Page 1: July 23 rd NO MEETING · Vol. 72 -No. 2 July 23, 2020 “TO ACKNOWLEDGE THE DUTY THAT ACCOMPANIES EVERY RIGHT” YMCA of Greater Whittier 12510 Hadley St., Whittier, CA 90601 Whittier



Vol. 72 - No. 2 July 23, 2020



YMCA of Greater Whittier 12510 Hadley St., Whittier, CA 90601

Whittier A.M. Y Service Club Meets at YMCA 2nd & 4th Thurs. of mo. - 6:45 a.m. Serving the Whittier YMCA SINCE 1948

Jim Stecklein, Editor / Publisher ( 562) 693-7102 7903 Calmada Ave., Whittier, CA 90602 e-mail [email protected]

The Whittier A.M. Y Service Club is a member of YMCA Service Clubs International; Northeast District, Pacific Southwest Region, U.S. Area

Home Club of International Presidents: JOHN PAULSON (1958-59) & HARMON WILKINSON (1961-62) Dedicated to BURT PARMINTER

Charter Member Emeritus-62 Years Club Service (1948-2010)

July 23 rd - NO MEETING Meetings are still on HOLD until further notice due to the CoronaVirus. As an effort to maintain some club continuity and member communication during this time, it is suggested that members keep contact with each other by use of telephone, email and US mail. Also, be ready and willing to assist other members with shopping, Dr. appointments, banking, etc. ***************************************

GAME # 6 FOR FOLKS AT HOME This is game # 6 for those who are staying close to home. The game is called “FIFTEEN.” Give each player paper and pencil/pen. Ask each player to draw a square on the paper; then put in cross lines to create a nine square block (as shown below.) The challenge is to put numbers 1 to 9 in the squares in such as way that the col-umns each add up to 15 in every direction, verti-cally, horizontally, and diagonally. The person doing this first wins the game. The answer to the puzzle can be found on page two of this bulletin. HAVE FUN ! STAY SAFE! ****************************************

2020 - 2021 OFFICERS INSTALLED IN ZOOM CELEBRATION On Friday, July 10, the new club officers were installed in a zoom celebration hosted by Adrienne Gibson at the YMCA, with 14 members looking on. The

installing of officers was performed by Pacific Southwest Regional Director Kathy Naylor. The new officers will direct the club for the new fiscal year. The event also featured the recognition of members who had achieved perfect attendance for the past year, and the announcement by outgoing President Bob Schaefer of his selection for the coveted “Member of the Year” Award, Steve Earl. Mis-tress of Ceremonies for the occasion was Past President Nancy Libby who led us through the virtual in-stallation flawlessly. This was an opportunity for outgoing President Schaefer to review this past very unusual year and to thank the Board of Directors and all the members, for their support. The unprece-dented excellent work of Vice President Steve Earl in filling in for President Schaefer, drew a virtual standing ovation by those in attendance. Filling in for the President as Bob dealt with a life changing illness, was a great challenge for incoming President Steve. But his attention to detail and persever-ance brought the club through this most extraordinary year in typical Whittier A.M. Y Club fashion. The evening ended with the traditional exchange (virtually) of pins by the in- and out-going Presidents. This was followed by newly installed President Steve outlining his vision of the activities of the club for the coming year. It may be a year of change, new challenges and goals, but it will be a year of suc-cess. Members wishing to view the recording of this virtual Zoom installation, click on to the link below:

The password is : 8G&2R



FOR “MEMBER OF THE YEAR” AWARD Out going President Bob Schaefer was exuberant in his praise of Vice President Steve Earl, who was his pick for the prized “Member of the Year” Award. Steve joins an elite group of M.O.T.Y recipients for his double duty club leadership and tireless work as Newspaper Chairman.


Page 2: July 23 rd NO MEETING · Vol. 72 -No. 2 July 23, 2020 “TO ACKNOWLEDGE THE DUTY THAT ACCOMPANIES EVERY RIGHT” YMCA of Greater Whittier 12510 Hadley St., Whittier, CA 90601 Whittier



BREAKFAST SETUP, SERVING & CLEANUP Since all regular meetings at the YMCA have been canceled indefinitely, due to the virus crisis, no members are being assigned to help with breakfast until further notice. **************************************

H A P P Y B I R T H D A Y ETHAN ALLEN 7 - 6 RALPH ANAYA 7 - 11 JIM KELLY . . . . 7 - 13 FRANK van der BAAN 7-29 JIM STECKLEIN 7 - 30


NEWSPAPER PROJECT ON HOLD Paper Chairman Steve Earl notified the board of Directors at the Board meeting, that there is insufficient member Interest, at this time, to continue collecting and processing newspapers for sale to Hi-Lite Mfg. When the precautions from the coronavirus pandemic become less restrictive, and members feel safer gathering to process the papers, we can continue this major fund raiser for the club. In the meantime, be careful, be safe ! ************************************* Solution for “FIFTEEN” puzzle The method used to create totals of 15 in every direction is to place 5 in the center square, and 2, 4, 6, 8 in the four corner squares. The re-maining numbers can then be added easily. *************************************

A FEW MORE TRUISMS ** There may be no excuse for laziness, but I’m still looking ! ** A computer once beat me at chess……...but it was no match for me at kick-boxing ! ** My wife got 8 out of 10 on her driver’s test. Two managed to jump out of her way. ** If at first you don’t succeed, forget skydiving! ****************************************

Senior Sarcasm

Two young businessmen in Florida were sitting down for a break in their soon-to-be new store in the shopping mall. As yet, the store wasn’t ready, with only a few shelves and display racks set up. One said to the other, “I’ll bet that any minute now some senior is going to walk by, put his face to the window, and ask what we’re selling. ” Sure enough, just a moment later, a curious senior gentleman walked up to the window, looked around intensely and rapped on the glass, then in a loud voice asked, “What are you sellin’ here?” One of the men replied sarcastically, “We’re selling dumbbells !” Without skipping a beat the old timer said “Looks like you’re doing well. Only two left !” ****************************************


1 YEAR 17 YEARS Frank Nevarez Ralph Anaya 3 YEARS Nancy Libby Jeanne Renner 22 YEARS Tim Schneider Ray Cole 4 YEARS Dick Ward Frank van der Baan 26 YEARS Bob Sparks Bob Henke 5 YEARS 27 YEARS Steve Earl Tom Strout Jack Stephens Curt Nilsen 9 YEARS 33 YEARS Jim Kelly Ethan Allen 10 YEARS 48 YEARS Jerry Morgan Barrie Cruickshank 11 YEARS 51 YEARS John Richmond Jim Stecklein 13 YEARS 57 YEARS George Burgess Don Jenkins Dick Menagh 59 YEARS 14 YEARS Dave Temple Jerry Laiblin 61 YEARS Bob Schaefer Ed Saunders (deceased) 64YEARS Carlos Bailey (deceased)


CHRISTIAN EMPHASIS The Gives & Takes of Life

One of the most difficult things to give away is kindness, for it is

usually returned, if only by a smile. Blessed are those who can give without remembering, and take without forgetting. Did you give him a life? He’s a brother of man, and bearing all the burden he can. Did you give him a smile? He was downcast and blue. A smile would have helped him to battle it through. Did you give him a hand? He was slipping down hill, and the world, or so I fancied, was using him ill. Did you give him a word? Did you show him the road? Or just let him go on with his load? One of the most important trips a man can make, is in meeting the other fellow halfway! …….anonymous + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + THOUGHTS FOR THE DAY ## Imagination was given to man to compensate him for what he is not, and a sense of humor was given to console him for what he is. ## The oldest, shortest words….”yes and no”...are those which require the most thought ! ************************************

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