Page 1: kau · Qirad certificates, as financial instruments in an interest free economy, would be more flexible than common stock. The author justifies third party guarantee (e.g. by the



منذر قحف


Page 2: kau · Qirad certificates, as financial instruments in an interest free economy, would be more flexible than common stock. The author justifies third party guarantee (e.g. by the




Page 3: kau · Qirad certificates, as financial instruments in an interest free economy, would be more flexible than common stock. The author justifies third party guarantee (e.g. by the

القسم األول القراض والضمان فيه

القراض والشركة-١/١

Mahmoud Abu Saud, Money, Interest and Qirad. in: Khurshid Ahmad, ed., Studies in Islamic Economics. Jeddah: The International Center for Research in Islamic Economics ( l980): pp. 59-84

وسامي حسن محود حسن عبـد اهللا األمـني

Page 4: kau · Qirad certificates, as financial instruments in an interest free economy, would be more flexible than common stock. The author justifies third party guarantee (e.g. by the

ي القراض والقرض الربو-١/٢

Page 5: kau · Qirad certificates, as financial instruments in an interest free economy, would be more flexible than common stock. The author justifies third party guarantee (e.g. by the

سامي حسن محودأبو حممد العيين٨ج

Page 6: kau · Qirad certificates, as financial instruments in an interest free economy, would be more flexible than common stock. The author justifies third party guarantee (e.g. by the

القراض عقد متويل-١/٣Financing


Page 7: kau · Qirad certificates, as financial instruments in an interest free economy, would be more flexible than common stock. The author justifies third party guarantee (e.g. by the


انتقال ملكية حصة القراض-١/٤

مصطفى أمحد الزرقا١

Page 8: kau · Qirad certificates, as financial instruments in an interest free economy, would be more flexible than common stock. The author justifies third party guarantee (e.g. by the

perfect forcast

رفيق املصري١٨٦

Page 9: kau · Qirad certificates, as financial instruments in an interest free economy, would be more flexible than common stock. The author justifies third party guarantee (e.g. by the

سندات القراض-١/٥

Page 10: kau · Qirad certificates, as financial instruments in an interest free economy, would be more flexible than common stock. The author justifies third party guarantee (e.g. by the
Page 11: kau · Qirad certificates, as financial instruments in an interest free economy, would be more flexible than common stock. The author justifies third party guarantee (e.g. by the


Page 12: kau · Qirad certificates, as financial instruments in an interest free economy, would be more flexible than common stock. The author justifies third party guarantee (e.g. by the

سندات القراض وأسهم املشاركة-١/٦

حممد أنس الزرقا

،٢ ج

حممد جناة اهللا صديقي

حممد جناة اهللا صـديقي

Page 13: kau · Qirad certificates, as financial instruments in an interest free economy, would be more flexible than common stock. The author justifies third party guarantee (e.g. by the

الضمان يف سندات القراض-١/٧

سامي محود

أمحد فهمـي

أبو سنة الثاينالثاين

Page 14: kau · Qirad certificates, as financial instruments in an interest free economy, would be more flexible than common stock. The author justifies third party guarantee (e.g. by the
Page 15: kau · Qirad certificates, as financial instruments in an interest free economy, would be more flexible than common stock. The author justifies third party guarantee (e.g. by the

متويل عملية الضمان

سامي محود

Page 16: kau · Qirad certificates, as financial instruments in an interest free economy, would be more flexible than common stock. The author justifies third party guarantee (e.g. by the

مـن معينـة قضية التوسع يف ضمان الطرف الثالث حىت يشمل نسبة األرباح

مسألة احلاجة إىل الضمان ومربراته االقتصادية

مصطفى الزرقا

Page 17: kau · Qirad certificates, as financial instruments in an interest free economy, would be more flexible than common stock. The author justifies third party guarantee (e.g. by the
Page 18: kau · Qirad certificates, as financial instruments in an interest free economy, would be more flexible than common stock. The author justifies third party guarantee (e.g. by the

القسم الثاين لسندات القراض اقتصاديةتتطبيقا



Deposit Insurance Corporation



Page 19: kau · Qirad certificates, as financial instruments in an interest free economy, would be more flexible than common stock. The author justifies third party guarantee (e.g. by the

Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency



ور القراض يف اجتذاب املدخراتد -٢/٢

Ibrahim F. I. Shihata, The New Proposal for Establishing a Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency. Third World Quarterly, Vol. 7, No. 2, (April 1985), pp. 365-389.

V. Nienhaus, Islamic Economics, Finance and Banking Theory and

Practice, paper presented at the Conference on Islamic Banking and Finance, held in Royal Garden Hotel, (London: Oct. 31-Nov. 1, 1985). Appendix 2A.

Page 20: kau · Qirad certificates, as financial instruments in an interest free economy, would be more flexible than common stock. The author justifies third party guarantee (e.g. by the

دور القراض يف ختصيص املوارد املالية-٢/٣

M. Fahim Khan, Development Strategy in Islamic Framework, paper presented at The

International Seminar on Fiscal Policy and Development Planning in Islam (Islamabad: July 1986), pp. 3-8.

Page 21: kau · Qirad certificates, as financial instruments in an interest free economy, would be more flexible than common stock. The author justifies third party guarantee (e.g. by the


RatingMarket Forcasting

Moral Hazard

Ausaf Ahmad, Development and Problems in Islamic Banks. Jeddah: The Islamic Research and

Training Institute (1987). البنك اإلسالمي للتنمية

Page 22: kau · Qirad certificates, as financial instruments in an interest free economy, would be more flexible than common stock. The author justifies third party guarantee (e.g. by the

ارف اإلسالميةص مقارضات امل صيغ ممكنة لتأمني-٢/٤

Page 23: kau · Qirad certificates, as financial instruments in an interest free economy, would be more flexible than common stock. The author justifies third party guarantee (e.g. by the

رها يف متويل مشروعات القطاع العام حمتملة لسندات القراض ودوغ صي-٢/٥

Page 24: kau · Qirad certificates, as financial instruments in an interest free economy, would be more flexible than common stock. The author justifies third party guarantee (e.g. by the


ـ اندفع قيمتها مع أرباحها بعد يتم قتة مؤ ض سندات قرا املشـروع وتسـليمه هاءت قيمته،وقبضولة، دلل

مع رأس املـال )سارةأو اخل ( الربح متثل وريةد ا، توزع أقساط مؤقتة راضقسندات معينـة فترة اليت تؤول إىل الدول بعد االستثماريةامها يف املشروعات ، ميكن استخد امع

إطفاؤها من حصة الشريك املقارض مـن األربـاح يتم مؤقتة راضقسندات

M. Umer Chapra, Towards a Just Monetary System. Leicester, U.K.: The Islamic Foundation, (l985), 131,132.

Page 25: kau · Qirad certificates, as financial instruments in an interest free economy, would be more flexible than common stock. The author justifies third party guarantee (e.g. by the

ضخت ال سندات قراض دائمة أو ( وحتصل على حصتها مـن األربـاح اع لإلطفاء أبد دورية ة بصور)اخلسائر






التجربة األردنية يف سندات القراض-٢/٦

عبدالسالم العبادي

Page 26: kau · Qirad certificates, as financial instruments in an interest free economy, would be more flexible than common stock. The author justifies third party guarantee (e.g. by the


Page 27: kau · Qirad certificates, as financial instruments in an interest free economy, would be more flexible than common stock. The author justifies third party guarantee (e.g. by the
Page 28: kau · Qirad certificates, as financial instruments in an interest free economy, would be more flexible than common stock. The author justifies third party guarantee (e.g. by the

Capital Gain

Page 29: kau · Qirad certificates, as financial instruments in an interest free economy, would be more flexible than common stock. The author justifies third party guarantee (e.g. by the

ور سندات القراض املصرفية يف التنميةد -٢/٧


جناة اهللا صديقيصديقي، مرجع سابق

Page 30: kau · Qirad certificates, as financial instruments in an interest free economy, would be more flexible than common stock. The author justifies third party guarantee (e.g. by the




املراجع العربية:وال أأبو سنة، أمحد فهمي

٢٢ األمني، حسن عبد اهللا

تمالباز، سليم رس

لتاسع ايالتقرير السنو حسن يمحود، سام

الزرقا، حممد أنس

١٦الزرقا، مصطفى أمحد

Page 31: kau · Qirad certificates, as financial instruments in an interest free economy, would be more flexible than common stock. The author justifies third party guarantee (e.g. by the

، حممـد يصـديق د بن حممد والعيين احلنفي، أبو حممد حمم اهللا جناة

، منذر فقح


املراجع األجنبية:ثانيا Abu Saud, Mahmoud, Money, Interest and Qirad. in: Ahmad Khurshid, ed., Studies in Islamic

Economics. Jeddah: The International Center for Research in Islamic Economics ( l980): pp. 59-84.

Ahmad, Ausaf, Development and Problems in Islamic Banks. Jeddah: Islamic Research and Training Institute: 1987.

Chapra, M. Umer, Towards a Just Monetary System. Leicester, U.K.: The Islamic Foundation (l985).

Khan, M. Fahim, Development Strategy in Islamic Framework, paper presented at The International Seminar on Fiscal Policy and Development Planning in Islam, Islamabad. July (1986), pp. 38.

Neinhaus, Volker, Islamic Economics, Finance and Banking Theory and Practice, paper presented at the Conference on Islamic Banking and Finance, held in Royal Garden Hotel, London, Oct. 31-Nov. 1 (1985).

Shihata, Ibrahim, The New Proposal for Establishing a Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency. Third World Quarterly, Vol. 7, No. 2, (April 1985): pp. 365-389

Page 32: kau · Qirad certificates, as financial instruments in an interest free economy, would be more flexible than common stock. The author justifies third party guarantee (e.g. by the

)١ (ملحق رقم والفتاوى اخلاصة بهينبعض مواد قانون سندات املقارضة األرد

م١٩٨١ لسنة ١٠قانون مؤقت رقم قانون سندات املقارضة





Page 33: kau · Qirad certificates, as financial instruments in an interest free economy, would be more flexible than common stock. The author justifies third party guarantee (e.g. by the





Page 34: kau · Qirad certificates, as financial instruments in an interest free economy, would be more flexible than common stock. The author justifies third party guarantee (e.g. by the





Page 35: kau · Qirad certificates, as financial instruments in an interest free economy, would be more flexible than common stock. The author justifies third party guarantee (e.g. by the


Page 36: kau · Qirad certificates, as financial instruments in an interest free economy, would be more flexible than common stock. The author justifies third party guarantee (e.g. by the
Page 37: kau · Qirad certificates, as financial instruments in an interest free economy, would be more flexible than common stock. The author justifies third party guarantee (e.g. by the

)٢(امللحق رقم شيخ مصطفى الزرقا على سؤال الباحثخالصة جواب فضيلة ال

حول ضمان الطرف الثالث

رذمن. د

الشيخ الزرقارذمن. د

الشيخ الزرقا

رذمن. د

Page 38: kau · Qirad certificates, as financial instruments in an interest free economy, would be more flexible than common stock. The author justifies third party guarantee (e.g. by the

الشيخ الزرقا

Page 39: kau · Qirad certificates, as financial instruments in an interest free economy, would be more flexible than common stock. The author justifies third party guarantee (e.g. by the

الرمحن الرحيمبسم اهللا

ءمصطفى الزرقا

Page 40: kau · Qirad certificates, as financial instruments in an interest free economy, would be more flexible than common stock. The author justifies third party guarantee (e.g. by the

Qirad Bonds and Third Party Guarantee: Applications in

Financing Development in Muslim Countries

MONZER KAHF Islamic Research and Training Institute

Islamic Development Bank, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia

ABSTRACT. The author distinguishes qirad (profit sharing) contract from shirkah (partnership) as the former is characterized by complete separation of ownership from control. He discusses qirad certificates which represent the financier's share in the enterprise and entitle him to a share in profit (or loss) with the right to withdraw the nominal value of the certificate (i.e. the qirad capital) when it is due. Qirad certificates, as financial instruments in an interest free economy, would be more flexible than common stock. The author justifies third party guarantee (e.g. by the state or a collective fund established for this purpose) of the nominal value (i.e. principal) of the qirad certificates. Jordan's experience with qirad certificates is reported with the conclusion that similar instruments would help in financing economic development in Muslim countries.

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