
Julia Kunze e025 Case Studies in Sport Management to take advantage of the values conveyed by sport to increase knowledge and skills, enabling people to develop their physical capabilities and inclination to personal effort, as well as social capabilities such as teamwork, solidarity, tolerance and fair play in a multicultural context individual benefits Health Fitness dealing with stress enhancing life quality social benefits tackling isolation building social networks community benefits using sport as a vehicle of communication between refugees, asylum seeker groups and host communities societal benefits reducing problems of crime and delinquency * Good image- social value * Innovation through new cultural aspects * Higher quality through new contacts and cooperation * More volunteers * More members for club, making competition possible * Searching for talents higher success * Contacts, advising and help from other organizations Brandenburg Beachcamp 2016 Integration through Special women days AD8c8 the value of sporting activities should not be underestimated can be key in relation both to aspects of integration with the local community and to the quality of everyday life Goals such as teaching the values of solidarity, respect for others, participation and fair play, fostering participation in public life and promoting democratic values and citizenship, particularly amongst young people outcomes such as promoting tolerance, acceptance and respect for diversity towards others, inter-cultural understanding and the combating of all forms ofdiscrimination The Roles of Sport and Education in the Social Inclusion of Asylum Seekers and Refugees: An Evaluation of Policy and Practice in the UK/ Mahfoud Amara /Fred Coalter / Dawn Aquilina / John Taylor / Elesa Argent / Moran Betzer-Tayar/ Mick Green / Ian Henry / Institute of Sport and Leisure Policy Loughborough University / University of Stirling _The_Roles_of_Sport_an d_Education_in_the_Social_Inclusion_of_Asylum_Seekers_and_Refugees_An_Eva luation_of_Policy_and_Practice_in_the_UK _The_Roles_of_Sport_an d_Education_in_the_Social_Inclusion_of_Asylum_Seekers_and_Refugees_An_Eva luation_of_Policy_and_Practice_in_the_UKdosb/arbeitsfelder/ids/files/downloads_pdf/downloads_2009/Werkheft_kompl ett.pdfdosb/arbeitsfelder/ids/files/downloads_pdf/downloads_2009/Werkheft_kompl ett.pdf

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