Page 1: Kazakhstan Nuclear Nonproliferation Leadership Infographic

Kazakhstan has a long record of working to make the world a safer place, free of nuclear weapons. In 1991, the newly independent Kazakhstan inherited from the Soviet Union the fourth largest nuclear weapon arsenal in the world. President Nazarbayev renounced nuclear weapons and in fewer than four years, Kazakhstan was nuclear weapons-free. Kazakhstan is an example of a country gaining security by giving up nuclear weapons.

KAZAKHSTAN for a Nuclear Weapons-Free World

1994Kazakhstan was home to one of the Soviet Union’s first anti-nuclear movements, Nevada Semipalatinsk. In 1989, this movement actively campaigned for the closing of the Semipalatinsk test site, one of most-used nuclear testing sites in the world.

Kazakhstan ratified theNonproliferation Treaty and joined the Nunn-Lugar Cooperative Threat Reduction program.

Under the Budapest MemorandumKazakhstan obtained security assurances from nuclear powers Russia, US, UK and later from France and China.

Kazakhstan co-signed the Central Asian Nuclear Weapon Free Zone treaty with Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan.

Kazakhstan installed nuclear detection equipment at 19 ports, airports, and other border crossings in an effort to deter the illegal smuggling and transfer of nuclear material.

The UN General Assembly unanimously adopted a resolution proposed by Kazakhstan designating August 29, the International Day Against Nuclear Tests.

The UN General Assembly unanimously adopted a resolution designating August 29, as the International Day Against Nuclear Tests. The day represents the first day of nuclear testing at the Semipalatinsk proving site and the day Semipalatinsk was shut down.

Completion of transportation and disposal of spent nuclear fuel from the world's first fast breeder reactor BN-350 to a long-term storage facility.

Kazakhstan hosts the International Forum for Nuclear Weapons Free World.

Kazakhstan hosted two rounds of talks between Iran and P5+1 countries.

The IAEA agreed to deploy the world’s first international nuclear fuel bank in Kazakhstan.

The Presidents of Kazakhstan, the US and Russia adopted a Joint Statement on Trilateral Cooperation at the former Semipalatinsk test site.




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Kazakhstan signed the Lisbon Protocol to the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons Treaty and declared itself a non-nuclear weapons state.




2000 2001Keeping with their promise, Kazakhstan becomes rid of all nuclear warheads inherited from the former Soviet Union.

The testing infrastructure at Semipalatinsk is completely destroyed.

Kazakhstan hosts the International conference "XXI Century: Towards a Nuclear-Weapon-Free World."

Kazakhstan signed an additional Protocol with the International Atomic Energy Agency, on inspections by the IAEA to guarantee nuclear security.


Kazakhstanis know the horrors of nuclear weapons. The Soviet Union conducted more than 450 nuclear tests at the Semipalatinsk test site. The explosions have claimed 1.5 million victims and have in some way affected all citizens of Kazakhstan.


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1990 1995 2000 2001

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