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Deborah and BarakText: Judges 4- 5

Introduction: Have you ever been afraid to do something that you were supposed to do? Listen and see who is afraid in our story. You may be surprised!

Story: After a left-handed judge named Ehud died, a woman named Deborah became the judge or ruler of God’s people. She would sit near a palm tree and hold court, helping people with their problems. God gave her a message to tell a man named Barak (Ba-rock). He was the head of the army. She told him that God commanded him to take 10,000 men to Mount Tabor. Deborah would lure an evil enemy named Sisera and his 900 troops into the area and God would help them win the battle. Barak was afraid. He told Deborah that he would not go unless SHE went with him!

Deborah agreed but told him that because of his cowardness, a woman would get the credit for killing Sisera. Barak assembled 10,000 men and they went to the Mount with Deborah. Close to the area was a man named Heber and his wife Jael. They set up a tent near a big tree. When Sisera and his men came to the Mount with their chariots, Deborah gave the word for God’s men to charge. God was with His people and they defeated the men. Sisera saw what was happening and he left his chariot. As he was running, he saw a tent by a big tree. Jael saw Sisera coming and invited him into their tent. Jael gave Sisera milk to drink because he was thirsty. She gave him a place to lay down and she covered him with a blanket. He was so tired that he fell into a deep sleep.

Jael knew that Sisera was an evil commander. She knew that he must be stopped. So, she very bravely got a tent spike and hammered it into Sisera’s skull. She killed him! When Barak arrived, she went out to meet him. She brought him into her tent and showed him Sisera’s dead body. God took care of His people and helped them win the battle. He took care of all their needs. When God gives us direction, He will see His plan through. Barak needed to trust God’s plan. Deborah trusted God completely—not doubting Him even for a moment. Deborah sang a song to God to thank Him for helping them and watching over them. God heard their words of thanksgiving and they had peace for 40 years.

Summary: After a left-handed judge named Ehud died, a woman named Deborah became the judge or ruler of God’s people. She would sit near a palm tree and hold court, helping people with their problems. God gave her a message to tell a man named Barak (Ba-rock). He was the head of the army. She told him that God commanded him to take 10,000 men to Mount Tabor. Deborah would lure an evil enemy named Sisera and his 900 troops into the area and God would help them win the battle. Barak was afraid. He told Deborah that he would not go unless SHE went with him! Jael knew that Sisera was an evil commander. She knew that he must be stopped. So, she very bravely got a tent spike and hammered it into Sisera’s skull. She killed him! When Barak arrived, she went out to meet him. She brought him into her tent and showed him Sisera’s dead body. God took care of His people and helped them win the battle.

Application: God takes care of us too. He wants us to pray and share our requests with Him. He will listen and help us with our needs. One way that God shows us that He loves us was when He did something special just for us. Because of all the wrong things we have done, we are separated from God. God knew this and made a way to bring us back to Him.

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Jesus heals Bartimaeus

Text: Mark 10: 46-52

Introduction: who experience sickness? Did you went to a doctor to make you heal? This story makes you amazed that a carpenter made a blind man to see.


Bart was sad. He knew that everyone was happy and excited but he didn't know why. Poor Bart's eyes didn't work and he wasn't able to see. ‘What's happening?’ he called. ‘Tell me what's happening!’ ‘Jesus is coming!’ someone shouted to him. ‘He's coming down the road now.’ Bart had heard all about Jesus. He'd heard how Jesus helped people who couldn't see or couldn't hear or couldn't walk. Bart wanted Jesus to help him. ‘Jesus!’ he called.

‘Jesus! Please stop and help me!’ The people in the crowd turned round ‘Shush! Be quiet!’ they said. But Bart carried on shouting louder and louder! Jesus stopped right where he was and said, ‘Ask that man to come here.’ Bart was amazed! Jesus was actually calling him! ‘Come on!’ said the crowd. ‘Don't be afraid! He's calling you!’ Bart threw off his coat, jumped up and stumbled over to Jesus as fast as his legs would take him. ‘What do you want me to do for you?’ said Jesus kindly. ‘Oh Master!’ replied Bart. ‘I really want to be able to see!’ And there and then Jesus made Bart's eyes better.

Bart looked around and he could see everything. He was so happy that he smiled and laughed and cheered. ‘Thank you, thank you, thank you Jesus!’ shouted Bart joyfully. A little later Jesus and his friends carried on walking down the road, and Bart followed him too because he didn't want to let Jesus out of his sight.

Summary: Bartimaus want to be healed by Jesus Christ and so he was healed because of his faith.

Application: Have faith in Jesus Christ that whatever our infirmities are or whatever sickness we had he is there to make us heal.

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Jesus heals Bartimaeus

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Paul and Barnabas share the Good News in Pisidian Antioch

Text: Acts 13:13-52

Introduction: If you have ever experienced this type of failure as a believer you can be encouraged that God still can use you.  Later in our study of Acts we will see how God used John Mark for His kingdom.  We need to remember to learn from our mistakes and keep walking with Jesus and do what He asks us to do.


Paul and Barnabas continued to travel without John Mark.  The next destination they planned to share the Gospel was Pisidian Antioch.  (Show on the map)  This is not the same Antioch where Paul and Barnabas were called to be missionaries.  (Point out the other Antioch.) The distance from Perga to Pisidian Antioch was about 100 miles.  To understand what the journey would be like imagine going on a hike up a rocky mountain. Paul and Barnabas traveled through an area that was filled with robbers and yet they didn’t let fear keep them from getting to the place where they would share the Good News.

As believers we always need to be ready to share our faith in Jesus.  1 Peter 3:15-16: But in your hearts set apart Christ as Lord.  Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have.  But do this with gentleness and respect, keeping a clear conscience, so that those who speak maliciously against your good behavior in Christ may be ashamed of their slander.

Paul stood up and began to teach.  In the synagogue that day there were Jews and Gentiles who worshiped God.  Paul’s message to his audience that day teaches us how we can share the Good News with people that God puts in our path. Paul begins at the place of his audiences’ understanding. Paul knows that the goal of his teaching was to help those listening to hear the Good News about Jesus.  Since he was speaking to Jews who knew God’s promises and the history of Israel, he begins by talking about the things they would be familiar with. (Acts 13:16-22)

Paul tells his audience that what God has promised has been fulfilled.  God promised that the Messiah would rise from the dead.  Paul shares the passages of the Old Testament that his audience would be familiar with to prove God did keep His promises.The final thing Paul does that is important for everyone who shares the Good News is to share how they can have their sins forgiven.  Acts 13:38-39

The Holy Spirit enabled Paul to preach to this audience.  Many in the audience that day were so captivated by the message that as Paul and Barnabas were leaving the synagogue people invited them to come back next week to teach.

God’s message that Paul shared made a huge impact in the lives of many in the synagogue.  What would make me say that?  Let’s read Acts 13:44.  How can we explain having  almost the whole city show up at the synagogue the next time Paul would be preaching?  (Allow responses) When people hear the message of the Good News and believe they will want to share the Good News with others.

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Paul and Barnabas were being obedient to share the Good News and many people responded very positively by believing in Jesus.  Unfortunately there will be times when people won’t believe.

Paul and Barnabas responded with gentleness and respect to these Jews who were speaking unkindly to them.  They explained that they shared the message of the Good News with them first but since they rejected the message they were going to obey God’s command to share the Good News with the Gentiles so all people can hear and be saved if they believe.  (Acts 13:46-47)

The message that angered the unbelieving Jews caused a completely different reaction in the Gentiles.  Let’s read their response in Acts 13:48.

God’s Word spread throughout the area.  This caused the unbelieving Jews to stir up more trouble for Paul and Barnabas and made them leave Pisidian Antioch.

As Paul and Barnabas left they did something that Jewish people did when they had walked through an area where Gentiles lived.  When they arrived back in their land they shook off the dust to symbolize that they were cleansing themselves of being exposed to those who did not worship God.  When Paul and Barnabas did this as they left they were sending a message to the unbelieving Jews that their rejection of Jesus makes them no better than the Gentiles that worshiped other gods.

Paul and Barnabas do not let the response of the unbelieving Jews discourage them from continuing on their missionary journey.  They left Pisidian Antioch and traveled to Iconium.  As they continue on their missionary journey they are filled with joy and the Holy Spirit.

Summary: Paul and Barnabas do not let the response of the unbelieving Jews discourage them from continuing on their missionary journey.  They left Pisidian Antioch and traveled to Iconium.  As they continue on their missionary journey they are filled with joy and the Holy Spirit.

Paul and Barnabas set an example for us to see that even when we are obeying God and sharing the Good News, there will be people who reject the message and may even be unkind to us.  As believers we have the Holy Spirit living in us and He will help us to continue to share with joy and boldness.

Application: Students will learn that believers who share the Good News will face obstacles and sometimes rejection. Students will experience possible reactions to how others respond to the message of the Gospel. This will prepare them and enable them to be obedient to share no matter what response they receive.  Students will be able to verbalize their testimony to enable them to have confidence to share with others that they encounter outside of Sunday school.

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