Download - June/July 2019

Page 1: June/July 2019

June/July 2019

Alleluia, Christ is risen! The Lord is risen indeed, alleluia!

What a glorious Easter service we had on April 21st! Easter Sunday, and before, I stood amazed at all of the talent and labor that took place behind the scenes to make our Easter Sunday a wonderful offering to God’s glory and for the worship of God’s people. After the ser-vice I was probably guilty of the sin of pride in my pa-rishioners and all of your hard work and many talents.

We are now approaching the end of the Easter season which lasts 49 days ending on June 9, Pentecost Sunday. For those new to the church, Pentecost is the birthday of the Christian church. Many of us observe the tradition of wearing red or white on Pentecost. Red symbolizes the fire of the Holy Spirit, which rested upon Jesus’ disciples on that day. White represents new life in Christ at Bap-tism. Pentecost, (or Whitsunday), is one of the five Sun-days specifically set aside for baptisms.

It was on Pentecost, that Jesus sent the Holy Spirit to empower his disciples to spread the good news of God’s love and forgiveness. It was through the power of the

Holy Spirit and the missionary efforts of the disciples that the church came into being.

The Holy Spirit is alive and well in the people and ministries of St. Paul’s by-the-Sea. Some of the ways in which we allow the Spirit’s presence in our lives is through prayer, meditation, service, giving, and wor-ship. When we make the commitment to engage in these practices, we receive back into our lives a new understanding of God’s love for us and for all, and God’s gift of peace. Now more than ever, our anxiety filled world needs this peace, this renewal.

Send forth your Spirit, O Lord, and renew the face of the earth. Come Holy Spirit, come.

God bless you and us all,

Louanne +

Congratulations to our 2019 High School Graduates! Pictured here: Alexis Beck, Veance Pantfoeder, Casey Peterson,

Owen Lauderman, Shelby Barrett, Abigail Jarvis. Not pictured: Nicholas Jarrett.

We celebrated their achievement on May 19.

Dear St. Paul’s by-the-Sea Friends,

As many of you already know, after more than 43 cu-mulative years as an educator, administrator, and Head of School, I have decided that it is time for me to retire as the Head of School at the conclusion of the 2018-2019 school year. It has been a pleasure to serve the families of Beaches Episcopal School and St. Paul’s by-the-Sea these past six years, and it is with great anticipation that I continue to assist in the transi-tion with Episcopal School of Jacksonville for the 2019-2020 school year and remain an active member in the church.

Serving at Beaches Episcopal School has been an amazing experience and one that I will always treas-ure. As a school, we have the perfect balance of aca-demics, enrichments, spiritual education, character education, and nurturing that is poured into children on a daily basis to create compassionate and compe-tent leaders of tomorrow. Between the supportive re-lationship of the church and our new partnership with Episcopal School of Jacksonville, I look forward to an exciting and robust future for the school.


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The word acolyte is derived from the Greek word akolouthos, which means “attendant” or “one who helps.” Any-one who serves as an Acolyte is joining the ranks of those who have helped with the worship service since the early Christian church. Some say that acolytes have an even longer history and that Samuel, who assisted Eli in the Old Testament Temple was really the first acolyte. The Middle Ages sees the order of acolyte firmly established. They were the helpers of the bishops and oth-er clergy and responsible for carrying lighted candles for the use of the officiating clergy in the dim light of the churches and ca-thedrals. They also received the offerings of the people and brought the bread and wine to the clergy at the proper time in the service for consecration. During the Reformation, the action which most people associate with the role of acolyte, lighting the candles on the altar, came into being. Today, acolytes continue one of their historical functions as they light the candles in the church before, or as part of, the service.

If any of the tasks sound familiar it’s because at St. Paul’s by-the-Sea, the youth acolytes preform all these functions and have done so for many years. At this time we have a shortage of acolytes due to four high school graduates this year, four high school grad-uates last year, and a few acolytes who are relocating this summer. Any youth in fourth grade, or starting fourth grade in the fall, is eligible to be an acolyte. Please consider helping with this wonderful ministry. All training is provided and it’s not difficult. Most acolytes start out carrying the torches in the service but older acolytes coming on are assigned other jobs; after serving just once or twice, the acolytes are com-fortable in the new role and look like they’ve been doing it for years. It’s a great way to be involved in

the church service and there’s also the reward of M & M’s after each service. Sign up today! For info on serving as an acolyte, please contact Anne Wiggins, [email protected] or (904) 616-7562.

Retiring acolytes, Owen Lauderman, Veance Pantfoeder, Casey Peterson, & Shelby Barrett served

for the last time on Easter Sunday.

Acolytes serving on Palm Sunday.

April Finance Report

Year to Date Giving: $231,359

Budget Year to Date: $229,820

Overbudget Gifts Received: $1539

Keep a lookout for a new

bulletin board going up in

the Christopher Lobby: it’s

a place where you can post

your business card, voca-

tion, talent, or skills!

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New Young Adult Group! Current, a group open to young adults (20-35) will begin weekly meetings in Stormes Hall on Monday, June 3, 7-8:30pm for Compline. Contact Devanne Jones, [email protected], for more info.

Brotherhood’s Scholarships

The Brotherhood of St Andrew SPBTS Chapter pro-vided Camp Weed Scholarships to 10 children for the summer camp! The Brothers encourage you to pray with them for each child as they attend camp.

Delicious Donuts, Delightful Company, & the Divine Word!

You need to be a part of this group! Join us Wednesdays at 9am in the Christopher Confer-ence Room. We look forward to your company!


Baptism: Harrison Calder, April 21 Elizabeth Wong, April 21 Jesse David Baker, April 21 Alex Rodriguez, May 12

Deaths: Norma Eckert, April 3 Lois MacNaughton, April 11 Shirley Richmond, April 16 Joe Bryan, May 2 Shirley Sass, May 11

Continental Breakfasts

Let’s give our regular breakfast crews a break! Consider sign-ing up (sign-up sheet on the bulletin board in Christopher Lob-by) to prepare & serve a Sunday breakfast. All costs are reim-bursed.

Incredible Edible Crafters The Crafters are at it again! Join them at 9:30am Thurs-days in the Stormes Hall Craft Room. If you aren’t sure where to go, ask in the church office. They will be hap-py to show you where we are!

2nd Friday Lunch Bunch

The Second Friday Lunch Bunch will meet for lunch June 14 at 12:30. Join us for another great lunch at Another Broken Egg Café at 2230 3rd Street South in Jacksonville Beach. All are welcome!


Skill Level - Medium

You solve it with reasoning & logic. It's fun. It's challenging. It's addictive!

Enter digits from 1 to 9 into the blank spac-es. Every row must contain one of each digit, so must every column, as must every 3x3 square. Have fun!

8 9 2 3

1 3 9 8

2 9

5 9 3 8 1

6 4

2 1 7 5 6

5 3

5 1 6 9

7 6 2 5

Page 4: June/July 2019


by Anne Wiggins

Presiding Bishop Curry calls us to The Way of Love – to be “committed to living the way of God’s uncon-ditional, unselfish, sacrificial, and redemptive love” just as the first followers of Christ. He calls us to Turn–Learn–Pray–Worship–Bless–Go–Rest. For more info, go to As Christians, we can go into the world spreading God’s love, by sharing our resources of time, talent and treasure. April and May were full of outreach opportunities. Thanks to all who do-nated to the Community Kitchen Easter bags. Your donations of cleaning and household items, filling fifty-five bags (bags donated by Beaches Energy Service) were delivered to Community Kitchen meal recipients. Your generosity was also appreciated by the single moms (pictured below) who attended the BEAM Mothers’ Day Tea. Lots of lovely soaps, lotions, nail polish and other items were collected for this event. In May, SPBTS housed and fed a group of 17 young adults (pictured on the right) for a second year in the Bike and Build program. These energetic young adults bike across the country and help with Habitat builds. They slept in the Parish Hall for several days and were much appreciative of the meals provided by the Vestry, Outreach Committee, Daughters of the King and Brotherhood of St. Andrew.

Join us in ministry! Sign-up on the poster in the Christopher Lobby for these upcoming Outreach opportunities.

June Beaches Habitat Summer Camp Program, Wednesday, June 26, at 3pm

Consider providing ice cream for the Beaches Habitat kids summer camp program. Imagine the delight on the young faces as they enjoy a cool treat in the heat of summer. More info coming soon.

July Pablo Hamlet Service Day, Saturday, July 13. at 9am

The administration at Pablo Hamlet has identified several residents who need help around their apartments. Please come out and give them a hand.

August Back to School with BEAM, Event date: August 3 / Donations collected through the month of July

Also in August, the annual Back to School with BEAM event needs donations of gently-used children’s clothes as well as many volunteers to help organize clothes and many other school items for the big give away. More details to follow on this volunteer opportunity.

One Blood, Sunday, August 25 Look for the big red bus at the church and help save a life by donating a pint of blood.

Outreach to Our Own Some of our parishioners may need help with chores around their house – if you need help or know of a pa-rishioner who could benefit from a helping hand, please contact Jeane Richards at 904-910-7354 (call or text) or [email protected].

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SPBTS hosted 17 college-aged men and women who are participating in a Bike and Build ride from Jacksonville Beach to California. Bike and Build is an organization that draws attention to the lack of affordable housing in the U.S. They provide education about affordable housing and bicycle safety and every five days stop along the way to participate in building a house with organizations such as Habitat for Humanity. The Brotherhood of St. Andrew provided dinner for the group and the Daughters of the King provided breakfast. They slept in the Com-mon Room and were very glad to be in the air conditioning! What a remarkable group of people!

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BES Summer Camp Mark your calendars and make plans now for your rising PreK4 - 3rd grade children to attend the 2019 BES Summer Camp.

Register at

Summer Camp Dates June 10-14; June 17 - 21; 24-28

July 8-12; July 15-19

For more info, contact Dallas Skornia, Director of Communications at

[email protected] or 246-2466 x121.

All programs are facilitated by adult educators who are associated with BES.

Enrollment Heating Up! Applications Being Accepted! BES is currently accepting applications for the 2019-2020 academic year. If you know of families looking for an exceptional education for their child, they can contact Admissions Director, Ashley Davis, at 246-2466 x 137 or [email protected]. Word-of-mouth is our greatest source of marketing. You are our most dedicated advocates, and we truly appreciate your support. Also, re-member that tithing members of SPBTS may receive a discount on tuition. Interested fami-lies may contact Jerri Moats in the church office for more information. We are nearly full in multiple grade levels, so please submit your applications now to secure their spot. Go to, click on the Admissions tab for more information about the application process and how to apply online.

Martha Milton, Head of School, Retiring New Interim Head Named for 2019-2020 Martha Milton will be retiring as Head of School of Beaches Episcopal School as of June 30, 2019. She has been a wonderful leader of our school for the last six years, and we will miss her tremendously. A new Interim Head of School, Jennifer Ketchum, will take over on July 1, 2019, as the merger between BES and Episcopal School of Jacksonville takes shape. Mrs. Milton will remain as a consultant during the transition process in 2019-2020. The official date when the two schools will become one is July 1, 2020. We thank the church for their continued support for our school during this transition, and we are excited about what the future holds for our school and the community we serve.

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1 8a B’hood Mtg 8:45a AA meeting

2 7:30a Eucharist 8:15a Breakfast 9a Disc the Bible 10a Eucharist 11:30a Steel Drum Service 6p SPY

3 6p Centering Prayer 7p Guild of the Christ Child 7p Current (Young Adult Group)

4 10a Staff Meeting 8p AA Meeting

5 9a Bible Study 10:30a Eucharist 11:30a Yoga 7:30p AA meeting

6 9:30 IE Crafters

7 6:30p AA Mtg 7p Vestry Dinner

8 8:45a AA meeting

9 Pentecost 7:30a Eucharist 8:15a Breakfast 9a Disc the Bible 10a Eucharist 11:30a Steel Drum Service 6p SPY

10 6p Centering Prayer 7p Guild of the Christ Child

11 10a Staff Meeting 11:30a Grief Support Group 6p Christian Formation Mtg 8p AA Meeting

12 9a Bible Study 9a SPY Breakfast 10:30a Eucharist 11:30a Yoga 7:30p AA meeting

13 9:30a IE Crafters

14 12:30p Second Friday Lunch Bunch 6:30p AA Mtg

15 8a B’hood Mtg 8a Daughters of the King 8:45a AA meeting

16 7:30a Eucharist 8:15a Breakfast 9a Disc the Bible 10a Eucharist 11:30a Steel Drum Service 6p SPY

17 6p Centering Prayer 7pm Guild of the Christ Child

18 10a Staff Meeting 11:30a Finance Mtg 8p AA Meeting

19 9a Bible Study 10:30a Eucharist 11:30a Yoga 7:30p AA meeting

20 9:30a IE Crafters

21 6:30p AA Mtg

22 8:45a AA meeting

23 7:30a Eucharist 8:15a Breakfast 9a Disc the Bible 10a Eucharist 11:30a Steel Drum Service

6p SPY


6p Centering Prayer

25 10a Staff Meeting 11:30a Grief Support Group 8pm AA Meeting

26 9a Bible Study 10:30a Eucharist 11:30a Yoga 7:30p AA meeting

27 9:30a IE Crafters

28 6:30p AA Mtg

29 8:45a AA meeting

30 7:30a Eucharist 8:15a Breakfast 9a Disc the Bible 10a Eucharist 11:30a Steel Drum Service

6p SPY


July 4 ~ Independence Day! (Parish office closed July 4 & 5) July 13 ~ Pablo Hamlet Service Day

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Tidings from

St. Paul’s by-the-Sea

The deadline for articles to appear in Tidings is the 15th

of the month.

Please email your articles to Jerri at [email protected].









6:00 PM - TAIZE SERVICE (during Lent)

St. Paul’s by-the-Sea Episcopal Church

First Church of the Beaches, Est. 1886

465 Eleventh Avenue N · Jacksonville Beach, FL 32250 ·

Phone: 904-249-4091 / Fax: 904-249-0409


St. Paul’s by-the-Sea is committed to renewal based on powerful

worship, unconditional welcome for the seeker,

and passionate service to the community.

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