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TECHNICAL PAPERS593 A Transport Model for the Deterministic Stresses Associated With

Turbomachinery Blade Row Interactions (2000-GT-430)Allan G. van de Wall, Jaikrishnan R. Kadambi, andJohn J. Adamczyk

604 Unsteady Transport Mechanisms in an Axial Turbine (2000-GT-440)Claudia Casciaro, Martin Treiber, and Michael Sell

613 Effects of Tip Clearance on Hot Streak Migration in a High-SubsonicSingle-Stage Turbine (2000-GT-441)

Daniel J. Dorney and Douglas L. Sondak

621 Unsteady Effects in Turbine Tip Clearance Flows (2000-GT-444)Anil Prasad and Joel H. Wagner

628 Numerical and Experimental Investigation of Unsteady Flow Interaction Ina Low-Pressure Multistage Turbine (2000-GT-437)

Wolfgang Ho hn and Klaus Heinig

634 Separation Bubbles Under Steady and Periodic-Unsteady Main FlowConditions (2000-GT-270)

Weiliang Lou and Jean Hourmouziadis

644 The Use of Hot-Wire Anemometry to Investigate Unsteady Wake-InducedBoundary-Layer Development on a High-Lift LP Turbine Cascade(2000-GT-49)

Stefan Wolff, Stefan Brunner, and Leonhard Fottner

651 Secondary Flow Measurements in a Turbine Passage With Endwall FlowModification (2000-GT-212)

Nicole V. Aunapu, Ralph J. Volino, Karen A. Flack, andRyan M. Stoddard

659 Flow Measurements in a Nozzle Guide Vane Passage With a Low AspectRatio and Endwall Contouring (2000-GT-213)

Steven W. Burd and Terrence W. Simon

667 A Numerical Study of Secondary Flow in Axial Turbines With Applicationto Radial Transport of Hot Streaks (2000-GT-448)

Dilip Prasad and Gavin J. Hendricks

674 A Study of the Effects of Tip Clearance in a Supersonic Turbine(2000-GT-447)

Daniel J. Dorney, Lisa W. Griffin, and Frank W. Huber

684 Influence of Vane ÕBlade Spacing on the Heat Flux for a Transonic Turbine(2000-GT-206)

M. G. Dunn, C. W. Haldeman, R. S. Abhari, and M. L. McMillan

692 Time-Averaged Heat Flux for a Recessed Tip, Lip, and Platform of aTransonic Turbine Blade (2000-GT-197)

M. G. Dunn and C. W. Haldeman

699 High Free-Stream Turbulence Effects on Endwall Heat Transfer for a GasTurbine Stator Vane (2000-GT-201)

R. W. Radomsky and K. A. Thole

709 Influence of Surface Roughness on Heat Transfer and Effectiveness for aFully Film Cooled Nozzle Guide Vane Measured by Wide Band LiquidCrystals and Direct Heat Flux Gages (2000-GT-204)

S. M. Guo, C. C. Lai, T. V. Jones, M. L. G. Oldfield, G. D. Lock, andA. J. Rawlinson

Journal ofTurbomachineryPublished Quarterly by The American Society of Mechanical Engineers


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717 Heat Transfer and Pressure Distributions on a Gas Turbine Blade Tip (2000-GT-194)Gm. S. Azad, Je-Chin Han, Shuye Teng, and Robert J. Boyle

725 Heat Transfer and Flow on the Squealer Tip of a Gas Turbine Blade (2000-GT-195)Gm S. Azad, Je-Chin Han, and Robert J. Boyle

733 Recommendations for Achieving Accurate Numerical Simulation of Tip Clearance Flows in TransonicCompressor Rotors (99-GT-390)

Dale E. Van Zante, Anthony J. Strazisar, Jerry R. Wood, Michael D. Hathaway, and Theodore H. Okiishi

743 Experimental Investigation of the Blade-to-Blade Flow in a Compressor Rotor by Digital Particle ImageVelocimetry (2000-GT-55)

N. Balzani, F. Scarano, M. L. Riethmuller, and F. A. E. Breugelmans

751 Nonuniform Flow in a Compressor Due to Asymmetric Tip Clearance (2000-GT-416)Seung Jin Song and Seung Ho Cho

761 Analysis of Aerodynamically Induced Whirling Forces in Axial Flow Compressors (2000-GT-418)Z. S. Spakovszky

769 A Navier–Stokes Analysis of the Stall Flutter Characteristics of the Buffum Cascade (2000-GT-385)Stefan Weber and Max F. Platzer

777 Impeller–Diffuser Interaction in Centrifugal Compressor (2000-GT-428)Y. K. P. Shum, C. S. Tan, and N. A. Cumpsty

787 Author Index

ANNOUNCEMENT792 Information for Authors

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Volume 122, Number 4Journal of Turbomachinery OCTOBER 2000

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Allan G. van de Wall1

Jaikrishnan R. Kadambi

Department of Mechanical andAerospace Engineering,

Case Western Reserve University,Cleveland, OH 44106

John J. AdamczykNASA Glenn Research Center,

Cleveland, OH 44135

A Transport Model for theDeterministic Stresses AssociatedWith Turbomachinery Blade RowInteractionsThe unsteady process resulting from the interaction of upstream vortical structures with adownstream blade row in turbomachines can have a significant impact on the machineefficiency. The upstream vortical structures or disturbances are transported by the meanflow of the downstream blade row, redistributing the time-average unsteady kinetic en-ergy (K) associated with the incoming disturbance. A transport model was developed totake this process into account in the computation of time-averaged multistage turboma-chinery flows. The model was applied to compressor and turbine geometry. For compres-sors, the K associated with upstream two-dimensional wakes and three-dimensional tipclearance flows is reduced as a result of their interaction with a downstream blade row.This reduction results from inviscid effects as well as viscous effects and reduces the lossassociated with the upstream disturbance. Any disturbance passing through a compressorblade row results in a smaller loss than if the disturbance was mixed-out prior to enteringthe blade row. For turbines, the K associated with upstream two-dimensional wakes andthree-dimensional tip clearance flows are significantly amplified by inviscid effects as aresult of the interaction with a downstream turbine blade row. Viscous effects act toreduce the amplification of the K by inviscid effects but result in a substantial loss.Two-dimensional wakes and three-dimensional tip clearance flows passing through aturbine blade row result in a larger loss than if these disturbances were mixed-out priorto entering the blade row.@S0889-504X~00!01804-3#

IntroductionA series of experiments on a four-stage low-speed research

compressor reported on by Smith@1# was conducted in the late1960’s. He observed that the four-stage average total pressureefficiency increased when the axial gap between the rotors andstators was decreased. The results, shown in Fig. 1, show theefficiency as a function of the flow coefficient at a reduced gapcase~7 percent axial chord! and a wide gap case~37 percent axialchord!. The efficiency of the reduced gap case is approximatelyone point higher than the wide gap case. Observations by Miko-lajczak @2# for a compressor were similar. For a turbine, the effi-ciency is also a function of axial spacing; however, the oppositeeffect appears to be true. As the axial gap is increased, the effi-ciency of the turbine increases. Figure 2 shows the results for aseries of experiments on a reaction turbine@3#. The results showan increase in peak overall efficiency as the stator–rotor gap isincreased from 0.10 to 0.60 in. Note that the efficiency increasesrapidly to a value above which any increase in stator–rotor gapresults in no increase in efficiency. Similar observations for a 1.5stage low-speed turbine were reported by Sharma et al.@4#.

Using these examples, one can ask the following two questions:‘‘What process is causing this change in the efficiency with achange in axial gap?’’ and ‘‘Is this change the result of steady orunsteady flow processes?’’ These examples do not explicitly showthat the changes in performance are the result of unsteady flows.However, one possible explanation for the effect relating to un-steady flow is that a change in the mixing losses of wakes of eachblade row is occurring. The loss associated with a wake is not

fully realized until the wake under goes a viscous mixing process.If some process exists that can reduce the wake mixing loss, thetotal loss could be reduced. Consider a rotor followed by a stator.The wake of a rotor operating in isolation will convect down-stream and eventually decay by viscous means and incur a loss inefficiency. However, if the rotor is followed by a stator, the rotorwakes are then chopped up by the stator into segments and trans-ported through the stator by the time-average or mean flow. Thetransported wake segments are reoriented~i.e., the wake segmentsare tilted and stretched!. As the wake segments are tilted andstretched, vorticity kinematics begins to play a role changing thedecay of the rotor wake. The rotor wake decay in the stage nowinvolves two mechanisms, viscosity as well as the kinematics ofwake stretching and tilting resulting from the stator row. Vorticitykinematics can act to reduce~or increase! the velocity deficit as-sociated with a wake by a process that is reversible, thereforereducing~or increasing! the mixing loss associated with the wake.This was first postulated by Smith@5# and was referred to asrecovery.

This recovery process can have a significant impact on turbo-machine performance. Adamczyk@6# stated that the mixing lossof a compressor blade in a well-designed machine is approxi-mately 15 percent of the total loss of the blade. If 70 percent ofthe wake mixing loss could be reduced by recovery of the wake@7#, the total loss of the compressor blade could be reduced by10.5 percent. Smith@8# estimated that at design condition, therecovery process can yield a half-point increase in adiabaticefficiency.

The conclusions from this literature review provide evidencethat the effect on turbomachine performance of recovery is ofsignificant magnitude to justify further investigation. Since time-averaged codes used in turbomachinery analysis currently do notexplicitly include the effects of recovery, the objective of thispaper is to develop a model for this recovery process. The poten-

1Present address: General Electric Aircraft Engines, Cincinnati, OH.Contributed by the International Gas Turbine Institute and presented at the 45th

International Gas Turbine and Aeroengine Congress and Exhibition, Munich, Ger-many, May 8–11, 2000. Manuscript received by the International Gas Turbine Insti-tute February 2000. Paper No. 2000-GT-430. Review Chair: D. Ballal.

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tial payoff of this research is that the insight gained into the flowprocess associated with recovery will provide direction for im-proving turbomachine performance.

This paper is divided up into five further sections. In the nextsection, recovery is formally defined and methods for computingit are described. This is followed by a description of the develop-ment of a transport model to calculate recovery that can be used inthe time-averaged calculation of turbomachinery flows. A valida-tion study of the model is described next using the results ofprevious work as well as analytical models. The model is thenapplied to both compressor and turbine geometry of current inter-est. Finally, conclusions and recommendations for future work aredescribed.

RecoveryTo illustrate the physics behind recovery as postulated by Smith

@5#, two examples are given, one relating to a compressor and onerelating to a turbine. Imagine an unsteady process in which avelocity disturbance in thez direction is oriented perpendicular tothe centerline of a diffusing duct, and is convected by the meanflow ~Fig. 3!. Assuming the flow is two-dimensional, incompress-ible, and inviscid, and using Kelvin’s theorem, the circulationaround a loop of fluid that consists of the disturbance edge andcenterline~contourC! is constant throughout the duct and is givenby,

G5vdl 5const, (1)

wherevd is the disturbance depth, andl is the length of the dis-turbance segment. If the exit disturbance segment length is in-creased, the magnitude of the disturbance depth is reduced by areversible flow process. If the disturbance is now mixed-out byviscosity, it will incur a smaller loss than if the disturbance wasmixed-out prior to entering the duct. This situation simulates thatof a compressor, where the disturbance is a wake from the up-stream blade row and the wake segments are stretched as they areconvected through the downstream blade row.

Now consider a situation in which a velocity disturbance isoriented perpendicular to the centerline of an accelerating ductand is convected by the mean flow~Fig. 4!. The exit disturbance

Fig. 1 Change in efficiency for a four stage axial compressoroperating at two axial gaps †1‡

Fig. 2 Change in peak overall efficiency for a reaction turbinefrom data of WRIGHT AERONAUTICAL CORP †3‡

Fig. 3 Illustration of how a wake stretching in a diffusing ductsimulates compressor flows

Fig. 4 Illustration of how a wake compressing in an accelerat-ing duct simulates turbine flows

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length is reduced and therefore the depth is increased by a revers-ible flow process. If the disturbance is now mixed-out by viscos-ity, it will incur a larger loss than if the disturbance was mixed-outprior to entering the duct. This situation simulates that of a wakegenerated by an upstream blade row in a turbine, where the wakesegments are compressed as they are convected through the down-stream blade row.

Neither case incurs any loss until the wake nonuniformity ismixed-out by viscosity. However, the magnitude of the wakedepth is decreased in the compressor case and increased in theturbine case by inviscid means, this is the key to recovery. There-fore, one would expect the mixing loss to decrease in the case ofthe compressor and increase in the case of the turbine. However,in both of these cases, viscosity is acting concurrently with theinviscid mechanism to reduce the magnitude of the disturbance.This process is not reversible and will incur a loss. The relativemagnitudes of the inviscid and viscous mechanisms involved isimportant to determining the potential benefit from recovery. Fi-nally, in both of these examples, the upstream disturbance was awake caused by an upstream blade row. However, the same prin-ciples apply to any upstream vortical disturbance such as tip vor-tices, streamwise vorticies, and wakes caused by struts or otherobstructions in the primary flowpath.

In order to understand and calculate the recovery process, wefirst need to examine the mixing process of a flow nonuniformitysuch as a wake created by an upstream blade row for an unsteadysubsonic flow and determine how it relates to mixing loss. This isthe mixing loss that would occur if the wake were allowed tomix-out in isolation by viscosity alone. Adamczyk@7# showed thatfor an incompressible flow, the mixing loss could be evaluatedusing linear theory, but can also apply to higher order distur-bances. Later, van de Wall@9# came to the same conclusion for asubsonic flow. In addition, van de Wall@9# showed that in a sub-sonic flow, the mixing loss could be estimated to good accuracyby assuming that the flow is incompressible. If we only considerupstream vortical flow disturbances, the total pressure mixing losscoefficient can be written as@9#,

x5S u121v1


u02 D , (2)

where u, v, and w are the unsteady velocity components; theoverbar denotes time average. The subscript 0 represents the meanflow, which is equivalent to the time-averaged flow, and the sub-script 1 represents a linear unsteady disturbance to the mean flow.

Calculation of the Recovery Process. Having described andgiven an expression for the mixing loss, a method of obtaining theunsteady velocity components are required. To evaluate the mag-nitude of the recovery process, it is first necessary to define someterms. Assume that mixing planes are located at the inlet of and atthe exit of a blade row. If a disturbance is mixed-out at the inlet tothe blade row, it is equivalent to the disturbance mixing-out inisolation. This is the potential mixing loss. Now, if the disturbanceis passed through the blade row, neglecting viscous decay of thedisturbance, and mixed-out at the exit of the blade row, the dif-ference in mixing loss is amixing loss benefit. In other words, thechange in the mixing loss by inviscid means is the recovery. Ifviscosity is considered throughout the passage, it contributes to anadditional loss and is termedpassage loss.

Solving the unsteady Navier–Stokes equations will capture theeffects of the recovery process without modeling. However, it isdifficult to isolate the effects of recovery from other unsteadyeffects. In addition, the computational time required of three-dimensional unsteady solutions is still quite large.

Another way to capture the effects of recovery is to use a time-averaged code and model the recovery process through the use ofthe deterministic stress@10#. The deterministic stress is defined asvelocity correlations arising from time and passage-to-passage av-eraging of the ensemble-averaged Navier–Stokes equations. Ad-

amczyk @7# linked the recovery process to a component of thedeterministic stress through the use of the unsteady kinetic energyas follows:

K inlet2Kexit51

u0L Evol~uiuj !


]xjd vol, (3)

whereK inlet and Kexit is the unsteady kinetic energy at the inletand the exit to a blade row respectively, andL is the pitch of theblade row. The factor in the parentheses is the deterministic stress@10# and the derivatives are the gradient of the mean flow. Theintegral is taken over the volume consisting of periodic bound-aries and mixing planes upstream and downstream of the bladerow. The unsteady kinetic energy can be related to the mixing losscoefficient~Eq. ~2!! by



2~x inlet2xexit!5K inlet2Kexit , (4)

u0 is the axial mean flow.In this work, the approach taken to calculate the effect of the

recovery process is to develop a deterministic stress transportmodel, which consists of calculating the values in parenthesis inEq. ~3! throughout the geometry where the disturbance–blade rowencounter is occurring. There are two advantages of this approach.First, it provides a simplified model that designers can use. Sec-ond, it can provide insight into the mechanisms involved in recov-ery and thus give directions for improving turbomachine perfor-mance.

Model Development

Assumptions Used in Transport Model. Two sets of as-sumptions were used in the development of the transport model.The first set is obtained from the results of the mixing study@9#referred to in the previous section. They are that incompressibleflow and the use of linear theory are adequate to characterize therecovery process. The second set is obtained by the work of Ad-amczyk@7#, where he showed that the mixing loss is essentiallyindependent of the reduced frequency of the upstream distur-bance. The implications of this are that the frequency dependenceof the transport model can be omitted. This also means that thehigher harmonics needed to characterize the wake shape can alsobe neglected. A transport model for the deterministic stresses wasdeveloped such that the stresses are transported by the mean flow.

Derivation of the Transport Model. The equations govern-ing the transport of the deterministic stresses were derived in vande Wall @9# and are presented here. Its three-dimensional Carte-sian form~with the coordinatesx, y, andz as the axial, spanwise,and pitchwise coordinates, respectively! is presented here as:








]U j










1v tui




1v tuj





The upper case letters denote mean flow velocities, and the lowercase letters denote an unsteady perturbation from the mean. Thepis the unsteady pressure andv t is the turbulent viscosity. Thei andj are free indices and represent thex, y, andz components, and thek is a dummy index.

Term I in Eq. ~5! is a spatial gradient of a time-averaged termand is thus a transport term. It represents the transport of thedeterministic stress. TermsII and III are inviscid terms, labeledthe mean flow gradient terms. It is through these terms that thecoupling of the transport equation to the mean flow exists. Theseterms can be either positive or negative. In other words, throughthe mechanism of the mean flow gradients, energy from the un-

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steady flow ~deterministic stresses! can be either added or re-moved from the mean flow. This is contrary to turbulence theory,where the mean flow adds energy to the random unsteady flow,where the energy is ultimately dissipated, but the random un-steady flow in general does not add useful energy to the meanflow. On the right-hand side of Eq.~5! are the source/sink terms.TermsIV andV are the pressure velocity correlation terms with itstrace representing the work done by unsteady pressure fluctua-tions. The last two terms~TermsVI andVII! are the viscous terms.Note that the deterministic stress transport equation is similar tothe transport equation for the Reynolds stress with the triple cor-relation term omitted. The dropping of the triple correlation termis based on the linearization procedure used in the construction ofEq. ~5! @9#.

The transport equations~Eq. ~5!! are written in a convenientform such that the various terms can be turned on and off todetermine their effect. For example, the inviscid form of the trans-port equation would omit termsVI and VII. The effect of thepressure–velocity terms will be shown to be significant.

Equation~5! represents a coupled set of three equations in twodimensions, and six equations in three dimensions. The mean flowquantities as described are known. For three-dimensions, thisleaves six deterministic stress components, the unsteadypressure–velocity terms, and the viscous terms as unknowns.With only six equations and eight unknowns, the transport modelis underspecified and requires that a model be developed for thepressure–velocity correlation terms and the viscous terms.

The pressure–velocity terms were developed based on the high-frequency limit of the theory of rapid distortion as described invan de Wall@9#. The terms are presented in Appendix A.

The viscous terms were developed based on the similarity be-tween the transport equations~Eq. 5! and the work of Hill et al.@11#. Hill et al. @11# developed a model for a wake decaying onthe centerline of a duct with a non-zero pressure gradient, whereboth inviscid and viscous mechanisms act on the wake. The wakeis stretched or compressed depending on whether the pressuregradient in the duct is favorable or adverse respectively. Thissituation simulates both compressor and turbine cases where thewake is stretched or compressed. The equations are presented inAppendix A.

Solution Procedure for the Transport Equations. The so-lution of the transport equations requires that the mean flow beknown. For this work, the mean flows were inviscid and two-dimensional and were generated by PCPANEL developed by Mc-Farland @12# and SFLOW developed by Hoyniak@13#. Thestreamfunction~i.e., see Appendix A! associated with the meanflow was obtained by the code LINFLO developed by Verdonet al. @14#. The mesh as well as the corresponding mean flowvelocities were used as input to the transport code. The inviscidforms of the transport equations are independent of the reducedfrequency of the upstream disturbance as well as independent ofthe length scale of the disturbance. However, when consideringthe viscous form of the model, the length scale must be included.This requires specifying the initial disturbance half width,b ~i.e.,the width from the centerline to the edge!, and the initial distur-bance depth,vd .

The inlet deterministic stresses,u1u1, u1v1, v1v1, u1w1,v1w1, andw1w1, were specified depending on the upstream dis-turbance modeled and are given in Appendix B. All deterministic

stresses are normalized by the inlet unsteady kinetic energy,K inlet

~i.e., 1/2u1u111/2v1v111/2w1w1). The procedure used to solvethe equations employs a finite volume technique with a Runge–Kutta integration as described by Celestina et al.@15# and Adam-czyk et al.@16#.

A typical run for a two-dimensional calculation requires ap-proximately 1 minute using an R10000 Silicon Graphics worksta-tion on a 90331 mesh. The same geometry utilizing a three-dimensional mesh with 31 spanwise mesh points requiresapproximately 30 minutes to complete. These run times assumethat the mean flow is known and is input to the code.

Validation StudyFor validation, the transport model was compared against ana-

lytical methods, established computational methods, and in onecase experimental data. These comparison methods are describedin detail in van de Wall@9# and are listed in Table 1 along withtheir applicability. Smith’s model~1! is valid at inlet and exit of ablade row only and is based on the velocity triangles of the meanflow. It assumes that the wake segment remains straight as theyconvect through the blade row. Comparison method 2, the UVF~unsteady vortical field! model @9# is an analytical model for thefar downstream unsteady velocity field. It is based on lineartheory and does not include the effect of shed vorticity caused bythe time-varying loading on the blades caused by the incomingwakes. The LINFLO code is unsteady and includes the effect ofshed vorticity. It is valid throughout the blade row.

For all of the comparisons in this section, the inlet boundaryconditions used consist of two-dimensional blade wakes andthree-dimensional tip clearance flow structures described inAppendix B.

Compressor Comparisons

Two-Dimensional Wake Comparisons—Turning Duct.Thefirst validation case consists of a turning duct with incident two-dimensional wakes. This case validates the inviscid form of thetransport model for a compressor. Imagine a set of infinitely thincompressor stators, where the inlet rotor wake angle,uw , can bevaried. The insert in Fig. 5 shows the compressor duct, where theinfinitely thin wall was chosen so that the effect of blade thicknessis neglected. In addition, the duct includes inlet and exit exten-sions so that the effect of wake impingement on the leading edgeis neglected. The stators turn the mean flow through an angle of45 deg, where the exit flow is axial.

Figure 5 shows a comparison of the pitchwise averageKexit* , asa function ofuw for the transport model, Smith’s model, the UVFmodel, and the LINFLO code. Both the UVF model and the LIN-FLO code are at a reduced frequency of fifteen. The agreementbetween all the model is very good for270,uw,210 deg,which covers the range of wake angles for axial flow compressors.The results from the LINFLO code start diverging from the othersat uw.210 deg. The UVF model has some oscillation from 10,uw,45 deg.

Table 1 Comparison methods

Comparison Method Applicability

~1! Smith’s Model@5# Two Dimensional, steady, inviscid, avgKexit only ~analytical!~2! UVF Model @9# Two Dimensional, unsteady, linear, inviscid,~analytical!~3! LINFLO code @14# Two Dimensional, unsteady, linear, inviscid~computational!~4! Navier-Stokes results@18# Three Dimensional, unsteady, nonlinear, viscous~computational!-GE_LSRC~5! Experimental@21# Two Dimensional measurement of a Three Dimensional flow~exerpimental!-NASA Stator37

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Two-Dimensional Wake Comparisons—GE-LSRC.The nexttest geometry is of a low-speed model of stage 7 stator taken froma 10-stage compressor@17# with incident two-dimensional bladewakes. This test case was chosen to compare the inviscid form ofthe transport model to unsteady Navier–Stokes results fromValkov @18#. The blade section used is at 70 percent of statorspan. It is characterized by an inlet flow angle of 46.4 deg, exitflow angle of 19.1 deg, and a solidity of 1.67. Figure 6 shows themixing loss benefit, (x inlet2xexit), in units of total pressure losscoefficient~Eq. ~2!! as a function of the inlet wake velocity defectin the rotor relative reference frame. The inlet rotor wake is ori-ented atuw5249.7 deg, which places the wake disturbance ap-proximately perpendicular to the stator inlet mean flow. Over thisrange of wake deficits,x inlet varies from 0.0028 to 0.0247. Theresults from the transport model compare very well with theNavier–Stokes results for inlet wake defects less than 50 percent.However, for wake defects in excess of 50 percent the transportmodel over predicts themixing loss benefits. This could be causedby two reasons. First, more viscous diffusion exists at larger wakedefects, which is not captured by the inviscid form of the transportmodel. Second, it could be caused by nonlinear effects, which thetransport model neglects.

Three points can be made regarding the results presented in Fig.6 in terms of the assumptions used in the derivation of the trans-port model. First, the work of Valkov@18# included a viscousmean flow, while the mean flow used in the transport model wasinviscid. This implies that the boundary layer flow does not sig-nificantly affect the wake recovery. Second, since Valkov’s@18#results are nonlinear, the good agreement with the transport modeljustifies the use of linear unsteady flow models in the transportequations. Finally, since the work of Valkov@18# was unsteady,

while the transport model neglects the effects of reduced fre-quency, the good comparison justifies neglecting the frequencyeffects in the transport model.

Three-Dimensional Tip Vortex Comparisons—GE-LSRC.Forthis case, the mean flow remains two dimensional; however, theupstream disturbance is three dimensional. The upstream distur-bance is that of a tip clearance flow and resembles an axisymmet-ric wake and is essentially a defect in total pressure. It can bedescribed as a velocity deficit region, however, unlike a two-dimensional wake, the vorticity is no longer purely spanwise. Novelocity disturbance exists in the spanwise direction.

A comparison is made between the transport model and a com-putation conducted by Valkov@18# using an unsteady three-dimensional Navier–Stokes code. Table 2 gives a comparison ofthe change in the area-averaged loss across the stator for the trans-port model and the results of Valkov@18# in terms of the totalpressure loss coefficient. The first line shows themixing loss ben-efit due to recovery~inviscid estimate!. Note that the transportmodel gives this value directly by turning off the viscous terms.The second line shows themixing loss benefitwhen consideringboth the inviscid and viscous effects. The final line shows thepassage lossthat is caused by viscous mixing of the tip clearanceflow within the passage. This is not beneficial because the reduc-tion in K is caused by viscous mixing. The net benefit to themixing loss is simply the difference between lines 2 and 1. Thetransport model agrees quite well against the unsteady nonlinearNavier–Stokes results of Valkov@18#.

Turbine Comparisons

Two-Dimensional Wake Comparisons.The next validationcase consists of a turning duct designed to accelerate the meanflow. The incident wakes are two dimensional. The geometry con-sists of a NACA0012 airfoil with no camber at a stagger angle of240 deg, and a solidity of one. It has an axial inlet flow, and a240 deg exit flow.

Figure 7 shows the effect on recovery of varying the inlet wakeangle. The wake angle is varied from 0 deg, which is the limit of

Fig. 5 Pitchwise average normalized K exit for the 45 deg turn-ing duct „no viscosity …

Fig. 6 Mixing loss benefit for several inlet wake defectsFig. 7 Pitchwise average K exit versus inlet wake angle for the40 deg turbine, no viscosity

Table 2 Mixing loss benefit for tip flow

Mixing Loss Benefit Area Average Area Average~Total Pressure Loss Loss Loss

Coefficient! Transport Model @18#

x inlet-x inlet ~Inviscid! 0.0027 0.0033x inlet-xexit ~Viscous! 0.0041 0.0043Passage 0.0014 0.0010

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zero wheel speed of the blade row generating the wake, to 90 deg,the infinite wheel speed limit. Figure 7 shows a comparison of thepitchwise average ofKexit* as a function of the inlet wake angle,uw , for the transport model, Smith’s model, and the UVF model.The transport and UVF model compare very well. Smith’s modeloverpredicts the results of the other two models significantly. Thiscan be explained by the fact that Smith’s model assumes that thewakes remain straight as they transport through the blade row.This does not occur in the case of a turbine and is explainedfurther in the Results section.

The last comparison is for a fixed inlet wake angle,uw

545 deg. Figure 8 shows the distribution ofKexit* across the pas-sage. The comparison of the distribution ofKexit* between thetransport and UVF models is good with the transport model givinga larger amplification near midpitch. The LINFLO results are inreasonable agreement with the transport model over most of thepitch. The divergence in the inner and outer pitch regions iscaused by a lack of grid points in LINFLO to resolve the finespatial details near the blade and wake surfaces.

ResultsThe previous section illustrated the validity of the transport

model and gave confidence in applying the model to a compressorand turbine geometry of current interest. In the results that are tofollow, only the exit unsteady kinetic energy as well as half ofeach of the unsteady kinetic energy components of the determin-istic stresses are shown~i.e., 1/2u1u1, 1/2v1v1, and 1/2w1w1).For the cases shown, the exit is at one chord downstream of theblade trailing edge. All unsteady kinetic energy components arenormalized byK inlet . As in the validation cases, the mean flow istwo dimensional and inviscid. However, both two and three-dimensional disturbances representing two-dimensional bladewakes and three-dimensional clearance vortices~wakes!, respec-tively, are used. This allows the direct investigation of the three-dimensional nature of the disturbance flow. Details about the dis-tribution of all the deterministic stress components within theblade passage as well as the application of the model to othergeometry are given in van de Wall@9#.

Compressor Recovery Predictions

Effect of Inlet Wake Angle on Recovery.Consider again theresults of the turning duct case shown in Fig. 5, where the effectsof viscosity are neglected. An inlet wake angle of 45 deg repre-sents the limit of zero wheel speed, and an inlet wake angle of290 deg represents the limit of infinite wheel speed. The pitch-wise averageKexit* associated with the wake is less than one formost of the inlet wake angles. This means that the wake mixingloss is reduced as a result of the encounter with the blade row,resulting in amixing loss benefit. However, nearuw545 deg, thesteady flow limit,K, is being amplified. This can be explained as

follows. The wake is traveling downstream and is being com-pressed by the slowing of the mean flow. This results in an in-crease in the wake depth and therefore an increase in the wakemixing loss. A typical compressor design point velocity trianglewill put uw>245 deg, the wake being perpendicular to the inletmean flow. At this point, the mixing loss of the wake is reducednearly 80 percent, which is a substantial amount. In addition, no-tice that Kexit* is insensitive to the wake angle near the designpoint. This implies that severe off design operation can still resultin a substantialmixing loss benefit.

Recovery Within a Compressor Stator.The geometry is of alow speed model of stage 7 stator taken from a 10-stage compres-sor @17# as discussed in the Validation section. The geometry isshown in Fig. 9.

Figure 9 shows the transport of the wakes through the compres-sor stator by the mean flow in the blade-to-blade plane. The wakesare shown as lines whose spacing is equal to the distance betweenthe wakes. The inlet wake angle,uw , is 249.7 deg, resulting invalues for the inlet deterministic stresses foru1u1, u1w1, andw1w1 of 0.418,20.493, and 0.582, respectively. Any determinis-tic stresses involving the spanwise component of the unsteadyvelocity is zero. The wakes essentially remain straight as they aretransported through the stator passage. Near the exit of the bladerow, the wakes bow slightly. Recalling that Smith’s model as-sumes that the disturbances remain straight, it appears that this isa good approximation for compressors. However, Smith’s modelonly gives the average value ofKexit* , where the transport modelgives the distribution of all the deterministic stresses throughoutthe passage. Figure 10 shows the unsteady kinetic energy compo-nents of the deterministic stress as well asKexit* , as a function ofpitch for both two-dimensional and three-dimensional wakes. Thiscalculation is from the inviscid form of the transport model. Theexit pitch coordinate is normalized by the exit pitch, where valuesof zero and one represent the suction and pressure surfaces of theblade, respectively. The value ofKexit* is less than one for both thetwo-dimensional and three-dimensional wakes across the entirepitch, indicating that a wakemixing loss benefitis occurring.Kexit*for the three-dimensional wake is greater than the two-dimensional wake. This is primarily the result of the increase inthe value of thev1v1 component of the deterministic stress. At theinlet, thev1v1 stress component is zero, since there is no spanwisevelocity component of the disturbance. Near the suction surface,Kexit* is essentially identical for both two-dimensional and three-dimensional disturbances. The smaller value ofKexit* near the pres-

Fig. 8 Distribution of normalized K exit for the 40 deg turbine„no viscosity …

Fig. 9 Transport of disturbances through GE-LSRC with uwÄÀ49.7 deg

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sure side indicates that the wake is being stretched more locallythan near the suction side of the passage. In addition, the largervalue of w1w1 near the suction side indicates a more pitchwiseorientation of the disturbance. This can be seen in Fig. 9.

In order to determine the effects causing the change inK frominlet to exit, the transport equation can be written as

Transport of K5~DK by mean flow gradients!

1~DK by unsteady pressure!

1~DK by viscosity!.

To determine the various effects onK, the appropriate terms inthe transport model are turned off. For example, to determine themean flow gradient effect onK, the unsteady pressure and viscousterms are turned off. Figure 11 shows the various effects causingthe decay ofK for both two-dimensional and three-dimensionalwakes. The line on the far right is the inviscid decay inK causedby mean flow gradients alone, reducingK to approximately 60percent of its inlet value. Notice that the decay is identical forboth two-dimensional and three-dimensional wakes. This is be-cause the mean flow is two dimensional, and no velocity distur-bance exists upstream in the spanwise direction, resulting in nomechanism to increase the value ofv1v1. When the unsteadypressure effects are considered,K is decayed even further; how-ever, with the unsteady pressure term modeled, there is a differ-ence inK for the two-dimensional and three-dimensional wakes.As described above, this is primarily caused by the increase in thev1v1 component of the deterministic stress caused by the coupling

of the transport equations through the unsteady pressure term.Finally, when viscous effects are considered,K is decayed evenfurther. For a three-dimensional wake, the viscous mixing has alarger effect than for the two-dimensional wake. The resultingKexit* is ultimately the mixing loss associated with the upstreamdisturbance, which is approximately 20 percent of the inlet value.The inviscid effects reduced the mixing loss by approximately 60percent. However, the viscous mixing within the passage must betaken as a loss. Both the inviscid effects and viscous effects arecomparable in terms of the decay inK; therefore, both effectsmust be considered when modeling the recovery process. Onefinal note on recovery in compressors is that the upstream distur-bance is almost completely attenuated by its interaction with adownstream blade row.

Turbine Recovery Predictions

Effect of Inlet Wake Angle on Recovery.Consider again theresults of the 40 deg turbine cascade case shown in Fig. 7, wherethe effects of viscosity are neglected. An inlet wake angle of 0 degrepresents the limit of zero wheel speed, and an inlet wake angleof 90 deg represents the limit of infinite wheel speed. Thepitchwise-averagedK associated with the wake is greater than onefor most of the inlet wake angles. This means that the wake mix-ing loss is increased as a result of the encounter with the bladerow resulting in a mixing loss increase. Near 0 deg, the steadyflow limit, K, is being reduced. This can be explained as follows.The wake is traveling downstream and is being stretched by theacceleration of the mean flow, resulting in a decrease in the wakedepth and therefore a decrease in the wake mixing loss. Turbinestypically have inlet wake angles in the neighborhood of 45 deg. Atthis point, the mixing loss of the wake is increased by a factorgreater than 2. Notice, that the mixing loss is sensitive to inletwake angle, which is not the case for the compressor~Fig. 5!.

Recovery Within a Turbine Rotor.The geometry is of a low-speed turbine rotor designed by Pratt & Whitney@19#. The turbinerotor is characterized by an inlet flow angle of235 deg, and exitflow angle of 57 deg, and a solidity of 1.13. The geometry isshown in Fig. 12. The inlet wakes are identical to the compressorblade of the previous section for comparative purposes.

Figure 12 shows the transport of the wakes through the turbinerotor by the mean flow in the blade-to-blade plane. The inlet dis-turbance angle is260 deg, resulting in values for the inlet deter-ministic stresses foru1u1, u1w1, andw1w1 of 0.250, 0.433, and0.750, respectively. Any deterministic stress involving the span-wise component of the unsteady velocity is zero. It is obvious thatthis picture of the wakes transporting through the turbine is quitedifferent from that of the compressor~Fig. 9!. As the wakes ap-proach the leading edge plane of the blade, they begin to bow nearmidpitch due to the acceleration of the flow. As they convectdownstream, they become significantly distorted. The wake is be-ing stretched near the blade surfaces, but it is not clear over howmuch of the passage the stretching occurs, and where if any com-pression of the disturbance is taking place. In the compressor case,it was clear that the wake segments were being stretched. Thissignificant distortion calls into question the validity of Smith’smodel, which assumes that the wakes remain straight as they aretransported through the passage. This also helps explain whySmith’s model overpredicts the mixing loss as shown in Fig. 7.Some recovery must be occurring near the blade surfaces by thestretching of the wake segments, which Smith’s model does nottake into account.

Figure 13 shows the unsteady kinetic energy components of thedeterministic stress as well asKexit* as a function of pitch for bothtwo-dimensional and three-dimensional wakes. This calculation isfrom the inviscid form of the transport model. Over most of thepassage, the value ofKexit* is greater than one indicating an ampli-fication of K is occurring. As in the case of the compressor,Kexit*for the three-dimensional disturbance is greater than the two-

Fig. 10 Deterministic stresses versus pitch for GE-LSRC, noviscosity

Fig. 11 Audit of normalized K exit versus pitch for GE-LSRC

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dimensional disturbance. This is caused by the increase in thevalue of thev1v1 component of the deterministic stress. Thev1v1component is the only component which is amplified near thepressure surface. As seen in the compressor case, near the suctionsurface, the value ofKexit* is identical for both two-dimensionaland three-dimensional wakes. Bothu1u1 and w1w1 componentsare comparable in magnitude and are attenuated near the bladesurfaces. For a two-dimensional wake, over 40 percent of thepitch near both the pressure and suction surfaces,Kexit* is less thanone, indicating that the wake is being stretched. In fact,Kexit* is

near zero, indicating that the wake is being stretched significantly.The negative values are the result of numerical errors and are notphysical.

Figure 14 shows the various effects causing the change inKfrom inlet to exit for both two-dimensional and three-dimensionalwakes. The line on the far right of Fig. 14 is the inviscid effect onK caused by the mean flow gradient alone, and is the same forboth two-dimensional and three-dimensional wakes as discussedabove. Near the suction surface and from approximately midpitchto the pressure surface, the value ofKexit* is very large. When theunsteady pressure effects are considered,Kexit* is reduced signifi-cantly, but it is still greater than one. The pressure–velocity termdoes not have a large effect from the suction surface to near mid-pitch. However, from midpitch to the pressure surface, the effectis large. This further justifies the inclusion of a model for thepressure–velocity term in the transport model. Finally, when vis-cous effects are considered,Kexit* is reduced significantly acrossthe entire passage. For a two-dimensional wake,Kexit* is lessthan one, indicating that amixing loss benefitis occurring,with the pitchwise area average being approximately 0.39. For athree-dimensional disturbance,Kexit* is greater than one, withthe pitchwise area average being approximately 2.55. The dif-ference is caused primarily by the increase in thev1v1 componentof the stress. The limitation of the viscous model on spanwisevelocity disturbances prevents the decay of thev1v1 componentof the stress. The remainingKexit* is ultimately the mixing lossassociated with the upstream disturbance. The inviscid effectsincrease the pitchwise area average exitK to 3.30 and 6.89 timesthe inlet value for two-dimensional and three-dimensional wakes,respectively. This large increase is reduced by viscosity. Thepassage lossis significant when compared to themixing lossbenefit, and thus must be accounted for to establish the net benefitof mixing.

Two points can be made with regard to disturbances inter-acting with a downstream turbine blade row. First, a significantpassage lossis taken when a disturbance interacts with adownstream turbine blade row. Second, the wakes persist afterpassing through the blade row, which is contrary to what happensin compressors.

Summary and ConclusionsA model was developed for the transport of upstream vortical

disturbances through a blade row. These disturbances are repre-sented by the deterministic stresses described by Adamczyk@10#.The transport model is based on incompressible, linear unsteadyflow theory, and is independent of the frequency of the distur-bance. The models account for the unsteady pressure field and

Fig. 12 Transport of disturbances through PW-LPT with uwÄ60 deg

Fig. 13 Deterministic stresses versus pitch for PW-LPT, noviscosity

Fig. 14 Audit of normalized K exit versus pitch for PW-LPT.

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viscosity. The model was tested against analytical, numerical, andexperimental results with good agreement. The model is fast, al-lowing turbomachinery designers to determine quickly how therecovery process impacts a given design.

This research has answered the two questions posed in the In-troduction by showing that the recovery process is causing achange in the efficiency with a change in axial gap, and that theflow physics is the result of unsteady flows. The model developedadequately captures this process and can be used in the time-averaged calculation of turbomachinery flows.

The conclusions for compressors are as follows:

1 K of the upstream disturbance is significantly reduced byinviscid means for both the two-dimensional and three-dimensional wakes considered, with more decay occurring in thetwo-dimensional case. This is called recovery and leads to a sig-nificant reduction in the wake mixing loss.

2 Viscosity acts to decay the disturbance further reducingKand thus reducing the wake mixing loss. However, the decay ofthe disturbance within the passage contributes to apassage loss.Both viscous and inviscid effects act to reduceK and are compa-rable in magnitude.

3 For a subsonic compressor blade row, the two-dimensionaland three-dimensional wakes considered are almost completelyattenuated as they exit the blade row. Therefore, the closer thespacing between blade rows, the larger the efficiency, whichagrees with experimental observations@1,2#. In addition, clockingor indexing of rotor or stator blade rows will have a minimalimpact on subsonic compressor performance, as demonstrated byBarankiewicz and Hathaway@20#.

The conclusions for turbines are as follows:

1 K of the upstream disturbance is significantly reduced byinviscid means for both the two-dimensional and three-dimensional wakes considered, with more decay occurring in thetwo-dimensional case. This recovery is negative because it leadsto a significant increase in the wake mixing loss.

2 Viscosity acts to decay the disturbance to approximately theinlet value ofK. However, this decay is by viscous means andcontributes to a substantialpassage loss. Both viscous and invis-cid effects are comparable in magnitude.

3 For a subsonic turbine blade row, the two-dimensional andthree-dimensional wakes considered persist after passing throughthe blade row. Therefore, the wider the spacing between bladerows, the larger the efficiency, which agrees with experimentalobservations@3,4#. In addition, because wakes persist throughsubsonic turbine blade rows, stage-to-stage interactions~clockingeffects! impact subsonic turbine performance. This is consistentwith the finding of Sharma et al.@4#.

AcknowledgmentsThe authors would like to thank Dr. Eric McFarland for his help

on the PCPANEL code as well as many helpful suggestions andDr. Dale Var Zante for his help on the topic of wake recovery. Inaddition, the authors also wish to thank the Compressor Branchand the Average Passage development team at the NASA GlennResearch Center for their help. Finally, the sponsorship of thisresearch by the NASA Glenn Research Center~Grant No. NCC3-263! is gratefully acknowledged.


C 5 contour for circulation calculationCv 5 constant for viscous calculation

GE-LSRC 5 General Electric Low Speed Research Comp.K 5 time-averaged unsteady kinetic energyL 5 pitch of blade row

PW-LPT 5 Pratt & Whitney Low-Pressure Turbine RotorS 5 Lagrangian coordinate~follows a fluid particle!

Ui , j ,k 5 mean flow velocities

b 5 width of the upstream disturbanceh2` 5 pitch of the upstream disturbance

k 5 reduced frequencyl 5 length of a disturbance segmentp 5 unsteady pressure

q2` 5 inlet mean flow speedui , j ,k,l 5 unsteady flow velocities

u0 5 axial component of mean flowu1 5 axial component linear disturbancev1 5 spanwise component of linear disturbancevd 5 disturbance depthw1 5 pitchwise component of linear disturbance

xi , j ,k, 5 coordinatex 5 axial coordinatey 5 spanwise coordinatez 5 pitchwise coordinateG 5 circulationD 5 drift functionC 5 streamfunctionu 5 momentum thickness

u0 5 initial momentum thicknessuw 5 inlet disturbance angle~relative to axial dir!

u2` 5 inlet mean flow angle~relative to axial dir!lB 5 disturbance wavelength in blade-to-blade planels 5 disturbance wavelength in the spanwise directionn t 5 turbulent viscosityr 5 densityx 5 total pressure mixing loss coefficient


exit 5 @ exit to blade rowinlet 5 @ inlet to blade row

i 5 free indexj 5 free indexk 5 dummy indexl 5 dummy index


* 5 normalized with respect to inlet kinetic energy

Appendix A

Unsteady Pressure Terms. The derivation of the pressure-velocity correlation is lengthy and is given in van de Wall@9#. Itinvolves the use of linear theory and a perturbation expansionusing 1/k as the expansion parameter, wherek is the wave numberof the incoming disturbance. The resulting expressions to lowestorder of 1/k are












F S ]S

]xD 2

1S ]S

]yD 2

1S ]S

]zD 2G , (A1)

and similarly,












F S ]S

]xD 2

1S ]S

]yD 2

1S ]S

]zD 2G . (A2)

The subscriptsi and j are free indices, whilek and l are dummyindices. To lowest order, the correlation is independent of thereduced frequency and involves a linear relationship in the de-terministic stress. It introduces the Lagrangian Coordinate,S,which is simply a coordinate that follows a collection of fluidparticles as they are transported downstream by the mean flow. Itis given as

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S[q2`D sin~2uw1u2`!1YlB

ly1C cos~2uw1u2`!,


whereq2` is the far upstream time-averaged flow speed,Y is thespanwise coordinate, andC is the stream function. The angleu2`is the inlet flow angle of the mean flow relative to the axial direc-tion and uw is the inlet disturbance angle relative to the axialdirection. The inlet disturbance angle is the exit flow angle of thepreceding blade row. ThelB and ly are the wavelengths of theincoming disturbance in the blade-to-blade plane and in the span-wise direction, respectively. Withly nonzero, the three-dimensional nature of the disturbance is taken into account. Fi-nally, the drift function,D, is simply the time it takes a fluidparticle to travel a certain distance along a streamline (C5const) and is defined as



q, (A4)

whereds is an infinitesimal distance along a streamline andq isthe local time-averaged local flow speed.

Viscous Terms. The viscous terms are modeled using thesimilarity between the model of Hill et al.@11# for the decay ofthe wake and the transport model. Their equations were rewrittenin the form of the transport equations in the present analysis. Theviscous contribution for the model was simply the viscous termobtained from the equation in@11#. The resulting equations are

2v tu]2u



3pS v t

UsuD h2`

bUxu0~u1u1!2, (A5)

2v tu]2n

]xk]xk50, (A6)

2v tv]2u

]xk]xk50, (A7)

v tu]2w

]xk]xk1v t w





3pS v t

UsuD h2`



tanuw~u1w1!2, (A8)

2v tv]2w

]xk]xk50, (A9)


2v t w]2w



3pS v t

UsuD h2`



tan2 uw~w1w1!2.


In these equations, theh2` is the pitch of the upstream distur-bance andb is the local disturbance half width. Theu0 is theinitial momentum thickness and theCv is a constant whose valueis obtained by comparing the transport model to the model of Hillet al. @11# for a constant area duct@9# and is set to 0.3. Thequantity (v t /Usu) is set to 0.044 as in@11# analysis, where theyassumed that the eddy viscosity is constant across the wake. No-tice that viscous terms are zero for any of the correlations involv-ing the spanwise unsteady velocity component,v. This is a limi-tation of the model. Note that the viscous terms are the only termsin the transport model that involve a length scale of the distur-bance. A comparison between the transport model and experimen-tal data for NASA Stator37@21# is given in van de Wall@9# andshows good agreement.

Appendix B

Inlet Disturbances. The two-dimensional blade wakes andthree-dimensional tip clearance flows from a preceding blade roware used as inlet boundary conditions. The three-dimensional tipclearance flows resemble an axisymmetric wake~three-dimensional wake! and is essentially a defect in total pressure. Itcan be described as a velocity deficit region; however, unlike atwo-dimensional wake, the vorticity is no longer purely spanwise.No velocity disturbance exists in the spanwise direction. The re-sulting inlet deterministic stresses are





2~y!cos2 uw , (B1)





2~y!cosuw sinuw , (B2)






2~y!sin2 uw , (B3)

with the remaining stresses set to zero.For all the two-dimensional wake disturbances,nd50.225 and

b50.1. The three-dimensional disturbance was obtained from thework of Valkov @18# for comparative purposes. It consisted of atotal pressure deficit region that extends over 60 percent of thepitch and over 15 percent of the span centered at 90 percent span.The maximum velocity defect at the center of the tip clearanceflow is 46 percent of the upstream exit rotor mean flow.

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@17# Wisler, D. C., 1977, ‘‘Core Compressor Exit Stage Study, Vol. I—BladingDesign,’’ NASA CR-135391.

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Claudia Casciaro

Martin Treiber

Michael Sell

Turbomachinery Laboratory,Institute of Energy Technology,

Swiss Federal Institute of Technology,8092 Zurich, Switzerland

Unsteady Transport Mechanismsin an Axial TurbineA numerical analysis using a commercial unsteady Navier–Stokes solver has been per-formed on a pin/blade configuration, in order to assess the efficacy of a commercial codein calculating time-periodic interactions and to gain a better understanding of the un-steady flow physics in axial turbines. Two cases have been investigated, with the pinpositioned at 25 and 50 percent of true chord ahead of the leading edge. Both configu-rations have been computed both two and three dimensionally. The two-dimensional casewas used to examine the influence of numerical parameters, such as mesh, time, andspace discretization. The three-dimensional case allowed insight into the complete flowfield including the wake influence on the secondary flow and mixing processes of the bladerow. The basic mechanisms of the wake–blade interaction proved, as expected, to be thesame for both pin positions. Yet, as the closest pin wake interaction with the blade fieldwas much stronger, its features have helped to identify the respective roles of wake fluidtransport and blade potential field for both cases. The latter effect, noticeably strong withthe thick leading edge blade form presented in this study, has often been neglected, andthis study helps shed new light on this phenomenon. The code used had been validated inprevious work for pin-free steady flow within the same blade row and the new time-dependent case has served to confirm the code range and limitations.@S0889-504X~00!02104-8#

I Introduction and AimsTurbomachines must be inherently unsteady~at least in the ab-

solute frame of reference! in order to produce work. In fact, thestagnation enthalpy of a particle can change only if the pressurevaries in time~see, for example,@1#!, which is a direct conse-quence of the energy balance of the Navier–Stokes equations.However, if the rotor row is considered isolated, the very sameflow will appear steady in the rotor fixed frame of reference.

Yet, turbomachines are formed by multiple rows, each of whichcreates a disturbed, ‘‘unclean’’ environment for the preceding andfollowing rows. Only the analysis of the flow in this context cangive an insight into design failures. The interaction between bladerows occurs in various manners: The one through the wake andthe potential field are considered in this paper.

The disturbances are generally convected downstream, becausethe distance between blade rows is too small to allow them to mixout. Thepotential fieldis felt both up- and downstream at aboutone chord of distance, its strength depending on the Machnumber.

In general, the interpretation of the unsteady effects in turbinesis still a controversial subject. The common opinion says thatunsteadiness always brings a decrease in efficiency@2–5#, al-though this has been also questioned at least for the adiabaticefficiency @6#, because of the isentropic rearrangement of tem-perature and pressure, known as energy separation.

I.1 Unsteady Transport Theories. Before entering into thedetails of wake/blade-row interaction, a discussion of wake defi-nition is appropriate. The question is not trivial as the next para-graphs demonstrate that the modes of interaction change accord-ing to what it is meant by wake.

If one considers a body in a fluid stream~for example the cyl-inder in Fig. 1!, the interference between the two results in adecrease of velocity behind the body. Due to viscous effects, thelocal velocities become uniform at a certain distance behind thebody, when the wake can be considered mixed out. Thus, it was

decided to define a wake asany velocity deficit in the body-relative frame of reference occurring in a space much smallerthan the one analyzed. This is the classical definition used by mostof the scientists, whose findings are briefly described hereafter.

This means that, if the instantaneous velocity field is decreasedof the undisturbed value, a wake looks like a backward-facing jet,that is the so-called ‘‘negative jet’’~Fig. 1!. Meyer@7# was one ofthe first to use the negative jet theory to explain the unsteadybehavior in compressor stages. Some years later, Kerrebrock andMikolajczak @8# observed that in a compressor the pressure sidepresence hinders the wake transport and consequently the statorwake fluid accumulates on the rotor pressure side. Thus, the wakeconvected downstream by the free-stream velocity appears as a jetto an observer placed on the hit-blade pressure side~suction sideif the blade belongs to a turbine!, where the velocity componentnormal to the blade acts, changing both incidence and lift, tendingto decrease the load on a compressor blade~and analogously in-crease it on a turbine blade!. The authors also stated that there isa tendency for the wake fluid to be separated from the inviscidflow rather than mix. This phenomenon persists in the blade row.

Since then many authors have confirmed the negative jet theoryin axial turbine as being the main unsteady transport mechanismor regarded it as of secondary importance: No agreement on therole of the unsteady fluid physics has yet been reached.

Recently, Hodson and Dawes@9# found that the wake transportcould be explained through convective mechanisms of fluid me-chanics of a wake being chopped by the following row, bowed,and sheared by the pressure/velocity fields. Entropy contoursshowed uniformity outside the wakes, according to the authors,due to the Eulerian energy separation, varying total temperatureand pressure isentropically. The velocity field created by the bladerow distorted the wake as the particles near the suction side wereaccelerated more than those near the pressure side, but less thanthose in the midpassage: the wake bows and shears. Bowing andshearing are then a direct consequence of the blade loading: Thehigher this is, the stronger the deformation of the wake.

As far as thesecondary flowdistortion due to the interactionwith an incoming wake is concerned, there are few data. Galluset al. @10# found that although a steady-stage computation withmixing plane would compute the time-averaged flow field quiteaccurately, the secondary flow distribution would be totally

Contributed by the International Gas Turbine Institute and presented at the 45thInternational Gas Turbine and Aeroengine Congress and Exhibition, Munich, Ger-many, May 8–11, 2000. Manuscript received by the International Gas Turbine Insti-tute February 2000. Paper No. 2000-GT-440. Review Chair: D. Ballal.

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wrong, especially in terms of flow angles. In fact, the interactionwith the wakes of the preceding stage would drag the near-hubvortex away from the endwall, modifying the entire flow distribu-tion. A similar result was also found by McFarland et al.@11# in alinear turbine cascade, who found that the wake passing enhancedthe transport of endwall fluid toward the midspan, as also reportedby Boletis et al.@2#.

I.2 Contribution. This work aims at contributing to the un-derstanding of wake fluid transport and its effect on the secondaryflow formation. The loss production mechanism as specific to un-steady environment is also discussed.

This aim is achieved through the numerical analysis of an an-nular turbine cascade, where the rotor wakes are generated by apin wheel, which can be mounted in two locations at differentaxial distances from the stator. This configuration has been chosenbecause it corresponds to the experimental facility of the Labora-tory of Turbomachinery of the ETH, Zurich.

The unsteady flow field is analyzed both in its two- and three-dimensional characteristics, using several parameters such as thewake velocity deficit, the flow angles, the absolute total and staticpressure coefficients, and the absolute total temperature.

Unsteady transport mechanisms are difficult to show on paper.Please consider visiting our homepage at

The wake is identified through the velocity field, which basi-cally means through the negative jet, without examining the mer-its of whether this may represent the major unsteady transportmechanism. Thus, in the absolute frame of reference:cnegative2jet5c(t)2 c. It can be easily seen from Fig. 2 that this way an erroris introduced. In fact, all the idealized theories considered a fieldwhere an undisturbed velocity can be always recognized, becauseof massive geometric simplifications. This ideal velocity is impos-sible to identify, and it would also be conceptually wrong to de-fine one, in the highly three-dimensional field of a turbine stage.By choosing a time-averaged velocity as reference an error isintroduced, where the effects of the negative jet are decreased andthe free-stream unsteadiness enhanced.

Other quantities cannot be used to identify a wake, especially ina CFD environment. One problem is represented by the phenom-enon of energy separation, which is an isentropic rearrangementof total enthalpy and pressure, which occurs in unsteady flows.Eckert@12# reports that whenever vortex shedding behind a bluntbody occurs, it results in energy separation, which is transporteddownstream by the Karman vortex street. The Karman vortex

street can be neither measured nor computed properly. Thus, bothtotal enthalpy and total pressure cannot be used as a precise meanof wake recognition.

Other quantities, such as entropy, are difficult to use in an un-steady environment. The limitations, described in Baehr@13# andCallen@14# concern the choice of a proper entropy formulation inunsteady environment and as a local value in the case of highlyunsteady and strong accelerating flows, where, to the authors’knowledge, equilibrium has not yet been proven.

II Cases and Tools

II.1 Test Case. The research blade is prismatic with theleading edge mounted radially and a stagger angle of 54.5 degfrom tangential direction, of a type typically used in reaction-typeturbines. The operating point is at a nominal midspan exit Machnumber of 0.5.

A pin wheel is placed at two distances~Fig. 3! upstream of theleading edge plane equivalent to 10 and 20 pin diameters. Somegeometric features of the cascade are described in Table 1.

II.2 CFD. The numerical analysis has been performed withCFX-Tascflow, V2.8, by AEA Technology Ltd. This is a finitevolume three-dimensional Navier–Stokes solver, with a second-order accurate upwind differencing scheme. Reynolds-stress aver-aging is applied to the governing equations in strong conservationform and the closure is implemented through the standardk–«turbulence model. The near-wall region is resolved with the loga-rithmic velocity profile. The flow is viscous and compressible,computed in fully turbulent regime. This code has been appliedseveral times within the group in Zurich for steady-state compu-tations@15–17#.

Fig. 1 Negative jet in relative frame of reference

Fig. 2 Error made by considering average velocity instead ofundisturbed velocity

Fig. 3 Configurations and block topologies

Table 1 Test case geometric parameters

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The grid, generated with ICEM CFD/CAE 3.3, is block-structured and has three blocks, as in Fig. 3: The pin has beenblocked off within the inlet block; the blade is obtained by acombination ofH andC-type grids. This allows an improvementof cell orthogonality at the leading and trailing edges, as well as abetter control on node density and distribution in these areas. Anexample of these grids is shown in Fig. 4 for the two-dimensionalcomputations, where 40K nodes were used. For the three-dimensional computations~Fig. 4!, a three times coarser grid on atwo-dimensional plane was employed with 29 planes in the radialdirection. Yet, the computations on the two-dimensional basiswere in good agreement, where the wake velocity deficit mixedout faster on the coarser grid. The three-dimensional mesh reso-lution allowed the computation of all the fluid dynamic structures~proven in previous publications and in particular inCasciaro@16#!.

For the three-dimensional computations, the first near-wallnode has been positioned so thaty1.30, even if it is well knownthat the logarithmic velocity profile does not apply at all to un-steady flow fields.

Numerical Boundary Conditions.At the inlet ~ahead of thepin, Fig. 3!, the absolute total pressure profile, constant absolutetotal temperature, 2 percent turbulence intensity, and 5 mm eddylength scale are imposed. Ahead of the pin, the absolute directionis axial and therefore no extra swirl is introduced in the domain.The inlet boundary layer thickness is 10 percent of span.

At the outlet, a time-constant static pressure profile, obtained bya linear fitting of the hub and tip experimental values~without thepin!, is imposed. It was assumed that one chord downstream ofthe trailing edge, the static pressure had leveled out, as shown bythe steady-state measurements.

The Rotor/Stator Interface.The interface between the twogrids ~the grid with the rotating pin and the one with the stator!,where the reference system changes, should be ‘‘transparent’’ tothe computations. Instead, a second-order interpolation error oc-curs. In order to quantify it consider Fig. 5, where the axial ve-locity of PIN1 computed at two stations: 1/4~upstream of theinterface! and 1/2~downstream of the interface; visual help fromFig. 3! at one time step~irrelevant for the specific considerations!is compared and contrasted to the minimum wake velocity ex-pected by applying Dullenkopf’s model of wake deficit@18#. Itcan be noticed that at 1/4~upstream of the interface!, the wakedeficit appears much deeper than theoretically expected~about 23percent!. Yet, at 1/2 the wake deficit has become weaker~about13 percent! compared to the theoretical value. If the theoreticalwake is compared at both stations to the computed one, it is clearthat the effects are devastating on the wake: While theoreticallythe axial velocity should decrease only a few percentage points,computationally it loses 2/3 of its deficit. However, the strongmixing cannot be attributed only to the interface, but also to theturbulence model and to mesh effects. Considering the velocitydeficit in Fig. 5 and Dullenkopf’s correlation, it can be computedthat the wake at 3/4 corresponds in terms of thickness and deficitto a ‘‘fictitious’’ wake generated by a pin of diameter 1.9 mm andpositioned nearly one true chord upstream of the leading edge.Similar effects are to be observed on all computed quantities.

III Velocity FieldSubtracting the time-averaged field from the time-dependent

one, the disturbance field, or unsteady velocity field, is obtained.Figure 6 shows this unsteady velocity field at midspan for PIN2,where PIN1 presents the same physical mechanisms, yet quanti-tatively weaker. The wake appears strongly sheared for two op-posite reasons: the blade potential field locally creating an adversepressure gradient and the downstream accelerating blade environ-

Fig. 4 Details of pin „a… and leading edge „b… grids or two-dimensional computations „from topology in Fig. 3 …. Outlet grid„c… for three-dimensional cases „same topology …. Figures not tosame scale.

Fig. 5 Axial velocity: comparison of computed and theoreticalvalues, expected with Dullenkopf’s model, for PIN1

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ment. The wake is observed spending 20 percent of a period in-teracting with the leading edge, without anchoring,1 because ofthe downstream convection. It can be noted that once the wakehas hit the leading edge, two regions form, the first on the pressureside and then, at the wake chopping, on the suction side, with verylow unsteadiness. These regions can be calledquiescent, because,considering the way the unsteady velocity field has been defined,they represent areas where the flow does not deviate much fromthe time-averaged value and thus can be considered as areaswhere the unsteadiness is damped. The birth of the quiescentzones can be associated with the feeding mechanisms of the nega-tive jet. In fact, as the negative jet course is interrupted by thewall, feeding and discharge action starts for continuity reasons~Fig. 7 gives a schematic of this mechanisms!. Yet, most of thefeeding and discharge comes with the main flow direction~down-stream!, while little happens ahead of the wake for the feeding andbehind it for the discharge. This means that convection is regulat-ing the negative jet structure.

The quiescent regions are different from each other: On thepressure side this is quite extended, to a maximum of half a chan-nel; on the suction side this thins out quickly, but residence time islonger before fading out at the trailing edge. For PIN2 these zonesare more extended than for PIN1 and they do not fade out at thetrailing edge, where they are evident on both suction and pressuresides. It would be reasonable to hypothesize that these zonestravel downstream at the local time-averaged velocity, accordingto a convective mechanism. Instead, they travel somewhat fasterand nearly at the same average rate~e.g., for PIN1 about2.2cx_inlet on the pressure side and 2.4cx_inlet on the suction sideat midspan!. Their speed could be associated with a balance of

various phenomena, such as: the pin tangential speed~of about2 cx_inlet at midspan! and the convective speed, which is higher onthe suction side than on the pressure side. These quiescent regionsappear to play a central role in the unsteady transport of wakefluid. In fact, from Fig. 6, it can be observed that the unsteadytransport assumes anS shape, transporting low momentum fluidfrom suction to pressure side, or vice versa, according to the qui-escent zone’s position. Finally, it is stressed that because themechanism observed in Fig. 7 is the same for both pin configura-tions, it is believed to be independent of wake decay.

1It seems necessary to define the meaning of anchoring. Considering a deficit ofthicknessd normal to the flow direction and moving downstream, the deficit isconsidered ‘‘anchoring’’ on the leading edge when its residence time on the leadingedge is bigger than the time needed for the disturbance thickness to flow down-stream.

Fig. 6 Negative jet at midspan for PIN2

Fig. 7 Schematics of negative jet feeding mechanisms

Fig. 8 Absolute vectors near leading edge over one period forPIN2

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As far as the leading edge area is concerned, the changes indirection of unsteady transport near the stagnation point regardnearly a 180 deg turn on one period, as shown by means ofabsolute-velocity vectors in Fig. 8. If leading edge cooling werenecessary, the coolant flow will go either on the pressure or on thesuction side during a wake-passing period. Yet, this does not rel-evantly change the blade loading.

IV Potential FieldThe type of blade under investigation presents a thick leading

edge and thus a strong potential field extending upstream.]p/]t has been observed to be at the lowest in the quiescent

regions and maximum near the location where the unsteady trans-port changes directions~compare Fig. 7!. The leading edge alsoappears to be quite unsteady, showing high gradients of time-dependent pressure from the moment the wake hits it and for morethan half a period. The trailing edge, on the contrary, is observedto be highly unsteady only for a shorter time. Most of the time theunsteady pressure field extends across the channel instead of be-ing near the blade walls.

This unsteady behavior of the pressure field is also reflected onthe blade loading. The unsteady field loading is less than thesteady one~equals to a maximum difference in approach Machnumber of 0.035! probably due to the velocity deficit introducedby the pin wake. Furthermore, on a time-averaged basis, the bladeappears to be even more back-loaded, which could be explainedreconsidering the unsteady transport mechanism~Fig. 7!. How-ever, the blade loading for PIN2 does not seem more disturbedthan the loading for PIN1. The maximum load variation is onlynegligibly bigger than the one of PIN1. This is probably due to theparticular blade geometry, which has been shown to be insensitiveto inlet angle variations@16#, where the leading edge is particu-larly loaded but the blade geometry damps the unsteadiness. It canbe concluded that blade leading edges designed to be less sensi-tive to inlet angle variations@19# will be also more efficient intime-periodic flow fields, because they are less reactive to theseand thus operate closer to the design point.

The difference of Cp at discrete locations on the blade~monitorpoints! is enhanced in Fig. 9. It can be noticed first that the PIN2loading change is stronger in comparison to PIN1. A strikinglydifferent behavior is to be observed near the leading edge.

Fig. 9 Static pressure coefficient versus nondimensionalized time at midspan „three periods are represented …

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V Absolute Total Pressure FieldFigure 10 shows the absolute total pressure field for the two-

dimensional computations of PIN1 at midspan. It can be seen thatthe wake centerline undergoes a direction and width transforma-tion due to the interaction with the blade field and the wake ap-pears much more influenced by the shear action of the accelerat-ing flow. Comparing time steps 15/30T and 22/30T in Fig. 10, thewake is seen first deviating against the flow direction and then

drawn into the blade row, its width increasing. As far as PIN1 isconcerned, the absolute total-pressure wake anchors on the lead-ing edge starting at 7/30T, although the interaction with the lead-ing edge appears earlier than that, already at 28/30T ~compare1/30T!. This early interaction appears to establish a bubble ofsound flow on the suction side, which affects the anchoring pro-cess. In fact, while on the pressure side the wake moves down-stream, it appears to be blocked for a while on the suction side.The wake spends half of a period on the leading edge. It is im-portant to stress that although the suction side presents a fasterfluid, the total-pressure ‘‘wake’’ on this side starts moving onlyafter having been chopped~occurring at 11/30T for PIN1!. Thus,as seen at 15/30T, the wake segment reaches the trailing edge firston the pressure side than on the suction side. For PIN2~Fig. 10!on the other hand, an interaction pin/blade can always be ob-served. The absolute total pressure wake is estimated hitting theleading edge at about 15/30T and being chopped at 24/30T. Yet,it can be seen that the residence time on the suction side is longenough to bring an interaction with the following pin wake.

From Fig. 10 it can be also seen that the blade field drives thetotal pressure difference2 from the pressure to the suction sideshowing an accumulation of this onto the suction side. Observingthese results, in the optic of the wake-fluid unsteady transportmechanism of Fig. 6, it can be concluded that the final balance isdetermined not only by the wake characteristics, but also by theblade loading and, thus geometry.

Figure 11 shows the time-averaged total pressure coefficient. Itcan be seen that besides grid effects modifying the wake thick-ness, the deviation from the steady state flow increases when thepin is positioned closer to the leading edge.

2This term is preferred to loss, because the total pressure changes do not representa loss in an unsteady flow field, due to energy separation effects.

Fig. 10 Absolute total pressure contours for PIN1 „above … and PIN2 „below …

Fig. 11 Absolute total pressure coefficient at midspan 1 Õ6thaxial chord downstream of trailing edge

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VI Temperature „and Equivalently Enthalpy… FieldThe wake presents the highest static temperature and in the

absolute frame of reference the highest total temperature. This cancreate a phenomenon similar to hot streaks and has brought to theidea of trailing edge cooling through cold flow injection@20#.

The temperature changes are more gradual in comparison to thechanges of other flow quantities, i.e., they never have strong andsudden gradient and also oppose more inertia.

The static temperature is, as expected, at the highest near theleading edge with about 305 K. An area of high static temperatureis always present near the leading edge.

In terms of total temperature, two ‘‘tongues’’ have been ob-served~Fig. 12!: the wake and the sound flow. The latter presentsa lower total temperature, but the gradient to the wake is smooth.Both the ‘‘tongues’’ anchor, although the chopping appears tooccur before the anchoring, probably because of the accelerationin the middle of the channel favoring the temperature mixing.Considering for example PIN1, the wake is chopped at 26/30Tand two segments proceed downstream: one from the pin with afree end and one from the free end to the suction side. The phaseof their evolution is a little postponed in respect to the other flowquantities. In fact the wake is observed to be clearly anchoredbetween 13/30T and 24/30T. Afterward, the wake moves on thepressure side, leaving a little bubble of high total pressure on thesuction side, which is transported downstream and grows until13/30T. At this point, this bubble merges again with the wakesegment and a new blade-to-blade segment is formed.

As far as PIN2 is concerned, the temperature field is analogousin all respects to the one described for PIN1.

VII Secondary Flow and Other Aspects of Three-Dimensional Field

Considering the three-dimensional velocity field, the obviousmust be stated: This is influenced by the wake being skewed,because of the boundary layer velocity profile and the radial grow-ing tangential velocity. This is quite relevant in this configuration,because of the thick incoming boundary layers influencing thesecondary flow formation.

The shape of the incoming wake can be seen in Fig. 13, wherethe quiescent zones at two representative time steps are repre-sented. The physics of the development and downstream transportis analogous to the two-dimensional behavior described in thepreceding paragraphs. Yet, unlike the steady-state computations,the flow is nowhere two-dimensional~not even at midspan! and aradial component from casing to hub always exists. It can beobserved that, on the suction side, the quiescent zones affect onlythe center part of the blade, while on the pressure side these ex-tend over the entire span. The behavior on the suction side can

actually be given two meanings. First, it could be a representationof higher unsteadiness; second, it could also indicate the presenceof a strong quasi-steady secondary vortex, whose position changeslittle in time ~but enough because of the vector-angle change in aswirling structure!. On the pressure side, the deformation of thequiescent zones can also be seen, occurring because near the end-walls the wake hits the leading edge afterward, due to the velocitytriangle.

As far as the secondary flow structures are concerned, a rel-evant radial migration has been observed~Fig. 14, top part!. Atthe trailing edge the loss core has been detected at 6.5 percent ofspan ~hub structure! and 86.3 percent of span~tip structure!,where the latter has doubled its radial distance from the endwall incomparison to the steady case. As the wall suction side staticpressure can be used to detect the horseshoe vortex suction sideleg movement, this is shown in Fig. 14~bottom part!, where thesteady-state static pressure coefficient is compared to the time-averaged one.

This radial migration continues also downstream for the near-tip vortical structures and reaches 81.6 percent of span at 1/6th ofaxial chord downstream of the trailing edge. Yet, it is practicallyunchanged in time. This could be a relevant observation for de-sign purposes, showing that the secondary flow vortical structurepresent an inertia stronger than the time-dependent flow varia-tions, probably due to the vorticity being higher than the unsteadyforces. The migration of the secondary flow toward the inner partsof the channel has been observed by other authors@21#, yet it

Fig. 12 Total temperature for PIN1 at midspan at 23 Õ30T

Fig. 13 Quiescent zones „as isosurfaces for 1 percent of aver-aged unsteady velocity field … near wall on suction side at12Õ30T and pressure side 29 Õ20T for PIN1. In the top picture acut at 1 Õ4 can also be seen, with unsteady velocity field, show-ing incoming wake shape.

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cannot be demonstrated by means of CFD results only that itdepends exclusively on the physics. In fact, for steady flow fieldsit has been shown thatk–« type turbulence models tend to movevortical structures away from the walls. Thus, as the turbulencemodel used for the computations has been calibrated on steadyflows, the same effect could be expected. The grid effects arebelieved to be of secondary importance because of the appropriatenode distribution shown in Fig. 3.

Three-dimensionally, the wake represents always a way forlow-momentum fluid to be transported radially inward. This istrue both in steady and unsteady state and thus it represents moreor less a ‘‘wall,’’ which other transport mechanisms have to copewith. For all the analyzed quantities, it has been noticed that there

is little mixing between the disturbance field created by the in-coming wakes and the blade wake. Thus the disturbances seem tostand on the wake.

VIII Summary and ConclusionsThe interaction between the wake created by a pin wheel and a

turbine stator has been analyzed using CFD. The pin has beenpositioned at two axial locations upstream of the leading edgeplane in order to investigate the effects of row spacing.

It has been observed that the wake is best defined through thevelocity field. The following conclusions can be drawn:

• The wake does not anchor at the leading edge. The absolutetotal temperature and total pressure fields associated with itdo;

• When the wake hits the leading edge, two zones are createdwith low unsteadiness. These have been called quiescent;

• The unsteady transport mechanisms seems guided by the cre-ation and downstream movement of these quiescent zones;

• The quiescent zones have been shown to be dependent uponthe feeding and discharging mechanisms of the negative jet;

• A coupling of the two pressure fields~pin and blade! exists. Itwould be interesting to investigate a blade/blade coupling;

• The secondary flow structure moves radially inward, but it isvery stable in time~as far as total pressure loss values andcore position!.

As the physics observed in this research is the same for both pinconfigurations, it is believed to be independent of wake decay.

AcknowledgmentsThe authors are grateful to the Emeritus Prof. Dr. George

Gyarmathy, who has supervised the research of the Annular Cas-cade Group until his retirement.

The first author acknowledges the financial support of the SwissERCOFTAC Pilot Centre. Parts of the project were sponsored byABB Power Generation Ltd., NEFF~Swiss National Energy Re-search Foundation!.


CFD5 computational fluid-dynamicLE 5 leading edgePS 5 pressure sideSS 5 suction sideTE 5 trailing edge

« 5 turbulent dissipation ratek 5 turbulent kinetic energyu 5 tangential location, deg

Cp 5 static pressure coefficient52(p102p)/(p1


05 total pressure coefficient5(p1


cx 5 absolute axial velocity, m/scw 5 minimum wake velocity, m/sp 5 static pressure, Pa

p0 5 total pressure, Pa

Subscripts and Superscripts

1 5 inlet ~one axial chord ahead of the LE!- 5 time-averaged

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@11# McFarland, V. E., and Tiederman, W. G., 1992, ‘‘Viscous Interaction Up-stream and Downstream of a Turbine Stator Cascade with a Periodic WakeField,’’ ASME Paper No. 92-GT-162.

@12# Eckert, E. R. G., 1986, ‘‘Energy Separation in Fluid Stream,’’ Int. Commun.Heat Mass Transfer,13, pp. 127–143.

@13# Baehr, H. D., 1989,Thermodynamik, Springer-Verlag, Berlin.@14# Callen, H. B., 1960,Thermodynamics, Wiley, New York.@15# Casciaro, C., Sell, M., and Gyarmathy, G., 1998, ‘‘Towards Reliable Compu-

tations for a Subsonic Turbine,’’Proc. Symposium on Verification of DesignMethods by Test and Analysis, London, UK, Paper No. 15.

@16# Casciaro, C., 1999, ‘‘A Numerical Analysis of Viscous Blade/Row Interac-tions in Axial-flow Turbines,’’ Ph.D. thesis No. 13478, ETH, Zurich, Switzer-land.

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@18# Dullenkopf, K., 1992, ‘‘Untersuchungen zum Einflub periodisch instationa¨rerNachlauf-stro¨mungen auf den Wa¨rmeubergang konvektiv geku¨hlter Gasturbi-nenschaufeln,’’ Ph.D. thesis, Universita¨t Karlsruhe, Germany.

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Daniel J. DorneyVirginia Commonwealth University,

Department of Mechanical Engineering,Richmond, VA 23113

Douglas L. SondakBoston University,

Office of Information Technology,Boston, MA 02215

Effects of Tip Clearance on HotStreak Migration in aHigh-Subsonic Single-StageTurbineExperimental data have shown that combustor temperature nonuniformities can lead tothe excessive heating of first-stage rotor blades in turbines. This heating of the rotorblades can lead to thermal fatigue and degrade turbine performance. The results of recentstudies have shown that variations in the circumferential location, or clocking, of thefirst-stage vane airfoils can be used to minimize the adverse effects of the hot streaks dueto the hot fluid mixing with the cooler fluid contained in the vane wake. In addition, theeffects of the hot streak/airfoil count ratio on the heating patterns of turbine airfoils havebeen quantified. In the present investigation, three-dimensional unsteady Navier–Stokessimulations have been performed for a single-stage high-pressure turbine geometry op-erating in high subsonic flow to study the effects of tip clearance on hot streak migration.Baseline simulations were initially performed without hot streaks to compare with theexperimental data. Two simulations were then performed with a superimposed combustorhot streak; in the first the tip clearance was set at the experimental value, while in thesecond the rotor was allowed to scrape along the outer case (i.e., the limit as the tipclearance goes to zero). The predicted results for the baseline simulations show goodagreement with the available experimental data. The simulations with the hot streakindicate that the tip clearance increases the radial spreading of the hot fluid, and in-creases the integrated rotor surface temperature compared to the case without tip clear-ance.@S0889-504X~00!02204-2#

IntroductionHot streaks are known to have a significant impact on the wall

temperature distributions of first-stage turbine rotors. The migra-tion of hot streaks through turbines has been simulated by manyresearchers including Krouthen and Giles@1#, Rai and Dring@2#,Takahashi and Ni@3,4#, Dorney et al.@5–7#, Gundy and Dorney@8#, and Shang et al.@9#. While these numerical simulations haveproduced significant insights into the mechanisms controlling hotstreak migration, there is still a significant amount of researchneeded to formulate design criteria for minimizing the adverseeffects of hot streaks. Most simulations have been performed atlow-speed conditions, but additional physics can come into play atactual operating conditions.

Some of the earliest experimental investigations of hot streakswere performed on a high-speed turbine by researchers at NASALewis Research Center~Whitney et al.@10#, Schwab et al.@11#,Stabe et al.@12#!. The goal of these experiments was to study theeffects of typical nonuniform inlet radial temperature profiles onthe performance of axial turbines. The inlet radial temperatureprofile in the experiment was produced using a Combustor ExitRadial Temperature Simulator~CERTS! inlet, which injected coolair through circumferential slots in the hub and tip endwalls up-stream of the vane. In addition to a total temperature profile, atotal pressure profile was generated using the CERTS inlet~seeFigs. 1 and 2!.

The focus of the present effort has been to study the effects oftip clearance on the migration of combustor hot streaks. The goalis to quantify the modification to rotor heating patterns caused byvariations in tip clearance. Therefore, the focus will be on theoverall effects of tip clearance, not the details of the flow in the tipgap. The NASA CERTS geometry was chosen as the test article

for the current simulations because the flow conditions are repre-sentative of an actual engine environment. Simulations have beenperformed with the original CERTS profile, as well as with adiscrete hot streak superimposed on the CERTS profile. Time-averaged and unsteady temperature data have been analyzed, aswell as comparisons with available experimental data.

Numerical MethodThe governing equations considered in this study are the time-

dependent, three-dimensional Reynolds-averaged Navier–Stokesequations. The viscous fluxes are simplified by incorporating thethin layer assumption@13#. In the current study, viscous terms are

Contributed by the International Gas Turbine Institute and presented at the 45thInternational Gas Turbine and Aeroengine Congress and Exhibition, Munich, Ger-many, May 8–11, 2000. Manuscript recieved by the International Gas Turbine Insti-tute February 2000. Paper No. 2000-GT-441. Review Chair: D. Ballal. Fig. 1 CERTS total temperature profile

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retained in the direction normal to the hub and shroud surfaces,and in the direction normal to the blade surfaces. To extend theequations of motion to turbulent flows, an eddy viscosity formu-lation is used. The turbulent viscosity is calculated using the two-layer Baldwin–Lomax@13# algebraic turbulence model.

The numerical algorithm used in the three-dimensional compu-tational procedure consists of a time-marching, implicit, finite-difference scheme. The procedure is third-order spatially accurateand second-order temporally accurate. The inviscid fluxes are dis-cretized according to the scheme developed by Roe@14#. Theviscous fluxes are calculated using standard central differences.An approximate-factorization technique is used to compute thetime rate changes in the primary variables. In addition, Newtonsubiterations are used at each global time step to increase stabilityand reduce linearization errors. For all cases investigated in thisstudy, one Newton subiteration was performed at each time step.Further details on the numerical procedure can be found in Dor-ney et al.@5,6,15#.

The Navier–Stokes analysis uses O- and H-type zonal grids todiscretize the flow field and facilitate relative motion of the air-foils. The O-grids are body-fitted to the surfaces of the airfoils andgenerated using an elliptic equation solution procedure. They areused to resolve the viscous flow in the blade passages properlyand to apply the algebraic turbulence model easily. Algebraicallygenerated H-grids are used to discretize the remainder of the flowfield.

The code has been parallelized using the Message Passing In-terface~MPI! library. In the current implementation, the solutionis decomposed by blade row, blade passage, or individual griddepending on the number of processors available.

Boundary ConditionsThe theory of characteristics is used to determine the boundary

conditions at the inlet and exit of the computational domain. Atthe inlet, the total pressure, total temperature, and the circumfer-ential and radial flow angles are specified as a function of radius.The upstream running Riemann invariant is extrapolated from theinterior of the computational domain.

For simulations containing inlet hot streaks, the flow variableswithin the hot streak must be modified. Within the hot streak, theinlet flow variables used to define the specified boundary condi-tions can be written as

uhs5u`AThs /T` vhs5v`AThs /T`

whs5w`AThs /T` Phs5P` (1)

ahs5a`AThs /T` rhs5r` /~Ths /T`!

whereThs is the temperature within the hot streak andT` is thetemperature of the undisturbed inlet flow. The static and totalpressures within the hot streak are assumed to be equal to those of

the undisturbed inlet flow@16#. In the current investigation twodifferent hot streak configurations have been implemented. Thefirst configuration used the original CERTS profiles to allow com-parisons with experimental data, while in a second set of simula-tions a discrete hot streak was superimposed on the CERTS pro-files to model engine conditions more realistically.

The superimposed hot streak is circular in shape with a diam-eter equal to 50 percent of the span. The temperature profilewithin the hot streak is based on a hyperbolic tangent distributionwith the center located at 40 percent of span. This distribution isconsistent with the one described by Butler et al.@16#, althoughactual temperature profiles are dependent on the design of thecombustor. The hot streak was aligned circumferentially with theleading edge of a vane.

At the exit the circumferential and radial velocity components,entropy, and the downstream running Riemann invariant are ex-trapolated from the interior of the computational domain. Thepressure ratio,P4 /Pt1 , is specified at midspan of the computa-tional exit, and the pressure values at all other radial locations areobtained by integrating the equation for radial equilibrium. Peri-odicity is enforced along the outer boundaries of the H-grids inthe circumferential direction.

No-slip boundary conditions are enforced at the hub and tip endwalls, and along airfoil surfaces. It is assumed that the normalderivative of the pressure is zero at solid wall surfaces, and thatthe walls are adiabatic.

The flow variables at zonal boundaries are explicitly updatedafter each time step by interpolating values from the adjacent grid.

Geometry and GridThe CERTS test turbine was a 0.767 scale rig modeling the first

stage of a two-stage core turbine designed for a modern highbypass ratio engine. The design criteria for the model were toaccommodate the high-work, low-flow characteristics for this typeof turbine and achieve a subsonic design with reasonable bladeheight. The vane has a constant section~untwisted!, and was de-signed for a constant exit flow angle of 75 deg from axial. Therotor leading edge was designed to accept the vane exit flow witheither zero or small negative incidence. The rotor exit was de-signed for free vortex flow. The design conditions for the turbineare shown in Table 1.

The inlet radial temperature profile in the experiments was pro-duced using the CERTS inlet, which injected cool air throughcircumferential slots in the hub and tip endwalls upstream of thevane~see Fig. 1!. In addition to a total temperature profile, a totalpressure profile was generated using the CERTS inlet~see Fig. 2!.The ratio of the maximum total temperature to the average totaltemperature was approximately 1.05, and the ratio of maximum-to-minimum total temperature was approximately 1.20. The peakMach number in the turbine was in the high subsonic range, ap-proximately 0.92.

A total of four computations were performed. In the first twosimulations the baseline CERTS flow conditions were run with:~1! the actual tip clearance, and~2! the rotor scraping the outercasing~the limit as the tip clearance approaches zero!. In the thirdand fourth simulations a discrete hot streak was added to thesimulations and computations were again performed with the ac-tual tip clearance and the rotor scraping the outer casing~seeFig. 3!.

Fig. 2 CERTS total pressure profile

Table 1 CERTS flow conditions

Inlet total temperature 672.2 kInlet total pressure 3.1033105 PaMass flow 6.130 kg/sSpecific work 1.2293105 J/kgRotational speed 11,373 rpmTotal pressure ratio 2.360

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The experimental configuration has 26 vane airfoils and 48 ro-tor airfoils. A three-dimensional computation of the flow throughthe complete turbine configuration would be prohibitively expen-sive. To reduce the cost of the computation, the number of vanesin the first row was decreased to 24 and the size of the vane wasincreased by a factor of 26/24 to maintain the same blockage. Inthe simulations with only the CERTS profile, a one-vane/two-rotor airfoil count ratio was used, while in the simulations with thesuperimposed hot streak a two-vane/four-rotor ratio was used toallow a more realistic configuration of one hot streak for everyother vane passage.

Two views of the grids used to discretize the hot streak flowfield are shown in Figs. 4 and 5~every other grid point has beenremoved for clarity!. The O-grids each contain 121 points in thewrap-around direction, 31 points in the surface-normal direction,and 51 points in the radial direction. The H-grids for the vane androtor regions each contain 86 points in the axial direction, 51points in the circumferential direction, and 51 points in the radialdirection. The H-grid used to discretize the outlet region of theturbine stage contains 14 points in the axial direction, 41 points inthe circumferential direction, and 51 points in the radial direction.In the simulations in which the tip clearance region was dis-cretized, the clearance O-grid contained 121 points in the wrap-around direction, 17 points normal to the collapsed centerline, and7 points in the radial direction~see Fig. 6!. The axial and circum-ferential grid dimensions necessary to resolve convected wakesand hot streaks were determined using a two-dimensional analy-sis. The average value ofy1, the nondimensional distance of thefirst grid point above a surface, was approximately 1.5 for theairfoil surfaces and 3.0 for the endwall surfaces. The total number

of grid points used to discretize the turbine flow field for the caseswith the CERTS profile alone was approximately 1.27 million,while the simulations with a superimposed hot streak utilized ap-proximately 2.54 million grid points.

The computations were each run for 15 cycles using one subit-eration per time step and 6000 time steps per cycle. Here, a cycleis defined as the time it takes a rotor to travel a circumferentialdistance equal to one vane pitch. The computations were per-formed on eight 250-MHz processors of a Silicon Graphics Ori-gin2000 computer located at NASA Ames Research Center. Eachcomputation required approximately 631025 s/grid point/iteration computation time~i.e., each iteration takes approximately28 seconds wall clock time!.

Numerical ResultsThe Mach number at the inlet to the vane is approximately 0.14

and the inlet flow is assumed to be axial. The rotor rotationalspeed was 11,373 rpm. The free-stream Reynolds number was197,000 based on the rotor axial chord. A pressure ratio ofP4 /Pt150.385 was calculated from the experimental data basedon the midspan inlet total pressure and the static pressure in therotor trailing edge plane.

Baseline Case—CERTS Only. Figures 7–9 show compari-sons between the predicted and experimental time-averaged criti-cal velocity ratio distributions, where the critical velocity ratio isdefined as

Fig. 4 Computational grid: spanwise view

Fig. 5 Computational grid: axial view

Fig. 6 Computational grid in tip clearance region

Fig. 7 Critical velocity ratio at the hub of the vane: baseline

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V/Vcr5V/A 2g

g11RTt (2)

and the velocity is based on the isentropic Mach number. There isgenerally good agreement between the predicted and experimentalresults, with small differences evident near peak suction. The ve-locity ratios were similar with and without rotor tip clearance.Therefore, only the results from the tip clearance case are shown.

Figure 10 contains the predicted and experimental radial pro-files of circumferentially averaged flow angle 2.5 chord lengthsdownstream of the rotor. Also included in Fig. 10 is the design-intent flow angle distribution. Both the predicted and experimentalresults indicate underturning near midspan. A previous studytraced the underturning to a large secondary flow region near thehub endwall in the rotor passage@15#. In general, there is goodagreement between the predicted and experimental data from 20to 70 percent span. Near the hub endwall there are discrepanciesbetween the numerical and experimental angles. The differencesare due to the extent of the secondary flows in the rotor passagebeing greater in the experiments than in the simulations. The re-duced secondary flows predicted by the analysis may result fromthe optimistic tendencies of the Baldwin–Lomax turbulencemodel in separated flow regions. The predicted results do notshow the near-constant flow angles that were observed in the ex-periments from 70 percent span to the outer endwall.

Figure 11 shows the predicted and experimental total pressure

distributions 2.5 chord lengths downstream of the rotor. There isgood agreement from 40 to 80 percent span. In the outer endwallregion the results from the case with 1.2 percent tip clearance caseshow more loss than the case with 0.0 percent tip clearance, whilethe discrepancies between the predicted results and the data nearthe hub are due to the larger secondary flows in the experiments.

Figure 12 contains the predicted and experimental total tem-perature distributions 2.5 chords downstream of the rotor. Thepredicted values from both simulations show close agreementwith the experimental data, although the case with tip clearanceshows better agreement with the data from the hub to 50 percentspan and higher temperatures near the outer endwall.

The experimentally determined time-averaged efficiency forthis turbine wash50.883, while the predicted value wash50.886 for 0 percent tip clearance andh50.875 with 1.2 percenttip clearance. The total-to-total efficiency,h, is defined as:

h5~Pt4 /Pt1!g21/g21.0

Tt1 /Tt421.0(3)

Cases With CERTS and Hot Streak. Although the experi-mental study using the CERTS contained a radial temperature

Fig. 8 Critical velocity ratio at midspan of the vane: baseline

Fig. 9 Critical velocity ratio at the tip of the vane: baseline

Fig. 10 Absolute circumferential flow angle distribution at theexit of the stage: baseline

Fig. 11 Total pressure distribution at the exit of the stage:baseline

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profile, a discrete hot streak was added at the inlet to the turbine torepresent a more realistic engine temperature distribution.

Figures 13 and 14 illustrate static temperature traces at the 42percent span location on the rotor leading edge in the cases with-out and with tip clearance, respectively. The 42 percent span lo-cation corresponds to the impact point of the hot streak in the casewithout tip clearance, but not for the case with tip clearance. Bothfigures confirm the periodicity of the solutions~traces at manyspanwise locations also showed periodicity!. The two figures alsoillustrate the temperature variations due to the vane wakes, as wellas the temperature rise associated with the superimposed hotstreak.

Time-averaged static temperature contours on the pressure sur-face of the rotor for the cases with and without tip clearance areshown in Figs. 15 and 16. The case with tip clearance shows moreheating over the majority of the pressure surface. The case withtip clearance also exhibits increased spreading of the hot fluid,especially toward the rotor tip. This is expected because of leak-age of flow over the tip from the pressure surface to the suctionsurface. Figures 17 and 18 show the time-averaged temperaturecontours on the suction surface of the rotor. Similar to the resultsfor the pressure surface, the case with tip clearance exhibits amore concentrated region of high temperature, as well as a largerspread of the hot fluid. In addition, the case with tip clearanceshows more hot fluid entrained in the tip flow. Some of the hot

fluid near the suction surface tip is leakage flow from the pressuresurface. Overall, the time-averaged rotor surface temperature ishigher in the case with tip clearance ('610.2 K) compared to thecase without tip clearance ('607.5 K).

Figure 19 shows the radial distributions of the circumferentiallyaveraged absolute total temperature at the inlet of the vane withand without the hot streak superimposed on the CERTS profile.The radial distributions of the total temperature at the vane exitare shown in Fig. 20. Both simulations including tip clearanceexhibit a high-temperature region at approximately 15 percentspan as compared to the cases without tip clearance. The caseswith the superimposed hot streak both display elevated tempera-tures at the vane exit. In the case with tip clearance, the locationcorresponding to the peak temperature is shifted approximately 5percent of the span closer to the hub than in the case without tipclearance. In addition, high temperature regions cover a greaterportion of the span, which is consistent with Figs. 15 and 16. Atthe exit of the rotor~see Fig. 21! the cases with tip clearancedisplay elevated temperatures from 80 percent of the span to theouter endwall, indicating less work being extracted near the tip ofthe rotor. Both simulations with the superimposed hot streakshave elevated temperatures compared to the simulations without ahot streak. The case with tip clearance and the hot streak haslower total temperatures than the case with the hot streak and notip clearance from approximately 30 to 70 percent of the span.

The absolute total pressure profiles at the vane inlet are shownin Fig. 22. The profiles are similar, which is expected because thetotal pressure distribution are specified boundary conditions at theinlet. At the exit of the vane passage~see Fig. 23!, the cases withthe hot streak generate greater losses from approximately 25 per-cent of the span to 70 percent of the span. The total pressureprofiles at the rotor exit are shown in Fig. 24. The profiles in thetwo cases with tip clearance are similar, while the cases withouttip clearance show lower total pressures from approximately 20 to80 percent of the span.

Figures 25 and 26 show radial profiles of the absolute circum-ferential flow angle at the exits of the vane and rotor passages,respectively. The vane exit flow angles are similar in all foursimulations from 10 to 75 percent of the span. Closer to the outercasing the simulations with tip clearance show generally moreflow turning. At the rotor exit the more even temperature distri-butions in the cases with tip clearance preserve the flow angledeficit originally observed in the CERTS experiments, while inthe cases without tip clearance the flow angle deficit is reduced.

ConclusionsA series of four three-dimensional unsteady Navier–Stokes

simulations has been performed for the CERTS turbine to study

Fig. 12 Total temperature distribution at the exit of the stage:baseline

Fig. 13 Temperature history at 42 percent span: no clearance

Fig. 14 Temperature history at 42 percent span: clearance

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the effects of tip clearance on the migration characteristics ofcombustor temperature distortions. Two baseline simulations~with and without tip clearance! were performed with the CERTSprofiles alone to allow comparisons with the available experimen-tal data. In general, the predicted results showed reasonable agree-ment with the experimental data. Next, two simulations were per-formed with a hot streak superimposed onto the CERTS profiles.The predicted results indicate that the inclusion of tip clearancecauses the hot fluid to spread out over a greater portion of the

Fig. 3 Computational grid and hot streak definition

Fig. 15 Time-averaged temperature—pressure surface—noclearance

Fig. 16 Time-averaged temperature—pressure surface—clearance

Fig. 17 Time-averaged temperature—suction surface—noclearance

Fig. 18 Time-averaged temperature—suction surface—clearance

Fig. 19 Total temperature distribution at the inlet of the vane

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Fig. 20 Total temperature distribution at the exit of the vane

Fig. 21 Total temperature distribution at the exit of the rotor

Fig. 22 Total pressure distribution at the inlet of the vane

Fig. 23 Total pressure distribution at the exit of the vane

Fig. 24 Total pressure distribution at the exit of the rotor

Fig. 25 Circumferential absolute flow angle distribution at theexit of the vane

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rotor surface, and the average rotor surface temperature is in-creased compared to the simulation without tip clearance. In bothsimulations, the hot streak had minimal effect on the total pressuredistributions. The circumferential flow angle deficit~which wasalso observed in the experiments! is preserved by the spreading ofthe hot fluid in presence of tip clearance, while the flow angledeficit is significantly reduced when the tip clearance is removedbecause the hot fluid is confined to a relatively narrow region nearmidspan.


a 5 speed of soundbp f 5 blade passing frequency

f 5 frequencyP 5 static pressure

P.S. 5 pressure surfacer 5 (r 2r hub)/(r tip2r hub)R 5 gas constant

S.S. 5 suction surfaceT 5 static temperatureu 5 x-direction component of velocityv 5 y-direction component of velocityV 5 magnitude of the velocityw 5 z-direction component of velocitya 5 circumferential flow angle~from axial!

g 5 ratio of specific heatsh 5 total-to-total efficiencyr 5 density

( ) 5 time-averaged value


cr 5 critical valuehs 5 hot streak

t 5 stagnation quantity1 5 vane inlet quantity4 5 exit duct quantity` 5 free-stream quantity

References@1# Krouthen, B., and Giles, M. B., 1990, ‘‘Numerical Investigation of Hot Streaks

in Turbines,’’ AIAAJ. Propul. Power,6, No. 6, pp. 769–776.@2# Rai, M. M., and Dring, R. P., 1990, ‘‘Navier–Stokes Analysis of the Redis-

tribution of Inlet Temperature Distortions in a Turbine,’’ AIAA J. Propul.Power,6, pp. 276–282.

@3# Takahashi, R. K., and Ni, R. H., 1990, ‘‘Unsteady Euler Analysis of theRedistribution of an Inlet Temperature Distortion in a Turbine,’’ AIAA PaperNo. 90-2262.

@4# Takahashi, R. K., and Ni, R. H., 1991, ‘‘Unsteady Hot Streak MigrationThrough a 1-1/2 Stage Turbine,’’ AIAA Paper No. 91-3382.

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@7# Dorney, D. J., and Gundy-Burlet, K. L., 1996, ‘‘Hot Streak Clocking Effects ina 1-1/2 Stage Turbine,’’ AIAA J. Propul. Power,12, No. 3, pp. 619–620.

@8# Gundy-Burlet, K. L., and Dorney, D. J., 1997, ‘‘Influence of 3D Hot Streakson Turbine Heat Transfer,’’ Int. J. Turbo Jet Eng.,14, No. 3, pp. 123–132.

@9# Shang, T., and Epstein, A. H., 1997, ‘‘Analysis of Hot Streak Effects onTurbine Rotor Heat Load,’’ ASME J. Turbomach.,119, pp. 544–553.

@10# Whitney, W. J., Stabe, R. G., and Moffitt, T. P., 1980, ‘‘Description of theWarm Core Turbine Facility and the Warm Annular Cascade Facility RecentlyInstalled at NASA Lewis Research Center,’’ NASA TM 81562.

@11# Schwab, J. R., Stabe, R. G., and Whitney, W. J., 1983, ‘‘Analytical and Ex-perimental Study of Flow Through an Axial Turbine Stage with a NonuniformInlet Radial Temperature Profile,’’ AIAA Paper No. 83-1175.

@12# Stabe, R. G., Whitney, W. J., and Moffitt, T. P., 1984, ‘‘Performance of aHigh-Work Low Aspect Ratio Turbine Tested with a Realistic Inlet RadialTemperature Profile,’’ AIAA Paper No. 84–1161.

@13# Baldwin, B. S., and Lomax, H., 1978, ‘‘Thin Layer Approximation and Alge-braic Model for Separated Turbulent Flow,’’ AIAA Paper No. 78-257.

@14# Roe, P. L., 1981, ‘‘Approximate Riemann Solvers, Parameter Vectors, andDifference Schemes,’’ J. Comput. Phys.,43, pp. 357–372.

@15# Dorney, D. J., and Schwab, J. R., 1995, ‘‘Unsteady Numerical Simulations ofRadial Temperature Profile Redistribution in a Single-Stage Turbine,’’ ASMEJ. Turbomach.,118, pp. 783–791.

@16# Butler, T. L., Sharma, O. P., Joslyn, H. D., and Dring, R. P., 1989, ‘‘Redistri-bution of an Inlet Temperature Distortion in an Axial Flow Turbine Stage,’’AIAA J. Propul. Power,5, pp. 64–71.

Fig. 26 Circumferential absolute flow angle distribution at theexit of the rotor

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Anil PrasadUnited Technologies Research Center,

East Hartford, CT 06108

Joel H. WagnerPratt & Whitney,

East Hartford, CT 06108

Unsteady Effects in Turbine TipClearance FlowsThe present study is concerned with the unsteady flow field on the blade outer air sealsegments of high-work turbines; these segments are installed between the blade tip andouter casing and are usually subjected to extreme heat loads. Time-resolved measure-ments of the unsteady pressure on the blade outer air seal are made in a low-speedturbine rig. The present measurements indicate the existence of a separation zone on theblade tip, which causes a vena contracta to form at the entrance of the tip gap. Inaddition, a careful comparison between the ensemble-averaged pressure measurementand the corresponding result from steady computation suggests that the pressure on theblade outer air seal can largely be described as being due to a steady flow (in the rotatingframe) sweeping past a stationary probe. The ensemble deviation measurement indicatesthat unsteadiness (from one revolution to the next) is confined to the tip gap.@S0889-504X~00!02304-7#

IntroductionTip clearance flow in turbomachines has been studied exten-

sively by scores of investigators since the seminal work of Rains@1#. Although Rains’ work dealt primarily with compressors, itdemonstrated the intricate nature of tip clearance flow and theevolution of the tip vortex. The dynamics of flow through turbineblade passages is further complicated by the existence of second-ary flows, which result from flow turning. The tip clearance flowtogether with the passage secondary flows account for about 25percent of the total loss incurred in a turbine stage. The generalfeatures of secondary flow in turbine cascades are described bySieverding@2#, and mechanisms by which losses are generated inturbine passages are addressed by Bindon@3#. It is generallyknown that the tip clearance flow is a pressure-driven flow withviscous effect being confined to the vicinity of the wall, except forthe limiting case of small tip clearance where viscous effectsdominate the entire tip gap region. The flow that leaks over theblade tip emerges from the tip clearance in the form of a wall jet;this jet is then subjected to the pressure gradients present in theblade passage and rolls up into a coherent vortical structure. Thedetails of the flow through the tip gap have been documented byMoore and Tilton@4#, Sjolander and Cao@5# and Bindon@3#,while the effect of rotation on the tip gap flow was examined byMorphis and Bindon@6#. However, these investigations focusedon the tip gap flow measured in turbine cascade environments.The question then remains whether flow features determined fromcascade measurements are present in an actual turbine configura-tion, which is the main aspect of the present work. It is clear thatthe tip clearance flow in an actual turbine configuration is sig-nificantly more complex due to the presence of upstream vanewakes as well as the relative motion between the blade tip andthe endwall.

The present work is focused on the flow in ‘‘high-work’’ tur-bines. Market demands require engines with higher power-to-weight ratios and fewer airfoils, which has motivated the designof single-stage turbines that are capable of extracting largeamounts of work per stage. High-work turbine designs, which aremore suitable as high-pressure turbines, are characterized by lowvalues of flow coefficient. The higher values of blade loadingpresent in high-work turbines results in an intensified tip clearancevortex. It then follows that there is an urgent need to moderate theflow that leaks over the blade tip in order to offset the incurred

penalty in turbine performance. Although there exist severalmethods to moderate this tip leakage, it is nevertheless importantto understand the manner in which the flow evolves through theblade tip clearance. The present study utilizes a low-speed turbinerig, the focus being on the time-resolved pressure signature mea-sured on the curved surface of the blade outer air seal, which isinstalled between the blade tip and the outer casing. In engineapplications, this blade outer air seal surface is often film-cooled,but this particular aspect of the flow is beyond the scope of thepresent experimental investigation.

A secondary motivation for investigating this aspect of theflow arises from the observation that in the engine installation, theblade outer air seal segments are particularly susceptible to heatloads, especially in the region beneath the blade tip. It is there-fore of interest to examine the detailed dynamics of the tip gapflow as the blade tip sweeps over the outer air seal. The rigconditions are selected so as to nearly match the Reynolds number~Re53.433105 based on blade chord and blade exit relative ve-locity at midspan! with those present under actual engine condi-tions. Although engine Mach numbers cannot be simulated in therig, the purpose of this investigation is to extract characteristicincompressible flow structures that exist in a high-work turbinegeometry.

Experimental DetailsThe experiments were performed in the UTRC Large-Scale Ro-

tating Rig, which has been designated LSRR-2 in previous inves-tigations. The rig bears strong similarities to an earlier large-scalerotating rig used in the extensive turbine investigations of Joslynand Dring@7#. Only certain relevant features specific to the newconfiguration are described here.

A blower mounted downstream of the turbine stage drew atmo-spheric air through a bell-mouth inlet, followed by passagethrough a series of turbulence manipulation screens and flowstraighteners, over an axially positioned inlet cone and finallythrough the single-stage turbine model into a dump diffuser. Theflow coefficient, determined from measurements made upstreamof the vane leading edge, was the primary factor used to set flowconditions in the rig. This ensured that airfoil incidence angleswere always at their design values and independent of the ambienttemperature and pressure. In the present study, axial distances~x!are measured from the blade tip leading edge and normalized bythe blade tip axial chord,bx . The vane trailing edge is located atx/bx520.93.

The turbine vanes, blades and blade outer air seal segmentswere constructed from molded plastic. The molded plastic con-

Contributed by the International Gas Turbine Institute and presented at the 45thInternational Gas Turbine and Aeroengine Congress and Exhibition, Munich, Ger-many, May 8–11, 2000. Manuscript received by the International Gas Turbine Insti-tute February 2000. Paper No. 2000-GT-444. Review Chair: D. Ballal.

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struction permits a change of turbine geometry in a turnaroundtime that is significantly less than that required to replace ma-chined metal blading. The plastic airfoils also possess the advan-tage of being light and easy to instrument extensively. In addition,owing to a simple method of vane and blade installation, the air-foil counts can be easily altered. The nominal value of blade tipclearance was about 0.75 percent of blade span and is comparableto that found in typical engine configurations.

The vanes, blades, and blade outer air seal segments were in-strumented extensively. The installed instrumentation consisted of‘‘steady’’ and ‘‘unsteady’’ instrumentation to measure respec-tively the time-averaged and instantaneous flow quantities. Thesteady instrumentation was comprised of wall static pressure portson the airfoils and blade outer air seal segments. Pressure ports onthe vanes and blades were used to measure airfoil pressure distri-butions at seven different spanwise locations. The unsteady instru-mentation was installed only on the curved surface of the bladeouter air seal segments and consists of high-response pressuretransducers. The measurement of quantities using this unsteadyinstrumentation was phase-locked with the rotor and the data ac-quired are subsequently ensemble processed in order to facilitatecomparison with steady computational results generated using aflow solver described by Ni@8# and Davis et al.@9#. The flowsolver utilizes a Lax-Wendroff/multiple-grid procedure to com-pute the solution of the Reynolds-averaged Navier–Stokes equa-tions. The algorithm has second-order spatial accuracy and uses acentral difference approach for the spatial derivatives withsecond- and fourth-order smoothing for stability. The no-slip con-dition was implemented at the adiabatic solid boundaries and thenonreflecting conditions of Giles@10# were imposed at the down-stream end of the domain. The code has been extensively vali-dated as demonstrated in the work of Ni and Bogoian@11#, Ni andSharma@12# and Davis et al.@13#. In the present case, the entiretip region was gridded and turbulence closure was achieved usingthe Baldwin–Lomax@14# model.

The high-response pressure transducers were calibrated subse-quent to installation in the blade outer air seal segments withparticular care being exercised to ensure that a frequency responseof at least 9 kHz~about 15 times blade-passing frequency! wasattained. Five axial locations were selected, shown in Fig. 1, atwhich these high-response sensors were situated relative to theblade tip footprint. The blade tip footprint refers to the area sweptby the blade tip in its motion over the surface of the blade outer

air seal. Phase-locked data acquisition, performed by a high-speedanalog-to-digital board, was triggered by an optical pickup. Thepressure transducer signal was high-pass filtered at 10 Hz to re-move the mean component of pressure and any low-frequencyflow unsteadiness that was present in the rig. An anti-aliasinglow-pass filter with a cutoff frequency of 25 kHz was used sincedata acquisition was conducted at 50 kHz. Typically 100 en-sembles were recorded; this was deemed more than adequate,since little difference was found between the ensemble averagesobtained from 50 and 100 ensembles.

Airfoil Pressure DistributionsWall static pressure ports were installed on the vanes and

blades to measure steady-state airfoil distributions at the followingspanwise locations: 2, 12.5, 25, 50, 75, 87.5, and 98 percent of theairfoil span. Each spanwise set of pressure ports was distributedover two or more airfoils; these instrumented airfoils, no two ofwhich were adjacent, were distributed around the airfoil-pack. Ex-perimental vane pressure distributions are presented in Fig. 2 forselected spanwise locations; the corresponding computational dataare also shown. The coefficient of pressure used for the vanepressure distributions is defined as


12 rCx

2, (1)

whereCx is the midspan axial velocity at the inlet to the turbinemodel.

The quantityPT,absuvn is the annulus-averaged absolute inlettotal pressure; eight Kiel probes distributed uniformly around theannulus and located three vane chords upstream of the vane lead-ing edge provided the total pressure at the inlet to the turbine. Themeasured pressure data from various vane airfoils situated aroundthe annulus suggest a consistent vane-to-vane flow that is reason-

Fig. 1 Location of the high-response instrumentation. Of thefive transducers installed on the blade outer air seal, three arelocated within the blade tip footprint and one each is installedupstream and downstream of the blade. All distances are mea-sured from the blade tip leading edge and normalized by bladechord at the tip.

Fig. 2 Typical airfoil pressure distributions on the vane. Theordinate is the pressure coefficient defined in Eq. „1… and thespanwise locations of the distributions are indicated. The solidline is the pressure distribution determined from the computa-tional solution.

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ably axisymmetric in the turbine model. The slight mismatch be-tween the experiment and the computation on the vane suctionsurface is due to a small discrepancy in the vane stagger angle ofthe molded vanes in comparison with the design value used in thecomputation. The stagger angle was such that the vane throatareas were slightly larger than the design intent and is consistentwith the observed variation of the vane pressure distributions be-tween spanwise locations.

The measured blade pressure distributions, shown in Fig. 3 atthree different spanwise locations, are found to compare well withthe corresponding superposed results from the computation. Inthis case, the coefficient of pressure is defined as


12 rCx


wherePT,relubl is the circumferentially pitch-averaged value of therelative total pressure, deduced from traverse measurements in thevane exit plane located atx/bx520.455. It should be noted thatthe relative total pressure is clearly a function of radius and thisvariation was accounted for in the calculation of the pressure co-efficient. The pressure coefficientsCpV and CpB are consistentsince they are both based on an upstream total pressure measuredin the reference frame of the relevant airfoil row.

The measured vane and blade pressure distributions were foundto be very repeatable. This implies that the method of setting therig conditions~by monitoring the flow coefficient! was sufficientto ensure that airfoil loadings were consistent between experimen-tal runs. Moreover, the favorable correspondence between thesteady-state experimental airfoil pressure distributions and thosepredicted by computation indicates that the experimental measure-ments are similar to that specified in the design. One may thencompare certain experimentally measured features of the flow

with the corresponding computational result, and eventually inter-rogate the entire computational flow field in a manner that pre-cludes experimental measurement.

High Response Pressure Measurements on the BladeOuter Air Seal

As discussed above, the fluctuating component of the wall staticpressure was measured at five axial locations on the blade outerair seal as shown in Fig. 1, three of which lie beneath the bladetip. The three measurements within the blade tip footprint arecompared to results available from the steady computation; themeasurements upstream and downstream of the blade tip are in-cluded for completeness and do not display any specific charac-teristics representative of the tip leakage flow. Use is made of theunsteady pressure coefficient,

p85P2 P12 rCx


whereP is the time-averaged value of pressure at the axial loca-tion under consideration. Recall that the action of high-pass filter-ing during data acquisition directly results in a measurement ofthe fluctuating pressure (P2 P). The pressure time traces are ana-lyzed in terms of the conventional phase-locked ensemble averageand the root-mean-square deviation of the ensembles from theaverage.

In Fig. 4, the variation of the unsteady pressure atx/bx520.284 upstream of the blade leading edge clearly displays po-tential pressure fluctuations which are present at the blade-passingfrequency, denotedf B . Figures 5 and 6 depict typical phase-locked ensemble-averaged time variations of the pressure atx/bx50.229 andx/bx50.482; both time traces display a period-icity that corresponds to the blade-passing frequency. A certaindegree of blade-to-blade variation is evident in the time trace inFig. 6. It should be noted that the blade-to-blade variations in thetraces can be ascribed to rotor blade driven unsteadiness of thevane wake position, and also to blade tip clearance variations,which ranged between 0.7 and 1.0 percent of the blade span. InFig. 7, the time variation atx/bx50.720 demonstrates a strongperiodicity as well, but the blade-to-blade variations are more ap-parent and the time trace appears to be more complicated than thatshown in Fig. 6; this is attributed to further development of the tipleakage flow. The increase in amplitude of fluctuation ofp8 is alsoto be visible for the locations within the blade tip footprint. Thefluctuating pressure atx/bx51.239 downstream of the blade trail-ing edge, shown in Fig. 8, is comprised of what appears to be

Fig. 3 Typical airfoil distributions on the blade. The ordinate isthe pressure coefficient defined in Eq. „2… and the spanwiselocations of the distributions are indicated. The solid line is thecomputational pressure distribution.

Fig. 4 Time variation of unsteady pressure at x Õb xÄÀ0.284upstream of the blade tip leading edge. The ordinate is definedin Eq. „3….

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random noise superposed on an oscillation at the blade-passingfrequency, suggesting that turbulence present in the blade wakesis perceptible on the blade outer air seal.

In summary, the high-response measurements demonstrate thatthe measured static pressure signature on the blade outer air seal~in a stationary reference frame! displays a predominant frequencyof oscillation equal to the blade passing frequency. This suggeststhat the observed unsteadiness may be purely the result of a steadyflow moving at this frequency past a stationary transducer. In

order to evaluate this suggestion, the experimentally measuredtime traces are carefully compared with those extracted from thecomputational solution.

Comparison of Steady Computational Results to HighResponse Measurements

‘‘Time traces’’ are generated from the steady computationalsolution by transforming the circumferential variation of pressureacross the blade passage to a temporal one by using the product ofthe rotor angular speed and radius of curvature of the blade outerseal surface; the resulting computational pressure signature istime-shifted so as to be superimposed on the experimental mea-surement. The usefulness of comparing the details of theensemble-averaged pressure measurement with the steady compu-tation in a direct manner is twofold:

1 It is crucial in identifying not only specific flow features butalso their location and extent relative to the blade tip, since thelocation of the latter is known more precisely from the computa-tion than from the measurement.

2 To provide an indication of the level of unsteadiness in thetip clearance flow.

In order to make a meaningful comparison with computationalresults, measured signatures were selected from a blade for whichthe tip clearance is most similar to the nominal value~0.75 percentof blade span! used in the computation. In Figs. 9, 10, and 11,comparison is made between the ensemble-averaged measurementand the computational result at the three axial locations within theblade tip footprint, shown in Fig. 1. In each of these figures, theextent and location of the blade tip relative to the time trace areindicated by vertical lines; the vertical line to the left coincideswith the blade tip suction surface and that to the right coincideswith the pressure surface. Furthermore, the lower panes in thefigures show the corresponding time variation of the ensembleroot-mean-square deviation.

The figures indicate that the general features of the ensemble-averaged time trace compare well with those from steady compu-tation. The agreement between the experiment and the steadycomputational result with regard to the amplitude of ensemble-averaged pressure fluctuations and in the overall features of thepressure variation strongly suggests that the flow in the tip regionas discerned by a static pressure transducer on the blade outer airseal can largely be described as a steady flow in the referenceframe of the rotor. Furthermore, the variation of the ensembledeviation~displayed in the lower panes of the figures! is found tobe close to zero except for regions beneath the blade tip. Thisimplies that the flow within the blade passage does not changesignificantly from one revolution to the next, and lends support for

Fig. 5 Time variation of unsteady pressure at x Õb xÄ0.229within the blade tip footprint. The ordinate is defined in Eq. „3….

Fig. 6 Time variation of unsteady pressure at x Õb xÄ0.482within the blade tip footprint. The ordinate is defined in Eq. „3….

Fig. 7 Time variation of unsteady pressure at x Õb xÄ0.720within the blade tip footprint. The ordinate is defined in Eq. „3….

Fig. 8 Time variation of unsteady pressure at x Õb xÄ1.239downstream of the blade tip trailing edge. The ordinate is de-fined in Eq. „3….

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the suggestion that the flow is virtually steady in the rotatingreference frame, with the unsteadiness for the most part beingconfined to the vicinity of the tip gap.

The general features of the experimental time trace agree wellwith those determined from computation and an attempt is nowmade to extract physical features of the tip clearance flow from itspressure signature on the blade outer air seal. Contours of staticpressure on the blade outer air seal from the computation areshown in Fig. 12, and include the locations of two adjacent bladetips. The presence of the tip vortex imparts a region of low pres-sure on the blade outer air seal near the suction surface of theairfoil, by virtue not only of the low pressure that exists at the coreof a vortex but also because of the streamline curvature that isinduced between the vortex and the endwall. Upon careful scru-tiny, a region of lower static pressure is observed near the pressuresurface of the blade tip~distinguished by the concentration ofcontours there!, which is suggestive of avena contractain the tipgap. In order to display more clearly the extent of thisvena con-tracta, streamline patterns are extracted from the computationalsolution. The streamline pattern on a plane parallel to the blade tipsurface and slightly removed from it is shown in Fig. 13~a!. It isobserved that a reattachment line forms near the pressure surface

of the blade tip, and that the flow leaves the tip gap in an almostaxial direction. The streamline pattern in a plane perpendicular tothe blade tip near the pressure side corner~shown in Fig. 13~b!! isemployed to visualize the flow in the tip gap. It is clearly seen thatflow separation occurs at the edge of the pressure surface withsubsequent reattachment on the blade tip surface. The ensuingseparation bubble results in avena contractaat the inlet to the tipgap and is responsible for the region of low static pressure nearthe blade tip pressure surface seen in Fig. 12. Figure 13~b! alsoindicates that the separation bubble~obtained from the steadycomputational solution! occupies about 20 percent of the radial tip

Fig. 9 Pressure signature at x Õb xÄ0.229. In the upper pane,the computational result is shown as the broken line and theensemble-averaged measurement is shown as the solid line.The lower pane depicts the corresponding variation of the en-semble deviation. The blade tip lies between the two verticallines indicated.

Fig. 10 Pressure signature at x Õb xÄ0.482. In the upper pane,the computational result is shown as the broken line and theensemble-averaged measurement is shown as the solid line.The lower pane depicts the corresponding variation of the en-semble deviation to the same scale as the upper pane. Theblade tip lies between the two vertical lines indicated.

Fig. 11 Pressure signature at x Õb xÄ0.720. In the upper pane,the computational result is shown as the broken line and theensemble-averaged measurement is shown as the solid line.The lower pane depicts the corresponding variation of the en-semble deviation to the same scale as the upper pane. Theblade tip lies between the two vertical lines indicated.

Fig. 12 Static pressure coefficient on the surface of the bladeouter air seal. The static pressure coefficient is defined withrespect to the turbine inlet total pressure and normalized by theturbine inlet dynamic pressure so that regions indicated by redcontour levels correspond to low static pressure and those in-dicated by blue to higher static pressure. The high-responsepressure transducers are located at the axial stations indicatedby the broken lines.

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clearance, which implies that variations in the size of this bubblemay affect the instantaneous pressure measured on the blade outerair seal surface.

The contour plot in Fig. 12, when used in conjunction withcomputational time traces, indicates that the minimum pressurebeneath the blade tip is due to thevena contracta; furthermore, thelocal minimum to the left of the blade tip suction surface corre-sponds to the signature of the tip vortex. If each axial location isconsidered in turn, it is found that forx/bx50.229, the minimumdue to the tip vortex appears to be more intense in the computa-tion than that measured experimentally, as shown in Fig. 9.

Further downstream atx/bx50.482 in Fig. 10, a somewhat bet-ter agreement is observed between the ensemble-averaged mea-surement and computation for the tip vortex minimum unsteadypressure as well as the minimum pressure due to thevena con-tracta. At this location, it is found that most of the unsteadiness isconfined to the tip gap, as indicated by the variation of ensembledeviation within that region.

The pressure time signature atx/bx50.720, where the tip vor-tex has developed to a significant extent, is presented in Fig. 11.The magnitude of the minimum due to the tip vortex is captured

reasonably well by the computation. However, the minimum un-steady pressure due to thevena contractaand its location relativeto the blade tip displays differences between the measurement andcomputation. The intensity of the experimentalvena contractaminimum pressure is larger than that predicted from computation,and may be indicative of an unsteady effect. Khan@15# has shownthat leading edge separation bubbles on compressor blades alsodemonstrate unsteadiness induced by the external forcing of up-stream vane wakes which causes the bubble to appear larger thanits time-averaged value. Furthermore, the measured location atwhich thevena contractaminimum pressure occurs seems to befurther within the tip gap region than that predicted by the com-putation. The experimental minimum is found to occur at about 30percent of the blade tip thickness at this location. It should bepointed out that the region of nearly constant pressure to the leftof this minimum is believed to be due to the shear layer that formsin the tip gap downstream of thevena contracta.

Sjolander and Cao@5# and Moore and Tilton@4# have madedetailed measurements on the endwall in turbine cascade environ-ments; Sjolander and Cao also present flow visualization on theblade tip surface. Both of these investigations clearly show theexistence of avena contractadue to local separation at the pres-sure surface corner. Moreover, it can be inferred from their mea-surements that the location of this minimum occurs at about25–33 percent of the local blade tip thickness, which is in reason-able agreement with the present measurements.

In summary, it can be stated that the main features of the tipclearance flow are discerned on the blade outer air seal pressuresignature. Furthermore, the present work indicates that earliermeasurements in cascade environments bear strong similarities tothat found in a low-speed rotating rig turbine configuration. Athigher Mach numbers, one would expect the static pressure fieldassociated with the vane to have a stronger influence on the pres-sure sensed on the blade outer air seal surface.

ConclusionsTime-resolved measurements on the blade outer air seal are

found to capture the presence of the main flow features that existin the tip region; the signature of the tip clearance vortex as wellthat of a separation zone that forms on the blade tip near itspressure surface are clearly visible as local minima in the pressuresignature. This separation bubble results in avena contractaat theinlet to the tip gap; its existence is confirmed by examination ofthe steady computational flow field on the blade outer air seal.Careful comparison of phase-locked ensemble-averaged staticpressure measurements with these steady computational resultsdemonstrates that much of the flow is largely steady in the rotat-ing frame of reference at the low Mach numbers considered hereand that the bulk of unsteadiness is confined to the tip gap. Theseflow structures, determined in the present study using a low-speedturbine rig, are found to compare well with those determined byearlier investigators in turbine cascade environments.

AcknowledgmentsThe authors would like to express their gratitude to Gary Stet-

son and Dick Price, whose extremely helpful suggestions contrib-uted significantly to interpretation of the measured data. GaryWinch was responsible for the maintenance of the rig and assistedin experimental data acquisition.

References@1# Rains, D. A., 1954, ‘‘Tip Clearance Flows in Axial Flow Compressors and

Pumps,’’ California Institute of Technology, Hydrodynamics and Mechanical

Engineering Laboratories, Report No. 5.@2# Sieverding, C. H., 1985, ‘‘Recent Progress in the Understanding of Basic

Aspects of Secondary Flows in Turbine Blade Passages,’’ ASME J. Turbo-mach.,107, pp. 248–257.

@3# Bindon, J. P., 1989, ‘‘The Measurement and Formation of Tip ClearanceLoss,’’ ASME J. Turbomach.,111, pp. 257–263.

Fig. 13 The streamline pattern determined from the computa-tional solution. „a… Streamline pattern on a plane that is parallelto the blade tip surface and a small distance away from it. Thelocation of an axially aligned intersection place is indicated, atwhich the flow in the tip gap is examined. „b… Streamline pat-tern in the plane, showing clearly the existence of a separationbubble near the edge between the pressure surface and theblade tip.

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@4# Moore, J., and Tilton, J. S., 1988, ‘‘Tip Leakage Flow in a Linear TurbineCascade,’’ ASME J. Turbomach.,110, pp. 18–26.

@5# Sjolander, S. A., and Cao, D., 1995, ‘‘Measurements of the Flow in an Ideal-ized Turbine Tip Gap,’’ ASME J. Turbomach.,117, pp. 578–584.

@6# Morphis, G., and Bindon, J. P., 1988, ‘‘The Effects of Relative Motion, BladeEdge Radius and Gap Size on the Blade Tip Pressure Distribution in an An-nular Cascade With Clearance,’’ ASME Paper No. 88-GT-256.

@7# Joslyn, H. D., and Dring, R. P., 1992, ‘‘Three-Dimensional Flow in an AxialTurbine: Part 1—Aerodynamic Mechanisms,’’ ASME J. Turbomach.,114, pp.61–70.

@8# Ni, R. H., 1982, ‘‘A Multiple Grid Scheme for Solving Euler Equations,’’AIAA J., 20, pp. 1565–1571.

@9# Davis, R. L., Ni, R.-H., and Carter, J. E., 1986, ‘‘Cascade Viscous FlowAnalysis Using Navier–Stokes equations,’’ AIAA Paper No. 86-0033.

@10# Giles, M. B., 1990, ‘‘Nonreflecting Boundary Conditions for Euler EquationCalculations,’’ AIAA J.,28, pp. 2050–2058.

@11# Ni, R. H., and Bogoian, J. C., 1989, ‘‘Predictions of 3-D Multi-stage TurbineFlow Fields Using a Multiple-Grid Euler Solver,’’ AIAA Paper No. 89-0203.

@12# Ni, R. H., and Sharma, O. P., 1990, ‘‘Using a 3-D Euler Flow Simulation toAssess Effects of Periodic Unsteady Flow Through Turbines,’’ AIAA PaperNo. 90-2357.

@13# Davis, R. L., Shang, T., Buteau, J., and Ni, R.-H., 1996, ‘‘Prediction of 3-DUnsteady Flow in Multi-stage Turbomachinery Using an Implicit Dual Time-Step Approach,’’ AIAA Paper No. 96-2565.

@14# Baldwin, B. S., and Lomax, H., 1978, ‘‘Thin Layer Approximation and Alge-braic Model for Separated Turbulent Flows,’’ AIAA Paper No. 78-257.

@15# Khan, R., 2000, ‘‘Boundary Layers on Compressor Blades,’’ Ph.D. disserta-tion ~in preparation!, Whittle Laboratory, University of Cambridge, Cam-bridge, England.

Journal of Turbomachinery OCTOBER 2000, Vol. 122 Õ 627

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Wolfgang Hohnemail: [email protected]

Klaus Heinig

MTU Motoren- und Turbinen-Union,Munchen GmbH,

Department of Acoustics and Aeroelasticity,Dachauer Straße 665,

D-80995 Munchen, Germany

Numerical and ExperimentalInvestigation of Unsteady FlowInteraction in a Low-PressureMultistage TurbineThis paper presents results of unsteady viscous flow calculations and corresponding coldflow experiments of a three-stage low-pressure turbine. The investigation emphasizes thestudy of unsteady flow interaction. A time-accurate Reynolds-averaged Navier–Stokessolver is applied for the computations. Turbulence is modeled using the Spalart–Allmarasone-equation turbulence model and the influence of modern transition models on theunsteady flow predictions is investigated. The integration of the governing equations intime is performed with a four-stage Runge–Kutta scheme, which is accelerated by atwo-grid method in the viscous boundary layer around the blades. At the inlet and outlet,nonreflecting boundary conditions are used. The quasi-three-dimensional calculations areconducted on a stream surface around midspan, allowing a varying stream tube thickness.In order to study the unsteady flow interaction, a three-stage low-pressure turbine rig ofa modern commercial jet engine is built up. In addition to the design point, the Reynoldsnumber, the wheel speed, and the pressure ratio are also varied in the tests. The numeri-cal method is able to capture important unsteady effects found in the experiments, i.e.,unsteady transition as well as the blade row interaction. In particular, the flow field withrespect to time-averaged and unsteady quantities such as surface pressure, entropy, andskin friction is compared with the experiments conducted in the cold air flow test rig.@S0889-504X~00!02004-3#

IntroductionMany research activities are presently being conducted in the

field of unsteady blade row interaction in axial turbomachines,e.g.,@1–4#.

The aim of this paper is to present a computational method@5#that quantitatively predicts important unsteady transition effects ina three-stage low-pressure turbine. The Abu-Ghannam/Shaw@6#model is used to predict the onset of transition. It is one of themost widely used models in both external and internal flow simu-lations@7#. A modification of the Abu-Ghannam/Shaw model con-ducted by Drela@8# has been implemented into the Navier–Stokessolver @9#. Other approaches found in the literature use eitheralgebraic turbulence models in conjunction with the intermittencyapproach @10# or two-equation models, especially the low-Reynolds-numberk–« models @11#. Eulitz and Engel@5# andEkaterinaris@12# demonstrated for turbomachinery and airfoil ap-plications that the one-equation turbulence model of Spalart andAllmaras@13# is a good compromise between turbulent predictionqualities and computational costs.

The present work is conducted within the German Engine-3Eturbine technology program@14#. The final goal of this project isto understand the underlying mechanisms of turbine stator clock-ing, which denotes the interaction of an upstream stator wake withthe next stator, which has the same blade count. Although severalstudies on turbine clocking have been presented@15,16#, the phe-nomenon is not fully understood yet.

This paper presents a classification of unsteady blade row in-teraction effects followed by the description of the experimentalsetup. Thereafter, the computational method used for steady andunsteady computations is explained. The latter needs a steady-

state initial solution for the time-accurate computation of the un-steady Reynolds-averaged Navier–Stokes equations. Moreover,the turbulence and transition model are discussed. Finally, theresults of the steady-state, time-averaged unsteady and unsteadycalculations are compared with experiments conducted in a low-pressure turbine cold flow turbine test rig.

Classification of EffectsAn attempt is made to classify the effects in multistage turbo-

machines that are due to the wake generated by an upstream bladerow, i.e., a stator, according to different mechanisms working onthe next stator blade row.

Wake-Generating Blade Row. The flow leaving a statorblade row consists of wakes that extend downstream of each in-dividual blade profile. The shape of these wakes differs dependingon whether the vorticity in the wake is continuously or discontinu-ously distributed. A discontinuous distribution of vorticity may beself-induced~vortex shedding! or caused by external effects suchas pressure disturbances; see Dorney and Sondak@17#. In bothcases, there is interaction between the wake and the downstreamblade rows, although in a different manner, and therefore the dis-sipation process linked to the shear stress takes a different course.

Transformation Blade Row. The first downstream rotorblade row intercepts the continuously shaped wake from the up-stream stator as a result of its relative movement and deforms, i.e.,twists, upsets, and stretches, the segments of the distributed wakevorticity. During interception, the wake comes into direct contactwith the boundary layer of the rotor blade row. This causes ve-locity disturbances, velocity gradient disturbances, or vorticitydisturbances at the edge of the boundary layer; see Valkov andTan @18# and Platzer and Tuncer@19#, which in turn affect thelosses in the laminar, transition, and turbulent regions of theboundary layer during convection. The equidistant arrangement ofprofiles in the wake-generating blade row leads to a periodic wake

Contributed by the International Gas Turbine Institute and presented at the 45thInternational Gas Turbine and Aeroengine Congress and Exhibition, Munich, Ger-many, May 8–11, 2000. Manuscript received by the International Gas Turbine Insti-tute February 2000. Paper No. 2000-GT-437. Review Chair: D. Ballal.

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at the transformation blade row whose vorticity, as a result, is nolonger continuously distributed. Simultaneously, the interceptionprocess produces a double vortex, see Fig. 1, which will interactwith all downstream blade rows.

Interaction Blade Row. The inflow conditions of the inter-action blade row, i.e., a stator, are the discontinuously shapedwakes and the double vortex with boundary layer material fromthe wake-generating blade row, which convects between two ad-jacent continuous transformation blade~rotor! wakes.

Experimental SetupThe investigations are performed on a three-stage cold-air LPT

rig with various operating conditions and geometry; see Heisler@20#. All three stators carry the same number of vanes, which canbe precisely adjusted circumferentially; see Fig. 2. In addition tothe Reynolds number, the speed and the pressure ratio can bevaried.

Instrumentation and Measurements. The test rig is instru-mented in order to study the physics of stator clocking. The totalisentropic efficiency is determined by measurements of the mass-weighted representative total pressure and total temperature at theturbine inlet and outlet, where mixing losses are not taken intoaccount. Since the inflow conditions to the downstream stator ofeach clocking pair vary for the circumferential positions, compre-hensive unsteady instrumentation is provided at midspan. Theleading edges are fitted with unsteady total pressure transducers,the positions near the transition region with unsteady static pres-sure transducers, and the suction sides of the profiles with surfacemounted hot-film sensors. Static pressure holes are used to mea-sure the time-averaged pressure on the stator blades at midspan.

Computational MethodThe unsteady flow equations, i.e., the Reynolds-averaged, com-

pressible Navier–Stokes equations, are solved along the three-dimensional stream-tube with varying radial thickness and radius@5#. The convective fluxes are discretized using Roe’s upwindscheme@21# in combination with van Leer’s MUSCL approach@22# to obtain second-order accuracy in space. The viscous termsare discretized with central differences. At the solid blade wall theno-slip condition is applied. At the streamtube boundaries towardthe tip and the hub, the kinematic boundary condition is applied.The steady-state equations are marched in time using an implicitscheme@9#. The unsteady flow equations are solved using a four-stage Runge–Kutta scheme in combination with He’s time accu-rate two-grid method@23#. For the steady-state solution at the inletand outlet boundaries of the computational domain, quasi-three

dimensional nonreflecting boundary conditions are applied@24#.For the unsteady computations nonreflecting boundary conditionsaccording to Acton and Cargill@25# are used. At the rotor–statorinterface the sheared cell technique@26# is employed for the un-steady computations, whereas the circumferentially averagedcharacteristic variables are exchanged at the steady rotor–statorinterface.

The multiblock solver is parallelized based on domain compo-sition and message passing using communication routines of theMPI library. In order to achieve good parallel performanceand efficiency, explicit or block local solution strategies areimplemented@27#.

Turbulence and Transition Modeling. In order to close theReynolds-averaged equations, the Boussinesq hypothesis is used@28# together with the Spalart and Allmaras one equation turbu-lence model@13#.

Transition onset is determined from a correlation as proposedby Drela @8# for his viscous/inviscid interaction code MISES,which is a modification of the well-known Abu-Ghanam/Shaw@6#criterion. In the laminar part of the boundary layer the transportequation of the one equation turbulence model is solved withoutturbulent production. When the Drela correlation signals the startof transition, the production term is switched on.

Configuration and Computational Mesh. A low-pressuremodel turbine with three stages, as shown in Fig. 3, is consideredfor this study. A blade count ratio of 1 has been assumed in orderto limit the computational costs. The rotor blades were geometri-cally scaled to a blade number of 70, i.e., the number of statorblades, in order to keep loading of the blades the same as in theunscaled case. Moreover, the axial gaps between the blades in thecalculations are kept the same as in the experiments. The Machnumber at the entry of the turbine is 0.45 and the total pressureratio is approximately 3. The Reynolds number based on the exitflow and the chord length of the first vane is 90,000. For theturbulent calculation using the transition model, the turbulencelevel is 1.5 percent at the inlet of the computational mesh. Thecomputational mesh consists of O-blocks around the airfoils andthree H-blocks in the blade passage with a total of 18,000 meshcells for each blade passage. They1 values of the first meshpoints off the surface are below 1.5 in order to resolve the turbu-lent boundary layer accurately and 15 to 20 mesh points are in theboundary layer in the aft section of the blades.

Steady-State Calculation. The steady-state multistage calcu-lation is initialized by linear interpolation of the calculated flowangle and Mach number and pressure for each blade by the valuesobtained from the S1–S2 design procedure used at MTU. TheReynolds-averaged Navier–Stokes equations are marched in timeby a fully implicit time integration scheme@9#. For the fully tur-bulent calculations approximately 10,000 time steps are needed toachieve full convergence using a CFL number of 80. For thecalculations using the transition correlation, the first 1000 timesteps are used to develop the turbulent boundary layer and thenapproximately 10,000 time steps are required to achieve a con-verged steady-state solution. At the stator–rotor interface,passage-averaged flow quantities are exchanged and the wakes aremixed out at the blade row boundaries. The steady-state calcula-tion is used as initial solution for the unsteady time accuratecalculations.

Time-Accurate Calculation. When starting the unsteady cal-

Fig. 2 Experimental setup Fig. 3 Computational mesh

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culation with the steady-state result as initial solution, a time-periodic solution does not evolve until all wakes are convectedthrough the computational domain. Using the two-grid method,the time step can be set to CFL number of 7.0 in the O-grid, wherethe smallest cells are found in the viscous boundary layer. Eigh-teen blade passing periods are computed to obtain a periodic un-steady flow field.


Steady-State Results. In order to study the basic perfor-mance of the transition model, steady-state calculations are per-formed for the third stator alone. The boundary conditions for thenumerical computations are taken from the S1–S2 design methodused at MTU.

Figure 4 shows the surface pressure distribution at midspannormalized with the total inlet pressure. Good agreement betweenthe time-averaged unsteady measurements and the steady calcula-tion is found in general. Close to the trailing edge on the suctionside of the blade, the laminar flow separates, transition occurs, andthe turbulent flow reattaches. The numerical predictions includingthe transition model show excellent agreement with the experi-ments. The transition model correctly predicts the transition of thelaminar separated flow to turbulent flow, which can be seen in thesurface pressure distribution close to the trailing edge.

Time-Averaged Unsteady Results. Figures 5, 6, and 7 showthe time-averaged surface pressure distribution for the experi-ments and the computations conducted using the fully turbulentNavier–Stokes equations and the simulation incorporating thetransition model for the stators of the low pressure rig at midspan.In general, good agreement with the experiments is found, whichconfirms the applicability of the quasi-three-dimensional methodtoward the investigated problem. The steady-state results shownin Fig. 4 give better agreement with the experiments because thecomputations are performed for the third stator alone with thespecified boundary conditions according to the experiments beforeand after the blade. It cannot be expected that the computationsfor the full rig at midspan, where the boundary conditions arespecified according to the experiment in front of the first statorand after the last rotor, give the same accuracy for the numericalpredictions. The fully turbulent calculations show no separationon the suction side of the blade for either stator one or stator three.On the other hand, the calculations considering transition giveseparation for stator one and three at these points. This is indi-cated by the pressure distribution obtained in the calculation withthe transition model close to the trailing edge of stator 1 on thesuction side. However, the pressure distribution of stator 3 doesnot indicate a separation in the calculations with the transition

Fig. 4 Steady-state surface pressure distribution, Stator 3

Fig. 5 Time-averaged surface pressure distribution, Stator 3

Fig. 6 Time-averaged surface pressure distribution, Stator 2

Fig. 7 Time-averaged surface pressure distribution, Stator 3

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model as shown in Fig. 4 for the steady calculations. This isprobably due to a flat separation bubble in the numerical predic-tion and will be investigated in future studies. It is expected thattransition from laminar to turbulent flow in the separated regionwill have a considerable influence on the profile loss as well as theoverall efficiency predicted by the numerical method. In the otherregions, good agreement is found between the fully turbulent cal-culations and the computations with the transition model. Thehigher back pressure close to the trailing edge at stator 3 in thenumerical results has to be investigated in future studies. Thenewest results show better agreement between the experimentsand the numerical predictions for the suction side of stator oneand the pressure side of stator two by improving the streamsurfaceobtained by the S2 procedure, which is used for the quasi-three-dimensional computations.

Unsteady Results. On the rearward suction-side as well asthe forward pressure side of rotor 1, the boundary layer shows aclear tendency to transition induced by flow separation in the cal-culations using the transition model. However, the fully turbulentcalculation does not predict the separation on the suction side ofthis blade. Due to the interaction of the boundary layer and thewake of the upstream stator, the vortex leaving the rotor has adifferent shape in the two different calculations. This circum-

stance is obvious in Figs. 8–11, which show the instantaneousflow fields for the entropy of the whole configuration under inves-tigation for the fully turbulent calculation. Comparing these fig-ures at the same entropy contour levels with the calculations usingthe transition model at the exit of stator 1, i.e., Figs. 12–15, showsthe different vortex structure of the upstream stator wake leavingthe rotor 1. These wakes are interacting then with stator 2 and itsboundary layer. Consequently, the interaction of the wakes of sta-

Fig. 1 Transformation blade row

Fig. 8 Entropy, tÄt 0 , fully turbulent

Fig. 9 Entropy, tÄTÕ4, fully turbulent

Fig. 10 Entropy, tÄTÕ2, fully turbulent

Fig. 11 Entropy, tÄ3TÕ4, fully turbulent

Fig. 12 Entropy, tÄt 0 , transition model on

Fig. 13 Entropy, tÄTÕ4, transition model on

Fig. 14 Entropy, tÄTÕ2, transition model on

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tor 1 and stator 2, which is commonly denoted as clocking, seemsto be dependent on the modeling of transition. As the wake ofstator 1 moves further, it shows some tendency to merge with thewake of stator 2. A very similar interaction process takes placewith the next three blade rows, i.e., stator 2, rotor 2, and stator 3.However, due to the interaction of the wakes with the upstreamstream wakes, it is more difficult to identify clearly the origin ofeach wake.

Figures 16 and 17 show the space–time diagram of the wallshear stress on the suction side of the blade for the computationwithout ~fully turbulent! and with transition for five blade passingperiods. Figure 16 shows that the flow does not separate for thefully turbulent computations. The calculations give 5 N/m2 asminimum value for the wall shear stress.

On the other hand, the computations with the transition model,see Fig. 17, show separated flow for 0.7 to 0.95 of the meridionalcoordinate~MMG! and 80 percent of the blade passing time of0.16 ms. The experimental hot-film results are presented as quasiwall shear stress@29# and are shown in Fig. 18 as a space–timediagram. The figure indicates very low quasi wall shear stressbetween 0.75 and 0.95 of the meridional coordinate in quite goodagreement with the numerical results given in Fig. 17. Since thehot-film measurement technique is not able to detect negative wallshear stresses, flow visualization pictures are used to detect thatthe flow is separated in this area. The maximum quasi wall shearstress is measured at about 0.51 of the meriodional coordinateagainst 0.42 for the computations with the transition model. Inaddition, the wake-induced path can be seen clearly in the experi-mental and numerical results.

ConclusionsA time-accurate Navier–Stokes solver is applied toward the

unsteady flow interaction in a three-stage low-pressure turbine. Amodern one-equation turbulence model coupled with a variant ofan AGS transition model is used to predict the transition on theblade surface.

The steady and unsteady time-averaged results show, in gen-eral, good agreement with the experiments for the surface pressuredistribution at midspan. However, efforts are made to achievebetter agreement between the experiments and the computationsby improving the S2 solution obtained by a throughflow method.

The unsteady interaction of the wake of an upstream stator withthe following rotor and the next stator is influenced by the correctprediction of the separated flow on the rotor. The space–timediagrams show that a transition model is needed to predict thestate of the boundary layer correctly, i.e., the fully turbulent cal-culation fails to calculate the boundary layer separation on thesuction side of stator three.

Consequently, the influence of a modern transition model onthe prediction of the efficiency for stator clocking is presentlybeing investigated.

AcknowledgmentsThe authors would like to thank Mr. A. Heisler, Mr. F. Lippl,

and Mr. H. Kneißl from the MTU test team who carried out thecomprehensive test program, Mr. K. Rieger and Mr. B. Patzer forthe excellent measurements with unsteady pressure and surface-mounted hot-film sensors, Mr. U. Wiech for the ensemble averag-ing and data reduction, and Dr. A. Fiala for many useful discus-sions about the analysis of the measurements. Dr. K. Engel, Mr. F.Eulitz Mr. B. Gruber, and Mr. G. Kahl deserve thanks for assist-

Fig. 15 Entropy, tÄ3TÕ4, transition model on

Fig. 16 Wall shear stress, suction side of Stator 3, transitionmodel off

Fig. 17 Wall shear stress, suction side of Stator 3, transitionmodel on

Fig. 18 Quasi wall shear stress, suction side of Stator 3,experiments

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ing in the first steps in performing multiple stage calculations withthe present method at MTU. The work is part of the ‘‘Engine 3E2010 Program’’ financed by the German Ministry of Economicsand Technology under the contract No. 20T9537. The financialsupport is gratefully acknowledged.


t 5 time variableP 5 pressureT 5 blade passing period

MMG 5 meridional coordinate((E22E0

2)/E02)3 5 quasi wall shear stresstw 5 wall shear stress


e 5 entrance flow quantitys 5 static flow quantityt 5 stagnation flow quantity

v 5 vane

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Journal of Turbomachinery OCTOBER 2000, Vol. 122 Õ 633

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Weiliang Lou1

e-mail: [email protected]

Jean Hourmouziadis

Jet Propulsion Laboratory,Aerospace Institute F1,

Berlin University of Technology,Marchstr. 12,

D-10587 Berlin, Germany

Separation Bubbles Under Steadyand Periodic-Unsteady Main FlowConditionsBased on an experimental investigation carried out in a low-speed test facility at theBerlin University of Technology, this paper describes the formation of separation bubblesunder steady and periodic-unsteady main flow conditions. The aim of the investigationwas to understand the mechanism of separation, transition, and reattachment, and theeffect of main flow unsteadiness on it. Separation bubbles for various main flow condi-tions were generated over a large flat plate, which experienced a similar pressure distri-bution to that on the suction surface of blades in turbomachines. The pressure distributionwas generated by a contoured wall opposite the plate. Aimed at separating the effect ofthe velocity and the turbulence wake, this paper considers only the influence of thevelocity wake. To this effect, a rotating flap was mounted downstream of the test sectionto produce periodic oscillations of the main flow. The overall flow field under steady mainflow conditions was obtained by hot-wire measurements. Pressure taps were used tomeasure the pressure distribution over the plate. The Reynolds number effects were de-termined and compared to the measurement results in the literature. Results for periodic-unsteady separation bubbles are shown using different Strouhal numbers, oscillationamplitudes, and Reynolds numbers. Ensemble-averaged mean velocity profiles and theensemble-averaged rms velocity profiles are used to demonstrate the development of theperiodic boundary layer. Time–space diagrams are plotted to show the development ofthe periodic-unsteady boundary layers. The characteristic instability frequencies in thefree shear layer are identified. The impact of the major parameters, Strouhal number andamplitude, on the bubble formation are discussed.@S0889-504X~00!01204-6#

IntroductionIn turbomachines and particularly in aircraft engines, the Rey-

nolds numbers that characterize the development of boundary lay-ers are relatively low. A large part of the blade surface is oftencovered by laminar and transitional flow. The determination of thetransition zone is a very important task in the design process.

The designer of compressors and turbines for aircraft engines isrequired to achieve two targets simultaneously: high efficiencyand low weight. High efficiency should be available under differ-ent operating conditions. Figure 1 demonstrates the evolution oflosses with Reynolds number of a low-pressure turbine cascade.At high Reynolds number~a! transition occurs far upstream andturbulent separation near the trailing edge produces mixing losses~3!, which are added to the shear layer losses~2!. With decreasingReynolds number the turbulent separation disappears~b!, transi-tion moves downstream beyond the laminar separation point, anda separation bubble~c! appears on the suction surface. In thisregion loss generation takes place in the wall shear layers and thewake of trailing edge only. Further down the Reynolds scale,losses increase dramatically~d!. Transition has now moved so fardownstream that the turbulent free shear layer cannot reattachbefore the trailing edge. The largest part of the losses now isproduced by the mixing out of the separation in the wake~1!. Theextension of this separation away from the profile wall increasesrapidly with decreasing Reynolds number, because transition isshifted downstream. It has a maximum when the transition pointin the free shear layer reaches the plane of the trailing edge. Be-yond that point~e! rising losses are caused by the growing freeshear layer thickness with falling Reynolds number. Laminar

separation that does not reattach is the case of the so-called strongviscous/inviscid interaction or separation bubble bursting.

There appears to be a wide Reynolds number range with lowlosses. The second optimization criterion, however, low weight,demands small size or few airfoils, which means the lowest pos-sible Reynolds number.

The designer has to work very carefully to avoid the risk of anefficiency collapse. This requires an accurate prediction of thedevelopment of the separation bubble, e.g., the transition and re-attachment point. Failure to achieve this can affect the efficiencyby several percent and the life of components by more than anorder of magnitude@1#.

Current industrial turbomachinery blade design is still largelybased on empirical correlation methods for handling transition,primarily within integral boundary layer codes. Such methodswork effectively over a range of flow parameters~Reynolds num-ber, turbulence level, etc.! at design conditions, but become lessreliable at off-design conditions, when the transition is involved inseparation@2#.

On the other hand, most transition models are obtained fromsteady flow experiments. Turbomachinery flow, however, is un-steady. Each blade row produces a nonuniform exit flow field dueto both potential and viscous flow effects~Fig. 2!. The inlet flowfield to the downstream blade row is therefore characterized byperiodic changes in entropy, stagnation pressure, Mach number,radial and pitchwise flow angles, and turbulence. Due to the rela-tive motion of adjacent blade rows, a downstream blade row ex-periences an inlet flow that is periodically unsteady.

As a result of the unsteadiness that arises due to the interactionof the nonuniform exit flow from an upstream blade row with adownstream one, the surface pressure distribution and the bound-ary layer characteristics of the latter undergo periodic changes.One of the most important of these changes is that which occursas the boundary layers periodically undergo transition from lami-

1Present address: MTU Aero Engines, Dachauer Str. 665, 80995 Munich,Germany.

Contributed by the International Gas Turbine Institute and presented at the 45thInternational Gas Turbine and Aeroengine Congress and Exhibition, Munich, Ger-many, May 8–11, 2000. Manuscript received by the International Gas Turbine Insti-tute February 2000. Paper No. 2000-GT-270. Review Chair: D. Ballal.

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nar to turbulent flow. This unsteady transition affects not only theproduction of aerodynamic loss but also the heat transfer rates.

The wakes of upstream blades involve a periodic~velocitywake! and a random~turbulence wake! component. Both phenom-ena have a direct effect on the development of the boundary layerson the downstream blades. The relative importance of these phe-nomena still remains unclear@3#.

There are too many published studies related to boundary layertransition and separation bubble to be cited here. A generally ac-cepted classification@4# shows that there are four important modesof transition in a boundary layer: natural transition, bypass transi-tion, separated flow transition, and reverse transition. Separatedflow transition is the mode of transition of which the least isknown. Empirical data on the formation of the separation bubbles,under different experimental conditions, have been obtained bymany authors such as: Gault@5#, Gaster@6#, Horton @7#, Malkieland Mayle@8#, and others. The influence of the Reynolds numberand main flow turbulence level on separated flow behavior wasstudied by Roberts@9#. The interaction between separationbubbles and transition was observed by Hatman and Wang@10# ina low-speed test facility. A strong influence of upstream wakes onthe separation bubble has been found by Dong and Cumpsty@11#.Researchers from GE Aircraft Engines~Halstead, Wisler, Shin!,from the Iowa State University~Okiishi!, the University of Tas-mania~Walker!, and the University of Cambridge~Hodson! @12#carried out a comprehensive experimental study of the unsteadywake effects on the downstream blade rows of a compressor andturbine stage in an effort to understand the physics of unsteadytransition. Miller and Fejer@13# and Obremski and Fejer@14# haveinvestigated the influence of main flow oscillations on the transi-tion in attached boundary layers over a flat plate. However, nostudies separating the effects of the velocity and turbulence wakeson the separation bubbles are known to the authors.

To improve the physical understanding of separation bubblesunder steady and periodic-unsteady main flow conditions, thehighly loaded blade boundary layer is simulated in a low-speedtest facility. A large flat plate and a curved wall opposite the plate

were used to generate a boundary layer with a separation bubble.The characteristics of separation, transition, and reattachmentwere studied. The main flow oscillations were generated by arotating flap downstream of the test section. This experimentalsetup simulated the trailing edge velocity wake and permitted astudy of this effect alone without the influence of the associatedturbulence in the wake.

Experimental SetupThe experiments were conducted at the Berlin University of

Technology in an unsteady low-speed wind tunnel~Fig. 3!, whichis an open circuit wind tunnel of suction type. It incorporates aninlet, a settling chamber fitted with a honeycomb straightener, asquare 9:1 contraction, and a square test section of 0.4 m width,0.4 m height, and 1.5 m length. The test section is followed by arotating flap and a diffuser.

Under steady flow conditions a velocity range from zero to 40m/s can be realized in the test section. The variation of the meanflow velocity across the test section is less than 0.75 percent. Theturbulence level of the main flow is about 0.5 percent. The oscil-lating flow is generated by the rotating flap between the test sec-tion and the diffuser. The flap closes the passage twice in everycycle of rotation. The rotating flap is a sheet metal plate and canbe varied in width so that in the limit case the duct is completelyclosed. It is driven at a constant speed from 0 to 50 cycles persecond, giving a frequency range of flow oscillations of up to 100Hz @15#.

For the boundary layer investigation reported in this paper, aplate of 1 m length is located in the test section, which is shown inFig. 4. Particular attention was paid to surface finish giving excel-lent flatness and smoothness. The leading edge has a NACA 0009profile form to avoid leading edge separation. A contoured wallopposite the test plate is used to generate the required pressuredistribution. A one-dimensional potential flow analysis was usedfor designing the contour to produce a pressure distribution with

Fig. 1 Reynolds number effects on performance of a turbinecascade †2‡

Fig. 2 Rotor Õstator interaction of a turbine stage

Fig. 3 Periodic-unsteady low-speed wind tunnel

Fig. 4 Test section

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minimum surface friction. This method was recommended byStratford@16# to optimize the turbulent boundary layer for maxi-mum diffusion.

The experimental setup has been designed to reproduce turbo-machinery conditions except for compressibility. The Reynoldsnumber covers a range from 13105 to 23106, the Strouhal num-ber from 0 to 3, and the velocity amplitude from 0 to 20 percent.

The distribution of the time-averaged wall static pressure on thetest plate was measured at a number of streamwise locations withpressure taps. For the time-resolved measurements, Honeywellpressure transducers~176PC07HD2! were used.

A TSI IFA 300 hot-wire anemometer was used to measure thevelocity of the boundary layer. A special three-dimensional tra-verse mechanism was designed and mounted on the side of thetest section to obtain a high spatial resolution of the whole bubblestructure.

Experimental ResultsThe flow structure and the separation bubble formation were

analyzed for steady and periodic-unsteady main flow conditions.The data analysis was mainly focused on the major parameters,which determine the evolution of a separation bubble.

Steady Main Flow Conditions. Under steady main flow con-ditions, four experiments were run using four different Reynoldsnumbers: Re5U`L/n52.93105, 6.23105, 1.03106, 1.43106,where U` is the velocity at the test section inlet,L the platelength, andn the kinematic viscosity. All four experiments showsimilar characteristics. This paper describes in detail the flowstructure of one case only with Re`56.23105. Where necessary,the analysis and discussion will include results of other cases.

For the chosen case, the normalized main flow velocities overthe plate derived from the static pressure measurements and mea-sured with hot-wire probes are shown against the streamwise po-sition in Fig. 5. The normalization was done by the incoming flowvelocity U` and the plate length. A good agreement in the com-parison of the two measurement techniques can be observed. Onthe other hand, a similar velocity distribution to that of blades canbe found here. The main flow over the flat plate is first acceleratedup to the velocity peak atx/L50.3 and then diffused by the ad-verse pressure gradient.

A separation bubble can be clearly identified. The laminarboundary layer separates atx/L50.4, where the adverse pressuregradient is sufficiently strong. Fromx/L50.4 to 0.455, the mainflow velocity remains almost constant, which is typical for thestagnating flow beneath the separated laminar layer. Beyondx/L50.455 transition occurs and the main flow velocity decreasesrapidly. Reattachment takes place atx/L50.48.

The plots of the mean velocity field and the rms velocity fieldnormalized withU` in Fig. 6 show the general bubble configura-

tion, consisting of the separated shear layer, the stagnant fluidregion, and the area of the rms maximum, which indicates thedevelopment of transition and reattachment. The dividing stream-line and the line of inflection points in the velocity profiles aremarked in both diagrams. The practically static behavior of thefluid in the separation bubble can be verified in the area under thedividing streamline. The relatively higher mean velocity of theturbulent part in the separation bubble is related to the unsteadi-ness of the transition and reattachment, which was observed bylaser-sheet flow visualization. It was also observed that the sepa-ration point remains almost constant. From the normalized rmsvelocity field, one can see that the flow fluctuations originate onthe line of inflection points in the velocity profiles. A region ofhigh turbulence can be identified atx/L50.485. The rms velocitydecreases downstream to those of the turbulent boundary layer.

Obviously, the line of inflection points in the velocity profiles issignificant for the development of transition and reattachment.From the point of view of free shear layer stability theory, pointsof maximum vorticity are inherently unstable. An evaluation ofthe frequency spectra contributes to the understanding of thesephenomena.

The velocity power spectra at six points along the line of maxi-mum vorticity are shown in Fig. 7. To enhance the differences, thespectra are presented in logarithmic form. At the first locationx/L50.42 the flow is laminar. The power spectrum level is quitelow. No special events can be found here. Atx/L50.43 a fre-quency range concentrated around 480 Hz shows a distinct ampli-tude rise while the overall power spectrum remains unchanged.This is caused by the amplification of the free shear layer insta-bility. Farther downstream atx/L50.44 this frequency range be-comes more pronounced and the overall levels of the spectrumstart rising. Atx/L50.45 a second frequency range as the super-harmonic of the first one can be observed. This observation isdifferent from that of Malkiel and Mayle@8#, who presented thesubharmonic instability waves. Farther downstream atx/L50.46, the two frequency ranges are still present, and the high-frequency part of the power spectrum level increases dramaticallyindicating the transition to turbulence. Turbulent spots and theassociated intermittency, like those occurring in attached bound-ary layers@4#, could not be identified in the corresponding timetraces, which are not shown in this paper. Transition to turbulenceFig. 5 Velocity distribution over the flat plate

Fig. 6 Velocity field around the separation bubble

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happens very rapidly within a very short length of the free shearlayer. At the last locationx/L50.47 the flow is fully turbulent,and the instability waves almost disappear in the overall levels ofturbulence.

Summing up these results, the transition process via a separa-tion bubble can be described as follows.

• Free shear layer instability originates at the maximum vortic-ity point of the velocity profile and energy is transferred fromthe shear flow to the instability waves.

• The instability waves are amplified downstream and finallytrigger transition.

• Due to the turbulent fluctuation, the momentum transferacross the shear layer is increased. This causes the reattach-ment of the free shear layer.

• The free shear layer apparently has considerably less damp-ing capability then the attached boundary layer. Transitiontakes place rapidly over an extremely short transition length.

These results agree with the observation by Hatman and Wang@10#. The separation bubble can be identified as one in shortmode.

The streamwise distributions of displacement thicknessd1 , mo-mentum thicknessd2 , and the shape factorH12 are shown in Fig.8. The initial growth of the displacement thickness and the shapefactor, up to the separation point, is significantly lower than down-stream of the separation point and upstream of the maximum dis-placement location. Within the separation bubble between theseparation pointxS and reattachmentxR , the momentum thick-

ness does not demonstrate any unusual behavior. Growth in theturbulent part of the free shear layer after transition, and down-stream of the maximum displacement pointxMD , is considerablystronger than in the laminar part. This corresponds to the charac-teristics of the attached boundary layer and is due to the definitionof d2 . The low-velocity separation region does not contributesignificantly to the integral parameter. Momentum thickness canbe used to treat the free shear layer like a wall boundary layer atincipient separation@17#. Displacement thickness and correspond-ingly the shape factor contain the displacement of the dead water.They depend on the shape of the wall and have no generalizedcharacteristics.

After reattachment, although the resulting turbulent boundarylayer may be structurally different from the one resulting fromtransition in attached flow, the shape factor decreases to a nearlyturbulent valueH1251.4 for decelerated flows.

The main parameters describing the separation bubble for thefour test cases are presented in Table 1. There are some remark-able points to be mentioned. The Reynolds number based on themomentum thickness at the separation point increase with higheroverall Reynolds number Re` as expected. The separation pointsfor the four test cases remain the same, while the maximum dis-placement locations, the reattachment points, and the maximumrms velocity locations vary considerably. The unchanged separa-tion point may contribute to the constant normalized velocity dis-tributions of the main flow for the four test cases. The maximumrms velocity location can be found somewhere near the reattach-ment point. It lies upstream of the reattachment point at the lowestReynolds number (2.93105), and downstream of that point at theother three Reynolds numbers.

The shape of the dividing streamlines can be used as a measurefor the separation bubble size. Derived from the velocity profilemeasurements, they are shown in Fig. 9 for the four test cases.The length of the separation bubble can be verified from the mainflow velocity distribution~see Fig. 5!. Each of them has an almostlinear rise downstream of the separation pointxS and upstream ofthe maximum displacement locationxMD .

It can be observed that the bubble length increases with lowerReynolds number. This is due to the delay of transition of the freeshear layer. It can also be observed that the rate of displacementgrowth increases with lower Reynolds numbers. This phenom-enon has also been confirmed by laser light sheet flow visualiza-tion. The mechanism causing this behavior is not yet understoodby the authors.

The shape of the bubble obviously depends both on the Rey-nolds number and the pressure distribution that would arise with-out separation. The most suitable nondimensional parameter de-

Fig. 7 Velocity power spectra along the line of inflectionpoints in the velocity profiles

Fig. 8 Boundary layer thicknesses and shape factor

Table 1 Parameters describing separation bubble for four testcases

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scribing this pressure distribution in the region of the bubble iscalled acceleration parameter and given byAC5n/U2(dU/dx).This parameter varies between23.54 and20.78 for the four testcases. The Pohlhausen parameter at the separation point PoS

5(Re2)2ACS lies between20.086 and20.080 for the Reynolds

number range investigated and well meets the empirical value20.082 suggested by Thwaites@18#.

A plot of the Reynolds number ReSMD5Us(xMD2xS)/n, basedon the conditions at separation and the distance (xMD2xS) versusthe momentum thickness Reynolds number Re2S5Usd2 /n, isshown in Fig. 10. The data taken from measurements of Gault@4#,Gaster @6#, and Bellows@19# at low turbulence level, and theempirical formula by Mayle@3#:

ReSMD5700 Re2S (1)

are also plotted in this figure as a comparison. The data are ingood agreement with previous experiments.

Periodic-Unsteady Main Flow Conditions. Three experi-ments were run under periodic-unsteady main flow conditions us-ing different Strouhal numbers and oscillation amplitudes at analmost constant Reynolds number typical for turbomachineryblades. This paper describes the flow structure of one case indetail. The analysis and discussion will include results of the othercases without showing the flow structure.

In the interest of the main flow quality, Fig. 6 shows the incom-ing flow velocity signal and its power spectrum for the present test

case. It can be seen that the flow contains a fundamental fre-quency~equal to twice the flap frequency! and a number of har-monics, which decrease in amplitude rapidly~Fig. 11!. The in-coming flow can be represented as follows:

U`5U01U1 sin~2p f 1w! (2)

whereU0 is the time-averaged velocity,U1 is the oscillation am-plitude,f is the oscillation frequency, andw is the phase shift. Theunsteady boundary layer around the test plate is characterized bythree nondimensional parameters, i.e., overall Reynolds numberRe, Strouhal number Sr, and relative oscillation amplitudeA de-fined as follows:


n, Sr5

f L

U0, and A5



whereL is the length of the test plate. In the present case,U0 was7.9 m/s andf was 7.0 Hz, corresponding to Re55.453105 andSr50.89, respectively. The relative amplitude of the velocity os-cillation was 13 percent.

Figure 12 presents the normalized time-averaged mean velocityprofiles and a series of velocity time traces of the hot-wire mea-surements for reference. The velocity profiles of the boundarylayer were measured atx/L50.39, 0.41, 0.43, 0.45, 0.47, and0.49. The time-averaged velocity profiles are shown in the centraldiagram of this figure. The normalization was done by the time-averaged velocityU0 of the incoming flow. A separation bubbleconfiguration can be identified from the velocity profiles. The di-viding streamline and the line of inflection points in the velocityprofiles are marked in this diagram. A similar bubble formation tothat of steady flows can be found here. However, in comparison tothe separation bubble shown in Fig. 6 for steady flow conditions,one can find a shorter bubble under unsteady conditions, althoughthe overall Reynolds number is lower.

The time-averaged length of the separation bubble shown inFig. 12 matches well that from surface static pressure measure-ments, which are not shown in this paper. The typical velocitysignals around the separation bubble against time are shown inFig. 12~A, B, C, D, E, F, andG!. Three distinct regions of flowcan be identified from the measurements. The first, which is stablelaminar flow, is plotted in Fig. 12~A!. At this location, only verylow-level random information can be observed in addition to the

Fig. 9 Separation bubble size of the four test cases

Fig. 10 Reynolds number based on the length from separationto transition as a function of the momentum thickness Rey-nolds number at separation point

Fig. 11 Incoming flow signal of the periodic-unsteady bound-ary layer

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flow oscillation. The second or intermittent region is shown inFig. 12~B, C, and G!. At these locations, a periodic change be-tween laminar and turbulent flow can be identified. The portion ofturbulent flow increases continuously downstream from~B! to~C!. The flow velocity in the separation bubble and its oscillationamplitude plotted in Fig. 12~G! are obviously much smaller thanthose over the bubble plotted in Fig. 12~B and C!. The velocitysignals in Fig. 12~C andG! are measured at the samex positionx/L50.45. The flow velocity signals at these three positions con-tain instability waves. Just as under steady conditions, two har-monic instability frequency ranges can be observed at 350 Hz and700 Hz. It should be noted that in other test cases the two fre-quency ranges were nonharmonic@15#. These instability wavesoccur periodically first in the trough of the velocity trace. Theysubsequently increase in amplitude and move into the deceleratingpart of the velocity trace. The associated onset of transition hasthe same characteristic. To demonstrate the development of thefree shear layer instability, the velocity power spectra along theline of inflection points in the time-averaged velocity profiles areshown in Fig. 13. A similar evolution to that for steady flowconditions shown in Fig. 7 can be found here.

The last region is the turbulent region, which is presented inFig. 12~D, E, andF!. In this region the flow is fully turbulent; therandom and periodic components of the velocity signal are ofsimilar magnitude. One can see that the magnitude of the randomcomponent increases downstream fromD to E at first, and thendecreases fromE to F. This will be shown and discussed moreclearly with the ensemble-averaged velocity fields in Fig. 14 and15.

The complexity of the intermittent region comes from the factthat it contains two periodically alternating flow structures: onepertaining to the laminar flow and the other pertaining to the tur-bulent flow. The best impression of the periodic-unsteady bound-

ary layer with separation bubble can be obtained, if one looks atthe normalized ensemble-averaged mean velocity field and thenormalized ensemble-averaged rms velocity field. Both of themwill be used to demonstrate the temporal and spatial developmentof the unsteady boundary layer.

Figure 14 shows the normalized ensemble-averaged mean ve-locity field for the present test case. Eight points in time are pre-sented within an oscillation period. From top to bottom in thisfigure, the incoming flow experiences a sinusoidal oscillation. Theplots of t/T50 and 0.5 stand for the flow field when the mainflow reaches its time-averaged velocity; the plot oft/T50.25 pre-sents the flow field for the maximum main flow velocity and plotof t/T50.75 for the minimum main flow velocity. One can see the

Fig. 12 Time-averaged velocity profiles and typical velocity signals of the periodic-unsteady boundary layer

Fig. 13 Velocity power spectra along the inflection point linein the time-averaged velocity profiles

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streamwise deceleration of the main flow in all plots, and identifythe separation bubble through the area of the low velocity. Re-markable is the difference of the bubble size between the plott/T50 and the plott/T50.5, although their main flow fields arealmost the same. The shortest bubble can be found betweent/T50.5 and 0.625, and not att/T50.25 with the maximum main

flow velocity. This indicates the existence of a phase shift be-tween the velocities of the boundary layer and the main flow. Thebubble needs some time to respond to the main flow oscillation.Figure 15 shows the normalized ensemble-averaged rms velocityfield for the present case. The time allocation is the same as inFig. 14. In each plot of Fig. 15, one can find a region with unusu-

Fig. 14 Normalized ensemble-averaged mean velocity field

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ally high turbulence levels similar to that observed under steadyflow conditions. An oscillation of this location can also be iden-tified from the plots from top to bottom. The phase shift men-tioned above can be verified.

Figure 16 shows the phase shift and the absolute/relative am-plitude of the flow oscillation. The relative amplitudea indicates

the flow oscillation level in comparison to the time-averaged flow,and is equal to the absolute amplitudeu1 divided by the time-averaged mean flow velocityu0 .

Outside of the separation bubble the flow oscillates in-phase.The amplitude remains almost the same as that of the incomingflow. This well reflects the characteristic of incompressible flow.

Fig. 15 Normalized ensemble-averaged rms velocity field

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There are two areas with phase shift. The laminar area of theseparation bubble has a positive phase shift, while the turbulentone has a negative phase shift. In the transition area no phase shiftcan be identified. It appears as two masses connected by a spring.During swing a fixed point separates two areas with differentphase shift. It can also be observed, that the flow oscillations inthe inflection points region and in the reattachment region arerelatively strong with larger amplitude. The two regions are ex-tremely sensitive to main flow oscillation. Between these two re-gions the amplitude of the flow oscillation is almost zero. Theflow in this third region can be treated as a steady flow. Thislocation can be defined as the time-averaged transition position.

The time–space diagram presenting the oscillating separation,transition, and reattachment characteristic is shown in Fig. 17.This diagram obtained from velocity measurements agrees withthat from surface dynamic pressure measurements, which are notshown in this paper. It can be seen that the laminar separationpoint does not appear to respond to the unsteadiness of the main

flow, whereas the transition and reattachment points show a stronginteraction. Laminar flow does not, at any time, appear down-stream of the turbulent flow region as in the case of an attachedboundary layer measured by Obremski and Fejer@14#.

The effect of Strouhal number and oscillation amplitude on theseparation bubble was also investigated. Lower Strouhal numbersresult in a reduction of the phase shift of the separation bubbleoscillation. This means that in terms of phase shift the separationbubble responds more slowly to high-frequency oscillations. Thisresult also agrees with the theoretical analysis for attached bound-ary layer at very high Strouhal numbers@20#. For the limit case ofa very low Strouhal number a quasi-steady flow field withoutphase shift is present. A lower amplitude of the main flow oscil-lation causes a lower amplitude of the separation bubble oscilla-tion as expected.

ConclusionsThe following conclusions may be drawn from the experimen-

tal results for steady and periodic-unsteady boundary layers withseparation bubble:

• Transition via a separation bubble shows a typical structureof laminar separation, transition of the free shear layer, andreattachment. A region of high turbulence levels can be ob-served downstream of the transition point both in steady andunsteady flow.

• The dividing streamline of the separation bubble has a quasi-linear rise directly downstream of the separation point. Thedisplacement growth rate of the separation bubble depends onthe Reynolds number.

• Momentum thickness in steady flow behaves very similarlyto that of an attached boundary layer. It can be used as amajor parameter describing the separation bubble.

• Higher Reynolds numbers resulting in earlier transition re-duce the length of the separation bubble, while the separationpoint does not change its location.

• Transition and the associated reattachment via a separationbubble are dominated by the free shear layer instability. Twoinstability frequency ranges are identified.

• The periodic-unsteady main flow induces an oscillation of theseparation bubble. During the oscillation, a fixed laminarseparation point can be observed, while all other parametersof the separation bubble oscillate with the main flow. At theseparation bubble two areas with opposite phase shift relativeto the main flow can be observed. The inflection point regionand the reattachment point region respond very strongly tothe main flow oscillation in terms of amplitude.

• A shorter time-averaged separation bubble was observed thanunder steady conditions, although the overall Reynolds num-ber was smaller.

• The Strouhal number of the main flow appears to have only aminor effect on the amplitude of the separation bubble oscil-lation. But it has an effect on the phase shift. It increases withStrouhal number.


A, a 5 relative amplitude;A5U1 /U0 ; a5u1 /u0AC 5 acceleration parameter5n/U2(dU/dx)

f 5 oscillation frequencyH12 5 shape factor

L 5 plate lengthPo 5 Pohlhausen parameter5(Re2)

2ACRe 5 Reynolds number; Re5U`L/nSr 5 Strouhal number5 f L/U0

t 5 timeU, u 5 flow velocity

x, y, z 5 Cartesian coordinatesd1 5 displacement thickness

Fig. 16 Oscillation characteristic of the separation bubble

Fig. 17 Time-space diagram of the separation, transition, andreattachment „ReÄ54,500, SrÄ0.89, AÄ13 percent …

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d2 5 momentum thicknessn 5 kinematic viscosity


` 5 incoming flow0 5 time-averaged values1 5 oscillating amplitude; displacement thickness2 5 momentum thicknessS 5 separation point

MD 5 maximal displacement locationR 5 reattachment point

u8 max5 the location of maximal rms velocity

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Stefan Wolff

Stefan Brunner

Leonhard Fottner

Institut fur Strahlantriebe,Universitat der Bundeswehr Munchen,

D-85577 Neubiberg, Germany

The Use of Hot-Wire Anemometryto Investigate UnsteadyWake-Induced Boundary-LayerDevelopment on a High-Lift LPTurbine CascadeRecent research has revealed positive effects of unsteady flow on the development ofboundary layers in turbine cascades, especially at conditions with a laminar suction sideseparation bubble at low Reynolds numbers. Compared to steady flow, a reduction oftotal pressure loss coefficient over a broad range of Reynolds numbers has been shown.Taking into account the positive effects of wake-induced transition already during thedesign process, new high lift bladings with nearly the same low losses at unsteady inletflow conditions could be achieved. This leads to a reduction of weight and cost of thewhole turbine module for a constant stage loading. Unsteady flow in turbomachines iscaused by the relative motion of rotor and stator rows. For simulating a moving bladerow upstream of a linear cascade in the High-Speed Cascade Wind Tunnel of the Uni-versitat der Bundeswehr Mu¨nchen, a wake generator has been designed and built. Thewakes are generated with bars, moving with a velocity of up to 40 m/s in the test sectionupstream of the cascade inlet plane. Unsteady flow causes the transition on the surface ofthe suction side of a low-pressure turbine blade to move upstream whenever an incomingwake is present on the surface; moreover, a laminar separation bubble can be diminishedor even suppressed. In order to detect the effects of wakes on the boundary layer devel-opment a new hot wire data acquisition system is required. Due to the fact that hot wiresgive a good insight into boundary layer development, a new hot-wire data acquisitionsystem has been set up. The anemometry system can acquire four channels simulta-neously, therefore being capable of logging a triple hot-wire sensor and a bar triggersimultaneously. One further channel is utilized for a once-per-revolution trigger. Theonce-per-revolution trigger is used to start the measurement of one data block. Using thewell-established ensemble-averaging technique, 300 ensembles each consisting of fivewake passing periods have been acquired. Ensemble averaging can be directly performedwithout any data reduction. The adaptation of this new hot-wire anemometry data acqui-sition system to the High-Speed Cascade Wind Tunnel of the Universita¨t der BundeswehrMunchen is pointed out. First, results on unsteady periodic boundary layer developmentof a highly loaded low-pressure turbine cascade under unsteady inlet flow conditions arepresented. During the present investigation four boundary layer traverses, ranging fromx/lax50.82 to x/lax50.99 (suction side), at steady and unsteady inlet flow conditions~Ubar510 m/s! at an outlet Reynolds number of Re2th5100,000 have been conducted.@S0889-504X~00!00204-X#

IntroductionPositive effects of rotor–stator interaction mainly occur in

high-lift low-pressure turbines, where a laminar suction side sepa-ration bubble exists, especially at low Reynolds numbers@1,2#.Incoming wakes force the boundary layer of the suction side toundergo transition, whenever the Reynolds number based uponmomentum thickness exceeds the range of Reu590– 150 @3,4#.Following the wake-induced transitional regions, calmed regionsappear, which show laminar-like boundary layer behavior@2,5,6#.With a full velocity profile and low entropy generation the calmedregion combines the positive properties of laminar and turbulentboundary layers. It is able to inhibit turbulent spot generation andwithstand larger adverse pressure gradients than conventionallaminar boundary layers. The calmed region is therefore able to

suppress or delay a laminar suction side separation bubble. Thereplacement of a thick laminar separation bubble that is present atsteady inflow conditions with intermittently becalmed or transi-tional attached flow at unsteady inflow conditions leads to a timemean reduction of loss generation@7–9#. Extra benefit may begained by setting an optimal sequence of transitional, separatedand becalmed regions, hence a favorable reduced frequency@2# ofthe rotor wakes. In general the positive effect of rotor–stator in-teraction increases at higher loading@3,7#. Furthermore, the in-coming wakes are influencing the whole suction side boundarylayer by thickening the boundary layer@10#.

Several parameters influence the loss generation of the low-pressure turbine blade: the Reynolds number Re, the Strouhalnumber Sr, the wake strength~turbulence intensity or velocitydeficit within the wake and the wake width!, and the loading ofthe turbine cascade.

The gap of experiments on rotor–stator interaction on high-liftlow-pressure turbines between turbine rig testing@5,11,12# andtesting at low-speed cascade wind tunnels@1–3,12#, was closed by

Contributed by the International Gas Turbine Institute and presented at the 45thInternational Gas Turbine and Aeroengine Congress and Exhibition, Munich, Ger-many, May 8–11, 2000. Manuscript received by the International Gas Turbine Insti-tute February 2000. Paper No. 2000-GT-49. Review Chair: D. Ballal.

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Acton et al. @13# and Brunner et al.@9# who pointed out a re-establishment of a laminar separation bubble between two wake-induced turbulent patches at design conditions of the investigatedhigh lift blading.

In order to prove the results on a high-lift low-pressure turbinecascade, a HWA measurement technique was set up to determinethe steady and periodic unsteady boundary layer development.The ensemble-average technique delivers velocity and turbulenceprofiles. These time-resolved velocity profiles are taken to evalu-ate time resolved integral boundary layer parameters. Thereforedata@9# taken by pneumatic and hot-film measurements could beverified and supplemented. Furthermore, steady and periodic un-steady integral boundary layer parameters have been calculated inorder to optimize design criteria for high-lift low-pressure turbinesconsidering effects of rotor–stator interaction.

Experimental Setup

High-Speed Cascade Wind Tunnel. The experiments werecarried out at the High-Speed Cascade Wind Tunnel~Fig. 1! ofthe Universita¨t der Bundeswehr Mu¨nchen. This wind tunnel is anopen-loop facility, which can operate continuously and reachMach numbers up to Ma51.05 in the test section. Being builtinside a large pressure tank, the wind tunnel offers the possibilityto vary the Mach and Reynolds numbers in the test section inde-pendently@14# in order to simulate the flow conditions correctlyinside turbomachines.

The air is supplied by a six-stage axial compressor, driven by a1.3 MW a.c. electric motor, which is situated outside the pressuretank. The air enters through a diffuser into a settling chamberwhere it is cooled down to an adjustable constant temperature~30°C to 60°C!. A turbulence generator and a nozzle are posi-tioned upstream of the 300-mm-wide test section. It has variableheight. The following data were used in order to monitor the flowconditions of the cascade main stream flow@14#: the total tem-perature in the settling chamber, the static pressure in the tank

~downstream conditions!, the static pressure, and the total pressureof the main stream flow upstream of the cascade.

Wake Generator. In turbomachines, periodically unsteadyflow is caused by the relative motion of rotor and stator rows. Awake generator has been designed and built in order to simulate amoving blade row upstream of the linear turbine cascade in theHigh-Speed Cascade Wind Tunnel of the Universita¨t der Bunde-swehr Munchen~Fig. 2! @13#. The wakes are generated with cy-lindrical bars moving with a velocity of up to 40 m/s in the testsection upstream of the cascade inlet plane~Table 1!. As shownby Pfeil and Eifler@15# the far wake of a cylinder is similar to thatof an airfoil assumed that both cause the same total pressurelosses. With the wake generator an angle of the incoming wake ofabout 55 deg (Sr51.06) can be generated, whereas a representa-tive turbine has a wake angle of about 65 deg (cax/U50.85).Investigations@16# conducted on a turbine cascade showed astrong dependency of the wake-induced transition on the incom-ing turbulence intensity and less on the angle of the incomingwake. So despite this deviation of the velocity triangle basic in-vestigations on the effects of wake-induced transition on the suc-tion side boundary layer can be performed.

The principle of the wake generator is based on cylindrical barsfastened to two rubber timing belts moving in front of and behindthe cascade. The timing belts, having a length of 4000 mm, spantwo main pulleys with a diameter of 400 mm positioned aboveand below each cascade. The distance between the trailing edge ofeach cascade and the returning bars is large enough that the flowin the blade passages is not disturbed and to allow the traverse ofall probe types usually employed during the tests. The drivingpulley is positioned on the lower main shaft and is connected by atiming belt to the a.c. electric motor using a 1:1 transmission ratio.The water-cooled motor has a nominal maximum power of 10 kWat 3000 rpm. With the motor the bars can be moved in bothdirections for simulating the rotor–stator interaction of compres-

Fig. 1 High-speed cascade wind tunnel

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sor as well as of turbine stages. The velocity of the motor can bedigitally controlled with an accuracy of 0.1 rpm from 100 to 3000rpm.

In order to avoid disturbances of the inlet flow due to the timingbelts in front of the cascades, it was necessary to reduce the widthof the test section to 176 mm. Thus, the blade aspect ratio for theused cascade was reduced to 1.76, too. Due to flow visualizationswith the oil-and-dye technique on the blade surface of the cascadeand with a flow field traverse downstream (x/ l ax51.5) of thecascade, a two-dimensional flow at midspan of the turbine cascadehad been assured.

Pneumatic Measurements. Measurements of the surfacepressure distribution and wake traverses in a planex/ l ax51.5downstream of the cascade inlet plane have been performed. Allmeasurements have been taken at midspan of the turbine cascade.The surface pressure distribution has been measured utilizing aScanivalve SDIU-System, and the wake traverses have been con-ducted with a five-hole probe and a PSI DPT6400-Pressure-Measurement-System evaluated according to Amecke@17# andGanzert and Fottner@18#.

New Hot-Wire Anemometry Data Acquisition System. Inorder to control the acquisition and evaluation of peripheral andHWA data for steady and periodic unsteady inflow conditions, asoftware package was developed~WINSMASH @19#!.

The software is highly modular and flexible for many differenttest applications. All features are embedded in a user-friendly Mi-crosoft Windows based graphical user interface. When program-ming the software, parts of the software for profile pressure dis-tribution measurements ~WINPANDA @18#! were used.WINSMASH is able to handle one-dimensional and three-dimensional, steady and periodic unsteady measurements just asmeasurements with film cooling injection. Furthermore, differenttraversing applications are possible such as boundary layer pro-

files and boundary layer planes perpendicular to the profile sur-face; even wake and field traverses downstream of the cascade areinstalled. The software package includes probe calibration rou-tines for the velocity and directional~three-dimensional probes!characteristics as well. The data reduction of the peripheral data isperformed within the measurement routines in order to monitorthe current cascade main flow conditions. The HWA signals aresaved in binary files for further off-line evaluation which is imple-mented as well for one-dimensional and three-dimensional, steadyand periodic unsteady measurements.

In order to prove the capacity of WINSMASH first results areshown for one-dimensional steady and periodic unsteady bound-ary layer profiles of a highly loaded turbine blade.

HWA Measurements. The complete HWA data acquisitionsystem is shown in Fig. 3. The monitoring of the test facility, thetraversing system and the HWA data acquisition is controlled by aP II 300 Intel PC. The peripheral data acquisition and the travers-ing system are controlled via GPIB bus. The turbulence intensityand the velocity deficit due to the bars in each cascade inlet planehave been measured with a standard HD hot-film probe~DANTEC HF-55R01!, the boundary layer profiles are measuredby hot-wire probes~DANTEC HW-55P15!. Both are connected toa constant-temperature bridge of the type DANTEC 55M01. Theanalog anemometer output is digitized by a National InstrumentsDAQ board PCI-6110E. The board allows four analog inputs with5 mega samples per second simultaneous sampled with 12-bitresolution. For the measurements with periodic unsteady inflowconditions a once-per-revolution trigger is used to start the HWAsignal acquisition of each data block. The fourth analog inputchannel is used for the detection of each bar.

The sensor calibration has been performed in the cascade inletplane of the wind tunnel test section and a fourth-order polyno-mial has been used for the approximation of the calibration curve.

Glue-on Hot-Film Measurements. Wake induced transitionis qualitatively mapped by employing a simultaneous surface hot-

Fig. 2 Generator of unsteady inlet flow conditions

Fig. 3 HWA data acquisition system

Table 1 Design data for wake generator

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film CTA anemometry system~DANTEC-Streamline! @20#.Twelve SENFLEX hot-film sensors have been logged simulta-neously. Totally 24 hot-film sensors spaced 2.5 mm apart havebeen used to detect the location and the mode of transition by thenormalized rms value of the anemometer output signal.

Data Reduction. For both measurements the well-establishedensemble average technique has been applied to evaluate the rawdata, using 300 ensembles each consisting of five, wake passingperiods.

The ensemble average of a time-dependent quantityb is givenby:

b~ t !51


j 51


bj~ t ! (1)

where N is the number of ensembles and the ensemble rms isgiven by:

Ab82~ t !5A 1


j 51


~bj~ t !2b~ t !!2 (2)

The skewness~third-order moment!

m3~ t !51

~ b~ t !!3•



j 51


~bj~ t !2b~ t !!3 (3)

has also been calculated in order to gain a deeper insight into theboundary layer characteristics.

In the case of the one-dimensional hot-film and hot-wire data,bis set to the velocity and for the glued-on hot-film data to theanemometer output voltage.

For the calculation of the integral boundary layer parametersthe boundary layer thicknessd is be determined:

d~ t !5y•S w~y, t !

w`50.99D (4)

The boundary layer displacement thicknessd1 is calculated from:

d1~ t !5E0

d~ t !F12r~y, t !•w~y, t !

r~d~ t !, t !•w~d~ t !, t !Gdy (5)

The boundary layer momentum thicknessd2 is obtained from:

d2~ t !5E0

d~ t ! r~y, t !•w~y, t !

r~d~ t !, t !•w~d~ t !, t ! F12w~y, t !

w~d~ t !, t !Gdy (6)

The shape factorH12 results from the quotient ofd1 andd2 :

H12~ t !5d1~ t !

d2~ t !(7)

For the steady measurements there is no dependence in time.

High Lift Linear LP Turbine Cascade. The measurementshave been performed on a highly loaded low-pressure turbine lin-ear cascade~see Fig. 4!. The turbine cascade, representing a cur-rent high-lift LP turbine design~see@9#!, is specifically designedin order to take advantage of the positive effect of rotor–statorinteraction on the suction side boundary layer.

ResultsThe measurements presented in this paper are an extract of a

systematic test program. Using different measurement techniqueswhen varying the Reynolds number for steady (Sr50) and peri-odic unsteady (Sr50.26) inflow conditions deliver manifold op-portunities for evaluating the data set. In order to show the optionsof the data acquisition and evaluation system, the paper focuseson the design conditions of the utilized cascade at Ma2,th50.7 andRe2,th510,000.

Wake Intensity. Ensemble-averaged velocity and turbulenceintensities for five wake passing periods are shown in Fig. 5. Thevelocity deficit of DU/Umax of about 9 percent as well as theturbulence level of Tu151.5– 2 percent between two wakes are ina good agreement with realistic LP turbine conditions.

Isentropic Mach Number Distribution. The isentropicMach number distributions determined by pressure taps at mids-pan~28 SS; 21 PS! for the steady and unsteady inflow conditionsare given in Fig. 6. The overall Mach number level declined forperiodic unsteady inflow conditions. Both distributions show alaminar separation bubble on the SS in the trailing edge region(0.8,x/ l ax,1). As expected the laminar separation bubble seemsto be weaker for the periodic unsteady inflow conditions. Thetransition point moves upstream for periodic unsteady inflow con-ditions. Hereby the start of a plateau-like distribution of Mais de-scribes the location of the separation point of a laminar separationbubble detected. The intersection point of the tangents on the Maisdistribution thereby detects the transition point in the region of thelaminar separation bubble~see exemplary zoom out Fig. 6, cf.@9#!, where an intermittence of 50 percent occurs.

Boundary Layer Profile. Using the ensemble-average evalu-ation technique, the HWA measurements provide the time-resolved boundary layer velocity and turbulence profile for peri-odic unsteady inflow conditions. The results atx/ l ax50.8792 areshown in Fig. 7. At this position close to the trailing edge thevelocity profile is still giving a clue of the passing wake. After a

Fig. 4 Aerodynamic design and exemplary sketch Fig. 5 Wake turbulence intensity and velocity distribution

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period of high velocities~e.g., t/T51.9! the wake influence isdisplayed by a deceleration~e.g., 2.1,t/T,2.5!. However, thevelocity deficit inside the wake is rather displayed as a doublepeak. This phenomenon is more distinct farther upstream eventhough the turbulence intensity seems to be unaffected.

Fig. 6 Isentropic Mach number distributions

Fig. 7 Boundary layer velocity and turbulence profile

Fig. 8 Time-resolved integral layer parameter

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In order to compare the results of steady and periodic unsteadyinflow conditions, the boundary layer velocity profiles for twomarked time steps and the profile for the steady measurement areplotted in Fig. 7.

As expected the velocity during the wake passing period islower than for steady inflow conditions, whereas the time stepwith the highest velocities shows nearly the same values as atsteady inlet flow. This could lead to the conclusion that betweentwo wakes passing, a quasi-steady boundary layer, as it wouldoccur at steady inflow conditions, is established.

Integral Boundary Layer Parameters. The time-resolvedintegral boundary layer parameters result from applying Eqs.~4!–~7! on the ensemble averaged velocity profiles, which are dis-played in Fig. 7. The passing wake increases the boundary layerthicknessd ~Fig. 8~a!! whereas a decrease is induced by the ac-celerated flow between two wakes. Atx/ l ax50.95, the periodicunsteady inflow conditions seem to suppress the separation. Therather full velocity profile of the becalmed region, which occursafter a wake has passed, causes a decreasing boundary layer thick-ness, which increases again farther downstream by the influenceof the next passing wake.

On the other hand, the boundary layer displacement thicknessd1 ~Fig. 8~b!! increases continuously in the streamwise direction.Nevertheless, the influence of periodic unsteady inflow conditionsis much more visible ford1 than ford. Considering the displace-ment thickness and the momentum thicknessd2 ~Fig. 8~c!! it isobvious that the incoming wakes effectuate an increase of thelevel of these boundary layer parameters.

The momentum thickness, which represents the degree of lossproduction in the boundary layer, shows that the influence of thewake shifts the high loss production of the boundary layer into anupstream position. Between two wakes the main loss productionagain occurs mainly in the trailing edge region (x/ l ax>0.96).

The shape factorH12 ~Fig. 8~d!! gives a clue of the velocitydistribution inside the boundary layer and is often used as anindicator for the turbulence of a boundary layer. The time–spacediagram of the shape factorH12 detects a more turbulent boundarylayer (H12'1.7) in the whole region influenced by the wake.Furthermore, it is shown that the becalmed region, between twowakes passing, can be detected by a higher level of the shapefactor ~H1251.9; 0.83<x/ l ax<0.94!, which indicates a morelaminar character of the suction side boundary layer compared tothe wake-induced boundary layer.

Ensemble-Averaged Glue-on Hot-Film Results. In Fig. 9ensemble-averaged glue-on hot-film results are shown. The HWAboundary layer results as well as the measured data of the hot filmsensors, glued on the suction side of the investigated turbine cas-

cade, show a clear influence of the passing wakes. High-level therms values detect the transition region on the suction side. It canbe seen that the transition region is shifted upstream by the pass-ing wake. Between two wakes passing the transition moves down-stream again, to a position where it would occur at steady inletflow conditions. Also the quasi-wall shear stress distribution ((E2E0)/E0) is influenced by the passing wake in such a way thatthe level of quasi-wall shear stress is increased by the passingwake.

ConclusionsA new data acquisition system for HWA measurements at the

High-Speed Cascade Wind Tunnel of the Universita¨t der Bunde-swehr Munchen has been implemented and tested successfully.The new software WINSMASH comprises calibrating routines aswell as evaluation tools for one-dimensional and three-dimensional HWA probes. Measurements are possible for differ-ent traversing tasks. Peripheral data acquisition and main flowmonitoring is implemented for steady and periodic unsteady in-flow conditions.

The results presented in this paper, focused on a high-lift low-pressure turbine blade at design conditions, showed:

• Periodic unsteady inflow conditions generate a periodicallyincreased boundary layer thickness

• Between two wakes passing quasi-steady flow conditions arere-established

• The high values for the integral boundary layer parametersd1and d2 are shifted upstream by the passing wake as well asthe transition region (rms/E0)

• The boundary layer at the trailing edge has a more turbulentcharacter within the region of the passing wake.

It could be pointed out that the results are in a good agreementbetween the new measurement system and the already establishedmeasurement techniques at the Institut fu¨r Strahlantriebe. There-fore the new HWA data acquisition and evaluation system is agood supplement for investigating wake-induced transition phe-nomena and boundary layer development.

AcknowledgmentsThe reported work was performed within a research project that

is part of the national research co-operation ‘‘AG TURBO.’’ Theproject has been supported by the German Ministry of Education,Science, Research and Technology~BMBF! and the BMW Rolls-Royce GmbH. The permission for publication is gratefully ac-knowledged.


cax 5 axial velocity, m/sb 5 variableE 5 anemometer voltage, Vf 5 frequency, Hzh 5 airfoil height, m

H12 5 boundary layer shape factorl 5 chord length, m

N 5 number of ensemblesp, pt 5 static pressure, total~stagnation! pressure, Pa

t 5 pitch, time, m/sT 5 time period between two wakes, s

Tt 5 total ~stagnation! temperature, KTu 5 turbulence intensity, percent

U, w 5 velocity, m/sx 5 coordinate along axial chord length, my 5 coordinate normal to the blade surface, mb 5 circumferential~pitchwise! flow angle, deg

bs 5 stagger angle, degd 5 boundary layer thickness, m

d1 5 boundary layer displacement thickness, m

Fig. 9 Ensemble-averaged glue-on hot-film results: „a… rmsvalue; „b… quasi-wall shear stress distribution

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d2 5 boundary layer momentum thickness, mr 5 density, kg/m3

v 5 loss coefficient5(pt12pt2)/(pt12pK)

Subscripts and Superscripts

1, 2 5 inlet and outlet flow conditions2th 5 downstream conditions for isentropic flowax 5 axialb 5 barc 5 cascadeis 5 isentropicK 5 pressure tankt 5 total

; 5 ensemble averaged


BL 5 boundary layerCTA 5 Constant Temperature Anemometry

HWA 5 Hot Wire AnemometryMa 5 Mach numberRe 5 Reynolds number

rms 5 root-mean-squareSr 5 Strouhal number5f * l /cax

WINSMASH 5 WindowsSoftware for Measurement andAnalytical Evaluation of Signals from Hot-Wire Anemometry

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Nicole V. Aunapu

Ralph J. Volinoemail: [email protected]

Karen A. Flack

Ryan M. Stoddard

Department of Mechanical Engineering,United States Naval Academy,

Annapolis, MD 21402

Secondary Flow Measurementsin a Turbine Passage WithEndwall Flow ModificationA flow modification technique is introduced in an attempt to allow increased turbine inlettemperatures. A large-scale two half-blade cascade simulator is used to model the sec-ondary flow between two adjacent turbine blades. Various flow visualization techniquesand measurements are used to verify that the test section replicates the flow of an actualturbine engine. Two techniques are employed to modify the endwall secondary flow,specifically the path of the passage vortex. Six endwall jets are installed at a locationdownstream of the saddle point near the leading edge of the pressure side blade. Thesewall jets are found to be ineffective in diverting the path of the passage vortex. The secondtechnique utilizes a row of 12 endwall jets whose positions along the centerline of thepassage are based on results from an optimized boundary layer fence. The row of jetssuccessfully diverts the path of the passage vortex and decreases its effect on the suctionside blade. This can be expected to increase the effectiveness of film cooling in that area.The row of jets increases the aerodynamic losses in the passage, however. Secondary flowmeasurements are presented showing the development of the endwall flow, both with andwithout modification.@S0889-504X~00!01004-7#

IntroductionTo achieve higher cycle efficiency and increase power from

gas turbine engines, turbine inlet temperatures should be as highas possible. Over the past several decades improvements havebeen made through the use of advanced materials and innovativecooling schemes, allowing turbine inlet temperatures to approach2000 K @1#. Even with modern cooling techniques, however, ‘‘hotspots’’ still occur along the turbine airfoils, due to the complexsecondary flow between adjacent blades, limiting a move to evenhigher temperatures.

Effective film cooling of turbine airfoils is complicated by sec-ondary flows, such as endwall vortices. The dominant features ofthe secondary flow in a turbine passage are the horseshoe vortex,which forms at the blade leading edge–endwall junction, and theendwall crossflow. These are illustrated in Fig. 1, which is a sim-plified version of a figure presented by Goldstein and Spores@2#.The features presented in Fig. 1 are those most pertinent to thepresent study. The actual flow is more complex with additionalvortices. Wang et al.@3# provide a more detailed description andillustration of the flow. Langston et al.@4# and others have pre-sented similar models. Sieverding@5# provides a review of severalmodels. All models indicate that a horseshoe vortex forms at thejunction of the leading edge of each airfoil and the endwall. Thesuction side leg of this vortex wraps around the suction surface ofthe blade, while the pressure side leg migrates across the passage,due to the pressure gradient, combines with the endwall crossflowto form the passage vortex, and impinges upon the suction side ofthe neighboring airfoil. The passage vortex may merge with thesuction side leg of the horseshoe vortex of the adjacent blade@6#or they may remain distinct@2#. In either case, they lift up off theendwall and increase in size. Figure 1 shows the passage vorteximpinging upon the suction surface at pointC and then climbingup the blade as it moves downstream. This vortex washes awaythe film cooling air on the surface of the blade, thus resulting in atriangular shaped hot spot, as documented by Chung and Simon@7#, Goldstein et al.@8#, and others.

Secondary flows are also of interest from an aerodynamicsstandpoint. The highest aerodynamic losses in an engine may oc-cur in the endwall region. Various methods have been developedto study and modify the secondary flow between two adjacentblades. Duden et al.@9# attempted to modify the secondary flowby applying endwall contouring and three-dimensional airfoil de-sign in the endwall region. Their modifications resulted in im-provements in the radial extent of the secondary flow and a de-crease in secondary losses. The increased blockage caused bythese modifications, however, increased profile and inlet losses inthe test section. Michelassi et al.@10# conducted a similar studyusing nonsymmetric endwall contouring. Dossena et al.@11# com-pared a contoured and a planar configuration of a linear turbinecascade. They found that endwall contouring influenced the gen-

Contributed by the International Gas Turbine Institute and presented at the 45thInternational Gas Turbine and Aeroengine Congress and Exhibition, Munich, Ger-many, May 8–11, 2000. Manuscript received by the International Gas Turbine Insti-tute February 2000. Paper No. 2000-GT-212. Review Chair: D. Ballal.

Fig. 1 Schematic of horseshoe vortex impinging uponsuction-side blade †2‡

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eration of the passage vortex and inhibited its developmentthrough strong acceleration, while lowering secondary losses inthe passage.

In another study, Chung et al.@7,12,13# used a boundary layerfence, inserted on the endwall between two adjacent blades. Thefence cross section was an equilateral triangle. Its height andlength were 4.5 and 88 percent of the chord length, respectively.The fence was located as shown in Fig. 2, with its leading edge atthe center of a line connecting the leading edges of the pressureand suction side airfoils. The fence acted like a ramp to lift thevortex up off the endwall to be washed away by the main flow. Itwas effective in preventing the vortex from growing to its fullpotential strength and diverting it away from the suction surface.Since the influence of the secondary flow on the suction wall wasreduced, film cooling would be more effective in that area. Thefence also reduced aerodynamic losses due to secondary flowwithin the passage. In practice problems may arise due to a needto cool the fence itself@12#.

The objective of the present study was to develop a method toreduce the harmful effects of secondary flow in a turbine passagewithout adversely affecting the aerodynamic performance of theturbine. As with the fence used by Chung and Simon@7#, anattempt was made to divert the path of the passage vortex so thatit would be washed away by the main free-stream flow. Thiswould increase the effectiveness of film cooling, and the weaken-ing of the vortex might decrease the aerodynamic losses in thepassage. A second objective was to provide documentation of thesecondary flow both with and without modification. Several stud-ies have described endwall flows, and a few such as Gregory-Smith and Cleak@14# and Kang and Thole@15# provide quantita-tive data on mean flow and turbulence quantities. The presentstudy continues this documentation, and by considering cases withmodified flow, may provide further insight into the flow behavior.

Endwall blowing was used in an attempt to achieve these ob-jectives. It was hypothesized that jets might be used to manipulatethe secondary flow, either by blowing the passage vortex awayfrom the endwall, or diverting it away from the suction surface,similar to the action of a boundary layer fence. Holes for jetscould be machined into the endwall, similar to film cooling holes,and used with compressor bleed air. Alternatively, a slot might beused, possibly utilizing the gap leakage flow between adjacentairfoils. Chyu et al.@16# provide a study of gap leakage. Unlikefilm cooling injection, which typically utilizes shallow injectionangles and low blowing rates to provide a film of cooling air on a

surface, jets for vortex control would be blown normal to theendwall with sufficient momentum to influence the secondaryflow.

The use of jets would circumvent the problem of having tomanufacture and cool a fence. Unlike endwall contouring, therewould be no need to change the geometry of a passage, whichmight be beneficial from an aerodynamics standpoint.

A few studies have considered the interaction between endwallblowing and a vortex. Ligrani and Mitchell@17# considered theeffect of a vortex on film cooling. The airflow from the film cool-ing holes was relatively weak, so it did not affect the vortex dy-namics. Johnston and Nishi@18# used ‘‘vortex generator jets’’ tocreate a vortex. To the authors’ knowledge, there have been noprevious attempts to control or suppress an existing vortex withwall jets.

Results are presented below for cases with two jet configura-tions and an optimized boundary layer fence, which was used toguide the second jet configuration.

Experimental Apparatus

Wind Tunnel and Turbulence Generator. Experimentswere conducted in a low-speed, blown type wind tunnel located inthe Aeronautics Laboratory at the United States Naval Academy.Three blowers draw air at room temperature into the wind tunnel.The blowers are followed by a diffuser, a settling chamber with ahoneycomb, a screen pack, a second settling chamber, and anozzle. The nozzle is a three-dimensional contraction, which re-duces the wind tunnel cross-sectional area by a factor of 9.8 from109 cm3109 cm to 18 cm369 cm. The long dimension is vertical.A turbulence generator is attached to the nozzle and contains atwo-dimensional bar grid. The grid is based on one used by Kimet al. @19# and consists of one vertical 3.8-cm-dia PVC pipe andsix horizontal 3.2-cm-dia PVC pipes, evenly spaced across thenozzle outlet. The grid is followed by a 1-m-long rectangularsettling chamber, which allows the flow to become uniform beforeentering the test section. Exiting the settling chamber, the free-stream turbulence intensity is 8 percent. The mean flow is uniformto within 3 percent, and the turbulence is isotropic and uniform towithin 4 percent. For the conditions of the present study, the tur-bulence had integral length scales of 3 cm in the streamwise com-ponent and 1.3 cm in the vertical component.

Test Section. A large-scale, two half-blade test section isused to simulate a turbine passage, following the design and ge-ometry of Chung and Simon@20#. It contains two turbine half-blades for suction and pressure sidewalls, a top and bottom end-wall, and two flaps to guide the flow into the test section. Each

Fig. 2 Top view of test section showing flow control schemes:location of endwall fence as used by Chung and Simon †7‡;location of upstream jets „numbered 1–5 …; location of opti-mized boundary layer fence and endwall centerline jets

Fig. 3 Schematic of test section „top view … showing locationof measurement planes A, B, and C

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half-blade has full leading and trailing edges, which along withthe flaps provide the correct leading edge flow for each blade. Aschematic of the test section is shown in Fig. 3. The geometry ofthe test section and the test conditions are summarized and com-pared with Chung and Simon’s@7# test section geometry and con-ditions in Table 1. Chung and Simon closely match the multi-blade cascade study of Chen and Goldstein@21#.

The test section blade shape is the General Electric CF6-50rotor profile, scaled up to have a chord length of 328 mm. TheCF6-50 shape, while not particularly modern, allows direct com-parison to previous studies. The full leading and trailing edges ofthe pressure-side blade are machined out of high-density foam andconnected with transparent Plexiglas. The suction-side blade ismachined out of foam. Eleven 0.3-mm-dia pressure taps are lo-cated along each half-blade, 356 mm above the endwall in a re-gion where the flow is two dimensional.

The endwalls are constructed of 6.4-mm-thick clear Plexiglas.Both the top and bottom endwall have sharp leading edges thatextend to the edge of the turbulence generator settling section.The height of the test section is 20 mm shorter than the exit of thesettling section, providing 10 mm gaps at each endwall leadingedge to remove the boundary layers which develop upstream. Twotransparent Plexiglas flaps extend from the sides of the settlingsection to direct the flow into the test section. The flaps curve outpast the leading edge of each half-blade. The gaps between theblades and the flaps, labeleda and b in Fig. 3, are adjustable.These gaps allow air to escape the test section. By controlling thesize of the gaps, the flow around the leading edges of the blades iscontrolled. This affects the flow conditions, particularly the devel-opment of secondary flows, in the test section. The flaps werenecessary to match the leading edge and secondary flow in anactual turbine or multiblade cascade.

Wall Jets. All wall jets used in this study were of the sametype, but used in varying configurations. Holes were drilled andtapped into the bottom endwall to hold fittings for 6-mm-dia jets.Shop air was blown into a 9 liter Nalgene bottle, which served asa plenum. Twelve fittings were installed in the bottle wall andconnected to the wall jet fittings with 4.8-mm-dia tubing. Jet ve-locity was controlled with a pressure regulator on the plenuminlet. When multiple jets were used simultaneously, clamps wereplaced on the tubing for each jet for individual adjustment. Thisinsured that all jets had the same velocity to within 6 percent.

Instrumentation. A pressure transducer with a range of0–3.5 in. H2O was calibrated using a micromanometer and usedfor all pressure measurements. A Kiel probe was used for totalpressure surveys. Kiel probes are total pressure probes designedfor insensitivity to flow angle, making them suitable for use inregions of strong secondary flow.

A single sensor, boundary layer type hot-wire probe~TSI 1218-T1.5! and a hot-wire anemometer~TSI IFA 100! were used tomeasure the streamwise component of the test section inlet andoutlet velocities, and the velocities of the wall jets. A cross-wire

~TSI 1243-T1.5! was used to check the inlet free-stream turbu-lence isotropy and acquire data for spectra and length scale cal-culations.

Secondary flow velocities were measured using a single com-ponent Laser Doppler Velocimeter~LDV !. The LDV system~Dantec Flowlite! uses a 10 mW helium neon laser with Gaussianbeam diameter of 0.168 mm and crossing angle of 5 deg. Eachplane of interest was surveyed twice with the beams in two dif-ferent orientations to obtain two velocity components.

A sonic nozzle water sprayer was used to seed the flow for theLDV. The water sprayer used compressed shop air to jet-pumpdistilled water and produce a fine spray~droplets,5 mm in diam-eter!. The spray was injected through a 3.8 cm hole at the bottomof the wind tunnel, upstream of the contraction. The seeding hadno measurable effect on the flow turbulence when the turbulencegrid was in use.

Flow Visualization. Various tufts were used to show the di-rection of shear stress on the endwall and the location of thepassage vortex. A long tuft of about the chord length was particu-larly illustrative when placed near the endwall. The tuft wouldbecome entrained in the passage vortex, wrapping around it as itcrossed the passage, grew in size, and climbed the suction surface.A vorticity detector was also used to locate the vortex. This de-tector is a small pinwheel with paddles parallel to the axis ofrotation. The vorticity detector is placed in the test section with itsaxis pointed upstream. The spinning of the pinwheel indicates thelocation of a vortex. Both the tuft probe and the vorticity detectorwere used as preliminary tools to visualize the flow in the passage.The locations and cases that appeared interesting were then docu-mented with more permanent techniques such as ink dotvisualization.

The ink dot flow visualization technique was used on the suc-tion surface as well as the endwall. This technique, introduce byLangston and Boyle@22#, provides a permanent record of theendwall shear stress as shown by ink traces. A grid pattern of dotswas placed on a sheet of contact paper with a permanent marker.The contact paper was then taped to the endwall or blade andsprayed with a uniform thin layer of 99.5 percent isopropyl alco-hol. In their study, Langston and Boyle used oil of wintergreen asa solvent. Simon et al.@23# substituted isopropyl alcohol andfound that it would also suffice. The alcohol dissolves the inkdots, the wind tunnel is turned on, and upon exposure to flow, theink moves in the direction of the shear stress on the wall. Thealcohol evaporates and the ink traces dry, leaving a permanentrecord of the wall shear stress. About 45 seconds are required perrun. This technique is useful for showing the endwall flow patternand the effect of the passage vortex on the suction surface.


Baseline Case—No Flow Modification. The main character-istics of the flow in the passage were matched to those of Chungand Simon@7# to qualify the test section and provide a comparisoncase for evaluation of flow modification techniques. The Reynoldsnumber, based on inlet velocity and chord length, was set at 23105. This is a somewhat low but still representative Reynoldsnumber for a high pressure turbine. The normalized velocity dis-tribution along the airfoil surfaces~computed from local pressuremeasurements along the blades! is presented in Fig. 4. Also shownfor comparison are results from Chung@13# and predicted valuessupplied by General Electric. The present case compares well withthe expected values, matching to within 9 percent.

To insure that the proper secondary flow was modeled in thepassage~as opposed to simply the flow in a curved channel!,several steps were taken. As noted above, the full leading edges ofboth the pressure and suction side blades were modeled. Bleed airwas allowed to escape the passage around the leading edges, asshown in Fig. 3. This insured that horseshoe vortices would format the leading edge–endwall junctions. The endwall boundary

Table 1 Test section geometry and test conditions

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layer thickness also plays an important role in determining thesecondary flow in the passage. The LDV was used to measure theboundary layer thickness at a location 25.5 cm upstream of theleading edge of the pressure-side blade, near the center of thepassage. Following the procedure of Chung and Simon@7#, d2 /Cwas calculated and extrapolated to the leading edge of thepressure-side blade, assuming flat plate, zero pressure gradient,turbulent boundary layer growth. The boundary layer was trippedusing a 3-mm-dia Tygon tube at the entrance of the test section,just after the settling section. The size of the trip was selected sothatd2 /C matched the value reported by Chung and Simon@7#, asshown in Table 1.

The ink dot flow visualization technique was employed onthe endwall to determine the location of the saddle point~theintersection of separation and reattachment lines of the endwallboundary layer! and is shown in Fig. 5. The endwall shear stresspattern matches those of Chung and Simon@20# and the cascadestudy of Chen and Goldstein@21#, providing confidence that thedesired secondary flow has been created. The location of the pas-sage vortex can be seen downstream of the saddle point, near the

leading edge of the pressure-side blade, and continuing acrossthe passage toward the suction-side blade. The ink dot traces showthe clockwise sense of rotation of the passage vortex~view look-ing upstream!. This is the sense of rotation of the vorticity of theinlet boundary layer as discussed by Langston et al.@22#. Oil andlampblack visualization was also used to confirm the path of thevortex.

Ink dot visualization also provides a clear image of the shearstress on the suction surface, as shown in Fig. 6. The techniquewas applied to a region 225 mm long~from Ss /C50.62 to 1.31!and 100 mm high~z/C50 to 0.30!, flush with the endwall andextending to within 4 mm of the trailing edge of the blade. This isthe region where the passage vortex impacts the suction surface.The clockwise rotation of the vortex moves the ink traces in anupward motion. Although each ink trace shows the direction ofshear stress, not the magnitude, a general idea of the strength ofthe vortex can be deduced by the angle of inclination of the trace.The ink traces above the vortex are straight lines in the directionof the main flow, indicating that the passage vortex has no effectin this area. The slight downward inclination of some traces maybe due to the fact that the ink dissolves in the alcohol and starts torun down, as a result of gravity, before the wind tunnel reaches itsfull velocity. It is also possible that the downward inclination ofthese traces may be due to smaller vortices such as the suction-side leg of the horseshoe vortex or the wall vortex, as documentedby Wang et al.@3#.

The secondary velocity field was measured in three planes,shown in Fig. 3 as Planes A, B, and C. Each plane was perpen-dicular to the suction surface and the endwall, and extended fromthe blade-endwall junction to at least 65 mm (y/C50.20) awayfrom the suction surface and 105 mm (z/C50.32) above the end-wall. Plane A was located atSs /C50.80, 171 mm upstream ofthe trailing edge of the suction surface, as measured along thesurface. Plane B was atSs /C50.99, 106 mm upstream of thetrailing edge, and Plane C was at the trailing edge (Ss /C51.32). Figure 7 shows the mean velocity field in each plane.The length of the velocity vectors is proportional to the magnitudeof the velocity in that direction. The center of the vortex can beseen near the junction of the endwall and the suction surface inPlane A. As the vortex moves downstream, Planes B and Cclearly show how it impinges upon the suction surface, increasesin size and moves up the blade. The vortex location agrees withthat indicated by the suction surface ink dots traces~Fig. 6!. Sec-ondary kinetic energy loss coefficients were calculated from thevelocity field using the equation:


U12 (1)

and are shown in the second row of Fig. 7. Note the high valuesalong the suction surface, which again shows the action of thevortex on the blade, in agreement with Fig. 6.

Total pressure was measured in the same planes as the second-ary velocity. Total pressure losses were computed as:

Fig. 4 Normalized velocity distribution along the bladesurfaces

Fig. 5 Ink dot flow visualization on the endwall: baseline case

Fig. 6 Ink dot flow visualization on the suction-side blade:baseline case

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0.5rU12 (2)

and are shown in the third row of Fig. 7. Comparing to the veloc-ity fields, it can be seen that highCpt corresponds to the center ofthe passage vortex. This result is expected and agrees with Chungand Simon@7#.

Turbulence intensity was computed as:


2U12 (3)

and is shown in the fourth row of Fig. 7. High turbulence regionscorrespond to the core of the passage vortex, in agreement withthe total pressure losses.

Case 2—Wall Jets Near the Saddle Point. Six wall jetswere installed near the saddle point in the locations illustrated inFig. 2. In terms of the fixed coordinatesz andh, shown in Fig. 2,wall jet #1 was located atz/C50.62, h/C50.14; jet #4 atz/C50.72, h/C50.23; and jet #6 atz/C50.58, h/C50.22. Thesejets were used in an attempt to redirect the passage vortex near itspoint of origin. Analysis of the secondary flow with a tuft proberevealed that the passage vortex still impinged upon the suctionsurface, as in the case without any jets. The vorticity detectorshowed that when jet #4 was not operating, the passage vortexappeared to travel around the jets toward the pressure-side bladeand then migrate across the passage. When jet #4 was operating,the vortex path was less clear, but it still traveled across the pas-sage to the suction-side blade. Ink dot flow visualization on thesuction-side blade revealed no significant difference from Fig. 6,the baseline case. Increasing the velocity ratio,Vjet /U1 , was not

helpful. There was some evidence that the vortex could be tem-porarily diverted, but it was not blown off the endwall. Becausethe wall jets near the saddle point had no significant effect on thesecondary flow, no further efforts were made with this case, and itwas not quantitatively documented.

Case 3—Optimized Fence. A clay fence of the same length~88 percent of chord!, height~4.5 percent of chord!, cross section~equilateral triangle!, and orientation as used by Chung and Simon@7# was positioned in the test section, as shown in Fig. 2. Theleading edge of the fence was atz/C50.37,h/C50.08, and thetrailing edge was atz/C50, h/C50.79. Ink dot flow visualiza-tion on the suction surface clearly showed that the fence reducedthe effects of the passage vortex on the suction-side blade. Thisresult is consistent with that of Chung and Simon@7#. They con-cluded that with the fence, the passage vortex could not reach thesuction surface. Instead, it was lifted by the fence and washedaway by the mainstream flow. Evaluation of the flow with a tuftprobe and the vorticity detector led to the same conclusion.

The fence was then modified to minimize its length. This wasdone in preparation for the use of a row of wall jets. The wall jetswere to be installed in place of the fence at the same location asthe fence. By minimizing the length of the fence, the number ofwall jets could be reduced, thereby reducing the amount of airrequired. The fence was split into sections. Ink dot flow visualiza-tion was done on the suction surface to see the effect of the re-moval of each section of the fence. If too much of the fence wasremoved, the remaining sections either failed to intercept the vor-tex on the upstream end, or allowed it to move across the passagedownstream of the trailing end. With the removal of 50 percent ofthe fence~30 percent from the upstream end and 20 percent fromthe downstream end!, and a slight reorientation of the upstreamend, the remaining sections still proved to be effective in divertingthe passage vortex. This is evident in the blade ink dot tracesshown in Fig. 8. The region shown is the same as in Fig. 6. Notethat the ink traces are parallel to the main flow and do not exhibitthe upward inclination seen in Fig. 6. The optimized fence lengthwas 44 percent of the chord length. Its leading and trailing edgeswere located atz/C50.35, h/C50.36 and z/C50.10, h/C50.72 respectively. A schematic depicting its location and orien-tation is shown in Fig. 2. Notice the leading edge of the fence isslightly turned toward the suction-side blade. In this position thepassage vortex is intercepted and forced to follow a path along thefence.

Oil and lampblack visualization was conducted on the endwallwith the modified fence in place. The saddle point could be seenat the same location as the baseline case. The path of the passagevortex could be seen as it was intercepted by the fence, and forcedto travel the length of the fence before exiting the test section.

Flowfield measurements were acquired in Planes A, B, and C~the same locations used in the baseline case! for cases with theoriginal and optimized fences. The results with the two fenceswere nearly indistinguishable, and are presented in Fig. 9 for the

Fig. 7 Secondary flow measurements at Planes A, B, and C„see Fig. 3 … for baseline case. Top row: secondary velocity;second row: secondary kinetic energy loss coefficient; thirdrow: total pressure loss coefficient; bottom row: turbulence in-tensity. Dimensions y „distance from suction wall … and z „dis-tance from endwall … normalized on chord.

Fig. 8 Ink dot flow visualization on suction-side blade: opti-mized fence

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optimized fence case. The passage vortex develops in the samelocation as the baseline case, but the fence inhibits the develop-ment of the vortex as it moves downstream, from Plane A to PlaneC. Inspection of the velocity field shows that the vortex does notimpinge upon or climb the suction surface. Rather, it remainsaway from the blade and its strength is greatly decreased from thebaseline case~Fig. 7!. A weak counterrotating vortex is presentnear the blade–endwall junction. This may be the suction-side legof the horseshoe vortex. The fence prevents its entrainment by thepassage vortex.

A weaker vortex means lower secondary kinetic energy losses.Averaging over Plane C, the averageCSKE is reduced to 30 per-cent of the baseline case level. Total pressure losses increase byabout 30 percent with the fence, but the combinedCSKE andCptlosses are about 10 percent lower with the fence than in the base-line case. Note that the losses are only averages over the planesshown, and are not stage losses. If larger measurement planes hadbeen used, including regions less affected by secondary flow, thedifferences between cases would be less.

The locations of high total pressure losses and also high turbu-lence intensity do not follow the core of the passage vortex. In-stead they remain near the blade–endwall junction at the locationof the counterrotating vortex noted in the velocity fields. It ap-pears that losses may not be generated so much by the passagevortex as by upstream activity in the suction-surface-endwall re-gion. In the unmodified flow this region of losses is entrained bythe passage vortex and moved. With the fence, the high loss arearemains in the corner.

Case 4—Centerline Wall Jets. Twelve wall jets were in-stalled in place of the modified fence. It was hypothesized that thewall jets would perform the same function as the fence by liftingthe passage vortex off the endwall and diverting it from the suc-tion surface. The configuration of the twelve wall jets is shown inFig. 2.

The ink dot technique was used to evaluate the effectiveness ofthe wall jets. Nine jet velocities were tested by varying the jetsupply pressure from 14 kPa to 70 kPa in 7 kPa increments. It wasconcluded, by inspection of the suction surface ink traces, that ajet velocity of 24 m/s (Vjet /U152.7) was sufficient to divert thepassage vortex successfully. An image of the ink traces on thesuction surface, with the jets at this velocity, is shown in Fig. 10.Note that the ink traces are more parallel to the main flow than inthe baseline case~Fig. 6!. There is, however, some upward incli-nation of the traces in the region between 30 and 70 mm from theendwall, which will be explained below. Since the jets and mainflow have the same temperature and density in the experiment, thejets have a blowing ratio, (r jetVjet)/(r1U1), of 2.7, and a momen-tum ratio, (r jetVjet

2 )/(r1U12), of 7.3. These ratios would be lower if

based on local free-stream velocities at the jet locations, droppingtoward 1.8 and 3.2 at the test section exit. Typical blowing ratios,based on local velocity, for film cooling are well below 1, but thisis due to the fact that film cooling is more effective at lowerblowing ratios. In theory, a velocity ratio approaching 1 should bepossible even in the first-stage vane of a high pressure turbine. Inpractice, a somewhat lower limit would be expected. Assuming adensity ratio approaching 3 in an engine, blowing and momentumratios of 3 would be the limit in the first stage. The blowing andmomentum ratios of the present study are too high for use in thefirst stage, but are of the right order of magnitude for a workabledesign. It is conceivable that with refinement and optimization,wall jets could be made to work at a blowing ratio which wouldbe achievable in an engine. Downstream of the first stage, eventhe high ratios of the present study should be achievable. To de-termine more precisely the blowing and momentum ratios neededfor the jets, further experiments should be done with jets at ahigher density ratio.

The mass flow from all 12 jets corresponds to 1 percent of themass flow through the present test section. If one assumes anaspect ratio of 1 and blowing from both endwalls, the jet airrequirement would correspond to 4 percent of the mass flowthrough a typical turbine passage. The wall jet flow would be inaddition to the mass flow introduced through film cooling. Laksh-minarayana@1# states that the typical cooling requirement in thefirst-stage nozzle is about 6 percent of the core engine inlet flow.Therefore the mass flow of the jets in the present study, whilehigh, is conceivable for engine application, and if the jets aresuccessful in reducing secondary flow effects and making filmcooling more effective, it may be possible to reduce the film cool-ing mass flow, somewhat offsetting the extra mass flow neededfor the wall jets.

The ink dot technique was applied over the endwall with thejets in operation. The results are shown in Fig. 11. This figureshows that the main characteristics of the flow, excluding thepassage vortex path, are similar to the baseline case. The saddlepoint is located in the same position. The endwall crossflow due to

Fig. 9 Secondary flow measurements at Planes A, B, and C„see Fig. 3 … for case with optimized fence

Fig. 10 Ink dot flow visualization on suction-side blade: cen-terline wall jets

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the pressure gradient from the pressure-side blade to the suction-side blade is clearly indicated. The passage vortex is observeddownstream of the saddle point, near the leading edge of thepressure-side blade. The vortex begins to migrate across the pas-sage, toward the suction-side blade, but is intercepted by the walljets. The vortex is pushed along the length of the wall jet row andout of the test section without impinging on the suction surface.Oil and lampblack visualization showed similar results.

Flow field quantities from Planes A, B, and C are shown in Fig.12. As the vortex moves downstream, it is lifted up off the end-

wall and kept away from the suction-side blade. The strength ofthe vortex is about the same as in the baseline case~compare toFig. 7!. A small counterrotating vortex is apparent in the endwall–suction surface corner in Planes A and B, but it has been over-whelmed by the passage vortex by Plane C. AverageCSKE areabout the same with the jets as in the baseline case. Near thesuction surface, however, a comparison ofCSKE in Figs. 7 and 12shows much lower secondary velocity near the suction wall withthe jets. This indicates that the vortex is having less of an effect onthe suction surface, in agreement with the ink dot visualization ofFig. 10. The area on the suction surface from the endwall to aheight ofz/C50.09 shows little influence of the passage vortex,as indicated by the ink traces parallel to the endwall. The upwardmotion of the vortex, shown by the velocity field in the regionbetweenz/C50.09 and 0.21 up the suction surface, correspondsto the inclined ink traces in that same region. This supports theconclusion that the passage vortex has a weaker effect in the casewith the jets and is farther from the suction surface. This wouldpresumably allow for more effective film cooling on the suctionsurface.

Total pressure losses show characteristics of both the baselinecase and the optimized fence case, with highCpt in both thecorner, at the location of the counterrotating vortex noted above,and the core of the passage vortex. Average pressure losses areabout 50 percent higher than in the baseline case. CombinedCptand CSKE losses are about 30 percent higher than the baselinecase.

The drop in losses observed with the optimized fence suggestedthat similar behavior might be expected with the jets. This was notthe case, and the turbulence intensity measurements may providean explanation. The turbulence intensity follows the pressure lossbehavior, with a peak in the blade–endwall corner in Plane A, adouble peak in the corner and passage vortex core in Plane B, anda peak at the passage vortex core in Plane C. Comparison of Figs.7 and 12 shows that the turbulence intensity in the jet case isconsiderably higher than in the baseline case, particularly inPlanes A and B. The jets are disturbing the main flow and creatingturbulence. Much of this extra turbulence has been dissipated byPlane C, and the dissipation has resulted in higher losses.

From a heat transfer standpoint, the centerline jets appear tohave the desired effect of providing a more favorable situation forfilm cooling on the suction surface. From an aerodynamics stand-point, the jets have the undesirable effect of increasing losses.These two effects, along with the cost associated with supplyingthe jet air, would need to be balanced to determine the overalleffect on engine efficiency. Further experiments to quantifystage losses and the benefits to film cooling and heat transferwould be needed to make this comparison. More work to optimizejet size and spacing might also be beneficial for reducing jet airrequirements.

ConclusionsEndwall jets located in the center of a turbine passage were

effective in altering the path of the pressure-side leg of the horse-shoe vortex. The vortex was not significantly weakened, but itsmigration across the passage toward the suction surface was par-tially blocked. Jet airflow requirements were comparable to thoseused for film cooling.

The jets appear to provide an improved situation for airfoilcooling, but result in higher secondary losses due to the turbu-lence generated by the jets.

A boundary layer fence was effective in altering the path, re-ducing the strength, and minimizing the harmful effects of thepressure-side leg of the horseshoe vortex in a turbine passage. Thefence length could be reduced to half that used in previous studies,with no significant change in results.

Total pressure losses appear to be generated primarily near the

Fig. 11 Ink dot flow visualization on the endwall: centerlinewall jets

Fig. 12 Secondary flow measurements at Planes A, B, and C„see Fig. 3 … for case with centerline wall jets

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suction surface–endwall corner, and are not directly attributableto the passage vortex. The passage vortex entrains the fluid in thishigh loss area when it reaches the suction surface.

AcknowledgmentsThe assistance of the Technical Support Department at the Na-

val Academy is appreciated. Roy Goddard constructed the windtunnel and Bill Beaver fabricated the test section. Ron Wheelerand Louise Becnel provided technical help in the laboratory.Christine Jamison and Karen Lambert of the Educational Re-source Center assisted with the production of the figures in thispaper. This work was supported by the Trident Scholar Programat the United States Naval Academy.


C 5 chordCSKE 5 secondary kinetic energy loss coefficientCpt 5 total pressure loss coefficient

FSTI 5 free-stream turbulence intensityH 5 span

Hp 5 pressure side leg of horseshoe vortexHs 5 suction side leg of horseshoe vortexP 5 pitch

Ps 5 static pressurePt 5 total pressure

Ptr 5 total pressure in free-stream upstream of cascadeRec 5 Reynolds number based on chord andU1Sp 5 curvilinear distance from leading edge along pressure

sideSs 5 curvilinear distance from leading edge along suction

sideTI 5 local turbulence intensity

UL 5 local free-stream velocity along the airfoil5A2/r* (Ptr2Ps), m/s

U 5 free-stream velocity, m/sV 5 flow velocity in y direction, m/s

Vjet 5 wall jet velocity, m/sv8 5 rms fluctuating velocity iny directionW 5 flow velocity in z direction, m/s

w8 5 rms fluctuating velocity inz directiony 5 distance away from suction surfacez 5 distance away from endwall

d2 5 momentum thicknessh 5 axial distance from suction side leading edge~Fig. 2!r 5 densityz 5 pitchwise distance from suction side leading edge

~Fig. 2!


1 5 inlet condition2 5 exit condition

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@13# Chung, J. T., 1992, ‘‘Flow and Heat Transfer Experiments in the TurbineAirfoil/Endwall Region,’’ Ph.D. Thesis, Department of Mechanical Engineer-ing, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN.

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Steven W. Burd

Terrence W. Simon

Heat Transfer Laboratory,University of Minnesota,Minneapolis, MN 55455

Flow Measurements in a NozzleGuide Vane Passage With a LowAspect Ratio and EndwallContouringMost turbine cascade studies in the literature have been performed in straight-endwall,high-aspect-ratio, linear cascades. As a result, there has been little appreciation for therole of, and added complexity imposed by, reduced aspect ratios. There also has beenlittle documentation of endwall profiling with these reduced spans. To examine the role ofthese factors on cascade hydrodynamics, a large-scale nozzle guide vane simulator wasconstructed at the Heat Transfer Laboratory of the University of Minnesota. This cascadeis comprised of three airfoils between one contoured and one flat endwall. The geometriesof the airfoils and endwalls, as well as the experimental conditions in the simulator, arerepresentative of those in commercial operation. Measurements with hot-wire anemom-etry were taken to characterize the flow approaching the cascade. These measurementsshow that the flow field in this cascade is highly elliptic and influenced by pressuregradients that are established within the cascade. Exit flow field measurements withtriple-sensor anemometry and pressure measurements within the cascade indicate that theacceleration imposed by endwall contouring and airfoil turning is able to suppress thesize and strength of key secondary flow features. In addition, the flow field near thecontoured endwall differs significantly from that adjacent to the straight endwall.@S0889-504X~00!01104-1#

IntroductionThe most interesting and plaguing characteristics of cascade

fluid mechanics are the secondary flows. As a result, secondaryflow field documentation in gas turbine cascades has been thecenter of many studies. Sieverding@1# presented a review of nu-merous investigations. In general, studies have shown that thepassage flow field is extremely complicated as it consists of horse-shoe vortices, passage vortices, and endwall secondary flows,which are due to pressure gradients formed with curvature. Thegenerally accepted flow patterns within cascades are shown in Fig.1, a three-dimensional cascade flow model that was developed byLangston@2#. As the flow travels through a cascade, it experiencesaerodynamic losses. These arise from viscous effects. Profilelosses are generated in the airfoil boundary layers well away fromthe endwalls. Endwall and secondary flow losses arise from end-wall boundary layer flow and the secondary flows generated asboundary layers pass through the airfoil row. For turbines, sec-ondary flow losses contribute one-third@3# to nearly two-thirds@4#of the total aerodynamic loss.

Nozzle designs in high-pressure turbines tend to have low as-pect ratios, sharp flow turning, high exit Mach numbers, and largetrailing edge blockages. These features can combine to produceprominent secondary flows that may seriously affect nozzle effi-ciency as well as the performance of the downstream high-workrotor. In contemplating methods of improving the performance ofsuch nozzles, considerable attention has been paid to endwall con-touring. Contouring offers the possibility of reducing exit flowprofile distortion as well as controlling secondary flow develop-ment by reduction of cross-channel and radial static pressure gra-dient effects. Researchers have investigated the effects of endwallcontours for a variety of contour profiles and positions of thesecontours relative to the airfoil chords. Contouring has shownpromise as an effective passive flow management method. Deich

et al. @5# and Ewen et al.@6# have reported obtaining increases inefficiency approaching 3.5 percent with meridional endwall pro-filing ~i.e., contoured axially! within nozzle airfoil rows. Morrisand Hoare@7# described experimental work on a linear cascade ofairfoils fitted with several forms of meridional endwall profilesand varied airfoil aspect ratios. It was found that symmetric-cubicwall profiling could reduce overall secondary loss up to 25 percentwith a small aspect ratio and thin inlet boundary layers. The lossreduction occurred almost exclusively near the flat, non-profiledendwall, and was attributed to changes in airfoil pressure distri-butions due to profiling. Kopper et al.@8# investigated the benefitof endwall profiling in a cascade with one planar and one con-toured endwall, a design similar to that documented in this paper.Their design demonstrated a 17 percent reduction of the full-passage, mass-averaged loss relative to a planar cascade, primarilydue to lower secondary losses on the planar wall side of the cas-cade. Boyle and Haas@9#, Timko @10#, Tipton @11#, and Boyleet al. @12# also studied contoured endwalls. In spite of this work,more insight into the benefits of these designs is needed. Mou-stapha and Williamson@13# studied the effects of two meridion-ally profiled endwalls. Boletis@14# and Arts@15# published a two-part, experimental-numerical study of the effect of tip endwallcontouring on the three-dimensional flow field in a low-speed,low-aspect-ratio, annular turbine nozzle guide vane. They con-cluded that passage losses are reduced by tip contouring. Boletisand Sieverding@16# employed a cubic, meridional-contoured end-wall in their investigation with a low-aspect-ratio stator geometry.

Nonaxisymmetric endwall profiles have also been investigated.These used shaped endwalls in both the axial and circumferentialdirections. Nonaxisymmetric designs of Morris and Hoare@7# andAtkins @17# showed limited success. The nonaxisymmetric profileof Morris and Hoare, for instance, produced a large reduction oflosses in the half-span adjacent to the flat wall but increased con-siderably the losses near the profiled wall. To the contrary, the‘‘Russian kink’’ of Warner and Tran@18# yielded improved effi-ciencies in low-aspect-ratio turbines. Rose@19# showed promisingresults for several types of three-dimensional endwall shapes. Du-

Contributed by the International Gas Turbine Institute and presented at the 45thInternational Gas Turbine and Aeroengine Congress and Exhibition, Munich, Ger-many, May 8–11, 2000. Manuscript received by the International Gas Turbine Insti-tute February 2000. Paper No. 2000-GT-213. Review Chair: D. Ballal.

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den et al.@20#, Duden and Fottner@21#, Yan et al.@22#, Harveyet al. @23# and Hartland et al.@24# have investigated nonaxisym-metric profiles more recently.

Several profiles hold more promise than others. A successfuland very popular contour in guide vanes is one that imposes areduction in passage span in approaching the trailing edges of theairfoils, permitting most of the flow turning to be achieved atlower velocities around the initial region of the vane. Subsequentflow acceleration is then available to reduce flow profile distortionand boundary layer growth. The cubic-type profiles of Morris andHoare@7#, Kopper et al.@8#, and Boyle and Haas@9# fall in thiscategory. Unfortunately, the understanding of contouring effectsis still limited. Very few data are available for the flow fieldvelocity, turbulence, and vorticity within the passage and second-ary flow mechanisms are not clear. In this paper, the flow field andsecondary flows are documented and losses are quantified.

Experimental FacilityThe test facility~Fig. 2! was designed and constructed to simu-

late the geometry of, and the flow through, the inlet guide vanes ofthe high-pressure turbine stage of a modern, midsized, industrialgas turbine engine. In the facility, filtered air is supplied by acentrifugal blower into a turning header. Downstream of theheader, the flow enters an axial fan and then travels through a heatexchanger element to the turbulence generator. The two fans inseries supply the core flow through a grid of eight rectangularopenings (5.08 cm315.2 cm) while a third supplies the jet flowfor mixing in the combustor simulator. Air jets issue from thesides of the generator through two axial rows of 4.13-cm-dia holesto simulate the primary and dilution jets. The mixing of these jetswith the core flow produces high-level, large-scale turbulence.Additional 4.13 cm holes are cut in the top and bottom of thegenerator to supply more jet flow to improve uniformity in veloc-ity and scales. There are 48 holes in total. The generator followsthe designs of Ames@25# and Wang@26#. The combined flowsexit the generator, travel through a 2.25:1 contraction nozzle, andthrough a straight-walled section to the nozzle guide vane simu-

lator. There is a separate, secondary flow loop attached to thefacility that is capable of supplying bleed cooling to the cascadetest section. This loop was inactive for the present measurementsbut was used by Burd and Simon@27# and Burd et al.@28#.

The most important constituent of the facility is the nozzleguide vane simulator~Fig. 3!, which serves as the test section. Itconsists of a three-airfoil, two-passage cascade. The airfoils areexpanded-scale models of the actual engine nozzle mid-passagesection. The airfoils are fabricated of low-thermal conductivitysilicon-reinforced phenolic. One endwall is flat and made with1.27-cm-thick acrylic. The other is fabricated with significant pro-filing in the axial direction and is constructed of phenolic. Thecontour of this endwall starts at roughly 25 percent of the axialchord downstream of the leading edge plane and, moving axially,is concave over the first half and convex over the latter half. Theprofile creates a 25 percent reduction in exit plane span relative tothe inlet plane. Geometric parameters of the simulator are in Table1. The limited number of airfoils and the large size of the com-ponents allows high-resolution measurements of flow features~i.e., boundary layers and vortices!.

The small number of airfoils and passages is not without com-plications. The three airfoil arrangement used in this facility tendsto produce higher static pressures for the lower passage than in theupper passage, as would naturally be expected for any bend. Tominimize this effect, the facility was fashioned with stagnation-region, leading-edge suction bleeds and tailboards. These weremanipulated to obtain acceptable flow patterns and to produceidentical and proper stagnation streamlines into the leading edgesof all three airfoils. From the center of the trailing edges, thetailboards project at an angle of 67 deg relative to the axial coor-dinate; nearly tangent to the camber line. The upper of the twopassages is reserved for testing and measurements are based uponthe bulk flow through it.

Other cascades of the same type have been studied in the HeatTransfer Laboratory at the University of Minnesota. Chung and

Fig. 1 Cascade secondary flow model †2‡

Fig. 2 Experimental test facility

Fig. 3 Nozzle guide vane simulator test facility

Table 1 Guide vane simulator design parameters

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Simon@29,30#, for instance, compared the flow field and endwallshear stresses in their cascade simulator to those in a true cascadeRealistic flow field patterns, including secondary flow features,and endwall shear stress distributions were reproduced by theirsimulator. In addition, the stagnation streamlines were orientedusing bleed slots adjacent to the leading edges as in the presentfacility. The leading edge horseshoe vortex and the evolution ofsecondary flows in the passage were not affected by this type ofstagnation bleed.

An x, y, z-coordinate system~Fig. 2! is used to describe mea-surement locations. The streamwise coordinate,x, is in the direc-tion of approaching core flow, withx50 taken at the airfoil lead-ing edges. The endwall-normal coordinate,y, is perpendicular toxand to the flat endwall. At eachx, the contoured endwall surface isy50 with positivey values extending toward the flat endwall. Thelimits of y are thereforey/S50.0 and 1.0. The pitchwise or cross-stream coordinate,z, is perpendicular to bothx andy. Thez-origin(z50) follows the leading edge of the center airfoil and continuesalong the pressure surface of the center airfoil. Positivez valuescorrespond to the upper passage.

Experimental Procedure

Hot-Wire Measurements. A single-wire, hot-wire probe~TSI Model 1218-T1.5! was used for measurements of mean ef-fective velocities and fluctuations about mean values. The probehad a 3.81-mm-diam tungsten sensor with a length-to-diameterratio of 480. The active length is approximately 67 percent of thetotal length. A triple-sensor, hot-film probe~TSI Model 1299BM-20! was used to obtain three-dimensional velocity and turbulencemeasurements. Each sensor in this probe had a diameter of 50.8mm and an active sensing length of 1.02 mm. The probe spatiallyaverages over a spherical volume of approximately 2 mm in di-ameter. Both the single-wire and triple-film probes were driven byIFA-100 anemometer bridges. Data were sampled at 5 kHz sam-pling rate for 52.4 s~262,144 data points! for each measurementpoint. Voltages were recorded with an IOTech ADC-488/8SAA/D converter. Spectra were taken with both sensors with 1.1million data points recorded at sampling frequencies of 50 kHz, 5kHz, 500 Hz, 50 Hz, and 5 Hz and low-pass filtering at 40 percentof the sampling frequency. An automatic, two-axis traverse sys-tem with a 25mm resolution was used to position the probesduring experimentation.

Hot-wire uncertainty comes from precision and bias errors.Such uncertainties, which arise during calibration and measure-ment, are larger at smaller velocities. They arise from changes influid properties between calibration and measurement, near-walleffects, and sensor drift. For the triple-wire, measurements aresensitive to sensor alignment. A standard propagation, as detailedby Kline and McClintock@31#, of uncertainty contributions as-signed for these various effects yields a combined uncertainty inmean values of 5 percent for the single-wire and 5–7 percent forthe triple-film. The rms-velocity fluctuations have nominally thesame uncertainty level. Errors in turbulent shear stresses measuredwith the triple-film are 10 percent. Due to the large sampling sizesand long sampling times, stochastic errors associated with sam-pling are negligible in comparison to the deterministic errors.These calculated uncertainties are corroborated through turbulentpipe flow measurements, which were compared to the data ofLaufer @32#.

Pressure Measurements. Static and total pressures are mea-sured using a standard pitot-static pressure probe~United SensorModel PCD-12-KL!, miniature total pressure probes, and staticpressure taps. The miniature total pressure probes include a tele-scoping boundary layer probe with a 0.71 mm sensing hole diam-eter that was constructed by Hanna@33# and two similar designsthat were fabricated with 90 deg bends in the support arms. Theprobe selected for measurements depends on measurement loca-tion. Variable reluctance pressure transducers, Validyne Model

DP45~8.9 cm water! and DP15~14.0 cm water! are used to recorddifferential pressures. A Validyne Sine Wave Carrier Demodula-tor ~Model CD15!, with 1 kHz response, provides a DC outputfrom the transducers. This DC voltage output is recorded by aHewlett-Packard Data Acquisition Unit~Model 3412A!. For eachindividual pressure measurement, a total of 20 to 100 voltagereadings is recorded at a sampling frequency of 2 Hz. A trans-ducer calibration equation was used to deduce pressure magni-tudes from processed voltages. Probes are aligned by rotating theprobe in the direction of the mean total velocity and so that maxi-mum local total pressures are recorded.

Uncertainties, accounting for calibration and bias errors, inpressure measurements are as low as 0.5 percent of full scale~0–5.1 cm water! to as high as 0.9 percent of full scale~exceeding5.1 cm water!. The miniature total pressure probes have square-edged openings and yield correct readings for angles of attack lessthan 610 deg. Through careful positioning of the probes, thisangle of attack limit is not exceeded. When significant, correctivemeasures for turbulence effects are taken@34#. Effects associatedwith Mach number, Reynolds number, or shear displacement ef-fects were not important.

Cascade Flow Orientation. Inlet mean velocity and turbu-lence distributions were measured at three positions upstream ofthe airfoil leading edges using single-wire anemometry~75 per-cent, 45 percent, and 10 percent of the axial cord upstream of thecascade!. These data show that the cascade flow in the facility ishighly elliptic and that flow patterns that develop as the flowapproaches the passage are dominated by the pressure gradients.Data at 75 percentCax upstream of the airfoil leading edges areused to characterize the inlet conditions to the cascade. The flowat this location is fairly insensitive to the downstream presence ofthe cascade and velocity and turbulence distributions show uni-form values across the measurement zone. A spatially averagedvelocity over the regiony/S50 to y/S51.0 andz/P50 to z/P51.0, U1512.6 m/s, was calculated via integration of the veloc-ity. The inlet Reynolds number based on the airfoil actual chordand U1 is approximately 350,000. The turbulence level normal-ized onU1 is 9.5 percent.

At x/Cax520.45, the data begin to show the elliptic nature ofthis approach flow. Low velocities are found upstream of the lead-ing edges (z/P50). Increased velocities~relative to x/Cax520.75 values! are found above and below this low-velocityregion suggesting mild acceleration of flow around it. The distri-butions clearly show that pressure gradients have begun to formand influence the flow at this point.

Velocity and turbulence distributions measured just upstream ofthe airfoil leading edge plane,x/Cax520.10, are in Fig. 4. Dataare collected over the area spanning fromy/S50.06 to y/S50.94 andz/P50.03 toz/P50.94. A total of 70 data points, ina 7310 y3z measurement grid, was recorded. The data showthat at this location the pressure gradients that develop within thecascade dominate the flow pattern. In Fig. 4~A!, high velocities atz/P50.15 andz/P.0.8 clearly indicate that the core flow hasbegun to accelerate around the blockage created by the airfoilleading edge. The velocities progressively decrease in moving to-ward the center of the passage, however. The lowest velocities arefound atz/P50.5. Low velocities are also observed atz/P50,revealing that the flow is decelerating as it approaches stagnation.Turbulence intensity~Fig. 4~B!! appears to depend strongly on theacceleration of the core flow as it enters the cascade. The regionsof high acceleration have reduced turbulence intensities relative tothe upstream values. In approaching the leading edge, the flowdecelerates and turbulence is augmented. Given that the turbu-lence is normalized on the local streamwise velocity, most of thevariations are attributed to changes in the mean flow.

Near-wall velocity profiles were measured in the approach flowto assess the thickness and growth of the boundary layers ap-

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proaching the cascade. Three profiles were taken:x/Cax520.75and y/P50.25, 0.5, and 0.75. The momentum and displacementthicknesses are listed in Table 2.

To document the scales in the approach flow, filtered velocitywave forms were measured along the center span (y/S50.5) up-stream of the test passage at several locations. Spectral analyseswere then performed. Integral lengths scales ranging from6.3– 8.4 cm (0.14,L/C,0.19) are calculated. These large valuesare considered to be representative of the macroscales entering theguide vane in the engine@35#. Such large scales are not easy togenerate in an experimental setting. With the assumption that theturbulence of the inertial subrange in this flow is isotropic, dissi-pation rates of turbulence kinetic energy and associated energyscale were calculated from these spectra@36#. Representative val-ues for these quantities atx/Cax520.75, z/P50.5 are listed inTable 2.

Static pressure distributions were measured along the four air-foil surfaces in the cascade. The data were recorded for pressuretaps located along a line parallel to the straight endwall and pass-ing through the center of the exit span. Data were measured forthe 15 taps on the suction surfaces in both the upper and lowerchannels, 14 taps on the pressure surface in the upper channel, 7taps on the pressure surface in the lower channel, and the tapsnear the respective leading edges. Given the nonuniformity ofstatic pressures upstream of the airfoil leading edges, equal abso-lute pressures on the surfaces with the two channels was not ex-pected. Local static pressure coefficients based on the inlet totalpressure, inlet static pressure upstream of each passage~x/Cax520.75 atz/P520.5 and 0.5!, and locally measured airfoil sur-face static pressures are shown in Fig. 5.

In general, the data from the same surfaces of neighboring air-foils compare well. The pressure surface data appear to match

from channel to channel. There is some disparity in the vicinity ofthe leading edge. The suction surface data appear to match overthe first 60 percent of the axial cord. Local diffusion, indicated bythe drop in static pressure coefficients in the upper passage, isexpected. Values measured near the trailing edges of the airfoilsin the lower passage, though, begin to deviate from those in theupper passage. This is primarily due to the presence of the tail-board. Measurements using static endwall taps indicate that thetailboard appears to create a more prominent zone of high staticpressure in the vicinity of the pressure surface trailing edge thanobserved for the upper cascade. This results in acceleration offlow toward the suction surface trailing edge yielding pressuresthat are lower relative to those in the upper passage. For thisreason, all measurements presented in this paper were taken in theupper passage.

ResultsThe measurements presented in the following sections include

velocity distributions, turbulence field measurements, and aerody-namic loss coefficients. From these, a general appreciation for thefluid mechanics and aerodynamics in the simulator can be ob-tained. Since this configuration is constructed with one contouredendwall, effects of contouring can be deduced. It must be realized,however, that both endwall flows experience the same streamwiseacceleration, so the differences between the two endwalls cannotbe interpreted as an endwall contouring effect.

Flow Field Measurements. Flow field measurements weretaken near the exit plane of the cascade,x/Cax50.90, using triple-sensor, hot-film anemometry. The probe was oriented 65 deg rela-tive to the axial direction and parallel to the flat endwall. Thisangle was used to locate the probe in the direction of the averageexit flow angle, using a nulling method. A total of 597 data pointswas taken over the measurement plane with fine resolution nearthe suction surface (z/P51.0) and the near-endwall~y/S50 and1.0! regions. Near the endwall–airfoil corner, data are limited,given the size of the triple-film sensor and the corner fillets.Coarse spatial resolution is accepted in the center of the passagewhere gradients are weak. Data from the triple-sensor include themean and rms-fluctuating streamwise~i.e., bulk flow direction!components of velocity,U and u8, as well as mean and rms-fluctuating cross-stream components of velocity. The cross-streamcomponents perpendicular to bothU and the flat endwall surface

Fig. 4 Approach flow at x ÕCaxÄÀ0.10: „A… streamwise veloc-ity, U „mÕs…; „B… turbulence, u 8ÕU

Fig. 5 Airfoil surface static pressure coefficient, Cp s , distri-butions in the cascade facility

Table 2 Boundary layer parameters and turbulence param-eters from spectra

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are V and v8, with a positive value indicating motion from thecontoured to the flat endwall. The cross-stream components per-pendicular toU andV areW andw8, with a positive value indi-cating motion from the pressure side toward the suction surface.Correlations of the rms-fluctuating components enable documen-tation of the primary turbulent Reynolds shear stress,u8v8, u8w8,andv8w8.

Streamwise Velocity.A distribution of streamwise velocity atx/Cax50.90 is provided in Fig. 6. This distribution is normalizedon the streamwise velocity at the center~y/S50.5 andz/P50.5!of the passage,U2 ~46 m/s! This distribution highlights severalfeatures of this flow including:~1! the clear existence of boundarylayers along the airfoil surfaces~z/P50 and 1.0!; ~2! acceleratedor high-speed flow in the vicinity of the contoured endwall (y/S50); and ~3! two secondary flow structures along the suctionsurface, one positioned near each suction-endwall corner. The twostructures, identifiable as distinct regions of reduced streamwisemomentum~compared to the bulk core flow velocity!, are of dif-ferent size and strength. In general, the structure adjacent to theflat endwall (y/S51.0) is larger, but less concentrated. This struc-ture imposes a large region extending fromy/S50.7 to 0.9 overwhich U/U2<0.9. The smaller, concentrated nature of the otherstructure (y/S50) appears to be the direct result of streamwiseacceleration associated with endwall contouring. The zone ofU/U2<0.9 for this feature is about one-half that of the structurenear the flat endwall. It is speculated that the curvature of andacceleration along the contoured endwall would thin the endwallboundary layer and, thus, stretch and suppress the growth of anysecondary flow structures that form within it. The accelerationwould have a similar effect on the flow near the straight endwall.

Cross-Stream Velocities.The mean cross-stream velocities,VandW, are presented in Fig. 7 as a vector plot. The two secondaryflow structures observed in Fig. 6 are again evident here. Theyappear as regions of short arrows adjacent to regions of largearrows. Due to rotation, portions of these structures oppose thecross-stream motion and others add to the cross-stream motion.The structures near the two endwalls appear to have opposingcirculation directions; clockwise for the contoured endwall struc-ture and counterclockwise for the flat endwall counterpart. Theyare consistent with expectations for passage vortices along thesesurfaces. The vortices differ in strength and size of their region ofinfluence. In terms of general cross-stream velocities, the figureshows that:~1! with contouring, the flow coming off the profiledsurface has a considerableV ~contoured endwall to straight end-

wall! velocity component,~2! with some diffusion downstreamfrom the throat, the flow from the channel center is migratingtoward the two airfoil surfaces; the suction surface forz/P.0.5and the pressure surface forz/P,0.5, ~3! flow moves from eachsuction–endwall corner~y/S50 and 1.0;z/P51.0! toward thecenter span, and~4! flow moves strongly from the pressure tosuction surface along the flat endwall (y/S51.0).

The mean cross-stream velocities are also useful in determiningthe deviation of the flow from the bulk streamwise direction. Ingeneral, deviation is modest in this facility, remaining below68deg. For brevity, plots of deviation magnitudes are not presented.Low exit profile distortion was expected with the contour-imposedacceleration within the aft portion of the cascade.

Turbulence and Velocity Fluctuations (Not Shown).Also, tur-bulence distributions were measured atx/Cax50.9. Over the ma-jority of the flow field, the rms-fluctuations of velocity are small~,2.0 percent ofU2) and comparable in magnitude to those of theapproach flow to the cascade. At this position, the magnitude ofu8 decreased from the approach flow values, however, due todissipation of streamwise turbulent kinetic energy and strain in thedirection of the bulk fluid motion. The magnitudes ofv8 andw8were larger thanu8 values, except near the suction surface (z/P51.0). This is understandable, given the highly three-dimensionalnature of the flow field at this location. The two secondary flowstructures are clearly visible as regions of elevatedu8, v8, andw8near the suction–endwall corners. In these regions,u8 values arethe highest, primarily due to wall damping ofv8 and w8 in thisregion.

Turbulent Reynolds Shear Stresses.Turbulent Reynolds shearstress distributions~normalized onU2

2! are given in Figs. 8 and 9.Regions of high shear stress are of primary concern to this study.It is well known that large magnitudes of turbulent Reynolds shearstresses will accompany regions of strong shear. Secondary vortexstructures are regions of enhanced shear. As such, coherent longi-tudinal vortices are easily identified via plots ofu8v8 andu8w8.Generally, the center is a local minimum in the turbulent shearstress field with higher levels about this center. If diffusion isnearly isotropic, the vectorsu8v8 j 1u8w8k point radially outwardfrom the center and perpendicular to the velocity gradients. Con-sideringu8v8 and u8w8 separately, a plot ofu8v8 would, there-fore, be expected to have a reversal in sign, with the reversalfollowing a line perpendicular toy. Likewise, a coherent longitu-dinal vortex structure would be expected to also have a reversal in

Fig. 6 Exit streamwise velocities, UÕU2 , at x ÕCaxÄ0.9Fig. 7 Cross-stream „VÀW… velocity vectors at x ÕCaxÄ0.9

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sign ofu8w8, with the reversal along a line perpendicular toz. Intheory, the crossing point of the two reversal lines would signifythe vortex center of rotation.

The plot of u8v8 ~Fig. 8! clearly shows the existence of twodistinct regions of concentrated highu8v8 stresses. These regionsare coincident with the low-momentum regions observed in plotsof the mean streamwise velocity~Fig. 6!. The region of highstresses near the suction-flat-endwall corner (y/S51.0; z/P51.0) is believed to be the passage vortex along the flat endwall.The u8v8 stresses indicate that this structure is vortical and rea-sonably coherent since there is a reversal in shear stress sign.Since the reversal in sign ofu8v8 does not fall along a line normalto the suction surface, it is believed that this vortex is slightlyskewed and elliptic in shape, however. The structure near thesuction-contoured endwall corner (y/S50; z/P51.0) is different.The stresses for this structure are biased favoring positiveu8v8~diffusion away from the contoured endwall! with only a smallregion of negativeu8v8 ~Note: This region has a magnitudeslightly greater than20.01 and does not appear on the plot, given

contour increments of 0.01.! As a result, a pronounced line of signreversal is not evident. Theu8v8 shear stress behavior for thisstructure suggests that there is likely a coherent vortex structurepresent in this region~i.e., weak passage vortex! but it is washedout, to a great extent, by the secondary endwall and suction sur-face motions in planar shear within the core flow. The peak shearstresses are much higher, though, than those for the flat endwallstructure~0.4 for contoured and 0.2 for flat!.

The distribution ofu8w8 shear stress~Fig. 9! shows also thetwo structures discussed above. These structures are visible ashigh negativeu8w8 values~diffusion away from suction surface!.It is speculated that regions of positiveu8w8 would be foundnearer to the suction surface if background stresses were removedand near-wall stresses measured. The magnitudes of normalizedu8w8 are comparable to the normalizedu8v8 values.

Magnitudes ofv8w8 ~not shown! are small, as expected. Theseterms represent thez diffusion of y momentum. In the context ofthis study, these quantities are not important.

Key Observations From Velocity Measurements.These plotsclearly indicate the existence of two structures adjacent to theairfoil suction surface and in the vicinity of the airfoil–endwallcorners. They are clearly related to secondary flows and resemblepassage vortices. The two are of different size and strength, withthe passage vortex adjacent to the flat endwall being larger andless concentrated. That both structures are smaller than expectedand smaller than those found in a large-aspect ratio, linear cas-cades~e.g., @29,30,37#!, appears to be the direct result of thestreamwise acceleration and boundary layer thinning on both end-walls associated with the contouring of one endwall. This is notmerely a high free-stream turbulence effect for Chung docu-mented strong structures with both high and low free-streamturbulence.

Aerodynamic Loss Evaluation

Total Pressure Loss.Total pressures are measured upstream~at x/Cax520.7! and slightly downstream (x/Cax51.02) of thecascade. The upstream measurement is a single-point measure-ment with the pitot-static probe. A single point measurement inthe upstream position is justified sincepo at anyx upstream of thecascade has been verified to be nominally uniform. Total pres-sures atx/Cax51.02 are taken over the entire exit plane of the testpassage and about the trailing edge of the center airfoil with min-iature total pressure probes via a total of 1298~892 in one set; 404in another! measurement points. The measurement plane in thetest passage encompasses nearly 98 percent of the total flow area.The total pressures, coupled with the velocity head of the ap-proach flow, 1/2rU1

2, are used to calculate a total pressure losscoefficient,Cpo at each measurement location atx/Cax51.02. Adistribution of these values is given in Fig. 10. This figure showsthat over the vast majority of the exit plane,Cpo values are small(Cpo50) since flow distant from airfoil and endwall surfaceswould closely follow inviscid flow patterns. The endwall bound-ary layers, though, have thin regions of high loss coefficients. ThelargestCpo (Cpo.4.0) values are found in the vicinity of thetrailing edge and the airfoil boundary layers. The two secondaryflow structures along the suction surface have clearly identifiablecontributions to this loss. The structure near the contoured end-wall, centered abouty/S50.15, has a more substantial total pres-sure loss than the one near the flat endwall (y/S;0.75). TheCpovalues in the suction-contoured-endwall (y/S50; z/P51.0) cor-ner adjacent to this structure are also much larger than those forthe suction-flat-endwall corner (y/S51.0; z/P51.0). In addition,there is some indication of lowerCpo values in the trailing edgeregion wake closest to the flat endwall. A reasonable conclusionfrom this distribution, therefore, is that the contouring of one end-wall assists in reducing the total pressure losses in the vicinity ofboth the flat and contoured endwalls with the flat endwall region

Fig. 8 Turbulent shear stress, u 8v 8ÕU22Ã100, at x ÕCaxÄ0.9

Fig. 9 Turbulent shear stress, u 8w 8ÕU22Ã100, at x ÕCaxÄ0.9

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receiving more benefit relative to that of the profiled endwall.Lower loss near the flat endwall is an observation that is consis-tent with the findings of other researchers who have investigatedprofiling @7,8#.

The distribution of total pressure loss coefficients at the exitplane (x/Cax51.02) of the test passage are integrated over boththe span and pitch, including the trailing edge region, to yield aspatially averaged, total pressure loss coefficient,Cpo. This quan-tity is a single parameter that can be used to evaluate and quantifya substantial portion of the aerodynamic loss through the cascade.The Cpo value calculated for the configuration is 0.47. This indi-cates that the average total pressure loss in this cascade is 47percent of the approach dynamic head or 3.0 percent of the depar-ture flow dynamic head. Uncertainty in this quantity is estimatedto be 2.0 percent of the approach dynamic head.

Secondary Kinetic Energy Loss.Using the mean streamwiseand cross-stream velocities from triple-film measurements, losscoefficients associated with the secondary kinetic energy,Cske,can be calculated. A distribution ofCske at x/Cax50.9 is given inFig. 11. It is believed that theCske distribution atx/Cax51.02would closely resemble these values but would have additionalloss contributions in the trailing edge wake region. In general,relative to peak total pressure loss coefficients,Cske values tend tobe small (Cske<0.35). Cske values are highest near the contouredendwall, adjacent to the flat endwall, and in the pressure-surface-contoured-endwall corner region. Only in the center of the pas-sage whereCpo values ~Fig. 10! approach zero but secondarymotion remains strong areCske dominant contributors to the totalloss. On average, secondary kinetic energy loss is about 25 per-cent of the total loss.

ConclusionsA large-scale experimental test facility, which simulates the

geometry of, and flow within, the inlet nozzle guide vane sectionof a modern gas turbine, has been constructed and qualified. Thefacility is a three-airfoil, two-passage design. The airfoils are en-cased between one contoured and one flat endwall which reducethe cascade span by 25 percent, from inlet to exit. Testing wasperformed under high-level~9.5 percent! and large-scale core-flow-turbulence conditions with an inlet Reynolds number basedon true chord length of 350,000.

With this facility, a detailed experimental investigation of thefluid mechanics and aerodynamics inherent to the guide vane de-sign was conducted. Many of the fundamental flow features inher-ent to the nozzle guide vane passage design have been character-

ized. These features have been captured via measurements ofmean streamwise and cross-stream velocities, turbulence, and tur-bulent shear stresses. As anticipated, measurements indicate thatthe flow field is three dimensional and that distinct secondary flowpatterns develop within the cascade. Contrary to related studies inthe literature, these secondary flow features are relatively small,localized, and difficult to characterize. The most important ofthese secondary flow features, resembling passage vortices, arestill visible. With contouring of one endwall, these structures arenot symmetric and differ considerably in their sizes and strengths.The structure near the suction-surface-flat-endwall corner is largein size but fairly weak in strength while the contoured-endwallcounterpart is more concentrated in size and stronger. Boundarylayer thinning and streamwise acceleration imposed by the con-toured endwall are believed responsible for these differences.Both endwalls experience the same pressure gradient but differ intheir curvature profiles. This curvature apparently has a profoundeffect on the secondary flow development. Aerodynamic loss as-sessment, including total pressure and secondary kinetic energylosses, suggests that the losses along the flat endwall in the suctioncorner region are lower relative to those near the contoured-endwall corner. The structure strength measurements support thisconclusion. Although data document the flow field in a contoured-endwall cascade, the relative influence of contouring was notevaluated in this study. In fact, it would not be possible to do sobecause merely straightening the curved endwall has far-reachingeffects beyond contouring, including changing the reaction of thestage.

AcknowledgmentsThis paper is part of a research project funded under the ATS

program of DOE by Solar Turbines, Inc., and AGTSR. TheAGTSR grant monitor was Dr. Daniel Fant and the Solar TurbinesTechnical Monitor was Dr. Luzeng Zhang. Additional guidancewas provided by Dr. Boris Glezer and Mr. Loris Bedrosyan ofSolar Turbines, Inc. The authors appreciate also the support of theCivilian Research and Development Foundation and the advicegiven by the co-researchers on the program in the Ukraine.


C 5 airfoil actual or true chordCax 5 airfoil axial chordCpo 5 total pressure loss coefficient5(po12po2)/(0.5r1U1


Fig. 10 Total pressure loss coefficients, Cp 0 , at x ÕCaxÄ1.02

Fig. 11 Secondary kinetic loss coefficients, Cske , at x ÕCaxÄ0.9

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Cpo 5 spatially averaged total pressure loss coefficientCps 5 static pressure coefficient5(po12ps)/(0.5r1U1

2)Cske 5 secondary kinetic energy loss coefficient5



H 5 shape factor5d* /uk 5 turbulent kinetic energy

Lu 5 dissipation or energy scaleP 5 airfoil pitchp 5 pressure

Reu 5 Reynolds number based on mean streamwise velocityexternal to boundary layer and momentum thickness

S 5 airfoil spanS1 5 inlet airfoil spanS2 5 exit airfoil spanU 5 time-averaged local streamwise~axial! velocity

U1 5 characteristic inlet velocity to test passage (x/Cax520.75)

U2 5 characteristic exit velocity of test passage (x/Cax50.90)

U` 5 free-stream velocityu8 5 time-averaged, rms streamwise~axial! velocity fluc-

tuationu8v8 5 streamwise-endwall normal turbulent shear stressu8w8 5 streamwise-pitchwise turbulent shear stress

V 5 time-averaged endwall-normal velocityV1 5 inlet mean endwall-normal velocityV2 5 exit mean endwall-normal velocityv8 5 time-averaged, rms endwall-normal~radial! velocity

fluctuationv8w8 5 endwall-normal-pitchwise turbulent shear stress

W 5 time-averaged pitchwise velocityW1 5 inlet mean pitchwise velocityW2 5 exit mean pitchwise velocityw8 5 time-averaged, rms pitchwise velocity fluctuations

x 5 axial coordinatey 5 endwall-normal coordinatez 5 pitchwise coordinate

d99 5 boundary layer thickness~99 percent!d* 5 displacement thickness

« 5 dissipation of turbulent kinetic energyu 5 momentum thicknessL 5 integral length scaler 5 air density at measurement

r1 5 approach/inlet core flow air density


1 5 inlet or approach condition2 5 exit condition

lower 5 referring to lower cascade passageo 5 stagnation or totals 5 static

upper 5 referring to upper~test! cascade passage

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Dilip PrasadUnited Technologies Research Center,

East Hartford, CT 06108

Gavin J. HendricksPratt & Whitney,

East Hartford, CT 06108

A Numerical Study of SecondaryFlow in Axial Turbines WithApplication to Radial Transport ofHot StreaksThe flow field in a low-speed turbine stage with a uniform inlet total pressure is studiednumerically. A circular hot streak is superposed on the vane inlet flow. In agreement withprevious experimental and numerical work, it is observed that while the streak passesthrough the vane unaltered, significant radial transport occurs in the rotor. Furthermore,despite the unsteady nature of the flow field, the steady theory of Hawthorne (1974) isfound to predict the radial transport velocity well. Making use of this theory, it is shownthat the secondary vorticity in the rotor may be attributed to the effects of density strati-fication, the spatial variation of the vane exit flow angle, and the relative eddy. It thenfollows that the extent of radial transport in the rotor may be influenced by altering thevane exit flow angle distribution. The present study examines one means by which thismay be effected, viz., varying the vane twist across the span. It is shown that a ‘‘reverse’’twist, wherein the flow angle at the vane exit is larger near the tip than it is at midspan,reduces the secondary flow (and consequently, radial transport) in the blade passage. Onthe other hand, ‘‘positive’’ twist, in which the vane exit flow angle decreases with span,is found to worsen the radial transport in the blade markedly. It is to be noted thatvarying the vane twist is but one method to obtain the desired exit flow angle; possibilitiesfor altering other aspects of the vane geometry also exist.@S0889-504X~00!00104-5#

IntroductionThe flow at the exit of gas turbine combustors is known to

exhibit circumferential and radial variations in temperature, asshown by Elmore et al.@1# from measurements in an engine. Thetemperature within these nonuniformities, generally referred to ashot streaks, can vary from compressor discharge to stoichiometriclevels. The continuous quest for more efficient engines withhigher thrust–weight ratios has led over the years to ever-increasing turbine inlet temperatures. As a consequence, the high-pressure turbine is subjected to large heat loads, which can resultin thermal distress, particularly in the rotor. The first systematicinvestigation of hot streak transport was undertaken by Butleret al.@2#, who conducted experiments in a single-stage, low-speedrig. In this study, a circular hot streak was introduced into thevane inlet flow field; the total pressure across the inlet plane waskept uniform. The reason for this is based on the result of Haw-thorne@3# that the secondary vorticity induced in a vane passageis proportional to the total pressure gradient. Thus, the absence ofthis gradient ensures that the secondary flow and consequenttransport in the vane are minimized so that attention can be fo-cused on transport in the rotor passage. The results of these ex-periments demonstrated that the hot fluid segregates toward thepressure surface of the blade passage and moves radially outwardin the direction of the blade tip.

Rai and Dring@4# and Krouthen and Giles@5# attempted tomodel the results of Butler et al.@2# using the two-dimensionalNavier–Stokes equations. It was found that the experimental trendof migration of hot fluid toward the pressure surface of the rotorpassage was captured; there were, however, significant quantita-tive differences. Specifically, the numerical prediction of the tem-perature was higher on the suction surface than the experimental

values, while that on the pressure surface was lower. It is, there-fore, evident that three-dimensional effects are important in orderto understand the transport processes in the rotor.

Dorney et al.@6# and Takahashi and Ni@7# performed the firstthree-dimensional Navier–Stokes analyses of the configuration ofButler et al.@2#. The agreement with the experimental data wasfound to be excellent. These simulations, in conjunction with theexperiments of Butler et al.@2#, have resulted in a better under-standing of the flow processes in the turbine rotor. This has, inturn, led to the investigation of techniques to reduce hot streaktransport in the rotor. In particular, Dorney and Gundy-Burlet@8#and Takahashi et al.@9# have proposed the use of fuel-nozzleindexing, wherein the combustor nozzles are arranged such thatthe hot streak impinges on the vane instead of passing through thestator passage. This method was shown to be very effective inreducing the heat loads in the rotor and has been verified experi-mentally by Roback and Dring@10#.

Although the principal physical processes that influence hotstreak transport were identified by Butler et al.@2#, additionalmechanisms may be present in the engine environment. This wasexemplified by Shang and Epstein@11# in their numerical study ofhot streaks in a transonic turbine stage, where it was found thatthe potential interaction between the vane and the blade causes thehot streak to wobble. This unsteady interaction was shown torender the time-averaged total temperature at the rotor inlet planecircumferentially non-uniform, resulting in enhanced heat loadson the blade. It was further demonstrated that the magnitude of therotor-stator interaction and its effect on the rotor heat load may bereduced by adjusting the vane-blade count ratio to an optimumvalue. Shang & Epstein@11# also observed significant radial mi-gration in their simulations. However, unlike the experiments ofButler et al.@2#, the streak was found to migrate toward the hubradius of the blade passage; this was attributed to buoyancyeffects.

Despite the large body of numerical and experimental data thathas been accumulated since the pioneering study of Butler et al.

Contributed by the International Gas Turbine Institute and presented at the 45thInternational Gas Turbine and Aeroengine Congress and Exhibition, Munich, Ger-many, May 8–11, 2000. Manuscript received by the International Gas Turbine Insti-tute February 2000. Paper No. 2000-GT-448. Review Chair: D. Ballal.

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@2#, several important issues remain outstanding. With the excep-tion of the work of Shang and Epstein@11#, the focus of thestudies described earlier was on thecircumferentialredistributionof temperature, although the experimental data clearly demon-strate that spanwise migration of the streak also occurs. In thepresent investigation, we examine the fundamental transport pro-cesses that cause this transport, with a view to developing meansby which it may be controlled. Numerical experiments were con-ducted to investigate the flow through a turbine stage. Previouswork has indicated that the transport processes are primarily con-vective in nature, and for this reason, attention is focused on alow-speed configuration that seeks to replicate the Reynolds num-ber but not the Mach number in a typical contemporary engine. Asin prior numerical and experimental studies, we assume that thetotal pressure at the vane inlet plane is uniform. While this isclearly not valid for engine flows, it serves nevertheless to identifythe basic transport mechanisms in the rotor, as pointed out byButler et al. @2#. It will be demonstrated that although the flowfield is unsteady, an excellent quantitative estimate of spanwisetransport may be obtained from an analysis that assumes the flowin the rotor frame to be steady. This makes it possible to employtheoretical constructs to provide design guidelines for the manage-ment of secondary flow in the rotor and thereby to influence radialtransport of hot streaks.

Transport Mechanisms in the RotorIt is well known that secondary flows can have a substantial

effect on the flow in turbine passages. Consider first the flowthrough a vane passage. This may be described in terms of thetheory of steady secondary flow, developed in a seminal investi-gation by Hawthorne@3#, who showed that a flow with an initialvorticity normal to the direction of the primary flow will, upontransport through the passage, generate a component of stream-wise vorticity. This occurs as a result of the turning and stretchingof vortex lines as they are convected through the curved channel.The boundary layers on the hub and casing represent one sourceof normal vorticity. In addition, when the flow is density-stratifiedowing to the presence of a hot streak at the vane inlet, the~invis-cid! baroclinic torque that is caused by the non-parallelism of thedensity and pressure gradients gives rise to another source of nor-mal vorticity. Alternatively, this may be thought of in terms of thelower density fluid within the streak being accelerated more thanthe colder fluid, leading to a jetlike velocity profile at the vaneexit.

The work of Hawthorne@3# has been generalized to include theeffects of compressibility, density stratification, and rotation;these developments are summarized in the review by Horlock andLakshminarayana@12#. As shown by Lakshminarayana and Hor-lock @13# and Hawthorne@14#, it proves convenient to employboth cylindrical polar~z, r, u! and intrinsic~s, n, b! coordinates;heres, n, andb denote, respectively, coordinates in the directionof the relative streamline, the inward direction of its principalnormal, and the binormal direction. Following Hawthorne@14#,the rate of change of the component of absolute vorticity along arelative streamline,Vs , is given by


]s S Vs

W D52



v2r 2





rW3 F]p*









]uG ,(1)

wherev is themagnitudeof the angular wheel speed,WW 5(Wz ,Wr , Wu) andV5(Vz , Vr , Vu) are the relative and absolute flowvelocities,r is the density, andRn is the principal radius of cur-vature of the relative streamline. The quantityp* that appears inEq. ~1! is the rotary total pressure, defined by

p* 5p11

2r~W22v2r 2!, (2)

wherep is the static pressure. It is evident from Eqs.~1! and ~2!that in a stationary passage (v50), the generation of streamwisevorticity depends only on the gradient of the total pressure. This isthe well-known substitution principle of Munk and Prim@15# forsteady isentropic flows, which states that for a specified geometryand total pressure distribution, the streamline pattern will remainunchanged by alterations in the total temperature distribution.

Next, attention is focused on the flow conditions at the interfa-cial plane between the stator and rotor. The vane can be consid-ered to be comprised of radially stacked two-dimensional airfoilsections that are twisted about a radial axis so that the exit flowangle, a, depends onr, as shown in Fig. 1. We denote byb5b(r) the angle between the radial direction and the spanwiselocus of points along the vane trailing edge. Considering now theflow at the rotor inlet, the binormal direction is given by

db52dr cosb2rdu sinb (3)

It may be shown from geometry that the anglesa and b arerelated by


]r, (4)

whereL is the distance from the twist axis to the vane trailingedge. We assume that the amount of twist is small so thatL]a/]r 5e!1: it then follows from Eq. ~4! that cosb511O(e2). In addition, the following approximations are made up-stream of the rotor:

1 circumferential and axial variations in the flow quantities arenegligible in comparison with those in the radial direction,

2 the ~absolute! total pressure is uniform,3 the flow is essentially in radial equilibrium so that the radial

velocity is small,Vr!V.

Then, upon making use of Eqs.~3! and~4!, it is found that Eq.~1!yields to leading order ine:




]s S Vs

W D5S V cosa2vr

2 D r





]r~rV !2rV sina


]r. (5)

Fig. 1 „a… Illustration of vane exit geometry and nomenclature;„b… view of the vane trailing edge looking upstream; solid linerepresents the trailing edge

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Making use of the uniformity of total pressure and the conditionof radial equilibrium, it may be shown that




rcos2 a2




]r. (6)

Finally, Eqs.~5! and ~6! may be combined to give




]s S Vs

W D51

2~V cosa2vr !




]r1V sin3 a


]r~r cota!.


Equation~7! shows that the generation of secondary vorticity inthe rotor passage is influenced by:~a! density gradients inducedby the hot streak, and~b! the vane exit flow angle distribution.The last parameter depends on~among other quantities! the span-wise twist distribution of the vane, a point that we will revisit.

In addition to the dynamic mechanisms of secondary flow gen-eration described above, it is also necessary to take account of thekinematic circulation that exists in the rotor blade passage owingto the so-called ‘‘relative eddy.’’ Therelativestreamwise vorticityzs is then given by

zs5Vs12v ı•sW,

where ı is the unit vector along the axial direction. Note that thesign of the second term in this equation is positive sincev is takenhere to represent the magnitude of the angular wheel speed.

In Eq. ~7!, the first term on the right-hand side is of the samesign as]r/]r sinceV cosa.vr ~see Fig. 7!. For a radially uni-form vane exit flow angle distribution, the second term is positiveand hence the two terms reinforce each other in the upper portionof the streak where]r/]r .0. On the other hand, these termsproduce opposing effects in the lower portion of the streak where]r/]r ,0; semi-quantitative estimates for the hot streak consid-ered here indicate that the effect of density stratification domi-nates so that the right-hand side of Eq.~7! is in fact negative inthis part of the streak. A qualitative picture of the flow field in therotor passage is depicted in Fig. 2; here the crossflow generated bythe streamwise vorticity is represented schematically by the tra-jectory of its induced circulation. Based on the previous discus-sion, it is seen that the generated streamwise vorticity is positive~negative! in the upper~lower! part of the passage. The relativeeddy contributes an additional positive gross circulation as illus-trated. In reality, additional flow-altering features such as horse-shoe vortices will be present in the blade passage. We expectnevertheless that the essential features of the flow depicted in Fig.

2 should be reproduced by the numerical simulations. In particu-lar, we observe that close to the pressure surface, the contributionsto the radial velocity from the secondary flow and relative eddyare both positive in the upper portion of the passage, while theyare in opposite directions in the lower part of the passage. Thus, itis expected that the pitch angle will be asymmetrically distributedacross the span, and will be significantly larger near the tip thanthe hub.

Baseline Geometry: Flow AnalysisThe computational tool employed here is based on the scheme

described by Ni@16# and Davis et al.@17#. For the transient prob-lem, the time-dependent, Reynolds-averaged, Navier–Stokesequations are solved using an implicit, dual time-step approachcoupled with a Lax–Wendroff/multiple-grid procedure. In thesteady case, only the Lax–Wendroff/multiple-grid procedure isused. The algorithm has second-order spatial and temporal accu-racy, using centered differences for the spatial derivatives withsecond- and fourth-order smoothing for stability. Turbulence clo-sure is achieved using the Baldwin–Lomax@18# model. No-slipand adiabatic boundary conditions were implemented at the solidboundaries while the nonreflecting conditions of Giles@19# wereemployed at the downstream boundary. At the interblade rowboundaries, where the computational grid sectors move relative toeach other, the pseudo-time rate of change of the primary vari-ables is interpolated from the adjacent blade row and added to thatdetermined from the Lax–Wendroff discretization. The code hasbeen extensively validated and further details may be found in theworks of Takahashi and Ni@7#, Davis et al.@20#, Ni @16#, Ni andBogoian@21#, and Ni and Sharma@22#.

Numerical simulations were carried out for a low-speed, single-stage turbine geometry. The stator consists of radially stackedairfoil sections designed to produce a spanwise variation of theexit flow angle at midpassage, as shown in Fig. 3. In presentingour results, the temperature data are normalized using the back-ground total temperature at the vane inlet. A circular hot streakwas superposed upon the otherwise uniform vane inlet conditions.The total temperature distribution at the~computational! inletboundary when the streak is centered at 50 percent-span is illus-trated in Fig. 4; the peak value of 1.3 is representative of that in atypical modern engine. In all of the calculations presented, thetotal pressure at the vane inlet was assumed to be uniform, mim-icking the experimental conditions of Butler et al.@2#, so that Eq.~7! applies.

Fig. 2 Schematic illustration of the secondary flow in the rotorpassage. The direction of the primary flow is out of the plane.Note that in the upper part of the blade passage, the radialvelocity contribution from the secondary flow „solid line … rein-forces that from the relative eddy „broken line … near the pres-sure surface.

Fig. 3 Variation of the vane exit flow angle at midpassage as afunction of span. The solid line illustrates the vane exit flowangle for the baseline geometry, while ––– and "–" representpositive and reverse twist „see ‘‘Secondary Flow Control’’ …,respectively.

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Unsteady Flow Effects. The primary obstacle to using thesecondary flow theory is that it is valid only for steady flow.While this assumption is true for the stator, it is evident that itsapplicability to the rotor flow field is questionable. In order toclarify this issue, two sets of calculations were carried out with ahot streak directed into the center of a vane passage at 75 percentspan. In the first run, steady inlet boundary conditions were im-posed on the stator, while the rotor inlet conditions were obtainedby carrying out a circumferential average of the flow quantities atthe interfacial plane between the stator and rotor. This proceduredetermined a ‘‘steady’’ flow in the turbine stage. The second setof computations comprised a full unsteady run, which was thentime-averaged in order to facilitate a comparison with the firstcalculation. The results are presented in terms of the pitch angle,defined as tan21(Wr /Wz).

We illustrate in Fig. 5 the distributions of the pitch angle on aplane perpendicular to the turbine axis located 0.33 chord lengthsdownstream of the blade leading edge; numerical data are pre-sented along radial lines that lie close to the pressure and suctionsurfaces and at midpassage. It is evident that the flow distortion bythe secondary vorticity is well predicted by the steady model.Specifically, we observe that the region of relatively large pitchangle variation in the vicinity of the pressure surface is commonto both computations. Furthermore, the direction of radial trans-port near the pressure surface is toward the blade tip. These fea-tures are in accord with our qualitative conclusions based on Fig.2. The agreement between the results of the two computational

procedures is significant because it implies that the dynamics ofthe secondary flow may be understood in terms of the steadytheory of Hawthorne@14# described earlier. Furthermore, it nowbecomes possible to compare differing blade designs with regardto their secondary flow properties by carrying out comparativelyinexpensive steady-state computations.

We also note that it is not possible to make a general statementabout the direction of radial transport since it depends crucially onthe secondary flow in the passage. Thus, it is entirely possible thatthe streak may be transported toward the hub instead of the tip,depending on the temperature of the streak and the aerodynamicsof the stage. In particular, under the approximations describedearlier, we observe from Eq.~1! that the secondary flow in theblade passage is driven by the rotary total pressure gradient andthe centrifugal~buoyancy! force. In the investigation of Shang andEpstein @11#, the trajectory of the streak was found to be wellpredicted using an analysis that considered only the buoyancyeffect, suggesting its dominance for their configuration. This is,however, not always the case, and both terms must be included ingeneral.

Despite the fact that the steady theory provides a good estimateof the radial transport velocity, it should not be expected that thiswould hold true for the temperature distribution. Indeed, the tem-perature distributions on the tangential planes at 0.33 chord for thesteady-state and time-averaged computations, shown in Fig. 6,illustrate that although the general features of the field are cap-tured by the latter, there is a significant circumferential variationthat is not. The reason for this discrepancy is understood whenone considers the segregation effect of Kerrebrock and Mikolajc-zak @23#, wherein the requirements of circumferential uniformityof total and static pressure and absolute flow angle at the vane exitplane give rise to an increase in the relative angle of attack on theblade with fluid temperature. This causes accumulation of hotfluid on the pressure side of the blade. The procedure used toobtain the ‘‘steady’’ flow solution performs a circumferential av-erage of the rotor inlet quantities, resulting in a loss of informationconcerning the tangential variation. The experiments of Butleret al. @2# were the first to demonstrate this segregation; the phe-nomenon has also been observed in previous numerical work, asnoted earlier.

Radial Transport in the Rotor. The transport of the hotstreak in the rotor passage is now examined using the results ofthe steady computation. In the reference frame of the rotor, therotary total temperature is defined by,

T* 5T11

2cp~W22v2r 2!,

Fig. 4 Contours of total temperature at the inlet boundary; val-ues range from 1.05 to 1.3 in steps of 0.05

Fig. 5 Spanwise variation of pitch angle at three circumferen-tial locations. The solid lines represent the results of the steadyrun, while the broken lines represent those for the time-averaged unsteady run.

Fig. 6 Temperature distribution in blade at 33 percent chord:„a… steady computation, „b… time-averaged unsteady computa-tion. The segregation of the hot fluid toward pressure surface„on the right side … is evident.

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wherecp is the specific heat at constant pressure. It may be shownthat this quantity is conserved along streamlines for steady, invis-cid, adiabatic flow~see, for example@24#!. Since the Reynoldsnumber of the flow under consideration is large, diffusive effectsare small and thusT* is ~approximately! convected with the flow.Hence, the rotary total temperature field is indicative of thestreamline pattern in the rotor. The distribution ofT* on a planeparallel to and near the pressure surface but outside its boundarylayer is illustrated in Fig. 9~b!. The hot fluid within the streak isobserved to move toward the blade tip, indicating radial distortionof the streamlines. Thus we conclude that the radial velocity in-duced by the secondary flow in the rotor passage of this low-speedconfiguration is capable of transporting hot fluid to the tip region.

Secondary Flow Control

Theoretical Considerations. We have thus far examined thephysical phenomena underlying radial transport in the turbine,viz., secondary flows induced by flow turning, density stratifica-tion, and rotation. Here, we examine one possible means by whichthis secondary flow can be altered. It is observed from Eq.~7! thatthe rate of generation of streamwise vorticity depends on the vaneexit flow angle,a5a(r ). This suggests that it is possible to affectthe secondary flow in the blade passage by varying the vane exitmetal angle. In the present study, this is accomplished by twistingthe defining airfoil sections about the stacking axis. Consider nowthe velocity triangle at a typical radial section, as shown in Fig. 7.It is evident thatV cosa.vr and therefore the first term on theright-hand side of Eq.~7! is positive ~negative! in the upper~lower! portion of the streak where the density is an increasing~decreasing! function of the radial coordinate. Recalling that therelative eddy contributes a further positive quantity to the relativestreamwise vorticity in the blade passage, it appears that in order

to reduce radial transport in the upper portion of the blade pas-sage, one must require generally that the remaining term in Eq.~7!be negative. This results in a vane exit flow angle,a, which in-creases along the radial direction in the upper portion of the pas-sage, where the temperature decreases with radius. This willhenceforth be referred to as ‘‘reverse twist’’ whereas the comple-mentary geometry, wherea decreases withr will be called ‘‘posi-tive twist.’’ In what follows, we apply both types of twist to thenominal vane; for simplicity, the twist is imposed linearly in asymmetric manner across the span. Semi-quantitative estimates

Fig. 7 Velocity triangle at vane exit

Fig. 8 Illustration of „a… positive, „b… nominal, and „c… reversetwist

Fig. 9 Steady-state temperature distribution close to the pres-sure surface of the blade passage for vanes with: „a… positivetwist, „b… nominal twist, and „c… reverse twist

Fig. 10 Pitch angle at a streamwise distance of 0.33 chorddownstream of the leading edge of the rotor blade, along aradial line close to the pressure surface; the nominal case isrepresented by – ""–, while ––– and — represent the positiveand reverse twist cases, respectively

Fig. 11 Instantaneous view of temperature contours in foursuccessive blade passages for vanes with: „a… positive twist,and „b… reverse twist

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based on Eq.~7! indicate that a twist amplitude~from midspan tohub/tip! of 5 deg is sufficient to reduce the radial transport in theblade significantly. The vane geometries obtained upon applyingpositive and reverse twists of amplitude 5 deg are shown in Fig. 8together with the nominal design. The resulting exit flow anglevariations at midpassage are illustrated in Fig. 3.

Numerical Results. Computational runs were carried outwith the streak positioned at 50 percent span. Since the new ge-ometries are motivated by steady theory, we commence our studywith steady-state calculations. Furthermore, a one-streak/one-vane/one-blade configuration was employed; this enables the rela-tive merits of the three configurations to be compared at a reducedcomputational cost.

As we have pointed out earlier, the rotary total temperature,T* , is convected with the steady flow in the rotor and is thusindicative of the magnitude of radial transport. In Fig. 9, we illus-trate for each of the vanes in Fig. 8 contours ofT* on a compu-tational surface parallel to the rotor pressure surface and close to itbut outside the boundary layer. It is evident that positive twistenhances the secondary flow in the rotor significantly and thetemperature distribution in the tip region indicates increased radialtransport compared to the nominal case. Conversely, reverse twisthas the opposite effect on radial transport: The outward curvatureof the streamlines is diminished and the streak is directed towardthe center of the blade passage. Illustrated in Fig. 10 are radialprofiles of the pitch angle along a line that is located 0.33 chordlengths downstream of the leading edge and just outside theboundary layer on the pressure surface. These profiles demon-strate that the effect of reverse or positive twist is to decrease orincrease the pitch angle by as much as 50 percent in comparisonwith the nominal case.

Having verified that the effect of vane twist on the steady flowin the rotor is in agreement with the theory, the behavior of thestreak under fully unsteady conditions is studied. The configura-tion employed reflects the real geometry and consists of a one-streak/three-vane/four-blade configuration. The unsteady tempera-ture field is visualized on the same plane as in Fig. 10. A view ofthe temperature contours is shown in Fig. 11~a,b! at an instantwhen the temperature uniformity enters the first blade passage.The position of the temperature contours in the other passagesthen illustrates the trajectory that is followed by the streak.1 Inboth cases, the streak tends to diffuse. It is nevertheless clear thatthe streak is transported to the periphery of the blade when apositive twist is imposed on the vane, whereas in the case ofreverse twist, the radial position of the streak at the middle of theblade span is maintained. Thus, the results of the earlier steady-state calculation are observed to carry over to the unsteady caseand we conclude that radial migration of the streak can be effec-tively controlled by modifying the vane exit flow angle distribu-tion via the twist.

DiscussionThe present investigation was motivated by the need to provide

a clear understanding of the fluid dynamic mechanisms that areresponsible for radial transport of hot streaks in turbine rotors.This transport is caused by the secondary flow in the blade pas-sage and since the processes are believed to be primarily convec-tive in nature, a low-speed turbine configuration is used as amodel. Making use of the results of Hawthorne@14#, it is seen thatthe secondary flow is driven by hot streak-induced density gradi-ents and by spatial variations in the flow angle entering the rotor.Computations were carried out to examine the relevance to therotor flow of Hawthorne’s@14# theory of steady secondary flow.Despite the unsteady nature of the relative flow entering the rotor,it is found that the steady theory provides a very good estimate of

the radial transport velocity. Hence we conclude that it is possibleto compare the relative merits of competing designs using inex-pensive steady computations.

The occurrence of radial transport assumes particular impor-tance in modern engines with very high turbine inlet temperatures.The transport of hot fluid toward the periphery of the blade resultsin large thermal loads on the blade tip and the outer air seal. Wehave shown that it is possible to influence the secondary flow andthus the thermal loads in the blade passage by suitably altering thevane exit flow angle. One way by which this may be effected is tovary the spanwise twist distribution. This technique was investi-gated in detail and was found to be very effective in controllingthe trajectory of the hot streak through the passage. It was foundthat a ‘‘reverse’’ twist, wherein the vane exit flow angle increaseswith span, is necessary to diminish radial transport. It is to beemphasized, however, that the specification of a vane twist distri-bution is merely a vehicle by which the vane exit flow angle maybe altered; the same distribution of the vane exit flow angle couldhave been obtained by suitably altering other aspects of the vanegeometry.

The present study has focused on a configuration that is repre-sentative of the Reynolds number and flow coefficient of modernengines and thus captures the essential convective mechanisms.However, the direct application of the present results to the actualengine environment must be done with care, primarily because ofcompressibility effects. For example, as we have noted earlier, thepotential~bow-wave! rotor–stator interaction in a high-speed tur-bine can significantly influence the flow field@11#. In addition,alteration of the vane exit flow angle distribution will change therotor thermal and aerodynamic loading so that a redesign of theblade may become necessary. Finally, the results concerning vaneexit angle as a means of altering the rotor secondary flow werederived on the assumption of a uniform vane inlet total pressure.While this is not strictly true for engine flows, it is expectednevertheless that the general trend of requiring a larger vane exitangle at the tip than at midspan should hold.

AcknowledgmentsThe authors are indebted to Professor E. M. Greitzer~MIT ! and

Dr. J. S. Sabnis~Pratt & Whitney! for many stimulating discus-sions on this topic. The assistance provided by Dr. J. A. Busbyand Dr. C. G. Fotache in performing the simulations describedhere is also greatly appreciated.

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1This was also verified using animations of the unsteady motion of the streakthrough the rotor passages.

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@22# Ni, R.-H., and Sharma, O. P., 1990, ‘‘Using a 3-D Euler Flow Simulation toAssess Effects of Periodic Unsteady Flow Through Turbines,’’ AIAA PaperNo. 90-2357.

@23# Kerrebrock, J. L., and Mikolajczak, A. A., 1970, ‘‘Intra-stator Transport ofRotor Wakes and its Effect on Compressor Performance,’’ ASME J. Eng.Power,92, pp. 359–368.

@24# Cumpsty, N. A., 1989,Compressor Aerodynamics, Longman.

Journal of Turbomachinery OCTOBER 2000, Vol. 122 Õ 673

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Daniel J. DorneyDepartment of Mechanical Engineering,

Virginia Commonwealth University,Richmond, VA 23284-3015

Lisa W. GriffinFluids Dynamics Analysis Branch,

NASA Marshall Space Flight Center,Marshall Space Flight Center, AL 35812

Frank W. HuberRiverbend Design Services,

Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33418

A Study of the Effects of TipClearance in a SupersonicTurbineFlow unsteadiness is a major factor in turbine performance and durability. This is espe-cially true if the turbine is a high work design, compact, transonic, supersonic, counter-rotating, or uses a dense drive gas. The vast majority of modern rocket turbine designsfall into these categories. In this study a parallelized unsteady three-dimensional Navier–Stokes analysis has been used to study the effects of tip clearance on the transient andtime-averaged flow fields in a supersonic turbine. The predicted results indicate improvedperformance in the simulation including tip clearance. The main sources of the perfor-mance gains were: (1) a weakened shock system in the case with tip clearance, and (2)the fact that the reductions in the shock losses were greater than the losses introduced bytip clearance.@S0889-504X~00!02404-1#

IntroductionFlow unsteadiness is a major factor in turbine performance and

durability. This is especially true if the turbine is a high workdesign, compact, transonic, supersonic, counterrotating, or uses adense drive gas. The vast majority of modern rocket turbine de-signs fall into these categories. For example, the STME~SpaceTransportation Main Engine! fuel turbine, a high work, transonicdesign, was found to have an unsteady interrow shock, whichreduced efficiency by 2 points and increased dynamic loading by24 percent. The Revolutionary Reusable Technology Turbopump~RRTT!, which uses full flow oxygen for its drive gas, was foundto shed vortices with such energy as to raise serious blade dura-bility concerns. In both cases, the sources of the problems wereuncovered~before turbopump testing! with the application of vali-dated, unsteady computational fluid dynamics~CFD! to the de-signs. In the case of the RRTT and the Alternate TurbopumpDevelopment~ATD! turbines, the unsteady CFD codes have beenused not just to identify problems, but to guide designs that miti-gate problems due to unsteadiness. Using unsteady flow analysesas a part of the design process will lead to turbine designs withhigher performance~which affects temperature and mass flowrate! and fewer dynamics problems. The works of Griffin et al.@1–4#, Garcia et al.@5#, and Griffin and Dorney@6# are examplesof the application of unsteady CFD to rocket turbine designs.

In practice, some supersonic turbines are designed with rotatingshrouds, while others are designed with tip clearance. While ex-tensive research has been performed to understand tip clearanceflows in subsonic and transonic turbomachines~e.g., Foley andIvey @7#; Suder and Celestina@8#; Kang and Hirsch@9#; Chima@10#!, much less effort has been put into studying tip clearanceflows in supersonic turbines. An improved understanding of theinfluence of tip clearance on the flow field in supersonic turbineswill help designers improve both durability and performance. Inthis study a parallelized unsteady three-dimensional Navier–Stokes analysis has been used to investigate the effects of tipclearance on the performance of a candidate turbine for the nextgeneration reusable launch vehicle.

Numerical AlgorithmThe governing equations considered in this study are the time-

dependent, three-dimensional Reynolds-averaged Navier–Stokes

equations. To extend the equations of motion to turbulent flows,an eddy viscosity formulation is used. The turbulent viscosity iscalculated using the two-layer Baldwin–Lomax algebraic turbu-lence model@11#.

The numerical algorithm used in the three-dimensional compu-tational procedure consists of a time-marching, implicit, finite-difference scheme. The procedure is third-order spatially accurateand second-order temporally accurate. The inviscid fluxes are dis-cretized according to the scheme developed by Roe@12#. Theviscous fluxes are calculated using standard central differences.An alternating direction, approximate-factorization technique isused to compute the time rate changes in the primary variables.Newton subiterations are used at each global time step to increasestability and reduce linearization errors. For all cases investigatedin this study, two Newton subiterations were performed at eachtime step. The Message Passing Interface~MPI! software has beenimplemented into the numerical analysis to reduce the computa-tion time for large-scale three-dimensional simulations.

The Navier–Stokes analysis uses O- and H-type zonal grids todiscretize the flow field and facilitate relative motion of the rotat-ing components~see Fig. 1!. The O-grids are body-fitted to thesurfaces of the airfoils and generated using an elliptic equationsolution procedure. They are used to resolve the viscous flow in

Contributed by the International Gas Turbine Institute and presented at the 45thInternational Gas Turbine and Aeroengine Congress and Exhibition, Munich, Ger-many, May 8–11, 2000. Manuscript recieved by the International Gas Turbine Insti-tute February 2000. Paper No. 2000-GT-447. Review Chair: D. Ballal. Fig. 1 Midspan section of O–H grid topology for the turbine

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the blade passages properly and to apply the algebraic turbulencemodel easily. The algebraically generated H-grids are used to dis-cretize the remainder of the flow field.

The computational analysis has been validated on several casesincluding tip clearance~e.g., Dorney et al.@13#; Dorney andSchwab@14#!. Further details on the numerical procedure can befound in @6,13#.

Boundary ConditionsThe theory of characteristics is used to determine the boundary

conditions at the inlet and exit of the computational domain. Forsubsonic inlet flow four quantities are specified and one is ex-trapolated from the interior of the computational domain. In par-ticular, the total pressure, total temperature, and the circumferen-tial and radial flow angles are specified as a function of the radius.The upstream running Riemann invariant,R25u2 (2a/g21), isextrapolated from the interior of the computational domain.

For subsonic outflow, one flow quantity is specified and fourare extrapolated from the interior of the computational domain.The circumferential and radial flow angles, total pressure, and thetotal temperature are extrapolated from the interior of the compu-tational domain. The pressure ratio,P2 /Pt0 , is specified at mid-span of the computational exit and the pressure at all other radiallocations at the exit is obtained by integrating the equation forradial equilibrium. For supersonic outflow all the flow variablesare extrapolated. Periodicity is enforced along the outer bound-aries of the H-grids in the circumferential direction.

For viscous simulations, no-slip boundary conditions are en-forced along the solid surfaces. It is assumed that the normalderivative of the pressure is zero at solid wall surfaces. In addi-tion, a specified heat flux distribution is held constant in timealong the solid surfaces.

The flow variables at zonal boundaries are explicitly updatedafter each time step by interpolating values from the adjacent grid.

Geometry and GridsThe turbine configuration consists of 21 nozzle airfoils and 52

rotor blades. In the current effort a two-nozzle/five-rotor bladecount approximation has been made. To keep the pitch-to-chordratio constant, the nozzle airfoils were scaled by factor of 21/20and the rotor blades were scaled by a factor of 52/50.

Two simulations have been performed for the turbine, one withthe design tip clearance of approximately 2.5 percent span~Case1! and one with no tip clearance and a rotating shroud~Case 2!. Inthe current study it has been assumed, as a design constraint, thatthe endwall profiles are similar in both cases. Therefore, the rotorblades in the case without tip clearance extend 2.5 percent more inthe spanwise direction than the rotor blades in the tip clearancecase. Note, the endwall flowpath diverges between the vane androtor passages such that the rotor airfoils have a larger span thanthe vanes.

The grid densities~number of passages3 i 3 j 3k! for the tur-bine simulations are presented in Table 1. The total number ofgrid points used to discretize the turbine in Case 1 was 1,411,422and the total number of points used in Case 2 was 1,363,022.Figures 1 and 2 illustrate (x2y) and (z2y) views of the grids~note, every second grid point has been removed for clarity!,while Fig. 3 illustrates the grids used to discretize the tip clearanceregion. Figure 4 shows a perspective view of one nozzle airfoiland one rotor blade. The average value ofy1, the nondimensionaldistance of the first grid line above the surface was approximately1.5 for the airfoils surfaces and 3.5 for the endwall surfaces. Thegrid densities were determined based on a compromise betweenthe need for accurately modeling the correct blade count ratio andthe computation time. Previous simulations suggested that 38spanwise planes are adequate to resolve the predominant flowfeatures@6#.

The simulations were run on seven~250 MHz! processors of anSGI Origin2000 computer located at NASA Ames Research Cen-

ter. Each simulations was run for 5.0 global cycles at 25,000iterations per cycle. A global cycle is defined as the time it takesfor the five rotor blades to pass by the two nozzle airfoils. Thevalue of 25,000 iteration per cycle was chosen to resolve all the~expected! frequencies of interest. Each iteration required approxi-

Fig. 2 Axial-direction view of the computational grids for theturbine

Fig. 3 Tip clearance grids for the turbine

Table 1 Grid dimensions for the two-nozzle Õfive-rotorsimulations

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mately 16 seconds computation time on seven processors. Thetime periodicity of the solutions was determined by interrogatingpressure traces at different points along the airfoil surfaces~this isshown in the next section!.

Numerical ResultsThe candidate turbine under consideration has a design inlet

Mach number of M050.12, an inlet static pressure of 15.2 MPa,and an inlet static temperature of approximatelyT051232 K. Therotor rotates atV531,300 rpm, the Reynolds number~based onthe inlet conditions and the rotor axial chord! is approximately53105, and the ratio of the rotor exit static pressure to vane inlettotal pressure isP2 /Pt050.1875. Air, with a specific heat ratio ofg51.3537, was used as the operating gas in the current study.

Figures 5 and 6 illustrate time-averaged nondimensional en-tropy contours for Cases 1 and 2, respectively, at 50 percent span.The contours in the case without tip clearance indicate thicker

Fig. 4 Perspective view of the nozzle and rotor grids for theturbine

Fig. 5 Time-averaged entropy contours—50 percent span—Case 1

Fig. 6 Time-averaged entropy contours—50 percent span—Case 2

Fig. 7 Time-averaged entropy contours—75 percent span—Case 1

Fig. 8 Time-averaged entropy contours—75 percent span—Case 2

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vane and rotor wakes. Both cases display some passage-to-passage time-averaged flow variations in the rotor, both under-scoring the need for accurate blade count approximations and in-dicating the presence of unsteadiness at frequencies other than theblade-passing frequency. Time-averaged entropy contours at 75

Fig. 9 Time-averaged entropy contours on rotor S.S.—Case 1

Fig. 10 Time-averaged entropy contours on rotor S.S.—Case 2

Fig. 11 Time-averaged total temperature contours at rotorpassage exit—Case 1

Fig. 12 Time-averaged total temperature contours at rotorpassage exit—Case 2

Fig. 13 Time-averaged pressure contours—50 percent span—Case 1

Fig. 14 Time-averaged pressure contours—50 percent span—Case 2

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percent of the span are shown in Figs. 7 and 8. At this spanwiselocation the wakes are still thicker in the case without tipclearance.

Figures 9 and 10 show time-averaged entropy contours on thesuction surface of the rotor for Cases 1 and 2, respectively. Bothfigures show increased entropy levels associated with the flowseparation near the trailing edge of the suction surface. The casewith tip clearance shows additional entropy generated near thetrailing edge at the tip, and is due to the clearance vortex. Figures9 and 10 also indicate increased entropy levels near the leadingedge in the hub region, although the region is more extensive inthe case without tip clearance. Figures 11 and 12 contain time-averaged absolute total temperature contours just downstream ofthe rotor trailing edge plane. The case without tip clearance ischaracterized by a relatively uniform total temperature distribu-tion across the span, except for reduced values in the endwall andwake regions. The case with tip clearance shows strong gradientsin the circumferential direction near the tip. The overall average

Fig. 15 Time-averaged pressure contours—75 percent span—Case 1

Fig. 16 Time-averaged pressure contours—75 percent span—Case 2

Fig. 17 Unsteady pressure history and decomposition—60percent span leading edge—Case 1—rotor

Table 2 Turbine time-averaged flow quantities

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total temperature in the tip clearance region is higher than in thecase with tip clearance, indicating less work being extracted fromthe flow in this region.

Figures 13–16 show time-averaged nondimensional~nondi-mensionalized by the inlet static pressure! static pressure contoursat 50 and 75 percent span for the two cases. At 50 percent spanthe vane trailing edge expansion wave pattern is stronger in thecase without tip clearance~Case 2!. This in turn leads to a stron-ger shock in the rotor. Both simulations contain a standing shocknear the exit of the rotor passage. In Case 1, the expansion andshock wave patterns weaken considerably by 75 percent span~seeFig. 15!, while the wave patterns are still strong in Case 2. Thedifferences in the pressure fields are mirrored by the values of thetime-averaged Mach numbers at a plane midway between thevane and rotor airfoils~see Table 2!. Henceforth, the term ‘‘inlet’’to the rotor will refer to this plane midway between the vane androtor airfoils. The absolute Mach number at the rotor inlet is sig-nificantly lower in the case with tip clearance. The increasedMach number in the case without tip clearance may be caused bythe fact that the rotor span is 2.5 percent greater than in the casewith tip clearance. In addition, the effective area in Case 1 mustbe smaller, generating a back pressure effect on the vane.

Thus, the time-averaged entropy and pressure contours suggestthat the flow fields are different in the two cases. Referring toTable 2, these differences result in the time-averaged total-to-static stage efficiency being higher in the simulation with tip

clearance (h ts50.479) than in the simulation without tip clear-ance (h ts50.470). Note, a mean-line analysis for the turbine~which accounts for tip leakage! yielded a predicted total-to-staticstage efficiency ofh ts50.472. Thus, the additional losses gener-ated by the stronger expansion wave/shock system~which resultsin higher rotor inlet Mach numbers! in Case 2 overwhelm thelosses associated with the introduction of tip clearance. It is inter-esting to note that, although the Mach number entering the rotor issignificantly lower in Case 1, the Mach numbers are closer at theexit of the rotor.

Figures 17 and 18 contain Fourier decompositions and timehistories of the unsteady pressure at 60 percent span near theleading edge on the rotor pressure surface for Cases 1 and 2,

Fig. 18 Unsteady pressure history and decomposition—60percent span leading edge—Case 2—rotor

Fig. 19 Unsteady pressure envelope—Case 1—vane; –– min,—– avg, - - - max

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respectively. This location corresponds to the location of maxi-mum unsteadiness at the blade passing frequency in Case 2. Bothcases display significant unsteadiness at the vane passing fre-quency ~approximately 13 kHz! and at twice the vane passingfrequency. The pressure histories for the two cases demonstratethe time periodicity of the solutions~pressure histories were inter-rogated at many points to confirm the supposition!. The presenceof the stronger shock system in Case 2 is evident by the largepressure drop at approximately 0.05 ms~see Fig. 18!.

Figures 19 and 20 contain unsteady pressure envelopes on thevane at 25, 50, and 75 percent of the span for Cases 1 and 2,respectively. At the 50 and 75 percent spanwise locations, the casewithout tip clearance exhibits a stronger shock than the case with

tip clearance. The pressure at the trailing edge is higher in Case 1,which agrees with the stronger expansion waves in Case 2. Al-though the only significant unsteadiness in both cases is locatedon the suction surface downstream of the throat, the unsteadinessis larger in the case without tip clearance. Figures 21 and 22illustrate unsteady pressure envelopes on the rotor at 25, 50, and95.6 percent of the span for Cases 1 and 2. There are severaldistinguishing features in these two figures. First, both cases dis-play a large amount of unsteadiness, especially near the leadingedge on the suction surface~with more overall unsteadiness being

Fig. 20 Unsteady pressure envelope—Case 2—vane; –– min,—– avg, - - - max

Fig. 21 Unsteady pressure envelope—Case 1—rotor; –– min,—– avg, - - - max

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exhibited by Case 2!. Second, the case with tip clearance becomesincreasingly unloaded near leading edge at the tip. To compensatefor the reduced loading in the tip region, the rotor in Case 1 showsincreased loading from the hub to approximately 60 percent span.

Radial profiles of the circumferentially averaged absolute Machnumber at the vane exit/rotor inlet are shown in Fig. 23. Theaverage Mach number at the vane exit is higher in the case with-out tip clearance, which is consistent with the stronger shock sys-tem shown in Figs. 14 and 16. The shapes of the two profiles atthe rotor exit are similar from the hub to approximately 80 percentof the span~see Fig. 24!. In the tip region the Mach number islower in Case 1 due to the effects of the tip clearance flows.Radial profiles of the absolute circumferential flow angle at theexits of the vane and rotor are shown in Figs. 25 and 26, respec-

tively. The case without tip clearance displays a gradual decreasein the flow angle with increasing span~other than in the endwallregions! at the vane exit. The case with tip clearance shows largeflow angle deficits in both the hub and outer case regions, whilethe flow angles in the region from 20 to 70 percent span aresimilar to those in the case without tip clearance. The averageflow angles, however, are within 0.2 deg for the two cases~seeTable 2!. At the rotor exit the average flow angles are more nega-tive in Case 1~see Table 2!, except near the tip, indicating moreflow turning and more work. This fact is consistent with thehigher efficiency and larger total temperature drop in Case 1.

Radial profiles of the circumferentially averaged absolute totalpressure at the vane exit/rotor inlet are illustrated in Fig. 27. Theprofiles are similar, although Case 1 shows slightly higher lossesfrom the hub to 85 percent span. At the rotor exit both distribu-tions have similar shapes except for the tip region~see Fig. 28!,where the losses are greater in Case 1 due to the clearance vortex.Figures 29 and 30 show radial profiles of the circumferentiallyaveraged absolute total temperature at the exit of the vane androtor, respectively. At the exit of the vane the total temperaturedistributions are similar. As the flow exits the rotor, the case withtip clearance exhibits lower total temperatures from the the hub to80 percent span~indicating more work being extracted from the

Fig. 22 Unsteady pressure envelope—Case 2—rotor; –– min,—– avg, - - - max

Fig. 23 Radial profile of circumferentially averaged absoluteMach number—vane exit

Fig. 24 Radial profile of circumferentially averaged absoluteMach number—rotor exit

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Fig. 25 Radial profile of circumferentially averaged absolutecircumferential flow angle—vane exit

Fig. 26 Radial profile of circumferentially averaged absolutecircumferential flow angle—rotor exit

Fig. 27 Radial profile of circumferentially averaged absolutetotal pressure—vane exit

Fig. 28 Radial profile of circumferentially averaged absolutetotal pressure—rotor exit

Fig. 29 Radial profile of circumferentially averaged absolutetotal temperature—vane exit

Fig. 30 Radial profile of circumferentially averaged absolutetotal temperature—rotor exit

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flow! and higher total temperatures near the tip~indicating lesswork being extracted in this region due to the clearance flows!.

ConclusionsA set of unsteady three-dimensional Navier–Stokes simulations

has been used to investigate the effects of tip clearance on theperformance of a candidate turbine for the reusable launch ve-hicle. The predicted results showed improved efficiency~andwork! in the configuration with tip clearance. The improved per-formance was traced to several sources:~1! an unloading of therotor in tip region, which reduces the losses induced by the sec-ondary flows,~2! a reduction in the strength of the shock systemin the vane/rotor, and~3! for the current turbine geometry, thereduction in the losses associated with the shock system weregreater than the losses introduced by adding tip clearance. Furtherwork is necessary to understand better the fundamental physicsassociated with the flow in the tip clearance region, and to deter-mine the generality of the current results.

AcknowledgmentsThis work was supported by the Advanced Space Transporta-

tion Program at NASA Marshall Space Flight Center under NRA8-21.


a 5 speed of soundc 5 axial chordf 5 frequency

M 5 Mach numberP 5 static pressure

DP 5 amplitude of pressure variationP.S. 5 pressure surfaceS.S. 5 suction surface

r 5 (r 2r hub)/(r tip2r hub)t 5 time

T 5 static temperaturex, y, z 5 Cartesian coordinatesu, v, w 5 x, y, z components of velocity

a 5 absolute circumferential angleh 5 efficiencyr 5 densityV 5 rotor rotational speed


in 5 inletout 5 outlet

t 5 stagnation quantity, time derivativets 5 total-to-statictt 5 total-to-total0 5 nozzle inlet2 5 rotor exit

1/2 5 half-amplitude` 5 free stream


(˜ ) 5 relative frame( )* 5 nondimensional

References@1# Griffin, L. W., and Rowey, R. J., 1993, ‘‘Analytical Investigation of the Un-

steady Aerodynamic Environments in Space Shuttle Main Engine~SSME!Turbines,’’ ASME Paper No. 93-GT-363.

@2# Griffin, L. W., and Huber, F. W., 1993, ‘‘Advancement of Turbine Aerody-namic Design Techniques,’’ ASME Paper No. 93-GT-370.

@3# Griffin, L. W., Huber, F. W., and Sharma, O. P., 1996, ‘‘Performance Im-provement Through Indexing of Turbine Airfoils: Part 2—Numerical Simula-tion,’’ ASME J. Biomech. Eng.,118, No. 4, pp. 636–642.

@4# Griffin, L. W., and Nesman, T., 1996, ‘‘Prediction of the Unsteady Aerody-manic Environment in the RRTT Turbine,’’ presented at the 14th Workshopfor Fluid Dynamic Applications in Rocket Propulsion and Launch VehicleTechnology, NASA/Marshall Space Flight Center, Apr. 23–25.

@5# Garcia, R., Griffin, L. W., Benjamin, T. G., Cornelison, J. W., Ruf, J. H., andWilliams, R. W., 1995, ‘‘Computational Fluid Dynamics Analysis in Supportof the Simplex Turbopump Design,’’ NASA CP-3282,1, pp. 462–470.

@6# Griffin, L. W., and Dorney, D. J., 2000, ‘‘Simulations of the Unsteady FlowThrough the Fastrac Supersonic Turbine,’’ ASME J. Turbomach.,122, pp.225–233.

@7# Foley, A. C., and Ivey, P. C., 1996, ‘‘Measurement of Tip-Clearance Flow ina Multistage, Axial Flow Compressor,’’ ASME J. Turbomach.,118, pp. 211–217.

@8# Suder, K. L., and Celestina, M. L., 1996, ‘‘Experimental and ComputationalInvestigation of the Tip Clearance Flow in a Transonic Axial CompressorRotor,’’ ASME J. Turbomach.,118, pp. 218–229.

@9# Kang, S., and Hirsch, C., 1996, ‘‘Numerical Simulation of Three-DimensionalViscous Flow in a Linear Compressor Cascade With Tip Clearance,’’ ASMEJ. Turbomach.,118, pp. 492–505.

@10# Chima, R. V., 1998, ‘‘Calculation of Tip Clearance Effects in a TransonicCompressor Rotor,’’ ASME J. Turbomach.,120, pp. 131–140.

@11# Baldwin, B. S., and Lomax, H., 1978, ‘‘Thin Layer Approximation and Alge-braic Model for Separated Turbulent Flow,’’ AIAA Paper No. 78–257.

@12# Roe, P. L., 1981, ‘‘Approximate Riemann Solvers, Parameter Vectors, andDifference Schemes,’’ J. Comput. Phys.,43, pp. 357–372.

@13# Dorney, D. J., Davis, R. L., Edwards, D. E., and Madavan, N. K., 1992,‘‘Unsteady Analysis of Hot Streak Migration in a Turbine Stage,’’ AIAA J.Propul. Power,8, No. 2, pp. 520–529.

@14# Dorney, D. J., and Schwab, J. R., 1996, ‘‘Unsteady Numerical Simulations ofRadial Temperature Profile Redistribution in a Single-Stage Turbine,’’ ASMEJ. Turbomach.,118, pp. 783–791.

Journal of Turbomachinery OCTOBER 2000, Vol. 122 Õ 683

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M. G. Dunn

C. W. Haldeman

R. S. Abhari1

M. L. McMillan2

The Ohio State University,Gas Turbine Laboratory,

Columbus, OH 43235

Influence of Vane/Blade Spacingon the Heat Flux for a TransonicTurbineAn experimental and analytical research program determining the influence of vane/bladespacing on the vane and blade time-averaged and unsteady heat flux for a full-scalerotating turbine stage was performed. The turbine stage was operated at a transonic vaneexit condition, with pressure and heat flux measurements obtained throughout the stage.This paper focuses on the midspan heat flux measurements for both the vane and blade atthree vane/blade axial spacings: 20, 40, and 60 percent of vane axial chord. The time-averaged heat flux results for the vane and the blade are compared with predictionsobtained using a two-dimensional, Reynolds-averaged multiblade row code, UNSFLO,developed by Giles (1984). The measured and predicted unsteady heat flux envelopes (asa function of vane/blade spacing) are also compared with predictions. For selected loca-tions on the blade, a direct comparison between the measured phase-averaged surfacepressure and the measured phase-averaged Nusselt number history is presented. At somelocations along the surface the pressure and the heat flux are shown to be in phase, butat other locations they are not. The influence of vane/blade spacing on the blade heat loadwas found to be small, and much less than the differences caused by changes in theReynolds number during the experimental matrix.@S0889-504X~00!00904-1#

1.0 IntroductionThe current design trend for high-performance machines within

the gas turbine community is to reduce the weight of the turbineby decreasing vane/blade spacing, and operating at vane or bladetransonic exit conditions. Improving computational capabilities topredict the adverse effects of this aggressive design trend is criti-cal to the success of any new machine. Dring et al.@1# reportedthe results of an investigation~performed using a large low-speedrotating rig! designed to assess the influence of vane/blade spac-ing on blade pressure loading. Rao and Delaney@2# and Dunnet al. @3# reported the results of a combined experimental andcomputational program determining the unsteady pressure loadingfor a transonic turbine. The unsteady pressures resulting from theinteraction of the blade and the shock wave coming from the vanerepresent the forcing function for potential high-cycle fatigue.More recently, Venable et al.@4# and Busby et al.@5# reported theresults of a combined experimental and analysis program. Thatresearch was performed using the same transonic turbine, and wasdesigned to determine the influence of vane/blade spacing~20, 40,and 60 percent vane axial chord! on the time-averaged and time-resolved surface pressure for the vane and blade. The heat transferresults reported here were obtained simultaneously with the pres-sure data just noted.

Rao et al.@6# reported heat transfer results for the same turbineused in this measurement program for a fixed vane–blade spacingof 40 percent vane axial chord at the transonic vane exit Machnumber condition. The time-averaged and time-resolved surfacepressure measurements corresponding to the heat transfer resultsreported in Rao et al.@6# are described in Dunn et al.@3#.

Hilditch and Ainsworth@7# investigated the unsteady heat trans-fer on the blade of a rotating turbine operating at design correctedconditions. They compared their results with data from a previoustwo-dimensional simulation of a wake-passing flow on the mids-

pan of the same blade. Frequency spectra for selected blade loca-tions were reported. Abhari et al.@8# reported the results of acombined experimental and computational program that used afull-stage rotating turbine operating at corrected design condi-tions. They included the unsteady heat transfer for selected bladelocations. Neither of these papers measured surface pressure onthe blades, nor did they investigate the influence of vane/bladespacing on the heat transfer results.

2.0 Description of ExperimentThe experimental data were obtained using a short-duration

shock tunnel facility to provide the source of heated and pressur-ized air that is expanded in a conical nozzle~to lower the totalpressure!. This experimental technique has been described previ-ously in the literature, e.g.,@9–12#, and only those aspects of theoperating procedure essential for the discussion of the effort re-ported here will be described. A sketch of the turbine configura-tion and the instrumentation suite is given in both Dunn et al.@3#and Rao et al.@6#.

Figure 1 is a sketch of the turbine stage located in the shock-tunnel facility. The turbine stage is located in a device designed topass the proper turbine weight flow at the desired inlet total pres-sure and total temperature so that the stage design flow function isduplicated. Only a small portion of the shock-processed airflow iscaptured by the inlet and then passed through the turbine stage.The remainder of the gas bypasses the device. The initial speed ofthe rotor was controlled using an air motor. Initially the dumptank is evacuated, thus permitting the rotor to be easily brought tothe proper speed. Just prior to rupturing the diaphragms and ini-tiating the flow in the shock tube, the air supply to the motor isturned off and the rotor is free-wheeling. Between the time thatthe air motor is turned off and the diaphragms break, there is verylittle change in rotor speed. However, the speed of the rotor ismeasured continuously during the experiment.

The rotor blades were instrumented with both thin-film heatflux gages and flush-mounted miniature Kulite pressure transduc-ers. Figure 2 is a photograph of the instrumented rotor. The tur-bine stage geometry consists of 30 vanes and 45 blades. Instru-menting every third blade~skipping two! insures that each blade isin the same relative position in the vane passage~although in a

1Current address: ETH Zurich, Institute of Energy Technology.2Current address: Boeing Aerospace, St. Louis, MO.Contributed by the International Gas Turbine Institute and presented at the 45th

International Gas Turbine and Aeroengine Congress and Exhibition, Munich, Ger-many, May 8–11, 2000. Manuscript received by the International Gas Turbine Insti-tute February 2000. Paper No. 2000-GT-206. Review Chair: D. Ballal.

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different vane passage!. Figure 2 shows that the blades containingsurface pressure instrumentation, the contoured leading edge heatflux gage inserts, and the pressure surface button-type thin-filmheat flux gages were all located in this configuration so that nocorrection for phase angle was required. However, because of adesire to measure the heat flux in a single blade passage, the bladewith the suction surface heat flux gages requires a phase shiftwhen comparing the unsteady data.

2.1 Heat-Flux Instrumentation. Button-type thin-film heatflux gages were located at midspan on the pressure and suctionsurfaces of the vane. The rotor blades contained two contouredleading-edge inserts at midspan with each containing several thin-film gages in addition to button-type thin-film gages located at:midspan on both suction and pressure surfaces, at 96 percent spanon the suction surface, on the platform, and in the recessed tip ofthe blade. Photographs of the midspan instrumentation are pre-sented in Rao et al.@6#. The predictions and the discussion of themeasurement program presented in this paper will be confined tothe midspan data.

The question of a potential ‘‘heat island effect’’ requiring acorrection factor for the button-type heat flux gages has beenraised by@13–15#. The three papers rely on a two-dimensionalcalculation to predict the magnitude of the potential effect. Morerecently, Zilles and Abhari@16# experimentally investigated themagnitude of the ‘‘heat island effect’’ for conditions consistentwith the present experiments. In their experiments, they operateddouble sided Kapton heat flux gages~for which there is no poten-tial heat-island effect! side-by-side with thin-film button-type heatflux gages. They used a flat plate placed in a blowdown facilityduplicating the fluid flow conditions of interest in this work. Zillesand Abhari arrived at a correction factor for the heat-island effectover a wide range of conditions.

Dunn et al.@17# report the results of a measurement programfor which the button-type gages were run simultaneously withthree contoured strip inserts~at the Reynolds number conditionsof interest in these experiments!. The strip insert imbedded in thecomponent removes the heat island influence. These measure-ments were performed on the vane portion of a full-stage turbineoperating at design corrected conditions. The results demonstratedagreement between the heat flux~or Stanton number! data ob-tained using the button-type thin-film gages and the contouredstrip insert thin-film gages to within the stated experimental un-certainty of65 percent.

For this paper the correction factor suggested by Zilles andAbhari @16# was applied to the vane and blade data to assess themagnitude of the potential correction for the turbine and specifictest conditions. Equations~15! and~13! of Zilles and Abhari@16#,which are given below, are used to perform the correction:


NuKT511Q~12 f !,



TT2Twand f 5S 12S x0

x D 0.9D 21/9


The heat flux gages were calibrated in a temperature-controlledenvironment prior to and after the measurement program for cali-bration constants. In addition, prior to each experiment the resis-tance of each gage at a known temperature was measured so thatthe calibration could be updated. The uncertainty in the heat fluxmeasurements reported in this paper is estimated to be65percent.

2.2 Flowpath Pressure Instrumentation. In addition tosurface pressure measurements made on the vane and blade~which were reported earlier in Busby et al.@5# and Venable et al.@4#!, flowpath static and total pressure measurements were alsoobtained using Kulite pressure transducers. Static pressure wasmeasured at the inner and outer diameter at the turbine inlet andexit planes and between the vane and blade rows. Also, inlet andexit rakes were used to obtain flow field total pressure measure-ments upstream of the vane inlet and downstream of the turbineexit, and total temperature measurements upstream of the vaneinlet and downstream of the turbine exit.

All of the pressure transducers were calibrated through the en-tire data system on a daily basis. As a very conservative number,the data can be assumed to lie within60.2 psia~61.379 kPa!with a standard deviation of60.067 psia~60.46 kPa!. More de-tail regarding the pressure instrumentation can be found in Halde-man and Dunn@18# and Busby et al.@5#.

2.3 Turbine Parameters and Operating Conditions. Thisturbine stage has been designed and constructed such that the vaneexit angle can be changed easily to achieve a subsonic or a tran-sonic vane exit Mach number. The vane/blade spacing can also bechanged easily. The desired Mach number setting is obtained byrotating the vane externally and inserting a pin in the vane stem.Use of this technique results in a gap of approximately 0.004 in.(131024 m) between the vane tip and hub endwalls. For theresults reported here, the vane position was set to the transonicvane exit configuration such that the vane exit Mach number wasapproximately 1.1. In addition, the hardware surrounding the tur-bine stage was constructed such that the vane/blade spacing canbe changed without influencing the rotating system by removingsplit-casing spacers from in front of the vane row and re-insertingthese same spacers behind the vane row. Three separate spacingswere used for the results reported here: 20, 40, and 60 percent ofvane axial chord.

Table 1 provides a description of the relevant stage geometry,and Table 2 gives the relevant parameters for the three separateexperimental conditions relevant to the data reported in this paper.

Fig. 1 Sketch of Allison VBI turbine located in OSU GTL shocktunnel

Fig. 2 General instrumented blade locations on VBI turbine

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3.0 Discussion of ResultsIn the remainder of the paper, time-averaged and unsteady heat

transfer results for the vane and blade are compared with theresults of predictions obtained using the numerical code UNSFLO@19#. In addition, for selected locations on the blade, comparisonsare presented between phase-resolved Nusselt number and surfacepressure versus position in a vane passage for locations on boththe pressure and suction surface of the blade.

3.1 Time-Averaged Heat Transfer Results; PredictionVersus Data for Midspan Region of Vane and Blade. Thenumerical procedure used to obtain the heat flux predictions pre-sented herein is two-dimensional Reynolds-averaged, unsteadymultiblade row code UNSFLO, developed by Giles@20#. This is acoupled viscous/inviscid code in which the thin shear layerNavier–Stokes equations are solved on a body-fitted boundarylayer grid using an implicit algorithm, while the Euler equationsare solved on an outer inviscid grid using an explicit algorithm.The code utilizes a Baldwin–Lomax algebraic turbulence modelin the viscous region. More details can be found in Giles andHaimes@21# and Abhari et al.@22#.

A grid independence study demonstrated that the solution pre-sented herein was independent of the mesh density. Solutionswere generated for both the vane and the blade for six differentgrids. Three solutions with 20,000, 45,000, and 60,000 grid pointsin the inviscid, unstructured mesh were compared. The influenceon the steady vane surface Nusselt number was minimal, beingless than 2 percent for 45,000 versus 60,000. The blade was evenless sensitive to the number of grid points than was the vane.After the grid study, a 45,000 point grid was an acceptable com-promise between obtaining accuracy and efficiently using theavailable computational resources.

The remaining solutions were generated to examine the effectof grid resolution in the viscousO-grid region ~closely coupledgrid that wraps around the airfoil!, specifically the effect of in-

creasing the thickness of the viscousO-grid on the surface Nusseltnumber distribution. Thicknesses of 2.0, 2.7, and 3.4 percent ofthe vane axial chord were considered. The number of points thatspanned theO-grid was held constant at 19. Thus, increasing thethickness of theO-grid decreased the grid packing within the vis-cous region. It was necessary to maintain a thickness of at least2.0 percent vane axial chord to contain the vane/blade boundarylayer. All three O-grids contained adequate viscous packing ofgrid cells near the surface to resolve the boundary layer. In addi-tion, utilizing the largest of the three viscous grid sizes providedthe best transition from the viscous grid to the inviscid grid. Cellsin the outermost region of the viscous grid were more than halfthe thickness of those in the innermost region of the inviscid grid.An O-grid thickness of 3.4 percent of vane axial chord was usedfor the computational results presented herein.

The experimental data are presented as a Nusselt number basedon a reference length as defined in the normal manner by thefollowing equation:


K f~TRef2Tf !(2)

whereL is a reference length: 1 in.~0.0254 m! in this case.K f ifthe thermal conductivity of the fluid evaluated at the gage tem-perature (Tgage), andTRef is a reference temperature, taken as thestage inlet total temperature. The uncertainty in the experimentaldata is evaluated using the following formula:



Q D 2

1S DTf

TfD 2S 11



~12A!2 S DTRef

TRefD 2



which is a simple ‘‘error’’ propagation formula, with the muchsmaller terms eliminated from the equation, yielding a percentageuncertainty in the Nusselt number as a function of the main inde-pendent variables used in the calculation.

Each experimental point presented in Figs. 3–10 is a valueaveraged over approximately 10 ms of test time~or about 1000data points!. Thus, for this uncertainty analysis, the percentageuncertainty in each of the input variables is taken as the standarddeviation of that quantity divided by the average value of thatquantity over the time period, with the exception of the heat fluxin which the standard measurement error~65 percent! is used.The uncertainty is taken as twice the value reported in Eq.~3!,which encompasses about 95 percent of the data spread~i.e., 62standard deviations!. Multiple runs were combined using aweighted average technique. In general, the uncertainty in theNusselt number is dominated by the uncertainty in the heat fluxmeasurements.

Figures 3, 4, and 5 present the midspan measured Nusselt num-bers versus the predicted time-averaged unsteady predicted Nus-selt numbers obtained for the vane at vane/blade spacings of 20,40, and 60 percent of vane axial chord, respectively. All of thedata shown in these figures were obtained using button-type gagesand both the uncorrected and corrected~using @16#! data are pre-sented on the figures. The maximum value of the correction wason the order of 10 percent and occurred at 92 percent wetteddistance on the pressure surface. The suction surface heat fluxgages beyond 30 percent wetted distance were damaged early inthe measurement program and could not be repaired in place.

For the vane predictions, boundary layer transition was set at 25percent wetted distance on the suction surface~based on a best fitto the data!, and fully turbulent boundary layer was set at 50percent wetted distance. A fully turbulent boundary layer wasassumed for the pressure surface calculation from the stagnationpoint to the trailing edge. The results at all three spacings suggestthat the flow on the suction surface was laminar until about 25percent wetted distance at which location transition occurred. Theagreement between prediction and the experimental data is goodon that portion of the suction surface for which data are available.

Table 1 Turbine stage geometry

Table 2 Turbine operating conditions

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On the pressure surface, the trends of the experimental and pre-dicted Nusselt number distributions are consistent, with reason-ably good agreement, with some data falling above and below theprediction. The one main exception to this is the data at290percent for the 20 percent spacing, that seems abnormally high.Since later measurements from the same sensor are in closeragreement with the prediction~and the general data trend!, this

point is suspect. However, detailed review of the experimentaldata provided no reason to judge the data point to be in error, soit has been retained.

Figure 6 presents a composite plot of the experimental datacorrected for potential heat-island effect and the time-averagedunsteady predictions for the vane obtained for 20, 40, and 60percent vane/blade spacing. The magnitude of the vane/bladespacing should have no significant influence on the predicted Nus-selt number distribution for the vane pressure surface and for theinitial 23 percent~wetted distance! of the suction surface since thevane is choked for these conditions. This can be verified by inte-grating the area under the curves~for both the predictions and thedata!. To make the comparisons more meaningful, an area from272.5 to 35.5 percent was used for this calculation, which corre-sponds to the range where most of the data exist for all runs. Thisalso eliminates the edge effects of the prediction. Performing thisintegration on the predictions shows that the heat flux load isreduced by about 5 percent as the spacing changes from 20 to 40percent, and about 9 percent from 40 to 60 percent spacing. Asseen from Table 2, the Reynolds numbers for these spacings alsochanged~about 6 percent for the 20 to 40 percent spacing and 9percent for the 40 to 60 percent spacing!. Thus, it would appearthat the main driver for the variation in the heat load to the vanesis the change in the experimental Reynolds number rather than thevane–blade spacing. This is consistent with the hypothesis thatthere should be little interaction because the flow is choked.

Figures 7–9 present a comparison between the UNSFLO time-

Fig. 3 Vane time-averaged Nusselt number „20 percentspacing …

Fig. 4 Vane time-averaged Nusselt number „40 percentspacing …

Fig. 5 Vane time-averaged Nusselt number „60 percentspacing …

Fig. 6 Composite plot of vane Nusselt number for differentspacings

Fig. 7 Blade time-averaged Nusselt number „20 percentspacing …

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averaged unsteady predicted Nusselt number distribution and theNusselt numbers deduced from the experimental data for the bladeat 20, 40, and 60 percent vane–blade spacing, respectively. Onceagain, the button-type gage heat flux data have been corrected forthe potential ‘‘heat-island effect’’ using the correction factor ofZilles and Abhari@16# as indicated by the dark filled symbols. Nocorrection is needed for the strip-insert data since the heat-islandeffect is not present with this type of installation. The data ob-tained from the inserts are shown as triangular symbols in theseplots. On the blade, the maximum value of the correction was 5percent and occurred at 91 percent wetted distance on the pressuresurface. Both the corrected and uncorrected data are shown. Ingeneral, the magnitude of the correction is less than the experi-mental uncertainty, which agrees well with the observation@17#that there is little difference between the insert and button data.

The calculations assumed the boundary layer to be fully turbu-lent for both the pressure and suction surfaces of the blade. For allthree cases, the prediction and the experimental results are in rea-sonable agreement over the entire midspan region of the bladesuction surface. For the suction surface, the most notable differ-ence between the experimental data and the prediction occurspassed 50 percent wetted distance. At this point the code under-predicts the data for all spacings. For the pressure surface, thepredictions underestimate the data closer to the stagnation point,but come into better agreement farther along the blade althoughthese deviations are minor. The trends shown here are consistent

with the result presented in Rao et al.@16#. Abhari et al.@8# pre-sented a comparison between experiment and the UNSFLO pre-diction for another turbine and they also found the data to beabove the prediction early on the pressure surface, but betteragreement with increasing distance. The comparison on the suc-tion surface also indicated the data to be above the prediction forwetted distances less than 30 percent. There are obvious differ-ences between the turbine stages and the operating conditions sosome differences are not unexpected.

Figure 10 presents a composite plot of the predictions versusthe corrected and insert experimental data obtained at the threedifferent vane/blade spacings. Once again, the 20 percent spacingresults in the higher overall predicted and measured Nusselt num-ber distribution than the 60 percent. The trends in the experimen-tal results are consistent with the predicted trends, as they were forthe vane results discussed earlier. However, as noted above for thevane results, the difference in the experimental conditions ac-counts for a significant portion of the difference between the pre-dicted ~and experimental! results at the various vane/blade set-tings. Once again, the areas under the predicted and measuredNusselt number distributions were determined~although on theblade because of the greater number of gages, the integration areawas from291 to 89 percent!. In increasing the spacing from 20 to40 percent the predicted decrease in the blade heat load is 4 per-cent, whereas the experimental result is a reduction of 7 percent.In changing the spacing from 40 to 60 percent the predicted re-duction in heat load is 12 percent whereas the experimental resultis 15 percent. As noted earlier, the reduction in Reynolds numberfrom the 20 percent spacing to the 40 percent spacing is about 6percent and from 40 to 60 percent spacing the change is 9 percent.While the drop in the blade heat loading is greater than that re-corded for the vanes for the same spacing changes, the ratio ofchange in heat loading to change in Reynolds number is remark-ably consistent. About 32–37 percent of the total change in heatloading~from 20 to 60 percent spacing! occurs in the change from20 to 40 percent for both the blade and vanes. And about 40percent of the change in the Reynolds number~from 20 to 60percent! occurs in the 20 to 40 percent spacing case. Thus, oneconcludes that changes in the Reynolds number are the drivingforce behind the changes in the heat loadings on the blade, domi-nating whatever vane/blade spacing effects there may be. TheReynolds number effect is higher for the blades than the vanes, ascan be seen by the greater changes in the blade heat loading cal-culated from the data. The data show that the heat load to theblade as the spacing changed from 20 to 60 percent is a little lessthan twice that measured at the vane. The predictions also suggesta value of about two for the same conditions, thus re-emphasizingthat the code is capturing the main heat flux mechanisms.

Fig. 8 Blade time-averaged Nusselt number „40 percent vane–rotor spacing …

Fig. 9 Blade time-averaged Nusselt number „60 percentspacing …

Fig. 10 Composite plot of blade Nusselt number for differentspacings

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3.2 Comparison of Measured Unsteady Surface Pressureand Measured Heat Flux at Selected Locations on the Blade.In an earlier paper, Abhari et al.@8# compared the calculated bladesurface pressure~obtained using UNSFLO! and the measured sur-face heat flux on blades near the stagnation point. These compari-sons demonstrated that, for that specific portion of the blade, thesurface pressure and the heat flux were approximately in phase.Abhari et al.@8# did not present comparisons of other blade loca-tions. Rigby et al.@23# and Johnson, et al.@24# have both reportedstudies of the relationship between unsteady heat transfer and un-steady surface pressure. In their work, they created the shockwaves interacting with the blade using a stationary blade and arotating series of bars. Rigby et al.@23# argue that it should bepossible to determine the local Nusselt number enhancement for agiven unsteady pressure signal at various wall temperature ratiosusing temperature scaling. For this to be true, there must be alinear relationship between the local unsteady Nusselt number his-tory and the local unsteady pressure history. It will be demon-strated below that for some blade locations, such a relationship istrue. At other locations, however, the relationship breaks down.

In this work, both the measured unsteady surface pressure andthe measured unsteady heat flux were available for comparison.Thus, it was not necessary to rely on the computed surface pres-sure to compare the inviscid versus viscous flow effects. In addi-tion, the blades were rotating at corrected design speed and theshock waves interacting with the blades were the result of theupstream choked vanes. This section of this paper presents thesecomparisons for several locations on the blade suction and pres-sure surfaces. For the purposes of this paper the correlation be-tween measured surface pressure and heat flux at several specificlocations on the blade will be presented.

The heat flux gage output was sampled at a frequency of 100kHz so that temporal resolution of the unsteady wave propagationthrough the stage could be resolved. Spatial resolution wasachieved by phase locking the data to a shaft encoder that gener-ates 500 pulses/revolution resulting in 16.667 samples/vane pas-sage. The unsteady heat flux data were ensemble averaged at 50independent positions in a vane passage. The first three harmonicswere used for the comparisons in this section. The turbine con-figuration of 30 vanes and 45 blades causes a geometric globalcycle every three blades.

An attempt was made to use the heat flux gages and the pres-sure transducers that were as close to the same physical locationon the blade as possible. Instrument mortality resulted in not al-ways having an active pressure transducer and an active heat fluxgage at the identical blade location. Figure 11 presents a compari-

son of the measured unsteady surface heat flux at 2 percent wetteddistance on the suction surface with the measured unsteady sur-face pressure at 0 percent wetted distance.

The left ordinate is local surface pressure normalized by vaneinlet total pressure, the right ordinate is local Nusselt number, andthe abscissa is relative position in the passage from 0 to 2 with 2representing one complete global cycle. A comparison of thephase-averaged unsteady surface pressure and the predicted un-steady surface pressure was presented in Busby et al.@5#, and willnot be repeated here. The Busby et al.@5# paper also illustrates theharmonics of the surface pressure data. These results, presented inFig. 11, illustrate that in the leading edge stagnation region thepressure signal contains two distinct peaks near midpassage whilethe heat flux data show only one peak at the same passage loca-tion. At the blade leading edge the flow situation is complicated,due to the interactions between the vane wakes and the shockwave structure; thus, the result was not unanticipated.

Figure 12 presents a comparison between the surface pressureat 11 percent and the heat flux at 4.5 percent on the blade pressuresurface. The pressure history illustrates more detail than the heatflux, but the characteristics of the phase response of the pressureand the heat flux are consistent for this particular location. Figure13 presents a similar comparison for a location a little fartheralong the blade pressure surface at 37 percent wetted distance. Atthis location, there is some similarity between the surface pressureand the heat flux behavior in that the peaks and valleys are gen-erally similar, but out of phase.

Fig. 11 Blade suction surface data near stagnation point „20percent spacing …

Fig. 12 Blade pressure surface data near stagnation point „20percent spacing …

Fig. 13 Blade pressure surface data „20 percent spacing …

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Near the blade leading edge on the suction surface, there isonce again reasonable comparison between the surface pressureand heat flux phase information, as illustrated in Fig. 14 for awetted distance of 22.5 percent. This comparison is comparable tothat shown on Fig. 12 for the pressure surface at 11 percent wetteddistance.

The favorable comparison between surface pressure and heatflux phase information continues for the suction surface at 33percent wetted distance as shown on Fig. 15. The passage shockwave is striking the blade in the vicinity of the 33 percent wetteddistance location and moving forward with time as shown by thesketch provided in Busby et al.@5# for this experimental condi-tion. Beyond 37 percent wetted distance on the suction surface,the harmonics of the heat flux signal were sufficiently small that ameaningful comparison with the pressure signal could not be ob-tained. This result is consistent with the magnitude of the un-steady heat flux as a function of blade position described in Raoet al. @6# for similar operating conditions at the 40 percent spac-ing. Further, the relationship between the phase of the unsteadysurface pressure and the unsteady heat flux on the blade suctionsurface is consistent with the results of Abhari et al.@8#.

Figures 16 and 17 present a comparison of the predicted andmeasured unsteady envelope of Nusselt number for the blade at 20and 60 percent vane axial spacing, respectively. Also included onthese figures is the average value of the unsteady envelope. Ingeneral, the predicted and measured unsteady values are in rea-sonable agreement for both spacings. The unsteady envelope ispredicted to be the largest on the suction surface at wetted dis-

tances between 0 and 50 percent, and to be relatively constant inmagnitude over the pressure surface. The experimental results areconsistent with the predicted trend.

4.0 ConclusionsFor the particular turbine and the range of vane/blade spacing

used for these experiments, the observed drop in heat flux as thespacing changes comes not from the spacing change, but ratherfrom the change in the experimental Reynolds number. The effectis consistent for both the vane and the blade, with the Reynoldsnumber effect being about twice as large on the blade as on thevane. These trends are captured by the predictions also. The CFDcode UNSFLO was used to illustrate good comparisons betweenthe time-averaged unsteady predicted and the measured Nusseltnumber distributions for both the vane and blade.

For some locations on the blade, reasonable agreement wasdemonstrated between the phase-resolved surface pressure and thecorresponding Nusselt number as the blade moved through thevane passage. Near the blade stagnation point there is not good

Fig. 14 Blade suction surface data „20 percent spacing …

Fig. 15 Blade suction surface data „20 percent spacing …

Fig. 16 Unsteady Nusselt number envelopes for 20 percentspacing

Fig. 17 Unsteady Nusselt number envelopes for 60 percentspacing

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agreement, but at 11 percent wetted distance on the pressure sur-face and at 22 and 33 percent on the suction surface reasonableagreement is demonstrated.

Good agreement was found between the predicted and the mea-sured unsteady envelopes of Nusselt number for both the 20 and60 percent vane–blade spacing data. The most significant un-steadiness occurs on the blade suction surface at wetted distancesless than 50 percent. The magnitude of the unsteadiness on theblade pressure surface was found to be relatively constant. Bycontrast, the magnitude of unsteadiness on the suction surface wasvery position dependent.

AcknowledgmentsThis research reported in this paper was funded under support

of NASA Grant No. NAG3-1999 and Grant No. NAG3-2157 en-titled ‘‘Unsteady Effects ~Including Film Cooling! on High-Pressure Turbine Design: An Analytical and Experimental Pro-gram.’’ The authors would like to thank NASA for permission topublish these results and Dr. Robert J. Boyle for serving as thetechnical monitor on this program. The support of Kestutis C.Civinskas throughout both of these grant activities is greatlyappreciated.

The authors would also like to express their appreciation to Mr.Jeffrey Barton of The Ohio State University Gas Turbine Labora-tory for his dedicated help during the experimental phase of thisprogram.


f 5 defined by Eq.~1! ~or Eq. ~13! of @16#!Nub 5 Nusselt number of button-type gage

NuKT 5 Nusselt number of double-sided Kapton gageTf 5 temperature of platinum filmTw 5 wall temperature of flat plateTT 5 total temperature of external flowx0 5 distance from leading edge of plate to edge of hole

containing heat flux gagex 5 distance from leading edge of plate to leading edge of

Pyrex heat flux gageQ 5 (Tf2Tw)/(TT2Tw)L 5 reference length 1 in.~0.0254 m!

K f 5 thermal conductivity of fluidTRef 5 reference temperature, inlet stagnation temperature

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@9# Dunn, M. G., and Hause, A., 1982, ‘‘Measurement of Heat Flux and Pressurein a Turbine Stage,’’ ASME J. Eng. Power,104, pp. 215–223.

@10# Dunn, M. G., Rae, W. J., and Holt, J. L., 1984, ‘‘Measurement and Analysesof Heat Flux Data in a Turbine Stage: Part I—Description of ExperimentalApparatus and Data Analysis,’’ ASME J. Eng. Gas Turbines Power,106, pp.229–233.

@11# Dunn, M. G., 1984, ‘‘Time-Resolved Heat-Flux Measurements for a Full-Stage Turbine,’’ AFWAL-TR-84-2025.

@12# Dunn, M. G., Seymour, P. J., Woodward, S. H., George, W. K., and Chupp, R.E., 1989, ‘‘Phase-Resolved Heat-Flux Measurements on the Blade of a Full-Scale Rotating Turbine,’’ ASME J. Turbomach.,111, pp. 8–19.

@13# Kim, J., Ross, R. A., and Dunn, M. G., 1996, ‘‘Numerical Investigation of theHeat-Island Effect for Button-Type, Transient, Heat-Flux Gage Measure-ments,’’ Experimental Methods in Heat Transfer, ASME HTD-Vol. 327, pp.33–39.

@14# Eaton, J. K., Mukerji, D., and Moffat, R. J., 1997, ‘‘3-D Convection in 2-DBoundary Layers: First Progress Report,’’Development and Application ofHeat Flux Calibration Standards and Facilities, ASME HTD-Vol. 353, pp.187–189.

@15# Mukerji, D., Eaton, J. K., and Moffat, R. J., 1998, ‘‘A New Correlation forTemperature Rise Correction of Heat Flux Gages,’’Numerical and Experi-mental Methods in Heat Transfer, ASME HTD-Vol. 361-5, pp. 631–636.

@16# Zilles, D. A., and Abhari, R. S., 1999, ‘‘Influence of Non-Isothermal ButtonGage Surface Temperature in Heat Flux Measurement Applications,’’Sympo-sium on Calibration, Error Analysis, and Modeling of Heat Flux Sensors,ASME HTD-Vol. 364-4, pp. 85–91.

@17# Dunn, M. G., Kim, J., and Rae, W. J., 1997, ‘‘Investigation of the Heat-IslandEffect for Heat-Flux Measurements in Short Duration Facilities,’’ ASME J.Turbomach.,119, pp. 753–760.

@18# Haldeman, C. W., and Dunn, M. G., 1998, ‘‘High-Accuracy Turbine Perfor-mance Measurements in Short-Duration Facilities,’’ ASME J. Turbomach.,120, pp. 1–9.

@19# Giles, M. B., 1984, ‘‘Stator/Rotor Interaction in a Transonic Turbine,’’ AIAAPaper 88-3093.

@20# Giles, M. B., 1988, ‘‘UNSFLO: A Numerical Method for Unsteady InviscidFlow in Turbomachinery,’’ MIT Gas Turbine Laboratory Report No. 195.

@21# Giles, M. B., and Haimes, R., 1993, ‘‘Validation of a Numerical Method forUnsteady Flow Calculations,’’ ASME J. Turbomach.,115, pp. 110–117.

@22# Abhari, R. S., Guenette, G. R., Epstein, A. H., and Giles, M. B., 1992, ‘‘Com-parison of Time-Resolved Turbine Rotor Blade Heat Transfer Measurementsand Numerical Calculations,’’ ASME J. Turbomach.,114, pp. 818–827.

@23# Rigby, M. J., Johnson, A. B., Oldfield, M. L. G., and Jones, T. V., 1989,‘‘Temperature Scaling of Turbine Blade Heat Transfer With and WithoutShock Wave Passing,’’Proc. of the 9th International Symposium on AirBreathing Engines, Athens, Greece.

@24# Johnson, A. B., Rigby, M. J., Oldfield, M. L. G., Ainsworth, R. W., and Oliver,M. J., 1989, ‘‘Surface Heat Transfer Fluctuations on a Turbine Rotor BladeDue to Upstream Shock Wave Passing,’’ ASME J. Turbomach.,111, pp.105–115.

Journal of Turbomachinery OCTOBER 2000, Vol. 122 Õ 691

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M. G. Dunn

C. W. Haldeman

The Ohio State University GasTurbine Laboratory,

Columbus, OH 43235

Time-Averaged Heat Flux for aRecessed Tip, Lip, and Platformof a Transonic Turbine BladeThe results of an experimental research program determining the blade platform heat-fluxlevel and the influence of blade tip recess on the tip region heat transfer for a full-scalerotating turbine stage at transonic vane exit conditions are described. The turbine usedfor these measurements was the Allison VBI stage operating in the closed vane position(vane exit Mach number'1.1). The stage was operated at the design flow function, totalto static pressure ratio, and corrected speed. Measurements were obtained at severallocations on the platform and in the blade tip region. The tip region consists of the bottomof the recess, the lip region (on both the pressure and suction surface sides of the recess),and the 90 percent span location on the blade suction surface. Measurements were ob-tained for three vane/blade spacings; 20, 40, and 60 percent of vane axial chord and fora single value of the tip gap (the distance between the top of the lip and the stationaryshroud) equal to 0.0012 m (0.046 in) or 2.27 percent of blade height.@S0889-504X~00!00604-8#

1.0 IntroductionThe tips of axial turbine blades rotate in close proximity to a

stationary outer seal or shroud. Differential thermal expansion be-tween the rotating turbine wheel and blades and the stationaryouter shroud causes variations in the magnitude of the clearancegap at the blade tip during engine operation. Some engine com-panies elect to utilize shrouded blades and eliminate this problem.Other companies use either flat-tip blades or recessed-tip blades.For those aircraft engines using flat or recessed tips, significantvariations in clearance occur at different operating conditions suchas takeoff and cruise; even with active clearance control, the gapis never eliminated at all operating conditions. Using recessed tipsallows turbine operation with less clearance and a reduced prob-ability of severe blade damage in the event of a tip rub. Clearancegaps in modern axial gas turbines are typically less than 1 percentof the blade height for large engines, ranging up to 1.5 percent ormore for smaller engines with low-aspect-ratio blades. Even withthe tightest possible tolerances, the leakage flow has significanteffects on stage aerodynamic performance and on the structuraldurability of the blade. The blade tip area has high convective heattransfer and thermal loads that must be mitigated by the bladeinternal cooling along with heat conduction to the blade pressureand suction side surface areas.

A significant portion of the literature relevant to tip gap flowshas dealt with flat tip blades, and in many cases the measurementswere performed for very low~or no! relative tip to shroud motion.The early work of Metzger and Rued@1,2# was designed to obtaindetailed information relevant to the source~pressure surface side!of the tip flow and similar information on the sink~suction surfaceside!, and the modeling experiments were conducted in a watertunnel. Several researchers have also investigated methods of re-ducing performance losses by controlling tip leakage flow@3–6#and others have concentrated on the heat transfer in the tip region@7#. The work of Booth et al.@3# and Wadia and Booth@4# wasalso conducted using water tunnels as the test bed. Sjolander andCao @5# use a single blade and shims to change the value of thegap to study the structure of the gap flow in the absence of relativemotion. In a later study, Yaras et al.@6# used a cascade of three

blades and added a moving outer belt to simulate the influence ofrotation on tip leakage. This study indicated that the addition ofrelative motion results in significant changes in the tip leakagevortex and passage vortex structures from stationary flows. It wasconcluded that the strength of the tip vortex was reduced consid-erably with the introduction of wall motion. In addition, the pas-sage vortex was enhanced by the scraping effect of the blades.Both were dragged toward the suction side of the passage andappeared partially to block the outlet flow from the tip gap. Heyesand Hodson@8# presented the results of an experimental studyusing linear cascades in the absence of a moving outer wall, andsuggested a relative simple model that could be used in conjunc-tion with a three-dimensional code to calculate the tip gap flow.One significant finding of their study was that the pressure gradi-ents along the blade chord are a major factor influencing the tipleakage flow.

There are very few experimental data in the literature for theheat transfer distributions in the vicinity of recessed tips that havebeen obtained for full-scale rotating turbines operating at thedesign-corrected conditions. It is well known that the pressuredifference between the convex and concave sides of the bladedrives flow through the clearance gap. However, because of therecessed cavity in the tip, the flow field associated with the recessis significantly more complicated than one would encounter on aflat tip blade. Near the leading edge of the blade, a strong vortexflow exiting the vane near the stationary shroud enters the tipregion from head on or from the suction surface side of the blade.Ameri et al.@9# demonstrate in their calculation of the tip regionflow for a recessed tip geometry~similar to that of the VBI blade!that the flow field is very three dimensional with many interactingvortices. Their results suggest that there are at least two distinctvortices existing in the cavity region, and they persist throughoutthe length of the cavity. Their modeling of this flow suggests thatone of the vortices is a result of separation off of the pressure sideof the lip and that this vortex hugs the cavity pressure sidewall.The second vortex is the result of a flow separation again at the lipon the blade suction side. There appears to be a dividing stream-line after which the mainstream flow is turned into the gap fromthe pressure side of the blade. Once again, flow separation occursas a result of the lip. Strong secondary flows can be expected to bepresent in the gas path as a whole, and this can have the effect ofbringing very hot portions of the mainstream to the vicinity of theclearance gap, especially just downstream of the blade leading

Contributed by the International Gas Turbine Institute and presented at the 45thInternational Gas Turbine and Aeroengine Congress and Exhibition, Munich, Ger-many, May 8–11, 2000. Manuscript received by the International Gas Turbine Insti-tute February 2000. Paper No. 2000-GT-197. Review Chair: D. Ballal.

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edge lip. This lip acts like a rearward-facing step with resultingflow separation and attachment in the recessed cavity. As the flowemerges from the suction side of the gap, it is usually visualizedas rolling into a vortex as it meets the oncoming shroud wall flow@10,11#. Thus, near the tip on the aft portion of the suction surface,the local heat transfer rates can become quite high, causing trail-ing edge tip burn out. For this reason, the blades used in this studywere instrumented in the 90 percent span region.

Until his death, Metzger and his students published many low-speed outer wall studies applicable to the tip region heat transferin recessed tips@12–14#. Ameri et al.@9# applied their calculationtechnique to the Metzger tip cavity data and obtained reasonablygood results for cavity depth/cavity width ratios of 0.2 and 0.5 ata tip clearance/cavity width ratio of 0.1. For reference purposes,the depth/width ratio of the cavity used in this study ranged from0 to 0.21 with a tip clearance/cavity width ratio of 0.14. Theexperimental data and the results of the Ameri et al.@9# calcula-tion for the geometry closest to that used herein suggested that thepeak Nusselt number occurred on the lip with the Nusselt numbersin the bottom of the cavity being about 42 percent of the lipvalues. In this same paper, the authors have performed tip regioncalculations to simulate the fluid flow and heat transfer in the tipregion for the GE-E3 high-pressure turbine. Their calculationswere performed for a smooth tip, a 2 percent recess, and a 3percent recess. The measurements used in this paper have a 3percent recessed tip.

In a more recent paper Bunker et al.@15# and Ameri and Bun-ker, @16# report the results of a combined experimental and com-putational study designed to investigate the heat transfer to thefirst stage blade tip~flat tip configuration! of a power generationgas turbine. The experiment utilized a three-blade linear cascadewith no outer shroud motion. Using liquid crystals in the tip re-gion, the authors were able to obtain a rather detailed distributionof heat transfer in the tip region. The computational phase of theeffort used to support the experiments utilized the code reported inRigby et al.@17# and Ameri et al.@9#. The authors showed goodcomparison between experiment and computation.

Two previous experimental/computational analysis of flow inthe tip region for a flat tip blade were reported by Metzger et al.@18#, and Ameri and Steinthorsson@19#. For the Metzger et al.paper, time-resolved heat transfer measurements obtained on theblade tip and simultaneously obtained time-resolved heat transferand surface pressure measured on the adjoining stationary shroudfor the full-stage Garrett TFE-731-2 turbine were compared withthe results of a CFD analysis. Ameri and Steinthorsson@20# re-ported the results of time-averaged heat transfer calculations com-pared to the data of Dunn et al.@21#, for the Garrett TFE-731turbine and a similar comparison for the data of Dunn et al.@21#,obtained on the first blade of a full two-stage Space Shuttle mainengine hydrogen side turbopump. Both the predictions of Metzgeret al. and the predictions of Ameri and Steinthorsson showedgood agreement with the experimental results. However, the sub-ject of this paper is the case for which the blade tip has a cavity~squealer! rather than being flat and the accompanying flow fieldis entirely different.

2.0 Description of ExperimentA brief description of the facility, a description of the turbine

stage, and a more detailed description of the tip cavity recess andassociated instrumentation, the platform instrumentation, and theinstrumentation located at 90 percent span on the blade suctionsurface will be provided in this section.

2.1 Description of Facility. The facility used for this mea-surement program utilized a shock-tunnel to produce a short-duration source of heated and pressurized gas that was directedthrough the rotating turbine. Air was used for the test gas. Theexperimental apparatus consisted of a shock tube, an expansionnozzle, a large dump tank, and a device that housed the turbine

stage and provided the flow path geometry for the stage. Theshock tube has a 0.47-m~18.5-in! diam by 12.2-m~40-ft! longdriver tube and 0.47-m~18.5-in! diam by 18.3-m~60-ft! longdriven tube. The driver tube was designed to be sufficiently longso that the wave system reflected from the driver endwall wouldnot terminate the test time prematurely. The turbine is housed in adevice located in the expansion nozzle of the shock-tunnel facil-ity, as illustrated in Fig. 1. This device consists of an inlet duct, anexit nozzle designed to govern the flow through the turbine rig, a200 channel slip ring, and an air motor drive system. This particu-lar turbine configuration has spacers that can be moved relative tothe vane row in order to change the vane/blade spacing.

In order to initiate an experiment, the test section is evacuated,while the driver and the driven tube are pressurized to predeter-mined values. Pressure values are selected to duplicate the designflow conditions. The flow function (wAu/d), wall-to-total tem-perature ratio (Tw /T0), stage pressure ratios, and corrected speedare duplicated. The value ofT0 can be set at almost any desiredvalue in the range of 800–3500°R. The design pressure ratioacross the turbine is established by altering the throat diameter ofa flow control nozzle located near the exit end of the device hous-ing the turbine.

The heat-flux measurements were performed using thin-film re-sistance thermometers. The thin-film gages were made of plati-num ~;100 Å thick! and were hand painted on an insulatingPyrex 7740 substrate. The response time of these thin films is onthe order of 531028 s. The gage substrates were attached to themetal blade by epoxy.

2.2 Description of Turbine Stage. The turbine stage usedwas the Allison Vane/Blade Interaction~VBI ! turbine. This is anadvanced turbine and is designed so that one can select eithersubsonic~Mach No.50.85! or transonic~Mach No.51.1! vaneexit conditions. The vane exit condition for this measurement pro-gram was a Mach No.51.1.

The geometry of the turbine rig is given in Table 1. Aerody-namic data for the measurement program are given in Table 2.

2.3 Description of Blade Instrumentation and Tip Re-cessed Cavity. The blades of the rotor were instrumented withboth thin-film heat-flux gages and with flush-mounted miniatureKulite pressure transducers. Figure 2 is a photograph of the instru-mented rotor. The turbine geometry is such that there are 30 vanesand 45 blades. Thus, instrumenting every third blade results ininstruments on different blades being in the same relative positionin a vane passage. All of the vane and blade surface pressuremeasurements were obtained at midspan of the respective compo-nent. The time-averaged surface pressure data for all three vane-blade spacings are reported in Venable et al.@22#, and the time-resolved pressure data are reported in Busby et al.@23#. On-bladesurface pressure data in the recessed cavity are not available forthis turbine stage.

As can be seen from Fig. 2, the blades containing surface pres-sure instrumentation, the blades containing the contoured leadingedge heat-flux gage inserts, and the blade with the pressure sur-

Fig. 1 Sketch of Allison VBI model in OSU GTL shock tunnel

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face button-type gages were all placed so that no correction forphase angle was required. However, there was a desire to placethe button-type heat-flux gages so that the heat flux in a givenblade passage could be measured. Thus, the blade with thesuction-surface button-type heat-flux gages required a shift to ob-tain the proper phase orientation.

The rotor wiring was connected to a PolyScientific 200-channelgold-on-gold slip ring unit located on the opposite end of the driveshaft from the air motor. The wires from the blade heat-flux gagespass down the front surface of the disk~as shown in the photo-graph of Fig. 2! and then through a hollow shaft connector to theslip ring unit. The slip ring unit was continuously cooled and

lubricated using a positive displacement pump to force AsahiklinAK-225 diluted with a small amount of silicone oil through theclosed system as the medium.

The recessed cavity is shown in the photograph of Fig. 3. Thelip of the recess is 1.531023-m ~0.060-in! wide by 1.531023-m~0.060-in! deep and extends over approximately 67 percent ofblade chord. There are three heat-flux gages located in the pres-sure side lip at wetted distances of approximately 6.5, 32, and 57percent, two heat-flux gages in the suction side lip at wetted dis-tances of approximately 24.5 and 51 percent three heat-flux gagesin the recessed cavity at wetted distances of approximately 12,39.5, and 55 percent, and one heat-flux gage in the trailing edgedownstream of the cavity at a wetted distances of approximately78 percent. Unfortunately, there were no heat-flux gages locatedin the lip sidewall on the inside of the cavity nor were theresurface pressure transducers located in the tip region. The widthof the cavity at the widest point~near the suction side lip heat-fluxgage located at 24.5 percent wetted distance! is 731023 ~0.278in.!. As illustrated in Fig. 2, the cavity width takes on a shapesimilar to the blade over the remainder of the tip region. Early inthe experiments, one of the gages in the pressure side lip failed asdid one on the suction side lip, and the one in the trailing edge.

There are four heat-flux gages located on the platform~two onthe blade suction surface side and two on the pressure surfaceside! as shown in the photograph of Fig. 4. The two gages on the

Fig. 2 Instrumented rotor of VBI turbine

Fig. 3 Photograph of cavity and lip heat-flux gages

Fig. 4 Photograph of platform heat-flux gages

Table 1 Turbine stage geometry

Table 2 Turbine operating conditions

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pressure surface side of the platform were placed relatively closeto the blade surface at approximately 41.5 and 57 percent wetteddistance. The two gages on the suction surface side of the bladewere placed farther away from the surface with the one nearest thesuction surface being at approximately 53 percent wetted distanceand the second one at the trailing edge near the outer edge of theplatform.

There are three heat-flux gages located on the suction surface atthe 90 percent span position at wetted distances of approximately45.5, 57, and 81.5 percent. The positions of these gages wereselected so as to be in close proximity to the gages on the suctionsurface side lip.

3.0 Discussion of ResultsAlthough the intent of this paper is to present the heat-flux

measurements obtained on the rotating blade for the floor of thetip cavity, the tip lip region, on the platform, and the suction sideof the blade at 90 percent span, the results obtained at midspan@24# are presented in Fig. 5 for reference purposes. The midspanheat-flux data are presented for all three vane/blade spacings.

The experimental data is presented as a Nusselt number basedon a reference length as defined in the normal manner by thefollowing equation:


K f~TRef6Tf !; (1)

whereL is a reference length;L51 in ~0.0254 m! in this case.K fis the thermal conductivity of the fluid evaluated at the gage tem-perature (Tgage), andTRef is a reference temperature, taken as thestage inlet total temperature. The uncertainty in the experimentaldata is evaluated using the following formula:




Q D 2

1S DTf

TfD 2S 11



~16A!2 S DTRef

TRefD 2



which is a simple ‘‘error’’ propagation formula, with the muchsmaller terms eliminated from the equation. These yields a per-centage uncertainty in the Nusselt numbers as a function of themain independent variables used in the calculation.

Each experimental point presented in Figs. 3–10 is a valueaveraged over approximately 10 ms of test time~or about 1000data points!. Thus for this uncertainty analysis, the percentageuncertainty in each of the input variables is taken as the standarddeviation of that quantity divided by the average value of thatquantity over the time period, with the exception of the heat-fluxin which the standard measurement error~65 percent! is used.The uncertainty is taken as twice the value reported in Eq.~1!,which encompasses about 95 percent of the data spread~i.e., 62standard deviations!. Multiple runs were combined using aweighted average technique. In general, the uncertainty in theNusselt number is dominated by the uncertainty in the heat-fluxmeasurements.

For the purposes of the tip region data reduction, it would havebeen helpful to have had detailed gas temperature measurementsin the tip region of the blade. Temperature measurements wereobtained in the gas flow path just upstream of the vane inlet re-gion, but unfortunately, such measurements were not available forthe tip region. Thus, in the absence of tip region temperaturemeasurements, the Nusselt number data reported herein have beenreduced in the same manner as the midspan results. That is, theNusselt number is based on the midspan average gas temperatureahead of the inlet vane row.

A question related to the possible necessity for a correctionfactor for the button-type gages has been raised in the literature byKim et al. @25#, Eaton et al.@26#, and Mukerji et al.@27#. Thisquestion has arisen because of a potential ‘‘heat island effect.’’More recently, Zilles and Abhari@28# described the results of anexperimental investigation designed to determine the magnitudeof the ‘‘heat island effect’’ for Reynolds number and temperatureconditions consistent with the conditions experienced in thepresent experiments. A more complete discussion of this potential‘‘heat island’’ and the magnitude of such a correction for theexperimental conditions described herein is given in Dunn et al.@24#. It suffices here to note that for the purposes of the measure-ments presented in this paper, that the magnitude of the correctionthat would have to be applied to the tip region data presented isless than 2 percent, so the correction was ignored.

Figure 6 presents the cavity floor Nusselt number distributionfor all three vane/blade spacings. The highest value of Nusseltnumber occurs just aft of the leading edge lip~gage #HR 78! anddecreases from that location to the rear of the recess~gages #HR79 and #HR 80! for all three vane/blade spacings. This elevatedNusselt number near the leading edge of the cavity is consistentwith a flow separation and reattachment as a result of the lip.Observation of turbine flight hardware with recessed cavities will

Fig. 5 Time-averaged Nusselt number for rotor blade „50 per-cent span … versus vane Õblade spacing Fig. 6 Nusselt number on blade tip cavity

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generally show a cooling hole at very nearly the same physicallocation in the cavity. The reason for this is that the locationcorresponds closely with the top of the leading edge cooling tubefor which a relief hole is normally drilled at the tip location. Thusit is unlikely that experience would show blade distress at thislocation in spite of the very elevated heat load. At this most for-ward cavity floor location, the Nusselt number decreased withdecreasing vane/blade spacing, suggesting that the tip region vor-tex exiting the vane had a much stronger interaction with theblade cavity with increasing distance of vane/blade separation. Atthe mid and rear portions of the cavity floor, the Nusselt number ison the same order as the blade midspan value, as can be seen bycomparison with the data shown on Fig. 5. In an engine applica-tion, these values of Nusselt number are sufficiently large to re-quire that cooling air be supplied to the region.

Figure 7 presents the FFT plots for the three cavity heat-fluxgages with the peak amplitude plotted on the same scale so that arelative importance as a function of position can be observed. The

wake cutting frequency for this experimental condition for whichthe vane is operating at an exit Mach number'1.1 is about 5.8kHz. The heat-flux gage located at the front of the cavity floor justdownstream of the lip shows a strong signal at 5.8 kHz as illus-trated in Fig. 7~a!. However, the magnitude of the signal at thefundamental wake cutting frequency for the second cavity floorgage is very small as can be seen from Fig. 7~b!. Figure 7~c!illustrates that the magnitude of the first harmonic at the last gagelocation in the cavity is a little more than one half of the firstcavity gage and that the frequency has been shifted very slightlyhigher.

Figure 8 presents the Nusselt numbers for three lip gages~orrim!, two on the pressure side~gage #HR 73 and #HR 74! and oneon the suction side~gage #HR 77!, for all three vane/blade spac-ings ~see Fig. 3 for a photograph of the relative location of thesegages!. The peak value of Nusselt number occurred at the suctionside lip, and for all three vane/blade spacings the magnitude wasgreater than the blade stagnation point value. In addition, the

Fig. 7 FFT’s of heat-flux gage temperature data: 60 percentvane Õblade spacing

Fig. 8 Nusselt number on blade tip

Fig. 9 FFT’s of heat-flux gage temperature data: 60 percentvane Õblade spacing

Fig. 10 Nusselt number on blade platform

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larger values of Nusselt number were obtained for the close vane/blade spacings with decreasing values for the intermediate and farspacings. Although the pressure side lip values of Nusselt numberwere less than the suction side value, they were still significantlygreater than representative blade midspan values. The magnitudeof the Nusselt number for the suction side lip gage is significantlygreater than the pressure side lip values, but not quite as large asthe value corresponding to the first gauge of the cavity floor. Thepressure side lip gages illustrate Nusselt number values consistentwith the middle and aft portion of the cavity floor gages. How-ever, because of the limited instrumentation in the lip and cavityregions, it is difficult to make any further comparisons with thedetailed calculations of Ameri et al.@9#. However, Chyu et al.@12# and Ameri et al.@9# both reported results for which the heattransfer rate at the bottom of the cavity was higher than comparedto the rim values, which is consistent with the results found here.

Figure 9 presents FFT’s of these lip heat-flux gages with thepeak amplitude plotted on the same scale for all three gages sothat the relative importance as a function of position can be ob-served. The suction side lip gage shows a strong peak at the wakecutting frequency of 5.8 kHz. The pressure side lip gages alsoshow a peak at 5.8 kHz, but the magnitude of the peak is less thanone half of the suction side value.

Figure 10 presents the Nusselt number results for the four plat-form heat-flux gages for all three vane/blade spacings. Figure 4 isa photograph of the platform instrumentation installation showingthe relative location of the heat-flux gages. Gage #HR 95, whichis located near the blade trailing edge and much closer to thepressure surface than to the suction surface, illustrated the highestvalues of Nusselt number for all three spacings. The other threegages~#HR 92, #HR 93, and #HR 94! all produced Nusselt num-bers that are in excess of representative midspan values.

Figure 11 presents the FFT plots for three of the four platformgages, once again presented so that the magnitudes of the harmon-ics are on the same relative scale. The suction surface side gage at53 percent wetted distance does not illustrate a harmonic at thefundamental wake cutting frequency. However, the gage at 41.5percent wetted distance on the pressure surface and the gage at100 percent wetted distance on the suction side do show strongsignals at the 5.8 kHz wake cutting frequency.

Figure 12 presents the Nusselt number results for the heat-fluxmeasurements made on the suction side of the blade at 90 percentspan for all three vane/blade spacings. The two gages near the 50percent wetted distance location are relatively close to the suctionsurface lip gage, #HR 77~see Fig. 8!. The magnitude of the Nus-selt number at the 90 percent span location is not as large as thetip value, but it is a factor of two larger than the correspondingvalue at blade midspan. At greater values of wetted distance, theNusselt number is shown to decrease significantly, but the value isstill large, being approximately 25 percent greater than the mids-pan value. The Nusselt number results obtained for the close spac-ing were generally higher than the intermediate and far spacing.Figure 13 presents the FFT’s for the heat-flux gages located at the90 percent span location. At this particular location, the peak ofthe fundamental harmonic occur at 5.2 and 6 kHz instead of at theanticipated 5.8 kHz fundamental wake cutting frequency. It is notclear at this time why there is this observed shift in the harmonicfrequency.

Fig. 11 FFT’s of heat-flux gage temperature data: 60 percentvane Õblade

Fig. 12 Nusselt number on blade suction surface „90 percentspan …

Fig. 13 FFT’s of heat-flux gage temperature data: 60 percentvane Õblade

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4.0 Summary RemarksHeat-flux measurements have been presented for the tip region

of a rotating blade with a recessed tip for a full-stage rotatingturbine. Nusselt number values on the floor of the recess near theleading edge of the blade and on the suction side lip were found tobe in excess of the blade stagnation value. The peak value on thefloor of the recess occurred for the 60 percent spacing conditionand was shown to decrease with increasing distance along thecavity and with decreased spacing. On the suction side lip, theNusselt number results were of the same order for the 40 and 60percent spacings but decreased for the 20 percent spacing. Thehighest values of Nusselt number for the platform region occurredon the suction side of the blade at the trailing edge. The peakNusselt numbers at the 90 percent span location on the bladesuction side occurred near the 45 percent wetted distance pointand was of the same order as the blade stagnation point value. Forthe 55 percent wetted distances location at 90 percent span the 40and 60 percent spacing results were reasonably close to each otherwith the 20 percent result being significantly lower. However, at82 percent wetted distance the 20, 40, and 60 percent spacingresultswere relatively close to each other.

The FFT of the cavity floor heat-flux data showed significantamplitude at the wake cutting frequency for the position nearestthe leading edge~12 percent wetted distance!, little evidence ofwake cutting at 39.5 percent wetted distance, and a weak effectnear the end of the cavity. The FFT’s of the lip data had a strongpeak at wake cutting frequency for the suction side heat-flux gage,but a weak signal at the wake cutting frequency for the pressureside locations.

AcknowledgmentsThe research reported in this paper was funded under support of

NASA Grant No. NAG3-1999 and Grant No. NAG3-2157 entitled‘‘Unsteady Effects~Including Film Cooling! on High-PressureTurbine Design: An Analytical and Experimental Program.’’ Theauthors would like to thank NASA for permission to publish theseresults and Dr. Robert J. Boyle for serving as the technical moni-tor on this program. The support of Kestutis C. Civinskas through-out both of these grant activities is greatly appreciated.

The authors would also like to express their appreciation to Mr.Jeffrey Barton of The Ohio State University Gas Turbine Labora-tory for his dedicated help during the experimental phase of thisprogram.


kf 5 thermal conductivity of fluidL 5 unit length~meter!

Nu/L 5 q/kf(T02Tg)P0 5 total pressure

PRef 5 1.013105 Pa ~14.7 psia!Tg 5 thin-film temperature during evaluation intervalTw 5 wall temperatureT0 5 total temperature

wAu/d 5 flow functionu 5 T0 /Tref

Tref 5 294 K ~530°R!d 5 P0 /PRef

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R. W. Radomsky1

K. A. Thole

Mechanical Engineering Department,Virginia Polytechnic Institute

and State University,Blacksburg, VA 24060

High Free-Steam TurbulenceEffects on Endwall Heat Transferfor a Gas Turbine Stator VaneHigh free-stream turbulence along a gas turbine airfoil and strong secondary flows alongthe endwall have both been reported to increase convective heat transfer significantly.This study superimposes high free-stream turbulence on the naturally occurring second-ary flow vortices to determine the effects on the flowfield and the endwall convective heattransfer. Measured flowfield and heat transfer data were compared between low free-stream turbulence levels (0.6 percent) and combustor simulated turbulence levels (19.5percent) that were generated using an active grid. These experiments were conductedusing a scaled-up, first-stage stator vane geometry. Infrared thermography was used tomeasure surface temperatures on a constant heat flux plate placed on the endwall surface.Laser-Doppler Velocimetry (LDV) measurements were performed of all three componentsof the mean and fluctuating velocities of the leading edge horseshoe vortex. The resultsindicate that the mean flowfields for the leading edge horseshoe vortex were similarbetween the low and high free-stream turbulence cases. High turbulence levels in theleading edge–endwall juncture were attributed to a vortex unsteadiness for both the lowand high free-stream turbulence cases. While, in general, the high free-stream turbulenceincreased the endwall heat transfer, low augmentations were found to coincide with theregions having the most intense vortex motions.@S0889-504X~00!00704-2#

IntroductionAlong a turbine airfoil surface, elevated convective heat trans-

fer coefficients occur as a result of high turbulence levels exitinga combustor in a gas turbine engine. The platform of an airfoil~endwall!, a critical surface where durability can be an issue, alsohas high convective heat transfer levels with a complex footprint.The complexity occurs from the secondary flows that develop inthe form of vortices that sweep the platform surface. Both of theseeffects, high free-stream turbulence effects on airfoil heat transferand secondary flow effects on endwall heat transfer, have beendiscussed in the literature. What is missing from the literature isthe combined effects of combustor level free-stream turbulenceand secondary flows on endwall heat transfer.

Turbulence measurements taken at the exit of a variety of gasturbine combustors have shown that the levels can range between8 percent and 40 percent@1–3# with some indication that theintegral length scale scales with the diameter of the dilution holesin the combustor@4#. As these high levels progress through thedownstream turbine vane passage, there is a production of turbu-lence resulting in high turbulent kinetic energy levels at the exit ofthe passage@5#. The effect that these high turbulence levels haveon the airfoil itself is to increase the heat transfer significantlyalong the leading edge and pressure side surfaces as well as movethe transition location forward on the suction side surface.

The secondary flows previously mentioned take the form of aleading edge horseshoe vortex. This vortex splits into one leg thatwraps around the suction surface and another leg that wrapsaround the pressure surface, with the latter ultimately forming apassage vortex. As the flow progresses downstream, the flow isdominated by the passage vortex. Gaugler and Russell@6# identi-fied, through flow visualization and surface heat transfer, that highconvective heat transfer coefficients coincided with the most in-

tense vortex action. Kang and Thole@7# showed through flowfieldand heat transfer measurements that the peak heat transfer coin-cided with the downward legs of both the horseshoe vortex andpassage vortex. The downward leg of these vortices brings highspeed free-stream fluid toward the endwall and thins the boundarylayer to ultimately increase the local heat transfer coefficients. Asseen in several past endwall heat transfer studies@8–10# the peakheat transfer on the passage endwall sweeps from the pressureside of the airfoil to the suction side of the adjacent airfoil as thepassage vortex moves in that direction.

Although there have been a number of studies documentinghigh free-stream turbulence effects on airfoil heat transfer andthere have been a number of endwall flowfield and heat transferstudies, there are no studies documenting endwall heat transfer atcombustor level free-stream turbulence. The work presented inthis paper investigates the effect that high turbulence has on end-wall heat transfer. In particular, one of the regions having thehighest heat transfer is the leading edge–endwall juncture. Three-dimensional flowfield measurements were made in this junctureregion such that a comparison of the mean and turbulent flow-fields can be made between low and high free-stream turbulencecases.

Past StudiesOne of the only flowfield studies to address high free-stream

turbulence effects in an endwall region was that of Gregory-Smithand Cleak@11#. They were interested in determining the changesto the flowfield in a rotor blade cascade with a passive grid placedupstream. The passive grid generated an inlet turbulence level of 5percent. Their primary finding was that the mean flow was notsignificantly affected by the elevated turbulence level. They alsofound that there was a net increase of turbulence production as theflow progressed through the channel. They attributed this net in-crease to the production from the Reynolds shear stresses.

To the authors’ knowledge the only endwall heat transfer mea-surements at elevated turbulence levels reported in the open lit-erature are those of@12–14#. Spencer et al.@12# made endwallheat transfer measurements at an inlet free-stream turbulence levelof 9 percent but were not able to contrast that with a low free-

1Present address: United Technologies Research Center, 411 Silver Lane, EastHartford, CT 06108.

Contributed by the International Gas Turbine Institute and presented at the 45thInternational Gas Turbine and Aeroengine Congress and Exhibition, Munich, Ger-many, May 8–11, 2000. Manuscript received by the International Gas Turbine Insti-tute February 2000. Paper No. 2000-GT-201. Review Chair: D. Ballal.

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stream turbulence case since they did not acquire those data. Gielet al. @13# measured convective heat transfer coefficients for alinear rotor cascade with an inlet free-stream turbulence level of 7percent. Their results indicated, quite surprisingly, that elevatedturbulence levels actually decreased the endwall heat transfer lev-els in several regions along the endwall as compared to their lowturbulence level case. This effect, however, may have been due tothe fact that the turbulence grid caused a reduction to the inletboundary layer thickness for the elevated turbulence case. With athinner boundary layer, the endwall secondary flows are weaker,causing a reduction in the endwall heat transfer. This reductiondue to weaker secondary flows would compete with the high tur-bulence effects that are expected to increase the endwall heattransfer. Khalatov et al.@14# presented an analysis that indicatedthe augmentation of heat transfer due to high free-stream turbu-lence along the endwall continually increased as turbulence levelsincreased up to a turbulence level of 16 percent, beyond which theaugmentation leveled off. There were not enough details given intheir paper to determine the flow parameters for their experiments.

Endwall flowfield measurements under low free-stream turbu-lence conditions indicate extremely high turbulence levels in thecore of both the leading edge and passage vortices for an asym-metric airfoil as reported by Moore et al.@15#, Gregory-Smithet al. @16#, and Kang et al.@10#. The reported peak turbulencelevels, based on the inlet velocity, range from 25 to 29 percent inthe core of the vortex. Results from Devenport and Simpson@17#,who used a symmetric airfoil, and from Praisner et al.@18#, whoused a rectangular block, pointed out that it is improbable that thehigh turbulence levels in the core are purely a result of turbulentmixing. Devenport and Simpson@17# showed that the peak posi-tive turbulence production coincided with regions having highlybimodal flow as indicated by their streamwise velocity histo-grams. Based on the analyses, Devenport and Simpson attributedthe high turbulence to the large-scale unsteadiness rather than thefluid-wall generated shear layer.

From past studies, there is a clear need to investigate further theheat transfer characteristics of the endwall under high turbulencelevels. At this point, the data given in the literature are quitesparse for the effects of high free-stream turbulence on endwallheat transfer.

Experimental Design and MeasurementsThe construction and the development of the scaled-up turbine

stator vane and the test section have been previously documentedby a number of studies including Kang et al.@10#, Kang andThole @7#, and Radomsky and Thole@5#. The wind tunnel used inthis study is recirculating with a corner test section shown in Fig.1. A description of the vane is indicated in the attached table inFig. 1. While the inlet Reynolds number for the wind tunnel wasmatched to that of the engine, the inlet Mach number was notmatched~Ma50.017 for the wind tunnel case and Ma50.12 forthe engine case!. This test section contains a central turbine vanewith two adjacent vanes that have all been geometrically scaled upby a factor of nine to allow for highly resolved data acquisition.The outside adjacent vane was constructed by attaching a leadingedge to a plexiglass sidewall, allowing for optical access. Theplacement of this flexible wall exactly matches the surface of anadjacent vane. Beyond the point where the adjacent vane geom-etry stops, the flexible wall was positioned such that the centralvane matched a predicted pressure distribution. The computationalpredictions were made for two-dimensional, inviscid, periodicvanes at low-speed conditions. Pressure measurements on the cen-tral vane were made to insure that the flexible wall and stagnationpoint were correctly positioned.

An active grid turbulence generator, described in detail by Ra-domsky and Thole@5#, was used to generate the high turbulencelevels. The active grid consisted of vertical hollow square barswith jets injecting into the mainstream in both the upstream anddownstream directions. The bars were 1.27 cm square with the jet

holes having a diameter of 1.5 mm and vertically spaced 3.05 cmapart. These hollow bars were installed 88 bar widths upstream ofthe stator vane stagnation position or, in terms of vane coordi-nates, at 1.9 chords in front of the stagnation position. A com-pressed air supply fed a plenum that supplied each of the bars.The turbulence generated from this active grid was 19.5 percentmeasured at 0.33 chords upstream of the vane stagnation location.The integral length scale at 0.33 chords upstream wasLx /P50.12 and was uniform across the span to within 4 percent. Adetailed discussion of the inlet flow quality will be given later inthe paper.

Flowfield Measurements. The flowfield was measured for aplane at the endwall–vane juncture parallel with the incomingflow direction that intersects the stagnation location of the vane.This plane was chosen to compare with that previously reportedby Kang et al. @10# at low turbulence conditions. The two-component back-scatter fiber optic LDV system used in this studyconsisted ofa 5 W laser used in conjunction with a TSI model9201 Colorburst beam separator. Velocity data were processedusing TSI model IFA 755 Digital Burst Correlator controlled us-ing TSI’s FIND software. All three velocity components~U, V,and W! were measured with a two-component laser-Doppler ve-locimeter ~LDV ! positioned in two different orientations. A 750mm focusing lens with a beam expander was used on the end ofthe fiber optic probe to make measurements of the streamwise~U!and pitchwise (V) components through the top endwall; and thestreamwise~U! and spanwise~W! components through the side-wall. Coincident measurements were made through the sidewall toquantify the Reynolds shear stress,u8w8. The probe volumelength and diameter for the 750 mm lens with the beam expanderwere 0.85 mm and 72 microns. The data were corrected for ve-locity bias effects by applying residence time weighting.

Endwall Heat Transfer Measurements. The heat transferresults for the high free-stream turbulence conditions were mea-sured in the same facility as for the low free-stream turbulenceconditions@10#. These measurements were obtained with a con-

Fig. 1 Schematic of corner test section containing the statorvane cascade

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stant heat flux plate placed on the bottom endwall, as indicated bythe cross-hatched area in Fig. 1, surrounding the Styrofoam statorvane. The constant heat flux plate consisted of a 50-mm-thickcopper layer on top of a 75-mm-thick kapton layer in which 25-mm-thick inconel heating elements were embedded in a serpentinepattern. This heater was placed onto a 1.9-cm-thick wooden sur-face using double-sided tape. Just below the wood was a 2.54 cmthick R-5 extruded Styrofoam board. The total heating area for theplate was 0.549 m2 and the input power was adjusted to give aheat flux of 980 W/m2. The lateral conduction was estimated to beless than 1 percent within the averaging spot size for the infraredcamera. The top surface of the heater plate was painted blackgiving an emissivity of 0.94.

Surface temperature data was acquired using a calibrated infra-red camera~Inframetrics Model 760!. The camera was calibratedin situ using typeE ribbon thermocouples that were painted blackand placed on the heated surface. The calibration procedure wasperformed to obtain the correct plate emissivity and backgroundtemperature and insure a linear relationship between the infraredcamera measurements and the thermocouple reading over the re-quired operating temperature range. To perform these measure-ments, the top endwall was replaced with a plate having 13 view-ing ports in which an 11.43-cm-dia crystal fluoride window or,when not making measurements from that port, a lexan insertcould be placed. Each endwall temperature resulted from an av-erage of 16 images and, based on an uncertainty analysis, it wasdetermined that five of these 16 averaged images were enough toget a good average. Small positioning crosses were placed on theendwall to identify where each of the 13 images were relative tothe turbine vane. An in-house processing routine allowed the 13images to be assembled into one complete endwall temperaturedistribution. The infrared camera performed a spatial averagingover 0.37 cm and operated at its maximum viewing area of21.5 cm316 cm represented by 2553206 pixels.

The input heat flux was corrected for radiation losses, whichamounted to between 7–23 percent of the input power, and con-duction losses, which amounted to 1.7–3.5 percent of the inputpower. No correction was necessary regarding heat losses fromconduction to the turbine vane itself because the vane was con-structed using Styrofoam. Using the measured temperatures andthe remaining convective heat flux, the heat transfer coefficientswere computed and reported as Stanton numbers.

Uncertainty EstimatesThe partial derivative and sequential perturbation methods, de-

scribed by Moffat@19#, were used to estimate the uncertainties ofthe measured values. Uncertainties were calculated based on a 95percent confidence interval. For each velocity component 15,000data points were used to compute the mean and turbulence quan-tities whereas when coincidence data was acquired 20,000 datapoints were acquired. The estimate of bias and precision uncer-tainties for the mean velocities were 1 percent while the precisionof the rms velocities was 2.1 percent forurms, 1.7 percent for thev rms, and 3.2 percent forwrms. The precision uncertainties of theReynolds shear stress and correlation coefficient were 12.8 and13.4 percent. Note that these uncertainty estimates were made forthe near endwall region where the highest uncertainties arise. Theuncertainty in the Stanton number was 4.5 percent, which wasdetermined for the lowest measured temperature difference whichdominated the uncertainty.

Inlet Flow ConditionsThe inlet flow conditions for the high free-stream turbulence

case are the same as those previously reported by Radomsky andThole@5# and are repeated in Figs. 2~a! and 2~b! for completeness.These profiles were taken at the vane mid-span location at one-third chord upstream of the vane stagnation. Figure 2~a! showsmeasured inlet mean velocity profiles across the entire width ofthe wind tunnel for the low and high free-stream turbulence cases.

The computed profiles, also shown in Fig. 2~a!, are results from atwo-dimensional simulation using FLUENT@20# ~see@5# for de-tails!. These profiles reveal that the flow is already reacting to theupcoming vane and, more importantly, is quite periodic across thetwo airfoil pitches. It is also evident that the high free-streamturbulence generator is not affecting the mean flow conditionsgiven the fact that the high and low turbulence cases agree. Thevertical uniformity across the span of the airfoil indicate that themaximum deviation normalized by the average velocity was 1.6and 3.5 percent for the low and high turbulence cases. The mea-sured turbulence conditions at one-third chord upstream, revealedin Fig. 2~b!, indicate uniformity across the pitch and fairly isotro-pic conditions with the average spanwise rms (wrms) levels being91 percent of the average streamwise rms (urms) levels and 93percent of average cross-stream rms (v rms) levels. The maximumdeviation of the rms velocities across the span of the turbine vanewas 2.8 percent. The average turbulence level at this location is19.5 percent. The integral length scale, also shown in Fig. 2~b!, isnominally 12 percent of the vane pitch and is relatively uniformacross the pitch.

As previously discussed, the high free-stream turbulence wasgenerated using active bar grids with a bar width of 1.27 cm andlocated 88 bar widths~b! upstream of the vane. These bars ex-tended the entire span of the test section, meaning that the barswere also present in the developing endwall boundary layer. Toinsure that the bars did not create spanwise variations of theboundary layer, boundary layer measurements were made behind

Fig. 2 „a… Comparison of measured and predicted normalizedmean streamwise and pitchwise velocity profiles at one-thirdchord upstream of the vane stagnation; „b… normalized rms lev-els of all three velocity components and integral length scalemeasured at one-third chord upstream of the vane stagnationpoint

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a bar and in between two bars at one-third of a chord upstream ofthe airfoil. This location corresponds to 1.6 chords and 59 barwidths downstream of the bars. These boundary layer measure-ments are shown in Fig. 3~a! using free-stream parameters and inFig. 3~b! using inner wall scaling parameters. Comparison ofthese two profiles indicates no noticeable difference between thatmeasured behind the bar and in between bars. These results dem-onstrate the fact that the presence of the bars does not affect theendwall boundary layer development. Figures 3~a! and 3~b! alsoshows the boundary layers measured at the low free-stream turbu-lence conditions by Kang et al.@10#. Comparison of the low andhigh free-stream turbulence boundary layers shows the typical dif-ferences, such as the depressed wake, that would be expected fora boundary layer subjected to 20 percent free-stream turbulencelevels.

To minimize any boundary layer effects, it is desirable to matchthe boundary layer momentum Reynolds number between the lowand high free-stream turbulence cases. The momentum Reynoldsnumber for the two locations~behind the bar and in between thebars! are shown in Table 1 for the high turbulence cases and thelow turbulence case previously given by Kang et al.@10#. For thedata given by Kang et al.@10#, the boundary layer characteristicswere measured at one chord upstream of the vane, whereas for thehigh free-stream turbulence case the characteristics were mea-sured at one-third of a chord upstream. Based upon the boundarylayer virtual origin and turbulent boundary layer correlations, it isexpected that the momentum thickness Reynolds number would

be Reu53630 at one-third chord upstream relative to Reu53340 atone chord upstream for the low free-stream turbulence case. Thiswould result in a difference in momentum thickness Reynoldsnumber of 25 percent between the low and high free-stream tur-bulence cases. Using the standard correlations for turbulentboundary layer heat transfer, this difference in Reynolds numbershould result in a difference in Stanton numbers of 9.5 percent. Aswill be shown in the results, the augmentation due to high free-stream turbulence was much more than 9.5 percent.

Comparisons made to previously reported data for a boundarylayer affected by 20 percent free-stream turbulence levels are alsoshown in Figs. 3~b!, 4~a!, and 4~b!. The previously reported mea-surements of Thole and Bogard@21# had the same free-streamturbulence level, but were for a significantly lower momentumReynolds number of Reu5580 as compared with the presentstudy. There is good agreement in the scaling of the boundarylayers affected by the high free-stream turbulence and, as ex-pected, the profiles indicate a very depressed wake region.

Fig. 3 „a… Comparison of measured streamwise boundarylayer profiles at low and high free-stream turbulence levelsplotted in terms of free-stream parameters; „b… comparison ofmeasured streamwise boundary layer profiles at low and highfree-stream turbulence levels plotted in terms of inner wallscaling parameters

Table 1 Boundary layer characteristics for high and low tur-bulence cases

Fig. 4 „a… The rms levels of streamwise velocity fluctuations inthe boundary layer in terms of inner wall scaling parameters;„b… rms levels of spanwise velocity fluctuations in the boundarylayer in terms of inner wall scaling parameters

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Figures 4~a! and 4~b! show the streamwise and vertical fluctua-tions scaled in inner wall coordinates,urms

1 andwrms1 , for the tur-

bulent boundary layers affected by 20 percent turbulence. It isclear that the data for the behind and in between bars are verymuch the same. Also shown is good agreement with the datagiven by Thole and Bogard@21# for their 20 percent turbulencecases. The largest difference occurs for theurms

1 measurementsindicating values 13 percent higher than the data given by Tholeand Bogard@21#.

Flowfield Measurements at the Leading Edge EndwallJuncture at High Turbulence Levels

A comparison of the leading edge horseshoe vortices for lowand high free-stream turbulence cases shown in Figs. 5~a! and5~b!. Recall this measurement plane is parallel with the incomingflow direction and intersects the vane surface at the stagnationlocation. Superimposed on the velocity vectors~U and W! arecontours of the streamwise (U/U`) velocity. The primary differ-ence between the low and high free-stream turbulence cases is thatfor the high free-stream turbulence case the vortex is locatedslightly closer to the vane surface and there is more of a completeroll-up than for the low free-stream turbulence case. The heightsof the vortex core for the two cases are very similar with thelocation being in the near-wall region at approximatelyZ/S50.015. Having the vortex pushed closer to the vane for the highturbulence case may be explained by the fact that near the wall,the fluid velocity is faster for the high free-stream turbulence caseas compared with the low free-stream turbulence case, as shownin Fig. 3~a!. This is an affect of the high free-stream turbulence

flattening out the approaching boundary layer profile. This higherspeed fluid would tend to push the vortex closer to the vanesurface.

Figures 6~a!, 6~b!, and 6~c! depict the turbulence componentsfor the high free-stream turbulence case while Figs. 7~a! and 7~b!compare the normalized turbulent kinetic energy contours for lowand high free-stream turbulence cases. The high turbulence levelsaway from the endwall at the midspan agree well with the previ-ously reported measurements for the high free-stream turbulencecase@5#. Near the endwall, it is clear that the levels are signifi-cantly higher than those occurring near the midspan and arehigher than those previously reported by@10# for the low free-stream turbulence case. In comparing the relative peak contourlevels for the high free-stream turbulence case, theurms/U` andwrms/U` peak levels are much the same while the cross-streamvelocity fluctuations,v rms/U` , are somewhat lower. The profiles

Fig. 5 Leading edge horseshoe vortex with contours ofstreamwise velocity at: „a… TuÄ0.6 percent †10‡, and „b… TuÄ19.5 percent

Fig. 6 Contour levels of: „a… streamwise, „b… pitchwise, and „c…spanwise turbulence components at TuÄ19.5 percent

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also reveal that the locations of these peak values coincide closelywith the center of the vortex, with only the peak streamwise fluc-tuations occurring slightly upstream of the vortex center. If onecompares the level of streamwise fluctuation with those found in acanonical turbulent boundary layer where the peak level is lessthan 15 percent, it is evident that the fluctuations are much higherin the vortex region. These high levels are in agreement with thedata previously presented by Devenport and Simpson@17# whoalso reported very high levels in the vortex region. It appears thatan unsteady motion of the horseshoe vortex accounts for the in-creased turbulence measured near the horseshoe vortex.

The turbulent kinetic energy contours shown in Figs. 7~a! and7~b! for the low and high free-stream turbulence conditions indi-cate that the primary difference is higher turbulent kinetic energylevels occurring for the high turbulence case. Compared with thelow free-stream turbulence case, the peak turbulent kinetic energylevels are located closer to the vane surface. This is consistentwith the vortex center being closer to the vane surface.

Coincident velocity measurements were made for the stream-wise and spanwise velocity components for the high turbulencecase to give the Reynolds shear stress component,u8w8/U`

2 , andthe correlation coefficient,Ruw . The Reynolds shear stress con-tours given in Fig. 8~a! indicate low negative values approachingthe vane on the endwall. The peak shear stress value ofu8w8/U`

2 520.03 occurs on the front edge of the upturn of thehorseshoe vortex. On the downturn side of the vortex positiveshear stresses occur, but with much lower values than the negativepeak stress values. On the downturn side of the vortex in thevane-endwall juncture the positive stresses coincide with a nega-tive spanwise velocity gradient,]W/]Z, which is the largest tur-bulence production mechanism in this region.

The correlation coefficients in Fig. 8~b! indicate that the incom-

ing turbulence near the midspan is uncorrelated, as would be ex-pected for random turbulence. In the flow approaching the vanealong the endwall, the correlation coefficient,Ruw has peak mag-nitudes lower than those occurring for a turbulent boundary layerwith low free-stream turbulence, which would typically be a valueof Ruw520.4. These lower values~20.1! agree with those pre-viously reported for a turbulent boundary layer subjected to highfree-stream turbulence levels@21# and are a result of uncorrelatedfree-stream turbulence penetrating into the boundary layer. Mov-ing toward the vane, the turbulence becomes more correlated, asindicated by the high negative values. The negative values are aresult of the streamwise velocity moving away from the vane(2U) and upward away from the wall (1W) thereby givingnegatively correlated turbulence. Next to the vane surface alongthe endwall, positive values occur as higher speed streamwisefluid (1U) being brought down toward the endwall where theWcomponent is larger than the fluid transported there giving a(1W) and a positive correlation coefficient. Moving along theturbine vane span toward the endwall, the magnitude of theWcomponent increases, resulting in a change in the sign of the cor-relation coefficient.

To verify the unsteadiness of the horseshoe vortex, velocityprobability density functions were recorded for the low and highfree-stream turbulence cases. Figures 9~a, b! and 10~a, b! illustratethe probability density functions of the streamwise and spanwisevelocities. The measurements shown in these figures were at dif-ferent locations relative to the endwall (Z/S) for a given axialposition. The axial position was chosen to be slightly upstream ofthe center of the vortex for each of the respective flow cases. Theprobability density functions are reported for both the normalized

Fig. 7 Contour levels of normalized turbulent kinetic energyat: „a… TuÄ0.6 percent, and „b… TuÄ19.5 percent Fig. 8 Contour levels of: „a… normalized Reynolds shear

stress, and „b… correlation coefficients at high free-stream tur-bulence

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streamwise (U/U`) and spanwise (W/U`) velocity components.The probability density functions are defined by the following@22#:


N S k

b2aD (1)

whereNi is the number of times a particular velocity occurs in acertain bin size;N is the total number of data points;k is the widthof the bins; anda andb are the minimum and maximum range ofvelocities considered.

For the low free-stream turbulence case, shown in Fig. 9~a!, thePDF for the streamwise velocities indicate that at a position far-thest from the endwall (Z/S50.037) there is a Gaussian distribu-tion of the measured mean velocities. This Gaussian distribution iswhat one would expect for a random turbulent flow. Closer to-ward the endwall, particularly in the vortex center, the PDF curvesindicate that there are two distinct peaks with a shift in the relativeheights of the peaks. These two peaks indicate that the flow isoscillating, or rather unsteady, in the vortex region. The PDFcurves for the spanwise velocity components also show two dis-tinct peaks forZ/S50.022, 0.015, and 0.007, but return to just asingle peak at the position closest to the wall,Z/S50.002. Thespanwise component is distinctly different from the streamwise

velocity because of the suppression near the wall. This suppres-sion is also evident in the lower rms levels in the spanwise veloc-ity near the wall.

Figures 10~a! and 10~b! show PDF curves at the same verticalpositions but at an axial position closer to the vane, which corre-sponds to just upstream of the vortex center for the high free-stream turbulence case. For the streamwise velocities, there arestill two peaks evident, indicating an unsteady vortex. The spreadbetween the two peaks, however, is much closer for the highfree-stream turbulence case, as compared with the low free-streamturbulence case. This reduction in the spread between the twopeaks is due to the highly turbulent flow that is transported intothe vortex. The PDF curves for the spanwise velocity componentsdo not show strong evidence of bimodal flow. This may be ex-pected because, as was shown for the low free-stream turbulencecase, the bimodal peaks were much closer together for the span-wise velocity as compared with the streamwise velocity. The highfree-stream turbulence, which is Gaussian in nature, is transportedinto the vortex region through the downward flow, causing thePDF to appear less bimodal.

Fig. 9 Probability density functions of: „a… streamwise, and „b…spanwise velocity components in the leading edge horseshoevortex at a turbulence level of 0.6 percent

Fig. 10 Probability density functions of: „a… streamwise, and„b… spanwise velocity components in the leading edge horse-shoe vortex at a turbulence level of 19.5 percent

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Endwall Heat Transfer Measurements at High Turbu-lence Levels

Endwall surface heat transfer measurements were performed atthe high free-stream turbulence level of 20 percent. These heattransfer measurements were made for the flow characteristicslisted in Table 3 for the high and low turbulence cases, allowingdirect comparisons to determine the effects of high free-streamturbulence on endwall heat transfer. As stated previously, the dif-ference in momentum thickness Reynolds numbers between thetwo cases should result in a 9.5 percent augmentation between thelow and high turbulence cases.

The heat transfer results plotted in terms of a Stanton number,where Stanton number is based on the inlet velocity approachingthe test section, are given in Figs. 11~a! and 11~b!. Many similari-ties exist between the low and high free-stream turbulence cases.A region of high heat transfer is observed in front of the vanestagnation point as a result of the formation of the horseshoevortex. The strong downward flow, previously shown in the flow-field measurements, causes high heat transfer levels very near thevane endwall juncture. Moving into the passage, the heat transfercontours show that the peak Stanton number contours are beingswept near the suction surface. Farther into the vane passage, theStanton number contours become aligned parallel to the directionof flow. High Stanton number contours are observed near theflexible wall as a result of the passage vortex impinging on theendwall surface. Lower Stanton number values are observed nearthe suction surface of the stator vane where the passage vortex islifting the flow away from the endwall. As a result of the higherturbulence levels, higher values for the Stanton number are ob-served throughout the vane endwall. Near the trailing edge of thestator vane, however, the Stanton number levels are very similar,with only slightly higher values being seen for the higher turbu-lence level. This would suggest that in this region, the heat trans-fer is being dominated by the secondary flow effects rather thanhigh free-stream turbulence effects.

Figure 11~c! indicates the augmentation of the heat transfer dueto high free-stream turbulence. The augmentation is defined as theStanton number occurring at high free-stream turbulence~St! con-ditions divided by the Stanton number at low free-stream turbu-lence (St0) conditions. The augmentation was calculated by defin-ing a small region, averaging the Stanton number in that area forboth the low and high turbulence cases at a given location, andthen dividing the two quantities. The defined region was that of acircle with a radius equal to the averaging area of the infraredcamera.

Superimposed on the contours shown in Fig. 11~c! is the tra-jectory of the center of the passage and leading edge vorticesbased on the flowfield measurements reported by Kang and Thole@7# for the low free-stream turbulence case. Given the fact that theleading edge horseshoe vortex mean flowfield was close to thesame for both the low and high free-stream turbulence cases, it isreasonable to presume that the path of the passage vortex is muchthe same for the two cases. Figure 11~c! indicates the highestaugmentation occurs in the midpitch region at the start of thepassage. Moving into the passage the augmentation decreaseswith values around unity near the suction side surface indicatingessentially no augmentation due to high free-stream turbulence.Along the pressure side, higher augmentation values occur in heattransfer. These augmentations are consistent with the fact that thehighest augmentations due to high free-stream turbulence gener-ally occur along the pressure side of the airfoil itself. In compar-ing the path of the vortex with the augmentation footprint, it isclear that for a given axial location, the lowest augmentationsoccur in the regions with the most intense vortex action. Theselow contour levels can be tracked coming off the leading edge asthe leading edge horseshoe vortex develops into the passage vor-tex. The passage vortex then sweeps from the pressure side to thesuction side, which also coincides with much lower augmentationlevels. Clearly, these results indicate that the heat transfer in the

Fig. 11 Contours of Stanton number „StÃ105… on the vane endwall at: „a… TuÄ0.6 percent †10‡, and „b… TuÄ19.5 percent; „c…

contours of Stanton number augmentation „StÕSt0… as a result of free-stream turbulence at 19.5 percent

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region of the vortices~leading edge and passage! is dictated by thevortices rather than the elevated turbulence level augmentation.

Figure 12~a! presents the Stanton numbers and augmentationvalues approaching the stagnation location along a line parallel tothe incoming velocity vector~along the endwall for the stagnationflowfield measurements presented in this paper!. For the high free-stream turbulence levels, the Stanton numbers are relatively con-stant at the inlet to the test section. For a turbulent boundary layeron a flat plate subjected to 20 percent turbulence levels and adissipation length scale that is 25 percent of the vane pitch, onewould expect from flat plate correlations that there would be anaugmentation in Stanton number of 0.26 for a TLR parameter@23#of 0.033 @24#. This is in close agreement with the augmentationindicated in Fig. 12~a!.

Figure 12~a! indicates an increase in Stanton number is ob-served starting atuDxu/C50.2. At this location the flowfield isdecelerating in front of the horseshoe vortex that has formed nearthe endwall. The Stanton number continues to increase untiluDxu/C50.05 where it begins to level off. This location is veryclose to the location of the center of the horseshoe vortex. Com-parisons of the Stanton number distribution at the lower turbu-lence level shows lower heat transfer levels well upstream of thevane stagnation point. Closer to the vane surface, the Stantonnumbers for the low and high turbulence cases are closer. This isseen in the augmentation data, showing high augmentation levelsat 1.3 farthest from the vane, which then decrease to a minimumof 1.1 closer to the vane. This decrease again suggests that theheat transfer in this region is more a function of the horseshoevortex, which is similar for that of both high and low turbulencelevels, rather than the high levels of free-stream turbulence.

Figure 12~b! compares the heat transfer coefficients averagedover the pitch for a range of axial position. In addition, Fig. 12~b!illustrates good agreement between data taken in both passages

surrounding the central airfoil for the high free-stream turbulencecase. For most of the axial distance, the augmentation is relativelyconstant at 25 percent above the low free-stream turbulence case.Only near the end of the vane where the passage vortexdominates, beyondX/C of 0.38, is there a decrease in theaugmentation.

ConclusionsFlowfield results indicated a downstream shift of the leading

edge vortex for the high free-stream turbulence case relative to thelow free-stream turbulence case. This effect can be attributed tothe differences in the approaching boundary layers. The rms levelsof the velocity fluctuations increase with the added free-streamturbulence. High turbulence levels in the leading edge vortex canresult from wall-generated turbulence, momentum transport of thefree-stream turbulence into the vortex region, and an unsteadinessof the horseshoe vortex. As with previously reported literature, therms of the velocity fluctuations are much higher than those thatoccur for wall-generated turbulence alone. Supporting the fact thatthe high fluctuations occur as a result of an unsteadiness of thevortex were probability density functions of the streamwise andspanwise velocity components. The streamwise velocity compo-nent was bimodal in nature for both low and high free-streamturbulence cases rather than the typical Gaussian distribution thatoccurs for wall-generated turbulence. Although these bimodal dis-tributions occur for both the low and high free-stream turbulencecases, indicating an important unsteady contribution to the rmslevels, there was still a further increase in the rms levels for thehigh free-stream turbulence case. This increase for the high free-stream turbulence case is believed to be due to the momentumtransport of the highly turbulent free-stream into the vortexregion.

The endwall surface measurements revealed that there was anincrease in the endwall heat transfer due to high free-stream tur-bulence. The relative difference in augmentations on the endwallbetween the suction and pressure sides of the airfoil are consistentwith those reported along on the airfoil itself. The augmentationsdue to free-stream turbulence, however, were either small or non-existent in the leading edge region where the horseshoe vortex hasa dominating effect and near the suction side of the airfoil wherethe passage vortex has a dominating effect.

AcknowledgmentsThe authors would like to acknowledge the Department of En-

ergy Advanced Gas Turbine Systems Research Program withthanks going to Larry Golan for serving as the contract monitor.Partial support for this work also came from Pratt & Whitney withWilliam Kvasnak and Fred Soechting serving as contractmonitors.


b 5 bar widthC 5 true chord of stator vaneH 5 shape factorsd* /uk 5 turbulent kinetic energy51/2(urms

2 1v rms2 1wrms

2 )Ma 5 Mach number5U` /AkRT

P 5 vane pitchR 5 gas constant

Ruw 5 correlation coefficient5u8w8/urmswrmsRein 5 Reynolds number5CU` /nReu 5 Reynolds number5U`u/n

s 5 surface distance along vane measured from flowstagnation

S 5 span of stator vaneSt 5 Stanton number5h/rCpU`

U` 5 incident upstream velocityU, V, W 5 mean velocity in theX, Y, Z directions

Fig. 12 Comparison of TuÄ0.6 and 19.5 percent for: „a… Stan-ton numbers approaching the vane stagnation point, and „b…Stanton numbers that have been pitchwise averaged at a givenaxial location

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u8w8 5 Reynolds shear stressX, Y, Z 5 global coordinates defined from stagnation location

d99 5 boundary layer thicknessd* 5 displacement thickness

u 5 momentum thicknessk 5 ratio of specific heats

Lx 5 integral length scalen 5 viscosityr 5 density

tw 5 wall shear stress


avg 5 averagein 5 inlet

rms 5 root mean square


1 5 normalization using friction velocity, defined asAtw /r

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@5# Radomsky, Roger W., and Thole, Karen A., 2000, ‘‘Flowfield Measurementsfor a Highly Turbulent Flow in a Stator Vane Passage,’’ ASME J. Turbomach.,122, pp. 255–262.

@6# Gaugler, R. E., and Russell, L. M., 1984, ‘‘Comparison of Visualized TurbineEndwall Secondary Flows and Measured Heat Transfer Patterns,’’ ASME J.Eng. Gas Turbines Power,106, pp. 168–172.

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@13# Giel, P. W., Thurman, D. R., Van Fossen, G. J., Hippensteele, S. A., andBoyle, R. J., 1998, ‘‘Endwall Heat Transfer Measurements in a TransonicTurbine Cascade,’’ ASME J. Turbomach.,120, pp. 305–313.

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S. M. Guo

C. C. Lai

T. V. Jones

M. L. G. Oldfield

Department of Engineering Science,University of Oxford,

Oxford, England

G. D. LockDepartment of Mechanical Engineering,

University of Bath,Bath, England

A. J. RawlinsonRolls-Royce plc,

Derby, England

Influence of Surface Roughnesson Heat Transfer andEffectiveness for a Fully FilmCooled Nozzle Guide VaneMeasured by Wide BandLiquid Crystals and Direct HeatFlux GagesThe influence of surface roughness on heat transfer coefficient and cooling effectivenessfor a fully film cooled three-dimensional nozzle guide vane (NGV) has been measured ina transonic annular cascade using wide band liquid crystal and direct heat flux gages(DHFGs). The liquid crystal methods were used for rough surface measurements and theDHFGs were used for the smooth surfaces. The measurements have been made at enginerepresentative Mach and Reynolds numbers and inlet free-stream turbulence intensity.The aerodynamic and thermodynamic characteristics of the coolant flow have been mod-eled to represent engine conditions by using a heavy ‘‘foreign gas’’ (30.2 percent SF6 and69.8 percent Ar by weight). Two cooling geometries (cylindrical and fan-shaped holes)have been tested. The strategies of obtaining accurate heat transfer data using a varietyof transient heat transfer measurement techniques under the extreme conditions of tran-sonic flow and high heat transfer coefficient are presented. The surfaces of interest arecoated with wide-band thermochromic liquid crystals, which cover the range of NGVsurface temperature variation encountered in the test. The liquid crystal has a naturalpeak-to-peak roughness height of 25mm creating a transitionally rough surface on theNGV. The time variation of color is processed to give distributions of both heat transfercoefficient and film cooling effectiveness over the NGV surface. The NGV was first instru-mented with the DHFGs and smooth surface tests preformed. Subsequently the surfacewas coated with liquid crystals for the rough surface tests. The DHFGs were then em-ployed as the means of calibrating the liquid crystal layer. The roughness of 25mm,which is the typical order of roughness for the in-service turbine blades and vanes,increases the heat transfer coefficient by up to 50 percent over the smooth surface level.The film cooling effectiveness is influenced less by the roughness.@S0889-504X~00!00804-7#

1 IntroductionThe specific power output and level of efficiency of gas turbine

engines improves with increased turbine entry temperatures. Inthe modern aeroengine, such temperatures can exceed the metal-lurgical limit of blade materials. To achieve acceptable durability,both temperature levels and temperature gradients can be con-trolled in the engine components exposed to the hot gas stream byusing coolant that has been diverted, at a cost, from the enginecompressor. An efficient cooling system uses a minimum amountof coolant, and the optimization of such a system is one of theprimary goals of the engine designer.

There is a vast quantity of experimental and computationalwork on the topic of gas turbine film cooling, dating back to the1940s@1–3#. The main quantities of interest in film cooling ex-periments are the convective heat transfer coefficient~h! based onlocal adiabatic wall temperature and the film effectiveness~h!.The definition of cooling effectiveness used by the authors is:



whereTaw corresponds to the temperature of an isothermal wallthat is adiabatic at the local point of interest andTom ~the totaltemperature of the mainstream! is used in the denominator insteadof the more common recovery temperature,Tr @4#. The heat trans-fer coefficient is then defined byh5q/(Ts2Taw).

The cooling effectiveness and heat transfer coefficients are pri-marily a function of the following: cooling geometry~the anglesof inclination and orientation, the relative spacing of the coolantholes, the hole shape!; the state of the oncoming boundary layer;the free-stream turbulence intensity; the surface curvature; and theratios of the coolant-to-mainstream density, mass and momentumfluxes, specific heats, and the surface roughness. It is well knownthat the surfaces of the in-service vanes and blades are generallynot hydraulically smooth. Thermal barrier coating surfaces mayhave a peak-to-peak roughness of about 55mm, depending on themethod of deposition. This is reduced to 17mm when polished@5#. The corrosion of the vanes and blades and deposition of dust,sand, or other particulates in general adversely affects the profileloss of gas turbine vanes and rotor blades@6–8#. Taylor @9# mea-

Contributed by the International Gas Turbine Institute and presented at the 45thInternational Gas Turbine and Aeroengine Congress and Exhibition, Munich, Ger-many, May 8–11, 2000. Manuscript received by the International Gas Turbine Insti-tute February 2000. Paper No. 2000-GT-204. Review Chair: D. Ballal.

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sured a surface roughness of 10mm on a number of first-stageturbine blades from TF-39 and F-100 aero-engines. Abuaf andBunker@10# reported that a roughness of 2.33mm could increasethe heat transfer on the suction surface by 25 percent.

The nondimensional roughness Reynolds number is more im-portant than the actual roughness height. There are several textbooks, e.g.,@11#, describing the nondimensional roughness Rey-nolds number:



whereUt is shear velocity, which can be calculated using





Three regimes can be identified from experimental data interms of roughness Reynolds number, Rek : for Rek<5 the surfacecan be considered to be hydraulically smooth; for 5<Rek<70 thesurface is transitionally rough; and for Rek>70 the surface is con-sidered to be fully rough.

In basic terms, the three main influences of surface roughnessare as follows:~i! the point of onset of laminar–turbulent transi-tion advances upstream with increasing roughness;~ii ! the turbu-lent boundary layer skin friction increases with increasing rough-ness; and~iii ! the turbulent mean heat transfer increases withincreasing roughness. Hence surface roughness can have a detri-mental effect on the aerodynamics and thermal characteristics ofturbine blades and vanes. The performance of film cooling is alsoaffected by the surface roughness. Most studies concerning theinfluence of surface roughness on film cooling have been con-ducted using a flat-plate geometry@12,13# for one or two rows offilm cooling holes simulating only the low-speed region of vanesor blades. To the authors’ knowledge there are no published stud-ies on rough surface NGVs in a film cooled engine representativeenvironment.

This paper will demonstrate the strategies of applying a varietyof techniques to measure accurately the influence of surfaceroughness on NGV heat transfer coefficient and film cooling ef-fectiveness in a short-duration transonic annular cascade, whichcreates engine-representative conditions. Both perspex and alumi-num NGVs have been used. The aluminum NGV was employedfor the heat transfer coefficient measurements using combinedDHFG and liquid crystal; the perspex model was mainly used forthe measurement of adiabatic wall effectiveness.

The surface roughness was created by spraying the NGV withliquid crystals. Unpolished crystals have a maximum peak-to-peakroughness element size, measured using atally-surf machine, of25 mm @14#. This corresponds to about 17mm at engine scale.Only the two extremes of roughness were employed in the experi-

ments reported here: the surfaces sprayed with liquid crystals tocreate a roughened surface (l 525mm); or the surfaces coveredwith Direct Heat Flux Gages@15# or the thin film gages@16# tocreate hydraulically smooth (l ,1 mm) surfaces.

The roughness Reynolds number used here is based on thepeak-to-peak roughness height of 25mm, not the length dimen-sion used by Nikuradse@17#, and was calculated using Eqs.~2!and~3!. The roughness Reynolds number over the NGV surface atthe engine design condition is plotted in Fig. 1. The local shearvelocity was predicted by a boundary layer code without filmcooling. The only purpose in showing the figure here is to showthe trend of the nondimensional roughness height variation alongthe NGV. Figure 1 clearly indicates that the most of the NGV is inthe transitionally rough regime and that Rek increases from theleading edge toward the trailing edge. The roughness Reynoldsnumber with film cooling may differ from the non-film coolingcase because the cooling jets will alter the boundary layer, butthey are expected to be of similar order.

2 Experimental ApparatusThe measurements were conducted in the Oxford University

Cold Heat Transfer Tunnel~CHTT! in which the mainstream isrunning at ambient temperature and the test section is preheated toan elevated temperature. The test section of the tunnel is an an-nular cascade of 36 engine-representative NGVs at 1.4 timeslarger than engine scale. The test duration is typically 3 to 5seconds and a detailed description of this tunnel can be found inMartinez-Botas et al.@18#. The instrumented NGV and its fourimmediate neighbors are preheatedin situ before the test beginsinside a heat transfer cassette@16#. A unique shutter system in thecassette creates the boundary conditions for a ‘‘step-change’’ ingas temperature during the test. During operation, with flowthrough the cascade, the shutter opens in less than 100 ms.

The cooling configuration of the NGV under investigation con-sists of 14 rows with a total of 340 cooling holes. The holes arefed from two internal cavities, as illustrated in Fig. 2~a!. Thesecavities are independently supplied with coolant so as to maintainthe engine coolant-to-mainstream total pressure ratio. The forwardcavity supplies 12 of the 14 rows, a total of almost 300 coolingholes, positioned around the leading edge, the early regions of thepressure surface and suction surface. The rear cavity feeds tworows, a total of approximately 40 cooling holes, nearest the trail-ing edge on the pressure surface. Two film cooling geometrieshave been tested. The first was with all holes cylindrically shaped.The second was with rows 1–4 and 11–14 fanned~Fig. 2~a, b!!having holes with a cylindrical entry and a fan-shaped exit@19#.

Fig. 1 Roughness Reynolds number along NGV midspan

Fig. 2 „a… Midspan cross section of a CHTT NGV and film cool-ing geometry, illustrating row positions and two-cavity con-struction. Holes marked „F… are fan-shaped in the fan-shapedgeometry. „b… Close-up view of the fan-shaped holes.

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The experiments were designed to model the engine situationwhere the coolant is at a lower temperature, and hence moredense, than the mainstream flow. It has been demonstrated@20,21#that this density ratio can be simulated using a heavy, foreign gas.A mixture of SF6 ~30.2 percent by weight! and Ar ~69.8 percentby weight! is used here, which has the same ratio of specific heats(g51.4) but is 1.77 times more dense than air. By matchingthe total pressure ratio of coolant to mainstream, the velocityratio and density ratio can be made to correspond to engine con-ditions. Thus mass flux ratio and momentum flux ratio are alsoidentical. The coolant flow passes through the NGV cooling holeswith the shutters closed. Because the external heat transfer is thesubject of the study, the coolant temperature was set equal to theinitial temperature of the NGV to minimize internal heat transferwithin the film cooling holes. The surface temperature is moni-tored to ensure uniformity prior to the opening of the shutter.Table 1 compares operating conditions between the CHTT andengine.

3 Transient Heat Transfer Measurement TechniquesTransient methods have been used to determine the heat trans-

fer coefficient and effectiveness by measuring the transient re-sponse of surface temperature to a change in fluid temperature.Four different measurement techniques have been employed toobtain data of the best possible accuracy.

3.1 Smooth Surface Cooling Effectiveness and HTC Mea-surement Using TFG on Perspex. Thin film gages~TFGs!,working on an effectively semi-infinite substrate@16#, have beeninstrumented onto perspex NGVs. The TFGs are platinumtemperature sensors with a physical thickness less than 0.1mm.The details of the TFGs, the data analysis methods, and thecooling effectiveness and heat transfer coefficient data alongmidspan of the NGV have been presented in@16#. The heat trans-fer experiments presented in@16# were conducted with a hydrau-lically smooth surface. These data are compared with the datacollected here on a rough surface, and using new experimentaltechniques.

3.2 Smooth Surface HTC Measurement Using DHFG onAluminum. The newly developed Direct Heat Flux Gage~DHFG! @15# was employed to measure heat flux. The gage is

shown in Fig. 3~a!. A thin platinum film was sputtered on a flex-ible polyimide sheet~Upilex!, which was attached by adhesive tothe aluminum NGV. A thermocouple was mounted in the surfaceof the aluminum. The gages were 1 mm wide in the flow directionand 10 mm long in the spanwise direction and hence averagedover ;3 hole pitches, the same size as used in@16#. The thermo-couple was located as near as possible to the metal NGV surface.The high thermal conductivity of aluminum provides temperatureuniformity in the NGV. A total of eight DHFGs were instru-mented onto the NGV surfaces along the midspan streamline. TheDHFGs were on separate pieces of Upilex and infill pieces werealso installed to create a surface completely covered with Upilex,thus giving an aerodynamically smooth surface. Holes weredrilled through the Upilex to produce the film cooling geometries.Great care was taken to make certain the film cooling holes wereclear after the drilling was complete.

The thermal properties and dimensions for this type of DHFGare presented by@15#. The advantages of the DHFG include highaccuracy, high frequency response, and, most significantly, no re-quirement of the knowledge for the structure of the substrate,which is essential if the heat flux is to be deduced from the mea-sured top surface temperature alone in a transient heat transfertest.

The thin film gage and the thermocouple of the DHFGgive measurements of surface temperature on both sides of theUpilex plus glue layer. The combined Upilex plus glue layer istreated as one homogeneous layer because the thermal propertiesare similar@15#. The governing one-dimensional heat conductionequation


]x2 51




may be solved for the heat flux at the surface. HereT is thetemperature at a distancex from the surface at the timet; a is thediffusivity of the layer material defined in terms of the thermalconductivity, k, the density, r, and the specific heat,c, a5k/(rc).

The assumed initial condition was a uniform temperaturethroughout the NGV before the transient experiment began. Themethod described in@15# was used to obtain a solution~Eq. ~5!!for the surface heat transfer rate under the assumption that the topsurface temperature history was of the formA1t0.5 and the bottomsurface temperature history was of the formA2t0.5:

qs5ArckG~1.5!F A1S 112S erfcS 2l

2AatD 1erfcS 4l

2AatD 1erfcS 6l

2AatD 1 . . . D D

22A2S erfcS l

2AatD 1erfcS 3l

2AatD 1erfcS 5l

2AatD 1 . . . D G (5)

Fig. 3 „a… Schematic diagram of DHFG; „b… combined TLC andDHFG

Table 1 Engine Õtunnel comparison

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whereA1 andA2 are constants and erfc andG are the complemen-tary error and gamma function, respectively.

Any other type of top and bottom surface temperature historiesmay be written as the summation of a series of parabolicfunctions:


H~ t2tn!bn~ t2tn!0.5 (6)

In Eq. ~6!, bn is the slope of the nth parabolic function andH isthe Heaviside step function.H equals 1 and equals 0 fort,tn .

Eachbn in Eq. ~6! givesqns . The surface heat transfer rate willbe the sum of a series ofqns calculated using Eq.~5! but with atime shift. The surface heat flux is obtained by summation:

qs5( H~ t2tn!qns (7)

Oldfield and Jones@22# present a more advanced methodnamed Impulse Response Heat Transfer Signal Processing. TheOldfield and Jones@22# method gives the same results as Eq.~7!.Their impulse response technique has the advantage that impulseresponse based filters have only to be designed once~a slowerprocess! but once designed can be used repeatedly. This methodcan efficiently and quickly process the digitized temperature sig-nals from the DHFG, and has advantages over using Eq.~7!. Thistechnique was used for later data analysis.

A typical temperature history measurement from a DHFG isshown in Fig. 4 together with the total temperature of the main-stream. The tunnel begins operation at22.5 s, the coolant is in-troduced at21.2 s, the shutters open at 0 s, and the test ends at2.3 s. The temperature on the NGV surface (T2), up to the pointwhere the shutters are opened, is seen to remain constant at itsinitial value near 47°C and is not influenced significantly by theheated coolant or cold mainstream air passing through the 32 pas-sages outside the cassette. The total temperature of the main-stream (Tom) has two initial peaks associated with compressionheating of the gas upstream of the test section. The shutters areopened once this mainstream temperature has stabilized, and overthe 2.3 second course of the experiment this total temperaturedecreases by less than 1°C. The DHFG top surface temperature(T1) is observed to experience a rapid drop once the shutters haveopened and then to fall more gradually. The DHFG bottom sur-face temperature (T2) shows a much smoother trend. It is ob-served that the difference between the two temperatures is almostconstant after less than 0.5 seconds after the shutters have opened.These temperature traces are typical of a layered substrate with alow thermal product (rck) material~Upilex plus glue! at the topand a high thermal product material~aluminum! underneath. Be-cause of the high thermal product of the metal, the aluminumsurface temperature changes slowly. This generates a high heat

flux through the DHFG and makes the signal easily measurable.The surface heat flux was calculated using Eq.~5!–~7! or usingthe impulse response technique@22#. These calculations give theheat flux value immediately from the start of the flow over theNGVs. A much simpler method,



wherel is the DHFG thickness, can be employed to give a goodapproximate DC signal after less than 0.5 s from the shutter open-ing. The heat fluxes calculated using both methods are shown inFig. 5. The approximation provides good agreement after the heathas penetrated through the Upilex/glue layer, whose physicalthickness is 100mm.

3.3 Rough Surface Cooling Effectiveness MeasurementUsing TLC on Perspex. The application of thermochromic liq-uid crystals~TLC! to heat transfer experiments is described indetail by Ireland et al.@23#. TLC can be bought commercially inmicro-encapsulated form and in the work reported here are spray-painted onto the NGV, which has previously been spray-paintedblack to create a contrasting background for the TLC colorchanges. The crystals display color from blue to green to red asthe surface temperature cools from a temperature above the highthreshold level~or in reverse if the surface is heated from belowthe lower threshold temperature.! Above this upper threshold andbelow the lower threshold level, the TLC is clear. The thermalresponse of TLC has been measured to be of the order of 3 ms@24#. The TLC method has a great advantage over thin film gagesas it provides such temperature histories on the entire wetted sur-face visible to the camera. TLC is sprayed onto a perspex NGVand the semi-infinite thermal boundary condition is assumed foranalysis purposes.

The classical solution of the one-dimensional conduction equa-tion ~Eq. ~4!! is as follows@25#:





erfc~b! (9)

To observe the TLC color changes during the experiment, threeminiature CCD cameras were placed inside the tunnel. Two werelocated upstream to view the NGV pressure surface and leadingedge, and a third was located downstream and observed the suc-tion surface via a mirror mounted on a sting designed to minimizeaerodynamic disturbances. The head diameter of the cameras was17.4 mm and each body was 60 mm long. The upstream cameraswere positioned to avoid shedding a wake into the passage understudy. The lighting for the enclosure comes from inside the cas-cade employing a series of 50 W miniature Halogen lamps.

A PC based frame-grabber card system was used and was ca-pable of recording images at 25 frames per second for 5 seconds.

Fig. 4 Temperature history of DHFG and mainstream

Fig. 5 Heat flux calculated using accurate „Eqs. „5…–„7…… andapproximate „Eq. „8…… methods

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The color histories at any pixel location within view can then beextracted. The data were archived onto CD-ROMs.

Typical images of the NGV pressure surface, leading edge, andsuction surface, recorded with this system during an experiment,are shown in Figs. 6–8. These are single-frame images taken dur-ing the transient experiment recorded at 25 frames per second.The outer casing and inner hub have been identified in these fig-ures. Figure 6 shows the pressure surface although the trailingedge of the NGV is not visible in this view. The cooling footprintsdownstream of many of the film cooling holes are clearly visible.Close inspection of an enhanced image identifies areas where thecooling jets have separated from the surface and reattached furtherdownstream. The view from the camera monitoring the leadingedge ~Fig. 7! gives more detail in the shower-head region.Close-up lenses are available to gain more detail when required.The TLC color patterns on the suction surface are shown in Fig. 8from the downstream camera. The coolant trajectories are clearlyvisible and can be seen to be swept both downstream and towardsthe hub due to the radial pressure gradient in the annular cascade.Also visible in Fig. 8 are regions of low effectiveness~shown as adarker shade, the edges of which are marked by dashed lines! nearthe casing and hub endwalls. These are regions that are influencedby the secondary flows~distinct from the coolant flow! within theturbine passage which originate from the inlet boundary layer@26#and have been identified in the CHTT using oil and dye flowvisualization@27#. The radial pressure gradient also influences thesecondary flow and the extent of the region is greater at the casingthan at the hub.

The thermal response of the color signals from wide-band crys-tals are sensitive to both the lighting and camera viewing angles,which vary over the NGV surfaces. An accurate calibration was

only possible if it was conductedin situ and under identical light-ing conditions to those which would occur during the experiment.Such a calibration was performed by heating the NGV within theheat transfer cassette enclosure to a uniform temperature, moni-tored by thermocouples around the surface. The shutters were thenopened and the NGV surface cooled slowly. Images were re-corded and the liquid crystal color matched carefully to thesetemperatures. As the TLC response is sensitive to viewing angle,each pixel~or area of pixels! requires its own individual calibra-tion for the camera used. A calibration is performed before eachexperiment to eliminate any degradation of color response as thecrystals age. A typical calibration ofTs versus hue is shown inFig. 9.

Difficulties were experienced in acquiring a complete tempera-ture trace from the wide-band TLC under the high heat transfercoefficients~;1000 W/m2k! during the transient test for a numberof reasons. The most significant is that the available image acqui-sition system is limited to a sample rate of 25 frames per second.With a sample rate of 25 Hz, it is impossible to capture a clearliquid crystal image during the starting process when a large stepchange of heat transfer is encountered. The images captured inthat short period~typically 0.5s! were unclear due to the rapidcolor changes caused by the rapid change of temperature.

Without the complete surface temperature history, the tradi-tional method of calculating heat flux and plotting heat flux versussurface temperature to obtain the adiabatic temperature and theheat transfer coefficient@28# cannot be used. The data were ana-lyzed by fitting an analytical solution through the incomplete sur-face history. In this case the analytic solution of a step change ingas temperature was used@25#. The semi-infinite assumption isvalid because the test time~in the order of 3–5 seconds! is shortcompared with the time taken for the transient thermal response topenetrate through the thickness of the perspex model. Under a

Fig. 6 Pressure surface TLC image

Fig. 7 Leading edge TLC image

Fig. 8 Suction surface TLC image

Fig. 9 Calibration of wide band TLC

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step change of gas temperature, Eq.~9! describes the surface tem-perature response. The wide-band TLC yields the temperature his-tory and a regression analysis method is used to fit a curve of theform of Eq.~9! to the measured data. The heat transfer coefficientand adiabatic wall temperature and hence the film cooling effec-tiveness are then obtained. A typical temperature history obtainedusing the TLC on a perspex NGV is shown in Fig. 10. The initialtemperature is accurately known but the first short segment of thedata is missing for the reason explained before. The curve fitappropriate to a step-change response matched the data well.

The accuracy of the results was dominated by the quality of thestep change during the test. This has been assessed using theDHFGs described in section 3.2. The heat transfer coefficientsmeasured by the DHFGs for the worst area of step change isshown in Fig. 11. With film cooling of the surface, most of theNGV needed less than 0.1 seconds to reach a step change in heattransfer, as demonstrated by the level portion of the heat transfercoefficient curve. But a small region on the pressure surface ex-perienced a significant peak in heat transfer during the startingprocesses; see Fig. 11. This peak is believed to be caused by anunsteady interaction process between coolant and mainstreamflow. The authors have realized that the uncertainty can be large incertain regions of the NGV where the poor quality step changewas present. A set of numerical data was generated to simulate animperfect step change. These data featured an initial square peakof 150 percent in HTC lasting for 0.2 s in a 5 stest. This overes-timates the error because the initial peak in the actual test was nota square step. The authors found the heat transfer coefficientswere five times more sensitive to this initial peak than the effec-tiveness. The authors thus only attempted to obtain the adiabaticwall temperature using the curve-fitting method, which is mainlydetermined by the later portion of the surface temperature trace

and hence not sensitive to the initial portion of data. The heattransfer coefficients were instead obtained using the newly devel-oped combined liquid crystal and DHFG method.

3.4 Rough Surface HTC Measurement Using CombinedTLC and DHFG on Aluminum. The measurements of heattransfer coefficient were obtained using an aluminum NGV withthe combined use of liquid crystal and DHFGs. The DHFGs wereinstrumented onto the aluminum NGV prior to spraying the blackpaint and the liquid crystal layer~Fig. 3~b!!. The DHFGs wereused as temperature sensors to calibrate the liquid crystal in situfor the characterized curve of color versus temperature in a lowheat transfer~natural convection! procedure. The heat fluxes werecalculated using the approximate method of Eq.~8! taking thetemperature difference between liquid crystal and the thermo-couple from the latter portion of data where this difference isabout constant. Heat transfer coefficients were subsequently cal-culated from the heat flux, the measured cooling effectiveness,and the surface liquid crystal temperature.

To calculate the heat flux for all surfaces coated with liquidcrystal, the only remaining parameter needed is the ratio of ther-mal conductivity over thickness for the combined liquid crystaland DHFG layer. This was determined by equating the heat fluxmeasured by the DHFGs and the value of heat flux obtained fromthe temperature difference between the thermocouples and the liq-uid crystal. There is a total of eight DHFGs on the surfaces of theNGV and they each yields very similar ratio ofl /k for the liquidcrystal layer. The average equivalent thickness for the black paintplus liquid crystal layer was found to be 35mm by assuming thethermal conductivity of the combined black paint and liquid crys-tal layer to be 0.155 W/mK.

A typical temperature history obtained using the TLC on top ofa DHFG is shown in Fig. 12 together with the temperatures mea-sured by the DHFG on the aluminum NGV. These temperaturetraces are essentially parallel to each other, as expected, and thetemperature difference between the surface~measured by liquidcrystal! and the aluminum substrate~measured by the thermo-couples! is easily obtained. The heat flux is then calculated usingEq. ~8!.

4 Experimental Results and DiscussionThe film cooling effectiveness for cylindrical and fan-shaped

cooling configurations is plotted against the fraction of surfacedistance along the midspan streamline in Figs. 13 and 14 for bothsmooth and rough surfaces. The smooth surface data are takenfrom @16# and have been double-checked using DHFGs. The DH-FGs confirmed the data reported by@16#, with the exception oftwo measurement points on the pressure surface for the cylindricalcooling geometry. It is thought these two thin film gages weredamaged during testing and that the true calibration factor differedto the calibration factor measured prior the test. The rough cooling

Fig. 10 Temperature history from TLC and curve fit

Fig. 11 Heat transfer coefficient from a DHFG

Fig. 12 Temperatures of TLC and DHFG during a test

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effectiveness data were measured using liquid crystal on a perspexNGV. The liquid crystal measurements have been averaged overareas that cover the width between adjacent film cooling holes andthus give a spanwise average effectiveness in order to comparewith the smooth surface data taken by TFGs. The vertical lines inthese figures~and in the figures following! indicate the positionsof the film cooling holes. The effectiveness is seen to reach localpeaks immediately downstream of many of the film cooling rows.

Generally, the roughness does not greatly influence the mea-sured film cooling effectiveness. The exception is the rear of thepressure surface where the roughened effectiveness levels are not

observed to reach the peaks exhibited by the data from the smoothsurface. The smooth surface features high values of effectivenessimmediately downstream of the cooling hole exits, but the effec-tiveness subsequently decreases steeply further downstream. Thisindicates that the surface roughness helps to distribute the coolingflow retained in the boundary layer as it emerges from the coolingholes. The low ejection angle and the curvature of the pressuresurface prevent the coolant from ‘‘blowing off’’ into the main-stream. The better distributed coolant at the exit region of the holeremains in a near-wall layer and travels downstream to generatethe more level pattern of cooling effectiveness. Downstream ofthe last film cooling row on the suction surface, the effectivenessis seen to decrease toward the trailing edge.

The effect of surface roughness on heat transfer coefficientsaround the midspan is shown in Figs. 15 and 16 for the cylindricaland fan-shaped cooling geometries. The ejection of coolant intothe turbulent boundary layer generally increases the heat transfercoefficient relative to the case with no film cooling@16#. Somesignificant local increases in HTC in regions downstream of thecooling rows are observed as would be expected. On the earlypressure surface, because the velocity is small, the peak-to-peakroughness height of 25mm is still in the hydraulically smoothregion and the roughness is not expected to influence the heattransfer. At the rear of the pressure surface and on the suctionsurface, the high shear velocity pushes the 25mm peak-to-peakroughness into the transitionally rough regime~see Fig. 1!. Theheat transfer level in these regions is significantly higher for theroughened surface. The increase in heat transfer due to roughnessis more pronounced in the cylindrical hole geometry. This is be-cause the fanned hole acts as a diffuser and lowers the near wallvelocity, thus lowering the shear velocity. Although the peak-to-peak roughness height is the same for both cylindrical and fan-shaped cooling hole NGVs, the nondimensional roughness heightbased on the shear velocity is greater for the cylindrical holes.Consequently there is greater increase in heat transfer coefficientfor the cylindrical geometry compared with the smooth surfacevalue.

These data have been collected in an environment that closelymodels the engine, and benefits both the CFD code validation andthe engine designer.

5 ConclusionsStrategies have been developed to obtain accurate heat transfer

data to turbine nozzle guide vanes with roughened surfaces, usinga variety of transient measurement techniques. These techniquesinclude thin film gages on flexible plastic substrates, direct heatflux gages and wide-band thermochromic liquid crystals. Thetechniques have been combined to obtain data of the bestaccuracy.

Fig. 13 Influence of roughness on midspan film cooling effec-tiveness: cylindrical cooling holes

Fig. 14 Influence of roughness on midspan film cooling effec-tiveness: fan-shaped cooling holes

Fig. 15 Influence of roughness on midspan heat transfer co-efficient: cylindrical cooling holes

Fig. 16 Influence of roughness on midspan heat transfer co-efficient: fan-shaped cooling holes

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The cooling effectiveness is best achieved using wide-bandthermochromic liquid crystals applied to models made of lowthermal product material~such as perspex!, under a step-change influid temperature. The use of liquid crystal has the advantage thatinformation is available everywhere in view of the camera. Theliquid crystal was combined with direct heat flux gages to obtainthe most accurate measurements of heat transfer coefficient. Thecalibration and method of analysis for the liquid crystals andgages have been described.

These techniques have been used to measure heat transfer co-efficient and film cooling effectiveness in a transient blowdowntunnel under extreme conditions of transonic flow and high heattransfer coefficient (400,h,1600 W/m2 K). The test blade mod-els form an annular cascade of fully film cooled nozzle guidevanes from an in-service aeroengine. Both cylindrical and fan-shaped film-cooling geometries have been tested. Engine environ-ment is simulated using representative levels of Mach and Rey-nolds numbers, and a heavy foreign gas as coolant. The liquidcrystals feature a peak-to-peak surface roughness of 25mm, whichis typical of in-service turbines. Measurements have been con-ducted for both rough and hydraulically smooth surfaces.

The roughness is shown to increase the heat transfer coefficientsignificantly, particularly in regions near the rear of the pressureand suction surfaces where the nondimensional roughness Rey-nolds number reaches value as high as 40. The film cooling effec-tiveness is influenced less by the surface roughness. The differ-ences in heat transfer to the rough and smooth surfaces point to arequirement to conduct further research, including the effect ofroughness shape, height, and pattern.

AcknowledgmentsThis work was funded by Rolls Royce plc, the Defense Re-

search Agency, MoD and DTI. The authors are grateful for theassistance of Trevor Godfrey.


A 5 constantc 5 specific heat at constant pressure

cf 5 local friction coefficientd 5 roughness heighth 5 heat transfer coefficientk 5 thermal conductivityl 5 thickness of DHFG

Rek 5 roughness Reynolds numbert 5 time

T 5 temperatureUt 5 shear velocityU` 5 mainstream velocity

x 5 perpendicular distance into the substrateX 5 surface distance from leading edgea 5 thermal diffusivityb 5 dimensionless timeg 5 ratio of specific heatsh 5 film cooling effectivenessm 5 viscosityr 5 density


aw 5 adiabatic wallc 5 coolantI 5 initial

m 5 mainstreamo 5 totalr 5 recoverys 5 surface2 5 bottom surface1 5 top surface


CHTT 5 cold heat transfer tunnelDHFG 5 direct heat flux gage

HTC 5 heat transfer coefficientNGV 5 nozzle guide vaneTFG 5 thin film gageTLC 5 thermochromic liquid crystal

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@23# Ireland, P. T., Wang, Z. W., and Jones, T., V., 1993, ‘‘Liquid Crystal HeatTransfer Measurements,’’ von Karman Institute for Fluid Dynamics 1992–1993 Lecture Series.

@24# Ireland, P. T., and Jones, T. V., 1987, ‘‘The Response Time of a SurfaceThermometer Employing Encapsulated Thermochromic Liquid Crystals,’’ J.Phys. E,20, pp. 1195–1199.

@25# Schultz, D. L., and Jones, T. V., 1973, ‘‘Heat Transfer Measurements in Short-Duration Hypersonic Facilities,’’ AGARD AG-165.

@26# Sieverding, C. H., 1985, ‘‘Recent Progress in the Understanding of BasicAspects of Secondary Flows in Turbine Blade Passages,’’ ASME J. Eng. GasTurbines Power,107, pp. 248–257.

@27# Martinez-Botas, R. F., Lock, G. D., and Jones, T. V., 1995, ‘‘Heat TransferMeasurements in an Annular Cascade of Transonic Gas Turbine Blades Usingthe Transient Liquid Crystal Technique,’’ ASME J. Turbomach.,117, pp.425–431.

@28# Oldfield, M. L. G., Jones, T. V., and Schultz, D. L., 1978, ‘‘On-Line Computerfor Transient Turbine Cascade Instrumentation,’’ IEEE Trans. Aerosp. Elec-tron. Syst.,AES-14, p. 5.

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Gm. S. Azad

Je-Chin Han

Shuye Teng

Turbine Heat Transfer Laboratory,Department of Mechanical Engineering,

Texas A&M University,College Station, TX 77843-3123

Robert J. BoyleNASA Glenn Research Center,

Cleveland, OH 44135

Heat Transfer and PressureDistributions on a Gas TurbineBlade TipHeat transfer coefficient and static pressure distributions are experimentally investigatedon a gas turbine blade tip in a five-bladed stationary linear cascade. The blade is atwo-dimensional model of a first-stage gas turbine rotor blade with a blade tip profile ofa GE-E3 aircraft gas turbine engine rotor blade. The flow condition in the test cascadecorresponds to an overall pressure ratio of 1.32 and exit Reynolds number based on axialchord of 1.13106. The middle 3-blade has a variable tip gap clearance. All measure-ments are made at three different tip gap clearances of about 1, 1.5, and 2.5 percent ofthe blade span. Heat transfer measurements are also made at two different turbulenceintensity levels of 6.1 and 9.7 percent at the cascade inlet. Static pressure measurementsare made in the midspan and the near-tip regions as well as on the shroud surface,opposite the blade tip surface. Detailed heat transfer coefficient distributions on the planetip surface are measured using a transient liquid crystal technique. Results show variousregions of high and low heat transfer coefficient on the tip surface. Tip clearance has asignificant influence on local tip heat transfer coefficient distribution. Heat transfer coef-ficient also increases about 15–20 percent along the leakage flow path at higher turbu-lence intensity level of 9.7 over 6.1 percent.@S0889-504X~00!00404-9#

IntroductionA recent trend in modern gas turbine engines is to increase the

combustor outlet temperature to achieve higher thermal efficiencyand higher power output. This increase in temperature is detri-mental to the downstream first-stage turbine blades. Therefore, aproper combination of aerodynamics, heat transfer, and materialcapabilities is required to design a high-efficiency gas turbine en-gine. Many research efforts have been dedicated to developingefficient aerodynamics and cooling techniques for turbine airfoils.However, some critical regions still remain that require more fre-quent inspection and repair due to frequent breakdowns. Blade tipand near-tip regions fall into this category. Blade tip and near-tipregions are typically difficult to cool, and are subjected to poten-tial damage due to high thermal loads. Blade tips at high tempera-tures may also wear out due to hard rubs against the shroud.Unshrouded blades have a gap between the blade tip and theshroud surface, which is known as tip gap. Blade tip failure isprimarily caused by hot leakage flow through the tip gap. Theleakage flow accelerates due to a pressure difference between boththe pressure and suction sides of the blade, causing thin boundarylayers and high heat transfer rates. This tip leakage flow is unde-sirable because it chips away the pressure side tip corner frommidchord to trailing edge. As the blade tip is chipped away, the tipgap width increases, allowing more leakage flow through the tipgap and accelerating blade tip failure. It has been recognized thatthe blade tip geometry and subsequent tip leakage flows have asignificant effect on the aerodynamic efficiency of turbines. Theinfluence of blade tip clearance on turbine efficiency is so signifi-cant that designers have a strong desire to improve efficiency bydecreasing tip-to-shroud operating clearances, or by implementingmore effective tip leakage sealing mechanisms. Whatever the de-sign choice selected for a particular turbine blade tip, accurate anddetailed knowledge of the flow field and heat transfer on the tipand the near-tip region is important for an efficient balanced air-foil design. Reliable experimental data are also important to de-

velop and validate computational codes to predict blade metaltemperatures, and an efficient cooling system design.

The existing literature contains many experimental and numeri-cal investigations on flow field in and around turbine blade tipmodels. Studies by Bindon and Morphus@1# and Bindon@2# havecontributed to the general understanding of tip leakage flow pat-terns. Bindon concluded that the growth of a vortex, which formsas the flow separates on the pressure side wall and exits throughthe tip gap causing an increase in the secondary flow, results inlarge aerodynamic losses. Moore et al.@3# also contributed to theunderstanding of the flow field through tip gaps. Yaras and Sjo-lander@4# studied the effect of simulated rotation on tip leakageand found a significant reduction in the gap mass flow rate due torotation. Sjolander and Cao@5# studied the flow field in an ideal-ized turbine tip gap. They concluded that the flow separates fromthe pressure side tip corner and forms a well-organized chordwisevortex above the blade tip. The separation vortex induces a flowback toward the pressure corner, resulting in the formation of asecondary counterrotating vortex. Thus, the unexpected region ofattached flow near the pressure corner may have a reasonably highconvective heat transfer coefficient, in addition to the high wallshear stress. Kaiser and Bindon@6# investigated a quantitativeanalysis of the effects of tip clearance, tip geometry, and multiplestages on turbine stage efficiency in a rotating turbine rig environ-ment. Many other works studied the effect of tip clearances onleakage and efficiency loss prediction.

Turbine blade tip heat transfer is an important aspect that hasdrawn considerable attention from researchers in the past severalyears. The earliest study on blade tip heat transfer was done byMayle and Metzger@7#. They studied heat transfer in a simulatedtwo-dimensional rectangular tip with and without a rotatingshroud. They concluded that the effect of blade rotation could beneglected to assess blade tip heat transfer. The pressure-drivenflow through the tip gap~tip leakage! mainly influences the heattransfer. Metzger et al.@8# and Chyu et al.@9# studied heat trans-fer for both flat and grooved rectangular tip models. They incor-porated the effect of relative motion by introducing a movingshroud surface over the grooved tip model. They affirmed thatrelative motion had little effect on the average tip heat transfer,though some local effects were observed.

Contributed by the International Gas Turbine Institute and presented at the 45thInternational Gas Turbine and Aeroengine Congress and Exhibition, Munich, Ger-many, May 8–11, 2000. Manuscript received by the International Gas Turbine Insti-tute February 2000. Paper No. 2000-GT-194. Review Chair: D. Ballal.

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Experimental data on blade tip heat transfer in a cascade envi-ronment are limited in the open literature. Yang and Diller@10#reported local heat transfer coefficient on a turbine blade tipmodel with a recessed cavity in a stationary linear cascade. Basedon a single heat flux sensor, they found the convection coefficientsinsensitive of tip gap height. Metzger et al.@11# used several heatflux sensors and measured local tip heat fluxes on the flat tips attwo different tip gaps in a rotating turbine rig. Their study wasprimarily confined to the blade forward region. The most recentstudy on turbine blade tip heat transfer and flow in a linear cas-cade was carried out by Bunker et al.@12#. Their experimentalstudy investigated the detailed distribution of convective heattransfer coefficients on the first-stage blade tip surface for a ge-ometry typical of a large power generation turbine. This studyprovided a nearly full surface information on heat transfer coeffi-cients in a nonrotating cascade environment with appropriate pres-sure distribution on the blade tip and shroud model. They used athree-blade cascade; however, only the center blade~test blade!had a variable tip gap clearance. The test airfoil was modeled afterthe aerodynamic tip section of a large power generation turbine.They used a hue detection-based liquid crystal technique to obtaindetailed heat transfer coefficient distributions on the blade tip sur-face for flat, smooth tip surfaces, with both sharp and roundededges.

With the development of efficient numerical codes, some re-searchers carried out numerical investigations to predict blade tipheat transfer and flow field. Metzger et al.@11# provided a numeri-cal model to estimate tip and shroud heat transfer. Ameri andSteinthorsson@13,14# predicted rotor blade tip and shroud heattransfer for a SSME~Space Shuttle Main Engine! turbine. Ameriet al.@15# also predicted flow and heat transfer on the tip of a fullrotating GE-E3 first-stage rotor blade for both a smooth tip andrecessed tip. They found a separation vortex generated by theincoming flow separating off the inner edge of the pressure siderim and exiting near the trailing edge of the blade. For the heattransfer contours on the blade tip, they found a sharp entranceeffect on the pressure side of the tip surface, where the heat trans-fer rate reached a maximum due to flow reattachment. The heattransfer contours on the flat tip also showed that a low heat trans-fer region existed near the leading edge suction side. The heattransfer rate near the trailing edge was lower, and the suction sidehad a lower heat transfer rate than the pressure side. Ameri et al.@16# also predicted the effects of tip clearance and casing recesson heat transfer and stage efficiency for several squealer blade-tipgeometries. Most recently, Ameri and Bunker@17# performed acomputational study to investigate detailed heat transfer distribu-tions on blade tip surfaces for a large power generation turbine.They compared and validated their model with the experimentaldata of Bunker et al.@12# obtained for the same geometry. How-ever, there are very few experimental data available in the openliterature to compare and validate numerical models. Without re-liable experimental data, the numerical models could not be prop-erly employed in the design and analysis of blade tip heat transferand flow field.

This study will fulfill the need for additional heat transfer dataon a gas turbine blade tip. The test section used for this study is afive-bladed linear cascade, with the three middle blades having avariable tip gap. The tip profile used here represents a first stagerotor blade tip of a modern aircraft gas turbine engine~GE-E3!.Systematic pressure measurements in the near-tip region and onthe shroud surface, and heat transfer measurements on the blade-tip surface are done for a tip gap clearance of 1, 1.5, and 2.5percent of the blade span. Two inlet free-stream turbulence inten-sity levels are also considered. The effect of unsteady wakes,shock waves, and blade rotation, which may be important in realoperating condition, is not considered in this study. This studyprovides a complete experimental pressure and heat transfer dataon a gas turbine blade tip profile~GE-E3!, whose profile geometryis open to the public domain. These data are presented in a stan-

dard format with standardized boundary conditions that could alsobe used by numerical people in the gas turbine community.

Experimental SetupThe experimental setup is a stationary blow down facility with

a five-bladed linear cascade. Air from a compressor enters a stor-age tank at about 280 psig. Then the air enters a high flow pneu-matic control valve through a pneumatic ball valve. A controller,regulating the flow rate in downstream of the control valve, is setmanually for the desired pressure. The controller gets feedback ofthe downstream pressure through a pressure line connected to thecontroller. The controller is capable of maintaining a steadydownstream velocity within63 percent of the desired set value.Downstream from the control valve, the test loop consists of a5-m-long circular duct with a 10.16 cm inside diameter and a 3.1m long rectangular duct of 31.1312.2 cm. A symmetric taperedsection connects the two ducts. A bypass flow path containing arupture disk is also connected to the main flow circular duct tosafeguard the test section against over-pressure.

The blade cascade is connected at the end of the rectangularduct. A small gap is maintained at the junction of the blade cas-cade and the rectangular duct to trip the boundary layer. Thislocation for the boundary layer trip is 26.7 cm away from thecenter blade leading edge. A turbulence-generating grid of 57 per-cent porosity is also placed at this location to generate high tur-bulence for the test cases. The turbulence grid is composed of12.25-mm-wide square bars with 33.02327.94 mm opening be-tween bars. Hot-film anemometry measurements, using a TSIIFA-100 unit, show that the free-stream turbulence intensity levelat a distance of 6 cm upstream from the test-blade leading edge is6.1 percent without the turbulence grid and 9.7 percent with theturbulence grid. The turbulence length scale was estimated to be1.5 cm for the 9.7 percent turbulence case, which is slightly largerthan the grid size.

The test section is a five-bladed linear cascade with 4-flow pas-sages as shown in Fig. 1. The two far-end blades work as guidevanes, and the outside wall and the center blade work as a test

Fig. 1 Test section with five-bladed cascade

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blade. The cascade inlet dimensions are 31.1 cm wide and 12.2cm high ~span!. Each blade has a 12.2 cm span and a 8.61 cmaxial chord length. This dimension is three times~33! the dimen-sions of a GE-E3 blade profile. The blades are made of aluminumand are EDM machine finished. The test section’s top, bottom,and sides are made of 1.27-cm-thick clear Polycarbonate~Lexan!;however, a 1.2-cm-thick clear acrylic replaces the top cover plate~shroud! for heat transfer tests, to facilitate the best optical accessto the test blade~center blade!. Two separate but identical bladesare used for both the pressure and heat transfer measurements.

Figure 2 represents the blade tip configuration in the cascade.Each blade has a constant cross section for the entire span andrepresents the tip section of an aerodynamic turbine blade. Theblade leading edge pitch is 9.15 cm and the axial chord length is8.61 cm. The throat diameter at the point of minimum distancebetween two blades is 4.01 cm, which, with a span of 12.2 cm,gives a throat aspect ratio of about 3. The inlet flow angle to thetest blade is 32.01 deg and the exit angle is 65.7 deg, giving a totalturning of 97.71 deg. A variable tip gap~C! is maintained betweenboth the tip and shroud surfaces as shown in Fig. 2. The tip gapsused for this study are 1.31 mm, 1.97 mm, and 3.29 mm, whichcorrespond to about 1, 1.5, and 2.5 percent of the blade span~12.2cm!. Hard rubber gaskets of desired thickness are placed on top ofthe sidewalls, the trailing edge tailboards, and the two outer guideblades to create tip gaps of desired height.

Figure 3 shows the pressure tap blade configuration, which ismade of aluminum with a set of pressure taps. Each pressure taptubing has an outer and inner diameter of 1.65 mm and 1.35 mm,respectively. The tap holes are located in the midspan~50 percentof blade height! of the blade, at a height of 80, 90, and 97 percentof the span as measured from the base of the blade. The pressuretaps are placed on both the pressure and suction surfaces. Pressuretaps are also placed on the shroud surface, as shown in Fig. 3, tomeasure the pressure distribution on the shroud surface, which isa representative of the tip surface pressure. A total of 52 pressuretaps measure the shroud surface pressure. One set of pressure tapsis located around the tip perimeter and along the mean camberline, and a second set of taps is located 12.52 mm outside the tipedge. All these pressure taps are located on the shroud surface

opposite the tip surface. No pressure taps are placed on the tipsurface. These pressure distributions are useful in estimating thetip leakage flow.

The heat transfer blade, as shown in Fig. 4, is designed with aspecific feature. The lower portion of the blade is made of alumi-num for structural rigidity against the aerodynamic forces presentduring the tests. The upper portion of the blade has an inner alu-minum core and an outer shell made of black polycarbonate witha low value of thermal conductivity for transient liquid crystaltest. The base thickness of the polycarbonate shell is 6.35 mm andthe wall thickness is 3.175 mm. It is closely fitted with the inneraluminum core. The shell is also glued to the inner core throughthe rim contact surface for better rigidity. Three cartridge heatersare embedded into the inner core. The cartridge heater providesheating to the aluminum core, which in turn, heats the outer poly-carbonate shell. The blade is fastened to the bottom endwall withscrews.

The usual operating condition for this cascade is set at an inlettotal pressure of 143 kPa, an exit average static pressure of 108.3kPa, which gives an overall blade pressure ratio of 1.32. The massflow rate~up to 60 s! through the cascade is about 5.9 kg/s. Dur-ing the blow-down test, the inlet air velocity is kept at about 85

Fig. 2 Blade tip and shroud definition

Fig. 3 Pressure tap locations on blade and shroud

Fig. 4 Heat transfer blade

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m/s; the exit air velocity at 199 m/s, and the corresponding Rey-nolds number of 1.13106 based on axial chord length and exitflow velocity. The corresponding Mach numbers at the inlet andexit are 0.25 and 0.59, respectively.

Flow Condition in the Cascade and Pressure Measure-ment

To check the flow condition in the cascade, the blades next tothe suction and pressure sides of the center~test! blade are instru-mented with pressure taps with static pressure holes at midspan ofthe blades~as shown in Fig. 1!. The suction surface of the inner-side blade has six pressure taps and the pressure surface of theouter-side blade has five pressure taps, each at 50 percent heightof blade span. Pressure taps are also instrumented at 13 locationsat the inlet and 11 locations at the exit plane, as shown in Fig. 1.These inlet and exit plane taps are located at a distance of 25percent of the blade span upstream from the blade leading edge,and downstream from the blade trailing edge, respectively. Thecascade has adjustable trailing edge tailboards. A thinner, adjust-able guide plate is also placed near the inlet between the passageof the two interior blades in the shorter flow passage side, asshown in Fig. 1. This guide plate and the adjustable tailboardshelp provide an identical flow through the pressure and suctionside passages of the test blade. With no adjustment, a substantiallygreater percentage of the total flow would go through the shorterflow passage. The guide plate is rounded on the leading side andtapered and rounded on the trailing side to minimize flow distur-bances. A final position for both the adjustable guide plate andtrailing edge tailboards is selected after many variations have beentried.

The inlet and exit flow pattern is represented by the coefficientof pressure (Cp). The coefficient of pressure is defined as:



Here,Pavg is the average static pressure as measured by the inlet~or exit! plane pressure taps,Pt is the total inlet pressure, andP isthe local static pressures as measured by the inlet~or exit! pres-sure taps. ThisCp actually represents a nondimensional velocityfield, which is important when quickly reviewing the velocity fieldpattern. Figure 5~a! represents theCp at the cascade inlet and theexit plane. The axial distance is measured from the outermost taplocation toward the innermost tap~cascade outer and inner side-walls are labeled in Fig. 1!. Figure 5~b! shows pressure distribu-tions at a 50 percent height of the blade span on the center bladeand the two nearby blades. The local axial positions are normal-ized by the axial chord length. The multiple data points representthe variation in repeated tests. The result shows that the flowpatterns in the two passages are almost identical.

Static pressure measurements are also made at 80, 90, and 97percent height of the blade span on both the P/S and S/S, and alsoon the shroud surface opposite the blade tip surface. A total of 52pressure taps measured the shroud surface pressure. One set ofpressure taps is located around the tip perimeter and along themean camber line, while a second set of taps is located 12.52 mmoutside the tip edge. All these pressure taps are located on theshroud surface opposite the tip surface. Pressures are recordedwith a 48-channel Scanivalve System coupled with LabView 5.0software. LabView discarded all data that fell outside the initialmean61.5 standard deviation. It then recorded the mean value ofthe screened data. The computer steps through each tap and mea-sures the local static pressure on the blade suction and pressuresurfaces, and the shroud. Every pressure measurement is repeatedat least three times to reduce operating uncertainty and to verifythe repeatability of the data. The blow-down facility is capable ofgiving a required flow for about one minute. The control valveand controller are capable of providing a steady flow condition~the velocity variation is within63 percent! in this one minute

time period. Figure 6 shows the ratio of the total to local staticpressure distributions on the P/S and the S/S at different bladespan heights for 1.97 mm~1.5 percent of the span! tip gap andinlet Tu56.1 percent only. The ratio of pressure distribution(Pt /P) is presented as a function of normalized axial distance(X/Cx). A higher value ofPt /P corresponds to a lower staticpressure, while a lower value corresponds to a higher static pres-

Fig. 5 „a… Coefficient of pressure at inlet and exit plane; „b…pressure distribution at midspan on test blade and two nearbyblades

Fig. 6 Pressure distributions from midspan to near-tip loca-tions for 1.5 percent tip gap at TuÄ6.1 percent

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sure. The static pressure difference between the P/S and the S/S isthe main driving force for the leakage flow. Figure 6 clearlyshows that the maximum static pressure difference occurs at adistance of 20–30 percent of the axial chord from the leadingedge at 50 percent of the blade span. This location of maximumpressure difference has shifted toward the TE at 97 percent of theblade span, and the maximum static pressure difference occurs atabout 50 percent of the axial chord from the LE. This shift is dueto the leakage flow through the tip gap.

Figure 7 shows the total pressure to local static pressure ratio(Pt /P) contours on the shroud surface for three different tip gapsat Tu56.1 percent. This contour plot helps explain the heat trans-fer results on the tip surface. The small circles on the contourplots represent the pressure tap locations relative to the tip, whilethe bold line indicates the tip dimension. A smallerPt /P valuemeans higher static pressure, while a larger value means a lowerstatic pressure. This pressure ratio distribution clearly demon-strates the tip leakage flow path. The lowerPt /P value on the P/SLE indicates that the leakage flow enters the tip gap at this loca-tion, while the higherPt/P value on the S/S indicates that theleakage flow exits the tip through this location. In this flow path,a separation vortex generates as the incoming flow separates offthe inner edge of the P/S rim and exits near the S/S TE of theblade. Sjolander and Cao@5# observed this separation vortex and

Ameri et al. @15# also predicted this phenomenon. Due to thisseparation vortex, the heat transfer rate increases in this region asseen in the heat transfer results.

Figure 7 also shows that as the tip gap decreases, thePt /P ratioincreases slightly toward the LE S/S, resulting in a change in theleakage flow path direction. This means that the tip leakage flowpath direction is shifting towards the LE S/S at a lower tip gap.This happens because, at lower tip gap, the leakage flow has asmaller gap to flow through, over the boundary layer that developsat the P/S and grows toward the S/S. Thus, the leakage flow has toovercome higher resistance compared to a higher tip gap situation.As a result, it shifts the flow direction toward a shorter path. Thiseffect is reflected in the heat transfer results. Pressure measure-ments are not made on the blade tip surface. However, Bunkeret al. @12# showed that the pressure distribution trends are verysimilar at both the blade tip and shroud surfaces.

Heat Transfer Measurement and ResultsHeat transfer measurement is made at a preset flow condition at

which the pressure measurement is done. A threshold intensitymethod of transient liquid crystal technique is used. The liquidcrystals in this study are wide band 30 to 35°C crystals made byHallcrest~R30C5W!. The blade tip surface is initially coated witha thin layer of thermochromic liquid crystals, and the blade isfastened in the test cascade. The cartridge heaters are turned onfor three hours. The cartridge heaters heat the inner aluminumcore of the test blade and the aluminum core, in turn, heats thepolycarbonate shell to a desired steady initial temperature of about60°C. The initial tip surface temperature is measured using 22thermocouples placed on the blade tip surface at different discretelocations. Two thermocouples are also placed on the suction andpressure side near-tip region toward the trailing edge. These twothermocouples work as a reference to check the initial tip surfacetemperature during the heat transfer test. This process of heatingthe blade and measuring the initial temperature is repeated severaltimes before the final heat transfer test to ensure repeatability ofthe recorded initial temperature. The initial temperature is veryuniform ~within 2°C! throughout the tip surface, except near thetrailing edge region. These temperatures are then interpolated toget an initial temperature map on the whole surface.

The thermocouples from the tip surface are removed, the bladeis then washed and re-sprayed with liquid crystals. The blade isput back in the cascade and the cartridge heaters are turned on forthree hours. A region of interest~ROI! is selected and the blow-down test is then carried out. This region of interest~ROI! is thedata collection region. The image processing system captures theliquid crystal color change time from green to the onset of redduring the blow down test. The image system requires a back-ground intensity correction based upon the lighting conditions onthe ROI. This is called threshold, which ensures that all the pointsin the ROI are at a lower intensity than the real green-to-redtransition intensity caused by liquid crystal color change. The sys-tem is ready for the blow-down test once the lighting, threshold,and initial temperature are set. Only one test is done per day in acontrolled environment~test cell doors are closed and the roomtemperature is controlled!. The reference thermocouples check theinitial surface temperature during a heat transfer test. Precise co-ordination of the image processing system and the flow is critical,since the heat transfer experiments are performed at transient con-ditions. Thermocouples placed at the cascade inlet provide thefree-stream temperature, which is about 24°C. The blade surfacecolor change is monitored using an image processing system. Theimage processing system consists of a high-resolution RGB colorCCD camera, a high-speed PC with a 24-bit true color framegrabber board~from Imaging Technology!, and a Color VideoMonitor with RGB inputs. The camera captures real-time imagesthrough Optimas 3.0, an image processing software. The samesoftware translates the captured image into a data file. The testduration is small enough~;10–30 s! to consider a semi-infinite

Fig. 7 Pressure ratio distribution „Pt ÕP… on shroud surface

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solid assumption. The local heat transfer coefficient on the bladetip surface is then calculated, assuming a one-dimensional tran-sient conduction into a semi-infinite solid surface with a convec-tive boundary condition using the following equation:


T`2Ti512expS h2at

k2 DerfcS hAat

k D .

Here, Tw ~30°C!, Ti ~60°C!, T} ~24°C!, t ~;10–30 s!,k (0.18 W/m K), anda are known. The local heat transfer coeffi-cient at any location can then be calculated from the equationgiven above. The experimental uncertainty is measured using themethods of Kline and McClintock@18#. The uncertainty of thelocal heat transfer coefficient measured by this method is esti-mated to be67.9 percent or less. The uncertainty estimation doesnot include the effect of two-dimensionality near the edges. Notethat the acrylic blade material~polycarbonate! has a very lowthermal conductivity of 0.18 W/m K. The liquid crystal colorchange transition occurs at the surface, which is kept at a uniforminitial temperature. Test duration is also smaller~;10–30 s! thanthe time required for the temperature to penetrate the full thick-ness of the insulating acrylic material. Thus, a one-dimensionaltransient, semi-infinite solid assumption is valid throughout thesurface, except near the tip edges. Due to this one-dimensionalassumption, the results at the tip edges are less reliable, and maysuffer more uncertainty than the reported value because of theexisting two-dimensional conduction effect.

The heat transfer coefficient measurements are done for thethree cases of tip gaps and at the two different turbulence intensitylevels. Figure 8~b! shows the tip local heat transfer contour plotsfor a tip clearance gap of 1.97 mm~1.5 percent of the blade span!and an inlet free-stream turbulence intensity level of 6.1 percent.This is a typical heat transfer coefficient distribution contour plotfor each case tested here. The distribution clearly shows variousregions of low and high heat transfer coefficient on the tip surface.The magnitude of the heat transfer coefficient varies from 500 to1700 W/m2 K on the tip surface. A surprisingly important findingis the development of a low heat transfer region near the LE andtoward the S/S.

The pressure ratio (Pt /P) distributions on the shroud surface~Fig. 7! show that this low heat transfer region corresponds to thelowest convective velocity due to a lower static pressure differ-ence~DP! between the pressure and the suction sides. A gradual

increase in the heat transfer coefficient is observed surroundingthe low heat transfer region. The tip leakage flow originates fromthe pressure side near the leading edge and exits through the suc-tion side, away from the leading edge, as seen in Fig. 7. Thisregion of maximum tip leakage flow corresponds to a high heattransfer coefficient, as seen in Fig. 8~b!. This means that thehigher heat transfer coefficient is observed along the tip leakageflow path. The heat transfer coefficient along this tip leakage flowpath is higher toward the pressure side than the suction side. Thishappens because of the flow entrance effect. The leakage flowenters through the pressure side and exits through the suction side.A separation vortex generates at the pressure side as the incomingflow separates off the inner edge of the pressure side rim and exitsnear the trailing edge of the blade. Sjolander and Cao@5# observedthis separation vortex and they mentioned about the possibility ofa high heat transfer rate on the pressure side. The lower heattransfer coefficient toward the suction side may be the result of aboundary layer that develops at the pressure side edge and growstoward the suction side. Figure 8~b! also shows a lower heat trans-fer coefficient near the trailing edge region. This region corre-sponds to a lower tip leakage flow~lower DP! as seen in Fig. 7,thus resulting in a lower heat transfer coefficient.

Bunker et al.@12# found a similar trend of low and high heattransfer region on the tip surface. They termed the low heat trans-fer region as the ‘‘sweet spot.’’ They found that the low heattransfer region originates from the airfoil pressure side at about 20to 30 percent axial chord location, while we found this locationnear the LE S/S. This spatial difference may be due to a differencein the tip model geometric profile, and orientation of the bladewith respect to the flow path. They used a tip model geometry ofa large power generation turbine, while ours is an E3 profile of anaircraft gas turbine engine. Note that the level of the local heattransfer coefficient on our E3 blade and on their power generationturbine is of the same order of magnitude. Ameri et al.@15# pre-dicted heat transfer rate on the tip of a full rotating E3 blade. Thetrend of their predicted result is very similar to our experimentaldata. They also predicted a low heat transfer region near the lead-ing edge suction side, while the heat transfer rate is higher on thepressure side and lower near the trailing edge as seen in our case.

Figures 8~a! and 8~c! show the tip heat transfer coefficient dis-tribution for 1.31 mm~1 percent of the span! and 3.29 mm~2.5percent of the span! tip gaps, respectively at a same inlet turbu-lence intensity level of 6.1 percent. These figures clearly showthat the tip gap has a significant effect on the local heat transfercoefficient. A larger tip gap results in an overall higher heat trans-fer coefficient, while a smaller tip gap results in a lower heattransfer coefficient. This is because a larger tip gap increases theamount of tip leakage flow, while a smaller tip gap decreases it.However, the local heat transfer coefficient changes according to achange in the leakage flow path direction. Figure 8 shows that adecrease in the tip gap from 1.5 to 1 percent decreases the tip localheat transfer coefficient distribution by about 10 percent at highheat transfer region along the flow path, while slightly increasingthe local heat transfer coefficient in the low heat transfer region.Similarly, an increase in the tip gap from 1.5 to 2.5 percent in-creases the local heat transfer coefficient by about 20 percent inthe high heat transfer region, while slightly decreasing it in thelow heat transfer region. It happens, because the tip leakage flowpath changes its direction slightly depending on the gap size. At alarger tip gap, the leakage flow can easily pass toward the trailingedge suction side, overcoming the boundary layer thickness.Whereas, at a smaller tip gap, the leakage flow encounters moreresistance to the flow toward the trailing edge suction side due toa smaller passage over the boundary layer thickness. Thus, theflow shifts its direction toward a shorter passage in the leadingedge suction side, which results in a higher heat transfer coeffi-cient in this region. The shroud pressure distribution in Fig. 7supports this phenomenon.

Figures 9~a, b, andc! show the heat transfer coefficient distri-

Fig. 8 Heat transfer coefficient at TuÄ6.1 percent

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butions for 1.31 mm~1 percent!, 1.97 mm~1.5 percent!, and 3.29mm ~2.5 percent!, respectively, at a higher inlet turbulence inten-sity level of 9.7 percent. The heat transfer distribution trend is thesame as that of Figs. 8~a, b, andc! at a lower turbulence level of6.1 percent. However, the magnitude of the overall heat transfercoefficient is about 15–20 percent higher over the low turbulencecase of 6.1 percent intensity level. The increase in heat transfercoefficient is more prominent along the leakage flow path, be-cause turbulence does not increase the magnitude of the tip leak-age flow; however, it increases flow fluctuations.

The averaged tip heat transfer coefficients for the three differenttip gaps and for both the low and high turbulence cases are pre-sented in Fig. 10. The result shows that, for each case of the tipgap, the heat transfer coefficient initially decreases along the axialchord length. It then increases and becomes a maximum at about70 percent location of the axial chord, and again decreases toward

the trailing edge. Smaller tip gaps produce a lower averaged tipheat transfer coefficient. Similar effect of the tip gap is observedat both the lower and higher turbulence levels of 6.1 and 9.7percent, while the magnitude of heat transfer coefficient is higherat higher turbulence case of 9.7 percent, compared to the lowturbulence case of 6.1 percent.

ConclusionsThis study investigated the effect of tip gap and inlet turbulence

intensity on detailed local heat transfer coefficient distribution onthe plane tip surface of a gas turbine blade. The blade tip model isa two-dimensional profile of an E3 blade of an aircraft gas turbineengine. A transient liquid crystal technique is used for detailedheat transfer measurements. Pressure distributions in the near-tipregion and on the shroud surface provide complementary informa-tion explaining the local heat transfer behavior on the tip surfacein a five-bladed stationary linear cascade. A typical operating con-dition having a Reynolds number based on airfoil axial chord andan exit velocity of 1.13106 and an overall pressure ratio of 1.32 isused to measure the pressure and heat transfer coefficients. Themajor findings are:

1 Detailed measurements provide a better understanding of thelocal heat transfer behavior on the blade tip surface.

2 The pressure measurements in the near tip and on the shroudsurface provide complementary information of the tip leakageflow pattern. This pressure data provides a basis for determiningthe tip leakage flow and also explains the heat transfer results.This detailed pressure and heat transfer measurement also pro-vides a reference for further experimental or computational study.

3 Different heat transfer regions exist on the tip surface. Theleading edge side contains a low heat transfer region near thesuction side, while a high heat transfer region exists along theleakage flow path.

4 A higher heat transfer coefficient exists on the tip surfacetoward the pressure side because of the entrance effect.

5 Generally, a larger tip gap results in a higher overall heattransfer coefficient, while a smaller tip gap results in a loweroverall heat transfer coefficient. This is because a larger tip gapincreases the magnitude of the tip leakage flow, while smaller tipgap decreases it.

6 An increase in the inlet turbulence intensity level from 6.1 to9.7 percent increases the heat transfer coefficient by about 15–20percent, along the leakage flow path.

AcknowledgmentsThis work is prepared with support of the NASA Glenn Re-

search Center under grant No. NAG3-2002. The NASA technicalteam is Mr. Robert Boyle and Dr. Raymond Gaugler. Their sup-port is greatly appreciated. Technical discussions with Dr. C. PangLee of GE Aircraft Engines, Dr. Ron Bunker of GE R&D Center,and Dr. Srinath Ekkad of Louisiana State University were helpfuland are acknowledged. Dr. C. Pang Lee also provided us with theE3 profile for the plane and squealer tips. His help is alsoappreciated.


C 5 tip clearance gapCp 5 coefficient of pressureCx 5 axial chord length of the blades5 8.61 cm

h 5 local convective heat transfer coefficient, W/m2 Kk 5 thermal conductivity of blade tip material5 0.18

W/m KLE 5 leading edge of the blade

P 5 local static pressurePavg 5 averaged static pressure

Pt 5 total pressure at the inletP/S 5 pressure side of the blade

Fig. 9 Heat transfer coefficient at TuÄ9.7 percent

Fig. 10 Averaged heat transfer coefficient

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S/S 5 suction side of the bladet 5 transition time for liquid crystal color change

TE 5 trailing edge of the bladeTi 5 initial temperature of the blade tip surfaceT` 5 mainstream temperature of the flowTw 5 color change temperature of the liquid crystal, green-

to-redTu 5 turbulence intensity level at the inletX 5 axial distance, cma 5 thermal diffusivity of tip material

51.2531027 m2/s

References@1# Bindon, J. P., and Morphus, G., 1988, ‘‘The Effect of Relative Motion, Blade

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@2# Bindon, J. P., 1989, ‘‘The Measurement and Formation of Tip ClearanceLoss,’’ ASME J. Turbomach.,111, pp. 258–263.

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@4# Yaras, M. I., Sjolander, S. A., and Kind, R. J., 1992, ‘‘Effects of SimulatedRotation on Tip Leakage in a Planar Cascade of Turbine Blades: Part I—TipGap Flow,’’ ASME J. Turbomach.,114, pp. 652–659.

@5# Sjolander, S. A., and Cao, D., 1995, ‘‘Measurements of the Flow in an Ideal-ized Turbine Tip Gap,’’ ASME J. Turbomach.,117, pp. 578–584.

@6# Kaiser, I., and Bindon, J. P., 1997, ‘‘The Effect of Tip Clearance on theDevelopment of Loss Behind a Rotor and a Subsequent Nozzle,’’ ASMEPaper No. 97-GT-53.

@7# Mayle, R. E., and Metzger D. E., 1982, ‘‘Heat Transfer at the Tip of anUnshrouded Turbine Blade,’’Proc. Seventh Int. Heat Transfer Conf., Hemi-sphere Pub., pp. 87–92.

@8# Metzger, D. E., Bunker, R. S., and Chyu, M. K., 1989, ‘‘Cavity Heat Transferon a Transverse Grooved Wall in a Narrow Flow Channel,’’ ASME J. HeatTransfer,111, pp. 73–79.

@9# Chyu, M. K., Moon, H. K., and Metzger, D. E., 1989, ‘‘Heat Transfer in theTip Region of Grooved Turbine Blades,’’ ASME J. Turbomach.,111, pp.131–138.

@10# Yang, T. T., and Diller, T. E., 1995, ‘‘Heat Transfer and Flow for a GroovedTurbine Blade Tip in a Transonic Cascade,’’ ASME Paper No. 95-WA/HT-29.

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@12# Bunker, Ronald S., Bailey, J. C., and Ameri, A. A., 2000, ‘‘Heat Transfer andFlow on the First Stage Blade Tip of a Power Generation Gas Turbine: PartI—Experimental Results,’’ ASME J. Turbomach.,122, pp. 263–271.

@13# Ameri, A. A., and Steinthorsson, E., 1995, ‘‘Prediction of Unshrouded RotorBlade Tip Heat Transfer,’’ ASME Paper No. 95-GT-142.

@14# Ameri, A. A., and Steinthorsson, E., 1996, ‘‘Analysis of Gas Turbine RotorBlade Tip and Shroud Heat Transfer,’’ ASME Paper No. 96-GT-189.

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@16# Ameri, A. A., Steinthorsson, E., and Rigby, D. L., 1999, ‘‘Effects of TipClearance and Casing Recess on Heat Transfer and Stage Efficiency in AxialTurbines,’’ ASME J. Turbomach.,121, pp. 683–693.

@17# Ameri, A. A., and Bunker, R. S., 2000, ‘‘Heat Transfer and Flow on the FirstStage Blade Tip of a Power Generation Gas Turbine: Part 2—Simulation Re-sults,’’ ASME J. Turbomach.,122, pp. 272–277.

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Gm. S. Azad

Je-Chin Han

Turbine Heat Transfer Laboratory,Department of Mechanical Engineering,

Texas A&M University,College Station, TX 77843-3123

Robert J. BoyleNASA Glenn Research Center,

Cleveland, OH 44135

Heat Transfer and Flow on theSquealer Tip of a Gas TurbineBladeExperimental investigations are performed to measure the detailed heat transfer coeffi-cient and static pressure distributions on the squealer tip of a gas turbine blade in afive-bladed stationary linear cascade. The blade is a two-dimensional model of a modernfirst-stage gas turbine rotor blade with a blade tip profile of a GE-E3 aircraft gas turbineengine rotor blade. A squealer (recessed) tip with a 3.77 percent recess is consideredhere. The data on the squealer tip are also compared with a flat tip case. All measure-ments are made at three different tip gap clearances of about 1, 1.5, and 2.5 percent ofthe blade span. Two different turbulence intensities of 6.1 and 9.7 percent at the cascadeinlet are also considered for heat transfer measurements. Static pressure measurementsare made in the midspan and near-tip regions, as well as on the shroud surface oppositeto the blade tip surface. The flow condition in the test cascade corresponds to an overallpressure ratio of 1.32 and an exit Reynolds number based on the axial chord of 1.13106. A transient liquid crystal technique is used to measure the heat transfer coeffi-cients. Results show that the heat transfer coefficient on the cavity surface and rimincreases with an increase in tip clearance. The heat transfer coefficient on the rim ishigher than the cavity surface. The cavity surface has a higher heat transfer coefficientnear the leading edge region than the trailing edge region. The heat transfer coefficienton the pressure side rim and trailing edge region is higher at a higher turbulence inten-sity level of 9.7 over 6.1 percent case. However, no significant difference in local heattransfer coefficient is observed inside the cavity and the suction side rim for the twoturbulence intensities. The squealer tip blade provides a lower overall heat transfercoefficient when compared to the flat tip blade.@S0889-504X~00!00504-3#

IntroductionTo achieve higher thermal efficiency and thrust, modern gas

turbine engines operate at high combustor outlet temperatures of1300–1500°C. Turbine blades are exposed to these high-temperature gases and undergo severe thermal stress and fatigue.Blade tips are one of the most susceptible regions, because theyare difficult to cool and are subject to potential damage due to thelarge thermal load. The hot gases flowing through the gap be-tween the blade tip and the shroud cause this large thermal load onthe blade tip. This flow, sometimes called tip leakage flow, accel-erates due to the pressure difference between the pressure andsuction sides of the blade, which causes thin boundary layers andhigh heat transfer rates. This tip leakage flow is undesirable be-cause it chips away the pressure side tip corner from the midchordto the trailing edge. As the blade tip is chipped away, the tip gapwidth increases, allowing more leakage flow through the tip gapand accelerating blade tip failure. Thus, it increases the losses inthe flow.

It is recognized that the blade tip geometry and subsequent tipleakage flows significantly affect the aerodynamic efficiency ofturbines. The influence of tip gap on turbine efficiency is so sig-nificant that designers have a strong desire to improve the effi-ciency by decreasing the tip-to-shroud operating gaps, or byimplementing more effective tip clearance controls. However, it isdifficult to seal the hot leakage flow through the tip gap com-pletely. A common technique to reduce the tip leakage flow is touse a recessed tip, which is known as a squealer tip. A squealer tipallows a smaller tip clearance, without the risk of a catastrophicfailure, in case the tip rubs against the shroud during turbine op-

eration. The smaller tip gap reduces the flow rate through the tipgap, resulting in smaller losses and lower heat transfer. It is alsobelieved that the groove~tip recess! acts as a labyrinth seal toincrease flow resistance. Thus, it is important to know both theflow field and heat transfer behavior on the squealer tip of a gasturbine blade. Reliable experimental data are also important todevelop and validate computational codes to predict flow and heattransfer distributions on turbine blades.

Limited information on the flow field and heat transfer on asquealer blade tip is available in the existing literature. Metzgeret al. @1# and Chyu et al.@2# studied heat transfer on rectangulargrooved tip models. They performed experiments using cavities ofvarying depth-to-width~width of the cavity! and tip gap-to-width~width of the cavity! ratios, and incorporated the effect of relativemotion by introducing a moving shroud surface over the groovedtip model. They reported that the local heat transfer coefficient inthe upstream end of the cavity is greatly reduced when comparedwith a rectangular flat tip, while in the downstream end of thecavity, the heat transfer coefficient is higher due to flow reattach-ment inside the cavity. They concluded that for a given pressuredifference across the gap, there is an optimum value of depth-to-width ratio beyond which no further flow reduction will occur.They recommended shallow cavities if overall heat transfer reduc-tion on the cavity wall is desired.

The above-cited experimental studies provide insight into thenature of the flow field and heat transfer around the cavity in arectangular tip model case. Heyes et al.@3# studied tip leakage onplane and squealer tips in a linear cascade environment. Theyreported leakage flow data on plane tip, suction side squealers,and pressure side squealers. No heat transfer data was reported.They concluded that the use of squealers, particularly, suction sidesquealers are more beneficial than the flat tip. Yang and Diller@4#reported local heat transfer coefficient on a turbine blade tipmodel with a recessed cavity~squealer tip! in a stationary linear

Contributed by the International Gas Turbine Institute and presented at the 45thInternational Gas Turbine and Aeroengine Congress and Exhibition, Munich, Ger-many, May 8–11, 2000. Manuscript received by the International Gas Turbine Insti-tute February 2000. Paper No. 2000-GT-195. Review Chair: D. Ballal.

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cascade environment. Based on the measurement at a single pointon the cavity floor, they reported that the convection coefficientsare insensitive of tip gap height. Ameri et al.@5# numerically in-vestigated the flow and heat transfer on the squealer tip of aGE-E3 first-stage gas turbine blade. They considered a smooth tip,2 percent recess, and 3 percent recess with a 1 percent tip clear-ance for all cases. They observed higher heat transfer on the bot-tom of the cavity when compared with the plane tip. The heattransfer on the pressure side rim is comparable to the plane casebut higher on the suction side rim. They concluded that large heattransfer on the bottom of the cavity is due to flow impingementcontaining hot gas.

No other experimental or numerical studies on squealer tip flowand heat transfer are available in the current literature. The exist-ing literature, however, contains many experimental and numeri-cal investigations on the flow field in and around turbine bladeplane-tip models. Studies by Bindon and Morphus@6# and Bindon@7# have contributed to the general understanding of tip leakageflow patterns. Moore et al.@8# also contributed to the understand-ing of the flow field through tip gaps. Yaras and Sjolander@9#studied the effect of simulated rotation on tip leakage and foundthat rotation causes a significant reduction in the gap mass flowrate. Sjolander and Cao@10# studied the flow field in an idealizedturbine tip gap. Kaiser and Bindon@11# investigated a quantitativeanalysis of the effects of tip clearance, tip geometry, and multiplestages on turbine stage efficiency in a rotating turbine rig environ-ment. Other works studied the effect of tip clearances on leakageand efficiency loss prediction. Several heat transfer studies areavailable on turbine blade plane-tip models. Mayle and Metzger@12# did the earliest study on rectangular plane-tip model heattransfer. Metzger et al.@13# used several heat flux sensors to mea-sure local tip heat fluxes on the flat tips at two different tip gaps ina rotating turbine rig. They also provided a numerical model toestimate tip and shroud heat transfer. Ameri and Steinthorsson@14,15# predicted rotor blade tip and shroud heat transfer for aSSME~Space Shuttle Main Engine! turbine. Ameri et al.@16# alsopredicted the effects of tip clearance and casing recess on heattransfer and stage efficiency for several squealer blade-tip geom-etries. Most recently, Ameri and Bunker@17# performed a com-putational study to investigate detailed heat transfer distributionson the blade tip surfaces of a large power generation turbine.Bunker et al.@18# studied the flow and heat transfer on the plane-tip in a three-blade linear cascade. Azad et al.@19# also studiedflow and heat transfer on the plane tip in a five-blade linear cas-cade. The plane-tip heat transfer results from Azad et al.@19# arecompared with the squealer tip results in this study.

With the development of supercomputers, numerical investiga-tions are playing an increasingly important role in the study anddesign of turbine blade tip flow and heat transfer. Without reliableexperimental data, however, the numerical models could not bevalidated and properly employed in the design and analysis ofblade tip heat transfer and flow field. This study will fulfill theneed for experimental heat transfer data on a gas turbine squealerblade tip. These will be the first experimental data available in theopen literature with complete information on the pressure and heattransfer on the squealer tip of a gas turbine blade tip profile(GE-E3) whose profile geometry is open to the public domain.The test section used for this study is a five-blade linear cascade,with the three middle blades having a variable tip gap, and thecenter blade having a squealer tip. The tip profile used here rep-resents a first-stage rotor blade tip of a modern aircraft gas turbineengine (GE-E3). Systematic pressure measurements in the near-tip region and on the shroud surface, and heat transfer measure-ments on the blade-tip surface, are done for a 3.77 percent tiprecess and a tip gap clearance of 1, 1.5, and 2.5 percent of theblade span. Two inlet free-stream turbulence intensity levels arealso considered. The effect of unsteady wakes, shock waves, andblade rotation, which may be important in real operating condi-tion, is not considered here. However, it provides a basic infor-

mation of heat transfer and pressure distribution on a gas turbinesquealer blade tip. These data are presented in a standard formatwith standardized boundary conditions that could also be used bynumerical people in the gas turbine community.

Experimental SetupMeasurements are done in a stationary blow down facility with

a five-bladed linear cascade. A detailed description of the facilityis given in Azad et al.@19#. The facility is capable of maintaininga steady flow at the cascade inlet~velocity variation within63percent! for one-minute period. A small gap is maintained at thejunction of the blade cascade and the inlet flow loop to trip theboundary layer. This location for the boundary layer trip is 26.7cm upstream from the center blade leading edge. A turbulence-generating grid of 57 percent porosity is also placed at this loca-tion for high turbulence tests. The turbulence grid is composed of12.25-mm-wide square bars with 33.02327.94 mm opening be-tween bars. Hot-film anemometry measurements, using a TSIIFA-100 unit, show that the free-stream turbulence intensity at adistance of 6 cm upstream from the blade leading edge is 6.1percent without the turbulence grid and 9.7 percent with the tur-bulence grid. Turbulence length scale is estimated to be 1.5 cm for9.7 percent turbulence case, which is slightly larger than the tur-bulence grid size.

The five-bladed linear cascade has 4-flow passages. The twofar-end blades work as guide vanes and the outside wall, and thecenter blade work as a test blade. Figure 1 shows the test cascademodel. The cascade inlet dimensions are 31.1 cm wide and 12.2cm high ~span!. Each blade has a 12.2 cm span and a 8.61 cmaxial chord length. This dimension is three times~3X! the dimen-sions of a GE-E3 blade profile. The blades are made of aluminumand are EDM machine finished. The test section’s top, bottom,and sides are made of 1.27-cm-thick clear Polycarbonate~Lexan!;however, a 1.2-cm-thick clear acrylic replaces the top cover plate~shroud! for heat transfer tests, to facilitate the best optical accessto the test blade~center blade!. Two separate but identical bladesare used for both the pressure and heat transfer measurements.

Fig. 1 Test section with five-bladed cascade

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Each blade has a constant cross section for the entire span andrepresents the tip section of an aerodynamic turbine blade. Figure2 represents the blade tip configuration in the cascade. The bladeleading edge pitch~p! is 9.15 cm and the axial chord length is8.61 cm. The throat diameter at the point of minimum distancebetween two blades is 4.01 cm, which, with a span of 12.2 cm,gives a throat aspect ratio of about 3. The inlet flow angle to thetest blade is 32.01 deg and the exit angle is 65.7 deg, giving a totalturning of 97.71 deg. The center blade has a 4.6 mm recess~depthof the cavity, H!, which is 3.77 percent of the blade span~12.2cm!. A tip gap ~C! is maintained between the tip and shroudsurfaces as shown in Fig. 2. The tip gaps used for this study are1.31 mm, 1.97 mm, and 3.29 mm, which correspond to about 1,1.5, and 2.5 percent of the blade span~12.2 cm!. Hard rubbergaskets of desired thickness are placed on top of the sidewalls, thetrailing edge tailboards, and the two outer guide blades to createtip gaps of desired height.

The pressure tap blade is made of aluminum with several setsof pressure taps as shown in Fig. 3. The pressure taps are placedon both the pressure and suction surfaces. Pressure taps are alsoplaced on the shroud surface opposite the blade tip surface tomeasure the pressure distribution on the shroud surface. Eachpressure tap tubing has an outer and inner diameter of 1.65 mmand 1.35 mm, respectively. The tap holes~1.35 mm diameter! arelocated in the midspan~50 percent of blade height! of the blade, ata height of 80, 90, and 97 percent of the span as measured fromthe base of the blade. A total of 52 pressure taps measure theshroud surface pressure. One set of pressure taps is located aroundthe tip perimeter and along the mean camber line, and a second setof taps is located 12.52 mm outside the tip edge. No pressure tapsare placed on the tip surface. These pressure distributions areuseful in estimating the tip leakage flow.

Figure 4 represents the heat transfer blade. The lower portion ofthe blade is made of aluminum for structural rigidity against theaerodynamic forces present during the tests. The upper portion ofthe blade has an inner aluminum core and an outer shell made ofblack polycarbonate with a low value of thermal conductivity fortransient liquid crystal test. The polycarbonate tip has a 4.6-mm-

deep cavity and a 2.3-mm-thick rim. The base thickness of thepolycarbonate shell underneath the cavity is 6.35 mm and the wallthat surrounds the inner aluminum core has a thickness of 3.175mm. The polycarbonate shell is closely fitted with the inner alu-minum core. The shell is also glued to the inner core through therim contact surface for better rigidity. Three cartridge heaters areembedded into the inner core. The cartridge heaters provide heat-ing to the aluminum core, which in turn heats the outer polycar-bonate shell. The blade is fastened to the bottom endwall withscrews.

The usual operating condition for this cascade is set at an inlettotal pressure of 143 kPa, an exit average static pressure of 108.3kPa, which gives an overall blade pressure ratio of 1.32. The massflow rate through the cascade is about 5.9 kg/s. During the blow-down test, the inlet air velocity is kept at about 85 m/s; the exit airvelocity at 199 m/s, and the corresponding Reynolds number of

Fig. 2 Blade tip and shroud definition

Fig. 3 Pressure tap locations on blade and shroud

Fig. 4 Heat transfer blade

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1.13106 based on axial chord length and exit flow velocity. Thecorresponding Mach numbers at the inlet and exit are 0.25 and0.59, respectively.

Flow Condition in the Cascade and Pressure Measure-ment

The flow patterns at the cascade inlet and exit plane, andthrough the suction and pressure side passages of the test bladeare measured. The detailed measurement is described in Azadet al. @19#. The inlet and exit flow pattern is represented by thecoefficient of pressure (Cp). The coefficient of pressure is definedas:



Here,Pavg is the average static pressure as measured by the inlet~or exit! plane pressure taps,Pt is the total inlet pressure, andP isthe local static pressures as measured by the inlet~or exit! pres-sure taps. ThisCp actually represents a nondimensional velocityfield, which is important for a quick review of the velocity fieldpattern. Figure 5~a! represents theCp at the cascade inlet and theexit plane. The measurement planes are selected upstream fromthe leading edge and downstream from the trailing edge at a dis-tance of 25 percent of the blade span. The axial distance is mea-sured from the outermost tap location toward the innermost tap~cascade outer and inner sidewalls are labeled in Fig. 1!. Figure5~b! shows pressure distributions at a 50 percent height of theblade span on the center blade and the two nearby blades. For Fig.5~b!, the local axial position is normalized by the axial chordlength. The multiple data points in Fig. 5~a! and 5~b! represent thevariation in repeated tests. The result shows that the flow patternsin the two passages are almost identical.

Static pressures are also measured at 80, 90, and 97 percentheight of the blade span on both theP/S andS/S, and also on theshroud surface. Pressures are recorded with a 48-channel Scani-valve System coupled with LabView 5.0 software. LabView dis-carded all data that fell outside the initial mean61.5 standarddeviation. It then recorded the mean value of the screened data.Every pressure measurement is repeated at least three times toreduce operating uncertainty and to verify the repeatability of thedata. The blow-down facility is capable of giving a steady flow~the velocity variation is within63 percent! for about one minute.The scanivalve can step through all 48 channels in this one minuteto capture the pressure data. Figure 6 shows the ratio of the totalto local static pressure distributions on theP/S and theS/S atdifferent height of blade span for 1.97 mm~1.5 percent of thespan! tip gap and inlet Tu56.1 percent only. The ratio of pressuredistribution (Pt /P) is presented as a function of normalized axialdistance (X/Cx). A higher value ofPt /P corresponds to a lowerstatic pressure, while a lower value corresponds to a higher staticpressure. The static pressure difference between theP/S and theS/S is the main driving force for the leakage flow. Figure 6 clearlyshows that the maximum static pressure-difference occurs at adistance of 20–30 percent of the axial chord from the leadingedge at 50 percent of the blade span. This location of maximumpressure difference has shifted toward the TE at 97 percent of theblade span, and the maximum static pressure difference occurs atabout 40–50 percent of the axial chord from the LE. This shift isbecause of the leakage flow through the tip gap.

Figures 7~a!, ~b!, ~c!, and ~d! show the ratio of total to localstatic pressures (Pt /P) contours on the shroud surface for threedifferent tip gaps at Tu56.1 percent. Figures 7~a!, ~b!, and~c! arefor the squealer tip at 1, 1.5, and 2.5 percent tip gap, while 7~d! isfor the flat tip at 1.5 percent tip gap. This contour plot helpsexplain the heat transfer results on the tip surface. The smallcircles on the contour plots represent the pressure tap locationsrelative to the tip. The pressure taps along the tip perimeter areconnected by a line to indicate the tip dimension. A smallerPt /Pvalue means higher static pressure, while a larger value means alower static pressure. This pressure ratio distribution clearly dem-onstrates the tip leakage flow path. The lowerPt /P value on theP/S indicates that the leakage flow enters the tip gap at this loca-tion, while the higherPt /P value on theS/S indicates that theleakage flow exits the tip through this location. The flow situationin the squealer tip case represents a flow field inside a cavity. Inthe flow path through the tip gap, a separation vortex generates asthe flow separates at the pressure side rim. The flow reattachesinside the cavity and separates again when it exits through thesuction side rim. Ameri et al.@5# also predicted this phenomenon.

Fig. 5 „a… Coefficient of pressure at inlet and exit plane; „b…pressure distribution at midspan on the test blade and twonearby blades

Fig. 6 Pressure distributions from midspan to near-tip loca-tions for CÄ1.5 percent and Tu Ä6.1 percent

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The flat tip case in Fig. 7~d! shows a higher value ofPt /P nearthe midsuction side, which indicates a very low static pressure inthis region. For the same tip gap, the squealer tip in Fig. 7~b!shows a much higher static pressure. This means that the leakageflow rate through the flat tip gap is higher than the squealer tip forthe same tip gap. The flat tip case also shows that the lower staticpressure extends toward the trailing edge through the camber line,thus leading the flow toward the trailing edge. However, the lowerstatic pressure occurs toward the suction side near the leadingedge in the squealer tip. Thus, the leakage-flow direction shiftstoward the leading edge. This may result in a higher heat transfercoefficient in the cavity toward the leading edge than the flat tipcase. There is not much apparent difference between the pressure,distributions at the 1 and 1.5 percent tip gaps as shown in Figs.7~a! and 7~b!. However, an appreciable difference is observedbetween 1 and 2.5 percent tip gaps.

Heat Transfer Measurement and ResultsA threshold intensity method of transient liquid crystal tech-

nique is used. The liquid crystals used in this study are wide band30 to 35°C crystals made by Hallcrest~R30C5W!. The blade tipsurface is initially coated with a thin layer of thermochromic liq-uid crystals, and the blade is fastened in the test cascade with thetop acrylic cover in place. The cartridge heaters are turned on forthree hours. The cartridge heaters heat the inner aluminum core ofthe test blade, and the aluminum core, in turn, heats the polycar-bonate shell to a desired steady initial temperature of about 60°C.The tip cavity and rim surface initial temperatures are measuredby thermocouples placed at 25 discrete locations. Two thermo-couples are also placed on the suction and pressure side near-tip

region toward the trailing edge. These two thermocouples work asa reference to check the initial tip surface temperature during theheat transfer test. This process of heating the blade and measuringthe initial temperature is repeated several times before the finalheat transfer test to ensure repeatability of the recorded initialtemperature. The initial temperature is very uniform~within 2°C!throughout the tip cavity surface, except near the trailing edgeregion and the rim. These temperatures are then interpolated to getan initial temperature map on the whole surface. For heat transfertest, the thermocouples from the tip surface are removed. Theblade is then washed and resprayed with liquid crystals. The bladeis put back in the cascade and the cartridge heaters are turned onfor three hours as before. A region of interest~ROI! is selectedand a background light intensity is corrected based upon the light-ing conditions on the ROI. This region of interest~ROI! is thedata collection region. The system is ready for the blow-down testonce the lighting, threshold, and initial temperature are set. Onetest is done per day in a controlled environment~test cell doors areclosed and the room temperature is controlled!. The referencethermocouples check the initial surface temperature during a heattransfer test. Each heat transfer test is done at a present flowcondition at which the pressure measurement is made. Precisecoordination of the image processing system and the flow is criti-cal, since the heat transfer experiments are performed at transientconditions. Thermocouples placed at the cascade inlet provide thefree-stream temperature, which is about 24°C. The blade surfacecolor change is monitored using an image processing system. Thecamera captures the color change transition time from green to theonset of red through Optimas 3.0, an image processing software.The same software translates the captured image into a data file.The test duration is small enough~;10–30 s! to consider a semi-infinite solid assumption. The local heat transfer coefficient on theblade tip surface is then calculated, assuming a one-dimensionaltransient conduction into a semi-infinite solid surface with a con-vective boundary condition using the following equation:


T`2Ti512expS h2at

k2 DerfcS hAat

k DHere, Tw (30°C), Ti (60°C), T} (24°C), t (;10– 30 s),k (0.18 W/m K), anda are known. The experimental uncertaintyis measured using the methods of Kline and McClintock@20#. Theuncertainty of the local heat transfer coefficient measured by thismethod is estimated to be67.9 percent or less. This uncertaintyestimation does not include the effect of two-dimensionality nearthe edges. Note that the acrylic blade material~polycarbonate! hasa very low thermal conductivity of 0.18 W/m K. The liquid crystalcolor change transition occurs at the surface, which is kept at auniform initial temperature. The test duration is also smaller~;10–30 s! than the time required for the temperature to penetratethe full thickness of the insulating acrylic material. Thus, a one-dimensional transient, semi-infinite solid assumption is validthroughout the surface, except near the edges. Due to this one-dimensional, assumption, the results at the tip edges are less reli-able, and may suffer more uncertainty than the reported valuebecause of the existing two-dimensional conduction effect.

The heat transfer coefficient measurements are done for thethree cases of tip gaps and at two different turbulence intensities.The local heat transfer coefficient distributions for the squealer tipare presented in Figs. 8~a!–~c!. For comparison, the result fromAzad et al.@19# for the flat tip case at 1.5 percent tip gap is alsopresented in Fig. 8~d!. The distribution clearly shows various re-gions of low and high heat transfer coefficients on the tip cavityand rim surface. The magnitude of the heat transfer coefficientvaries from 350 to 1150 W/m2 K inside the cavity and on thetrailing edge portion downstream of the cavity. However, the heattransfer coefficient on the rim is much higher at about 1100 to1700 W/m2 K. We present the plots in the range of 400–1100W/m2 K to clearly distinguish different lower and higher heattransfer zones inside the cavity. The average heat transfer coeffi-

Fig. 7 Pressure ratio distribution on the shroud surface

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cient values on the rim are presented separately in a line plot toshow the magnitude of the heat transfer coefficient on the rim.The flat tip result in Fig. 8~d! shows that a very low heat transfercoefficient region exists near the leading edge suction side. In themidchord region, the heat transfer coefficient is higher toward thepressure side than the suction side, while the trailing edge has alower heat transfer coefficient. Upon comparison of the flat tipresult of Fig. 8~d! with the squealer tip result in Fig. 8~b! for thesame tip gap, a higher local heat transfer coefficient is observedon the bottom of the cavity toward the leading edge. The localheat transfer coefficient in the trailing edge region is also higherthan the flat tip case. The heat transfer coefficient on the pressureside rim is comparable to the flat tip case, while the suction siderim shows a higher heat transfer coefficient than the flat tip case.On the cavity bottom, the heat transfer coefficient is higher in theupstream-central region; however, it is much lower in the mid-chord region toward the pressure side and downstream-end of thecavity toward the trailing edge. A recirculating dead-flow zone isobserved far downstream at the end of the cavity surface. Leakageflow may be entrapped in this narrow region, which causes theheat transfer coefficient to be the lowest in this region. The leak-age flow may have an impingement effect on the cavity surface. Itseparates on the pressure side rim and may reattach inside thecavity surface. Thus, a higher heat transfer coefficient is observedon the central upstream region of the cavity bottom. The high heattransfer on the rim may be due to the flow entrance and exit effect.The leakage spills out of the cavity and exits through the suctionside rim and the trailing edge. This may cause more mixing, re-sulting in a higher heat transfer coefficient in the suction side rimand the trailing edge than the flat tip case.

The effect of tip gap from 1.5 to 1 and 2.5 percent is reflectedin Figs. 8~a! and~c!. This figure clearly shows that the tip gap hasa significant effect on the local heat transfer coefficient. A largertip gap results in an overall higher heat transfer coefficient, whilea smaller tip gap results in a lower heat transfer coefficient. This isbecause a larger tip gap increases the amount of tip leakage flow,while a smaller tip gap decreases it.

The effect of inlet turbulence intensity from 6.1 to 9.7 percentis shown in Figs. 9~a!–~d!. The flat tip result in Fig. 9~d! at 9.7percent turbulence intensity shows a similar trend but a highermagnitude of heat transfer coefficient than the 6.1 percent turbu-lence case, as shown in Fig. 8~d!. The squealer-tip results in Figs.9~a!–~c! at 9.7 percent turbulence intensity show a similar heattransfer distribution trend as that in Figs. 8~a!–~c! at the low tur-bulence level of 6.1 percent. The magnitude of the heat transfercoefficient at the cavity bottom is almost the same as in the lowturbulence case of 6.1 percent. The cavity rim and the trailingedge region, however, show a higher value. A higher turbulencedoes not increase the magnitude of the tip leakage; however, itincreases the flow fluctuations. The tip gap from 1.5 to 1 percentand 2.5 percent has an effect similar to that in the low turbulencecase. However, the turbulence effect is more prominent at thelarger tip gap of 2.5 percent.

No experimental data are available in the literature to comparewith this result, except for rectangular tip model cavity heat trans-fer data of Metzger et al.@1#. Metzger et al.@1# found very highheat transfer coefficient on the rim of the upstream~pressure side!and downstream wall~suction side!, and these have the samemagnitude as in the rectangular flat tip surface. They reported alow heat transfer coefficient on the bottom of the cavity comparedto the rectangular flat tip case. The cavity midfloor showed higherheat transfer coefficient than the upstream and downstream end ofthe cavity. Ameri et al.@15# presented a numerical heat transferresult on the squealer tip of a full rotating GE-E3 blade for a 2 and3 percent cavity recess with a 1 percent tip gap case. They ob-served that the heat transfer on the bottom of the cavity is higherthan the flat~smooth! tip case. The pressure side rim showed asimilar level, but the suction side rim showed a higher level ofheat transfer when compared with the flat tip case. The trend ofour experimental data agrees well with results predicted by@5#. Italso agrees somewhat with data of@1#. We observed that at thebottom of the cavity, toward the central upstream region, the heattransfer coefficient is higher compared to the flat tip case, while it

Fig. 8 Heat transfer coefficient at Tu Ä6.1 percentFig. 9 Heat transfer coefficient at Tu Ä9.7 percent

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is much lower toward the downstream region and pressure side ofthe cavity bottom. The pressure side of the cavity rim shows asimilar level of heat transfer coefficient compared with the flat tipcase, while the suction side rim and the blade trailing edge regionshow higher heat transfer coefficients when compared with the flattip case. The heat transfer coefficient in the front-central portionof the cavity is higher than the surrounding area and the trailingside of the cavity.

The averaged heat transfer coefficients are presented in Figs.10~a! and ~b! for the three different tip gaps and at 6.1 and 9.7percent turbulence intensities, respectively. The averaged heattransfer coefficient is calculated and plotted as a function of nor-malized axial distance from the leading edge. The result showsthat the heat transfer coefficient inside the cavity and on the rimincreases with tip clearance. For each tip gap case, the heat trans-fer coefficient inside the cavity initially increases slightly alongthe axial chord, then levels off and decreases toward the down-stream edge. The highest heat transfer coefficient is observed onthe rim at the leading edge. The heat transfer coefficient on thesuction side rim is higher up to the midchord than the pressureside rim, the pressure side rim then shows a higher heat transfercoefficient than the suction side rim. Turbulence has a greatereffect on the pressure side rim and the trailing edge than thecavity. As seen in Fig. 10~b!, this effect is prominent at larger tipclearances.

ConclusionsThis study investigated the effect of tip gap and inlet turbulence

intensity on detailed local heat transfer coefficient on the squealertip surface of a gas turbine blade. The result is also compared withthe flat tip case. The blade tip model is a two-dimensional profileof an E3 blade of an aircraft gas turbine engine with a 3.77 percentcavity recess. A transient liquid crystal technique is used to detailheat transfer measurements. Pressure distributions in the near-tipregion and on the shroud surface provide complementary informa-tion explaining the local heat transfer behavior on the tip surfacein a five-blade stationary linear cascade. A typical operating con-dition having a Reynolds number based on airfoil axial chord andan exit velocity of 1.13106 and an overall pressure ratio of 1.32 isused to measure the pressure and heat transfer coefficients. Themajor findings are:

1 Detailed measurements provide a better understanding of thelocal heat transfer behavior on the blade tip surface.

2 The pressure measurements in the near tip and on the shroudsurface provide complementary information of the tip leakageflow pattern. These pressure data provide a basis for determiningthe tip leakage flow, and they also explain the heat transfer results.This detailed pressure and heat transfer measurement also pro-vides a reference for further experimental or computational study.

3 Different heat transfer regions exist on the cavity surface.The front-central portion of the cavity surface contains a high heattransfer region, while a low heat transfer region exists around thisregion and toward the downstream of the cavity.

4 A higher heat transfer coefficient exists on the rim surfacebecause of the entrance and exit effect. The trailing edge regionalso contains a high heat transfer coefficient.

5 A larger tip gap results in a higher heat transfer coefficient,while a smaller tip gap results in a lower heat transfer coefficient.This is because a larger tip gap increases the magnitude of the tipleakage flow, while a smaller tip gap decreases it.

6 An increase in the inlet turbulence intensity level from 6.1percent to 9.7 percent slightly increases the heat transfer coeffi-cient along the pressure side rim and the trailing edge region.

7 The heat transfer coefficient in a squealer tip is higher nearthe central upstream end of the cavity and the trailing edge region,while it is much lower in the midchord toward the pressure sideand downstream end of the cavity when compared to the flat tipcase. The squealer tip cavity rim has the same level of heat trans-fer coefficient on the pressure side but a higher heat transfer co-efficient on the suction side when compared to the flat tip case.However, the squealer tip provides an overall lower heat transfercoefficient when compared to the flat tip case.

AcknowledgmentsThis work is prepared with the support of the NASA Glenn

Research Center under grant number NAG3-2002. The NASAtechnical team is Mr. Robert Boyle and Dr. Raymond Gaugler.Their support is greatly appreciated. Technical discussions withDr. C. Pang Lee of GE Aircraft Engines, Dr. Ron Bunker of GER&D Center, and Dr. Srinath Ekkad of Louisiana State Universitywere helpful and are acknowledged. Dr. C. Pang Lee also pro-vided us the E3 profile for the plane and squealer tips. His help isalso appreciated.


C 5 tip clearance gapCp 5 coefficient of pressureCx 5 axial chord length of the blade58.61 cm

h 5 local convective heat transfer coefficient, W/m2 KH 5 cavity depth~recess!, mmk 5 thermal conductivity of blade tip material50.18 W/m K

LE 5 leading edge of the bladeP 5 local static pressure

Fig. 10 Averaged heat transfer coefficient at: „a… TuÄ6.1 per-cent; „b… TuÄ9.7 percent

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Pavg 5 averaged static pressurePt 5 total pressure at the inlet

P/S 5 pressure side of the bladeS/S 5 suction side of the blade

t 5 transition time for liquid crystal color changeT 5 thickness of the rim, mm

TE 5 trailing edge of the bladeTi 5 initial temperature of the blade tip surfaceT` 5 mainstream temperature of the flowTw 5 color change temperature of the liquid crystal, green-to-

redTu 5 turbulence intensity level at the inletX 5 axial distance, cma 5 thermal diffusivity of tip material51.2531027 m2/s

References@1# Metzger, D. E., Bunker, R. S., and Chyu, M. K., 1989, ‘‘Cavity Heat Transfer

on a Transverse Grooved Wall in a Narrow Flow Channel,’’ ASME J. HeatTransfer,111, pp. 73–79.

@2# Chyu, M. K., Moon, H. K., and Metzger, D. E., 1989, ‘‘Heat Transfer in theTip Region of Grooved Turbine Blades,’’ ASME J. Turbomach.,111, pp.131–138.

@3# Heyes, F. J. G., Hodson, H. P., and Dailey, G. M., 1992, ‘‘The Effect of BladeTip Geometry on the Tip Leakage Flow in Axial Turbine Cascades,’’ ASME J.Turbomach.,114, pp. 643–651.

@4# Yang, T. T., and Diller, T. E., 1995, ‘‘Heat Transfer and Flow for a GroovedTurbine Blade Tip in a Transonic Cascade,’’ ASME Paper No. 95-WA/HT-29.

@5# Ameri, A., Rigby, D. L., and Steinthorsson, E., 1998, ‘‘Effects of Squealer Tipon Rotor Heat Transfer and Efficiency,’’ ASME J. Turbomach.,120, pp. 753–759.

@6# Bindon, J. P., and Morphus, G., 1988, ‘‘The Effect of Relative Motion, BladeEdge Radius and Gap Size on the Blade Tip Pressure Distribution in an An-nular Turbine Cascade With Clearance,’’ ASME Paper No. 88-GT-256.

@7# Bindon, J. P., 1989, ‘‘The Measurement and Formation of Tip ClearanceLoss,’’ ASME J. Turbomach.,111, pp. 258–263.

@8# Moore, J., Moore, J. G., Henry, G. S., and Chaudhury, U., 1989, ‘‘Flow andHeat Transfer in Turbine Tip Gaps,’’ ASME J. Turbomach.,111, pp. 301–309.

@9# Yaras, M. I., and Sjolander, S. A., 1992, ‘‘Effects of Simulated Rotation onTip Leakage in a Planar Cascade of Turbine Blades: Part I—Tip Gap Flow,’’ASME J. Turbomach.,114, pp. 652–659.

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@12# Mayle, R. E., and Metzger, D. E., 1982, ‘‘Heat Transfer at the Tip of anUnshrouded Turbine Blade,’’Proc. Seventh Int. Heat Transfer Conf., Hemi-sphere Pub., pp. 87–92.

@13# Metzger, D. E., Dunn, M. G., and Hah, C., 1991, ‘‘Turbine Tip and ShroudHeat Transfer,’’ ASME J. Turbomach.,113, pp. 502–507.

@14# Ameri, A. A., and Steinthorsson, E., 1995, ‘‘Prediction of Unshrouded RotorBlade Tip Heat Transfer,’’ ASME Paper No. 95-GT-142.

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@17# Ameri, Ali A., and Bunker, R. S., 2000, ‘‘Heat Transfer and Flow on the FirstStage Blade Tip of a Power Generation Gas Turbine: Part 2—Simulation Re-sults,’’ ASME J. Turbomach.,122, pp. 272–277.

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@19# Azad, Gm S., Han, Je-Chin, Teng, Shuye, and Boyle, Robert J., 2000, ‘‘HeatTransfer and Pressure Distributions on a Gas Turbine Blade Tip,’’ ASME J.Turbomach.,122, this issue, pp. 717–724.

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Dale E. Van Zante

Anthony J. Strazisar

Jerry R. Wood

NASA Lewis Research Center,Cleveland, OH 44135

Michael D. HathawayUS Army Vehicle Technology Center,

Cleveland, OH 44135

Theodore H. OkiishiIowa State University,

Ames, IA 50011

Recommendations for AchievingAccurate Numerical Simulation ofTip Clearance Flows in TransonicCompressor RotorsThe tip clearance flows of transonic compressor rotors are important because they havea significant impact on rotor and stage performance. A wall-bounded shear layer formedby the relative motion between the overtip leakage flow and the shroud wall is found tohave a major influence on the development of the tip clearance flow field. This shearlayer, which has not been recognized by earlier investigators, impacts the stable operat-ing range of the rotor. Simulation accuracy is dependent on the ability of the numericalcode to resolve this layer. While numerical simulations of these flows are quite sophisti-cated, they are seldom verified through rigorous comparisons of numerical and measureddata because these kinds of measurements are rare in the detail necessary to be useful inhigh-speed machines. In this paper we compare measured tip-clearance flow details (e.g.,trajectory and radial extent) with corresponding data obtained from a numerical simula-tion. Laser-Doppler Velocimeter (LDV) measurements acquired in a transonic compres-sor rotor, NASA Rotor 35, are used. The tip clearance flow field of this transonic rotor issimulated using a Navier–Stokes turbomachinery solver that incorporates an advancedk–« turbulence model derived for flows that are not in local equilibrium. A simple methodis presented for determining when the wall-bounded shear layer is an important compo-nent of the tip clearance flow field.@S0889-504X~00!02504-6#

IntroductionTip clearance flows are of great engineering importance when

designing modern axial fans and compressors because of theirlarge impact on pressure rise, efficiency, and stability@1–3#. Inrecent years Navier–Stokes~NS! codes have become a commoncomponent of most modern design systems and attention hasturned toward obtaining accurate clearance flow simulations usingthese codes. Detailed measurements obtained in 1994 on NASARotor 37 provided the turbomachine flow simulation communitywith the data necessary for CFD code assessment in the blade tipregion of transonic compressors. These measurements have beenused in code assessment efforts organized by ASME@4# andAGARD @5,6#. Suder and Celestina@7#, Chima @8#, Gerolymosand Vallet @9#, and others have also used these measurementsspecifically to assess the accuracy of rotor tip clearance flowpredictions.

A general recommendation coming from these exercises is thatturbulent transport models result in more accurate clearance flowsimulations than algebraic mixing length turbulence models be-cause of the multiple length scales that exist in the clearance flowregion. However, no clear recommendations about the grid topol-ogy or grid resolution required for accurate simulation of the tipclearance flow have yet emerged.

Whether or not accurate clearance flow simulations requiregridding of the tip clearance gap at all, and if so how much grid-ding, is still an open issue. Currently there are three general meth-ods for treating the tip clearance gap:~i! assuming flow periodic-ity across a nongridded region above the blade tip@10#; ~ii !rounding the blade tip by distorting an H-type grid to fill the gapover the blade@11#; ~iii ! fully gridding the gap with a separate gridblock. The ability to obtain accurate simulations with minimal or

no gridding is desirable because gridding the gap requires in-creased computational resources due to the added complexity ofmultiple grid blocks and also increases the total number of gridpoints ~30,000 additional grid points by Chima and 270,000 byGerolymos and Vallet!.

The objectives of the present effort are as follows:

• Determine the grid topology and density that result in anaccurate simulation of the tip clearance flow.

• Assess the impact of grid topology on rotor operating rangeand performance predictions.

These objectives are met using a three-dimensional Navier–Stokes solver that incorporates an advancedk–« turbulencemodel derived for flows that are not in local equilibrium. Predic-tions are compared to laser anemometer data acquired at severalaxial locations within the blade passage of a transonic compressor.The laser data used in the present investigation provide a morecomplete view of clearance flow development than possible withthe NASA Rotor 37 data used by previous investigators.

ExperimentLDV measurements were acquired in the NASA Lewis single-

stage axial-flow compressor facility using NASA Rotor 35 oper-ating in a rotor-only~no stator! configuration. The rotor has 36blades, a hub–tip radius ratio of 0.70, an aspect ratio of 1.19, a tipsolidity of 1.3, and an axial chord of 4.12 cm at the hub. Thedesign and blade coordinates are found in@12#. Data were ac-quired at a tip speed of 363 m/s~80 percent design speed! at thenear-peak efficiency operating condition. The total pressure ratioand efficiency at this operating condition are 1.44 and 92 percent,respectively. This operating condition was dictated by require-ments for rotor/stator matching in a follow-on stage investigationas reported by Van Zante et al.@13#.

The nominal tip clearance as measured with touch probes was0.74 mm, which corresponds to 1.3 percent of rotor tip chord and1 percent of rotor leading edge span. The touch probes only mea-

Contributed by the International Gas Turbine Institute and presented at the 44thInternational Gas Turbine and Aeroengine Congress and Exhibition, Indianapolis,Indiana, June 7–10, 1999. Manuscript received by the International Gas TurbineInstitute February 1999. Paper No. 99-GT-390. Review chair: D. S. Wisler.

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sure the ‘‘tallest’’ blade and provide no information about howsimilar the tallest blade is to the majority of blades or about themagnitude of variations in blade height. Blade heights for Rotor37 were measured at the completion of testing as part of theASME test case geometry documentation. In the present investi-gation, blade height uniformity is most important at the rotor lead-ing edge, since this is the region that most influences the clearanceflow. For Rotor 37, 21 of the 36 blade heights were within 0.051mm ~7 percent nominal gap height! of each other at the leadingedge, which indicates good blade-to-blade uniformity. The differ-ence in height between the tallest blade and the average of thegroup of 21 was 0.076 mm~10 percent nominal gap height!. Thisindicates that the clearance value determined from the tallestblade is representative of that for the majority of blades for Rotor37. Since Rotors 37 and 35 were designed and manufactured atthe same time, the results of the Rotor 37 blade height measure-ments are considered representative for Rotor 35. In addition, de-tailed analysis of LDV measurements from individual blade pas-sages~which is not presented herein! indicates no strong passage-to-passage flow field variations near the blade tip. The resultspresented herein, which are based on measurements and predic-tions for an ‘‘average’’ blade passage, are therefore considered tobe representative of individual blade passages as well.

The compressor rotor massflow was measured using a cali-brated orifice plate located far upstream of the compressor. Per-formance measurements were acquired using conventional staticpressure and total pressure/temperature probes located upstreamand downstream of the rotor. Overall performance was calculatedby mass-averaging total temperature and energy-averaging totalpressure across the annulus@12,13#. Measurement uncertaintiesare: massflow60.3 kg/s, flow angle60.5 deg, total pressure6100 Pa, total temperature60.6 K.

A large window, which conformed to the three-dimensionalshroud contour, provided optical access to the flowfield from onerotor chord upstream of the rotor to two rotor chords downstream.LDV measurements were made in detail in the outer 20 percent ofspan; see Fig. 1. Streamsurface surveys~1 symbols! were ac-quired at 73, 83, and 92 percent span. Cross-channel surveys~dia-mond symbols! were acquired near the leading edge, and at 33,53, 72, and 92 percent rotor chord. Although the stator was notinstalled, measurements were also acquired at the axial locationscorresponding to mid-rotor/stator gap and to the stator leadingedge to assess what the tip flow field would be at these locationsin the stage environment. The uncertainty in the LDV measure-ments is approximately61.0 m/s for absolute velocity and60.5deg in absolute flow angle.

The LDV was configured as a two-channel laser system that

acquired axial and tangential velocities simultaneously. For eachvelocity measurement the rotor position was determined from ashaft angle encoder and the data placed into the window corre-sponding to that shaft angle position. There were 184 windowsacross one rotor blade pitch. Typically 40,000 to 60,000 indi-vidual velocity measurements were acquired for each surveypoint. Since the measurements were not evenly distributed over allof the windows, the total number of measurements was chosen soas to insure that there was a minimum of 30 measurements in anywindow. The LDV data were ensemble averaged using one rotorblade pitch as the length scale. See Strazisar et al.@14# for moredetail on the LDV data acquisition and reduction technique.

LDV DataFigure 2 shows contours of axial velocity for the 92 percent

span streamsurface, which illustrate the lower extent of the flow-field region impacted by the tip clearance flow. Axial velocity ischosen here since the footprint of the clearance flow shows mostclearly as gradients in axial velocity on this streamsurface. Theprojection of the clearance flow trajectory as determined from adetailed analysis of the measurements acquired across the bladepitch at different axial locations is superimposed on the contoursas a dashed line. A passage shock can clearly be seen in the figure.Although the rotor is operating near peak efficiency, the shock isspilled forward of the leading edge because the rotor is operatingat a part-speed condition.

Cross-channel contour plots of the absolute tangential velocityover the outer 20 percent of the blade span, Fig. 3, provide a morequantitative view of the trajectory and radial extent of the clear-ance flow. The clearance flow appears as a region of high absolutetangential velocity.

The clearance flow pattern immediately downstream of theclearance flow/shock interaction that occurs near midpitch isshown on the cross-channel plane at 33 percent rotor chord. Thetip clearance flow extends radially to 92 percent span. This radialextent remains relatively constant as the clearance flow convectsdownstream. Farther downstream the clearance flow migrates to-ward the pressure surface of the adjacent blade, but does not ac-cumulate on the pressure surface, as shown by the data at 92percent chord. The tip clearance flow then merges with the rotorwake downstream of the rotor as shown by the data acquired atthe mid-rotor/stator gap location in Fig. 3~note the color scalechange!.

Also visible at 92 percent chord is a second region of elevatedtangential velocity adjacent to the suction surface of the blade atthe tip. This region is formed when clearance flow fluid from theadjacent passage leaks across the blade tip. We will refer to thisfeature as the secondary clearance flow to distinguish it from theprimary clearance flow that accumulates in the pressure-surface/shroud corner of the passage. The secondary clearance flow is alsovisible at the mid-rotor/stator gap axial location and has migratedtoward the pressure side of the adjacent blade passage. The sec-ondary clearance flow was first identified by Suder and Celestina@7# in measurements and simulations of part-speed operating con-ditions in NASA Rotor 37. They attributed its presence to theentrainment of radially migrating suction surface boundary layerfluid by the overtip leakage flow in the rear of the blade passage.This secondary clearance flow is also present in the Rotor 37design-speed simulation of Gerolymos and Vallet@9#, who alsopredicted suction surface boundary layer migration near the tip ofthe blade. However, blade boundary layer migration is not pre-dicted by any of our simulations. The secondary clearance flowtherefore appears to be generic, is due to overtip leakage flow inthe rear portion of the blade passage, and is not dependent onmigration of suction surface boundary layer fluid.

Navier–Stokes SimulationsThree-dimensional time-averaged Navier–Stokes simulations

of the flow through the compressor rotor were generated using theFig. 1 LDV measurement locations for Rotor 35

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Average Passage code~APNASA Version 1.11! developed byAdamczyk @15#. The turbulence model used in the simulationswas developed by the Center for Modeling of Turbulence andTransition~CMOTT! at NASA Lewis and is a refinement of thestandardk–« model. This refined model overcomes some of thedeficiencies of the standardk–« model for flows that are not inlocal equilibrium. Details of the model and its implementation inthe Average Passage code are discussed in@16#.

A NASTRAN analysis of the rotor was performed for the 80percent speed peak efficiency operating condition at which theLDV data were acquired so that the cold blade coordinates couldbe corrected for pressure, temperature, and centrifugal load de-flections. This corrected ‘‘as running’’ geometry was used for allthe Navier–Stokes simulations.

Shabbir et al.@17# showed that leakage flow from an axial gapbetween the rotor disk and the nonrotating hub flowpath upstreamof the rotor can impact the axisymmetric flow over the entire spanof this rotor. This effect arises from pumping of the blind cavitybeneath this gap and is present even for zero net leakage flowthrough the gap. This effect was therefore modeled in the presentwork using Shabbir’s scheme with the assumption of a net leakageof 0.25 percent of the throughflow, which Shabbir found to givethe best agreement between simulated and measured performanceat 80 percent speed.

While several grid methodologies are explored in this work, theoverall character of the grids is similar for each method withvariations between grids confined to the tip clearance region. Asheared H-grid topology is used. The blade-to-blade grid, shownin Fig. 4, is aligned with the blade camber angle near the leadingedge and slowly turns to axial far upstream of the blade. This gridapproximately follows the blade camber angle downstream of theblade. The grid has 71 nodes along the blade chord, which in-cludes 10 nodes each on leading and trailing edge circles, 67–75

Fig. 2 Contours of axial velocity „mÕs… on the 92 percent spanstreamsurface from the LDV measurements. The clearanceflow trajectory is marked by the dashed line.

Fig. 3 Contours of tangential velocity „mÕs… at 33, 53, 72, and92 percent rotor chord and midgap from the LDV measure-ments

Fig. 8 Visualization of primary and induced clearance vortices

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nodes radially from the hub to the blade tip, and 51 nodes pitch-wise. The axial grid density is doubled in the first 50 percent ofrotor chord~to an average node spacing of 1.32 percent chord! todefine the passage shock better.

Tip Grid TopologySimulations were generated using several different grids in the

clearance gap region to determine the most accurate simulationmethodology. The grids and variations are summarized in Table 1and Fig. 5. A uniform clearance of 1.3 percent chord is used forall grids. These grids were designed to help resolve the followingissues:

• the effect of modeling versus gridding the tip clearance gap• the effect of the near-shroud grid cell size in the radial direc-


The baseline tip gridding scheme used in the present work isthat proposed by Kirtley et al.@10#. A view of this type of tip grid,used in Configurations 1 and 3~see Table 1!, is shown in Fig.5~a!. This efficient scheme uses a periodic boundary across a non-

gridded region over the top of the blade tip to treat the clearanceflow as an orifice flow with no change in mass, momentum, orenergy across the blade tip. The region from the blade tip to theshroud is constructed by extending the grid from below the bladetip to the shroud while maintaining the tangential thickness of theblade. A benefit of this method is that it is simple to implement,since it does not require a multiblock grid topology or solver.Drawbacks include that the blade tip is implicitly assumed to besquare edged, the overtip leakage flow direction is assumed nor-mal to the blade pressure surface~no chordwise movement ofclearance flow is allowed!, and a discharge coefficient must bechosen to account for any vena contracta in the overtip leakageflow.

Tip grid Configuration 2, shown in Fig. 5~b!, was generated toinvestigate differences between a fully gridded tip gap and themodeled gap treatment. This grid employs the same radial spacingin the clearance gap as that used for Configuration 1. The bladecorners are rounded in this grid to avoid using a multiblock topol-ogy. The blade corner radius used was approximately 0.1 mm.This radius was measured on NASA Rotor 37@6#, which has thesame aspect ratio, blade chord, tip speed, and flowpath as Rotor35. Since Rotors 35 and 37 are so similar in design, they can beexpected to exhibit the same blade tip erosion characteristics. TheRotor 37 blade corner radius is therefore considered to be a goodapproximation to the Rotor 35 corner radius.

To investigate the effect of the near-shroud grid density, a third

Fig. 4 Detail of rotor mesh at 50 percent span „every other gridline is shown …

Fig. 5 Detail of mesh in the blade tip region

Table 1 Summary of clearance gap and grid topology varia-tions investigated

ConfigurationNumber ofcells in gap

Gap griddedor modeled

Radial grid spacingin the clearance gap

1 8 modeled Constant cell size

2 8 gridded Same as Configuration 1

3 12 modeled Clustered at the shroud

4 12 gridded Same as Configuration 3

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grid ~Configuration 3! was generated with 12 grid cells nonuni-formly spaced in the tip gap. This grid is shown in Fig. 5~c!. Gridcells in the tip gap are clustered at the shroud and stretched towardthe blade tip to maintain nearly the same number of cells on theblade span without violating standard grid stretching rules. Thisresults in a cell size in the radial direction at the shroud which isonly one-fourth of that used in Configuration 1 and a smoothstretching ratio variation from the tip gap to the blade. The pitch-wise and chordwise grid spacings remained identical to those usedpreviously. A fourth grid configuration~not shown! was generatedusing the gap-grid topology of Configuration 2 with the 12 cellnonuniform spacing of Configuration 3.

Chima@8# compared a fully gridded simulation of the tip gap toa modeled simulation for Rotor 37 at design speed. The fullygridded simulation indicated an expansion of the overtip leakageflow around the pressure surface/blade tip corner which causedthe leakage flow to entirely fill the clearance gap. Gerolymos andVallet @9# found a similar result. Based on these studies, we as-sume that a vena contracta does not exist in the overtip leakageflow. A discharge coefficient of 1.0 is therefore used for all simu-lations in which the gap is modeled.


Near-Wall Grid Spacing Effects. Simulations generatedwith tip grid Configurations 1 and 3 were compared to assess theimpact of the near-shroud grid spacing on simulation fidelity. So-lutions for these two cases were converged to the same operatingcondition near peak efficiency. The predicted tip clearance flowtrajectory and penetration are shown in Figs. 6 and 7, respectively.The trajectory of the clearance flow is illustrated in Fig. 6 usingcontour plots of the axial velocity on the grid plane correspondingto the blade tip. The clearance flow is indicated by two areas oflow axial velocity: The shaded region denotes where the axialvelocity is less than zero in the primary clearance flow, while thesecondary clearance flow is identified as a locus of low axialvelocity near the blade trailing edge. Comparison between Figs.6~a! and 6~b! indicates that the clearance flow trajectory is moreinclined in the streamwise direction when the near-shroud grid

spacing is reduced. The clearance flow no longer impacts the pres-sure surface of the blade near midchord, but rather turns to bemore parallel to the pressure surface, which is in closer agreementwith the measured result shown in Fig. 2. This change in trajec-tory is explained in a later section.

The radial penetration of the clearance flow is shown in Fig. 7.Fluid from the primary clearance flow appears as a region of hightangential velocity near the corner formed by the shroud and thepressure surface in the rear of the rotor blade passage. Fluid fromthe secondary clearance flow can also be seen in the suction sur-face shroud corner. For Configuration 1~Fig. 7~a!!, the primary

Fig. 6 Axial velocity contours „starting at 0 m Õs with 20 m Õsintervals … for the blade tip grid plane for configurations 1 and 3

Fig. 7 Tangential velocity contours „10 mÕs interval … for the outer 20 percentof span on the cross-channel surface at 92 percent rotor chord for configura-tions 1 and 3

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clearance flow fluid appears closer to the blade pressure surfaceand has penetrated to lower immersions than shown by the mea-surements in Fig. 3. Predicted results downstream of the rotor~which are not shown here! indicate that the clearance flowmerges with the pressure side of the blade wake for Configuration1 and mixes quite slowly downstream of the rotor. This behaviordoes not agree with that observed in the measurements since thedata shown in Fig. 3 at the mid-rotor/stator gap location showlittle indication of a well-defined clearance flow region.

Comparison between the simulations shown in Fig. 7 and themeasurements shown at 92 percent chord in Fig. 3 indicates that areduction in near-shroud grid spacing brings the simulation closerto the data. This is consistent with the conclusion drawn from Fig.6 for the blade-to-blade plane at the blade tip.

Modeled Versus Gridded Clearance Gap. The solutionsgenerated with tip grid Configurations 2 and 4 were used to assessthe accuracy of the modeling methodology proposed by Kirtleyet al. @10# and also the impact of rounded blade corners on theamount of overtip leakage flow. Calculation of the mass flowthrough the clearance gap indicates that the gridded gap casesallowed 30 percent more flow through the gap than the modeledcases. However, the trajectory and radial penetration of the clear-ance flow for Configurations 1 and 2 were not significantly differ-ent. The same was true when results from Configurations 3 and 4were compared. We therefore conclude that rounding the blade tipand gridding the tip gap are not primary influences on solutionfidelity.

Clearance Flow Development. The results presented aboveindicate that the increase in near-shroud grid resolution betweenConfigurations 1 and 3 significantly alters the predicted trajectoryof the clearance flow. Furthermore, the simulation generated withConfiguration 3 agrees much more closely with the LDV data thanthat generated with Configuration 1. The increased resolution ofConfiguration 3 places four grid cells across the same distancefrom the wall as covered by the first grid cell in Configuration 1while leaving the grid cell size at the blade tip virtually un-changed. A case with higher near-shroud grid resolution thanConfiguration 3 was also run but showed no further change in theclearance flow trajectory, indicating that the grid resolution ofConfiguration 3 is sufficient to achieve a grid-independent solu-tion. The incoming boundary layer on the shroud and the com-puted wall shear stress are nearly identical in the Configuration 1and 3 solutions, indicating that changes in the clearance flow tra-jectory are not due to different inlet conditions. The solutionswere examined closely for any indication of numerical problemsin the tip clearance region. No evidence of odd–even decouplingor inconsistencies in the wall shear stress calculated by the turbu-lence model was found. To understand why the increased spatialresolution of Configuration 3 has such a marked impact on theclearance flow trajectory, we therefore need to consider the fluidmechanic processes at work in the early development of the clear-ance flow.

Dean@18#, Storer and Cumpsty@19#, Chen et al.@20#, and oth-ers have proposed that the formation of the clearance flow jet ispredominantly an inviscid phenomenon driven by the pressuredifference across the blade tip, wherein the overtip leakage jet andits associated free shear layer roll up into the main clearance vor-tex. While this is a good approximation in most cases, it neglectsthe fact that the tip leakage flow consists of two shear layers:~i!the free shear layer formed between the overtip leakage jet and themain through flow; ~ii ! a wall-bounded shear layer~WBSL!formed between the leakage jet and the shroud. The wall-boundedshear layer will be present whenever there is a velocity differencebetween the overtip leakage jet and the shroud in the relativeframe of reference. Chima@8# alluded to the presence of the wall-bounded shear layer based on the trajectory of flow tracers he

released at midheight in the clearance gap, but did not investigatethe interaction between this shear layer and the free shear layer atthe blade tip.

The role played by the wall-bounded shear layer in determiningthe trajectory of the main clearance vortex is illustrated in Fig. 8using results generated with tip grid Configuration 3. The axialvelocity distribution in a blade-to-blade plane that is two grid cellsfrom the shroud is shown in the upper half of Fig. 8. This plane islocated just 6 percent of the clearance gap height from the shroud~99.95 percent of the annulus height!. Blue regions denote areas inwhich fluid is moving upstream~negative axial velocity!. Thisfluid is the overtip leakage flow and its upstream motion has beenwell-documented by previous investigators. The red region de-notes an area in which fluid is moving downstream with an axialvelocity that is appreciably higher than that in the incomingboundary layer at this immersion. The origin of this high positiveaxial velocity can be understood by viewing the flow field on az–r cutting plane denoted by the white line. The projection of therelative velocity vectors onto this plane is shown in the lower halfof Fig. 8 as viewed in the positiveu direction. The blade suctionsurface appears on the right edge of the plot. The velocity vectorsare colored by theiru-component of vorticity. The overtip leakagejet forms a vortex centered at the pointP. The sign of theu-component of vorticity is negative~rotation in the counterclock-wise direction in Fig. 8~b!!. The wall bounded shear layer appearsas the color red in Fig. 8~b!. In the present case the sign of thevorticity in this shear layer is positive~clockwise rotation in Fig.8~b!!. This shear layer initially occupies only about 20 percent ofthe clearance height, but is then pulled away from the shroud bythe vortex centered atP and forms a vortex centered at pointI,which we will call the ‘‘induced vortex.’’ The paths of the pri-mary clearance vortex~centered atP! and the induced vortex~centered atI! are shown in the blade-to-blade view in the upperhalf of Fig. 8.

The Configuration 1 solution~not shown here! indicates that thewall-bounded shear layer is not adequately resolved by the near-shroud grid spacing used in Configuration 1, while the resultsshown in Fig. 8 indicate that it is adequately resolved by that usedin Configuration 3. Simulations were also done using the standardk–« turbulence model with Configuration 1 and 3 grids. The tipclearance flow trajectory in these solutions showed the same de-pendence on the near wall grid resolution. The standardk–«model responded differently than the CMOTT model to the largepressure gradients in the endwall region, which resulted in differ-ences in the fine details of the flow field. However, the WBSL didnot roll up into an induced vortex but instead created a stagnationpoint at the clearance jet/incoming flow interface. The clearanceflow trajectory was still accurately predicted. Therefore, for bothturbulence models, the WBSL is the most important feature tocapture. Whether the WBSL rolls up into an induced vortex is ofsecondary importance.

One might ask, ‘‘Does the WBSL-induced vortexcause achange in the clearance flow trajectory or is it merely aneffectofthe increased grid resolution?’’ This issue was addressed by per-forming a numerical experiment using tip grid Configuration 3 inwhich the induced vortex was removed without making any otherchanges to the flow field. This was accomplished by removing theno-slip boundary condition at the shroud over the small region inwhich the induced vortex forms. This region is located from 2.5–18.5 percent chord and from 0–50 percent of the blade pitch fromthe suction surface. The wall-bounded shear layer that feeds theinduced vortex cannot form without the no-slip boundary condi-tion in this region. The results from this simulation are shown inFig. 9 along with the region over which the no-slip boundarycondition was altered. A detailed examination of the solution in-dicated that the incoming shroud boundary layer and the forma-tion of the primary clearance flow were unchanged in these twosimulations; only the WBSL was altered. With the WBSL re-moved the primary clearance flow moves forward in the blade

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passage, clearly demonstrating that the WBSL is responsible foraltering the tip clearance flow trajectory. Furthermore, a compari-son of Figs. 9 and 6~a! suggests that the vortex trajectory pre-dicted with tip grid Configuration 1 results from the fact that thewall-bounded shear layer is not adequately captured by the near-wall grid spacing used in Configuration 1. Inspection of cross-channel vector plots similar to Fig. 8 confirm that the inducedvortex is not present in the Configuration 1 simulation.

If we consider the vorticity in the WBSL to be concentratedinto the induced vortex, then the following kinematic argumentcan be used to understand why a change in the strength of theWBSL alters the trajectory of the main clearance flow. Both theprimary and induced vortices require an image vortex in theshroud to satisfy the condition of zero normal velocity at theshroud. The mutual interaction between the primary vortex and itsimage acts to move the primary vortex axially upstream and awayfrom the blade suction surface~to the left in the lower half of Fig.8!. Conversely, the mutual interaction between the induced vortexand its image acts to move the induced vortex axially downstreamtoward the blade suction surface. The circulation in each vortexwill determine the equilibrium position of the primary and in-duced vortices. The circulation for each vortex was calculated forthe solutions generated using Configuration 1 and 3 tip grids andfor the solution with the slip boundary condition. The vortexstrengths~in arbitrary units! are:

Configuration 1 3 3~no-slip b.c.! ~slip b.c.!

Primary vortex 199,200 223,800 238,400circulation,PInduced vortex 14,200 77,300 0.0circulation,IRatio, I /P 7 percent 35 percent 0 percent

The circulation of the primary vortex increases by about 10 per-cent in Configuration 3 relative to Configuration 1. Taken by it-self, this change would act to move the primary vortex farther

upstream, away from the suction surface. However, this change ismore than offset by the increased strength of the induced vortex inConfiguration 3. The net effect of the changes in vortex strengthbetween Configurations 1 and 3 is therefore a movement of theprimary/induced vortex pair downstream toward the suction sur-face, which alters the trajectory of the primary clearance flow.

Operating Range Predictions. Hoying et al.@3# and Adam-czyk et al.@2# suggest that rotor stall occurs when the tip clear-ance vortex spills forward of the leading edge, thereby linking theclearance vortex path to rotor stability. Since our tip grid topologyimpacts the clearance trajectory, this also implies a link betweenour grid topology and the predicted stability. Figure 10 shows the80 percent speed line for Rotor 35 calculated with configuration 1and 3 grids. The stall point for both simulations and the experi-ment are marked with arrows. The results confirm a large effecton predicted operating range with configuration 3 showing a muchbetter match to experiment.

Fig. 9 Axial velocity contours „starting at 0 m Õs with 20 m Õsintervals … for the blade tip grid plane for configuration 3 with aslip boundary condition applied over the region shown

Fig. 10 Comparison of computed and measured operatingrange for Rotor 35 at 80 percent speed

Fig. 11 Axial velocity contours „starting at 0 m Õs with 20 m Õsintervals … for the blade tip plane for design speed with a gridsimilar to configuration 3

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Simulations of Rotor 35 at design speed also show a sensitivityto grid spacing near the wall. Figure 11 shows the clearance flowtrajectory for a calculation done with a mesh similar to Configu-ration 3. Note that the clearance flow does not reach the pressuresurface of the adjacent blade until near the exit of the blade pas-sage. This trajectory is a good match to LDV data@21#. In simu-lations with a mesh similar to configuration 1, the clearance flowmoves quickly across the passage~similar to Fig. 6~a!! indicatingthat the presence of a wall bounded shear layer is still important atdesign speed.

As at part speed, the position of the clearance flow has aninfluence on the calculated stable operating range. Figure 12shows the 100 percent speed line which confirms the effect of theclearance flow trajectory on operating range.

The simulation results in Figs. 10 and 12 indicate that the in-duced vortex has a strong impact on the rotor stability. This indi-cates that rotor stability can be enhanced by increasing thestrength of the induced vortex. As discussed in the next section,the strength of the induced vortex is directly proportional to thespeed of the overtip leakage jet.

Velocity Difference Parameter. It is instructive to considerunder what conditions the wall-bounded shear layer plays a deter-mining role in the development of the tip clearance flow. Therelationship between the leakage jet velocity and the shroud ve-locity in the relative frame is shown in Fig. 13. The velocityvector lengths and leakage flow angle are drawn to scale, usingthe blade tip speed and the leakage velocity at midheight in the

clearance gap from the Configuration 3 simulation. Let us define anormalized velocity difference between the shroud and leakage jetby the parameter:

VD5~Vjet2Vwall•cosg!/~Vwall! (1)

whereVwall is the blade tip speed andg is the difference betweenthe relative flow angle of the leakage jet and the tangential direc-tion. Evaluating this parameter for Rotor 35 at the 80 percentspeed, peak efficiency operating condition simulated herein wefind VD50.40. The sign of this velocity difference determines thesign of the vorticity in the wall-bounded shear layer. When thevelocity difference is greater than zero, as in the present case, theu-component of vorticity is positive and is of opposite sense tothat in the free shear layer and the incoming shroud boundarylayer. When the velocity difference is less than zero, theu-component of vorticity in the wall shear layer will be of thesame sense as that in the free shear layer. When this velocitydifference is small, the wall-bounded shear layer will be weak andwill not exert a strong influence on the primary leakage flow. Insuch cases an inviscid approximation can be used for the leakagejet and a computational grid with relatively few points in theclearance gap will yield an accurate leakage flow simulation.

To check the generality of the criteria set forth above, twoadditional compressor rotors were simulated. In each case solu-tions were generated with near-shroud grid spacings representa-tive of those used in Configurations 1 and 3 of the present work,and the results were analyzed for both the presence of the inducedvortex and for changes in the primary clearance flow trajectory asnear-shroud grid resolution was increased. The first additionalcase is Rotor 35 at the design speed, near the peak efficiencyoperating condition. The total pressure ratio, efficiency, and tipspeed for this case are 1.90, 86 percent, and 454 m/s, respectively.The velocity difference parameter for this case isVD50.2 and thesolutions show the presence of an induced vortex, which alters theclearance flow trajectory when adequate near-shroud grid resolu-tion is used. Simulations performed close to stall further indicatethat the induced vortex impacts the predicted stall point at designspeed to nearly the same degree as at 80 percent speed as shownin Figs. 10 and 12. The second additional case is the rotor in theNASA-Lewis LowSpeed Axial Compressor~LSAC!, which is alow-speed four-stage model of the General Electric Energy Effi-cient Engine compressor rear stages@22#. The total pressure ratioand tip speed for this case are 1.042 and 61 m/s, respectively. Thevelocity difference parameter for the LSAC isVD50.05, andrefining the grid in the tip gap had no significant impact on theclearance flow. Based on these limited cases, values of the veloc-ity difference parameter on the order of 0.2 or higher indicate thepresence of a wall-bounded shear layer of sufficient strength toimpact the primary clearance flow trajectory. A wider range ofrotors needs to be investigated before a more general conclusioncan be reached.

In the preceding discussion, the velocity difference parameter,VD, was evaluated using information obtained from the CFD so-lution itself. When starting the analysis of a new rotor, it would beuseful to have an a priori estimate ofVD to serve as guidance inselecting the proper near-shroud grid resolution. Such an estimatecan be obtained using the leakage jet velocity approximation pro-vided by Khalsa@23#. Based on the formula of Khalsa written inthe relative reference frame, the leakage flow angle relative to theblade stagger angle for incompressible flow is:

a5tan21S Vl

VswD5tan21SA~PT rel2PSS!

~PT rel2PPS!D (2)

whereVl 5 leakage velocity normal to blade surface

Vsw 5 leakage velocity tangent to blade surfacePt rel 5 relative total pressure on pressure surfacePSS 5 static pressure on suction surfacePPS 5 static pressure on pressure surface

Fig. 12 Comparison of computed and measured operatingrange for Rotor 35 at design speed

Fig. 13 Relation of the clearance jet velocity and the shroud-wall velocity in the relative reference frame

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Noting thatVjet andVwall in Eq. ~1! are equal toVl/sina andUtip ~the blade speed! respectively, one can obtain the followingexpression forVD involving only blade geometry and surfaceloading parameters:

VD5~Vl2Utip sin~b1a!sina!/~Utip sina! (3)

whereb is the stagger angle. For incompressible flow the leakagevelocity can be computed as (r is density!:

Vl5A~2~PT rel2PSS!!/rSS (4)

Equations~2!–~4! can be evaluated with information obtainedfrom the blade design process so that the value of the velocitydifference parameter is known prior to grid generation for aNavier–Stokes simulation.

ConclusionsThe tip clearance flow field of NASA Rotor 35 was simulated

using a Navier–Stokes turbomachinery solver to determine theimpact of grid topology and tip gap treatment on solution fidelity.Detailed laser anemometer measurements of the rotor tip clear-ance flow field were used as a basis for comparison between themeasured and predicted clearance flow trajectory and radialextent. The following conclusions are drawn from thesecomparisons:

• Gridding the tip gap does not yield any significant advantagesin solution accuracy compared to using a simple tip clearancemodel. Accurate clearance flow predictions can be generatedwithout gridding the gap and we recommend that the computa-tionally efficient tip clearance model of Kirtley et al.@10# be usedfor thin blades typical of most compressors.

• When the relative velocity difference between the leakage jetand shroud is large, a wall-bounded shear layer is an importantcomponent of the tip clearance flow. Because this shear layerimpacts the trajectory of the primary clearance flow, adequateresolution of the wall- bounded shear layer is critical to achievingaccurate clearance flow predictions.

• The wall-bounded shear layer can have a major impact on therotor stability depending on its strength. Therefore, accurate pre-diction of stable operating range requires careful attention to gridresolution near the casing. Increasing the relative velocity differ-ence between the leakage jet and shroud strengthens the shearlayer and increases the stable operating range. Rotor designs thatenhance this velocity difference should demonstrate increasedstability.

Appendix: Total Temperature Distributions in the TipRegion

CFD simulations of tip clearance flow generated during theASME and AGARD CFD assessment exercises on NASA Rotor37 display a temperature excess in the blade tip region comparedto temperatures measured downstream of the rotor with thermo-couple probes, as summarized by Dunham and Meauze@5#,AGARD @6#, and Denton@4#. This overshoot has been attributedto an inability to model the tip clearance flow correctly and resultsin a significant underestimation of the efficiency in the outer10–20 percent of blade span. It is therefore important to deter-mine whether the predicted temperature excess is ‘‘real’’ or rep-resents a deficiency in the CFD modeling. The Rotor 37 tempera-ture measurements were acquired far downstream~almost twochords! of the blade trailing edge. While thermocouple measure-ments of temperature can be acquired closer to the rotor trailingedge, conventional instrumentation often yields questionable re-sults within one chord of the rotor due to the highly unsteadyflowfield. Additionally any measurement made downstream of therotor will be impacted by mixing, which is difficult to accuratelypredict with CFD.

The LDV data acquired within the rotor during this investiga-tion provide more detailed measurements in the tip clearance flow

region then were available for Rotor 37 and thus provide a uniqueopportunity to assess the accuracy of CFD predictions of tempera-ture rise in the rotor tip region. To address this issue, the tangen-tial velocity measured by the LDV system is used to calculate thetotal temperature within the tip clearance flow field using the Eu-ler turbine equation. This derived fluid temperature is then used toprovide a more accurate assessment of the simulation fidelity thanis possible using temperature measured far downstream.

One normally obtains the temperature predicted by a CFDsimulation from the energy equation. However, in order to pro-vide a back-to-back comparison with the derived fluid temperatureas measured by the LDV system, we will obtain the CFD-predicted temperature using the predicted tangential velocity andthe Euler turbine equation. This Euler-derived temperature will beslightly different near the shroud than that obtained from the en-ergy equation. This is due to the fact that the Euler turbine equa-tion assumes that rothalpy is conserved, an assumption that is notvalid near the wall because of the shear work done on the fluid bythe moving shroud wall in the relative frame of reference.

A quantitative comparison between the measured and predictedtotal temperature is obtained by displaying the results along aradial line that cuts through the center of the primary clearanceflow at 92 percent blade chord. The Euler-derived measured tem-perature distribution is compared to the predicted~Configuration3! temperature distribution in Fig. 14. Predicted temperatures ob-tained from the energy equation and derived through the Eulerequation are both shown. The survey line for these results isshown in the inset of Fig. 14. The local levels of the measured andpredicted temperatures are somewhat different over the outer 20percent of the blade span. All temperatures are therefore shiftedsuch that the Euler-derived measured and predicted temperaturesmatch at 80 percent span. The abscissa in Fig. 14 is therefore thenormalized temperature excess:

~T~r !2T80!/Tstd (5)

whereT(r ) is the temperature at radiusr along the survey line,T80 is the temperature at 80 percent span along the survey line,andTstd5288.2 K.

The comparison shown in Fig. 14 confirms for the first time thata CFD simulation accurately predicts the local temperature excessassociated with the increased turning in the clearance flow. Theradial penetration of the clearance flow is also reasonably pre-dicted. Other comparisons to simulations with nonuniform tipclearance are shown in Van Zante@21#. The overall temperaturerise of the rotor is 12 percent of the inlet total temperature for theoperating condition considered here. The temperature excesswithin the clearance flow is therefore significant since its magni-

Fig. 14 Total temperature excess of the clearance flow at 92percent rotor chord along the survey line shown

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tude corresponds to 25–35 percent of the overall temperature rise.The results shown here suggest that temperature measurementsderived from velocities measured within the rotor may provide themost reliable data for future assessments of CFD simulationaccuracy.

The results presented indicate that the choice of near-wall gridspacing has a significant impact on accurate prediction of the non-uniform temperature distribution that exists in the rotor as a resultof the clearance flow. When the WBSL is not adequately resolved,the primary clearance flow accumulates on the adjacent bladepressure surface before reaching the rear of the blade passage, asshown in Fig. 6~a!. The low axial momentum fluid of the clear-ance flow is then worked on by the adjacent rotor blade, furtherincreasing its total temperature. This results in overprediction ofthe temperature rise in the tip region. Additionally, when the pri-mary clearance flow accumulates on the adjacent blade pressuresurface, the clearance flow merges with the pressure side of theblade wake and the total temperature excess in the clearance flowmixes very slowly downstream of the rotor. For axial blade spac-ings representative of those in modern multistage compressors,this results in a temperature excess entering the stator. These er-rors result from an inaccurate prediction of the primary clearanceflow trajectory and will contribute to an underprediction of rotorefficiency. In a multistage environment these errors can build insuccessive stages possibly resulting in a large overprediction oftemperature at the blade tip and casing at the exit of thecompressor.

AcknowledgmentsThe authors wish to thank Tim Beach for his assistance with

grid generation, John Adamczyk for much assistance in interpret-ing the solutions, Aamir Shabbir for assistance with the LSACand design speed Rotor 35 solutions, Mark Celestina for guidancein running APNASA, and Nick Cumpsty for useful discussions.The first author thanks the National Research Council for theirsponsorship during the execution of this research.

References@1# Wisler, D. C., 1985, ‘‘Loss Reduction in Axial Flow Compressors Through

Low-Speed Model Testing,’’ ASME J. Turbomach.,107, pp. 354–363.@2# Adamczyk, J. J., Celestina, M. L., and Greitzer, E. M., 1993, ‘‘The Role of Tip

Clearance in High-Speed Fan Stall,’’ ASME J. Turbomach.,115, pp. 28–38.@3# Hoying, D. A., Tan, C. S., Vo, H. D., and Greitzer, E. M., 1999, ‘‘Role of

Blade Passage Flow Structures in Axial Compressor Rotating Stall Inception,’’ASME J. Turbomach.,121, pp. 735–742.

@4# Denton, J. D., 1996, ‘‘Lessons Learned From Rotor 37,’’ presented at the 3rdInternational Symposium on Experimental and Computational Aerothermody-namics of International Flows~ISAIF!, Beijing, China, Sept. 1–6.

@5# Dunham, J., and Meauze, G., 1998, ‘‘An AGARD Working Group Study of3D Navier–Stokes Codes Applied to Single Turbomachinery Blade Rows,’’ASME Paper No. 98-GT-50.

@6# AGARD, 1998, ‘‘CFD Validation for Propulsion System Components,’’ J.Dunham, ed., AGARD-AR-355.

@7# Suder, K. L., and Celestina, M. L., 1996, ‘‘Experimental and ComputationalInvestigation of the Tip Clearance Flow in a Transonic Axial CompressorRotor,’’ ASME J. Turbomach.,118, pp. 218–229.

@8# Chima, R. V., 1998, ‘‘Calculation of Tip Clearance Effects in a TransonicCompressor Rotor,’’ ASME J. Turbomach.,120, pp. 131–140.

@9# Gerolymos, G. A., and Vallet, I., 1999, ‘‘Tip-Clearance and Secondary Flowsin a Transonic Compressor Rotor,’’ ASME J. Turbomach.,121, pp. 751–762.

@10# Kirtley, K. R., Beach, T. A., and Adamczyk, J. J., 1990, ‘‘Numerical Analysisof Secondary Flow in a Two-Stage Turbine,’’ Paper No. AIAA-90-2356.

@11# Dawes, W. N., 1987, ‘‘A Numerical Analysis of the Three-Dimensional Vis-cous Flow in a Transonic Compressor Rotor and Comparison With Experi-ment,’’ ASME J. Turbomach.,109, pp. 83–90.

@12# Reid, L, and Moore, R. D., 1978, ‘‘Performance of Single-Stage Axial-FlowTransonic Compressor With Rotor and Stator Aspect Ratios of 1.19 and 1.26,Respectively, and With Design Pressure Ratio of 1.82,’’ NASA TP 1338.

@13# Van Zante, D. E., Adamczyk, J. A., Strazisar, A. J., and Okiishi, T. H., 1997,‘‘Wake Recovery Benefit in a High-Speed Axial Compressor,’’ ASME PaperNo. 97-GT-535.

@14# Strazisar, A. J., Wood, J. R., Hathaway, M. D., and Suder, K. L., 1989, ‘‘LaserAnemometer Measurements in a Transonic Axial-Flow Fan Rotor,’’ NASA TP2879.

@15# Adamczyk, J. J., Celestina, M. L., Beach, T. A., and Barnett, M., 1990,‘‘Simulation of Three-Dimensional Viscous Flow Within a Multistage Tur-bine,’’ ASME J. Turbomach.,112, pp. 370–376.

@16# Shabbir, A., Zhu, J., and Celestina, M. L., 1996, ‘‘Assessment of Three Tur-bulence Models in a Compressor Rotor,’’ ASME Paper No. 96-GT-198.

@17# Shabbir, A., Celestina, M. L., Adamczyk, J. J., and Strazisar, A. J., 1997, ‘‘TheEffect of Hub Leakage Flow on Two High Speed Axial Compressor Rotors,’’ASME Paper No. 97-GT-346.

@18# Dean, R. C., Jr., 1954, ‘‘The Influence of Tip Clearance on Boundary-LayerFlow in a Rectilinear Cascade,’’ MIT Gas Turbine Laboratory Report No.27-3.

@19# Storer, J. A., and Cumpsty, N. A., 1991, ‘‘Tip Leakage Flow in Axial Com-pressors,’’ ASME J. Turbomach.,113, pp. 252–259.

@20# Chen, G. T., Greitzer, E. M., Tan, C. S., and Marble, F. E., 1991, ‘‘SimilarityAnalysis of Compressor Tip Clearance Flow Structure,’’ ASME J. Turbo-mach.,113, pp. 260–271.

@21# Van Zante, Dale E., Strazisar, Anthony J., Wood, Jerry R., Hathaway, MichaelD., and Okiishi, Theodore H., 2000, ‘‘Recommendations for Achieving Accu-rate Numerical Simulation of Tip Clearance Flows in Transonic CompressorRotors,’’ NASA TM 210347.

@22# Barankiewicz, W. S., and Hathaway, M. D., 1998, ‘‘Impact of Variable-Geometry Stator Hub Leakage in a Low Speed Axial Compressor,’’ ASMEPaper No. 98-GT-194.

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N. Balzani

F. Scarano

M. L. Riethmuller

F. A. E. Breugelmans

Von Karman Institute for Fluid Dynamics,Rhode-St.-Genese, Belgium

Experimental Investigationof the Blade-to-Blade Flowin a Compressor Rotor by DigitalParticle Image VelocimetryThe purpose of this study is to investigate the blade-to-blade flow in an axial compressor,providing a detailed description of the entire flow-field on multiple layers through the useof Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV). Typical problems that relate to flow seeding, light-sheet generation, and camera-laser timing control are successfully dealt with, bringingadditional knowledge in the domain. An extensive data set is analyzed to obtain statisticalflow information (mean and fluctuating quantities). Spatial data reconstruction proce-dures allow the complete planar flow distributions to be determined. The multiplanarmean velocity field constitutes the final result of a three-dimensional reconstruction ofthe domain geometry and the proper introduction of the available planar measurements.@S0889-504X~00!00304-4#

IntroductionRotor performance depends strongly on the blade-to-blade flow

behavior, which in turn is strictly connected with the efficiency ofa turbomachine. A better understanding of this flow is required toimprove design and analysis computations. The requirement forexperimental data in rotational flow increases with the develop-ment of advanced tools for numerical investigations.

Currently the range of flow measurement techniques, which canbe used for turbomachinery, can be classified as intrusive, par-tially intrusive, and completely nonintrusive@1#. PIV works withseeding, which is an intrusive component: The application of thismeasurement technique in the study of rotating components of aturbomachine is very attractive because of all the difficulties en-countered in these environments~centrifugal force acting on mea-surement probes, complex data acquisition and transmission! @2#.

Currently stereo viewing optical configurations and holographypresent difficult implementations and constraints not suitable forturbomachinery environments.

Since the flow in the rotor of an axial compressor is mostlyaxisymmetric and defining axisymmetric streamsurfaces, it can beinvestigated through the use of a two-dimensional technique, suchas PIV.

Particle Image Velocimetry is a nonintrusive measurementtechnique, which provides the simultaneous measurement of thevelocity distribution over a planar domain. Small tracer particlesare added to the flow and illuminated twice by a light-sheet pro-duced by a laser. The orientation of the light-sheet plane is suchthat it contains the dominant flow direction. The light scatteredfrom the particles is collected at 90 deg and recorded either on asingle frame or on two different frames. After processing thedouble-exposed image or the two single-exposed images recorded,the displacement of particles is determined. From the time intervalbetween the two exposures the magnitude of the velocity vectorcan be computed.

Since this technique measures the velocity of the tracersadded to the flow, it is essential to achieve a uniform flow seedingwith an optimum concentration. This difficulty becomes evenmore critical in a rotating environment. The main consequence

of a nonuniform seeding is the spatial loss of data and conse-quently a low confidence level in the whole instantaneous mea-surement, losing one of the most important advantages providedby the technique.

The technique is not yet routinely applied in turbomachinery.Major reasons include difficult setup installations and the flexibil-ity needed for the environment encountered.

The purpose of this work is to apply this technique for mea-surement on multiple layers, from the hub to the tip, in order toget the flow distribution in the three-dimensional geometry de-fined by the blade-to-blade channel. It is therefore of fundamentalimportance for this work to have a flexible setup, which providesimproved performance of the PIV technique.

The high velocities encountered in rotating parts of a turboma-chine and the request of highest spatial resolution image measure-ments has led in recent years to the use of the photographic tech-nique as fully optical PIV or opto-digital PIV configuration. Theconsequence is very difficult and long image processing@3#, notsuitable for extensive measurement sessions. Recent technologydevelopments have led to modern cross-correlation video camerasthat allow the use of a frame straddling technique. This techniqueallows the time interval between single exposures to be decreased,increasing the range of velocity that can be analyzed. This opensan interesting possibility of applying electronic image acquisitionsystems to fast flow phenomena with an acceptable resolution andwith an improved robustness for whole-field velocimetry in turbo-machinery. Wernet@4# applied a complete digital system success-fully in a transonic compressor. This work proposes and tests asetup developed in order to make possible the acquisition of dataon multiple layers and fast image processing.

Measurements have been carried out in the axial compressorfacility ~R2! at von Karman Institute for Fluid Dynamics~VKI !.The measurement planes investigated extend from the hub to tipevery 10 mm at a rotational speed of 4000 rpm. For each plane theperiodic blade-to-blade flow is deduced from the recorded set ofPIV pictures of different blade passages with a random blade po-sition. The optical periscope probe, proposed by Tisserant andBreugelmans@2# and already applied by Bryanston-Cross et al.@5# and Wernet@4#, is successfully applied in the current investi-gation to generate and introduce the light sheet at differentheights. A specific solution is proposed for the seeding supplysystem in order to meet the uniformity constraint. A description ofthe experimental setup and of the results obtained is presented.

Contributed by the International Gas Turbine Institute and presented at the 45thInternational Gas Turbine and Aeroengine Congress and Exhibition, Munich, Ger-many, May 8–11, 2000. Manuscript received by the International Gas Turbine Insti-tute February 2000. Paper No. 2000-GT-55. Review Chair: D. Ballal.

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Experimental SetupThe compressor facility R2 at VKI is a semi-closed-loop sys-

tem for the testing of different axial-flow rotors. This experimen-tal work is performed in a single-stage configuration and it con-cerns a single stage axial-flow rotor characterized by a tipdiameter of 400 mm and a hub diameter of 200 mm. It consists of24 subsonic blades of the NACA 65 family. The tip chord is 49mm while the hub chord is 40 mm. The inlet provides an almostaxial flow, while a stator mounted behind the rotor turns the exitflow axial and allows increasing the pressure rise in the compres-sor. The total–total compressor ratio is 1.1. The facility is char-acterized by a flat optical access window of 40 mm340 mm in-stalled in the casing. Its axis is inclined at 45 deg with respect tothe horizontal plane, as shown in the sketch in Fig. 1 representingthe cross section of the rotor.

The light sheet is introduced upstream of the optical accessusing the periscope probe, shown in Fig. 2. The advantage of thisprobe is the possibility to change and control the height of thelight-sheet plane independently of the laser optics placement. Thelaser beam is deflected by two prisms, P, and meanwhile goesthrough a cylindrical negative lens~focal length of219 mm! thatgenerates the diverging light sheet from the incident beam.

Prism supports are manufactured with nylon. Recessed holeshave been made to avoid local accumulation of energy in glassduring the laser impact. One part is fixed on the casing; a nutallows the translating of the part containing the lens and the sec-ond prism with respect to the second part. As shown in Fig. 2, theouter prism remains always at the same height from the casing,while it is the inner one that goes up and down. Hence, there is noconstraint affecting the location of the laser device: Moving thelaser sheet at different locations in the blade channel, the laserdevice does not need to be moved. The periscope probe is insertedthrough the compressor casing upstream the measurement loca-tion. In Fig. 3 it can be noticed that the insert location of the probe

is moved in the longitudinal direction along the casing with re-spect to the optical access port: This ensures that the probe wakedoes not interfere with the flow in the measurement plane.

From Fig. 2 it is also clear that with this kind of probe it is notpossible to control the light-sheet thickness. To overcome thisproblem, a collimator is inserted in the optical path between thelaser outlet and the inlet prism of the probe. This collimator ischaracterized by a convergent lens~focal length 200 mm! and adivergent one~focal length2100 mm! as shown in Fig. 4. Theresulting light sheet is 40 mm wide32 mm thick. The laser beamconverges toward the focal point F1 of the first convergent lens.Placing a divergent lens on the optical path just before F1, it ispossible to have a straight beam of a smaller diameter. The seconddivergent lens has to be placed upstream of the focal point F1 at adistance from F1 equal to the focal lengthf 2 of the second lens.The laser used is a double cavity Nd:Yag laser. It produces shortduration ~10 ns! high-energy~200 mJ! pulses of green coherentlight ~532 nm!. The pulses are fired at 10 Hz. Using the PIVtechnique, a critical parameter for an accurate velocity measure-ment is the flow seeding. A uniform concentration is the optimalcondition in order to achieve a high confidence level. Neverthe-less, instantaneous and local loss of seeding can bring undesiredloss of data~intermittence!. Within a rotating environment, it isparticularly difficult to achieve a uniform seeding with an optimalconcentration.

In the present experiment, glycerine oil vapor mixed with air isused. The seed injection tube is located several tube diametersupstream of the measurement plane and externally to the inlet,adding a negligible disturbance to the test section. A smoke sup-ply system~sketched in Fig. 5! provides particles that are injectedinto the flow through a diffuser placed on the front left side withrespect to the compressor inlet, in such a way the seeded flowgoes into the test section following inlet streamlines. The outflowfrom the smoke generator is first mixed with air before enteringthe diffuser. This solution allows the control of the smoke massflow to be maintained and a better condensation of the smokeparticles into droplets is observed. Since the seeded flow is notvisible at the outlet of the diffuser~due to the low concentrationfor optimal PIV images!, the correct placement of the smoke sup-

Fig. 1 Cut section of rotor

Fig. 2 Light-sheet forming probe

Fig. 3 Optical port and insert location of the periscope probe

Fig. 4 Convergent–divergent lens system

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ply is particularly difficult. Thus a low power laser pointer is usedto visualize the smoke stream ensuring the exact location of theseeded flow.

Moreover, the large contraction ratio of the facility induces asignificant reduction of the seeded stream tube, meaning that thesmoke outlet extent and the outlet concentration is not the same asin the measurement section. This makes the setting of particleconcentration very difficult, underlying the necessity of workingwith an ‘‘on-line’’ technique. This last consideration introducesthe choice of the recording device. It can be either a photographicor a video camera. The photographic film offers the highest spatialresolution for image measurements, although one has to keep inmind that the real particle image size does not correspond to therecorded one, due to the diffraction-limited imaging and to theoptics between the recording device and the measurement loca-tion. Considering this effect and the resolution of modern videocameras, it is possible to obtain very similar performance withboth devices@6#.

In addition, the use of a video camera brings many other ad-vantages compared with photographic film: namely, the immedi-ate access to the recorded picture; this gives a real-time feedbackof the flow seeding conditions and, more generally, of the mea-surement quality~exposure, focusing!. Indeed, the photographicfilm needs to be developed, rinsed, and dried. Only after this maythe film negatives be analyzed. Also, the analysis process~auto-correlation! is quite long~Young’s fringes approach! unless onetransfers the film into a digital form and processes it by autocor-relation, introducing a further step before obtaining the velocityfield. The video mode directly provides an image in digital form,ready for immediate processing. The video method also has a veryhigh sensitivity; usually it allows less laser energy to be used thanwith the photographic one.

Another very important factor should definitively influence thechoice of a video camera. Indeed, while a photographic cameraonly allows the recording of multiple exposed pictures, a videocamera allows single exposures to be recorded. The first advan-tage of this method of recording is that it enables a cross-correlation of successive corresponding interrogation cells to becarried out. Using cross-correlation algorithms, unlike autocorre-lation ones, the evaluation yields the direction of the tracer dis-placements. It is also possible to cover a larger range of velocities,since there is no longer the limitation for the tracers to movesufficiently between two exposures in such a way that they do notoverlap. Moreover, the signal-to-noise ratio obtained is usuallyhigher than that obtained with autocorrelation algorithms.

At this point only one further question needs to be discussed.The usual working frequency of video cameras is 30 Hz. If thelaser was pulsed once at the start of each video frame, the timebetween pulses would be 33 ms. High-speed flows cannot be mea-sured on the basis of this time interval, which should be of theorder ofms.

The architecture and the read-out electronics of modern cross-correlation cameras@7# give peculiar characteristics that makethem useful for fast sequential acquisitions. At the end of the first

exposure, all the pixel charges are moved to a buffer array simul-taneously in the camera~shift register!. The time for completetransfer of the charge is between 100 ns to somems. Since thecamera is always light sensitive and the charge representing theimage is transferred shortly after the exposure, it is possible toobtain two separate frames illuminated in quick succession byexposing the camera a second time after the charge transfer iscompleted and during the read-out process. This can be achievedthrough the use of the so-called ‘‘frame straddling’’ approach~Fig. 6!.

After the start of a video frame, the first laser pulse is delayeduntil just before the end of the frame exposure time. The secondlaser pulse happens just after the next frame exposure hasstarted. When the time interval decreases to values comparablewith the charge transfer time, the synchronization process be-comes much more critical and a very accurate synchronizer isrequired. In this work the RS-170 cross-correlation camera isused. It is a camera having a CCD captor of 6403480 pixels. Thiscamera has been equipped with a focusing lens~Micro Nikkor!having a focal length equal to 55 mm. The F-number is adjustedto 3.5. The time interval is fixed to 25ms. This choice is imposedby the synchronizer.

To facilitate the camera positioning, it is mounted on a rigid railsupport fixed on the viewing port and centered on the windowaxis. Since the camera belongs to a fixed reference frame, themeasured velocity is the absolute one.

At 4000 rpm the smoke particles condense on the window ofthe optical access degrading it. To avoid this problem the shuttersystem designed by Tisserant and Breugelmans@8# is used~Fig. 7!.

Data Processing and Averaging Velocity Vector MapsThe maximum expected velocity is evaluated around 95 m/s;

these data are deduced from pressure measurements and con-firmed by previous measurements done in the same facility con-

Fig. 5 Seeding system and laser pointer

Fig. 6 Frame straddling approach

Fig. 7 Shutter system

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figuration by Tisserant and Breugelmans@2#. The inter-frame timeand the maximum expected velocity would not respect the ‘‘one-quarter rule’’ needed to apply cross-correlation successfully@9#.

WIDIM ~window displacement iterative multigrid! is used toprocess each image. It is a PIV evaluation method developed atVKI by Scarano and Riethmuller@10#. This software performs thecross-correlation analysis of PIV pictures by means of an im-proved cross-correlation method that allows de-coupling space-resolution and accuracy. It computes the two-dimensional andtwo-component velocity field distribution from pairs of picturesappropriately stored in digital form. At the current state of devel-opment, the program allows the cross-correlation technique to beapplied to a pair of images by the window displacement and win-dow distortion technique. Using this program, all recorded imageshave been processed successfully using interrogation areas of 32332 pixels with 75 percent overlap.

The check for the validity of measured vectors is made evalu-ating the signal-to-noise ratio~highest correlation peak versus sec-ond highest peak! for each correlation map. Additionally, a localmedian operator is applied@11#; the deviation of the velocity fromthe local median is compared with the local rms; if their ratioexceeds the user threshold, the vector is considered erroneous@12#.

The application of PIV, with an electronic image acquisitionsystem, results in an extensive amount of data acquired for eachradial station of interest. About 50 pairs of pictures are acquiredfor each station. The optical access does not allow the completepicture of the blade channel to be obtained: It is then necessary tosuperimpose all the different images acquired to obtain it. More-over, some information is lost in instantaneous pictures due toseeding intermittence. The periodicity and steady flow conditionsare the underlying hypotheses to superimpose different images ata given height.

Since the blade position is different from picture to picture, andconsidering the large number of instantaneous pictures acquiredfor each height, a fully automatic algorithm is needed to get theaverage flow. The algorithm developed for this application usesthe flare light from the blade suction surface to calculate the offsetbetween images recorded at the same height. Let us suppose thatwe are calculating the offset between the two images, recorded atdifferent times, reported in Figs. 8~a! and 8~b!. Plotting the lightintensity profile along a vertical line at the same X1 location for

both images, one obtains the profiles on the right sides of Figs.8~a! and 8~b!. The peaks are in correspondence with the lightimpingement on the blade suction surface. Then the offset can besimply found as:

Offset5Y P52Y P3

whereY P5 andY P6 are corresponding light impingement pointson the blade suction surface, respectively, in Figs. 8~a! and 8~b!.This offset detection procedure has been automated and it enablesthe superposition of all measured grids and computation of theaverage of data points located in the same position.

ResultsFrom inlet pressure measurements~two chords before the lead-

ing edge! it is possible to evaluate the Reynolds number based onthe chord and the inlet relative velocity. It is 1.663105 at the huband 2.433105 at the tip for the rotational speed 4000 rpm.

The camera is fixed on the carriage support in such a way thatthe field of view covers most of the blade passage in the circum-ferential direction for all the measurement planes. An example ofa single exposed picture is shown in Fig. 9. In the followingpictures the flow direction is from right to left and the rotationalspeed is from bottom to top. In Figs. 10 and 11 a processed in-stantaneous velocity vector map at 50 mm from the hub is shown.Absolute velocity vectors are directed toward the blade suctionsurface.

Adding the rotor speed, the relative velocity field is obtained~Fig. 11! and the relative velocity magnitude is color coded. Vec-tors are represented with different spacing between Figs. 10 and11 for a clear display. In particular, Fig. 11 shows the final gridspacing achieved with WIDIM.

Fig. 8 „a… Image taken at time t 1 ; „b… image taken at time t 2

Fig. 9 Single exposed recorded plate

Fig. 10 Instantaneous absolute velocity field

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The average velocity contour map~Fig. 12! and the averagerelative flow angle contour~Fig. 13! are obtained averaging thesets of the instantaneous velocity fields. The relative velocity fieldstreamlines in the blade-to-blade channel visualizes the turningflow ~Fig. 14!. The following analysis is done at a height of 30mm from the hub, performing the statistics over 65 field samples.Analogous considerations can be deduced for other heights.

It can be noticed from Figs. 12 and 13 that the periodicitycondition is satisfied. The information found in neighbors’ chan-nels is obtained with the relative offset between pictures in thedata reduction procedure. The mean velocity magnitude distribu-

tion is shown in Fig. 12, while the corresponding flow angle dis-tribution is given in Fig. 13. The flow distribution exhibits a cleardiffusion occurring in the channel. In the region just after theleading edge on the suction side, the flow reaches the maximumvelocity and from there on it starts decelerating~Fig. 12!. Ahigher flow turning on the suction surface is observed, as shownby the flow angle spatial distribution.

It is possible to analyze in detail the blade-to-blade channelflow, plotting the evolution of the relative Mach number and ofthe relative flow angle along two streamlines~one nearer to theblade suction surface and the other nearer to the blade pressuresurface! ~Figs. 15 and 16!. Information along two vertical lines,crossing the channel behind the leading edge and behind the trail-ing edge respectively, is shown in Figs. 17 and 18.

The Mach number distribution versus the percentage of chord~Fig. 15! highlights a strong acceleration located at about 15 per-cent of the blade profile and a subsequent deceleration. This cor-responds to a higher turning on the suction surface than on thepressure surface, shown in the relative flow angle distribution ver-sus the percentage of chord~Fig. 16!. A smaller relative flowangle is observed on the suction surface than on the pressuresurface where the blade suction surface starts to be tilted. Thisexplains the crossing point between the two profiles in Fig. 16.

The relative Mach number and relative flow angle evolution isconfirmed by profiles plotted along vertical lines crossing thechannel~Figs. 17 and 18!. Here the parameter is plotted versus thepercentage of the pitch. At the location measured behind the trail-ing edge, 20 percent chord from the trailing edge, it can be noticedthat the flow is not completely mixed.

Fig. 11 Instantaneous velocity field

Fig. 12 Relative velocity contours at 30 mm from the hub, av-eraging 65 pair images

Fig. 13 Relative flow angle contours at 30 mm from the hub,averaging 65 pair images

Fig. 14 Relative velocity field at 30 mm from the hub, averag-ing 65 pair images

Fig. 15 Relative Mach number distribution from Fig. 12„suction Õpressure side …

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The uncertainty of the presented results is evaluated taking intoaccount the most important errors affecting the measurement.These errors arise mainly from the uncertainty related to the rota-tional speed~10 rpm!, to the light-sheet positioning~1 mm! and tothe camera field of view calibration. The statistical analysis isperformed introducing these uncertainties directly into the averag-ing procedure. The standard deviation found also contains theeffect of flow turbulence, estimated from hot-wire measurementsat around 1 percent, and the error related to the data shift-and-average.

With a 95 percent confidence interval, the uncertainty affectingthe relative velocity measurement is less than 5 percent in most ofthe measurement domain. This result is obtained also in othermeasurement planes. However, an uncertainty increase near theblade suction side and from tip to hub is observed. This trend iscaused mainly by light reflection phenomena and is larger on theblade suction surface than on the hub. As an example is presentedin Fig. 19, the uncertainty affecting the measurement at 30 mmfrom the hub as a two-dimensional distribution.

Errors due to the three-dimensional flow motion~radial shiftaffecting streamlines and noncoincidence between the illumina-tion plane and the stream surface! @2# and due to the image pro-cessing~0.1 pixel! @10# are found to be negligible with respect tothe previous ones. Finally, there is an additional error from theaveraging procedure that calculates the relative offset betweentwo blades. The relative displacement is considered to lie on aplane. In reality, blades move in the circumferential direction.This error increases going from the tip to the hub; however, it isnegligible with respect to the main errors.

Fig. 16 Relative flow angle distribution from Fig. 13 „suction Õpressure side …

Fig. 17 Relative Mach number distribution from Fig. 12„traverses crossing the channel …

Fig. 18 Relative flow angle distribution from Fig. 13 „traversescrossing the channel …

Fig. 19 Uncertainty evaluation of the relative velocity at 30mm from the hub

Fig. 20 Outlet relative velocity magnitude

Fig. 21 Outlet relative flow angle magnitude

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The comparison between PIV measurements and pressure mea-surements is done behind the trailing edge. Outlet relative velocityprofile and outlet relative flow angle measured by means of PIV~averaged values! and by means of conventional pressure mea-surements are compared~Figs. 20 and 21!. The parameters areplotted versus the distance from the hub. Good agreement be-tween the two techniques is observed. The little difference is jus-tified by the fact that the outlet probe is located at about one chorddownstream the leading edge, while PIV measurements are takenat a distance equal to 20 percent chord from the trailing edge,where incomplete flow-mixing is observed. Applying the wholeprocessing procedure for the measurement planes investigated atdifferent heights and defining the three-dimensional domain ge-ometry, each measurement plane can be placed correctly in thethree-dimensional geometry. This allows the multiplanar flow dis-tribution of the blade-to-blade channel to be obtained. In Fig. 22the relative velocity contours in the three-dimensional geometryare presented. Measurement planes from 10 mm to 60 mm farfrom the hub are shown.

The relative velocity magnitude increases going from hub totip. The maximum relative velocity is reached in the region afterthe leading edge between 15–20 percent of the blade chord. Itextends from 65 m/s up to 90 m/s, meaning that the flow increasesits relative velocity by about 20 percent with respect to inlet rela-tive velocity ~detected by pressure measurements!.

ConclusionThe blade-to-blade flow in an axial compressor is investigated

on multiple layers through the use of a digital PIV.This measurement technique shows its adequacy for this kind

of investigation due to the ‘‘on-line’’ aspect that allows high flex-ibility and fast user feedback. Moreover, the electronic image re-

cording allowed the use of an advanced image-processing algo-rithm yielding a significant improvement with respect to thepredecessor photographic-optical PIV technique.

The periscope probe has been demonstrated to be a suitable toolfor such applications, making the setup implementation easy andflexible. The main problem of controlling the light sheet thick-ness, related to the use of the available periscope probe, is solvedby adding a light beam collimator, consisting of a convergent anda divergent lens, in the optical path.

As far as the seeding uniformity and concentration is con-cerned, the premixing chamber added to the smoke generator, theuse of a laser pointer, and the ‘‘on-line’’ technique make it pos-sible to achieve favorable seeding conditions.

An extensive data set has been analyzed obtaining statisticalflow information ~mean and fluctuating quantities!. Spatial datareconstruction procedures allow complete planar flow distribu-tions to be obtained. The multiplanar mean velocity field consti-tutes the final result of a three-dimensional reconstruction of thedomain geometry and the proper introduction of the available pla-nar measurements.

These experiments have demonstrated that digital PIV is wellsuited for turbomachinery applications; improvements expected inthe hardware domain will allow even better synchronization of thelaser, camera, and rotor. Moreover, the possibility of reducing thetime interval between laser pulses will make it possible to analyzethe flow field at higher speeds.

References@1# Bryanston-Cross, P. J., Chana K. S., and Healey N., 1997, ‘‘Particle Image

Velocimetry Measurements From the Stator–Rotor Interaction Region of aHigh Pressure Transonic Turbine Stage at the DERA Isentropic Light PistonFacility,’’ AGARD PEP Symposium on ‘‘Advanced Non-Intrusive Instrumen-tation for Propulsion Engines.’’

@2# Tisserant, D., and Breugelmans, F. A. E., 1997, ‘‘Rotor Blade-to-Blade Mea-

Fig. 22 Multiplanar picture; planes from 10 to 60 mm from the hub

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surements Using Particle Image Velocimetry,’’ ASME J. Turbomach.,119, pp.176–181.

@3# Westerweel J., 1993, ‘‘Digital Particle Image Velocimetry—Theory and Ap-plication,’’ Ph.D. Dissertation, Delft University Press, Delft.

@4# Wernet, M., 1997, ‘‘Demonstration of PIV in a Transonic Compressor,’’AGARD PEP Symposium on ‘‘Advanced Non-Intrusive Instrumentation forPropulsion Engines.’’

@5# Bryanston-Cross, P. J., Towers, C. E., Judge, T. R., Towers, D. P., Harasgama,S. P., and Hopwood, S. T., 1992, ‘‘The Application of Particle Image Veloci-metry~PIV! in a Short-Duration Transonic Annular Turbine Cascade,’’ ASMEJ. Turbomach.,114, pp. 504–509.

@6# Willert, C. E., and Gharib, M., 1991, ‘‘Digital Particle Image Velocimetry,’’Exp. Fluids,10, pp. 181–193.

@7# Raffael, M., Willert, C. E., and Kompenhans, J., 1998,Particle Image Veloci-metry, a Practical Guide, Springer.

@8# Tisserant, D., and Breugelmans, F. A. E., 1995, ‘‘Study of the Blade-to-BladeFlow in a Compressor Rotor Using PIV,’’ presented at the SABE Conference,Melbourne, Australia.

@9# Keane, R. D., and Adrian, R. J., 1992, ‘‘Theory of Cross-correlation Analysisof PIV Images,’’ Appl. Sci. Res.,49, pp. 191–215.

@10# Scarano, F., and Riethmuller, M. L., 1998, ‘‘Turbulence Analysis on the BFSWith Iterative Multigrid PIV Image Processing,’’Proc. Ninth InternationalSymposium on the Applications of Laser Techniques to Fluid Mechanics, Lis-bon, Portugal, pp. 22.5.1–22.5.8.

@11# Westerweel, J., 1994, ‘‘Efficient Detection of Spurious Vectors in ParticleImage Velocimetry-data,’’ Exp. Fluids,16, pp. 236–247.

@12# Scarano, F., and Riethmuller, M. L., 1999, ‘‘Iterative Multigrid Approach inPIV Image Processing With Discrete Window Offset,’’ Exp. Fluids,26, No. 6,pp. 513–523.

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Seung Jin Songe-mail: [email protected]

Seung Ho Cho

School of Mechanical and AerospaceEngineering,

Seoul National University,Seoul 151-742, Korea

Nonuniform Flow in a CompressorDue to Asymmetric Tip ClearanceThis paper presents an analytical study of flow redistribution in a compressor stage dueto asymmetric tip clearance distribution. The entire stage is modeled as an actuator diskand it is assumed that upstream and downstream flow fields are determined by the localtip clearance. The flow is assumed to be inviscid and incompressible. First, an axisym-metric flow model is used to connect upstream and downstream flows. Second, a linearperturbation approximation is used for nonaxisymmetric analysis in which each flowvariable is assumed to consist of a mean (axisymmetric value) plus a small perturbation(asymmetric value). Thus, the perturbations in velocity and pressure induced by the tipclearance asymmetry are predicted. Furthermore, rotordynamic effects of such flow non-uniformity are examined as well.@S0889-504X~00!01404-5#

1 IntroductionNonaxisymmetric tip clearance degrades both aerodynamic and

structural performance of turbomachinery, and the tip clearanceasymmetry can have many causes, such as rotor shaft bending,whirling, casing asymmetry, and deformation of components. Theeffects of rotor tip clearance asymmetry on turbine rotors wereinitially suggested by Thomas@1# and Alford @2#. They suggestedthat the variation in efficiency with local clearance would lead toa destabilizing forward whirl-inducing force. This suggestion wasexperimentally verified by Urlichs@3#, Wohlrab @4#, andMartinez-Sanchez et al.@5#. Martinez-Sanchez et al. also identi-fied nonaxisymmetric pressure acting radially on the turbine hubas a second source of forcing mechanism in addition to the non-axisymmetric torque initially hypothesized by Thomas and Al-ford. Analytically, Song and Martinez-Sanchez@6,7# developed anactuator disk model that could accurately predict both nonaxisym-metric torque and pressure effects in turbines.

To examine the effects of compressor tip clearance asymmetry,Horlock and Greitzer@8# and Colding-Jorgensen@9# formulatedactuator disk models. Also, Ehrich@10# and Graf et al.@11# de-veloped parallel compressor models. All of these models requirecompressor performance data as inputs. Therefore, Park@12# de-veloped an analytical model to predict the effects of nonaxisym-metric rotor tip clearance in a single-stage compressor withoutempiricism. All the models predict a backward whirl-inducingforce due to torque asymmetry at the design point. In addition,Park @12# predicts a forward whirl-inducing cross force due topressure asymmetry.

Until now, attention has been focused only on the effects ofrotor tip clearance asymmetry. However, real machines operatewith tip clearances in both rotors and stators. Furthermore, theresults from a recent experiment conducted in the Low SpeedResearch Compressor~LSRC! at GE@13# strongly suggest contri-butions from the stator tip clearance asymmetry.

Therefore, this investigation aims to understand the flow fieldsand rotordynamic effects in compressors caused by nonaxisym-metry in both rotor and stator tip clearances. The scope of currentinvestigation is limited to the effects of static tip clearance asym-metry in a single stage compressor. An analytical actuator diskapproach is used in this investigation.

2 Analytical ModelThe modeling approach is similar to the approach of Song and

Martinez-Sanchez@6,7#. A two-step process is used to solve for

the flow through a compressor stage. First step is an axisymmet-ric, two-dimensional, meridional plane analysis, or the blade scaleanalysis. This analysis examines radial redistribution of flow dueto axisymmetric rotor and stator tip clearances. The top part ofFig. 1 shows the blade scale view of the stage. Due to tip clear-ance flows, the radially uniform upstream flow is assumed to splitinto three streams–‘‘a,’’ ‘‘ b,’’ and ‘‘ c’’–upon going through theinlet guide vane~IGV!, rotor, and stator. Streams ‘‘a’’ and ‘‘ c’’are associated with the rotor and stator tip clearances, respec-tively. Stream ‘‘b’’ is the rest of the passage flow, which haspassed through the bladed part of both rotor and stator rows.

The second step is a nonaxisymmetric, two-dimensional, radialplane analysis. The tip clearance asymmetry is a nonuniformitywith a length scale on the order of the compressor radius. There-fore, this latter analysis is referred to as the radius scale analysis.It examines the flow redistribution in the azimuthal directioncaused by nonaxisymmetric tip clearance distribution. This viewis shown schematically in the bottom part of Fig. 1. This analysisis a small perturbation~tip clearance asymmetry! analysis aboutthe mean~axisymmetric! solution provided by the blade scaleanalysis. Therefore, the results from the blade scale analysis areperturbed to provide connecting conditions across the actuatordisk.

The actuator disk in this study consists of an inlet guide vane~IGV! row, a rotor blade row, and a stator blade row. The IGV hasfull-span blades while rotor and stator have partial span blades.Axial, tangential, and radial directions are denoted byx, y, andz,respectively. On the blade scale,2` refers to a location far up-stream of the IGV. Near upstream of the IGV is referred to asStation 0. Inlet to the rotor is referred to as Station 1, and the rotorexit is called Station 2. Downstream of the stator row is calledStation 3. Far downstream is referred to as1`. On the radiusscalex502 and x501 are equivalent to2` and 1` at theblade scale, respectively. The compressor’s rotational speed, ab-solute velocity, and relative velocity areU, C, and W, respec-tively. a is the absolute flow angle, andb is the relative flowangle.

The model assumes an inviscid, incompressible flow. The com-pressor geometry is assumed to be two dimensional at the meanradius values. Also, the flow is assumed to follow the blades per-fectly. Thus, effects such as blockage and deviation are not ac-counted for in this model.

2.1 Tip Scale Analysis. Martinez-Sanchez@14# developedan inviscid tip clearance flow model~Fig. 2! whose predictionsagreed with the theory and data of Chen@15#. The tip clearanceflow ~‘‘jet’’ in Fig. 2 ! is modeled as a jet driven by the pressuredifference between the pressure and suction sides. This jet thencollides with an equal amount of passage~‘‘pass’’ in Fig. 2! flow

Contributed by the International Gas Turbine Institute and presented at the 45thInternational Gas Turbine and Aeroengine Congress and Exhibition, Munich, Ger-many, May 8–11, 2000. Manuscript received by the International Gas Turbine Insti-tute February 2000. Paper No. 2000-GT-416. Review Chair: D. Ballal.

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before rolling up into a vortex. Finally, this tip vortex forms alayer that is underturned relative to the passage flow. For example,at the rotor exit, Stream ‘‘b’’ is the passage flow and Stream ‘‘a’’is the underturned flow due to the rotor tip clearance.

The turbine tip clearance flow model has been modified forcompressors@16#, and the compressor tip clearance flow model isshown schematically in Fig. 3. The flow velocities on suction andpressure sides are obtained from the Bernoulli equation







where the subscript 1 refers to the rotor inlet condition. Also,



Since the flow is assumed to be inviscid, the two streams~‘‘jet’’and ‘‘ss’’ in Fig. 3! that collide have same total pressure, tempera-ture, and also equal static pressures along their contact line.Therefore, these two streams must have equal velocity magni-tudes, and the line OP bisects the angle made byWW jet and WW ss~Fig. 3!. Then

tan 2u5WG





whereCp5(p2p1)/(rW12/2). Notice thatCl85Cpps

2Cpss, and it

can be shown that the degree of underturning of the vortex rela-tive to the passage flow can be obtained as

u5cos21A 4



Cl85ZWS cosb1

cosb2D 2


andZW refers to the Zweifel coefficient


~H/c!cos2 b2~ tanb12tanb2! (7)

2.2 Blade Scale Analysis. The azimuthal momentum equa-tion for the flow is

CW '•¹Cy50 (8)

whereCW '5 ıWCx1kWCz is the meridional velocity decoupled fromthe azimuthal velocity. The azimuthal component of vorticityvy5(]Cx /]z)2(]Cz /]x) can be described in terms of the streamfunction C as

vy~C!5¹'2 CS ¹'

2 5]2

]x2 1]2

]z2D (9)

The upstream flow is irrotational (vy50). Therefore,C obeysthe Laplace equation. Downstream,vy is concentrated at the in-terfaces between Streams ‘‘a,’’ ‘‘ b,’’ and ‘‘ c’’ ~QR andQS in Fig.1!.

Defining the Bernoulli constant asB'5P/r1(1/2)C'2 ,



From the definition ofB' , with the continuity constraint and theassumption of spanwise uniform blading,

B'32B'1 5P32P1


Upstream of the stage,dB'1 /dC50 due to the flow’s irrotation-ality. Then, Eq.~10! becomes






dC S P32P1

r D (12)

Fig. 1 Blade and radius scale views of a compressor stage

Fig. 2 Schematic of the tip clearance flow model of Martinez-Sanchez †14‡

Fig. 3 Geometry of compressor tip vortex roll up

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and vy can be determined from the static enthalpy addition (P32P1)/r by the compressor. From Euler’s equation, the static en-thalpy rise is given by

S P32P1

r D5U~Cy22Cy1!21


22C12! (13)

At the IGV exit, tangential velocity is given as

Cy15Cx1 tana1 (14)

At the rotor exit, the flow has split into two streams. For thebladed stream~Stream ‘‘b’’ !, the tangential velocities at the rotorexit ~2! and stator exit~3! are

Cy2b 5U2Cx2

b tanb2 (15)

Cy3b 5Cx3

b tana3 (16)

Thus, the pressure rise for Stream ‘‘b’’ is

S P32P1

r D b

5U~Cy2b 2Cy1!2




2 1Cy12 !#


For Stream ‘‘a,’’ the tip scale analysis predicts its rotor exit azi-muthal velocity to be

Cy2a 5U2Cx2



wherebm is the mean flow angle through the rotor anduR is theunderturning of the Stream ‘‘a’’ relative to the Stream ‘‘b.’’ Alsoat the stator exit,

Cy3a 5Cx3

a tana3 (19)

Similarly, for Stream ‘‘c,’’ the tangential velocities at the rotorexit ~2! and stator exit~3! are given as

Cy2c 5Cy2

b (20)

Cy3c 5Cx3

ccosus sin~am1us!


Thus, the pressure rises for Streams ‘‘a’’ and ‘‘ c’’ are

S P32P1

r D a

5U~Cy2a 2Cy1!2



a21Cy3a2!2S Cx2


cos~bm! D2

1~Cx12 1Cy1

2 ! (22)


S P32P1

r D c

5U~Cy2b 2Cy1!2



c21Cy3c2!2S Cx3


cos~am! D2

1~Cx12 1Cy1

2 ! (23)

The third terms on the right-hand side of Eqs.~22! and ~23! arethe kinetic energy dissipated when the leakage through the tipgaps collides with the passage flow before rolling up into vortices.

To focus on the tip clearance effects, the coordinate system istransformed to the streamline coordinate from thez coordinate.Then, the equation forC becomes

Upstream~x,0! ¹'2 C50 (24)


¹'2 C5QRd~C2C rotortip!1Qsd~C2Cstatortip! (25)

whereQ5* ijvydC5B'3

j 2B'3i is the strength of thevy between

streamsi and j, andd is Dirac’s delta function.The boundary conditions are

C~x, 0!50 C~x,H !5Cx0H

C~x502, z!5Cx0z]C

]x~x501, z!50 (26)





From the definition ofB' and Eqs.~17!, ~22!, and ~23!, thestrengths of vorticity,QR andQS , in the shear layers~Fig. 1! are

QR5U~Cy2a 2Cy1!2U~Cy2

b 2Cy1!


2 S Cy3a21S Cx2


cos~bm! D2

2Cy3b2D (27)

QS5U~Cy2b 2Cy1!2U~Cy2

c 2Cy1!


2 S Cy3b22S Cx3


cos~am! D2

2Cy3c2D (28)

Subsequently, the velocities at various axial locations can bedetermined. At the rotor exit, axial velocities for Streams ‘‘a’’ and‘‘ b’’ are

Cx2a 5Cx1S 11


2~12lR! D (29)

Cx2b 5Cx1S 12


2lRD (30)

whereqR5QR /Cx12 andlR is the nondimentional mass fraction of

Stream ‘‘a.’’ Tangential velocities are given in Eqs.~15! and~18!.At the stator exit, the axial velocities are

Cx3a 5Cx1S 11




2lSD (31)

Cx3b 5Cx1S 12




2lSD (32)

Cx3c 5Cx1S 12




2lRD (33)

and tangential velocities are given in Eqs.~16!, ~19!, and~21!.Far downstream of the stator, the axial velocities are

Cx1`a 5Cx1~11qR~12lR!1qSlS! (34)

Cx1`b 5Cx1~12qRlR1qsls! (35)

Cx1`c 5Cx1~12qs~12ls!2qRlR! (36)

and tangential velocities are equivalent to those at the stator exitgiven in Eqs.~16!, ~19!, and~21!.

Substituting for velocities in Eqs.~27! and~28! yields two qua-dratic equations forQR and QS as functions of blade geometryand mass fractions of Streams ‘‘a’’ and ‘‘ c,’’ lR andlS .

@~122lR!tan2 a3#S qR

2 D 2

12F21tan2 a3S 11lsqs

2 D G S qR

2 D1F S 11


2~12lR! D 2S sinuR

cosbmD 2


F S 11qR

2~12lR! DT


F S 12qRlR

2 D tanb2G50 (37)

where T5@cos~uR!sin~bm 1uR!#/cos~bm!

and for the stator

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@lS2~ tan2 a32GS!2~122ls!GS#S qS

2 D 2

12F21S 12qRlR

2 D $lS~ tan2 a32GS!1GS%G S qS

2 D1S 12


2 D 2

~ tan2 a32GS!50 (38)

where GS5S sin~us!

cos~am! D2

1S cos~uS!sin~am1uS!

cos~am! D 2


Next, the mass fractions,lR andlS , can be determined fromthe given tip clearances as

lR54~ tR /H !

S 12qR





2D 1AS 12






2D 2






lS54~ tS /H !

S 11qS





2D 1AS 11






2D 2





Thus, from the prescribed tip clearancestR /H and tS /H, Eqs.~37!–~40! can be solved forQR , QS , lR , andlS .

Far downstream, after the completion of flow readjustment, thethicknesses of Streams ‘‘a’’ and ‘‘ c’’ can be determined as




2 S 12lR

2 D2qS



2 G 11qR








2 S 12lS

2 D1qR



2 G 12qs





Also, the pressure rise across the compressor stage can be de-termined as



b !11


b 221




b 2


2.3 Radius Scale Analysis. The rotor offset, e, is assumedto be much smaller than the blade span. Therefore, the tip clear-ance distribution is given by

t5 t 1Re@ eei ~y/R!# (44)

where t is the mean rotor tip gap, andy is the distance from themaximum tip gap in the azimuthal direction~Fig. 4!.

2.3.1 Upstream Flow. The irrotational upstream flow isgiven by

¹2f50 (45)

where f is the velocity potential. Far upstream,Cx(2`)5Cx2` . Near upstream of the stage atx502, the axial andtangential velocities are

Cx~02,y,t !5Re@Cx2`1K0ei ~y/R!# (46)

Cy~x,y,t !5Re@ iK 0ex/R1 i ~y/R!# (47)

whereK0 is the complex amplitude of axial velocity perturbationas the flow approaches the disk. Therefore, the upstream pressureis given by

P~x,y,t !5P~2`!2Re@r~Cx2`!K0ex/R1 i ~y/R!# (48)

2.3.2 Downstream Flow. Downstream of the stage, the flowconsists of three regions: Streams ‘‘a,’’ ‘‘ b,’’ and ‘‘ c.’’ The con-tinuity equation for each stream can be written as






]y50 (49)






]y50 (50)







50 (51)

whereH is annulus height andDR andDS are given by Eqs.~41!and ~42!. The momentum equations for the three streams can bewritten as

]CW a,b,c

]t1~CW a,b,c

•¹!CW a,b,c11

r¹P50 (52)

whereCW is a two-dimensional velocity with axial and tangentialcomponents. Now, each flow parameter can be expressed as

C5C1C8 (53)


C85Re@Ceax1 i ~y/R!# (54)

is a small perturbation about the mean. A homogeneous set ofequations for eigenvalues is obtained by substituting for each flowvariable and linearizing.

Fig. 4 Coordinate system for the model

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3aDR i DR /R 0 0 0 0 A 0 0

0 0 aDS i DS /R 0 0 0 C 0

0 0 0 0 D E 2B 2B 0

A 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a

0 A 0 0 0 0 0 0 i /R

0 0 C 0 0 0 0 0 a

0 0 0 C 0 0 0 0 i /R

0 0 0 0 B 0 0 0 a

0 0 0 0 0 B 0 0 i /R

4 3Cx










4 50 (55)

where A5aCxa1 i (Cy

a/R), B5aCxb1 i (Cy

b/R), C5aCxc

1 i (Cyc/R), D5a(H2DR2DS ), E5 i (H2DR2DS)/R.

Then, the nontrivial homogeneous solution is

S Cxa ,Cy

a ,Cxb ,Cy

b ,Cxc ,Cy

c ,DR ,DS ,P

rD 5(

i 51


K iEi (56)

where Ei ’s are eigenvectors, and the complex constantsK i ’s are tobe determined from matching.

2.3.3 The Upstream–Downstream Coupling. To connect up-stream and downstream flows, the results from the blade scaleanalysis are used. According to the blade scale analysis, the flowvariables depend on the local nondimensional tip clearances,

tR /H & tS /H, and flow coefficient,F. For example,




U S tR


H,F D (57)

The downstream and upstream perturbation quantities are deter-mined from the blade scale results as shown below. The axisym-metric blade scale results on the right-hand side of Eq.~58! areperturbed to account for the given geometric nonaxisymmetry.The perturbation solutions then become nonaxisymmetric radiusscale results on the left-hand side of Eq.~58!. The local flowcoefficient, F, is also determined from matching upstream anddownstream flows.

Radius Scale Blade Scale













5F F]

]F1S e



]S tR

H D 1S e



]S tS

H D G 1Cx










2 5(i 51


Ki$Ei% (58)

2.4 Calculation of Rotordynamic Coefficients. From theperturbations in flow variables, rotordynamic excitation forces canbe predicted. The tangential force exerted on the compressor bythe fluid per azimuthal length is defined as

f y5lRq~Cy12Cy2b !1~12lR!q~Cy12Cy2

b ! (59)

whereq is the local mass flux. The mean and the perturbation off y are, respectively

f y5lRq~Cy12Cy2a !1~12lR!q~Cy12Cy2

b ! (60)

f y85lRq~Cy12Cy2a !FlR8




Cy18 2Cy2a8

Cy12Cy2a G

1~12lR!q~Cy12Cy2b !F 2lR8




Cy18 2Cy2b8

Cy12Cy2b G


The perturbation inf y is almost like the torque variation envi-sioned by Thomas and Alford. However, they assumed that theflow remains axisymmetric upstream and downstream of the com-pressor, and, thus, ignored the effects of mass flux perturbation,q8/q. However, as Eq.~48! shows, rotor and stator tip clearancesdo indeed induce azimuthal flow redistribution, and this flow re-distribution results in a nonaxisymmetric pressure distribution.

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The pressure acting on the rotor hub is approximated as theaverage of pressures at the inlet and the exit of the rotor,^P&.









b !2tan2 b22~U2Cy1!2# (62)



b Cx28b tan2 b21~U2Cy1!Cy18 # (63)

Nonuniform tangential force and nonuniform pressure can thusbe obtained from Eqs.~61! and~63!. Upon projection onto theX,Y axes, the total excitation force coefficients, or the rotordynamicstiffness coefficients, are

~aY1 iaX!~total!52 f y1 iL ^P&

u f y~e/H !u(64)

The total coefficientsa~total! , are composed of contributions fromtangential force asymmetrya (wd) , and pressure asymmetrya (p) .Forces along the rotor offset are called direct forces and are de-noted with a subscriptX. Forces perpendicular to the rotor offsetare called cross forces and are denoted with a subscriptY.

3 Model PredictionsThis section presents the model predictions for the selected

baseline compressor and other compressors. Initially, the ‘‘base-line’’ compressor chosen for this study is explained, and the pre-dictions for this compressor are given in the following order. First,the radial flow redistribution induced by axisymmetric rotor andstator tip clearances is presented. Second, the azimuthal flow re-distribution due to nonaxisymmetric tip clearances is shown. Forboth, differences and similarities between the predictions of thenew model with rotor and stator clearances~RSC model! andthose of the model with only the rotor clearance~RC model! @12#are brought out. Third, rotordynamic coefficients at the designpoint and off-design points are discussed. Finally, the effects ofvarious compressor designs on rotordynamic stiffness coefficientsare presented

The characteristics of the ‘‘baseline’’ compressor are given inTable 1. The design flow coefficient, reaction, and work coeffi-cient have all been set to 0.5 because they are representative ofmodern compressors. The tip clearance values of 2 percent of theannulus height have been selected because such value is commonin research experiments.

3.1 Blade Scale Predictions. Figure 5 shows the radial pro-files of axial velocity, absolute tangential velocity, and relativeflow angle at the rotor exit after the flow has split into twostreams. The hub and endwall are atz/H50.0 andz/H51.0,respectively. Stream ‘‘a’’ is retarded in the axial direction andunderturned in the tangential direction relative to Stream ‘‘b.’’Figure 6 shows the absolute velocity and flow angle profiles at thestator exit. Now, the flow has split into three streams. Relative toStream ‘‘b,’’ which goes through both rotor and stator blades,Stream ‘‘c’’ shows characteristics similar to those of Stream ‘‘a.’’Such results agree with the corresponding predictions from the

RC model of Park@12# shown in Figs. 7 and 8. Underturning isdue to the effects of the tip leakage flow. The axial momentumdefect is caused by flow migration away from the tip clearancewhere the pressure rise across the compressor stage is sensedmore. Such effects increase with increasing tip clearance, and this

Fig. 5 Radial distributions of axial velocity, absolute tangen-tial velocity, and relative flow angle at rotor exit predicted bythe new RSC model

Fig. 6 Radial distributions of axial velocity, absolute tangen-tial velocity, and absolute flow angle at stator exit predicted bythe new RSC model

Fig. 7 Radial distributions of axial velocity, absolute tangen-tial velocity, and relative flow angle at rotor exit predicted bythe RC model of Park †12‡

Table 1 Baseline compressor specifications at the designpoint

Parameter Value

FD 0.50CD 0.50RD 0.50

t R /H 0.02t S /H 0.02

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trend agrees with the experimental findings of Hunter and Cump-sty @17#.

Comparing Figs. 6 and 8, the obvious difference between thenew RSC model and the RC model is Stream ‘‘c,’’ which does notexist in Fig. 8. Thus, the new model can incorporate the effects ofstator gap on the flow field. Focusing on Stream ‘‘a,’’ the stream’smass fraction, degree of axial momentum defect, and underturningin Figs. 6 and 8 are virtually identical. This is because the down-stream stator tip clearance effect occurs over a length scale on theorder of the tip clearance. However, the axial blade spacing is onthe order of the blade chord, which is at least a couple of orders ofmagnitude larger than the tip clearance. Thus, Streams ‘‘a’’ and‘‘ c’’ are practically decoupled from each other.

3.2 Radius Scale Predictions

3.2.1 Azimuthal Flow Redistribution.First, the upstreamazimuthal flow redistribution induced by tip clearance asymmetryis discussed. Nondimensional velocity and pressure perturbationsupstream of the compressor predicted by the RC model and thenew RSC model are plotted versus azimuthal locationu in Figs. 9and 10, respectively. The minimum gap is atu50 deg and maxi-mum gap is atu5180 deg. Roughly, the mass flux is higher nearthe minimum gap in both cases. Again, the higher downstreampressure is ‘‘felt’’ more near the maximum gap (u5180 deg).The result is a tangential flow migration away from the larger gaptoward the smaller gap. Then from the Bernoulli relation, the pres-sure decreases as flow accelerates. The magnitudes of both per-

turbations increase significantly when the stator clearance is intro-duced. As Eq.~58! shows, the clearance asymmetry acts as theforcing term, which induces azimuthal flow redistribution. There-fore, imposing stator tip clearance asymmetry in addition to therotor tip clearance asymmetry strengthens the forcing effect. Thus,the flow becomes more nonuniform with rotor and stator tipclearances.

Next, the rotordynamic consequences of such flow redistribu-tion are presented. Tangential force perturbation~also referred toas the torque asymmetry or blade loading variation! is plottedversusu in Fig. 11. Since the force on the compressor by the fluidacts in a direction opposite to the direction of rotation, the meanvalue of tangential force.f y /mU, is negative. Therefore, accord-ing to Fig. 11, the compressor rotor blade is loaded less near themaximum gap. The unloading near the maximum gap occursmainly because the tip leakage flow rate is higher there. Suchprediction has been verified by the experimental data from the GELSRC @18#. Also, introducing stator clearance asymmetry hardlychanges the perturbation in blade loading because the rotor tipleakage flow is practically decoupled from the stator tip clearance.

The perturbation in the rotor region static pressure is plottedversusu in Fig. 12. The pressure has its maximum near the maxi-mum gap (u5180 deg). Although a similar trend is suggested bythe GE’s LSRC data, the corresponding experimental data do notexist yet to confirm this effect in compressors. Unlike the bladeloading perturbation, the pressure perturbation is more sensitive to

Fig. 8 Radial distributions of axial velocity, absolute tangen-tial velocity, and absolute flow angle at stator exit predicted bythe RC model of Park †12‡

Fig. 9 Upstream axial velocity perturbation versus azimuthalangle

Fig. 10 Upstream pressure perturbation versus azimuthalangle

Fig. 11 Rotor blade loading perturbation versus azimuthalangle

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the addition of stator clearance asymmetry~Fig. 10!. In turbines,the pressure asymmetry, predicted by a similar actuator diskmodel, matched well with experimental data@7#.

3.2.2 Design Point Rotordynamic Coefficients.The pre-dicted excitation coefficients from the new RSC model are listedin Table 2 and those from the RC model are given in Table 3. Thecoefficients due to blade loading variation area (wd)’s and thosedue to pressure variation area (p)’s. Both models predict the fol-lowing: The blade loading variation induces a negative crossforce, which promotes a backward whirl, and a negligible directforce. The pressure effect leads to a positive cross force, whichinduces a forward whirl, and a positive direct force. However, themodels predict different total coefficients. The new model predictsthat theaY~total! , is positive becauseaY(p) is bigger thanaY(wd) .Thus, a net positive cross force is predicted. However, the RCmodel predicts a negligible cross force because the blade loadingand pressure effects cancel each other out inY direction. Bothmodels predict a positiveaX~total! between 0.4 and 0.6.

In comparison, the parallel compressor model of Ehrich@10#can predict onlyaY(wd) . The model uses the difference betweencompressor characteristics at different axisymmetric tip clearancesto predict torque asymmetry, which is assumed to be in phase withthe clearance distribution. However, no pressure information isavailable for the parallel compressor model to predict pressureasymmetry. Nevertheless, like the new RSC model, the parallelcompressor model predicts a negative cross force due torqueasymmetry.

3.2.3 Off-Design Point Rotordynamic Coefficients.Figure13 shows a graph of excitation force coefficients versus the oper-ating flow coefficient. In this case, to model an embedded stage,the IGV has been replaced with a stator row. If a compressoroperates below its design flow coefficient, excitation force coeffi-cients increase in magnitude because the amplitudes of flow per-turbations are magnified at lowF. These trends are similar tothose predicted and measured in turbines@7#. Figure 14 shows agraph of the cross force excitation coefficient due to blade loadingvariation,aY(wd) , plotted versusF. aY(wd) remains negative butdecreases slightly in magnitude asF increases. This trend hasbeen verified experimentally in the LSRC at General Electric@18#.

3.3 Parametric Analysis Predictions. This section presentsthe predicted effects of compressor design parameters on the ex-citation force coefficients. The selected parameters are the designflow coefficient,FD , the design work coefficient,cD , and thedesign reaction,RD . They determine compressor blade angles asshown below.


22S tana12tanb2

2 DFD (65)

cD512FD~ tana11tanb2! (66)

Thus, a change in the value of one of the parameters changes bothrotor and stator blade shapes~i.e., angles!, and the effects of vari-

Fig. 12 Perturbation in the average pressure on rotor hub ver-sus azimuthal angle

Fig. 13 Predicted total and pressure rotordynamic coefficientsversus operating flow coefficient

Fig. 14 Predicted cross rotordynamic coefficients due toblade loading perturbation versus operating flow coefficient

Table 2 Excitation force coefficients for the baseline com-pressor „FDÄ0.50, CDÄ0.50, RDÄ0.50… predicted from the newmodel „RSC…

Direction a (wd) a (p) a total

X 0 10.4 10.4Y 20.7 12.1 11.4

Table 3 Excitation force coefficients for the baseline com-pressor „FDÄ0.50, CDÄ0.50, RDÄ0.50… predicted from the ro-tor clearance-only „RC… model of Park †12‡

Direction a (wd) a (p) a~total!

X 0 10.6 10.6Y 20.7 10.6 20.1

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ous compressor designs can be examined. For parametric analysis,one of the three variables is changed while the other two are heldconstant at the ‘‘baseline’’ values.

Figure 15 shows variation ofa~total! anda (p) as the design flowcoefficient is increased.a (wd) is the difference betweena~total! anda (p) . For the cross force,aY~total! decreases with increasingFDprimarily becauseaY(p) decreases as the magnitude of azimuthalflow nonuniformity is decreased. Also,aY(wd) remains negativeand its magnitude increases withFD . For the direct force,aX(p)dominates overaX(wd) and changes sign as the phase of pressurenon-uniformity relative to tip clearance distribution shifts. Thesetrends are similar to those predicted for turbines in Song andMartinez-Sanchez@7#.

Figure 16 shows variation of excitation force coefficients as thedesign work coefficient is increased. In theY direction, aY~total!increases primarily becauseaY(p) increases in magnitude. In theXdirection,aX~total! does not change much whileaX(wd) increases.Overall, increasing the work coefficient is equivalent to strength-ening the intensity of discontinuity across the actuator disk. Thus,for a given imposed tip clearance asymmetry, the perturbations inthe flow field increase. In addition, the phases of the flow pertur-bations relative to the clearance distribution also shift.

Figure 17 shows the variation of excitation force coefficientsversus the design reaction. AsRD increases,aX(p) does notchange much, butaY(p) is reduced significantly. This change is

due to the decrease in the magnitude of azimuthal flow nonaxi-symmetry.a (wd) is relatively insensitive toRD . Thus, at low de-sign reactions,aY~total! is increased.

4 ConclusionsThe new conclusions of this study can be summarized as

follows:1 A new analytical model has been developed to examine the

effects of nonaxisymmetry in rotor and stator tip clearances on thecompressor flow field.

2 The new model has reconfirmed the following previouslyfound trends:~a! radial flow migration away from the tip clear-ance;~b! azimuthal flow migration towards smaller gap area; and~c! direction of rotordynamic forces that arise due to pressure andtorque~i.e., blade loading! asymmetry.

In addition, for the baseline compressor, the following conclu-sions can be drawn.

3 Direct force is mostly due to the pressure asymmetry and ispositive.

4 Torque asymmetry results in a negative cross force that, with-out damping, would promote a backward whirl. However, pres-sure asymmetry results in a positive cross force, which wouldpromote a forward whirl. The net result is a positive cross force.

5 The dominance of pressure asymmetry effects over those ofblade loading asymmetry is due to the introduction of stator clear-ance asymmetry.

6 The flow associated with the rotor tip clearance is hardlyaffected by the existence of the downstream stator tip clearance.

7 The pressure asymmetry induced by azimuthal flow redistri-bution increases significantly in magnitude with the addition ofstator tip clearance asymmetry.

8 Operating at below the design flow coefficient increases themagnitude of excitation force coefficients.

Finally, from the results of parametric variation about the base-line compressor, the following conclusions can be drawn.

9 High design flow coefficient and high design reaction de-crease the magnitudes of excitation force coefficients.

10 High design work coefficient increase the excitation forcecoefficients’ magnitudes.

AcknowledgmentsThe financial support for this study has been provided by the

Seoul National University Research Fund and the Institute of Ad-vanced Machinery and Design. Also, the authors have benefittedfrom constructive discussions with Professor Martinez-Sanchez ofMIT.

Fig. 15 Predicted total and pressure rotordynamic coefficientsversus design flow coefficient

Fig. 16 Predicted total and pressure rotordynamic coefficientsversus design work coefficient

Fig. 17 Predicted total and pressure rotordynamic coefficientsversus design reaction

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B 5 Bernoulli constant, m2/s2

C 5 absolute flow velocity, m/sc 5 axial blade chord, m

Cl8 5 lift coefficient per unit spanCp 5 pressure coefficient

e 5 magnitude of rotor offset, mEi 5 eigenvector for downstream perturbationsFX 5 lateral force in the direction of the offset, NFY 5 lateral force perpendicular to the direction of the offset,

NH 5 annulus height, m

Hb 5 rotor blade span, mK j 5 complex amplitude of flow perturbationsL 5 axial rotor hub thickness, mm 5 mass flux, kg/sP 5 pressure, PaQ 5 strength of shear layer, m2/s2

q 5 nondimensional vorticity strength; local mass fluxR 5 mean compressor radius, ms 5 blade pitch, mt 5 radial tip clearance, m

U 5 vR 5 compressor rotational speed at the mean radius,m/s

W 5 relative velocity, m/sX 5 direction along the rotor offsetx 5 axial directionY 5 direction perpendicular to rotor offsety 5 tangential directionz 5 radial direction

ZW 5 Zweifel coefficienta 5 absolute flow angle, deg; eigenvalue

aX 5 direct excitation force coefficientaY 5 cross excitation force coefficientb 5 relative flow angle, degD 5 thickness of underturned layer downstream of actuator

disk, mf 5 upstream velocity potentialF 5 Cx /U 5 flow coefficientl 5 nondimensional mass fraction of underturned flowu 5 azimuthal angle measured in the direction of rotation

from the minimum gap location, deg; angle of under-turning relative to passage flow, deg

r 5 density, kg/m3

v 5 angular velocity of rotor shaft rotation, s21

c 5 meridional stream function; work coefficient


D 5 design valueG 5 gapm 5 meanp 5 indicates effect due to nonuniform pressure

ps 5 pressure sideR 5 rotorS 5 statorss 5 suction sidet 5 stagnation condition

wd 5 indicates effect due to variation of torque or tangen-tial force

02 5 near upstream of the actuator disk on the radius scale

01 5 near downstream of the actuator disk on the radiusscale

2` 5 far upstream on the blade scale0 5 IGV inlet on the blade scale1 5 rotor inlet on the blade scale2 5 stator inlet on the blade scale3 5 stator outlet on the blade scale

1` 5 far downstream on the blade scale' 5 meridional component


a 5 the part of downstream flow associated with the rotortip gap

b 5 the part of downstream flow that has crossed thebladed part of compressor

c 5 the part of downstream flow associated with the sta-tor tip gap

8 5 nonaxisymmetric perturbation- 5 azimuthal mean, or axisymmetric value^ 5 complex amplitude

References@1# Thomas, H. J., 1958, ‘‘Unstable Natural Vibration of Turbine Rotors Induced

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@2# Alford, J., 1965, ‘‘Protecting Turbomachinery From Self-Excited RotorWhirl,’’ ASME J. Eng. Power,87, pp. 333–334.

@3# Urlichs, K., 1983, ‘‘Clearance Flow Generated Transverse Forces at the Rotorsof Thermal Turbomachines,’’ NASA TM-77292.

@4# Wohlrab, R., 1983, ‘‘Experimental Determination of Gap-Flow ConditionedForces at Turbine Stages, and Their Effect on the Running Stability of SimpleRotors,’’ NASA TM-77293.

@5# Martinez-Sanchez, M., Jaroux, B., Song, S. J., and Yoo, S., 1995, ‘‘Measure-ment of Turbine Blade-Tip Rotordynamic Excitation Forces,’’ ASME J. Tur-bomach.,117, pp. 384–393.

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@7# Song, S. J., and Martinez-Sanchez, M., 1997, ‘‘Rotordynamic Forces Due toTurbine Tip Leakage: Part 2—Radius Scale Effects and Experimental Verifi-cation,’’ ASME J. Turbomach.,119, pp. 704–713.

@8# Horlock, J. H., and Greitzer, E. M., 1983, ‘‘Non-Uniform Flows in AxialCompressors Due to tip Clearance Variation,’’ Proc. Inst. Mech. Eng.,197C,pp. 173–178.

@9# Colding-Jorgensen, J., 1992, ‘‘Prediction of Rotordynamic DestabilizingForces in Axial Flow Compressors,’’ ASME J. Fluids Eng.,114, pp. 621–625.

@10# Ehrich, F. F., 1993, ‘‘Rotor Whirl Forces Induced by the Tip Clearance Effectin Axial Flow Compressor,’’ ASME J. Vibr. Acoust.,115, pp. 509–515.

@11# Graf, M. B., Wong, T. S., Greitzer, E. M., Marble, F. E., Tan, E. S., Shin, H.W., Wisler, D. C., 1998, ‘‘Effects of Nonaxisymmetric Tip Clearance on AxialCompressor Performance and Stability,’’ ASME J. Turbomach.,120, pp. 648–661.

@12# Park, K. Y., 1998, ‘‘Non-uniform Compressor Flow Fields Induced by Non-axisymmetric Tip Clearance,’’ M.S. Thesis, Department of Aerospace Engi-neering, Inha Univ. Korea.

@13# Storace, A., et al., 2000, ‘‘Unsteady Flow and Whirl-Inducing Forces inAxial-Flow Compressors; Part 1—Experiment,’’ ASME Paper No. 2000-GT-565.

@14# Martinez-Sanchez, M., and Gauthier, R. P., 1990, ‘‘Blade Scale Effects of TipLeakage,’’ Gas Turbine Laboratory Report #202, M.I.T.

@15# Chen, G. T., 1991, ‘‘Vortical Structures in Turbomachinery Tip ClearanceFlows,’’ Ph.D. thesis, Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics, M.I.T.

@16# Roh, H. Y., 1997, ‘‘Blade Scale Effects of Tip Leakage Flow in Axial Com-pressors,’’ B.S. Thesis, Department of Aerospace Engineering, Inha Univ.,Korea.

@17# Hunter, I. H., and Cumpsty, N. A., 1982, ‘‘Casing Wall Boundary-Layer De-velopment Through an Isolated Compressor Rotor,’’ ASME J. Eng. Power,104, pp. 805–818.

@18# Ehrich, F. F., et al., 2000, ‘‘Unsteady Flow and Whirl-Inducing Forces inAxial-Flow Compressors; Part 2—Analysis,’’ ASME Paper No. 2000-GT-566.

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Z. S. SpakovszkyGas Turbine Laboratory,

Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics,Massachusetts Institute of Technology,

Cambridge, MA 02139

Analysis of AerodynamicallyInduced Whirling Forces in AxialFlow CompressorsA new analytical model to predict the aerodynamic forces in axial flow compressors dueto asymmetric tip-clearance is introduced. The model captures the effects of tip-clearanceinduced distortion (i.e., forced shaft whirl), unsteady momentum-induced tangential bladeforces, and pressure-induced forces on the spool. Pressure forces are shown to lag thetip-clearance asymmetry, resulting in a tangential (i.e., whirl-inducing) force due to spoolpressure. This force can be of comparable magnitude to the classical Alford force. Pre-diction and elucidation of the Alford force is also presented. In particular, a new param-eter denoted as the blade loading indicator is deduced. This parameter depends only onstage geometry and mean flow and determines the direction of whirl tendency due totangential blade loading forces in both compressors and turbines. All findings are suit-able for incorporation into an overall dynamic system analysis and integration into ex-isting engine design tools.@S0889-504X~00!01604-4#

1 IntroductionNonuniform engine tip-clearance distributions, due for example

to a compressor shaft offset from its casing centerline or whirlingin its bearing journal, can induce destabilizing rotordynamicforces. These forces stem from the strong influence of the tip-clearance on the local performance of the compressor. As firstreported by Smith@1#, reduced compressor tip-clearance yieldsincreased compressor pressure rise. In the case of an offset com-pressor shaft, the blades passing through regions of small tip-clearance will experience higher blade loading and generate morelift than the blades operating in the large tip-clearance region.This results in a net tangential force acting perpendicular to thedirection of the shaft offset and is referred to as the aerodynami-cally induced cross-coupled force.

Early studies conducted by Thomas@2# and Alford @3# on axialflow turbines with statically deflected rotors resulted in the postu-lation of a purely tangential destabilizing reaction force. The so-called Alford or Thomas force model is based on a cross-coupledstiffness coefficientKru ~tangential forceFu induced on the rotorper unit radial deflectionDe! of the form




Dl, (1)

whereT denotes the stage torque,D the mean wheel diameter andl the blade span. The Alfordb parameter was originally conceivedas the change in thermodynamic efficiency per unit change innormalized clearance. In practiceb has become an empirical fac-tor to match computational predictions to experimental data. Ifbis positive, the net tangential force on the rotorFu is in the direc-tion of shaft rotation inducing forward whirl. Similarly, a negativeb indicates backward whirl tendency. It is recognized that axialflow turbines tend to generate forward rotor whirl. The earlyanalysis for turbines set the foundation for new research and cre-ated an important empirical factor that is considered in the designof modern jet engines and gas turbines.

Several modeling efforts have been undertaken by many re-searchers@4–7# to address the issues of whirl-inducing forces inboth compressors and turbines. The disparity between the findingsand the lack of definitive measurements of cross-coupled excita-

tion forces in axial compressors have led to an experimental andanalytical program in the GE Aircraft Engines Low-Speed Re-search Compressor@8,9#. Two important effects, which could notbe evaluated in the experimental program and have not yet beenmodeled in compressors, motivated the work presented here. Inthe actual case of a whirling shaft~only static shaft deflectionscould be simulated in the experiment!, the unstable rotor would bewhirling at the offset radius at the natural frequency of the system.It has been suggested that this whirling might have some signifi-cant effect on the value of the Alfordb coefficients. Second,nonaxisymmetric pressure distributions on the rotor spool wereidentified as a separate forcing source in turbines and its effectswere analyzed by Song and Martinez-Sanchez@7#. It is importantto assess the nature and magnitude of nonaxisymmetric pressureeffects in compressors as well. More specifically, the followingresearch questions are of interest and are addressed in this paper:

• What level of modeling detail is needed to capture the experi-mental observations in axial flow compressors?

• How are compressors different from turbines regarding rotorwhirl tendency?

• Can one construct a simple analytical model from first prin-ciples to determine the whirl tendency in compressorsand inturbines?

• What drives the destabilizing spool pressure loading and howimportant is this effect compared to the Alford force?

• How does rotor whirl frequency affect the aerodynamicallyinduced destabilizing forces?

The new model presented here was developed under these thrustsand applied in the GE Aircraft Engines LSRC test program@9#. Inaddition a simple, analytical model from first principles is pre-sented, which predicts the cross-coupled whirl tendency in com-pressors and turbines.

2 Model DerivationThe new approach consists of two parts: a modified version of

an existing two-dimensional, incompressible tip-clearance com-pressor stability model reported by Gordon@10# and an aerody-namically induced force model.

2.1 Unsteady Compressor Tip-Clearance Model. Hynesand Greitzer@11# present a compressor stability model to assessthe effect of inlet flow distortion. Based on this conceptual frame-work Graf et al.@12# extended this model to account for steady

Contributed by the International Gas Turbine Institute and presented at the 45thInternational Gas Turbine and Aeroengine Congress and Exhibition, Munich, Ger-many, May 8–11, 2000. Manuscript received by the International Gas Turbine Insti-tute February 2000. Paper No. 2000-GT-418. Review Chair: D. Ballal.

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nonaxisymmetric tip-clearances. Gordon@10# further modifiedthis approach to investigate the effect of rotating~unsteady! clear-ance asymmetries on compressor performance and stability. Theunsteady reduced order force model presented in this paper uses amodified version of Gordon’s model. The derivation of the com-pressor model equations is omitted here and a short description ofthe modified model is given instead.

The overall analysis consists of models of the inlet and exitducts, the blade rows, the downstream plenum and throttle. Thehub-to-tip ratio is assumed high enough to neglect radial varia-tions of the flow quantities. Thus the model is two-dimensionalwith axial and circumferential unsteady flow field variations. Ef-fects of viscosity and heat transfer outside of the blade rows arealso neglected. The rotor and stator blade rows are modeled assemi-actuator disks with unsteady inertia and loss terms. Unsteadydeviation effects are not modeled and the relevant Mach numbersare assumed to be low enough that compressibility effects can beneglected.

The inputs to the model are the compressor geometry, an axi-symmetric compressor characteristic, and its sensitivity to changesin axisymmetric rotor tip-clearance. Assuming linear sensitivity, afamily of compressor characteristics can be generated that isbounded by the maximum and minimum rotor tip clearance char-acteristics. In addition, any steady or unsteady tip-clearance dis-tribution can be prescribed, e.g., shaft offsets, whirling shafts, etc.The compressor operating point is set by the throttle area.

The model assumes that the background flow is steady in thereference frame locked to the~rotating! tip-clearance asymmetry.Hence the steady, nonlinear flow field equations are solved in theasymmetry frame~see Fig. 3! to obtain the nonuniform back-ground flow. The model outputs the two-dimensional, nonuniformdistribution of flow coefficient, which is steady in the referenceframe locked to the tip-clearance asymmetry. In the modified ver-sion of the model the entire distorted flow field~axial and tangen-tial velocity and static pressure distributions through the compres-sion system! is reconstructed and transformed back to the absoluteframe. This flow field~now unsteady! will be used to determinethe aerodynamically induced forces on the rotor.

In this paper, the model will be demonstrated using data@5#from a low-speed compressor with four repeating stages. Figure 1depicts the experimentally measured axisymmetric compressorcharacteristics fore51.4 and 2.8 percent, along with the charac-teristics used as inputs to the model~solid!. It also shows thecomputed mean operating point~1! and the corresponding locusof local operating points around the circumference~lightlydashed! for a steady shaft offset ofDe50.7 percent. The mea-surement of mean operating points for a steady shaft offset in thesame compressor and comparison to the tip-clearance model pre-dictions is reported in Ehrich et al.@9#.

2.2 Aerodynamically Induced Force Model. Once the un-steady, two-dimensional flow field has been computed as de-scribed above, the aerodynamically induced forces can be com-puted. These forces consist of a spool pressure loading and atangential force due to asymmetric turning. Simplified expressionsfor these quantities are derived here, and integrated to get the netforces acting on the rotor.

The spool pressure loading in the rotor frame is readily ob-tained from the flow field solution. Since the compressor bladerows have been modeled as semi-actuator disks, only the staticpressure distribution between the blade rows can be directly com-puted. The unsteady spool pressure loadingpspool(u8,t) ~whereu85(u2Vt) is the tangential coordinate in the rotor frame! isestimated by averaging the static pressures upstream and down-stream of the rotor:

pspool~u8,t !5p1~u8,t !1p2~u8,t !

2. (2)

This approach assumes that the blade pitch is much smaller than

the wavelength of the circumferential pressure distribution andmakes use of the high hub-to-tip ratio assumption.

To determine the local, unsteady tangential blade loadingf u(u8,t), an unsteadycontrol volume analysis is conducted lo-cally in the rotor frame. The advantage of this approach is that anyunsteady flow regime~whirling shaft, rotating stall, etc.! can beconsidered. A control volume is defined in the rotor frame bound-ing one blade along the steady streamlines as sketched in Fig. 2,where the relative velocity vectors are labeled withw. The bladepitch, blade span, blade chord, mean wheel radius and the staggerangle are denoted bys, l, c, R, andg, respectively. Generally thevector momentum equation in integral form is written for inviscidflows as


]t RVrv dV1 R

]V~rv•n dS!v52 R

]Vpn dS1 R

Vrfb dV,


wherev is the velocity field vector,p the static pressure field, andfb the elemental body force vector per unit mass. Assuming in-compressible flow through a constant height annulus, applying Eq.~3! to the control volume in Fig. 2 in the tangential direction, andreplacing the body force integral by thetotal blade loadingFlu ofopposite sign~the body force acting on the fluid is equal to thenegative of the fluid force on the body:fb52Flu) yields

2rsl cosgc]

]twu121rsl•wx•~wu12wu2!1Dfss5Dpss1Flu .


The contributions of the net momentum flux and net pressureforce across the streamwise surface boundaries are denoted byDfss and Dpss, respectively. Note that the only pressure termsarise from the streamwise surface boundaries since the pitchwisesurface normaln is perpendicular to the tangential directionu8. Itis assumed for the unsteady term that the velocity inside the con-trol volume is equal to the average of the velocities at stations 1and 2.1 The projection of this average velocity in theu direction isdenoted bywu12.

The expression obtained is fairly complicated and needs to besimplified. Intuitively one can argue that if the wavelength of theflow nonuniformity is large compared to the blade pitchs, thenDfss and Dpss across the streamwise surfaces should vanish in

1Using this particular tip-clearance compressor model the flow fieldinside theblade rows cannot be reconstructed~actuator disk approach!.

Fig. 1 Compressor performance prediction for a steady shaftoffset of D«Ä0.7 percent in the four repeating stage compres-sor reported in †5‡

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magnitude compared to the unsteady and tangential momentumflux terms. In fact, if the control volume width set by blade pitchs is taken to the limitR•du, it can be shown that the streamwisesurface terms are negligible to first order. Thelocal ~per unitcircumferential angle!, unsteady, tangential blade loadingf u canthen be written as

f u~u8,t !5rRl•wx•~wu12wu2!2rRl cosgc





The next step is to integrate the spool pressure loading andtangential blade loading distributions defined in Eqs.~2! and ~5!around the circumference. This is done in the rotor referenceframe (x8,y8) shown in Fig. 3 to obtain the unsteady forces on therotor:

f x8s

~ t !52E0


pspool~u8,t !•cos~u8!•cspR•du8

f y8s

~ t !52E0


pspool~u8,t !•sin~u8!•cspR•du8 (6)

f x8b

~ t !51E0


f u~u8,t !•sin~u8!•du8

f y8b

~ t !52E0


f u~u8,t !•cos~u8!•du8

where the superscriptss and b denotespool loading andbladeloading, respectively. The spool pressure load acts on the spoolsurface of axial lengthcsp, which includes the interblade rowgaps upstream and downstream of the rotor. Finally, these un-steady forces are transformed back to the reference frame lockedto the tip-clearance asymmetry using the transformation given inEq. ~7! to get the aerodynamically induced forcesFx

s , Fys , Fx

b andFy

b :


FyG5Fcos~~V2v!t ! 2sin~~V2v!t !

sin~~V2v!t ! cos~~V2v!t !G•F f x8~ t !

f y8~ t !G . (7)

Note that, since the model assumed steady flow in the referenceframe of rotating tip-clearances, the aerodynamically inducedforces are steady in the asymmetry frame.

The magnitude and direction of the four aerodynamically in-duced rotor forcesFx

s , Fys , Fx

b and Fyb are discussed next. The

main focus will be on the sign ofFyb , Fy

s , and their sum, sincethey determine the tendency of shaft whirl. Two parameters willbe used in the analysis, the Alfordb parameter~nondimensionalFy

b) and a new parameter denoted as the spool loading parameterbspool ~nondimensionalFy


3 Analysis and Modeling ResultsThe model is implemented in a sample analysis for the second

stage of the four repeating stage axial compressor reported inEhrich @5#.

3.1 Importance of the Alford b Parameter. In the case ofa steady shaft offset, the tip-clearance asymmetry frame is identi-cal to the absolute frame. The aerodynamic force model is imple-mented for the example compressor with a shaft offset ofDe50.7 percent. To analyze the destabilizing effect of a net tangen-tial blade loading, onlyFy

b is considered here. The Alfordb pa-rameter~Eq. ~1!! is computed using the same mean stage torqueTas in Ehrich@5# in order to compare the model predictions to theexperimentally driven results of Ehrich. The direction of whirldepends on the direction of the net tangential forceFy

b with re-spect to shaft rotation. IfFy

b is positive~in the direction of rota-tion! b is positive and the rotor will tend to forward whirl. Simi-larly, a negativeb indicates backward whirl tendency. The Alfordb parameter is plotted for different flow coefficients in Fig. 4~solid line!. The magnitude of the Alfordb parameter and thedependence of the whirl direction on the flow coefficient agreeswell with the experimentally based predictions by Ehrich@5#~dashed line!. For low flow coefficients a strong backward whirltendency is predicted whereas forward whirl is induced for highflow coefficients. It should be mentioned that three-dimensionalphenomena such as stator hub clearance and seal leakage effectscan alter the Alfordb parameter and are not accounted for in thetwo-dimensional approach. A comparison of the modeling resultsto experimental blade force data obtained in the GE Aircraft En-gines LSRC facility and a discussion of the stator clearance andseal leakage effects are given in Ehrich et al.@9#.

The two-dimensional unsteady modeling approach seems tocapture the observed compressor phenomena well. The followingquestions arise from the result given above: What determines thedirection of whirl tendency in compressors and how do compres-sors differ from turbines in this regard?

Fig. 2 Unsteady momentum control volume analysis locked torotor frame

Fig. 3 Definition of reference frames: rotor frame „x 8,y 8…, ro-tating asymmetry frame „x ,y …, and absolute frame „ x , y …

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3.2 Blade Loading Indicator Parameter. In order to as-sess the difference between the whirl tendency in compressors andthe whirl tendency in turbines, one would like to construct a gen-eral, simple analytical model from first principles. Simplifying Eq.~5! by neglecting unsteady effects and again assuming constantaxial velocity through the stage, the tangential momentum balancecan be written for both compressors and turbines as shown inFigs. 5~a, b!, wheref u

comp and f uturb denote compressor and turbine

tangential blade loading,f is the flow coefficient, andW5w/U isthe nondimensional relative velocity. Using kinematic relationsand the velocity triangles the tangential blade loading can be writ-ten in general as

f u;f•@12~ tana1tanb!•f#5f•chI . (8)

Note that f u points in the negativeu direction in Fig. 5. Thisexpression holds for both compressors and turbines wherech

I isthe ideal static enthalpy rise for compressors or the ideal staticenthalpy drop for turbines,a is the absolute inlet swirl angle andb denotes the relative exit swirl angle. Since only variations intangential blade loading distribution contribute to the net tangen-tial rotor force Fy

b , Eq. ~8! can be expanded to first order andwritten as

d f u;2@2~ tana1tanb!•f21#•df. (9)

Let the bracketed expression be denoted as theblade loading in-dicator Lb, which only depends on the stage geometry and themean value of the flow coefficientf. If the tip-clearance is in-creased the blockage increases and yields a decrease in flow co-

efficient (de;2df). Combining this with Eq.~9!, the followingsimple relation holds between the tip-clearance distribution andthe distribution of the local tangential blade loading:

d f u;Lb•de. (10)

Let us assume that the variation in flow coefficient is purely sinu-soidal and flow inertia effects are neglected. IfLb is positive,d f uis in phase with the tip-clearance distribution, and integrationaround the annulus yields a positive net tangential blade loadingFy

b ~in the direction of rotation!. The opposite holds for a negativeblade loading indicator inducingFy

b in the negative direction assketched in Fig. 6 at the top. Hence the blade loading indicator isconjectured to determine the whirl direction for compressors andturbines.2

This simple model is applied to the four-stage compressor re-ported in Ehrich@5#. The inlet and exit swirl angles are known atmidspan and assumed to be constant over the compressor operat-ing range, yielding tana1tanb51.16. Setting the blade loadingindicatorLb to zero one can solve for the mean flow coefficientffor which the net tangential force should vanish. For this particu-lar compressor iff50.431 the net tangential rotor force is zero, iff.0.431 thenLb is positive, inducing forward whirl, and iff,0.431 the compressor tends to backward whirl due to a negativeblade loading indicatorLb. This situation is sketched in Fig. 6together with the ideal compressor characteristicch

I . Comparisonof this result to the experimentally based Alfordb predictions byEhrich @5# in Fig. 4 shows that theb curve crosses zero at a flowcoefficient of 0.435. This agrees well with the simple model resultof f50.431 and the predictions of whirl direction tendency. Inorder to give more generality to the assessment, two other com-pressors reported in Ehrich@5# are analyzed. The predictions bythe simple, first principles approach and experimentally based re-sults by Ehrich@5# are summarized for all three compressors inTable 1.

The simple model can also be applied to turbines. Turbinesinherently exhibit much higher flow turning than compressors,especially if they are of impulse type with a degree of reactionclose to zero. Hence, the absolute inlet and relative exit swirlangles will be much higher than in a compressor rotor. Therefore,

2This analysis is limited to the sign of the Alfordb only and does not include theeffect of spool pressure loading.

Fig. 4 Alford b parameter for four stage compressor reportedin †5‡ and model prediction

Fig. 5 Simplified blade loading analysis for compressors andturbines

Fig. 6 Simplified whirl analysis of four-stage compressor

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the blade loading indicatorLb is always positive and its sign isindependent of the mean flow coefficient, unlessf is very smallor the degree of reaction is relatively high~less turning!. Thisleads to the conjecture that, in turbines, the net tangential bladeloading induces forward whirl over the entire operating range.This is in agreement with Alford’s hypothesis and observationsreported in literature.

3.3 Effects of Spool Pressure Loading. Nonaxisymmetricpressure distributions on the rotor spool were identified as a sepa-rate forcing source in turbines, and its effects were analyzed bySong and Martinez-Sanchez@7#. It is suggested that this effect isalso important in compressors and its nature and magnitude areassessed in this section.

To quantify the destabilizing effect of spool pressure loading, aparameter similar to the Alfordb coefficient is defined:



TDe. (11)

The bspool parameter is computed for different flow coefficientsand plotted in Fig. 7. Forward whirl (bspool.0) is induced, with amaximum value ofbspoolnear compressor stall. This is mostly dueto the fact that the flow field is more distorted for flow coefficientsless than 0.41~the family of compressor characteristics are furtherapart at low flows in Fig. 1!. The magnitude ofbspool is about halfthe magnitude of the Alfordb parameter for low-flow coefficients.Note that the forward whirl induced by spool pressure loadingmitigates the backward whirl tendency due to the net tangentialblade loading~Fig. 4!. The nature of the forward whirl tendencydue to spool pressure effects is discussed next.

First let us consider a family of axisymmetric tip-clearancecompressor characteristics with no curvature and neglect unsteadylosses and flow inertia effects in the blade rows and ducts. In thiscase the flow instantaneously responds to the distortion induced

by the asymmetric tip-clearance. Regions with tight tip-clearanceyield high total-to-static pressure rise, less blockage, and thereforea higher flow coefficient. Conserving total pressure in the up-stream duct~potential flow! and matching the uniform pressuredistribution at the compressor exit yields a lower spool pressure inthe tight tip-clearance region. The opposite holds for regions oflarge tip-clearance. The variation in total-to-static pressure risedc ts , the variation in flow coefficientdf, and the variation innon-dimensional spool pressuredpspool/rU2 are plotted in Fig. 8as dashed lines for the given shaft offset~the tip-clearance distri-bution is shown as the dotted line in the top plot!. Evaluation ofthe first two integrals in Eq.~6! and transformation to the frame ofthe shaft offset using Eq.~7! yields Fx

s.0 and Fys50 for this

sinusoidal spool pressure distribution. In other words, the aerody-namically induced rotor force due to spool loading is a purelyradial destabilizing force, as sketched in Fig. 9~a!. The purelysinusoidal spool pressure loading distribution does not inducewhirl since the aerodynamic rotor force has no tangential compo-nent (Fy

s50).Now let us consider the family of compressor characteristics

shown in Fig. 1 and assume that unsteady losses and unsteadyflow inertia effects are present. The total-to-static pressure risedistributiondc ts is now distorted due to the curvature of the com-pressor characteristics as depicted in the top plot of Fig. 8~solidline!. A part of the compressor pressure rise is now devoted toacceleration of the fluid in the blade row passages. Assumingquasi-steady flow and no exit swirl, it can be shown that thefollowing pressure balance across the compressor must hold:

Fig. 7 Spool loading parameter bspool for four repeating stagecompressor reported in †5‡

Fig. 8 Compressor flow field with inertia effects included„solid … and inertia effects neglected „dashed … for a given tip-clearance distribution d« „dotted …

Fig. 9 Effect of flow inertia on rotor forces due to spool pres-sure loading

Table 1 Experimentally based predictions †5‡ and Lb ap-proach for three axial flow compressors reported in †5‡: back-ward whirl tendency for fËf0 , forward whirl tendency for fÌf0

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rU2 5c ts2l•]f

]u, (12)

wherel denotes the nondimensional fluid inertia in the rotor bladerows @13#

l5 (rotors


cos2 g. (13)

In steady flow, the compressor upstream total pressureptup and

compressor downstream static pressurepdn are uniform, so cir-cumferential variations inc ts must be directly balanced by varia-tions in the gradient of flow coefficient

05dc ts2l•]df

]u. (14)

This explains why the flow coefficient variation lags the clearancedistribution in Fig. 8. Including flow inertia in the compressormodel results in a relative phase shift in the flow coefficient andspool pressure distributions, denotedgf andgp in Fig. 8. Due tothis positive phase shift, the spool pressure loading now alsoyields a force component in the tangential directionFy

s and in-duces forward whirl as shown in Fig. 9~b!.

3.4 Effects of Forced Shaft Whirl. In the case of a whirl-ing shaft, the rotor would be whirling at the offset radius at thenatural frequency of the system. It is therefore important to assessthe effects of this whirling on theb parameters.

The following parameter study is conducted to assess the ef-fects of forced shaft whirl on the destabilizing rotor forces. Thewhirl frequencyv is varied from synchronous backward whirl(v52V) to synchronous forward whirl (v5V) for a shaft off-set ofDe50.7 percent. The aerodynamically induced forces act-ing in the rotating asymmetry frame are computed using Eqs.~6!and~7!. In order to examine the whirl tendency due to unbalancedblade and spool loading effects, the Alfordb parameter and thespool loading parameterbspool are determined. Figure 10 depictsthe b parameters for different flow coefficients and nondimen-sional whirl frequenciesv/V. The tip-clearance compressor modelcan also be used to determine compressor stability. Due to theflow distortion, which is affected by the shaft whirl, the rotatingstall frequency varies slightly with the forced whirl frequency. Forthe four-stage compressor discussed here, rotating stall is pre-dicted to occur between 22 and 46 percent of rotor frequency.This rotating stall frequency range is indicated byVRS.

Notice that for low flow coefficients, the Alfordb parameter isamplified and the spool loadingbspool changes sign close to zeroforced whirl frequency. A detailed analysis of the flow field showsthat the rotating tip-clearance asymmetry induces an enhanceddistortion of the flow near rotating stall. Consider an observersitting on the rotating asymmetry frame at the location of thesmallest tip-clearance. The observer will then perceive a steady,nonuniform flow field, which will have a certain orientation rela-tive to the observer’s location. The phase and the magnitude of thefundamental wave form~a single lobed sinusoid indicated by sub-script 1! of the flow coefficient and the nondimensional spoolpressure are analyzed for different forced whirl frequencies. Theresults for a compressor operating point close to stall are shown inFig. 11 and the rotating stall frequency range is again indicated byVRS.

If shaft motion occurs at negative whirl frequencies, the flowfield lags the clearance asymmetry and the relative phase betweenthe clearance asymmetry and the spool pressure distributiongp ispositive. This translates to a spool loading induced forward whirl,as described in Fig. 9. The opposite holds for positive whirl fre-quencies higher than 0.1 and yields backward whirling forces, asshown in the bottom plot of Fig. 10. Similar arguments hold forthe blade loading distribution since the relative phase between thenet tangential blade loadingFy

b and the rotating clearance asym-

metry can be related to the phase of the flow coefficient~see Eq.~5!!. Notice thatgf never exceeds690 deg so thatFy

b does notchange sign. This yields a whirl frequency independence of thesign of the Alfordb parameter as shown in the top plot of Fig. 10.The enhanced flow field distortion and the zero phasegf near the

Fig. 10 Alford b parameter and spool loading parameter bspoolfor forced rotor whirl

Fig. 11 Magnitude and phase of fundamental wave form offlow coefficient „solid … and nondimensional spool pressure„dashed … for fÄ0.391

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rotating stall frequency~see Fig. 11! are felt in the net tangentialblade loading and reflected in an amplification ofb nearVRS.

It is important to note the following results from Fig. 10:~1!The spool loading parameterbspool acts in the direction againstwhirl for both large positive and negative forced whirl frequen-cies. ~2! bspool is of comparable magnitude to the Alfordb. ~3!bspool opposes the effects of the Alfordb for two cases: for nega-tive whirl frequencies and low flow coefficients and for positivewhirl frequencies and high flow coefficients.~4! The net effect ofbspool and the Alfordb yields backward whirl for forced whirlfrequencies ranging from20.5 to11. To the author’s knowledgeno rotor whirl experiment has been reported in literature in orderto compare the modeling results to data. Spakovszky et al.@14#report a feasibility study of a magnetic bearing servo-actuator fora high-speed compressor stall control experiment. The describedexperiment could be used to whirl and precess the compressorshaft actively to investigate rotordynamic–aerodynamic couplingeffects.

Note also that the frequency coincidence between enhancedwhirl tendency and rotating stall leads to the conjecture that in anengine, where the rotordynamics and compressor aerodynamicsform one dynamic system, shaft whirl can interact and reso-nate with flow instability patterns such as rotating stall. The cur-rent uncoupled modeling results are an important piece of anoverall dynamic system analysis since they separate the basic ef-fects of whirl inducing forces. A nonlinear, coupled systemanalysis is suggested to investigate the dynamic behavior ofthe compressor–rotor system. Current research on rotordynamic–aerodynamic interaction in axial compression systems is reportedby Al-Nahwi @15#.

4 Conclusions and SummaryThis paper reports a new unsteady low-order model to predict

aerodynamically induced whirling forces in axial flow compres-sors. The model consists of two parts: a tip-clearance induceddistortion model and an aerodynamically induced force model.The distortion model predicts the flow response to given~rotating!tip-clearance asymmetries. The force model then uses this dis-torted unsteady flow field to deduce the forces on the rotor. Theforce model is not limited to this particular compressor model;any prediction of the compressor flow field can be used~i.e., CFD,experimental data, etc.!. The model computes destabilizing rotorforces due to nonuniform tangential blade loading and nonuniformspool pressure loading effects for steadily deflected and whirlingshafts.

The model is implemented in a sample analysis for the fourrepeating stage axial compressor reported in Ehrich@5#. A steadyshaft offset ofDe50.7 percent tip-clearance over span is consid-ered first and the computed Alfordb parameter is in good agree-ment with the results reported in Ehrich@15#.

In addition, a simple model from first principles is presented.This analytical approach introduces a simple parameter denoted asthe blade loading indicator. The blade loading indicator dependsonly on the stage geometry and the mean flow coefficient anddetermines the direction of whirl tendency due to tangential bladeloading forces in both compressors and turbines.

A spool loading parameterbspool, analogous to the Alfordbparameter, is introduced and predicts forward whirl for steadyshaft offsets. The effect of flow inertia on the spool pressure load-ing is investigated and the modeling results show that the flowfield lags the clearance distribution due to the fluid inertia. Thisphase shift induces destabilizing rotor forces, due to spool pres-sure loading effects, which add to the forces predicted by Alford.

Forced shaft whirl is simulated to assess the effects of shaftmotion on the destabilizing rotor forces. Thebspool parameteracts in the direction against whirl and is of comparable magni-tude to the Alfordb. It opposes the effects of the Alfordbfor negative whirl frequencies and low flow coefficients and forpositive whirl frequencies and high flow coefficients. Also, the

frequency coincidence between shaft whirl and rotating stallsuggests nonlinear coupling effects between the aerodynamicsand the rotordynamics.

An important element in the design of rotordynamically stablejet engines is the accurate prediction of the aerodynamically in-duced forces. The reported results are compared to experimentalblade force data obtained from the GE Aircraft Engines LSRC testfacility in Ehrich et al. @9#. The presented aerodynamically in-duced force model forms an important basis for an overall dy-namic system analysis and is suggested as an integral part ofengine design tools.

AcknowledgmentsThe author would like to thank A. Al-Nahwi and Dr. F. Ehrich

for the very useful comments and insightful discussions. This re-search was conducted under NASA grant No. NAG3-2052.


a 5 absolute inlet swirl angleb 5 relative exit swirl angle, Alford parameterc 5 chord

D 5 mean wheel diameterf ,F,f 5 loading, force, momentum flux

f 5 flow coefficiente,De 5 tip-clearance/span, shaft offset/span

g 5 stagger angle, phase angleKru 5 cross-coupled stiffness coefficient

l 5 blade spanl 5 rotor blade row inertia

Lb 5 blade loading indicatorn 5 surface normal

p,p 5 static pressure, pressure forcec,ch 5 pressure rise, enthalpy rise

R,r 5 mean wheel radius, densitys 5 blade pitch

t,T 5 time, stage torqueu,u8 5 circumferential angle~absolute and rotor frame!

U 5 mean wheel speedv,v 5 absolute velocity~vector!

w,w 5 relative velocity~vector!v,V 5 whirl frequency, rotor frequencyx,y 5 coordinates in asymmetry frame

x8,y8 5 coordinates in rotor framex,y 5 coordinates in absolute frame

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@3# Alford, J., 1965, ‘‘Protecting Turbomachinery From Self-Excited RotorWhirl,’’ ASME J. Eng. Power,87, pp. 333–344.

@4# Colding-Jorgensen, J., 1992, ‘‘Prediction of Rotor Dynamic DestabilizingForces in Axial Flow Compressors,’’ ASME J. Fluids Eng.,114, pp. 621–625.

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@10# Gordon, K., 1999, ‘‘Three-Dimensional Rotating Stall Inception and Effects ofRotating Tip Clearance Asymmetry in Axial Compressors,’’ Ph.D. thesis, De-partment of Aeronautics and Astronautics, MIT.

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Stefan WeberPost-Doctoral Research Associate,

Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft,

Max F. PlatzerProfessor,

Fellow ASME

Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics,Naval Postgraduate School,Monterey, CA 93943-5000

A Navier–Stokes Analysis of theStall Flutter Characteristics of theBuffum CascadeNumerical stall flutter prediction methods are much needed, as modern jet engines re-quire blade designs close to the stability boundaries of the performance map. A Quasi-3DNavier–Stokes code is used to analyze the flow over the oscillating cascade designed andmanufactured by Pratt & Whitney, and studied at the NASA Glenn Research Center byBuffum et al. The numerical method solves for the governing equations with a fullyimplicit time-marching technique in a single passage by making use of a direct-store,periodic boundary condition. For turbulence modeling, the Baldwin–Lomax model isused. To account for transition, the criterion to predict the onset location suggested byBaldwin and Lomax is incorporated. Buffum et al. investigated two incidence cases forthree different Mach numbers. The low-incidence case at a Mach number of 0.5 exhibitedthe formation of small separation bubbles at reduced oscillation frequencies of 0.8 and1.2. For this case the present approach yielded good agreement with the steady andoscillatory measurements. At high incidence at the same Mach number of 0.5 the mea-sured steady-state pressure distribution and the separation bubble on the upper surfacewas also found in good agreement with the experiment. But computations for oscillationsat high incidence failed to predict the negative damping contribution caused by theleading edge separation.@S0889-504X~00!01304-0#

IntroductionA review of aeroelastic prediction methods for axial-flow tur-

bomachinery@1# showed that the commonly used unsteady flowmodels were limited to two-dimensional linearized methods. Dur-ing the past twelve years, tremendous advances in CFD havemade it possible to replace some of these models by nonlinearthree-dimensional flow models. However, the simulation of strongviscous flow effects is still fraught with many uncertainties, mak-ing it difficult to predict some important aeroelastic phenomena.One of these phenomena is stall flutter, where the currently usedempirical correlations for the stall flutter boundary prediction ofcompressor and fan blades have yet to be replaced by ‘‘rational’’computational methods based on the solution of the Navier–Stokes equations. These uncertainties are caused by the well-recognized difficulties to model laminar-to-turbulent flow transi-tion and turbulent flow in the presence of strong flow oscillations.Furthermore, it is likely that stall flutter cannot be modeled bypurely two-dimensional methods because separated flows tend tobe three-dimensional. This situation is complicated even furtherfor the case of high subsonic/transonic stall flutter due to the for-mation of shock waves.

In this situation the computational fluid dynamicist has nochoice but to proceed to increasingly more demanding flow mod-eling and to evaluate the validity of the model against well-controlled experiments. Most investigators are agreed that themodeling has to be based on the Navier–Stokes equations. How-ever, great savings in CPU times can be achieved if the flow isdecomposed into a steady nonlinear flow upon which small har-monic perturbations are superimposed. The most recent examplefor this type of approach was presented by Clark and Hall@2#following the work of Hall and Crawley@3#, Kahl and Klose@4#,and Montgomery and Verdon@5#. On the other hand, time linear-ization imposes limits on the oscillation amplitudes and hence it isprudent to evaluate time-linearized results against solutions of the

nonlinearized unsteady Navier–Stokes equations. Furthermore,recent steady and dynamic stall computations for single airfoilshave yielded markedly improved agreement with measured hys-teresis loops if the Baldwin and Lomax@6# algebraic turbulencemodel was replaced by the one-equation Baldwin and Barth@7#and Spalart and Allmaras@8# models and the laminar-to-turbulenttransition onset and length was incorporated into computations, asshown by Ekaterinaris and Platzer@9#, Sanz and Platzer@10#, We-ber and Platzer@11#, Weber et al.@12#, and Eulitz@13#.

The approach presented in this paper is based on the reasoninggiven above. Although three-dimensional flutter computations arepresently being developed, for example by Bakhle@14# and Chewet al. @15#, we believe that such an approach is still premature forthe analysis of stall flutter. Therefore, the present analysis is basedon the Quasi-3D Navier–Stokes equations without any furtherlinearization assumptions. Such an approach was also adopted byHe @16#, Eguchi and Wiedermann@17#, Abhari and Giles@18#,Gruber and Carstens@19#, Weber et al.@20,21#, Kato et al.@22#,Tuncer et al.@23#, Carstens and Schmitt@24#, Fourmaux@25#, andLin and Murthy @26#. The turbulence modeling still relies on thesimple algebraic Baldwin–Lomax model, but the transition onsetcriterion introduced by Baldwin–Lomax is incorporated. The re-sults are evaluated by comparison with the oscillating cascademeasurements of Buffum et al.@27# which appear to be the mostreliable data for such a comparison at the present time.

Mathematical ModelThe present algorithm solves the nondimensinalized time-

dependent Quasi-3D Navier–Stokes equations. The equations arederived for anm, w-coordinate system withm in axial andw incircumferential direction. It represents S1-stream surfaces of revo-lution at a radiusr with a variable stream surface thicknessB toaccount for three-dimensional flow effects. Following Benetschik@28#, the Favre-averaged governing equations in strong conserva-tion law-form transformed to curvilinear coordinates~j, h! can begiven in a rotating frame of reference as follows:

] tU1]jS E21

ReEvD1]hS F2


ReFvD5Q (1)

Contributed by the International Gas Turbine Institute and presented at the 45thInternational Gas Turbine and Aeroengine Congress and Exhibition, Munich, Ger-many, May 8–11, 2000. Manuscript received by the International Gas Turbine Insti-tute February 2000. Paper No. 2000-GT-385. Review Chair: D. Ballal.

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in which J5](m,w)/](j,h) is the Jacobian matrix of transforma-tion, and whereU is the vector of conservative variables

U5JrBH rrvm


u rot

J , (2)

E and F are the Euler fluxes





J , (3)





J , (4)

and Ev and Fv the viscous fluxes

Ev5JH 0rrtmmjmm1tmwjw

r ~rrtmwjmm1twwjw!


J , (5)

Fv5JH 0rrtmmhmm1tmwhw

r ~rrtmwhmm1twwhw!


J , (6)


Eev5wmtmm1wwtmw1qm , (7)

Fev5wmtmw1wwtww1qw , (8)

and the source vectorQ due to the coordinate transformation forthe S1-system












06 . (9)

The transformed components of the heat fluxq and the stresstensort are given in more detail in Weber et al.@20#. In theseequationsr denotes the density andp the pressure. The absoluteand relative velocity components arevm ,vw , and wm ,ww , re-spectively. The contravariant velocitiesWj andWh are given by:

Wj5r jm~wm2cjm!1jw~ww2cjw! (10)


Wh5rhm~wm2chm!1hw~ww2chw! (11)

with the components of the contravariant cell face velocitiescj,ch

which have to be introduced due to the time-dependent deforma-tion of the grid. The volume specific total energyerot and therothalpyH rot assuming perfect gas are defined as:





2 1vw2 !2Vrrvw (12)


H rot5erot1p


with k the ratio of the specific heats, andV in case of a rotor flowas the angular velocity. To model the turbulent stresses, a turbu-lent eddy viscosity is computed following the turbulence model ofBaldwin and Lomax@6#. The laminar viscosity is predicted bySutherland’s law. The onset of laminar/turbulent transition isfound with the criterion suggested by Baldwin and Lomax@6#using Cmutm of 14. Furthermore, an effective thermal transportcoefficient is introduced, using a laminar and a turbulent Prandtlnumber.

Equation~1! is nondimensionalized referring to the free-streamtotal density, the free-stream total velocity of sound, the free-stream total viscosity, and the chord length.

Numerical MethodA finite volume technique is applied for the numerical solution

of Eq. ~1!, which is discretized in a node-centered form. Centraland antisymmetric differences are used to compute the viscousfluxes. The inviscid fluxes are computed with an upwind FDSscheme by Roe@29#. At each volume cell face it solves for anapproximative Riemann problem by computing a numerical fluxfunction. For example in thej direction, the definition of the fluxfunction for a cell face located at (i 11/2,j ) is:

E~U! i 11/2,j51

2@E~UL! i 11/21E~UR! i 11/2

2~RjuLjuL j~UR2UL!! i 11/2# (14)

with the initial state vectorsUL at the left andUR at the right sideof the cell face,L j the left andRj the right matrices of the left andthe right eigenvectors, respectively andLj the diagonal matrix ofeigenvalues with respect toE. The components of the matrices areobtained using the Roe average.

With Eq. ~14!, a characteristic wave decomposition is achieved,resulting in two acoustic waves, one shear, and one entropy wave.Herein the eigenvalues describe the characteristic speed and thedirection of the waves. Consistent with the characteristic compat-ibility relations, the change of the characteristic variable acrossthe cell face can be computed due to the particular eigenvalueformulation.

To assure a minimum amount of artificial viscosity in the wholecomputational domain, a method suggested by Harten@30# isimplemented, as well as a correction of the eigenvalues to over-come a nonphysical negative entropy change across expansionfans. The spatial discretization of the inviscid fluxes is extended tothird-order accuracy by applying the MUSCL technique@31# to-gether with the TVD scheme by Harten@30# and the van Albadalimiter function to avoid stability problems.

The fully implicit time-integration of Eq.~1! is performedsecond-order accurate in time following the scheme of Rai andChakravarthy@32#. Time accuracy is improved by using Newtonsubiterations to minimize linearization errors at each time stepwhile the system of equations itself is solved iteratively by aGauss–Seidel relaxation method. For unsteady computations bestperformance in terms of accuracy and convergence was found byusing three Newton subiterations at each time step.

Boundary Conditions and Unsteady Grid Generation. Thenumerical treatment of the far field boundary conditions follows amethod of characteristics proposed by Chakravarthy@33#. For theup- and downstream boundaries, the number of physical boundaryconditions depends on the number of characteristics entering thecomputational domain neglecting all viscous terms. At the inflowboundary the total pressure, the total temperature, and the inflowangle are imposed. At the outflow boundary only the exit pressureis prescribed. For viscous flows Stokes’ nonslip condition is ap-plied on the surface of the blade, assuming an adiabatic wall anda vanishing normal pressure gradient. The assumption of a zeronormal pressure gradient for unsteady flows is still correct if thereduced frequency of the blade oscillation is small.

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At the periodic boundary use is made of the direct store methodintroduced by Erdos et al.@34#. This boundary condition allowsthe simulation of harmonically oscillating blades for any inter-blade phase angle with only one passage. Convergence isachieved if the difference between the flow quantities comparedwith the flow quantities of the previous cycle are below a certainlimit. To avoid large storage requirements, the flow variables atthe periodic boundaries are not stored at each time step, makinguse of a technique introduced by Peitsch et al.@35#.

The simulation of the blade motion requires an unsteady regen-eration of the C- or O-type grid. Therefore, the grid is divided intothree zones. The first zone includes the blade surface and the gridlines inside the boundary layer preserving the orthogonality of thegrid on the surface. This zone moves as a solid body according tothe chosen mode of oscillation. Wrapped around the first zone isthe second zone, which is surrounded by a stationary nondeform-ing third zone. The second zone is deformed at each time step andthe grid is regenerated by solving the Laplace equation. Experi-ence shows that it is not necessary to run the grid regeneration ateach time step. Instead, it is sufficient to use a linear interpolationbetween newly regenerated grids. The third zone is kept fixed tosave the orthogonality of the grid at the outer boundaries.

The Navier–Stokes code has been tested extensively for a va-riety of steady and unsteady subsonic and transonic test cases,such as@20,21,28#.

Computational Results and DiscussionComputations were performed to investigate the flutter charac-

teristics of the Buffum cascade. This cascade was developed toimprove the understanding of the unsteady flow phenomena whichcause stall flutter. The measurements were taken in the wind tun-nel of the NASA Glenn Research Center, where this linear nine-blade cascade was installed. A series of steady and oscillatorymeasurements were taken for free-stream Mach numbers of 0.2,0.5, and 0.8 at low and high incidence. In the experiment allblades were executing a harmonic pitching motion around the

midchord point with an amplitudea of 1.2 deg at an interbladephase angleF of 180 deg. The reduced frequencyk52p f c/U`was varied between 0.4 and 1.2. The stagger angleg of the low-aspect-ratio fan blade tip section was 60 deg, the chord lengthcwas 0.0889 m, and the solidityc/s was 1.52.

In this paper we analyze only the steady and oscillatory data fora free-stream Mach number of 0.5 and a Reynolds number Re of0.93106. The corresponding experimental results as well as thedetails of the test facility were discussed and given in detail byBuffum et al.@27#.

All steady-state and unsteady computations for the Buffum cas-cade were performed on an O-type 241361 point Navier–Stokesgrid. Several grids were tested and the initial wall spacing de-creased until the solution became independent of the grid fory1

,1.5. The grid is shown in Fig. 1, including a magnification ofthe leading edge~top left! and the trailing edge~bottom right!.

Steady-State Low-Incidence Flow. Before running an un-steady computation, a steady-state solution was computed. In Buf-fum et al. @27#, the in-flow anglea corresponding to low inci-dence was given to be 60 deg at a pressure ratiopexit /p` of 0.93.In order to obtain good agreement with the experimental data, thepressure ratio for the numerical simulation had to be changed to0.936, resulting in an averaged inflow angle of 61.1 deg. Thecomputed data were compared with the measured chordwise pres-sure coefficient distributions with a definition of the steady pres-sure coefficient as follows:

CpS x


pS x


r`U`2 . (15)

Two steady-state computations, one fully turbulent and one in-cluding transition, were performed. In Fig. 2 the predicted pres-sures are seen to compare well with the experimental data.

Figure 2 also includes experimental data on the neighboringblades to indicate the degree of periodicity in the test cascade. Thedifference between the development of the boundary layer withoutand with transition is seen to be small. A re-laminarization waspredicted at the trailing edge while the strongest influence of tran-sition could be seen close to the leading edge. In Fig. 3 the pres-sure distribution at the leading edge is given in more detail. Bothcomputations predicted the stagnation point slightly on the lowersurface, reaching aCp of 0.5. Starting from the stagnation point,the flow was accelerated on both surfaces of the blade, as can beseen from the two suction peaks. The higher acceleration was

Fig. 1 O-type 241 Ã61 point grid for the Buffum cascadeFig. 2 Steady-state pressure distribution, MÄ0.5, aÄ61.1 deg, ReÄ0.9Ã106

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found on the upper surface, e.g., the fully turbulent flow predic-tion reached aCp of 21 ~Fig. 3!. The transition criterion ofBaldwin–Lomax predicted a laminar region for 11 percent chordlength on the lower surface. On the upper surface the turbulentflow started at 1 percent chord length. Furthermore, a separationbubble was found on the upper surface. The bubble length wasapproximately 5.5 percent of chord length independent of transi-tion, while the bubble size was bigger for the computation, includ-ing transition. The predicted steady-state velocity vector distribu-tion including transition is given in Fig. 4. One can see that theseparation occurs on the upper surface of the blade at the pointwhere the curvature of the blade surface changes sign.

Flutter at Low Incidence. At low incidence oscillatory mea-surements were taken for reduced frequencies of 0.4, 0.8, and 1.2.However, fork50.4, the measured data have not been published

because the passage-to-passage periodicity was too poor. Foranalysis of the unsteady data a first harmonic unsteady pressurecoefficient is defined as follows:

Cp1stS x


p1stS x


2 . (16)

In Figs. 5 and 6 the real or in-phase part Re( ) and the imagi-nary or out-of-phase part Im( ) of the first harmonic unsteady pres-sure coefficient are compared with the experimental data for areduced frequency of 1.2.

The real part is seen to agree well with the measured data.Again, the fully turbulent computation differed only slightly fromthe computation, including transition. The biggest difference wasfound on the upper surface of the blade between the leading edgeand 16 percent chord length. Although the trend of the measuredout-of-phase part of the unsteady pressure is predicted well, thequantitative agreement is worse than for the in-phase part. Theinfluence of transition is again strongest on the upper surface be-tween the leading edge and 16 percent chord length. Similar re-

Fig. 3 Steady-state pressure distribution at leading edge, MÄ0.5, aÄ61.1 deg, ReÄ0.9Ã106

Fig. 4 Steady-state velocity vectors at leading edge, MÄ0.5,aÄ61.1 deg, ReÄ0.9Ã106

Fig. 5 Real part of unsteady pressure distribution at low inci-dence, kÄ1.2, FÄ180 deg, MÄ0.5, ReÄ0.9Ã106

Fig. 6 Imaginary part of unsteady pressure distribution at lowincidence, kÄ1.2, FÄ180 deg, MÄ0.5, ReÄ0.9Ã106

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sults were found for a reduced frequency of 0.8. Since the out-of-phase part of the unsteady pressure determines the damping orexcitation of the blade motion, it is convenient to define the aero-dynamic damping parameterJ52Im(Cm) with Cm as the time-dependent moment coefficient:

Cm~ t !5

2E rW

c3FpS x

c,t D dx

ceW nG

ar`U`2 (17)

with rW the vector pointing from the pivot location to an arbitrarypoint on the surface andeWn the unit vector normal to the bladesurface. A positive value corresponds to a damped oscillation.

Buffum et al. presented a local stability analysis by plotting(0.52x/c)Im(Cpps2Cpss)1st . The numerically predicted local sta-bility in comparison with the experimental data is given in Figs. 7and 8 for reduced frequencies of 1.2 and 0.8, respectively. Forboth reduced frequencies the computed local stability was greaterthan the measured stability between 0 and 40 percent chord lengthand smaller thereafter. The incorporation of transition for a re-duced frequency of 1.2 slightly increased the stability.

Figure 9 shows a counterclockwise variation of the pitchingmoment during one oscillation cycle thus indicating positivedamping. As expected, the aerodynamic damping increased withincreased reduced frequency. In this figure the time-dependentdevelopment of the moment coefficient is plotted versus the non-dimensional pitching anglea85@a(t)2g#/a. As already seenfrom Fig. 7, including transition slightly increased the damping.

It is of special interest to study the behavior of the separationbubble as a function of the oscillation frequency. Therefore, com-putations for a reduced frequency ofk50.2 were also performed.The bubble length during the blade oscillation was almost 22 per-cent of chord length, independent of the reduced frequency. For areduced frequency of 0.2, the largest bubble size occurred shortlyafter reaching the highest pitching angle. For the reduced frequen-cies of 0.8 and 1.2 the maximum was reached almost a quartercycle later. Furthermore, a separation bubble of a maximum sizeof 3 percent chord length was predicted on the lower surface. Thebubble occurred shortly before reaching the lowest pitching angleand vanished completely a quarter cycle later. As expected, afurther decrease of the reduced frequency decreased the dampingparameter even more. It is also interesting to note that the blade issubjected to a pitching moment fluctuating between positive andnegative values for all reduced frequencies.

At low-incidence convergence of the unsteady computationswas reached after 6 to 8 cycles using 1000 time steps per cycleand three Newton subiterations for each time step.

Steady-State High-Incidence Flow. Contrary to the experi-mentally determined inflow angle of 70 deg at a pressure ratio of1.03, the best agreement between the measured and computedpressure distribution was obtained for a pressure ratio of 0.97resulting in an inflow angle of 67.2 deg; see Fig. 10.

At this angle, the predicted pressure distribution on the lowersurface agreed well with the measured data up to 70 percent chordlength and was slightly too high thereafter. On the upper surfacegood agreement was found between the leading edge and 20 per-cent chord length. Starting at 20 percent chord length the pre-dicted pressure was slightly higher until 45 percent chord lengthand again between 75 percent chord length and the trailing edge.

A study of the influence of three-dimensional effects due to theformation of corner vortices was performed by varying theS1-stream surface thickness of the grid shown in Fig. 1. Thetwo-dimensional numerical results with and without transitionshown in Fig. 10 could not be improved by this Quasi-3D com-putation. Transition onset was found at 0.6 percent chord lengthon the upper surface while laminar flow to 13 percent chord

Fig. 7 Local stability analysis at low incidence, kÄ1.2, FÄ180 deg, MÄ0.5, ReÄ0.9Ã106

Fig. 8 Local stability analysis at low incidence, kÄ0.8, FÄ180 deg, MÄ0.5, ReÄ0.9Ã106

Fig. 9 Predicted pitching moment coefficient at low incidence,FÄ180 deg, MÄ0.5, ReÄ0.9Ã106

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length was predicted on the lower surface. The turbulent boundarylayer was re-laminarized at the trailing edge. Including transitionimproved the predicted pressure distribution on the upper surfacebetween the leading edge and 20 percent chord length. In Fig. 11the steady-state Mach number contours show the separated flowregion on the upper surface. A bubble of almost 50 percent chordlength was found that was 10 percent longer than the measuredbubble.

Flutter at High Incidence. Measurements for reduced fre-quencies of 0.4, 0.8, and 1.2 were taken at high incidence. In Figs.12 and 13 the computed real and imaginary parts of the first har-monic unsteady pressure coefficient at a reduced frequency of 1.2are compared with the experimental results. Although the mea-sured trend of the real part, especially on the upper surface, waspredicted by the computation, the agreement is less accurate thanfor the low incidence case; see Fig. 5. However, in contrast to the

unsteady low incidence computations, the predicted imaginarypart at high incidence is in better agreement with the experimentalresults than the real part. A similar behavior was found for thereduced frequencies of 0.4 and 0.8. The overall agreement becameslightly worse with decreasing reduced frequency. The oppositebehavior was found for the low-incidence computations.

In Fig. 14 snapshots of the unsteady Mach number contours ata reduced frequency of 1.2 are shown. The snapshots were takenat four different times during one cycleT. Here the developmentof the separation bubble from a small bubble to a bubble extend-ing to 64 percent chord length can be seen.

A comparison of the low- and high-incidence measurements ofthe local stability, Figs. 7, 8, 15, 16, 17, shows that the leadingedge region makes a decisive contribution to the total stability. Inthe low-incidence case the leading edge contributes positivedamping, whereas in the high-incidence case the flow separationnear the leading edge on the upper surface causes a destabilizingpitching moment. As seen in Figs. 15, 16, 17, the computationsfail to capture this destabilizing leading edge moment, but thelocal moment contribution from about 15 percent chord to the

Fig. 10 Steady-state pressure distribution, MÄ0.5, aÄ67.2 deg, ReÄ0.9Ã106

Fig. 11 Steady-state Mach number contours, MÄ0.5, aÄ67.2 deg, ReÄ0.9Ã106

Fig. 12 Real part of unsteady pressure distribution at high in-cidence, kÄ1.2, FÄ180 deg, MÄ0.5, ReÄ0.9Ã106

Fig. 13 Imaginary part of unsteady pressure distribution athigh incidence, kÄ1.2, FÄ180 deg, MÄ0.5, ReÄ0.9Ã106

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trailing edge are predicted quite well fork51.2, while significantdifferences are apparent up to midchord for thek50.8 andk50.4 cases. A separation bubble is found to exist on the uppersurface during the complete oscillation cycle. Att50.14T thebubble reaches its smallest length of 34 percent chord length,which is 16 percent less than in the steady-state solution. Thelargest bubble is seen att50.9T, where it reaches a length of 65percent chord. On the lower surface the flow remained attachedduring the complete oscillation cycle.

The pitching moment hysteresis loops and the damping param-eter in dependency of the reduced frequency are given in Fig. 18.

Fig. 14 Predicted unsteady Mach number contours at high in-cidence, kÄ1.2, FÄ180 deg, MÄ0.5, ReÄ0.9Ã106

Fig. 15 Local stability analysis at high incidence, kÄ1.2, FÄ180 deg, MÄ0.5, ReÄ0.9Ã106

Fig. 16 Local stability analysis at high incidence, kÄ0.8, FÄ180 deg, MÄ0.5, ReÄ0.9Ã106

Fig. 17 Local stability analysis at high incidence, kÄ0.4, FÄ180 deg, MÄ0.5, ReÄ0.9Ã106

Fig. 18 Predicted unsteady aerodynamic moment coefficientat high incidence, FÄ180 deg, MÄ0.5, ReÄ0.9Ã106

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The almost elliptical shape of the hysteresis loops indicate a linearresponse of the flow field to the prescribed motion. Furthermore,in contrast to the low-incidence case, the pitching moment is seento be positive for all reduced frequencies.

Convergence of the computations for the different high-incidence cases was obtained after 8 to 12 cycles. As for thelow-incidence case, 1000 time steps per cycle in combination withthree Newton subiterations for each time step were used. All com-putations were performed on SGI Octane 250 MHz, R10000workstations, and Pentium II-400 Linux PCs.

Concluding RemarksAt low incidence the steady and oscillatory flow cases showed

encouraging agreement with the experiment. As expected, thecomputed aerodynamic damping increased with increasing oscil-lation frequency. These results are consistent with the time-linearized Navier–Stokes computations of Clark and Hall@2#.

On the other hand, at high incidence the numerical model failedto predict the negative damping close to the leading edge althoughthe steady-state solution was in good agreement with the mea-sured data.

This failure suggests to explore the use of more sophisticatedtransition and turbulence modeling. Such models were alreadyincorporated for the prediction of dynamic stall on single airfoilsand led to significantly improved agreement with the availableexperimental data, as summarized by Ekaterinaris and Platzer@9#.Therefore, it is planned to apply these models in the next series ofcomputations for the Buffum cascade.

AcknowledgmentsThe first author gratefully acknowledges the support of the

Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft~DFG! and the Naval Post-graduate School.

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Y. K. P. Shum

C. S. Tan

Gas Turbine Laboratory,Massachusetts Institute of Technology,

Cambridge, MA 02139

N. A. CumpstyWhittle Laboratory,

University of Cambridge,Cambridge, England CB3 0DY

Impeller–Diffuser Interactionin a Centrifugal CompressorA study has been conducted, using an unsteady three-dimensional Reynolds-averagedNavier–Stokes simulation, to define the effect of impeller–diffuser interaction on theperformance of a centrifugal compressor stage. The principal finding from the study wasthat the most influential aspect of this unsteady interaction was the effect on impeller tipleakage flow. In particular, the unsteadiness due to the upstream potential effect of thediffuser vanes led to larger viscous losses associated with the impeller tip leakage flow.The consequent changes at the impeller exit with increasing interaction were identified asreduced slip, reduced blockage, and increased loss. The first two were beneficial topressure rise, while the third was detrimental. The magnitudes of the effects were exam-ined using different impeller–diffuser spacings and it was shown that there was an opti-mal radial gap size for maximum impeller pressure rise. The physical mechanism wasalso determined: When the diffuser was placed closer to the impeller than the optimum,increased loss overcame the benefits of reduced slip and blockage. The findings provide arigorous explanation for experimental observations made on centrifugal compressors.The success of a simple flow model in capturing the pressure rise trend indicated thatalthough the changes in loss, blockage, and slip were due largely to unsteadiness, theconsequent impacts on performance were mainly one-dimensional. The influence of flowunsteadiness on diffuser performance was found to be less important than the upstreameffect, by a factor of seven in terms of stage pressure rise in the present geometry. It isthus concluded that the beneficial effects of impeller–diffuser interaction on overall stageperformance come mainly from the reduced blockage and reduced slip associated with theunsteady tip leakage flow in the impeller.@S0889-504X~00!01704-9#

1 IntroductionThe interaction between impeller and vaned diffuser is far more

difficult to model than configurations with vaneless diffuser@1,2#.Matching a vaned diffuser to an impeller is a nontrivial task due tothe complicated flow mechanics involved and the absence ofquantitative understanding. Satisfactory performance in an indi-vidual component does not guarantee that the integrated designwill also have satisfactory flow range and overall stage efficiency.In fact, Cumpsty@3# states that mismatching is far more commonas a cause of poor performance with high pressure ratio machinesthan details of impeller or diffuser vane shape.

So far most of the attention to impeller–diffuser interaction hasbeen focused on understanding the effect of upstream conditionson the diffuser performance. Results reported by Filipenco et al.@4# and Deniz et al.@5# showed that the time-averaged flow align-ment with the diffuser vanes, i.e., incidence, expressed as themomentum averaged swirl angle, was the single most importantparameter in setting diffuser performance. Computations by Phill-ips @6# also showed that diffuser pressure recovery is largely in-dependent of diffuser inlet flow axial distortions. The only re-maining question is whether unsteadiness at the diffuser inlet,induced by interaction, can affect diffuser performance.

No attempt has been made to understand the effect of down-stream conditions on the impeller flow field with the exception ofthe work reported by Kirtley and Beach@7#. They investigated theinfluence of impeller–diffuser interaction on upstream flow byapplying CFD to a configuration with tip Mach number of about0.5. Body force modeling and deterministic stresses were used toavoid the then very expensive time-accurate calculation. By com-paring the divergence of deterministic stress to that of Reynoldsstress, they came to a conclusion that vane-induced unsteadinesswas more important than turbulence in affecting the flow field

upstream of the diffuser vanes. They also found that the impellerflow field in the stage calculation had less shroud separation com-pared to the isolated impeller flow field.

Recently, Dawes@8# and Domercq and Thomas@9# reportedresults from time-accurate simulation of unsteady flow in animpeller–diffuser stage. Their computed results indicated that up-stream influence of the vaned diffuser on the impeller flow can besignificant. All these previous efforts have not however explainedthe cause~s! for an interaction-related phenomenon: The existenceof an optimum radius ratio between the diffuser vane leading edgeand the impeller blade trailing edge (r 28 /r 2) for the maximumstage total-to-static pressure ratio. The existence has been con-firmed experimentally by various workers including Rodgers@10#and Clements and Artt@11#, and their results strongly indicate thatoptimal radial gap size is geometry-dependent.

This paper will describe the implementation of time-accuratesimulations of flow fields in an impeller–diffuser stage, an iso-lated impeller, and an isolated diffuser. The computed results willestablish an understanding of the impact of unsteady impeller–diffuser interaction on the performance of a centrifugal compres-sor stage. The key objectives for the investigation are:~1! to as-sess the importance of interaction on the impeller and diffuserflow field ~in terms of time-averaged pressure rise capability, loss,blockage, etc.!, and its consequence on the stage performance;~2!to determine the flow mechanisms by which interaction influencesthese figures of merit for performance, especially the optimumgap size for total pressure rise as observed by Rodgers@10# andClements and Artt@11#; ~3! to develop a simple low-order flowmodel that describes the observed phenomenon for preliminarydesign evaluation.

To accomplish these objectives, the following three fluid dy-namic questions need to be addressed:~1! How do downstreamconditions, in the form of an unsteady pressure field, affect theimpeller performance?~2! How do upstream conditions, charac-terized by the rotating jet-and-wake structure, affect the diffuserperformance?~3! With all the factors considered, can flow cou-

Contributed by the International Gas Turbine Institute and presented at the 45thInternational Gas Turbine and Aeroengine Congress and Exhibition, Munich, Ger-many, May 8–11, 2000. Manuscript received by the International Gas Turbine Insti-tute February 2000. Paper No. 2000-GT-428. Review Chair: D. Ballal.

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pling between the impeller and the diffuser benefit stage perfor-mance, and under what conditions can this occur?

This paper is arranged as follows: The technical approach isfirst described; the influence of interaction on impeller flow andthe influence of interaction on diffuser flow are then delineated.They are followed by a synthesis of computed results. Finally, themain conclusions are stated.

2 Technical Approach

2.1 The Stage Geometry. The centrifugal compressor stageselected for this investigation is representative of current industrydesign. It was designed for a stage total-to-static pressure ratio of5.4. The impeller is backswept with an outlet angle of 52 deg. Atdesign speedU2 /ACp0T0151.13, the diffuser inlet angle is 68deg.

2.2 The Solution Algorithm and Grid. The code devel-oped by Dawes@8# is used in the present investigation. It simu-lates the real impeller motion by using a sliding plane to transferaxial and circumferential distortions between impeller and dif-fuser flow field at each time step, thus preserving the flow detailsin the interaction region. A volume weighted interpolation proce-dure is adopted to ensure conservation.

The equations being solved are the five fully three-dimensional,unsteady, compressible, Reynolds-averaged Navier–Stokes equa-tions expressed in strong conservation form, coupled to two addi-tional equations for thek–« turbulence model. The seven equa-tions are discretized in finite volume form on each of the tetra-hedral control volumes with vertex variable storage, and time-marched to convergence using a four-step Runge–Kutta residualsmoothing procedure.

At the inflow boundaries the total pressure (p01), total tempera-ture (T01), turbulent kinetic energy (k1), turbulent dissipation rate(«1), and the two flow angles are prescribed, while at the outflowboundaries the static pressure (p3) is specified. Thus, the time-averaged mass flow of the stage is actually computed, instead ofbeing specified. Wall function is employed to avoid the need ofsimulating the laminar sublayer, allowing coarser grid at the vis-cous surface.

With a resolution of about 70,000 nodes, the unstructured meshgenerated for the present numerical simulation is shown in Fig. 1.The stage modeled has 17 full blades and 17 splitters in the im-peller, together with 19 vanes and 19 splitters in the diffuser. Forthe numerical simulation, the blade-to-vane ratio has been ad-justed to 1:1 to avoid the necessity of modeling the entire annulus.In the process, the thickness of the impeller blade is reduced topreserve the original solidity of the passage. It has also been veri-fied that the impeller flow is not choked, so the small modificationshould have little influence on the flow.

For tip region modeling, Storer and Cumpsty@12# have shownthat the tip-leakage flow is controlled by primarily inviscidmechanism, thus even with relatively coarse mesh the static pres-sure field and the magnitude of leakage flow rate can be predictedsatisfactorily. Recently Van Zante et al.@13# have pointed out thata substantially finer grid can be required to resolve the importantdetails of the wall-bounded shear layer, which impacts the trajec-tory of the primary clearance flow, and was shown to be importantfor quantifying the stall inception point. The focus of the presentinvestigation, however, is on understanding how the blockage as-sociated with leakage flow reacts to downstream unsteadiness atan operating point well away from stall. The use of three gridpoints in the tip clearance gap is deemed adequate.

2.3 The Numerical Experiments. As the main goal is toquantify the stage performance change with different degree ofimpeller–diffuser interaction, it is necessary to use a control ex-periment environment to isolate the underlying factors and mecha-nisms. To assess the effect of downstream vanes on the impellerperformance, an identical impeller is coupled to three differentdiffuser configurations to simulate different degrees of interaction.

The major difference between these three configurations is thesize of the radial gap, expressed as the radius ratio of diffuserleading-edge to impeller trailing-edge (r 28 /r 2).

Calculation 1 is for a vaneless diffuser withr 28 /r 25`, corre-sponding to the absence of impeller–diffuser interaction. Calcula-tion 2 is for a vaned diffuser withr 28 /r 251.092. Calculation 3 isfor a vaned diffuser withr 28 /r 251.054, intended to give thestrongest interaction in the three configurations. Other thanr 28 /r 2 , all geometric parameters, such as the vane stagger angleand the channel area distributionA(r ), are kept the same for allthree diffusers. The performances, from these three configurationsare generated using the same impeller speedU2 and are comparedat the same time-averaged mass flowm. Some iterations on theprescribed value ofp3 , the diffuser exit pressure, are necessarybefore the computed mass flow can match the same target massflow for each of the three configurations.

To save computational time, the stage is calculated over a widerange of flow rates only for ther 28 /r 251.092 configuration~Cal-culation 2!, and it is treated as the reference case. Calculation 4 isthen performed for the diffuser with steady inlet flow prescribed atthe interaction plane location. The steady inlet conditions(p021 ,T021 ,a21) are the time-average of the results from Calcu-lation 2. They retain both the axial distortions~from hub toshroud! and the circumferential variations due to the downstreamdiffuser vanes.

Attempts at prescribing uniform boundary conditions at theoriginal diffuser inlet boundary~interaction plane! failed becausethe distance between the inlet boundary and the vane entrance istoo close for the flow to align with the vanes, resulting in unrea-sonably high loss. Some of the flow adjustment in response to thedownstream vanes in fact takes place inside the impeller. Thus,

Fig. 1 Unstructured mesh used for the r 28 Õr 2Ä1.092 configu-ration with the casings of both impeller and diffuser removed

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the inlet boundary for Calculation 5 was moved upstream byabout one pitch where a set of uniform boundary conditions(p0 ,T0 ,a) could be applied. Some iteration on the inlet boundaryconditions was required to match the integrated quantities~massflow, angular momentum, and impulse! to the time-average ofthose of Calculation 2 at the original inlet boundary. Once theseintegrated quantities are matched, the resulting flow field of Cal-culation 5 resembles that of Calculation 2 except that both un-steadiness and inlet axial nonuniformity are absent. Table 1 out-lines the difference between the three calculations in terms of inletdiffuser boundary location.

As designed, the difference between Calculations 2 and 4 iso-lates out the effect of unsteadiness, while the difference betweenCalculations 4 and 5 isolates out the effect of axial distortion. Itshould be emphasized that both factors are representative of thosefrom a typical impeller exit flow, as they are derived directly fromthe results of Calculation 2. Moreover, all three calculations allowthe presence of downstream-induced circumferential nonunifor-mity in the interaction region.

3 Influence of Interaction on Impeller FlowThis section presents qualitative and quantitative descriptions

of the flow in the impeller with different degree of impeller–diffuser interaction. Calculations 1, 2, and 3 are obtained by vary-ing the radius ratior 28 /r 2 , the only control variable in this nu-merical experiment. The same approach has been takenexperimentally by Rodgers@10# and by Clements and Artt@11#,both of whom show that stage total-to-static pressure ratio peaksfor an impeller–diffuser radius ratio greater than unity.

3.1 Overall Impeller Performance. The impeller pressureratio p02/p01 from Calculations 1, 2, and 3 are plotted versus massflow rate in Fig. 2. The characteristic line is determined by apply-ing least-squares best-fit to the computed pressure ratios at variousflow rate in Calculation 2 for ther 28 /r 251.092 configuration.The values ofm in Calculations 1, 2, and 3 vary by about 1percent of the reference value, reflecting the difficulty and timeinvolved in achieving a desired mass flow rate by back pressureadjustment. The difference inm is small enough that the associ-ated changes in performance may be neglected. The pressure ra-tios for both the vaneless build and ther 28 /r 251.054 configura-tion are well away from the r 82/r 251.092 characteristic,

confirming that the radial gap size can indeed influence the impel-ler total pressure ratio. Thus, the degree of impeller–diffuser in-teraction is identified as a major contributor to the performancechange, with the moderate radius ratio configuration~r 28 /r 251.092 in the current investigation! giving larger pressure ratiosthan the vaneless or small gap configurations.

The performance parameters from the three calculations aretabulated in Table 2 for comparison. Both the total-to-total andtotal-to-static pressure ratios are highest forr 28 /r 251.092. Thepolytropic efficiencyhpoly , evaluated using






Fig. 2 Impeller total-to-total pressure ratio for the three differ-ent radial gap sizes, with the compete characteristic of r 28 Õr 2Ä1.092 case shown

Table 1 Comparison of boundary conditions at the diffusergrid inlet for Calculations 2, 4, and 5, with vane leading edgelocated at r 28 Õr 2Ä1.092

Table 2 Comparison of computed impeller performanceparameters from different radial gap size

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also shows a small peak with moderate strength of interaction.Vt2is the mass and time-averaged tangential velocity at the impellerexit flow.

3.2 The Origin of Performance Changes. Figure 3 showsthe variation in total pressurep0 /p01 in the flow direction for thethree calculations. The quantityp0 /p01 has been mass and time-averaged at each meridional station. It is only in the last 10 per-cent of the impeller passage, near the blade trailing edge, thatsignificant difference arises. This region is within a one pitchdistance upstream of the diffuser vane leading edge, and is ex-pected to be under significant influence of the potential field posedby the diffuser vanes.

3.2.1 One-dimensional Model on Impeller Pressure Ratio.To explain why impeller total pressure ratiop02/p01 changes withthe addition of diffuser vanes downstream, it is more convenientfrom here on to express the average pressure ratio and loss rela-tionship in terms of entropys. Equation~1! is thus rewritten as,





e2~s22s1!/R (2)

The advantage of Eq.~2! is that entropys2 is an extensive prop-erty, which can be mass-averaged and obtained directly from thecomputed flow data.Vt2 is the mass and time-average of the ab-solute whirl velocity at the impeller exit.

Linearization of Eq.~2! thus gives an expression for the incre-mental change in impeller total pressure ratio due to the presenceof downstream vanes, with respect to that of the vaneless configu-ration,


p025F S g

g21D S Vt2U2

Cp0T011Vt2U2D G DVt2

Vt22F g

g21G Ds2


However,Vt2 is not the most fundamentally independent variablefor this consideration because it in turn depends onW2 , the exitvelocity in the relative frame.W2 itself also depends on the chan-nel effective area and density~thus on pressure and entropy!.

The actual tangential velocityVt2 lags behind the ideal coun-terpart Vt2i , by a slip velocity, which depends largely on thecircumferential spacing of the impeller blades and is predomi-nantly a result of inviscid effect. Since the impeller geometry hasnot been changed in this numerical experiment, any change in theslip velocity can only be attributed to the presence of the down-stream vanes. It is, however, simpler to expressVt2 in terms ofW2andu, the angle between the radial direction and the average exitflow direction in the relative frame:

Vt25U22W2 sinu (4)

whereu is related to the slip velocity. Equation~4! can then belinearized as



Vt2G DW2

W21F 1

tanaG~2Du! (5)

The negative sign precedingu in Eq. ~5! implies that a smalleruimplies reduced slip, which increases absolute whirl velocityVt2 .

The response ofW2 to changes in the local flow condition canbe derived following Shapiro@14#, by using one-dimensional flowconservation equations expressed in incremental form. The result-ing relationship is as follows:


W25F 21

12Mrel,22 G DAeff

Aeff1F S g

g21D S 1

12Mrel,22 D G Ds2


where Mrel,2 is the relative Mach number of impeller passage flowevaluated in the frame of the impeller, andAeff is the effectiveflow passage area, which is the geometric passage area minus theflow blockage. The nondimensional blockage term is defined by



The step-by-step procedures to evaluate blockage using stream-wise velocity distribution can be found in Khalid et al.@15#.

With some algebraic manipulation, Eqs.~3!, ~5!, and~6! can beconsolidated into a single expression to eliminate the dependenceon DW2 and DVt2 , and establish the relationship between theperturbed impeller total pressure ratio and the three independentincremental changes,DAeff ,Ds2, 2Du. These three changes com-pletely represent the influence of impeller-diffuser interaction.The expressions for this relationship are:


p025CAS DAeff

AeffD1CsS Ds2

Cp0D1Cu~2Du! (8)

whereCA , Cs , andCu are the influence coefficients of the threeindependent incremental changes. The area coefficient is given by


~g21!Vt2G S 1

12Mrel,22 D S Vt2U2

Cp0T011Vt2U2D.0, (9)

the entropy coefficient is given by

Cs52~11CA!S g

g21D,0, (10)

and the relative swirl angle coefficient is given by

Cu5S 1

tana D S g

g21D S Vt2U2

Cp0T011Vt2U2D.0. (11)

The sign convention of the influence coefficients in Eqs.~9!–~11! is determined by assuming both quantities (U22Vt2) anduare positive, which is true for any impeller with backsweep. Aftersubstituting Eqs.~9!–~11! into Eq. ~8!, it can be seen that a posi-tive influence coefficient (CA ,Cu) implies contribution to impel-

Fig. 3 Mass and time-averaged total pressure distributionalong the impeller passage for the three different radial gassizes

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ler pressure ratio, while the negative coefficient (Cs) implies theopposite. In summary, higher impeller total-to-total pressure ratiocan be achieved by any of the following:

1 reduced blockage2 reduced loss3 reduced slip.

The comparison between this one-dimensional estimate~Eq. ~8!!and the computed value ofDp02/p02, obtained directly from thethree-dimensional unsteady flow data after mass and time averag-ing, is shown in Fig. 4~a!. It can be seen that the agreementbetween the one-dimensional estimate and the three-dimensionalresults is good, and the trend for the total pressure ratio withreducing radial gap size is captured.

Evaluated using Eq.~8!, the individual contribution to impellertotal pressure ratiop02/p01 due to blockage, loss and slip aresummarized in Table 3. The results show that reduction inp02/p01as the radius ratio is decreased to 1.054 is caused by the pro-nounced effect of the increase in loss, which surpasses the effectof reduced blockage and slip.

Similar to the development forDp02, the perturbed impellerstatic pressure riseDp2 due to the interaction-induced incrementalchanges can also be evaluated using the one-dimensional ap-proach of Shapiro. As static pressure is a frame-independent ther-modynamic variable, the resulting relationship can be obtained byselecting the corresponding terms in Shapiro’s influence coeffi-cient table. The complete expression is


p25CAS DAeff

AeffD1CsS Ds2

Cp0D (12)

whereCA andCs are the influence coefficients defined as



12Mrel,22 .0 (13)

Cs52~11CA!S g

g21D,0 (14)

The sign convention in Eqs.~13! and ~14! assumes the impellerpassage is subsonic at exit (Mrel,1).

The comparison between the one-dimensional estimate~Eq.~12!! and the computed value ofDp2 /p2 is shown in Fig. 4~b!.Again, the trend of the static pressure ratio with reducing radialgap size is in agreement with the one-dimensional model.

Figures 4~a! and 4~b! also show extra data points generatedfrom ar 28 /r 251.075 configuration. Although both static and totalpressure ratios are marginally higher than those from the referenceconfiguration withr 28 /r 251.092, it is apparent that both pressureratios are leveling off at this particular range of radial gap size.The results are in accord with the suggestion of Clements and Artt@11#, based on experiments, that the optimum values for the vane-less space radius ratio is in the ranger 28 /r 251.06 to 1.10.

In summary, the one-dimensional model for estimatingDp02andDp2 helps identify the effect of interaction-induced change inthree independent factors~blockage, loss, and slip! on the impellerpressure ratio. The simple model is in agreement with the com-puted and measured trend of impeller pressure ratio when radialgap size is varied.

3.2.2 Computed Impeller Flow Field.This section investi-gates why impeller–diffuser interaction can cause the observedchange in blockage, loss, and slip by examining the computedunsteady three-dimensional flow field. The first quantity beinglooked at is the local volumetric entropy production raterDs/Dt~unit: J/K.s.m3!, which provides immediate identification of thehigh loss generation region. TherDs/Dt contours on the trans-verse plane at the impeller trailing edge for the vaneless configu-ration are shown in Fig. 5; it clearly shows that high entropy isbeing generated near the shroud, especially at the tip leakage exitregion. Figure 6 shows fourrDs/Dt contour snapshots at theimpeller exit ~as in Fig. 5! for the r 28 /r 251.092 configuration.Each of the results in Fig. 6 is obtained at an instant with equaltime interval of one-fourth of a blade passing (Dt51/4T). Be-sides showing that loss again originates mostly in the tip leakageflow region, this set of results also demonstrate the unsteady na-ture of the loss generation.

A more important practical question is whether this unsteadyphenomenon can cause a change in the time-averaged loss at theimpeller exit and this can be answered by examining the incre-mental change of entropy production from the vaneless configu-ration. D(rDs/Dt), for the r 28 /r 251.054 and 1.092 configura-tions. In Fig. 7, the D(rDs/Dt) contours have beennondimensionalized against the entropy production in the vanelessconfiguration, a spatially invariant constant, to quantify the effectof downstream vanes. It shows that significantly higher incremen-tal loss, more than 100 times greater than elsewhere, is generatedat the exit of the tip leakage flow when comparing the two vanedcases to the vaneless configuration. In addition, the smaller the

Fig. 4 Effect of radial gap size on impeller total pressure ratioand static pressure ratio, expressed in incremental changefrom vaneless configuration

Fig. 5 Contours of entropy production rDs ÕDt at impeller exitfor the vaneless configuration

Table 3 Relative importance of independent factors for impel-ler total pressure ratio

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radial gap size, the higher the loss is, implying that the loss gen-eration at the tip leakage exit is related to impeller–diffuser inter-action.

The tip leakage mass flux,rWtip , is a measure of the velocitygradients of the clearance flow, which in turn determines the localviscous dissipation. Figure 8 compares the tip leakage mass flux,which has been nondimensionalized by the quantityr2U2 , for themain blade clearance of the three different radial gap sizes at 90,95, and 99 percent meridional stations. At the 90 percent meridi-onal station, only minor unsteadiness can be observed for thevaned cases, but the periodicity of the tip leakage has becomevery apparent by the time the flow reaches the 95 percent meridi-onal station. Farther downstream at the 99 percent meridional sta-tion, the tip leakage mass flux for the vaned cases is so unsteadythat its peak-to-peak amplitude of the mass flux is roughly equalto its time-averaged value. The behavior of the splitter tip leakageflow is very similar to that of the main blade. All the qualitativedescription on main blade tip leakage can be applied to that of thesplitter, except that the peak and trough are shifted by half a bladepassing.

It is expected that a closer radial gap introduces more unsteadi-ness to the flow field near the impeller exit, and the tip leakageflow is no exception. As seen in Fig. 8, at the 99 percent meridi-onal station ther 28 /r 251.054 configuration has a peak-to-peakvariation of 0.247 for the quantityrWtip /r2U2 , while that of the

r 28 /r 251.092 configuration is 0.198. The time-averaged value ofrWtip /r2U2 at this location ranges from 0.231 to 0.244 for allthree cases.

For both the vaneless~Fig. 5! and the vaned~Fig. 6! configu-rations, the high viscous dissipation observed near the shroud re-gion is caused by high-velocity gradients associated with thecrossflow between tip leakage flow and the main stream flow. Forthe unsteady vaned cases, the time variation in tip leakage massflux rWtip comes mostly from the variation in jet velocityWtipbecause the tip leakage flow can be considered as almost incom-pressible since the corresponding Mach number is about 0.5.

Fig. 6 Contours of instantaneous entropy production rDs ÕDtat impeller exit collected at 0.25 T time interval for the r 28 Õr 2Ä1.092 configuration

Fig. 7 Incremental entropy production D„rDs ÕDt … for thetwo vaned configurations when compared to the vanelessconfiguration

Fig. 8 Comparison of main blade clearance periodic tip leak-age mass flux at 90, 95, and 99 percent meridional stations

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Therefore, the substantial unsteadiness inrWtip seen in Fig. 8should lead to an additional instantaneous tangential velocity gra-dient at the tip leakage region. The result is an increased rate ofviscous dissipation, evident as the increased entropy productionrate shown in Fig. 7.

The blade loading, expressed as the static pressure differenceacross the tip (pps2pss)/(p022p2), is plotted for the main bladein Fig. 9. The comparison of the three configurations~vaneless,r 28 /r 251.092 and 1.054! are conducted at the same meridionalstations as above~90, 95, 99 percent!. It can be seen that the tipleakage mass flux in Fig. 8 are synchronized with the correspond-ing blade tip loading in terms of the occurrence of the peak andtrough. As expected, the closer the vanes are placed to the impel-ler trailing edge, the more unsteady the flow field is. The agree-ment between the loading and the mass flux confirms that theunsteady pressure gradient set up by the downstream vanes is thedriving force of the unsteady variation in tip leakage flow.

Besides increasing loss, the higher viscous dissipation in thevaned cases can reduce flow blockage, as seen in Table 3. Mc-Dougall and Dawes@16# have demonstrated, by using both nu-merical and experimental approaches, that the presence of tipleakage jet can counteract separation and thus reduce blockage. Itis likely that the same unsteady mechanism that increases theentropy production in the tip region is also responsible for thereduction of blockage. The following summarizes the cause andeffect of the increased viscous dissipation for a reduction in radiusratio r 28 /r 2 :• Increased loading unsteadiness• Increased instantaneous pressure gradient across tip clearance• Increased tip leakage mass flux unsteadiness• Increased instantaneous velocity gradient• Increased time-averaged viscous dissipation• Increased time-averaged loss• Decreased time-averaged flow blockage

With the effect of unsteadiness on loss (Ds2) and blockage(DAeff) addressed, the only remaining factor is slip, which is ex-pressed in terms of the swirl angle incremental change~Du!. It is

recognized that flow separation can also significantly change theimpeller exit flow angle; however, the mass flux contours for allthree configurations indicate that little separation occurs near theshroud at the impeller exit, thus leaving the inviscid effect fromthe vanes as the primary factor for the incremental change in slip~Du!.

4 Influence of Interaction on Diffuser Flow

4.1 Background and Numerical Results. This section pre-sents qualitative and quantitative descriptions of the flow in thediffuser with different combination of upstream parameters pre-scribed at the interaction plane. The main objective is to investi-gate the role of inlet unsteadiness on the diffuser performance; ormore specifically, to quantify its importance compared to the othertwo upstream factors:~1! axial, hub-to-shroud distortion: and~2!momentum-averaged inlet swirl angle@4#. The influence of theaxial distortion has been investigated by Phillips@6#, who con-cluded that its effect on diffuser pressure recoveryCp5(p2p2)/(p022p2) is minimal compared to that from the inlet swirlangle, which has been identified by Filipenco and Deniz et al.@5#as the single most important parameter in determiningCp .

It is recognized that interaction can change the impeller outflowangle, but a designer can always match the diffuser geometry tothe time mean impeller outflow angle by adjusting the diffuservane alignment. Unsteadiness thus remains a factor that cannot bedesigned out.

Again, the approach is to set up three numerical experiments, sothat the two inlet factors stated above can be isolated out as theonly difference. The time-accurate calculation for ther 28 /r 251.092 configuration is chosen as the reference case, which alsoprovides the boundary conditions for the two subsequent diffuser-alone steady calculations~Table 1!. The effects of unsteadinessand axial distortion so determined are representative of thosefound in the impeller exit flow as they are all derived from the fullunsteady calculation of the stage.

The results of the three calculations are summarized in Fig. 10in terms of the development of pressure recoveryCp and lossCloss

Fig. 9 Comparison of periodic main blade tip loading „p psÀp ss …Õ„p 02Àp 2… at 90, 95, and 99 percent meridional stations

Fig. 10 Comparisons of pressure recovery Cp and loss Clossfor calculations 2, 4, and 5

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along the diffuser channel. It can be seen that the radial distribu-tion of the pressure recovery is virtually the same for all threecases. More than half of the pressure recovery is obtained in thethroat region, which extends fromr /r 251.092 ~leading edge! tor /r 251.18, demonstrating the capability of the vaned diffuser inreducing the angular momentum of the incoming flow.

Elimination of upstream unsteadiness~difference between Cal-culations 2 and 4! only increasesCp3 at diffuser exit by 0.008while further elimination of upstream axial distortion~differencebetween Calculations 4 and 5! increases exitCp3 by another0.005. The 0.008 reduction inCp3 due to unsteadiness is equiva-lent to mismatching the vane orientation by a mere 0.3 deg, asdemonstrated in the experiments of Deniz et al.@5# experimentswith straight-vaned diffusers. Such change is an order of magni-tude smaller than the operating range~from choke to stall! ofthose diffusers, confirming again that the flow angle alignmentwith the diffuser vane is the single most important factor thatdetermines diffuser performance.

4.2 Effect of Interaction on Diffuser Performance. Thetime variation of swirl angle at midpitch at the leading edge radiusis shown in Fig. 11. These are given at 10 percent from shroud,midspan, and 10 percent from hub from the full interaction calcu-lation. Also shown for comparison is the swirl angle at the samelocations for the steady calculation~No. 4! with upstream un-steadiness eliminated. The data at locations away from both sur-faces are selected to ensure that the observation is not marred bythe boundary layer development on the surfaces. For the steadycase, it can be seen that variation of swirl anglea28,mp(x) fromhub to shroud is more than 12 deg. The unsteadiness adds another8 deg from the periodic peak-to-peak angle fluctuation, so thetotal variation comes to about 20 deg. Deniz et al. have shownexperimentally that a typical straight-vaned diffuser has itsCp3reduced by about 0.1 for every 4 deg change ina28 from the stallpoint, so on this reasoning a 20 deg variation should have re-moved the diffuser pressure rise.

It is found that the flow can enter the diffuser channel withouttriggering massive separation when the angle misalignment is

only over part of the span~e.g., near hub or shroud!. This isbecause the flow is subject to some predominantly two-dimensional pressure gradient~after time-averaging!, whose es-tablishment depends on the average flow incidence, based onmomentum-averaged inlet swirl angle. The evidence here suggeststhat nonuniformity due to unsteadiness from the upstream rotor islargely irrelevant to the pressure recovery in the diffuser, but thismay not be true for all ratios of impeller blades to vane numbers.Also, the diffuser is operating at design condition in Calculations2, 4, 5, and upstream unsteadiness may have a larger influence onperformance if the diffuser is operating at near-stall condition.

5 Effect of Interaction on Overall Stage PressureRatio

So far the discussion on the two aspects of interaction remainsseparate, the effect of downstream flow field on impeller perfor-mance and the effect of upstream flow field on diffuser perfor-mance. To establish a quantitative description of interaction effecton the stage total-to-static pressure ratio, it is necessary to resortto the definition of diffuser pressure recovery, which has beenrearranged as,







Of the three independent variables,p02 andp2 are the contributionfrom the impeller, whileCp3 is the contribution from the diffuser.

The relative importance of each of the factors can be studied bylinearizing Eq.~15! into the following:


p35Kp02S D8p02

p02D1Kp2S D8p2

p2D1KCpS D8Cp3

Cp3D (16)

whereD8 signifies the change due to the reduction ofr 28 /r 2 andKp02, Kp2 , andKCp

are the corresponding influence coefficients.Their definitions are


p3.0 (17)


p3.0 (18)



p3.0 (19)

The performance changes associated with the reduction of radialgap size fromr 28 /r 251.092 ~Calculation 2! to r 28 /r 251.054~Calculation 3! can then be substituted into Eq.~16! for evaluationof their effect on the stage total-to-total pressure ratiop3 /p01.The changes are summarized in Table 4.

As seen in Table 4, the gap size reduction~increased interac-tion! has more influence on the impeller performance, for whichboth p02/p01 and p2 /p01 have roughly a 2 percent reduction. Incomparison, the diffuser performance is relatively insensitive tothe gap size reduction, asCp increases by less than 1 percent.Substituting these changes into Eq.~16!, D8p3 /p3 is found to be21.65 percent. Of this21.65 percent change,21.32 percent isdue to theD8p02 term and 0.60 percent is due to theD8p2 term,while only 10.27 percent is due to the diffuser termD8Cp . Asdiscussed above, the unsteadiness associated with the tip-leakageflow is responsible for the change in blockage and loss in theimpeller exit flow. Both factors are major contributors to bothimpeller pressure ratiosp02/p01 and p2 /p01 ~Table 3!. In otherwords, impeller performance is more susceptible to interactioninfluence because of tip-leakage flow.

6 Discussion: Implications of Computed ResultsIt is found that diffuser performance depends primarily on the

alignment of the diffuser vanes with the spatially averaged and

Fig. 11 Effect of unsteadiness on the swirl angle at midpitchof the diffuser inlet plane

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time-averaged impeller exit flow angle. The implication is thatreasonably accurate prediction of diffuser performance~in termsof Cp and Closs! can be obtained from quasi-steady calculationbecause the upstream impeller merely determines the mean inletflow. However, to improve further the prediction accuracy of dif-fuser pressure recovery and loss, modeling of upstream unsteadi-ness is necessary.

However, simulating impeller performance with a calculationbased on the replacement of the downstream diffuser vanes withasymmetric boundary conditions will have substantially more ad-verse effect on prediction accuracy because of tip leakage flow.As seen above, the unsteadiness in the tip leakage flow substan-tially alters the blockage and loss associated with tip leakage,which in turn causes a significant change in impeller performance.

Since stage performance depends on both impeller performanceand diffuser performance, and impeller performance can be sig-nificantly affected by interaction, the time-accurate calculation forstage performance prediction is desirable, provided computationalresources are available. However, design engineers can still findguidance of the one-dimensional model developed in the currentinvestigation, because it clearly shows the trade-off between loss,blockage, and slip which leads to an optimumr 28 /r 2 value be-tween 1.05 and 1.09. Thus, this model provides an effective plat-form to present flow data~whether they are from CFD or experi-ment! for engineers to evaluate and make design decisions.

7 Summary and ConclusionsA computational investigation has been undertaken to elucidate

the effects of impeller–diffuser interaction on the performance ofa centrifugal compressor stage, especially on stage total-to-staticpressure ratio. The following conclusions were deduced fromcomputed results:

1 Impeller–diffuser interaction has a pronounced effect on im-peller tip leakage flow and a consequent impact on loss, blockage,slip and, ultimately. on stage pressure rise.

2 The effect of impeller outlet unsteadiness on diffuser pressurerecovery and loss is similar in magnitude to that from diffuserinlet axial distortion. Both have little influence when compared tothe dominant factor: incidence of the spatially averaged and time-averaged flow onto the diffuser vanes.

3 The optimum radial gap size to achieve the highest total pres-sure ratio in an impeller occurs because the penalty of increasedloss overtakes the benefits from reduced blockage and slip whendiffuser vanes are moved very close to the impeller blades. Thecomputed results agree both qualitatively and quantitatively withmeasurements of some stages with varied tip gap radius ratio.

4 Most of the interaction effects on impeller pressure rise couldbe captured with a one-dimensional model, although the factorsinvolved ~loss, blockage, and slip! had to be obtained here fromtime-accurate calculation.

AcknowledgmentsThe work presented in this paper has been partially supported

by Ishikawajima-Harima Heavy Industries~IHI ! Co., Ltd., atToyosu, Honeywell Engines, and NASA Glenn Research Center.Mr. Hiroshi Yamaguchi and Mr. Hideaki Tamaki of IHI, Dr. A.Sehra~formerly! of Honeywell Engines, Dr. D. Reddy and Dr. K.Suder of NASA Glenn Research Center acted as technical moni-tors. Additional computational resources have been provided bythe NASA Lewis LACE computer cluster. The CFD code usedwas provided by Prof. W. Dawes of Cambridge University whilethe compressor design was obtained from Honeywell Engines.The authors have benefited from discussions with Prof. E. Gre-itzer of MIT, Prof. W. Dawes of Cambridge University, and Prof.F. Marble of Caltech. All support is gratefully acknowledged.


A 5 actual channel geometric areaAeff 5 effective passage area at impeller exit

B 5 blockageCA ,Cs ,Cu 5 influence coefficients for impeller total pres-

sureCA ,Cs 5 influence coefficients for impeller static pres-

sureCloss 5 diffuser loss coefficient

Cp 5 diffuser pressure recovery coefficientCp0 5 specific heat capacity at constant pressure

Kp02,Kp2 ,KCp5 influence coefficients for stage pressure ratiok 5 turbulent kinetic energy

M 5 Mach numberm 5 mass flow

p,p0 5 static, total pressureR 5 gas constantr 5 radial coordinates 5 entropy

T,T0 5 static, total temperatureT 5 period, blade passingt 5 time

U 5 impeller speedV 5 absolute velocityW 5 relative velocityx 5 axial coordinate~from diffuser hub to shroud!a 5 absolute swirl angle referenced to the meridi-

onal directiong 5 specific heat ratioD 5 incremental change from vaneless configura-

tionD8 5 incremental change due to reduction of radial

gap size« 5 turbulent dissipation rate

Table 4 Change of stage total-to-total pressure ratio and otherperformance parameters due to a reduction of radial gap sizer 28Õr 2 from 1.092 to 1.054

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hpoly 5 impeller polytropic efficiencyu 5 relative flow angler 5 density

Subscripts and Superscripts

1 5 at impeller inlet2 5 at impeller exit or same as vaneless space inlet

21 5 interaction plane location where impeller grid anddiffuser grid meets

28 5 at diffuser inlet or same as vaneless space exit3 5 at diffuser exiti 5 ideal

mp 5 midpitch, midway between the diffuser leading edgesps 5 pressure siderel 5 in relative ~impeller! framess 5 suction sidet 5 tangential

tip 5 tip leakage( ) 5 time-averaged quantities, for expression with both

time-averaged and instantaneous quantities present

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