  • 8/11/2019 Kalampusan 2014 August


    DTI Central Visayas Kalampusan August 2014 Enabling Business Empowering Consumers










    Turn-over of SSFs inBohol and Cebu

    ProGED Monitoringand ReplanningMeeting

    Made in NegrosOriental Fair 2014

    News Bites

    Activities in Photos

    I n t h i s i s s u e : ugust precipitated the launching of more

    common service facilities in Central Visayas for MSMEs to access

    better technology and address gaps in the value chain of industry


    On August 4 , DTI turned over to the Candabong Rural Improve-

    ment Club Multi-Purpose Cooperative a Shared Servie Facility

    (SSF) for the processing of Ginger-based products in Loboc,

    Bohol. Also in August, DTI provided SSFs for the processing of

    agri-based products to cooperatives in Sibonga and Carcar,


    Along with the German Technical Agency Promotion for Green

    Economic Development (ProGED), DTI also spearheaded a

    monitoring and replanning meeting for green growth advocates

    from other areas of the country. The purpose of the meeting was

    to assess progress of the project to date and identify the gaps in

    the implementation of outcomes of activities while addressing

    new and emerging challenges.

    Meanwhile, the SME Roving Academy (SMERA) project in the

    four provinces of Central Visayas continues to provide entrepre-

    neurs with business seminars to increase their competitiveness.

    Jojisilia Villamor is IDD Chief of DTI Negros OrientalJojisilia Villamor is IDD Chief of DTI Negros Oriental

    Jojisilia Villamor is the IDD Chief of DTI Negros Oriental

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    DTI Central Visayas Kalampusan August 2014 Enabling Business Empowering Consumers 2

    The Department of Trade and Industry

    (DTI) launched the Shared Service Facility

    (SSF) for Ginger Processing on August 4,

    2014 in Candabong, Loboc, Bohol.

    DTI turned over to Candabong Rural Improve-

    ment Club Multi-Purpose Cooperative the com-

    mon service facility in order to provide ginger

    processors access to better technology and ad-

    dress production gaps

    Market demand for quality ginger products has

    increased with the awareness of consumers andstandards imposed by international and local


    The ginger processing facility helps coopera-

    tive members maintain the quality standard in

    the production of ginger candy and ginger

    tea, improved the marketability of their ginger

    -based products, and ascertained that these

    products comply with the requirements of

    food safety standards.

    The DTIs Shared Service Facility programgranted the Candabong RIC MPC a set of pro-

    duction equipment including Cooker Mixer for

    cooking the Salabat, Electric Form-Fill Ma-

    chine for the packing of salabat, Pillow-Pack

    Machine for the packing of ginger candy, Digi-

    tal Weighing Scales, and Stainless Steel Ta-


    The Department of Trade and Industry has

    been supportive in the development of the gin-

    ger based business through business consultan-

    cies and capability trainings, specifically on food

    safety and Good Manufacturing Practices.

    A Shared Service Facility or SSF is a project

    that entails the setting up of common service

    facilities to give MSMEs access to better tech-

    nology and address gaps in the value chain of indus-

    try clusters.

    Jojisilia Villamor is the IDD Chief of DTI Negros Oriental

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    DTI Central Visayas Kalampusan August 2014 Enabling Business Empowering Consumers 3

    Jojisilia Villamor is the IDD Chief of DTI Negros Oriental

  • 8/11/2019 Kalampusan 2014 August


    DTI Central Visayas Kalampusan August 2014 Enabling Business Empowering Consumers 4

    News Bite

    With the theme

    Enhancing the Com

    petitiveness of MSMEs in Negros Ori

    ent l , the DTI, the DOST, the Dept

    of Agrarian Reform, and the ICT Asso-

    ciation of Dumaguete City Negros

    Oriental (ICT DGTE) joined together to

    host the Made in Negros Oriental Fair

    2014 held last July 15-20 in Duma-

    guete City.

    The said fair was a shared celebration

    of MSME Week, Science & Technology

    Week, CARPer Week, and ICT Month.

    To kickoff the celebration, an opening

    ceremony was held at Main Atrium,

    Robinsons Place Dgte last July 15,

    2014. Booths from the Food Sector, the Craft

    Sector, the Sidlakang Negros Producers Assn,

    and selected LGUs of Negros Oriental also

    opened on that day.

    The fair also featured demonstrations of crafts

    as used by some of the Provinces best crafts

    people. Also, present were by-invitation-only

    seminars held at Bethel Guesthouse under the

    same theme.

    Contributing to the success of the event were

    the Negros Oriental Business Development Foun-

    dation, the Negros Oriental Chamber of Com-

    merce & Industry, ProGED project of GIZ and

    DTI, the Negros Oriental MSMED Council, PLDT,

    the City of Dumaguete, the Province of Negros

    Oriental, and the Department of Agriculture and

    its Philippine Coconut Authority.

    Jojisilia Villamor is IDD Chief of DTI Negros Oriental

    Jojisilia Villamor is the IDD Chief of DTI Negros Oriental

  • 8/11/2019 Kalampusan 2014 August


    DTI Central Visayas Kalampusan August 2014 Enabling Business Empowering Consumers 5

    Activities in Photos

    Engr. Gilbert Arbon, PD-DOST(outermost

    left); Javier Fortunato, PD-DTI (outermost

    right); Gov. Roel Degamo, Provincial Gov-

    ernor (in yellow) together with one of the

    exhibitors during the Made in Negros Ori-

    ental Fair 2014.

    DTI Bohol and USAID meeting on the

    COMPETE project and the possible link it

    can create with the FabLab. ASEC Fita of

    DTI and Lydia Martinez of USAID COM-

    PETE were present during the meeting..

    Wiki House Project presentation for

    an ARC community in Cogon, Balili-

    han, Bohol presented by Kieo Univer-

    sity to BISU and UAAP-Bohol andProvincial Engineering Office


    Jojisilia Villamor is the IDD Chief of DTI Negros Oriental

    Jojisilia Villamor is the IDD Chief of DTI Negros Oriental

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    DTI Central Visayas Kalampusan August 2014 Enabling Business Empowering Consumers 6

    Activities in Photos

    The Department of Trade and Industry (DTI)launched the Shared Service Facility (SSF) forGinger Processing on August 4 in Candabong,Loboc town.

    (from left right, Eduard Du- President,

    Negros Oriental Chamber of Commerce;

    Atty. Stephen Leonidas, RD-Dept of Agrar-

    ian Reform; Engr. Gilbert Arbon, PD-

    DOST; Angelo Tiongson, Provincial Execu-

    tive Asst; Asteria Caberte, RD- DTI; Fr.

    Nathaniel Gomez, COSCA President;

    Danah Fortunato, Executive Director, ICT

    Dgte.; Suzanne Bascara, President, ICT

    Dgte.; Javier Fortunato Jr., PD- DTI, during

    the ribbom-cutting ceremony of Negros

    Oriental Fair 2014 opening)

    A Regional Expanded Management

    Committee Meeting was held on

    August 8 in Cebu City

    Jojisilia Villamor is the IDD Chief of DTI Negros Oriental

  • 8/11/2019 Kalampusan 2014 August


    DTI Central Visayas Kalampusan August 2014 Enabling Business Empowering Consumers 7

    Our minds are like radio devices, they send and receive different

    messages based on the frequency they are tuned to.

    If you currently believe that its impossible to change your reality

    then you will always be tuned to find obstacles instead of possibili-


    But what if you started thinking about possibilities instead of diffi-

    culties? Won't you be tuning your mind to think of possible ways to

    change your reality?

    Yes that's absolutely right, the first step to changing your reality is

    to tune yourself to the frequency of possibilities by

    believing that a change is possible.

    False beliefs might prevent you from changing


    As soon as you will start to think of possibilities

    your false beliefswill emerge to the surface such as

    assuming that few failures in the past will lead to

    new failures in the future. In this case you must

    remind yourself that all people who succeeded in this world failednumerous times before.

    The second step in changing your reality is to spot these false

    beliefs and question them until they weaken.

    The past doesn't determine the future

    Our brains usually assume that a certain bad moodwill remain

    forever just because we have been living with it for a while but

    that's not true.

    Who said that feeling badtoday means that you will feel bad to-

    morrow?Who said that tomorrow will be like today?

    Who said that nothing can be changed?

    Of course nothing will change if you didn't take

    actions and if you didn't start moving. If you want

    to change your reality then know that you are the

    only one who can change it and unless you move

    now things will remain the same. (Source: http://

    Shawn Achor: The happy

    secret to better work


    We believe that we should work to be happy,

    but could that be backwards? In this fast-

    moving and entertaining talk from TEDxBloom-ington, psychologist Shawn Achor argues that

    actually happiness inspires productivity.

    TEDTalks is a daily video podcast of the best

    talks and performances from the TED Confer-

    ence, where the world's leading thinkers and

    doers give the talk of their lives in 18 minutes.


    (VIDEO) Shawn Achor: The happysecret to better work

    Jojisilia Villamor is the IDD Chief of DTI Negros Oriental
  • 8/11/2019 Kalampusan 2014 August


    DTI Central Visayas Kalampusan August 2014 Enabling Business Empowering Consumers 8

    In two separate ceremonies, the Department of

    Trade and Industry (DTI) 7 turned over on Au-

    gust 18 common service facilities for the process-

    ing of agri-based products to farmers coopera-

    tives in Sibonga and Carcar in Cebu.

    The Gabay sa Bagong Pag-asa (GBP) in Barangay

    Napo, Carcar and the Nagkahiusang Mag-uuma sa

    Balaas (Namaba) in Sito Balaas, Barangay Guim-

    bangco-an in Sibonga are two of the beneficiaries of

    DTIs Shared Service Facility (SSF) Program com-

    mon service machineries and equipment for the

    processing of agri-based products.

    DTI turned over to the farmers cooperatives a de-

    shelling machine, chopping/grinding machine, des-

    iccated dryer machine, carbonizing drums and char-

    coal briquetting machine.

    Namaba chairman Zosimo Olanda has expressed

    appreciation and heartfelt gratitude to the DTI for

    the machineries and equipment that are expected

    to help increase the coops production capacity to

    15 percent.

    DTI believs that the project has the potential to

    benefit neighboring towns in the south in terms of

    supplying raw agricultural products that will then

    be processed by SSFs in Carcar and Sibonga.

    The SSF project aims to improve the quality and

    productivity of microenterprises and small and

    medium enterprises (MSMEs) by addressing gaps

    and bottlenecks in the value chain through the

    common use of processing machines and equip-


    DTI believs that the project has the potential to

    benefit neighboring towns in the south in terms of

    supplying raw agricultural products that will then

    be processed by SSFs in Carcar and Sibonga.

    The SSF project aims to improve the quality and

    productivity of microenterprises and small and

    medium enterprises (MSMEs) by addressing gaps

    and bottlenecks in the value chain through thecommon use of processing machines and equip-


    News BiteJojisilia Villamor is the IDD Chief of DTI Negros Oriental

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    DTI Central Visayas Kalampusan August 2014 Enabling Business Empowering Consumers 9

    Jojisilia Villamor is the IDD Chief of DTI Negros Oriental

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    DTI Central Visayas Kalampusan August 2014 Enabling Business Empowering Consumers 10

    Activities in Photos

    The DTI turned over on August 18 a shared

    service facility for the processing of agri-

    based products to the Gabay sa Bagong

    Pag-asa (GBP) in Barangay Napo, Carcar,


    In photo is a deshelling machine, one of

    the common service machineries turned

    over by the DTI to the Gabay sa Bagong

    Pag-asa (GBP), a farmerscooperative in

    Barangay Napo, Carcar, Cebu.

    On August 18, the DTI turned over a

    shared service facility for the proc-

    essing of agri-based products to the

    Nagkahiusang Mag-uuma sa Balaas(Namaba) in Sito Balaas, Barangay

    Guimbangco-an in Sibonga

    Jojisilia Villamor is the IDD Chief of DTI Negros Oriental

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    DTI Central Visayas Kalampusan August 2014 Enabling Business Empowering Consumers 11

    Activities in Photos

    The DTI-Negros Oriental conducted a seminar onthe Intellectual Property Rights in cooperation withthe Intellectual Property Office of the Philippines

    (IPO). This was attended by members of the aca-deme and some entrepreneurs in the province.

    The seminar was meant to raise the publics aware-ness on the role of intellectual property on tradeand how it can be used to make businesses more


    A demonstration on the use of the common

    service facility during the formal turnover of

    the SSF to the Nagkahiusang Mag-uuma sa

    Balaas (Namaba) in Sito Balaas, Barangay

    Guimbangco-an, Sibonga, Cebu on August


    Through its SSF project, the DTI turned over

    Desiccated Dryer Machine, Deshelling

    Machine, Coconut Meat Grinding Machine, 5

    Carbonizing Drums, and Briquetting Machine

    to the Gabay sa Bagong Pag-asa (GBP) in

    Barangay Napo, Carcar and the Nagkahiusang

    Mag-uuma sa Balaas (Namaba) in Sito Balaas,Barangay Guimbangco-an, Sibonga on

    August 18.

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  • 8/11/2019 Kalampusan 2014 August


    DTI Central Visayas Kalampusan August 2014 Enabling Business Empowering Consumers 13

    The following tips for greening your office is by no means an

    exhaustive list but a way to get started in making the work-

    place more environmentally friendly.

    1. Use electricity wisely.

    Turn off all equipment that doesnt need to be left on at the

    end of the day. When leaving a room for more than a few

    minutes, switch off the lights. Take advantage of natural

    sunlight as much as possible.

    2 . Reduce, reuse, recycle.

    Simply put: Dont buy stuff you dont need. And, when you

    do make a purchase, bring your own bags.

    3. Use environmentally friendly office products.

    Start small100% recycled paper, refillable ink cartridges,

    non-toxic highlighters, etc.

    4. Use non-toxic cleaning products.

    Encourage your cleaning company to use green cleaning

    products and if they wont, switch to one of the many com-

    panies that o use environmentally friendly products.

    5. Make eco-friendly food choices.

    When ordering lunch for an office meeting, how about going

    vegetarian (or even vegan, if you dare)? Cutting down on

    meat can have a huge impact on the health of the planet.

    6. Telecommuting

    Encourage working from home,particularly for workers whowould normally drive to work. This cuts down on pollution

    and increases time availability.

    7. Transportation

    For those who do come to the office on a regular basis, en-

    courage (and help arrange) carpooling, use of public transit,

    biking, or walking.

    8. Aim for a paperless office.

    Though the paperless office may still seem unrealistic, at

    least try to cut down on printed material when possible. Use

    100% recycled content paper products in the office.

    9. Institute a casual dress code.

    Not having to wear suits in hot summer months can help

    keep cooling costs down (and make for a happier work-


    10. Fair trade & organic.

    Buy fair trade, organic coffee andteas for the office. If em-

    ployees prefer to go out for their hot beverages, encourage

    them to take their own mugs. More importantly is the reduc-

    tion in waste from not having to throw out paper or Styrofoam




    Your access to local, authentic, sustainable, world class products. OTOP StoreTindahanag Pinoy is located at Bridges

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    Jojisilia Villamor is the IDD Chief of DTI Negros Oriental
  • 8/11/2019 Kalampusan 2014 August


    DTI Central Visayas Kalampusan August 2014 Enabling Business Empowering Consumers 14




    Executive EditorAsteria C. Caberte

    DTI 7 Regional Director

    Managing EditorRose Mae Quinanola

    Writer /EditorJojisilia Villamor

    Lay-out ArtistsJerome Elarcosa &

    Bernard Cabasisi

    ContributorsJacqueline Calumpang

    Olivet Nina Somido

    PD Javier Fortunato Jr.

    Vierna Teresa Ligan

    Blair Panong

    Mark Aristotle Cabagnot

    Angeline Gonzalez


    Regional Director ASTERIA C. CABERTE

    3rd Flr, WDC Bldg.,Osmena Boulevard, cor. P.Burgos, Cebu City

    Tel. # (63)(032) 255-0036 / 255-0037

    Fax # (63)(032) 253-7465

    email: [email protected] / [email protected]


    Industry Development Division (IDD)

    Victoria Diaz, Chief

    Tel. Nos. 2550036 / 412-1989 / 412-1868 loc. 601

    e-mail:[email protected]

    Trade Development Division (TDD)

    Rose Mae Quinanola, OIC

    Tel. Nos. 2550036 / 412-1989 / 412-1868 loc 301

    Institutional Development Division (NDD)Minerva Yap, Chief

    Tel. nos. 412-1944 / 4121945 / 255-6971 / 255-3926

    e-mail: [email protected]


    Provincial Director MA. ELENA C. ARBON

    2F FCB Bldg., CPG Ave., Tagbilaran City

    Tel. # (63) 038-501-8260

    Fax # (63) 038-412-3533

    email: [email protected]


    Provincial Director: NELIA V.F. NAVARRO

    DTI Building, Osmena Boulevard, corner Lapulapu Street, Cebu City

    Tel. # (63)(032) 255-6971 / 255-3926

    (63)(032) 412-1944 / 412-1945

    email: [email protected]/ [email protected]


    Provincial Director JAVIER FORTUNATO, JR

    2F Uymatiao Bldg., San Jose Street. Dumaguete City

    Tel. # (63)(035) 422-2764

    Fax # (63)(035) 225-7211

    email: [email protected]


    Provincial Director NIMFA M. VIRTUCIO

    Chan She Bldg., Legaspi Street, Poblacion, Siquijor, Siquijor

    Tel. # (63)035-480-9065Fax # (63) 035-344-2238

    email: [email protected]


    Center Manager NELIA V.F. NAVARRO

    Lapu-lapu St., cor. Osmena Boulevard, Cebu City

    Tel # (032) 255-6971 / 255-3926

    (032) 412-1944 / 412-1945

    Email: [email protected]/ [email protected]


    Jojisilia Villamor is the IDD Chief of DTI Negros Oriental

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]

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