Page 1: Joseph Campbell and the The monomyth was described by Joseph Campbell in his book, Hero With a Thousand Faces. This is often referred to as the “hero’s
Page 2: Joseph Campbell and the The monomyth was described by Joseph Campbell in his book, Hero With a Thousand Faces. This is often referred to as the “hero’s

Joseph Campbell and the

The monomyth was described by Joseph Campbell in his

book, Hero With a Thousand Faces. This is often referred

to as the “hero’s journey.” This universal pattern is found in

myths around the world.

Page 3: Joseph Campbell and the The monomyth was described by Joseph Campbell in his book, Hero With a Thousand Faces. This is often referred to as the “hero’s

Epic Hero CharacteristicsEpic Hero Characteristics

-Warrior, great leader, and orator

-Often uses a magical or powerful weapon

-Undertakes a long, arduous journey into a dangerous, unknown world

-Whatever human qualities are revered in the hero’s culture, the hero possesses

-Despite having a willing entourage, the hero accepts a journey that others would not attempt

-Arête – “bringing perfection to virtue” is important to the hero

-The hero’s enemy often despises good and has more interest in his or her own existence than the existence of what is considered good (e.g. gods, peace, etc . . .)

-Sometimes faces a supernatural enemy where the divine intervention or great skill is needed to defeat the foe

Page 4: Joseph Campbell and the The monomyth was described by Joseph Campbell in his book, Hero With a Thousand Faces. This is often referred to as the “hero’s
Page 5: Joseph Campbell and the The monomyth was described by Joseph Campbell in his book, Hero With a Thousand Faces. This is often referred to as the “hero’s

1. The hero is introduced in his ordinary world.

To demonstrate the future journey’s extraordinary

unraveling, the hero begins the tale in his or her own

typical environment.

Page 6: Joseph Campbell and the The monomyth was described by Joseph Campbell in his book, Hero With a Thousand Faces. This is often referred to as the “hero’s

2. The call to adventure.A problem, challenge, or adventure motivates the hero out of his or her

ordinary world and into a special world.

Page 7: Joseph Campbell and the The monomyth was described by Joseph Campbell in his book, Hero With a Thousand Faces. This is often referred to as the “hero’s

3. The hero is reluctant at first.

A hesitation in pursuing the heroic journey occurs with the hero.

Page 8: Joseph Campbell and the The monomyth was described by Joseph Campbell in his book, Hero With a Thousand Faces. This is often referred to as the “hero’s

4. The hero is encouraged by the wise old man or woman.

A mentor arrives with some aid. This aid may be advice, a weapon, or another item allowing the journey to unravel.

Page 9: Joseph Campbell and the The monomyth was described by Joseph Campbell in his book, Hero With a Thousand Faces. This is often referred to as the “hero’s

5. The hero passes through the first threshold.

The hero initiates the first steps in moving through his or her journey. The race begin, a voyage starts, the plane takes off, the romance dances away, the cards are dealt, etc . . .

Page 10: Joseph Campbell and the The monomyth was described by Joseph Campbell in his book, Hero With a Thousand Faces. This is often referred to as the “hero’s

6. The hero reaches the innermost cave.

This is the hero’s goal, but is accomplished through entering a dangerous place, usually an underground area where the quest’s object is hidden.

Page 11: Joseph Campbell and the The monomyth was described by Joseph Campbell in his book, Hero With a Thousand Faces. This is often referred to as the “hero’s

7. The hero encounters tests and helpers.

The hero meets enemies, allies, obstacles, and tests pertinent to his or her heroic development.

Page 12: Joseph Campbell and the The monomyth was described by Joseph Campbell in his book, Hero With a Thousand Faces. This is often referred to as the “hero’s

8. Meeting with the Goddess8. Meeting with the Goddess

This could be a This could be a motherly figure, motherly figure, someone like a queen, someone like a queen, or an actual goddess.or an actual goddess.

This person helps the This person helps the hero realize what is hero realize what is waiting for him when waiting for him when he finishes his quest.he finishes his quest.

Page 13: Joseph Campbell and the The monomyth was described by Joseph Campbell in his book, Hero With a Thousand Faces. This is often referred to as the “hero’s

9. Temptation from 9. Temptation from the true path.the true path.

This is This is another step another step with the Road with the Road of Trials: the of Trials: the hero is hero is tempted to tempted to stray from his stray from his mission, to mission, to give up, or to give up, or to follow his follow his own selfish own selfish desires.desires.

Page 14: Joseph Campbell and the The monomyth was described by Joseph Campbell in his book, Hero With a Thousand Faces. This is often referred to as the “hero’s

10. Reconciliation with the father 10. Reconciliation with the father figure.figure.

The hero must The hero must forgive his forgive his father or father or father-figure in father-figure in order to order to understand understand himself and his himself and his journey.journey.

Page 15: Joseph Campbell and the The monomyth was described by Joseph Campbell in his book, Hero With a Thousand Faces. This is often referred to as the “hero’s

11. Apothesosis: The hero endures the supreme ordeal.

Death threatens the hero.

Page 16: Joseph Campbell and the The monomyth was described by Joseph Campbell in his book, Hero With a Thousand Faces. This is often referred to as the “hero’s

12. The hero seizes the sword.

After surviving death, the hero takes possession of the object causing the

heroic journey. This could be knowledge, weaponry, powers, or any

other item of worth.

Page 17: Joseph Campbell and the The monomyth was described by Joseph Campbell in his book, Hero With a Thousand Faces. This is often referred to as the “hero’s

The hero fears that his ordinary world will not understand him anymore, so he wishes to stay in the new world.

13. Refusal to Return.

Page 18: Joseph Campbell and the The monomyth was described by Joseph Campbell in his book, Hero With a Thousand Faces. This is often referred to as the “hero’s

14. The road back.

Creating a chase scene, the hero must return to

his or her beginning location while eluding the

treasure’s former possessors.

Odysseus’ long

journey home.

Page 19: Joseph Campbell and the The monomyth was described by Joseph Campbell in his book, Hero With a Thousand Faces. This is often referred to as the “hero’s

15. Resurrection

This is usually a replay of stage eight. The hero again faces death, but in stage eleven, the hero is metaphorically reborn a stronger and greater individual.

Page 20: Joseph Campbell and the The monomyth was described by Joseph Campbell in his book, Hero With a Thousand Faces. This is often referred to as the “hero’s

16. Return with the elixir.

Brought from the special world by the hero, the item is presented to the hero’s ordinary world.

Page 21: Joseph Campbell and the The monomyth was described by Joseph Campbell in his book, Hero With a Thousand Faces. This is often referred to as the “hero’s
Page 22: Joseph Campbell and the The monomyth was described by Joseph Campbell in his book, Hero With a Thousand Faces. This is often referred to as the “hero’s


Joseph Campbell’s Hero With a Thousand Faces

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