Page 1: JOURNAL PRINTING COMPANY,...nighty" Adams—“I can't promise, I expect I will have to sit up waist,with a sick brother Workman," Hollis—“Give us an hour on Saturday night.”



Evening Journal. be done reverently and affectionately. It hurts the feelings of a true saint to treot

OXLY DEMOCRATIC DAILY NEWSPAPER the god of protection Tilth irreverence.There should be no levity in referring

to the various achievements of the god of

JOURNAL PRINTING COMPANY, protection, particularly wages. Any, levity is painfully noticeable just now

FOURTH AND SHIPLEY STREETS, j when this god of protection ia goingthrough a depressing period of doubt and

Entered at the Wilmington post office as ' trial as to that affair at Homestead.

NATIONAL CALAMITY AVERTED. I at Homestead. As soon as I get home I will reek my prayer closet and pass a preamble nud resolution pledging support to the Minneapolis candidates. Oood night, boys,’’

John Jeremiah Mahoney—“And me, too."

Mahaffy—“Come up to-morrow night, Joe.”

Adams—“Can't, church. ”

‘Blllany—"Whit have yon got hand for Monday nighty"

Adams—“Water Witch meeting.''Stewart—"Then make It Tuesday

night."Adams—“Mogullians. Three men to

put through. Can't miss that."Bach — “There's no particular hurry.

Make it Wednesday nighty”Adams—“United Workmen meet that

night. I have a report to make. It is one of the best finan—”

Bradley—"Yon can certainly come up next Thursday?"

^ Adams—“No, the Odd Fellows meet. I our Invitations and 1 am a member of the degree staff.”

Mitchell— nighty"

Adams—“I can't promise, I expect I will have to sit up with a sick brother Workman,"

Hollis—“Give us an hour on Saturday night.”

Adams—“Got t


Philadelphia. Friday. July *, isatt.The weather to-day is likely

to be fair and warmer.

Navy Blue Serpe is one of the best of stuffs for tain or seaside Dress, of the quickest sellers arc 50 inches wide and $r or $1.25.

A shower of remnants and short pieces follow such hurri­cane selling as Summer Dress Goods have been going through. Sometimes full dress lengths go into the wrecked- price lots. We don’t wait to sort closely ; you have the benefit of every doubt. The yard or yards that will top an old skirt, or bottom an old waist, or make a handsome dress for the school girl, may be yours for a fraction of the usual cost.

Konnard A Co.

Wilmington, Friday. July 7, 1893.

During July and August we close Saturdays at 6, o’clock p. m.

Th« Fact That Die Rrt'itidetitliil Tralu l>id Not Slop Hero Can»«*« a .Stumped* in < (irruption Hull.


EVERY DAY EXCEPT SUNDAY. Colton’s Councilmanic Career Concludes.

Spink — Corrupt ion Hall — Time-Midnight, Thn.-ida} Dhamati* Pkusoba Buell, Mahaffy A- Co., with a few Silent Partner».

PUBLISHERS, City Treasurer Adams—“Boys, I can’t support Harrison and Reid, hands of the whole business, in a candidate who belongs to we, the people, not an office-proud aristocrat who does not deign to not ice the men who hustled «round on election day and got the votes that elected him, while all he did was to sit at the far end of a private wire and rend the gratifying dispatches."

Francis Troddendown Bradley—“Why, Joe, what’s the matter? I don’t complain. Here 1 have been thrown overboard Jonah by the administration und I don’t kick. You have n good fat berth and

gh kicking for the whole Republican party. I think if anybody has the right to kick it is the man who was turned down in my building inspect­orship aspirations by his friends to make room for a Dutchman who never built anything but cheap water-closets and smokehouses?”

John Jeremiah Mahoney-“And me,too.”Postmaster Stewart—"What’s the

matter now, Adams?"Adams—"Well, you see, the President

passed through In a h—1 of a hurry, just as If he was afraid to breathe the Demo eratie air of Delaware, was coming through on his way to the Addlr—how do you pronounce that word, Bradley?”

Bradley—“I never pronounce it. When 1 come to a word like that I say the man who got it up was a dnrmid fool and u foe to the workingman, and I just let it slide.”

Blllany—“He want to the Loon Lakes.”

Adams—“Well, that’s u good place for a man like him to go, and If a few more of the men who run this country would go there they could found a place called Loonytown, in Imbecile township, Insane county. Well, as 1 was saying, 1 heard he was going through. Bo I went and hunted up Bach, Mahaffy, A. B. McPher­son Johnson, Aslmry Sterling, George Watson, George Hollis, Phil Churchman, and Mitchell and we went down there.I stoppèd at the store and got half a pack of shootin’erackers,and gaveChurch- man a little spinning wheel and a five- cent American flag, hour for the train, speech ready and I Ben the American Hag. walked up and down tho track. Johnson saw a piece of paper on the northbound track. He pulled it away in time to save the President’s train from coming in col lisiou with it. Pretty soon I heard Sta lion Mas'cr Prison say, ‘Here she comes, boys; move tho train sheds over half a yard ami tell Pusey & Jones to slide their plant off Into the river!’ I spit out a big chew of fresh tobacco, gave the shooting crackers to Sterling and told him to set them off. luppelwheel to the train Indicator, Bach cleared his throat and Hollis reared him­self hack until he looked half big as the new Federal Building. We stood in line, I held the Hag, and what wind didn’t blow through my whiskers blew through its white and’ red folds.

11 tell you boys It was a sight worth look­ing at. All good-looking men, with Mahaffy reaily to apotizofor Senator Hlg- gins’absence from the demonstration, and his want of tact at Minneapolis. Just about the time we gut straightened out we heard her coming. II« heart did Is-at. We saw her as ho got down by Harlan Si Hollingsworth’s office. Toot! toot! That’s what she said. We got on our political canvass smiles and atfepped to tho centre plat form. Tho train swept majestically up to the station ami—”

Bradlev—“Well?”Adams—“And swept right on through

—never ,’stopped. In fact, the President didn't look at us. hand, the flutter of a handkerchief; not even one of Baby McKee’s cast-off nap­kins was thrown’from the car as a token of recognition And—”

Bradley—"Well?”Adams—“There was no 'well’ about it,

We stood like a lot of assinine block heads and saw the signal Hags on the end of tho train tlnttor, while ray little flag hung limp and motlunh'ss in my right hand. Johnson went and bought a pockot-book roll and sopped up the grease that dripped from the engine, but the rest of ns walked homo without saying a word. I have had a good many unkind cuts, hut 1 think this is the unklndest out of all, 1 think tho least he might have done would have been to got out, lu-ar our spei-cbes and firecrackers ami walk over to tho restaurant and taken beer and some free lunch.”

John Jeremiah Mahoney—“And me.

1 wash my I believe C. F. THOMAS SUCCEEDS HIM.Have to go toWILMINGTON, DELA WARK. a moun-

TwoWesecond-cltuis mailer. on Water-proof Gar­ments.

We have just had made to our order

line of Ladies’ and Children’s Water-proof Mackin­toshes.

These goods do not a rubber

coat, but have all the

must urge those “Infidel dogs,” the Democrats, and all those who believe in honest taxation for public purposes, and

Two OriUnnnci Ar« Consider««! and Acted on at East Night's Meeting.

New Committeemen Elected — Much

Routine Rustnes* Transacted.


One yaar..................Six month ...Three months.........One mouth..........

..." j who worship another God, to treat this ;;;;; , god of protection with something

of the same sweet Christian forbearance Franklin B. Colton,chairman of Finance Committee, resigned from membership of City Council at last night’s session and Charles P. Thomas was elected his suc­cessor.

Honorable President and Members of Coun-

ADVERTISINO RATES. Card! famished on application. which Paul showed to the Athenians

when he discover?<1 that they had set up a shrine I to an unknown god. He con sidered tho quality of their tin plate in­tellectuals and was full of charity for them.

Even when the brassworkers went through the streets shouting “Great Is Diana " declaring that they made their money on brass idols of Diana of the Ephesians and that Paul's pockets Wen­fall of British gold and Ids mind and wiclts-d heart Inspired with a fell purpose of destroying the industry by which we have all our wealth to substitute au hou- esl worship for u real God— and not proU'cting Athenian workmen— Puni, still looked on them with pity.

,W«> liesccch the scoffing Ihffnocrals. and all sensible an«l disinterested people who are not making money out of the tariff robbery,to be amiable to the wor shippers of protection whilst calling upon their Baal to send lire down from heaven; lie has married a new wife and does not hear them ; perhaps he has gone over to Hungary, Poland ami Italy In search of cheaper men to take the places of American workmen.

II;tx »JFRIDAY, .n i \ H, i su-, first-classFollowing Is Mr. Colton’s letter:

vet vou do enouDEMOCRATIC NOMINEES.ctl :

Okntlemkn : Owing to increasing business requiring my undivided attention Ihavc re­luctantly concluded to present this, ray resig­nation us a member of Council, to take effect at once and would ask the favor of a prompt acceptance. 1,1 severing my connection with the president and members! desire ton-turn sincere thunks for the uniform kind and courteous treatment I have received from vou all. and I shall ever recall with pleasure’my connection with this nud the proceeding Coun­cil. V t ry respetafully, B Coitom.

Mr. Perkins moved that Council go into a nominat ion and elect ion for amember to sue«....ill Mr. Colton.motion was adopted, and Mr. Perkins nominated Charles F. Thomas. Mr. Mur­ray moved that Mr. Duunenborg cast tho vote of Council for Mr. Thomas. The motion was adopted and Mr. Thomas was declared elected.

Messrs, Katledgo and McKelvey expressed regret over Mr. Colton’s resig­nation.

C. F. Thomas, tho newly-elected mem­ber of Council from the Fifth ward, is the senior member of the well-known firm of C. F. Thomas & Co. He is her of the State ment of Election

The ordinance governing the erect Ion of frame buildings was passed and referred to the Mayor for his approval. The or dinanco governing the building in­spector's office passed at the last meet lug was declared a law, having been turned approved by the Mayor.

For the election of committees for the present councllmnnic year, Mr. Perkins cast the vote of council for the various committees ns follows;

Finance—Colton. Perkins, Mageo.Public Buildings—Perkins,

berg, McKelvey. Kirby, White.Law—Dannenberg, Kalledge, Kirby,

Colton, Mugee.hire Companies—McVay, Hoss,J)anneu-

berg, Ratledge, Griffin.Police—Boss, Rntledgo, Kirby, McKel­

vey, Griffin.Printing—McKelvey. Perkins, White.Park—Ratledge, McVay Ross, Perkins,

White.Bonds—Kirby, Dannenberg, Ratledge.

McKelvey, Magee.Navigation—Perkins, Colton, McV

Kirby, Murray.Elections—Murray, Dannenberg, Rat­

ledge, Ross, Colton.Accounts—McKelvey, McVay, Murrav.Engrossment—Griffin, McVay, Ross.'Mr. Thomas, as Mr. Colton's

sor, will probably take that gentleman’s place on the various committees.

Much routine business acted.


of New York.


of Illinois.


of New Castle Hundred.


of Mill Creek Hundred.


JOHN T. DICKEY, of Wilmington Hundred.


of Appnqntnimink Hundred.

The right of the Carnegies to control their own plant audio pay the prevail lug rate of wages governed by tho law of supply and demand is undoubted. This proposition 1» not contested, except by the workmen, whom the Carnegies, their |M)lltlcal friends, and the ‘Republican irnrfy have taught that protection guar autees the American workmen highei wages than ho would get otherwise. The Homestead mill hands, seeing an ample

. tariff protect!vs duty of «18.41 per ton on steel rails, believed what these teach ers of political economy have taught and are demanding what they have been taught to expect from the infamous legls lut ion of the McKinley hill.

“You’re all right foi Friday

look like

attend the store, l get off that night. Any night you have not mentioned I shall ‘ be glad com«'. Good night.”

Barb—“Oood night. Don’t forget to pass your resolutions.”

Adams—“I’ll do it."John

too."As the crowd dispersed all felt that a

great national calamity hud beenaverted.

TheWe heard he appearance ofa cloth.

\ lie prices are less than


On the trip a Cravenctte Ulster or Newmarket always come handy, proof. Navy blue or black. $IO, $12, $14,

$2, $2.50, $3 or $3.50 will give you a wide choice for the Outing Coat.

You won’t wonder that the maker meant $14 for those Women's Outing Shirts ; you will wonder how it comes that the price is now $5.

Some of the Children’s Woolen Dresses, suitable for beach or mountain are less than half early prices.

Misses and Childrcn’sWhite Dresses at $2, and the Scotch Zephyr Gingham Dresses at $2 and $2.25—4 to 14years— are yet rich for the gleaner.Second floor. Chestnut street.

A snow drift of Toweling, Russian Diaper patterns, red pin stripe border ; width inches. Price has been yard ; cannot be made to-day to sell at less. But the man without a market is glad to hand them to you, through us, At fourteen cents a yard.

A companion bargain«— Bleached Turkish Towels ‘ at 25c, almost the 50c grade.Southwest of centre.

willsame goods have

retailed and as

every garment is war­ranted we have hesitancy hi recom­mending them in the highest manner.

They are very sty­lish and will please our people, we feel sure.

Showcr-Jeremiah Mahoney—“And meusually this market



A Theory Ail van veil to Muke Hit- Annual ICrjiortn lU'umicilahli1.

ft mem- Depart -

for this city. noThe inevitable spring reports on the peach crop in Delaware, while apparently contradictory, are easily reconcilable. '1 lie pencil region of the Peninsula

area, less, perhaps, than miles, but it Is a region where the

«■iimate and the susceptibility to frost very considerably.

Half the peach buds of the interior of the Peninsula might be destroyed by a single cold night which at the same time



The First Ward Democrats have secnreil campaign quarters at the north­west corners of Fourth and Shipley streets. Next Monday evening the Democrats will meet there for organisa tlou.

coversa smallouiv



We walte«! half an Uach had his little

was to hand

would leave uninjured the orchards ing near the bays.

Orchards close beside waterThe Higgins slate was not broken at

Dover yesterday. General James H. Wilson was elected chairman of the State Central Committee, and Hugh 0. Browne whs eli-cleil secretary, it was all done with characteristic fligginsite unanimity.

The Republican County Committee will meet in the rooms of the Young Men’s Republican Club tomorrow afternoon to main- arrangements fur the nomination election for receiver of taxes mid cbnnty treasurer, comptroller, and county commissioners.

Daunen-We courses

escape frosts that, seriously «lamage trees on neighboring tracts; orchards on light soils are less subject to «lamage than those on clays, A report of serious damage to the peach crop ofteu refers to ft small area bearing only a few thousand trees, while tho number peach trees in the whole Peninsula peach region runs up into the millions.

1 hus is explained the heretofore inex­plicable cause of the yearly peach crop-ls- a failure cry. It is to be‘hoped that tho amount of reason lu this theory will check in a great measure the wild and irrational reports of damage to this state’s far-famed fruit.

\'mNow that many are going out of the city, it would be well for them to see this line of goods.

Ginghams reduced to 10 cents from 12-J- eents.

Ginghams reduced to 12^ cents from 18 cents.

Ginghams reduced to 19 cents from 25 cents.

Yachting Cloths reduced to 7f cents from 15 cents.

IV e are putting the knife deep into Cot­ton Stuffs,

Tue changed mot bod of book-keeping introduced by Secretary Foster reduces the gold reserve held for the payment of over three hundred millions of paper cur

•reucy to fifty-three million dollars. The one hundred million dollars required to The «'ounty assessors for Wilmington b • keot by law is there, hut Secretary hundred are patient and long suffering, Foster alarms, the financiers of tiieGÎΓ? Republicans areicmvinced•T"b; ,H£f”e t, !*?■** Atxfvrs,millions of the**rMi*r**e fund having bcc.) Commissioner Jolla, et al., wdnt to used for redempl^iu nud been replaced "dock" the assessors for alleged duplicn-

sélpts, that am tin sf *pus.

to meet the cur

20Phil took a pin from the of Ids coat and transfixed the ay,

2 2C a


succès-Tho University convocation opened at

Albany.•J. M. Tildon’s rag warehouse at Water-

town, N. Y., was destroyed by flro. Loss, *10,000.

Arthur Gagnon was killed ami another man fatally injured in a railroad accident at Montreal.

’the Tennessee

by current flÉ is now avaiiaUo n-nt expenses ,uf the government. For many mouths Secretary Foster has been kiting, has been transferring balances from one account foring payments on requisition« of all kinds, delaying public works nud prac tiring every other art known to financial cripples to prevent the actual condition of the Tr

4Bwas trans-

A Prohibition league was practically formed at Association Hall last evdning’ The nu-eting was presided over by Wil liam R. W. Brown, A committee on

An Old Soldier l>en«l.John H. Campbell, who was taken to

the Almshouse on June 30, who has been suffering from an attack of typhoid fever, died last evening, years «»Id. An honorable discharge from the Fifth Delaware Regiment was found on his person, and also a paper dated Mardi, 180*2, stating that he was a mem­ber of tho Friendship Fire Company. Superintendent Groves is in this city to-day to see if either of these organiza­tions wants to take charge of the body,


permanent; organization was appointed. It will report on July 14. Only twenty- eight signified tlieir willingness to join the league It Is the intention of the cold water advocates to form n leigue iu each hundred of the county.

ow mvsupremo court, sitting, af­

firmed tho sentence of II. Clay King, con­victed of the murder of David A. Poston. Tho execution U set fer Aug. 3.

Senators Warren and Carey, of Wyoming, were hung iu <-fflgy at Ogden, Utah, by in­dignant citizens tor voting against tho’froo coinage of silver iu tho United Slates a to.

He is about 40 John Wanamaker.

GREAT BARGAINSsury from becoming known. In June 1891, before reporting tho hal anre for the fiscal year, the Secretary oh tained from Pension Commissioner Raum


sen-Ctevensnn and dtevelamt,“John, you have been drinking!”It was not yet 11 o’clock, but there was

something in the blundering way in which he had humped against Hungs in «•dming through the front hall that aroused her susph-ions.

“You’re in’staken, Em’ly,” said Mr.Outlayte, steadying himself,’ and discov­ering just in time that the ornament on which he was about to hang his hat only a figure in the wall paper perfctly sober, Em’ly. < Haven't drunk a a drop,"

"John,” she said, “look me squarely in the eye ami repeat the names of the Democratic nominees for President and Vice-President!”

"Clevenson and Stoveland?" exclaimed Mr. Ontlayte triumphantly.

“Ah! I thought so!"“Anybody who can't say Stevelund and

Clevenson,” continued Mr. Outlayte, raising his voice; “I sav, madam, anybody that can’t pr’uounce the names of do—Bte—Clecstvand and Sti-enson-—anil 1are-1 TsAervouKmî “ST *tew.rt-“.Ioe, 1 don't " at it the

,ci i' d 1 1 oue "1<fe' way you do.”Ami Mr Ontiirl si Adams—"I know you don’t. \ou

Wind V deni..«K'f it ft "aH1" down then- to look at it the way Iwholly demoralized, fell up the stairway did. I’md—d glad vou wasn’t Thothe darLome ,U 8U,ion Wouldn’t hîve i»een big enough to

The men may have dene wrung; - _______ goJTn nine. hold you. 1 think the Pennsylvaniathey have done as they have been taught QUESTIONS PUT TO MKINLEY Kailrood Company ought to be prose

SüÄsrrirrr t «w. - ssr*» «ittaught them that high tariff and an in A»k» About the Uumeatca«! strike. government now. I’ve been voting tIn­creased cost of living—both expressed in Bostos, May «.—In view of the situs straight ticket for over twenty-five concrete form in the McKinley bill—aj»» ”°tneatead these questions have now, but 1« is the first time that 1 ’haveincreased the rate of wages. We hare JH'e’1 J° Governor McKinley of Ohio «ver been insulted bv the President ofthe high tariff; they have felt the hlgl. .. the United States." Berths Gregory’» Rssli Art.nriees- now thev exnect iner»s>...l * r„, f , ,,'e JJ®"- William McKinley. Stewart— "Joe, you dnn^, know Harri Oi'.denkbvbo, N. Y., July a—BerthaTin v l’isv i I « i i D. ; Tin- necessity felt by the «<)n. There isn’t anything proud about Gregory, a pretty girl, aged eighteen threwThi j have Ix-en no ified that they m ust “a'll*f‘ra of tb<’ <-*nn-g e Steel Company j him. The last time I took .tinner with herself in front ôf.. moving train She willquit work or take less wages. The .of, »«wwmading their works him he said: 'Dan, how is Newcastle die. Unrequited love was the cause otpeople have given the mill owners what "11,1 loopunled fences and Imrbed wires county going this fall?’ 1 says, savs. I, her rash act.they asked; the mill owners have cheated ou™ ,8't >’ of °lur P“ople j ‘Ben. things are In bad shane ’ The Dem- Tll„ __ _______ _ .ii,,. t » * I h« y are anxious to know wherein the * «x-rats hav«- a secret ballot i-iw- and re«ris. The Hi milngton <•«>•» to Spain.Democnus ^« th.b r Promises. Th'’ pronlwn of the »<1 vocales of high pro tration law will knock ns skv-hlgh ’ "’asiukoton. .Inly 8.-The United StatesDemocrats accept the issue a* present««! t-cUon have been fulfilled. The record of Sea he. That'» bad everything «ieis-nds *u*M,,u’r Bennington, now at Montevideo,by the quarrel in dividing the spoils he r’*0 »Dikes and redurtlons of wages since on New Castle county. Do you think a Ihnm1 «pain, to participate intween the robbers who have been 1^9«, as compiled by John barrel of grease would do any good? tlle ««position which open« at Madridvoting high taxes on tho whole people further Ne2 York, rtUl Sex I, ‘1 think it might, but gH a good l- ---------------------------for the benefit of their industr • and 1 half of "hrunMnuluf’' l t klud: °r ft“ °f 11 mlg.1,t ?,irk’ ™,e T,,r'w '■ '*• «l»H«p‘. Face,their millionaires. One lot of rohere Ma^hnsetts " ^ lire ô", re ÜÂ.ÏÏ?" W°n? '«k«anything ! Dus,.in, July H. - While Rev Hugh Con-

hare been voting profits Into their .vo11 'he following brief questions 1 bore 'silver dollars ’ *'^Set"he AVhat’s thoV.ri"1 i an i iwh*H|OP.itr g,llalu'dnv,,18- “ w™- pockets; the others have been voting D,u f111 reply to them in the interest £f |»ect in K,-«lgevill.- aud'lbvwntown?' N-i of slu^'in ïu» Lire ^ l ‘CW a 1,a“ high wages into their pockets. Having y°U Wieve in A L ’Hedgovllle will probably go Republl ^ .got the spoils in the McKinley bill thev dangerous inférenre, ,„**!? , C*U** 5“ ‘*y * small majority if the1)emo.'.ratlç ; Tin.«.-. Appol,Confirmed,have fallen out over the div Jon ««>gereu.iuferenam ro Redrawn: detectives don’t arrest all thenegrees ,hj Was,.,sores. July ».-The senate

- ______ ’ WJL * at d<XB Protection affect day before election for playing sweat and firmed the nomination of Ernst.... IT"------------- X'i * a . craP* Brown town I« Democratic bv a ot WisconsinHAS MARRIED A NEW WIFE. A prominent Pittsburg manufact- small majority.* ‘How about White-

Many of the remarks made by Demo *taU*8 tilAt the present reduction in chapelY’ sez he. bk« I. Whitechapel will«■rats, concerning the lockout and watr.-s .mf.l.^Vi“« 1.ues,tlo°» ot, business, go for Weaver if we «lout have a barrel r Wine Vaulto Burned,at Homes,- ad are *!? f,“0,1*1 ,1“'iron trade doesu t warrant of whiskey there. 1 guess you can de I akis, July 8 -Two wine vaults of the

4 ,u>frehng the payment ff existing wages in spite pend on Whitechapel. He/, he, 'What ftuUcuu Latour, near Bordeaux, wereEed. The tariff for the protec-j ’[protection. Ho you a^ree with the do I hear about Hawkins and Hatton?’ burned. The los» U estimated at $150,000

tlon of American workmen is a sarred in- ““Dment? tk-z 1, The last thing I heard was thatBtltution; it should not be mentioned ,Kr'' wu D> continue to Mayo? Willey had sent Assesrsir Whunn Two Children Drowned,except after ablution and waver r.H«i . / v. i in tho 0,1 rep«'uted down in the «»«-liar for a whitewash brush Teot. N Y„ July 8 —Millie and Adrian

~ great irud ♦«* k ««'‘'rDons of high prol«-ction, that pro and bucket of lime water. ’ Now, Adams, Towu-s ud. ag- d four and eight years, ref ' lengthened ll.e riv»r h i a hf S ' D(di rais«* wages? that’s the kind of a man Harrison is. The »pectivoiy. were drowned opposite this«jAty.

lengthen, d the rivers, broadened the; * Will yuu> as an offs«.t to tlie las, words he sai-i to me were Tell Jo.-lakes, deepened the harbors, stimulated news of n-ductiims an<l Adams tliat if lie ever comes to Wash- I t U« iu»ii»iHatr«l.the forest a. increased the mineral depoftita ( • , a l^e of protei'tod • ingt on ami don’t stay all night at the’ Amkricus, lia , July 8.— The Dt>iuocraticenriched the soil, modified the clima-. L'IvkU*’ n*nij '“"tances where wages White House 1 shall take it as a personal "‘«ventiou unanimously

: HS 1 b,“l w“ "J “b WUU °f y°ttP *^Adam»— “Did he say that?"

tut ir freedom and furnished us withal . ho have been the principal bene Stewart—“He did.constitutional government; hence, ^ I bciaries of jronr bill? apeaking of the great god of prote«:tion, “Very truly yours,to whom all the natural and acquired ad : ■ retarv rnwÜîrrei’ ,vantage» of tliis country are due, it must setts, Woburn, Mass. ' ' a'ga’’ ’’

Are now being offered atUgly Rumors About » Judge.Boston, Jniy 8.-Hon. Eben Hutchinson,

judge of the district court of Chelsea, who made an assignment for tho benefit of his creditors a short time ago, has disappear«»«! and rumors are being clrculntoil of financial irregularities, which have not yet been son- firmed.

a statement of balances in the hands of ail pension agents and covered them into the Treasury, thus adding $5,000,000 which, vented a deficit which the Treasury books really showed. The accounts now are puzzling and enigmatical. it is impossible to gu«»ss at the actual state of the Treasury frem the Fostered repris, bu, oue thing is absolutely certain namely,there is no surplus.

Not a wave of theFirst Lawyer—‘'Married now. el»? 8« youIVR WOtl A l-IHtii In oimiil’u nonK* *, SCCOIld THE

ARCADE,224 Market St.

have- won a ease in cupid’s court. ______Lawyer—“Yes; but I have to pay the cost»."— Puck.

What Stronger ProofIs needed of the merit of Hood's Sarsaparilla than tin- hundreds of letters continually coming in telling of marvellous cures ft has effected after allotherremedies bad failed ?

Hood’s Pills cure Constipation.

‘‘Wl1)-. Tommy .tones, shame on you! You didn t say all your prayers." “Papa said 1 might leave out about our daily bread while mamma went to cooking school.”—Chicago Inter-Ocean.

iSt.OO to Hay Uitlge, .Sunday, July 10,As a place for a day’s outing Bay Ridge can­

not be excelled. A delightful thirty-two miles ride on tho finest boy In Hie world, giv­ing a splendid view- of tho harbor of Haiti, more, rhe steamer »»asses Funs McHenry and (. arroll. Trains leave Market street at i—da. m., Delaware avenue 7.60a. m.

A Negro Hinter über»Jacksosviixk, Fla., duly 8—In a scrim­

mage witli the police one of a negro mob was woundeil. but not fatally. Private Stout, of tho Metropolitan Light Infantry, was shot in tho leg by own of the white guards. >

Bismarck's Talk of N


Ladies’ Waists are displayed in great quantities on our counters and will be sold at io per cent, less than former prices.

Our assortment of Under; wear cannot he excelled in the city for price or quality. A look in our windows will con­vince you.

Special attention is being paid to our Suit Department. We have an elegant assort­ment constantly on hand. If we have not in stock what you desire in Ladies’ suits we have an elegant line of Dress Goods from which you can select, which can he made in one day’s notice. Dress­making a specialty,

We have a large lot of Corsets just received from the manufacturer and Ladies in need of the same will find it to their advantage to give us a call. We have them on hand from 50c up to the finest quality.

KENNARD & CO.The issue that is mad«» tip by the tar iff robbery for the la-nefit of a few, by taxing the many on ail the necessaries of life; the law mad«- wealth of the mill

against the struggling millions who earn their living without any favor from the law*, any taxes levied to increase their profits, is accepted, tills contest is to be fought out in th«- work i-hops the sympathy of tho Doji«» crate sand

Value.Li ni in, July 8.—Tin* Reicbsanzeiger pub-

lishf*» a note sont by Chancellor Caprivi on May ‘St to the diplomatic representatives of Germany and Prussia abroad. Tho note slates that the statements of Prince Bis­marck iu tho newspapers are of no value.





Subject to the rules of the Democrat ic party.



“Amt will Willy lie sorry when I marry hlg siKU-r?' Willy (feelingly)—“Yes. 1 will—for I liho you.”- Puck.

A Valuable Ore Find.Cripple Creek, Colo., July 8.-A won­

derful strike was made in Fremont. The ore is honeycombed quartz, and assay of ore taken one foot below tho surface went *9,-TOO. Sixty thousand dollars was offered and refused for the claim.

Shot by n llriinkeri

is with the workmen not with

four th«»u- By Kali and Water to Hay Ridge on the Chaaapeaka, July loth.

To Baltimore hy mil and tlihnre by Palatial Steamer Columbia, thirty mites’ Halt down the I atapM-o river and Chesapeake hay. New special attraction.-,, all free. Boating. Ashing bathing, sailing, crabbing; soft-crab dinner.

Special train via B. A O. K. H. will leave »» ilmnis'ton (Market street) at 7.Ï0 a. in., and Delaware avenue at 7..V-, arriving at Hay Ridge at 11.« a. m. Returning mil rail) train will leave Huy Ridge at fi..T() p. ni., and arrive at Market street at tUf. n. m, donna trip

cool.insolent and import urbable Frick or absent and unconcerned Carnegie, both million­aires.

.ovvyer.Atoka, 1 T., .Inly 8-R. M. Moore, a

lawyer, entered court, drunk JAMES MURRAY,and shotMarshal Depcw in the li-g «ml abdomen. He will probably die. W. II, McBride was hit nuil seriously wounded.


Subject to the decision of the Democrat!» party.




W. C. D. U. E.AStRV.r,I??c ^ cleaned ami repaired.Skilled workmen. No. fill Market street.

During the present year Rons has doubled the capacity of hi» »tore No. Silo Market Htreet, and now has a splendid stock of latent styles of Derby and Straw Hat», Shirt», Uauze Un­derwear, Neckwear and Notions.

Indignant Wife-“Hero, eir, I» the photo­graph of a »trango woman I And you are in the hnhit of carrying around in your pocket. I demand an explanation.“ IIunhand—“Why, pshaw ! my dear. 1 fell in love with that girl long before our marriage.”—Life.

Hav Uidge, Sunday, July 10.Trains leave Market street station 7.20 a. m..

Delaware avenue T./iOa. m. Fare for the round trip SI. Returning trains arrive at \Vliming- ton 9.R0 p. m. Hayliidge has no rival a» a re­sort.



Subject to the rules of the Democratic part y.




n«»mtn«tion> th® doclMou of the Republican





par?v^eC’ *° tke ru*es °I th* Democratic




partit decision of the Republican


224 Market St.

Doesn't “lonl:' n.i ttiir mi'jlit- thowcnli, nurvou’s ami ailin'; wo­man. As long o.- sh«j suffers lion;

, th • c« li«-> pnln;;, N* utid il -nmy ;u« ut»

ptvulhr t;> hit K» sex, «ie i-au’t t-x \ pci t to. jr But there's only

hcr.x-lf to hlamo. WKh Dr Piorco’s Favorite Preseriptiou, she’s a different tvi imna. A nd it's a « lut:;;;«- that om i l)e aeon us « oil us felt. The system is in vigor au-.l. the Mood enricbed, dig’.atioa improved, meiam hcly und ucrvotuneu disjxUcd.

With tin» “ Favorite Prescription," all the prutMT functions are reau»rcil to l.ealtby action. Periodical pains, wuak back, lour ing-down s nsciimt. nurvous prostretuu, nil “ female co-nt-luiaU ’’ aro curwl by it. it’s

, the «only meilicino for woman's wsaknocao«. , _ _ ... _ - _ _ . i und ailmrnt» that’s minrcnleetl to do r.-liat isAdams—“Then, boy*, I take it all , ** * • July S — Cyrus W. Field c-humnl for it If It dix-so’l give satisfaetion,

hack. I never said it. Come to think ua* hs’fa iv^ni»»«» auJja oew dying, of it, 1 guess the President was afraid to

S'-con- O. Tlmme,

as fifth auditor of thetreasury


V NOTICES.XTOricE TO COUNTY TAX PAYERS.— - ’ Receiver of Taxes Jolm T. Dickey, will sit at the following places, «luring tlie month of August, at dates as stated, for the collection of county, poor, road amt dog year 1st«.

August l-S- Blackbird.August IM—1Townsend.August 5~ Middletown.August 6—tFlessa.August 10—Dels ware City.August It—St. (icorges.August 1Ï—Klrkndod.August IS—Coach’s Bridge.August 17—Newark.August IS—Uhrlstiana.August 19—Marshallton.August 20—Milford Cross Roads.August S3-Toy’s Hotel.August 24—Newport.August 28—Practical Farmer.August 27—Sharpies«- Fchool House.August 30-31—New Castle.

This taxes for the

renom mated


JOHN J. GALLAGHER,in every case for which it’s recommended, r if., m..,,... .. ; the money is returned.stop for fear he would hear something ; «reäeit. lärmst "2nd b^t comply tn the ^ ^ by,ih® f0ri,k'r’

about the effects of Republican protection I F^VliubU-A General Agent, | ** ^ust *4 Subject to the decision of the Republican party.


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