Page 1: John Smith Soldier and adventurer who founded Jamestown in 1607

John Smith

• Soldier and adventurer who

founded Jamestown in 1607

Page 2: John Smith Soldier and adventurer who founded Jamestown in 1607

Charles de Montesquieu

OPolitical philosopher during the Enlightenment who believed in the theory separation of powers.

Page 3: John Smith Soldier and adventurer who founded Jamestown in 1607

William Blackstone

OEnglish judge and lawyer who is famous for his views on “Common Law” and its principles.

Page 4: John Smith Soldier and adventurer who founded Jamestown in 1607

Thomas Hooker

OFamous preacher who fled England because of religious persecution.

OFounder of Connecticut

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Roger Williams

OFounded Rhode Island for religious freedom.

ODid not believe in strictness of Puritan religion.

OFounded the first Baptist church in America.

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Anne HutchisonOBelieved a person could

worship God without the help from a church, minister, or Bible.

OChallenged church authority.OFled to Rhode Island when

she was banished from Massachusetts.

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John LockeOEnglish philosopher during the

EnlightenmentOArgued that people have

natural rights: life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness

These rights came from God, not the king. These “unalienable rights” were later included in the Declaration of Independence.

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William Penn

OQuaker who founded Pennsylvania for religious freedom.

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Lord Baltimore

OFounded Maryland for religious freedom.

OCatholics were being persecuted in England.

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James Oglethorpe

OFounded Georgia as a refuge for debtors.

OAll religions were welcome.

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