  • 1. Osama
    Barmark, S. (Director). (2003). Osama[Motion Picture].
    Afghanistan: United Artists

2. Key Talking Points
Access to Health Care
Health care is available, but on a very limited basis.
Taliban members control the health care availability in the area.
Women Doctors need to hide from the Taliban and if found are arrested.
The girl, who was living like a boy, began menstruating, but there was not any mention of how the women handle it.
There was no mention of mental health care.
Education in Afghanistan is not for women.
In this movie education was only for males and it is provided by the Taliban. They were taught the Koran, how to cleanse themselves after wet dreams and sexual encounters, and how to fight for the Taliban.
Males are not given the choice of attending the school or not in this movie.
There was no optimism for the future for women, they were at the mercy of the men in their lives, if there were men in their lives.
Since this movie was made in 2003, there have been significant increases in the number of youth who have returned to school. Currently there is over 2.68 million females in school and over 539 schools built (World Bank, 2011).
3. Key Talking Points
The emotional environment of the youth in the movie was fear due to the presence of the Taliban.
Girls were more oppressed in the Muslim society.
Food safety did not seem to be of concern in the movie. Meat was dried and milk was boiled though.
There did not seem to be the same types of risky behaviors for youth in the movie as there are in the U.S.
Familial Relationships
Boys are more cherished as children because only men can work for money.
Children do not question their parents demands.
The Grandmother in the movie seemed to be more caring and loving towards her Granddaughter than the Mother did.
There was more emphasis on interdependent relationships than individualism. The mother asked a friend of her husbands to help her family out by hiring her son, as she could not get work herself.
4. Recommended for Youth Development Professionals?
I do recommend this movie for YDPs to teach about issues that young Muslim woman must deal with on a day-to-day basis. YDPs will see why Muslim woman do not stand up for themselves, to the men in their lives, or why they value their families first and not themselves.
The use of positive youth development practices could be beneficial for children in this movie, however, there needs to be systems changes first. With the strong integration of the Muslim religion into all aspects of the families lives, it will be very difficult to implement positive youth development practices.
The families are also concerned with basic survival under rule of the Taliban and therefore can not move beyond the survival state of mind.
5. References:Barmark, S. (Director). (2003). Osama[Motion Picture].Afghanistan: United ArtistsWorld Bank. Maternal and child health: Countries link financing with results. Retrieved from the web on May 28, 2011.

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