliary in the consumatiou ofihisr.e-- isired end. His exernons to render the Monitoruselul in ihe cause ef patriotism and democracy,'while they have been asiduous and untiring, have,beenatienued with no inconsiderable expense.The extension of the subscription list, he flatters'himself, may be attended with lesults favorable toihe promotion of the cause of Republican unncipies, and destructive lo faction at the same timeit will enable him 10 persevere 111 me improvementof his paper.

Our friends in the State are sufficieitly awareof ihe sleepless vigilance of their oppoi enls at alltimes, to know that theirsuccess in the lale elec-tion will ne attended with no relaxation of theircrToits hut on the couliary will inspirit and em-- lb lden Ihein to greater daring and cturage, thanhas ever yet maiked their hostility to the purity oflepubhran princrplesr 'Their ecitors, their ofiice- -

holdeis, their GMiors and private members, willbe in the field, and every elToil that inteiest, mal-- lice, or ingenuity ran suggest, will be placed inspeedy leijiusitinn. Prudence, justice, nor evenihe resliai us of innralilj, will be regarded, when,an object as great as the ovenhroiv of the lower '

ingcollosus of American rights, n before their vis-

ions. Their phalanx of newspapers, whose editorslon,; lor the spoils of vicicry, with more anx-iety than uthe hail pauieih for the cooling brook,"have displaced 111 Ihe late encounter, 1 recklesand daring industry, seldom is ever exceeded byany political partisans What may we not it

frnm them 111 ihe succeeding conflict' Theiripapeis find their waj intieverj nook and rornerlol Ihe Siaie, ard is we expf ci lo cope wuh them,w e should at least be placed upon an equal sootirg. Lei the first object then be t give a widecirculation to the Demo-rati- c papers in the SidleLet tnem follow ihe poison for which they witlcarry the antidote Let our friends in everycouutv from committees, and make this a primaryobject of their reation.

07 I'o make it an object with the democracy'to circulate the Monitor, 11 will be afforded forihe coming Three Montlis, to companies of ten,nttn committees req 111 ring tins nr a greater numberat the rate of $5 per ten copies, is paid 111 ad-

vance. Single copi as, or less number than ten,will cost the usual price 625 cents for threemonths.

Agents and subscribers to the Monitor, areto use their exertions in obtainingnames, and will cunfer savor bv send-

ing them immediately to this nffice.Maysville, Sept. 1st, 1838.


Dr J. M. BUSH,)M W ILL prac'ice JInDiciNb, Sur-

gery, and Obstetrics, anilrespicuully offers his services tn Hie citizensof Lexington and its virinily. He occupies thesame nflice with Dr. Dudley, 'at ihe old stand)where he may be sound duiu g the day : At nightatJUrs. Crittenden's boaiding House, jornairsRow.- - Lexington, July 22, 183G. 41-3- m

WA TED,SM.tfilT active lad tn as.m in a Coffee

I&. ouse. UKNiiYDY.Lex. Au. 15 133G-46-- tf.


V7"OUTHS from 14 to 15 years of age, of re

Ji. speclible families will be'preferrer. Pa-

rents who have childien they would like to haveleam a good and piofitable trade one which is

as goo I, is not belter than any olher now follow-

ed, would do well 10 3pply iinmediatelj to

M. GIRON,Sept 57-- tf Mill street, Lexington Kj.


'BHE Stockholders of the Northern Bink ofH Kentucky are hereby noiified, that the sixlh

instalment of Twenty Dollars on eaeh share, isrequired to be paid on Ihe 15th November next.

By order of the Board of DirectorsM T SCO I T, Cash'r.

Lexington, Ang.2, 1836- -4 -td

NOT2GS.ION wi'l be made to the Nnrtn

APPLICA'I of Kenlurkj, il Lexington, to re-

new a certificate of one share in said Bank, in Ihename of the subsciibirwhich has been Inst or mis-

laid. JOSEPH FICKLIN.June 30th 1836 34

NOTICEfS hereby given to the purchasers at my

bile last fll, that their bonds will becomedue on the 18th dsy of November next, atwhich time they "nust be promptly pml, toave interests and costs; as all not paid willbe indiscriminately put in suit for the recovcry of ihe same. WM. BOON

October, 1836 63-3- w

TOR RENT.A LARGE and commodious DWELLINGjfiuiOUsT, situated on Main street, well

calculated lora boarding house Ei quire ofJOHN M. HEWbTT.

Oct. 1st, 1836 62 is

J. & F. FABSRMachinist 4 Machine Card Manvfac


PITTSBURGH,AVIMG extended then ftlanufactnrv, arc--

now prepaied to execute alt orders, at theshortest notice, for Koullen Madiiner) , viz ;

Doible and Single Carding Machines, foolPickers, Condensers, with any number of Tubes,Sheaiiug, Brushing, and Napping Machires,Broad and Narrow, Roller Jacks of any numberof Spindles, ( ard Cleaners, Comb Plate, CardPl)ers, Spindles, Piess Pnper, Press Screws,Shear Blades, Uevohrjng and Vibrating, Slr.

Manufacturing Jliachine Cards of every des-

cription, they are able to sell Ifool Carding Ma-

chines at leduced prices.They also hava .1achinerv, and are prepared

to grind Shear Blades.Pittsburgh, Oct. 5, 1836 Times


on Jlain street, nearly oppusite Brji nan's Hotel,

WHERE can be had all kind, of Saddlery.Mounting, i?ridle 7?ilis-an-

Stirrup Irons, domestic and imported low forcash.

Also Hugh Wilson's Punfjing VegetableMedicine Oct, 13 w3m 62

COMMONWEALTH OF KEN I UCKY,Woodford Cnunli Circuit, Set )

bepieinber 'Term, 18 16 JFielding Davis, Gunidian &c , complainant,

against Joseph E ir n's heirs, defendants.IN CHANCERY

THIS day came the complainant b

and filed his petition herein, and it ap-

pearing lo the satisfaction of the court thai thedefendants, Vniandt M. Buckingham, Dis Paihe,Emily Eaton, and David Eaton, are not residentsut this cnminuuwealth and they having sailed 10

appear and answer Ihe complainant's bill airnrd-i- n

to law and the rules of this court It is there-

fore ordered that unless the said 11011 resident de-

fendants sha'l appear here on or befnielhe first dayof he next March term cf this court, and answerIhe rnmplainanl's hill, Ihe same will be taken fnrcnufessed against iheni. It is further ordered,that a copy of llusrrder be published in some au-

thorised newspaper printed in this state lor twomonths succetsively.

A copy.All. R IDG LEY GREATHOUSE,c.w.c c.

Sept. 1 2m.

STRAYED OR STOLEN.Mr Clement Smith's in this xicini- -FROM

T Saturday morning last, a smallB Y MARE, between 4 anil 5 ears old, r- -

. 1 a t....i. in .i r..n .uuui it nuuua niii, iuii law, lun muiic, Hiscar on iter uuck, me rijui. lore rout uoorsomewhat damaged, no other marks lecolec-te- d

A reward of 5510 will be given for themare and thief (is stolen) is taken i thiscounty, or g5 for the mare alone, or g0 lorthe mare and thief is taken out of this county and secured so that I can get them, or glOJtur the mare alone.

LEWIS HOWARD.Lex Oct 11, 1836 62-- 4t


nillR Subscribers respectfully inform theirjttl. fiiends Hiid the publif generally, tint tney

h ive purchased the well known e.iablishniiit,formerly belonging to; Mr. m . Rockhill, andare now nreuaie i tn fiirnixh all nrlir s in Iheir "line.o,, ih ,ho,it o,e. Th. I't.OUG IIMAKING Business will t e continued in .ill il

urauches, and a good assortment of the latest noproved louhs kept coulaut)i on hand. OPloughs repaired with neatness and despatch.



BRO 'I'MING & HEADLEY.N. B We wish to employ a fust rate Plough

Stocker, or Wagon Maker, to whom constantwill be given. Also 2 or 3 Appienli-ce- s

in ihe Smithshop , of respectable parentage,and who can rome- well recommended. B Si H,

Lex Sep 7 53-- tf

NOTICE.CIRCUMSTANCES having transpired,

forme toconsu-mat- e

an intended partnership with Ingerson Sc

JUclsienana lor me construction ol the stone woikat the CJirTs. on Kentucky river: The businessin fuluie will be cnudocled in their names, and onthey will be responsible for all contracts and business connected with this woik from the comnlence toment to the close of their operations.

Their characters as contractors, and iheir busi areness habils'will , no doubt, sufficient! recommendthem to the company and the public e

JAMES COOK. toApril 23, !$-- .( -- DzyUm Drt Herald.


QrnflE undersigned, recen'ly from Cnu ninati,'iJL hamg inrrea-e- d their stoclc of 1 immure,

have the pleasure of offering a tare assortment,and will endeavor to keep such a supply as will enable their c.ilonicis to furnish ihenitelyfs on a

short notice and as faorahle teuus as elsewbert .

Thev have cow nn hriud and will continue to manufacture the Tollowing

fJi"1M'lu K. 7 DIS liUJi liDS ariousI.,,,.,, j pattern1, with Marble 'J'opn;

l)resine liureausdo doTables do do

do dodo do


X Enclused Bieon Stands doO JL ahnjan Dining, Breakfast,LXiension, fjdu iiu i oiueuuaiu jauics;

SOFAS, Spring Seat,Mahogany Chairs;Boston Hooking Chair, do; Easy do;Bed Steps; Patent Beadsieiils, on an improved

ptan, iriedja&tkappioved ; with all other ar-

ticles in ly33jTe.OT-I'h-

ey afejfprepared lo attend to Funeralcalls.

An arrangement has been made for a supply ofCastcrb made PIANO l UK I fcS.

OrVENEERS for sale.Q7"Jusl received, as a sample, one of Swift's

Iron-fmnt- Patent Llatic Cushion hammerPIANOS Also, a ecoud hand Piano for sale 01


Jmdan's Ron , 5th door from Main St.Lexington, April 3C, 1836 I7-- tf


for pat savors, informshis friends and the duhlir that he has taken hibrother. Uiieam Sirwv, into partreiship. rj hehulnuss in futme will be coimucled at the oldslat d, north corner ol Main and main cross streets,under the imme of

N. & II. SHAW,Wheie one or both of them may always be soundlo u ait on those that gue-ihen- i a call.

'I hey have on hand, and will continue to keep,an exrellenlassnrtment of all kinds of HATS,and w ill sell on as accuuimolaiii g terms as anyhouse in theriiy.

NAT. SHAW.Lex. JuneG, 183G 3C-- tl.

N. B. Those having unsettled accounts, willplease call and settle them with either or us.

N. S.

H. C. COONS, Attorney at Law,

WILL practice in the several Cnur's held atpKce All business entrusted to ls

care will be promptly attended to. lie will besound ht General Combos Office, rofher of Shortana Church streets, opposite the Northern Bank,

Lexj.iiuri, Aug 15. '3G 4.7 is

NOTICE.have removed our STORE lo thewr Room recently occupied by James G.

McKtnuej, Eq , wheie our frieiuUand customersare solicited to call.

To the former customers of Mr. McKinneywelook with much confidence... and hope ihej willsavor us with a continuance of ineir custom lo thehouse, by which we hope a. mutual benefit iv illbe derived. Havioe adt'ed part of our stock tothat purchased of Mr. McKinney, which makesour large and very comnlete, we aredisposed to ell good bargains to those who maysavour u with their calls.

On hand a first rate Stock of


B W. & H. B. IODDLexington, 27tli September, 1836. G0-2- m.

NOTICE.AVING heretofore Riven a powerof Altor- -

ney lo Mr J bDRiNGTON to sign niv iiainp.and that 1 would 66110111111 thereby. This is 10

gie notice, that I uill no longer be bound by anycontracts made hy him in mv name, bin herebylevnke sanl power. FUILK LAWELL.

Oct. 10, 18-i- G4-- tf

Transjlvania Universitj,. MEDICAL DEPARTMENT.

rPTHC L,CCIl'RE5 Introductory to ihe sev- -

.1. eral courses w ill be delivered du in? the ecoud eek of November, at 1 J o'clock of eachday, in the following oider, vizDr. Dudley on Monday, November the 7lh, in the

Anatomical 1nph11healre.Dr. Calduell, l'uejjlav, 8th, 111 Ihe Medical Hall.Dr. Cooke, XVedniy, 9ib, in the Hall.Dr. Richardson, 1'liujeday, IO1I1, 111 Ihe Hall.Dr Vaiulell. Fridiy, llih, 111 the Chemical La-

boratory.Dr Short, Saturdav, 12th, m the Medical Hall.

Professional gentlemen and toe public generallyare respectfully invited tn attend.

By order of ilia Tacultj .

C. W. SHOUT, Dean.Oct. 20 64112.1


AOAIt will leave MIDWAY every morno'clock, and relurnms, will leaie

Lexington every afternoon at 5 o'clockCHAS LEWIS,

Master of Transportation.JW 16 30-- tf

MONEY LOST.DOLLARS REWARD. Lost in(he town of Frankfort, nn the mor

ning of the 4 h inst , beiween Weisigei's liieruand iheherid of the inclined plane, a sealed pack-et containing THREE THOUSAND DO L- -I

ARS, in $50 notes of the Bink of Kentucky,probably all payable at the mother Bank at Louis-ville. Ihe envelope was sealed, and ihe notesdoubled 111 the middle, and as wellanHnrcArl nn i!iPiniilnnri...Ani -- r mi uonnn" "... J, ". " "" " ?, '"""in pay a nine Lexington Branch Bank ,iirami oy Suiiiii : Heats, or George Keats, U Iheoroerof John Brand, Esq "

I he aboie reward will oc paid to any personivho ill deliver said package tn Col Peier Dud- -ey, in t rauklort, lo Messrs bmiili i. Keals. in

Louisi die, or to myself mi LexingtonBanks and others may help to the discovery by

Inking notice of whom they receive notes of Iheabove description.

D A. SAYRE.Lexington, Ky feb. 10, 18)6 mar 19-- 11 is


110 has been so Iohr known m frank-sort- ,as a Barber, takes nUasure in no.

tifymg the citizens of d the mimerous company who visit the city, that hehas taken the stand on Main street, 1 tely occnpied by G. W. I ucker, nearly oppositeMr Brennau's Hotel, where every attentionshall be panl lo those who may please to call

him. eilhrr to smoothe their chins, throwtheir locks in the most fashionable style, or

render to them the heallh and comfort ofwarm or cold Ha lis, sop which the premises

su eminently calculatedHe u, 11 be always sound on his post, andery exertion used to give entire satisfactionthose who may patronize him.

Lexington, Oct 17, 1836.-6- 3-lf

NSW DRUG STORE." rSE?iSC TrrTicp nprNiwr; ... ,i.A ,.

Ja 83 hou, east corner of the PublicSquare, hack of .he Courthouse, an entiraljNEWAvJIj I assortment 01


MLNTS,Perfupicry, Paints, Dye-stuff- Jfc. fyc.


Kicootc, Emeitne, Strychnine, Sulpli.Morjiliine, Chloride of Lime, Hdrosub- -

limed Ualomel, &z.c.

tea ami Physicians of the citv and neieh'oourhnod ill be supplied with genuine medicines,and Country Jlerchants who retail Drugs can J)0furnished on reasonable terms.

assistance having beenwill be pui op wilh the

greatest care and with the purest .Medicines.ROBERT PETER.

icxiugion, July 15, 1836 38-6- m


msmmm .. raiHE suhsr-nhpr- i . ,.sully informs his o d

pg igrusiuiiier,aua lliepubhcgen- -t. jerallv, thai he has rfmuved;dt3: c4hls CABINET SHOPand

fTKn-- nf jLDwelling House to the stindC L formerly occupied bv J. J,

Sheridan, on Main Stree- t-immediatilj opposite the Masonic Hall, whereall articles in In lineof business can be had onshort nonce and good terms He invites all wish-ing to puichase to call upon him.

FANNGY'S PATENT BEDSTEADSmade to Older on shoit nonce.

JOSEPH M1LWARD.Lexington, Dec. 12, 1835 2-- tf


200,000 Cnoimon do. lust received and ivi-l-

be sold Hi t,ie Market price, or.deliveied in Lexilij,ton at ihe uvual orcusiomary carriage.

Persons wauling lopuirhase, will please apulyto JOSEPH D. SWIFP, , Lexington, andtheir order will be promptly filled

JNO. B. McILVAINET.Maysville, May 23, 183 G- -24 Is Lex. fnt.


ESPf O" FULLY inform the ofthe United Slates, 10 whom thev hav he

individually as established Letter, that the) haxe now formed a copartnership inaid business, and from iheir united skill and ex-

tensile experience, they hope to be able to,give-salifaciio-

to all who may savor ihem wuh tlieirorders.

The introduction of machinery in place of thetedious ann unhealthy processor casting type byhand, a deideratum by the European foundeis,was by American ingenuity and a heavy expend!lure of tune and money on the part of our seniorpartner, first successfully accomplished. Exten-sile use of the machine cast letter has sully tested!and established ns superiority in every particular,jver those cast hy the old proces.

The Letter Foundry Business will hereafter011 by the oartie before nam,i ..j...i..

firm of White, llaoer. & Co 'I'M.., .evhibus a complete series from Diamond to Sixtysour Hues Pica. The book and news lype being-i-

Ihe most moderate ligju and style.White, lager & Co , are agents for the sale' Rust P,,llg Press, winch they can.furnish their ci slomeis at manufacturer's prices-Chas- e,,

Cases, Composug Sucks, Ink, and ev-ery artiele used ,., U,e Prmnng Business kept, fora e an I fumi.hed nn short notice. Old typetaken in el,an. e fbr new at nine cents per Dound

N. IS Mm spaper proprietors who will give-lli-eabnve three iiiseinons, will be entitled In Five-Dcllar- s

111 such articles as Ihey select from quispecimens.

New York, Oct. 1, 163548- -M. E. B ROWNINGtSiCO.

illl ilLI i !" m. Ill' IV itrhifK.i extensive and well asSrted, now offer (Whole-sale and Uetail, on as fair and reasonable terms

goods can be bought in any market west of themountains. They are resolved to spare no pains-t-

accommodate and p!eae those who may savorthem with a call. To the old pations ofihe look with mtirl, confidence, and solicit!a continuance of iheir fromcustom, whcih ita mutual benefit and satisfaction will be de-rived.

ALEB WORLEYav.og sold his stock offmerchandize to M. E. BROWNING il Cotakes great pleasure in 'eronimendmir m h,. i a

customers and patrons, a coolinuance of theirdeal--1ig with Ins successors, at the old stann , opposittIhe upper end of the Public Square. He would atrthe ame lime veiy sincerely return his thanks forIhe l.beral patronage extended to him riunne his,cnniiiiua,,. e n, business. It ,s Ins ih asspeedd,as possible tc close his business, anri h. uL.u.allthose who have open accounts will call an&close them by note or payment without delay..

Lex. Junf 15 , 1835 24-- tf

05-- FOR SALErhn "

is !P,rFnlr7"T.kn0Wn,. three s,ory BRICICforme, y by Mom and Bradley, and at present,by Islcsand Wnghi asa Dry Good Store,h't erX1vv 'Ve Pr0Ber,y' 30 feet front, runningaier street opposite the Rn, Road

coniains a brick Stable, Carnaehouse and other buddings; forming altogether a.most laluable possession for storesand family resi-dence- Tor term, apply at my residence on

LUCY D GATEWOODLexington, May 19, J6 22-- tf

TpOEi SAI(i;. A halfleagueof land.m,Colony, Texas, very

on Dick's or Dickson' P...I, .''..?stn, ai navigaoi.' &stream, emptying into Galvastnn Bay, at wiiosa. i"-- ""-" i lownatan is laid out, co- m-mandini a sine liarhor. The above tract was se-lected'. for the 1"?"' bv person, famil.a Ln. ...- I.... . ... -. . J ""lira.., .cogu; in me .oiony it consists of iU...1. prairie ami t.mberel laud, and is the fines!thatcan be, for theeulmatioi. of Cotton or Sugar,all commons having been fulfilled, a, expensed

Ho.... is irciniiinencer to nerann. !..emigrate lo'lexas, as sanriltnTuch trouble, ex-pense and delay. Ii quire at (his office.

Lex Aug 27, 1835 35-- tf

J. T. FRAZER & CO.AVING discontnued the Tailoring Busi-ness, haie placed their nnies n,l .,

wuh '.he undersigned for collection.Those indebted will please come forward and'disclnrge tfflft accounts immediately, olherwis.we aie insin cted to place them in suit

HUNT & JOHNSON.July 3ih, 1836 42-- is ehLI

THE suhrenbers are leceivint GOODS for& WINTER SALES1 heir assoilment is extensive and well assorted-an- d

they are disposed to give unusually good;barRa,ns. They respectfully invite their cus.tomersand the public to c-- ll and examine, asthev ull sell lo for cash, or exchance so?Jeans, Linsey or Socks. '

SAML. ROBINSON Sc COLexirgton, Oct. 13, 1P35. 64-3- ra

. 5



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