  • 8/8/2019 JSP Eng Introduction


  • 8/8/2019 JSP Eng Introduction


    Jh Sttgic Pln | Itcti 13

    A b o u T T h e j e d d A h

    S T r A T e g I C P l A n

    Th Jh Sttgic Pln sts sttg fo th nti

    Jh Govnot n povis fmwok fo

    gowth n vlopmnt fo th nxt 20 s. It

    outlins ovching objctivs n inititivs tht

    will gui cision mking in mtts such s ln-us

    plnning n polic mking, infstuctu plnning,

    invstmnt, govnnc n mngmnt n th

    povision of civic fcilitis - both b th Municiplit n

    oth gncis.

    Initit b th Municiplit in 1426 (2005), this Pln

    is th culmintion of nl th s of wok it

    incopots inputs fom wi ng of pofssionl

    xpts s wll s consulttion contibutions fom

    som 2,000 communit n inust stkhols. Its

    pption involv n nomous mount of sch

    wok n bckgoun stuis s wll s nlzing

    pvious plns n xmpls of bst pctic wolwi.

    a k lmnt ws to xplo n mol options fo

    Jhs gowth ov th nxt 20 s.

    Th Pln will b m vilbl to wi ng of

    ognistions n iniviuls, giving th Municiplit,

    th communit n th pivt scto cl fmwok

    fo sponing to cunt n futu ns.

    This long-tm ppoch will povi ll stkhols

    th ctint n confinc n to mk

    invstmnts n pusu oppotunitis to nhnc

    th qulit of lif in th nti Jh govnot

    s wll s th suouning gion.

    Th Jh Govnot is loct within th Mkkh

    gion on th cntl wstn cost of Sui abi. It

    occupis 5,460 sq km on th r S cost, sttching

    fom th sttlmnt of Thuwl in th noth, to nMstbh in th south coving totl istnc of

    ppoximtl 160km. Th min sttlmnt of th

    Govnot is Jh cit, loct 65km wst of

    Mkkh with which it hs bn link histoicll s

    th gtw to th Two Hol Mosqus fo ov 1300

    s. Togth with Jh, svl smll ul n

    costl sttlmnts loct within th Govnot

    incluing: Thuwl, dhbn, n Bhh.

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    14 Jh Sttgic Pln | Itcti

    Cpitlising on its

    uniqu position s th

    Gtw of th Two Hol

    citis, Jh spis to

    b wol-clss Islmic

    cultul cnt n

    globl commciln touist stintion

    tht njos istinctiv

    nvionmntl n

    humn chct within

    th contxt of sustinbl

    ubn vlopmnt.

    Th Jh Vision

    j e d d A h I S A C u l T u r A l C e n T r e F o r T h e M u S l I M W o r l d

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    Jh Sttgic Pln | Itcti 15

    AChIeve And MAInTAIn SuSTAInAble


    although Jh hs bunnt ntul soucs

    n but, ths not unlimit, n mn

    not nwbl. In o to psv Jh fo th

    njomnt of futu gntions, it is th ut of

    tos gntion to consv n hbilitt th

    ntul nvionmnt. To chiv this, Jh will n

    to commit to chiving n mintining sustinbl

    vlopmnt. W will wok with th Islmic excutiv

    Buu fo th envionmnt to nsu ou policis

    n pojcts in lignmnt with thi mnt n

    cunt bst pctic.

    beCoMe A dynAMIC And reSIlIenT InTernATIonAl

    CoMMerCIAl And TourISM CenTre

    a high qulit of lif n sustinbl futu will onl

    b possibl wh th unpinn b stong,

    globll comptitiv cit conom. Jh ims to buil

    on its sttgic loction, long ting titions n

    ivs conomic bs to bcom n opn, nmic,

    fow-looking cnt fo businss n touism.

    beCoMe A CulTurAl CenTre For

    The MuSlIM World

    Jhs ol s th gtw to th Two Hol Citis of

    Mkkh n Minh bings sponsibilit tht xtns

    bon th cit to th nti Muslim wol. Builing

    on this tition, Jh ims to bcom plc of

    mting, xchng n cultul n mi pouction

    tht chs out to Muslims wolwi.

    j e d d A h S d e S T I n A T I o n

    A n d j o u r n e y

    Th im of this Sttgic Pln is to povi o mp

    to gui Jh tows its si futu, s st out in

    th cits Vision sttmnt, th Jh Vision (s pg

    31). achiving this vision will qui th commitmnt

    of both Jhs citizns n govnmnt to consi

    not just how th cit wnts to gow n volv, but

    how it cn o so in n nvionmntll, socill n

    conomicll sustinbl w.

    estimts show tht Jhs popultion is likl to gow

    b two-this in th nxt 20 s fom 3.5 million to 5.7

    million. In this contxt, innovtiv long tm thinking

    will contibut to impoving qulit of lif fo Jhs

    cunt n futu sints. Fou ovching sttgic

    objctivs outlin in th Vision which gui ll of

    th mo til objctivs st out in this Pln. Ths

    list n xplin blow.

    ATTAIn A hIgh QuAlITy oF lIFe For All

    as thiving cit of th n hlf million inhbitnts,

    Jh honous its sponsibilit tows ll of its

    inhbitnts n visitos. as n quitbl n sustinbl

    cit, Jh stivs to ttin high qulit of lif fo ll.

    It is Jhs im to min cit of choic fo popl to

    liv, ln, wok, pl n gow in sft n pospit.

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    16 Jh Sttgic Pln | Itcti

    F I g u r e i . 0 3

    j e d d A h S h I S T o r I C e x P A n S I o n

    City Growth by 1400 A.H (1979)

    City Growth by 1428 A.H (2007)

    Port Completion 1396 A.H (1976)

    Airport and Naval Base Completion1401 (1980)

    Estimated Jeddah Coastline(prior to Islamic Port Creation)

    Jeddah Port

    Red Sea




    ObhurCreek KAIA

    City Growth by 1270 A.H (1853)

    City Growth by 1367 A.H (1947)

    City Growth by 1375 A.H (1955)

    City Growth by 1384 A.H (1964)

    City Growth by 1391 A.H (1971)

    0 2.5 5




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    Jh Sttgic Pln | Itcti 17

    h I S T o r y A n d b A C k g r o u n d

    j e d d A h S g r o W T h

    A n d d e v e l o P M e n T

    Jh ws fist inhbit bout 2,500 s go s

    smll fishing sttlmnt n hs long bn cnt fo

    ts n silos. Th cit ws l n stblish

    pot with histo of spic ting whn Cliph

    Osmn Ibn affn cl it th officil pot fo Muslim

    pilgims mking thi w to th Hol Citis of Mkkh

    n Minh in 26 (647). This mk tuning point

    in Jhs futu, not onl bcus of th incspossibilitis fo commc but lso bcus th ivl

    of pilgims fom ll ov th wol, som of whom

    st in th cit n li th fountions fo

    cosmopolitn Jh.

    Th Ottomns conqu Jh uing thi xpnsion

    into th Mil est in th l 900s (1500s) n built

    ston wll oun th cit in o to fotif it ginst

    ttcks fom th Potugus. It min fotifi

    cit until it ws ls fom Tukish ul. Following

    th movl of th cit wlls in 1366 (1947), th citspopultion, full b immigtion, gw pil. In th

    pio btwn 1366 (1947) n 1407 (1987) popultion

    gowth vg 9.5 p cnt nnull.

    6 0 y e A r S o F g r o W T h

    1367 - 1375 (1948 1956) s KSas pincipl

    pot, Jh bnfits fom boost in impots.

    Significnt gowth of cit to th noth n st

    ft wlls mov incsing cit fom

    300 to 3,300 hcts.

    1376 - 1382 (1957 1963) Gowth sttic u

    to owntun in vlu of oil n slow conomic


    1383 - 1390 (1964 t 1971) Impov

    conomic conitions l to cit gowing

    b 50 p cnt. Th mjoit (95 p cnt) of

    gowth is concntt to th noth, with

    smll mount of gowth to th st n south.

    1395 (1976) Jh Islmic Pot is stblish,

    lting Jhs costlin n th ltionship

    btwn al Bl n southn s of cit

    with th cost n cit cnt.

    1401 (1981) King abul aziz Intntionl

    aipot opns incluing th nw Hjj Tminl.

    1434 (2013) Popos alhmmin High

    Sp ril (aHSr) to opn.

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    Jh Sttgic Pln | Itcti 19

    C o M M e r C I A l , C u l T u r A l

    A n d n A T u r A l A S S e T S

    In this sm pio, mn of Jhs most pcious

    soucs w oftn not qutl potct. On

    of th most impotnt of ths soucs, th r S

    costlin, ws m inccssibl b th constuction of

    th pot, mjo os n wll pivt vlopmnts.

    Insnsitiv vlopmnt, pollution n lck of

    wnss mg Jhs min nvionmnt,

    whil th lics of Jhs mkbl hitg, in

    pticul al Bl, fll into clin. Mnwhil, th

    chitctul stls of nw vlopmnts chng,

    oftn mximising builing footpints t th xpns of

    mo titionl, climticll ppopit, signs.

    Intim msus hlp th cit to continu its

    gim of conomic gowth n pospit. Shotflls

    in infstuctu w tckl b loclis solutions

    such s wt n sptic tnks. Touism xpn,

    with thousns of visitos ttct b th cits

    ltivl mil climt n th ntul but of th

    r S cost.

    Jh hs tin its ol s th intntionl gtw

    fo Sui abi. Its ol s ting pot hs lso bn

    mintin thoughout, with th Jh Islmic Pot

    hnling mjoit of th Kingoms intntionl

    fight. In ition, Jhs King abulziz Intntionl

    aipot gts significnt popotion of th Kingoms

    intntionl visitos.

    l o C A l C o n T e x T

    Jhs histo, loction n uniqu ol in ltion to

    Hjj (on of th lgst humn ssonl migtions) hv

    contibut to shping its ubn fom n mogphic

    pofil. attcting mignt woks n pilgims fom th

    nti Islmic wol, th cit is pciv s plc of


    Th pi gowth in popultion (ntul n migto)

    in th lst fou cs coinci with th Kingoms

    nomous incs in wlth. This sult in Jh

    cit xpning phsicll t n unpcnt t.

    This xpnsion ws in pt u to th limit succss

    of sptil plnning n gulto fmwoks tht

    ttmpt to constin vlopmnt to ctin s

    of th cit.

    Without ffctiv gultion n co-oint,

    sttgic ppoch, th ubn of Jh gw

    bon th cpcit of its infstuctu, ling to

    stuctul poblms in th povision of wt, swg

    n os. This gowth lso lft th cit with numb

    of stuctul chllngs, incluing lg quntitis

    of vcnt ln n pnnc on th pivt c.

    Phps most significntl, filu to mt th mn

    fo ffobl housing hs sult in ov on million

    popl, o ov on-thi of th cits sints, living in

    unplnn sttlmnts.

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    20 Jh Sttgic Pln | Itcti








    1428 1430 1432 1434 1436 1438 1440 1442 1444 1446 1448 1450











    F I g u r e i . 0 5

    P o P u l A T I o n g r o W T h I n j e d d A h

    S o u r C e : n A T I o n A l C e n S u S 1 4 2 5 ( 2 0 0 4 ) , W o r l d b A n k S T A T I S T I C S , h A P P o l d C o n S u l T I n g A n A l y S I S

    F I g u r e i . 0 4

    j e d d A h S d e M o g r A P h I C S P l I T

    S o u r C e : j e d d A h u r b A n o b S e r v A T o r y 1 4 2 5 ( 2 0 0 4 )

    P o P u l A T I o n A n d d e M o g r A P h I C S

    Jhs totl popultion is stimt t oun

    3,400,000 n b 1450 (2029) it is xpct to hv

    gown to ov 5,000,000 (Figu i.05). Th totl

    popultion is cuntl m up of 52% Sui ntionls

    n 48% Non-Sui ntionls, which monstts

    th cits mogphic ivsit (Figu i.04). Jhs

    Sui popultion is oughl qull split btwn mls

    n fmls, but th Non-Sui popultion is hvil

    wight tows mls flcting th lg numb

    of xptits woking h without thi fmilis. This

    sults in significntl mo mls thn fmls in th

    totl popultion (Figu i.04).

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    Jh Sttgic Pln | Itcti 21

    P o P u l A T I o n , e d u C A T I o n

    A n d e M P l o y M e n T

    Popultion gowth coss th Kingom, lthough now

    clting, is still ltivl high b wol stns.

    Th outhful popultion-pofil (ppoximtl 40

    p cnt of th popultion is un 19 s ol)

    offs oppotunitis n is potntill souc fo

    conomic gowth. Howv, to chiv sustinbl

    conomic gowth fo Jh, long tm n holistic

    pogmms fo humn souc vlopmnt will

    b ssntil. Policis must b g to nsuing ou

    uctionl institutions quipping oung popl

    with th ight skills n ttitus to mt th ns of

    th mktplc. This is n ssntil p-quisit fo

    Suiistion policis to succ n fo tckling th high

    unmplomnt t (11.5% in 2007).

    although pogss hs bn m in cnt s, th

    is lso n to tckl th issu of gn inqulit.

    Th numb of womn noll t ll uctionl

    lvls is incsing, which, long with impov ccss

    to hlthc fo womn, hs impov ccss to

    ths bsic svics fo womn. Howv, th lbou

    foc in Jh compis onl 15% of womn in 1427

    (2006), s oppos to 68 p cnt of mn. euctionl

    chivmnt lso mins unqul, with th t of

    illitc mong womn in Jh nl th tims

    tht of mn (t 15.2 p cnt fo womn s comp to

    5.1 p cnt fo mn in 1427 (2006)).

    In plll, ng of mplomnt oppotunitis

    n to b gnt n istibut quitbl, both

    gogphicll n mongst th vious socio-conomic

    sctos of th socit, with Suiistion policis

    implmnt wisl.

    I M P r o v I n g j e d d A h S Q u A l I T y

    o F l I v I n g

    Mn of th impcts of Jhs pi gowth bing

    ss though poctiv plnning n til

    sttgic intvntion. Blow xmpls of inititivs

    cov in th Sttgic Pln tht will hlp impov th

    qulit of lif fo th sints of Jh most of ths

    pojcts l in pogss:

    A Wast Maamt pamm, t c

    afi qimts

    dpmt f t nt daia Ca

    lia Pa

    rpmt f t nt Cic

    ja Cta distict pmt

    A massi Affa hsi pamm

    upa sttmt pmt pcts

    i kzam a rwais aas

    Appicati f uneSCo W hita isti

    f A baa

  • 8/8/2019 JSP Eng Introduction


  • 8/8/2019 JSP Eng Introduction


    Jh Sttgic Pln | Itcti 23

    A S T r o n g A n d d I v e r S e e C o n o M y

    Th Jh gions conom mins stong. Goss

    domstic Pouct (GdP) in th Mkkh gion, fo which

    Jh n Mkkh th conomic ngins, is 217.5

    billion Sar ($58 billion USd), th thi highst in th

    Kingom. Jhs conom hs ivsifi oun

    ctivitis lt to th Jh Islmic Pot n to th

    globl ntwok of Islmic businss.

    Whil Jhs conom is lss pnnt upon

    oil xpots thn tht of th Kingom s whol, to

    stngthn its ol s k conomic cnt within th

    r S gion it must wok to vlop mo ivs

    conom. Sctos tht will b of pticul impotnc

    fo th Jh gion inclu touism, logistics

    n tnspot, chmicls n plstics, fishis n


    an futu invstmnt in Jh must spon to th

    impct of cunt inititivs n pojcts, such s th

    King abullh economic Cit n oth nw citis tht

    plnn, n th popos tnspot linkgs in

    th gion (s gionl mp on p. 34). Co-ointion

    n lignmnt of this invstmnt with oth conomic

    inititivs fo Jh is imptiv to nsu tht

    xisting n plnn vlopmnts intgt into

    th gionl conomic sttg.

    j e d d A h S r e g I o n A l

    C o n T e x T

    Jh, th suouning gion of Mkkh n th

    Kingom of Sui abi (KSa) ll xpct to

    xpinc significnt conomic chng ov th nxt

    20 s. rpi popultion gowth, gt opnnss to

    globlising conom n clin in th popotion

    of mplomnt n wlth will ct th n fo

    ivsifi conom. Jhs conom must gnt

    sustinbl, high vlu mplomnt fo lg

    popotion of th ult popultion.

    j e d d A h h A S A S T r o n g r e g I o n A l e C o n o M y

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    24 Jh Sttgic Pln | Itcti

















    Saudi Arabia

    United ArabEmirates






















    At Ta'if


    As Sulayyil

    Al Qunfudhah


    E0 250 500


    Existing Rail

    Future Rail


    F I g u r e i . 0 6

    S A u d I A r A b I A S r A I l n e T W o r k

    k I n g d o M o F

    S A u d I A r A b I A

    I n C r e A S I n g u r b A n I S A T I o n

    Th Mkkh gion is highl ubnis, with 50 p

    cnt of th gions popultion living in Jh n

    futh 23 p cnt in th cit of Mkkh. Th migtion

    of popl fom smll to lg ubn cnts is

    continuing, plcing stin on ubn infstuctu.

    Incom inqulit btwn iffnt sttlmnts in th

    gion will incs if ubn mplomnt oppotunitis

    continu to in smll cnts.

    Poviing ppopit infstuctu to fcilitt

    tnspot n communiction btwn ul n cit

    cnts is citicl to ming th gionl imblnc.

    dclining ctivitis in ul gions futh

    pning th oppotunit gp btwn mplomntoppotunitis in ubn n ul s. Titionl

    stngths in gicultu n fishis qui suppot

    in tms of infstuctu, tining n invstmnt to

    nsu tht th pouctiv ctivitis o not stgnt

    n tht th continu to povi mplomnt n

    livlihoos in smll sttlmnts.

  • 8/8/2019 JSP Eng Introduction


    Jh Sttgic Pln | Itcti 25

    A W e l l - C o n n e C T e d

    T r A n S P o r T A T I o n n e T W o r k

    Th tns-gionl os n fws infstuctu is

    btt in th Mkkh gion thn in oth gions of KSa

    but this hs tiot ov th s. Mssiv nw

    invstmnts n n givn pioit in th

    Sttgic Pln.

    On such mjo pojct is th nw ing o fo Jh,

    which will impov connctions to th South Conich in


    King abul aziz Intntionl aipot (KaIa) is th busistipot in th Kingom n ssntil fo businss n

    ligious visitos. Th plns to xpn th ipot

    ov th phss to hnl 80 million pssngs b

    1456 (2035).

    Th Sui Lnbig will, b 1432 (2011), povi il

    lin linking th citis of Jh, rih, dmmm n

    Jubil, sving fight n pssng tffic (Figu i.06).

    anoth impotnt inititiv is th alhmmin High

    Sp ril (aHSr). This will c lg numb of Hjj

    n Umh pilgims to Mkkh n Minh n will

    lso sv s mjo intcit public tnspot link. Th

    will b intmit sttions t th King abul aziz

    Intntionl ipot n in owntown Jh.

    j e d d A h S g r o W I n g

    T o u r I S M M A r k e T

    Jh host ov 12.5 million ovnight touists

    in 1424 (2003), of whom 10 million w omstic

    visitos. In 1426 (2005), ov 44 p cnt of intntionl

    touists visiting Sui abi w fom Gulf Cooption

    Council (GCC) ntions, with futh 49 p cnt fom

    non-GCC Islmic countis. rstictions on th mission

    of non-muslims to th Kingom mnt tht onl 7 p

    cnt of th totl touists w fom non-Islmic pts

    of th wol such s Noth n South amic, euop

    o austli.

    Much of Jhs touism tffic coms fom its ol

    s gtw to th Two Hol Citis. expnsion of King

    abul aziz ipot hs nbl th million pilgims

    to tvl to Mkkh. Th aHSr will futh impov

    th bilit of Jh to povi fficint movmnt of

    pilgims to Mkkh. Howv, much of Jhs touism

    potntil mins untpp s most ligious touists

    pss though on th w to Mkkh o Minh.

    Jh hs th potntil to ct s gionl bs fo

    touism. Two ncouging vlopmnts th gowth

    of intntionl visitos to th costlin fo scub iving

    n Mn Slhs ppliction fo

    wol hitg sttus.

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    26 Jh Sttgic Pln | Itcti

    j e d d A h S g l o b A l r o l e

    Th histoicl impotnc of Jh s cnt fo t

    n gtw to Mkkh hs volv in mon tims.

    Jh min titionl pot n ting cit

    until th iscov of oil in 1356 (1938) in th estn

    Povinc of Sui abi. Bcus of its titionl ol

    s th counts pincipl pot, Jh bnfit fom

    th boost in impots ivn b th counts nw foun

    wlth. To mn mjo ting compnis hv thi

    hquts in Jh, incluing govnmnt-own

    compnis such s Sui abin ailins, th ntionl

    i ci.

    Jh pls n impotnt ol s cnt fo Islmic

    businss n invstmnt. It is pt of globl ntwok

    tht chnnls th movmnt of commoitis n

    invstmnt mongst Islmic countis n communitis.

    Som ognistions with wol ch bs in Jh


    oaisati f t Isamic Cfc

    Isamic dpmt ba

    ja ecmic Fm

    Sai Aaias ma its oaisati

    Itatia Assciati f Isamic bas

    Isamic Sip ows Assciati

    Isamic Stats bacasti oaisati

    Sai bi la gp

    Sai Aaia Aiis

    daa a baaa gp

    j e d d A h C I T y C e n T r e

  • 8/8/2019 JSP Eng Introduction


    Jh Sttgic Pln | Itcti 27

    k e y C h A l l e n g e S F o r j e d d A h

    Jh fcs significnt chllngs stmming fom its

    ols s mjo pot of nt gionl stintion fo

    omstic mignts n locl conom hvil lint

    on impot lbou. Ovcoming ths chllngs

    will qui mobilistion of ll stkhols, un th

    Municiplits lship, s wll s mssiv invstmnt

    n bol plnning cisions. Fsh ppochs

    n to btt co-oint th vlopmnt of

    th cit n th gions ns n ss futu

    conomic n nvionmntl chllngs. Som of

    th cits k chllngs, vlop in th bo of

    th Sttgic Pln, :

    A w famw f cit pai is :

    The current planning regulations need to be

    updated to address current trends in development.

    The persistence of outdated and unmanaged

    development patterns has led to sprawl, the

    formation of unplanned settlements and land


    Ifastct mst matc t api wt f

    t cit: The demand for an equitable provision

    of housing, open space, public transport, services,

    infrastructure and facilities in Jeddah city and its

    surrounding peri-urban and rural areas has not

    been met as the city has grown rapidly in the past

    50 years.

    g ata ps maa cit wt:

    Comprehensive and up-to-date data is not currently

    available in all areas for the Jeddah region. In

    order to better manage the citys needs, more

    comprehensive and accurate data for the city is


    Ptcti jas assts f t ft: Many

    of Jeddahs cultural and natural assets have been

    neglected and poorly protected and managed in

    the past, leading to their degradation.

    Icas ciic spsiiit is : For

    example, on attitudes towards public transport,use of resources such as water conservation,

    protecting the environment and compliance

    with legislation either there have not been any

    programmes on these topics or they have not been

    well implemented.

    ja ct pics i

    mpmt i t Sai ppati.

    y pp s a cati: Almost

    50 per cent of the population are just entering theworkforce or are under the age of 19. They will need

    educational opportunities and jobs.

    M affa si is : The provision

    of affordable housing for middle and low incomes

    does not currently meet demand, while housing

    costs and the cost of living are high.

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    28 Jh Sttgic Pln | Itcti

    Central Government

    Mecca RegionalCommittees

    Ministry of Municipal &Rural Affairs (MOMRA)National Spatial Strategy

    Ministry of Economy &Planning5 Year Development Plans





    Municipality of Jeddah

    F I g u r e i . 0 7 j e d d A h M u n I C I P A l I T y S r e l A T I o n S h I P T o n A T I o n A l A n d r e g I o n A l P l A n n I n g b o d I e S

    upa sttmts tt si

    a sics: Rural-to-urban migration, reliance

    on imported labour and illegal immigration have

    resulted in the creation of unplanned settlements

    in the inner ring and outer east of Jeddah. These

    parts of the city are generally not well serviced by

    utilities and have poor quality housing.

    utapp wfc: Large sections of the Jeddah

    community, such as women and legal immigrants,

    have the potential to play an important role in the

    future development of the Jeddah region.

    bii tst tw t Micipait a tcmmit: The Municipality needs to provide

    leadership, consistency and transparency in

    governance to demonstrate to the community

    its commitment to improve the quality of life

    for all in Jeddah. The Jeddah Strategic Plan will

    itself be instrumental in delivering a new era of

    forward planning and certainty in decision making

    - essential to guiding development and building

    confidence in the local economy and trust within

    our community.

    Wi wit gmt: The Municipality needs

    to work with the national government to achieve

    some of the outcomes required for Jeddahs growth

    and prosperity and to ensure that objectives are


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    Jh Sttgic Pln | Itcti 29

    r e l A T I o n S h I P o F T h I S P l A n

    T o o T h e r P l A n S

    Th Jh Sttgic Pln is wittn to lign with th

    objctivs n gultions st out in xisting ntionl,

    gionl n locl sttgis (Figu i.08). Most

    impotntl, th Pln implmnts t locl lvl mn of

    th ims of Sui abis eighth Fiv- dvlopmnt

    Pln, vlop b th Minist of econom n Plnning,

    n th Ntionl Sptil Sttg, vlop b th

    Minist of Municipl n rul affis (MOMra).

    W o r l d T r A d e o r g A n I S A T I o n

    Sui abi bcm mmb of th Wol T

    Ognistion (WTO) in Shwwl 1426 (dcmb 2005).

    Mmbship will i Jh to futh intgt into

    th globl conom n povi ccss to nw mkts

    n oppotunitis. Jh Municiplit is committ to

    nsuing Jhs conom is flxibl n ivs so tht

    it cn pt to n bnfit fom incs t.

    8 T h F I v e - y e A r d e v e l o P M e n T P l A n

    Th 8th Fiv-y dvlopmnt Pln ws pp b th

    Minist of econom n Plnning in rjb 1427 (august

    2006) n covs th pio fom 1425-1430 (2004-2009).

    Th Pln sts out th sttgic vision fo th conom n

    vlopmnt n is focus on chiving sustinbl

    vlopmnt coss th Kingom.

    Th Jh Sttgic Pln is sign to put into ction

    numb of th pioitis inclu in this Ntionl

    dvlopmnt Pln. Sttgic Pln objctivs n

    inititivs pticull focuss on th following

    dvlopmnt Pln objctivs:

    upai t qait f if a pii

    pptitis t a Sai citizs

    upai micipa fficic t a aa

    sift twas ctaisati

    epai appi a tcica scics,

    isifi t cmic as, impipctiit

    dpi pmisi aas sc as static a

    mafacti istis

    ecai piat sct ctiti t sci-

    cmic pmt

    dpi scic a ifmatics, ii f a

    w-as cm

    epai a maitaii ifastct a

    sics, statica pac a as acta


    Icasi paticipati a at mpmt

    pptitis f fmas witi t Sai


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    30 Jh Sttgic Pln | Itcti

    j e d d A h I n 1 9 3 8

    n A T I o n A l S P A T I A l S T r A T e g y

    Th Ntionl Sptil Sttg (NSS) ws pp b th

    Minist of Municipl n rul affis (MOMra) n

    ws ppov on 28 Jum al-awl 1421 (28 august

    2000). Th Jh Sttgic Pln infocs th Ntionl

    Sptil Sttgs gol of pomoting sptill blnc

    vlopmnt, in lin with th ntionl vlopmnt

    gols of conomic fficinc n socil qulit. In

    pticul, this Plns focus on pomoting blnc

    gowth, conomic vlopmnt n sustinbilit

    stongl ligns it with following ims stt in th

    Ntionl Sptil Sttg:

    Ass t isss assciat wit a

    paisati a wi ia ispait.

    Pmt aac pmt f spac.

    gi t spatia istiti f ppati,

    sics & cmic actiit.

    es fficit tiisati f ifastct.

    Maimis t cmptiti aata f citis.

    Ctai istmt tat as impacts citis &


    upa ca capaiit & mis micipa


    baac pmt & imt piitis.

    o T h e r e x I S T I n g P l A n n I n g

    d o C u M e n T S

    In ition, th Pln tks ccount of itionl MOMra

    lgisltion n Jhs cunt Locl Pln, Stuctu

    Pln, n atls. rgulto ocumnts tht w

    consi inclu:

    natia a Picia ua Stat Pas 1420


    ua pmt Stat f t Maa

    ri 1423 (2002)

    ua dpmt Stat f t ja

    gat 1424 (2003)

    Stct Pa f ja 1421 (2000)

    Stcta Pa f ja at 1425 (2003)

    ja ca Pa: ii atis &


    u n e S C o W o r l d h e r I T A g e S I T e

    A P P l I C A T I o n

    In 1426 (2005), th Supm Commission fo Touism

    submitt n ppliction to th Unit Ntions

    euctionl, Scintific n Cultul Ognistion

    (UNeSCO) fo Wol Hitg Sit sttus fo al Bl.

    Th ppliction hs bn shotlist b UNeSCO. In this

    contxt, th Municiplit cogniss tht al-Bl is

    pcious souc n its consvtion is pioit not

    just fo th Municiplit, but fo th Kingom n th

    wol s whol.

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    Jh Sttgic Pln | Itcti 31

    W o r k I n g I n P A r T n e r S h I P

    Th objctivs n inititivs in th Jh pln will

    b implmnt in ptnship with numb of

    oth govnmnt gncis, councils n ministis.

    Th Municiplit will wok with ntionl ministis,

    such s th Ministis of Hlth, Touism, Tnspot

    n euction, to cooint n collbot on th

    povision of svics n infomtion. In ition, th

    Jh Govnot Council, th Mkkh rgionl

    Council, n th Cit Council (Mjlis Bli) will ll hv

    significnt ol to pl in binging this Pln to lif

    j e d d A h I S A n I M P o r T A n T C e n T r e F o r I S l A M I C

    b u S I n e S S A n d I n v e S T M e n T

  • 8/8/2019 JSP Eng Introduction


    32 Jh Sttgic Pln | Itcti

    Journey / Destination


    Sectoral Survey

    Policy & Plan Implementation

    Balanced Scorecard Jeddah Strategic Plan

    CorporateManagement Plan

    * Budget* Governance

    Local RegulatingPlans & Rules

    * Local Plan* Atlas Maps* Planning Guidance* Development Control



    * Project Identification* Project Prioritisation* Sectoral Investment



    City Analysis

    Performance & Measurement Review Policy Development

    F I g u r e i . 0 8

    j e d d A h S T r A T e g I C P l A n l I n k S T o o T h e r M u n I C I P A l P l A n n I n g d o C u M e n T S

    T h e M u n I C I P A l I T y S

    o v e r A l l g o v e r n A n C e

    F r A M e W o r k

    T ja Static Pa sits within hich of

    sttgic ocumnts tht povi th Municiplits

    fmwok fo govnnc. Figu i.08 illustts

    how th Pln fits into this hich, which chs

    fom th upp-most sttgic lvl to th til

    implmnttion of th inititivs tht will hv

    conct impct on th cit.

    T ja visi sts out th cits stintion fo its

    long-tm vlopmnt. It xmins how, in lin with

    th k sttgic objctivs st out in this pln, Jh

    cn put in plc inititivs tht will hlp th cit chits si stintion. Th Vision looks t Jhs

    vlopmnt in th iffnt stgs: builing soli

    fountion, vloping xisting ssts n cultivting

    uniqu vntg.

    T ja Cit baac Scca is th pim

    pfomnc mngmnt n msumnt tool fo

    th cit. It contins st of K Pfomnc Inictos

    (KPIs) tht msu pogss ginst th objctivs st

    out in th Vision n th Sttgic Pln, s wll s mo

    til policis, uls n inititivs.

    T ja Scta S pulls togth ll of th

    t tht is vitl to unstning th cit, poviing

    k souc fo th vlopmnt of policis n


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    Jh Sttgic Pln | Itcti 33

    h o W T o u S e T h I S P l A n

    Th Pln povis ll Jhs stkhols with cl

    sttmnt of th Municiplits pioitis fo th cit, n

    how ths will b implmnt.

    aft n intoucto chpt to st th scn, th Pln

    hs 13 sctions, ch of which sss k of

    th cits vlopmnt. Th sctions s follows:

    01. Ubn Tito n Ln Us Pttns

    02. Locl econom

    03. envionmnt

    04. Socil Svics n Infstuctu

    05. Cultu n Hitg

    06. Touism

    07. Tnspottion

    08. Infstuctu

    09. Wtfont Mngmnt

    10. Opn Spc n Lisu

    11. Housing

    12. Unplnn Sttlmnts

    13. Mngmnt

    Th sctions hv bn o so tht th bsic

    concpts st out fist. Hnc, Ubn Tito

    n Ln Us Pttns sits fist, s it sts out th

    Municiplits ovll plns fo th phsicl stuctu of

    th cit.

    This is infoc n lbot upon within ch of

    th following sctions.

    Thn com econom, envionmnt, n Socil Svics

    n Infstuctu, s ths th th k pills of

    sustinbl cit.

    Th min of th sctions spcts of thos tht

    com bfo. This o os not impl hich of

    impotnc, s ll spcts of this Pln citicl fo th

    sustinbl gowth of Jh.

    ech sction consists of th pts:

    A . b A C k g r o u n d

    This povis bckgoun n sts out lvnt mjo

    issus tht n to b ss.

    b . S T r A T e g I C o b j e C T I v e S

    This sts out th min objctivs lting to th sction

    th in tun st th iction fo polic n sttg n

    inititivs to tckl th issus intifi in a.

    C . I n I T I A T I v e S

    This summizs som of th mjo inititivs th

    Municiplit n its ptns will c out to implmnt

    this sction of th Sttgic Pln inititivs

    sign to chiv th outcoms st out in B.

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    34 Jh Sttgic Pln | Itcti

    T h e S T r A T e g I C P l A n W I l l P r o v I d e T h e l o n g T e r M d I r e C T I o n F o r j e d d A h

  • 8/8/2019 JSP Eng Introduction


    Jh Sttgic Pln | Itcti 35

    M e A S u r I n g S u C C e S S

    Th Jh Sttgic Pln povis long tm iction

    fo th Govnot; chiving th objctivs tht it sts

    out will b pocss tht will occu ov mn s. In

    nmic cit lik Jh, much will chng in this tim

    n th Pln must volv long with Jh itslf.

    This volution will b gui b gul viws of th

    Pln n Jhs succss in chiving its objctivs.

    To this n, th Municiplit is committ to gul

    monitoing n poting on pogss tows th

    objctivs st out in this Pln.

    Th Blnc Scoc is th Municiplits pim

    sstm fo msuing n monitoing Jhs succss

    in chiving its ovching sttgic objctivs. Th

    pfomnc inictos in th Scoc lign

    with th Sttgic Pln n will povi cl,

    quntittiv pictu of th cits pogss.

    Th Municiplit will lso msu pogss in chiving

    th sttgic objctivs n implmnting th inititivs

    in this Pln. Fo ch inititiv, th Municiplit will

    vlop n implmnttion pln tht will intif st

    of xpct outcoms which must b chiv.

    Pogss ginst th objctivs st out in this Pln

    will b msu on n nnul bsis. This will llow

    th Municiplit to tmin pioit s fo thvlopmnt of policis, pogmms n inititivs,

    n to viw funing fo cpitl pogms. Th sults

    of viws will b us to lign pln objctivs,

    pioitis bugts n lobb fo futh funing. a full

    ovviw of th Municiplits pln fo implmnting,

    viwing n poting on th Sttgic Pln is inclu

    in th Implmnttion sction.

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