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Gift of Time What Is It and

How to Get It


“Wasted” Time




Home How


Can Kill You


from Stress Can You

Achieve It?

An ANTHONY K. Lifestyle Magazine


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The key to organizing an

alternative society is to

organize people around

what they can do, and

more importantly, what

they want to do.

Abbie Hoffman

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Our Mission: To deliver quality of life.

We are seriously committed to enhancing

people‟s lives by creating awareness

through our professional organizers and

assistants on how your emotional and

physical well being can become balanced

and healthy by living an organized life-


Our main goal is to provide THE GIFT OF

TIME with efficiency and dependability to

multi-career families, busy professionals,

seniors, new parents and many others so

they can be able to redirect their time and

energy to improve the quality of their life

by decreasing their levels of stress.

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In this world no one rules

by love; if you are but

amiable, you are no hero;

to be powerful, you must

be strong, and to have

dominion you must have a

genius for organizing.

John Henry Newman

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Disorganization and Stress In order to start living a more organized life,

it’s important that you don’t add to the existing mess.

Disorganization isn‟t the only cause of stress, but it can be one of the

biggest and worst. If nothing else being disorganized-losing your

keys, losing a file not knowing where you put your pen or notebook-

can trigger a whole bunch of stress you had been repressing, result-

ing in a disproportionately huge and explosive response. What‟s

more, being disorganized can easily lead to other sources of stress.

There are a lot of reason why we can get so disorganized.

Most of us, however, are disorganized for one or more of the

following common reasons; either we don‟t feel like we have enough

time to get organized or we feel like life is too overwhelming to put

together, or we fell like we just don‟t have enough space to properly

and neatly store everything we need and have, or we don‟t know

how exactly we‟re supposed to get organized because we‟ve never

been organized before, or because we have the ability to organized

our life but we just hate doing it. Which of these sounds familiar? Bet-

ter question, how many of these apply?

For a lot of us, it really comes down to feeling like we don‟t know

how to get organized, or we just feel so overwhelmed that we don‟t

even care to start. While both are good, understandable excuses,

they are just that-excuses. But when it comes down to it, it‟s just plain

easier and less stressful to be organized than to not be organized.

Disorganization creates chaos that just eats up your time and energy.

Instead of focusing on what you really want to focus on, you just get

distracted and lose time searching for what you need to get started.

Disorganization is like a tangible representation of all the things

in your life that you can’t or fell you can’t handle.

The more organized you have things, the more you have a handle on,

the more you can devote your

time and energy to the impor-

tant things, the better you feel.

It‟s a simple equation that most

people understand, organized

and disorganized alike.

Written by Stan Stieler



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Professional Organizers

A detailed consultation and work done

on your living or working space by a

professional organizer. All jobs are

custom tailored according to your

lifestyle. This service includes

organizing closets, bedrooms living

and dining rooms, kitchens,

restrooms and home or

corporate offices.

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Imagine the freedom from stress if all of us were a little more

organized. Our homes would be less cluttered so we could

find our car keys more easily, which would allow us to leave

for work earlier, drive more slowly to our jobs and lower air

pollution in our cities.

Organizing is a process, not a one time event. Spend 15

minutes a day on the task of staying ahead of the clutter and

keep the following tips in mind:

When you buy something, get rid of something else.

Stay current. Open and sort the mail every day.

Leave the kitchen and bathroom tidy each night.

Hang up clothes or get them in a hamper as soon as you remove them.

Beware of “free” items or items given to you.

So remember: Keep sight of what matter to you. The goal is

to purge what does not work for you and organize the rest.

As you begin to apply these rules, you will make new

decisions about what stuff you want to devote time to

acquire and maintain. You will be examining your habits

and arranging your life to have more balance to enjoy the

items and activities you love.

Written by Kristin White

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Residential Managers for

Primary Residences

& Vacation Homes

Exceptional services handle by professionals

to take care of all your home needs and

maintenance without you having to worry

about hiring contractors, handymen or

cleaning crew.

We got you covered!

House cleaning, errands, grocery and personal shopping services.

Organizing services for a clutter free look year round.

Wait, supervise and coordinate repairmen, service reps and deliveries among others

at your home while you stay productive at

work or while away.

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The Organized Home An organized mind begins at home. Clutter causes brain overload. When you are carrying around all

the thing you need to remember, like appointments, where you

last left your keys, items on your grocery list, and work deadlines,

among other things, your short-term memory is maxed out, which

raises your stress and anxiety levels.

You have no mental reserve to think about more pleasurable

things, like the romantic dinner you want to cook on date

night, your daughter getting straight A’s, or the many other

things that make you happy.

You know how frantic you feel when you are running late to an

appointment or going to pick up your kids, and your keys are

nowhere to be seen. Think about how many times you‟ve gotten a

second notice on your utility bill because the original bill was

buried in the mess on your desk and you forgot to pay it. And

where is that appointment for your annual visit to the doctor?

“Disorganization creates stress because it reflects that there are

commitments in your life that you simply can‟t handle,” says Lorie

Marrero , CPO, professional organizer.

Bottom line. Getting organized will not only reduce your stress, it can improve the quality of your living space, relationships and life,

in general.

Excerpt from Michele Borboa, MS.

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Half-Day & Full Day

Personal & Executive Assistants

Sometimes you don’t need just one

task completed. The most competent

and efficient professional personal

assistant will act as your side kick

with the top of the line advice on

organization, re-organization,

filing, appointment setting and/or

scheduling, errand running, detailed

grocery and/or gift shopping, home

management politics and more.

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Lifestyle Manager: A Personal Assistant for Everyone.

Ever wondered what the benefits would

be if you used a personal assistant/

lifestyle manager? Having a professional

assistant for only a few hours a week or

month could make all the difference in

your life. Here are some benefits you can

experience utilizing a lifestyle manage-

ment service.

Saving time. Rather than doing every-thing yourself. The personal assistant/

lifestyle manager expert can run er-

rands, pick up the dry cleaning or even shop for you.

Increased flexibility. When you have stretched yourself thin, you sacrifice the ability to do what tasks to maintain a produc-

tive life or business. Hiring a pro-

fessional frees you up to have the

flexibility to attend to the most

important areas of your life.

Stress reduction mean more

productivity. You will have less stress trying to juggle everything

at once. You won‟t have to fret

about getting it all taking care of by yourself. You will no

longer feel overwhelm.

There‟s only so much you can accomplish by yourself without

feeling overworked or pressured. If you are a busy profes-

sional, time-pressed parent, new mom, or a small business

owner using a personal assistant will free up your day and save


Written by Phillinda Roy

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Professional Shoppers

& Errand Runners

A detailed and convenient service

designed for those whose time is more

valuable than ever.

Grocery shopping at your favorite store.

Personal shopping like necessities, gifts

and over the counter products and


Dry clean pick-up and delivery, post

office drop-off and pick-up, meal

delivery, from your favorite restaurant.

Custom tailored requests.

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The “Wasted”

Time Syndrome

With today‟s busy lifestyles, many

working professionals don‟t have time for

even basic errands, such as picking up dry

cleaning, taking Fido to the groomer or wait-

ing at home for the furnace


No longer a luxury for the ultra-wealthy,

shopping and errand services are sanity sav-

ing necessities in the lives of busy people

wanting to maximize their

personal time.

A professional shopper and errand

runner will help you focus on the

relationships and activities that you

value the most.

Professional shoppers and errand

runners are often referred as “time

savers” who are entrusted with delicate and

special tasks you simply do not have the time

to tackle. You will not be

struggling any more with the never-ending


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Move away from the clutter and

overcomplicated life and start

living a simpler, more focused

and effective lifestyle.

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What is The Gift of Time?

We need to use the time we have now, to live in the now.

Time cannot be contained.

Time denotes our existence here on earth, the dash-between the dates

of our birth to the last day of our life contains a personal history of who

we were, how we lived, who we knew and what we did with our lives.

In the midst of our living, time continues on the endless journey. Time

is a gift, though we rarely stop and acknowledge it as such.

We can spend our time wisely, or worthlessly, we can squander it, or

invest it, we can enjoy it, or abuse it, we can live it, or retreat from it,

but it moves on regardless.

“Time stands still for no man.”

Time does however; gives us opportunities to make changes within

ourselves that would empower us to be better human beings. To seek

forgiveness for wrong we‟ve incurred, and seek to forgive, to change

how we see others, how we view ourselves, to add value and build our

self-esteem, which will ultimately have a positive effect on those

around us.

It is filled with memories of love, joy, laughter, pain, sorrow,

anger, forgiveness. Within the sphere of time we have the ability to do whatever we want, but using time to be effective is time well

spent. Unconsciously, we make the decision daily as to how we‟re

going to spend time, let‟s spend it wisely

creating memories that will benefit you

and those you‟ll touch.

We need to use the time we have now, to

live in the now, to embrace good and to

love ourselves.

Time is too precious of a gift to waste, so

make the decision to use the time given

to you wisely, and you will not only find

fulfillment, but enjoyment in the process.

Written by Diane Dutchin

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A Gift of Time

Specialty Certificate

Certificates are available for a busy

friend, family member or business as-

sociate which can be redeemed for any

of our Signature Services:

Professional Organizing Services.

Professional Shopping & Errand

Running Service.

Personal & Executive Assistants.

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More of What We Can Do For You.

Our main goal is to provide THE GIFT OF TIME with efficiency

and dependability to multi-career families, busy professionals,

senior citizens, new parents and many others so they can be able

to redirect their time and energy to improve the quality of their

life by decreasing their levels of stress.

Special Senior Assistant Services for Independent Living

A special program designed for those special persons in our lives for

your peace of mind. If you are leaving away from your aging parents, a

professional assistant can check on them and will follow with you on

their state of well being. Monthly service includes:

House cleaning.

Meal pick-up and delivery.

Bill payment assistance.

Grocery shopping & errand running.

Weekly visits to check-up on their welfare.

House sitting with them to wait for repairmen.

Weekly reports on their state of well being.

House Sitting and Monitoring.

Check your household.

Pick-up and review your mail.

Perform all the necessary tasks to make your home ready when you need it.

Wait for repairmen, service reps, deliveries, etc. at your while you stay productive at work or while away.

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Marketing a Lifestyle

for Businesses

In a crowded marketplace where

many companies are vying for the

same consumers, it is absolutely

critical that you build strong rela-

tionships with your customers. We

will help you do just that, by iden-

tifying, retaining and growing

your best customers.

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LOYALTY Program Solutions for Businesses There is nothing that will earn you more money than

improving the effectiveness of your marketing.


We have created a unique business service to pro-

vide you with an innovative way to produce ever-

lasting relationships with your best customers.

Your business can create a measurable impact on

your customer‟s spend and loyalty giving your

company an advantage of differentiating yourself

from your competition. We can help you position

your brand among your most discerning custom-

ers. Elevate your brand from a product to an ex-

perience; deliver an indispensable service tied to

your product or service; and, enhance the

value of your product offering.


Our program is designed for high usage by your

employees, so they are spending more of their

time with you working and less managing personal

matters. The return investment is a sizable increase

in productivity, a more positive environment and,

ultimately, greater profits on. An onsite profes-

sional assistant serves as a visual reminder of the

corporation‟s commitment to employee well-being.

We can support your company and your employ-

ees throughout the employee life cycle by: Reduc-

ing employee absenteeism; increase employee

productivity, and improve employee morale and retention.


We can help you create an environment within your

property by creating experience to differentiate you

from your competition making you attract and retain

high value tenants. We do so by delivering services

and tenant benefits that enhance their amenities pro-

gram and create true differentiation by enhancing

the on-property experience; associate property with

positive life experiences; deliver an indispensable

service available only through you; and, positively

impact owner/tenants lives even when not on-property.

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A Lifestyle for Modern Times

Affordable lifestyle managers, assistants

and organizers are available to balance your busy life.

When You Need Another You.

Today, some busy two-career families are turning over virtually every

aspect of their existence to lifestyle managers. These hired hands, who

charge a monthly fee or per the hour, become like an extra member of

the family.

Lifestyle managers have searched for a reliable used car for a client‟s

16 year-old or taken over their scrapbooking project. One wrote an

online dating profile for a client/ “People are ceding more and more of

their lives to others,” said Glass, a Potomac native. “it‟s going to be a

huge trend around here. Our clients are mostly suburban families be-

cause they have a whole range of problems to deal with- kids, car-

pools, dogs, houses.”

Once, lifestyle managers were a perk for celebrities and profes-

sional athletes. But now, families are hiring managers to help

them through their busy lives, or at least the boring parts. Experts say the industry is on the rise because people are overwhelmed by

basic tasks, their increasingly fragmented lives and long commutes.

Personal concierge services and errand running, industries that have

grown exponentially in the past decade, are embracing lifestyle man-

agement as well, said Katharine Giovanni, chairman of the Interna-

tional Concierge and Errand Association.

“Recently, the terminology of „lifestyle management‟ has come across

the pond, and concierges have embraced it because it‟s better termi-

nology for what they do… Originally, concierges were errand runners.

Now it‟s „let‟s me do everything for you so you don‟t have to,” Giovanni


Such personal helpers are often hired by mothers who want to ap-

pear as if they’re doing it all and don’t want their neighbors-or

husband-to know otherwise. “I don‟t mean to brag, but I am very effi-cient person,” Maureen Coleman said. “But even with this highly effi-

cient multitasking thing I‟ve become in life these days, there is still

more. How do you let it go? Am I going to miss out?”

Excerpt taken from The Washington Post written by Annie Gowen.

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For more ABOUT US visit us on the web


South Beach

Coral Gables

Coconut Grove

Fort Lauderdale





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If you can’t

handle your life,


ANTHONY K. A Lifestyle Management Company

Professional Organizers

Certified Residential Managers

Personal & Executive Assistants

Professional Shoppers & Errand Runners

Main Office: 990 Biscayne Blvd. Office 503, Miami, Fl 33132

Serving DADE & BROWARD Counties


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