Page 1: K AM - International School of Monaco · Programme de Français – K AM 2016-2017 Expression orale/Vocabulaire Graphisme/Ecriture Etre capable de: ... Prêter sa voix à une marionette


2016 / 2017

Page 2: K AM - International School of Monaco · Programme de Français – K AM 2016-2017 Expression orale/Vocabulaire Graphisme/Ecriture Etre capable de: ... Prêter sa voix à une marionette

Kindergarten– Language Essential Skills

Speaking and Listening Reading Writing To be able to:

Begin to experiment with language describing possession.

Join in with repeated refrains and anticipate key events and phrases in rhymes and stories.

Use simple statements and questions often linked to gestures.

Question why things happen and give explanations.

Listen to stories with increasing attention and recall.

Use intonation, rhythm and phrasing to make their meaning clear to others.

Use a widening range of words to express or elaborate on ideas.

Build up vocabulary that reflects the breadth of their experiences.

Use vocabulary focused on objects and people that are of particular importance to them.

Begin to use more complex sentences.

Use talk, actions and objects to recall and relive past experiences.

Participate in rhyming and rhythmic activities.

Use language for an increasing range of purposes.

Use talk to gain attention and sometimes use action rather than talk to demonstrate or explain to others.

Initiate conversation, attend to and take account of what others say.

Interact with others, negotiating plans and activities and taking turns in conversation.

Sustain attentive listening, responding to what they have heard with relevant comments, questions or actions.

Enjoy listening to and using spoken and written language, and readily turn to it in their play and learning.

Use simple grammatical structures.

Listen with enjoyment, and respond to stories, songs and other music, rhymes and poems.

Have confidence to speak to others about their own wants and interests.

Extend their vocabulary, exploring the meanings and sounds of new words.

Have confidence to speak to others about their own wants and interests.

Speak clearly and audibly with confidence and control and show awareness of the listener.

Extend their vocabulary, exploring the meanings and sounds of new words.

Begin to hear and say the initial sound in words and know which letters represent some of the sounds.

To be able to:

Handle books carefully.

Identify the beginning and the ending of a story

Know information can be relayed in the form of print.

Listen to and join in with stories and poems.

Hold books the correct way up and turn pages.

Know that print carries meaning and, in English/French, is read from left to right and top to bottom.

Know about an increasing range of books.

Explore and experiment with sounds.

Show interest in illustrations and print in books and print in the environment.

Know that information can be retrieved from books and computers.

Begin to recognise own name.

Begin to recognise signs and symbols in our everyday environment.

To be able to:

Sometimes give meaning to marks as they draw and paint.

Manipulate objects with increasing control.

Ascribe meanings to marks that they see in different places.

Use a pencil and hold it effectively to trace a given pattern.

Begin to form letters in a name.

Begin to write some numbers.

Page 3: K AM - International School of Monaco · Programme de Français – K AM 2016-2017 Expression orale/Vocabulaire Graphisme/Ecriture Etre capable de: ... Prêter sa voix à une marionette

Programme de Français – K AM 2016-2017

Expression orale/Vocabulaire Graphisme/Ecriture Etre capable de: Oser entrer en communication Répondre aux sollicitations de l’adulte de manière non verbale Répondre aux sollicitations de l’adulte de manière verbale Communiquer avec l’adulte de manière non verbale Adresser la parole à l’adulte de manière verbale Converser avec d’autres enfants Prendre la parole devant le groupe Dire, chanter, même incomplètement, des comptines, des chants, des jeux de doigts, avec le

soutien de l’adulte, en faisant les gestes appropriés. Prêter sa voix à une marionette Comprendre et apprendre Comprendre un message et agir de façon pertinente Comprendre une consigne simple, usuelle de la classe adressée à un enfant Comprendre une consigne simple, usuelle de la classe adressée à un groupe Ecouter en silence un conte, un poème court pour le comprendre Comprendre une histoire sans support d’images : Répondre aux sollicitations de l’adulte de manière verbale Communiquer avec l’adulte de manière non verbale Adresser la parole à l’adulte de manière verbale Converser avec d’autres enfants Prendre la parole devant le groupe Dire, chanter, même incomplètement, des comptines, des chants, des jeux de doigts, avec le

soutien de l’adulte, en faisant les gestes appropriés. Prêter sa voix à une marionnette

Etre capable de: Ecouter de l’écrit – Comprendre – Découvrir la fonction de l’écrit S’initier oralement à la langue écrite en écoutant des histoires lues par la

maîtresse Utiliser un coin lecture (bibliothèque de classe) Utiliser correctement le livre (à l’endroit, tourner les pages) Ranger les albums à leur place appropriée (devant une photocopie de leur

couverture) Retrouver une page photocopiée d’un album Retrouver un détail dans une page d’un album Identifier les personnages d’une histoire Reconnaître les supports d’écrits utilisés en classe (albums de jeunesse,

classeur de vie, chansons, recettes) Reconnaître son prénom écrit en majuscule d’imprimerie Commencer à produire des écrits par la dictée à l’adulte Découvrir le principe alphabétique Jouer avec les formes sonores de la langue

(rimes) Répéter des sons, des bruitages, des onomatopées dans des comptines, des

histoires Répéter les prénoms, articuler, en variant le rythme, la hauteur, l’intensité Pratiquer des exercices graphiques avant de pratiquer l’écriture Tenir correctement l’outil scripteur: pince index/pouce Remplir, occuper une surface donnée Mettre en couleur avec différentes techniques (craies couchées, pinceaux,

craies, crayons de couleurs, gros feutres) Faire diverses empreintes pour apprendre à maîtriser son geste (mains,

doigts, objets) Faire des lignes verticales, horizontales, des quadrillages Faire des lignes orientées en suivant un chemin (en réalité, en volume, puis

sur feuille)

Page 4: K AM - International School of Monaco · Programme de Français – K AM 2016-2017 Expression orale/Vocabulaire Graphisme/Ecriture Etre capable de: ... Prêter sa voix à une marionette

Kindergarten – Maths Essential Skills

Number Calculations Shape, Space and Measures Show curiosity about numbers by offering

comments or asking questions.

Use some number names accurately in play.

Recognise groups with one, two or three objects.

Estimate how many objects they can see and check by counting them – Up to 5

Select the correct numeral to represent 1 to 5 objects.

Begin to represent numbers using fingers, marks on paper or pictures.

To count to 10.

Recognise numerals 1 to 10.

Count, with increasing accuracy, up to ten everyday objects.

Count out up to five objects from a larger group.

Match then compare the number of objects in two sets.

Count an irregular arrangement of up to five objects.

Recognise some numerals of personal significance.

Use some number names and number language spontaneously.

Sometimes match number and quantity correctly.

Know that numbers identify how many objects are in a set.

Say and use number names in order in familiar contexts e.g. songs, rhymes

Compare two groups of objects, saying when they have the same number – Up to 10.

Use language such as 'more' or 'less' to compare two numbers.

Use own methods to work through a problem.

Find the total number of items in two groups by counting all of them.

Use shapes appropriately for tasks.

Show an interest in shape and space by playing with shapes or making arrangements with objects.

Observe and use positional language.

Show awareness of similarities in shapes in the environment.

Begin to talk about the shapes of everyday objects.

Show interest in shape by sustained construction activity or by talking about shapes or arrangements.

To begin to know and use comparative language: more/less; big(ger)/small(er); same/different

Use everyday words to describe position.

Use language such as 'circle' or 'bigger' to describe the shape and size of solids and flat shapes.

Sort familiar objects to identify their similarities and differences, making choices and justifying decisions.

Use familiar objects and common shapes to create and recreate patterns and build models.

Find items from positional or directional clues.

Order two or three items by length or height.

Show curiosity about and observation of shapes by talking about how they are the same or different.

Select a particular named shape - circle, square, triangle, rectangle

Talk about, recognise and recreate simple patterns – up to 2.

Match some shapes by recognising similarities and orientation.

Use everyday language related to time – The seasons

Order and sequence familiar events

Page 5: K AM - International School of Monaco · Programme de Français – K AM 2016-2017 Expression orale/Vocabulaire Graphisme/Ecriture Etre capable de: ... Prêter sa voix à une marionette

Kindergarten Learning Units


Children learn to: develop a sense of security within the school


follow beginning and end of day routines eg.tidy

up time, self registration

develop independence within the classroom

setting eg. getting dressed for outdoor play,

express feelings, needs and preferences

play co-operatively with other children

pay attention to information and instructions

from adults

begin to understand and demonstrate sharing

and turn-taking

learn to respect classroom agreements and be

aware of consequences

respect the toys and equipment in the classroom

identify different staff members and their roles

within the classroom setting

be receptive to new learning experiences

explore different ways of getting to school

Children learn to: Name personal characteristics eg.

name, nationality, hair and eye colour

Describe their families

Name some likes and dislikes

Understand people speak many different languages

Respect differences (race, disabilities, size….)

Understand the importance of good hygiene, diet and exercise

Discuss different hobbies with peers

Develop one’s own strengths and weaknesses

Children learn to: Recognize and name a variety of

different animals – domestic, wild, farm, marine animals

Describe the different ways we care for our pets

Begin to understand the responsibilities of caring for animals

Learn about the environment/habitats of different animals

Sort and classify animals according to their characteristics (way they move, where they live etc.)

Describe their special features (fur, skin, scales)

Listen to and discuss a wide range of animal tales from around the world

Look after and protect endangered species

Discuss the importance of caring for our environment in order to help the welfare of animals

Children learn to: Recognize and name a variety of colours

Develop sorting skills by sorting sets of objects according to their colours

Identify different colours and patterns in the world around us

Mix two or more colours to produce a new colour

Identify the difference between light and dark shades

Express themselves through painting and drawing using a variety of colours and media

Children learn: how our school is part of a larger community

that we live and work together

our environment around us

that school is a place to learn and make friends

how and why we show respect for our peers,

staff, our classroom and its equipment

our daily routines

how we have classroom agreements and are

aware of consequences

Children learn: We were each created with

unique qualities that make us different and special

That we come from different countries

That we may speak other languages at home

We all have different strengths and weaknesses

The importance of good diet, hygiene and exercise

We should respect people’s differences

Children learn: That there are many different

kinds of animals in the world

How to discover where and how different animals live

How animals in the wild compare to domestic animals

That looking after pets is a big responsibility

That animals move in different ways (walk, crawl, swim, fly)

That we should care for our environment and the animals in it

Children learn: The primary and secondary colours

That colours are all around us

That mixing two or more colours changes the colour

How to differentiate between light and dark shades

That we can express ourselves through painting and drawing using many colours

That some things are transparent (water, clear glass, plastic)

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