  • 8/15/2019 Journal of Borderland Research - Vol XLIII, No 1, January-February 1987


    \ Cbeournal ollorberlanb lReS carc1JVOLUM XLII I No. 1 JANUARY FEBRUARY 987




  • 8/15/2019 Journal of Borderland Research - Vol XLIII, No 1, January-February 1987


    THE JOURNAL OF BORDERLAND RESEARCH i s a pub l i c a t i on o f BorderlandSciences Research Foundat ion, PoO• Box 549, Vis ta , Ca l i forn ia 92083USA. The Journa l i s e d i t e d by Thomas Joseph Brown, Direc tor of BSRF,and i s publ ished s i x i s sues a y e a r (b i -month ly) with the a s s i s t a nc eo f the BSR Assoc ia t es , a t the D irec to r s home, 1103 Bobolink Drive ,V is t a , Ca l i f o rn i a 92083 USA. Address a l l correspondence to the P.o .Box. Phone number i s (619) 724-2043.BORDERLAND SCIENCES RESEARCH FOUNDATION i s a non-p ro f i t organ iza t ion(Ca l i fo rn i a S t a t e Char ter ) o f people who t ake an a c t ive i n t e r e s t i nunusua l happenings a long the Border land between the v i s i b l e and thei n v i s i b l e worlds . The main subjec t s o f inqui ry inc lude E ther Phys ics ,Radionics & Radies thes ia , Tes la Technology, Dowsing, Hollow EttFth &Underground Races , For tean Phenomena, Occult and Psychic Phenomena,Photography o f the I n v i s i b l e , and Uniden t i f i ed Fly ing Objects .BSRF i s under the Direc to rsh ip o f Thomas J • Brolm. Alison Davidson i sthe Secre ta ry -Treasure r . Er ic P. Dol lard (Wire less Engineer) i s theVice-Pres iden t . The Foundat ion i s incorpora ted under Ca l i fo rn i a law,May 21, 1951, ( 245263), and has been in cont inous ex i s t ance s ince .BSRF was founded by N. Meade Layne in February 1945 with the i s suanceo f the f i r s t ROUND ROBIN, the or i g i na l title o f the Journa l o f Border land Research.MEMBERSHIP i n BSRF i s 20 per yea r , US & Canada, lf.hich i nc ludes theJournal and d iscoun ts on Borderland products . Suppor t ing membershipi s 25 per yearoOVERSEAS MEMBERSHIP i s 20 sur face , 30 a i rmai l , US fwLds.Al l in fo rmat ion we pub l i sh i s presen ted fo r in format ional and resea rchpurposes only . Authors a re respons ib le for t he i r opinion .


    OPERATION PINCER IITrevor James C o n s t a b l e • • • • • • • • • • • • • • l • • • • • • • • • • t f ; f l ~ · · 1-10DYNAMICS OF THE HUMAN POTENTIAL FOROCULAR CLOUDBUSTINGGerhard Weber • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • . 11-13THANK ETHEL FOR THE RAINNewspaper Clippings • • • • • • • • • • • • . • •• . • • • .. . • • • • • . • • e 41 • 14-15FLYING SAUCER STYLEKlark Kent. o •• c . , . • • •• • •••••• . .. ., ., ., 16-21WILHELM REICH AND THE CLOUDBUSTER

    Marc S e i f e r • • • • • • • • • • • • • · · ~ • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ~ • • • • • • • • 2 2 ~ 6YOGIC WEATHER CONTROLCount Ste:fan Colonna Wal cn;vsk i .,. • • • • . • • • • • • . • • • • • . e.,., • • 27CLIPS, QUOTES & COMMENTSEngineer ing The Chemical Ether A Rededica t ion

    Contacts Random Notes BSRF Li t e ra t u re • • • • • • • • • • • 28-30

  • 8/15/2019 Journal of Borderland Research - Vol XLIII, No 1, January-February 1987


    OPER TION PINCERJuly Rain Engineering Los Angeles 1986

    by Trevor James ConstableThe statistical chances of measurable rainfall at L.A.Civic Center in July of 1986 were unequivocally zero, according to the National Weather Service statisticians

    quoted by the L.A. Times on 24 July 1986. Pincer II wasa successful attack on this statistical barrier, using primaryenergy technology and methods. Ten days prior to the project's commencement, I filed the legally required InitialReport with NOAA, the responsible federal agency. Anengineering drawing included with that Initial Reportshowed the precise route by which it was intended toengineer moisture from Mexico into the Los Angeles Basin.A highly spectacular and notably unforecast thunder andlightning show accompanied the unforecast rain that madeJuly of 1986 the wettest July in 100 years, and the secondwettest July of all time. The moisture arrived via the prespecified route, as National Weather Service radar summaries undeniably reveal. Pincer II broke the statistical barrier. Advance filing of the project with the government, andobjective documentation of its success. broke the backs ofmy critics.Fifteen years of steady avocational work preceded thisovernight success. To bring rain into the L.A. Basin inJuly requires that the normal and natural passage of Mexican moisture out of the Gulf of California northwards andnortheastwards into Arizona be diverted. An anomalous90-degree bend must be engineered into that flow. so thatit will go some 250 miles northwestward out of its way. Ifsuch engineering is absent. Los Angeles Civic Center staysdry in July.In a series of projects that began in 1976. the means ofengineering such a gross diversion of moisture flow wereslow ly acquired. A combination of primary energytechnical developments with an expanded comprehensionof the controlling etheric forces. eventually made this featfeasible, and much else besides. While we began withReichian cloudbusters, development has resulted inweather control apparatus that only superficially resemblesReich's units. Physical shrinkage of the apparatus, withsimultaneous severance from the need for water grounding,has taken us into a new upland of etheric technology, wheremotion and geometry rule in all their grandeur.Today we view the weather as a geometric living structure. Control is accessible to anyone patient enough to approach the subject minus the biases of mechanisticmeteorology. The planet Earth is a living organism,naturally reluctant to respond to the technology ofchemical insult.Four operating bases were used in Pincer II Sited at Hatfield Flat, 16 miles east of San Diego; at Fort Zindeneuf inDesert Hot Springs; on the Banning Bench adjacent to SanGorgonio Pass; and on Point Fermin. the southernmost tipof Los Angeles, these bases were manned by trustedassociates: TI-ent. Segreti and Norgaard, with Point Ferminmanned by myself.Pincer II derived its name from the engineering intention to bring the moisture into the L.A. Basin from two major directions. The main effort would be via Hatfield Flatand San Diego and up the coast on the ocean side of thecoastal mountains, passing Point Fermin to the east anddropping into the Civic Center bucket. The secondary armof the Pincer was via the Salton Sea and the Banning Passinto the L.A. Basin from the east end.Successful engineering of this kind, following these twobasic routes. would unfailingly produce heavy rains in theNational Forest. Such rainfall was therefore made a secondary goal of Pincer II and was so stated in advance on theInitial Report filed with NOAA on 20 Juhe 1986.

    The two main etheric forces involved in this operationare the summertime south-to-north flow coming up fromthe tropics, and the year-round west-to-east flow of thetemperate zones. These two etheric streams may pass rightthrough each other without superimposing or interacting.but there is a definite tendency for the south-to-north flowout of the Gulf of California to be shoved eastwards by thewest-to-east flow. The latter stream of primary energy iskeyed to the lunar cycle, and experience has proved thatimmediately following full moon, this west-to-east flow collapses for a few days. That is the n1aet propitious time toapply any diversionary effort towards the northwest.Hatfield Flat, Fort Zindeneufand Point Fermin were eachequipped with the new Flying H units, developed in1985-86 in dynamic tests on the high seas. The pivotal baseat Point Fermin was also to operationally test the newestdevelopment of geometric weather guns, the Apache,which works vertically and induces implosive etheric reaction, the Gross effect of which is the appearance of asmall, local low pressure system. In maritime tests, it hasbeen possible with a sea-going Apache to inject mini-lowsinto the Eastern Pacific High, and to have these anomalousformations actually appear on official weather maps andcharts.

    Fixed-base operations were supplemented during theproject by the use of two gun cars on the SouthernCalifornia highways. Irv 1)-ent operated extensively betweenSan Clemente and Hatfie'ld Flat, on a highway section thatlies mainly in the critical southeast-northwest direction.Several years of operating gun cars has proved beyonddoubt that they can exert a regional effect on the weatherunder favorable conditions for their employment. More latterly however, the growing congestion on the freewayseverywhere has reduced their effectiveness, velocity beinga key parameter in their functioning. The efficacy of theFlying-H fixed units more than made up for this cloggingof the highways.

    Flying-H units are able to trigger off etheric flows, andto exert substantial diversionary influence upon them oncestarted. They can also act as local dams to an etheric flow.which results in a dramatic rise in etheric potentialbehind the dam. Flying-H units will boost lightning tomaximum intensity under storm conditions. The successful use of this apparatus does not depend simply onits acquisition, but on comprehensive knowledge of ethericforces and long experience in their manipulation. Mycapabilities have been hard-won in an investigative andoperational career spanning more than 30 years, and requir ing uncounted thousands of hours of suchinvolvement.

    Pincer II went through three distinct phases, in thecourse of which enormous anomalies were engineered into the Southern California weather. Phase 1 was the July4th weekend, which was forecast to be a hot one. No ; u c hthing occurred, and a cool weekend ensued, at the end ofwhich rain had fallen in places as widely separated as SanDiego and Pasadena. The National Weather Service and theTV forecasters looked terrible over this one, but they alwayshave a suitable explanation. Some of them were givencopies of the Pincer II NOAA filing in advance.Phase 2 ended on 15 July 1986, with a two and a halfhour thunder and lightning storm in San Pedro Bay,pumped to full intensity by the Flying-H on Point Ferminand resulting in rainfall in Long Beach. The entire happening was unforecast.Phase 3 was the Big Push, centered around the collapseof the west-to-east primary flow after full moon on 21 July

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    RAIN ENGINEERING FOR LOS ANGELESOPERATION PINCER II July 1986The pincer is intended to meet atLos Angeles Civic Center. Normalflows of moisture in July are showngoing over into Arizona or up the

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  • 8/15/2019 Journal of Borderland Research - Vol XLIII, No 1, January-February 1987


    ZAPA massive lightning bolt crashes into the waters of San Pedro Bay close to the shoreline at Huntington Beach early onthe morning of 15 July 1986. TJC shot this photograph from his own roof at Point Fermin. Weather control apparatusis immediately below the camera. It certainly helps in taking lightning •photos and framing them properly says TJC.i f you know when and where the bolt is going to hit. Operation Pincer II July 1986.

    age 4, JAN-FEB 1987 JBR

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    TWIN ORKSThis colossal bolt slamming into San Pedro Bay about 5 a.m. on 15 July 1986 was part of1tevor James Constable s OperationPincer II to engineer rain into the L.A. Basin in July. This thunder and lightl ling storm was one of two during the projectnot forecast by the weather service. Rain that was not forecast, fell on 15 July pursuant to this storm in the city of Long Beach.

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    B NGING THEM INBolts slam into the Huntington Beach offshore area under the influence of the Flying-H weather gun, spinning in the left foreground withits geometric components. Operation Pincer II mounted by TJC, gave Los Ang eles its wettest July in 100 years in a vindication of primaryenergy weather engineering. L.A. Harbor entrance in center of photo.

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    NIGHT INTO D Y peration Pincer IIFive simultaneous bolts crash into the eastern waters of San Pedro Bay at 1:30 a.m. on 23 July 1986 turning the scene into near daylightbrilliancy. Left foreground shows the Flying-H weather gun spinning its geometric components by which weather modification is accomplished.Photo from Pt. Fermin.

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    TH .. FLYING-H IN ACTIONLooming blurred in the foreground, the Flying-H rotating weather gun at TJC  s base on Point Fermin, pumps up lightning in San PedroBay on the morning of 15 July 1986 during Operation Pincer II. The lightning here is striking into the sea off Long Beach. Storm and LongBeach rainfall that ensued were unforecast. Six days later, Los Angeles Civic Center had its greatest July rainfall in 100 years as a result ofth e successful Pincer II project.

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    Gun Car C early July 1984, carrying fourBazookas in leading mode.

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    Four Bazookas at Hatfield Flat, OperationBrewer, July 3, 1984. Bazookas use no waterand no electric power

    Bazookas getting their maritime testingaboard SS Maui, mid-Pacific, April 1984.

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    by Gerhard WeberA genuine NEW AGE SCIENCE and access toUNLIMITED ENERGY will continue to elude mankindunless we finally take seriously the plea for scientific ra

    tionality made by the profound natural researcher, WilhelmReich. He stated emphatically over 30 years ago:It must be decided whether nature is an emptyspace with a few widely scattered specks or whetherit is a space full of cosmic primordial energy, a continuum that functions dynamically and obeys agenerally valid law of nature.Official science, which sinks deeper and deeper into themorass of particle physics and nuclear energy technologyevery year, has ignored and continues to ignore thischallenge.Let us not delude ourselves into thinking that a scientism which clings to a multitude of wrongheaded theorieswith a tendacity and vehemence worthy of the religiousfanatics of the Inquisition, will listen to any heretic whoseeks to breathe life energy into their barren, abstractuniverse. Furthermore, let us not waste our valuable timein the vain attempt to exorcise the irrationality in OfficialScience. Instead our earnest efforts, in my opinion, shouldbe to lay a firm foundation of New Knowledge on whicha life-affirmative science and technology can beconstructed.Fortunately; thanks to the extensive investigation of theexperimentation with primary, mass-free energy by certainof our predecessors, the cornerstones and a solid base forcontinuum physics are already in existence. Therefore,whether we become conversant with continuum physicsthrough the works of Reich, Lehrs, Steiner, etc., our orientation will be the same, i.e., the formation of the universefrom the tangible, demonstrable functions of primordialenergy. The advantage that we enjoy over official scienceis that whereas it is unable to see the forest for the trees,we, on the contrary, clearly see the entire forest. We canproceed, from this grand overview, to study the attributesof each tree in relation to and in the context of the whole.On the one hand official science has amassed tons of unconnected and unrelated facts that fill entire libraries tothe brim and which boggle the mind. However, an insignificant amount of real knowledge has been acheived by allof this compulsive data mongering, because the hallmarkof mechanistic researchers is their perverse pe,nchant fortaking everything apart. Each piece of the dissected worldis assigned an expert who then literally analyses his par- ·ticular fragment to death. Afterward, try as they may. theyare never again able to imbue their mutilated, distorted corpses with life.NEW AGE SCIENCE HAS NO AUTHORITIES

    On the other hand, we, the fabricators of New Knowledge,are never satisfied with the false equation: unrelated factsknowledge. We avoid this pitfall because our facts arederived from physical observation, not from abstrusemathematical formulation. Our data is verified by controlled experiments. not ad hoc experiments specifically devised to bolster official science prejudices. This New

    Knowledge can then be integrated into a theoreticalframework that embodies the essence not themechanistic Weltanshaung of natural processes.There are no authorities in New Age Science. Thispoint cannot be emphasized too strongly since we have,

    from earliest childhood on, been indoctrinated with theauthoritarian precepts of our civilization. Many of us have

    the erroneous notion that only approval and endorsementof our research by accredited, recognized pillars of thescientific community will confer value and credence on ourlabors. The fact is that today the value and credence of official science is under close, critical scrutiny. TI:agically.billions upon billions of the unenlightened public's dollarsare being allocated to prop up a science that is bankrupt.It's primary function seems to be to grind out a mor e andmore life-inimical technology. Therefore it is our responsibility to continue to make o n r ~ ~ scientific inroads. Letus always keep in mind that authorfty in New Age Scienceis that acquired by work and actual achievements.New Age Science makes definite and sometimesstrenuous demands on those engaged in research. Needlessto say, the methodology of: observation, hypothesis, experimentation and theory formation is strictly ad hered to.A working knowledge of physics, biology, chemistry,psychology, meteorology, etc. an overview of all thedisciplines, is a prerequisite. Natural processes arecharacterized by their interconnectedness. New Knowledgefully comprehends this innate harmony and unity. Orthodox science splits the universe into nature-culture,body-mind, instinct-intellect, physics-biology, etc. becauseit lacks a fundamental understanding of the whole. Unfortunately, the majority of persons with a traditional education, that is, compartmentalized, specialized lear:ning, willfind it difficult to change their mentation. Nevertheless, participation in New Age Science is unthinkable without sucha change.We, the members of a sophisticated, technological society, associate basic natural research with large, well-fundedinstitutions and teams of specialists and technicians. Wetend to equate advances in empirical knowledge with theuse ofcomplex experimental paraphernalia and with theexpenditure of vast sums of money.

    TH E ·ORTHODOX VIEW OF HUMAN HELPLESSNESSMUST BE SHATTEREDThe view of nature proffered by official science is soobscure and muddled that it is now tacitly assumed thatonly geniuses and mathematicians can have access to basictruths. This image of human helplessness is shattered byNew Age achievements. While an r g ~ n i z a t i o n experimen

    tal apparatus and funding have merit: they are merelysecondary adjuncts. The primary instrument in New AgeScience --continuum physics life-energy research is thescientist himself. His/her physical structure is the sievethrough which the tangible, physical expressions of naturalprocesses must pass.The mechanistic scientist rejects the contention that subjective impressions can disclose objective realities. He insists that the observer and the object of investigation mustbe controlled by a rigorous experimental methoa. He completely distrusts his sensations. That is, sad to say, a rational standpoint because the Sixth Sense is really the FirstSense. This is more accurately referred to as the orgonoticenergetic first sense by Wilhelm Reich, the one which givesus the physiological perception of the movement ofplasmatic currents. the life energy within our organism.This has atrophied in our civilization.No amount of experimental gadgetry or control can everhope to improve the sensitivity of the scientist to life energyfunctions, natural laws. Therefore the revitalization and thesubsequent cultivation of the First Sense is crucial foreveryone involved in New Age Science.

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    Since the truly awesome discoveries of Reich and otherNew Age pioneers were the direct result of the accurate subjective perception of objective reality, our trust and reliancein the open, vital bioenergetic organism is justified.In order to investigate nature we must literally lovethe object of our investigation. In the language oforgone biophysics, we must have direct and un

    disturbed orgonotic contact with the object of ourinvestigation. - W. ReichOfficial science defines a cloud as being: a mass of waterparticles, sufficiently numerous to see, in the liquid orfrozen state which is formed by the chilling of water vaporbelow the dew point, i.e., the point in the cooling processat which condensation just begins. Cloud formation is viewed as a mechanical process.The extant New Age Science of Orgonomy (Orgonomyis the natural science of the orgone energy, the name givento the primordial cosmic energy by its discoverer, W. Reich)defines the cloud as: a combination of concentrated orgoneenergy and water vapor. Cloud formation is recognized asbeing a functional process, the specifics of which are:

    1 Attraction- An area or pocket of concentrated orgoneenergy forms in the otherwise evenly distributed orgoneenergy of the atmospheric envelope. This pocket hasarisen due to a more intense excitation by the sun. Thepulsation of the orgone energy increases. An area ofstrong OR potential -- orgonomic potential hasdeveloped. (Orgonomic potential is Negentropy). It is theunifying. binding creative principle in nature; whereasthe mechanical potential dictates that a high energylevel will lose energy to a low energy level --Entropy -as in heat and electricity. The orgonomic potential. onthe contrary, reverses this process and is governed byan energy flow from the weaker to the stronger system.There occurs now a confluence of orgone energy fromthe surrounding, weaker level the general OR energycontinuum -- toward the higher, stronger system.2. Charge- Water readily attracts and holds the orgoneenergy and vice versa. Concentrated atmospheric ORenergy and water vapor combine and form a cloud.3. Growth- The cloud grows and expands. It will continue to grow as long as t ·e is sufficient water vaporin the vicinity and the influx of OR energy persists. Thesize. density and cohension of the cloud is strictlygoverned by the orgone energy content.

    CONTROLLING OR WITH THE VISUAL RAYI thought back to the cloud that had formed at the pocketin the sky where my gaze had focussed. The idea that cameto mind was this: The human being is a strong orgonoticenergetic system. The organism grows and consistentlymaintains a higher temperature than the environmentbecause it is able to attract and hold more orgone energythan it loses. This organism is surrounded by an orgoneenergy field. This field expands and contacts. It pulsates,narrows and widens in harmony with internal bioenergeticexcitation. It is truly a sixth sense which functions at adistance within and through the OR energy continuum.Was it possible, perhaps because of the strong state ofvigor or charge that I felt that the visual ray had excitedan area of atmospheric OR energy? After all, it had already

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    been observed by me that the focus of the visual ray -which is a modified OR energy field -- on the OR field surrounding a metal sphere increases the pulsation. The appearance of the cloud on the spot could, of course, havebeen just a coincidence. However, the formation of a cloudseemed to fit in with the ability of the eyes to influence ORenergy pulsation.When I reviewed the techniques of cloud creation anddestruction that Reich had applied in the successful useof the mechanical cloud-buster apparatus. my ownhypothesis concerning the possible excitation of the atmospheric OR energy envelope by the visual ray seemedto crumble. To review: An existent cloud is destroyed whenits high OR potential is decreased and a cloud is createdwhen the even distribution of OR 1lo11ergy is disrupted.Pockets of lower OR potential are created. The adjacentareas of higher orgone energy content. in accordance withthe principle of orgonomic potential. increase their ORpotential at the expense of the weaker pockets. The process of attraction. charge and growth culminates in a cloud.The mechanical cloud-buster. in both cases, draws energyfrom the OR energy continuum. i.e., energy is withdrawnfrom, not added to. the atmosphere. Since the explanationfor cloud formation under the influence of the visual rayhinges on the eye s ability to excite, in the manner of thesun, an area of orgone energy into heightened pulsation:the draw method of mechanical cloud-busting refuted mycontention.

    THE PRAGMATIC TESTSmaller clumps (fractocumulus) drifted above me. Their

    white contours were distinct, not fuzzy like they most oftenare in the polluted atmosphere on the mainland. Some ofthe larger cumulus literally ooiled with energy and bulbouspuffs of water vapor continuously sprouted from theirmargins. I watched this parade of clouds until I could nolonger resist the temptation to put my assumptions to thetest. I fixed my eyes on a small cloud. The seconds tickedby like minutes. I presumed that. like the cloud-buster apparatus, I could dissipate this cloudlet. Instead it driftedon and away undiminished. Then I recalled my first attempt to see the luminiscent OR energy points in the sky.I had failed because orgonotic contact had been blockedby tension. Sure enough, my muscles were tensed and thetingle had left my skin. I sat still for awhile with my eyesclosed. When I looked up again a cumulus cloud wasoverhead. I gazed directly at the center of it and followedits slow movement.The effect that my steady gaze had on the cloud was unequivocal. It seemed to be transfixed by the visual ray. Theopaque white cloud's motion slowed and gradually, in amatter of seconds, it became more transparent and lessdense. Its sharp contours melted away and melted shredsof cloud floated where the whole, compact cumulus hadbeen a minute before. There could be no doubt. I haddissipated the cloud with my visual ray. The water dropletswere clearly seen to dissolve and the cloud lost cohesionas I drew the atmospheric orgone energy, life energy, fromthe cloud's energy matrix. The cloud, objectively, was seento dissipate and disappear from the clear blue sky in a timespan of less than three minutes. These external, objectivephenomena leave their internal, subjective impression onthe organism. The inflow of atmospheric life energy fromthe cloud's energy matrix through the eyes increases one'svisual acuity. In addition, slight currents or streamings canbe felt in the body, especially in the legs. The excess energyapparently discharges into the earth via the legs.

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    THE INTRICACIES OF OCULAR CLOUD-BUSTING1 The Visual Ray should be directed at the center of thecloud. This is the core of the energy matrix. It is the drawof life energy from this core that lowers the OR potential of the entire cloud. Once orgonotic-energetic contact between your organism and the cloud has beenachieved, the sequence of the ocular bust is:a. The sharp, well-defined contours. the edges. begin tolose tension and become fuzzy.b. The opaque center of the cloud becomes transparent.c. The cloud s entire periphery begins to fray.d. Where a cohesive cloud was minutes before scatteredpatches of water vapor gradually dissipate altogether.2. The organismic capacity for ocular cloud-busting increases when the bioenergetic core. your autonomic nervous system, becomes charged. This is a cumulative process that depends on the quantity of atmospheric ORenergy that flows into the body. One need not drawenergy from a half dozen small clouds in order to increase potency. It is in fact. advisable to draw initiallyfrom the largest cumulus cloud in sight. It may takesome time. but thereafter any smaller cloud can easilybe dissipated by the Visual Ray.

    AND THE POSSIBILITIES OF OCULAR CLOUD-BUILDINGAn existant cloud can be stimulated to grow by the excitation from the Visual Ray. The fact that life energyorgone energy is radiated as well as attracted by theorganism. in particular by the eyes has been established.I have found on many occasions that several brief glances

    can excite the OR energy matrix of a small cloud or fractocumulus into heightened pulsation whereupon this cloudmay rapidly double or triple in size.The interested reader who would like either to validateor debunk the human potential of ocular cloud-busting.probably wants at this point a detailed elaboration of thetechnique behind the process. H ~ e ~ p e c t s a step by steplist of instructions that will allow anyone to duplicate whatI have described. Here they are: 1 Eat a low-fat proteinrich breakfast with a glass of fresh orange juice; 2. Jog forat least three miles; 3. Swim for an hour; 4. Choose acumulus cloud as your target; and 5. Focus your Visual Rayinto the cloud s center and draw its life-energy into yourown organism.

    The Organismic J. imit ing Factor in Ocular Cloud-Bust ing:


    DISTANCE: 2,000

    Or.gonotic Pulsa t ion

    ~ JTwo Miles


    The ioenerget ic Pulsa t ion of the organism is theOrgone Energy funct ion t h ~ t l imi t s the p o ~ e n t i lfor Ocular Cloud-Bust ing.The r a te of pu l s a t i on governs both the s p ~ e d anddis tance of Cloud-Bust ing.


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    Thank Ethel ?)or the Rain

    UP IT GOES - The anteDDa·llke owner of the orchard; on the fortllftdevice of Ethel Starbard's rain- is Berry Robertson of Sacramento,making machine was hoisted into project coordinator; and on theolace last SUI dav u nn Enellsh eround arP Dr . m:Pnh Hnngh /lpft\

    Stories Reprinted FromVacaville Reporter Issues ofFeb. 23, Feb. 27 1977

    R E P O R T E R

    TilE RAINMAKER - Ethel Starbard, who said she did not"invent" the rainmaking machine - she "discovered it -was all smiles Sunday when the rain came pelting downon herfii:.t_ lfinn G: itDo ho hoc h o n ~ o . . . . . . . H . . . . . ......... t .. n l r l . .

    the rainmaking machine. It tookpart of Saturday and part of Sunday.Lawrence Lombardo used a forklift to upright the antenna-likedevice.Also participating on the projectSunday, besides Ethel and RayStarbard, Dr. Hough, Lombardo,and Robertson, was Dr. Houih'sdaughter, Joan Nelson of Yuba City."She's the president of the County·Employees' Association there," nrHough said.Ray Starbard, the chief engineer,told The Reporter that the r a m ~making machine will control theweather in ~ a y cycles. For 2days it wiJI be working, and for ·llidays it wiJilet up," he said.Mrs. Starbar

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    Starbard sRainmakerALL TIEDU Just before a forkUgbt hoisted part of Ethel

    Starbard's rainmaking machine into an English Hills orchard,workers checked it out. From left are Berry Robertson,project coordinator; Lawrence Lombardo, owner of the landwhere the rainmaking machine Is Installed; and Ray Starbard,chief engineer.


    She Turned on Her Machine, andByKATHYKEATLEYGARVEYManagin g EcHtorEthel Starbard knew it would rainSunday.When it did, she was prepared forit.Balancing a black umbrella in onehand and single lens reflex camerain the other, she walked joyfullythrough a bone-dry walnut orchardn the English Hills area and focusedin on a yellow antenna-like devicetowering above the tree tops.The strange-looking apparatusappeared to be three thick pipes,

    bound together and supported by awooden plank. It looked as foreign tothe orchard as a spacecraft mustlook on the surface of the moon.' To Mrs . Starbard and her fiveassociates who helped set it up, it'snot foreign-looking at all. It's part ofher rainmaking machine, somethingshe's been experimenting with for 21years. Does it work? Of course, itworks," she told The Reporter, asrain- pelted her umbrella and

    cascaded into the thirsty orchard."You did it You did it " one of herassociates told her. "Isn't thisgreat?" Said another: "This willchange the entire science ofmeteorology "

    Attracts RainfallWhat is it? Mrs. Starbard said it isa hydrophilic device that attractsrainfall. t is not all above theground. Buried some four feetbeneath the antenna-like device(which is really not an antenna atall, she said) is another piece ofequipment. She wouldn't say what itis, or what it looks like. Neitherwould she describe the above-theground piece of equipment."We have a pat ent pending on it,"she said, "and we're not ready toreveal our secrets." The antennalike device, though, is in the centerof a 200-foot circle of land owned byLombardo Enterprises.Mrs. Starbard doesn't want thepublic to know exactly where the

    (Continued on Page 6)

    test station is located; only that it isin the English Hillsarea.How does the rainmaking machinework? According to Mrs. Starbard,"the method of rainmaking centersaroWld means of discharging giantclouds of static electricity of a dryfield in the atmosphere to an aridregion. Certain electrolytes arehydrophilic, that is, tend to drawwater, just as salt will soon make itslocation damp enough to startrusting."She said she and her husband,Ray, known as the inventor of the aircar, are directing experiments andcollecting data ''to test the validityof the present set of processes."The rainmaking machine, sheexplained, is a project of theFoundation for Terraculture, a "notfor-profit scientific corporationdevoted to ecological changes bynon-polluting methods and with aprogram to increase worldproduction of foodstuff through both

    The Rainmakers Say It ll Rain FridayEverybody's talking aboutthe weather, but the F0un

    dation , for Terraculture,headquartered in Vacaville, istrying to do something aboutit.Ethel Starbard, who withthe aid of associates set up herhydrophilic weather

    modification system lastSunday in an English Hillsorchard, told The Reporterthat it was her hydrophilicdevice that brought a hugeblack cloud over VacavilleThursday afternoon.

    She said her hydrophilicweather modification system"attracts rain."

    "The only storm cloud wasover Vacaville," she told The

    Reporter. "All others in thearea were scattered and whiteand billowy. Most of the skywas bright blue."

    She said that the hydrophilicdevice which she has beenperfecting for 21 years, wasdeactivated late Thursdayafternoon and won't bereactivated until nextThursday. "We are planningto reactive the system onThursday, March 3 to furtherour research in the area," shesaid.

    "We are predicting that therains will begin again onFriday, March 4, and that theywill be highly beneficial inrestoring normalcy to theareas involved. t is possible

    that they will begin as early asThursday as we set the systeminto operation again.''Beautiful WeatherShe told The Reporter la&t

    Friday that the weekend ofFeb. 25-26 would be"beautiful," and that the badweather would be ideal in theSierras. "The weekend ofMarch 5-6 would not be a goodtime to go (to the mountains)as one might have a littletrouble getting home."

    According to the FoWidationfor Terraculture, its newhydrophilic device will"change the entire science ofmeteorology."

    They say that the "methodof rainmaking centers aroundmeans of discharging giant

    clouds of static electricity of adry field in the atmosphere toan arid region. Certainelectrolytes are hydrophilic,that is, tend to draw water,just as salt will soon make itslocation damp etiough to startrusting." ·The Foundation forTerraculture is a "not-for

    profit scientific corporationdevoted to ecological changesby non-polluting methods andwith a program to increaseworld production of foodstuffsthrough both soil improvement and weatheradjusting means," Mrs.Starbard said.


    soil improvement and weather-adjusting means."Share the FruitsThe members of the foundation(some 4,000 persons throughout theworld will be actively participatingin the work, she said) "feel that allsoil-containing regions of the worldcan be made productive and thatevery local community everywhere,should share in the fruits of anabundant world."The Vacaville resident is amember of the board of regents ofthe foundation. Other regents are

    her husband, Ray; Dr. JosephHough of Los Angeles, a practicingphysician who has a doctorate ineducation; Patrick Sullivan, acontractor-builder in Hawaii, andHector delaFunte of San Carlos, whois employed by Pan Amencan WorldAirways.Mrs. Starbard told The Reportershe has been working on the rainmaking machine since 1956, and thisis not the first one she's built. Twoare operating in the HawaiianIslands, she said. She related sheworked with a scientist in Hawaii for10 years, from 1965 to 1975, perfecting the rainmaking machine.She moved to Vacaville fromKaneohe, Hawaii, last June.Working in HarmonyWhen asked to elaborate on therainmaking machine, Mrs. Starbardsaid: "We're working in harmonywith the laws of nature. We are nottrying to force nature to do ourbidding. we·are cooperating with thelaws of nature and of our universe."She said she nas studied polarityand its implications since 1956."Polarity rS bringing back balanceinto the Wliverse," she said. "Wehave a drought here, an imbalance,so we need to intensify the power inthis area. Rain does not fall to theearth; it is attracted to the earth.Evidently this part of the earthwasn't attracting rain."How far-reaching is the rainmaking machine? Dr. Hough toldThe Reporter that experiments have

    just begun at the test station, butwhen the test station was set upSunday morning, "rain began to fallat the station and in a strip extending from the coast to Marysvilleand Sacramento, and a total of 2.41inches of snow fell in the mountains.Further tests will help to determinejust how wide an area has beenaffected."

    "The scientists of this experiment," he said, "doubt the effectiveness of present cloud-seedingpractices, largely because they areunpredictable in results and uncontrollable."No Response"By studying the rainfall map ofthe region, it is observable that therewas a noticeable precipitation inMarin CoWlty. Last week an offerwas made to the officials of thatdrought-stricken area to bring reliefto them, but there was no responsefrom either the people or · their officials."Dr. Hough added that the scientists will "continue testing methodsof discharging the giant clouds ofstatic energy in the air, as revealedby the evening displays of sheetlightning discharging from cloud tocloud."

    Meteorology, the science ofdealing with the atmosphere and itsphenomena, including weather andclimate, is in for some dramaticchanges, according to Dr. Hough."Meteorologists are working on thewrong thing. We think this w ll bringthe weather predictors down to theearth."The project coordinator, BerryRobertson of Sacramento, a heavyequipment broker doing publicrelations work, told The Reporterthat weather forecasters hadpredicted rain Sunday at 4 p.m. Butat 11:41 a.m., right after the rainmaking machine was activated, itstarted raining. "I think ~ p o k e d ahole up there and the r camedown," he said.

    Robertson told The Reporter ittook about six to eight hours to set up

    e n ~ a g m g m we:se acuvtues mvarious localities and these data. arebeing correlated and studied."A principal activity will be theteaching and demonstration of thesesciences and practical outgrowthstQstudents interested in increasingproduction of foodstuffs and fiberthroughout the world."As these students are taught, itlsanticipated that, when .qualified,those having access to lands wiUeither bring them into the cycle ofthese sciences, or, that the foundation may be able to acquire theuse of lands on which theseprocesses can be demonstrated andexemplified to increase worldproduction, primarily by applyingthe sciences of precipitation control,and soil transportation."Meanwhile, the tests are continuing.So is the rain.

    PROJECTION:The WorstDrought inU S History

    f current projections arecorrect, California's droughtwill be the most costly natu·raldisaster in the history of theUnited States, according toState Attorney General EvelleYounger."Every citizen of this statewill feel the adverse economkimpacts of this drought as aresult of the losses of jobs anQthe higher cost of food insupermarket, "Younger siud,To prepare for the legal

    problems presented by,California's disastrousdrought, Younger has announced a meeting with theattorneys and officials of ke)lstate water agenciesattorneys representingvarious water distr'.i:Ctsthroughout California on28 in San Francisco.


    WED., FEB. 23, 1977

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    For the War Babies now become the men and women of the WestBorn i n to the Atomic Age; the mother s o i l of Europe occupied by thebarbar i an . I f we survive the d i s s o lu t ion of our c u l tu r e broadcas tn igh t ly from New York, then we have the oppor tun i ty to face an evengre a t e r chal lenge: unknown a l i e ns in the sk ies of our p la ne t .

    The second Spring of the Oranur Experiment brought d r m t i c ~ n e wdevelopments t ha t caught even the exper ienced members of Reich 's s t a f fof f guard. The new obse rva t ion was the blackening of the rocks in thes tone bui ld ings making up the l abora to ry compound a t Organon. Thesmooth, gray , c a re fu l ly se lec ted gra n i t e s tones had been c lose lyf i t t ed toge ther by a maste r mason. In the l a rge , th ree s t o ryObservatory bu i ld ing made pr imar i ly from the high qua l i t y gran i t e , asu r face blackening was noted to begin on March 21, 1952 and spreadapprox 1/8 per day across the su r face of the s tones . A su r facep i t t i n g was noted to accompany the blackening e f f e c t with numeroust i n y holes about 1/16 in diameter giving the gra n i t e rock a spongylooking appearance. The blackening e f f e c t seemed to be v i s i b l yd i sso lv ing the formerly smooth gra n i t e as i f it were caused by as t rong ac id . In spread ing sp lo tches d id t h i s black e f f e c t appearsuddenly in the Spring of 1952.The Oranur Experiment from the previous year was still beingass imi la t ed by Reich and h i s s t a f f of medical doc to rs . It was assumedt ha t t h i s new observat ion was a l i nger ing r e s u l t of the a n t i -nuc l e a rreac t ion of the Orgone Accumulators . Accordingly, c a re fu l Geigercounte r measurements were made near the s tone walls of the Observa torybui ld ing; fur the r measurements were taken near the l a rge s tonef i r e p l a c e in the observa tory and con t ro l measurements were taken inthe ou t s ide a i r . The surpr i se r e s u l t was t ha t the Geiger counte r gavehigher readings in the ou t s ide a i r than i n s ide the bu i ld ing i t s e l f .The Geiger counter (SU-S Survey Meter) gave the fol lowing readings : onthe t e r r a c e of the Observatory next to the blackened rock 50 to 100cpm; f ive fee t away from the blackened rock 300 cpm; nine f e e t awayfrom the blackened rock 400 to 500 cpm. I t was fur the r noted t ha tthe blackening e f f ec t was more severe on the ou t s ide su r faces of thebu i ld ing than on the ins ide . It was as i f the rocks were beingd is so lved by an unknown cause; and Rangeley Maine was many miles fromany major i ndus t r i a l i n s t a l l a t i o n which could spew ac id ic smoke i n tothe atmosphere to cause such an e f f e c t .The t h ree s t o ry gra n i t e Orgone Observa tory bu i ld ing on Wilhelm Reich ' s280 acre farm in Western Maine dominated the loca l l andscape .Overlooking a l a rge blue lake and s i t ua t ed a t 1800 f e e t a l t i t u d e , theObservatory was the showcase bu i ld ing a t Reich 's l abora to ry f a c i l i t i e swhich were ca l led Organon. The s t uden t ' s l ab was the second l a r g e s tbu i ld ing and of ten housed conferences of t h i r t y or more scho la r s tos tudy aspects of the newly di scove red Life Energy. Most of the t imeabout a dozen people l i ved and worked a t Organon with some members ofReich 's research team l i v ing in nearby Rangeley Maine. During thehe igh t of the Oranur Experiment in January and February of 1951, manymembers of the s t a f f were forced to evacuate the l abora to ry becausethe rad ia t ion l i ke e f fec t s from the Life Energy reac t ing aga ins t thenuc lea r i r r i t a n t were too severe to permi t l i v ing c lose by.

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    Thus for severa l months in the Spring and Summer of 1951, Reich andhis s t a f f l i ved in town and could only mainta in a sporadic presence a tthe l abora tory . With the d ismant l ing of a l l Orgone concen t ra t ingdevices and the banishment of a l l rad ioac t ive nuclear mate r ia l , theovercharged atmosphere had r e tu rned to t o l e rab l e condi t ions by theFa l l of 1951. Rather suddenly, r i gh t a t the Vernal Equinox in 1952,concurrent with the brand new observat ions of the blackening rocks inthe s tone bui ld ings - r i gh t a t March 21, 1952, the severe Dor symptomsr e tu rned and were f e l t by a l l present . Reich noted t ha t a severe rashof tornadoes had s t ruck through s ix Southern s t a t e s coincid ing withthe atmospheric events occuring a t Organon. I t was as i f the OranurEffec t was a c t ive in fu l l force even though no Orgone c c u m u ~ t o r swere cur ren t ly assembled close by. Nausea, loss of balance ,recurrance of old d i sease or i n ju ry , depres s ion , l ack of any emotionala l iveness , these were some of the symptoms of what came to be ca l ledDor i . e . Deadly Orgone Energy . While Oranur was an ac t ivereac t ion of the a l ive atmospheric Life Energy to a nuclear i r r i t a n tsuch as an Atomic bomb; Dor was an end product or a waste productof t h i s i n t e rac t i on .What was the source of t h i s Deadly Orgone Energy ? The OranurExperiment had been s topped I t was noted by the middle of Apr i lt ha t some unusual cloud format ions were cur ren t ly being observed overOrganon which might be r e l a t ed to the blackening e f fec t on the gra n i t erocks in the bu i ld ings . These s t r ay clouds did not resemble normalcumulus, f rac to cumulus, c i r rus or o ther ca tegor ized weatherformat ions known to meter io logy. These new clouds were  genera l ly smal lsquar i sh , fuzzy edged clouds of a d i r t y gray co lo r t ha t resembleds tee l wool. The presence of these Dor clouds seemed to d i sso lve normalra in clouds . These newly observed clouds were un l ike anything everseen before and came in with the normal weather flow from West toEast . While other weather format ions would pass on to the East , thesefunny rec tangu la r shaped d i r t y little clouds seemed to s top and hoverd i r e c t l y over Reich s farm and the immediate coun t rys ide . I t wasr epea ted ly observed tha t a f lu f fy , white cumulus cloud with sharpJ i s t i n c t edges would d i sso lve and l i t e r a l l y disappear in the proximi tyof one of these little Dor clouds .A month of t h i s funny bus iness went by: the rocks were tu rn ing blackwith a coat ing of a black powder t ha t seemed to be eat ing away a t thegran i t e . Nauseat ing black clouds were hover ing overhead makingeveryone s ick with severe symptoms of Oranur. In the middle of Apri l ,1952 ye t another observat ion was noted t ha t s t re tched the c redu l i t y ofeven Dr. Reich and h i s seasoned s t a f f who were by now used tosurpr i ses in t he i r s tagger ing ques t for t ru t h in the discovery of theLife Energy. I t was accura te ly noted t ha t the buds on the bi rch andmaple t rees were coming out with l eaves in the middle of Apri l in theimmediate v ic in i ty of Reich s h ighly charged l abora to ry . For a r ad iusof a few thousand yards around Organon, Spring had come a fu l l s i xweeks ea r ly In the countrys ide around Organon and near RangeleyMaine, the buds did not come out u n t i l the normal t ime of l a t e May. Inl a t e Apri l , the area around Organon with a diameter of 50 miles hadGeiger counter readings of 300 to 600 cpm compared to normal readingsof 40 to 50 cpm ou t s ide t h i s areaIn the Spring of 1952, a t l e a s t t h ree unusual th ings were happening asa delayed r e s u l t of the Oranur Experiment: the grani te rocks in thebui ld ings were being changed by a blackening e f f e c t or subs tance; anew type of cloud was hovering in the v ic in i ty of the l abora to ry ; theplant metabolism had been acce le ra t ed in the v ic in i ty of thel abora to ry to produce a premature budding of ' Spring fo i lage .

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    Again Organon was evacua ted . To l i v e in the presence of the nausea t ingDor c louds was imposs ib le . In motels and in the p r i v a t e homes ofco-workers did Reich and h is s t a f f s t ay while some method was foundwhich would r e l i e ve the s ickening e f f e c t of the Dor Emergency t ha thad s t ruck in the Spring of 1952. We must remember t ha t 1952 was a bigyear for the open a i r explos ion of H-Bombs. Not only big nuc learexp los ions , bu t f ly ing saucers were in the news in 1952 a f l apyear as t i s now c a l l e d .The f i r s t move Reich made was d i r e c t e d a t the blackening of the rocksin the s tone b u i ld in g s . He wondered i f the r e l a t i v e p r o x i m i t y £ theth ree mil l ig rams of Oranur Radium were having a long d is tance e f f e c ton the st ll high ly charged environment surrounding the s i t e of theexperiment . Could the Orgone Energy f i e l d of the s tones compris ing thecharged Observatory bu i ld ing be reach ing ou t to combat the Nuclearsource of Radium which was out of reach (3/4 mile d i s t a n t ) but st llc lose enough to s t imu la t e the Orgone Energy presen t in the chargedb u i ld in g . Accordingly, dur ing the f i r s t of Apr i l , Reich moved the onemil l igram of pure radium t h a t had been sub jec t ed to the concen t ra t edOrgone f i e l d and the two co n t r o l u n i t s (one mil l ig ram had morerecen t ly a r r ive d) , Reich moved them to a new l o ca t i o n ll miles away inan unused grave l p i t . Immedia te ly a f t e r the Oranur Radium had beenmoved, the symptoms of Oranur (or more prope r ly Dor) subsided: gonewere t he p re s sure in the head, t he cons t an t nausea f e l t by a l lworkers , the t remors in the body, bleed ing gums, y l l o ~ whi t i shcoa t ing on the tongue, c o n j u n c t i v i t u s in the eyes and sunburn symptomson the body. In add i t ion to the r e l i e f of the phys ica l symptoms, theblacken ing on the rocks , the black Orgone i . e . Melanor; t h i sblackening s t a r t e d to recede a t the r a t e of 1/8 every two or t h r eedays .There were st ll these s ickening black c louds to dea l wi th , Dor c loudsas they were now c a l l e d . Reich remembered an observa t ion made in 1940when he and h i s mate, I l s e Ol lendor f , were vaca t ioning on t h e i rprope r ty which was l a t e r to become the s i t e of the l ab o r a to r y . Reichwas looking a t the sky through a long meta l tube about 10 f e e t inl eng th . The metal tube was used by Reich to i so l a t e or amplify thef l i c ke r ing and sparkl ing of the atmospher ic energy and make t morev i s i b l e . n acc id en t a l obse rva t ion was the e f fec t of the metal tubewhen pointed a t the su r face of the l a rg e , c l e a r , blue lake on Reich ' sfarm. The tube seemed somehow to draw on the su r face of the waterproducing an a g i t a t i on in the normal r i p p l i n g wave ac t ion presen t onthe su r face .Reich dec ided to i n v e s t i g a t e t h i s drawing ac t ion of a long meta l tubeand to combine t with the more wel l known pr inc ip l e of Orgonomicpo t en t i a l . Reich knew from h i s pioneer ing work of the discovery of theLi fe Energy t ha t t h i s force t y p i c a l l y moved from the w2aker tos t ronger source . n example of t he Orgonomic po te n t i a l would of coursebe most l i v i n g organisms which main ta in a higher temperature than thesurrounding environment . In people , on a sub jec t ive l eve l , one can seea s t rong , cha r i sma t i c person a t t r a c t o ther s to him. Grav i ty i s anexample of Orgonomic po te n t i a l with the s t ronger source a t t r a c t i n g theweaker . Mechanical energy such as hea t moves in the oppos i te d i r e c t ionfrom t ha t of l i v i n g energy; with hea t or mechanical fo rce , thed i r e c t ion of energy i s to d i sappa te from the s t rong source to theweaker .Reich coupled the drawing e f f e c t of a long meta l tube and combined thetube with a s t rong source of Orgone Energy.

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    • ~ ~ ~DECRE ASECLOCDBU ST NGDestt·uc tion of Cloudsthro1 JOh DECRE SE of OR POTENTIAl


    OR Par. INCREASE< ~ ~

    The cloudbuster draws the3tmospheric Life Energy fromwhere t is pointed. Aiming thecloudbuster at the center ofcloud takes energy from tand causes the cloud to dissolve

    Pointing the cloudbuster at theedge of a cloud withdraws energyfrom that spot. This creates aJeak area Since the livingenergy flows from the weakerto the st ronger source, thecloud its elf begins to takeenergy f r o ~ the artificallycreated weak area. In thismanner the cloud gets bigger.

    CLOUDBUSTI NGMaking_of Cloudsthrough I N C R ~ ~ of OR POTENTIAL

    JAN-FEB 1987 JBR age 19

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     Jr~ ~ ~ =


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    The s t rong source of Orgone Energy was ordinary water . A deep wel l , af lowing s t ream, a f resh l ake , a smal l c lean r i ve r are a l l powerfu l lys t rong concen t ra t ions of the l i v ing energy t ha t i s our l i f e . Reichbundled a group of ga lvanized s t e e l condui t tubes 9 to 12 f e e t inlength and approx 1 1/2 in diameter . On one end · of the group of tenor so meta l tubes he connected hol low s t e e l (no t aluminium) X condui tcab le . He placed the end of h i s bundle of X cables (proper ly c a l l e dGreenf ie ld cab le when t does not con ta in e l e c t r i c a l wire) he placedthe end of t h i s bundle of hollow and f l ex i b l e s t e e l cab le i n to a deepwel l . He had made the f i r s t exper imenta l device which was to becomeknown as the c loudbus te r . The immediate and prac t i ca l ob jec t ive wasto deal with these s t range clouds t ha t were making l i f e miserable inthe v ic in i ty of Organon.The r e s u l t was success This tube device was immediate ly e f fec t i ve inl i t e r a l l y drawing off the Dor clouds . These Dor c louds seemed to bea t t r ac t ed to the h igh ly charged atmosphere surrounding Reich 's farm.Thei r p resence had the e f f ec t of d iminishing the l eve l of l i f e energya c t i v i t y . With Dor clouds present , b i rds would not s ing nor wouldinsec t s make noise . There was an uncanny s i l ence i n s t ead of normalsounds of b i rd and i n s e c t l i f e . With Dor clouds present , gone was thespark le in the l eaves of evergreen t r ee s and dec idious fo i l a ge . Theblue gray haze normally v i s i b l e on the horizon aga ins t the d i s t an th i l l s was replaced by a harsh , br igh t whiteness of the atmosphere t ha twas b l ind ing to v i s ion . Reich had found a prac t i ca l method to dealwith the i n fe s t a t i on of t h i s unusual atmospheric energe t i c phenomema.By the summer of 1952, Reich had grown pro f i c i en t in the use o f h i snew invent ion to keep the Dor clouds a t bay. They were st ll coming infrom the West and st ll tended to l i nge r and hover over Organon, butnow these rad ioac t ive and nausea t ing concen t ra t ions of dead energycould be removed. When the tube device connected to water(c loudbus ter ) was poin ted a t the Dor c loud, the cloud began to shr inkand disso lve . When the c loudbus ter was pointed West, a f r esh breezewould pick up, br inging with t f r esh atmospher ic l i f e Energy.These Dor clouds were rad ioac t ive and c u s e d · ~ n u s u l behavior inGeiger coun te r s . When a Dor cloud was overhead, the Geiger counte rwould t yp i ca l l y jam or g ive the h ighes t poss ib le read ing of which twas capable . The needle would be pegged a t the end of the sca l e . Thejamming of the ins tument would a l t e r n a t e with f a i l i ng or ac t ing asi f the ba t t e r i e s were completely dead and give no read ing a t a l l . Whenthe Dor clouds had passed or had been removed with the cloudbuster ,the Geiger counte r r e tu rned to normal opera t ion .August , 1952: A f ly ing saucer i s heard by Reich as t whooshed byqu i t e c lose to the ground moving from horizon to horizon over Organonin the middle of the day. Repor ts came in from members of the s t a f f ofUFO s igh t ings made over the nearby town of Rangeley Maine •••Flying Saucers had en te red the p ic tu r e and Reich was fo rced to s tudythem because of the cont inuing Dor emergency.What had happened dur ing the f i r s t ha l f of 1952 ? Coinciding wi th theunprecedented de tona t ion of Nuclear bombs and the s t imula t ion of ap lane t wide Oranur Ef fe c t , concur ren t with these events , a Doremergency s t ruck the highly charged Life Energy atmosphere a t Reich ' sl abora to ry in Maine. Reich had observed two waste products from themetabolism of Life Energy in i t s r e l a t i on to Nuclear Energy: Melanorand Dor. Reich had invented a device to manipula te the l i v ing energyin the atmosphere to remove t h i s Dor (Deadly Orgone) and found t ha tthe c loudbus te r could a l s o in f luence weather Now the team t ha t wasassembled a t Organon prepared to t ack le the b igges t chal lenge ye t :UFO's . . . .

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    Wilhel Reich nd his loudbusterMarc SeiferWilhelm Reich is, perhaps, one of the most enigmatic figures of the 20th century.Born March 24 1897 in Galicia Austria, he served as an officer in the army duringWorld War I and became a medical doctor and part of Freud s Vienna PsychoanalyticSociety throughout the 1920 s. He authored many psychological texts such as heMass Psychology o Facism he Function o he Orgasm and Character Analysis.Reich also invented numerous devices, including the illustrious orgone box and thecloudbuster; lived in half a dozen European countries, marr ied 3 times, taught medicalpsychology in New York City at the New School For Social Research; founded ascientific research center in Rangeley, Maine, and died in an American FederalPenitentiary on November 3 1957, while serving a sentence for contempt of court.Reich s invention of the cloudbuster and its purported contact with UFO s,emerged as a direct result of his research into the source of biological energy, whichFreud and Jung called the LIBIDO and which he called ORGONE ENERGY. While still ayouth, Reich s mother committed suicide after his father discovered that she had hadan affair with one of his tutors. His last wife and biographer, lise Ollendorff, states thatyoung Wilhelm himself was somewhat responsible for the discovery of the affair. Manyyears later, while a protege of Freud, there was a discussion as to the origin ofneuroses. Frued had related these origins of neuroses to infantile sexual conflicts andbelieved that discussing the source of the problems in psychoanalysis would lead to acure. Reich took his theory still further by postulating that psychological illnessesrooted themselves in the physiology of the body as I; that is to say the libido, or lifeenergy, would be damned up in repressed areas of the flesh. Reich therefore postula-ted that a complete cure had to deal with the physiology of the person as well as thepsychology. He felt that actual body messages which worked out these tense areas,coupled with psychoanalysis would lead to a final cure. A normal person would haveorgiastic potency , i.e., the ability to have a complete, fulfilling orgasm.By asking the question as to the function of the orgasm, Reich concluded that onlya person with freely flowing energy could achieve complete climax, and that thefunction of the orgasm was as a regulator of the PRIMAL BIOLOGICAL ENERGY thatflows through all living organisms.More of these ideas were developed ·in the late 1920 s and early 30 s. At thesame time Reich was advocating sex education for youths, abolishment of existinglaws against homosexuals as well as a freer sexual atmosphere. These so calledpolitical overtones to his writings seemed to the Psychoanalytic Society the wrongway. In 1934 he was expelled from the society and had to flee Germany. Ironically theGestapo was upset about his part icular sexual philosophy. The Nazi s seized his booksand journals and burned them as Reich fled. After a brief stay in Denmark he ended upin Norway having been invited there by his friend Otto Fenichel, a psychoanalyst, from ·his days in Vienna.

    ©Copyright Winter 1980MetaScience Quarterly

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    While in Norway, Reich commenced experimentation to uncover the physicalreality of sexual energy. He started by measuring the electrical potential of the skinduring sexual excitement, eventually discovering that this life energy, which he calledORGONE ENERGY, actually permeated inorganic matter as well.Reich called these energy vesicles bions which he purportedly produced bypressure cooking such chemicals as potassium chloride and coal dust. He publishedhis research himself, seeking in a sense not to have other scientists replicate his work,and created a vocabulary to define various forces he uncovered:ionsOrgone EnergyOranur nuclear energy)DOR deadly orgone energy)

    It was at this time that he was vehemently attacked by the Norwegian press as apseudo-scientist and pornographe r. Re ich moved once more arriving in the UnitedStates in 1939. He was preceded by Fenichel who had a falling out with Reich, and, as ithas been reported, was responsible for the rumor that Reich had suffered a nervousbreakdown and was going insane.There is little doubt that Reich became somewhat paranoid. He had reason to be,having been persecuted by the psychoanalytic society, the communists, Nazis,Norwegians and later, the American Federal Drug Administration . Another friend fromhis days in Vienna, Bruno Bettelheim, visited him in New York in the e r ~ y 1940 s.Bettelheim has stated that Reich was normal in all respects unrelated to his work inorgone energy. When it came to this particular area, Bettelheim, a ~ e l l r e s p e c t e dpsychoanalyst, stated that Reich might have suffered from encapsulated psychoses .His own vocabulary included names such as:

    EPPO Emotional Plague Prevention Office)HIG Hoodlums in Government)EA Flying Saucers, i.e. Energy Alpha)etc.Attempts to publish some of his scientific studies in reputable journals made itdifficult to accept many of his conclusions. To this author s knowledge, TrevorConstable s attempts at duplicating some of Reich s more controversial research israther unique. The premise of MetaScience Quarterly is to prejudge nothing. Therefore, although what follows might seem far out , we suggest that before any readercriticizes Reich s work, initiates might first delve into his writings, attempting toreplicate the research, making sure the procedures are similar . Direct experience isthe first step to truth .Reich discovered that metal seemed to reflect orgone energy, whereas organicmaterial such as wood or wool absorbed this energy . Rei ch  s orgone accumulatorswere simply telephone-booth size containers made of layers of metal and wood. Theseboxes accumu la ted the orgone energy and could be used to treat cancerous patients

    who sat in them. Reich wrqte in he Cancer Biopathy that the accumulator did not curecancer, but alleviated some of the symptoms.In the late 1940 s and early 50 s Reich expanded his work to analyze the effectsof nuclear radiation on biological organisms. He stated that radiation sickness wasdue to life energy s defensive mechanisms against nuclear radiation rather than thereverse. The implications of this conclusion are that a perfectly healthy organism, onethat knows how to regulate the orgone (life) energy, would become immune to disease,since disease itself is a result of the inefficient, defensive abilities of an organism, andnot due to an infection.Since radioactivity is caused by decay of atoms, Reich saw atomic energy asenergy after matter. On. the other hand, Orgone energy was prematerial, i.e. beforematter. It is universally present and surrounds and permeates all things. Theseenergies are antagonistic to one another (see Orgone Physics in Reich s Selected

    Writings. They are polar opposites.

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    Wilhelm Reich: 18 9 7 195 7

    Fearing the possibility of nuclear confrontation as a result of the Korean War,Reich applied to the Atomic Energy Commission for radioactive materials so he could:ommence studies on radiation sicknesses. On January 5 1951, two milligrams ofpure radium arrived at his laboratory in Rangeley Maine; one milligram was placed in acannister as a control and left untreated, whereas the other milligram was placed in anorgone box. During this time the air seemed oppressive and there was 'a salty taste inthe air', and workers developed conjunctivitis.

    The OR energy seemed to have changed into dangerous deadly power.We came to call this effect OOR (Deadly Orgone . All work in the buildinghad to be stopped immediately.p. 363 It was perfectly clear, from whatwe had experienced that the OR energy field of the laboratory had beengreatly extended and excited to a dangerous degree far outside of theouter walls (which persisted even) without any radium in the charger.p. 371Coupled with these effects were electromagnetic interferences. Static noises,

    like thunder, became apparent and the radio went dead His wife lise tells us in herbiography that Wilhelm began to paint frantically during some of these experiments.He falsely accused lise of infidelity and subsequently suffered a heart attack inOctober, 1951. Instead of neutralizing the radioactive material, Reich excited the'highly concentrated orgone energy - p. 105. Over forty mice had died and allwork in the observatory had to be curtailed. She said that Reich called heart attacksheart break attacks. The only pleasant t imes between them involved their son, Peter.In order to remove the Deadly Orgone, Reich invented the cloudbuster andordered two of them to be assembled in September 1952. By connecting the hugepipes to a water supply he hoped to draw the 'DOR' from the atmosphere.It was during these times that Reich claimed to have spotted UFO's. As TreavorConstable said, Reich may have "disturbed a fundamental interface of nature", i.e.,prematerial orgone energy and post material decaying atomic energy. Reich felt thatthe air force and President Eisenhower were aware that he had indeed attracted

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    interdimensional spacecraft, i.e., UFO's. Reich stated that his cloudbuster could alsocreate or disintegrate clouds as well as dissipate animating energy that propelledUFO's.One may create clouds in the cloud-free sky in a certain manner bydistubing the eveness in the distribution of the atmospheric orgone energy The more clouds that are present and the heavier the clouds, theeasier it is to induce growth of clouds and finally rain. The fewer clouds,the more difficult and the longer it takes. (p. 444 in Selected Writings.) _.. ..

    In his son's biography, A Book of Dreams, Peter describes in much more detail,Reich's attempts in Arizona in 1954, to create rain clouds and dissipate UFO's (whichhe called EA s). Wherever Reich experimented with these primal energies he seemedto attract EA s.I was just about to go back downstairs when I saw t, hovering in the south.I watched it for a minute. It pulsated and glowed. Then I ran to get daddy.

    He was sitting in his work room at long desk writing in one of his redledger books. Daddy, I spotted one. In the east. It looks pretty big.Peter was sent to fetch Reich's daughter Eva and her husband Bill, while Reich went tohis cloudbuster.

    Run to the cloudbuster and make ready. Unplug all the pipes and pullthem out to full length.Bill pulled his binoculars. Boy, it sure is something, he said handingthe glasses to Eva. She looked for a while and said, "I knew It wouldcome.(Bill operated the cloudbuster for a while). Daddy took off his hat andpushed his hand through his long silvery hair. "I wish I knew if this was anattack or if they were just observing the Earth •• • (Then Peter took over

    the controls).I moved the cloudbuster slowly form one side of the EA to the other. I letit draw on the right side for a while and then dipped it slowly like babyscradle on a yo yo and rubbed back and forth at the sky beneath it beforecoming back up the other side. I let the cloudbuster orurize on either side. . . "Why it's gone Bill said . .Daddy said, ''That was very good Peeps, very good. You are a real goodlittle soldier because you have discovered a new way to disable EA . I amvery proud of you."All through the early 1950's Reich was constant ly harrassed by the Federal Foodand Drug Administration. They refused to accept his work with Orgone accumulatorsand subsequently arrested Reich for transportating them across state lines. Reich,who definitely had emotional problems, as well as suffering from paranoia, refused to

    acknowledge the court as judge of his work. He insisted that only scientists could judgehis findings and asked for a 'Board of Social Pathology' to hear and determine thematter.Since Reich would not allow himself to be tried for the charges against him, theMcCarthy era witch hunt tried and sent him- to jail for contempt of court. Thebizarre Reich felt to the end that President Eisenhower would step in and pardon him,but he died of a heart attack in jail a week before his parole hearing.lise tells us: "In the closing addresses one again and again had a feeling that thetwo sides were speaking different languages." As a fitting climax to this incredibleepisode in American history, Wilhelm Reich's books were ordered confiscated andburned Hundreds of his texts and documents were destroyed in this manner. To thisday, his work remains to be proved or disproved by other scientists.

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    Wilhelm Reich and his loudbuster

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    T h i s e x e rc i s e is c a l l e d t h e s ev en th a rcane , b u t hav ing i ni t s e l : f a s e p a ra t e p l a c e as a p u re l y magica l work, connec ted withweather c o n t ro l .Stand e r e c t two f e e t away f rom a s t and o r an a l t e r , on   which_t he re i s a square , round , p en tag o n a l or o the r form o f vessel . , abouttwo £ ee t i n d i ame t e r , and s i x i n ch es h i g h , f i l l e d h l ~ w i th purewatero The s t an d should be o f h e i g h t p e rm i t t i n g p u t t i n g o f handson t o p o f it withou t bending o r s t r a i n i n g .Face in t h e d i r e c t i o n o.f the sun , moon o r s t a r s a c c o rd i n g l y .Now c l ean s e t h e l u n g s by p a n t i n g , t h rowing o u t all r e s i d u a l air.Submerge the hands i n v ~ s s e l w i t h w a t e r , palms r e s t i n g on t h e bo t tomo f it f i n g e r s sp read : f an - l ike , thumbs and : fo re f ingers of b o thhands t o u ch in g each o t h e r u n d er waterQInha le d eep ly f o r seven seconds , hold one second , and ex h a let h r ough the mouth, s lowly , sounding a s igh , u n t i l the air i s o u t from

    the lungs . Voice should sound l i k e deep s ig h . l ~ x h a l a t i o n s a r e t imedonly to make them r un n a tu r a ly and e a s i l y w i th o u t p r ~ s c r i b e d sevensecondso) One second s t o p , i n h a l e ag a i n f or seven seconds , s t o p onesecond and exhale t h rough t h e mouth w i th a moaning sound , l i k emoaning and a t the same t irue w h is t l i n g . Then s t o p one second , ag a i ni nha le deep ly f o r seven seconds , s top one second, and ex h a le t h roughthe mouth with a ro a r i n g sound , l i k e the r o a r i n g o f t he wind, mixedwith the w h is t l i n g o f it.

    Those a re t he t h r ee comple te b re a t h s - s i g h i n g , moaning andr o a r in g . Repeat them fo u r t i mes , making t o t a l o f twelve b r ea th s .Note: There is a word which i s to be used with s igh ing , moaningand r o a r i n g b r ea th s , and t h i s word :forms t he background f o r them,

    g ~ v i n g them v i b r a t i o n to awaken thee l emen ta l s p i r i t s o f the wind,s to rm, h u r r i c a n e , etco This wordi s : I - HAU - HAAIt s to be i n t e rwoven w i th th ee x h a l a t i o n o f t h e air i n thes i g h i n g , moaning and ro a r in g o

    ~... 1 --- . -  -

    T h i s Arcane t h rough a t t r a c t i n g powers o f wind and s to rm,changes su r ro u n d in g c l i m a t i cc o n d i t i o n s , w i t h h e l p o f themigh ty s p i r i t s - El Borach( S p i r i t of the L ig h tn in g ) andWaat ( S p i r i t of the Wind)oNote: Eyes should be f i x ed ,

    b u t v ery l i g h t l y , so t h a t a t t imesone is a c t u a l l y s ee i n g only a bluro

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    ENGINEERING THE CHEMICAL ETHERThis i s sue i s ded ica ted to a l l resea rchers who be l i eve in a c t ionabove words. Theor ies a re grea t , but with no p r a c t i c a l o r exper imenta luse they f a l l i n t o d i s regard o r t u rn i n t o a r e l ig ion . e mqst makea c l e a r d i s t i n c t i o n between sc ience and dogma and pub l i sh ing ther e s u l t s of ac tua l resea rchers i s the pr imary func t ion o f The Journalo f Border land Research. BSRF i s in no way condoning random and mis-guided use o f the technologies p resen ted , but i s proud to presen t

    ha rd evidence o f e t he r i c energ ies . These energ ies a re :found nowherein the orthodox sc ience o:f the day. Science cannot :find l i v i n g energybecause it looks to a dead un iver se - lumps o:f rock in a vacuum.Wilhelm Reich discovered the l i v i n g energy and termed it orgone.

    ~ e s c i e n t i f i c a l l y demonst ra ted t h i s energy in h i s l abora to ry and inthe atmosphere . The a c t ive r e se a rc h o f Trevor James Constable showsus t h a t the orgone o:f Reich i s one : facet o f the :four e the rs o:fSte ine r i a n physics - Warmth, Ligh t , Chemical and Li:fe Ethe rs r e l a t i ng r e s pe c t ive ly to Fi re , Air , Water and Ear th . r g ~ n e r e l a t e s tothe Chemical Ether , which i s the b re a t h o f the water system o:f ourp l ane t . These e t he r i c energ ies a re no t dead mat te r , bu t a re thel i v i n g subs tance o:f our mani fes t a t ion .

    Re ich s Cloudbusters are p a r t i c l e s inks which tapped i n t o thee t he r i c :flows and dive r ted them according to the opera t o r s manipul -a t i on o:f the devicee Tre v o r s weather guz1s a re more evolved and :func-t i o n in a d i f f e ren t manner. Geometric :forms a re engineered t o re sona t e with the l i v i n g energy and a re then i n s e r t e d i n to the a tmospher ic:flows. No water grounding i s needed because the guns a re r e fe rencedto the chemical e t he r . Many year s o:f t r i a l and e r r o r exper iments byTrevor were needed to advance to h i s t r iumphal PINCER opera t ion ,bu t the t ime and year s were secondary to the s p i r i t u a l s tudy o f thesee t he r i c energ ies .

    Trevor c r e d i t s the works o:f Rudolph Ste ine r with g iv ing him thei n s i gh t to produce the r e s u l t s publ i shed here . Let us judge systemsby t h e i r e f f i c a c y r a the r than by how wel l they can be defended withwordsoA REDEDICATION

    The sc ience o:f the : future must be s p i r i t u a l l y or ien ted if t ruebreakthroughs in the way we l i v e a re to be e:f:fected. Border landSciences began as a psychic resea rch :forum and branched i n t o UFOs,r a d ion ic s , e the r physics , e t c . BSRF i s l i s t e d in re fe rences aroundthe world as a parapsychology resea rch cente ro This i s va l id bu tdoes not show our mul t i - face ted po ten t i a l , t he re fo re as t h i r d d i r e c t o r o f BSRF I Tom Brown reded ica te BSRF and the Journal o f Border-l and Research as a Freethought s c i e n t i f i c :forum probing the l i v ingenergy o f our un iverse . The Border lands o f percep t ion can be pene-t r a t e d by s c i e n t i f i c a pp l i c a t i on o f s p i r i t u a l pr i nc i p l e s . P rac t i ca lapp l i ca t ions t ake precedence over dogmatic d ic ta t eso

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    CONTACTS* Synerget ics Research Group, 4735 Ravenna NE#6, Sea t t l e W 98105o Thisgroup c a r r i e s a wide range o f energy f i l e s rang ing from Br i t i sh RadionicPatents to Magnetic genera to rs , with a l o t in betweeno Send 1 fo r list*Spectrum Technology R&D Libra ry , 1211) Cl i f tonda le Drive , Si lve r Spring,Maryland 20904o This group i s l ook ing fo r any i n fo rma t ion on a deviceca l led the Elect roMetabograph, b u i l t by the Art Tool and Die Coo o fDet ro i t , Michigan in the l a t e 1940so The device was des igned by KennethHunter us ing concepts ou t l ined by A. Stanley Rogers . This device wasthe f i r s t a t tempt a t a rad ion ic device t ha t d id no t need a human oper a t o r .* Rodolfo Scognamigl io , Case l la Pos ta l e 221, Uf'f ' icio Pos ta l e d i  •ViaV i t to r io Veneto No 7 , 80059 Torre del Greco Napol i ) , I t a lyo Rodolfo i si n t e re s t ed in ge t t i ng informat ion on George Van Tasse l , and in p a r t i c u l a rinformat ion on the Seven Pyramids capable o f d i sp e r s i n g fogo Photocopiesa re OK and he wi l l cover expenses v ia In t e rna t iona l Money Ordero* N a t u r a l Order Publ i ca t ions , 2J5 14th St o , Brooklyn NY 11215, (718) -499-0455. Associa te E l l i s Peterson has w r i t t e n 35 s t o r i e s fo r ch i ld renof' a l l ages t e l l i n g about S p i r i t u a l , Ecologica l and Metaphysical ideasoSample copy $2.50o* SEVEN CONTINENT DOWSERS CONVENTION, June 12-16 1987. Subjects coveredinc lude Psychotronics , Water, Oil and Gas Dowsing, Huna Heal ing , ESP,Mind Development , Dowsing Auras , e tco Finding the Unseen, Knowing theUnknown, Making the Imposs ible Poss ib leo Contac t : Ed S a ~ n a c k i DowsingConvention Headquar te rs , 18600 So Vincennes Ave, Glenwood IL 60425 o rphone (J12) 798-2)56.* The Sourcebook Pro je c t , PO Box 107, Glen Arm, MD 21057. This i s probab ly the bes t a l l -a round source fo r documented myster ies in Archeology,Astronomy, Biology, Geology, Geophysics , Psychology, Phys ics Chemistry ,Fortean Phenomenon, and Anomolies in genera l . 5 ge t s you on the mail inglist which c ons i s t s o f SCIENCE FRONTIERS n e w s l e t t e r con ta in ing thoughtprovoking da ta and a l i s t i n g o f many good bookso 1ii l l iam Ro Cor l i s s runsThe Sourcebook Pro jec t and has ce r t a i n l y earned rank with Char les For t

    ~ o r assembl ing so much unor thodox da ta .* Soc ie ty For The Inve s t iga t ion Of The Unexplained (SITU), PO Box 265,L i t t l e Si l ve r , NJ. 07739-0265, (201) 8 4 2 5 2 2 9 ~ SITU publ ishes PURSUIT -The Quar te r ly Journa l o f SITUo Pursu i t i s an exce l l en t magazine wi tha r t i c l e s rang ing from sub jec t s o f anc ien t mines in America to UFOs overnuc lea r power plantso Art i c l e s a re readable and wel l documented, genera lywith referenceso Membership in US i s $12 - 1 year , $23 - 2 yearso Membersh ip ou t s ide US var ie s wi th r eg ion so i nqu i re for ra t eso A few l i n e s ona page cannot do j u s t i c e to the good work t h i s group has doneRANDOM NOTES

    BSRF i s main ly suppor ted with ·the sa l e s o f books and resea rch equ ip mente e walk a f ine l i n e between becoming commercial o r spending ourt ime researchingo Our ambi t ion sometimes ge ts the be s t o f us and l a s ti s sue we l i s t e severa l i t ems which we a re no t ye t phys ica ly ab le tosupply , such as Wolf Oil and the Core Energy Polar izerso However theSi lk-E-Pads s i l k Eeman c i rcu i t } a re ava i lab le @ 50 0 More on t h i sadvancement in Eeman's work nex t i ssueo The minia ture lardCoi l s a re be ing t e s t e d and perfectedo They a re powerful little u n i t s ,and more on them next i s sue . The new Vit ic Devices a re ready and a rea va i l a b l e wi th your memberhip discounto Send 1 fo r cur ren t l i s t i ngso

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