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    MEDICAL DISCLOSURE: None of the statements on thi s website are intended for diagnosis or as a substitute for med ical treatment. T he

    information p resented here i s for educational purposes only. Shoul d you bel ieve you are suffering from a medical condition of any kind you

    should contact a qualifie d medical professional i mmedi ately. The statements contained herein have not been reviewed or approved by the



    where you can find the answers to all your questions about Kangen Water TM so you or someone you love can

    enjoy the wonderful, life changing, health benefits of owning one of Enagic's premier Kangen Water TM. Life Science

    Kangen Water TM generators.


    "Kangen" (Pronounced, "KON GAN" is a Japanese word that means, "Return to Origin" as in return to our original

    vibrant health.

    Kangen Water TM is any one of 5 types of spe cialty watersgenerated by Enagic's Medical Licensed,

    patented Life Science water conditioning devices.

    Kangen Water TM is the exclusive US trade mark of t ENAGIC USA. Kangen Water TM is the trade

    name used to describe the unique, high quality, stable, powerful, Alkaline, Ionized, Micro Clustered water

    made ONLY by Enagic's patented continuous Kangen Water TM generators.

    AT THE TOUCH OF A BUTTON, Enagic's dev ices produce up to 5 types of Kangen Water TM with

    varying pH levels, each of which is ideal for multiple uses such as drinking, cooking, beauty and skin

    better sleep, care, food preparation and chemical free sanitation.

    People who drink Kangen Water TM report significant health improvements including better sleep,

    healthy weight reduction, improved bowel function, reduced tissue inflammation, reduced arthritic pain,

    elimination of acid reflux, migraine head ache relief, increased joint flexibility, softer skin, darker hair,



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    reduced skin wrinkles, clearer complexions, reduced dry skin, improved immune response, elevated mood,

    reduced stress and freedom from side effects of various treatments, improved nervous system function,

    improved brain function, improved healing response, rapid recovery from wounds, illness and exercise,

    relief from a wide array of gastro-intestinal disorders and relief from the discomfort of fibromialgia, relief

    from shaky leg syndrome, and tinitis.

    Why hasn't my doctor told me about the bene fits of drinking Kangen Water TM?

    Unless your doctor has a serious interest in alternative healing modalities it is unlikely that he or she will

    be educated about the the benefits of Kangen Water M. Most doctors in the US have a very limited

    exposure to the role that healthy nutrition or proper hydration play in sustaining vibrant human health. Forthe better part of the past 100 years the medical education system in America has been funded by and

    controlled by the pharmaceutical industry and based on a false assumption that all health problems have

    a pharmaceudical solution. This approach is based on a belief that there is a pill for every ill. Most of the

    latest science concerning disease prevention health care practices have been fiercely rejected by the

    powerful big pharma- industrial lobby which funds most medical research. Due to the controlling influence

    of the powerful, entrenched pharmaceutical and disease treatment industries dominating US medical

    education it is no surprise that you or your doctor have not heard about Kangen Water TM a substance

    that has over 50 years of research and clinical application in Asian countries like Japan, and Korea.

    Unfortunately 90 percent of the world's leading edge science research about the health properties of

    water has been conducted outside the US and the findings have been published in foreign medical journals

    that never see the light of day in the US medical literature.

    Fortunately, there are a growing number of courageous US research scientists who have studied KangenWater TM over the past 35 years and some of their findings are included on this website.

    Kangen Water TM has been used widely for over 50 years in Japan yet most doctors in the US will

    say they have no knowledge about it when asked. The FDA does not recognize the value of water as a life

    supporting health enhancer and so does not review, approve or regulate water conditioning devices. It is

    up to you to learn the truth about Kangen Water TM for your family's health. Study the content and

    resources throughout this website and you will be well informed about Kangen Water TM.

    MEDICAL DISCLOSURE: None of the statements on this website are i ntended for diagnosis or as a substitute for medical treatment. The

    information presented here is for educational purposes only. Should you believ e you are suffering from a medical c ondition of any kind

    you should contact a qualified medical professional immediately. The statements contained here in hav e not been rev iew ed or approv ed

    by the FDA.

    HOW does Kangen Water TM Work in the body?

    Kangen Water TM has three powerful properties that super hydrate your body with water that

    will raise your cellular voltage, increase your body pH lev el, and detoxify your body. These

    properties are:

    1. Alkaline

    2. Ionized

    3. Micro Clustered water with low molecular weight

    The combination of these three properties are what makes it possible for people who drink Kangen

    Water TM to increase the pH of their body, increase the electrical field charge of the cellular functions and

    super cleanse the body of damaging acid and other deadly toxins.

    HOW does Kangen Water TM Enhance Beauty?

    Kangen Water TM can be used as a skin cleaner and toner. Because of its micro-clustered property

    Kangen Water TM super hydrates the skin and helps flush toxins out of the body's largest organ, the skin,

    reducing wrinkles, while making skin soft, and glowing with vitality.

    HOW does Kangen Water TM Enhance your Cooking?

    Kangen Water TM can be used to clean all kinds of foods to remove distasteful toxins, bacteria. herbicides,

    pesticides, oil based preservatives resulting in fresher tasting, longer lasting foods.

    HOW does Kangen Water TM Enhance your Cleaning?

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    KangenWater Ionizer

    Cara Kerja

    Cara Pasang


    ProductKangen Water

    Tipe Ionizer Kangen

    Product Kangen Water

    5 Types of Water

    ArtikelKangen Water

    Panduan Kesehatan Kangen


    Testimony Dokter

    Sehat ala Kangen Water


    Science& Research

    The Doctors Say

    International Research

    WhyChoose Us
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    Kangen Water TM possesses powerful solvent properties and can be used to remove difficult stubborn

    stains without damaging fine fabrics or carpets. It can also emulsify oil making Kangen Water TM an

    excellent non toxic degreaser.

    MEDICAL DISCLOSURE: None of the statements on this website are i ntended for diagnosis or as a substitute for medical treatment. The

    information presented here is for educational purposes only. Should you believ e you are suffering from a medical c ondition of any kind

    you should contact a qualified medical professional immediately. The statements contained here in hav e not been rev iew ed or approv ed

    by the FDA.

    HOW much does it cost to have all these be nefits of Kangen Water TM ?

    Kangen Water TM is not for sale. It is illegal to sell Kangen Water TM without a specific FDA approved

    water sales certification due to the fact that selling water for human consumption requires strict specific

    government imposed sanitation regulations. Selling water without such certification can and will subject

    the seller to the full penalties of the law.

    It is the Enagic company's policy to abide by all applicable governing laws where ever they apply.

    Furthermore, Kangen Water's TM unique properties degrade over time. Kangen Water TM is best

    consumed immediately when it is produced by a patented Enagic Life Science device.

    Enagic distributors give away free Kangen Water TM samples with full disclosure about the properties of

    Kangen Water TM and the degradation times for each unique property.

    Beware o f fraudulent claims by anyone professing to be able to bottle Kangen Water TM for sale with all

    its unique properties in tact for more than several hours. Such claims are false and misleading.

    To get your own unlimited supply of Kangen Water TM you can invest in your own patented EnagicLife Science device. The costs vary according to the unit size and power supply. Compared to the rising

    costs of purchasing unhealthy bottled drinking waters and toxic cleaning chemicals savvy consumers

    welcome the dramatic savings of owning an Enagic device that will last for decades.

    MEDICAL DISCLOSURE: None of the statements on this website are i ntended for diagnosis or as a substitute for medical treatment. The

    information presented here is for educational purposes only. Should you believ e you are suffering from a medical c ondition of any kind

    you should contact a qualified medical professional immediately. The statements contained here in hav e not been rev iew ed or approv ed

    by the FDA.



    HOW do I know that Enagic makes the best, most cost effective Kangen Water TM Life Science device?

    Kangen Water TM is produced only by patented Enagic Life Science devices, hand built in Enagic's

    medical Licensed super hi-tech, clean factory in Osaka, Japan. The high grade, noble metals certified for

    medical devices are used in every hand made Enagic device. Pick up any Enagic device and compare it's


    Testimony Konsumen

    Cerita Konsumen


    Pemilik Kangen Water

    Seminar Kangen Water


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    sturdy quality to any one of the many light weight models of all the competing ionizer machines in the

    market that falsely claim to make "Kangen Water TM" and you will discover instantly the difference in,

    weight, quality and craftsmanship that has made Enagic the bench mark manufacturer in the industry for

    over 38 years.

    Enagic is the gold standard in the industry for over 38 years. A close examination reveals that the

    copy cat, knock off products on the market are made of inferior components with inferior electronics

    and smaller unreliable power supplies.

    Doctors around the world have testified time and again that the water produced by these copy cat

    machines does not produce the same dramatic health results in their patients that Kangen WaterTM

    consistently produce.

    Cheaper, non medical licensed, copy cat machines, break down quickly over time because mixing water

    and electricity is one of the most challenging engineering processes in science. Thin, shear cut, mesh

    plate metal sheets. when electrified result in metal degradation and power supply over heating PLUS

    RAPID CALCIFICATION in hard water areas. Silent System failures in cheap knock off machines result in

    inconsistent water production, machine down time and replacement costs which increase operating costs

    over time.

    BEWARE OF FALSE WARRANTY CLAIMS (Read the fine print)

    The HIGH COST of "CHEAP" FILTERSAnother significant cost factor is that the filters for all the copy catmachines are low grade and must be replaced 3 times for every one of the Enagic filters to produce the

    same 3,000 gallons of water as the the Enagic filters.

    HOW Size of the Water Cell components makes all the difference in the quality of your Enagic

    Life Science device.

    The greater the amount of electricity (power) flowing into the Water Cell electrode plates and the

    area or size of the electrode plates in the water cell make it possible to extend contact time between the

    water and the electrode plates. These are the determinant factors in producing authentic medical grade

    Kangen Water TM.

    Here is dramatic proof of the differe nce in size of the water cell chamber which is the key component of

    Enagic's life science device verses the other products out in the market.

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    Enagic is the only manufacture to receive the approval of 6,500 doctors dedicated to the prevention of adult

    disease in Japan.


    ENAGIC is the only company with a medical license in the world that makes water ionizers


    CALL 021 4686 9192

    One of our wellness professionals will contact you as soon as possible to answer all your questions.

    Study the contents here and you will learn the simply truth that to maintain and improve your health you

    need to drink more water every day and that the BEST water for you to drink is Kangen Water TM.

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    Imagine water that is so amazing, so specific to a v ariety of uses and so ve ry convenient.

    Imagine water that is surprisingly economical to produce, yet fulfills 100% of your most critical


    Imagine No Longer! for ov er 35 years Enagic technology is prove n innovation at its best!

    Enagic has combined natures natural life supporting properties with the latest scientific research and

    technology to provide the world with high-value water for each specific use in our modern day lifestyles. You

    can produce your own unlimited supply of fresh, pure Kangen Water TM by purchasing one of these

    affordable Enagic Life Science water devices.

    MEDICAL DISCLOSURE: None of the statements on this website are i ntended for diagnosis or as a substitute for medical treatment. The

    information presented here is for educational purposes only. Should you believ e you are suffering from a medical c ondition of any kind

    you should contact a qualified medical professional immediately. The statements contained here in hav e not been rev iew ed or approv ed

    by the FDA.


    While water has been with us since the beginning of time,most people never think about how vitally

    important the quality of water is to the health of their lives. And yet due to this ignorance, people are

    suffering from chronic degenerative illnesses due to simple dehydration and by consuming life destroying

    toxic drinking water.

    If you landed on Earth for the very first time, you would think that that Earth is predominantly a water-based

    planet. Furthermore, you would discover that life on Earth is hydrogen-based, because 75% of the bodies

    of human beings are water and 2 of the 3 atoms of water are hydrogen. Remember how excited NASA

    scientists were when they discovered water on Mars and on the moon? This is because these informed

    scientists are aware that life as we know it is dependent on the presence of water.

    The diagram above is a simple model of one water molecule consisting of two hydrogen atoms and one

    oxygen atom. Note that there are 10 blue dots which represent the 10 electrically charged particles or

    "electrons" that orbit within the three atoms that make up a water molecule. The secret to why water is so

    important to biological life as we know it lies in our having a sufficient supply of these electrons that are

    found in the unique configuration in water ( H20). In the past 50 years scientists have discovered is thatthe quality of the electrical charge of these ions in water have a powerful impact on our lasting health.

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    Water is more than a carrier of other materials. It is a solvent, an infiltrator of cells, a digestion aid, a dilator,

    a nutrient transport system, a waste disposal system, an electrical message system, a chemical conduit, an

    energy combustor, a lubricant, a coolant and a latent heat bank.

    Water is more than a carrier of other materials. It is a solvent, an infiltrator of cells, a

    digestion aid, a dilator, a nutrient transport system, a waste disposal system, an

    electrical message system, a chemical conduit, an energy combustor, a lubricant, a

    coolant and a latent heat bank.

    Water has been studies more closely over the past 60 years due to the

    development and refinement of sophisticated electromagnetic resonance

    measuring devices.

    Some scientists even believe that water is the repository of our emotions. Others

    like Dr. Masuru Emoto have proved that water is effected by human thoughts and

    emotions. It turns out that there are many different grades of water just like

    different grades of gasoline or fine wines.

    Our bodies respond very differently to these different kinds of water. Some waters can make us sick and

    some waters can actually help our bodies heal faster and restore balanced health.

    And we thought all water did was quench our thirst!

    MEDICAL DISCLOSURE: None of the statements on this website are intended for diagnosis or as a substitute for medical treatment. The

    information presented here is for educational purposes only. Should you bel ieve you are suffering from a medical condition of any kind you

    should contact a qualified medi cal professional i mmedia tely. The statements contained here in have not been reviewed or approved by the


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    There is a water that can reverse years of dehydrating toxic fluid consumption. It's called Kangen

    Water TM which is the most powerful, Stable, Ionized Reduced water, Alkaline, Micro-clustered water.

    You can make an unlimited supply of Kangen Water in your home or office with an original, continuous

    Enagic Kangen Water TM generator.


    There are 3 properties that make Kangen Water TM special.

    Kangen Water TM is the water your body is craving. Kangen Water is far from new.

    Health conscious people have traveled vast distances to gain the benefits of health springs found around

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    the world that have been identified as the source of naturally occurring healthy, life preserving water.

    These springs can be found in France, Mexico, Russia, China, Germany India, Afghanistan and America.

    All these springs have something in common. They produce water that is ALKALINE, rich in

    minerals, IONIZED with a negative ion charge, and in some cases, micro-clustered, reduced molecular

    atomic arrangement. Scientist think this is because of the high alkaline mineral deposits in the rocks below

    the earth's surface and the presence of strong alternating magnetic forces present along the spring flow


    In ancient times in Greece water was stored in urns of copper and brass to cause ionization. Whether they

    knew how it occurred we cannot say, but the water became clear and sweet due to the electrolytic reaction

    that took place overnight.

    If you have the money and time you too can travel the world in search of healthy water. On the other hand

    you can now take advantage of the benefits of modern science which over the past 100 years has

    engineered technology that can produce healthy alkaline, ionized, micro clustered water right at your

    kitchen faucet.

    You now have the choice; to continue to consume and to bathe in water that has been processed,

    denatured, chemically altered and deconstructed to a lifeless form that bears little resemblance to that

    which fell from the Heavens, or occurs in natural springs or to turn the clock back using some basic science

    and some simple computer technology.

    KANGEN WATER TM is stable, Powerful, Alkaline, Ionized Micro Clustered water produced by ENAGIC life

    science continuous ionized water generators. It is uniquely stable because of the powerful magnetic field

    that Enagic engineered into it's superior line of water ionizer technology.

    Enagic's unique line of water ionizers make 5 different grades of superior Kangen Water TM that can be

    used for drinking, cooking and toxic free sanitation.

    The teaching charts below are here to help your Kangen Water TM professional help you understand how

    when we can increase the alkalinity of our bodies we improve our health. You can learn more by calling us

    at 949 444 8618 for your personal live Kangen Water TM tutorial or clicking on the Kangen Science button

    in the menu above.

    MEDICAL DISCLOSURE: None of the statements on this website are intende d for diagnosis or as a substitute for medical treatment. The

    information presented here is for educational purposes only. Should you beli eve you are suffering from a medi cal condition of any kind you

    should contact a qualifie d medical professional i mmedi ately. The statements contained here in have not been reviewed or app roved by the


    1. Alkaline

    2. Ionized

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    3. Micro Clustere d

    The Enagic Life Science Kangen Water TM generator transform regular tap water into healthy life

    enhancing Kangen Water TM. The reduced molecular weight of Kangen Water TM makes it easily

    absorbed by the cells of our body for nutrient and mineral transport as well as cellular cleansing and

    detoxification. In addition the high concentration of negatively charged ions help to recharge the molecular

    functions of every biological system in the human cell and body. Watch the graphic clinical videos under

    our Kangen Science menu tab to see the actual results of drinking Kangen Water TM.

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    Change Your Water ... Change Your Life

    Get your questions anwwered and start drinking Enagic's Kangen Water TM

    CALL 021 - 4586 9192

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    7/27/2014 Kangen Water Internasional

    MEDICAL DISCLOSURE: None of the statements on this website are intended for diagnosis or as a

    substitute for medical trea tment. The information presented here is for educational purposes only. Should

    you believe you are suffering from a medical condition of any kind you should contact a qualified medical

    professional imme diately. The statements contained here in have not been reviewed or approved by the


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