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j u l i a ( y u - j i n ) c h a n g

u n d e r g r a d p o r t f o l i o

p o r t f o l i o w o r k f r o m S e p t . 2 0 0 8 - A p r i l 2 0 1 0

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Page 3: Julia C. undergrad portfolio

r e - t h i n k i n g r e t a i l / c o m m e r c i a l s p a c e Thesis 4th year - duration: Sept. 2009 - April 2010

r e - a s s e m b l y r e q u i r e d c o m p e t i t i o n student competition - duration: Feb. 2010

s u s t a i n a b l e l i v i n g studio work 3th year - duration: Jan. 2009 - April 2009

H o t e l d e s i g n - Blossom studio work - duration: Sept. 2008- Dec. 2008

Pg. 1-16

Pg. 17-18

Pg. 19-26

Pg. 27-28

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j u l i a ( y u - j i n ) c h a n g

r e - t h i n k i n g r e t a i l / c o m m e r c i a l s p a c e


Thesis 4th year - duration: Sept. 2009 - April 2010

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j u l i a ( y u - j i n ) c h a n g

Designers: Amanda, Ewa Konart, Amy Jill Snook, Karen CarrilloBrand: Freedom Clothing +offers trendy and unique clothing made from repur-posed fabrics.

Designer: Susan HarrisonBrand: Susan harris Design+environmentally mindful fashions to fit your own unique style.

Designer: Founder, Julia Grieve and Creative Director, Peter FriesenBrand: Prelovedn+focuses on environmentally and socially responsible.

To create a communal space that is socially responsible; enhancing the urban experience through consumption of mer-chandise, food, and knwoledge.

To create a space that generates knowl-edge; which enables various activities of gathering and sharing information within the social atmosphere.

To create architecture that is sustain-able. Thus, the architecture enriches the greater well-being for the community.

i d e a

t a r g e t e d u s e r s

This project is on-going project for thesis. Over a year, the extensive research has been done to understand the essential part of retail design and further develope the project into rebirth of 21st century retail architecture.

p r o j e c t s c o p e


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j u l i a ( y u - j i n ) c h a n g

s i t e : d i s t i l l e r y d i s t r i c t Location: 55 Mill Street Toronto Ontario Canada M5A 3C4


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j u l i a ( y u - j i n ) c h a n g

1. The first layer, Ground; the mother nature.

s i t e a n a l y s i s

Mill Street

Tank house lane





Parliament Square Park

Case goods lane







2. The second layer, the road; the given linear transitional road

3. The third layer, the historical building that forms around the road.

4. The fourth layer, graphic space occupied by artisans

5. The fifth Layer, the pedestrian’s way; giving not only linear

form of transitional but also the freedom of walking in any

way or form.

6. The last layer, public transportation

Site planScale: 1/128”=1’-0”

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j u l i a ( y u - j i n ) c h a n g

e x i s t i n g f l o o r p l a n

Ground Floor PlanScale: 1/32”= 1’-0”

West Elevation South Elevation


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j u l i a ( y u - j i n ) c h a n g

e x i s t i n g f l o o r p l a n

East Elevation North Elevation

Second Floor PlanScale: 1/32”= 1’-0”


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j u l i a ( y u - j i n ) c h a n g

p r o g r a m m e m o d e l



creative studio


mechanical studio

creative education learning space











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j u l i a ( y u - j i n ) c h a n g

p r o g r a m m e p l a n n i n g

Total Sq. ft : 15048 sq. ft

Social : 2150 sq. ft(park, cafe, seating)

Education: 2675 sq. ft(lecture area, creative learn-ing, library, seminar, internet access)

Studio: 4325 sq. ft(storage, meeting room, creative working space, work stations, computer room, technical room, pattern mak-ing room, lunch area, loading area)

Retail: 5898 Sq. Ft(Theme exhibition, exhibition area, clothing display, fitting room, storage, seating area, cash area)


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j u l i a ( y u - j i n ) c h a n g

s i t u a t i o n a n a l y s i s


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j u l i a ( y u - j i n ) c h a n g

a r c h i t e c t u r a l a n a l y s i s


Transforming roof structure

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j u l i a ( y u - j i n ) c h a n g

s p a c e p l a n n i n g m o d e l

Floor level changes for dividing the space Split floor allows for floating experience Visual Connection between Retail and studio

idea of wrapping garment around the body Studio area to connecting to social space building Retail space connecting to stuio and social space


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j u l i a ( y u - j i n ) c h a n g

p l a n n i n g a p p r o a c h



Private vs. Public The anchor The garment

inner garment

outer garment

Scale: 1/32=1’-0”



fashion display



Scale: 1/16=1’-0”Pivoted flow vs. linear flow


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j u l i a ( y u - j i n ) c h a n g

Ground Floor PlanScale: 1/32”= 1’-0”

West Elevation South Elevation

Second Floor Plan

s p a c e p l a n n i n g m o d e l



change room

display (Designer one)

display (Designer two) display (Designer three)

material lab


theme exhibition

sample board


pattern making room

sewing stations

client meeting room



designer’s office

designer’s office

designer’s office

casual wear display

change room

computer access

shoe display

open to below


bags display

accessories display



computer access

technical station

meeting roomopen space



media room

work stations


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j u l i a ( y u - j i n ) c h a n g

Third Floor PlanScale: 1/32”= 1’-0”

Roof Plan

East Elevation North Elevation

marketing MGR.



HR open space

meeting room

file storage

event staff

retail management


retail co-ordinater

magazine library


event space


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j u l i a ( y u - j i n ) c h a n g

S e c t i o n a l e l e v a t i o n





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j u l i a ( y u - j i n ) c h a n g

s p a c e p l a n n i n g m o d e l



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j u l i a ( y u - j i n ) c h a n g

r e - a s s e m b l y r e q u i r e d c o m p e t i t i o n

Site: the open ‘plaza’ in front of the 52 Division Toronto Police Service building on Dundas Street, between St. Patrick and Simcoe Streets.

Challenge: work with urban left-over barren space and turn it into urban experience, i.e. creative, designed, fertile, interac-tive, social experience and space.







student competition - duration: Feb. 2010

p r o j e c t s c o p e

c o c n e p t e l e v a t i o n

s e c t i o n


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j u l i a ( y u - j i n ) c h a n g

















p l a n c o n c e p t m o d e l


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j u l i a ( y u - j i n ) c h a n g

s i t e p l a n


Scale: 1/16”= 1’-0”

c l i e n t s t u d y

This project focuses on sustainable living for residen-tial space. The purpose of this rennovation design is to provide a living space on urban fabric as well as sustainable living.

Existing builidng location: 47 Bulwer street toronto, On

p r o j e c t s c o p e

Client : David Suzuki

Career: A leading Environmental Activist, Award-winning scientist, broadcaster, author, and cofounder of David Suzuki Foundation.

Belief: “In our preoccupation with keeping the econo-my growing, we fail to ask fundamental questions like what is an economy for, how much is enough and what are the important things in our lives.”

c o n c e p tThis residence for David Suzuki is a shelter, protec-tion, and the space that provides oasis of the nature.

Approporiate zoning of this residence provides pri-vacy for his study time, as well as public sideallow him to casually invite guests.

Landscape design allows dynamic activities. It is a place to enjoy reading, grow your own vegetables, as well as arranging seating sapce according to one’s needs.

s u s t a i n a b l e l i v i n g studio work 3th year - duration: Jan. 2009 - April 2009


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j u l i a ( y u - j i n ) c h a n g

f l o o r p l a n s i t e p l a n

Scale: 1/16”= 1’-0”Ground Floor Second FloorBasement Floor


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j u l i a ( y u - j i n ) c h a n g

e l e v a t i o n

B-04 South ElevationB-08 West Elevation

B-06 East Elevation B-02 North ElevationB-06 East Elevation B-06 North Elevation


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j u l i a ( y u - j i n ) c h a n g

c o n s t r u c t i o n d e t a i l s

1. Gypsum Board2. Sheet Metal3. Filler Board4. Insulation5. Galvanized wire mesh6. 1.6mm Zinc Sheet7. Screw8. Hot-dip Galvanized Steel9. Galvanized I-Beam10. Galvanized Corrugated Steel Details scale: 1/4”= 1’-0”

1. Cedar 2x22. Sheet Metal3. Filler Board4. Insulation/Framing Structure5. 2x4 Blocking6. Angled Blocking/joinery7. Polyethylene8. Gypsum Board/interior wall

Scale: 1/8”= 1’-0”C-01 Longitudinal Section

E-01 Roof Detail E-02 Partition DetailD-02 Exteior Wall Detail


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j u l i a ( y u - j i n ) c h a n g

L E E D ( L e a d e r s h i p i n E n e r g y a n d E n v i r o n m e n t a l D e s i g n )

SS Option D

Requirements: A Building that provides shade of 30% total non-roof impervious surfaces.


Shading of Non-Roof Impervious Surfaces:

Shade [%] = Shaded Impervious Area [sq.ft] / Total Impervious Area [sq.ft]

42% = 450 sq.ft / 10770 sq.ft


Total Site Area: 3770 Sq.ft

Total Impervious Area: 1070 Sq.ft

Total Gross Floor Area: 1500 Sq.ft

Total Green Area: 1800 Sq.ft

Site Selection Credit 2

Requirements: Building that is located within 800m of a residential zone and has pedestrian access to at least 10 of the basic services below within 800m.

1/2 point Achieved


Scale: 256”= 1’-0”


1/2 Mile

Basic Services including:

Bank, convenience Grocery, Cleaners, Hair Care, Dental, Park, Post Office, three Restaurants, School, Commercial office.

(Note: Restaurants can be counted max 3 )

1 point Achieved

This particular project’s main concern was to incorporate sus-tainable design. The next five pages shows how this residen-tial project has possibility of earning LEED certified building.

Sustainable Sites: guides one towards selecting the sties in ethnical and sustainable ways.

Water Efficiency:focuses on reduction of water usage with low-flow fixtures.

Energy and Atmosphere: guides towards reducing the building’s impact of energy consumption and its affects on environment.

Material and Resources:focuses on variety of ways to minimize the impact of green environment within the perimeter of materials.

Indoor Environmental Quality:allows preventing IEQ problems through various ac-tions that could be taken in order to minimize the devastating results.


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j u l i a ( y u - j i n ) c h a n g

L E E D - m a t e r i a l r e s o u r c e s

Water Efficiency Credit 1.2

Requirements: Based on tenant occupancy requirements, employ strategies that is aggregate use 30% less potable water than the water use baseline calculated for the tenant space.

Flush Fixture Daily uses Flow rate [LPF]

Duration [Flush]

Waterless Urinal

Composing Toilet

Conventional Lavatory

Occupants Water uses [L]

50 1 4 0

20 4 01

9.5 2 68412

Flush Fixture Daily uses Flowrate [LPF]

Duration [Sec]

Occupants Water uses [L]

Kitchen Sink



9.5 2 456122

9.5 2 57003001

Design Case Water use Calculation

1 4 120

4 30.41

2 85515


[Sec]Occupants Water uses


2 57015

2 5700300

Flush Fixture Daily usesFlowrate




Conventional Water Closet

Conventional Urinal

Conventional Lavatory

Occupants Water uses


5 6.0

2 3.8


Flush FixtureDaily uses



Kitchen Sink





Design Case Water use Calculation

Total Daily Volume=

7254.4 L

Daily Volume x Annual Days occupied=

7156.6 x 365

=2647856 L

249660 / 2647856 = 0.094 (9.4%)

Required Min. 20%

1 point Achieved

1 point Achieved

ETl [mm] (Evapotranspiration rate of specific landscape) = ET0 (Evapotranspiration rate in Toronto during July) x Kl

Trees ETl= 138 .2 x 0.125 = 17.275Shrubs Kl = 138.2 x 0.05 = 6.91Ground Covers Kl = 138.2 x 0.06 = 8.292

TPWA (Total portable water applied) [l] = ETL [mm] / IE (Irrigation Type)Trees TPWA = 17.275 / 0.9 (drip) = 19.19Shrubs TPWA = 6.91 / 0.9 (Drip) = 7.6Ground Covers TPWA = 8.292 / 0.9 (Drip) = 9.21Total TPWA = 19.19 + 7.6 + 9.21 = 36 (L) 1/2 point Achieved

Vegetation Type Species Factor


Density Factor




0.5 0.50.5

0.5 0.50.2

0.2 0.6 0.5Ground Covers

Microclimate Factor


Scale: 256”= 1’-0”



Given Site






1/4 m


Site Selection : 3 points Achieved

Site Selection Option H

Requirements: A building that uses only captured rain to eliminate all portable water use for site airgun

Site Selection Option G

Requirements: Use captured rain or recycled site water

Kl (Landscape Coefficient) =

Ks x Kd x Kmc

Trees KL= 0.5 x 0.5 x 0.5 = 0.125

Shrubs KL= 0.2 x 0.5 x 0.5 = 0.05

Ground covers KL= 0.2 x 0.6 x 0.5 = 0.06

Site Selection Credit 3.1

Requirements: Building within 400m (1/4 mile) of two or more public bus line usable by tenant occupants

Public Bus Line:Spadina Streetcar line TTC StreetcarQueen Street line TTC Streetcar

L E E D - w a t e r e f f i c i e n c y


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j u l i a ( y u - j i n ) c h a n g

Energy Atmosphere Credit 1.4

Requirements: For all ENERGY STAR eligible equipment and appliances installed in the project including appliances, electronics, and equipment(excluding HVAC, lighting and building envelope products) of 70%

Rated Power [watts]

Number in Project

Number of Energy Star

Total power in Project [watts]

Power that is Energy star

120 2 1 240 120

120 1 1 120 120

451 1 45 45

7501 1 750 750

1001 1 100 100

Total power in Project [watts]=1255 WattsPower that is energy star=1135Percent Energy Star1135 / 1255

Energy Star Equipment

Desktop Computer

Desktop Printer

Fax Machine



1 point Achieved



1 point Achieved

Energy Atmosphere Credit 1.2

Requirements: Install daylight responsive controls in all regularly occupied spaces within 4.5m of windows and under skylights.

Control Method Control Type Control Device Model

Continous Dimming

Automatic continuous dimming

Automatic shutoff Time clock

RS-100BA Passive Infrared Wall Switch Vacancy Sensor

Vacancy Sensor

Motion Sensor RD-200 Passive Infrared (PIR) Dimming Wall Switch Vacancy SensorSwitch Vacancy RT Series Time Switches Sensor

Switching Photosensor LightSaver LS-102 Daylighting Controller Living





Zone Occupancy

Studio Tenant


L E E D - m a t e r i a l r e s o u r c e s

L E E D - e n e r g y a t m o s p h e r e

Material Resources Credit 1.1

Requirements: Occupants commits to remain in the same location for not less that 10 years

Material Resources Credit 3.2

Requirements: Use salvaged, refurbished, or reused materials for at least 10% of building materials, excluding furniture and furnishings.

2 point Achieved

Salvaged Material

Wall paneling from wood flooring

Used demountable full-height walls

Door hardware

On-site off-site

Modification made to on-site materials or off site




Salvaged, re milled

Finish item refurbished


Replacement value

$ 3000

$ 2000

$ 400

Total Salvaged Material Value $ 5400Total construction material cost $ 62012 Less MEP Material Value $ 8000Net construction Material Value $ 54012 % Salvaged [5400 / 54012] = 10%

Material Resources Credit 3.3

Requirements: Use salvaged, refurbished or used furniture and furnishings for 30% of the total furniture and furnishings budget

1 point Achieved

Product Name


Reused Desk

Source Replacement Value

Refurbished Fabric

Salvaged Manufacturer

Total Salvaged Material Value $ 3200Total Division 12 Material Value $ 7500% Salvaged [3200 / 7500] 42%



Reused chairs Salvaged Manufacturer 300

Material Resources Credit 1.2

Requirements: Maintain at least 40 % by area of existing non-shell, non-structure components


Finished Ceiling

Finished Flooring

Interior wall Partitions

Prior ConditionArea [sq.ft]

Complete Design Area [m2]

800 sq.ft

2000 sq.ft

500 sq.ft

Retained components Area [m2]

1485 sq.ft

2970 sq.ft

700 sq.ft


2000 sq.ft

500 sq.ft

3300 sq.ft3300 sq.ft

5155 sq.ft >33003300 / 5155 = 64% Interior non-structural component reuse 64% 2 point Achieved

Material Resources Credit 6

Requirements: Use rapidly renewable construction and Division 12 materials and products, made from plant that are typically harvested within 10 year or shorter cycle, for 5% of total value of all materials and products used in the project

1 point Achieved

Product Name

Cork Casework

Bamboo window blinds

Linoleum Flooring

Company % Renewable Renewable Value $


Bamboo Hardwoods

Rapidly renewable content info. SourceProduct $











Cut sheet

Manufacturer’s Detail

Cut sheet

Rapidly Renewable Materials Subtotal $ 4300Total Construction Material Value $ 78500Division 12 Material Value $ 7500 Total Project Material Value $ 86280% Rapidly Renewable Value [4300 / 86280] = 0.5%


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j u l i a ( y u - j i n ) c h a n g

L E E D - E n v r i o n m e n t a l Q u a l i t y

Environmental Quality Credit 1

Requirements: Install permanent monitoring and alarm systems that provide feedback on ventilation system.

1 point Achieved

Solution: building will be naturally vent with CO2 Sensors located within each naturally ventilated spaces. The CO2 sensors will each be located in interior zones such as, Studio, Kitchen, living and Bedroom.

Environmental Quality Credit 4.1

Requirements: All materials used in building interior must not exceed the requirements for emitting materials, Adhesive and Sealants


Dry wall panel Adhesive


Product VOC [g/l]

40 [g/l]

250 [g/l]

Non-porousSealant primer

250 [g/l]

1 point Achieved

VOC Limit [g/l]

50 [g/l]

250 [g/l]

250 [g/l]


1 point Achieved

Environmental Quality Credit 6.1

Requirements: Provide lighting controls for at least 90% of occupants.

Solution: building will be provided with lighting controls for every zones such as, Studio, Kitchen, living and Bedroom. providing flexible and comfortable space for occupants; enabling ability of controlling the day lighting with glare control and shutter blinds.

1 point Achieved

Environmental Quality Credit 7.1

Requirements: Comply with ASHRAE Standard 55-2004, Thermal Comfort Conditions for Human Occupancy

As outlined by ASHRAE STANDARD 55-2004,the thermal comfort for human occupancy is considered to be an important part of design phase. 1. site does not have contamination source within 7.5m. 2. values of assumed for comfort parameters includes clothing, metabolic rate, as well as air velocity and humidity.3. internal heating and cooling loads meeting the system capacities and its limitation needs to be considered.4. zoning in terms of thermal comfort as discussed above and appropriate zoning will determine requirements for ASHRAE STANDARD 55-2004

1 point Achieved

Environmental Quality Credit 7.2

Requirements: Provide a permanent monitoring system and process for corrective action to ensure performance to the desired comfort criteria as determined by EQ Credit 7.1

Considering that the building is naturally ventilated, it is critical to follow the guidelines of naturally-ventilated design features:

1. Operable windows2. Narrow Floor plates for effective cross-or single-sided ventilation 3. Highly articulated plans that expose interior zones to two or more exposure and wind pressure regimes 4. Building controls that ensure comfortable airflow under all or most climatic conditions.

Environmental Quality Credit 6.2

Requirements: Provide thermal and ventilation controls for at least 50% of the space.

Solution: building will be provided with thermal and ventilation controls for every zones.Also manage flexible and comfortable space for occupants enabling the ability to control operable windows located near windows.

1 point Achieved

1 point Achieved

Environmental Quality Credit 4.2

Requirements: Interior paints and coatings applied on-site must meet the limitations and restrictions concerning chemical components set by the stands


Interior Wall Paint Non-Flat

Interior Wall Coating Flat

Product VOC [g/l]

95.6 [g/l]

50 [g/l]

Protective Walkway Surface

69.4 [g/l]

VOC Limit [g/l]

150 [g/l]

50 [g/l]

150 [g/l]



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j u l i a ( y u - j i n ) c h a n g


Ground Floor

Second Floor

Third Floor

Penthouse Floor

h o t e l d e s i g n - Blossom

East elevation South elevation

Total Gross Floor Area:


Total number of suites: 20

Number of Single Suites: 12

Number of Double Suites: 4

Number of Penthouse

Suites: 5


Scale: 1/32”=1’-0”

Project focuses on working with existing building to transform into fashion-able hotel with strong conceptual ideas, which in result, promoting downtown Toronto for visitors from outside of GTA.

West elevation North elevationScale: 1/32”=1’-0”

c o c n e p t

p r o j e c t s c o p e

Fashion changes every season as in the notion of moving forward. Hence, as the season progresses, the beginning of the year starts with the blossom of flowers.

Hotel Blossom reflects the urban characteristics of Toronto Downtown, with the metaphorical expression of flower blossom.

studio work - duration: Sept. 2008- Dec. 2008


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j u l i a ( y u - j i n ) c h a n g

H o t e l d e s i g n

Typical suite in perspective

Overall space in a suite

Lobby perspective

Restuarant perspective Suite room perspective

Suite room perspective

Suite room perspective

Perspective renderings done with marker and computer programs: Rhinoceros and Maxwell Render.


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j u l i a ( y u - j i n ) c h a n g

u n d e r g r a d p o r t f o l i o

p o r t f o l i o w o r k f r o m S e p t . 2 0 0 8 - A p r i l 2 0 1 0

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