

Children MagazineFor Children by Children to the Scieaty September 2012


Every child is entitled to be given shelter, clothes and food which are the basic needs. They should be given rights to medical care. They have to be secure from any harm whatsoever from the environment. They are also entitled to be given the right to proper education. This is important for every child today as education is free.

Moreover they are entitled to the right of socializing with their peers and friends. They have a right to play and not work like donkeys like some parents, teachers and guardians do. The issue of locking up a child and not allowing them to play with other children has been passed by time and is against the law. Every child must also have a place that is safe from rain. Today we have many street children which is a big mistake from the people and

the government particularly because they don’t look after these children at all. Every child must be protected from child labour and abuse. They should be protected from drug peddlers and change sellers. They should be protected from early marriages and exploitation.

However, all these rights come with responsibilities. A child should be careful when in school and make sure they go for the sole purpose of learning. They should enjoy their rights without interfering with others’. They should listen keenly to the parents and teachers. Being rude by not doing basic chores at home is not enjoying your rights, but it is just running from its responsibilities. Susan Nekesa, 13 years , Mathare,

Cleaner Environment, better environment PG2Ptotect Children, protect the future PG3Talent the Secret Weapon PG4Is sanitation Important PG5Choosing a Role Model PG6My Experience with a herbalist PG7Poetry Corner PG9Talking for the Girl Child PG10

What is Child Abuse PG11Child Labour PG12Water and Sanitation in Mathare PG13Changes with a Difference, PG14 Day of an African Child PG15Take us to the hospital PG16Talents in the Slums PG16




The environment around us should be clean. Clean environment gives us good health. The environment is the life. How you keep it is how you live in it. The cleaner, the better. Our lives are what matters and therefore we should desist from making the environment dirty.

Some people pollute the environment by throwing rubbish everywhere. A Lot of smoke from the vehicles damages the ozone layer, lungs of the people inhaling it and therefore is harmful to the environment. Perhaps we have heard about global warming? One of the causes of global warming is the destruction of the ozone layer which prevents direct sunlight onto the surface of the earth. The environment in Kibera is very dirty. This is due to lack of a dump site; as a result many people dispose their rubbish everywhere in the streets. In the same environment

people sell their food which get contaminated by the rubbish. This leads to outbreaks of many diseases which there easily spread from one person to the other. The diseases are spread through drinking contaminated water and foods hence many people are affected but a large number of the affected are children and women. Our parents, due to poverty they buy cheap food from the street which is contaminated. Even though some families are able to treat drinking water a large number of families cannot afford to treat the water.

The sewage lines are everywhere in the streets and sometimes they overflow mostly during the rainy seasons. The sewage water enters in the

houses and sometimes the houses are carried away by the sewage and rain water leaving many people displaced. The water pipes also pass along the sewage lines and when they have some leakage and the water gets contaminated. When people use the water from these pipes without treating it they fall sick.

Kibera people are really suffering because of this unhealthy environment. When the governments assign some youths to clean the streets, they still the people throw litter in the streets. We therefore ask the government to try educating people on how to keep the environment clean because Kenya losses about 800 patriots every year and this really affect the population of Kenya.

Cleaner environment is a better environment

Insecurity is one of the biggest problems in the slum. This is mainly due to situations such

as poverty, overpopulation, unemployed youths and drugs and many others. Slum dwellers

live with the fear of being attacked. Mainly the girls, old and unable women face the

danger of being raped. It is a vile act done unto them and should be brought to an end.

This comes with many forms. Young children engage in snatching and armed robbery. The

government and the entire society should create jobs and employment to these youths. It should

also ensure that the security systems are efficient and that the policemen, are well trained. This

will entirely improve the security issues in all the areas. Talents and skill programs should be

introduced to all the slums. This will promote the unemployed youths with a platform to enhance

their skills/talents, whether in singing, dancing, football or any other. At the same time, it will

divert then from engaging in activities that make them to be criminals.

Check the insecurity in the Slums

James Mbugua Mwangi, 13 years, Dandora .

Rita Mutanu, 11years, Kibera



A child is a boy or a girl under the age of 18 , literally. Protection is the situation where one is given maximum shield from any harm. Child protection is therefore the situation whereby a child is given shield from harm both physically and mentally.

There are many ways in which a child is protected:• Taking them to school instead of giving them work• Give them shelter• Give them food • Give them clothes

• Give them medical care when sick.• Guiding them when they intend to do something bad

However, in most cases, the children are denied all their rights. This also denies them protection and therefore, the child is prone to diseases, illiteracy, ill health and may also be indulging in drug business that belong to their parents. This is a bad act and should cease. Adults should report such cases to the police.

Protect children, protect the future

Education for all children

Education is where children learn different things like, reading and writing,

development of skills and talents and etiquette. They become popular people

and contribute positively to the society .It helps us to succeed and learn a lot

of things. It is true that education starts at the time we are born. In the past, we

had no schools but we have the greatest people that ever lived who we cherish

up to date. People like Albert Einstein, Michael Faraday, and many more whose

inventions help us today….successful they were. When children get education,

they can be like this great people and so much more.Education is the key to success, but we have many failures that are educated!

This is because they were not paying attention while they were being taught.

Some engage in bad activities like drugs, which cause them to lose focus and

concentration. Concentration is the most important thing in a student and therefore when lost, it becomes the first step to failure. Often also, certain parents have a bad influence on their children. They give them excess pocket

money, which buys them these drugs. There are also students who are ignorant,

lazy and do not think of the future.

Cynthia Kemunto, 12 years, Kibera



Food is an essential thing in our lives. Without food, we would not be able to work efficiently and even participate in our day to day activities. There are certain types of food to be eaten. In order to have a better health, we have to eat the correct the types of food. We ought to eat food that is clean and free from germs.

Because the food situation in Kenya is deteriorating, we should try to participate in agricultural practices in order to have enough food for everyone. Children who are hungry can do anything to get food , and that is why some go to the dumpsite . Some girls are cheated by men who give them some money , because of lack of food at home.

Something for the stomach.

Most of us are always talented in many ways. Most of us have confidence in ourselves because we know that is our secret weapon, and therefore we can’t allow anyone to look down upon us! Slum brings out people who are highly talented especially in soccer, music and art.

Big stars like Denis Oliech, who plays for a European football club and his fellow national teammate, MacDonald Mariga and Mike Baraza were brought up in slums. Due to their persistent determination to succeed, they all excelled . They are all shining stars among the constellation. In order for you to enhance your talents, you have to believe in yourself. You also need to identify a good role model Determination is also the key to success.

Derick Ochieng

Talent, the secret weapon

Brian Obiri ,17 years, Fuata Nyayo.




Ibrahim, 17yrs “I would reduce the oil price since we have found our own oil in Turkana!”

Nuru, 13 yrs, “I would decrease the budget

to the tax that people can afford . Poor people suffer so

much under heavy taxes.”

Barbara, 14yrs “I would decrease the amount of cash poor pay, and increase it on the rich people. The poor people are very poor and they should be considered.”

Mary, 15yrs “Reduce the charges, mostly

of food to where everyone can manage to buy. Food is an

basic need and children eat just a meal a day,because

parents don’t have have money.”

Is Sanitation Important???/?

Sanitation is all about cleanliness. Sanitation block is a place where there is some items

mainly for cleanliness, for example, sanitary bins, trash bins and toilets. In our area many

people do not care about sanitation blocks. They put their trash wherever they feel like.

The thing that makes the area look like a dumping site is that if you walk a

few steps you will find sewage. Even you can’t seat outside the place for

fresh air because it is smelly all over. Sometimes I wonder how houseflies

survive there because even if, is that smelly you won’t lack houseflies

buzzing around there.

If you are moving from or coming into our area you must find sanitary

towels which have been used already on the ground. I wonder how

the girls must have being. I know their excuse is that they don’t have

sanitary bins. But, even though they should wrap in a paper bag.

The worst thing is that there are many places without toilets. Many

people use the ground as their toilets mainly children.

To improve the above, people in our area should organize and

make some rules that people should follow and anyone who

breaks the rules should be punished. Not only that, they should

build sanitary blocks and buy items like; trash bins, sanitary bins,

toilets and water taps.

I would photograph the smelly toilets near plots, trashes on the ground and used sanitary towels on

the ground. Peris Wangechi 11 years



Girls face a lot of challenges both locally the community and nationwide. Today, the number of boys attending school in the slums areas is greater than those of the girls. In this communities, it is said that girls have to stay at home and do the domestic woks like cleaning and cooking. They believe that girls were meant to bring cattle and wealth to the family, the reason they were born apart from ‘’serving man’’.

Physically, they are used as sexual commercial products just like a tissue: for use and disposal at own will. Men rape and abuse young girls. These men are not others than their sweet uncles, dads and brothers. Very close relatives indeed. Moreover, they are sent off to be married at an earlier stage of their lives, when they are supposed to start school is when they are actually meant to start family. Some undergo serious sexual harassments from men who are under drug influence is this right?

To add a little bit of ‘’sugar’’ to the salt, female genital mutilation is another major problem to the girls. They are put into harsh trials in the name of the custom and tradition, which they make us to believe, is a powerful ritual as it turns one into a real woman. Truth is that a good percentage of the girls who undergo such ritual die or have problem’s during birth. This should be up to stop immediately.

The community ought to come together and put an end to this, without waiting for the help from government and God.

Difficulties girls face in life

Choosing our role modelsRole models are people who encourage our lives and our talents. When we choose role models we should choose models whose role are pleasing. Role models who have good morals are always encouraged because they make the children’s choose the write friends the kind of behavior they should have and the kind of talents that will benefit them.

Children from ghetto are always encouraged to choose role models who will benefit their lives and talents. They should also choose role models who give them advice on how to perfect their careers . All children everywhere need good people as role models.

Barbara Njiri Anyango



With congested houses around then you should know where you

are, in a slum! Some houses are made out of mud while others iron

sheets and a few of bricks.

A slum is almost full of problems. These include poor infrastructure,

water shortage, lack of quality hospitals and poor hygiene among

others. Fire outbreaks also cause a lot of problems because of the

congestion of houses in the slum. Some people also come to steal

during such times.

Sometimes water pipes leaks and the water might mix with the

sewage thus bringing dirty water to the taps which is used for

consumption and domestic use. IN most of the houses there’s poor

ventilation and also garbage’s are being disposed of anyhow even

where kids place and this might lead to water borne diseases or any

other bad ailments that would eventually affect the kids

Life in the slum

Diseases are caused by germs that attack our body defense systems. They are caused by germs like flukes, worms and bacteria. We have diseases like marasmus, kwashiorkor, scurvy and others which are caused by improper diet. Lack of nutrients like vitamin, protein and carbohydrates causes improper diet, leading to deficiency. Also lacking important minerals in the body like calcium, phosphorus and iron may lead to poor health. It is advisable to balance our diets it all these ingredients.

Medicine is taken to restore this state of illness to restore your health. There are many medicines: preventive and curative . Curative cures a diseases, preventive stops illness from attacking the body. There are also vaccines and anti-retroviral medicine which prevents or lowers the virus from spreading faster. Anti-Retroviral are used against disease like HIV/AIDS.

Being healthy means one’s body function is restored t normalcy and therefore is free from falling sick. However the risks of falling sick are high due to several causes from the surrounding and therefore one gas to go and see a doctor from time to time. Be healthy always.

Protection against Diseases

My Experience with a herbalist

There are many I was once very sick that i was taken to the hospital but the ill was no change. my mother decided to take me to a religious healer ,who prayed very hard for me. They was no change my grandmother decided to take me to a herbalist I was given medicine it was bitter but very strong. I almost choked as the bitter drink went through my throat. When I drunk I felt like jumping out of myself, for the next day I was healed. Then I was as happy as sand box. That made me believe that herbalist treat many and unknown diseases than professional doctors. Do you agree?

Mary Mutile

Margaret Wamaitha , 13 yrs, Korogocho.



Colour the drawing

Help Joe get to the hospital for




Poetry Corner

OOH! Stop child labor, struggling to work,

Dumped at work, Ooh! Stop child labor.

I am eight years old, I fetch the water,

I cook the food, ooh! Stop child abuse!

No one to take care of me, No one to love


Ooh! Stop child abuse!

Tips of a Good ReaderA good reader should be audible for the listener to hear. In a situation where the listeners are not attentive, the reader should have confidence to capture the listeners attention

Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers.A peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked.If Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers,Where's the peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked?

I saw Susie sitting in a shoe shine shop.Where she sits she shines, and where she shines she sits.

How can a clam cram in a clean cream can?

The thirty-three thieves thought that they thrilled the throne throughout Thursday.

Can you can a can as a canner can can a can?

Six sick hicks nick six slick bricks with picks and sticks.

I wish to wish the wish you wish to wish, but if you wish the wish the witch wishes, I won't wish the wish you wish to wish.

There was a fisherman named FisherWho fished for some fish in a fissure?Till a fish with a grin,Pulled the fisherman in.Now they're fishing the fissure for Fisher.

There those thousand thinkers were thinking how the other three thieves went through.

I was born on a pirate ship…..(Hold your tongue while saying it.)

ngue twistersT o

Immaculate jemminah

Barbara A. Njiri 14 yrs



The lives of innocent children especially the girl-child in most developing countries have been shattered. The girls in some cases have not been at fertile soil and incubators of male seeds whereas women in general are referred to as domestic servants and breeding machines-a real cultural perception.

The girl child suffers discrimination and shame and in some communities, she is still a commodity of trade. In various countries, much has to be done in order to improve the status of the girl child. The dream of some girls have been thwarted through practice of early marriages which is usually organized by wealth-minded parents in some communities. Here the girls is seen as property in exchange of cattle and cash and once married off, she becomes a purchased property therefore has no say over anything.

Rape is one of the inhuman acts affecting girl child. Such cases have been no the increase in our country and this has resulted into serious public outcry for stiff measurers and heavy penalties to be applied to anyone proved guilty of such unwanted or humiliating offence. Cases of rape are committed by recognized personalities, thugs and shockingly even close relatives such as brothers, uncles and even fathers.

Those offended, the girls, suffers psychological trauma that sometimes last forever if proper guidance and counseling

is not carried out. The victims are exposed to dangers such as unwanted pregnancies. Apart from

pregnancies, those offended may contract sexually transmitted diseases such as syphilis, gonorrhea, trichomoniasis and candidacies female genital mutilation is another problem affecting the girl child. They suffer common complications and the immediate physical problem that occur include severe, would infections damage to adjoined organs and bleeding. Other complications include painful or blocked menses and obstructed labour.

The also suffer severe depression and increased risk of H.I.V infection. The girl child has the right to self esteem. She is the mother of future generation yet she has suffered untold discrimination, frustration and misery. Let us give the girl child the support, comfort and protection she deserves.

Mary Katono, 14 years, Fuata Nyayo

Availability of schools of which has encouraged parents to take their children to be educated. In Dandora area there are public schools that don’t pay school fees thanks to the government. There is not only public schools but also private schools. Private schools pay school fees. There are also sponsors who sponsor children to private schools.

Hospitals in Dandora hospitals help immediately incase of an accident. They also offer free medical services of which has

reduced high death rate it has helped the people who are not able to pay for medicines.

In Dandora there is the Dandora stadium which any activity needed can be conducted there like the school’s annual sports day the Dandora football club the chief baraza’s meeting is also conducted there. The crusades and much more.

Socialization people from other location also come and we interact with them of which

brings peace. Maybe people who don’t understand each other come in our location for sports competition and from there, they emberace each other with understanding.

The famous artist artist like juliani and ukoa Fulani came from Dandora. They were raised up in the Dandora slums. It is because of Dandora that they are shining like stars.

Organizations like Aphia plus have helped the street children not only street children but also the unable children we mean the parent who are unable to provide for their laids needs facilities.

What makes children in Dandora Smile




Sexual misuse can result in pregnancy. Young girls who get pregnant are not physically prepared to have a baby.They may have complications as they are giving birth which may lead to death.Young girls who get pregnant also suffer emotionally. Girls and boys who engage in sexual misuse may become parents when they are still too young and are unable to take care of themselves and their child.

The young parents may be forced to drop out of school in order to work so that they can provide for the baby’s needs.We have been told unplanned pregnancies may force young girls to drop out of school.We can only plan

for a pregnancy when we are mature and settled in a marriage.When a young girl becomes pregnant,family members may feel that she is a burden because they have to take care of her and her baby.The boy and the girl involved in the pregnancy may be forced to get married when they are still young to ensure that their families are not embarrassed.


CHILD ABUSE IS THE exposing f children to conditions that do not allow their natural

healthy development. It is the subjecting of children to responsibilities meant for adults.

In a nutshell child abuse is the misuse of children due to their inability to protect of

defend themselves. This evil practice appears in different forms in our society. It could

be child labour, sexual molestation, child batter or even marrying of underage girls

to men old enough to be their guardians. Children have and continue being used for

economic production from our homes to our industries. The use of children as house

helps is quite rampant. Many children are subjected to this throughout the country, especially in urban set is also common to find them in bars and at bus stops. In rural areas especially

cash crop growing areas, children are forced to pick coffee, tea and pyrethrum.

They are treated harshly and are not allowed to bargain on their own term. Sexual

molestation is also a widespread practice in our country. More often that not we

witness or read from the papers that underage children , some as young as two

years old have been raped or defiled. Girl chidren have also been exposed to

prostitution and immoraldeath.Young girls who get pregnant also suffer emotionally.Girls and boys who engage in

sexual misuse may become parents when they are still too young and are unable to take care of

themselves and their child.The young parents may be forced

to drop out of school in order to work so that they can provide for the baby’s needs.We have been told unplanned pregnancies may force young girls to drop out of school.We can only plan for a pregnancy when we are mature and settled in a marriage.When a young girl becomes pregnant,family members may feel that she is a burden because they have to take care of her and her baby.The boy and the girl involved in the pregnancy may be forced to get married when they are still young to ensure that their families are not embarrassed.

What is Child Abuse?



When you are unhealthy you cannot understand what you can be taught. When you are in class you can b e told that read the emergency you read your own words. I always thank God that I am very healthy and strong as strong as an Elephant and as fat as a pig.

An idle mind is the devils workshop because why don’t be like a human being clean things is a human being. Cleanliness different shape from human beings animals. You can imagine that a person cannot wash himself or herself because of fearing water. We should wash our young brothers and sisters and you parents please wash your young children as clean as possible you should wash your children time to time. They

should be clean always.

When you are clean everybody likes you so that we prevent some diseases like measles, cholera and sweating a lot. When you wash your children at night they should get good nice and sweet dreams. When you are dirty you cannot have energy and strength.

Don’t clean up our body’s and forget to wash out clothes. When you are clean you are a rich person in this world. We always say cleanliness is second to Godliness.We should look the way we sleep, wear, live to drink clean water and treated, even to feed our domestic animals. We should always teach children to want cleanliness even they will not forget it when they become old.

Child labor is overworking underage children who are supposed to be in school. Child labor is mainly experienced in slum areas due to their lifestyle or even poverty.

Child labor is also denying the child right to socialize or even play with other kids of his/her age group and instead overworking him/her by assigning him/her the responsibility of selling groundnuts in bars, restaurants in odd hours. Some girls are even forced to go and work as house helps where they are unfortunate, mishandled and mistreated. Many children work as house-helps and some work with scrap metal dealers where they are forced to work in dirty conditions. Some kids are also forced to sell ground nuts in the streets.

We urge the government of Kenya to the young boys and girls in slums whose parents have decided to overwork their children just for their pleasures or because of poverty, by educating the parents the advantages and disadvantages of child labor. We are also urging the NGO’s who are willing to give a hand in this matter, to do so to help the underage kids because they are really suffering in silence. Those found putting kids in this unfair condition should be arrested.Above all we are also praying to our Almighty God to take care of underprivileged kids who are forced to work and denied their privileges as kids.

Child Labor


by Dubin Kerubo Kentia can tie a tie and untie a tie why can't I tie a tie and untie a tie as kentia can tie a tie and tie a tie?

If a mathematician can mathematice ten mathematics in ten seconds why can’t

I mathematice ten mathematics in ten seconds?

Betty bought some bitter butter so she made a piece of better butter to make her bitter butter better.

Red lorry rolled along the long Limuru road.

She sells sea shells at the sea shore.

Tongue Twisters



Is our Water really clean?

Water is the liquid we drink and if we do not drink water we can be sick. And we can

stop to work. Most of the places water is needed so to help people in most places in

they life. If you want to cook you need water. The following are ways of the ways we

use water for drinking, for washing clothe, for bathing, for cooking food and many

ways. We need water so to be clean and our cloth to be clean so we can look smart

in our village last week the water was not there so people go to look for water for a

long distance in the industries. People were very dirty with they clothes. Children

playing in dirty water. And there was now water to drink and for washing there

clothes and there hands they stay with they hands dirty and they do not go to


They are took to a clinic and in the village that is now clinic for children at the age of five to one year old. So children stay

with there parents at home for a whole week. And the water is damage were the water pipes at dirty places and in dirty water.

And in that passing of water when the pipe damage the dirty water get into the pipe and the water is damage when the dirty

water get into the clean water. And that is why people are advice to put water guard to the water. They refuse to put so they

drink dirty water. This causes sicknesses of all kinds . Who is supposed to ensure we get clean water?

Teresa Nyakairo, 12 Years Old

In Mathare we have many problem of taking care of water and sanitation we should take care of water which we drink, bathing, cooking, washing utensils and clothes. To make sure we take care of sewage and those places where we fetch water. I always astonished when I see some parents leav-ing their children’s to play in dirty places and in dirty water.

The problems we have in Mathare are digging beaches or holes near the door of our neighbors, throwing rubbish and dust in water, to make water to be dirty, throwing feaces and uraning in water, I always scared when I see somebody in a dirty place. When the place is not clean we don’t breath in the good air.

The parents take care of your children and give them or show them good places don’t leave your children to play in dirty wa-ter because sometimes sewage they always burst but we don’t cover them. Dirty water is very poison and very dangerous for our lives giving animals dirty water and in dirty places.

Some people you find the sleeping in dirty places out that time they have drunk Chang’aa and alcohol when they have drunk it affect their lives and their minds. You can imagine when you make Chang’aa you be as black as a charcoal- please “ ! please !“ please” ! you want to tell me

that when you are sitting in a dirty place you always feel com-fortably. I always feel very bad and fear these place in Mathare and when it is dirty it always boar and be the poorest place and we always say that in Mathare we are not the poorest of the poor don’t drink dirty water and play an these place of you have ears you have heard what I have said in this part.

Don’t sell things near dirty water and lets be the best in the whole world. Let Mathare be new Mathare not old Mathare when we drink clean water we many not be affected with diseases such as Choleva measles, Malaria and Bilharzia and many others don’t be dirty couple and don’t leave in dirty places as the way you think in your mind.

Metrine Tamnai, Mathare Primary School

Water and Sanitation in Mathare


There once lived a young girl named Fridah. She lived on her

own since her parents had passed away when she was twelve

years. Her parents died of AIDS and so everybody discrimi-

nated her. She was so beautiful that even most men fought

against each other to see who could adopt and stay with her.

A man took her away and there she was mistreated with the

man’s family. She was overworked and most of the time she

did not sleep.

She would clean the utensils, mop the house, prepare the

man’s children for school and make breakfast for the family.

Her health deteriorated and she began to lose weight.

Luckily a good Samaritan who was their neighbor called the

police for assistance. The man was jailed for abusing and mis-

treating Fridah who was then taken to a children’s home and

she had a happy life there. We urge people to protest children

from abuses and take good care of them.

Derrick Ochieng’



Watoto wengi kwenye huu mtaa hutumia mbake (tumbako) na bangi sana. Unapotumia madawa kama mbake na tumbaku unapo muona mama yako unamuona kama sio ni mtu wa maana sana. Hata unapokuwa na fursa waweza kumdhuru mtoto. Kwa mfano kunaye kijana mmoja kwenye darasa letu anayeitwa Petro.Siku mmoja alikuwa ametumwa na mama yake dukani akakutanana wasee wakivuta bangi. Hiyo mbagi ika mwafect. Alipo enda nyumbani akaona “ala, kila kitu iko poa” .Katika mawazo yake alikuwa inafikiria hivyo. Mama yake akamwa mbia “ chunga motto”, akasema “Ni sawa”. Mama yake akamwambia anaenda kazini.

Akaona mtoto amedoze akamshika akamgonga chini kisha akafa. Sasa hiyo ndiyo result ya kutumia mbagi. Sasa tukiingia kwa ma-problem zingine kuna uwarubifu wa meno, kansa ya kifua na vitu zingine mob. Wakati mwingine watu wanaona wasichana wanaa za kuwaita ,“tsss,tsss,tss ” ,ukikataa kuenda wanakutusi.

lnafaa ujiadhari anayevuta sigara anakuambia siuonje unaonja kidogo kesho yake unasema “ si ni tamu hebu nionje tena “ kesho yake unaongezeka mingi ukifika hapo umeshaharibika na ukakuwa addicted. Sasa watu waki kuuliza iyo kitu ina kusaidia na nini, unasema “ Inatoa stress” . Sasa, nauliza swali, ukitumia madrugs kama hizo halafu uende nyumbani kwenu uharibu vitu ,na ukisha kuwa sober, sasa si unaongeza stress nyingi sana ama unatoa stress? Alafu utahitaj madrugs zaidi ambazo zitaongeza mastress zaidi. Ama? Tukuweni wajanja ,tuwacheni madre.

Anne Chitayi 13 years , Mathare.

ALCOHOL ABUSE Alcohol is a widely abused drug in our village this days. It is found in drinks such as Beer, Whisky, Wine , Brandy and Gin. It is also contained in traditionally made brews such as Busaa and Chang’aa. Alcohol makes people drunk.

When taken often and in large qualities, alcohol leads to addiction. Alcohol has negative effects on the whole society. It affects the drinkers, their families, friend and relatives, alcohol can cause liver diseases, ulcers, mental disorders and even death to the drinker.

Alcohol reduces a person’s ability to make correct choices. People under the influence of alcohol are most likely to engage in immoral behavior such as sexual misuse . many road accident are caused by drunk drivers. Alcoholic spend must of their time and money on alcohol, ignoring other responsibilities at work and in the family. This results in poverty because the family is unable to take care of its basic needs such as shelter, food, clothing, education and health care.

If a woman is abusing drug like alcohol and she is pregnant and the other drugs like bhang, Khat the baby will be affected by the drugs. By which the baby will be born with same problems of the inner of the body. When the child is growing he or she will have same diseases that her mother does not now were they are coming from.

All the diseases that are coming the baby have it he or she is not growing up very well like growing short or thin. And the baby does not want to eat the food that her mother give him to eat . when her mother take the child to the hospital the disease is now where to be see in the body of the child. So myself I think that I can help them by opening a counseling place in our village. And include the young youth go to tell them the harmful of alcohol in there bodies.

Teresa Nyakaito 13Years,Fuata Nyayo Village

Most people take ghetto as a place where poor people live but this is always wrong. As they take a good look inside it, they find a lot of talented people, people with courage and people with a willing hope to enlighten their future.

NGO’s are being formed with an aim of making ghetto perfect. They want to clear off the dumping sites in their areas to make the environment clean. They also form feeding programs to help to help with the problem of food shortage and they also help children to attain education. I would love to see people struggle for ghetto.

Most slums have lots of challenges. These are having

bad environment problems with educating of children, problems with food and water shortage. A lot of these problems can be tackled and it indeed can bring a difference in the lives of its residents. This is because the children in these areas have amazing potential and can be great people.

People can take the initiative and dispose all of their garbage properly. Can encourage their children to welcome education in their hearts and they will see how it will benefit them.

Ibrahim Otieno , 17 years , Dandora.

Tukuweni Wajanja, Tuwacheni Madre (Drugs)

Changes with a Difference, A Ghetto With Meanings



First we went to the police station. We were mixed schools there in the police station. Our chief raised the flag and everyone of us stood still us we sang the national anthem. The scarts were tact what to do after we had finished recieting the national anthem.

Second, the scouts led us everywhere we were going. They led us to dandora stadium ground because that’s where we were supposed to meet with the other schools which had not yet arrived e.g. Neema Donholm School. Thirdly some schools recireted poems, shainis, sony songs:- English songs, Kiswahili songs, Luo song and the other songs. Before we had done all those things we prayed and told our God thank you for protecting us every where we had gone.

After we had finished our chief, assistant chief, our V.L.O who was Vieima Ondech talked to all the children who

were in the stadium and told us how our parents should take care of us.Some of the children are mistreated, they go every where collecting metals, plastics and other risky things. Some of the children steal money from some houses or they snatch anything which passersby carry on their hands.

The head of the the children. Said that we see any child who is abused, mistreated, given many work even they are not taken to school and the others when we take them to her/she will take care of them.All of the parents who does that to their children they are supposed to be arrests and the children to be give their rights : e.g rights to education be respected, be promoted to be given basic needs and the other.

Pricilah Kabura Kamau, 12 years


To me i can say that the worst side is the side of the children.because some of them reach to a stage where they cant hear the things what they are being told by their parents and also some of them tell that they are so being when they see that their bodies has start to change especially when they move from childhood to adulthood.

Especially the girls when they see those changes they feel that they can do everything they want. some of them feel that they are at the top and nothing can be told to them.even most of them don’t like to corrected by their parents.

In many situations when they are being corrected they become very rude and seems as if she want to beat the parent.most of the girls when they reach at a stage they don’t usually want to be told,the changes that usually

take place in theirbodies and how to coop up with them.

To some they feel very anxious and when they are told anything by friends which their friends do they usually like trying it so that they can be same with others.for example some are told things like lets say girl was told by her parent to help do a certain work but she refuses,she start talking rudely to their parents and abuses their parent and others beat their parents and throw hands to them.

After that she ends up to be loosing and becomes a useless person in future because he/she did not hear what their parents were telling they should respect their parents so that they end up their live well.




1.Atinaskia wee ni mtoi hadi kwa simu yako kwa application kuna poti 2.Naskia manzi yako ni mkonda hadi mkiingia kwa gari makanga anasema acha miwa inje 3.Kuku yenu ni mzee hadi ina moinkles kwa staky 4. Msupa wako ni ugly mpaka mki enda kupanda ndai manambiwa mzigo juu 5. Shosho yako ni mzee badala ana bomoka 6. Ngombe zenu ni noma hadi zikimaliza kukula zinaitisha tooth pick 7. Wewe ni muagly mpaka kivuli yako ina kuambia huende itakufuata 8. Una macho red mpaka ukiaagalia

mahindi zina iva



Contributors and Editorial TeamSabina Nyambura (17 yrs), Margaret Wamaitha (13 yrs), Diana Wambui (12 yrs), Mary Kotono (15 yrs), Ann Wanjiiru (15 yrs), Consolata Waithera (12 yrs), Derrick Ochieng’ (17yrs), Susan Nekesa (12 yrs), Ritari Muranu (11 yrs), Chrispine Ouma (14 yrs), Emmaculate Temmy (11½ yrs), Nuru Athman (14 yrs), Naitume Zitune (14yrs), Metrine Tamnai (14 yrs), Cynthia Musimbi (14yrs), Beatrice Imbalikha (14yrs), Lilian Nyangoge (18 yrs), Wesley Esalimba (12yrs), Berly Adhiambo (13 yrs), Teresia Nyakairo (14yrs), Cynthia Kemunto (11yrs), Ruth Kananu (11yrs), Ibrahim Otieno (17yrs), Barbara Njiri (15yrs).

We should be healthy for us to live a better life by eating fresh food will keep our bodies healthy. But what do people do when they get sick. They have poor health but instead of going for medical checkup they believe in witchcrafts. They go to the witchdoctors, herbalists, medicine men. What do will give his medicine in the name it treats all diseases.

After giving you the medicine to treated you it adds more problems to you. Naturally will had to the herbalists and the witchdoctor and the same thing will happen. So I advice when some is sick we should go to the hospital and be checked. The doctor will check you up and he will give you the right medicine. And therefore it will treat you very well.

Finally to people who believe in cultural believes. These

people should stop that habit and anyone found doing that should strictly be punished why because they believe a child should not be immunized by not taking them hospital they ruin the child the child may be paralyzed and also may end up dying because of not being taken to hospital.

Lastly to people who go to witchdoctors also should be stopped from going to them why because some people have bad intention may be he wants to murder his / her child for getting rich and have property so they should be stopped. When people go there they endanger other people so I advice people to go hospital instead of seeking evil people.

Chrispine Ouma, 14 years, Mathare

Take us to the hospital

TALENTS IN THE SLUMSEDITORS NOTE:Finally, our seventh issue is out. We thank everyone who has contributed to this magazine and those who have made sure that it is out. This magazine has been a great help and source of inspiration to people living in slums especially children.

We kindly appreciate our readers, writers and editors who have helped and given us courage and freedom to express our feelings.

We have been through many months of researching and seeking information but we thank God for the success in this magazine.

Children are very important to the society. Parents should educate children because they are the future leaders. These children should be given

freedom to learn, for clothing, to eat and for medical care.

We should support children to do what their rights states, but not to forget their responsibility.

We have chosen the theme of ‘a life with freedom” because we think that children are supposed to be free to do what is right and also be given their basic rights.

In this magazine we have discussed children rights and also what they go through in their lives. We hope that one day all children will be free from all bad things that stop them from living a good life.

Immaculate Temmy Aketch, 14 yrs, Dandora.

For more information, contactThe Editor,

Email: [email protected]: 0723547747 or 0720553523

This magazine is developed by Child Peace Kenya with Support from APHIAplus Nairobi-Coast

Layout and Design by Linet Otieno

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