Page 1: Keep Your Hope Alive to Survive By: Madison Wilson & Veronica Wilson

Keep Your Hope Alive to Survive

By: Madison Wilson & Veronica Wilson

Page 2: Keep Your Hope Alive to Survive By: Madison Wilson & Veronica Wilson

Congratulations, you have just won an all expense paid vacation to a place of your

choice. Now you have a choice to make, would you

rather Take a cruise or take a flight.

Take a cruise

Take a flight

Page 3: Keep Your Hope Alive to Survive By: Madison Wilson & Veronica Wilson

Congrats you decided to fly. Problem, you plane is now crashing. You notice that you plane is starting to break in half. Do you run to the front of the

plane or the back?

To the back

To the front

Page 4: Keep Your Hope Alive to Survive By: Madison Wilson & Veronica Wilson

now your floating in the water without a life raft In sight. Do you try and swim to find land or let the tide

take you?

Swim backLet the tide take you

Page 5: Keep Your Hope Alive to Survive By: Madison Wilson & Veronica Wilson

You chose a relaxing cruise in the sun, the only problem is that

your boat is that your boat is going down like the titanic… now

your floating in the water without a boat. Do you swim back in the direction the boat

came from or keep hope and let the tide take you?

Let the tide take you

Swim back

Page 6: Keep Your Hope Alive to Survive By: Madison Wilson & Veronica Wilson

After swimming for a while you get tired so tired in fact

that you started hallucinating and seeing

shark fins. Would you like to go to sleep or stay awake?


Stay awake and go crazy

Page 7: Keep Your Hope Alive to Survive By: Madison Wilson & Veronica Wilson

you have washed up on an island! After standing up to stretch you

realize you had your phone in your pocket. After trying to make a phone call you remember that

you had been floating in the water all night therefore your

phone is water logged. Do you sit and cry because your cell phone

is wet or start to make camp?

Cry Make camp

Page 8: Keep Your Hope Alive to Survive By: Madison Wilson & Veronica Wilson

After a while you realize that crying will get you nowhere

and you decide to do something. You may now

either choose to set up camp or to go look for food.

Find food

Make camp

Page 9: Keep Your Hope Alive to Survive By: Madison Wilson & Veronica Wilson

Wow you make a nice campsite, but all that manual labor made you so hungry and so tired. So

now you have more decisions to make. Would you rather sleep in the tent you found or go look for food in the forest you saw? WAIT now you have a third option you

found some wood on the beach so now you have even more

decisions to make. Would you like to sleep, build a fire or find food?

Go to sleep

Build a fire

Find some food

Page 10: Keep Your Hope Alive to Survive By: Madison Wilson & Veronica Wilson

You were sleeping when you heard a weird noise

once you decide to follow that noise. You have

made it to an open field where you see a

helicopter landing…..

Page 11: Keep Your Hope Alive to Survive By: Madison Wilson & Veronica Wilson

lighting yourself a fire made you so warm and

cozy that you fell asleep inside your tent. The only problem is that you left the fire going and some

sparks were flying off …….

Page 12: Keep Your Hope Alive to Survive By: Madison Wilson & Veronica Wilson

Foraging for food can be dangerous in the

wilderness…luckaly you know everything to avoid


Page 13: Keep Your Hope Alive to Survive By: Madison Wilson & Veronica Wilson

YOU ARE SAVED!! You made the right decisions through out the whole game. The

helicopter landed and swooped you up. Now your

home and appreciating your life and every minute you spend with your family.


Page 14: Keep Your Hope Alive to Survive By: Madison Wilson & Veronica Wilson

I'm sorry you died… seems making a fire wasn’t the wisest decision to make the sparks started flying and your tent caught on fire and well it was just bad. However you are

welcome to try again and hope for a better result.

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