Page 1: Keeping Warm this Winter

Keeping Warm this Winterhheellppiinngg ttoo mmeeeett

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CCllllrr AAnnnn PPhheellaannGGeenneerraall EElleeccttiioonn CCaannddiiddaattee

Page 2: Keeping Warm this Winter

KKeeeeppiinngg WWaarrmm tthhiiss WWiinntteerrFFuueell SScchheemmee

The Winter Fuel Scheme is intended to help those who are unable to providefor their own heating needs.

The scheme operates for 32 weeks from September to April.

You may qualify for this scheme, if you are receiving a Social Welfare payment fromthe HSE. Eligibility for this payment is subject to a means test and is also dependenton who is living in the house.

If you are getting Natural Gas or Electricity Allowance under the Household BenefitsPackage and you use gas or electricity for your heating, you may also be entitled toThe Fuel Allowance.

The basic rate of Fuel Allowance is €20 per week with an extra €3.90 if you live in asmokeless fuel area.

You should apply for the Fuel Allowance nnooww as the allowance will not be backdated.

HHooww ttoo aappppllyy::· Application forms are available online at:· Applications are also available from your local Post Office· You can also Text "Form FUEL" followed by your name and address to 51909

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CCllllrr AAnnnn PPhheellaannGGeenneerraall EElleeccttiioonn CCaannddiiddaattee

TTeell:: 059 - 9724310MMoobbiillee:: 086 - 3294420EEmmaaiill:: [email protected]

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